Proper nutrition for lunch, principles and rules of what to eat for lunch. Proper nutrition by the hour

How to eat properly when training? This question worries many athletes, since the effectiveness of training depends on nutrition. After all, any person who plays sports sets goals for himself - to achieve good results and get a good return from his activities.

Nutrition plays a big role during the workout itself, as well as before and after it. All these principles will be discussed below.

Pre-workout nutrition

Before each exercise, you need to eat and follow the rules. An athlete's diet should include foods enriched with proteins and carbohydrates. And completely eliminate fatty foods from your diet.

Before training, it is necessary to enrich the body with carbohydrates to replenish energy in the brain and body. After all, when a person trains, he burns fuel at an instant speed, because if there is a lot of fat in the body, then energy for work will not penetrate there due to a lack of oxygen.

Proteins are essential for building material, as well as energy. So that during training you do not burn muscles.

If you eat fatty foods before training, it can cause vomiting, nausea and colic. It will also be difficult for a person to exercise due to the fact that the speed of digestion decreases and the process of emptying slows down.

Before training you can eat the following foods:

  • Poultry meat.
  • Low-fat cutlets - steamed.
  • Omelette.
  • Oatmeal.

For recruitment muscle mass, before training, you can eat a piece of fruit and wash it down with a protein drink. It is better to choose apples, strawberries, cherries or other berries.

Half an hour before training, it is recommended to drink a glass of strong coffee, but without cream. If you are not a fan of this drink, you can take strong green tea. The effect of the drink lasts for at least two hours, which makes your head think much better.

But before the workout itself it’s better not to eat anything. If you listen to all the recommendations, you will not be so tired during training.

Nutrition during training

Below is the answer to the question: how to eat properly during training. You need to understand one rule: that during training you need to constantly drink! Even if the human body is dehydrated by two percent, the exercises will not give any results. This mistake is made.

You shouldn't drink only when you want, you need to do it regularly. After all, first the body requires water, and after a while it lets you know about it.

If you notice dehydration during class, go and quench your thirst. But to prevent this from happening, control your drinking regimen: it is recommended to drink a glass of water before training, and during the training itself every twenty minutes, but only in small portions. How much you drink can be seen by the amount of sweat.

If the workout lasts more than an hour, then it is better to drink. If we're talking about Regarding high-calorie drinks, it is recommended to take them in small sips every ten minutes.

It is also allowed to drink juices, but they must be freshly squeezed and natural. You should not trust store-bought juices, even if they say they are natural.

Post-workout nutrition

After training, you need to eat immediately, preferably in the first half hour. If the break between classes and meals is more than two hours, the effect of the training will be lower.

After playing sports, a carbohydrate-protein window opens in the body. Everything that was eaten during this time is used to restore muscles.

After training, enrich your body with protein. It is better to take protein drinks (proteins). Therefore, you need to take a protein shake with you to class and take it after class. If you don't like cocktails, you can eat egg whites.

It is not recommended to eat foods containing caffeine within two hours. After all, this component prevents the body from reloading glycogen from the muscles. To ensure that your training is not in vain, you need to pay attention to proper nutrition.

There are a number of foods that are not advisable to consume after training. These include:

  • Sweets.
  • Sparkling water.
  • Bakery products.
  • Dairy products.
  • Heavy food.
  • Fatty food.

When training, you should not limit yourself to the consumption of these products. But if you eat them, then you need to know when to stop and not overdo it. If after training you eat candy or drink soda once, then nothing bad will happen.

How to eat healthy when exercising

This question: how to eat properly while doing fitness interests many people. After all, they want to achieve from training good result. And basically it's reset overweight. Below are some recommendations regarding nutrition during training.

Mostly people go in for fitness to lose weight, but this will not be enough, you will also have to reconsider your diet. What matters most during fitness is not what to eat, but how. After all, when doing fitness, you can eat foods that are familiar to you, but only correctly.

Tip: When losing weight, watch two things - what you eat and how much.

Of course, to achieve effectiveness from training you need sweet carbonated drinks and semi-finished products. Below are some recommendations for nutrition during fitness:

  1. You need to eat at least two hours before classes.
  2. When you can’t eat regularly, for example because of work, then half of the entire diet should be eaten in the first half of the day.
  3. Dinner is the lightest meal of the day.
  4. Under no circumstances.
  5. You should not eat fatty foods.
  6. You need to reduce the amount of fried, salty and sweet foods.
  7. It is necessary to avoid foods with low nutritional value.
  8. Nutrition should be balanced.


This article formulated the answer to the following questions: how to eat properly during training and how to eat properly when doing fitness. Some recommendations were given regarding nutrition when playing sports. If you work with a trainer, then first of all it is important to consult with them about nutrition.

In the article I tried to give small tips, it was not possible to consider everything. The main thing, remember, is that it is important not how to eat, but how much.

What do you eat after and before training?

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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What you eat is the most important factor when it comes to losing weight. Having a good diet plan is integral and makes a huge difference.

Of course this comes in second place physical activity. Strength and cardio training is an essential part of losing weight. Also your physical activity in living conditions. Cardio, strength training plus diet are the foundation in the process of losing weight. Let's talk in more detail about how to eat to lose weight at home.
The first thing you need to know in order to understand the issue is calories.
Foods that contain a lot of water, such as fruits and vegetables, tend to be low in calories because water contains no calories. On the other hand, foods that contain a lot of fat are high in calories because fat contains 9 calories per gram.
This is easy to see if you compare 100g cucumber (95% water) with 100g Brazil nuts (67% fat). The former has only 16 calories, while the latter has 656.

You put calories into your body when you eat; you burn calories throughout the day and naturally when you exercise. This means that if you want to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. This is known as a calorie deficit. It is easier to burn calories during active physical activity. This can be either high-intensity training at home or strength training in gym.
It's important to note that even though fat-rich foods are high in calories, they are not something to be afraid of when trying to lose weight.
The number of calories a person should aim to consume to lose weight will depend on various factors, including age, gender, height, weight and activity level. This means that the calorie requirements for two people can be significantly different.

You can use any free online calculator calories to get an estimate of your needs.
For example, a 25-year-old girl who weighs 80 kg, is 165 cm tall and works out 4 times a week would need to consume approximately 2400 calories to maintain weight, 1900 calories to lose weight and 1400 calories to lose weight quickly.
Once you understand your calorie requirements, you can decide what foods to eat and in what portions. It's quite easy to do because there is certain products(and food groups) that should be a big part of your diet.

How to eat right to lose weight at home

Vegetables have important for Diet. They are very low in calories due to the fact that most of them consist of more than 80% water. Despite this, vegetables are nutritionally dense foods. When following a diet, you simply must eat vegetables. Include them in your diet in large quantities.
Most vegetables contain high fiber content. For example, 100 grams of cooked greens provides 21% of your daily fiber requirement.

When you eat fiber, it absorbs water and forms most in your belly, thus filling you up. This in turn can prevent overeating. By making one simple change and increasing your fiber intake, you can help boost your weight loss.

Vegetables also contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, such as vitamins A, B, C, K, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc. All this is important for many processes in the body.

Fruits As a rule, they are low in calories, but have additional benefit, being rich in natural sugars. This makes them ideal for snacking, especially if you're craving something sweet.

You can also include dry fruits such as dates, prunes and raisins in small quantities in your diet. They do not contain a large number of sugars and are also rich in fiber.

Fruits can be added to smoothies or even used to make healthy homemade desserts. For example, you can make a healthy version of ice cream using frozen bananas and a few other ingredients. If you want to start eating right to lose weight at home, fruits should be included in your diet every day.

Of all 3 macro- nutrients(the other two are carbohydrates and fats) protein has the highest saturation. And therefore can satisfy your appetite and reduce your overall calorie intake.
In a study that increased protein intake from 15% to 30% of total intake, resulting in 441 fewer calories consumed per day. This is a significant amount.

Another study found that a diet with high content protein reduces intrusive thoughts about food, and the desire to snack.

Protein also boosts metabolism and helps prevent muscle loss, which is very important when losing weight.
Eating protein at breakfast helps regulate hormones, suppressing appetite and delaying subsequent food intake. I recommend that you eat 1-3 eggs for breakfast every morning. This is a great idea for your diet.

Fats have a lot of calories, but should not be avoided when trying to lose weight.
Those that are as close to their natural state as possible are the most nutritious and beneficial for weight loss. This includes foods such as avocados, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil, coconuts, Coconut oil and high quality yogurt. These foods tend to be rich in Omega-3, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Foods like avocados, nuts and seeds are rich in both fat and fiber, which slow down the digestion process. Which makes you feel fuller longer.
Oily fish is rich in fat and protein, making it an ideal food for weight loss. And coconut oil is thermogenic, which means eating it can increase energy expenditure.

Decrease in quantity carbohydrates, influences effective way for weight loss.
At the same time, carbohydrates are an important source of energy and are vital for the body.
A person's carbohydrate intake depends on their age, gender, body type, metabolism and activity level.
The amount depends on how it affects your energy levels.

When it comes to losing weight, water- this is the best thing you can drink. Because it has 0 calories, you can drink a lot without worrying about how it will affect your overall calorie intake.
Numerous studies have shown that sufficient quantity drinking water may help with weight loss. It is recommended to drink 2-4 liters of water per day.
The study involved 48 participants aged 25 to 48 years, they were divided into two groups. Both followed the calorie deficit diet, but one group also drank 500ml of water before meals. After 12 weeks, both groups lost weight, but the drinking group lost an average of 2kg more.
Another study found that adults who drank water before breakfast consumed 13% fewer calories.
In addition, drinking water increases your metabolism.
An effective way to reduce appetite is to drink cold water before every meal.
Unsweetened black coffee and green tea can also help with weight loss, thanks to the caffeine they contain. It is important to drink them in moderation.

How not to eat to lose weight at home

Now that you know what foods you should be consuming when trying to lose weight, let's briefly discuss the foods you should avoid.
Avoid foods that have been processed and have a lot of sugar, fat and sodium. For example cookies, cakes, pastries, potato chips, ice cream, White bread, candy, pizza and some frozen meals.
Most of these foods are very high in calories (making them a source of empty calories). For example, a slice of chocolate cake contains about 350 calories but contains very few vitamins and minerals.

There's no doubt that these foods are delicious, but eating them doesn't effectively satisfy your hunger and just causes big spikes and dips in your blood sugar. This, in turn, can lead to overeating.
You should also stay away from sugar-sweetened drinks such as cola. These drinks are strongly linked to obesity. Unfortunately, this also applies to fruit juice, so it's best to eat the whole fruit.

In addition, alcohol should be consumed in moderation. Drinking large amounts of alcohol is certainly not recommended as it is associated with weight gain and various problems with health.

How to eat and count calories to lose weight at home:
If you're just starting to lose weight, you may not know how many calories you consume per day. In fact, if you ask most people how many calories they eat on a daily basis, they probably won't know.
Luckily, counting calories isn't difficult, and there are a number of tools available. When counting calories, you can use pen and paper and data from the Internet or mobile application.

For the first approach, you will have to write down everything you eat and then consult a website for nutritional information various products. For example, a large boiled egg has 77 calories, 5 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbohydrates and 6 grams of protein.

You can then add up all the nutritional data for all foods to get your total calories.
If you are using mobile app, it will link to its own database and automatically provide this information for you. This makes it very convenient to use.
Once you know how many calories you consume, you can create your diet plan.

Conclusion on how to eat to lose weight at home

It is important not only to select the right products, if you are on a diet, but also take an individual approach to this issue. Choose your diet through trial and error. With proper nutrition and a good training plan, you will definitely experience positive results.

Sport, fitness - for many people these are no longer just words, but a way of life. These people, no doubt, are aware of how it is advisable to eat during regular (albeit at an amateur level) exercise. However, there is another category - novice athletes. Those who finally made up their minds overcame laziness and joined the gym. We will talk about how to eat properly when playing sports. Although, perhaps, the “pros” will also emphasize something new for themselves.

We emphasize that the story in the material is not about food additives (dietary supplements, etc.), sold in specialized stores. Firstly, there is no confidence in their absolute harmlessness to health. Secondly, “Culinary Eden” is still a resource about the “ordinary”, albeit very delicious food, as well as everything connected with it.

Sports activities always involve increased muscle activity. For normal operation muscles and achieving sports results (for example, some muscle building), there is a need for additional protein nutrition. After all, it is protein that is “responsible” in our body for the formation and restoration of body cells and tissues.

However, don't forget about carbohydrates. Some people mistakenly believe that their consumption should be limited because they make you fat. However, carbohydrates are the main source of energy. And energy is very necessary for the body with significant physical activity. Fats are also a source of energy. You shouldn't forget about them either. In general, the body needs more proteins, carbohydrates and even fats during physical activity than without them.

It's always better to rely on personal experience, rather than on someone else’s stories (although learning from other people’s mistakes, of course, has not been canceled either). Fortunately, in this case there is such an opportunity (personal experience): the author of the text goes to the gym three times a week.

How to eat properly when playing sports. Start

Returning from vacation and looking with sober eyes at your photos taken on seaside resort, the author was surprised to discover that he already had a fairly noticeable belly. This saddened the author. But faithful friends They didn’t let me die of boredom - they encouraged me to join the gym. Moreover, they kept us company. By the way, it’s better to go and play sports with a group. At least with someone else. It’s more fun, and there’s a certain competitive spirit.

It’s better to start exercising twice a week (this is not the author’s invention - advice from a trainer). And when you feel that you have “swayed”, you can switch to a frequency of three times every seven days. Some people exercise more often, but if you just want to “get yourself in order,” that’s enough: excessive diligence can do harm.

By the way, I almost forgot, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting classes. Moreover, preferably not with a doctor “assigned” to the fitness center. Take your time, don't regret it. In the end, you will receive not just advice on the intensity of your exercise and load, but also a more or less complete picture of your health. When was the last time you had your body examined for no apparent reason, just for prevention? Same thing.

When a doctor's consultation has been received, finally go to the gym. Meet the coach. At first, it is better to hire him - he will advise and supervise the implementation of a set of necessary exercises (depending on the goals you are pursuing), and show you how to use the exercise equipment correctly.

I want to eat

To be honest, at first I was not in the mood for proper nutrition. After the first couple of lessons, “everything hurt.” But then the body adjusted to the new rhythm of life, the muscles “developed”, the pain went away. My friends and I remembered that we seemed to have heard something about how you should eat something special when playing sports. Having remembered, we asked the coach a question. By the way, he himself could enlighten us on this matter. Ultimately, proper nutrition speeds up the achievement of the desired result. “Minus one hundred points - Gryffindor,” Minerva McGonagall, the headmaster of the Hogwarts school of wizardry from the Harry Potter saga, would say about this.

One way or another, the question was asked. In response, our trainer recommended that we eat at least 5-6 times a day, saying that this way of eating is “the most physiological.” During the day there should be two breakfasts (first and second), lunch, dinner and post-workout meals. At the same time, it is advisable not to overeat before training and not to overeat after it.

To eat properly when playing sports, the first breakfast, which should not be too rich. A glass of yogurt, kefir (not necessarily low-fat), maybe a little cottage cheese, tea, coffee (both without sugar) or fresh Orange juice. The first breakfast is about 5% percent of the total daily calorie intake. Next comes the second breakfast. It can be eaten before leaving home for work or, if possible, already at work (approximately 30% of the daily calorie intake for an adult). Lunch is another 30% of calories. Afternoon snack - plus 5%. Dinner - 25%. Another 5% is post-workout nutrition. You shouldn't eat too much. With a weight of 70-80 kg, the volume of food eaten should be no more than 4 kg per day. Don't forget about fruits and vegetables: 15-20% of your daily diet. This is ideal.

Not everyone and not always can follow such a diet. But, of course, options are possible! For example, you can have only one breakfast - nothing bad will happen to you because of this. Breakfast and lunch on a “sports day” should be quite nutritious.

You should have an afternoon snack two or three hours after lunch. In general, in the afternoon you can eat little by little at intervals of two hours. At the same time, food should contain a lot of carbohydrates - this will give you strength before exercise. It is worth scheduling daily meals so that the last one takes place at least an hour and a half before class. Drink water (not carbonated) or juice - it won't hurt, especially in the last hour before training.

You need to eat varied. Don’t get hung up on cottage cheese and dietary boiled chicken breasts(I know from myself that at first you just eat them, being happy for yourself, and then you can’t look at these products). Boiled and steamed meat is perfect, legumes - only pureed, as well as oatmeal with milk. An excellent option is various soups, not too fatty, but not entirely lean either. Neutral soups, again for variety, should be interspersed with sour soups.

If possible, in order to comply with your eating schedule, it is better to carry food with you (if there is no normal cafe at work or nearby or if you want to save money). There's nothing to be ashamed of. In the end, are you trying to improve your figure or do you simply have nowhere to put your money and, out of nothing to do, are giving it away for a gym? In addition to chicken and meat, eat fish. Side dish - buckwheat, rice, potatoes, even pasta can be eaten (without fatty sauces). Buy several hermetically sealed plastic containers at the store - they are convenient to take food with you.

The daily calorie intake (and not only when playing sports) also depends on climatic conditions, in which the individual lives. In hot weather, it is better to reduce the calorie content of food, while in Siberian frosts, eat more protein foods, but at the same time reduce fat intake.

During and after training

Of course, you can’t eat anything during training. Agree, it’s strange to pump, say, abs, with undigested food in the stomach, biting off a piece of bread from time to time. As already mentioned, you need to “stop” eating at least an hour and a half before the start of your workout.

But during training you should drink water (it’s good to drink a glass of water before). Of course, not in liters, but little by little: a few sips every 20-25 minutes. Do not swallow the water right away, it is better to hold it in your mouth for a while - this will quench your thirst better. Naturally, no soda. Even mineral water, not to mention cola and other lemonades. Don't drink cold water. After physical exercise it becomes hot, and a person strives to sip some cold water. This is exactly what cannot be done. It is much better if the water is at room temperature, even slightly warm. As a rule, gyms have coolers - no problem adding to a glass cold water some hot water.

You cannot limit yourself in fluid intake while playing sports. This can lead to pressure fluctuations, increased load on the heart, the beginning of the processes of dehydration of the body.

After training - optional. If you're thirsty, drink, and if not, don't drink. There is an opinion that you should not drink water immediately after training. But that's not true. If you drink half a glass or even a glass of water, it won't get any worse.

Now about the food. The workout is completed, a lot of energy has been spent, and you are hungry. A huge mistake is to wait two hours after training and only then allow yourself to snack. Should not be doing that. It is advisable that between physical exercise and the subsequent meal did not pass more than an hour. Another thing is that you shouldn’t eat your fill. A plate of rice, buckwheat, or even better - a little bean or pea puree, a little cottage cheese with jam, fresh fruit - this is quite enough to remove hunger and strengthen your strength.

You can't eat this

Of course, there are foods whose consumption when playing sports is best minimized. These are sweet drinks - any lemonade, coffee and tea with sugar (it’s better to drink the latter with honey or, in extreme cases, with a sweetener). Of course, you shouldn’t go heavy on baking. Sweet buns and even bread can be replaced with special bread, unleavened bread. Sweets, not only chocolate, but mainly caramel. Various cakes, especially store-bought ones, which are made from “nobody knows what” (it’s better not to eat them at all, never). Cheap pasta (it is acceptable and even healthy to eat only high-quality pasta made from durum wheat). Let us emphasize: “reduce consumption to a minimum” does not mean eliminate it completely: do not reproach yourself for one piece of candy you eat.

  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, cereals(3-4 tablespoons dry), apple or orange, a cup of unsweetened coffee with milk (with regular, not condensed or cream);
  • Snack: a glass or two of kefir or 100-150 g of cottage cheese or an apple (orange) and 50 g of hard cheese;
  • Lean meat or fish or poultry (200-250 g), cereals or pasta, greens;
  • Look what you haven’t eaten yet - maybe a vegetable salad, maybe cottage cheese, maybe 1-2 eggs, maybe, if you don’t really want to eat, a glass of kefir or milk;
  • After training: green salad (white cabbage, greens, optional with fresh cucumber) with meat, fish or poultry (150-200 g), or eggs;
  • Before bed - a glass of low-fat kefir or green tea with skim milk.

To eat properly, you need to at least approximately know how many calories are “burned” during sports training. However, training is different. Above we talked about training in the gym (simulators, treadmill). But sport does not live on the gym alone. The table below will help you relate energy expenditure to sports.

As a supplement to nutrition during intense physical activity, you can take vitamins (in winter and spring this is worth doing even without sports). There are specially designed vitamin complexes(not dietary supplements!) for those who are friends with sports. Consult your doctor before using them. Now you know how to eat properly when playing sports. Exercise, eat right and be healthy! By the way, the author’s tummy is gradually shrinking.

Chemotherapy is one of the main treatments for cancer, and proper nutrition during and after treatment helps the body cope with the disease faster.

Chemotherapy is one of the important treatment methods oncological diseases. By introducing special drugs that are highly toxic, growth is suppressed cancer cells in the body and their death. The drugs used in chemotherapy are high-tech drugs to fight the tumor, but once they enter the body they also affect healthy cells.

The impact of chemotherapy affects the functioning of the entire body, especially affecting the state of the hematopoietic, digestive, reproductive systems, as well as mucous membranes, bone tissue, hair and nails.

In that difficult period The patient's body requires special support. An important component of such support is properly selected nutrition.

Diet during and after chemotherapy supports protective forces organism - strong body it is much easier to cope with the disease. This necessary condition for normal well-being, effective treatment and further recovery.

What are the dietary features during chemotherapy?

Food gives your body calories and energy to fight cancer and the effects of toxic treatments.

The main task of nutrition during chemotherapy is to saturate the body with the nutrients that are necessary for its renewal. Correctly selected products can reduce and alleviate negative reactions the body to take medications - loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea and others.

There are several general advice How to eat during chemotherapy:

  • eat little but often;
  • give preference to liquid foods (smoothies, juices, soups);
  • maintain the correct water regime - drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • drink between meals;
  • always have a quick snack on hand;
  • add to your diet foods containing many nutrients in small volumes (nuts, seeds, dried fruits);
  • eat when your appetite is strongest;
  • eat slowly and in a pleasant atmosphere.

What foods should you eat during chemotherapy?

Nutrition during chemotherapy must be appropriate principles healthy diet - be energetically balanced and varied. You will be of great help to your body if you consume simple natural products from all food categories. If you have a medical condition digestive system or you adhere to a special diet, consult your doctor for the optimal selection of products in your case.

All products are divided into several food categories:

  • grain products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • protein products;
  • fats and oils.

In order to understand in what proportions it is best to consume products, use “food pyramid”.

A balanced diet during chemotherapy plays a role important role in the patient's recovery

Cereal products (bread and cereals) - form the basis balanced diet. They provide the body with carbohydrates, B vitamins, and dietary fiber.

This group includes: different types porridge, cereals, bread, pasta, bran, cookies, etc. Greatest benefit whole grain porridge and bread made from flour are good for the body coarse.

Vegetables and fruits , greens should be present in the diet at every meal. They are especially useful on chemotherapy days. It is an irreplaceable source of vitamins and microelements, antioxidants and flavonoids; they have a healing effect on the condition of the body’s cells.

In fruits and vegetables bright colors contained large quantity antioxidants and flavonoids - pumpkin, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, cranberries, strawberries, sea buckthorn, broccoli, spinach, greens and others have strong antioxidant properties, preserving and restoring the body's cells.

Dairy important component balanced nutrition. Special attention worth paying attention to dairy products(kefir, curdled milk, yogurt, cottage cheese) - they contain important bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which have a positive effect on the body’s resistance, which is so important during the treatment period.

Protein products - legumes, nuts, eggs, fish, meat products. Products in this group are rich in protein, B vitamins, and iron. While you are undergoing chemotherapy, eating meat products may make you feel nauseous, in this case, avoid difficult to digest foods (red meat), try to eat protein foods at least for breakfast - this is one of the most easily tolerated meals during chemotherapy. Also pay attention to easily digestible protein drinks used in dietary and sports nutrition.

At the top of the “food pyramid” are products containing large amounts of oils, fat, as well as sugar, salt, alcohol . These products should be treated with extreme caution; they are mostly harmful to the body. The exception is products containing polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega-3 and Omega-6 ( vegetable oils, nuts, fish fat, flaxseeds, sprouted wheat). Scientific research confirmed that Omega-3 fats prevent the spread of tumor cells and their use is necessary.

Nutrition during therapy will not be complete if you do not provide correct drinking regime. Drink enough still water (8-10 glasses), freshly squeezed juice, fruit drink, compote. Caffeine-containing drinks such as tea and coffee should not be considered drinks.

Please note that when different forms Same products can have different effects on cancer diseases. If you want to introduce new foods to your diet, we advise you to consult your oncologist.

What foods should you avoid during chemotherapy?

All food products can be divided into two categories: those that help maintain health and those that weaken health.

Costs reduce sugar intake and, if there is no allergy, replace it with honey. And reduce the amount of salt so as not to unnecessarily burden the kidneys and liver.

What to do if you experience side effects during chemotherapy?

Digestive problems often occur during chemotherapy treatment. During this period, it is important to support the body and know how to cope with these adverse reactions. Here are some tips for overcoming the most common ones.

Nutrition during chemotherapy. How to deal with side effects

Loss of appetite

Loss of appetite is the first problem that occurs in patients undergoing chemotherapy. During this period, it is important not to refuse food and try to stimulate your appetite, because refusing food can weaken your body so much that you will have to stop treatment.

Here are some tips for loss of appetite:

  • eat small portions;
  • use foods that quickly restore strength: nuts, seeds, dried fruits, healthy sweets;
  • drink high-calorie drinks - smoothies, cocktails, juices with pulp;
  • add aromatic seasonings and herbs (dill, cilantro, parsley, celery) to your food;
  • drink sour juices shortly before meals;
  • at complete absence appetite, take food by spoon, like medicine;
  • eat your favorite healthy foods in a beautiful environment.


Nausea is also a fairly common complication, although it has temporary nature, affects your appetite. Use modern antiemetics, which your doctor will prescribe, they will improve your well-being.

  • eat warm and soft food;
  • avoid foods with a pronounced taste - too spicy, sweet, salty;
  • avoid strong odors in your environment (kitchen smells, smoke, cosmetics);
  • give preference to cool juices;
  • do not drink carbonated drinks;
  • in case of an attack of nausea, hold a piece of ice or a lemon drop in your mouth;
  • wear loose clothing;
  • go for walks more often fresh air, ventilate the room well.


Chemotherapy drugs can irritate your intestines, causing upset. The main task of nutrition for diarrhea is to restore the water and mineral balance of the body.

If you experience diarrhea during chemotherapy treatment, we recommend:

  • drink plenty of liquid at room temperature;
  • eat little and often.
  • eat foods low in fiber (white bread, pasta, dairy products, boiled eggs, fish, boiled meat, rice).
  • Avoid coffee, alcohol, richly flavored foods, fatty foods, and carbonated drinks.


Due to limited mobility and decreased nutrition, constipation may occur. Tell your doctor if you have not had a bowel movement for two or three days. Enemas or laxatives should only be used if recommended by your doctor.

For constipation:

  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • Eat foods high in fiber (porridge, wholemeal bread, fresh or cooked vegetables and fruits, legumes, seeds).
  • take a walk in the fresh air.
  • engage in light physical exercise.


For stomatitis:

  • use toothbrush with soft fibers.
  • eat food at room temperature (food should be soft in consistency or ground: baby food, dairy products, eggs,
  • puree, bananas, baked apples, jelly);
  • avoid spicy, salty, sour, rough foods;
  • use mouthwash after meals;
  • lubricate your lips with hygienic balm or oil.

Thanks to special treatment nutrition can be avoided or side effects can be significantly reduced during and after a course of chemotherapy. Tell your doctor about them, he may prescribe them for you. additional medications, relieving unpleasant symptoms.

What should you eat between chemotherapy courses and after completion of treatment?

The goal of nutrition between courses or after completion of chemotherapy is to short time return wellness and avoid exhaustion, which can affect further treatment and recovery of the body after such a load as chemotherapy.

Therefore, stick to this diet:

  • continue to eat small and often, using only fresh and healthy foods.
  • Eat balanced and varied foods from different food groups.
  • consume foods with high nutritional and energy value(cereals, seeds, nuts, dried fruits).
  • Before eating, take a walk in the fresh air.
  • Avoid foods on the prohibited list.
  • Eat warm food, avoid hot food.
  • Drink enough fluids between meals.
  • Take your time while eating, chew your food well.
  • combine simple products in new combinations for new taste sensations which can improve your appetite.

A balanced diet is important to prevent malignant diseases in the future. After completion of chemotherapy, recovery period when it is important to take measures to avoid recurrence of the disease.

Your diet should consist of foods that prevent the development of cancer cells. Choose foods that will bring you health and energy, avoid foods that cause Negative influence on your body.

Studies show that people who eat high-quality low-fat foods with an abundance of vegetables and fruits, do not smoke, and do not abuse alcohol have a 23% risk of developing cancer, and in people with the opposite approach to nutrition, the risk increases to 56%.

Simple and natural foods are a contribution to your recovery

During and after such a difficult treatment as chemotherapy, a balanced and varied diet is very important. Knowing the characteristics and diet will help you cope with the consequences of treatment, ensure good health and support your body on the path to recovery. And eating healthy can prevent new health problems in the future.

How to eat right to get maximum benefit from spiritual practices and yoga? What is better to avoid and what products should be preferred?

Why is it important to know how to eat properly?

Before you learn how to eat properly, you need to understand why it is so important and what consequences can result from neglecting the rules of nutrition.

Everyone knows the saying: “You are what you eat.” Food determines your level of consciousness, mood, energy level and body health. The easiest way to change yourself and your life is to change your nutrition system. Nature gave us powerful tool for rebuilding oneself - this is food.

Healthy nutrition, consumption of living and fresh foods builds a powerful immune system, maintains strength and health, provides the opportunity to engage in self-development and get the most from spiritual practices.

How to eat healthy while doing yoga?

It is advisable to eat in accordance with your constitution, as Ayurveda advises². Ayurveda teaches that every person is endowed with sufficient energy to make himself healthy. However, each yoga school has its own rules and requirements for food.

It is still worth giving up meat during yoga practices. Meat is too heavy a product, which can make breathing difficult, which is completely unacceptable for yoga.

You should exclude all heavy foods from your diet - oil, sweets, too salty and fatty foods.

It is advisable that the diet contains only light foods, fruits, vegetables and herbs. They provide a great boost of energy and are easy to digest. Nuts, cereals, and berries are also allowed.

It is advisable to drink more water and drink natural juices.

It is recommended to completely abstain from alcohol, tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, energy drinks and any drinks containing narcotic or nicotine substances. Fumigants are allowed if they are necessary for the practice.

Any medications, so try not to get sick during the practice or postpone the practice until you are completely healed. Carefully monitor your health and the content of vitamins and microelements in your diet.