Drugs to increase testosterone. Testosterone in a pharmacy - a list of effective hormonal tablets, ampoules, patches, dietary supplements, gels and ointments

Drugs to increase testosterone in men are necessary to solve a serious health problem. What exactly are they, types, names of the most famous drugs, dietary supplements - this is what our article is about.

Lack of the hormone leads to internal disruptions; the norm is considered to be a blood level of more than 11 nmol/l and up to 30. Decreased libido, deterioration in quality intimate life, the appearance of female-type obesity, changes in voice timbre are the main symptoms of the pathology.


Testosterone is a male sex hormone. Responsible for secondary sexual characteristics. Its production begins in utero, at the moment of fetal formation.

Its deficiency leads to many disorders:

  • There is no sexual desire.
  • Unstable erection.
  • The appearance of extra pounds on the hips and arms.
  • Low timbre of voice, no body hair.
  • Congestion in the pelvic organs.
  • There is a risk of infertility.

Peak activity of the hormone occurs at 25 years of age. Further, it begins to decline to certain limits corresponding to age.

A man who has crossed the 40-year mark may face problems such as impaired potency, low libido, bad memory and other negative aspects. Therefore, timely detection of the disease will help protect against serious problems.


The decrease in the hormone is noticeable for a man immediately. You can encounter this at any age. Intrauterine testosterone deficiency entails incorrect formation of the reproductive system of the future guy.

Boys with a deficiency of the hormone are immediately visible. They have a serious delay in sexual development, secondary male characteristics washed away. There is no intensive hair growth, the voice is ringing, the muscles are undeveloped. Their appearance is often effeminate.

Breasts often appear (gynecomastia). This is fraught psychological trauma, nervous breakdowns, complexes and ridicule from peers.

For adult men, it is important in the following physiological processes:

  1. Participates in metabolism.
  2. Makes it possible to quickly build sculpted muscles.
  3. Does not allow fat to be deposited in unnecessary places.
  4. Maintains libido at the proper level.
  5. The erection is stable.
  6. No hormonal imbalances, strong immunity.
  7. Brain activity is normal, there is no absent-mindedness or forgetfulness.

Signs of low hormone:

  1. Lack of sexual desire, desire for intimacy.
  2. Problems with erectile function.
  3. Female type obesity, appearance of breasts.
  4. Apathy, depression, drowsiness, fast fatiguability, memory impairment.

Timely diagnosis of the disease will relieve the consequences. You need to contact a urologist or andrologist. To determine your testosterone level, you need to undergo tests.

After diagnosis, the man is prescribed complex treatment, which includes not only medications, but also physical activity and diet.



The above drugs are available for intramuscular injection. The dosage should be determined by the doctor based on research results, hormone levels, and the patient’s weight category. At uncontrolled reception Many side effects may occur with such medications.


Most often, for ease of use, this particular form of medicine is prescribed. This is convenient; not every representative of the stronger half of humanity likes injections.

When using this type of medication therapeutic effect stored at constant use. In some cases there may be negative reactions body.

List of tablets

The basis for therapy with these drugs must be complete clinical picture, taking anamnesis, submitting all necessary tests. Only a doctor can choose exact dosage. Do not self-medicate.

To stimulate the hormone

Testosterone replacement therapy is used for testosterone deficiency, erectile dysfunction, and libido.


  1. Inability to conceive a child.
  2. Erectile dysfunction (endocrine impotence).
  3. Eunuchoidism.
  4. Age-related changes, menopause.

In order to help the body produce the hormone, various means are prescribed to start the process. Testosterone stimulants are produced in different variations, from dietary supplements to steroid drugs.

Other medicines:

  • Vitamin complexes, fish oil. In the form of supplements, they help cope with a number of ailments. Testicular function is also normalized and the quality of intimate life improves.
  • Ginseng-based products, Eleutherococcus. Plants are successfully used in Chinese and Japanese medicine. They fight impotence, improve testosterone production, prostate and testicular function.
  • dietary supplement, sports supplements(ZMA). Contain a large number of minerals necessary for the male body (zinc, magnesium, selenium, B vitamins).

The listed drugs refer to auxiliary drugs.

List of effective drugs

"Nebido" (4800-5050 rubles)

Available in the form of an oil-based solution for intramuscular infusions. Has a long lasting effect. One dose is given intramuscularly for 3 months. Often prescribed for the treatment of impotence, hypogonadism, decreased libido, and infertility.

"Androgel" (2636 rubles)

The clear gel-like medicine should be rubbed into the skin. The surface must be dry and clean. The forearm area and abdominal cavity are often used for procedures.

The daily norm is 5-10 g. Depending on the degree of the disease. After application, you must wait until completely absorbed. Used for long-term therapy.

"Sustanon 250"

The medicine is used by injection intramuscularly. Contains several types of testosterone. It is used for grades 1 and 2 of hypogonadism, erectile dysfunction and libido. It is recommended to administer once every 10 days.

“Andriol” (from 1200 rubles)

Release form: tablets and capsules. Portability medical product good. Side effects are rare. IN age category there are no restrictions.

Indications for use include the following diseases: infertility, eunuchoidism, endocrine erectile dysfunction, menopause. Replacement therapy for transsexuals, post-castration syndrome.

"Testosterone propionate" (from 1350 rubles)

Prescribed in 1 dosage 3 times a week. The course of therapy is 2 months. Thanks to the replacement hormone, organs and systems are stimulated, secondary sexual characteristics are formed, sexual desire is increased, the amount of seminal fluid increases, and it fights infertility.

It is an anabolic steroid and helps professional athletes cope with stress and bodybuilders build muscle.

Prescribed to women for preventive purposes premenstrual syndrome, which is difficult with painful hardening of the mammary glands, stops the growth of tumors in the organ, neutralizes the development of fibroids and endometriosis.



  1. Post-castration syndrome.
  2. Eunuchoidism.
  3. Impotence.
  4. Lack of libido.
  5. Climax.
  6. Oligospermia.
  7. Dwarfism.

Women are often prescribed for the following abnormalities:

  • Prevention of breast cancer.
  • To inhibit the development of cancer of the uterus and ovaries.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Hermaphroditism.

Premenstrual syndrome with complications and menopause are also considered reasons for prescribing the drug.

dietary supplements

The group of drugs that belong to biological additives are not steroidal and are ineffective in severe cases. They contain plant components. They help the body produce testosterone on its own.

Can be used for preventive purposes during severe stress, nervous tension, depression, which negatively affects not only hormonal levels, but also potency.

“Parity” (483 rubles)

An effective remedy for normalizing natural testosterone production and increasing sexual activity. Thanks to the main active ingredients, blood flow in the pelvic organs increases, the walls of blood vessels are saturated with nutritional components, and the hormone begins to be intensively produced.


  • Antlers are deer antlers.
  • Ginger root.
  • Minerals.

"Vitrix" Vitrix (from 1600 rubles)

Refers to strong stimulants of male testosterone. Does not allow increased concentration estrogen (female sex hormone) in the blood. Dietary supplements are often used in bodybuilding for training effectiveness and muscle building.

Available in the form of quickly absorbed capsules, it is used to treat male impotence. Produced on the basis of natural substances. Helps the body naturally produce testosterone, increases performance, gives strength and energy.

"Tribulus" Tribulus Terrestris (from 1250 rubles)

Belongs to a potent source of male hormone. Bodybuilders use it in their diet for endurance and performance. The dietary supplement removes “bad” cholesterol and stabilizes hormonal levels.


  • Impotence.
  • Infertility.
  • Decreased sexual desire.
  • Menopause, severe form of premenstrual syndrome.

Stimulates the production of seminal fluid, improves its quality, and normalizes spermatogenesis. The drug is approved for pathologies of the urinary system: pyelonephritis, renal failure. Available in capsule form.

Folk remedies

In combination with proper nutrition, general replacement therapy can use alternative medicine recipes to enhance the effect.

Method No. 1

Honey + nuts

To prepare the paste you need to take a handful walnuts, grind to powder, add a spoonful of flower honey. This remedy will help restore testosterone levels, improve potency, and boost immunity. Take 1 tsp for a long time. * 3 rub. per day.

Method No. 2

Ginger root decoction

Peel the rhizome, chop or grate. Place in an airtight container and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 5-6 hours. Use half a glass of the product 2-3 times a day.

You can add spices to the infusion that will enhance the effect - saffron, cloves. Honey and lemon juice taste. This potion will not only increase hormone production, but also boost immunity, give vigor and energy.

Method No. 3

Eleutherococcus refers to a natural medicinal plant that has exceptional properties: tones, stabilizes sexual function, stimulates an increase in hormones in the blood. For 4-5 tables. l. chopped herbs, you need to take half a liter of alcohol.

Combine, leave for 7-10 days, strain, put in a cool, dark place. Before use, shake the medicine, drink 10-20 drops per day, diluted in any liquid. Take courses for 30 days, take a break for 2 weeks, then continue.

In parallel with the main treatment, restore sexual function, stabilize libido, increase testosterone, following these rules:

  1. Normalize your diet, it should be enriched with everything essential vitamins and minerals. Consume vegetables, fruits, and seafood in unlimited quantities. Drink water, at least 2 liters per day, this will help improve your metabolism.
  2. Physical activity, active recreation.
  3. Regular sex life.

Contraindications, side effects

Before using any drug, you need to take into account its components and possible negative consequences for the body.

Use with caution in the following conditions:

  • Some pathologies of the kidneys and liver.
  • Individual intolerance to components.
  • Acute and chronic processes in the prostate.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Obesity.
  • Arterial diseases.


  • Allergic skin reactions.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Blood clot formation.
  • Increased sexual activity.
  • Headaches, fainting.
  • Post-injection phlebitis.
  • Stopping the menstrual cycle.

You should not use hormonal medications without a doctor's prescription. Some of them are not available in pharmacies across the country without a specialist prescription and can be harmful.

Uncontrolled use of therapeutic agents is fraught with serious complications. Subscribe to our website. There is a lot of useful information ahead.

Main male hormone is considered testosterone. It performs many functions. If a man has a deficiency of this hormone, then he begins to be attacked various diseases with severe symptoms. Fortunately, modern medicine I learned to solve this problem. Dozens of effective drugs that increase testosterone. Men who have such a deviation can only choose the most suitable one for themselves.

Drug release form

Medicinal formulations designed to increase testosterone are produced by manufacturers in different forms. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account.

On sale you can find drugs in the form of:

  1. Capsules or tablets. The most convenient form of all existing ones. Such drugs are easily absorbed by the body. However, they are eliminated very quickly, which is why the medicine is not able to for a long time maintain normal hormone levels.
  2. Ointments and gels. They are considered more effective than tablets. Thanks to them, testosterone penetrates the blood quickly enough. If a person has chosen just such a drug, he should be prepared for the fact that with prolonged use of gels, allergic rashes may appear on the skin.
  3. Plasters. They need to be glued to any part of the body or specifically to the scrotum. When the skin comes into contact with a hormonal agent, testosterone quickly penetrates the body. In some cases, these patches cause allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes and irritation.
  4. Implants. They are embedded under the skin. This product takes the form of a small capsule, which a specialist places in the abdominal area. The implant dissolves over time. The medicine allows you to maintain normal hormone levels for six months.
  5. Injections. Most quick way increasing the hormone in the body.

Men should consult with their doctor about what types of testosterone-boosting drugs they should use.

Drugs to increase testosterone levels in a man’s body

It is worth paying attention to the following means to increase testosterone in the blood/

The name of the drug comes from Germany, which has the appearance of a yellow solution with an oily consistency. It is recommended to give this injection once every three months. Medicine can be seen for sale in all pharmacies. It is released only by prescription.

Quite often, Nebido is prescribed to male teenagers who experience delayed puberty. Replenishing testosterone deficiency quickly solves this problem. The drug is often used to treat infertility.

Men who have diabetes mellitus should refrain from using Nebido. malignant neoplasms in the liver and disorders of the cardiovascular system. The doctor should inform you about the presence of other contraindications.


The drug is in the form of a solution that is administered into the body by injection. It contains four active substances that act as hormonal substitutes. Significant changes appear after the first injection. The medicine is usually prescribed to men who suffer from any form of hypogonadism. Injections with the drug are given once every three weeks.

Sustanon-250 is very popular with athletes who are professional bodybuilders. They use it to quickly build muscle mass. However, you should still refrain from using it without medical indications, so as not to cause serious harm to the body.

The drug should not be used to treat men who have been diagnosed with gynecomastia and prostate cancer. Liver disease is also a contraindication.

Another popular drug that helps increase testosterone levels in the male body. It is available in the form of tablets and capsules. The medicine not only replenishes the deficiency of the hormone, but also does not suppress the production of your own testosterone. As a rule, patients tolerate it well. It is worth taking into account that the drug has side effects. But there are not so many of them. It is important that, unlike other hormonal compounds, it is allowed to be used in the presence of liver diseases.

"Andriol" is usually prescribed for the treatment of infertility in men, as well as for endocrine impotence and androgenic osteoporosis. The doctor himself determines the dosage that the patient should adhere to. The pharmacy will sell this drug only if you have a prescription.

French composition, presented in the form of a gel. It is suitable for outdoor use. It has anabolic, androgenic and antitumor effects. The drug effectively increases hormonal levels and normalizes muscle growth and bone tissue.

The patient is allowed to use only 5 g of the gel composition per day. It is applied once a day to the lower abdomen or inner side forearms.

Men who have kidney and liver disease, heart failure or diabetes should avoid using the gel.

"Testosterone propionate"

The best drug among all existing ones. Both doctors and patients speak positively about it. The medicine is in the form of a solution. It is used for the treatment of delayed puberty in adolescents, underdevelopment of the genital organs and infertility.

An individual dosage regimen is selected for each patient hormonal agent. Typically, the course of such therapy lasts about one month. The drug is not recommended for use by men who have been diagnosed with renal liver failure, hypertension and malignant tumors.

As a rule, men who are looking for drugs that increase testosterone at the pharmacy can limit themselves to just one hormonal composition.

Use of dietary supplements

Not only do they help increase testosterone levels medications, but also dietary supplements. They do not belong to the group of hormone replacement agents. They contain plant components that do not cause harm to the body. Dietary supplements help activate the production of your own testosterone. But it is worth considering that they can treat serious deviations hormonal levels it is forbidden. They can cause complications.

It makes sense to use dietary supplements for men without health problems who want to increase muscle mass, and also increase your level of arousal. In addition, the natural components included in dietary supplements improve vascular tone, which has a beneficial effect on potency.

Dietary supplements that increase the amount of testosterone are usually taken by athletes. The following natural remedies are especially popular among them:

  1. "Parity".
  2. "Testoporject".
  3. "Critical PCT".

Many men naively believe that a dietary supplement will give them one hundred percent results. Actually this is not true, because similar means are not checked in clinical settings. Based on practical observations, it can be argued that dietary supplements give the desired effect to every third man. If a person plans to use such a remedy, he should first make an appointment with a specialist. During a conversation with a doctor, a man will find out which supplement is best for him.


Weak potency, a flaccid penis, lack of a long-term erection are not a death sentence for a man’s sex life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help a man gain a stable erection for sex, but they all have their own disadvantages and contraindications, especially if the man is already 30-40 years old. Capsules help not only to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as prevention and accumulation male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!

Drugs that stimulate the production of your own testosterone

Medicines to increase testosterone, which force the hormone to be produced naturally, are used to increase male potency and building muscle mass. They contain harmless components natural origin. They cause the production of luteinizing hormone, which affects the testicles. They, in turn, receive a signal to start producing testosterone. This is exactly how these medications work.

Among the currently existing drugs that stimulate the production natural hormone, especially stand out:

  1. Vitrix.
  2. "Cyclo-Bolan".
  3. "Evo-Test".
  4. "Arimatest".

All these drugs do not belong to the group of hormonal drugs. However, before using them, it is still better to consult with a competent specialist. This is the only way a man can protect himself from side effects which are caused by drugs due to misuse and overdose.

Therapy with medications that stimulate the production of your own hormone will be successful if you follow clear instructions regarding their use and dosage. It is also necessary to undergo regular tests to check your hormonal levels and condition. internal organs, whose work may be adversely affected by such a medicine. You should not self-medicate with such medications, as this can have very unpleasant consequences. The entire course must be completed under the supervision of an experienced physician.

Side effects from hormonal drugs

Men who have had to take hormone-containing formulations have heard that they can have side effects. They should be prepared for the following:

  1. Early puberty , which is accompanied by a closure of bone tissue growth in adolescent boys.
  2. High degree of sexual desire, aggression.
  3. Reducing ejaculate volume in patients who have reached adulthood.

Side effects caused by drugs to increase testosterone in the blood include headaches, seborrhea, acne and an increase in body hair. The development of jaundice should not be ruled out.

If a person does not adhere to the recommended dosage of the drug, he may experience swelling and increased excitability, as well as irritability. In rare cases, patients experience the development of arterial hypertension or hypertensive crisis.

It is highly undesirable to use hormone replacement drugs together with sleeping pills or strong alcoholic drinks. This interaction leads to a significant decrease in the effectiveness of the drugs.

Who can prescribe drugs to increase testosterone

To get a prescription for drugs to increase the amount of testosterone in the blood, you need to visit an endocrinologist. You can also contact an andrologist with this question. Before prescribing the drug, the doctor will offer the patient an examination to determine the cause of the hormone deficiency. Behind additional help You should consult your family doctor or general practitioner.

There is no need to try to solve the problem of lack of testosterone in the blood on your own. After all, incorrectly selected treatment can provoke serious complications that will negatively affect men's health.

Some men of different ages Testosterone levels may decrease. This has a negative impact on men's health. To increase the amount of this hormone in the blood, you do not need to take its medications. Physical activity will help restore the indicator, healthy image life, quality, balanced diet. In the article you will learn everything about testosterone, how to increase testosterone in men in natural ways.

The importance of testosterone in the body of men

What is testosterone is a question that interests many men. Testosterone is a hormone produced primarily in the testes. A small amount of it is produced in the hypothalamus. If the amount of this substance in the body is insufficient, then this gland produces testosterone and other substances that activate the functioning of the testicles.

The hormone has anabolic and androgenic effects. Anabolic activity is manifested in the fact that it helps accelerate the growth of muscles and bones. Testosterone, as a stimulant, retains the necessary microelements in a man’s body - calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, potassium, nitrogen. It also takes part in regulating the water content in cells and tissues.

The androgenic effect is manifested in the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics and the development of typically male character traits. Testosterone regulates libido and sexual behavior.

In the prenatal period, boys develop gender characteristics and develop genitalia. In childhood, the action of the hormone leads to intensive growth of muscle mass and strengthening of bones.

During puberty, the action of the substance leads to the appearance of ejaculations. It provokes the following changes in the body:

  • genital growth;
  • the appearance of hair in the chest, legs, face, axillary area, pubis;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • expansion in the size of the shoulders and chest;
  • chin augmentation;
  • formation of a low voice timbre;
  • growth of bones and muscles.

Important! The normal level of testosterone in men is from 11 to 33 nmol per liter of blood. In men at 30 years of age, the content of free testosterone gradually decreases, and in men at 50 years of age and later, approximately half of the previous amount remains.

The process of age-related decrease in testosterone levels is manifested in the following:

If men experience these symptoms, it is important to measure the hormone levels using a testosterone test.

Why testosterone production decreases in men

There are reasons for decreased production of the main male hormone.

  1. Age. After 35 years, degenerative processes develop in the body, which cause a decrease in testosterone production. Oppose age-related changes impossible.
  2. Reception by athletes anabolic steroids. Synthetic hormones help reduce the activity of the sex glands.
  3. Overweight. Adipose tissue begins to produce excess female hormones estrogen.
  4. Decreased physical activity.
  5. The harmful effects of alcohol and smoking. Alcohol and nicotine negatively affect the condition of the testicles. And since testosterone is produced by the testicles, drinkers and cigarette drinkers experience a reduced level of this hormone in the blood.

Drug treatment of hypotestosteronemia

With a chronic decrease in testosterone, the doctor prescribes pharmaceutical drugs to increase testosterone in injections and tablets. They contain natural or synthetic testosterone. Synthetic analogs are well absorbed by tissues, but have a large number of side effects.

Most hormonal drugs sold in pharmacies are available in the form of injections. If he's in pure form gets into the liver, it will be destroyed here. Testosterone pills are less effective, although the hormone is preserved. Patients are often prescribed such drugs.

    1. Testosterone propionate. It is used intramuscularly for decreased libido and when playing sports. Injections are given once every three days.
    2. Testosterone enanthate. Used for muscle growth. It is administered by injection. The medicine eliminates the symptoms of joint diseases and helps the athlete recover after training.

Dangerous! This is enough powerful tool, therefore it is strictly forbidden to take it without the consent of a doctor.

  1. Boldenone is a synthetic analogue of the hormone. Its use helps increase appetite, accelerated growth muscle mass.
  2. is an anticancer drug, but it can also be taken to treat decreased libido and other disorders associated with testosterone deficiency.
  3. The therapy blocks the effects of estrogen on the male body. Well absorbed by the body.
  4. Proviron is a hormonal drug for men with a pronounced androgenic effect. Increases potency and... If the dosage is prescribed correctly, the drug does not suppress the production of natural testosterone.

Long-term use of hormonal drugs can cause hyperandrogenism in men. This disease manifests itself as acne, blurred vision, and erectile dysfunction. Iatrogenic hyperandrogenism causes a significant increase in the size of the gonads.

How to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

  1. Normalization of sleep patterns. To release in the body normal amount hormone, you need to sleep at least eight hours. A person should wake up without the help of an alarm clock and with a feeling of vigor.
  2. Balanced diet. The diet should contain more minerals and vitamins (E, D, C, B). It is necessary to ensure that the ratio of the main components in food is optimal.
  3. A man must drink sufficient quantity water so that dehydration does not develop in the body. If a man plays sports, the amount of fluid increases. Store-bought juices and carbonated drinks are not considered pure water.
  4. All quickly digestible carbohydrates and fried foods containing large amounts of animal fat should be excluded from the diet. They increase blood cholesterol levels.
  5. The higher a man’s weight, the less sex hormones are produced in his body. To maintain normal testosterone levels, you need to lose weight.
  6. The enemy of testosterone is low physical activity.

Important! Physical activity is the most important factor in maintaining high level male sex hormone until old age. And it depends on this general indicator health.

The role of physical activity in increasing testosterone levels

Moderate physical activity is the main factor in normalizing the level of sex hormones naturally in a natural way. It is the development of muscle strength that contributes to the growth of the main hormone. The most effective for men are simple exercises with physical activity. They should be done in moderation: overwork will have the exact opposite effect.

The principles of proper exercise with loads are as follows.

  1. You need to train for no more than an hour.
  2. The number of classes should not exceed three per week. Be sure to take at least one day break.
  3. It is very important to train big mice. Strength exercises – barbell squats, bench presses – can increase the amount of testosterone in the blood. deadlift and so on.
  4. You need to choose the right weight sports equipment. It should be sufficient to complete no more than 10 repetitions.
  5. Bodybuilding is a great way to increase testosterone naturally.

To overcome low testosterone at home, it is important to engage in other sports activities.

  1. Walking is the simplest and most accessible type of physical activity to control and increase the level of the main male hormone. You need to make sure that the testicles hang freely while walking. This ensures their natural massage.
  2. Short running helps improve hormonal levels in men. It is important that it is short-lived: long running training promotes the release of the testosterone antagonist, cortisol.
  3. The pelvic muscles should be strengthened. To do this, you can perform pelvic rotations, tilts, etc.
  4. Men need to train the coccygeal-pubic muscle (it is localized in the perineum area). Training this muscle significantly increases blood supply to the testicles and promotes the distribution of hormones into the general bloodstream.
  5. Swimming promotes correction hormonal levels men.

How to eat to produce testosterone

Proper sports nutrition is an important condition for the production of male sex hormones. Increase testosterone levels in men folk remedies With the help of a balanced diet it is quite possible. The list of foods that increase testosterone in men is as follows.

  1. All types of seafood - oysters, clams, sea ​​fish, crabs, etc. They enrich the body with valuable unsaturated fatty acids. Contain necessary for men vitamins A, E, zinc, selenium.
  2. Vegetables and fruits neutralize the effects of a large number of harmful substances.
  3. The menu should include fish oil and linseed oil, . Vegetable oils contain valuable omega 3 acids. You should consume up to 20 g of lard: it contains arachidonic acid, which is valuable for health.
  4. Men will benefit from currants, lemon, melon, carrots, peppers, and raisins.
  5. Every day there should be healthy foods for potency on the table - dill, arugula, parsley, basil.
  6. Include porridge in your sports diet - wheat, millet, pearl barley, oatmeal, buckwheat. They contain fiber, which has a positive effect on hormone production.
  7. Hot peppers, onions, turmeric, cardamom, curry promote estrogen metabolism.

It is impossible to increase testosterone if you do not establish a healthy lifestyle, succumb to stress, and bad habits. To improve men's health, it is important to follow these tips.

  1. Your health will improve if you exclude bad habits. Under the influence of alcohol, the natural production of the hormone is disrupted. Particularly harmful to men's health beer because it contains analogues of female sex hormones. It is important to avoid smoking, as nicotine has a negative effect on hormonal levels.
  2. It is recommended to limit coffee consumption.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to eat a lot of food. As a result of poor nutrition, the percentage of adipose tissue increases, which negatively affects the secretion of male hormones.
  4. Fasting also does not promote the production of sex hormones and leads to the development of symptoms of testosterone deficiency. The consequences of fasting adversely affect the condition of muscle mass.
  5. Regular sexual activity helps increase testosterone. Abstinence is extremely harmful to health, so in the absence of regular sexual intercourse, it is useful to masturbate.
  6. Stress must be avoided. It is important for men's health to be in a good mood. Stress – important factor cortisol production.
  7. To protect against the harmful activity of estrogen, it is important to eat more cabbage, red grapes and natural red wine (the latter should be consumed in moderation).
  8. Small victories help increase testosterone production.
  9. It's good to be in the sun. It promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, which increases the amount of testosterone.
  10. It is recommended to use herbal preparations that increase testosterone. These include the following plants: ginseng, eleutherococcus. Based on these herbs, dietary supplements are made - dietary supplements and other herbal preparations.

A lack of testosterone is detrimental to a man's health. To compensate for the deficiency of sex hormones in a man’s body, one should use simple means to increase it. Able to compensate for the reduced level of sex hormones by playing sports, moderate physical activity, rational balanced nutrition.

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To treat hormonal imbalances in men, testosterone preparations are used, which are available in tablets and solutions in pharmacies. The medications are hormonal. Testosterone plays important role in the body, therefore its deficiency or excess significantly affects the quality of life. Over time, a man begins to feel deviations in the amount of this hormone from the norm, which manifests itself in unpleasant symptoms. Helps correct hormonal levels pharmacy testosterone.

What is testosterone

This is the name of one of the essential hormones metabolism, which is part of many metabolic processes. For each period of human development there is its own a basic level of testosterone. The original form of this sex hormone is little active due to binding to androgen receptors and a protein that transports the substance in the blood. It acquires its working form under the action of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. It is produced by the adrenal cortex and testicles. The synthesis is influenced by follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone of the pituitary gland.

Testosterone is the leading hormone in processes related to the reproductive system. It is necessary for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, desire, development of male gonads and spermatogenesis. Other properties:

  • weight and mood regulation;
  • increase in muscle mass;
  • formation of memory and ability to learn.

How to increase testosterone in men

There are a large number of medications that lead to an increase in the level of this hormone. In general, they can be divided into two groups depending on the mechanism of action:

  1. Pharmaceutical preparations to increase testosterone in men using hormone replacement therapy. This method of treatment involves eliminating the deficiency of this hormone by replacing it with exogenous synthetic or natural analogues. This method helps to quickly solve the problem. The downside is the need to continue to use a synthetic hormone.
  2. Medicines that stimulate natural testosterone production. Medicines from this group are able to activate the work of one’s own endocrine glands. This method treatment is longer, but more effective than the previous one. The body independently produces the required amount of this important hormone for a man. This method is especially often used when treating young patients.

Male hormones in tablets

Compared to injectable testosterone tablets, it is a more convenient type drug treatment. This is especially true for those for whom injections are contraindicated. A special feature of the application is the need to use the tablets every day. Therapeutic effect with such therapy it develops faster. The drug increases potency and sexual function in general.

The disadvantage is that the active substance is not retained by the body for long. For this reason, the effect that occurs quickly also passes quickly. Popular medications for increasing testosterone in men in this category:

  • Andriol;
  • Halotestin;
  • Proviron;
  • Vistimon;
  • Vistimon;
  • Metadren.

Testosterone stimulants

Drugs from this group activate the corresponding processes that force the body to independently produce required amount sex hormone. It is worth noting here that treatment with stimulants does not always bring the desired effect. Reason – individual characteristics reserves of every man's body. Stimulants are often used to build muscle mass or enhance male potency.

The principle of action involves the activation of the production of luteinizing enzyme. It affects the testicles, which, after receiving a signal, begin to produce a sex hormone. The following drugs have this effect:

  • Arimatest;
  • Vitrix;
  • Cyclo-Bolan;
  • Animal Test;
  • Evo-Test.

Even the fact that stimulants are not hormonal drugs does not negate prior consultation with a doctor before taking them. For their therapy to be truly effective, it is important to adhere to the instructions and dosage. Before prescribing stimulants, it is necessary to conduct hormone tests, as treatment with hormonal drugs may be required. Self-medication with stimulants can cause negative consequences.

Dietary supplements to increase testosterone in men

Drugs in the category of dietary supplements are not drugs, like hormone replacement drugs, but they are also capable of increasing the level of sex hormones. It is worth noting here that such supplements cannot treat serious hormonal imbalances. The result can be serious complications. For this reason, taking dietary supplements is recommended for those who want to build muscle mass and increase sexual arousal. These products are most often used by professional athletes.

You cannot hope for a 100% result from taking dietary supplements. They are not tested in clinical settings. According to statistics, supplements help a third of all men who use them. Another effect from natural composition Dietary supplements improve vascular tone. This also has a positive effect on potency. This effect is produced by drugs from next list:

  • Tribulus;
  • Parity;
  • Critical PCT;
  • testoporject;
  • Erectogenone;
  • Prostatinol;
  • Sealex Forte Plus;
  • Testogenone.

Testosterone in the pharmacy

Sold at the pharmacy different shapes this sex hormone. Each of them has its own usage features and advantages. The main types of testosterone preparations are:

  1. Capsules. They are the most convenient form of all. Capsules are easier to absorb by the body. The disadvantage is that it is eliminated too quickly, so the drug cannot maintain normal glucose levels for a long time.
  2. Ointments and gels. Compared to capsules and tablets, this form is more effective. The hormone from the ointment or gel penetrates the blood faster. Disadvantage: with prolonged use, allergic reactions are possible.
  3. Plasters. They are glued to any part of the body, most often specifically to the scrotum. The active component, upon contact with the skin, quickly penetrates the blood. The downside is the possibility of rashes.
  4. Injections. Thanks to injections, the steroid enters the body bypassing digestive system, due to which the active component of the drug enters the blood faster.
  5. Implants. They are small capsules placed in the abdominal area. They are used after being embedded under the skin. Normal levels of the sex hormone are maintained for 6 months.


Medicine produced in Germany. It is an oily solution for injection. The active component in the composition is testosterone undecanoate. The quantity in one ampoule is 4 ml. The indication for use is the need to increase the level of the sex hormone of the same name. Other features of using Nebido:

  1. Dosage. Makes 1 ampoule of the drug, i.e. 1 g daily. The injection is administered immediately after opening. Do this as slowly as possible.
  2. Duration of treatment. Equals 3-4 months, taking into account the patient’s condition.
  3. Contraindications. Includes androgen-dependent malignant tumor breast or prostate carcinoma, hypercalcemia, hypersensitivity to the composition, female gender, liver tumor.
  4. Side effects. They manifest themselves in all systems of the body. A reaction in the form of acne and pain at the site of ownership is more common.


French testosterone preparation, produced in gel form. The active substance in it is the hormone of the same name. Each sachet of single-use gel contains 25 or 50 mg active component. Excipients Carbopol, sodium hydroxide, ethanol, water are used. The product has a pronounced androgenic and anabolic effect. It has only one indication for use – replacement therapy for hypogonadism in case of testosterone deficiency. Before using the medicine, you need to study its main features:

  1. How to use. The gel is used externally at the same time every day. The dosage is 5 g. It can be adjusted by a doctor, but not higher than 10 g. The gel is applied to clean and dry skin of the shoulders or abdomen, after which it is left to dry for 3-5 minutes. It is not recommended to use the product on the genitals.
  2. A course of androgen therapy. Determined by a doctor.
  3. Contraindications. Represent increased sensitivity to composition, heart failure, tumors, prostate cancer, epilepsy, arterial hypertension.
  4. Side effects. Possible acne, irritation and erythema at the site of use, increased pressure, paresthesia, dizziness, diarrhea, alopecia.

Testosterone propionate

Judging by the reviews of doctors and patients, this remedy is one of the best. It is a solution of an oily liquid with a specific odor. The auxiliary component in it is ethyl oleate. Testosterone is sold in 1 ml ampoules. The medicine has an anabolic and androgenic effect. As a result of this influence, the development and function of the external genitalia and secondary male sexual characteristics are stimulated. Other Features this drug testosterone:

  1. Indications for use. Includes prostate dystrophy, impotence, acromegaly, sexual underdevelopment, androgen deficiency, oligospermia, mastopathy, uterine fibroids, endometriosis.
  2. Dosage and duration of treatment. Determined taking into account the disease. in most cases, the patient is prescribed 1 ml for intramuscular injection.
  3. Contraindications. The drug should not be used for prostate hyperplasia, myocardial infarction, gynecomastia, diabetes mellitus, or prostate cancer.
  4. Side effects. Increased sexual arousal, atrophy of the mammary glands, facial pastiness, and masculinization in women are possible.


Sustanon 250 contains several types of testosterone - cypionate, enanthate, propionate. Additionally, it contains peanut oil, benzyl alcohol and nitrogen. The solution is available in colorless glass ampoules. The drug is used for replacement therapy in cases of primary and secondary hypogonadism. The solution is administered deeply intramuscularly, 1 ml every 3 weeks. Side effects when using high doses: prostate cancer, neoplasms, fluid retention, polycythemia. Contraindications for Sustanon 250 are:

  • age less than 3 years;
  • suspected prostate or breast cancer;
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug.


Testosterone preparations are often available in tablet form. For example, the drug Andriol. These tablets and capsules are well tolerated by patients and do not suppress the production of the hormone testosterone. The medicine makes up for its deficiency. Indications for use are:

  • hypopituitarism;
  • post-castration syndrome;
  • infertility;
  • endocrine impotence;
  • menopausal symptoms in men;
  • masculinization in transsexuals.

The dosage of the drug is 120-160 mg. Reception is carried out within 2-3 weeks. side effects may include closure of bone growth zones, premature puberty, and increased frequency of erections. Contraindications to taking Andriol are:

  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • intolerance to components;
  • prostate or breast carcinoma.


The basis of the drug Omnadren 250 is a mixture of testosterone esters. Release form – oil solution for injection. Indications for use are:

  • impotence;
  • infertility;
  • postcarcinoma syndrome;
  • eunuchoidism;
  • oligospermia;
  • hypopituitarism;
  • male menopause;
  • lack of androgens.

The average dosage is 1 ml of the product. The medicine is injected once every 28 days deep into the gluteal muscle. Side effects may occur in relation to the endocrine, reproductive, digestive, circulatory and nervous system. contraindications to the use of Omnadren:

  • hypercaluria;
  • suspected prostate or breast carcinoma;
  • gynecomastia;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • asthenia;
  • renal, liver or heart failure.


In the category of dietary supplements for increasing testosterone, we can highlight Parity. It is based on an extract of Eurycoma longifolia roots, Yohimbe bark, Antler antlers, Ginger rhizome and nicotinamide. The composition contains vitamin E and magnesium stearate. The principle of action is to stimulate the body to produce its own sex hormone. Use this effect in case of complaints about:

  • erectile dysfunction;
  • decreased libido;
  • lack of vitamin E, zinc and Nicotinamide.

Adults are prescribed 1 capsule daily with food. The course of therapy lasts 15 days. Allergic reactions are possible after use. The only contraindication to taking Parity is individual intolerance to the components. There were no cases of drug overdose. It is only possible that the listed side effects will intensify.


basis this tool the plant Tribulus Terrestris stands out. Through chemical reactions, a food extract is obtained from raw materials, which is classified as a highly active drugs. Take the drug 1-3 times every day after meals. Maximum permissible daily dose is 1250 mg. Indications for use are:

When treated with Tribulus, acne, digestive disorders and horse racing may occur. blood pressure. Do not take the drug if:

  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • prostate hypertrophy;
  • renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


Another powerful testosterone booster is Vitrix. The product belongs to the category sports nutrition. The basis is also the Tribulus plant, but the drug itself is produced using a different technology. Formulated with a special liquid blend of phyto-nutrients including Eurycoma longifolia, Common oatmeal, Oatmeal and Epidmedium. You need to take the drug 3 capsules in the morning and evening. Vitrix is ​​contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • under 18 years of age.

Price for testosterone drugs

The cost of medicines and dietary supplements is determined by the type of product, its manufacturer and place of purchase. You can buy testosterone tablets for men in Moscow and St. Petersburg at the following prices:


Not only are there problems in bed, but also depression and excess weight gain. However, it is impossible to increase testosterone levels solely by taking dietary supplements or prescription drugs- without regular physical training and a diet that provides the most important microminerals cannot raise testosterone.

It is also necessary to remember that there are no simple and accessible methods precise definition testosterone levels at home - just like there are no clear signs low level this hormone. Only a laboratory blood test can show whether you have low testosterone or not. Besides, high testosterone- this is also not always good.

What is testosterone?

Testosterone is the key male sex hormone most commonly associated with the sex hormone. Testosterone is responsible for both the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in boys during adolescence and muscle growth in adulthood. In addition, the level of the hormone testosterone is directly related to libido and the emotional state of a man.

Normal testosterone levels

To assess testosterone levels, the level of free testosterone in the blood is used (it is important not to confuse this with the level total testosterone), measured in nmol/l or pg/ml. Free testosterone is the biologically active form of the hormone not bound to blood plasma proteins. Free testosterone represents 1-3% of the total testosterone level in the body.

Blood is taken from a vein to analyze the level of this hormone, preferably in the morning or after 10-12 hours after the last meal. Separately, it should be noted that there is no single and clear figure for the “normal” level of testosterone - the level of this hormone can fluctuate significantly in a person, even within one day.

Supplements to Boost Testosterone

Before we talk about special supplements and drugs to increase testosterone levels, it is necessary to name vitamins and minerals, the deficiency of which negatively affects testosterone. For supporting normal level testosterone, a man needs to receive at least 10-15 mg of zinc, 400-420 mg of magnesium and 400-1000 IU of vitamin D every day.

A lack of zinc in the diet is typical for urban residents (its sources are nuts, seafood and animal liver), just like a lack of vitamin D in the winter - to synthesize this vitamin you need to be in the sun for at least 30-40 minutes a week. That is why it is often possible to increase testosterone by taking vitamin D and.


Confident evidence base Vitamin D, zinc and magnesium (in case of their deficiency) have a positive effect on testosterone levels. Of the hundreds of plant extracts available as dietary supplements, very few have been studied - only a few have even controversial evidence for their ability to increase testosterone.

Scientific sources:

  1. The role and molecular mechanism of D-aspartic acid in the release and synthesis of LH and testosterone in humans and rats,
  2. d-Aspartic acid supplementation combined with 28 days of heavy resistance training has no effect on body composition, muscle strength, and serum hormones associated with the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in resistance-trained men,
  3. Clinical study of Tribulus terrestris Linn. in Oligozoospermia: A double blind study,