Vitamins for cats vitality excel. Quality vitamins Excel

, USA, Germany

Products of an American company "8 in 1" For over 100 years we have been distinguished by quality and professionalism. Vitamin complexes "8 in 1" compiled using the latest scientific developments under the supervision of practicing veterinarians and taking into account the wishes of animal owners. When 8 in 1 vitamins are included in the most complex schemes treatment of dogs and cats - this means that your pet will get better soon. But it is still better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Properly selected vitamins and minerals are necessary to prevent diseases and stimulate the immune system - and this is the key to the health of your pets and the joy of your communication with them.

Vitamins and minerals play important role in the life of the organism. The main source of their supply is feed. Therefore, it is generally accepted that if a dog or cat receives balanced diet, then it does not need an additional influx of vitamins and minerals. Animal needs for these substances depend on the species, individual characteristics, age, breed, physiological stage of the body (growth, reproduction, lactation), as well as the impact of various stress factors (disease, unfavorable temperature regime And so on). The vitamin and mineral needs of cats and dogs are different. So, a cat, unlike a dog, is not able to absorb carotenoids - precursors of vitamin A. Therefore, it cannot do without vitamin A itself. Vitamin preparations for humans are not suitable for dogs and cats. Therefore, it is best to use vitamin preparations specifically designed for dogs and cats.

Vitamins 8 in 1 (8 in 1) - Glucosamine 120 tab. For the prevention of joint diseases in dogs.
This drug is a complex that contains not only glucosamine, but also calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, important microelements. Doctors recommend it as a prophylactic for growing puppies and young dogs to strengthen joints and ligaments, fully develop bones, maintain proper metabolism, and improve coat. How medicinal drug during the recovery period after diseases or injuries of the musculoskeletal system (bone fractures, joint diseases, ligament damage, etc.). Ingredients: Dicalcium phosphate, glucosamine hydrochloride, liver extract, calcium ascorbate (source of vitamin C), stearic acid, chicken stomach extract, citrus bioflavor, iron oxide, magnesium stearate, manganese proteinate, zinc proteinate, iron proteinate, copper proteinate. Recommended dose: dog weight: less than 11 kg - 1 tablet. per day, from 11 to 22 kg - 2 tablets. per day, from 22 to 34 kg - 3 tablets. per day, from 34 to 45 kg - 4 tablets. per day, more than 45kg - 5 tablets. in a day.

Vitamins 8 in 1 (8 in 1) - Calcidee 125 tab. Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D for puppies.
Vitamins necessary for puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches. The use of this drug may be combined with other multivitamin complexes and dry balanced feeds. Ingredients: Vitamin D3 - 300I.U. Calcium - 80 mg. Phosphorus - 62 mg. Directions for use: For small dogs, kittens, cats - 1/2-1 tablet. per day, for medium dogs - 2 tablets. per day, for large dogs - 2-3 tablets. in a day.

Vitamins 8 in 1 - Enervite 128ml. Vitamins in high-calorie paste for dogs.
An additive to the main diet that stimulates appetite, weight gain and has a positive effect on the skin and condition of the dog’s coat. The drug is indispensable for workers and active dogs, as it is an excellent source of energy. Enervite can be used as the main source of energy, vitamins and minerals in critical cases of various diseases, when the dog has no appetite and is weakened. Recommended for all breeds of dogs, but especially fighting dogs, as well as dogs of the Molossian group in preparation for competitions and exhibitions.

Vitamins 8 in 1 (8 in 1) - Brewers Yeast with garlic 300 tab. Vitamins with brewer's yeast and garlic for dogs.
Brewer's yeast is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes for vitamin deficiencies, metabolic disorders, loss of appetite and body weight, stressful conditions, as well as when the immune system is weakened. The drug contains only natural ingredients, so it doesn't call allergic reactions. With regular use, the condition of the skin and the quality of the coat significantly improves. WITH therapeutic purpose the drug is recommended for itchy dermatoses, chronic eczema, pyoderma, neurodermatitis, as well as keratitis, conjunctivitis, anemia, and various liver dysfunctions. Brewer's yeast with added garlic extract is excellent prophylactic from the appearance of helminths (worms). Composition: Crude protein content not less than 41%. Zinc-1.45 mg, Thiamine B1-41 mg, Riboflavin B2-16 mg, Pyridoxine B6-17 mg, A nicotinic acid(vit.PP)-170 mg, Pantothenic acid-35 mg, Folic acid-1.5 mg, Biotin-1.0 mg, amino acids. Dosage: One tablet for every 4.5 kg of animal weight daily. Double the dose for pregnant and lactating animals.

Vitamins 8 in 1 - Pervinal Exel for Puppies 100 tab. Multivitamins for puppies.
A comprehensive complete set consisting of 12 vitamins and 10 minerals necessary for the growth and development of puppies. Ingredients: Calcium 60 mg, phosphorus 45 mg, potassium 25 mg, zinc 0.05 mg, copper 100 µg, iodine 37.5 µg, vit. A 550IU, vit. D2 55 IU, vit. E 5IU, magnesium 5 mg, iron 1 mg, manganese 0.5 mg, cobalt 0.25 mg, vit. B1 150 µg, vit. B2 500 µg, vit. B6 150 µg, vit. B12 1.5 µg, pantothenic acid 500 µg, niacin 1800 µg, choline 2.5 mg. Dosage: For puppies weighing up to 2-3 kg, one tablet per day, then add one more tablet for every 2.5 kg of weight as the puppy grows.

Vitamins 8 in 1 - Nutricoat Skin&Coat Food Supplement for Dogs and Puppies. Vitamin supplement with fatty acids for healthy coats of dogs and puppies.
Stimulates hair growth, provides the coat and skin of puppies and dogs with essential fatty acids and vitamins. Recommended for dry skin, dandruff, severe hair loss, brittle and brittle hair, as well as for quick recovery wool after molting, both undercoat and guard hair.

Vitamins 8 in 1 (8 in 1) - Pervinal Exel. Multivitamins and minerals needed to meet the daily nutritional needs of dogs and puppies.
This drug is characterized by an increased concentration of B vitamins. Linoleic acid, which is part of the complex, preserves and maintains health, including skin and coat condition, kidney function and reproductive ability. Ingredients: Wheat bran, fish meal, brewer's yeast, meat meal, dry skimmed milk, lactose, soy flour, corn oil, glycerin, salt, vitamins and minerals: vit.A 1000IU, vit.D3 100IU, vit.E 2IU, vit.B1 810mcg, vit.B2 1000mcg, vit.B6 80mcg, niacin 10000mcg, vit.B12 0.2mcg, linolenic acid 30 mg, iron 1 mg, calcium 100 mg, phosphorus 77 mg, potassium 16 µg, magnesium 0.23 mg, cobalt 14 µg, zinc 1.5 mg, copper 50 µg, iodine 52 µg, manganese 60 µg. Dosage: Puppies and dogs up to 4.5 kg - 1/2 tablet per day, dogs over 4.5 kg - one tablet per day. For pregnant, lactating and convalescent dogs- 2 tablets per day.

Vitamins 8 in 1 - Pervinal Exel Plus. Multivitamins and minerals for dogs with high physical activity after suffered stress weakened by illness.
The composition of vitamins was selected taking into account possible death intestinal bacteria, synthesizing valuable nutrients. A balanced and complete content of microelements meets all the needs of a weakened dog’s body. Compound: wheat bran, fish flour, beef liver, brewer's yeast, skimmed milk powder, lactose, corn oil, salt, vitamins and minerals: vit.A 1500IU, vit.D3 150IU, vit.E 15IU, vit.B1 243 µg, vit.B2 655 µg, vit.B6 247 µg, vit. .B12 7 µg, iodine 52 µg, choline 50 mg, pantothenic acid 684 µg, niacin 3400 µg, folic acid 55 µg, biotin 30 µg, linolenic acid 30 mg, vitamin C 10 mg, calcium 100 mg, phosphorus 77 mg, potassium 16mcg, magnesium 0 , 23 mg, iron 1 mg, zinc 1.5 mg, manganese 60 µg, cobalt 14 µg, copper 50 µg, vitamin K 300 µg.

Vitamins 8 in 1 - Excel pet Joint Ensure Plus. Glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, vitamin C, MSM for dogs. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane).
It is a natural organic sulfur compound that is found in all living organisms and has extremely high biological activity. Sulfur is part of all body proteins, and, above all, proteins connective tissue- collagen, elastin and keratin. That is why the presence of this mineral in the body is so important for the health of cartilage, skin, hair and nails. sufficient quantity. Sulfur is necessary for cells to absorb nutrients and get rid of toxins. The most important intracellular antioxidant glutathione, which protects against negative impact free radicals, also contains sulfur. MSM effectively relieves almost any inflammation and reduces pain in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, effectively eliminates the manifestations of various allergic reactions, neutralizes the effects of toxins and accelerates their elimination from the body, increases physical endurance and reduces muscle pain after sports, stimulates the healing of stomach ulcers and duodenum, helps get rid of constipation, accelerates the healing of wounds and burns, improves skin condition, helps keep it smooth and young, effectively strengthens hair and nails, is a strong antioxidant, enhances the effect of vitamins and other nutrients, and increases the effectiveness of other dietary supplements. Latest Scientific research conducted in the USA, showed that the most important is the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of MSM in diseases and injuries of the joints, spine, muscles and ligaments. Today, in professional medical circles, MSM is rated as one of the most effective and promising natural remedies fight pain. IN currently Abroad, there is a real boom associated with the use of this drug in rheumatology. However, as practice has shown, this is not all positive properties MSM. Participating in almost all biochemical and physiological processes, MSM can bring relief from a wide variety of ailments. MSM relieves symptoms large number allergic reactions. Some researchers argue that MSM are the most effective remedy for allergies since opening antihistamines. MSM stimulates the elimination of toxins and heavy metals from the body. Thanks to MSM, the body can more easily cope with fatigue, depression, physical and psychological stress. MSM is necessary for skin, hair and nails. Its deficiency may manifest itself skin diseases, dim and weak hair, exfoliated and brittle nails. MSM stimulates the healing of wounds and burns, while it prevents the formation of rough scars. It helps heal ulcers and relieve constipation. There is information about the preventive effect of MSM in atherosclerosis and oncological processes. In addition, MSM significantly enhances the effect of most antioxidants and vitamins, so taking it in parallel with multivitamins will only enhance their positive effects.

In this review I want to talk about wonderful vitamins for animals, uh the effect of which is noticeable literally after 10 days of use! A veterinarian recommended them to me at one time, and now I recommend them myself. I really like them.

« 8 in 1 Excel Brewer's yeast Skin and coat care" is a universal vitamin complex, Equally suitable for both cats and dogs and not only for wool. It is produced in Germany, which already inspires confidence, it needs to be used course for 14-30 days 1-2 times a year, depending on the condition of the animal and its daily diet. If the animals are fed from the owner's table, unbalanced or economy class feed ( Whiskas, Kitekets, Chappies, etc.), then they need vitamins more than others.

Price : 400 – 450 rubles per package of 140 tablets. One tablet is designed for 4 kg of animal weight, so vitamins are quite economical and their price is not so high.

Package : in our case it is a convenient plastic jar with a screw cap for 140 tablets. First opening control is provided by a foil membrane.

Compound : focused on caring for the skin and coat, but also contains trace elements and minerals that have a good effect on metabolic processes. I would eat it myself.

Brewer's yeast, stearic acid, glycerin, garlic, safflower oil, silicon dioxide, tuna oil (Omega 3 fatty acid(EPE, DGE, DPE)), B vitamins, biotin, niacin, iron, copper, manganese, zinc.

Appearance and taste : tablets are dark beige in color, biconvex, small in size and attractive enough to most animals in terms of smell and taste. Of my mixed flock, only one cat voluntarily does not eat them; the rest of the animals beg for vitamins, dancing on hind legs. The tablets are relatively soft and, when I’m fussy, I crush them with my fingers over a bowl of food.

Effect : noticeable on animals after 10 days, and this is no joke! I feed my cats premium food “Nutram”, and they are already shiny and shiny, but during molting we still eat vitamins for two weeks - the change of coats happens faster, does not stretch over time, and the color of the coat, Believe it or not, it gets BRIGHTER. The difference between “with vitamins” and “without” is obvious.

I also give them to my yard guard dog to form a thick undercoat for the winter and, again, in the spring - to facilitate shedding. During this time there were no allergies - contains no preservatives or dyes.

I also take vitamins during and after illnesses. They strengthen immune system, improve appetite, animals stop losing hair when seen by a veterinarian(from stress).

About what's only proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and microelements, can provide a cat normal height and successful development is known to every cat owner.

The animal grows healthy, even despite a predisposition to some diseases or negative influence environment. This is largely due to vitamins that affect all body systems involved in metabolic processes.

The animal gets vitamins from food, but sometimes this is not enough. Then you have to give your pet additional vitamins. Among the quality supplements, 8 in 1 Excel products for cats are highlighted.

The products of the American company “8 in 1” have been known to consumers for more than a hundred years. This brand is distinguished by excellent quality and professional execution. In the production of complexes the latest scientific developments, assessments of practicing veterinarians, wishes of cat owners.

Many of those who took advantage of their veterinarian’s recommendation and included “8 in 1” in their pet’s treatment regimen confirm that the animal recovers faster. However, no one will argue that preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. And properly selected vitamins are very important for ensuring health fluffy pet, stimulation of his immunity, as well as the prevention of various diseases.

8 in 1 Excel Brewers

Lack of B vitamins in a nursing cat or after an illness, weakening protective functions the organism was observed by many owners. In such situations, there is no better remedy than Brevers - vitamins based on brewer's yeast and garlic. Have a positive impact on coat animal and general state skin, reduce shedding time.


  • pleasant taste - many pets eat them with pleasure;
  • natural base;
  • high efficiency;
  • affordable price (pack of 140 pcs for 250 rubles, 780 pcs for 890 rubles);

The downside, one might say, is the only, not the most successful packaging design: due to the large picture of a dog on the label, many cat owners do not pay attention to them.


There are types for small or, conversely, large individuals, for kittens and adult individuals, even those whose teeth are beginning to fall out or are no longer missing.

Vitamins 8 in 1 Excel for cats are available in the form of tablets or paste. It is better to agree on the dose with your veterinarian, even though it is indicated on the package. But usually daily norm is determined at the rate of: 1 tablet per 4 kg of animal weight; for sick and pregnant animals it is doubled.

Give it to your cat once a day, with or before food. Combination with other complexes, calcium supplements, and drugs for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system is acceptable.

Many pets enjoy eating the products of this brand because they have a pleasant taste and smell.

If there is no individual intolerance, there are no other contraindications.

Exceptionally complete nutrition, rich in essential vitamins and microelements, can ensure the successful development of the dog’s body. It provides her with the opportunity to develop properly, despite the potential hereditary predisposition to a variety of diseases and harmful influence polluted environment.

However good effect Only high-quality vitamins can help. They are able to be absorbed quickly, efficiently and in sufficient quantities. gastrointestinal tract dogs. Beneficial substances actively affect the body's systems and participate in all necessary metabolic processes. Excel 8 in 1 vitamins for dogs are just such a drug. The drug contains the entire complex necessary substances, promoting efficient work dog's body.

Vitamins "Excel 8 in 1" for dogs

Drugs that differ high efficiency, in today's pet market, unfortunately, have become a rarity. Manufacturers are so eager to save on their products and make maximum profits that they completely forget about the required effectiveness of the medicine and its safety for the animal. Therefore, the high cost of vitamins for animals does not always indicate their effectiveness. However, with Excel 8 in 1 the situation is exactly the opposite. Affordable and effective, these drugs in an ideal way suitable for every dog.

Types of vitamins

Vitamins for dogs 8 in 1 Excel are a series of preparations. It contains beneficial substances intended for animals with diverse needs. For example, in this product line you can find specialized drugs for representatives individual breeds, puppies and aging dogs. And also vitamins that enrich the body with calcium, eliminating joint problems. Every dog ​​owner will be able to find a drug for their pet in this product line.

Excel Calcium

This drug is unique both in its composition and in its effectiveness. Reviews of vitamins for dogs "Excel Calcium 8 in 1" confirm the truth of this statement. Pet owners say that calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus are contained in this drug in an amount sufficient for the timely absorption of necessary minerals from medicine, contributing to the proper formation and subsequent strengthening of the skeleton.

People claim that this drug is unique in that it can be used with any other specialized drugs. After all, in addition to calcium and phosphorus, it also contains only vitamin D, which is necessary for the body to adequately absorb all microelements. Thus, there is no conflict with other medicinal complexes that the puppy may need. Excel 8 in 1 vitamins for dogs are a real salvation for pet owners. Thanks to the medication, their pets will be able to maintain their health.


Practice confirms how effective Excel 8in1 vitamins for dogs are. The composition of the drug is balanced and free of dyes and preservatives harmful to the health of the animal. Main active substance is dicalcium phosphate dihydrate. It also includes the following: Excipients such as lactose and glycerin, silicon dioxide and


Depending on the needs of the animal, the duration of treatment varies from two weeks to a month. Vitamins for dogs "8 in 1 Excel" can be taken by the animal either in whole form, followed by some water, or in powder form with food. The second method is often preferable for puppies and small breeds.

The dosage of the drug depends entirely on the weight of the animal. If the dog's weight does not exceed ten kilograms, it should take only one tablet daily. If the pet's weight varies between 10 and 25 kg, its dose is two capsules. Large dogs, whose weight exceeds twenty-five kilograms, accordingly, should take three tablets per day. Important: a pregnant or lactating female should receive a double dosage of the drug during the entire period of gestation or lactation.


Excel 8 in 1 dog vitamins have become a lifesaver for many puppies. This drug negates the possibility of any pathologies of bone development, as well as such a terrible disease as rickets. These drugs are also irreplaceable for pregnant females. When the fetus is forming in the mother's body, she needs additional nutrition with calcium and phosphorus, necessary for building the backbone of the cubs.

If there are not enough of these microelements in the female’s body in a free state, then they begin to be drawn from the muscles and bones directly of the mother, which can lead to detrimental consequences for both herself and the cubs. Also during childbirth, the bitch needs much more calcium. It promotes optimal muscle contractions. Thus, childbirth proceeds faster and the likelihood of a successful outcome increases significantly.

Storage conditions

It is correct to store vitamins for dogs TM 8in1 in the original packaging, which should be closed as tightly as possible. This way you can prevent oxygen from entering the container and entering into a long-term reaction with the drug. The packaging must be in a dry place. The ideal air temperature is not lower than fifteen and not higher than twenty-five degrees. Excel 8 in 1 vitamins for dogs can be stored for no more than two years.

Taking care of your pet's health is one of the most important conditions for the safe and happy existence of an animal in the family. But you should think about this not when some kind of problem has already arisen, but from the very first day the puppy appears in the house. After all, it is necessary to worry about its proper development at the very early stages. Of course, it is important to pay sufficient attention to the puppy’s nutrition. If you prefer to feed your dog natural food, follows in mandatory additionally give the animal the necessary vitamins and microelements that he is not able to get from food, but which are vital for him to improve his health.

But even if the puppy eats food in which the manufacturers have already included a balanced complex useful substances, he may need additional support. For example, in the case of treatment or prevention of a particular disease, or if the feed contains an insufficient amount of calcium. In this case, the ideal solution would be “8 in 1 Excel Calcium” vitamins. Customer reviews will dispel any doubts about this drug. Pet owners say that the medication is well absorbed and does not cause adverse reactions. After using it, the animal looks healthy, it is active and mobile. Therefore, users advise all novice dog breeders to buy this complex.

Our pets need good nutrition. If the animal’s diet is balanced, rich in vitamins and microelements, then its body will be able to develop normally. What do modern manufacturers offer? vitamin preparations for animals? We will look at the most popular Excel 8 in 1 vitamin supplements for dogs and describe their main properties and characteristics.

Quality vitamins Excel

Familiar to many dog ​​owners products of the American company Brevers, as it specializes in producing health supplements for pets. Excel 8 in 1 dog vitamins are in great demand. They are good because they are suitable for dogs of all breeds, of different ages in many situations and problems. Excel offers several types of tools:

  • Multivitamin 8 in 1 Excel for puppies;
  • 8 in 1 Excel with increased content calcium;
  • 8 in 1 Excel multivitamins intended for adult dogs;
  • 8 in 1 Excel multivitamin for small breed dogs;
  • 8 in 1 Excel Multi Vitamin Senior for senior dogs;
  • 8 in 1 Excel Mobile Flex+;

This series also includes other products from a well-known American company that give good results after their use in the diet of dogs. It is worth noting that they all aren't medicines , so they will not be able to significantly affect health or appearance pet. In this case, he needs the help of a veterinarian. They are created so that the animal can fully develop, despite unfavorable conditions. environment, predisposition to various diseases and potential heredity. Let's look at several types of the most popular Excel vitamins.

8 in 1 Excel multivitamin for puppies

This product is created on the basis of a special formula. It contains more than a dozen vitamins and 10 minerals necessary during the period of intensive dog growth and healthy development. He has a pleasant taste and smell of milk. This content is necessary for proper development teeth and strong bones puppy. Excel also contains antioxidants, vitamins E and C to strengthen the immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids and DHA help your puppy's body better absorb fat soluble vitamins. The composition of this Excel complex is excellent for pregnant dogs and nursing puppies.

8 in 1 Excel with increased calcium content

These vitamins are unique in their composition, as they are enriched with calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. Their quantity is optimally selected for good absorption of minerals entering the body. This complex is recommended to be given to the animal throughout its life. He is very important for a powerful dog skeleton and heavy loads under certain conditions. Urgency in calcium and vitamin D occurs when bone formation occurs, teeth change, after injuries and during lactation, as well as in other cases. The dosage of the product is selected individually.

8 in 1 Excel Multivitamin for Dogs Adults

This vitamin complex was specially developed to maintain the health of adult pets. With its help, you can compensate for the lack of minerals and vitamins in the diet of dogs. It is recommended to give it to the animal in the spring and winter to prevent vitamin deficiency. It is recommended to give the drug daily if the dog’s diet is unbalanced. It will help improve metabolism. main feature Excel drug - its naturalness, the naturalness of the compounds included in the formula. In the production of the vitamin complex the following are used:

  • fish and meat flour;
  • yeast;
  • bran;
  • vegetable oils;
  • powdered milk and other natural ingredients.

8 in 1 Excel multivitamin for small breed dogs

These vitamins are designed for small dogs to fill gaps in the diet of small breed dogs. The product contains antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, microelements, as well as vital Omega-3 fatty acids. The dosage and composition combination are calculated taking into account physiological needs dwarf breeds dogs The developers of this complex tried to focus on support nervous system small pets.

Features of vitamins 8 in 1 Excel

Any of the substances from the manufacturer of these vitamins are universal catalysts. They participate in all important metabolic processes in the animal body. Experts believe that even the most balanced diet domestic dog will not be able to provide the animal’s body with everything necessary during the period of active growth, and also during physical activity.

A lack of vitamins during a period of active development or in an area with an unfavorable environment can have a negative impact on the pet’s health. For this reason, animals need additional sources of vitamins. Pregnant dogs and when feeding puppies especially need a lot of vitamins. Older dogs also have an increased need for vitamin complex, because due to age, metabolic processes in their body begin to slow down.

All vitamins 8 in 1 Excel are designed for prevention various diseases and stimulation of immunity. With their help, you can improve the condition of the skin and fur of animals in preparation for exhibitions.

The company has been producing its products for animals for over 100 years. She's different high quality and professionalism. The manufacturer's specialists are well aware that an important condition happy and prosperous stay in the family pet is taking care of his health.