What is intestinal colic? Intestinal colic: causes, symptoms and treatment

Intestinal colic is a spasm of the smooth muscles of the intestines, manifested by cramping pain that either increases or subsides. Colic can be functional (temporary, reversible, caused by external reasons) or organic (caused by inflammation or injury, damage or intestinal obstruction). This is not a disease, but a symptom, the second most common after headache. New colic requires medical examination, during which it becomes clear what actually happened.

According to statistics, up to 20% of the entire population of the planet suffers from intestinal colic, and in half of them a clear cause cannot be found.


Intestinal colic is an abnormal condition, always indicating a physiological disorder correct process digestion. The mechanism of formation is a burning, gnawing pain without clear localization, accompanied by vegetative manifestations: sweating, anxiety, pallor, nausea, vomiting. Pain with colic has medium or high intensity, which is caused by stretching and increased contraction of the intestinal wall.

Intestinal colic has common features and manifestations, but sometimes, based on its specificity, one or another disease can be suspected.

General manifestations

  • periodic short-term intestinal pain;
  • nausea or even vomiting at the height of pain;
  • vegetative manifestations – cold sweat, increased heart rate, general anxiety;
  • rumbling and bloating;
  • cessation of colic after the passage of stool or gas.

Peculiarities of manifestations in various diseases

Disease Specific symptoms
  • the pain is constant, intensifies over time, against its background colic either intensifies or weakens;
  • pain begins in the navel and goes down to the right iliac region;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • body temperature may rise
Food poisoning
  • required severe nausea And repeated vomiting, often mixed with bile;
  • cold sweat, trembling in the body (“shaking”);
  • diarrhea occurs;
  • signs of dehydration - disorders heart rate, dry skin, small amount of urine;
  • stool discoloration;
  • general condition disorder
Reaction to stress
  • colic occurs after mental shock against the background of normal nutrition;
  • pronounced emotional reaction- tears, lamentations;
  • colic develops against the background of excessive nervous vulnerability or if the traumatic event is of high significance for the patient
  • accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication - weight loss, weakness, decreased performance, refusal to eat meat;
  • symptoms become more severe over time
  • the passage of feces and gases stops;
  • bowel sounds subside;
  • signs of intoxication increase - lack of appetite, bad smell from the mouth, weakness and lethargy
  • dyspeptic symptoms - aversion to food, severe nausea;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • swelling and pain on palpation
Lead poisoning
  • severe cramping pain around the navel;
  • severe bloating;
  • black and gray border on the gums;
  • gray skin color, especially on the face;
  • indication of work involving lead
  • persistent constipation;
  • feces in the form of a “fir cone”;
  • flatulence;
  • frequent pain in the left iliac region;
  • decreased appetite;
  • pustular skin rashes

Diagnosis of causes

Diagnosis is quite difficult, since there are many reasons. It all starts with data collection and examination, the results of which make it clear what disease to look for.

Taking an anamnesis is the most important stage, since it allows you to avoid many unnecessary tests. Every disease has characteristic features, which serve as a guide for the doctor.

Laboratory research

Instrumental studies

Kit instrumental methods Examinations vary depending on the suspected cause of colic and may include:

First aid for intestinal colic - how to relieve pain?

If colic occurs for the first time, then you need to consult a doctor and not delay it. On your own, especially during an attack of pain, it is impossible to determine what hurts and why.

If you have intestinal colic, you cannot take any medications on your own!

Medicines are prohibited because painkillers and antispasmodics alter clinical picture, and it will be impossible for the doctor to understand what happened. In addition, we are all designed in such a way that after the pain has calmed down, we are unlikely to see a doctor. The medications will do their job, and the disease will progress. It is clear that nothing good will come of this.

Before consulting a doctor, you need to visit the toilet. You can try to change the position of the body - find one in which the pain is least severe. You need to stop eating, even if you really want to eat. Still clean water you can drink as much as you want.

You should also not heat or rub anything - if the cause of colic is inflammation, then heating will only intensify it.


Treatment should be carried out by a gastroenterologist after a thorough examination. According to service standards medical care The tactics are:

  • medicinal pain relief;
  • nutrition correction;
  • lifestyle modification – optimization of physical activity, change in professional stress, normalization of emotional state.


WHO recommends for relief intestinal colic use only level 1 analgesics – non-opioid ones. Standard drug this row - paracetamol, recognized as the most effective and safe.

To enhance the analgesic effect, additional drugs are used:

  • anticonvulsants – Finlepsin, valproic acid derivatives in the lowest possible doses;
  • tricyclic antidepressants - Amitriptyline, Anafranil, Doxepin, Melipramine and the like.

Be sure to use, the most effective of which is hyoscine butyl bromide or Buscopan. The substance is an antagonist of endogenous muscarinic receptors, so a systemic effect does not develop, the effect affects only the intestines. The drug is available in tablets and suppositories, which significantly accelerates the onset of the therapeutic effect.


Nutrition needs to be given special attention, since it is impossible to recover without normalizing it. Required regular intake food, always at the same time, without long breaks, in small portions.


During periods between pain, walking, climbing stairs without an elevator, and other physical activity, which . Exercises for strengthening the abdominal muscles are very useful:


Massage improves blood and lymph flow, activates metabolic processes, strengthens and warms up the muscles.

Massage movements are performed warm hands. The main ones are:

  • stroking around the navel clockwise;
  • “mill” - palms are placed across the abdomen, movements from the ribs to the pelvis alternate;
  • stroking from the ribs to the pelvis with both palms at the same time.

Self-massage is not difficult to master, and its benefits are undeniable.

Folk remedies

An ancient folk remedy is dill seeds boiled in milk. For a glass of milk you need to take 1 tablespoon of dill seeds and boil for no more than 5 minutes. Cool, strain and drink in small sips throughout the day.

Traditional medicine offers a variety of... The peculiarity of all is to take it for a long time, at least a month, since the concentration active ingredients not tall. The following are used:

Folk remedies have to be selected by trial and error, but each person has the opportunity to find his own, most effective remedy.


You can only prevent colic that is caused by drinking low quality products– just don’t eat spoiled food. Colic of other origins, accompanying illnesses or everyday disasters, is almost impossible to stop.

At chronic diseases intestines, it is only possible to undergo anti-relapse treatment on time and eat right.

The main thing is not to panic when intestinal colic appears. You need to calmly find out the cause and behave according to the diagnosis. Cooperation with a doctor and reasonable behavior are the key to good health.


Intestinal colic is a sharp, paroxysmal pain caused by certain changes in the intestines.


The brightest Clinical signs of this disease: 1) paroxysmal, spasmodic pain in the intestines; 2) bloating and rumbling of the intestines; 3) stool disorder (constipation or diarrhea); 4) secretion of mucus in the form of white ribbons or tubes. Allergic nature mucosal colic is confirmed by the presence of eosinophils and pointed crystals in the feces (as in sputum in bronchial asthma).

Colic attacks occur after nervous shocks, conflict situations. During an attack of colic, palpation abdominal cavity establishes spastically contracted large intestine, very painful. However, there is no muscle tension, the temperature remains normal. The duration of an attack of mucoid colic varies - from several minutes to a day. Outside of an attack of colic, patients remain constipated with the release of “sheep” feces.
In case of lead poisoning, lead intestinal colic develops, characterized by attacks of severe pain, the abdomen is retracted, abdominal wall tense. Long-term constipation is observed, there is a gray border on the gums, and other signs of lead are detected.


The pathogenesis of intestinal colic is very complex. In some cases, pain is associated with stretching of the intestinal loops with their peritoneal covering, in others - with irritation of the nerve endings in the intestinal wall due to tension in the mesentery of the small intestines. But main role Impaired intestinal motility plays a role in the mechanism of intestinal pain: tone, peristalsis, stretching and spasms of intestinal loops.

For example, with intestinal obstruction, pain is associated with increased stenotic peristalsis in the segment of the intestine located above the obstruction. With colitis and enterocolitis, they are associated with stretching and peristaltic contractions of the intestinal wall, changed due to inflammatory process.


For treatment the following is prescribed:

Intestinal colic can and should be relieved. For this purpose, medications already known to us are used - antispasmodics, but with some “intestinal emphasis” (i.e., predominantly acting on the intestines). Unlike biliary and renal colic, for intestinal colic (if not), medications are taken orally. It is possible to apply the following treatment options at home:

   1. 2 tablets of no-shpa, wash down with a glass of warm mint decoction;
   2. dry belladonna extract (in “stomach tablets”, the preparation “becarbon”, “besalol”, “bellalgin” and “bellataminal” - 1-2 tablets, as well as in rectal suppositories);
   3. papaverine tablets with platyphylline - 1-2 tablets;
   4. warm therapeutic enema with a decoction of mint or lemon balm (200 ml);
   5. Smecta preparation (1 powder per 100 ml of water).

“Simple” intestinal colic goes away after such treatment, often after the passage of gas and a single loose stool.

The patient should not eat anything for 6-12 hours after this; You can drink warm, weak unsweetened tea with crackers.

Which indicate diseases and disorders Similar colic cannot be called a disease. It is more of a symptom, a manifestation of other diseases. We will look at what intestinal colic is, its symptoms, the causes of its occurrence and treatment methods in this article.

What causes colic?

Let's talk in more detail about what can cause intestinal colic, the symptoms of which we will look at below:

  • colon spasms and intestinal damage;
  • distension of the intestinal loop;
  • irritation of nerve endings on the intestinal walls;
  • intestinal obstruction due to accumulation feces, colonic motility disorders or some other obstruction.

All this can be provoked by frequent stress, heavy lifting, increased physical activity, poisoning, colic, the symptoms of which are acute manifestation, can also be caused poor nutrition, abuse of too fatty foods and poorly digestible foods.

Signs of colic

It’s quite difficult not to notice its appearance due to its brightness pronounced signs. may have the following:

  1. Spasms in the intestines, accompanied by acute, rapidly increasing pain in the groin area.
  2. Pain in men can radiate to the testicles, and in women - to the genitals.
  3. Feeling of "bloating" in the abdomen.
  4. Discharge of mucus during bowel movements.
  5. Impaired fecal formation, diarrhea.
  6. Painful sensations when pressing on the abdomen.
  7. Nausea, possible dizziness.
  8. If gastritis is present, the patient may lose appetite and vomit.

This condition can last a couple of hours or even several days. Intestinal is expressed in excitement, restlessness, irritability, crying and pulling the legs towards the stomach. Such symptoms disappear after the gas passes and may be associated with:

  • delay in the development of various organs during the first weeks and months of life;
  • getting used to breast milk.

Treatment of colic

Intestinal colic, the symptoms of which we have already discussed earlier, usually appears unexpectedly, and is facilitated by severe shocks and stress. At the moment it appears, everything must be done to relieve pain, that is, block spasms. After this, the patient should visit a doctor to find out the cause of colic. Of course, simple overexertion could also cause it, but exclude the presence of infections that could lead to severe consequences, it is forbidden. As first aid, the patient needs heat in the groin area and painkillers (for example, the drug "No-shpa"). To do this, you can use a heating pad or a regular one. plastic bottle, filled hot water. Eating within 12 hours is not recommended. It is better to make do with weak tea and crackers. An enema can be used to cleanse the intestines. If all the above steps do not work and the condition recurs, then a visit to the hospital is required.

Colic in the intestines in adults has various etiologies and may be a symptom dangerous pathology. The sharp, severe pain that characterizes this phenomenon causes quite complex problems, knocking you out of your usual rhythm of life and reducing your ability to work. Treatment of pathology is necessary to avoid serious complications, but self-medication without clarification true reasons may be dangerous. When colic clearly manifests itself in adults, symptoms and treatment should be analyzed and prescribed by a specialist.

1 The essence of pathology

At its core, intestinal colic is an attack of pain in the intestines, which usually ends with a sharp painful urge to empty it. Painful sensations most often similar to muscle cramps due to excessive activation of the intestines.

Intestinal colic, the symptoms of which are usually pronounced, should not be regarded as an independent disease. This pathology is considered as a symptom of certain diseases gastrointestinal system. Abdominal colic is the result of spasm of the large or small intestine, which causes cramping pain. This phenomenon has a polyetiological mechanism, therefore the symptoms and treatment of such pathologies in the abdomen in adults should be examined by an experienced specialist with full-fledged studies.

2 Etiology of the disease

Intestinal colic varying degrees intensity and duration can be caused by several reasons, both internal and external character. Among them are the following:

  1. Diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, ulcers, disorders of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas. They lead to digestive dysfunction, as a result of which poorly digested food causes spasms in the small intestine.
  2. Consumption of foods that cause fermentation, bloating, flatulence and intestinal pain: kvass, sauerkraut, yeast-containing products and products made from yeast dough, soaked apples.
  3. Violation of the diet and regime: irregular eating, eating large portions of food, eating without drinking, fast food, frequent use smoked, fatty, spicy and fried food. In this case, a regular diet will help.
  4. Poisoning with food, poisonous mushrooms and berries, medications.
  5. Intestinal infections (salmonella, dysentery bacillus, etc.), causing food toxicosis.
  6. Psychological stress and prolonged nervous overload in people with increased excitability and psychological sensitivity (an important exam, a date, an interview, etc.). Wherein pain syndrome often accompanied by diarrhea.
  7. Poisoning with compounds based on heavy metals(often - among people working in hazardous industries or living in the area of ​​influence of such industries). Lead and its salts are particularly dangerous (specific lead intestinal colic).
  8. Helminths (worms) on the intestinal walls.
  9. Respiratory viral infection, causing inflammation of the abdominal lymph nodes. Spasmodic pain in the intestines occurs as a result of processes in the mesentery of the small intestine. In this case, intestinal symptoms are combined with respiratory signs and symptoms of general intoxication of the body.
  10. Intestinal obstruction (manifests in the form of impaired motor function, stretching of the intestinal loop, accumulation of feces, the appearance of adhesions, tumors).

3 Symptomatic manifestations

When intestinal colic occurs in adults, symptoms appear unexpectedly and develop quickly with the manifestation of a sharp pain syndrome, often radiating to the lumbar area. Seizures are provoked physical activity or fast running, but are most often observed after generous intake food. Abdominal pain is cutting in nature and gradually progresses.

At the peak of intestinal spasm, the pain syndrome reaches such intensity that the patient may moan or scream. There is increased arousal. At prolonged attack there is irradiation of pain in groin area and even genitals. Intestinal colic may subside and then increase again.

The ongoing processes have an irritating effect on the nerve fibers of the peritoneum, causing disruption of the removal of gases and feces. As a result of such exposure, symptoms such as flatulence, nausea, headache. A person with hypertensive disorders may have increased blood pressure. The attack exhausts and weakens the patient. When intestinal colic ends with diarrhea, relief comes: the pain syndrome subsides sharply. At the same time small It's a dull pain may persist for a long time.

In the case when abdominal colic is accompanied by acute gastritis, the symptoms are characterized by such signs as nausea, vomiting, bloating, and belching. With stomach cramps, diarrhea occurs with mucous secretions. Intestinal obstruction causes severe vomiting. There is a significant decrease blood pressure, which leads to weakness, pallor, cold sweat, even prostration. With such signs, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

Most often, intestinal colic is not accompanied by fever. However, if the mechanism of their appearance is based on infectious lesion, general intoxication of the body manifests itself clearly, including in the form of an increase in temperature above 38 ºС. In general, the symptoms in this case are much like those of a cold.

4 Diagnostics

How to treat the pathology is determined by the doctor after carrying out the entire complex diagnostic procedures. The initial diagnosis is made by analyzing complaints, anamnesis, external examinations and palpation. Special attention is given to stool analysis. The following studies are carried out: determination of enzyme activity (coprogram); detection of helminthic infestations; stool culture intestinal infections; analysis for the presence of dysbacteriosis. The final diagnosis can be made by the following examinations: gastroduodenoscopy, cholecystography, colonoscopy, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

5 Basic treatment methods

Taking into account the numerous options for the occurrence and development of intestinal colic, a treatment regimen for the disease can only be prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis. accurate diagnosis. It is important to correctly determine the true causes of the pathology. At the same time, if an attack occurs, measures must be taken. First of all, it is ensured therapeutic fasting for a period of at least 12-15 hours after the attack. First medication assistance usually consists of prescribing antispasmodics. At the same time, they are advised to be taken orally, but if vomiting is present, it is recommended to administer by injection or in the form rectal suppositories. The most common primary therapy regimens are: Drotaverine or No-shpa and mint tea; one-time use of Becarbon, Besalol, Bellalgin or belladonna extract; Papaverine together with Platyfillin; Activated carbon(0.5 g per 10 kg of human weight); enema with a solution of mint infusion with chamomile.

Diet for intestinal diseases is mandatory element treatment. If you have colic, you should exclude fatty and fried foods, spicy foods, pickles, marinades, and smoked foods from your diet. Products such as seasonings, preservatives, baked goods, sweets, yeast products, and carbonated drinks should not be included in the menu. A diet for intestinal colic and pain in the intestines includes cereals, vegetable dishes, low-fat cheeses, fish. Beneficial effects Drinking carrot or spinach juice, fruits and vegetables in the morning on an empty stomach helps.

You should ensure that your diet is sufficient and balanced. It is worth giving preference to products with increased content fiber and vitamins (raw and boiled vegetables, especially grated carrots; apples, pumpkin). Use has a positive effect on the body fermented milk products And medicinal tea. The diet involves eliminating foods causing gas formation: cabbage, corn, turnips, legumes.

Drug therapy is prescribed by a doctor after determining the causes of colic. For intestinal obstruction various types The following treatment methods are used:

  1. Antibiotics wide range exposure to infectious mechanism obstruction.
  2. Perinephric blockade and antispasmodic drugs in case of spastic obstruction.
  3. Perinephric blockade and ganglion blockers for paralytic type obstruction.

If significant mechanical obstruction is detected, surgical intervention is necessary.

Irritable bowel syndrome.

Intestinal colic (intestinal spasms)

For the treatment of colic of various etiologies and pathogenesis, they are used. various drugs at the discretion of the doctor. The most widely used drugs are:

  • Activated carbon (a sorbent substance to eliminate toxins and fermentation products, used for poisoning, disorders digestive functions, high gas emission).
  • Sorbex (analogue of coal, useful for alcohol poisoning and poor nutrition);
  • Atoxil (fourth generation sorbent, eliminates toxins, allergens, pathogenic microorganisms, prescribed for acute intestinal disorders, infections, intoxication);
  • Spasmalgon ( universal remedy with antispasmodic and analgesic effect);
  • Spasmomen (M-cholinergic receptor blocker, reduces muscle tension, normalizes motor functions, relieves spasms);
  • No-spa (the most common antispasmodic agent);
  • Buscopan (designed to eliminate spasms, normalizes secretory functions glands, useful for intestinal and renal colic Oh).

Intestinal colic can be caused by numerous reasons, the nature of which can only be determined by a specialist. Severe pain due to intestinal colic must be treated, but therapy must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous as it can lead to serious complications.

Sharp painful urges to defecation like muscle cramps - these are intestinal colics, the causes of which can be very diverse. Abdominal colic leads to spasms in the walls of the colon due to the development of the inflammatory process and other provoking factors. What is intestinal colic, what are the causes, symptoms and treatment in adults, we will consider in more detail in this article.

First, colic in adults begins to manifest itself in the form of spastic contractions in the walls of the large or small intestine, gradually covering the entire intestinal cavity, leading to multiple unpleasant symptoms. In adults, colic is usually caused by stretching of the intestinal loop, irritation of the nerve endings in the intestinal walls against the background of:

  • excessive lifting of weights;
  • development of intestinal infections;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or oral cavity;
  • allergies;
  • intestinal obstruction with the accumulation of masses of feces in the intestines;
  • motility disorders in the cavity of the large intestine;
  • eating large portions of food at one time;
  • intestinal damage from drugs or spoiled foods or helminthic infestations;
  • dysentery.

Intestinal colic in adults cannot be called independent disease, rather, it is a sign of the development of one or another pathology in the digestive system, which can lead to:

  • spasms of intestinal smooth muscles;
  • painful attacks in the lower abdomen;
  • increased gas formation and stool upset;
  • discharge of feces with mucus.

Typically, colic in the intestines manifests itself in attacks, sometimes quite long - more than 2-3 days. Symptoms directly depend on the cause that led to the disorder in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to spasms, abdominal pain, stool disorders, diarrhea or diarrhea, adults experience heartburn, nausea, vomiting, bloating, intestinal obstruction due to impaired motility in the large intestine, accumulation of feces, leading to a narrowing of the lumen in the small intestine and spastic attacks as a result . The condition is dangerous and can lead to paralysis of the intestines and appendix. Sometimes the patient needs emergency help and inevitable surgery.

The causes of colic in women during pregnancy can be due to a sedentary lifestyle, work failure digestive system on the background:

  • non-compliance with the diet;
  • passive sedentary image life, lack of gymnastic exercises.

As a rule, intestinal colic in adults manifests itself sudden attacks, pain in the lower abdomen after overeating. Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from eating large portions of food. The fetus increases in size, begins to put pressure on the uterus, and the load on the digestive tract and the intestines in general. As a result, large portions of food lead to disruption of intestinal motility and spastic attacks in the lower abdomen. Diarrhea or constipation is inevitable. If similar symptoms of intestinal colic appear, then women can take a tablet of no-shpa or papaverine to relieve pain and spasms, but in any case consult a doctor urgently.

Typically, intestinal colic in the abdomen in an adult appears suddenly in the form of a sharp pain in the lower abdomen with a return to the lower back during physical overexertion or when running fast or eating large amounts of spicy, fatty foods. The cutting pain that covers the entire lower abdomen sometimes reaches such strength that you just want to scream. Gradually it increases, radiating to the groin area and genitals due to irritation nerve fibers peritoneum, disturbances in the passage of gases.

With colic in the intestines, adults experience nausea, dizziness, headache, and flatulence. Also associated symptoms:

  • increased blood pressure in hypertensive patients;
  • impotence immediately after partial bowel movement;
  • still sore for a long time in the lower abdomen even after going to the toilet.

Symptoms of colic in the background acute gastritis observed in the form of heaviness in the abdomen, belching, nausea and vomiting. When there are cramps in the stomach, the stool passes with mucous secretions. If the intestine is clogged, then the main symptoms of obstruction are:

  • paleness of the skin;
  • cold sweat;
  • prostration;
  • severe weakness.

If such signs appear, you should urgently consult a doctor. As a rule, with intestinal colic there is no high temperature, although if the body is intoxicated by infection or helminthic infestations, an increase to 38-39 g is possible. Moreover, the symptoms are basically similar to the common cold.

In adults, the main signs of intestinal disease are acute, increasing pain involving the genital organs and radiating to the genitals. I feel very dizzy, feces pass with mucous secretions, and gas formation is impaired. There is no muscle tension, but there is severe pain and spasms in the lower abdomen, with a stomach ulcer - all signs of diarrhea.

The appearance of intestinal colic in adults requires a thorough examination and a series of tests to determine the real reason that led to such a pathology, clarifying the pathological factors that can provoke the disease. Possibly leaking in the stomach or intestines infectious process. If signs of intestinal obstruction are observed, emergency surgical intervention is required. Complex only diagnostic measures will identify pathology, symptoms and treatment will depend directly on the test results obtained. The doctor will definitely listen to complaints, feel the stomach, and identify visual signs of the disease.

The main diagnostic method is a culture test for the presence of intestinal helminthic infections and the development of dysbacteriosis. To make a final diagnosis, it is possible to redirect the patient to colonoscopy, gastroduodenoscopy, or cholecystography. Depending on the type of colic, sometimes the patient has a fever and gums bleed, which requires immediate and comprehensive treatment.

The basic principle of treatment is “do no harm.” Often, when intestinal colic appears, adults try to eliminate the pathology on their own, taking the first pills that come to hand, which can only cause complications and lead to complications in diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

First of all, it is important to identify the reasons that provoked cramps in the intestines. It could be a leak acute infection in the body, tumor development in the gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis, urolithiasis.

As first aid, before the ambulance arrives or the doctor arrives, you can take an antispasmodic (Nosh-pa tablet, Papaverine). It is not recommended to take other painkillers unless directed by a doctor.

If these are ordinary intestinal colics, then no treatment is required; relief should come after passing gas and going to the toilet. The attacks will stop completely after 12 hours.

If attacks of intestinal colic are associated with anatomical features body in adults, the presence of concomitant diseases or alcohol intake, smoking, psychotropic drugs, what to do, first of all, it is important to review the diet, eat only in small portions, do not allow overeating (in particular salty and fried foods), give up bad habits.

It is non-compliance with the diet and snacking on the run that often causes spasms and pain in the intestines. As a result, they lead to serious complications and even irreversible processes in adults, further difficult treatment: jaundice, hepatitis, rupture of appendicitis, suppuration and rupture of the appendix, neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract, necrosis of the pancreas, suppuration in the kidneys, renal failure.

In such cases, surgical intervention and emergency surgery already inevitable. If primary symptoms appear, your doctor will tell you how to treat colic, you should not delay treatment.

If colic occurs due to overeating or eating poor quality food, you should try to induce vomiting to empty the stomach of food debris. To eliminate pain, Spazmalgon, No-shpa, Smecta, Enterosgel will help to remove toxins.

When colic occurs, sometimes, but with the doctor's permission, it is possible to perform an enema to cleanse and empty the intestines. When viral disease You can take activated carbon.

If colic is caused severe stress, then you should take a warm bath to calm and relieve pain.

Colic can be caused by serious gastrointestinal diseases, infection of any part of the intestine, the development of cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis or colitis. First of all, treatment of the underlying disease is required, elimination of intestinal dyskinesia, restoration of impaired motor function.

Many problems can be adjusted with nutrition. A diet for intestinal colic that includes foods containing fiber in the diet is indispensable. In case of excessive accumulation of gases, take Meteospasmil, Espumisan, Drotaverine to reduce gas formation.

To relax the intestinal muscles and normalize contractions, you can prepare an immortelle decoction as first aid; in the first hours of colic, refuse to eat at all except for drinking tea without sugar.

Among the medications, Diphenhydramine and Becarbon will help to relieve spasms and relax the intestinal muscles. Appointment possible rectal suppositories(papaverine in the form of injections), as well as antibiotics for the development of colic due to intestinal damage by bacteria, toxins, and infections. Furazolidone, Gentamicin to relieve inflammation and disinfect the intestines. In case of infectious infection of the intestines, a glucose drip is prescribed. In severe cases - blood transfusion. For intestinal spasms caused by the development of a tumor, courses of radiation and chemotherapy, and the prescription of anticancer drugs are indicated.

After passing the examination, taking urine and feces tests, ultrasound and establishing the true cause that provoked intestinal disorders The doctor will prescribe appropriate therapy. Self-treatment spasm can lead to complications and other irreversible consequences.

Treatments like traditional methods, most likely suitable for the purpose of prevention from possible appearance sandpiper in the intestines. Effective traditional methods only after establishing the true cause of pain and cramping in the abdomen, only after the attending physician makes a final diagnosis and prescribes the main treatment.

To eliminate renal colic, you can prepare a decoction of sage, chamomile, knotweed, rose hips, linden color, birch cones. Prepare a carrot and onion salad with honey.

Taking on an empty stomach for liver spasms will help with an infusion of senna herb, cinnamon, a decoction of oak bark or birch mushroom.

A decoction of oregano, motherwort, chamomile, and immortelle effectively eliminates diarrhea, nausea and cramps. Recipes against colic with the addition of garlic for oral administration in its natural form are popular among people.

For colic in the pancreas, a diet taken daily is effective. oatmeal jelly For beneficial influence not only on the pancreas, but also on the entire gastrointestinal tract.

If treatment with folk remedies is unsuccessful and does not get easier, then you need to consult a doctor. For colic caused by the appendix, folk remedies will no longer help, the disease may develop into chronic stage, When surgical intervention will no longer be avoidable.

At primary symptoms You can make a decoction of blackberries, wormwood, and tarragon. If colic is caused by poisoning chemicals and home methods will not help with lead. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. After completing the main treatment course at home, it is necessary to establish nutrition. To remove residues of toxins, other chemical elements from the body, include eggs (protein), cereal broths from rice, buckwheat, and oats into the diet.

First of all, to avoid similar problem it is important to follow a diet, regulate proper nutrition. Never give up a light breakfast to start your stomach, but on-the-run snacks consisting of sandwiches should be eliminated forever. It's better to eat fruit and drink a milkshake.

If you are constantly suffering from constipation, it is recommended to drink a decoction of flax seeds to cleanse the body and completely avoid spicy, salty foods. Include in diet protein food, do not eat at night (it is better to drink a glass of yogurt, kefir), refuse or limit alcohol intake and smoking. Also don't forget about timely treatment colds infectious diseases. Normal colic should not be neglected. If severe pain and spasms in the intestines begin to bother you constantly, these may be symptoms of serious ailments in the body. Only timely appeal Seeing a doctor will help you avoid serious problems with health in the future.