Anti-constipation product for dogs. How to treat constipation in a decorative dog? Main causes of the disease

Every dog ​​owner at least once in his life has encountered such a problem with his pet as the absence or difficulty of defecation. Older animals are most often susceptible to this phenomenon. What is constipation in a dog, and what to do at home to help the animal in this situation?


A healthy dog ​​goes to the toilet “in a big way” at least 1-2 times a day. The owner should be alerted to a decrease in the number of bowel movements or their absence - not even once in 3 days. However, there is no need to sound the alarm ahead of time. The number of bowel movements largely depends on the age, physiological characteristics, and size of the animal.

If your four-legged pet is alert, playful and cheerful, eats well, and its feces have a uniform consistency, then there is no reason to worry. It’s a completely different matter if, on a walk, you notice how the dog tries, but cannot go to the toilet, strains and at the same time whines and squeals. This means he is constipated.

Other symptoms of constipation:

  • the consistency of stool is hard and dry;
  • feces have irregular shape, their number is very small;
  • there are hairballs in the stool;
  • the abdomen is hard, swollen (due to the accumulation of gases), painful on palpation;
  • lack of appetite due to intestinal obstruction;
  • increased thirst;
  • vomit;
  • feverish condition;
  • malaise, apathy, decreased activity.

In advanced cases, blood is present in the feces, undigested food, there is an unpleasant putrid smell.


Stagnation in the intestines can occur for many reasons, including due to dangerous pathologies developed in the body. Constipation as one of the obvious symptoms can be caused by the following diseases:

  • liver or kidney dysfunction;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • orthopedic problems;
  • neurological diseases;
  • oncology or neoplasms in the intestines, anus;
  • prostate enlargement, prostatitis, practitis;
  • illnesses gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, flatulence, chemostasis, coprostasis).

Constipation in a dog can occur not only due to health problems, but also due to external factors:

  • poor nutrition (lack of fiber in food, predominance of dry food in the diet, consumption of fatty foods and hard tubular bones);
  • foreign objects entering the stomach;
  • overeating or undereating;
  • lack of water in the bowl;
  • long-term use of medications.

Whatever the reason for the difficult passage of feces, this problem requires immediate resolution so that the pet does not experience serious health complications - intoxication of the body, critical internal injuries intestines (up to rupture), stress on the heart. If a dog does not go to the toilet “in a big way” for more than a week, there is a high probability of death.

How to treat

The cause of difficult fecal passage is determined by the doctor based on an examination of the animal, an x-ray of the peritoneum, general analysis blood, ultrasound. The age of the dog, its lifestyle, feeding regimen and diet must be taken into account. After diagnosis and exclusion of others possible reasons that cause constipation, treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed.

If a dog becomes constipated after eating bones, and the intestines are clogged with fragments, surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Surgical intervention is also necessary for chymostasis, suspected volvulus, since conservative treatment does not give results.

For constipation, accompanied by excessive vomiting and lack of appetite, droppers are recommended, with the help of which the body receives protection from dehydration.

It is recommended to take medications containing lactulose (Lactusan, Livolak, Duphalac), which help soften stool.

In severe cases caused by constipation, amputation of part of the large intestine along with the masses of feces filling it is carried out.

First aid

How to help your dog with constipation at home? If constipation is not associated with pathology, the pet feels satisfactory, feces come out partially - your pet can be cured on your own.

Well proven for intestinal problems Vaseline oil which is given orally. To do this, Vaseline oil is warmed to room temperature and injected into the dog’s cheeks with a syringe without a needle. Half a teaspoon is enough for puppies, representatives miniature breeds- 1 tsp, for medium-sized dogs - 1 tbsp. l., large dogs - 2-3 tablespoons. It is recommended to give twice a day until the animal goes to the toilet normally.

Vaseline oil leaves the body naturally, so even if you accidentally overdose, there is no need to worry. Instead of Vaseline oil, you can give your dog flaxseed oil.

An excellent way to help a dog defecate is an enema, which ensures effective removal of feces (up to 100%). This should be done if the dog has not gone to the toilet for more than 2 days. A contraindication to this procedure is the presence of a serious illness or pathological neoplasms in the intestines. In such cases, an enema will do more harm than good.

To perform an enema you will need warm water, saline solution or decoction medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile. For best effect Warm Vaseline oil is added to the enema.

It is advisable to ask someone to help you, especially if the dog is very large: one person holds the animal, the second inserts the bulb into the rectum. This should be done carefully and slowly. After introducing the solution anus Press it with your fingers for two minutes to soften the feces. If the solution immediately flows out and does not go away, it is not advisable to continue the procedure - this may indicate intestinal obstruction.

For hygiene purposes, the procedure is carried out with rubber gloves; the most suitable place for this is the bath.

To treat poor bowel movements, dietary adjustments are necessary. The diet should not contain:

  • rice, beans, corn;
  • rich broths;
  • cheeses;
  • muscle meat;
  • dry food;
  • bones;
  • fatty food;
  • whole milk;
  • fresh bakery.

Food is given in small portions in warm and liquid form. Overfeeding the dog is unacceptable. Olive (or other vegetable) oil added 1-2 drops to food will help improve intestinal motility.

Improves bowel function:

  • porridge with water or milk:
  • fresh or stewed vegetables (carrots, beets, pumpkin);
  • boiled fillet sea ​​fish;
  • fermented milk products without additives;
  • cabbage juice;
  • fresh plums or prunes (no more than 2 pieces).

If you are constipated after surgery

Disturbances in bowel movements after surgery in dogs are not uncommon. If the animal develops symptoms of constipation during the postoperative period, consultation with the attending physician is necessary, otherwise a pet may undergo further surgery.

The causes of such constipation are usually antibiotics and other medications that are used to treat the dog for a speedy recovery.

In the first days after surgery, the animal must go on a diet. He needs to be fed with liquid broths, fermented milk products, kefir with added bran, porridge, minced meat, and light foods should be gradually introduced into the menu. Dry food is excluded.

It is impossible to even imagine creatures more devoted to humans than dogs. They love us, their owners, selflessly, and in return we surround our pets with affection and care. The main thing is that the pet is always healthy and it largely depends on the owner of the dog whether it will have health problems or not.

Symptoms of Constipation in Dogs

The main symptom of constipation is complete or partial retention of stool. Partial delay is manifested in the fact that the pet poops less often (the norm in adult animals is 1-3 times a day, in puppies it can be up to 5 times) and does it with great difficulty, the feces come out in dry and hard small pellets.

Constipation also manifests itself with other symptoms:

  • the stomach becomes hard and painful due to the accumulation of gases;
  • the dog loses its appetite or completely refuses to eat;
  • the animal becomes lethargic, weak and inactive;
  • in severe cases on the mucous membrane appears in the mouth white coating and vomiting may begin - these are signs of intoxication of the body.

Causes of constipation in dogs

The following reasons can be identified:

  • poor nutrition;
  • insufficient water consumption;
  • overfeeding;
  • inactivity;
  • foreign object in the intestine;
  • medical problems.

Poor nutrition

Poor nutrition is the most common reason occurrence of rectal obstruction in dogs. They are strictly forbidden to eat baked goods, sweets, smoked meats and fatty meats.

Constipation often occurs in dogs that regularly chew bones. The fact is that bone debris accumulates in the intestines and this can cause not only constipation, but also intestinal obstruction. Especially hollow bird bones are dangerous, sharp pieces of which can cause perforation internal organs.

Insufficient water consumption

The basis of the dog's drink is ordinary water. If she consumes little water, then the likelihood of constipation increases significantly, especially when she eats predominantly dry food.


Overeating can cause dogs to become obese, which in turn can cause many health problems, including constipation.

Sedentary lifestyle

Shortage physical activity in dogs - this is one of the main reasons for the decrease muscle tone, including intestinal smooth muscles, which contributes to constipation. Especially Moderate is important physical activity for older pets who, due to age, already have reduced intestinal tone.

Foreign object in the intestines

Often in digestive tract dogs may end up with foreign objects that can neither be digested nor excreted naturally. These could be bones, small toys, pieces of cellophane or other objects. In these cases, in addition to constipation, the animal may suffer from severe abdominal pain. If such symptoms are observed, the animal should be immediately shown to a veterinarian.

Medical problems

Quite often the cause of constipation is various diseases, such as:

  • diseases of the digestive canal;
  • metabolic disease;
  • tumors in the intestines;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • neurological diseases;
  • diabetes.

Consequences of constipation in dogs

Some dog owners take constipation in their pets lightly - they say there is nothing wrong with it. Indeed, in most cases there is nothing tragic in this situation. But constipation, especially long-term, may have very serious consequences , such as:

  • intoxication of the body;
  • intestinal rupture;
  • critical damage to internal organs.

So, based on all the symptoms and signs, the dog was constipated. What should the owner do in this case?

In any case, you need to find out the cause and first of all treat it, and do it without qualified assistance veterinarian is difficult.

Severe cases of constipation

If your dog shows signs of constipation with complete cessation of bowel movements and pronounced changes in behavior, then it is necessary contact your veterinarian immediately to promptly find the cause of constipation and prescribe treatment.

In some particularly serious cases, only surgical treatment. You cannot do without this measure in case of such problems:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • volvulus;
  • formation of a tumor or cyst;
  • the presence of a foreign object in the digestive tract.

So that surgical treatment gives positive result, you must completely follow all the doctor’s recommendations on the rehabilitation of the animal in the postoperative period.

If the cause of constipation is any systemic internal disease, which does not require surgical intervention, then you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. And in this case, we can only advise one thing - to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions.

Mild cases of constipation

Constipation does not always (and thank God!) require serious therapeutic or surgical treatment.

If symptoms of constipation do not cause much discomfort for the dog, then you can try the following treatment methods:

  • change in diet;
  • folk remedies;
  • enemas;
  • medications;
  • increased physical activity.

Changing your diet

You must immediately exclude sweets, baked goods, fatty meats, smoked meats, eggs, rich broths, hard cheese and bones from your diet. The only meat a dog can eat is beef, veal and chicken.

If the dog is accustomed to bones, then it's better to give her bones from the veins, since they can be completely chewed.

Food should be given only in small portions, warm and softened. Boiled buckwheat porridge and stewed vegetables (carrots, zucchini, cabbage) are very useful for constipation. From dairy - low-fat kefir or natural yogurt. If the dog is used to eating food, then it is best go to special dietary varieties stern.

And we must not forget that the dog should always have water in his bowl, especially if his diet includes most constitute dry food.

Folk remedies

Proven folk remedies for the treatment of constipation:

  • a weak decoction of buckthorn;
  • infusion of pumpkin seeds - pour a teaspoon of pumpkin seeds with half a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes;
  • linseed oil– give large dogs a tablespoon twice a day, small dogs a teaspoon also twice a day;
  • warm Vaseline oil - give twice a day in the following portions: for miniature dogs - a teaspoon, for medium dogs - a tablespoon, for large dogs - two tablespoons. Most The best way- from a syringe behind the dog’s cheek.


One of the best means Treatment of constipation is an enema with warm Vaseline oil. The oil is introduced into the rectum very slowly, without effort. For dogs of very large breeds - 200 ml of oil is enough, 100 ml - for dogs weighing from 20 to 40 kg, for small dogs– 50 ml, for miniature breeds – a tablespoon.

If the oil does not flow, then this procedure must be stopped immediately, as this may be intestinal obstruction.


“Human” laxatives help well:

  • “Lactusan” – syrup or tablets;
  • "Duphalac" - syrup;
  • "Bisacodyl";
  • "Purgen";
  • magnesium and sodium sulfates;
  • Castor oil.

To relieve pain, you can use “No-shpu” and “Baralgin”.

Physical activity

This is the most affordable way prevention of many ailments in dogs, including constipation. You just need to walk your dog more and more often - at least three times a day, for at least 30 minutes, and weekends can be longer.

Treatment of constipation in puppies

Symptoms of constipation in puppies are the same as in adult dogs. If these symptoms appear in a puppy, it is, of course, better to consult a doctor, especially if the dog has severe pronounced change in behavior.

In mild cases of constipation, you can do without the help of specialists. In principle, recommendations for the treatment and prevention of constipation in puppies and adult dogs are the same.

But there are some nuances.


This procedure must be approached with extreme caution, and it is best if an experienced specialist administers the enema to puppies.

Physical activity

An active lifestyle is especially important for puppies. So play and walk more with your small pet - the puppy needs to be walked at least 4-5 times a day.


Constipation in a puppy can be a consequence of various internal diseases.

It is not uncommon for four-legged friends to encounter delicate problems. In particular, constipation in a dog can cause discomfort. pet. Unfortunately, not all dog breeders are sufficiently informed about the seriousness of similar problem, effective methods its elimination. An owner who knows what to do if a dog is constipated will be able to quickly provide proper assistance to their pet.

It is very important to pay attention to the symptoms of constipation in a dog in order to identify problems with its intestines in time. A healthy dog ​​relieves itself twice a day. Less frequent bowel movements or their cessation should alert the owner. This is not yet a reason for serious unrest, since defecation is directly influenced by many factors: individual physiological characteristics animal, its size, age. However, it is worth taking a closer look at the dog’s behavior.

If your four-legged friend is alert, cheerful, has a good appetite, the consistency of his feces is homogeneous, tight, you don’t have to worry too much. It’s another matter when, while walking, the dog does not go to the toilet at all, makes constant attempts to push, strains intensely, and often sits down. At such moments, the dog can often whine or squeal, which indicates his pain.

The presence of problems with defecation is often indicated by bloating and rumbling of the dog’s abdomen, provoked by a large accumulation of gases in the intestines. At such moments, the pet refuses food, suffers from vomiting, general malaise, and is tormented by thirst. The four-legged friend looks lethargic, he is inactive, does not want to go for a walk, and once outside, he tries to quickly get home again.

In most cases self-treatment Constipation in a dog will not cause problems. TO veterinary care You will need to resort if the feces contain: bloody impurities, foam, pieces of undigested food, the smell of feces gives off rottenness, dampness.

Common causes of constipation

From proper organization nutrition directly affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract four-legged friend. A fairly common cause of problems with bowel movements is the animal eating large quantities of bones. Prolonged constipation in a dog after bones is a serious matter. This trouble happens when the dog is given boiled tubular bones for food.

The presence of strong broth and a significant amount of fiber in his menu negatively affects the functioning of the four-legged friend’s intestines. Difficulty defecating can be caused by eating, unsuitable dog.
In addition, constipation is sometimes a consequence of overfeeding.

Very often, the occurrence of constipation indicates the development of diseases in the animal’s body that affect the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, problems of an orthopedic, neurological nature, problems with the paraanal gland, and prostate dysfunction in the male. Foreign objects, which enter the dog’s intestines, can also block the passage of feces.

Constipation Treatment Methods

When making recommendations on how to treat constipation in a dog, the veterinarian may prescribe giving the animal medications with lactulose, which soften the stool (Lizolak, Duphalac, Lactusan, Portalac, etc.). The use of Vaseline oil for constipation in dogs has proven itself to be effective. different breeds. A timely enema given to a dog with constipation will ensure successful defecation.

The veterinarian who has examined the dog is able to conclude that there are accumulated bone fragments in the animal’s intestines. When deciding how to cure constipation in a dog after bones - what to do, a specialist may even insist on surgical intervention.
The owner, who is worried that the dog has constipation from bones - what to do, should know that his pet will undergo surgery (carried out under general anesthesia).

For constipation, which is accompanied by profuse vomiting and complete refusal of food, the veterinarian will recommend maintenance therapy using IVs. This allows you to resist dehydration in your pet's body. Extremely rarely, in the most difficult situations the surgeon amputates a fragment of the colon filled with hardened feces. Check out the article:

How to adjust a dog's diet?

If there is no need for medical intervention, the owner is able to help his pet by adjusting his diet. You will need to exclude from the dog's menu: rice, corn, legumes, meat broths, cheeses, yesterday's fermented milk products, muscular (muscle) meat. It will be necessary to refuse to issue poultry bones (chicken, turkey, duck). Large bones should be given raw, without pre-cooking.

Fractional distribution of small amounts of feed (liquid, warm) is justified. The animal menu includes: boiled buckwheat, stewed vegetables, boiled sea fish in small portions (boneless), fresh kefir, raw carrots, beets, plums (maximum 2 pieces). A sick animal can be offered ready-made canned food from the categories “for puppies” and “for chronically ill dogs.”

Effective home remedies for constipation

You can count on effective treatment of constipation in a dog at home if the cause of this problem is poor diet.

Alleviating the condition of your four-legged friend can be achieved by issuing following products: yogurt (before breakfast), fresh cabbage, beet, carrot juices (these should be given carefully due to the risk of allergies), buckthorn decoction, infusion of pumpkin seeds (2 tablespoons of seeds are poured with boiling water in the amount of 1 glass ). Also helpful: vegetable oil with crushed flaxseeds and flaxseed oil.

When thinking about what to give your dog for constipation, you should know that under no circumstances should you use all of the listed products at once.

The owner may be concerned about the question: “What is the first aid for constipation in a dog - what to do to alleviate the pet’s condition?” To cleanse the animal’s intestines, a water enema is allowed (temperature boiled water: 25 - 30 ° C). A four-legged friend of small or medium size will benefit from an enema using a regular rubber bulb. To a large dog An “Esmarch mug” with a tip is recommended.

Good results are obtained by performing cleansing enemas with Vaseline. Warm Vaseline oil should be slowly and carefully introduced into the animal’s rectum. Representative large breed the introduction of 1 cup of oil is indicated. For a dog whose weight does not exceed 20 kg, 75-100 ml is administered; for a small dog, 1-2 tablespoons are enough. spoons. To perform an enema, it is advisable to place your pet in a basin (bathtub) to minimize the possibility of contamination of the room.

Before using the enema, you should try to get the animal to take petroleum jelly orally. Warm Vaseline oil must be injected behind the dog’s cheeks using a syringe (the needle is removed).
Representative dwarf breed 1 teaspoon is enough. spoons, medium - 1 tablespoon, large - 2-3 tablespoons. spoons. Oral dispensing of Vaseline oil is carried out 2 times a day.

During the period when the dog suffers from constipation, it is recommended to walk him 5 times a day. The animal should move more, which will immediately affect the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract. This number of long active walks should be observed for 2 - 3 days.

Preventing constipation

In order not to encounter the problem: “Constipation in a dog - how to help?”, you need to know what is necessary to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon.

The owner will need to follow the feeding regime for his four-legged friend. Giving the animal the prescribed portion of food must be done strictly at a certain time. The presence of large amounts of heavy foods in the diet is not recommended. It is forbidden to offer your pet bones daily. The bones should be given out as a rare treat.

Enrichment of the four-legged friend’s nutrition through vitamin and mineral supplements is welcome.

It is very important not to limit your dog's water intake. Be sure to always have fresh, clean water in the animal’s bowl.

It is worth trying to increase the time you take your pet for a one-time walk to at least 20 minutes. It is better to go for a walk after at least half an hour has passed since the animal ate food. No need to ignore execution preventive vaccinations animal, taking anthelmintic drugs.

What to do if it starts in a dog? Is it possible to treat a pet with folk remedies or is it better to use medications? In what cases is self-medication strictly contraindicated? We'll figure it all out below.

Every owner should understand that treatment at home without consulting a veterinarian is always fraught with risks and complications. To effectively and correctly treat constipation in a dog, it is necessary to clearly understand the reasons why the digestive process is disrupted.

Important! If you doubt the accuracy, it is better to contact a veterinarian who can conduct a comprehensive examination.

Constipation can have different causes and develops against the background of an unbalanced or serious pathological disorder. If a dog develops constipation, against which there are no other symptoms or sharp deterioration health status, you can try to help with folk remedies.

Most often, constipation occurs due to a lack of water in the dog’s body. Try to enrich your pet's diet with water, switch it to liquid nutrition and partially replace the water with Regidron solution. Caution must be exercised with Regidron solution, since an overdose can increase the load on the kidneys.

Dogs enjoy eating liquid food. From fermented milk products You can offer your pet kefir, fermented baked milk, whey, yogurt, yogurt or cottage cheese diluted with milk to a liquid consistency. You can saturate the body with liquid using broth, to which chopped meat is added. Raw eggs can be introduced into your pet's diet as a source of fluid, protein and fat.

Most dogs enjoy eating vegetables. boiled beets has a mild laxative effect. If the dog is not used to eating beets, the product must be administered in small doses. Can be considered as a natural laxative raw liver(chicken or beef), fatty ocean fish or fish fat . Flaxseed or olive oil should be added to each serving of food.

Important! With a sudden change in diet, the dog’s body may go into “saving” mode, which will cause the owner to consider the therapy ineffective. If you do not notice positive changes in the first hours, continue therapy anyway. However, the slightest signs of intoxication are a reason to urgently contact a veterinarian.

Against the background of increasing the fat content of the diet and the introduction of laxative foods it is necessary to increase physical activity during walks. It is important to choose exercises that do not force the dog to strain the abdomen. Make your pet run or walk quickly. Jumping and lifting weights are strictly prohibited.

During therapy, to eliminate constipation in a dog, it is important to control the load. Being in a state of monotonous stress, the body slows down its metabolism, which leads to a worsening of the animal’s condition. Provide your pet with maximum comfort and peace when he is in your home. If there are children in the family, try to control their interaction with animals. If the dog goes to his place and tries to sleep, it is better not to disturb him.

Advice! When treating constipation in a pet with folk or medications, almost all manipulations involve stress. The treatment of the animal should be carried out by the family member whom the dog trusts most.

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When providing independent assistance to animals, it is necessary adhere to the “do no harm” principle. Carefully monitor changes in your pet's condition and contact your veterinarian if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Nausea, vomiting– symptoms indicating the development
  • Ammonia breath odor I - indicates acute, which can develop against the background of intoxication.
  • – indicates damage to the intestinal walls or blockage of the paranal glands.
  • Blood or mucus with a rotting smell coming from the anus– may indicate development viral pathology or bleeding in the intestines.
  • Body change– an increase in temperature indicates stimulation of the immune system and the development of pathology. A decrease in body temperature indicates a loss of strength, severe intoxication or a necrotic process.
  • Change in color of mucous membranes– pallor and cyanosis may indicate a malfunction of the product. Intense pink or red gum color indicates an increase in core body temperature.
  • Instead of feces, mucus comes out of the anus(sometimes mixed with feces) is a sign of acute constipation, which is often confused with.
  • Feces in the form of dense, dry balls– symptom chronic constipation, which develops as a sign of a more serious, systemic disorder.
  • Excessive defecation of moist, shapeless feces and - indicates intestinal atony, that is, loss of its contractile activity and emptying only upon overflow.

Treatment of constipation in a dog at home is strictly not recommended if the pet refused water appears apathetic or very weak. You can do without consulting a doctor if constipation is caused by past treatment (), recent constipation, stress or age.

Treatment of constipation in dogs with folk remedies

Among folk remedies for the treatment of constipation in pets, the leader is a suspension prepared from condensed milk and water. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and given to the dog every 30–40 minutes, 3–4 times a day. Such a suspension should not be given to a healthy animal, as it will lead to the development of diarrhea. For constipation, condensed milk with water helps to saturate the feces with moisture and their natural exit from the animal’s body.

Most owners know that constipation in their pet can be treated. The drug is considered safe because it passes through the dog’s body in “transit” and is not absorbed. After entering the intestines, Vaseline oil envelops its walls, preventing the absorption of water. The water that is retained in the intestines is absorbed into the stool, softening it.

Vaseline can be used in two forms: oil and candles. On average dog The maximum dosage of oil should not exceed 50 ml at a time. The oil is evaporated every 1–2 hours, no more than 5 times. Usually, defecation occurs after 2-3 doses.

Vaseline suppositories are inserted into the anus. For small dogs, the candle is first divided into two parts. Suppositories are administered at intervals of 1–2 hours, but, like oil, they are not recommended to be used more than 5 times. Defecation may occur 2–3 hours after the first insertion of the suppository.

Many experienced owners animals know that it has a laxative effect pumpkin. Dogs are usually happy to take sweet medicine in its raw form. If the dog is not accustomed to eating vegetables, the pumpkin can be steamed and mixed with cottage cheese. In addition, boiled beets, raw liver and vegetable oils have a laxative effect.

Advice: if the dog refuses dietary products, you can discreetly add crushed sunflower seeds to your food. Peeled, not roasted sunflower seeds contain sufficient quantity oils and fats to relieve recent constipation.

Read also: Kvamatel for dogs: general information and purpose

Often used in the treatment of constipation glycerol. As an independent drug, glycerin is almost powerless, but against the backdrop of diet and increased physical activity, it is quite effective. In addition, after using glycerin, for a more comfortable and quick fix constipation, it is recommended to perform a cleansing enema.

Enema as a way to treat constipation in dogs

As a treatment for constipation in a dog, an enema with clean water or with the addition of oil is quite effective. If you cannot guess why constipation began, it is better not to use any enema supplements.

All preparations must be made in advance. To perform an enema, you will need moisture-absorbing diapers, napkins, disposable gloves and the solution itself. It is advisable to carry out all manipulations indoors. Because during the enema the dog will feel discomfort, most likely she will try to get up and run away. To prevent escape, secure your pet in advance with a collar and leash.

To perform an enema, the dog is placed on its side, although some animals can withstand the procedure even in a standing position. The enema spout is generously lubricated with Vaseline and inserted into the anus, no deeper than 2.5 cm. After introducing the liquid, the enema spout is carefully removed. The dog's tail must be pressed against anus and hold for at least 1-3 minutes.

After the manipulations have been carried out, there are three options for the development of events:

  • Take the animal outside quickly, as most dogs will restrain defecation knowing that such actions are prohibited in the home.
  • Place an absorbent diaper under your pet.
  • Put a diaper on your dog.

Note! After an enema, most animals cannot hold in their bowel movements, so defecation may occur before going outside. Be prepared for such consequences and do not scold your dog under any circumstances!

After the enema, if defecation does not occur, the dog can be given abdominal massage. To stimulate peristalsis, it is necessary to stroke abdominal cavity clockwise with light palpation. If in response to pressure you feel gurgling in the intestines, then the massage is helping.

After your dog has had a bowel movement, carefully inspect the stool. There should be no inclusions of scarlet blood in the feces! Small clots or threads of coagulated blood are the consequences of damage to the intestinal walls during the movement of feces.

After a cleansing enema, the time of defecation may extend for 2–3 hours. If during the specified period nothing except water comes out of the animal’s intestines, you should urgently contact a veterinarian. Most often, the absence of bowel movements after a cleansing enema indicates or intestines.

Treatment of constipation in dogs with medications

What to do if folk remedies do not help eliminate constipation in your dog? Gentle remedies may indeed not have the expected effect if constipation lasts more than 2 days because the stool has become too dry. Such constipation can be acute or chronic and must be relieved with a safe medication.

Full or partial stool retention – always warning sign, which can lead to intestinal rupture, intoxication, serious damage to internal organs and even the death of the pet! Of course, not all cases are so scary. But the owner must know why it arose, what to do in such a situation and how to avoid problems with bowel movements in the future.

To spot problems early, notice how often your pet goes to the toilet. Puppies have bowel movements up to five times a day, because... their metabolism is accelerated. Aging pets poop less often because... metabolism is slow - once every 2-3 days. Adult dogs defecate once a day, giant breeds - once every two days. The stool should resemble a sausage, smooth and shiny, of the same consistency and evenly colored.

1. In order for feces to move through the intestines, sufficient peristalsis (wave-like contractions that push the contents) is necessary. The intestines can “stand up” various reasons– diseases of internal organs and neurological disorders, infections, obesity or exhaustion, low activity, diabetes. In such cases, signs of constipation in dogs are expressed by constipation - the pet pushes often and for a long time, but the output volume is clearly less than usual, the feces come out in rounds or flakes, the pet whines.

Anesthesia almost always leads to a decrease in peristalsis due to the relaxing effect of the drug on the muscles. To avoid problems, veterinarians recommend a postoperative diet (light food in small portions in the form of slimy porridges, soups) and mild laxatives. It is important to follow all instructions, as constipation after surgery can cause sutures to come apart, severe pain. Difficulties with defecation are possible due to the formation of adhesions during abdominal surgery.

Read also: Aspergillosis - mycosis of the nasal sinuses in cats and dogs

2. For normal bowel movements, a sufficient volume and certain moisture content of the stool is necessary. If there is too much feces, they simply will not be able to pass through the intestines and will accumulate inside. The same thing happens if the stool is very dry. For example, after bones occurs for precisely these reasons - dry bones literally clog the intestines.

To avoid problems, your pet needs to be fed properly and monitor the amount of fluid consumed. A semi-liquid menu is recommended for light-drinking dogs. Dry food, contrary to popular belief, does not cause constipation in dogs, because... V healthy stomach the granules quickly turn into mush. But with gastrointestinal diseases, dry food can cause constipation.

3. With obstruction (from “obstruction”), constipation in a dog shows quite severe symptoms - weakness, painful and hard stomach, thirst and poor appetite. The pet is pushing hard, but there is no stool. Sometimes vomiting develops and the mucous membranes turn pale. If the condition lasts longer than 3 days, intoxication increases (feces poison the body).

The cause of obstruction may be feces (prolonged constipation leads to drying out of the contents and the formation of stones), foreign body(toy, bone), tumor, a large number of worms. In such a situation, treating constipation with improvised means threatens the life of the pet! Enemas, laxatives and other drugs increase peristalsis and increase the volume of masses, but the intestinal lumen is closed - feces press on the intestinal walls, which leads to damage to the mucous membranes and, ultimately, to rupture.

Read also: Hematuria in dogs is an important sign of a serious illness.

First aid

When thinking about how to help a dog with constipation, owners often rely on laxatives from a human medicine cabinet. As mentioned above, in some cases this can seriously aggravate the problem, so any pills and medicines should only be taken after a visit to the veterinarian.

If you can’t see a doctor right away, you can try to solve the problem yourself:

1. We exclude from the menu muscle meat, meat broths, rice and corn, cheese, eggs, yesterday’s sour milk. We feed in small portions, the food is warm and semi-liquid (well-boiled buckwheat in milk or water, stewed vegetable stews from cabbage, carrots and zucchini). You can have some boiled sea fish, preferably white. We treat the dog with fresh kefir or yogurt (without additives, dyes), raw beets. If there is no allergy, you can give a couple of plums. You can temporarily switch to canned food for puppies or chronically ill dogs (an easily digestible diet).

2. From what can be given to a dog for constipation without fear of complications, you should choose one thing (either/or, and not shove everything in a row). Curdled milk, cabbage juice (can cause flatulence), a weak decoction of buckthorn, an infusion of pumpkin seeds (a spoonful of seeds and half a glass of boiling water, warm for 30 minutes) help. Can be crushed flax-seed and mix with vegetable oil or buy flaxseed oil. Large dogs 2 tablespoons per day, small dogs 1 teaspoon. Curdled milk instead of breakfast.

3. In many cases, a Vaseline enema helps a dog. For constipation, lukewarm oil is introduced into the rectum slowly, without effort. If the oil does not flow, you cannot continue (there may be an obstruction, and in this case any pressure is dangerous). For hygiene reasons, your pet should be placed in a bathtub or basin. The volumes are gentle (a glass for very large dog, half a glass for a pet weighing 20 kg, a couple of spoons for a miniature toy). Without experience, we strongly recommend that you entrust this procedure to a specialist.