Retinal dystrophy is incurable. Retinal treatment methods

A large number of older people want to know what retinal dystrophy is. Because of this disease, the patient develops irreparable visual impairment, so it is important to pay close attention to treatment.

What is retinal dystrophy?

Retinal dystrophy refers to a disease in which the thin nervous tissue of the organ of vision is destroyed. This process is accompanied by serious trials for a person; the functions of the eye begin to gradually fade away. Degeneration of the retina leads to degeneration of its central part, called the macula. She is extremely important element. If the macula works well, then the person is able to:

  • read;
  • see everything that is at close range;
  • recognize colors;
  • write.

Macular degeneration of the retina involves damage to the cells of the macula. It is not completely known what causes this disease. Scientists highlight age-related changes. Most often it occurs in older people. In tissues with age, decay products of material metabolism accumulate. Visual cells may lack nutrition as a result of:

  • intoxication;
  • impaired blood circulation;
  • infections.

Retinal degeneration can develop due to existing myopia, during which pressure on the membrane of the eyes increases. There are other causes of retinal dystrophy.

Factors that trigger the mechanism of its development:

  • excess body weight;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • cigarette abuse.

There have been cases where the disease develops in at a young age against the background of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, thyroid gland and injuries. There are cases when retinal dystrophy develops during pregnancy. Stress, overexposure ultraviolet rays and heredity are also factors that increase the risk of this disease.

Consequences of retinal dystrophy

If a person who has dystrophic changes in the retina of the eyes does not promptly apply for medical care, but carries out treatment at home on his own, he may encounter serious problems in the future.

A complication of the disease is often detachment of the visual organ. The worst that awaits is loss of vision, which will not return even after surgery. But still, complete blindness as a result of this disease develops infrequently. The prognosis for the dry form is more favorable than for the wet form.

Signs of illness

The dry form of the disease develops at the initial stage and is the most common. 90% of the entire population suffers from this type of disease. In these cases, a person gradually loses central vision, but most often he does not attach due importance to such a change. It is very important to visit an ophthalmologist at this time for preventive examination, during which a specialist will be able to identify the disease and its form.

TO early symptoms Retinal dystrophy refers to the fact that the clarity of vision decreases gradually. There is a slow progression of the disease; over time, images begin to be perceived in a distorted form. If the dry form is not identified at an early stage, it will develop in its place. Its development occurs much more rapidly than dry. A person with retinal dystrophy may have the following symptoms:

  • no peripheral vision;
  • images are bent and straight lines are distorted;
  • at night and when lighting decreases, vision deteriorates;
  • flashes of light, flies and colored spots appear before the eyes;
  • color perception is distorted;
  • Contrast sensitivity of vision is completely lost or reduced;
  • visible objects bifurcate.

The severe wet form is quite difficult to cure; vision deteriorates quickly. Degeneration progresses and new, brittle and very dry blood vessels begin to form. This leads to hemorrhage and yellow accumulations are formed. With macular degeneration, the eyes quickly become tired. This age-related degeneration is common in people over 50 years of age. This condition often leads to the development of central retinal dystrophy.

But it should be noted that the patient suffering from peripheral vision is normal. However, if not central vision, then the person is not able to clearly perceive the objects around him.

People who show signs of this type of illness cannot drive or read. The type and severity of chorioretinal retinal dystrophy affects how quickly it progresses. Macular age-related degeneration is always bilateral. The wet form develops in one eye and the dry form in the other.

Laser treatment

These days the most effective method treatment - laser surgery. Many people wonder whether it is possible to restore their previous vision with a laser. It must be borne in mind that this is not possible. The laser helps stop the progression of the disease, as well as minimize the risk of retinal detachment.

This method is considered the most effective due to the least trauma. The surgeon does not perform an autopsy eyeball, so the operation is absolutely bloodless. Cauterization laser beam occurs as a result of non-contact exposure to the affected area, where tissue gluing and sealing occurs under the influence of thermal energy.

The laser helps distinguish between affected and healthy tissues. As a result, the treated area is limited. Thanks to this method, dystrophy is stopped. Laser intervention is carried out quickly. During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to carry out special gymnastics for the eyes and instill drops prescribed by the doctor for quite a long time. In this way, retinal dystrophy has to be treated if the disease has gone too far.

Treatment with folk remedies for this disease can only be carried out in combination with traditional therapy. Drugs alternative medicine in some cases they help stop the progression of the disease and significantly improve the person’s condition.

It is necessary to understand that the treatment of retinal dystrophy with folk remedies and medications has contraindications. Therefore, before you start using various folk methods, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist.

Treatment with medications

After it becomes clear what retinal dystrophy is, the patient wants to know how such a pathology is treated. Before prescribing treatment, it is carried out comprehensive diagnostics. Only an ophthalmologist knows how to treat retinal dystrophy, and you should contact him immediately after discovering the disease. A highly specialized specialist will use all kinds of methods.

At the initial stage, for the treatment of the retina, special medications are prescribed, which ensure a complex effect on the affected organ. The retina in this situation is weak, so medications help strengthen and dilate the blood vessels of the eyes.

For retinal dystrophy, the doctor prescribes treatment individually, and develops a specific medication regimen. In most cases, patients with this serious diagnosis need to repeat the course several times a year.

Treatment of retinal dystrophy is carried out with medications that have the following properties:

  • vasoconstrictor;
  • sealing the walls of blood vessels;
  • blood thinners.

A patient suffering from this disease needs to take microelements (zinc, beta-carotene and fatty acid Omega-3) and vitamin preparations. One should not forget about taking such medications even in the earliest stages of the disease and regardless of what medications are being treated.

In case of age-related degeneration of the organ of vision, great attention must be paid to such a substance as lutein. This special pigment, which is very effective for this disease, is found in plants. It is distinguished by its antioxidant properties and ability to absorb light.

Lutein is found in specialized vitamin complexes. They help protect the eyes from excess radiation, which causes great harm to the organ during illness. When diagnosing the wet form, the patient will be prescribed medications containing inhibitors.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Along with drug treatment, doctors use all kinds of physiotherapeutic methods. With this addition, the doses of drugs used are reduced. Often the development of the disease is stopped. The main physical methods include:

  1. Laser therapy. Promotes retinal stimulation.
  2. Magnetic therapy. Helps reduce pressure inside the eye, speed up recovery, and increase the size of retinal vessels.
  3. Electrophoresis. In this case, the procedure is carried out using certain medications.
  4. Ultrasound. Thanks to its use, metabolism and microcirculation are improved.

The ophthalmologist selects a specific method, based on the real situation, the type of disease and its course. If retinal degeneration cannot be cured with medication and physiological methods, surgical intervention is performed.

Preventive actions

People who have been diagnosed with this condition should regularly perform preventive actions. Such patients should absolutely not be allowed to overstrain their visual organs. This applies to reading, during which it is necessary to take breaks so that the eyes can rest. Prevention of retinal dystrophy also includes the following measures:

  • measured time spent on the computer, TV and books;
  • abstinence from taking hot bath and soul;
  • refusal to lift heavy objects and increased physical activity.

Such people should provide themselves with proper lighting and systematically perform special eye exercises. When going outside you must wear Sunglasses, thanks to which the retina of the eye will be protected from the influence of ultraviolet rays. To prevent oxidation of cells in the eyes, which in most cases leads to dystrophy, it is necessary that healthy foods be present in the diet. Proper nutrition involves eating foods rich in antioxidants.

If a person has destruction of the retina, then taking vitamins is considered mandatory, especially A, E and group B. They contribute to the normal functioning of this organ. Thanks to the vitamins contained in fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains, tissue nutrition improves, and their continued use stops degenerative changes. The patient must completely abstain from alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. All this must be done in the presence of any type of eye dystrophy to avoid the development of atrophy.

It should be noted that this dangerous disease it is impossible to prevent, because it is associated with withering of the body. But regular ophthalmological examination will help to detect the problem in time and carry out surgical treatment.


Main symptoms:

  • Loss of areas of the visual field
  • Blurred vision
  • Distortion of vision
  • Inability to distinguish an object at rest or in motion
  • Erroneous perception of objects in space
  • Color vision disorder
  • Decreased vision
  • Decreased visual acuity at dusk

Retinal dystrophy – dangerous illness, in which the retina of the eye is affected. Whatever the cause of this disease in humans, with untimely and unqualified treatment, the outcome of dystrophy is the same - atrophy or complete death of the tissues that make up the retina. Because of this, the patient will experience irreversible visual impairment, including blindness. It is worth noting that the timing of vision loss directly depends on the type of disease. Retinal dystrophy occurs rather slowly, but as it progresses, the patient’s condition only worsens.

The disease is characterized by an asymptomatic course, especially in initial stage development. Very often people do not even know that they are a carrier of such a problem. The likelihood of dystrophy occurring is very low. Medical statistics is such that among all possible disease states affecting visual apparatus, problems associated with retinal dystrophy account for less than a percent. Elderly people (after reaching fifty years of age) are most often susceptible to it. At a younger age, the disease occurs only in women during pregnancy.


The main role in the progression of this disease belongs to hereditary predisposition. This is usually why etiological factor progression of retinal dystrophy in children is observed.

In addition, the following reasons can provoke the progression of the disease:

  • visual impairment such as;
  • infectious diseases body;
  • deviations from normal human body weight;
  • alcohol and nicotine abuse;
  • various circulatory disorders;
  • heart problems;
  • long lasting direct influence sun rays on the eyes;
  • pregnancy;
  • poisoning;
  • impact stressful situations;
  • removal of half or all of the thyroid gland;
  • unbalanced diet, as a result of which the body lacks vitamins and nutrients;
  • variety of eye injuries.


Based on the reasons for its formation, the disease is divided into:

  • natural (arising due to genetics);
  • acquired.

These types of disease have their own division into subtypes. Thus, the congenital form of the disease occurs:

  • pigmentary dystrophy of the retina, cases of which are very rare. It is transmitted only from mother to child;
  • spot – appears at a young age, and progresses in old age.

Acquired or age-related dystrophy is divided into:

  • peripheral retinal dystrophy. Appears against the background of myopia or eye injuries. As a result of its progression, it does not reach the eye. sufficient quantity oxygen and nutrients. If not detected or treated in a timely manner, this type of disease will lead to retinal detachment or rupture;

In turn, peripheral retinal dystrophy is classified into:

  • lattice;
  • frost-like;
  • fine-grained;
  • pigmented.

Macular degeneration of the retina can be:

  • dry - expressed by yellowish granules in the retina;
  • wet - blood gets into the eye.


At the very beginning of its appearance, retinal dystrophy does not show any signs. The first symptoms of the disease begin to appear in the middle or advanced stage.

Despite the many types of this visual disorder, they all have approximately the same symptoms:

  • decreased clarity of vision;
  • a feeling of fogginess and “goosebumps” in the eyes;
  • distortion of the visual image;
  • deterioration of vision in dark time days;
  • impaired ability to distinguish colors;
  • inability to distinguish an object or person at rest or in motion;
  • erroneous perception of something in space.

If one or more of the above signs of retinal dystrophy appear, a person should immediately consult an ophthalmologist. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, the disease can quickly spread, leading to deterioration of vision or its complete loss.


After initial examination ophthalmologist, to designate correct diagnosis, you will need to undergo several examinations and tests:

  • visometry - to measure visual acuity;
  • perimetry - the method makes it possible to recognize changes in the size of the visual field;
  • refractometry is a method of examining the retina;
  • biomicroscopy. With its help, it is possible to identify concomitant pathologies in visual system;
  • electroretinography – with hereditary dystrophy, no changes in the analysis will occur;
  • adaptometry – measures visual ability in the dark;
  • fluorescent angiography - to indicate areas where laser restoration will be performed;
  • retinal tomography;
  • ophthalmoscopy with artificial dilation of the pupil (using special drops) - to give the doctor an idea of ​​the condition of the fundus of the eye;
  • Ultrasound of the eyes.

These diagnostic measures are able to identify signs of retinal dystrophy in the early stages.


Today, one of the most common and effective treatments for retinal dystrophy is laser correction. This method is not only highly effective, but also has a number of positive aspects:

  • prevents surgical opening of the eyeball;
  • eliminates the possibility of contamination or infection;
  • protects from stressful situations;
  • non-contact intervention during surgery;
  • does not require time for postoperative recovery.

Treatment of the disease with drugs is aimed at improving microcirculation. Most often prescribed:

  • vitamin complex;
  • eye drops;
  • vasodilator medications.

Children with hereditary retinal dystrophy are recommended to visit a psychologist. This is done so that the child does not have problems communicating and is able to adapt to society.

Direct surgical intervention is used only when the two methods described above do not help, or when the disease is severe. Operations are prescribed and performed only by highly qualified specialists.

In addition to clinical treatment methods, there are folk remedies that are used simultaneously with medications or after laser treatment. To the most common traditional methods include recipes using:

  • goat milk diluted with water. The resulting liquid is instilled into the eye;
  • decoction of rose hips, onion peels and pine needles;
  • tincture of caraway seeds, mustard, birch leaves, horsetail and lingonberries;
  • crushed celandine. After dilution, heating, filtering and cooling, drop it into the eye.


To prevent any vision problems, it is recommended:

  • proper lighting of living and working spaces;
  • provide rest to the eyes while working at the computer, watching TV, reading a book, using mobile phone;
  • undergo examinations by an ophthalmologist every six months;
  • perform daily gymnastic exercises for eyes.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Night blindness is a popular designation for vision pathology, which in medicine is called hemeralopia or nyctalopia. The disease manifests itself in a significant deterioration in visual perception in low light conditions environment. At the same time, a person’s coordination is impaired, visual fields are narrowed, and there is an incorrect perception of things in blue and yellow shades.

Retinitis is a disease in which inflammation occurs in the retina of the eye. Such a disease quite rarely occurs in an isolated form, which is why it is often accompanied by damage to the choroid. Ophthalmologists identify a large number of predisposing factors that influence the occurrence of such a disorder. It is for this reason that they are usually divided into two large groups- endogenous and exogenous. The main clinical manifestation is a decrease in visual acuity, but the danger of such a disease is that it can lead to the development large quantity complications, including loss of an eye.

Enophthalmos is an ophthalmological disease that is characterized by improper placement of the eyeball in the orbit. Both its deepening and protrusion are observed. A pathology of this kind can be caused by trauma, then they talk about post-traumatic enophthalmos, or caused by other etiological factors.

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The inner layer of the eye is called the retina. It regulates the interaction between the central nervous system and the organs of vision. It is she who is responsible for translating light signals perceived by the organs of vision into corresponding nerve impulses sent to the brain.

A number of visual impairments, which are characterized by changes in the retina and are irreversibly destructive, are called dystrophy. Pathological changes in retinal tissue always lead to a stable deterioration of vision. To prevent its loss and progression of the disease, it is necessary to treat retinal dystrophy.


Symptoms depend on the type of disorder, but they also have general deviations from the norm. The most common symptoms of the disease:

  • loss of vision;
  • image distortion;
  • the patient's feeling dark spots before your eyes;
  • objects without clarity;
  • twilight lighting sharply worsens perception;
  • a fall peripheral vision(and even its complete loss).

Causes of the disease

The impetus for the development of retinal dystrophy (acquired), which is dangerous to health, can be many reasons of a different nature:

  • any type of eye injury;
  • toxic effects on the body of any origin;
  • others, for example, myopia, inflammation, etc.;
  • complication after surgery;
  • infectious diseases;
  • systemic health problems ( high blood pressure, kidney disease, diabetes, etc.).

All of these listed reasons can contribute to the development of the disease, but they are just risk factors. With a hereditary predisposition, the risk of the disease can be considered extremely high. For your information! Even stress, pregnancy, excess weight, direct solar radiation.


Effective treatment of a disease requires competent timely diagnosis and examination by an ophthalmologist. Among the studies that can be recommended are:

  • retina;
  • light sensations;
  • fundus;
  • eye structures;
  • determination of the boundaries of peripheral vision;
  • visual acuity test;
  • electrophysiological examination, which gives a picture of the state of the retina itself and nerve cells;
  • fluorescein angiography to study the vessels of the eye.

Types of retinal dystrophy

The disease is divided into types, which is associated with its origin and the location of the inconsistent pathological process of the retina. There are hereditary and acquired forms of the disease.

Hereditary. This is an inherited dystrophy; it includes several types. But the most common are: dotted white and pigmented.

  • Spot white. This pathology is congenital. Development occurs with early childhood, which leads to a deterioration in visual perception even before school.
  • Pigmented. It's genetic. Dystrophy of this type is characterized by disruption of the functioning of photoreceptors, which are important for human twilight vision.

The disease has a slow course with stable deterioration, despite alternating periods of remission after exacerbations. Most often the disease manifests itself while studying at school. By the age of 20, the disease clearly manifests itself and a diagnosis is made. With age, the condition worsens so much that it can lead to complete loss of vision.

Acquired dystrophy

This type of disease is typical for older people. May occur in combination with other diseases visual organs associated with age-related changes. It is impossible to completely cure it conservatively. Depending on the affected area, there are:

  • Generalized (with this type of dystrophy, damage to the retina affects all its areas).
  • Central (macular).
  • Peripheral.

Central dystrophy. Macular is named after its location in the area of ​​the retina (macula) that is responsible for the area of ​​clearest vision. Types of macular degeneration:

Depending on the pathology and damage to the retina, the following types are distinguished:

  • serous choriopathy;
  • age (wet or dry);
  • colloidal;
  • cone (congenital);
  • Best's disease;
  • Franceschetti's disease;
  • Stargardt's disease.

Important! At central shape dystrophy without damage to peripheral areas, the development of the disease does not lead to blindness.

Patients experience discomfort and complain to the ophthalmologist of the following manifestations:

  • doubling of objects;
  • the image of objects is distorted.

Age-related dystrophy. Retinal macular degeneration, appropriate treatment depends on the clinical form(dry or wet) and the degree of pathology. Both forms of the disease are characteristic age category from 60 years old. The central part of the retina is damaged due to age-related changes. It is the macula that is responsible for the eye's ability to distinguish small objects. But even in case severe course diseases, the peripheral parts of the retina continue to perform their functions and blindness occurs in very rare cases.

The peculiarity of the wet form is the penetration of fluid and blood into the retina. The loss of vision occurs extremely quickly, up to several days. Treatment of this condition is complex and surgical.

The most common is the dry form, in which the deterioration occurs gradually. The disease is characterized by the accumulation of cellular breakdown products between the retina and the lining of blood vessels.

Peripheral. This type of retinal lesion is characterized by damage only to the peripheral area without affecting the macular area. Of the manifestations of the disease, a person can only note the appearance of “flies” before the eyes.

A feature of peripheral dystrophy is its difficult diagnosis. When an ophthalmologist examines the patient's fundus, the peripheral areas are practically invisible. Pathology can only be diagnosed using special equipment. Classification of peripheral dystrophy:

  • pigmented;
  • fine-grained;
  • frost-like;
  • lattice.

Often, against the background of myopia, retinal detachment may occur. In this case, the patient complains of a feeling of a veil before the eyes, but without surgery, vision can no longer be restored.

Treatment methods

Dystrophy - serious illness which can lead to complete blindness. Already lost vision at the onset of the disease and exacerbations cannot be restored. For the most part, treatment is supposed to be symptomatic, since, except for secondary ones, any types of degeneration have a hereditary predisposition. Treatment is directed for the most part for the following actions:

  • stabilization of the condition;
  • prolongation of periods of remission;
  • strengthening the muscles of the eyes and blood vessels;
  • improvement of flow metabolic processes in the organs of vision.

Methods of treating the disease:

  • medicinal;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgery;
  • laser coagulation.

In some cases, eyes are treated with folk remedies, which can be used in combination with other treatment methods, but always under the supervision of the attending physician.

Laser coagulation

This treatment method is designed to prevent a serious complication of dystrophy - retinal detachment and prevent vision loss. The laser allows you to provide a targeted effect without damaging healthy tissue. During the manipulation, the damaged areas are cauterized to the desired areas of the eye to the specified depth.


Whether it is possible to do without surgical intervention is determined by the doctor after a comprehensive examination of the patient. Retinal dystrophy is treated surgically most often in cases where the disease was diagnosed late and when it no longer makes sense to hope that eye injections will help.

To improve metabolic processes and normalize blood supply, patients undergo surgical operations vasoreconstructive nature. When the wet form is diagnosed, treatment of macular degeneration of the retina is aimed at preventing the accumulation of fluid in the retinal tissue. To prevent retinal destruction, the following surgical methods are used:

  • Vasoreconstruction, which is based on the use of transplants;
  • Revascularization results in an increase in the lumen of functioning vessels.


For retinal dystrophy, physiotherapy is prescribed for initial stages diseases to strengthen the muscles of the eyes and the retina itself. Several methods of physiotherapy exist and are used:

  • ultrasound therapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis;
  • microwave therapy;
  • laser irradiation of blood (intravenously).

Drug treatment

Retinal dystrophy can be treated with medications only at the earliest stages of the disease. In other situations, the positive effect of this is only conservative treatment impossible. From medical supplies patients are shown:

  • vitamins E and A;
  • angioprotectors;
  • corticosteroids;
  • products with lutein;
  • reinforcing walls blood vessels facilities;
  • local acting vasodilators;
  • antioxidants;
  • general action vasodilators.


As preventive measures those who are at risk for eye diseases, it is recommended:

  • spend less time under sunlight;
  • perform eye exercises;
  • lead healthy image life;
  • take vitamin complexes;
  • give your eyes a chance to rest;
  • good workplace lighting;
  • lack of heavy physical activity;
  • periodic medical examination by an ophthalmologist.

Treatment with traditional recipes

As an additional therapy and an integrated approach to the treatment of dystrophy, treatment with folk remedies can be used.

Pine decoction. To prepare you will need:

  • 1 l. water;
  • 4 tsp each crushed rose hips and onion peels;
  • 10 tsp. pine needles.


  • Connect all components.
  • Fill with warm water.
  • Cook for 10 minutes over low heat.
  • Cool.
  • Strain.
  • Take throughout the day, distributing evenly.

The course is 30 days.

Garlic drops

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 l. vodka;
  • 1 kg garlic.


  • Pour vodka over garlic in a jar.
  • Close the container tightly with a lid.
  • Place in a warm place.
  • Leave for 2 weeks, stirring the contents periodically.
  • Strain.
  • Take 13 K before meals three times a day.

The course of treatment is 60 days, then a break for 1.5 weeks.

Serum drops

For preparation you will need: 2 tsp. water and the same amount of fresh goat whey.

Preparation: mix the ingredients.

Application: Drop 1 drop into the eyes. Blindfold your eyes with a cloth. Lie down for 30 minutes. without moving your eyes.

Course - 7 days.

Treatment at home should be carried out after consultation with an ophthalmologist.


On this moment There is no remedy that would provide a painless cure for retinal dystrophy. That's why it's so important to pass on time medical examinations see an ophthalmologist, monitor your health, and, if necessary, undergo treatment prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

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If visual acuity is not monitored in a timely manner, diseases leading to blindness may occur. Retinal dystrophy is one of the dangerous and common diagnoses, which is subject to age-related changes in the body in relation to the functional unit of the eyeball.

What is retinal dystrophy

This disease is characterized by damage to the tissues of the eyeball with their subsequent death against the background of impaired systemic circulation, metabolism, and deficiency of vitamins and microelements. If dystrophy is in an advanced stage, the patient may completely lose vision. Necessary timely treatment, which begins with a visit to the ophthalmologist. Retinal dystrophy has several varieties according to the defining criterion, and progresses not only in the body of an adult, but also in a child.

Classification of the disease

Statistics report that age-related macular degeneration of the retina is occurring more and more often, and the characteristic disease is becoming younger every year. Patients with a genetic predisposition are at risk, in the wrong way life and old age. In addition, there is an environmental factor when visual acuity is affected by the area of ​​residence. Below is a conditional classification of retinal dystrophy.


The degenerative-dystrophic process occurs in the molecular zone of the eye and is caused by irreversible aging of the body. In ophthalmology, dry and wet retinal dystrophy occurs. Pathological changes irreversible, affect the central region of the eyeball, are difficult to successfully treat, and are dangerous for permanent loss of vision. Stargardt's disease progresses.

Peripheral retinal dystrophy

Retinal degeneration is caused by trauma to the organs of vision and is a complication even after long-term and successful treatment. In addition, the pathological process is preceded by acquired or congenital myopia, myopia different stages. With a timely response, this type of disease can be successfully treated using surgical methods. There is chorioretinal or lattice dystrophy of the retina.


Macular degeneration of the eye must be promptly diagnosed in a clinical setting, but the main thing is to determine the pathogenic factor that initially provoked the relapse. Otherwise, it is difficult to talk about the positive dynamics of the disease, especially about complete healing. Among the main causes of macular degeneration of the retina, doctors identify the following anomalies:

Characteristic signs and symptoms

Visual function with retinal dystrophy, it is not disrupted spontaneously, but gradually, causing the patient certain difficulties Everyday life. If you do not seek diagnosis, the pathological process rapidly progresses. The early stage of dystrophy is asymptomatic, but over time the patient notices clouding of the picture, loss of sharpness, general discomfort when blinking, and blurred vision. The symptoms are identical, therefore, to make a final diagnosis, collecting anamnesis data alone is not enough; a clinical examination in a hospital is important. Symptoms:

  • narrowing of the field of view;
  • poor visibility at dusk, at night;
  • the appearance of a veil before the eyes;
  • impaired vision due to dystrophy;
  • the appearance of flashes within the vision radius;
  • distorted picture;
  • metamorphopsia.


Doesn't matter, it's progressing pigmentary dystrophy retina or central, specialized examination of this important structure eyeball. In such clinical picture An integrated approach to the problem with preliminary collection of anamnesis data is appropriate. Mandatory extensive diagnostic measures for retinal dystrophy include following procedures:

  1. Perimetry is the study of the boundaries of the field of view followed by projection onto a spherical surface.
  2. Complete laboratory examination includes determination of intraocular pressure, biomicroscopy of the eye, ophthalmoscopy, adaptometry, determination of color vision, examination of the retina and more.
  3. Ultrasound of the eyeball studies movement in the area of ​​study, evaluates the extraocular muscles and optic nerve, and determines pathological processes and possible tumors in the retina.
  4. Visometry is a technique for testing visual acuity using four types of tables.
  5. Instrumental research fundus for suspected retinal dystrophy.
  6. Fluorescein angiography - method clinical examination retinal vessels using a special organic dye administered intravenously.
  7. Electrophysiological study is a way to determine the real state of nerve cells optic nerve, retina.

Retinal treatment methods

Intensive therapy dystrophy is determined medical indications. The preferred treatment methods are: laser correction, regular intake medical supplies, vitreoretinal surgery, scleroplasty in case of detachment. The final choice of a successful treatment method for dystrophy is made by the doctor based on the information received about a specific disease.

Drug treatment

Reception medicines suitable mainly for early stage retinal dystrophy or during the rehabilitation period after the patient has undergone surgery. Medicines improve visual acuity, treat and nourish the affected organ with vitamins. There are several pharmacological groups; below are the most popular ones in ophthalmological practice for dystrophy:

  • angioprotectors: Papaverine, Ascorutin, Complamin, No-shpa;
  • polypeptides: Retinalamin;
  • disaggregants: Acetylsalicylic acid, Ticlopidine;
  • biogenic stimulants: Encad, FiBS;
  • anti-sclerotic drugs: Atorvastatin, Methionine, Clofibrate;
  • combined vitamins: Blueberry-Forte, Okuwait Lutein;
  • drugs to stimulate blood circulation: Pentoxifylline.


This auxiliary treatment dystrophy, which strengthens muscular system eyes, stabilizes intraocular pressure. Physiotherapy for retinal dystrophy involves several effective procedures carried out in a hospital setting. More often it is:

  1. Electrophoresis (supply of low amplitude current) using drugs such as Heparin, No-spa, Nicotinic acid.
  2. Photostimulation of the retina - supplying light signals sequentially to each eye to train internal capabilities and connect the reserve of the organ of vision.
  3. Magnetic therapy - impact magnetic field to further change the chemical composition of all biological fluids body.
  4. Low-energy retinal stimulation laser radiation– an independent method that often complements an integrated approach to the problem.
  5. Intravenous laser irradiation of blood is the effect of light energy on the systemic blood flow of the eyeball.
  6. Electrical stimulation of the retina is the effect of electric current with a pulse characteristic in order to strengthen the motor muscles of the eye, improve neuromuscular transmission in dystrophy.

Strengthening the retina with laser

This effective method stop dystrophy, and for this, the laser distinguishes between healthy and diseased tissues. Under its influence, diseased vessels seem to be “sealed”, as a result of which the flow of fluid through them stops. As a result, retinal dissection during dystrophy stops, and the disease stops rapidly progressing. The procedure is quick and uncomplicated, but during the rehabilitation period it is required to perform visual gymnastics, drip Taufon drops for a month.

Surgical intervention

Sometimes it is not enough to give a course of injections in the eyes for retinal dystrophy; it is necessary emergency surgery to restore previous visual acuity. The choice of such treatment is appropriate when laser correction and drug therapy ineffective, necessary radical methods. Surgical intervention with progressive dystrophy there can be two types:

  1. Revascularization surgery involves blocking the affected areas and increasing the lumen healthy blood vessels.
  2. Vaso-reconstructive surgery involves transplants that help normalize the microvascular bed of the eye.

Macular degeneration (age-related macular degeneration, or degeneration, AMD) is a disease in which there is damage to the central or peripheral parts of the retina. This leads to poor vision. The pathology is more common in people over 50 years of age and in pregnant women, the prevalence is 15 cases per 1 thousand people.

Treatment of retinal dystrophy

The goal of treatment for this disease is to slow the development of retinal dystrophy.

Thus, it is possible to stop the progression of macular degeneration. The disease is rare in children. Treatment, regardless of age, occurs according to the following schemes:

Form of age-related retinal dystrophy


Conservative treatment methods

Methods surgical treatment

Dry (non-exudative)

  • It is characterized by the accumulation of cell waste products between the retina and blood vessels.
  • Accounts for 90% of all cases of age-related retinal dystrophy.
  • It is considered a relatively benign form, since visual acuity decreases gradually.
  • drugs that normalize metabolic processes in fiber;
  • vitamin preparations with selenium and zinc;
  • vasodilators;
  • antiplatelet agents.
  • standard vitrectomy;
  • retinotomy in the posterior pole area;
  • change in the position of the macula.

Wet (exudative)

  • Causes accumulation of exudate under the retina.
  • Occurs in 10% of cases.
  • It has poor prognosis, since there is a high risk of retinal detachment.
  • Vision loss occurs quickly.
  • photodynamic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • intraocular injections.

Revascularization and vasoreconstructive operations.

Drugs for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration

Treatment for age-related retinal dystrophy is carried out in a comprehensive manner. Doctors prescribe medications in the form of tablets, injections, eye drops. Some medications are injected directly into vitreous. Main groups of drugs used:

Group of drugs

Mechanism of action

Examples of drugs

Price, rubles

Vasodilators and angioprotectors

Dilate and strengthen blood vessels.

440 for 25 pcs.


18 for 10 pcs.


34 for 50 pcs.


Normalize the functioning of the retina, restore vascular permeability.


4500 for 10 pcs.

Eye drops with vitamins and biological substances

Promote reparation and improve metabolism.

107 for 10 ml


Improving microcirculation

Improves blood supply to the retina.


40 for 10 ampoules

160 for 5 ampoules

Antiplatelet agents

Reduce thrombus formation in blood vessels.


440 for 28 pcs.

Acetylsalicylic acid

15 for 20 pcs.


Reduces cholesterol levels.


120 for 60 pcs.


50 for 30 pcs.


59 for 30 pcs.


Resolves hemorrhages in the eye.

Aminocaproic acid

43 per 100 ml


515 for 5 ampoules


120 for 10 ampoules


Treatment of macular degeneration of the retina necessarily includes vitamins. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the visual organs, improving the nutrition of their tissues and slowing down the progression dystrophic changes. Vitamins A, E, B are useful for this disease. To saturate the body with them, you can use the following drugs:

  • Lutein Complex;
  • Vitrum Vision;
  • Complivit Oftalmo;
  • Lutein-Intensive Evalar.

Injections in the eyes

To prevent the development of new blood vessels in the organ, special drugs are injected directly into the vitreous body. The procedure is performed by an ophthalmologist. It takes only a few minutes and, judging by the reviews, does not cause pain. After injections, the pathological vessels begin to disintegrate, and the abnormal fluid resolves.

According to statistics, 30% of patients recover after such therapy. certain part lost vision. The following drugs are used for intraocular injections:

Name of the drug

Mode of application


Price, rubles

Lucentis (Lucentis)

It is administered by injection at a dose of 0.05 ml once a month. During one session, the drug is administered into only one eye.

  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • high sensitivity to ranibizumab;
  • intraocular inflammation;
  • age under 18 years;
  • eye infections.

47500 for 1 bottle 0.23 ml

50 μl of solution is injected into the vitreous body for 3 months. Then 1 injection is given every 8 weeks.

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • increased sensitivity to aflibercept;
  • active severe intraocular pressure;
  • periocular infection;
  • age up to 18 years.

44000 for 0.278 ml


Age-related macular degeneration slows down somewhat after undergoing physical therapy. The following procedures are considered effective:

  • Electrophoresis. It is carried out with No-shpa, Heparin, Nicotinic acid.
  • Photostimulation of the organ. This is the supply of light signals to each eye, which ensure their training.
  • Intravenous laser irradiation of blood. It assumes the effect of light energy on the systemic blood flow of the eyeball.
  • Magnetotherapy. The effect of the magnetic field normalizes chemical composition all biological fluids.
  • Electrical stimulation of fiber. Pulse electricity strengthens the motor muscles of the eye, improves neuromuscular transmission.

Laser treatment

The main advantage of laser therapy is the ability to affect affected areas without affecting healthy eye tissue. One of the disadvantages is the possibility of development allergic reaction, which leads to inflammation and swelling of the conjunctiva. Types of laser therapy:

  • Laser stimulation of fiber. Due to laser exposure, fiber metabolic processes are activated. A course of such stimulation can stop macular degeneration for a long time.
  • Laser coagulation. It involves sealing the problem area of ​​the retina. As a result, it is isolated, which slows down the progression of the disease. Price – 5-30 thousand rubles.


Indication for surgical treatment– ineffectiveness of conservative and laser therapy. All operations performed for age-related tissue dystrophy are divided into 2 types:

Treatment of retinal dystrophy with folk remedies

Age-related retinal dystrophy is a serious disease, so folk remedies can only be used as a additional method therapy. Non-drug treatment includes following a diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits. From folk remedies The following recipes are considered effective:

  • Dissolve 50 g of mumiyo in 10 ml of aloe juice. Store the resulting solution in the refrigerator. Place a couple of drops into your eyes daily, after warming the solution to room temperature. Treatment lasts 9 days.
  • Homemade goat milk mix half and half with water. Place 1 drop in each eye for 1 week.
  • Mix the husk onions, rose hips and pine needles in a ratio of 2:2:5. Pour a liter of water, boil for 10-15 minutes, let it brew. Drink 1 tbsp daily. 2 times.
