Reduced height of the intervertebral disc l5 s1. Reduced height of lumbar intervertebral discs

Protrusion L5-S1- This is a protrusion of the intervertebral disc between the fifth lumbar and first sacral vertebrae. This is the most frequently and dangerously affected area of ​​the spine.

Dr. Ignatiev’s clinic treats L5-S1 disc protrusion using non-surgical methods. Reception is by appointment.

According to statistics, lesions of the L5-S1 disc are the most common among all lesions lumbar region, this pathology can be found in almost 45-50% of cases of all lumbar protrusions. In 10-11% of cases, a combination of lesions of L5-S1 and L4-L5 (less often L3-L4) occurs. In almost 40% of cases there are accompanying illnesses: anthespondylolisthesis, retrospondylolisthesis, disc herniation, uncoarthrosis, spondyloarthrosis, etc. In almost all cases, the disease occurs against the background of degenerative dystrophic changes spine (osteochondrosis).

Protrusion of the L5-S1 intervertebral disc can cause entrapment of the right and left roots of the fifth lumbar and first sacral nerve roots, as well as the bundle nerve fibers(cauda equina) in the spinal canal.

Posterior (dorsal, dorsal) disc protrusion l5-s1common name protrusions that can affect structures nervous system(additional information on posterior protrusions);

Diffuse dorsal protrusion of the l5-s1 disc - protrusion in the direction of the nerve structures, which affected 25-50% of the disc;

Protrusion of discs l4-l5, l5-s1 – combined damage to discs in the segments between the fourth lumbar and first sacral vertebrae.

Since the disease tends to worsen, treatment should be started as early as possible. Without adequate measures, protrusion is fraught with growth in between spinal hernia disk.

Since the most lower segment spine, further physical activity is contraindicated and contributes to a decrease in working capacity.

When compression of the nerve roots occurs, pain occurs along the outer and back surfaces of the thigh and lower leg, foot and toes. Paresis occurs calf muscle, pronators of the foot, long extensors thumb feet. The Achilles reflex disappears.

Pinching of the cauda equina leads to disability of the patient, loss of sensation and mobility in the legs (paraparesis lower limbs).


Treatment should be as early as possible and aimed at the cause of protrusion in the lumbar region. Typically, the disease occurs when the biomechanics of the spine are disrupted and certain segments are overloaded.

Treatment is carried out using non-surgical methods, in most cases without medication.

Initially, the term osteochondrosis denoted a group of diseases of a predominantly inflammatory nature in the subcartilaginous space of the long tubular bones of the skeleton and apophyses in short bones.

Intervertebral osteochondrosis refers only to a degenerative-dystrophic process in the discs of one or more parts of the spinal column. The primary inflammatory process in this case, in the absence of timely treatment and with the continued influence of the provoking factor, it also spreads to the osseous-ligamentous apparatus adjacent to the disc

The spinal column of every person consists of vertebrae. Between these vertebrae are discs that serve primarily as shock absorbers. That is, intervertebral discs prevent neighboring vertebrae from touching each other, soften movement, and reduce the load.

The anatomy of the disc is represented by a central nucleus and the annulus fibrosus, a dense tissue that surrounds the entire nucleus in a circumferential manner. Influenced certain reasons core structures and connective tissue The discs are steadily damaged, this leads to disruption of the shock absorption function, decreased mobility and deterioration of elasticity. Manifests similar condition different symptoms.


As the body ages, intervertebral osteochondrosis is observed to one degree or another in every person. But if the body is constantly under the influence of factors negatively affecting the spinal column, then the osteochondral structures are destroyed quickly and all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease appear at a fairly young age.

Intervertebral osteochondrosis develops due to negative influence the following factors:

  • With constant physical inactivity. That is, degenerative changes most often occur with a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Disturbed metabolism.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Overweight.
  • Poor nutrition – consumption of fatty, low-vitamin foods, various food additives.
  • Injuries and damage to vertebral bodies.
  • Diseases musculoskeletal system, this group also includes curvature of the spine and flat feet.
  • In women, the load on the spinal column increases significantly during pregnancy and constantly wearing high heels.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Bad habits – smoking, alcohol abuse.

Has a certain influence on the development of intervertebral osteochondrosis hereditary factor. Under the influence of all these provoking causes, blood circulation in the intervertebral structures is significantly impaired, slowing down metabolic processes, does not enter tissues and cells sufficient quantity microelements and vitamins. That is, all conditions are created for the occurrence of inflammatory and degenerative changes in the discs.


  • Intervertebral osteochondrosis of the first degree is characterized by a decrease in the height of the disc; it seems to be flattened, which leads to the appearance of microcracks in the fibrous ring. At this stage of the disease, the patient may complain of periodic sharp pain with a specific localization, reminiscent of an electric discharge.
  • In the second degree of osteochondrosis, the height of the disc steadily decreases, the jelly-like part of the nucleus dries out, and cracks form in the annulus fibrosus. The pathological process is accompanied by inflammation and irritation of nerve endings.
  • The third stage is characterized complete break fibrous ring and protrusion of the central part of the disc. Thus, we're talking about about the formed intervertebral hernia. At this stage of the disease, the vessels and nerves passing next to the altered vertebrae are infringed, which affects the appearance of certain symptoms of the disease.

Types of localization

Intervertebral osteochondrosis can affect any part of the spinal column. Common osteochondrosis affects more than one anatomical region of the spine. Based on localization, the local pathological process is divided into:

  • Cervical osteochondrosis. This type of disease is detected most often and can occur in fairly young people.
  • Thoracic osteochondrosis is the rarest type of localization of the disease. This is due to the fact that this section is less mobile.
  • Lumbar osteochondrosis.
  • Sacrococcygeal intervertebral osteochondrosis.


The diagnosis of intervertebral osteochondrosis is made by a neurologist. First, the patient is examined, anamnesis is collected, and complaints are clarified. To confirm the diagnosis using instrumental examination methods, the following are prescribed:

  • X-ray of the spine.
  • MRI is used to detect intervertebral hernia and evaluate pathological changes in the spinal cord.
  • Discography is prescribed for a complete examination of all damaged disc structures.
  • Electromyography or electroneurography is prescribed to determine damage in the nerve pathways.


The clinical picture of intervertebral osteochondrosis depends on the degree of inflammatory and degenerative changes occurring in the discs. The first sign is pain, as a rule, it is combined with some disturbance of movement in the affected segment of the spine.

The pain can be so severe that it sharply reduces a person’s performance, disrupts his psycho-emotional state and is relieved only after the use of drug blockades. Signs of the disease also depend on the type of localization of osteochondrosis.

Symptoms of disease in the cervical spine

The diagnosis of intervertebral osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is made most often. Main symptoms:

  • Frequent headaches and dizziness.
  • Pain in the upper limbs and chest.
  • Numbness of the cervical spine and limitation of its mobility.
  • Weakness and decreased sensitivity in the hands.

Cervical intervertebral osteochondrosis is also often manifested by pressure surges, darkening of the eyes, and severe weakness. This is explained by the fact that the vertebral artery, which supplies different parts of the brain, passes through the vertebrae of this section. Its compression as a result of changes in the anatomical location of the discs leads to various pathological changes in well-being.

Manifestations of disease in the thoracic region

The thoracic spine is affected less frequently by pathological changes than others. The main reason for this type of localization of osteochondrosis is curvature of the spinal column or injury.

The symptoms of the changes occurring are somewhat different from the signs of the disease in other parts. The pain is not so pronounced, it is usually aching, periodic and dull. Sometimes pain and numbness appear in the extremities, and goosebumps are recorded in the chest area.

Compression of nerve endings involved in the innervation of internal organs leads to the development discomfort in the area of ​​the liver, stomach and heart.

Due to the fact that the symptoms thoracic osteochondrosis identical to other diseases, the diagnosis is often made incorrectly. It is necessary to distinguish from osteochondrosis thoracic gastritis, angina pectoris, intercostal neuralgia.

Symptoms of lumbar intervertebral osteochondrosis

Intervertebral osteochondrosis, affecting the lumbar spine, is most common. And most of all, middle-aged male patients are identified with this type of localization. The main symptoms include:

  • Severe pain in the lumbar region and noticeable limitation of mobility.
  • Painful sensations are recorded in the buttocks, thighs, and legs.
  • Patients complain of unexpected lumbago.

This type of intervertebral osteochondrosis is often manifested by impaired sensitivity skin on the legs, which is explained by pinched nerve endings. Paresthesia and weakness in the lower extremities occur periodically.


Treatment of identified spinal osteochondrosis is aimed at relieving pain, reducing inflammation, restoring vertebral mobility, improving blood circulation and metabolic reactions.

It is necessary to use not only medications, but also physical therapy, specially selected massage courses, and physical therapy. Drug treatment is selected based on the manifestations of the disease and mainly consists of:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This group of drugs reduces swelling and inflammation, which affects pain relief. They use Nise, Ketanov, Movalis, Diclofenac. This group of drugs is selected by a doctor and prescribed for a strictly defined time, as it can cause a number of adverse reactions.
  • Painkillers are used for severe pain. Sometimes an attack of pain can only be stopped with a drug blockade.
  • Vitamin complexes are necessary to enhance metabolic reactions in nerve tissues. They prescribe Milgamma, Unigamma.
  • They use drugs that improve blood flow - Trental, Eufillin.
  • Muscle relaxants are medications that relieve muscle spasms. Most often, Tizanidine and Mydocalm are prescribed for osteochondrosis.
  • After the main treatment, chondroprotectors are selected - medications that restore altered cartilage tissue. This group of drugs is used for a long time, and in old age in courses.


I have cervical osteochondrosis of traumatic origin. And exacerbation of osteochondrosis is always accompanied by acute myositis - inflammation of the neck muscles. It must be treated with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. I don’t know whether this is a common combination of diseases, or whether I’m unique... During an exacerbation, the neck does not turn at all and additional muscle pain. Very discomfort. After acute phase Massage helps a lot. As I understand it, osteochondrosis is for life...

I was diagnosed with lumbar osteochondrosis of traumatic origin more than 20 years ago. After courses of blockades and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, remission occurred for some time, and then an exacerbation occurred again. I decided to fight with the help of physical education. I brought up literature on this topic; V. Dikul’s book “Treating the back from hernias and protrusions” was especially useful. I have selected suitable exercises to strengthen the muscle corset, I have been doing them, and have been doing them for many years now. full image life. Sometimes there are exacerbations, but in a mild form.

Reduced height of intervertebral discs: development process, consequences, treatment

Intervertebral discs are cartilaginous formations that connect the bone elements of the spine. They provide flexibility and mobility of the spinal column, body rotation, and absorb loads and shocks when running, jumping and other movements. Constant mechanical impact, aging of the body, harmful effects external factors and diseases gradually lead to cartilage losing its natural qualities, wearing out and sagging.

Etiology of the disease

Anatomically, intervertebral discs consist of a dense membrane (annulus fibrosus) and a softer pulpous center (nucleus pulposus), enclosed between hyaline plates that are adjacent to the vertebral bodies.

Discs do not carry blood vessels Therefore, nutrition and water supply of cartilage fibers occurs in a diffuse manner from the surrounding soft tissues. Thus, normal functioning of intervertebral discs is possible only with in good condition muscle tissue (proper adequate physical activity and active blood circulation).

The development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the body (osteochondrosis) and a sedentary lifestyle causes deterioration in the nutrition of the back muscles and intervertebral discs. As a result, stiffness of some segments occurs, pain during movement, swelling, spasms, which further complicates blood circulation in the pathological area.

Gradually, the cartilage tissues lose water, their elasticity decreases, the fibrous membrane begins to crack, and the disc itself flattens, becomes lower and sometimes goes beyond anatomically acceptable limits.

The next stage of the disease or stage of osteochondrosis is the development of spondylosis deformans. Subsidence and squeezing out of fibrous fibers of cartilage under the weight of the body and during physical activity leads to the fact that the intervertebral discs pull along the hyaline plates connected to them and the surface of the bone tissue. Thus, bone growths appear on the vertebral bodies - osteophytes.

To some extent, the formation of osteophytes is defensive reaction the body to destroy cartilage and go beyond its natural limits. As a result, the disks are limited in the lateral planes and can no longer go beyond the edges bone growths(spread even further). Although this condition significantly worsens the mobility of the affected segment, it no longer causes any particular pain.

The further development of the disease is characterized by the degeneration of cartilage tissue into denser tissue, similar in quality to bone, causing the discs to suffer even more.

Stages of pathology and their symptoms

The development of the disease is conventionally divided into several stages:

  • The initial stage or stage of subtle changes, in which there is slight damage to the membranes of the fibrous ring, but the height of the intervertebral disc itself remains unchanged. The only worrying symptom is some stiffness in movements in the morning hours and discomfort after unusual and excessive physical activity.
  • Stage of progression of degenerative disorders, pronounced disc subsidence and damage to the fibrous membrane. At this stage, there is stiffness of the back muscles and ligaments, which are no longer able to support the spine. Curvature of posture (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis), vertebral instability and other pathologies may be observed. The patient feels pain after physical exertion and/or prolonged exposure to static and uncomfortable positions.
  • The stage of active deformation of the disk ring, its cracking, going beyond acceptable limits. The formation of intervertebral protrusions or hernias, which are characterized by local swelling, inflammation, and spasm of muscle tissue, is possible. Disruption of microcirculation of blood and lymph causes severe pain, as well as pinching of blood vessels and nerve roots. May be accompanied by loss of sensitivity, paresis or paralysis of the limbs, and dysfunction of internal organs.
  • The stage of progression of spondylosis, in which the intervertebral discs significantly lose their height, extend beyond the vertebral bodies, and osteophytes are formed. At this stage of the development of the disease, ankylotic fusions of the joints may occur, which is fraught with a complete loss of mobility of the segment, and, consequently, disability of the patient.

Treatment of the disease

Sagging intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis and spondylosis are conditions that, once they occur, are difficult to treat or restore. Reducing the height of the disc and the growth of osteophytes can only be stopped or slowed down, but it is quite possible to improve the condition of the cartilage tissues of the joints.

Conservative treatment methods include A complex approach, which consists of:

  • pain relief medications, physiotherapeutic and manual procedures;
  • active and passive development of the joint, improving blood circulation and lymph flow in it;
  • treatment of soft tissues of the whole body and pathological area to restore trophism and metabolic processes;
  • improving the condition of the cartilage of the spinal column and the whole body with medications, physiotherapy, exercise therapy;
  • strengthening the bone, muscle and ligament structures of the body;
  • if necessary, reduce pressure on each other and soft fabrics bone growths by surgical intervention.

Drug therapy is represented by:

  • local and general painkillers to relieve pain syndrome;
  • muscle relaxants to eliminate muscle spasms;
  • if necessary, NSAIDs to relieve inflammation;
  • chondroprotectors to improve the condition and nourishment of cartilage tissue;
  • vasodilating and activating intercellular metabolism drugs to improve blood circulation and metabolic processes.

Physiotherapeutic procedures should be combined with therapeutic exercises, various types massages, swimming, yoga and other physical activities. IN Lately Cryotherapy, as well as spinal traction (hardware, natural, water, kinesiological, etc.), have gained wide popularity in the treatment of diseases of the spine.

If necessary, the patient may be advised to rest completely and/or wear a corset for a certain period. Plays an important role in treatment psychological attitude the patient himself, refusal bad habits, rethinking the entire lifestyle and an appropriate diet.

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I would like to express my gratitude to the massage master Ruslan Anatolyevich! The headaches subsided after just 4 treatments! This is despite the fact that general course To consolidate the effect of 7-10 procedures, that’s what I was told. I will definitely take the whole course because this is it.

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Sergey Dmitrievich Sorokin, with his golden hands, saved me from terrible lower back pain! I was tormented by pain for a whole year. I took no matter where and what procedures - nothing helped! Luckily I found this wonderful man. Low bow to those.

She hobbled into the clinic, gritting her teeth in pain. After the first massage sessions with Ruslan Anatolyevich Iksanov and defanotherapy with Dr. Dmitry Anatolyevich Toroptsev, I felt significant relief. Five sessions have passed and I am already free.

For a very long time I chose a clinic for the treatment of intervertebral hernia, based on reviews I settled on Bobyr’s clinic, now I understand that I did not do it in vain, although the treatment was not easy, the result is still very good, for this I thank Mikhail Bobyr.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the doctor of the clinic in Mitino, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Nikolsky. After five sessions manual therapy he literally put me on my feet. very attentive, sensitive and professional doctor. Thank you.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar intervertebral discs

Osteochondrosis of intervertebral discs #8212; symptoms of various parts of the spine

Intervertebral osteochondrosis is characterized by damage to the discs located between the vertebrae, as well as damage to their bodies and joint surfaces. This disease is quite common and is accompanied by characteristic back pain and other unpleasant symptoms. The disease can be localized in any spinal region, but the most common areas affected by this disease are the sacral and lumbar, less often the thoracic and cervical.

Accompanied by osteochondrosis intervertebral discs, primarily by degeneration of bone tissue and cartilage in the spinal column. Most often, this pathology occurs in people with overweight bodies or in persons who are subject to strong physical activity. Also, osteochondrosis does not bypass people who lead an inactive lifestyle or abuse smoking and drinking alcohol.

Osteochondrosis of the intervertebral discs affects people aged 30 to 40 years, but there are also cases of the disease appearing in teenagers. The pathology manifests itself with various symptoms, the nature of which depends on the location of the focus of its development. The main symptom of this disease is pain of a constant nature, the appearance of which is caused by irritation of the nerve roots, which is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • Increased sensitivity of nerve endings;
  • The occurrence of swelling and fibrosis;
  • Poor circulation.

The pain may radiate to different areas body, including the back of the head, neck, legs, shoulder blades or shoulders. As the disease progresses, decreased or increased sensitivity in the extremities, which is accompanied by constant chilliness of the hands or feet. Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the intervertebral discs depend on the stage of the pathology and its location.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

Intervertebral osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is relatively common. People who do repetitive work are at risk: programmers, designers, watchmakers, dentists, etc. Driving is also a predisposing factor for the appearance of degenerative changes in the spinal column. This disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Mild headaches;
  • Dizziness;
  • Pain in the area upper limbs and chest;
  • Shots;
  • Numbness of the tongue.

Cervical osteochondrosis is also characterized by a sharp increase in pressure and darkening of the eyes. This is due to the structural features of the cervical region of the spinal column. Not only the canal for the spinal cord, but also the so-called vertebral artery passes through the area of ​​​​the transverse processes of the vertebrae of the cervical region. It is directed into the cranial cavity and is necessary to provide nutrition to the cerebellum, vestibular apparatus and centers lying in the region of the base of the brain and the back of the head.

Due to the displacement of the vertebrae, a reflex spasm occurs vertebral artery, which in severe cases is accompanied by compression. Thus, the blood supply is disrupted vegetative centers and balance centers responsible for the vital processes of the body.

This process becomes the reason for the widespread diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Cervical osteochondrosis can manifest itself as radicular symptoms (cervical radiculitis), which consist in pain radiating to the arms or fingers, which is accompanied by their characteristic numbness and constant chills. The reason for this is a disruption of impulses passing along the nerve fibers.

Symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis

Damage to the thoracic spinal column is a very rare occurrence. The main reason degenerative-dystrophic changes in this area is curvature of the spine or scoliosis. The symptoms of this pathology are very different from lumbar osteochondrosis and cervical type, and consist in the following manifestations:

  • No acute pain;
  • Dull or aching pain;
  • Chest pain and numbness;
  • Pins and needles feeling in the chest area;
  • Pain in the heart, stomach and liver.

Due to the complexity of symptoms this type osteochondrosis is often mistaken for other diseases, for example, angina or gastritis. Also, by the nature of the manifestations, such a pathology can be mistaken for intercostal neuralgia or a heart attack, when the pain radiates to the subscapular region.

Symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis

Intervertebral osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine occurs most often, which is explained by the fact that this part of the spinal column is under constant tension. The most common complication of this type of pathology is the development of lumbar intervertebral hernia.

Among the symptoms of lumbosacral osteochondrosis are:

  • Pain in the lumbar region;
  • Limited mobility;
  • Pain radiating to the legs;
  • Unexpected shots.

Frequent manifestations of this type of osteochondrosis are impaired sensitivity of the skin on the legs, which is caused by pinching of the spinal cord roots. The cause of this disease is chronic injury or compression fracture.

Osteochondrosis of the intervertebral discs of the lumbar region can be complicated by instability of the vertebrae, in which the discs cease to fix parts of the spinal column, which, under the influence of gravity, is accompanied by the development of pathological processes in nearby internal organs, as well as its departure from the sacrum.

Anyone can develop osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine, so one should not neglect measures to prevent this disease. To do this, you should engage in regular gymnastic exercises, give up bad habits and try to constantly maintain correct posture.

Intervertebral disc is a formation consisting of fibrous and cartilage tissue, which contains the nucleus in the center and is located between two adjacent vertebrae. Moreover, it is important to understand that intervertebral discs do not contain blood vessels, which means that nutrition comes to them from the tissues with which they are surrounded. For this reason, if the nutrition of the back muscles is disrupted, namely due to the vessels that pass here and feed the spinal discs, the blood supply to these important structures is disrupted.

The disc itself is quite elastic, but in the absence of a sufficient amount nutrients it begins to lose water, which greatly affects its height and elasticity, and the fibrous ring itself becomes more fragile. All this negatively affects the general condition of the spine, its instability increases, and one of the most common manifestations of this pathology can be considered a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs.

As the pathology progresses, the cartilage tissue of the spine becomes more similar to bone, which is called degeneration or degeneration. At the same time, the disk suffers even more, it decreases, loses its height, and ceases to perform one of the most important functions- depreciation. In addition, it begins to put pressure on the nerve endings located nearby. All this causes severe pain. This condition is called osteochondrosis or spondylosis, and is very common among both the female and male population.

A decrease in the height of the L5-S1 intervertebral disc can also be observed with traumatic injury backs. If injury occurs without compromising the integrity of the annulus fibrosus, this is called protrusion. But if the ring is torn and the nucleus extends beyond its limits, then this is called a disc herniation.

What does this threaten?

In total, there are four stages of pathology. And each of them has its own special characteristics. On initial stage the course of the disease is hidden. The only symptom is back discomfort in the morning, which disappears after a few hours. The height of the discs remains unchanged.

In the second stage, pain becomes more severe, deformation of the fibrous ring begins, and the stability of the affected area of ​​the spine is greatly impaired. Nerve roots may be pinched, blood and lymph flow may be impaired, and a moderate decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs may be detected.

At the third stage, further deformation of the disc ring occurs and it ruptures. Pathologies such as scoliosis are well expressed. kyphosis or lordosis. And finally, the final stage is a shift and compaction of the vertebrae, which is accompanied severe pain. A person's ability to move is severely limited. The height of the disc is reduced to its minimum.

As a result, malfunctions may occur pelvic organs, complete loss of sensitivity, even paralysis of the muscles of the lower extremities. As a result, the person becomes disabled and can only move in a wheelchair.

Conservative therapy

On early stages development, a moderate decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs, which can be seen on photographs, is treated with a conservative method. However, it is important to understand that treatment must be comprehensive and medications alone cannot be used.

When making this diagnosis, you should definitely create a gentle regime for your back for a while, exercise physical therapy, swimming, get a referral from a doctor for physiotherapeutic procedures and massage.

As for the spinal stretching procedure, it can only be carried out after full examination and doctor's orders. Otherwise, such treatment can lead to serious consequences. If spinal traction is still prescribed, then it is better to choose its underwater version, that is, using a pool. Medications It should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and in individually selected dosages.

If conservative treatment does not bring visible relief for several months, then surgery may be prescribed. There are certain indications here, for example, persistent lumbago, functional failure of the vertebrae, chronic compression of the roots. The doctor decides which operation will be most effective, and here everything depends not only on the degree of development of the pathology, but also on the patient’s age, his general health and his weight.

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Home Diseases What are the consequences and why the height of intervertebral discs can be reduced

What are the consequences and why the height of intervertebral discs can be reduced

During an examination of the spine, a diagnosis was made: the height of the intervertebral discs is reduced, what does this mean and how dangerous is it? What to do next, continue to live a normal life or is it better to do something? It is better to know the answers to these questions from childhood, since more than 80% of people in the world, albeit to varying degrees, are related to problems with the spine.

In order to understand how and why the height of the intervertebral discs decreases, you need to delve a little deeper into the anatomy.

The structure of the spine and the functions of the intervertebral discs

The spine is the main support of the human body, consisting of segments (parts), namely the vertebrae. Provides support, shock absorption (thanks to intervertebral discs) and protective functions(protects the spinal cord from damage).

The spinal cord, located in the spinal canal of the spine, is a fairly elastic structure that can adapt to changes in body position. Depending on the part of the spine, branches branch from it spinal nerves, innervating certain parts of the body.

  • The head, shoulders and arms are innervated by nerves that branch from the cervical spine.
  • The middle part of the body is correspondingly innervated by nerves branching from the thoracic part of the spine.
  • Lower body and legs - innervated by nerves branching from the lumbosacral segment of the spine.

Consequently, if problems arise with the innervation (impaired sensitivity, severe pain reaction, etc.) of any parts of the body, the development of pathology in the corresponding part of the spine can be suspected.

From the moment a person began to walk upright, the load on the spinal column increased significantly. Accordingly, the role of intervertebral discs has increased.

Intervertebral discs

Fibrous, cartilage-like structures, consisting of a nucleus surrounded by a fibrous (tendon-like tissue) ring and shaped like a round plate, located between the vertebrae are called intervertebral discs. Their main purpose is depreciation (load softening).

How does a decrease in the height of intervertebral discs develop?

There is one important point in the structure of intervertebral discs that is related to the development of pathology - they do not contain blood vessels, so nutrients enter them from tissues located nearby. In particular, the latter include the spinal muscles. Therefore, when dystrophy (malnutrition) of the spinal muscles occurs, a malnutrition of the intervertebral discs occurs.

The jelly-like, but at the same time quite elastic (thanks to the fibrous ring that limits it) core of the disc provides a reliable and at the same time elastic connection of the vertebrae with each other. As a result of a disruption in the supply of nutrients, the disc begins to dehydrate, lose its height and elasticity, the fibrous ring also loses its flexibility and becomes more fragile. The connection of the vertebrae deteriorates, and instability in the affected motor part of the spine increases.

With further development of the process, degeneration (degeneration) and hardening of the cartilage tissue of the disc occurs, it becomes similar to bone. The disc decreases in size even more, loses height, ceases to perform a shock-absorbing function and begins to put pressure on the nerve endings, causing pain.

Degenerative-dystrophic (degeneration and malnutrition) processes in which a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs and rapid growth of osteophytes (bone formations) occur are called osteochondrosis (spondylosis). The terms have Greek roots, meaning joint (spine), the ending -oz characterizes dystrophic (malnutrition) changes.

Complicated course of osteochondrosis

According to a similar scenario, pathology occurs not only in diseases that cause disturbances in the trophism of the discs. Most often, with spinal injuries or traumatic loads, compression of the disc occurs, followed by protrusion of the nucleus; if this occurs without violating the integrity of the fibrous ring, it is called protrusion; if prolapse (protrusion) is accompanied by rupture of the ring and the nucleus moving beyond its limits, this is intervertebral disc herniation.

At the same time, as a result of compression, the height of the discs also decreases, and with a further increase in pressure, the size of the hernia will increase.

What are the risks of reducing the height of intervertebral discs?

I. The initial, still hidden form of the flow. Minor discomfort, usually manifested in morning time and disappearing during the day. Most people do not seek help, although they feel limited mobility. The affected disc has the same height as the healthy (adjacent) one.

II. Pain sensations appear, deformation of the fibrous ring occurs, the stability of the affected part of the spine is disrupted, pathological mobility develops, and nerve endings are pinched ( painful). Blood and lymph flows are disrupted. The height of the intervertebral disc is reduced, a quarter less than the neighboring one.

III. Further deformation and rupture of the disc ring, the formation of a hernia. Deforming pathology of the affected vertebral sections (scoliosis - deflection of the spine to the side, kyphosis - hump or lordosis - deflection back). The affected disc is half the size of a healthy one.

IV. Final. Shift and compaction of the affected vertebrae, accompanied by pain and bone growths. Sharp pain when moving, minimal mobility. Possible disability. An even more significant reduction in disc height.

The result of complications of a herniated disc can be: dysfunction of the pelvic organs and loss of sensitivity, paralysis of the leg muscles, movement in a wheelchair.

What to do, how to prevent

Eat right, exercise physical exercise, drink a sufficient amount of fluid (at least 2 liters per day, maintains normal metabolism), do not overload the spine (heavy lifting), avoid injuries, stress and hypothermia, during sedentary work - take gymnastic breaks, periodically undergo preventive examinations of the spine, and If you find problems, immediately seek help.

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The human spine is the main load-bearing axis of the body and not only provides the ability to walk upright, but also protects the spinal cord from damage and external factors. Intervertebral discs perform a shock-absorbing function, allowing you to reduce negative impact stress and possible injuries.

Reduced height of the lumbar intervertebral discs is often found in older people and is a common pathology that requires special attention.

The structure and structure of the intervertebral discs allow them to withstand the enormous loads that the human body experiences every day. Even during walking and running, the spine receives a certain load, which varies for each person depending on body weight, height and other individual characteristics.

If we consider the structure of intervertebral discs, we can distinguish the following elements:

  • ring - consists of tissue that is similar in structure to tendons;
  • core - consists of fibrous tissue, which is similar in structure to cartilage.

By their structure, intervertebral discs do not imply the presence of blood vessels, so nutrients can only come to them from surrounding tissues, for example, muscles.

If the patient has muscle atrophy or other violations leading to insufficient receipt useful elements, the intervertebral discs begin to suffer and lack nutrients.

It is worth considering that all parts of the spine are connected directly to each other by the core of the disc, therefore, when the supply of nutrients is limited, tissue dehydration occurs, and the discs themselves become fragile.

All this leads to a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs. If tissue nutrition is not improved and restored, the core of the disc may harden and become similar in structure to bone tissue. Most often, this is how it develops.

Mechanical compression can also cause changes in the height of the intervertebral disc. This happens as a result of injury or increased load, which the spine cannot cope with.

At the same time, along with a change in height, the development of other pathologies occurs:

  • disc protrusion is observed in the absence of damage to the fibrous ring;
  • occurs when the integrity of the fibrous ring is disrupted.


Pathology manifests itself various symptoms depending on the stage of development and the reasons for its appearance. At the very beginning, the change in disc height is almost asymptomatic, not manifesting itself at rest and even under certain loads.

Some patients note a slight stiffness in movements and some discomfort during bending, which goes away after a short warm-up.

By department of the spine

The development of pathology in the future is most often accompanied by pain. In this case, the symptoms differ depending on the part of the spine in which destructive changes occur:

If disturbances are observed in several departments at once, then we are talking about widespread osteochondrosis.

Note. Symptoms of the disease at the initial stage of development may manifest themselves mildly or not bother the patient at all.

It is worth noting that treatment should begin as quickly as possible in order to reduce the risk of developing further disorders and worsening the condition.

If the patient is bothered by pain and discomfort in the neck and head, and he does not know what it is, it means that the decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine is progressing and requires immediate treatment.


Pain and discomfort are inherent not only in osteochondrosis, but also in other diseases that are destructive and degenerative in nature. For example, with development or pain in the lumbar region may be the same sharp character and spread to the thigh area.

In order not to worsen your condition by self-medication, you should contact a specialist who will prescribe a series of diagnostic measures, which will help determine the disease that caused the unpleasant symptoms.

To begin with, the doctor will examine the patient, draw up a primary clinical picture and select diagnostic methods:

In addition to the listed methods, additionally prescribed clinical researches blood and urine to identify possible inflammatory processes in the body.

Important! Before your appointment medicines you should undergo diagnostics and consult with a specialist, since the wrong selection medicines may worsen the condition.


Unfortunately, not everyone pathological process treatable and completely eliminated using medications and other means. But this does not mean that you should not take action to improve your condition.

First of all, after the diagnosis, the specialist will be able to make a diagnosis and select a treatment that suits the specific case and certain features.

Treatment can be conservative or surgical. The most preferred are drug treatment and physiotherapeutic procedures, since any surgical intervention involves certain risks.

Drug treatment is aimed at eliminating pain, as well as improving blood circulation and metabolism in the tissues surrounding the intervertebral discs:

  1. For decreasing inflammatory process and pain relief are used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- “Nise”, “Ketanov”, “Meloxicam”.
  2. Used to improve blood flow "Eufillin", for example, with electrophoresis.
  3. Muscle relaxants necessary to relieve muscle spasms and improve blood flow. The most popular are "" and "Tizanidine".
  4. Vitamin complexes"Milgama" and "Yunigama" help to increase metabolism and general improvement state of the body.

Important! Only the attending physician should select the treatment method and medications, since independent choice medications can worsen the condition and affect the functioning of internal organs.

Also, during treatment, you should follow a gentle regime for your back, avoid overloading and lifting heavy objects. Physiotherapy is necessary to improve blood circulation, for example, and.

Surgical intervention applies when conservative methods do not bring the required effect and cannot stop the development of pathology.

Preventive actions

Timely contact with a specialist and competent treatment are very important for restoring the body and maintaining health. But preventive measures can also bring a positive effect and prevent the emergence and development of pathology:


Reducing the height of the intervertebral discs can cause daily discomfort and pain. Compliance healthy image life, preventive examinations and careful attention to your own health help to avoid problems with the health of the spine.

An intervertebral disc is a formation consisting of fibrous and cartilaginous tissue, which contains a nucleus in the center and is located between two adjacent vertebrae. Moreover, it is important to understand that intervertebral discs do not contain blood vessels, which means that nutrition comes to them from the tissues with which they are surrounded. For this reason, if the nutrition of the back muscles is disrupted, namely due to the vessels that pass here and feed the spinal discs, the blood supply to these important structures is disrupted.

The disc itself is quite elastic, but in the absence of a sufficient amount of nutrients, it begins to lose water, which greatly affects its height and elasticity, and the fibrous ring itself becomes more fragile. All this negatively affects the general condition of the spine, its instability increases, and one of the most common manifestations of this pathology can be considered a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs.

As the pathology progresses, the cartilage tissue of the spine becomes more similar to bone, which is called degeneration or degeneration. In this case, the disc suffers even more, it shrinks, loses its height, and ceases to perform one of the most important functions - shock absorption. In addition, it begins to put pressure on the nerve endings located nearby. All this causes severe pain. This condition is called osteochondrosis or spondylosis, and is very common among both the female and male population.

A decrease in the height of the L5-S1 intervertebral disc can also be observed with a traumatic injury to the back. If injury occurs without compromising the integrity of the annulus fibrosus, this is called protrusion. But if the ring is torn and the nucleus extends beyond its limits, then this is called a disc herniation.

What does this threaten?

In total, there are four stages of pathology. And each of them has its own special characteristics. At the initial stage, the course of the disease is hidden. The only symptom is back discomfort in the morning, which disappears after a few hours. The height of the discs remains unchanged.

In the second stage, pain becomes more severe, deformation of the fibrous ring begins, and the stability of the affected area of ​​the spine is greatly impaired. Nerve roots may be pinched, blood and lymph flow may be impaired, and a moderate decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs may be detected.

At the third stage, further deformation of the disc ring occurs and it ruptures. Pathologies such as or lordosis are well expressed. And finally, the final stage is a shift and hardening of the vertebrae, which is accompanied by severe pain. A person's ability to move is severely limited. The height of the disc is reduced to its minimum.

As a result, disturbances in the functioning of the pelvic organs, complete loss of sensitivity, and even paralysis of the muscles of the lower extremities may occur. As a result, the person becomes disabled and can only move in a wheelchair.

Conservative therapy

In the early stages of development, a moderate decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs, which can be seen on photographs, can be treated. However, it is important to understand that treatment must be comprehensive and medications alone cannot be used.

When making this diagnosis, you should definitely create a gentle regime for your back for a while, engage in physical therapy, swimming, and get a referral from a doctor for physiotherapeutic procedures and massage.

As for the procedure for stretching the spine, it can only be carried out after a complete examination and doctor’s prescription. Otherwise, such treatment can lead to serious consequences. If spinal traction is still prescribed, then it is better to choose its underwater version, that is, using a pool. Medications should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and in individually selected dosages.

If conservative treatment does not bring visible relief for several months, then surgery may be prescribed. There are certain indications here, for example, persistent lumbago, functional failure of the vertebrae, chronic compression of the roots. The doctor decides which operation will be most effective, and here everything depends not only on the degree of development of the pathology, but also on the patient’s age, his general health and his weight.

By the way, you may also be interested in the following FREE materials:

  • Free books: "TOP 7 harmful exercises for morning exercises things you should avoid" | “6 Rules for Effective and Safe Stretching”
  • Rehabilitation of knee and hip joints for arthrosis- free video recording of the webinar conducted by a physical therapy doctor and sports medicine- Alexandra Bonina
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  • Do you want to know how to treat pinching? sciatic nerve? Then carefully watch the video at this link.
  • 10 Essential Nutrition Components for healthy spine - in this report you will find out what your daily diet should be so that you and your spine are always in good health. healthy body and spirit. Very useful information!
  • Do you have osteochondrosis? Then we recommend studying effective methods treatment of lumbar, cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis without drugs.

What are the consequences and why the height of the intervertebral discs can be reduced? During an examination of the spine, a diagnosis was made: the height of the intervertebral discs is reduced, what does this mean and how dangerous? What to do next, continue to live a normal life or is it better to do something? It is better to know the answers to these questions from childhood, since more than 80% of people in the world, albeit to varying degrees, are related to problems with the spine. In order to understand how and why the height of the intervertebral discs decreases, you need to delve a little deeper into the anatomy. The structure of the spine and the functions of the intervertebral discs The spine is the main support of the human body, consisting of segments (parts), namely the vertebrae. Performs supporting, shock-absorbing (thanks to intervertebral discs) and protective functions (protects the spinal cord from damage). The spinal cord, located in the spinal canal of the spine, is a fairly elastic structure that can adapt to changes in body position. Depending on the part of the spine, spinal nerves branch off from it and innervate certain parts of the body. The head, shoulders and arms are innervated by nerves that branch from the cervical spine. The middle part of the body is correspondingly innervated by nerves branching from the thoracic part of the spine. Lower body and legs - innervated by nerves branching from the lumbosacral segment of the spine. Consequently, if problems arise with the innervation (impaired sensitivity, severe pain reaction, etc.) of any parts of the body, the development of pathology in the corresponding part of the spine can be suspected. From the moment a person began to walk upright, the load on the spinal column increased significantly. Accordingly, the role of intervertebral discs has increased. Intervertebral Discs Fibrous, cartilage-like structures consisting of a nucleus surrounded by a fibrous (tendon-like tissue) ring and shaped like a round plate located between the vertebrae are called intervertebral discs. Their main purpose is depreciation (load softening). How does a decrease in the height of intervertebral discs develop? There is one important point in the structure of intervertebral discs that is related to the development of pathology - they do not contain blood vessels, so nutrients enter them from tissues located nearby. In particular, the latter include the spinal muscles. Therefore, when dystrophy (malnutrition) of the spinal muscles occurs, a malnutrition of the intervertebral discs occurs. The jelly-like, but at the same time quite elastic (thanks to the fibrous ring that limits it) core of the disc provides a reliable and at the same time elastic connection of the vertebrae with each other. As a result of a disruption in the supply of nutrients, the disc begins to dehydrate, lose its height and elasticity, the fibrous ring also loses its flexibility and becomes more fragile. The connection of the vertebrae deteriorates, and instability in the affected motor part of the spine increases. With further development of the process, degeneration (degeneration) and hardening of the cartilage tissue of the disc occurs, it becomes similar to bone. The disc decreases in size even more, loses height, ceases to perform a shock-absorbing function and begins to put pressure on the nerve endings, causing pain. Degenerative-dystrophic (degeneration and malnutrition) processes in which a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs and rapid growth of osteophytes (bone formations) occur are called osteochondrosis (spondylosis). The terms have Greek roots, meaning joint (spine), the ending -oz characterizes dystrophic (malnutrition) changes. Complicated course of osteochondrosis According to a similar scenario, the pathology occurs not only in diseases that cause disturbances in the trophism of the discs. Most often, with spinal injuries or traumatic loads, compression of the disc occurs, followed by protrusion of the nucleus; if this occurs without violating the integrity of the fibrous ring, it is called protrusion; if prolapse (protrusion) is accompanied by rupture of the ring and the nucleus moving beyond its limits, this is intervertebral disc herniation. At the same time, as a result of compression, the height of the discs also decreases, and with a further increase in pressure, the size of the hernia will increase. What threatens the decrease in the height of intervertebral discs? There are four stages of development of pathology. Each of them has its own characteristic features: I. Initial, still hidden form of flow. Minor discomfort, usually appearing in the morning and disappearing during the day. Most people do not seek help, although they feel limited mobility. The affected disc has the same height as the healthy (adjacent) one. II. Painful sensations appear, deformation of the fibrous ring occurs, the stability of the affected part of the spine is disrupted, pathological mobility develops, and nerve endings are pinched (causing pain). Blood and lymph flows are disrupted. The height of the intervertebral disc is reduced, a quarter less than the neighboring one. III. Further deformation and rupture of the disc ring, the formation of a hernia. Deforming pathology of the affected vertebral sections (scoliosis - deflection of the spine to the side, kyphosis - hump or lordosis - deflection back). The affected disc is half the size of a healthy one. IV. Final. Shift and compaction of the affected vertebrae, accompanied by pain and bone growths. Sharp pain when moving, minimal mobility. Possible disability. An even more significant reduction in disc height. The result of complications of a herniated disc can be: dysfunction of the pelvic organs and loss of sensitivity, paralysis of the leg muscles, movement in a wheelchair. What to do, how to prevent it Eat right, engage in health-improving physical exercises, drink enough fluids (at least 2 liters per day, maintains normal metabolism), do not overload the spine (lifting heavy objects), avoid injuries, stress and hypothermia, during sedentary work – take gymnastic breaks, periodically undergo preventive examinations of the spine, and if problems are detected, immediately seek help.

How to determine the development of a spinal hernia based on symptoms. Spinal diseases are more common than many other diseases. The observations of many specialists allow us to conclude that today osteochondrosis is one of the main enemies of human health. Therefore, the popularity of questions about how to determine a spinal hernia is growing at an alarming rate. Osteochondrosis, which was common in older people, has now become frequent companion even in teenagers. The danger is that for such a pathology as intervertebral hernia, there is no strict localization zone. It is not always possible to recognize a spinal hernia in time. This is a feature of the body and the spinal column itself: for a long time cope with disruptions with their own reserves. In fact, a person learns about any disease only in one case: if the body itself cannot stop the deviations. Pain is like a control check, confirmation that a serious disease is developing in the spine. What is an intervertebral hernia? Healthy intervertebral disc has two components: the nucleus and the fibrous ring. Normally, the ring serves as a limiter for the nucleus pulposus. The disc itself acts as a powerful shock absorber for the vertebrae, allowing them to move. However, under the influence various factors dystrophic processes are started in the spine. As a result, the annulus fibrosus weakens and the nucleus begins to protrude beyond the disc. This scenario can have two ends, but more often the negative one is realized: the ring cannot withstand the pressure? and the contents pour into the spine. But all processes in the body are connected, so the outflow of the nucleus pulposus does not hang in the air and does not disappear. The leaked contents start their processes, and a hernia of the spine is formed. Sometimes identifying and diagnosing a herniated disc in the lower back or another part is not easy. In most cases, at first the situation remains invisible to the person. The process of leakage itself is not felt, the general condition has not yet changed. Finding out at this point is often just an accident. Intervertebral formation can be: in cervical spine; in the chest; lumbar or lumbosacral. But more often the formation does not form in the neck or sternum. The favorite location where you can find a lumbar disc hernia is the area of ​​the sacrum and the lower back itself. This frequency is explained by the fact that it is the lower back that takes over most all loads. Due to the ability of the spine to independently align the center of gravity, diseases and the development of pathology from the first stages may simply not be determined. Especially at home and without the necessary examination. However, based on the nature of the pain, persistence and other features, it can be assumed that pathology has started in the spine. It just seems that the pain is the same when any part is affected, that only the locality differs. However, this is not the case, because the spine has acute period and subacute there may be different sensations. The first signs of formation You need to know that it is not the spinal hernia itself that primarily occurs, but the protrusion. These are small cracks in the annulus fibrosus through which the contents of the nucleus can be squeezed out. Usually this is precisely the stage at which it is already possible to detect pathology. The protrusion stage is completely curable if the patient simply follows all the instructions. But if no action is taken, the crack grows and the contents of the core leak out even more actively. And then the question of whether there is a hernia will become rhetorical. The main and unconditional sign: the appearance of pain. It is born due to pinching of nerve fibers in the vertebrae due to disc destruction. It is from such pinching that a healthy disc protects a person, but how to recognize an intervertebral hernia if there is practically no discomfort? You need to understand that in a healthy body pain simply does not appear, since there are no conditions for its occurrence. There are a number of symptoms for the first phase and how to check the spine: the appearance of headaches; numbness and swelling of tissues; the appearance of muscle spasms; discomfort from certain body positions; lumbago in the spine when turning or bending; aching in the back, and cervical lesion– aching in the suboccipital region; nausea, dizziness. Then the second phase will come and the nature of the signs will change. The manifestations directly depend on which department is affected. Signs of a cervical hernia Initially, the signs are subtle, the pain is mild and intermittent. Then persistent headaches appear that are difficult to stop. They become especially aggressive in the morning or when sitting at the computer for a long time. A person complains of its birth in the shoulder, the entire arm or both arms. A feeling of dizziness appears, attacks may be accompanied by nausea or vomiting. Vision and hearing are seriously reduced, sometimes pain is felt behind the ears or in the front part of the face. Problems with blood pressure begin, and levels can rise to high levels. Additionally, a full range of neurological signs may be observed. Will be in stock sharp changes mood, sleep disturbance, growing irritability. The longer the progression of the disease lasts, the more clearly the neurology increases. The manifestation is strong, with a changing character from pulsating under the back of the head to sharp in the temples, above the eyebrows. Symptoms chest lesion nerve When a formation develops in the chest area, most often the manifestation comes down to an exacerbation of intercostal neuralgia. This syndrome is characterized by stabbing pain, which intensifies with any attempt to move. The left side is most often affected, and for this reason the symptoms are similar to heart failure. It is important to distinguish one from the other in time, which can only be done by an examination or an “emergency care” team. The symptoms are very similar: acute pain behind the sternum; growing pain when trying to take a breath; radiates to the arm, shoulder, hypochondrium. The pain can last a long time and is caused by pinched nerve roots. This happens especially often if there is pathological kyphosis. It may also influence lumbar lordosis. These two sections are connected by aligning the center of gravity. So, if there is severe scoliosis, conditions are already created for pinching in the sternum. Lumbosacral pathology With lumbosacral osteochondrosis and its complications, pain is localized in the lower back, sacrum, and coccyx. Sometimes it shoots, pulsates, as if spreading over inside whole hips. It can give a strong sensation to the leg and buttock, creating a feeling of nagging suffering. Pinching is characterized by paroxysmal pain, which is clearly felt in the groin and perineum area. It can be similar in nature to contractions, but with periodic decrease in pain. The pain can last a long time, causing gastrointestinal disturbances. Spasmodic nausea, vomiting, and destabilization of the entire tract are possible. This dangerous condition, in which internal organs can be pinched by a hernia. Often, precisely because of the rupture of hernia formations in this department, the patient is quite capable of becoming an incapacitated disabled person. It is extremely important to try to find out about this in time treacherous enemy. Only early diagnosis may protect against hernia formation.

Therapeutic massage for intercostal neuralgia Intercostal neuralgia appears as a consequence of scoliosis, rib injuries, spinal osteochondrosis, deforming spondyloarthrosis, influenza, intoxication, and diseases of internal organs. With intercostal neuralgia, constant or paroxysmal pain is noted on the left side in the back and lateral surface of the chest. At some points the pain can be especially severe, and it spreads in a semicircle along the intercostal nerves (from the spine to the sternum). Massage techniques are recommended for the following areas: Back area. Chest area. BACK MASSAGE Before performing the techniques, you should determine the location of the pain. The massage should first be done on the healthy side, and then on the sore side. If pain spreads over the left and right half of the back, massage should be performed on the half on which the pain is less. Stroking (done along 3 and 4 lines from the sacrum to the shoulder girdle): straight; alternate. Squeeze beak-shaped with the base of the palm along 3 and 4 lines from the sacrum to the shoulder girdle. Kneading on the long back muscles: circular with the pad of the thumb; circular with the pads of four fingers; circular phalanges of bent fingers; circular with the pads of bent fingers; circular base of the palm with a roll. Kneading on the latissimus muscles: ordinary; double neck; double ring; circular with phalanges of bent fingers. Kneading on the fascia of the trapezius muscle and suprascapular region: circular with the pad of the thumb; circular with the pads of four fingers; circular edge of the thumb; “pincer-shaped”; circular tubercle of the thumb; straight with the pad and tubercle of the thumb. Kneading at the intercostal spaces: straight with the pads of four fingers alternately; straight with the pads of the four fingers; straight with the pad of the thumb; circular with the pad of the thumb; straight with the pads of the middle finger; “Stroke-shaped” with the pads of the middle finger. When performing techniques, you should not exceed the pain threshold of the person being massaged. CHEST MASSAGE To perform a massage, the patient should be placed on his back and lubricated chest cream, vegetable oil or warming ointments. Massage of the pectoralis major muscles: Stroking. Squeezing. Kneading: ordinary; double neck; double ring; combined; circular with phalanges of bent fingers. MASSAGE OF THE INTERCOSTAL SPACES OF THE CHEST: Rubbing: straight with the pads of four fingers; circular with the pads of four fingers; straight with the pad of the thumb; circular with the pad of the thumb; straight with the pad of the middle finger; “stroke-shaped” with the pad of the middle finger. MASSAGE OF THE SUBCHESTAL ANGLE: Rubbing (performed in the classical way). The massage session should be carried out for 15-20 minutes. The recommended number of sessions is 8-10.