Burning and heaviness in the right hypochondrium. General rules and effective treatment methods

Burning in the liver area - alarming symptom, requiring close attention. Unpleasant burning sensation in right hypochondrium may occur after a strong physical activity, use of medications, heavy food, etc., but sometimes it occurs spontaneously, and it would seem completely without reason.

If you have encountered the feeling described, you should not put off visiting a doctor - sometimes burning pain in the liver area turns out to be a symptom of serious disorders.

It is worth noting that discomfort in the right side do not always indicate liver pathologies - pain that occurs in other internal organs, in particular, some parts of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, can radiate to this area.

How can you understand that the burning sensation occurs specifically in the liver? What diseases does this symptom indicate, and how to treat them? We will talk about all this in this article.


Many people associate pain or burning in the right hypochondrium with liver disease. It is worth remembering that most diseases of this body, contrary to popular belief, are not accompanied by any pain at all. The point is that it is deprived pain receptors. However, the capsule, the connective tissue lining of the organ, can hurt. In particular, it is very sensitive to stretching, so if you complain of pain in the right hypochondrium, the doctor may suspect an enlarged liver (when the organ enlarges, it stretches the capsule, resulting in pain). In this case, pain may radiate to the right shoulder and scapula area.

Particularly severe burning pain occurs when sand or stones move through the bile duct. In this case, the pain is paroxysmal, lasting from a couple of minutes to several hours.

For the same reason, pain in the side occurs during unusually strong physical exertion. The fact is that hepatocytes accumulate glycogen, a source of energy. During intense physical activity, the body requires additional energy, so blood flow to the liver is significantly accelerated. This causes an increase in its volume, and as a result - stretching of the capsule and pain in the side.

Often, a burning sensation in the right side is caused by a malfunction of the gallbladder.

Associated symptoms

If a burning sensation in the liver is caused by a violation of the structural and functional state of the gallbladder and the liver itself, the patient also notices a number of associated symptoms, including:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • poor appetite, and as a result - weight loss;
  • insomnia;
  • causeless skin itching;
  • yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • discoloration of stool;
  • darkening of urine.

It is worth noting that liver dysfunction can occur covertly for a long time, without obvious manifestations. Typically, pain and burning appear only in the later stages of the disease.

Other reasons

It happens that the listed symptoms are not observed, and the clinical picture of the disease is completely different. In this case, other causes of burning, not related to the condition of the liver and gallbladder, should be suspected. Among them, the most common are:

  1. Intercostal neuralgia- a neurological disease accompanied by periodic paroxysmal pain in a certain area chest; An attack can be triggered by coughing or sneezing.
  2. Osteochondrosis intervertebral discs lumbar region- accompanied by aching pain in the back, as well as on the right or left side.
  3. Diaphragm diseases- connective tissue septum separating the chest from the abdominal cavity. In case of inflammation of the diaphragm, as well as the presence of a hernia, neoplasms, etc. severe pain occurs under the right or left rib (depending on the location of the inflammation).
  4. Various kidney diseases(for example, pyelonephritis right kidney).
  5. Discomfort in the right hypochondrium is often felt by pregnant women. It must be remembered that the growing fetus displaces the mother’s internal organs, and later(7-9 months), the mother’s liver is located significantly higher than usual. Thus, heaviness and burning in the side of a pregnant woman is often associated not with liver disease, but with intestinal dysfunction.
  6. Burning pain in the lower abdomen- a symptom of appendicitis. Interestingly, when the appendix is ​​inflamed, the pain is first felt in the navel area, and only then “moves” lower and to the right.
  7. Long-term use of drugs that have hepatotoxic effects. In particular, the condition of hepatocytes is extremely negatively affected by antipyretic and painkillers (aspirin, analgin, ibuprofen and others), as well as hormonal contraceptive drugs.

Thus, the causes of burning in the right hypochondrium can be very diverse.

Possible diseases

Among the diseases of the liver and gall bladder, accompanied by a burning sensation in the right hypochondrium, the following can be distinguished:

It is almost impossible to find out the cause of a burning sensation in the side on your own - you will need help qualified specialist. The diagnosis is made based on the patient's complaints, as well as the results of some studies (a general clinical blood test, liver tests, ultrasound, and in rare cases, a biopsy may be required).


The goal of treatment is not just to relieve pain, but also to destroy the cause that caused it. In view of this, it becomes clear that taking painkillers has nothing to do with treating the liver. Moreover, taking them can aggravate the patient’s condition, since almost all painkillers have a hepatotoxic effect.

You should not reduce the burning sensation in the right side with anesthetics without first discussing this with your doctor - you can provoke a worsening of the liver.

Burning in the right side under the ribs in front and behind

Many diseases at the stage of development or exacerbation begin to manifest themselves with various symptoms. Sometimes they bother you only with minor ailments, in other cases they cause disturbances that reduce performance. What does a burning sensation in the right side mean? Is this a serious symptom or a sign of temporary inflammation? Let's try to figure it out.

Burning sensation in the right side: which organs are involved in the inflammatory reaction?

In the human body, everything is structured in such a way that when painful sensations appear in one of the points of the body, they do not necessarily speak of the development of a disease of the organ located in the area of ​​the ailment. A burning sensation in the right side is provoked by various pathologies. For example, even an abdominal infarction can radiate not to the left side, which usually happens with cardiac disorders, but to the opposite side.

Which organs cause burning sensations on the right:

  • Liver;
  • Intestines, appendix;
  • Gallbladder;
  • Lung;
  • Bud;
  • Pancreas.

As you can see, almost all systems of the abdominal cavity can be involved in the inflammatory reaction, extending to the right side. In addition, even intercostal neuralgia or accumulation of salts in the spine at the lumbar level causes symptoms in the back or front of the body.

Accordingly, if a patient experiences a burning sensation in the area where the liver or gallbladder is located, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics to find out exact reason appearance of symptoms. An abdominal ultrasound alone will not be enough. You should undergo a CT or MRI of the spine and lungs, and palpate the appendix and gastrointestinal tract.

Burning sensation to the right of the spine: causes of symptom development

Impaired excretion of bile with dyskinesia;

Suppression of motility, that is, hypotension of the gallbladder, contributes to stagnation of the secretory substance produced in the liver. The patient experiences aching, burning symptoms under the right rib. Usually they radiate only from the front, but when severe inflammation may spread to the back of the body.

Intensification of the malaise occurs with physical or nervous overstrain. Also, the burning becomes unbearable after eating fatty or spicy food, taking certain medications. The danger of violations is that over time, stagnation of bile crystallizes and leads to the formation of stones.


If sand or stones form in the ducts, then the disease is accompanied not only by burning sensations, but also by colic. They arise when bile secretion is retained and gradually spread under right shoulder blade. This is especially true for food intake and stress.


Inflammation also causes heat on the right side. Symptoms become more pronounced after consuming alcoholic beverages, fried foods, and seasonings. Cholecystitis is often accompanied by increased stomach acidity, so patients experience heartburn and nausea. The inflammatory process has Negative influence on the general condition, the patient is concerned about weakness, lethargy, and decreased ability to work.

Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;

Not always, but in severe stages of the disease, people may experience a burning sensation in the right side. As a rule, inflammation and destruction of liver tissue very rarely reveal their course in the early stages. But with serious functional impairment, pain occurs in the hypochondrium, yellowness of the skin, general weakness, and itching.

Chronic pancreatitis;

The pain may spread throughout abdominal cavity from above the navel and onto the back. The same manifestations accompany pancreatic tumors.

Gastritis, duodenal ulcer, appendicitis;

With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, sensations reminiscent of fever are disturbing. They are localized both to the right and to the left of the navel. Symptoms worsen after eating food. If the temperature rises and the pain becomes paroxysmal, you should consult a surgeon so as not to miss an attack of appendicitis.

Kidney diseases;

Often, due to the presence of sand or stones, a strong burning pain occurs in the hypochondrium. The fever is persistent, body temperature rises if noted acute pyelonephritis. Usually there are changes in the color of urine and its smell. Urolithiasis radiates to the lumbar area. When bending or moving, the symptoms intensify and spasms appear.

There are other reasons that can be accompanied by a burning sensation:

  • Neuralgia;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Diaphragm hernia;
  • Neoplasms;
  • Angina pectoris, heart attack;
  • Shingles;
  • Pleurisy, lung tumor;
  • Giardiasis.

Also during pregnancy, when the placenta begins to compress the organs, similar manifestations are disturbing. In such cases, discomfort spreads to either side of the abdomen and back. But most often it radiates to the right under the ribs.

When is pain and burning localized in the back?

Soreness extending to the back of the torso may result from various pathologies. Less commonly, it is associated with impaired functionality of the spine and pinching nerve fibers. Most often it is caused by diseases in the abdominal cavity.

If the burning sensation bothers you in the back area under the ribs, then the patient may develop the following pathological inflammations:

  • Acute pyelonephritis (continuous pain that becomes more intense when the dorsal ribs are struck from below);
  • Chronic pyelonephritis (painful sensations are weak, aching, more disturbing in wet weather);
  • Urolithiasis (the intensity of the heat depends on the size of the crystal and its location in the ducts, intensifies when turning the body, jumping, after drinking heavily);
  • Renal colic (the movement of a stone through the urinary canal causes a strong burning sensation and does not allow movement);
  • Acute pancreatitis (girdles, the attack is characterized by nausea/vomiting, worsens when lying down);
  • Osteochondrosis (pain is dull or sharp, burning, hinders movement in the lower back, does not allow sitting in one place for a long time);
  • Retroperitoneal hematoma (a vessel may crack due to a back injury - than more bleeding, the more pronounced the fever).

A burning sensation occurs for various reasons. But according to statistics, gallbladder disorders come first. 2nd place rightfully belongs to cardiac pathologies. And the third is impaired lung function.

Acute pain under the ribs: possible consequences

If it burns and cuts severely for half an hour, you need to call an ambulance. This means that the body has developed acute inflammation, which can cause shock, complications and even death.

Pain acute nature under the ribs are signs of such diseases:

  • An attack of acute pancreatitis;
  • Gallstone rupture;
  • Appendicitis;
  • Breakthrough of the duodenal wall;
  • Blockage of the bile duct with a stone;
  • Kidney rupture due to injury.

All conditions require surgical intervention.

What is prohibited for pain in the front or back of the back?

If painful sensations are bothered by a dull and aching course, then you can take 2 tablets of No-Shpa, but the next day you must undergo diagnostics and find out the cause of the inflammation.

Under no circumstances should you warm up the affected area yourself, as exposure to heat can aggravate the disease and complicate its course. Often, hot procedures cause suppuration because they activate the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

You should not take painkillers (No-Spa is not one of them, because it has an antispasmodic effect). Such medications complicate diagnosis and change blood tests. For example, analgin can distort the results characteristic of acute appendicitis.

It is better to avoid eating foods and sugary drinks for the whole day. For diagnostic manipulations, abstinence from food is a very good assistant. In addition, temporary fasting will alleviate the condition.

Prohibited to accept choleretic agents. If the patient has stones, they can get stuck in the ducts and cause the bladder to rupture. It is also worth limiting physical activities.

Burning pains in front under the ribs on the right are dangerous sign development various kinds peritonitis. Any rupture or perforation allows bile, food and microflora to enter the abdominal cavity and cause a purulent process. If the problem is not resolved in time, the person develops sepsis, leading to death.

With renal colic, patients often experience painful shock. It causes collapse, disrupting humoral processes. Failure to go to the hospital in a timely manner can result in death.

Yes, this happens. For example, with low mobility, physical activity increases blood circulation in the vena cava. And as a result of the release of adrenaline, heat occurs in the right hypochondrium. But stopping the load stops the burning sensation.

Also, when the body bends, the tissues are compressed by the ribs, which causes unpleasant symptom. It is temporary and does not continue to bother you after changing the position of the body.

In women PMS time estrogen is released and heat appears on the right side. Sometimes the pain is severe, causing nausea and a bitter taste. This is due to spasm of the bile ducts.

Burning under the ribs on the right side

When something starts to burn in the right side, you want to quickly solve this problem. There doesn't seem to be a burning sensation critical condition, but it may actually precede more serious symptoms.

When problems occur in the internal organs, the body reports this with pain. Its appearance on the right side can be caused by a variety of reasons: both harmless and dangerous. Depending on which nerve endings are involved in the process, pain can range from acute colic to an annoying feeling of heat. Despite the relatively mild discomfort caused by a burning sensation under the ribs, it is unacceptable to tolerate this alarm signal.

What can burn

The area under the right lower rib receives pain not only from organs located directly in this part of the body. Feelings of heat can be triggered by an abdominal form of myocardial infarction or an attack of angina, although heart pain is usually expected to occur on the left side.

In addition to such an obvious threat to life, burning pain in the side is caused by pathologies of the following organs:

  • liver;
  • gallbladder and ducts;
  • pancreas;
  • right kidney;
  • lower part of the lungs;
  • intestines, including the appendix.

Neurological diseases such as intercostal neuralgia or lumbar osteochondrosis can also cause a burning sensation in the right or left side, both in front and on the back.

Possible causes of burning

Additional symptoms help determine where exactly the problems occurred. Below are diseases that are accompanied by painful sensations in the right hypochondrium.

Gallbladder diseases

A common cause of discomfort on the right side under the ribs is problems with the removal of bile from the gallbladder and bile ducts into the intestines.

When the motor function of these organs is weakened (hypotonia of the gallbladder), they speak of biliary dyskinesia. Bile stagnation occurs in them, which is accompanied by aching or burning pain in the front under the right rib. Although this deviation from the norm in itself does not pose a threat, it provokes the formation of stones due to crystallization. Pain syndrome can occur due to overstrain, both physical and nervous, after a diet violation or taking medications.

Already existing sand or stones in bile ducts in turn, they remind of themselves not only acute colic in the side at calculous cholecystitis. On early stage they cause a burning sensation due to increasing bile retention. The pain may radiate to the right under the shoulder blade; its occurrence is associated with meals or nervous tension.

In addition to cholelithiasis, a burning sensation is possible due to inflammation of the gallbladder. The severity of the symptom becomes stronger after drinking alcohol or fried, spicy and fatty foods. Also with cholecystitis, pain when bending over, heartburn, nausea, and general weakness are observed. Sensations can spread to the center and respond in the left hypochondrium.

Ultrasound of the bladder and duodenal intubation help clarify the diagnosis. You should not try to relieve pain by taking choleretic drugs on your own, so as not to provoke blockage of the duct.

The liver is bothered by pain during such serious illnesses like hepatitis or cirrhosis. In this case, burning and pain appear in the presence of other symptoms: general weakness, jaundice and itching of the skin.

More often, burning pain in the epigastric region, not associated with the functioning of the gallbladder, is detected in chronic pancreatitis. The sensations are localized in both the right and left hypochondrium, spreading from the center and radiating to the back. Similar symptoms occur with pancreatic cancer.

In addition to acute pain, a duodenal ulcer can manifest itself as a feeling of heat in the left or right side. After eating, the burning sensation intensifies.

If the burning sensation, starting on the right under the ribs, descends lower, the body temperature rises, and the pain becomes acute, then an attack of appendicitis may be suspected, which requires urgent medical intervention.

Although kidney pain is associated with renal colic, between attacks there may be a feeling of persistent heat in the left or right hypochondrium, depending on the affected organ. Constant burning pain, change in urine color and fever may precede acute stage pyelonephritis.

With urolithiasis, sensations are focused in the lumbar region and on the back side. Bending and other movements increase the burning sensation in one of the sides, leading to spasms.

Other causes of burning

  1. Neurological diseases, especially intercostal neuralgia, manifest as sharp or burning contractions in the ribs and left or right side.
  2. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region can cause a wave of burning sensation that occurs on the left or right in the lower back and radiates to the leg.
  3. Diaphragmatic hernias and tumors become a source of burning pain when moving to the left or right under the ribs.
  4. An attack of angina pectoris, accompanied by a feeling of heat under the left lower rib, can also radiate to right side chest.
  5. During pregnancy, the growing fetus puts pressure on the liver and gallbladder. The functioning of the organs is disrupted, discomfort and burning occurs in the upper abdomen and sides.

Before visiting the doctor

If you feel a burning sensation under your right rib, you need to carefully analyze what could be causing it. Strained abdominal muscles, nervous shock, taking medications, a fatty meal, or not following a prescribed diet can all play a role.

If the sensations become aggravated, turn into colic or spasms, or intensify with movements, call an ambulance. The same should be done if there is pain under the left rib, dizziness, loss of consciousness, impairment heart rate or breathing.

When the situation is not so critical, but the right side is burning for more than an hour and there is nausea, then go to the clinic during the day. If the visit had to be postponed due to weekends, then before the consultation a gentle diet is observed (less salt, no spices, fried or simply fatty foods). Breaks between meals should be short, and portion sizes should be reduced.

If there are signs of poisoning or malfunction internal organs no, but you already have spinal diseases, intercostal neuralgia or vegetative-vascular dystonia, then this should not become a reason for self-medication. After all, a burning sensation under the left or right lower rib can be caused not only by these diseases. And taking already familiar medications can cause harm when peptic ulcer disease or cholecystitis is added to neurology.

Why does a burning sensation occur in the hypochondrium on the right?

In case of violation normal operation the patient feels the liver, gallbladder, intestines and even the diaphragm pain and burning in the right hypochondrium, which are considered characteristic features.

Depending on the problem area, other symptoms also appear, which undoubtedly need to be taken a closer look at. The nature of the unpleasant sensations and accompanying manifestations indicate which organ needs examination.

A burning sensation in the right hypochondrium is a fairly common complaint of patients when visiting a therapist. Moreover, this applies to people with previous diagnoses, and people without health problems who engage in frequent physical activity. And despite the fact that the symptom does not cause severe anxiety, such a signal from the body cannot be tolerated.

Causes of burning sensation in the right hypochondrium

Every person knows that on the right side there are organs whose interaction with each other is extremely important.

Burning pain on the right under the ribs can occur with problems with:

  • Liver
  • Gallbladder
  • Colon and duodenum
  • Loops of the small intestine
  • Diaphragm
  • Heads of the pancreas
  • Right kidney.

This means that pain on the right side also occurs as a result of injuries to the listed organs abdominal area. Depending on the neglect of the processes and the peculiarities of their course, the burning sensation can have a different character and be perceived differently.

Heart problems affect the functioning of the liver and other organs. When the heart is not able to perform its functions normally - pumping blood throughout the body, blood stagnation occurs in the organs. If blood stagnation occurs in the liver, it changes size and increases, resulting in a burning sensation in the right hypochondrium.

Let's consider other pathologies that provoke problems with the liver and, accordingly, cause pain:

  • Adenoma
  • Appendix - when it is located directly under the liver
  • Inflammation of the lung on the right side
  • Liver failure
  • Liver abscess
  • Secondary biliary cirrhosis of the liver, etc.

Diseases based on the nature of pain

To determine the reasons why it occurs, doctors find out what its nature is. Painful sensations, heaviness, burning in the right hypochondrium are the cause of problems with gallbladder as a result of bile stagnation. The occurrence of such sensations is explained as follows: abdominal wall in front puts pressure on the gallbladder, which provokes its tension and contraction.

Feeling better usually occurs after diarrhea. Acute pain occurs when the organ collects excess quantity liver bile with enzymes for digesting food. This bile is thrown into the duodenum, resulting in acute pain and burning in the right hypochondrium.

Burning pain on the right side most often indicates acute cholecystitis, which develops with inflammation of the gallbladder.

In this case, the accompanying signs are:

  • Nausea
  • Jaundice
  • Itchy skin

Infections and uncontrolled consumption can provoke an exacerbation of this disease. fatty foods. Patients feel a burning sensation in the right hypochondrium even if there is gallstones.

For chronic inflammation of the gallbladder patients feel a dull pain under the ribs on the right, accompanied by nausea, and the membranes of the eyes turn slightly yellow and the skin acquires a yellowish tint.

Common causes of burning in the right hypochondrium - pathologies caused by viruses and infections. Thus, pain occurs when there is hepatitis A, which you can actually “catch” by eating contaminated foods. Hepatitis B is considered characteristic disease for people taking narcotic substances and those who had physical contact with them.

The virus is easily transmitted through contaminated blood hepatitis C. Toxic (acute) hepatitis is also known, which is considered the most dangerous for human liver. When the liver is damaged by viruses, the patient may suffer from attacks of pain, accompanied by rapid deterioration in health, jaundice and elevated body temperature of the patient.

In those suffering chronic hepatitis Often there are nagging pains that appear periodically. The disease occurs without visible symptoms and therefore leads to cirrhosis of the liver.

Aching pain and burning in the right hypochondrium are a sign of malfunction gallbladder And bile ducts. This disorder is psychosomatic in nature. With dyskinesia, patients report the presence of a bitter taste in the mouth, constant fatigue, severe mood swings and pressing pain in the right side.

Pancreatitis– another cause of burning and severe throbbing pain on the right. Unpleasant sensations gradually intensify and can develop into shingles.

Associated symptoms:

  • Opens severe vomiting, in which traces of bile are visible
  • There is constant nausea
  • Stomach upsets
  • Feeling bloated
  • The patient's body temperature rises above 39 degrees.

When ignored specified symptoms the disease becomes chronic and a burning sensation in the right hypochondrium is accompanied by bursting pain.

Problems with kidneys provoke in exactly the same way discomfort in the hypochondrium. So, with pathology of the right kidney, the patient feels a stabbing pain, the localization of which radiates to the right side of the abdomen.

This condition accompanies:

  • Nausea
  • General weakness of the patient
  • Vomit
  • Increase in body temperature
  • Pain during urination.

A burning sensation in the right hypochondrium after eating, night pain indicates a duodenal ulcer. Unpleasant sensations also appear on an empty stomach, along with nausea, vomiting with blood, unpleasant belching and flatulence. With a complicated form of the ulcer, a sharp stabbing pain, lack of strength and dizziness.

What to do if you experience a burning sensation

The occurrence of discomfort, regardless of its nature, is the first signal of a problem. This means that in order to make a diagnosis, eliminate the problem and avoid consequences, you need to seek qualified medical help.

If you feel periodic or constant pain and a burning sensation in the right hypochondrium for several days, it is important to visit a therapist, gastroenterologist and infectious disease specialist as early as possible, who will help determine the source of the problem, choose diagnostic methods and correctly determine subsequent treatment.

Why does heaviness and burning occur under the ribs in front and behind?

Our body is a large complex machine in which everything functions interconnected. If any component is malfunctioning, it lets us know about it through unpleasant symptoms.

A burning sensation in the right side under the ribs in front is a cause for concern about many organs.

What can burn?

Such sensations often occur against the background of problems with the liver or gall bladder. With this concern, it is worth considering whether the intestines are functioning normally. There may be a deformation of the diaphragm, which causes similar symptoms to occur again.

Suspected causes of burning

The cause of a burning sensation under the ribs in the right side ultimately becomes one or another disease that requires consultation with a specialist. Therapists assure that everyone is at risk: from sedentary, sick people to absolutely healthy people.

The cause of the burning sensation can be either a lack of physical activity or an excessive amount of it. Incorrect or unbalanced nutrition contributes. Abrasions and hematomas can similarly be sources of discomfort in the right side under the rib.

A burning sensation in the right hypochondrium in front is an echo of earlier established diagnoses heart, musculoskeletal system, respiratory system or digestive system.

Gallbladder diseases

According to statistics, every fifth patient feels a burning sensation due to diseases of the gallbladder and the system for removing bile from the body. In this case, there are two ways for events to continue: either cholelithiasis, or this is a sign of the presence of developing inflammation of the gallbladder.

In this case, pain appears on the right under the rib in front.

In the first case we're talking about about bile obstruction, which leads to its accumulation, and then complete relief. A burning sensation under the rib on the right side does not appear constantly, but only with excessive stress, both physical and psychological.

Pain also occurs after eating heavy, fried and salty foods.

Diseases of the liver, pancreas and intestines

  • Pain under the ribs comes from the liver in more serious cases, when the body is sick with hepatitis or cirrhosis. Such symptoms are a little different from others because they come along with general lethargy, itchy skin and pallor.
  • If colic resembles arrows, which are directed from the spine under the ribs to the back, then there is a suspicion that the cause is chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer.
  • When there is pain under the right and left side of the hypochondrium after eating, the problem is localized in the duodenum, intestines.

In all three cases, immediate consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system

One of the main diseases in this area is pyelonephritis, the symptoms of which are the same pain in the right side under the ribs on both sides, frequent change urine characteristics and changes in body temperature. Pain on the right side manifests itself in the form of attacks (it does not hurt constantly).

If the problem is in the urinary system, tingling is felt in the lumbar region and on the back in the area of ​​the right or left side.

Other causes of burning

Other causes for this symptom cannot be excluded.

They are much less common, but it is also advisable to be aware of them:

  • For intercostal neuralgia. Intercostal neuralgia belongs to the list neurological diseases. Its symptoms are periodic burning pains under the ribs or in the area (between the ribs).
  • For bruised ribs The directly damaged ribs will hurt. The pain will be constant and aching. This is not the most dangerous guy the burning sensation that could have been. But an examination by a traumatologist and neurologist is necessary.
  • For osteochondrosis of the lumbar region. This disease differs in symptoms from all previous ones. Considering that the musculoskeletal system is affected, the pain moves in the direction from the lower back (on both sides) to the legs. It appears during physical activity or just walking.
  • For herpes zoster. The likelihood that the burning sensation in the right side under the ribs in front from shingles is small. Its symptoms are easy to distinguish. The pain will not come from the inside, but only the upper layers of the skin will hurt.
  • With thrombosis of the vena cava. With this problem, you will feel not only a burning sensation in the ribs area. The entire lower part of the body goes numb and fails.
  • Heart diseases. Oddly enough, with some heart diseases, such as, for example, an attack of angina, the symptoms can also be reflected far from the source. An attack will provoke only one wave of pain and burning from the lower part of the left rib to the right region of the chest. In this situation, call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself immediately.
  • Lungs. Diseases associated with the lungs also include diaphragmatic pathologies. They are more of a mechanical damage. The symptom is painful discomfort in the radius of the liver, on the left.
  • Stomach diseases. The main and most common stomach diseases are gastritis and ulcers. Often, patients initially do not distinguish them from liver pathologies. The distinctive character is that the discomfort begins after eating heavy food.

Discomfort after eating

If a burning sensation in the right side under the ribs in front bothers you precisely after eating a heavy meal, its possible causes may be stomach problems:

  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • diaphragm pinching;
  • hernia and other diseases of the stomach, intestines or duodenum.

This “bell” should make you think about your health.

When pain and burning are localized at the back

To know exactly what ailments not to think about when the main pain comes from behind, you need to remember list of possible diseases:

  • severe pyelonephritis: if a burning sensation appears and is present non-stop and the symptom becomes more noticeable during blows in the area of ​​​​the ribs of the back.
  • chronic pyelonephritis: discomfort is periodic, aching, but tolerable. It worsens during the rainy seasons or simply when the weather is humid.
  • renal colic: pain is caused by the movement of the stone through the fluid outlet channels. The pain is severe, often blocking the movement of the entire body due to an unbearable burning sensation.
  • urolithiasis disease: The intensity of the pain depends on the size of the crystal in the threads. It worsens when jumping, turning the body and after drinking liquid.
  • acute pancreatitis: the burning sensation under the ribs is more like a strongly squeezing belt. Accompanied by a burning sensation, nausea and vomiting. It becomes more noticeable when lying down.
  • osteochondrosis: disease of the musculoskeletal system. Acute stinging and burning alternate with dull ache. They constrain the body in the lumbar area, but do not allow you to stay in one place for a long time.
  • retroperitoneal hematoma: manifests itself as a consequence of a back injury, because a cracking of the vessel is possible. Therefore, than more bleeding, the more intense the burning.

What not to do if there is discomfort in different parts of the back

  • It is forbidden to heat the gravity zone for your own reasons. So the pain will become even stronger, and heat will become a breeding ground for pathogenic microflora.
  • Painkillers should not be used(except for No-Shpa). This can be explained by the fact that the process of identifying the source becomes more complex. For example, analgin hides results that should indicate appendicitis.
  • It is recommended to abstain from food and liquid. It is argued that the examination method is simplified. And it’s easier to bear the burning sensation on an empty stomach.
  • Do not use choleretic drugs without a doctor's prescription if the patient has stones in the ducts. If they get stuck in the channels, they can cause the bubble to burst.
  • Avoidance of physical activity is recommended, as this may aggravate the situation.

Nature of pain

On your own, you can only assume a disease or illness that bothers you only by the nature of the pain.

They are of the following types:

  • Pressure and heaviness in the side. This type of burning sensation most often begins after fatty foods, excessively salty foods, and also after excessive alcohol abuse. To prevent it, simply balance your diet and give up unnecessary habits.
  • Stitching pain. A stabbing, periodic burning sensation under the ribs can be a signal of absolutely any named disease. Only each one “stabs” in its own way and with various additional accompanying symptoms.
  • Dull, aching pain. Emergence nagging pain speaks of problems with the intestines. These are the same ulcers and gastritis. With the same success, they can be congenital diseases of the spine, diaphragm, etc. during the period of progression.
  • A sudden attack. Only once will a problem related to the heart bother you. The attack will be sharp, quick and unexpected. In this situation, call an ambulance.

Pain during and due to physical overload

It is the burning sensation in the right side under the ribs that indicates that the liver is overfilled with blood and is not performing its function correctly. Under heavy loads, the blood pulsates more often and more abundantly, and the liver simply does not have time to carry it through itself.

In such cases, you need to reduce the load and increase it gradually. Most often, such problems arise in athletes who have started exercising again after a long rest, as well as in people who start exercising incorrectly, without warming up, etc.

Identical indicators can manifest themselves not only in sick people. If a sedentary person suddenly decides to start an active life and play sports, already with the first surges of adrenaline, heat is felt in the right side under the ribs.

There is a feeling that this area is burning, baking and a burning sensation. It goes away over time, or stops when the load stops.

In women, a burning sensation can occur within menstrual period. Sometimes it burns so much that it causes nausea and bitterness in the mouth. The burning sensation will stop along with PMS.

Burning sensation during pregnancy

Pain under the ribs can also appear during pregnancy. At later stages, when the fetus reaches a noticeable size, pressure begins on its part on the gallbladder and liver. This brings discomfort in the hypochondrium while carrying the fetus.

The normal functioning of the organs is temporarily disrupted, and the mother feels a burning sensation under the ribs and in the sides.

Diagnostic methods

Today there are the following types diagnostics for abdominal discomfort:

  • ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal cavity;
  • MRI (liver, lungs, vertebrae);
  • palpation;
  • laboratory testing of material (blood, feces and urine).

Before visiting the doctor

Considering that there are too many diseases that can cause this symptom, it will not be possible to solve the problem on your own. It is imperative to see a doctor; he will correctly determine the cause and prescribe proper treatment.

Otherwise, the development of pathological phenomena may begin. You can independently determine only the burning sensation from physical activity, food or something else. Therefore, if the cause of the burning sensation under the ribs is food, then before visiting the doctor, arrange a gentle diet for yourself.

If physical activity is an aggravation, limit yourself from it.

The main thing is not to delay your visit to the doctor, but to contact the doctor as quickly as possible in order to identify the problem “without delay”.

Acute burning under the ribs and its possible consequences

When symptoms do not stop for a long period, you need to immediately call a doctor at home or see a doctor yourself. A burning sensation under the ribs in front indicates the occurrence of various types of inflammation in the body.

It may turn around state of shock, complications and even death.

This article provides information for your reference, but accurate diagnosis, specific and important effective treatment Only a doctor and a good examination will prescribe.

Signs and symptoms of intercostal neuralgia on the right, methods of treating acute muscle spasm

Intercostal neuralgia is a pathology in which the intercostal nerve becomes pinched or irritated. The disease is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​compression of nerve endings.

The disease itself is safe for the patient’s life, but it causes a lot of discomfort. Consider the fact that intercostal neuralgia on the right is formed against the background of serious diseases that pose a threat to health and life. It is also important that the pathology is often confused with other ailments, for example, a heart attack. Inaction in this condition leads to death.

Causes of the disease

It is important to know that intercostal neuralgia (ICD 10 code - M79.2) is not a symptom, but a pathological condition that indicates the need for treatment of a certain disease.

Reasons intercostal neuralgia Various diseases appear:

  • intervertebral hernia, displacement of the vertebrae relative to their axis;
  • rib fractures, muscle strains that regulate their mobility;
  • various types of intoxication of the body;
  • viral diseases that a long period no time for treatment;
  • curvature of the spine of various etiologies V chronic form currents;
  • hypertrophy of the vertebral muscles.

Other negative factors increase the risk of developing intercostal neuralgia on the right side:

  • lack of proper rest;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals, which negatively affects bone tissue;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • Availability bad habits;
  • presence of disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system (current diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalances against the background of menopause);
  • metabolic disorders, hypertrophy of the vertebral muscles, which are accompanied by poor absorption of magnesium and calcium in the body;
  • excessive exercise, obesity varying degrees expressiveness.

The appearance of intercostal neuralgia on both sides is influenced by many circumstances, an important role is played by a person’s lifestyle, the presence of addictions, and chronic ailments.

Find out how neck massage is performed for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and the benefits of treatment sessions.

Read about the symptoms of myelopathy of the thoracic spine and methods of treating the disease at this address.

Features of pathology in women

The fair sex selects underwear, taking into account only its appearance and effectiveness, buying bras without taking into account their comfort. Products that are too tight compress the ribs, which leads to pinched nerves and the appearance of various problems with health.

Lovely ladies also have less fat in the rib area, so the bone tissue is left without proper protection. Even with minor traumatic injuries See a doctor to rule out irritation or pinched nerve roots in the rib area.


Intercostal neuralgia on the right side is indicated by a specific clinical picture:

  • loss of sensation on the right side of the chest;
  • pain lasts from 20 seconds to several minutes, the specific localization of discomfort depends on the damage to a particular nerve. With pathology on the right, pain is felt in the region of the heart;
  • discomfort can spread to the shoulder, arm. In some cases, patients complain of discomfort in the lower back and shoulder blade;
  • heart rhythm is disrupted;
  • during breathing, coughing, sudden turns of the body, chest discomfort intensifies;
  • with right-sided neuralgia, the victim has a specific posture: the spine is curved to the left to reduce the load on the damaged area of ​​the ribs;
  • breathing problems (shortness of breath occurs against the background of shallow breathing due to sharp pain during a full inhalation);
  • sleep disturbances, absent-mindedness, decreased performance. These signs are due oxygen starvation brain against the background of shallow breathing, being in constant stress due to discomfort.

In some cases, victims complain of other signs of intercostal neuralgia:

  • pallor of the skin in the area of ​​pinched nerve endings;
  • spasms of nearby muscles;
  • increased sweating, very rarely - increased body temperature.

It is difficult to independently determine the cause of the malaise; seek help from professionals. Based on the test results, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapeutic course.


At the initial appointment, the victim will be carefully examined, anamnesis will be taken, and the area of ​​discomfort will be palpated.

Instrumental examinations play the main role in making a diagnosis:

  • radiography. Pictures are taken in several projections to assess the condition bone structures, which makes it possible to identify the presence of pathological processes and damage;
  • Ultrasound. Used to exclude diseases of internal organs;
  • CT. It is carried out together with myelography. A contrast agent is injected into the victim’s spinal canal, which allows the physician to assess the condition of the soft structures of the spine (nerve roots, spinal cord);
  • MRI. The study is designed to assess the condition of the soft tissues and vessels that surround the damaged area of ​​the ribs;
  • contrasting discography. A special contrast agent is injected into intervertebral disc, study the extent of his damage.

Rule out infectious pathologies endocrine diseases A patient's blood test will help. In some situations, the patient is sent to specialized specialists (endocrinologist, infectious disease specialist and others).

General rules and effective treatment methods

How is intercostal neuralgia treated? Once pathology is detected, begin therapy immediately. Seek help from a doctor; it is important to eliminate the root cause of intercostal neuralgia, and only then relieve the symptoms. Unpleasant sensations on the right side chest area, other symptoms are just the “tip of the iceberg”. An important role is played by eliminating the factor that led to the pinched nerve. Only in this case can you completely get rid of discomfort and prevent relapse of the disease.

During acute attacks If pain occurs, the victim is advised to follow a special list of recommendations that will help avoid worsening the situation and the occurrence of complications.


  • Keep in bed for several weeks. The resting place must be properly equipped: mattress – orthopedic, pillow – low;
  • warm up the right side of the chest area using dry heat(compresses, wool towels);
  • using mustard plasters (place along the spine, not directly on it);
  • you can use painkillers available in any home medicine cabinet(Analgin, No-Shpa);
  • massage of the damaged area using warming, pain-relieving ointments/gels;
  • stop using alcoholic drinks, smoking, normalize your diet (include essential vitamins and minerals).

Drug therapy

The use of certain medications depends on the original cause of the discomfort.

In most cases, doctors prescribe a universal therapeutic course to patients:

  • relief of pain. For these purposes, novocaine blockades, NSAIDs, and analgesics are used. The choice of a specific group of remedies depends on the severity of discomfort;
  • Relieving swelling, starting blood circulation. Use diuretics, blood thinning medications;
  • stopping the inflammatory process. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments, gels, creams will help to cope with the pathology;
  • elimination of emotional experiences. Often, against the background of constant discomfort, patients become depressed. WITH pathological condition Antidepressants, which also have an analgesic effect, work well.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

After relief of acute pain, the patient is advised to follow the rehabilitation rules.

Treatment at this stage consists of physiotherapy:

  • electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation of the patient’s right chest;
  • laser therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • reception vitamin complexes, rich in B vitamins, calcium, vitamin D;
  • paraffin applications;
  • massage (performed by an experienced specialist);
  • therapeutic exercises (selected by the doctor based on the condition of the victim);
  • water procedures, swimming in the pool.

Many patients are sent to a sanatorium to recover from intercostal neuralgia.

Learn about the symptoms of back muscle myositis and how to treat the disease at home.

Effective methods of treating the syndrome vertebral artery on the background cervical osteochondrosis collected in this article.

On the page http://vse-o-spine.com/lechenie/tovary/korset-poyasnichno-krestsovyj.html read useful information about how to choose a corset for the spine with scoliosis and how to use an orthopedic product.

Folk remedies and recipes

Natural remedies are very popular for intercostal neuralgia on the right side. Home remedies relieve pain, relax muscles, and increase physical activity.

Proven recipes for treating intercostal neuralgia at home:

  • willow bark. Grind 15 grams of raw materials, brew in 250 ml of hot water, cook over low heat for half an hour. Take the finished drug after meals, 20 ml four times a day;
  • garlic oil. For 100 ml of sunflower oil, take 20 grams of finely chopped garlic, add the same amount of cognac or alcohol. Rub the resulting product into the damaged area, you can wrap it in cellophane and leave it overnight. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of pain;
  • black radish juice. Heat the resulting drug to 40 degrees, rub it regularly into the right area of ​​the chest, paying special attention to the area where pain is localized;
  • warming up. Heat a boiled egg in a saucepan or kettle, wrap it in cotton cloth, and apply it to the sore area. You can reheat the egg as it cools.

Before using any of the above products, consult your doctor. consider your individual characteristics(presence of allergies, serious chronic illnesses).

Intercostal neuralgia on the right side is a harmless, but very painful disease that requires immediate and long-term treatment.

The best option is to follow special preventive rules that will protect against the occurrence of pathology:

  • strengthen the muscular frame of the back ( regular classes sports, avoidance of excessive physical activity);
  • follow a daily routine, normalize your diet, and lose excess weight if necessary;
  • take multivitamin complexes regularly;
  • avoid hypothermia of the back and the whole body;
  • sleep on an orthopedic mattress;
  • Treat spinal diseases in a timely manner, even after minor injuries, get examined by a specialist.

Video about the traditional approach to the treatment of intercostal neuralgia.

Any discomfort that occurs in the body is evidence that a person may have health problems. A burning sensation in the ribs is a symptom that should not be ignored. It is imperative to identify the cause of the occurrence and take all measures to eliminate it.

Very often, a burning sensation in the sides under the ribs becomes a sign of problems with the natural removal of bile from the body.

Discomfort may indicate the presence of one of the following diseases:

  1. Biliary dyskinesia. Associated with impaired motility of the gallbladder. Stagnation of bile causes burning or aching pain in front under the right rib. Pain appears after intense physical stress, eating foods that are difficult for the stomach, taking certain medications. Dyskinesia itself is not dangerous, but it contributes to the formation of stones.
  2. Cholelithiasis. The initial stage is characterized by a burning sensation under the right rib or under the shoulder blade. If the disease is started, then it will appear in the side sharp pains piercing nature.
  3. Cholecystitis. With this disease, a burning sensation under the ribs in the front is observed after eating fatty foods. A patient with cholecystitis is bothered by nausea, heartburn and weakness.

Stomach diseases

A burning sensation in the area of ​​the right or left side often occurs against the background of:

  1. Gastritis. Additional symptoms include: nausea, heartburn, belching. The burning sensation is periodic, occurs on an empty stomach, and goes away after eating. The main part of treatment is a strict diet. If gastritis is not detected promptly and treated, it can develop into an ulcer.
  2. Stomach ulcers. Symptoms: cutting pain in the abdomen, headache, burning in the esophagus, vomiting.

Disease of the pancreas, liver, spleen and intestines

The causes of burning, which is localized in the right or left hypochondrium, can be the following diseases:

  1. Hepatitis. Characterized by deterioration general condition health, yellowing of the skin, increased body temperature. Chronic hepatitis leads to cirrhosis of the liver.
  2. Cirrhosis of the liver. The patient may complain not only of a burning sensation in the side, but also of decreased appetite, weight loss, change in the color of urine and feces, bloating, an increase in the size of the abdomen, and yellowing of the skin.
  3. Pancreas cancer. Primary symptoms malignant formation: bloating, constipation, general malaise and weakness. Later, a burning sensation and pain in the side appear, the skin begins to acquire a yellowish tint. The patient begins to lose weight, although his appetite does not decrease.
  4. Duodenal ulcer. The disease is seasonal, its exacerbation occurs in winter and spring. Pain and burning occur periodically, often at night. The patient may complain of belching, bloating, constipation, and weight loss. Vomiting relieves the condition.
  5. Inflammation of the pancreas. Causes a burning sensation in the right rib. In such a situation, the patient will experience nausea and heartburn. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by fever. For treatment, antibiotics, food enzymes and a strict diet are prescribed.

Damage to the spleen leads to sharp pain in the left side. Painful

the sensations radiate to the back, do not stop when taking antispasmodics, and become easier when ice is applied. The disease is accompanied by fever, weakness and nausea. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by an endocrinologist. Cure is possible only through surgery.

Attention! One of dangerous reasons A burning sensation under the ribs can be an attack of appendicitis. The burning sensation will descend to the lower abdomen, and the pain will appear and intensify. In such a situation, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Diseases of the urinary system

Typically, kidney disease causes colic, but between attacks of pain, a burning sensation may occur under the right or left rib. The localization of the unpleasant sensation depends on the location of the affected kidney. Associated symptoms pyelonephritis – chills, sweating, headache, nausea, diarrhea, lack of appetite.

When kidney stones appear, a burning sensation will occur in the lower back and sides. Discomfort will increase with bending and other movements.

Heart diseases

If the heart malfunctions, a burning sensation and pain may occur, radiating to the left side. Possible causes of discomfort:

  1. Ischemia. Accompanied rapid pulse, difficulty breathing and heaviness in the chest.
  2. Cardiopathy. Characterized by weakness, tachycardia, pale skin and cough.
  3. Myocardial infarction. Before a heart attack, the entire left side of the body begins to hurt.

Other causes of burning

A burning sensation under the right rib or in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium in rare cases is caused by:

  1. Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spinal column. Characterized by lower back pain. It becomes difficult for the patient to remain in a sitting position for a long time.
  2. Retroperitoneal hematoma. As a result of a back injury, a blood vessel may burst, which will lead to bleeding and a burning sensation, and an increase in temperature.
  3. Pulmonary disease. A burning sensation in the hypochondrium is one of the symptoms of pleurisy, which is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity.

A burning sensation in the left or right side cannot be ignored, especially if it is prolonged. Exacerbation of unpleasant sensations, the appearance of spasms, an increase in temperature - all these are signals of the need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

In contact with

Our body is a large complex machine in which everything functions interconnected. If any component is malfunctioning, it lets us know about it through unpleasant symptoms.

A burning sensation in the right side under the ribs in front is a cause for concern about many organs.

What can burn?

Such sensations often occur against the background of problems with the liver or gall bladder. With this concern, it is worth considering whether the intestines are functioning normally. There may be a deformation of the diaphragm, which causes similar symptoms to occur again.

Suspected causes of burning

The cause of a burning sensation under the ribs in the right side ultimately becomes one or another disease that requires consultation with a specialist. Therapists assure that everyone is at risk: from sedentary, sick people to absolutely healthy people.

The cause of the burning sensation can be either a lack of physical activity or an excessive amount of it. Incorrect or unbalanced nutrition contributes. Abrasions and hematomas can similarly be sources of discomfort in the right side under the rib.

A burning sensation in the right hypochondrium in front is an echo of previously established diagnoses of the heart, musculoskeletal system, respiratory system or digestive system.

Gallbladder diseases

According to statistics, every fifth patient feels a burning sensation due to diseases of the gallbladder and the system for removing bile from the body. In this case, there are two ways for events to continue: either cholelithiasis, or this is a sign of the presence of developing inflammation of the gallbladder.

In this case, pain appears on the right under the rib in front.

In the first case we are talking about bile obstruction, which leads to its accumulation, and then to complete relief. A burning sensation under the rib on the right side does not appear constantly, but only with excessive stress, both physical and psychological.

Pain also occurs after eating heavy, fried and salty foods.

Diseases of the liver, pancreas and intestines

  • Pain under the ribs comes from the liver in more serious cases, when the body is sick with hepatitis or cirrhosis. Such symptoms are a little different from others because they come along with general lethargy, itchy skin and pallor.
  • If colic resembles arrows, which are directed from the spine under the ribs to the back, then there is a suspicion that the cause is chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer.
  • When there is pain under the right and left side of the hypochondrium after eating, the problem is localized in the duodenum, intestines.

In all three cases, immediate consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system

One of the main diseases in this area is pyelonephritis, the symptoms of which are the same pain in the right side under the ribs on both sides, frequent changes in urine characteristics and fluctuations in body temperature. Pain on the right side manifests itself in the form of attacks (it does not hurt constantly).

If the problem is in the urinary system, tingling is felt in the lumbar region and on the back in the area of ​​the right or left side.

Other causes of burning

Other causes for this symptom cannot be excluded.

They are much less common, but it is also advisable to be aware of them:

  • For intercostal neuralgia. Intercostal neuralgia belongs to the list of neurological diseases. Its symptoms are periodic burning pains under the ribs or in the area (between the ribs).
  • For bruised ribs The directly damaged ribs will hurt. The pain will be constant and aching. This is not the most dangerous type of burning that could be. But an examination by a traumatologist and neurologist is necessary.
  • For osteochondrosis of the lumbar region. This disease differs in symptoms from all previous ones. Considering that the musculoskeletal system is affected, the pain moves in the direction from the lower back (on both sides) to the legs. It appears during physical activity or just walking.
  • For herpes zoster. The likelihood that the burning sensation in the right side under the ribs in front from shingles is small. Its symptoms are easy to distinguish. The pain will not come from the inside, but only the upper layers of the skin will hurt.
  • With thrombosis of the vena cava. With this problem, you will feel not only a burning sensation in the ribs area. The entire lower part of the body goes numb and fails.
  • Heart diseases. Oddly enough, with some heart diseases, such as, for example, an attack of angina, the symptoms can also be reflected far from the source. An attack will provoke only one wave of pain and burning from the lower part of the left rib to the right region of the chest. In this situation, call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself immediately.
  • Lungs. Diseases associated with the lungs also include diaphragmatic pathologies. They are more of a mechanical damage. The symptom is painful discomfort in the radius of the liver, on the left.
  • Stomach diseases. The main and most common stomach diseases are gastritis and ulcers. Often, patients initially do not distinguish them from liver pathologies. The distinctive character is that the discomfort begins after eating heavy food.

Discomfort after eating

If a burning sensation in the right side under the ribs in front bothers you precisely after eating a heavy meal, its possible causes may be stomach problems:

  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • diaphragm pinching;
  • hernia and other diseases of the stomach, intestines or duodenum.

This “bell” should make you think about your health.

To know exactly what ailments not to think about when the main pain comes from behind, you need to remember list of possible diseases:

  • severe pyelonephritis: if a burning sensation appears and is present non-stop and the symptom becomes more noticeable during blows in the area of ​​​​the ribs of the back.
  • chronic pyelonephritis: discomfort is periodic, aching, but tolerable. It worsens during the rainy seasons or simply when the weather is humid.
  • renal colic: pain is caused by the movement of the stone through the fluid outlet channels. The pain is severe, often blocking the movement of the entire body due to an unbearable burning sensation.
  • urolithiasis disease: The intensity of the pain depends on the size of the crystal in the threads. It worsens when jumping, turning the body and after drinking liquid.
  • acute pancreatitis: the burning sensation under the ribs is more like a strongly squeezing belt. Accompanied by a burning sensation, nausea and vomiting. It becomes more noticeable when lying down.
  • osteochondrosis: disease of the musculoskeletal system. Sharp stinging and burning are replaced by dull pain. They constrain the body in the lumbar area, but do not allow you to stay in one place for a long time.
  • retroperitoneal hematoma: manifests itself as a consequence of a back injury, because a cracking of the vessel is possible. Therefore, the heavier the bleeding, the more intense the burning sensation.

What not to do if there is discomfort in different parts of the back

  • It is forbidden to heat the gravity zone for your own reasons. So the pain will become even stronger, and the high temperature will become the basis for the active breeding of pathogenic microflora.
  • Painkillers should not be used(except for No-Shpa). This can be explained by the fact that the process of identifying the source becomes more complex. For example, analgin hides results that should indicate appendicitis.
  • It is recommended to abstain from food and liquid. It is argued that the examination method is simplified. And it’s easier to bear the burning sensation on an empty stomach.
  • Do not use choleretic drugs without a doctor's prescription if the patient has stones in the ducts. If they get stuck in the channels, they can cause the bubble to burst.
  • Avoidance of physical activity is recommended, as this may aggravate the situation.

Nature of pain

On your own, you can only assume a disease or illness that bothers you only by the nature of the pain.

They are of the following types:

  • Pressure and heaviness in the side. This type of burning sensation most often begins after fatty foods, excessively salty foods, and also after excessive alcohol abuse. To prevent it, simply balance your diet and give up unnecessary habits.
  • Stitching pain. A stabbing, periodic burning sensation under the ribs can be a signal of absolutely any named disease. Only each one “stabs” in its own way and with various additional accompanying symptoms.
  • Dull, aching pain. The occurrence of nagging pain indicates problems with the intestines. These are the same ulcers and gastritis. With the same success, they can be congenital diseases of the spine, diaphragm, etc. during the period of progression.
  • A sudden attack. Only once will a problem related to the heart bother you. The attack will be sharp, quick and unexpected. In this situation, call an ambulance.

Pain during and due to physical overload

It is the burning sensation in the right side under the ribs that indicates that the liver is overfilled with blood and is not performing its function correctly. Under heavy loads, the blood pulsates more often and more abundantly, and the liver simply does not have time to carry it through itself.

In such cases, you need to reduce the load and increase it gradually. Most often, such problems arise in athletes who have started exercising again after a long rest, as well as in people who start exercising incorrectly, without warming up, etc.

Identical indicators can manifest themselves not only in sick people. If a sedentary person suddenly decides to start an active life and play sports, already with the first surges of adrenaline, heat is felt in the right side under the ribs.

There is a feeling that this area is burning, baking and a burning sensation. It goes away over time, or stops when the load stops.

In women, a burning sensation may occur during the menstrual period. Sometimes it burns so much that it causes nausea and bitterness in the mouth. The burning sensation will stop along with PMS.

Burning sensation during pregnancy

Pain under the ribs can also appear during pregnancy. At later stages, when the fetus reaches a noticeable size, pressure begins on its part on the gallbladder and liver. This brings discomfort in the hypochondrium while carrying the fetus.

The normal functioning of the organs is temporarily disrupted, and the mother feels a burning sensation under the ribs and in the sides.

Diagnostic methods

Today, there are the following types of diagnostics for abdominal discomfort:

  • ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal cavity;
  • MRI (liver, lungs, vertebrae);
  • palpation;
  • laboratory testing of material (blood, feces and urine).

Before visiting the doctor

Considering that there are too many diseases that can cause this symptom, it will not be possible to solve the problem on your own. It is imperative to see a doctor; he will correctly determine the cause and prescribe proper treatment.

Otherwise, the development of pathological phenomena may begin. You can independently determine only the burning sensation from physical activity, food or something else. Therefore, if the cause of the burning sensation under the ribs is food, then before visiting the doctor, arrange a gentle diet for yourself.

If physical activity is an aggravation, limit yourself from it.

The main thing is not to delay your visit to the doctor, but to contact the doctor as quickly as possible in order to identify the problem “without delay”.

Acute burning under the ribs and its possible consequences

When symptoms do not stop for a long period, you need to immediately call a doctor at home or see a doctor yourself. A burning sensation under the ribs in front indicates the occurrence of various types of inflammation in the body.

It can result in shock, complications and even death.

This article provides information for your reference, but an accurate diagnosis, specific and most importantly effective treatment can only be prescribed by a physician and a good examination.

Article prepared by:

Discomfort or pain that occurs in the body is the first sign of the development of pathological phenomena. The manifestation of various signs may indicate dysfunction of internal organs. Unfortunately, the task is complicated by the fact that pain can occur in one area, but in reality the disease is located in another place. A common example is a burning sensation in the right side under the ribs, which characterizes many diseases, including the cardiovascular system.

Pain in the right hypochondrium may be a sign of the development of a dangerous disease

In this article you will learn:

Organs located on the right side

The following organs are located on the right side of the body:

  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • diaphragm (its right side);
  • pancreas;
  • appendix;
  • right kidney;
  • intestine (part of it).

A burning sensation on the right side in front often indicates the development of biliary dyskinesia. If the patient often engages in heavy physical activity, then such a symptom will also not take long to appear. Burns on the right side under the ribs when consumed large quantity Peppery, spicy and fatty foods increase the load on the gastrointestinal tract. It provokes the development of gastritis, stagnation of secretory fluid in the gallbladder. If the disease is not treated in time, the bile begins to crystallize and leads to the formation of stones.

Liver diseases may manifest as a burning sensation on the right side

It can be concluded that all organs of the gastrointestinal tract can become involved in the development of inflammation. Neuralgia and large congestion salt deposits can also cause a burning sensation not only under the ribs, but also in the lumbar region. In the event that the burning sensation spreads to areas where the liver and gallbladder are located, specialists urgently prescribe a series of diagnostic procedures.

The main method used is ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, CT, MRI, and study of the condition of appendicitis through palpation and the gastrointestinal tract.

Possible causes of burning

Exists whole list diseases where the main sign of development is a burning sensation in the right side under the ribs:

  • A burning sensation with cholelithiasis indicates the formation of sand or stones in the ducts. At neglected form diseases, in addition to burning, colic occurs. Initially characterized by a delay in the passage of secretory fluid (bile). If the patient constantly experiences strong feelings, stress or abuses fatty foods, then after finishing the meal the burning sensation begins to intensify.
  • When it burns with cholecystitis, this means that the inflammatory process is spreading in the body. It occurs due to increased acidity. When consumed alcoholic products, fried food, hot spices may appear additional symptoms, indicating the development of cholecystitis. The most common include heartburn and nausea.

When stones and sand form in the bile ducts, the patient experiences burning and colic in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium
  • A burning sensation due to kidney pathologies may indicate the development of pyelonephritis. The spread of discomfort on the right under the ribs is most often complemented by other symptoms: an increase in temperature, the appearance of a specific smell of urine and a change in its color. If urolithiasis is diagnosed, then, in addition to a burning sensation under the ribs, pain may occur in the lumbar region. If you perform a series of physical activities, the symptoms become pronounced.
  • When a burning sensation occurs from the stomach on the right, this is a sure sign of the development of an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane in the gastrointestinal tract. Often the sensations are characterized by great heat, which can be localized in different parts belly. If you do not use drug treatment, then after eating the symptoms intensify. It is important to note that if there is a paroxysmal form of burning, the appearance of temperature or sharp pain, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since these are symptoms characteristic of appendicitis.
  • Burning sensation from pancreatitis most often occurs on initial stage diseases. As it progresses, painful sensations appear in the abdominal cavity, in the upper part of the navel and back.

With pyelonephritis, in addition to burning, the patient’s temperature rises

If such a symptom occurs for a short time and then disappears, then this may indicate a spasm or more serious pathologies:

  • oncological neoplasm;
  • neuralgia;
  • pleurisy;
  • angina pectoris, pre-infarction condition.

Could this be the norm?

When the body functions without the occurrence of any diseases, a burning sensation in right side under the ribs is also possible. Most often, a burning sensation occurs with insufficient physical activity. As a result, the load on the venous circulation increases. Due to the release of adrenaline, intense heat and burning occurs.

If a person begins to bend over sharply, then nerve tissue may be compressed by the ribs, causing discomfort. As soon as a change in body position occurs, the burning sensation will gradually decrease.

In women, when PMS occurs, the release of estrogen increases. As side effects Nausea, bitterness in the mouth, and spasm of the bile ducts may occur.

What not to do when there is a burning sensation

If a person experiences a burning sensation on the right side, it is recommended to avoid the following:

  • Do not apply heat to the painful area. When diagnosing some diseases in this way, you can provoke its exacerbation and further development inflammatory process. Such a procedure can cause suppuration, as well as the spread of pathogenic microflora.
  • It is not recommended to take painkillers. The exception is No-Shpa, which is an antispasmodic by nature. Other medications may interfere with the diagnostic process and give unreliable tests blood.
  • Eating heavy food and large amounts of sugar not only worsens your health, but also makes it impossible to quickly carry out diagnostic procedures. If the examination has already been scheduled, then it is best to refuse food on this day. This way you can alleviate the condition.
  • It is prohibited to use drugs that have a choleretic effect. When diagnosing stones in the ducts, they can get stuck and cause gallbladder rupture. It is worth limiting physical activity.

The video explains why pain in the right hypochondrium may occur and what to do in this case:

Is a burning sensation on the right side dangerous?

A burning sensation on the right side under the ribs - dangerous symptom and can indicate the development of many pathologies, including various types of peritonitis. When the gallbladder ruptures or perforates, bile, food debris and other substances enter the abdominal cavity. As a result, a purulent process may develop. If the patient is not given timely assistance, the situation worsens and sepsis occurs, which results in death.

If colic appears, then the next stage of development is the development of painful shock. It contributes to the disruption of humoral processes. To avoid causing death, you must immediately go to the hospital.