The cat has been swearing for three days. Why does a cat have loose stools?

Hello, dear readers, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! Happy Old New Year and upcoming Epiphany! The series of winter holidays is coming to an end, but unfortunately the festive mood can sometimes be spoiled by the illness of a beloved animal. I think if you are reading this article, then your cat is probably sick and you are looking for a way to treat it.
I will try to help you with this, today we will consider the following situation: “The cat has diarrhea, what should I do?”

Let’s not have a long conversation about what diarrhea is, it’s already obvious, let’s get straight to the point.

How to help a cat?

First of all, remove all food for the day, do not give even a small crumb, even if the animal really asks. I'll explain why. When diarrhea occurs, the intestines contract faster than necessary, and the mucous membranes are often inflamed. There is a lot of fluid in the intestinal lumen that is not absorbed.

In such conditions, food cannot be absorbed normally, that is, there is no point in feeding. Moreover, it is harmful, the food acts on the mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver and thus the diarrhea only intensifies.

In addition, with indigestion, the microbiological composition in the intestine changes, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. And we remember that the intestines are rapidly contracting, food does not have time to be properly processed by digestive juices and enzymes, which will lead to further more development microflora.

As a result, we get a vicious (closed) circle when feeding during diarrhea supports the diarrhea itself.

So, we saw your cat loose stool, do not feed her for 24 hours, the kitten for 12 hours.

During illness, fluid and salts are quickly lost. Therefore, it is imperative to make up for losses. Should be freely available fresh water, if the cat does not drink on its own and there are signs of dehydration, then we force-drink it in approximately the same way.

Main signs of dehydration: skin fold It takes a long time to straighten, there is no saliva or it is viscous.
Loss of electrolytes can be compensated by drinking a rehydron solution (sold in a regular “human” pharmacy).

Keep in mind that a cat should receive approximately 40-50 ml of liquid per 1 kg of body weight per day.

In addition, a sorbent helps with diarrhea; for example, enterosgel or smecta can be given several times a day. Watch how to breed and give smecta in this video.

That's it, friends, these are the main points: they removed the food, gave me some water and gave me some smecta. If within 24 hours your actions have not had a positive effect or things get worse, then you need to see a doctor.

The main causes of diarrhea in cats

Feeding. This is probably the most common reason for indigestion. It happens that you fed one food, then decided to try a new one and the cat immediately develops diarrhea.

Or they overfed them with fatty foods, gave them leftovers festive table, bought low-quality economy class food, such as meow.

Infection. With many viral or bacterial infections The cat has diarrhea. But during an infection, diarrhea without other symptoms is rare. Along with indigestion, you will notice a depressed state, increased temperature, discharge from the eyes, nose, and refusal to feed.

Stress. For example, you took a domestic cat to a clinic where there are many other animals, took it outside, and went to another city. Small children came to visit you and played roughly with your animal. Such situations cause anxiety in the cat and if it is “impressive”, diarrhea may occur.

Poisoning. Spoiled food, drug overdose, cat got drunk detergent. Sometimes people give missing food to animals: expired sausage, cheese, fish... Believing that the cat can and nothing bad will happen, but this should not be done.

Foreign body. Cats love to play with small objects, rustling candy wrappers, Christmas tree tinsel, and Lego pieces. They also like to check the trash can, maybe you threw out something healthy and tasty, for example a sausage casing.

Foreign objects are swallowed, accidentally or intentionally, and as they pass through the intestines they injure the mucous membranes. The body tries to get rid of the inedible object faster, and as a result we experience diarrhea.

Friends, I have listed only some of the reasons that can cause digestive upset in a cat, keep in mind that there may be others.

How to treat if there is no doctor nearby?

As I promised in the YouTube video, I will list several medications to help if you can’t get to the vet. If you have eliminated possible reasons, applied a starvation diet, gave a sorbent and the diarrhea does not go away within 24 hours, then you can apply the following:

1. Metronidazole (Trichopolum) in the form of tablets, at a dose of 15-25 mg per 1 kg per day, daily dose divided into two doses. One tablet contains 250 mg, so it will have to be divided depending on the weight of your animal and given to the root of the tongue. There is no need to mix it with water or food, the tablet is bitter and if it gets on the tongue it will cause severe drooling. Sold in a regular pharmacy.

Why metronidazole? It has a wide spectrum and is effective against many bacteria and protozoa. He also has relatively little side effects. If you start giving the drug, you need to use it for at least 5 days in a row, even if the cat feels good.

2. With diarrhea, fluid loss occurs; if the cat does not drink, it must be forcibly given water or given an IV. At home, you can inject yourself subcutaneously with regular saline or 5% glucose. At a dose of 20-30 ml per 1 kg per day.

3. If there are streaks of blood in the stool, or the stool is black, you can use sodium ethamsylate (dicinone), it will reduce the bleeding or stop it completely. Etamsylate is used in the form of injections or tablets. It is more convenient to give an injection intramuscularly, in a dose of 0.5-1 ml once or twice a day, depending on the intensity of bleeding.

I think it’s not necessary to remind you that self-medication can lead to unknown results, so think several times whether you really can’t get to the doctor. The described scheme will not always give positive result, but in most cases it will work.

What not to do

In order not to aggravate the animal’s condition, do not use “human” drugs “for diarrhea”. I know that loperamide is often given, but it does not eliminate the cause, but stops intestinal motility. This means that toxins will remain in the body, which will negatively affect primarily the liver and kidneys.

Loperamide and similar drugs should only be used when you are sure that the diarrhea was caused by nervousness.

Also in our country they like to treat all diseases with vodka. Have pity on your animal, alcohol can make things worse. Yes, there are many stories about how vodka works miracles, but in most cases, healing occurs despite such medicine.

Another favorite remedy– chloramphenicol tablet, good antibiotic, but besides wide range he has a lot of action side effects. This is the case when the saying about the cannon and the sparrows comes into play. There is no need to treat diarrhea this way.

When you really need to see a doctor

If the animal, in addition to diarrhea, has an elevated temperature, depression, discharge from the eyes and nose, frequent vomiting. If the diarrhea is frequent, foul-smelling, mixed with blood. If you use starvation, sorbents, antibiotics, it only gets worse. If you have a small kitten.


I think now, if your cat has diarrhea, you will at least roughly know how to treat it. The main thing to remember is that behind indigestion there is always specific reason, so it needs to be found and neutralized, then the pathological chain will be broken.

That's all for me, veterinarian Sergey Savchenko was with you

Today we will tell you why diarrhea may occur in cats. Causes and treatment are two important topics that will be discussed in detail in the article. As you know, pets are susceptible to various diseases. For example, cats can suffer from an illness such as diarrhea. Diarrhea can occur in cats for several reasons.

Causes of diarrhea in cats

First, poor diet can cause diarrhea. Secondly, overeating. Thirdly, intolerance to any products, or, in other words, allergies. Fourthly, mental disorder. Cats, just like people, can experience emotional distress that results in diarrhea.

What other causes of diarrhea in cats are there? Diarrhea occurs due to poisoning, infections, worms and intestinal diseases. Normal operation gastrointestinal system in cats it looks like this. After eating, the process of processing food takes 8 hours. At the same time, the cat’s body absorbs water and nutrients. Next, metabolic products accumulate in the colon. After this, processed foods leave the intestines. At in good condition For the health of the cat's body, the stool should be a homogeneous mass, without blood and without pieces of undigested food.

Binge eating

What other known causes of diarrhea in cats? Binge eating. In this case, the food does not have time to be digested in the intestines, it moves too quickly, and the liquid is not absorbed by the body. Thus, it enters the rectum undigested food in a liquid state. Next, the metabolic products come out in a liquid state. If the cause of diarrhea is that the cat overeats, then the disorder will be one-time. To avoid diarrhea, you need to ensure that your cat does not overeat.

Poor nutrition

If we talk about the causes of diarrhea in cats, then we need to remember about poor nutrition.

It is important to provide your pet proper diet. Diarrhea can occur from eating mice, rotting foods, carrion, any sauces, fatty foods, and certain types of plants. Changing the water can also cause diarrhea. It is better if the cat drinks the one to which its body is accustomed. Often occurs when transitioning from breastfeeding to a regular diet. It is better if this transition is gradual. If it is not possible to combine breast-feeding kitten and the gradual introduction of the basic diet, then it is necessary to include liquid products in the animal’s menu. For example, it is recommended to give small pets cow's milk, diluted with water. Can also be included in meals semolina porridge. Worth purchasing in stores special food for kittens. It is enriched with special microelements that are necessary for the growth of the body.

A change in eating habits can also lead to diarrhea in adult cats. Diarrhea is especially common in rare breeds.

Diarrhea due to food intolerance

There is a certain list of foods that cats are allergic to. First of all, milk can cause such a reaction in adults. A peculiarity of the cat's body is that there is no lactose enzyme. In addition to milk intolerance, fish, eggs, corn, and food from certain manufacturers may occur. If it is noticed that the cat has a reaction to certain foods, then it is necessary to exclude them from the diet. It should be said that if you remove milk from the diet, this will not affect your pet’s health in any way. In this case, it is permitted to use fermented milk products. If a cat lacks the lactose enzyme, it will not tolerate milk. pure form. This does not affect the absorption of fermented milk products.

Emotional mood

Cats are usually upset because they are afraid. The latter can occur from transporting a cat in a car or placing the animal in an unfamiliar environment. Fear also arises from the appearance of other animals in the house. If your pet experiences this feeling, he may experience diarrhea. In this case, no treatment is prescribed; as a rule, the emotional background improves after some time.

Diarrhea due to poisoning

Poisoning can be not only food poisoning, but also toxic from any substances. The latter include gasoline, paint, household cleaning products, industrial oils, and bleach. As a rule, cats will not ingest toxic substances themselves. Poisoning can occur if they accidentally enter the animal’s body. For example, when cleaning the tray using household chemicals and poor rinsing with water.

These substances can get onto the animal’s fur, and then through the tongue into the body. Also, residues of household chemicals can remain on the bowl, and then, when eating food, enter the stomach with them. Veterinary drugs of poor quality can cause poisoning. The main symptom is: If such signs occur, you should contact your veterinarian; he may prescribe special medications.

Worms and infections

If a cat has worms, then as a result she will have diarrhea with bloody discharge and mucus. Infectious diseases diseases, such as distemper, can occur in animals that have not been vaccinated. Even if the cat is in the apartment all the time, this does not exclude the possibility of infection in his body. Symptoms of infection include diarrhea, heat and vomiting. If these signs occur, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. Since the body may not cope with the disease on its own.

Diarrhea from intestinal diseases

A disease called pancreatitis occurs in some breeds of cats. Other intestinal diseases are also possible, which are accompanied by replenishment and disruption of the digestive system. In order to identify the cause of diarrhea, it is necessary to examine the stool. The color, consistency, smell and frequency of bowel movements are important. If your cat has constant diarrhea and continues for a long time, namely more than 10 days, then you need to contact a veterinarian.

Dehydration must be stopped

How to stop diarrhea in a cat? It should be remembered that during diarrhea, the animal leaves the body a large number of liquids. Therefore, dehydration occurs and the cat loses weight. Also general state the pet's condition worsens and he becomes lethargic. accompanied by poor circulation blood. And this leads to insufficient blood supply to the cat’s brain. With such symptoms, it is necessary to give the animal the drug "Regidron". This medicine will help avoid dehydration. If you have diarrhea bloody issues and is accompanied by vomiting, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. It should be said that a kitten’s body is weaker than an adult pet.

It is best to take the feces with you when going to the veterinarian with symptoms of diarrhea. Analyzing it will help determine exactly what caused the animal’s diarrhea.

Cat has diarrhea. Treatment at home

If your pet's diarrhea is not accompanied by fever, vomiting and does not have bloody or mucous discharge, then you can cure this disease yourself. Of course, if a cat has green diarrhea, you should show it to a specialist.

First of all, it is necessary to provide a special diet for the cat. Namely, exclude the consumption of milk and foods that contain starch. It should be remembered that with diarrhea the digestive system is in an unstable state. Therefore, it is important to monitor your pet’s diet. First, you should limit the animal's diet completely, with the exception of water. It is important that the cat has the opportunity to consume it in unlimited quantities. Since diarrhea can cause dehydration, it is necessary to provide the animal with access to water.

Food restrictions should be made for an adult animal during the day, but for a kitten a 12-hour break will be enough. There is no need to worry that the animal will be hungry. Such a break will affect in the best possible way on the pet's condition.

Nutrition for diarrhea

What to feed a cat with diarrhea? After a break in food, you can give food. It is important that the dose of food is reduced by 2 times compared to the usual amount. You should also pay attention to ensuring that the food is low-fat and easy to digest. It is better to give the animal food in small portions, but often. It is advisable to feed dietary products eg boiled chicken, chicken broth, rice, meat puree. If your pet refuses to eat the above products, then you should buy her special food for animals with weakened digestive system. Better to use finished products those brands to which the cat is accustomed. After the diarrhea has passed, you can return to normal mode nutrition.


What to do if your cat has diarrhea? Treatment at home should be aimed at recovery normal operation gastrointestinal tract.

First of all, you need to give the animal Activated carbon. To do this, you need to dissolve the tablet in water. Then you should feed it to the cat through a syringe without a needle. You can also give infusions of herbs such as oak bark, St. John's wort and chamomile. The dosage should be discussed with your veterinarian.

What is the best anti-diarrhea medicine for cats? It is also recommended to use Vetom in the treatment of diarrhea (this veterinary drug). It is given once a day at 75 mg/kg body weight daily until recovery. In addition to it, you can use Smecta. Dissolve half a sachet of the drug in 0.25 cups of boiled, chilled water. You can inject the medicine through a syringe if the pet refuses to simply consume it. 1-2 ml every three hours. Use the medicine until complete recovery.

What to give a cat for diarrhea? You can use drugs such as “Baktisubtil” (one capsule per adult animal) and “Bifidum” (one bottle per adult). These products should be diluted in small quantities in water (1-2 tsp). All of these medications should be given two to three times a day until they disappear completely. Of course, it is better to show pet to the veterinarian so that he could look at his condition and tell him what to give the cat for diarrhea.

If treatment does not lead to improvement after 2 days, then it is especially important to go to the veterinarian. You also need to monitor your cat’s stool, namely its consistency and color. There are cases when pet owners do not treat them, and the pet’s body cannot cope with the disease. Therefore, it is always better to play it safe and accept everything possible measures to eliminate the disease. It is also important to keep the tray and bowl clean to avoid contamination. harmful substances into the cat's body.


Now you know why cats have diarrhea. Causes and treatment are two important topics that we have covered in our article. We hope that the information was useful to you.

Digestive disorders in animals manifest themselves in the same way as in humans - vomiting or upset stool. Stool disorder, in turn, can be in the form of diarrhea ().

Sometimes diarrhea can be the only symptom, and sometimes it can occur in combination with other manifestations of disorders of the body.

Digestive disorder in a cat is a serious disease!

You need to understand that diarrhea can be very serious reasons, and in case of untimely or improper treatment the consequences can be very serious. Along with diarrhea, the body loses fluid, and if the diarrhea is prolonged, it... It is important to recognize this condition in time, as it can lead to disturbances in other body functions.

At the same time, different owners may convince that their cat eats this product normally, but this does not mean that it should be given to their cat.

The cat has bloody diarrhea

If, in addition, the cat's stool has changed color, or it has foul odor, you must immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Infectious nature

Diarrhea can be the result of a viral disease in combination with any set of the following symptoms: fever, souring eyes, nasal discharge, refusal to feed, vomiting, .

Severe diarrhea in this case indicates, and it most often has.

Fever- one of the symptoms of diarrhea.

Enteritis is accompanied by most known viral diseases cats: coronavirus infection, feline immunodeficiency, sometimes.

Diarrhea with vomiting

Diarrhea with vomiting can also be non-infectious in nature - for example, diseases of the pancreas or liver can also manifest themselves this way. In this case, it will be caused by a violation of the digestive processes.

To find out the cause of diarrhea, contact your veterinarian and he will prescribe treatment.

To establish exact reason If your cat has diarrhea, you should consult a veterinarian, as this will allow you to start the right treatment in time.

Treatment of diarrhea

Traces of diarrhea in a cat's litter box

Treatment depends on the cause of the diarrhea. If diarrhea is caused by a sudden change in food, monitoring the condition, perhaps for a while, may be sufficient.

When changing food, you should follow a simple rule - transfer the animal to new food, mixing it into the old one.

Start with a small amount of new food in the total weight of the old, and gradually increase the ratio in favor of the new. If no disorder is observed, then everything went smoothly.

If your cat's diarrhea is caused by a change in food, feed her rice.

If the animal has access to the street - at least once every 2-3 months, if it is kept only in an apartment, it can be done a little less often.

If problems with stool occur (without any other symptoms), you can give the animal an anthelmintic, but if the problem persists over the next two days, you should still consult a doctor.

The presence of helminths in an animal will not always be obvious, although very often in such cases they can be found in the feces or near anus cats. But for precise definition presence, a stool test will be required.

Often helminths can be found in a cat's feces.

Besides, if the problem is related to protozoa, this can only be identified through analysis. It is prescribed, if necessary, by a veterinarian after examination.

Fleas and helminthic infestation

Very often helminthiases are associated with. Fleas can carry helminth eggs within themselves and infect cats with them during their bites. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out treatments in parallel against both fleas and worms. Exist complex preparations- drops on the withers that fight both of these problems at once. But it can be used separately and against worms.

Diseases of the pancreas and liver

Diarrhea may cause your cat to vomit.

Diarrhea can cause your cat to become severely dehydrated and may require an IV drip.

If diarrhea lasts for a long time, the animal may become dehydrated and...

Veterinarian checks the degree of dehydration, and in some cases minor dehydration can be dispensed with subcutaneous injections solutions (saline, Ringer's, glucose, etc.)

Diarrhea due to viral infection

In the case of a viral infection, everything is very serious.

Since it doesn't exist specific drug, which would act on viruses, treatment should be symptomatic.

Complete and correct treatment can only be prescribed by a veterinarian.

When serious condition illness, you should leave the cat for hospitalization.

It is important to understand that viral infections in cats can be fatal if treatment is started untimely or incorrectly. There is a certain risk when timely application to the clinic, so in the case of viral diseases it is better to prevent them than to treat them.

Prevention of viral diseases is an annual comprehensive vaccination.

Unfortunately, Vaccination does not provide a 100% guarantee that the animal will not get sick, but it significantly increases the animal’s chances of survival.

Vaccinated animals suffer mild viral infections.

Vaccination does not provide a complete guarantee, but still the likelihood of getting sick becomes lower.

Prevention of diarrhea

To prevent a variety of health problems in cats, including diarrhea, it is important to carry out in a timely manner:

  1. Flea treatment.
  2. Treatment for worms.
  3. Vaccination.

These three points will allow you to avoid many difficulties, and during differential diagnosis diarrhea will help narrow down the circle of “suspects.”

Cat vaccination

Treatments most often begin at the age of two months (can be started from three weeks of age if necessary), first against fleas and worms, and after a week (ten days) the first vaccination.

The first treatment against fleas and worms should be carried out at the age of two months.

Revaccination must be carried out after 3 weeks. The first vaccination does not contain the rabies vaccine, but during revaccination it is also included. Then every year. If vaccinated adult cat, it is immediately vaccinated once with a complex one, and revaccination is carried out annually at approximately the same time.

In addition to everything described above, The cat should eat what cats are supposed to eat. Not from the table, but your own personal porridge, without salt, seasonings, etc., consisting of porridge (buckwheat/rice/oatmeal) and meat (not pork, it is very fatty, you can rupture the pancreas).

The cat should have its own food; you do not need to feed it food from the table.

Dry food

If a cat is fed dry food, it should be food no lower (economy class food can cause health problems, including those accompanied by diarrhea, even if the neighbor’s cat lived for 20 years on Whiskas). There is no need to feed the cat from the table, no need to give scraps of fish, leftovers from dinner, bones, skins.

There is no need to treat her with cucumbers, grapes, or anything else she suddenly wants.

The cat should eat properly (at least a cat, since people don’t always succeed).

By observing all of the above - vaccinations, treatments, nutrition - there is a greater chance that the cat will never have problems with stool or any other problems, will not need any treatment, and will live a long, healthy life.

Video about symptoms and treatment of diarrhea in cats

“What to do if your cat has diarrhea?” - this is the question asked by thousands of cat owners around the world.

The fact is that diarrhea is one of the most unpleasant symptoms various diseases (often infectious nature), disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and other problems in the body. It is extremely important to realize that diarrhea is never a cause of health problems. pet– but always becomes their “accompaniment”.

What is diarrhea and how does it happen?

Diarrhea (or, as popularly known, diarrhea) is a symptom that is characterized by very frequent bowel movements (up to 10 times a day, with a bowel movement rate of 1-2 times in an adult animal and up to 5 times in a kitten), and feces in this case it is most often liquid.

Diarrhea develops as a result of intestinal irritation by various pathogenic bacteria, toxins, etc. Peristalsis increases, which leads to frequent bowel movements.

Sometimes so-called false diarrhea occurs in cats - this is a small amount of feces squeezed out uncharacteristically thinly, very often with mucus. Most often, this is a condition that is caused by previous constipation.

Diarrhea usually comes in three types:

  • acute (the condition lasts from 1 to 5-6 days, rarely – a little longer);
  • recurrent (i.e. regularly recurring);
  • chronic (this diagnosis is made if diarrhea lasts longer than 2 weeks).

It is important to understand that despite the fact that this is a common phenomenon in cats, diarrhea is not an ordinary “incident” - it cannot be ignored, since neglect of a pet can often provoke serious problems with the animal’s body, and in severe cases leads to death.

How does diarrhea manifest?

Skip this unpleasant phenomenon extremely difficult, but it is very important to be able to detect the symptoms of diarrhea and pay attention to them as early as possible.

How does diarrhea manifest?:

  • the cat has bowel movements frequently;
  • at prolonged diarrhea the pet is losing weight;
  • often the animal suffers from intestinal bloating;
  • the cat becomes less active and may lose appetite;
  • feces have a liquid consistency, often with various impurities (mucus, blood, etc.).

One of the most dangerous symptoms (and at the same time consequences) of diarrhea for cats is dehydration! It is especially dangerous for small kittens, which have an extremely small supply of vitality. That is why you should not allow the body to become dehydrated - you must contact a veterinarian as soon as possible or begin treating your cat’s diarrhea at home.

It is worth considering that diarrhea itself is already a symptom, and various diseases, in which this unpleasant phenomenon occurs, can manifest themselves in different ways, for example, accompanied by depression, as well as vomiting, lack of appetite, or, conversely, an excessive need to eat food.

Causes of diarrhea in cats

Exists great amount causes of diarrhea in cats. Diarrhea can also be caused by common stomach upsets associated with poor nutrition, so serious illnesses infectious and non-infectious nature. The most common reasons why a cat diarrhea is the following factors::

  1. intolerance to the food that the cat eats (primarily we are talking about dry food), as well as improperly selected nutrition, in particular, too fatty food;
  2. low quality of dry food that the animal eats;
  3. a sudden transition to another dry food or another type of food, unusual food;
  4. overfeeding the cat;
  5. helminthic infestation;
  6. food poisoning;
  7. general or intestinal infection of different nature;
  8. gastroenteritis;
  9. metabolic problems.

Also, diarrhea can often develop while taking various medicines, which the body cannot tolerate for one reason or another.

It is important to consider that diarrhea can also indicate other serious pathologies in the pet’s body: for example, it can serve as a symptom of tumors, including malignant ones, pancreatitis and other diseases.

What is diarrhea like?

Feces with diarrhea in cats can often have various impurities, different consistency, color and smell. When contacting the clinic, the veterinarian will certainly ask you to describe the nature of the bowel movements, their appearance and other features that will help facilitate the diagnostic process, and also serve as the key to finding the cause of such a disorder.

The main types of feces during diarrhea:

  • Yellow feces. If it is not too bright yellow, which indicates liver damage, then this is evidence of the usual indigestibility of food.
  • Green feces. This is already more serious symptom. Most often, green diarrhea in a cat is the result of rotting processes inside the stomach, most often caused by the animal eating stale or even rotten foods.
  • White feces- a sign that bile does not enter the intestines at all, which may indicate a variety of problems with gallbladder or, for example, about blockage of the bile ducts.
  • Mucus in stool most often becomes a symptom of very severe irritation intestines caused for various reasons. This often speaks of inflammatory processes right there.
  • The presence of blood clots can indicate erosions in the intestines, tumors and other serious pathologies or diseases, and therefore in this case a visit to the doctor should under no circumstances be postponed!

When a visit to the doctor is not necessary

Sometimes diarrhea can be dealt with without involving a doctor. These are cases of “normal”, harmless diarrhea that has the following symptoms::

  • normal colored diarrhea ( feces healthy cat must be brown), without impurities;
  • bowel movements are not too profuse;
  • the frequency of bowel movements does not exceed 3-4 times a day.

In this case, there is no particular need to treat the cat for diarrhea - it is enough to provide her with a starvation diet for a day and access to clean water. drinking water. If there is no improvement the next day, then you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Diarrhea in a pregnant cat is always a bad sign, since there is a possibility of pregnancy complications, and therefore expectant mother, as well as small kittens whose body cannot yet cope with different problems, it is necessary to show a doctor even with “normal” diarrhea.

Treatment of diarrhea

Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment for diarrhea! He will study the cause of the problem, assess the duration of diarrhea, its severity and prescribe treatment:

  • For simple diarrhea it is used symptomatic treatment, which was mentioned above: daily fasting etc. It is very important not to disturb the animal during the day!
  • In case of slight dehydration, the cat should be given a little Regidron solution, a slightly salty decoction. medicinal chamomile or salted boiled water. In more difficult cases an injection with Ringer's solution or a dropper is used.
  • If diarrhea is caused by an infectious or other disease, use specific treatment, for example antibacterial or anthelmintic drugs. In cases of diarrhea caused by intestinal obstruction, surgery may be required.

After the animal’s condition has been alleviated, food is introduced gradually so as not to provoke a new round of disease development!


Every owner who loves their pet will monitor its health. Diarrhea in cats is a common disease. If a cat has diarrhea, the pet owner should be concerned. Why does the disorder occur? How to stop diarrhea in a cat?

Stomach upset in adult animals

Why does a cat get stomach upset? What to do if your kitten has diarrhea?

Regardless of the cause, diarrhea must be addressed.

The following reasons cause diarrhea in a cat:

  1. Eating poor quality product. If an animal eats spoiled food or waste, it will certainly develop an upset stomach.
  2. Use junk food, for example, fat.
  3. Product intolerance. Diarrhea in cats can occur as a reaction to chocolate, coffee, milk and other foods that the cat's stomach cannot digest.
  4. Sudden change of food. The stomach has not yet absorbed the new food, so diarrhea occurs.
  5. Large portion. Overeating also causes loose stools in cats.
  6. Taking antibiotics.
  7. Worms.
  8. Viral infection.
  9. Oncology.

There are many causes of diarrhea in cats.

Veterinarians distinguish several types of diarrhea - stool of various colors (from yellow to green), blood in the stool, diarrhea with mucus, stool with foam.

If the kitten has bowel movements yellow color, then this indicates indigestion of food. An orange tint indicates liver problems. Green diarrhea is a consequence of eating poor quality food. Watery diarrhea in a cat indicates that a lot of fluid enters the intestines, but the mucous membrane is not damaged.

If diarrhea in cats is accompanied by mucus, this means that the animal's intestines are inflamed. If blood is released, it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately. To know how to cure diarrhea, you need to consult an experienced specialist. Self-medication is not always effective.

The question of what to do if a kitten has diarrhea interests many cat owners. How to feed him in this case? The main rule is feeding in small portions up to 4 times a day. We provide low-fat, easily digestible food. Treatment at home is effective if the rules are followed.

Treatment at home

If the animal goes to the toilet up to 4 times a day, it does not have other manifestations of diarrhea (vomiting, fever), it eats normally, then loose stools in a cat can be cured yourself, without the help of a specialist. If a cat has diarrhea, it must be put on a starvation diet. It lasts 1 day, the animal is not limited in drinking.

To stop your cat's diarrhea, you can give him activated charcoal.

Crush the tablets, dilute them with liquid, use a syringe or pipette to introduce them into the animal’s mouth or add them to water. For every 10 kg, give your cat 1 tablet of coal.

Smecta will also help with stomach upset in cats. From folk remedies can you give oak decoction, St. John's wort, chamomile. They will strengthen the body.

After fasting, start feeding him, but carefully. What can you give a cat? First, offer him chicken broth, boiled chicken meat, egg yolk or boiled rice. The portion should not be large. Also, you can purchase ready-made food, intended specifically for sick animals.

On day 2 the cat will feel better, so he can be switched to his usual meal. But it should be excluded fatty foods and those that are poorly digested. Now you know what to feed a kitten with diarrhea.

It is necessary to monitor how the animal behaves so that diarrhea does not occur again. If the disease reappears, it is necessary to intensify treatment. In this case, it is better to visit a doctor immediately.

Treatment for diarrhea in a cat involves a comprehensive treatment - both taking medications and following a diet.

This approach makes it possible to quickly eliminate this problem in cats.

The cat needs to be taken to the vet if:

  • he started vomiting, his temperature increased, and he developed a fever;
  • defecates more than 5 times a day;
  • the cat diarrhea for more than 1 day;
  • loose stool in a cat is accompanied by mucus;
  • stool smells unpleasant;
  • the animal refuses to eat.

In this case, the cat’s diarrhea cannot be treated on its own. You should immediately visit a veterinarian and tell him about your pet’s condition. The doctor will tell you how to treat diarrhea in a kitten, what to give for diarrhea, and what to do next if complications arise. Depending on the cause of your cat's diarrhea, your veterinarian will prescribe necessary treatment. You can give the kitten:

  • deworming drug;
  • means that destroy microbes;
  • sorbents;
  • means against dehydration of the animal's body.

Do not give loperamide to kittens - it will worsen the condition.

What to do if your kitten has a stomach upset?

Diarrhea can occur not only in adults, but also in kittens. The disease manifests itself with the same symptoms. The reasons are:

  • transition to new food;
  • lure;
  • stress (kittens have a hard time with a change of environment).

If a kitten has diarrhea, what should you do in this case? Infection can occur through mother's milk. To cure the disease, it is necessary to introduce complementary foods gradually, in small portions and monitor its reaction. It is also necessary to clean the house to prevent furniture bugs from infesting it. If these measures do not help, you should contact your veterinarian. What to do if a kitten has both diarrhea and vomiting is now known.

The main thing is to follow the rules, monitor the cleanliness of the premises and the hygiene of the animal.


If you follow the rules, the kitten will not have loose stools. Preventive measures include:

  • checking the animal for the presence of worms;
  • timely vaccination;
  • purchasing quality food;
  • frequent cleaning of cat litter and litter box;
  • carrying out disinfection;
  • limiting contact with street cats.

It is necessary to monitor the health of the animal, not expose it to stress, buy quality food and walk it on fresh air. Knowing how to treat diarrhea in a kitten, you can long time alleviate the pet's condition. To avoid harming him, consult an experienced veterinarian. If a kitten has diarrhea, you need to act in the same way as with adults. The causes of diarrhea in adult cats vary. They need to be excluded.