The whole body constantly sweats. Heavy sweating: causes and methods of treatment

IN medical practice excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis (from the Greek hyper - “increased”, “excessive”, hidros - “sweat”), is profuse sweating, which is not associated with physical factors, such as overheating, intense physical activity, high ambient temperature, etc.

Sweating occurs in our body constantly; it is a physiological process in which the sweat glands secrete a watery secretion (sweat). This is necessary to protect the body from overheating (hyperthermia) and maintain its self-regulation (homeostasis): sweat, evaporating from the skin, cools the surface of the body and reduces its temperature.

So, in the article we will talk about such a phenomenon as excessive sweating. We will consider the causes and treatment of hyperhidrosis. We will also talk about generalized and local forms of pathology.

Excessive sweating in healthy people

In the body of a healthy person, sweating increases at air temperatures above 20-25 degrees, during psycho-emotional and physical stress. Physical activity and low relative humidity contribute to increased heat transfer - thermoregulation is carried out, overheating of the body is not allowed. Conversely, in a humid environment where the air is still, sweat does not evaporate. This is why it is not recommended to stay in a steam room or bathhouse for a long time.

Sweating increases with excessive consumption liquids, so if you are in a room where the air temperature is high, or during intense physical activity, you should not drink a lot of water.

Stimulation of sweat secretion also occurs in the case of psycho-emotional arousal, therefore increased sweating of the body can be observed when a person experiences powerful emotions, such as fear, excitement.

All of the above are physiological phenomena that are characteristic of healthy people. Pathological disorders sweating is expressed in an excessive increase or, conversely, a decrease in sweat secretion, as well as a change in its smell.

Physiology of the sweating process

Wet armpits, damp soles and palms, a pungent odor of sweat - all this does not add confidence to a person and is perceived negatively by others. It’s not easy for people who sweat excessively. The reasons for this condition can be found out if you understand the physiology of the sweating process as a whole.

So, sweating is a natural mechanism that cools the body and removes toxic substances, excess liquid, products water-salt metabolism and decay. It is no coincidence that some medications that are excreted from the body through the skin give sweat a blue-green, reddish or yellowish tint.

Sweat is secreted by sweat glands located in the subcutaneous fat. The greatest number of them is observed on the palms, in armpits and on the feet. In terms of chemical composition, sweat is 97-99 percent water and salt impurities (sulfates, phosphates, potassium and sodium chlorides), as well as other organic substances. The concentration of these substances in sweat secretion varies from person to person. different people, and therefore each person has an individual smell of sweat. In addition, bacteria present on the surface of the skin and the secretion of the sebaceous glands are mixed into the composition.

Causes of hyperhidrosis

Modern medicine cannot yet give a clear answer to the question of what causes this disorder. But it is known that it develops, as a rule, against the background of chronic infectious diseases, pathologies thyroid gland, oncological diseases. Increased sweating of the head in women, oddly enough, can be observed during pregnancy. In addition, a similar phenomenon occurs in acute respiratory viral infections, accompanied by high temperature, taking certain medications, metabolic disorders. Another reason for increased sweating of the head is allergies. Stress can also trigger this form of hyperhidrosis, poor nutrition, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.

Sweating on the face

This is also quite a rare occurrence. It is also called granifacial hyperhidrosis or sweaty face syndrome. For many people this a big problem, since it is almost impossible to mask sweat in this area. As a result, public speaking, and sometimes even ordinary communication, becomes overwhelming. Excessive facial sweating in severe form can lead to major psychological problems: a person becomes withdrawn, suffers from low self-esteem and tries to avoid social contacts.

This type of hyperhidrosis can be caused by increased activity sympathetic nervous system. The problem is often combined with excessive sweating palms and blushing syndrome ( sudden appearance red spots), against the background of which erythrophobia (fear of blushing) can develop. Facial hyperhidrosis can appear due to dermatological disorders, hormonal causes, or as a result of a reaction to medications.

Sweating during menopause

In women, excessive sweating may be associated with impaired thermoregulation due to hormonal changes. In this case, so-called tides occur. Incorrect impulses from the nervous system cause blood vessels to dilate, and this inevitably leads to overheating of the body, which, in turn, gives an impulse to the sweat glands, and they begin to actively secrete sweat in order to normalize body temperature. During menopause, hyperhidrosis is usually localized in the armpits and face. It is important to monitor your diet during this period. You need to eat more vegetables, as the phytosterols they contain can reduce the strength and number of hot flashes. It is recommended to replace coffee green tea, which promotes the removal of toxins. Spicy foods and alcohol should be excluded from the diet as they increase sweat production.

When increased sweating occurs in women during menopause, treatment should be comprehensive. It is necessary to take vitamins, lead an active life, maintain personal hygiene, use antiperspirants and look positively at the surrounding reality. With this approach, you will definitely win in the fight against hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating in a child

Excessive sweating is quite common in children. But this phenomenon should alert parents, since it may indicate the presence of a serious illness. To find out the nature of the symptom, you need to contact your pediatrician. Excessive sweating in a child may be accompanied by restless sleep or insomnia, changes in behavior, crying and whims without apparent reason. What causes this condition?

  • Lack of vitamin D. In children under two years of age, excessive sweating may be a symptom of rickets. In this case, during feeding, you can see distinct droplets of sweat on the baby’s face, and at night his head sweats, especially in the occipital region, so in the morning the entire pillow becomes wet. In addition to sweating, the child experiences itching in the head area, the baby becomes lethargic or, conversely, restless and capricious.
  • Colds. Sore throat, flu and other similar ailments are often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, which leads to increased sweating in children.
  • Lymphatic diathesis. This pathology occurs in children three to seven years old and is manifested by enlarged lymph nodes, high irritability and hyperhidrosis. It is recommended to bathe the child more often and engage in physical therapy exercises with him.
  • Heart failure. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the heart, this affects the functioning of all organs and systems, including sweat glands Oh. One of the alarming symptoms in this case is cold sweat.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia. This disease in children can manifest itself as essential hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating in the area of ​​​​the feet and palms.

It should be remembered that excessive sweating in children can be a physiological temporary phenomenon. Babies often sweat when they don't get enough sleep, are tired or worried.

Non-surgical treatment

If hyperhidrosis is not a symptom of any disease, then in medical practice it is treated conservatively, using drug therapy, antiperspirants, psycho- and physiotherapeutic methods.

If speak about drug therapy, then different groups of drugs can be used. The prescription of a particular medication depends on the severity of the pathology and existing contraindications.

For people with an unstable, labile nervous system, tranquilizers and sedatives(sedative herbal mixtures, medicines containing motherwort, valerian). They reduce excitability and help fight daily stress, which acts as a factor in the occurrence of hyperhidrosis.

Medicines containing atropine reduce the secretion of sweat glands.

Antiperspirants should also be used. They have a local effect and prevent sweating due to their chemical composition, including salicylic acid, ethyl alcohol, aluminum and zinc salts, formaldehyde, triclosan. Such drugs narrow or even completely block the excretory ducts of the sweat glands, and thus block the excretion of sweat. However, when using them there may be observed negative phenomena, such as dermatitis, allergies and swelling at the application site.

Psychotherapeutic treatment is aimed at eliminating psychological problems at the patient. For example, you can cope with your fears and learn to keep your emotions under control with the help of hypnosis.

Among the physiotherapeutic methods, hydrotherapy is widely used ( cold and hot shower, pine-salt baths). Such procedures have an impact on nervous system restorative effect. Another method is electrosleep, which involves exposing the brain to a pulsed low-frequency current. Therapeutic effect is achieved by improving the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

Excessive sweating in men and women is now also treated with Botox injections. With this procedure, the pharmacological effect is achieved due to long-term blocking of the nerve endings that innervate the sweat glands, as a result of which sweating is significantly reduced.

All of the above conservative methods when used in combination, they can achieve lasting clinical results for a certain time, but do not radically solve the problem. If you want to get rid of hyperhidrosis once and for all, you should pay attention to surgical treatment.

Local surgical methods of treatment

  • Curettage. This operation involves the destruction of nerve endings and subsequent removal of sweat glands in the area where excessive sweating occurs. Surgical procedures are performed under local anesthesia. A 10-mm puncture is made in the area of ​​hyperhidrosis, as a result of which the skin peels off, and then scraping is carried out from the inside. Most often, curettage is used in cases of excessive sweating of the armpits.

  • Liposuction. This surgical procedure is indicated for overweight people. During the operation, the nerves of the sympathetic trunk are destroyed, due to which the action of the impulse that provokes sweating is suppressed. The technique used to perform liposuction is similar to curettage. A puncture is made in the area of ​​hyperhidrosis, a small tube is inserted into it, through which the nerve endings of the sympathetic trunk are then destroyed and the fiber is removed. If an accumulation of fluid forms under the skin, it is removed using a puncture.
  • Skin excision. This manipulation gives good results in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. But at the site of exposure there remains a scar about three centimeters long. During the operation, the area of ​​increased sweating is identified and completely excised.

Sweating in humans is not an anomaly. This is a natural function of the body that helps cleanse harmful substances and maintaining normal moisture balance. But too much sweating in women or men is a pathology caused by improper functioning of the sweat glands. The reasons for this dysfunction lie in certain negative changes in health status. Knowing and understanding the essence of an ongoing phenomenon means successfully eliminating or preventing it. The information provided will help you understand this issue and tell you how to get rid of the problem.

Sweating mechanism

The physiological function of producing and removing sweat from the body performs several important tasks.

  1. Heat transfer during increased physical activity, which helps maintain normal body temperature.
  2. Psychogenic sweating occurs during moments of emotional outbursts - this is a reaction of the sweat glands to the release of adrenaline.
  3. Food sweating is the production of sweat when eating. It is a signal that you are taking food that makes the body work harder. For example, alcohol and hot spices increase sweat production.
  4. Removal of toxins. This is especially important in case of illness. Recovery from any disease is accelerated if the sweat glands work in an enhanced mode.
  5. Support water balance is to remove excess moisture.

In general, all these factors indicate that sweating is a condition for normalization metabolic processes in organism. IN normal mode A person produces 650-700 ml of sweat per day. For people living in the tropics, the amount can be 12 liters. With heavy sweating in normal climatic conditions, a person produces a maximum of 3 liters of sweat.

This is interesting! Women sweat twice as much as men. This pattern is an evolutionary feature of the development of sexes. Male and female physical activity varies in almost the same ratio, so the body produces less sweat.

But excessive sweating is more common in women than in the stronger sex. It proves medical statistics. Doctors say that this fact is associated with physiological characteristics female body.

Causes of increased sweating in women

Sweat is secreted by two types of glands - accrine glands, located evenly throughout the body and begin their work immediately after birth in the same way in boys and girls. The sweat of these glands consists of 85% water, so it has no odor or it is weak.

Apocrine ones are located only in certain places - armpits, perineum, genital area, in the forehead area. The sweat they produce contains hormones, acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. This substance smells, even unpleasantly, if you don’t wash it in time. Nature provides that this aroma has individuality - it is designed to attract the opposite sex. Apocrine glands begin to function at puberty. When considering the causes of increased sweating in women, attention should be paid to this factor.

Puberty and sweating

Girls begin to sweat profusely earlier than boys. This is due to the factor of earlier puberty among representatives of the fair half of humanity. During this period, restructuring of the body begins; a surge in estrogen production is accompanied by the activity of apocrine glands, which causes increased sweating. If no abnormalities are observed during the maturation process, then treatment for excessive sweating is not required. Girls need to take care of themselves and wash themselves more often.


This cause of increased sweating is typical for different ages. For example, during puberty hormonal imbalance causes dysfunction of the sweat glands. Extra pounds are additional physical activity for a woman. The body tries to get rid of toxins, including by removing them through sweat. The key to getting rid of excessive sweating is losing weight.


Pregnant women have the same hormonal reason and the increase in body weight due to the child growing in the womb, and therefore the load, an increase in sweat production is observed. Progesterone, produced in the body of a woman carrying a child, increases the temperature sensitivity of the sweat glands. Their reaction is to work harder. This phenomenon goes away after the birth of the child, so you should not be afraid of an increase in sweat secretion.

Sweating can increase not only from a surge in sex hormones. It is caused by any endocrine imbalance. Changes in this system occur in women during the following periods:

  • menopause;
  • menopause, including early and late with or without hot flashes;
  • menstruation, which causes hormonal and temperature fluctuations;
  • thyroid dysfunction.

Weakening of the immune system

Immunodeficiency leads to a slow restructuring of the body during the fight against any disease. The insufficiency of internal reserves does not allow a person to recover quickly, and profuse sweating is a sign of weakness in the body. If the patient sweats heavily after an illness for more than three weeks, then you need to consult a doctor and treat hyperhidrosis.

Psychological factor

Excitement, fear, sudden joy, unpleasantness or anticipation of it - a person experiences these feelings constantly. The reaction to them is the release of adrenaline and increased sweating. Women experience this phenomenon more acutely because their emotionality is higher than that of men. Hyperhidrosis can be reduced only by the ability to control oneself - meditation and auto-training are acceptable for this.


The genetic factor of hyperhidrosis causes increased sweating in the family for several generations. You can combat hereditary high activity of sweat glands with the help of surgical methods or long and persistent therapy. Such women have impaired thermoregulation from birth, and the problem of severe sweating accompanies them throughout their lives.

With this disease, sweat appears first on the forehead, then it covers the palms, feet and the whole body. A bluish tint appears on the fingers, lips and other areas. The cause of severe sweating is vascular dysfunction in the heart and brain, respiratory failure, high blood pressure, and dizziness. Stopping sweating is possible only when the attack of heart failure is relieved.


With hyperglycemia, hyperhidrosis has the following characteristics: the upper body sweats, but the lower body remains dry. This phenomenon occurs due to pulse signals transmitted to the glands due to a decrease in blood glucose. Excessive sweating will occur with each attack; it can be eliminated by normalizing sugar levels.


This disease causes hyperhidrosis due to the fact that affected women have a fever. Accompanying symptoms include headache, nausea, increased heart rate, and trembling.


When infected with Koch's bacillus, increased sweating is the defining symptom of the disease. Patients sweat profusely initial stage tuberculosis, then the amount of sweat decreases. But hyperhidrosis accompanies patients throughout the entire period of the disease and for some time after recovery.


HIV infection is accompanied by increased sweating - this is due to the body's fight against the virus. Hyperhidrosis is characteristic of all stages of pathogen penetration and spread throughout the body. The phenomenon intensifies when you stop using necessary medications.

Types and localization

Excessive sweating is classified into four types. The division is based on signs of etiology and localization.

  1. Idiopathic hyperhidrosis - forms without cause, that is, without obvious conditions for development.
  2. Secondary hyperhidrosis is a symptom of a specific disease or caused by an illness as a consequence.
  3. Local - in which sweating zones are located in separate areas. It can only be idiopathic.
  4. Generalized - when the whole body sweats, most often this is secondary hyperhidrosis.

Need to know. In some areas, women experience frequent sweating. Other areas do not experience hyperhidrosis and remain dry. This depends on the symptoms of the disease and the development of dysfunction of the sweat glands.

The amount of sweat in the armpits is different time days and different seasons are unstable. The hotter it is environment, the more active the secretion and the wetter the armpits on the clothes. This is unpleasant, but necessary to regulate body temperature.

Severe sweating in normal weather is pathological. It indicates the presence of one of the following problems:

  • under stress;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • possible oncology.

Palms are sweating

The appearance of hyperhidrosis on the palms is a consequence of high physical activity in athletes, due to hot weather, and heredity. If these reasons are not present, then excessive sweating may be a signal of endocrine diseases, stress, metabolic dysfunction, infectious diseases, including HIV and tuberculosis.

My feet are sweating

Concentrated on feet a large number of sweat glands. Since a person wears shoes and socks, air access to this area is limited. In women, an additional incentive to activate the glands is wearing heels - they create stress on the legs. The result of hyperhidrosis of the legs are cracks, fungus, bad smell and other pathologies. Therefore, it is imperative to treat excessive sweating of the feet using medications and folk remedies.

This means that you have generalized hyperhidrosis and it did not occur without a reason. You need to see a doctor and find out the etiology of the disease. The reasons for increased sweating may be:

Sweating during sleep

Sick people sweat while sleeping. Women need to understand that if they have such a phenomenon, then they need to be wary and not put off visiting a doctor. The danger is that sweating at night is a symptom chronic diseases various organs, as well as such serious diseases as HIV, tuberculosis, and blood cancer.

Sweating in the morning

Women wake up sweating in the morning after having a nightmare or because they had a fever at night. In old age, many are diagnosed with osteochondrosis and joint diseases that disrupt the temperature balance of the body. The body tries to restore it and eliminates extra tenths of degrees with the help of secretions. Unbalanced people often sweat in the morning, for whom it seems in advance that the coming day will bring trouble. That is, sweating at this time of day occurs due to poor health, emotional instability and poor sleep.

It is associated with hot weather, food intake (especially large feasts), alcoholic drinks. These factors provoke the activity of the sweat glands due to additional stress. In addition, there is drug-induced hyperhidrosis when taking insulin in diabetics, aspirin, polycarpine, betanicol. On the road, excessive sweating may cause antiemetics– for those who cannot tolerate driving in vehicles or on sea vessels.

Separately, you need to dwell on excessive sweating during withdrawal symptoms. After holidays, long parties with copious amounts of alcohol, many suffer from withdrawal syndrome, during which sweating is a symptom of withdrawal. This applies to drug addicts and any way out of a state of poisoning.

Sweating after 40 years

After the age of 40, women approach menopause, so excessive sweating may be a harbinger of this difficult period. After 50 years, this is no longer a signal that menopause will soon come, but a symptom of the height of the menopause. The life of many women at this time turns into an anxious wait for the next hot flash, when they suffer from a fever and their face turns red.

It is difficult to do without the help of medications, so it is recommended to take medications that reduce symptoms, for example, Femivel, Qi-Klima and others. But it is not advisable to choose pills on your own. The doctor must decide which of them is right for you, since everyone has gynecological and psychological characteristics that must be taken into account when prescribing therapy.

This happens in women for various reasons:

  • pathology in the regulation of tone blood vessels;
  • disruption of physiological control temperature conditions bodies;
  • pathological processes in the endocrine system;
  • VSD, diabetes, infectious diseases:
  • pregnancy;
  • oncology.

These factors can cause hot flashes of sweating in women without menopause. They are identical to menopausal ones, but their frequency is more rare. Similar conditions occur in young women and older women, including those over 60 years of age.

Dizziness and sweating

These symptoms are typical for women in at different ages. But most often this duo of symptoms manifests itself during the following periods and diseases:

  • menopause;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • diabetes;
  • migraine;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • rupture of blood vessels and the formation of foci of hemorrhage.

Keep in mind! Dizziness and sweating often accompany each other in other diseases. The reason why you feel dizzy and have hyperhidrosis must be determined through a thorough diagnosis prescribed by a doctor.

What tests need to be taken

Diagnosis of hyperhidrosis is done to determine the causes of the formation of this disease. This identification is necessary, because without knowing why the disease occurred, it is impossible to cure it. Comprehensive diagnostics prescribed by a doctor, who will also refer you for consultations to specialized specialists.

The first step in making a diagnosis is taking a medical history, then examining and examining the patient. When visually studying the symptoms, pay attention to the palms and soles, armpits, and clothing of the patient. Then the doctor prescribes analytical tests.

  1. General blood test.
  2. Hormonal analysis By thyroid gland.
  3. Sugar level, blood plasma.
  4. Analysis of urine.
  5. For syphilis and HIV infection.

The volume of sweat secretions is determined using the gravimetry method, the distribution and boundaries of zones of hyperhidrosis are established by the Minor test, the composition of sweat is analyzed by chromatography.

How to get rid

The problem has a complex treatment algorithm. Some forms, such as hereditary hyperhidrosis, cannot be treated therapeutic methods, so women have to live with this and try to minimize such manifestations of the disease as constant moisture in the body or certain areas and an unpleasant odor. Therapy for sweating is undesirable during pregnancy, so it has to be eliminated using traditional methods. In any case, you need to get rid of the problem, since it can give rise to other ailments, for example, fungus, skin irritations, external and internal inflammatory processes.

They include the use of decoctions, compresses, foot and hand baths, wraps based on medicinal herbs. For example, proven means are actively used that have a positive effect on the normalization of the sweat glands:

  • oak bark and other natural raw materials with tanning properties - infusions are made on their basis and used as a means to care for sweaty areas of the body;
  • lemon and juice from it, adding slices to water helps in getting rid of sweating in sensitive areas - rub with the solution problem areas;
  • good effect give infusions of birch buds, lemon balm and mint, sage with nettle - they can be combined or used separately;
  • treating problem areas with water and apple or wine vinegar in a concentration of 1 to 5 helps disinfect and reduce odor.

Recipe herbal infusions is as follows: take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, brew 1 liter. boiling water, simmer for 15 minutes over low heat, then settle, strain and use for procedures.

What can you buy at the pharmacy?

There are many pharmaceutical remedies against sweating. You need to choose those recommended by your doctor, because not all medications will be useful for you.

  • Eltacin, Bellataminal is prescribed for stress sweating.
  • Apilak is effective against sweating caused by poisoning and dysfunction of metabolic processes.
  • Klimadinon, Remens are necessary for women with hot flashes during menopause.
  • Hexamine and salicylic-zinc ointment treat sweating of the armpits.
  • Teymurov's paste, Furacilin, is used to solve the problem of sweating feet.
  • Universal sprays Formidron, Celandine-deo can be used to eliminate excessive sweating on the hands and feet.

Attention! If the cause of exaggerated sweating is tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus or HIV, then medications are needed for the disease, not for sweating, since sweating is a consequence of infectious diseases.


For those who know why sweating occurs and how to deal with it, the problem is not difficult. Read all the recommendations given by the experts above and start solving the problem. It will not be possible to quickly eliminate excessive sweating - you need to apply maximum patience and perseverance to your desire to be healthy and beautiful.

Excessive sweat production in the face, head, armpits, lower extremities is called hyperhidrosis.

Sweating itself is a natural reflex reaction caused by an increase in ambient temperature, active physical activity, emotional stress and excitement. The release of liquid secretion (sweat) helps cleanse the body and also prevents overheating of the body. However, in some cases it is one of the manifestations of pathology.

Symptoms of overactive sweat glands

Excessive sweating can be local, with excessive sweat secretion on the surface of the head, face, limbs and armpits, as well as generalized, when the whole body is covered with profuse sweat at the same time, which is most often caused by febrile syndrome, inflammatory and other diseases.

Generalized hyperhidrosis requires compulsory treatment to a medical specialist, as it can be one of the manifestations of a serious illness, as well as the cause of prickly heat, irritation, abrasion of the skin, the development of pustules, etc.

Causes of excessive sweating

Excessive, powerful sweating in women and men is often due to the physiological predisposition of the body, which is safe for health and is only a cause of psychological discomfort and deterioration in a person’s quality of life.

Local hyperhidrosis, that is, activity when placed locally is most often hereditary pathology and is divided into two varieties: gustatory and idiomatic.

These include powders, baths, compresses and much more.

Unconventional methods also help beyond the norm. Women prefer massage, and men prefer acupuncture.

And men are found quite often. This brings great inconvenience and discomfort, so most people try to get rid of this scourge. However, in order to do so, you need to know its reason. Of course, the amount of sweating can often be influenced by external factors, for example, hot weather, thin air and dry air. These reasons do not depend on people; in such conditions it will not succeed.

But if the environment is normal and sweating is excessive, then a visit to the doctor and full examination simply necessary.

Especially with the onset of warm weather actual problem excessive sweating occurs. Why do women and men sweat heavily under their arms? What to do if you sweat profusely? Let's try to find out all this in our article today.

Causes of heavy sweating

Heavy sweating, the reasons for which will be given below, can cause a lot of discomfort. Why does this happen and what to do if women sweat profusely during sleep and during the day? Doctors identify three main reasons when women’s feet, armpits and generally the whole body sweat a lot:

  • The reasons for profuse sweating in women at night may lie in the following diseases: excess weight, heart disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalances (for example, adolescence, during pregnancy, at the onset of menopause);
  • in women, profuse sweating during sleep can occur as a result of frequent stress and severe nervous tension;
  • To external reasons sweating in women can be attributed to: intolerable heat, stuffy rooms, excessive physical activity, eating foods with a lot of spices, wearing clothes made of synthetic fabrics.

Excessive sweating at times in women and men is called hyperhidrosis. It can be generalized when severe sweating occurs on the back, chest and scalp. This type of disease is most often associated with systemic internal diseases. However, local hyperhidrosis under the arms, in the area of ​​the legs and palms can cause more trouble. It is in these places that the large quantity sweat glands that can secrete, especially under the arms with hyperhidrosis, up to 1500 milliliters of sweat in one hour.

Excessive sweating in men

Excessive sweating under the arms and throughout the body is often found in men. So, if at times men sweat during sleep and not only, what are the reasons for this:

  • sweating in men can be one of the symptoms of various infectious diseases, such as malaria, tuberculosis, pneumonia, as well as nervous and endocrine (thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus) diseases;
  • in men, sweating at night occurs as a result of kidney disease, during which the processes of formation and filtration of urine are disrupted, as a result of which excess fluid is released through sweat;
  • in men, sweating during sleep occurs as a result of obesity, especially in hot weather;
  • excessive nervous excitability, during which increased sweating appears from time to time due to excitement, fear or other emotional states. However, normally such irritants are not directly related to the process of sweating;
  • In men, hyperhidrosis at night can be caused by taking certain medications (medicines containing pilocarpine, insulin, acetylsalicylic acid).

Increased sweating at night in the area of ​​the legs, palms and armpits usually occurs as a result of stress, with hyperhidrosis; at times, sweating can begin even with slight excitement. In men with this disease, the head often begins to sweat, and sweating of the feet at times may indicate the presence of fungal skin diseases.

Why do armpits, palms and feet sweat?

As a rule, sweating at night is explained by the presence of a disease, but in some cases it can occur as a result of severe overexertion, work in a mode of increased responsibility and other factors. Local hyperhidrosis most often affects women, probably as a result of a more vulnerable nervous system.

What should I do if a strong feeling occurs during sleep or at times? In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor, who will determine the cause of sweating during sleep and prescribe effective remedies.

Sweating treatment

What to do if sweating bothers you not only during the day, but also during sleep? First of all, in order not to waste time, you need to visit a dermatologist. He will prescribe appropriate treatment and tell you what to do.

If severe sweating of the palms, legs and armpits at night is caused by problems of a neurological nature, then in this case the doctor will prescribe B vitamins, drugs that remove nervous tension, hydro procedures, rubbing with talcum powder, zinc oxide and salicylic acid. In some cases, medications are prescribed to prevent stimulation of the sweat glands and stop sweating altogether. However, they can only be used as prescribed by a doctor to avoid side effects.

Iontophoresis procedures will help get rid of heavy sweating during sleep when using electricity, blockage occurs excretory ducts sweat glands, as well as injections of botulinum toxins, which block the nerve endings that stimulate the work of the sweat glands. True, such procedures cannot be done for people with neuromuscular diseases and pregnant women.

The problem of excessive sweating during sleep can be solved using laser destruction of sweat gland cells. This can also be done using surgical intervention, when local excision of tissue with sweat glands in the armpit area is carried out, or part of the nerve coming from the spinal cord and responsible for the functioning of the sweat glands is pinched and destroyed. Unfortunately, during surgery, the problem of increased sweating at night can occur in other areas of the body.

Preventing Excessive Sweating

To prevent excessive sweating at night, you can use different means for the purpose of prevention. So, what remedies can be used to combat excessive sweating during sleep:

  • Completely overhaul your wardrobe, keeping it in silk, linen, wool and cotton that allows your skin to breathe while you sleep. If your feet sweat a lot, it is recommended to wear shoes made of natural materials;
  • try to drink less liquid, remove coffee, spices, and hot seasonings from your diet. You can reduce sweating using remedies such as nettle, lemon balm or sage tea. It is recommended to drink them throughout the day;
  • remove armpit hair, take a contrast shower every day, ending the procedure with a douche cold water. While taking a bath, add a decoction of oak bark or sage to the water. Try to walk barefoot more often;
  • Apply antiperspirants and other anti-sweating products to clean, dry skin under the arms. Due to the presence of zinc elements and active plant components in their composition, they reduce the amount of sweat produced, prevent unpleasant odors and fight bacteria. The antiperspirant deodorant Dry Dry Sensitive has proven itself to be excellent and can be used during severe sweating of the feet, armpits and palms: it is enough to use it only once every three days;
  • try to distribute the workload more rationally, take walks more often fresh air, rest often, avoid stress and don’t try to complete a week’s work in a day. It is likely that a calmed body will be able to independently regulate the intensity of sweating, and the problem of hyperhidrosis will disappear on its own.

Many people face the problem of excessive sweating, which can greatly impair their quality of life. First of all, it is recommended to consult a doctor for examination. If the reason is not related to the disease, then try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, in which case you will forever forget about such a problem as excessive sweating.

Sweating is a natural function of the body. By removing fluid through the pores, the body copes with elevated temperature, gets rid of toxins. Every person has experienced sweating - to one degree or another. Despite the fact that sweat glands work in all people, sweating often causes a feeling of disgust. Wet armpits, palms, and chests are associated by others with poor hygiene and uncleanliness. If the intensity of moisture separation is increased, malfunctions may be suspected. internal systems. Having information about what diseases cause a person to sweat a lot, people will be able to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

When excessive sweating is normal

In some cases, sweating does not pose any threat to human life and health, because it is the norm. This is typical for the following situations:

  1. Intense physical activity. When the body is forced to expend a large amount of energy, body temperature increases. To prevent overheating, beads of sweat protrude through the pores skin. Thus, the surface of the body is cooled, the temperature remains at a natural level.
  2. High temperature outdoors or indoors. Everyone knows that in the summer, when it’s hot or in a bathhouse, a person sweats a lot. This is due to the active work of the sweat glands, with one purpose - to prevent the body from overheating.
  3. Incorrectly selected bedding. In winter you should sleep under a warm blanket, in summer - under a thin sheet. The materials from which the linen is made must be natural. Otherwise, the body will not be able to breathe during sleep, and there will be a risk of overheating. Therefore, the pillow and sheet will be damp from sweat.
  4. Stressful situations. With excessive excitement and anxiety, a person begins to sweat heavily. Such moments may not happen often. If emotional overload, accompanied by hyperhidrosis, lasts for quite a long time (for example, several weeks), this is a reason to consult a specialist.
  5. In young people, men. They are characterized by accelerated metabolism and increased physical activity. The work of the sweat glands is no exception. Dry skin is more common in older people.
  6. Large body weight. The more a person weighs, the more effort he has to expend to perform any action. The released energy is converted into heat. An important task of the body is to cool the body. So, sweating accompanies any movement big man. In addition, subcutaneous fat folds can for a long time conserve heat energy, so obese people may sweat even when at rest.
  7. Hereditary predisposition. Often a person does not understand what causes hyperhidrosis in the body. He doesn’t seem to be obese, and emotional condition it is normal, the environment is also favorable. The answer may lie in heredity. It is enough to remember which of the parents or other close relatives encountered similar problems- the questions will disappear by themselves.

Important! If the above factors are excluded, you should consider visiting a doctor.

In some situations, excessive sweating can signal a malfunction of the body's internal systems. Hyperhidrosis, which is caused by a specific disease, is called secondary. By the nature of the sweat drops, you can even initially guess the area of ​​the body in which the problem began. However, establishing a final diagnosis is the prerogative of medical specialist.

Kidney diseases

Sweating occurs in inflammatory kidney diseases, accompanied by fever or pain:

  • urolithiasis during exacerbation;
  • pyelonephritis.

For chronic renal failure Glomerulonephritis, on the contrary, is characterized by dry skin.

Attention! Diseases in this group can affect both adults and children equally.

Endocrine system disruption

The system may malfunction due to various reasons. Depending on the accompanying symptoms, disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine organs are distinguished:

  1. Thyroid dysfunction – hyperthyroidism. Special hormones are produced in excessive quantities. They speed up metabolic processes, stimulate the release of excess heat, which leads to the occurrence of hyperhidrosis.
  2. Increased blood sugar levels – diabetes. It is characterized by dry skin. Sudden sweating in a diabetic is a sign of hypoglycemia. This is a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels, which is fraught with the development of coma. Sweating during hypoglycemia is profuse, torrential sweat. When such a symptom appears in a patient with diabetes, the doctor immediately injects him with a glucose solution.
  3. Metabolic disorders and changes in the functioning of the glands are often observed in obese people. In this case, it is associated not only with malnutrition, but also with endocrine pathologies.

Know! Hyperhidrosis often occurs in women during menopause, which is associated with a change in condition hormonal levels. A sudden feeling of heat provokes redness of the face and the release of a large volume of fluid onto the surface of the body.

Increased sweating is very common for people who suffer infectious diseases. When pathogenic viruses and bacteria enter the body during a cold, they cause inflammation and fever. The human body temperature rises quickly. To prevent overheating, the sweat glands begin to actively function. Therefore, a person can be sick and sweat at the same time.

Diseases that cause hyperhidrosis include:

  • ARVI, various shapes flu;
  • bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • tuberculosis – excessive sweating occurs mainly at night;
  • brucellosis - sweat occurs due to prolonged fever;
  • malaria;
  • septicemia - blood infection with bacteria such as staphylococcus, streptococcus;
  • syphilis.

Important! Increased work of the sweat glands is also provoked by purulent processes in the body - phlegmon, abscesses.


Various forms of neoplasms are often accompanied by hyperhidrosis. This factor is considered a consequence of the body’s fight against the disease, the release of hormones due to tumors of the endocrine system. Among the diseases that cause excessive sweating are:

  1. Acromegaly is a benign neoplasm in the brain. The disease is characterized by the growth of bone tissue and muscle fibers. The normal activity of the sweat glands is disrupted, they begin to produce moisture at an accelerated rate.
  2. Lymphogranulomatosis is a malignant lesion of the lymph nodes. Accompanied by nocturnal hyperhidrosis.
  3. Various types of lymphomas. Sweating increases at night.
  4. Pheochromocytoma is a lesion of the adrenal glands. Patients experience periodic sharp rises blood pressure, weight loss, hyperhidrosis.
  5. Carcinoid is a neuroendocrine neoplasm. Cancer can involve the lungs, stomach, and liver. Patients complain of constant headaches, get tired quickly, and constantly sweat.

During therapy, sweating may increase even more. The reason is that the body is trying to quickly get rid of decayed cancer cells. Sweating is also explained side effect chemotherapy.

Attention! Removal of toxins and other substances is carried out through natural pathways, including through the pores. Sweat glands begin to work more intensely, drops of moisture are released in a larger volume than before treatment.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

In case of cardiac pathologies, it is enough frequent symptoms appear reduced or high blood pressure, accelerated rhythm heart, lack of air, weakness. As a result, the patient’s attack is accompanied by inexplicable fear, shortness of breath, dizziness, and increased sweating.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, which are accompanied by increased sweating:

  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • angina pectoris.

All these diseases, in addition to the main symptoms, are characterized by hyperhidrosis.


In case of poisoning caused by certain harmful products chemical elements or bites of poisonous insects, intoxication occurs in the body. The same thing happens when a person consumes alcohol excessively or narcotic substanceswithdrawal syndrome. Sweating is usually worse in the morning, in other words, with a hangover. The sweat glands receive a “task” to work beyond the norm. This is necessary in order to remove toxins out as quickly as possible.

Know! With the help of separated moisture, the body is gradually cleansed. A person can sweat even when it is cold around.

The extent of sweating can be determined using starch. The raw material is sprinkled on various parts of the body. Those places where the powder darkens are defined as local areas of hyperhidrosis. In some cases, special paper is used for research. Test sheets are placed on various places human skin, note the reaction.

to install accurate diagnosis, a thorough examination of the body is required. To study the cause of hyperhidrosis, obtain real clinical picture carry out additional activities:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • laboratory urine test;
  • chest x-ray;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • ultrasonography;
  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography.

Important! Depending on the results of the examination, a treatment regimen is drawn up. You need to understand that it is not hyperhidrosis that is treated, but the cause that contributes to increased sweating. When the problem is resolved, the symptoms will also disappear.


Depending on what disease you need to get rid of, certain methods are recommended. Various diseases are treated differently. In addition, each separate system the body is dealt with by a specialist of the appropriate profile. Excessive sweating will disappear on its own after recovery. But during therapy, sweat formation can be easily masked. To do this, you need to take a contrast shower several times a day. You should also use one of the many products sold in retail stores and pharmacies:

  • deodorants;
  • antiperspirants.

Additionally, anticholinergic compounds are used, for example, Glycopyrrolate. Medications protect against excessive sweating.

Attention! It is known that medicines from sweat can be used for no more than a couple of weeks. Why? Due to the fact that long-term use may cause adverse reactions(dizziness, nausea, dry mouth, kidney failure).

Another method that medicine offers against the formation of excess sweat is Botox injections. This drug blocks the functioning of the glands, due to which the release of moisture to the surface of the skin is suspended. Does this option work well or poorly? Patients note high efficiency this way. However, sometimes several sessions are required for a good result.