At what age do the first teeth cut? At what age do babies teeth? When to See a Doctor

Teething is an extremely important stage in a baby's life. And it is not surprising that parents are always concerned about the question of when the first teeth are cut in a baby, and what symptoms can normally accompany this process. Indeed, the appearance of a tooth is usually accompanied by a number of painful symptoms, and it is often difficult to figure out which of them are normal and which may be a sign of illness.

Age norms can vary quite a lot depending on the race, heredity of the child, the nature of the mother's diet during pregnancy, climate, environmental situation in the region of residence and many other features.

Nevertheless, pediatricians determine the approximate (average) timing of the appearance of teeth, which should be guided by when assessing the development of a child.

Normal timing

To date, it is considered normal if the first teeth in a child appear at the age of 6–8 months, and by the year the number of teeth reaches eight. All 20 milk teeth should erupt when the baby reaches the age of three.

Photo: All milk teeth erupt by the age of three

Teeth in a child at 3-4 months

Teething that started 1 to 3 months earlier than average rate should not be cause for concern.

In most cases, the first teeth in an infant at 3 months appear due to the mother taking multivitamin or mineral complexes containing vitamin D, calcium, as well as increased consumption fermented milk products(cheese, cottage cheese, kefir).

Children with early erupted teeth should be shown to the dentist at least once every 6 months, since caries often occurs on the “early” milk teeth.

More early appearance teeth (under the age of 2-3 months) requires additional examination- this may be a sign of hormonal disorders or pathology mineral metabolism The child has.

First teeth after a year

Even taking into account individual characteristics, by the year at least 1-2 milk teeth should appear. If one year old baby still no teeth, it should be shown to the dentist and pediatrician to exclude malformations and diseases.

When teething is delayed:

  • with rickets and other disorders of mineral metabolism;
  • in frequently ill, weakened children;
  • with endocrine pathology;
  • at poor diet, late introduction of complementary foods (for example, due to an allergy in a child to cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables, etc.);
  • in pathology gastrointestinal tract with impaired digestion and absorption;
  • in premature babies - the degree of delay in eruption is directly related to the degree of prematurity;
  • with a genetic predisposition, including hereditary diseases bone and cartilage tissues;
  • with adentia (a congenital malformation - the absence of the rudiments of milk teeth), milk teeth do not appear at all.

Video: first teeth

Eruption order

There is a certain order of eruption of milk teeth: the lower central incisors appear first, followed by the upper central ones. Next, the upper and lower lateral incisors erupt in pairs, followed by the upper and lower first molars. Then fangs and second molars appear.

Violation of the order of eruption

In some children, teething occurs in a different order, which is due to individual characteristics and is a physiological norm.

Photo: Violation of the order of teething

The only unfavorable sign that requires a dentist consultation to exclude congenital anomaly- this is a violation of pairing, when one tooth from a pair erupted, other teeth began to appear, but the second one is still missing.


The severity and frequency of symptoms accompanying the appearance of milk teeth in children are variable and individual: for someone they may be in in full, and for someone, eruption occurs without any discomfort at all.

The main signs of teething:

  • local changes (inflammation and loosening of the gums);
  • temperature increase;
  • excitability;
  • runny nose, cough;
  • diarrhea.

Inflammation of the gums

The sharp edge of the tooth during its growth pushes the gum tissues and injures them, causing inflammation and other local changes. First of all, there is swelling of the gums, which is easy to notice when examining the child's mouth.

Swollen gums cause the baby desire scratch them, and he constantly “drags” something into his mouth, actively chews various objects - a pacifier, toys, clothes, a blanket, his own fingers, and can bite his mother’s breast when feeding.

Photo: During teething, the child's gums itch

Immediately at the moment of tooth penetration, you can see the separation of the gum tissue, accompanied by redness. At this time, the gums are extremely painful, sometimes easily injured (blood appears when tapping with a spoon over the emerging tooth, bleeding is possible when chewing).

In some cases, during the eruption of canines, molars, even a hematoma occurs ( cyanotic color tumor) above the tooth, requiring surgical intervention.

Photo: Inflammation of the gums and hematoma of the gums during teething


Pain, burning sensation, tension in the gums, drooling, fever during eruption are very painful for babies.

Children become restless, naughty, constantly require attention, sleep is often disturbed. In many babies, sensitivity to external stimuli increases: they begin to react painfully to bright light or loud noises.


An increase in temperature during teething is biologically determined active substances, released during the development local inflammation in the gum

As a rule, a temperature in the range of 37.5–38.5 ° C appears 1–2 days before the tooth erupts and disappears immediately after the tooth “opens” the gum.

Prolonged or severe fever in an infant over 39°C is always suspicious of other diseases.

Runny nose and cough

Runny nose and cough due to a large number saliva, which flows into the nasopharynx, causing perspiration and irritation, while the glands of the nasal mucosa are activated.

The cough is rare, usually wet, with mucous sputum or saliva. Characterized by increased cough in the position of the child lying on his back.

Discharge from the nose is also mucous in nature (liquid or semi-liquid, transparent). They flow from the baby's nose, the baby "grunts" and "squishes", especially in sleep and while eating. Nasal congestion should not appear.

Digestive disorders

The appearance of the first teeth may be accompanied by a decrease in appetite up to a complete refusal to eat and drink, diarrhea, regurgitation and vomiting.

Decreased appetite is associated with impaired well-being of the child and pain in the mouth. When the tooth erupts, the inflammation of the gums stops and the appetite is restored. Infants who are on breastfeeding, can both refuse the breast and require the breast more often than usual, every 15–20 minutes.

Diarrhea is caused by profuse salivation: children swallow saliva, which dilutes the stool. It is acceptable to increase the frequency of defecation by 2-3 times compared with the individual norm of the child, but not more than 6 times a day.

The stool becomes semi-liquid or liquid, but retains its yellow (yellow-brown) color. Impurities of blood, mucus, greenery should not be. With watery stools, irritation often occurs on the skin of the perianal region.

Regurgitation and vomiting are noted as single episodes, usually against the background of high temperature. stubborn repeated vomiting, vomiting "fountain", constant regurgitation - a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Video: intestinal infections in a child

How to alleviate the condition of the baby

During teething, try to give the child as much time as possible, take him in your arms more often. Be sure to drink the baby, if you refuse the bottle, the liquid is given from a spoon. Apply to the baby's chest as often as he wants - it calms him.

Photo: When teething, take the baby in your arms more often

As additional measures, you can massage the gums and use medications.

gum massage

First of all, do not prevent the child from scratching his gums on his own, but make sure that small objects and foods that he can swallow or inhale do not get into his hands.

For chewing, give the baby rubber toys, dense corrugated teethers (teethers with water that can be cooled in the refrigerator are especially good for pain relief). A simple piece of coarse cloth soaked in cool water(for example, a clean waffle towel).

You can massage your gums with your finger after washing your hands. There are also special silicone fingertips-brushes for children's gums.

It is allowed to offer children a chilled banana, cookies - but only under the supervision of their parents.

Local anesthesia

For local anesthesia dental gels based on benzocaine, lidocaine or choline salicylate are used.

All of them give only a short-term effect (within 30-60 minutes), but they are not safe. To avoid side effects and adverse reactions, they should be used after consulting a pediatrician, very carefully and not more than 3 times a day. The most popular of them are Kalgel, Kamistad, Kholisal.

Photo: Kamistad (left) and Solcoseryl (right)


For kids infancy allowed to use antipyretic drugs based on only two medicines- ibuprofen and paracetamol.

Photo: Paracetamol-based preparations - Children's panadol (left) and Efferalgan suppositories (right)

Photo: Ibuprofen-based drugs - Ibufen (left) and Nurofen (right)

Against the background of teething, it is allowed to use antipyretic 2-3 times a day in age dosage not only against the background of a high temperature (38.5 ° C and above), but also with a child's pronounced anxiety, since the drugs have an analgesic effect.

must not exceed the allowable daily dose and give the child an antipyretic for longer than 2 days without consulting a doctor!


Homeopathic remedies are used as local dosage forms, and in forms for oral administration, in rectal suppositories.

From local funds gels with chamomile and others are used medicinal herbs- Dantinorm Baby, Doctor Baby. Inside, homeopathic granules Hamomilla, Beladonna are prescribed, 1 pc. 3 times a day, Parodol EDAS-122 drops. Viburkol is produced in the form of rectal suppositories.

A photo: Homeopathic preparations- Dantinorm Baby (left) and Doctor Baby (right)

Homeopathic medicines have a mild anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect, have a minimum of contraindications. However, their use should be discussed with your pediatrician.


From funds traditional medicine the most effective are anti-inflammatory decoctions, teas and solutions that should be used to lubricate the baby's gums. They are prepared by brewing chamomile- alone or mixed with other herbs - sage, lavender, mint, lemon balm.

Photo: Decoction of chamomile (left) and mint (right)

A solution of tea soda also helps - 1 tsp. to a glass of boiled water. The prepared composition is moistened with a finger wrapped in gauze, and the gums of the baby are treated.

Be attentive to your baby! Not worth everything painful symptoms write off only for teething. It is quite possible that some disease is attached.

By delaying treatment, you can get severe complications. Remember: if you are in doubt, it is better to play it safe and show the child to the doctor.

Symptoms for which it is necessary to call a doctor:

  • Temperature above 38°C.
  • Diarrhea more often 5-6 times a day, or if there are pathological impurities in the stool (mucus, blood, greens).
  • Vomit.
  • Cough.
  • Coryza with yellow or yellow-green discharge.
  • Constant or high-pitched crying of the baby.
  • Formation of a hematoma on the gum.

To speed up teething sometimes helps the introduction prophylactic doses vitamin D (if the child does not receive it yet), as well as an increase in the menu of foods rich in calcium (cottage cheese, kefir). However, it is not worth introducing new dishes at the time of teething.

In order to avoid a sharp rise in temperature and other undesirable reactions, you should also not carry out preventive vaccinations against the background of the appearance of teeth.

Care is required already for the first teeth: clean them with a baby brush (for babies it is better to use a silicone fingertip brush) and baby toothpaste.

In order for the bite to form correctly, it is necessary to try to wean the child from the pacifier, and instead of a bottle with a nipple, switch to drinking from drinking bowls or a cup. But this should be done not at the time of teething, but after, so as not to injure the baby.

Video: caring for the first teeth

Signs and traditions

The most common tradition is a gift for the first tooth (grandmother or other relatives give a silver spoon).

To facilitate teething, our grandmothers put on amber beads for babies, protected them with coral amulets and necklaces made of red silk ribbons.

There are also interesting signs associated with the first teeth:

  • If the baby's teeth climb very early, or the upper incisors first appeared, then a second child will appear in the family in a year;
  • Frequently asked Questions

    How long do they cut?

    Tooth eruption occurs within 1-3 days. However, sometimes it is difficult to determine exactly when the tooth began to erupt. Parents and even pediatricians mistake moderate swelling of the gums and salivation, which can occur several months before the appearance of a tooth, as signs of teething that has begun.

    Is it true that the appearance of fangs is accompanied by particularly severe pain?

    Truth. The structural features of the canines (sharp edges, uneven edge, thickness) cause especially intense pain.

    Does it matter if the top or bottom teeth erupt first?

    No. The order of teething is an individual feature, which is a variant of the physiological norm.

    Do not forget: the most important thing that your baby needs in such a crucial period as teething is your love, care and patience!

The joy of the birth of a child can sometimes be overshadowed by problems with his well-being. The period when the first teeth are cut is especially acute for the baby. Many parents are afraid of a rise in temperature and restless behavior of the child, considering this a sign of a serious illness. But if you know how babies' teeth grow, unpleasant symptoms don't seem so scary. What are the main points that parents need to clarify in order to calmly meet the first tooth of their child?

The main signs of the appearance of teeth in babies

Each baby develops according to its own individual plan and reacts differently to climbing teeth. But there is a list of symptoms that almost always accompany this process:

  1. Inflammation of the gums, their redness.
  2. Sleep problems.
  3. Restlessness of the baby, excessive irritability.
  4. Elevated temperature - up to 38-39 C.
  5. Wet cough due to profuse salivation.
  6. Stuffy nose with clear and clear mucus.
  7. Diarrhea or constipation.
  8. The desire of the child to take something in his mouth.
  9. Loss of appetite.
  10. Vomit. This is the most rare sign that accompanies teething in infants.

The child is so hard on the appearance of the first teeth, as they break through bone tissue and cut through the mucous membrane of the gums. Feeling unwell the baby is normally observed for several days. If diarrhea, fever or cough lasts more than 4 days, you should definitely call a pediatrician.

First tooth: how many months should appear

Usually the teeth begin to erupt at the age of 6-8 months, but sometimes they can be a little late. Often they grow in pairs: 2 or even 4 at the same time. For such an accelerated development, the baby has to pay doubly: the gums swell and hurt in several places at once.

Sometimes the teeth begin to climb for 1-2 months. earlier than expected. This could be a sign of a malfunction. endocrine system. It is extremely rare that a baby's teeth erupt during the mother's pregnancy.

How many months teeth are cut does not affect their longevity in the future. It is a mistake to believe that children with late first teeth will be able to “enjoy” milk teeth longer.

Most children "grow" their first tooth at 8.5 months, a little late from established by doctors norms. In any case, by 12 months. Every child has at least one tooth "in stock". If this does not happen, you should suspect the presence of a disease, for example, rickets and consult a doctor.

Which teeth are cut first

The order of teething in infants “approved” by doctors is extremely conditional: many children easily violate it. Nevertheless, it is considered normal when teeth appear in the following order:

1. Central incisors:

  • lower - 6-8 months;
  • upper - 8-12 months.

2. Lateral incisors:

  • upper - 9-13 months;
  • lower - 10-16 months.

3. First molars:

  • upper - 13-19 months;
  • lower - 14-18 months.
  • upper - 16-22 months;
  • lower - 17-23 months.

5. Second molars:

  • lower - 23-31 months;
  • upper - 25-33 months.

The scheme of the appearance of teeth is very approximate, but nevertheless, most children acquire all milk teeth by the age of 2.5 years.

How to help your child "grow" teeth

The baby suffers greatly during the period when the first teeth appear. Parents should make every effort to brighten up such a difficult time for their child. This will help them:

1. Teethers. They have a rounded shape, so they are completely safe for children. The child can gnaw plenty of the teether, massaging the gums. Some teethers are filled with water inside and have a cooling effect. Estimated cost - from 120 to 2000 rubles. depending on the manufacturer.

2. Homeopathic preparations:

  • Dentokind. Removes pain, relieves digestive disorders, removes fever. The average price is 700 rubles. for 150 tablets. Considered the most effective tool to alleviate the condition of the child during the period when teeth grow;
  • Dantinorm baby. Like the previous medicine, it anesthetizes and restores normal work intestines. It costs about 300 rubles.

3. Dental gels:

  • Pansoral "First teeth". Developed on the basis of herbs, does not contain anesthetics. The effect is due to the extracts of marshmallow root, chamomile and saffron included in the composition as the main components. Do not use if the child is under 4 months old. Estimated cost - 360 rubles. for 15 ml;
  • Holisal. Relieves pain and inflammation, kills germs. Among the shortcomings of the remedy is a possible allergic reaction, manifested in the form of a short burning sensation. It will pass on its own, but the child will cause unnecessary discomfort. Cost - 300 rubles. for 10 g;
  • Baby doctor "First teeth". The main component of the gel is water (70% of the total composition). Also contains plant extracts: plantain, calendula, marshmallow root. Instantly relieves sore gums and soothes them. Recommended for children over 3 months old. average price- 240 rubles. for 15 ml.

4. Folk remedies:

  • lubricate the child's gums with honey to soothe them;
  • give the baby a chilled object in the mouth: a pacifier or silver spoon. This is a great alternative to teethers;
  • wipe the area around the baby's mouth with coconut oil or baby cream to avoid irritation due to excessive salivation;
  • let the child gnaw on a strawberry root. With them, the baby will be able to scratch and massage the gums;
  • lightly massage the gums by wrapping around index finger bandage soaked in hydrogen peroxide;
  • rinse the child's mouth with chamomile decoction. It anesthetizes and soothes inflamed gums.

Usually the most difficult period lasts only a few days. Then the diarrhea and cough disappear, the temperature subsides, and the child can sleep and eat normally again.

When to see a doctor

In most cases, the erupting first teeth in infants bring a lot of discomfort, but do not require medical care. However, sometimes a qualified pediatrician is indispensable. It should be contacted when:

  • the temperature does not pass for a long time or rises above 39 C;
  • cough is very painful and frequent, during coughing up an excessive amount of sputum;
  • there is blood or mucus in the stool;
  • diarrhea is frequent and intense;
  • discharge from the nose is purulent;
  • runny nose lasts more than 4 days;
  • constipation does not go away for 3-4 days;
  • sores appear in the mouth;
  • growing teeth have an irregular color, for example, black edging or yellowish spots on the enamel;
  • the child is already a year old, and he still has not got a single tooth.

It happens that behind the classic symptoms of teething teeth there are problems with digestive system or various infectious diseases like SARS. When dealing with a small child, it is better to be too cautious than to regret being too careless later.

The first tooth of a baby is a reason for the pride of the whole family. But the development of the child does not end there, and soon he will delight his loved ones with new achievements.


From this article you will learn:

  • signs of teething in children
  • timing of eruption of milk teeth, permanent teeth,
  • teething in infants: photo.

Teething in children has a certain sequence, and should also be paired, i.e. identical teeth must erupt at the same time, for example, a pair of central incisors, a pair of lateral incisors or a pair of canines. Below in the diagrams you will find the timing and sequence of teething in children.

However, if you suddenly saw that your baby's teething time does not coincide with the average values, then you should not immediately panic about this. Approximately 50% of modern children have a shift in the timing of eruption of milk and permanent teeth. It happens due to certain reasons which we will also discuss below.

What teething looks like: photo

Teething in infants, infants and older children is fundamentally no different. What teething looks like in children - you can see in the photo 1-9. Below we will also list in detail all the symptoms of teething in children.

Gums during teething: photo

In some cases, 2-3 weeks before the eruption of a milk or permanent tooth, a bump filled with a clear or bluish liquid may appear on the gum (Fig. 6-7). This is not a pathology and is not associated with inflammation. No intervention (other than periodic inspection) is required. Only in the case when the bump becomes large enough - you can make a small incision and, thus, release the accumulated bloody fluid.

Terms and order of teething in a child -

As we said above: teeth should erupt in pairs, in a certain sequence, as well as on average terms (indicated in the tables below). However, in modern children, it is increasingly possible to observe premature or delayed teething. Premature or late eruption is considered to be a deviation from the average time of 2-3 months for milk teeth, as well as 2-4 years for permanent teeth.

1. The order of eruption of milk teeth -

In a newborn child, inside the upper and lower jaws there are 20 rudiments of temporary teeth (10 follicles for each jaw). As for the rudiments of permanent teeth, at the time of the birth of a child, there are only 16 of them. But the remaining 16 rudiments of permanent teeth are formed in the jaws after the birth of a child. The central incisors usually erupt first. mandible.

Table / Scheme of eruption of milk teeth:

Causes of violation of the terms of eruption of milk teeth -

Studies show that the proportion of children with normal teething times (shown in the table) is only about 42% overall. The delay in the timing of eruption was observed in approximately 48% of children, and in 10% of all children - observed early eruption milk teeth. This is especially dependent on the type of feeding of the child, as well as the diseases suffered by the pregnant woman and the child himself in the first year of life.

  • Feeding in the first year of life
    research results clearly show the dependence of the timing of eruption of milk teeth on the type of feeding. Research has shown that children in artificial feeding delayed eruption is 1.5 times more common than breastfed babies and 2.2 times more common than breastfed babies. mixed feeding.

    In addition, early teething in the group of formula-fed children was observed 1.8 times more often - compared with children on breastfeeding, and was completely absent in the group of mixed-fed children.

    The researchers also give the following results: in mixed-fed children, the eruption terms were normal in 71.4% of cases, in breastfed children, such terms were observed in 53.7% of cases, and in artificial feeding normal timing eruption occurred only in 28% of children.

Other causes of violations of the eruption of milk teeth
can affect the timing of teething the following diseases pregnant woman...

  • toxicosis of the 1st-2nd half of pregnancy,
  • kidney disease,
  • transferred pneumonia or acute respiratory infections with high fever,
  • herpetic infection, rubella, toxoplasmosis,
  • constant chronic or short-term severe stress.

But the timing of eruption can be affected not only by the diseases of a pregnant woman, but also by diseases and conditions in the first year of the child's life -

  • sepsis of the newborn
  • transferred pneumonia, frequent acute respiratory infections,
  • convulsive states,
  • intestinal toxicosis,
  • prematurity and postmaturity,
  • rhesus conflict.

2. Terms of eruption of permanent teeth -

You can see the sequence and timing of teething in children in Scheme No. 2. Of the permanent teeth, the 6th teeth (1st molars) erupt first. These are the most important teeth in the entire dento-jaw system, which, unfortunately, are often immediately affected by caries. Therefore, immediately after their eruption, pediatric dentists always recommend making these teeth.

Graph / Scheme of teething in children:

Causes of violation of the terms of eruption of permanent teeth -

If in milk teeth a deviation from the average eruption time of 2-3 months is recognized as premature or late eruption, then for permanent teeth this figure is 2-4 years. Among the main reasons for the delay in the eruption of permanent teeth, it is especially worth highlighting the inflammatory processes that preceded this in the area of ​​​​the roots of milk teeth, as well as early removal milk molars.

  • Purulent inflammation at the roots of milk teeth
    if your child has (this may look like swelling or a bump on the gum), either painful biting on one of the teeth, or a fistula with purulent discharge may appear on the gum - this means that at the tops of the root baby tooth developed purulent inflammation. Most often, this disease is the result of untreated caries (you can see a carious cavity or filling on the causative tooth), or it is the result of a tooth injury, for example, as a result of a bruise.

    If we were talking about a permanent tooth, then the treatment would consist in removing the nerve from the tooth and filling the root canals. But due to the peculiarities of the structure of milk teeth, they cannot be subjected to such treatment. Such teeth, according to all textbooks on dentistry, should only be removed, because. a purulent process in the area of ​​the roots of a milk tooth is separated by only a few mm of bone from the germ of a permanent tooth. Many not very competent doctors do not recommend removing such teeth, citing the fact that it can affect the eruption of permanent teeth.

    Such doctors do not remove such teeth and leave children with a purulent infection in the mouth. However, studies have shown that pus and toxins from the area of ​​inflammation affect the rudiments of permanent teeth, leading not only to the same violations of the timing of eruption, but sometimes even to the death of the rudiment of a permanent tooth. Not to mention the fact that a purulent infection affects the entire growing body, increasing the risk of developing allergies, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and tonsillitis.

Other causes of delayed eruption of permanent teeth

  • underdevelopment of the jaw bones,
  • including - premature removal of milk molars,
  • incorrect position of the buds,
  • various diseases in childhood ...

Which permanent teeth are most likely to experience delayed eruption?

  • one of the fangs upper jaw- occurs in 43.64% of children,
  • 2 canines of the upper jaw at once - in 25.65%,
  • the second premolar of the lower jaw - in 12.84%,
  • immediately 2 canines of the upper jaw and second premolars of the lower jaw - in 10.34%,
  • both second premolars of the lower jaw - in 5.11%,
  • both lateral incisors of the upper jaw - in 2.61%.

Teething: symptoms

Signs of teething in infants usually begin 3-5 days before eruption. The symptoms of teething in a child continue exactly until the moment when the teeth appear through the mucous membrane of the gums.

1. The main symptoms of teething in infants -

  • swelling, swelling of the gums at the site of eruption,
  • irritability,
  • bad dream,
  • poor appetite, malnutrition,
  • the child tries to bite everything that is necessary, trying to relieve the itching in the gums,
  • increased salivation,
  • rash and irritation around the mouth and chin, as well as on the chest
    (due to drooling from the mouth).

2. Additional signs of eruption of the first teeth -

  • Teething: temperature -
    The temperature in a child during teething should not normally rise. High temperature during teething is most likely the result of some concomitant inflammatory process not associated with teething, for example, SARS or herpetic viral stomatitis.

    Carefully examine the oral mucosa of the child for the presence of -
    → small bubbles filled with a clear or cloudy liquid,
    → small erosions surrounded by an inflamed bright red mucous membrane,
    → bright red inflamed gums.

    How to take care of baby teeth

    Oral hygiene should begin before the first teeth erupt. Usually cleaning the gums of babies is carried out twice a day. It is done either with the help of a special fabric fingertip, or a clean bandage wound around a finger and moistened with boiled water. When the teeth erupt, they are already needed (special toothbrushes, as well as toothpastes or special tooth foams for caring for the teeth of children under 4 years old).

    Remember that the enamel of children's teeth is more porous and rough, because. it contains few trace elements (compared to already mature mineralized enamel in adults). Therefore, in the absence proper hygiene and diet - there is a very high risk multiple development early caries teeth. We hope that our article on the topic: Order, sequence of teething in children - turned out to be useful to you!

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in the family brings great joy, but soon the time comes for responsibility for the life and health of the baby.

When manifestations of anxiety begin, fever, problems with the tummy, parents get scared and call an ambulance.

And it turns out that the baby's first teeth are being cut.

So there is no reason for alarm - you need to be patient for the whole long period growth process of the first incisors.

To be prepared and not panic, you need to know exactly how many months the first tooth erupts in crumbs.

For each baby, the process of the appearance of the first incisors occurs according to an “individual scenario”. Even in one baby, subsequent teeth come out differently than they erupted before.

But there are symptoms that are present to one degree or another at this time in every crumb:

  • reddening of the gums and
  • sleep disturbance
  • baby anxiety and irritability
  • rise in temperature - up to 38-39 degrees
  • cough with phlegm due to excessive salivation
  • runny nose, stuffy nose, clear discharge
  • diarrhea or stool retention
  • the child constantly pulls something into his mouth and “nibbles” with pleasure
  • poor appetite
  • vomiting - occurs in rare cases

The teeth break through the bone tissue and cut through the gums, so this takes a long time and is painful. The child may feel unwell for a few days - this is normal. But if you cough and heat disturb the baby for more than 4 days, then it is necessary to call the local pediatrician at home.

When the first incisor comes out

By medical regulations, it is important not how many months the incisor came out, but in what order they will erupt. The eruption time depends on the gene predisposition, the baby's nutrition, calcium-phosphate metabolism, climatic conditions.

It has long been noticed that girls get out earlier than small strong men.

If everything goes according medical standards, then the lower incisors come out first, in the amount of two pieces at once - this grand event occurs when the baby turns 6 months old. After one or two months, 2 teeth also form in the upper jaw.

There are deviations from the rules, and the first tooth in a child can erupt at 3-4 months or, conversely, at 9-10 months. And they appear several at once - 2-4 incisors at a time.

A delay in eruption of up to 6 months is considered the norm, but when a baby has no teeth at all in a year, this indicates that he has no rudiments. This is verified by taking x-rays. In either case, you need to see a doctor.

Sometimes incorrect growth dates indicate a violation in the body of the baby:

  • If the teeth appear later for two or even more months, this may be a sign of an infectious disease, a violation metabolic processes or disruption at work.
  • If the teeth got out for a couple of months ahead of schedule, then the baby may have problems in the endocrine system.
  • Teeth erupted outside the gums - this indicates wrong position axes.
  • It happens that a child is born already with teeth - this happens very rarely and these rudiments are removed for the convenience of breastfeeding.

In this case, the child must be carefully medical examination to find out the cause of the failure in the body.

Which grow first

Young parents are worried about how many months the first tooth will appear in the baby, and which ones will erupt first. The order depends on the features. But most often they are cut in the following sequence:

  • lower incisors come out first
  • then upper
  • then incisors appear adjacent to the central

The whole process lasts from 6 months to a year.

The kid meets his first birthday with 8 teeth in his mouth: 4 in the upper and lower rows. In the second year, at about 12-15 months, the first molars grow - first on the upper jaw, then on the lower.

The fangs come out later, when the child is one and a half years old, and in 2-3 months all 4 teeth are available. Only six months later, the second molars begin to appear.

When he turns 3 years old, he should have 20 teeth in his mouth, 10 each in the lower and upper row. then the teeth erupt with the growth of the child and the formation of free space in the jaw.

At 10-12 years old, he should grow 8 more teeth, the dentition is fully formed.

Wisdom teeth, in the amount of 4 pieces, do not always erupt.

The reason is the lack of their rudiments or a place for their location.

There is an opinion among the people that the late appearance of milk teeth implies their later loss.

This is sometimes confirmed in practice, but not always. And also the opinion is refuted - the later the first teeth, the healthier they are.

How to help a child

Teething causes great suffering to the child. Parents should help their baby cope with this unpleasant, but so important point. To do this, they need to stock up not only with patience, but also with some drugs and devices that help make them feel better:

  • Teethers. They are safe for the baby because they have a rounded shape. The baby can gnaw on the teether as much as he wants - with this he massages the gums, helping the teeth to crawl out. There are models of devices that are filled with water inside - this additionally cools inflamed gums.
  • Homeopathic remedies. Dentokind - helps with indigestion, relieves pain and fever. This is the most effective drug elimination of suffering during the appearance of teeth. Dantinorm baby - has an analgesic effect, and also helps to normalize bowel function.
  • Dental gels. Pansoral "First Teeth" - the product is made on the basis of herbs, it does not contain anesthetics. Thanks to herbal extracts, it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Children under 4 months of age are not recommended to use the gel. Cholisal - destroys harmful microbes relieves pain and inflammation. It has one minus - an allergy that manifests itself short-term, no intervention is required, it will pass by itself, but the baby will be unpleasant. Baby doctor "First teeth" - 70% of the gel is water, the rest is extract herbal collection with pain medication and sedative effect. Quickly eliminates pain, can be used from the age of three months.
  • Folk remedies. It is recommended to periodically apply honey to inflamed gums - it soothes them well. You can give your baby a cold pacifier or a silver spoon, an excellent substitute for a teether. You should lubricate the skin on the baby's chin with coconut or baby cream so that there is no irritation due to strong salivation. Invite your child to chew on a clean, peeled strawberry root, which helps relieve itching and massages the gums.

Peak serious condition the baby lasts 3-4 days. Then the cough and diarrhea disappear, the temperature drops, as a result of which the baby sleeps and eats normally. Parents should give their child increased attention to distract him from his feelings of discomfort.

You need to walk with him more often, play, switch to pleasant activities, create a pleasant atmosphere.

In what cases it is necessary to see a doctor

Despite how many months the child's first tooth grew, this usually does not require a doctor's intervention. But there are such manifestations of symptoms that one cannot do without the help of a specialist. You should seek the services of a doctor in the following cases:

  • The baby has a high temperature long time, and its indicator goes off scale for +39 and even higher.
  • The kid is pestered by frequent and persistent cough with the release of a large amount of sputum.
  • Mucus is traced in the stool or.
  • The child suffers from frequent and profuse diarrhea for a long time.
  • The appearance is noted purulent discharge from the nose or from the mouth.
  • Runny nose lasts more than 4 days.
  • The kid cannot go for more than 4 days.
  • AT oral cavity the child developed ulcers.
  • New teeth appear with an abnormal color - with spots yellow color or black edging.
  • By the age of one, the child does not have a single tooth.

It happens that under the symptoms of teething, digestive disorders or infectious diseases are hidden. Therefore, parents should show increased attention to the baby and it is better to visit a specialist once again than to reproach yourself for the consequences later.

Proper Care

The appearance of teeth in a baby "creates" parents another responsibility - this is dental care.

If the baby has only one incisor, it should be cleaned regularly in order to develop the habit of oral hygiene from the "diaper".

To carry out the cleaning procedure, you must purchase a special silicone nozzle - it is put on the finger.

If this is not possible, then you can use a bandage by wrapping it around your finger.

Moisten the nozzle or bandage with boiled water and gently wipe the teeth, tongue and gums. This should be done in the morning after the child has had breakfast and in the evening before putting him to bed.

After a while you can use toothbrush with gentle bristles and a paste where fluorine is contained in minimum quantity. Toothbrushes are recommended to be changed once a month.

Up to two years of age, adults themselves can brush their baby's teeth. This must be done very carefully, without destroying the delicate enamel on the teeth. As soon as the child turns 2 years old, he can begin to perform this procedure himself, but under the supervision of the parents.

very important with early childhood to teach a child to regularly and properly care for their teeth - this habit will save both the baby and parents from dental problems in the future.

How to protect your child from caries

Children's teeth are very delicate and highly susceptible to caries. How to protect them from it early development? You should listen to the recommendations of dentists:

  • You can not lick the nipple of the baby and try his food with a spoon. In this way, it is possible to transfer harmful substances from the saliva of an adult into a child's mouth.
  • It is necessary to limit the child in sweet food, give water or natural juice to drink. Especially do not give the baby a sweet drink before bedtime.
  • It is necessary to teach the baby to drink a few sips a year after eating clean water, and at the age of three, rinse your mouth.
  • It is necessary to regularly undergo examinations at the dentist, starting at the age of one year and doing them every six months.
  • Protect your child from dental injuries - if the integrity of the enamel is broken, the teeth are destroyed very quickly.
  • Brush your teeth 2 times a day: after meals and always at night.

You can strengthen children's teeth by including the following in the diet: a couple of slices of hard cheese, a little seaweed, 5-6 pieces of raisins and 1-2 dried apricots. It is also recommended to drink green and black tea - they have a lot of fluoride.

At six months, when the first tooth appeared, it is considered a great achievement.

Even from the first months of a baby's life, parents are looking forward to when it will appear in their mouth. little miracle a snow-white pearl is the first tooth. This event is touching and unforgettable, and the period of waiting for it usually varies greatly in each specific case depending on many factors. Despite the fact that the terms of eruption are rather vague, they still exist and, to some extent, indicate the biological, and sometimes the real age of the baby. This topic becomes especially relevant if the baby begins to act up, slobber, rub the gums and pull everything that comes to hand into the mouth.

When do babies start to get their first teeth?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since each child is individual and irresistible in his own way. Each has its own characteristics and inclinations. After listening to their girlfriends and grandmothers, young inexperienced mothers spend months languidly waiting for a snow-white pearl. The impatience of the suffering of the crumbs strengthens even more - his crying for days on end, biting his fist, mother's fingers. The state of health of the baby is aggravated by the fact that he feels his mother's anxiety and fatigue. To avoid these troubles, you need to understand that the baby is not at all obliged to grow and develop strictly according to scientific recommendations and standards.

Doctors consider it normal if the first teeth are cut from four to eight months, but there are also later teeth. Accordingly, in a year the baby already boldly has the opportunity to boast of 4-8 teeth, which can be seen in the photo, but this is not a rule, but rather, average statistics. In those children who were born among twins or twins, the first teeth appear in absolutely different time. It happens that in one, the tooth will only appear closer to a year, while in the second, the lower incisor erupted already in three and a half months.

What determines the timing of eruption?

The timing of the eruption of the first teeth is influenced by many factors, among which a special role is played by:

There is no cause for concern if the child is almost a year old, and there is not a single tooth in the mouth. In order to calm down and make sure that there are no serious deviations, you can show the baby to a pediatric dentist.

Deviations from the norm

When milk teeth are cut, slight deviations in one direction or another are sometimes possible. There are times when a child is born with one or more milk teeth, and there are those who start to turn white on the gum only after the first birthday. Such rare cases are not a reason for panic, let alone any pathology.

Early teething is largely due to genetic predisposition. A delay in teething is possible with a pathological delay in general development and growth due to the following reasons:

  • rickets due to vitamin D deficiency, as a result of which the child's body practically does not absorb calcium;
  • adentia is a pathology, the essence of which is total absence dental germs.

First tooth in girls and boys

There is a myth among the people that says that girls grow and develop faster, so their teeth appear earlier than boys. Regardless of whether it is a girl or a boy, each of them will have the first incisor only when the time comes, and for each child it is individual. This theory has no scientific basis and has not been confirmed by doctors, therefore, it is not worth referring to the sex of the child when determining the timing of teething. Such information is a strong misconception. In girls, as in boys, the timing of the appearance of teeth is influenced by numerous factors, ranging from climatic conditions to genetic prerequisites.

Eruption order

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Despite the fact that the timing of the eruption of the first teeth varies from several months to a year, on average, the order of their appearance is the same in most cases, although, as you know, there are exceptions to each rule.

  • First, the two lower central incisors are cut through, which grow together or in turn. They are followed by the central upper incisors.
  • Then the upper teeth climb again - the lateral incisors, and in the upper row there are already four teeth. Behind them one should expect lateral incisors from below.

The frequency of eruption of these teeth also varies. Sometimes the gap between the first and second tooth reaches several months, and sometimes the next one climbs either together with the previous one or the next day. The entire set of incisors of eight teeth in most cases is already in one-year-old babies. No one knows how many teeth a particular child will have.

Fangs climb in children, as a rule, one of the last - at the age of 1.5-2 years, therefore, after the incisors, the 1st molars begin to erupt. Normally, these teeth are cut when the child is one to one and a half years old, and most often the lower molars are shown first. After the appearance of the first four molars, the second molars begin to be cut. The period of their growth falls on 1.5-2.5 years. By the age of three, children should have a full set of milk teeth, consisting of 20 units.

How long does it take for the top row teeth to come in?

The first teeth from above come out in newborns immediately after the lower incisors begin to be cut. From how many months this miracle should be expected, no one can say for sure, so you should monitor the baby's condition by observing his behavior. In the photo you can see how the upper incisor comes out at a time when the two below can already be easily identified. Despite the fact that from below the first milk teeth are more often ahead of those from the upper row, the lateral teeth are most often cut first from above, and only then from below. However, each child has their own teething sequence, and no one knows how long the upper teeth will erupt.

When does the last tooth erupt?

Based on the average data, the last tooth of a child crawls out at two and a half to three years. This indicator is just an average value, so any slight deviation should not be considered a pathology. In this matter, as well as with the first milk tooth, it is impossible to state anything concrete. It all depends on the individual characteristics of each individual child.

If, by the age of three, the baby does not have twenty milk teeth, this is an occasion for examination. pediatric dentist, which will exclude or confirm the presence of violations in the development and growth of teeth.

Approximate diagram of the appearance of teeth

The timing and pattern of the appearance of teeth in children does not have a single version that would suit absolutely all children, so doctors have compiled approximate scheme the timing and frequency of the appearance of milk teeth, which has been used in their practice for many years. It calculates how many teeth children should have at a certain age (we recommend reading:). This diagram looks like the one below.

Table. Scheme of eruption of milk teeth:


The first symptoms and signs that make it clear that the baby will soon have teeth can often be seen if you look closely at how he behaves. The behavior of the baby, when the long-awaited teeth are cut, becomes restless, capricious, he constantly cries. You need to make sure that nothing really bothers him in order to exclude the possibility of other problems.

The next sign of tooth growth is the refusal to eat, but not because there is no appetite, but because there is inflammation of the gums. Instead of sucking on the breast or pacifier, the baby nibbles and chews it diligently and intensively, thereby soothing the itching in the gums. During this period, abundant salivation is noted. This symptom can lead to a reddish rash around the mouth and neck.

Itchy and itchy teeth cause the child to pull into his mouth what lies within his reach. This can also include mother's breasts, fingers, her fists, toys and even animals, so during this period you need to especially monitor the cleanliness of objects that have a chance to get into the baby's mouth. Outwardly, the gums during the eruption look reddish, slightly swollen with whitish spots where the tooth should come out.

As well as characteristic features described above, the baby may have moist cough, which occurs due to profuse salivation, as well as a runny nose, fever and even diarrhea. These symptoms often point to other serious illness therefore, if at least one of them is found, the newborn should be immediately shown to the doctor.

How to determine by the gums that a tooth is climbing?

When teeth are cut, the child's gum changes - it changes color, structure, shape (more in the article:). By these signs, you can determine which clove will come out next.

Teething is characterized by such changes in the gums as a noticeable swelling, redness, the appearance of a small white spot in the center of the gum, which indicates the exact location of the new tooth. All external signs clearly visible in the photo. When you press the gum with your finger, a certain wateriness, viscosity is felt. The gums in the area of ​​swelling become soft and flabby. When pressed, the child experiences an ambivalent feeling - he seems to be pleased, but at the same time it hurts.

Child health and behavior

When the teeth begin to cut, the child's behavior becomes anxious, restless, he does not sleep well, often refuses a pile or a bottle, is naughty for no reason (we recommend reading:). Sometimes there can be a rapid increase in temperature, which is very difficult to bring down, but it often happens that it rises to a subfebrile value and lasts until the tooth erupts completely.

A copious amount of saliva that the child does not have time to swallow causes irritation of the mucous membrane in the throat, which causes redness and pain. During the period of teething in children, it significantly weakens protective function organism, which makes them more vulnerable to various bacterial and viral infections.

How can you help a child?

What to do if the teeth are problematic? It is not in our power to influence the process of teething and somehow speed it up, but each parent can alleviate the condition of his child during this period and make it less painful and more pleasant. To do this, you must first stop panicking. Everyone goes through this. In especially difficult moments, the child can be distracted by something bright, go for a walk with him. Fresh air on newborns it has an "intoxicating" effect, and they calm down.

To prevent the baby from dragging everything into his mouth, you should always have a cold teether on hand, which you can buy at any store or pharmacy. It is better to have several such accessories. Let one lie in the refrigerator while the second performs its function. It would be nice to show the child to a doctor who, after examination, will advise more effective methods or means that can alleviate the fate of the little man.