Chamomile officinalis: benefits, uses, healing properties. Chamomile pharmacy application


What is chamomile

What is pharmacy chamomile, medicinal properties and contraindications of chamomile, what are the beneficial properties of this plant, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy lifestyle life, looks after his health, and is interested in folk methods treatment, including with the help of medicinal herbs and berries. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

In nature, there are about a dozen plants that are called chamomile (pharmacy chamomile, Dalmatian chamomile, meat-red chamomile, odorous chamomile, etc.). But not all of them have healing properties. Chamomile (common, medicinal) is considered the most useful for a person.

Medicinal characteristics also distinguish odorous chamomile (fragrant, or tongueless), which came to Europe from North America during the time of Christopher Columbus. But there are fewer valuable substances in it than in chamomile, so it is less effective and is recommended only as an external anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and weak astringent for lotions, rinses, baths and enemas. But you should not drink infusions and decoctions from it.

Chamomile should also not be confused with plants similar to it, which do not have any medicinal properties. This is a popovnik, a field umbilical, a dog umbilical, an odorless chamomile, or an odorless three-rib.

Chamomile (Matricaria recutita, Chamomilla recutita) - annual herbaceous plant with a strong aroma, erect, branched at the base of the stem. The height of a fully formed plant reaches 60 cm. The leaves of the chamomile are sessile, alternate, double- or triple-pinnately dissected, narrow, up to 5 cm long and up to 1.8 cm wide. The inner flowers are tubular, golden yellow. Marginal flowers are white, reed, with three teeth along the edge. Inflorescences in the form of baskets are located at the top of the stem and branches. The fruit is an oblong greenish-brown achene. Chamomile root is thin, taproot, slightly branched. Chamomile blooms from late spring to early autumn, the seeds ripen in July-August.

Where is chamomile found

Unlike odorous chamomile, brought from America, chamomile has always grown in Eurasia. It can be found in the Caucasus, in Eastern Europe, in the European part of Russia and southern Siberia.

Chamomile prefers open sunny areas. In the wild, it can be seen in glades, meadows, wastelands, roadsides, in vegetable gardens; in crops of various crops, it grows like a weed.

As a vegetable raw material for the preparation medicines flower baskets and partly stems are used.

The chemical composition of chamomile

The flower baskets of chamomile contain up to 0.85-1% essential oil. It contains more than 40 useful substances, including chamazulene, bisabolol and its oxides, enine-bicycloethers, flavonoids, terpene, sesquiterpene, sesquiterpene alcohols, cadinene, isovaleric, caprylic and nonylic acids.

The most important component of chamomile is chamazulene, which gives the essential oil its blue color. It is not synthesized by the plant, but is formed from certain compounds during the processing of plant materials with steam, acids and alkalis. It is thanks to chamazulene and some other substances that chamomile is endowed with anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic properties. In addition, this compound accelerates the process of tissue regeneration. Apigenin-7-glucoside, quercimerythrin, some coumarins and sesquiterpenoids contained in the plant have an antispasmodic effect.

Chamomile also contains nicotinic, salicylic, ascorbic acid, glycerides of fatty organic acids (oleic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic), gum, bitterness and mucus, macro- and microelements (for example, copper, zinc, selenium).

A. A. Grossheim pointed to chamomile as a plant containing no a large number of vitamins A and C. According to other data, in plants collected in mid-July, the content of vitamin C was 223 (in leaves) and 135 (in stems) mg%.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

Among the beneficial properties of chamomile are the following:

  • Excellent antiseptic. Has antimicrobial properties.
  • It is an excellent pain reliever. And from various pains It is great to use chamomile: for headaches, as a remedy for bloating, pain in the stomach, limbs and others.
  • Removes inflammation.
  • Has a sedative effect. And all thanks to the combination of zinc and valeric acid.
  • Chamomile has a beneficial effect on nervous system.
  • Has anti-allergic properties.
  • Beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  • It has antiviral activity, so it can be successfully used for influenza.
  • An excellent antipyretic.
  • Chamomile has anti-rheumatic properties.
  • Enhances bile secretion.
  • An excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Kills giardia, oscoridae and pinworms.
  • Chamomile is considered female grass”, therefore it is very widely used in gynecology.
  • It is widely used in cosmetology. It relieves irritation, inflammation, and it is no coincidence that it is included in many creams and masks for the care of hypersensitive facial skin. It also takes good care of hair health.

For a long time, chamomile was used only in traditional medicine, certified doctors treated the opinion about the beneficial properties of this plant with skepticism and did not recognize its therapeutic effect. Distrust was defeated only after the publication of the results of many years of scientific research which were carried out throughout almost the entire 20th century. Official medicine finally approved chamomile as a medicinal plant and began to use preparations made from it.

Experimentally, scientists have proven that chamomile can be successfully used to treat acute and chronic gastritis, colitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Preparations from it stimulate the secretion gastric juice and bile, so they can be prescribed to improve digestion.

Chamomile has a beneficial effect on women's diseases (painful menstruation, uterine bleeding etc.), increased nervous excitability, neuralgia. External use of preparations from this plant is effective in the treatment of burns, frostbite, wounds, boils, trophic ulcers, hemorrhoids and excessive sweating legs. With the help of inhalations with chamomile, you can improve the condition with ARVI, influenza, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, the plant is used to treat diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder.

Russian scientists have proven the effectiveness of the treatment of inflammation caused by the action of chamomile water extract. chemical substances and ultraviolet rays. Due to the presence of chamazulene in the composition of the plant, drugs from it stop asthma attacks, relieve allergic reactions.

Chamomile has a pronounced antibacterial property, so it can be used to suppress the vital activity of staphylococcus and certain types of streptococci.

The most valuable qualities of chamomile are its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antihistamine, analgesic, diaphoretic and sedative effects.

Preparations made on its basis have a choleretic, carminative, diuretic, antipyretic, hemostatic, expectorant, anticonvulsant, laxative, antispasmodic, emollient effect. By consuming chamomile, you can improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and general state organism.

Both folk and official medicine recommend chamomile preparations for treatment gynecological diseases, lesions of the skin and mucous membranes (furunculosis, eczema, fungus, abscesses, burns, frostbite, wounds, ulcers, allergic reactions), diseases gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, inflammatory processes in the intestines).

Chamomile-based medicines are very effective in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, liver and biliary tract, nervous system, joints and connective tissue, respiratory organs, and glandular dysfunction. internal secretion and metabolism. Chamomile preparations can be used for prostate adenoma, hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, tonsillitis, influenza, benign and even malignant tumors.

Chamomile has found wide application in cosmetology. Its extract and essential oil are included in many toothpastes, creams, lotions, soaps and shampoos. Chamomile toothpaste has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, they reduce gum bleeding, eliminate suppuration from pathological periodontal pockets, improve metabolic processes in periodontal and mucosal tissues oral cavity and also effectively eliminate bad smell from mouth.

Chamomile is very beneficial for children. Her decoctions are added to baths when bathing newborns, irritated skin of babies is treated with infusion from it and treated. diaper dermatitis. Chamomile decoction is used to wash the eyes with souring and conjunctivitis. When colic, doctors recommend to drink babies chamomile tea which gets rid of increased gas formation. Such tea relieves nervous excitability, improves sleep and appetite, and normalizes the work of the child's gastrointestinal tract.

Chamomile contraindications

It is advisable to carry out a course of herbal medicine after consulting with your doctor, who will help you choose the form of the drug prepared from chamomile, or the composition of the herbal collection, where it is included. The doctor will take into account the desired effect, age and health of the patient. Allergy to chamomile is extremely rare, but the plant is commonly used in conjunction with other herbs and reactions can occur to any ingredient in the herb.

But even if the attending physician approved the drug from chamomile, you can not take it for a long time. Despite the benefits of chamomile infusions, it is undesirable to drink them every day throughout the year instead of regular tea.

  • It is contraindicated to use chamomile preparations for anacid gastritis, which arose against the background of the absence of hydrochloric acid. Chamomile is also contraindicated for stomach ulcers, which arose due to anacid gastritis.
  • With mental disorders, treatment with chamomile should be abandoned.
  • Abundant painful menstruation and a tendency to diarrhea are also a contraindication to the use of chamomile.
  • For the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder, chamomile preparations can only be used under the supervision of a doctor and with great care.
  • One of the contraindications for chamomile treatment is pregnancy.
  • It is contraindicated to combine chamomile and homeopathic remedies.
  • Drug overdose this plant can cause nausea or diarrhea, dizziness, nervous tension, headaches, coughing and hoarseness. In women, painful exacerbations are possible during menstruation. With excessive consumption of chamomile essential oil, muscle weakness may develop.

In addition, it should be remembered that the treatment medicinal herbs requires compliance with:

Chamomile for gastritis, colitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Chamomile infusion for the treatment of colitis, gastritis, enteritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers:

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers.

Mode of application:

Pour raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes, then strain.

Take warm, 40-100 ml 3-4 times a day (before breakfast, 1 hour before lunch, at 5 pm and before bedtime, but not earlier than 2 hours after the last meal).

Infusion of chamomile with honey for the treatment of diarrhea, flatulence, intestinal spasms.

Ingredients: 6 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, 2 tablespoons of honey.

Mode of application:

Put vegetable raw materials in an enamel bowl, pour 500 ml of boiled water and put in a boiling water bath.

Warm up for 15 minutes, then cool and strain, squeezing the raw materials. Bring boiled water to the original volume and dissolve honey in the infusion.

Take the remedy 70-100 ml 3 times a day after meals.

This infusion can also be used as an external rinse for angina, stomatitis, as well as lotions for wounds and ulcers.

Chamomile for colds, flu and runny nose:

Infusion of chamomile and celandine for the treatment of the common cold.

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers, 1 teaspoon of large celandine grass.

Mode of application:

Pour celandine into 100 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes, then strain.

Pour chamomile in another bowl with 150 ml of boiling water, insist for 10 minutes, then strain.

Mix ready-made infusions in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting product is instilled into each nostril 2 drops 4-5 times a day.

Chamomile with angina

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers, 1 tablespoon of large celandine grass.

Mode of application:

Mix celandine with chamomile and pour 200 ml of boiled water. Put in a water bath and warm for 15 minutes, then strain. Pour in boiled water to bring the volume to the original.

Gargle with a diluted infusion 5-7 times a day until the symptoms of sore throat disappear completely.

Chamomile for diseases of the joints and spine

Chamomile ointment for the treatment of sciatica.

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers, 4 tablespoons of butter.

Mode of application:

Grind chamomile inflorescences into powder, add butter and mix well.

Apply to the affected area of ​​the body. Repeat the procedure daily until the pain disappears completely.

Chamomile for acne

Chamomile infusion and salicylic alcohol remedy for acne:

Recipe #1

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers, 50 ml of salicylic alcohol. Mode of application:

Pour chamomile with 100 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Add salicylic alcohol to the chamomile infusion and mix thoroughly.

Soak a cotton swab in the prepared mixture and wipe your face 2 times a day, morning and evening.

Recipe #2

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers.

Mode of application:

Pour chamomile with 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew under the lid in a dark place for 15 minutes.

Then dip a cotton swab into the infusion, squeeze lightly and wipe the affected area of ​​the skin.

This infusion can also be used for compresses.

A decoction of chamomile for the treatment of deep cracks and keratinization of the skin of the feet.

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers and herbs.

Mode of application:

Pour crushed raw materials 1 l hot water, put on fire and warm for 10 minutes. Strain and chill a little.

Pour the decoction into the basin, add warm water and make a foot bath.

According to the book by Vera Kulikova "Chamomile from 100 diseases".

chamomile, maiden flower, romanov color, roman grass, roman, romannik

An annual herbaceous plant that contains biologically beneficial active substances and has antispasmodic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, carminative effects.

Name in Latin: Matricaria chamomilla

Name in English: Camomile Pharmaceutical

Family: Asteraceae

Medicinal properties chamomile was known to the doctors of ancient Greece and Rome. In the Middle Ages, this remedy was a panacea for many diseases and is described in most medieval herbalists. But to XVIII century the glory of this healing flower gradually began to fade, and in the 19th century the grass was used to a greater extent in cosmetology. Interest in the plant returned in the twentieth century, when laboratory research chemical composition and scientifically proven medicinal properties of chamomile. Open biologically active substances and essential oils contained in chamomile "rehabilitated" the flower and put it in a place of honor among medicinal plants.

Features of chamomile

Pharmaceutical camomile. Botanical illustration from the book by A. Maskle,
Atlas des plantes de France, 1891.

The medicinal plant chamomile is well studied in botany, pharmacology and folk medicine. Chamomile is trusted by everyone: even doctors traditional medicine, and traditional healers and the patients themselves. Due to its rich chemical composition, this plant is sometimes credited with miraculous power. Is it really? What are the medicinal properties of chamomile? How to properly harvest raw materials and distinguish between the types of this plant?


Chamomile can be found throughout the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It does not grow only in tropical areas. In Europe, the flower takes root well both in the northern Scandinavian countries and in the Mediterranean. In Russia, it grows not only in the European part, but also in the Urals, the Far East, Altai, Tien Shan, and Transbaikalia. Chamomile is the most common medicinal raw material of all other medicinal plants. In 26 countries of the world, it is cultivated industrially. The most famous world producers of chamomile are Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czech Republic.

Botanical description

Chamomile officinalis, or pharmacy, is an annual herbaceous plant with a taproot, slightly branched root. The stem is thin, hollow, winding, can be from 15 to 60 cm high, depending on the conditions. The leaves are divided into narrow-linear segments, sessile, alternate. Inflorescences are collected in conical baskets, placed on the tops of the stems. Marginal flowers - small, numerous, white, reed, they frame the basket with a white corolla. Inner flowers are yellow, tubular. Chamomile is characterized by a conical, strongly convex, hollow receptacle, according to which the flower is distinguished from other species. Chamomile is a photophilous plant. In the early morning, its petals are usually bent down, by lunchtime they gradually rise and take a horizontal position. In the evening, the petals are again pressed against the stem.

Yellow umbilicus

Chamomile types

To date, there are 25 types of chamomile. The most famous of them is chamomile. It is widely used as a medicine. What other types of this plant can be used in folk medicine?

  • Roman chamomile. In the people, this flower is also called the noble umbilical, the button, the chamomile. Like chamomile, it belongs to medicinal species, has the same healing properties, is used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. Is different strong smell, cultivated as an ornamental plant. It blooms later - from July to September.
  • Chamomile is yellow. This is vernacular name dye anthemis, or yellow-colored umbilical. Likes dry meadows and fields. Earlier in Russia, it was used to dye fabrics in bright yellow. Widely used in horticulture because of the beautiful, bright inflorescences and aroma, frost resistance. In folk medicine, they are used less frequently. Chamomile yellow is known as a hemostatic, diaphoretic, cholagogue. The plant can also be used as an insecticide in the fight against insects.
  • Chamomile field. There is no clear description of this species. It can be leucanthemum, and odorous chamomile (non-lingual), and odorless, and Roman, and pharmacy, which grow in the field.
  • Chamomile meadow. The plant is also found in the fields, likes to grow along the roads. Chamomile meadow is also called nivyanik. The flower is easy to distinguish from the chamomile: the daisy is larger, it has one flower basket and one stem, dense leaves with notches along the edges. Nivyanik has healing properties, but as a medicinal raw material it is not used as massively as chamomile.

Procurement of raw materials

It is important to correctly distinguish between the types of this medicinal plant and collect exactly medicinal chamomile.

  • Collection of chamomile. The tubular flowers should open to half, and the white corolla should be in a horizontal position, then you can start picking. Experienced herbalists say the best time to collect is the fifth day after the flower blooms. It is during this period that the inflorescence contains maximum amount useful substances. Harvest the plant in dry, clear weather. As a rule, inflorescences are plucked by hand and put in a linen bag. You can also collect young shoots with leaves, they are then used to make chamomile baths. For industrial collection, special rakes or machines are used.
  • Drying and storage. When using specialized dryers, the temperature should not exceed 40°C. The beneficial properties of chamomile are lost at high temperatures and under the influence of sun rays. At home, the grass is dried in darkened ventilated rooms, the raw materials are laid out thin layer, from time to time ted the grass. Store dried raw materials in glass containers, wooden boxes, tightly sealed and in a dark place.

Some herbalists indicate a shelf life of 1 year, others - 2 years. Experienced healers recommend, if possible, to update stocks of raw materials annually.

What is included

What are healing properties daisies? Lots of chamomile beneficial species acids: caprylic, ascorbic, nicotinic, salicylic, anthemic, linoleic, stearic, palmitic, isovaleric and others. It contains flavonoids, bitterness, sugar, proteins, mucus, gum, carotene, vitamin C, essential oils, coumarins, glycosides. Apiin is considered especially valuable - a type of glycoside that relaxes smooth muscles and has an antispasmodic, choleretic effect. The biologically active substance chamazulene, which is part of essential oils, is also considered valuable. Without exception, all components of the herb are important, it is their combination and quantity that give a healing effect.

healing action

How useful is chamomile? What is the pharmacological action and scope of its application in folk and traditional medicine?

Useful properties of chamomile root

Everyone is well aware of the healing properties of the inflorescences of this plant, but chamomile root is also useful. It contains biologically active substances in high concentration. The root has the following therapeutic effect:

  • hemostatic;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • tonic;
  • antispasmodic.

Chamomile root powder is used for treatment. Most often they treat diseases genitourinary system, digestive organs, mastitis, allergic rashes, nervous disorders.

What are the contraindications of chamomile? With caution, decoctions of herbs should be used for anacid gastritis with low acidity, chronic diarrhea, mental disorders, hypersensitivity to the drug. The medicinal plant is not toxic, but with prolonged use or overdose, the following side effects may occur: dizziness, cough, nervous disorders, headache, hoarseness, menstrual irregularities, conjunctivitis.

Application in traditional medicine

There are many options for preparing medicinal potions from chamomile: teas, decoctions, various types of tinctures, essential oil.

Chamomile tea

What are the benefits of chamomile tea? First of all, it is taken from gastritis, especially when chronic form, with hyperacidity. In this case, chamomile tea is drunk for a long course of up to 10 days.


  1. Take 1 teaspoon of chamomile herb.
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 20 minutes.
  4. Strain.

Tea is drunk warm, 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.

  • What are the other health benefits of chamomile tea?
  • Strengthens immune system, is used as a prophylaxis for SARS and influenza.
  • Reduces flatulence, relieves spasms in the intestines and stomach.
  • Relieves inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract, facilitates breathing.
  • Relaxes the nervous system.
  • Helps with inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.

Chamomile tea can also be prepared as part of the stomach, chest, sedative fees. For example, with a psychoneurological reason gastric diseases chamomile with lemon balm is recommended, for diseases of the gallbladder this herb is prepared with peppermint, and for nervous excitement it is mixed with valerian.


The use of chamomile decoction is most often external. This is an indispensable natural antiseptic, which is used to treat the skin, wash the nose, throat, it is useful to take it for coughing with ARVI and flu as part of chest collections. But also a decoction can be drunk with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


  1. In an enamel bowl, place 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile
  2. Pour in 1 cup boiling water.
  3. Keep covered in the steam bath for 15 minutes.
  4. Cool, strain.

The finished broth should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.


Chamomile infusion can be prepared different ways depending on application. It can be water or alcohol based. It is important to remember that the concentration of infusion for internal reception should be lower than for external use.

Hot cooking

  1. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 2 hours.
  4. Strain.

The infusion is taken orally ¼ cup three times a day.

Preparation of infusion for cosmetic purposes

  1. Take 4 tbsp. spoons of chamomile
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Hold on the steam bath for 10 minutes.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.

Apply when cold.

Cold cooking

  1. Take 5 tbsp. spoons of chamomile
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of cold water.
  3. Insist 8 hours.
  4. Strain and store the infusion in the refrigerator.

The resulting portion of the infusion should be divided into equal doses and taken for 2 days. How to drink chamomile? Some herbalists recommend making only cold infusions of the herb for ingestion, as it will retain the essential oils. And for external use, it is better to prepare infusions in a hot way.

Preparation of alcohol tincture

  1. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of chamomile and add 10 tbsp. spoons of vodka.
  2. Infuse for a week in a dark place.
  3. Strain.

accept alcohol tincture 20 drops after meals with plenty of water.

Essential oil

Essential oil is often used externally for skin diseases, as well as in cosmetology, for the manufacture of hypoallergenic and antiseptics for skin care. But also the drug is effective for aching pains, spasms of the stomach and intestines, menopausal syndrome, menstrual irregularities, irritability and insomnia. It is taken in strict doses, 15 drops three times a day, preferably before meals. You can add oil to tea, dilute it in a spoonful of honey.


  1. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile
  2. Pour ¼ cup vegetable oil.
  3. Insist 2 days in a dark and cool place.

Chamomile essential oil can be bought at a pharmacy. It is made from different types plants, the price of the drug depends on this. The drug is widely used in aromatherapy, many positive feedback about the treatment of neuroses with this oil. It is important to remember: chamomile essential oil is prohibited for children and pregnant women.

Read more about external use of chamomile

All chamomile solutions for external use are more concentrated. However, it must be remembered that the delicate mucosa may react to a steep decoction or essential oil, then they must be used diluted.

  • In cosmetology. Chamomile extract is often added to creams, shampoos, soaps, gels, lotions. natural grass in cosmetics, it is an expensive component, which is why it is so often replaced with synthetic substances. For hair, you can make natural chamomile masks, rinse your head with decoctions of herbs after washing. For facial skin cleansing acne, acne, you can make natural alcohol-free lotions, masks.
  • Chamomile sitz baths. These procedures are prescribed for the inflammatory process in the anal and genital area. To prepare the bath, you need 1 liter of strong hot broth and a comfortable seat. It is best to use a bucket where the broth is poured. The most effective steam baths for cystitis.
  • Oral disinfection. In addition to otolaryngology, chamomile is often prescribed in dentistry. The herb is effective in stomatitis, useful for gums in periodontal disease.
  • Inhalations. You can breathe over chamomile decoction with ARVI, influenza, respiratory symptoms, if there is no temperature and a tendency to laryngospasm (especially in children). Steam inhalation soften breathing, relieve cough, help sputum discharge, disinfect the upper and lower respiratory tract.
  • Washing eyes. There is no single opinion on this issue. Some herbalists recommend rinsing the eyes with chamomile solution for inflammation, while others advise against doing this and talk about the risk of developing conjunctivitis. In any case, the solution when washing the eyes should be in a weak dilution.
  • Microclysters. Instructions for the use of chamomile include the following information: for microclysters, use 50 ml of a warm solution, the procedure is carried out no more than 2 times a day. Only a doctor can prescribe chamomile microclysters for adults and children with intestinal colic, bloating, rectal fissures, hemorrhoids and other diseases. Long-term use can lead to disruption of the intestinal microflora.
  • Douching. Chamomile decoctions are often used as an aid in the treatment of inflammation in gynecology. This procedure can be carried out during an exacerbation of no more than 5-7 days. As a daily hygiene, it is strictly prohibited. Grass dries the mucosa, leads to a violation of the microflora of the vagina, can cause itching and burning. Douching is also contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, during menstruation, within a month after childbirth, during menopause.
  • Chamomile baths. Chamomile is a powerful natural antiseptic. It is used when skin problems, like other popular herbs - string, calendula, celandine. Also, the vapors of this plant before going to bed soothe, relax the nervous system. When taking baths, add 1 liter of cool chamomile decoction to the water.

Features of use in men, women and children

Chamomile tincture is effective in diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women. It is actively used in children, starting from the first days of life.

For men

False information is ubiquitous that chamomile cures impotence. But with prostatitis, this drug really gives a therapeutic effect. Usually they prepare a collection of herbs, which helps to relieve inflammation and pain in prostatitis. Warm chamomile baths will be useful. Also, the decoction can be taken orally.


  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of chamomile, St. John's wort and linden herb.
  2. Pour in 1 cup boiling water.
  3. Leave for 1 hour.
  4. Strain.

Drink a collection of herbs twice a day for ½ cup. Take a decoction for a long course - at least 3 weeks.

For women

Under what diagnoses is chamomile prescribed in women?

  • Treatment of thrush. Local therapy is prescribed in the form of baths, douching and tampons. Herbal treatment relieves itching, burning in the vagina, reduces heavy discharge. You can get rid of thrush with local treatment antiseptic chamomile solutions with the addition of soda only at the initial stage of the disease. At copious secretions and severe itching without antifungal drugs not enough.
  • climacteric syndrome. With menopause, chamomile essential oil is prescribed, which relieves irritability, nervousness, feelings of panic and anxiety during this difficult period for a woman.
  • Painful menstruation. Chamomile decoction smoothes smooth muscles, relieves spasms, eliminates bloating during menstruation.
  • Cervical erosion. This is the most common and controversial female diagnosis. There are many approaches to its treatment, including the principle - do not touch the erosion at all. Chamomile douches and tampons help relieve inflammation in the vagina, which can cause erosion. But it is sometimes very difficult to identify the cause of the disease. Complex, neglected forms of erosion, of course, are not treated with grass.

During pregnancy, chamomile decoctions and infusions are used orally only as directed by a doctor, since the herb has an abortive property and can provoke a miscarriage in the early stages. Douching during pregnancy should not be carried away, so as not to "plant" the microflora of the vagina, which is already vulnerable during this period. But you can safely use decoctions externally as an antiseptic for acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis, diseases of the throat, gums. Read more about our other article.

For kids

Before using chamomile decoctions in children, especially infants, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. Children have cases of individual intolerance to this herb.

Chamomile flowers are widely used for inflammation of the digestive system - gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, liver and pancreas diseases, stomach and duodenal ulcers, flatulence. Also, the herb is effective in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, respiratory, urinary tract, neurosis, inflammation of the skin of various nature.

Chamomile is a ubiquitous annual plant of the genus Matricaria of the Asteraceae family. The plant can be found on different soils of Eurasia and North America and other extratropical regions of the earth. From Latin, the name translates as Mother Grass, since earlier it was used mainly for the treatment of female diseases.

Once a wild plant, today it is actively cultivated by man, representing medicinal value, being a sought-after medicinal raw material. Apart from active component many medicines, is a part of shampoos, creams, lotions, soaps and other cosmetics.

Chamomile pharmacy: description of the plant

The herbaceous plant has an average height of 20-40 cm, the large length of the stem indicates a lack sunlight during the growth period. The stem is thin and erect, hollow inside. Leaves 2-5 cm long have a regular arrangement, sit on the stem. The narrow-linear leaf has typical cuts with pointed lobules. Taproot, practically unbranched, thin. Small flower baskets have white petals on the edge and yellow tubular flowers in the middle.

Distinctive features of chamomile officinalis from its other species

The petals on the flower basket of the chamomile have a horizontal arrangement or are lowered down. The receptacle itself has a characteristic conical convex shape. The flower head is hollow.

The chemical composition of chamomile

Chamomile flowers:

Dry baskets contain up to 1% (0.1-0.8%) of essential oil, which is called chamomile. The oil has a blue color and is characterized by a rich composition. The most valuable component is azulene chamazulene, the content of which varies between 1-9%. Chamazulene is synthesized from the lactones matricin and matricarin in the process of steam distillation of raw materials. It has a pronounced anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic activity.

Up to 50% of the composition are other sesquiterpenoids: farnesene, bisabolol, myrcene monoterpene, etc.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

The great scientists of antiquity actively used chamomile in their recipes. So, Dioscorides and Hippocrates used the plant to relieve pain and cramps. Pliny the Elder advised using it as an antidote for snake bites (all parts of the plant), and decoction as an effective diuretic. Avicenna used the plant as a tonic that restores strength. Today, infusions and decoctions from dried chamomile flower baskets, as well as the essential oil of the plant, have found application in medicine.

Useful properties of chamomile flowers:

  • Disinfectant - destroy wide range pathogenic microflora;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Choleretic;
  • Painkiller;
  • Spasmolytic;
  • Sedative;
  • Weak astringent;
  • Anticonvulsant;
  • carminative;
  • Antiallergic;
  • Hemostatic.

Medicinal properties of chamomile oil:

  • It has a diaphoretic and disinfectant effect;
  • Reduces gas formation;
  • Improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates digestion;
  • Weakens the severity of inflammatory reactions;
  • Relieves pain, including migraine pain;
  • Activates the work of the central nervous system, but at the same time relieves stress, eliminates depressive disorders;
  • Expands blood vessels that feed the brain;
  • Relieves spasm of smooth muscles;
  • Has an antibacterial effect.

In a study conducted at Nottingham Medical School medical university Chamomile has been found to relax blood vessels and smooth muscles internal organs. These properties are confirmed in a study by Eulji University, located in South Korea.

A study was conducted at the Pennsylvania Medical School, which confirmed the pronounced antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties of the plant. In other experiments, it was found that the aerial part of the plant (including the stem and leaves) has radioprotective properties.

The University of Texas Galveston School of Medicine has experimentally proven that regular use Chamomile tea reduces the risk of death in people over 65.

Indications for the use of chamomile preparations, including oil

  • Inflammatory skin diseases, including festering wounds, burns;
  • Diseases of the gallbladder;
  • Pathologies of the respiratory organs, accompanied by cough, swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, bronchospasm;
  • Chronic and acute diseases stomach, flowing to an inflammatory change in the mucous membrane (gastritis and other gastropathy);
  • Inflammatory processes of internal organs, including the genitourinary system;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes;
  • Bronchial asthma, allergic gastritis, eczema and other diseases associated with individual hypersensitivity reactions;
  • Pain syndrome, including migraine and toothache;
  • Connective tissue damage (ligament sprains);
  • Insomnia.

A long treatment period of up to 3 months is allowed: as a rule, addiction and allergic reactions do not develop.

The use of chamomile and its dosage forms

Chamomile treatment (internal intake) helps with:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, enteritis, colitis) and biliary tract, liver pathologies, stomach cramps, diarrhea and increased flatulence;
  • Inflammatory phenomena, including diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, ENT organs;
  • Elevated body temperature;
  • Uterine bleeding, postpartum metrorrhagia;
  • Painful periods;
  • Scrofula, malaria;
  • SARS;
  • Overwork;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Insomnia, increased excitability.

Also, the infusion is used for external use when:

  • Angina, inflammation of the gums, gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis, toothache (for rinsing);
  • Ulcers, abscesses, eczema, difficult to heal wounds, rashes, weeping, burns and frostbite (for lotions and compresses);
  • Hemorrhoids (in the form of microclysters);
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (for washing);
  • Sweating of feet and hands (for rubbing);
  • Rheumatism, gout, bruises, arthritis (for poultices);
  • Rosacea, pimples (for washing, wiping);

Decoction and infusion

  • Chamomile decoction - flowers in the amount of 4 tbsp. place in an enamel pan and add 300 ml of boiling water. Put in a water bath for half an hour, then cool and strain, squeezing out the remnants of raw materials. Take 2-3 times a day after meals for half a glass, preferably with the addition of honey.
  • Infusion - flowers in the amount of 4 tbsp. pour into a thermos, add 200 ml of boiling water, cork and leave for 3 hours. Take the strained infusion 3-4 times a day in equal parts.

You can store the decoction and infusion for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.

Chamomile tea

  • Tea with a calming and carminative effect: take 3 parts of chamomile (flowers), 5 parts of cumin (seeds) and 2 parts of valerian (roots), mix. Pour two tablespoons of this mixture into 2 tbsp. boiling water, leave for about 20 minutes, strain. Take 100 ml in the morning and evening.
  • Slimming Tea- for 200 ml of boiling water, take 1 tsp. dry flowers and leave for 10 minutes. During the day, you should drink up to 5 cups of 200 ml. Course - 2 weeks, no more!


500 g of raw materials (the entire above-ground part) are poured with 2 liters of water and boiled for about 10 minutes, filtered and poured into the bath. Take every other day for 2 weeks in a row for 30 minutes. Useful for the following conditions:

  • Skin diseases, wounds, ulcers;
  • insomnia, nervousness;
  • Cramps of the calf muscles;
  • Dry skin, skin peeling;
  • Liver disease;
  • Cracks in the heels;
  • leg fatigue;
  • After X-ray exposure.


Take 50 g of butter (low fat 60-65%) and 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, melt everything in a water bath, add 2 yolks, 1 tsp. glycerin, 30 ml camphor alcohol, 2 tbsp. honey, 50 ml of chamomile infusion. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a glass jar. The cream will keep in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. Effective for:

  • dry skin;
  • Flaccidity of the skin and a decrease in turgor;
  • Cracks in the skin, peeling;
  • Irritations;
  • Redness of the skin.


1 tsp dry flowers are poured with boiling water in a volume of 200 ml, covered with a lid and insisted for half an hour, filtered. Collect the solution in a douche and gently bring vaginal douching over the bath daily at night for a course of 6-8 days. The introduction of liquid is carried out very slowly.

Shown at:

  • Inflammatory processes without exacerbation;
  • Thrush;
  • cystitis;
  • Nonspecific and specific vaginosis;
  • Erosion of the cervix.

Douching is contraindicated:

  • Women over 40 (women of this age group there is a natural decrease in the moisture content of the mucous membranes, and chamomile can provoke even greater dryness and irritation);
  • During pregnancy;
  • During the period of menstruation;
  • In acute inflammatory diseases;
  • In the first month after delivery, abortion, gynecological operations.


Chamomile tampons are indicated for the treatment of cervical erosion. Before preparing the infusion, cut and put them in the refrigerator for 2 days. Take 20 g of flowers, pour them with 1 liter of water and insist in a thermos for 1 day, strain the finished infusion. Grind aloe leaves to the consistency of porridge, mix them with the finished infusion in equal proportions. A sanitary tampon is dipped into the solution and placed in the vagina overnight. Repeat daily for 10 consecutive days. Contraindications are the same as for douching.

The use of chamomile for cosmetic purposes

  • To get rid of freckles (whitening the face), take 20 g of dried chamomile flowers, pour half a liter of boiling water, insist and strain, add half a liter of yogurt and juice from two lemons, mix. Make napkins out of gauze with a size corresponding to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfreckles on the face, soak them with a solution and put on the skin for 1 hour. The rest of the product is washed off cool water and lubricate the face with a fat cream. Make such masks 3 times a week.
  • To eliminate redness and irritation of the skin of the face. 1 tbsp dry inflorescences of the plant pour a glass of boiling water, leave for about 1 hour, strain, add 1 tbsp. honey, stir. Moisten gauze pads in the solution and apply to problem areas of the skin, changing the pads as they dry for half an hour.
  • Chamomile recipe for acne treatment: take 2 tbsp. dry chamomile flowers and 1 tbsp. dry, pour all 1 liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 12 hours. Wipe the affected skin with the resulting solution at least 5 times a day until the acne disappears.
  • Chamomile for dry and brittle hair. 4 tbsp flowers mix with 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for half an hour, strain. Mix with egg yolk and apply the resulting solution to the entire length of the hair, leave for half an hour, then rinse well. Repeat twice or thrice a week for 1 month.

This solution has a beneficial side effect for blondes - it brightens hair and gives it a golden sheen.

Chamomile oil


Without a sharp or exotic smell, chamomile oil is well tolerated by patients, including children and the elderly, has a positive effect on all organs and systems, and disinfects indoor air. Meanwhile, you need to get used to it - not everyone likes the taste of bitterness. Add a few drops to the aroma lamp and spend a 15-20-minute session, preferably in the evening.

Internal application

Taken mixed with honey: 2 drops of oil per 1 tsp. honey twice a day for 5-7 days. Helps with reduced immunity, decreased appetite, ulcers and gastritis (without exacerbation), menstrual irregularities and during menopause. Eliminates irritability, excitement, stabilizes the emotional background. Activates memory, positively affects mental activity.

Pregnant, lactating women and children under 6 years of age are not allowed to use its oil for internal use.

outdoor use

Chamomile essential oil can be applied to the skin in its pure form, without dilution, but pointwise, on problem areas in the form of applying an oil-soaked cotton pad to the skin for 5-10 minutes when:

  • allergic diseases (eczema, dermatitis);
  • inflammation after exposure to the sun or thermal burns(at the stage of healing);
  • insect bites;
  • poorly healing wounds, ulcers;
  • acne;
  • acne
  • small wrinkles;
  • rosacea;
  • ingrown nail (at the stage of tissue healing after surgical treatment).
  • alopecia, dandruff (in this case, the oil is rubbed into the hair roots for half an hour, then washed off).

Apply chamomile oil for 7-10 days in a row.

  • Essential oils enrich any cosmetics- creams, lotions at the rate of 3 drops of oil per 5 ml of the product.
  • Use the oil as a massage oil mixed with base oil(for example, 5 drops of chamomile oil per 10 ml of olive oil).
  • To aromatize baths, 10 drops, previously diluted in the base (warm milk, honey), are enough.
  • It goes well with other essential oils, enhancing the effectiveness of the latter: bergamot, geranium, bitter orange, cypress, lavender, rose, sage, marjoram.

Chamomile for children

Children can be given chamomile tea from the age of 1, diluting it in half with boiled water or buying special children's chamomile teas, which take into account age norms. For external use, this plant (with the exception of oil) can be used up to a year, also reducing the concentration of the finished infusion by 2 times.

Contraindications to the use of chamomile

The instructions for chamomile indicate that its use is contraindicated in pregnant women and is prescribed with caution to nursing mothers. In the presence of chronic diseases or chronic use of life-saving medications, you should consult your doctor about the possibility simultaneous application chamomile preparations. With individual intolerance, the plant can not be used for internal and external treatment.

Side effects

Possible side effects when taken internally:

  • Vomit;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • risk of bleeding;
  • Bronchospasm, Quincke's edema - with plant intolerance.

External use may result in allergic rash, itching and urticaria in the presence of hypersensitivity.

Procurement and storage

Medicinal raw materials for internal use are chamomile flowers. They are harvested in dry weather from June to August. It is during this period that the highest concentration of essential oil in the plant is noted.

For external use, chamomile is harvested as a whole, harvested in the same period as the flowers. The raw materials are dried in the shade, providing for good ventilation of the room. If a dryer is used, Maximum temperature air should be 40 C. During drying, the raw material must not be turned over so that the petals from the flowers do not fall off.

Dried raw materials can be used within 1 year, providing storage in clothes or paper bags in a dark and dry room. The plant has a rather strong specific smell, so you can not store raw materials next to products that absorb odors.

Release forms

Chamomile is a part of many dietary supplements and herbal remedies, available in the form of:

  • Dry raw materials (dry inflorescences, tea, herbal preparations);
  • Liquid extract or tincture;
  • Fat capsules with plant extract;
  • Chamomile oil;
  • As part of creams and ointments - chamomile extract.

Chamomile filter sachets Chamomile flowers Romazulin - liquid extract of chamomile Chamomile oil extract

Chamomile has long been considered the best hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent, it is actively used to treat diseases. Most often, chamomile is used because its medicinal properties are most pronounced. Other varieties are less effective, so they are practically not used. The plant is specially grown in personal plots, it can be harvested in meadows, purchased at ready-made in a pharmacy. Chamomile decoction is often found in herbal recipes, consider some of them.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

A decoction of chamomile flowers helps fight various diseases:

  • relieves inflammation during a cold;
  • improves the secretion of the digestive glands;
  • relieves swelling of the gastric mucosa;
  • normalizes the strength of heart contractions;
  • calms the nervous system.

It is successfully used for inflammation of the liver, treatment of stomach ulcers, for the prevention of bile stasis, and flatulence. Chamomile has long been called mother grass among the people, since it helped with female diseases. Chamomile has the ability to stop uterine bleeding, regulate the menstrual cycle. A decoction of this plant will help to cope with spasms, inflammation, pain, cramps.

Composition of chamomile

Chamomile owes its rich healing properties to a large number of useful substances that it contains. In white flowers with yellow cores, a large amount of matricine, a source of chamazulene. Chamazulene has an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates tissue regeneration. This substance, unfortunately, is partially destroyed by boiling.

The essential oil contains palmitic, oleic, linoleic, stearic acids, as well as carotene, coumarins, flavonoids, mucus, gums and vitamin C. There are also trace elements represented by copper, potassium, selenium, zinc. Unlike chamomile, odorous chamomile does not contain chamazulene essential oil.

Procurement of raw materials

To prepare healing drink and start treatment, you need to properly prepare raw materials. Healing chamomile(pharmacy) begins to bloom in early summer, ends in September. The maximum useful properties in the plant are already in mid-June. For collection choose a dry warm morning. The flowers are carefully plucked, then sorted out to remove accidentally caught insects, earth, wilted flowers.

The prepared raw materials are laid out on paper in a small layer and dried. You can do it on the veranda, balcony or at home. When using dryers, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. At the end of drying, the chamomile will become light, having lost almost 80% of its mass. The appearance will tell about the readiness of the raw materials. If the flowers crumble easily, turning into dust, they are overdried. If they do not crumble at all, they need to dry out more. Ready chamomile is poured into a bag of cloth or paper, stored in a dry place.

How to prepare a decoction of chamomile

Chamomile can be used as a decoction, infusion, tincture, tea. In the recipes of traditional medicine, it is the decoction of chamomile that is most often found, and we'll talk about it. In order not to destroy chamazulene, the plant is not advised to boil over an open fire. It is better to use a water bath for cooking. There are several ways to prepare a decoction, everyone can choose the right one.

  1. Pour the flowers with boiling water in a teapot or any other convenient vessel, close the lid and leave for an hour. The decoction can be used for treatment.
  2. A stronger decoction will turn out if you take chamomile flowers, pour them hot water, simmer in a water bath for half an hour. Then strain. Depending on the purpose, you can dilute the decoction or take it undiluted.
  3. We fall asleep chamomile flowers in an enamel bowl, fill it with water. Bring to a boil, remove, cool. After straining, you can use.

Chamomile for the treatment of throat, runny nose, mouth

Chamomile for inhalation. For colds, an infusion of chamomile is prepared (2 tablespoons / 200 ml of water). Leave for half an hour, then add a liter of boiling water. Cover the container with a towel, gently lower your head and inhale the warm steam through your nose and mouth. Carry out such procedures every day, if there is no fever.

Recipe for a cold. This prescription can be used after consultation with the doctor, since with sinusitis and other complications it can be harmful. In a thermos, brew a teaspoon of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water. After four hours, the resulting infusion is filtered, warm compresses are made on the bridge of the nose with it.

angina treatment. A decoction is being prepared for rinsing. In a water bath, simmer a mixture of a spoonful of celandine, a glass of boiling water and 1 tbsp. spoons of chamomile After 15 minutes, remove, filter. The resulting product can be used only in the form of rinses (up to 7 times / day). It cannot be taken internally due to the presence of celandine in the composition.

Toothache. To rinse your mouth with a toothache, you need to take a tablespoon of sage and chamomile flowers. Leave for 15 minutes, then strain. While the infusion is warm, it should be used for rinsing, holding in the mouth for a long time.

Chamomile for the treatment of blood vessels and heart

Arrhythmia. Need to cook complex composition, take 2 tablespoons of cumin, fennel, chamomile, mint, valerian. Brew 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, after 15 minutes of infusion medicinal infusion he'll be ready. Drink it in a glass before bed.

Atherosclerosis. To prepare a decoction, you need to take in equal parts the fruits of chokeberry, hawthorn, buckthorn bark, lingonberries, corn silk, motherwort, string and chamomile. Infuse the drink, it is used in 100 ml for the treatment of blood vessels.

Chamomile for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

Chamomile normalizes the secretion of the stomach, useful if the acidity is high. A decoction of chamomile eliminates gas formation, fermentation processes, relieves mucosal edema and spasm, promotes tissue regeneration.

Gastric ulcer. It is necessary to prepare a decoction of a glass of boiling water and a tablespoon of chamomile flowers. You need to drink it for at least a month, half a glass after each meal. After taking the decoction, you should stay in a prone position for a while, turning alternately from side to side.

Liver diseases. To stimulate the separation of bile and eliminate spasm, it is recommended to take a decoction of wormwood, chamomile, yarrow, mint, cumin. You need to insist it for at least 12 hours. Then bring to a boil. Take after meals 100 ml.

The use of chamomile tea for eye health

If the eyelids and eyes are inflamed after prolonged visual work, you need to brew a tablespoon of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. After straining, make gauze or cotton swabs with this decoction. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. For the treatment of conjunctivitis, the eyes are washed with a warm decoction.

Chamomile for the treatment of female and male diseases

The treatment of inflammation of the female genital organs prescribed by a doctor is recommended to be accompanied by douching with a decoction of chamomile. You can take a decoction of chamomile, you can prepare a decoction of knotweed, chamomile and nettle. Douching should be done with warm temperature(about 37°).

With prostatitis, chamomile infusion will also benefit men. To do this, mix chamomile, celandine leaves, St. John's wort. The decoction should be taken in the morning and evening. The course is three weeks.

Chamomile for children

A decoction of chamomile for newborns is too strong a concentration, it is not recommended to use it. Children can only be given a specialized one, which is sold in children's stores, and then, from a certain age and as prescribed by a doctor.

But a decoction of chamomile can be added to the bath for bathing. Chamomile is able to remove any inflammation of the skin and remove irritation. Chamomile baths also have a calming effect on the child. It is best to bathe your baby before bed.

Chamomile Contraindications

There are contraindications when chamomile can cause harm. It is not recommended to use an infusion from this plant:

  • with anacid gastritis;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

In case of an overdose of the plant, dizziness, cough, headache, hoarseness, diarrhea, nausea may occur. In women, menstruation may worsen pain.

Probably, in every house there is a bundle with dry medicinal chamomile. After all, this is the first assistant for almost all ailments for children and adults, as well as an effective cosmetic product. The medicinal properties of the plant have been known for a long time, but not everyone knows how to properly brew chamomile for drinking, in which cases a decoction and tea are needed, and in which tincture, to whom and how the herb can harm. You will find answers to all these questions and many more interesting things later in the article.

Chemical composition

The healing properties of this low annual from the Astrov genus are due to its the richest composition. AT medicinal purposes only inconspicuous small inflorescences are used, which have a strong specific aroma.

Did you know? The Latin name for chamomile (Matricaria recutita) comes from Greek word which means "mother" in English. Linguists associate its etymology with the healing properties of the potion.

In the composition of chamomile apothecary in large quantities found:
  • blue essential oil (from 0.1 to 1.0%);
  • quercetin derivatives;
  • luteolin;
  • apigenin;
  • coumarins (umbelliferone and herniarin);
  • caprylic acid;
  • anthemic organic acid;
  • isovaleric acid,
  • salicylic acid;
  • tannins;
  • ascorbic acid (223 mg in leaves and 135 mg in flowers);
  • polyyne compounds;
  • polysaccharides;
  • gum;
  • vitamins;
  • carotene;
  • bitterness;
  • phytosterols;
  • protein substances;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids (there are 2 times more of them in chamomile than in marigolds and yarrow);
  • mucous substances;
  • alkaloids (available only in flower baskets, and absent in leaves and stems);
  • sulfur (2.4 g);
  • potassium (37.34 g);
  • chlorine (10.8 g);
  • calcium (16.33 g);
  • phosphorus (3.34 g);
  • silicon dioxide (2 g);
  • magnesium (3.6 g).

Important! Harvesting of medicinal raw materials of chamomile is best done in the second decade of June, when the peak of its flowering begins. In the evening and in the heat, the metabolic processes in the plant decrease, so you need to pick flower baskets in the morning, in dry weather.

Beneficial features

The healing effect of chamomile is recognized not only by folk herbalists, but also official medicine. Despite technological progress and the latest developments in synthetic medicines, many medicines based on chamomile oil, which is the most valuable component of the plant, are on sale today. Natural extracts from this plant are very much appreciated in cosmetology.

Due to the unique combination of components, flower baskets have an antibacterial, choleretic, and calming effect. Chamomile also stimulates appetite, relieves muscle spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, anesthetizes.

  • gastritis;
  • digestive disorders;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • colitis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • cystitis;
  • diseases of the bladder;
  • cholecystitis;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • colds and viral infections;
  • problem skin;
  • colpitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • burns;
  • purulent wounds that heal for a long time and poorly;
  • toothache;
  • gout and rheumatism.

Did you know?If cows graze on chamomile meadows, their milk will be enriched with useful substances, but it is impossible to drink it because of the sharp unpleasant odor.

tea recipes

Chamomile tea can be drunk not only during illness, its benefits are obvious even for preventive purposes. Daily 1-2 cups of pleasant fragrant drink do not interfere, but on the contrary, relieve fatigue and strengthen the body. And if you add a teaspoon of honey to the drink and drink it at night - strong and healthy sleep secured.
There are no restrictions for chamomile tea. It can and should be accepted by people different ages and even newborns. In fact, it is a natural, completely harmless medicine.

Phytotherapists advise preparing a drink according to classic recipe: brew a teaspoon of dried raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave for about 10 minutes. Depending on the time during which the drink was infused, it may have a different color: from light yellow to dark brown.
In most cases, chamomile tea is used in its pure form for ailments. Its therapeutic effect does not immediately occur: for this you will need to take several courses. But for preventive purposes, you can take a drink from herbal preparations.

Did you know? Butter medicinal chamomile ancient Egyptian peoples used to mummify the bodies of the dead.

Herbalists advise several popular recipes teas based on chamomile inflorescences:

  1. Chamomile mint tea has a pleasant aroma and taste, relieves stress, helps to relax, eliminates all sorts of pain, inflammation and helps to fall asleep. To prepare a drink, you will need a sprig of fresh or dried mint, 1 teaspoon of chamomile flower baskets and 20 ml of boiling water. Pour everything into a teapot and fill with water. Then cover with a lid and let the drink infuse for a few minutes.
  2. Chamomile-thyme tea helps with insomnia, colds, inflammatory processes. It is prepared from equal parts of chamomile and thyme (take a teaspoon of herbs for a glass of boiling water).
  3. Chamomile-melissa tea not only useful, but also very tasty. For him, lemon varieties of lemon balm are more often used, which are characterized by a pronounced pleasant smell. Drinking helps to relieve fever, pain, inflammation during colds, has sedative effect. To get a fragrant and healthy drink, it is enough to add half a teaspoon of dried lemon balm or 5-6 fresh leaves to the teapot to the chamomile.

Important!To distinguish medicinal chamomile from other species, cut it across. Instances with a hollow interior are suitable for various kinds of therapy and disease prevention. Also, for drying, you need to look for inflorescences with a pronounced apple-honey smell.

Use in folk medicine: treatment of diseases

In diseases, you can use medications based on medicinal chamomile flowers. These are Rotokan, Rekutan, Ayuron, Ramazulon, essential chamomile oil. But remedy very easy to cook at home. The main thing is to always have healing raw materials at hand. Let us examine in more detail what exactly folk healers recommend to treat with chamomile, and what instructions for use are recommended in specific cases.


The herb is very effective for mild colds, sore throats, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Treatment is preferably carried out with teas, mouth rinses, inhalations.

Phytotherapists in such cases are advised to cook herbal collection taken from 1 tablespoon of chamomile, plantain and calendula. Then 30 g of the mixture is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 3 hours. You need to take the medicine in between meals for a third of a glass.

Important! For drying, flowers are plucked and no more than 3 cm of the stem. You can store dry raw materials for 2 years.

Runny nose

Runny nose, which often accompanies colds, well treats chamomile decoction. It is prepared from 2 tablespoons of dried flowers and a glass of boiling water. For the product, you need to find an enameled container so that its useful qualities are not lost during the heating process.
When all the ingredients are mixed, put the saucepan in a water bath and hold for about half an hour. Then allow 10 minutes to cool and strain the potion. At the final stage of preparation, the resulting broth is diluted with boiled water to make 200 ml of liquid. The tool is used for inhalation, rinsing and washing the nasal passages.

For the treatment of abscesses of the gums and teeth, only cold decoctions and tinctures of chamomile are used, since heating the sore spot can provoke the development of infection and complications caused by a breakthrough of suppuration.

Herbalists recommend preparing classic tea or a decoction from a glass of boiling water and a tablespoon of raw materials, then put the liquid, when it cools down, in the freezer. Then apply ice cubes to the aching tooth to relieve inflammation and pain relief. Gargling with cold chamomile tea in the mouth also helps. Alternatively, you can apply swabs soaked in chamomile decoction to the inflamed cheek.

Important! The prepared decoction of pharmacy chamomile can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

For pregnant and lactating women, dentists recommend traditional rinsing herbal decoction from equal portions of chamomile, and St. John's wort. To obtain the desired effect, it is enough to pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Then add 1 teaspoon of soda to the resulting liquid. If you rinse your mouth with this medicine for 5-10 minutes, the pain will pass in an hour.


Knowing what chamomile decoction helps with, if necessary, you can start the treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, glaucoma and even cataracts on time. In complex therapy ethnoscience advises to brew 2-3 tablespoons of inflorescences with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, when the medicine is infused, it must be carefully filtered through double gauze and rinsed with a clean swab. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times a day until the ailment passes.

Heart arythmy

In case of violations of the functions of the cardiovascular system during the period of exacerbation of symptoms, it is useful to dip your face into cold chamomile tea. Also effective is a herbal collection prepared from equal parts of flowers, chamomile apothecary and a double portion of leaves and. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, covered with a tight lid and infused for 5 minutes. Then they drink in one gulp. You need to take the medicine three times a day exclusively fresh. The course of treatment lasts about 3 months.

Did you know? By the flowers of medicinal chamomile, you can determine the time. At 6 o'clock in the morning, their petals are directed upwards, closer to 4 pm they are placed horizontally, and by 7 o'clock they are pressed tightly against the peduncle.


Thanks to chamazulene, which is part of the essential oil, chamomile is indispensable for the stomach and intestines. In addition, its mucous components contribute to the establishment of work digestive tract in infants and humans middle age. Classic chamomile decoctions and teas are recommended for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
For constipation in newborns and preschool children, microclysters from warm chamomile infusion are recommended. Babies up to a year are injected with no more than 15 ml of liquid.


Chamomile will also help relieve spasms and set up the proper functioning of the intestines in such cases. As therapeutic agent traditional medicine advises daily in the morning and evening to drink half a glass of herbal decoction. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of inflorescences and 200 ml of boiling water. To improve the effect, some recipes suggest adding equal parts of leaves and seeds. When the mixture is infused, it must be filtered and taken three times a day after meals.

Important!You can remove the specific smell of medicines from chamomile with the help of valerian root.

Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

A decoction of chamomile helps to eliminate pain when opening an ulcer in the stomach and duodenum. Phytotherapeutists recommend drinking it daily instead of tea, 3-4 cups between meals.

Liver and biliary tract

When gallstone disease worries, folk healers advise drinking a warm infusion of chamomile three times a day. It is prepared from 1.5 tablespoons of flower baskets and 200 ml of water. All components are combined and left to infuse for 8-9 hours. Then they filter, squeeze out the raw materials, add whipped cream or butter to the liquid.


This unpleasant male disease in the initial stages of development can be stopped with chamomile infusions. The liquid is advised to use for washing the intestines and internal methods.
The medicine is prepared from 30 g of dry raw materials and half a glass of boiling water. The components are combined, infused for about 30 minutes, then filtered. It is advisable to drink the remedy every day in the morning and evening, and do microclysters for 48 hours (before going to bed).

Did you know?In addition to medicine, chamomile is widely used in perfumery and porcelain production.

Application in cosmetology

In the composition of many cosmetic products for hair and skin care, you can find chamomile. Especially often this component is found in children's cosmetics. But, despite the wide range of store-bought creams, masks, shampoos and gels, most women trust home-made products. Let's figure out how you can use grass for the beauty of the body.

For hair

All the blondes who have a preference natural remedies, know about lightening hair with chamomile. If you regularly rinse your head after washing with herbal decoction, in a couple of months your hair will brighten by a couple of tones. Moreover, the procedure contributes to the healing and shine of the strands. Some brown-haired women got used to preparing hair dyes from medicinal plants, glycerin and hydrogen peroxide. As natural ingredients chamomile inflorescences and nettle leaves are used. For shine curls, you can add a little juice.
Lifeless hair with split ends will help restore a special mask from equal portions of pharmaceutical chamomile, plantain, nettle and. Pour 30 g of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for a couple of hours. Then we filter, mix rye bread crumbs into the liquid until a mushy consistency is obtained. After the manipulations done, we apply the mask to the hair roots (if it remains, you can stretch it along the entire length), wrap the head with polyethylene and a towel. Wash off after an hour.

Did you know? Popular belief says that chamomile blooms where the stars have fallen.

Some owners of blond hair add chamomile tea to the shampoo with every wash. lemon juice. For colored hair, in order not to overdry them, it is advisable to add a few drops of burdock, castor or any other oil.

For skin

Many ladies who care about their appearance and health start and end the day by wiping their faces with chamomile decoction. This is done in order to give the skin freshness and a healthy glow. For aging and tired skin, it will be very useful to place the prepared decoction in the freezer for several hours, and then wipe your face with ice. This procedure has a beneficial effect on problematic skin, all sorts of rashes and irritations.
For burns and skin dermatitis traditional healers advise making oil from chamomile. To do this, just mix 4 tablespoons of dry raw materials and 100 ml of olive oil. The mixture must be brought to a boil, then insisted for 10 days and strained.

If the tan is not successful, and the skin is burned, chamomile ointment will prevent the appearance of blisters. It is prepared from well-dried grass and petroleum jelly passed through a coffee grinder. The ratio of ingredients is 1:5.

Important!With the systematic use of pharmacy chamomile, it is quite possible to get rid of even chronic diseases.

Application in gynecology

Teas, infusions and decoctions of chamomile are very helpful in diseases of the female genital organs and painful menstruation. These funds are recommended for both internal and external use.
To neutralize pathogens inflammatory processes, gynecologists often prescribe douching with chamomile decoctions, as well as plentiful drink teas brewed from this culture. The fact is that drinking relieves fever and relieves pain.

Cooking medicinal potion at the rate of 2 tablespoons of flowers per 1 liter of boiling water. The ingredients are simmered over low heat until boiling. Then the covered pan is well wrapped and set aside to infuse. The liquid is suitable for drinking and douching. For the last therapeutic variation, the temperature of the drug should not exceed 38°C.
Also, the grass is shown to expectant mothers to improve the functioning of the intestines and strengthen the immune system. The main thing is that before you start taking a decoction of chamomile inside, be sure to consult your doctor about possible benefits and harm.

Important! Never collect chamomile medicinal raw materials near the road and industrial enterprises.


It would seem that chamomile, which has so many medicinal properties, is completely harmless. But experts identify a certain group of people who are desirable to refrain from such therapy and preventive measures. Allergic people who are sensitive to the substances contained in the plant, as well as people suffering from mental disorders in particular schizophrenia.
It is also important to know the measure. In cases of overdose, the following are possible:

  • headache;
  • cough;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • general fatigue;
  • depression.
Nothing will happen if you drink a couple of cups of chamomile tea a week whenever you feel like it. But before starting treatment, be sure to enlist the advice of a treating specialist, find out from him how many herbal remedies you need to take specifically in your case. Remember that the maximum amount of chamomile drunk per day should not exceed 4 cups, and the course of treatment in the most severe and running forms illness lasts no more than 3 months.
As you can see, chamomile has beneficial properties and at the same time has contraindications. Do not experiment with your health, take care of yourself and be healthy.

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