Endometrioid cyst during menstruation. Endometrioid cyst of the cervix: the essence of the disease, possible causes and treatment methods

Endometrioid ovarian cysts have been the leading cause of laparoscopic surgery in women and girls for several decades in a row.

Endometrioid cysts of the left and right ovary - causes, symptoms, treatment

These pathological formations are also called endometriomas or “chocolate” cysts. They belong to the section of diseases that have common name“endometriosis”, and are deservedly considered one of the most insidious. The reason for this is the special course of endometriosis.

Endometrioid ovarian cysts on ultrasound

On an ultrasound examination, an endometrioid cyst of the left or right ovary looks like this: in the middle of a fairly thick capsule, consisting of two layers, there is a fine suspension that does not move when moved by the sensor.

Very often this formation resembles a cyst corpus luteum. This should always be kept in mind. Therefore, when initially identifying an endometrioid cyst that does not have characteristic appearance, it is necessary to conduct a repeated study to exclude a corpus luteum cyst, which can disappear on its own and resolve.

Endometrioid ovarian cyst, causes

Today, there are several theories about the occurrence of endometrioid cysts. However, none of them fully reveals the reasons for their formation.

The fact is that the endometrioid cyst of the right and left ovary is a type of endometriosis. The pathology manifests itself in the fact that a cavity lined with endometrium appears inside the ovary. More precisely, endometrioid tissue, which is similar to the endometrium - the mucous membrane of the uterus.

During menstruation, it is this membrane that is rejected. And the embryo is implanted into it. According to one of the existing theories of the occurrence of endometrioid cysts, menstrual flow through the fallopian tubes fall into abdominal cavity. When the eggs leave the ovary, they are captured by the follicle and thus enter the ovary.

What is an endometrioid cyst formed from?

Lining the walls of the cyst, endometrioid tissue continues to menstruate in the same way as the inner lining of the uterus. This menstrual blood, accumulating inside the cyst, is the suspension that is visible on ultrasound. And the modified endometrial tissue forms the walls of this cyst.

The blood is concentrated. The iron present in it slowly oxidizes, leading to the darkening of this blood. When such a cyst is cut or ruptured, thick dark brown contents leak out, a waste product of the endometrioid cyst. That is why they are often called chocolate cysts.

Endometrioid ovarian cyst symptoms

Endometrioid cysts of the left and right ovary are usually asymptomatic. They come in a variety of sizes and can reach 10 centimeters. Even in this case, formations in most cases do not cause any discomfort and are accidentally discovered during an ultrasound.

Endometrioid cysts do not pose a serious threat to a woman's health. They very rarely degenerate into malignant tumor. Another thing is that as the cyst increases in size, it can put pressure on the ovarian tissue. A large endometrioid cyst is dangerous for the ovary, as its functioning is reduced. And this can ultimately lead to loss of the ovary.

Small cysts are not dangerous to health

To an endometrioid ovarian cyst with small sizes(up to 2-3 cm), not growing and existing stably in the ovary, can be treated in two ways. Looking at it from one side, there is a great desire to remove the formation.

But not in all cases you should rush. This is especially true for young people nulliparous girls and pregnant women. The fact is that laparoscopic surgery has certain risks of developing adhesions and, as a result, infertility. More about this in the article "".

A functioning female reproductive system without deviations is the key to full life sensations, because the opportunity to have children is a gift from nature itself. Unfortunately, modern world not deprived specific diseases related to women's health. Pathologies of the reproductive organs are quite common. Endometrioid ovarian cyst is a disease that negatively affects the possibility of conception. Its complications can be so serious that removal of the endometrioid ovarian cyst is the only option to avoid severe consequences.

The cyst is formed during the implantation of endometrial cells into the ovarian tissue. How do these cells, which form the basis of the inner uterine layer, end up outside the uterus? The reason for this is endometriosis, a gynecological hormone-dependent disease of unknown etiology. A cystic formation is formed against the background of this pathology, the essence of which is the movement of cells of the internal uterine layer outside the boundaries of the uterus. Cells healthy uterus preserve its layer-by-layer structure and prevent the movement of cells from layer to layer and beyond the external boundaries of the organ.

But with endometriosis, an anomaly occurs, expressed in the migration of cells from the endometrial (inner) uterine layer to other tissues. This causes the formation of structures uncharacteristic for such tissues in the form of foci that function like the uterine mucosa, growing and being rejected in a cyclic cycle with bloody discharge, as happens during menstruation.

If endometrial cells enter the ovary through the fallopian tubes, then its loose structure, due to the periodic maturation of follicles, poorly prevents their penetration. These cells in the thickness of the ovarian tissue gradually form a capsular cavity, which, functioning like the uterine layer, is filled with blood.

Clinical signs of cysts and complications

In terms of its symptoms, the course of the disease manifests itself differently, depending on the stage of the pathological process. If hormonal parameters do not deviate from the norm and the cystic formation grows slightly, then no pronounced symptoms are observed. The progression of the disease leads to:

  • to the appearance of aching painful sensations in the lower abdomen, which are more intense on the right if it is an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary, and on the left if the left ovary is affected;
  • to pain along the entire line of the lower abdomen with bilateral development of the process;
  • to heavy blood loss during menstruation and spotting during the intermenstrual period;
  • to general weakness, malaise, mild nausea;
  • to frequent urination;
  • to unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant.

Untimely treatment of the pathology provokes secondary complications:

  • problems with the maturation of eggs in ovaries that have undergone structural changes due to the functional activity of the endometrioid cyst;
  • compression and deformation of the ovarian body due to a growing tumor;
  • inflammation and development of suppuration at the location of the cyst;
  • scarring of the ovarian region of the ovaries due to the proliferation of cystic structures;
  • the appearance of adhesions in closely located tissues of neighboring pelvic organs.

All these abnormal processes lead to disruption of a woman’s reproductive functions and prevent normal process conception, which turns into infertility.

But the most dangerous condition can develop when the cystic capsule ruptures, when its bloody contents leak into the abdominal cavity. A woman feels paroxysmal sharp pain in the abdomen, a sharp drop in pressure is recorded, body temperature rises significantly, the state is close to fainting. In this case, emergency treatment is indicated medical care in a hospital through surgery.


An endometrioid cyst is not easy to recognize. An examination by a gynecologist gives general information about the presence of a formation on the ovary, its approximate size. To obtain a more detailed picture, an ultrasound examination is prescribed. Ultrasound scanning makes it possible to accurately identify the location of the capsule with its contents, determine the size of the tumor, examine the pelvic organs, and monitor the development of the process over time.

However, ultrasound cannot always reliably determine the origin of the tumor and differentiate the endometrioid type from other variations. In particular, the MRI method allows special regimes recognize the presence of fatty inclusions in the cystic contents along with blood, which is typical for a dermoid cyst.

The patient is recommended to take lab tests blood for hormone levels and tumor marker CA-125, the level of which is sometimes elevated in the presence of an endometrioid cyst. The results of cyst puncture, carried out with a special instrument with a needle for puncturing the capsule and the ability to suction out the cystic contents, are also examined in the laboratory.

The only modern method that determines the nature of the disease with absolute reliability is laparoscopy. It gives the doctor the opportunity to visually assess the degree of pathology by introducing a special sensor with a mini-video camera through a puncture in the peritoneum, and, if necessary, begin treatment immediately. Therefore, laparoscopy has not only a diagnostic, but also a therapeutic direction.

Timely diagnosis of endometrioid ovarian cyst will allow you to begin complex treatment and eliminate disruptions in work reproductive system women.

How does an endometrioid cyst affect pregnancy?

The onset of pregnancy with this type of cyst is a big problem, since the ovarian tissue suffers, and, as a result, the process of egg maturation is disrupted. We must not forget that the appearance of the tumor is caused by endometriosis, often accompanied by hormonal dysfunction. And this, in turn, leads to problems with ovulation.

What to do if a woman has not regularly visited the gynecologist, pregnancy has already occurred, and upon examination a small cyst is discovered? When positive dynamics of her growth are not noted, then the woman must be observed by a gynecologist throughout the entire period of pregnancy. However, when accelerated growth removal of the cyst is indicated, as this may negatively affect the pregnancy of the baby. Therefore, the surest way is to regularly visit your doctor and solve the problem before conception.

Development of treatment tactics

Women who are diagnosed with an endometrioid cyst ask the question: should they remove it or not? Among patients with this diagnosis, there is a common misconception that removal of the tumor is always carried out together with the ovary. In reality, this is not the case. Small cysts that do not affect the functions of other organs often disappear after proper treatment. complex therapy. Appointed drug treatment hormonal, immunostimulating and restorative in nature.

The expediency of treatment often depends on the timeliness and correctness of treatment tactics. surgical intervention. Experts recommend the drug Visanne. His active substance- dienogest - can inhibit the growth of endometrioid tissue, restore hormonal background. However, success similar treatment- not yet an indicator of complete recovery. Endometriosis is a recurrent pathology, so there is a risk of the formation of new lesions.

Radical surgery methods

If conservative method did not give positive results, and there is a further increase in education, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. But women need to know that even if surgery is necessary, gentle options are possible that will eliminate the cyst but preserve part of the ovary. Determining factors in production therapeutic measures are:

  • type and dimensions cystic formation;
  • severity of symptoms;
  • age category of the woman;
  • the feasibility of preserving reproductive function.

The extent of the surgical intervention is assessed by the doctor. Depending on the course of the disease, the following are possible:

  • surgery to excise the cyst while preserving the ovarian tissue of the appendages;
  • elimination of cystic formation without interfering with the functional activity of the ovaries;
  • removal of the cyst together with the affected ovary.

Previously, access to the affected organ was provided through an incision abdominal wall, but modern laparoscopic techniques are minimally invasive interventions. After 3-4 punctures in the peritoneum, special manipulator tubes with instruments and a video camera are inserted, and the whole process is displayed on the monitor. For spatial freedom of movement and complete visualization, gas is injected into the peritoneal cavity, the action of which contributes to the elevation of the abdominal wall.

The removal operation is performed taking into account the following features:

  • the endometrioid cyst is removed, taking care not to touch the follicles with maturing eggs “soldered” to it, so as not to reduce the volume of the follicular reserve;
  • the ovarian cyst is excised with care, without damaging the nearby blood supply vessels, since this can disrupt the nutrition of the appendage and negatively affect its function;
  • In addition to the cyst itself, it is necessary to determine the localization of existing endometrioid foci, eliminating them by coagulation (cauterization).

A proven gentle technique is laparoscopy, which involves opening the capsular part with subsequent evacuation of the contents through a special suction. Capsular tissues freed from liquid filling must be removed, since they can subsequently become the source of a new focus of pathology.

In complicated cases, surgery is performed to remove the cystic formation without preserving the ovarian tissue:

  • Endometrioid cysts that have reached large sizes in their growth, as a rule, lead to structural changes in the ovary that are irreversible. Therefore, preserving an ovary that has lost its basic functions is considered inappropriate.

  • At an age close to perimenopause, a woman’s hormonal background undergoes changes. Because of this, the body cannot cope with the pathology of proliferative processes. It is possible that, against the background of hormonal dysfunction, such a formation can trigger the onset of a malignant process.

Experts always notify women that eliminating a cyst does not lead to a complete recovery. After removal of an endometrioid ovarian cyst, it is necessary to restore the normal balance of hormones, which is achieved by subsequent courses of well-chosen individual hormonal therapy.

Solving the problem of endometrioid cyst recurrence

Recurrence of an endometrioid cyst is a problem that must be solved with the participation of a competent gynecologist and an experienced surgeon. The highly qualified doctor performing laparoscopy will make it possible to perform an operation not only to remove the cyst, but also to eliminate during the intervention all foci that contribute to the development of recurrent phenomena. After the operation, it is necessary to regularly visit the treating gynecologist and conscientiously follow all his instructions, which will be the key to getting rid of chronic endometriosis.

For patients of childbearing age, after laparoscopy and complete postoperative recovery, it is preferable to plan pregnancy. The course of pregnancy and the associated restructuring of the female body contribute to the restoration of the structure of the endometrium of the uterus and do not allow the formation of new endometriotic foci. But you need to take into account that you need to try to get pregnant on your own within a year or a year and a half. If such attempts are unsuccessful, after agreement with the doctor, you can resort to IVF.

The main task of preventing relapses is the removal of all existing endometriotic foci and individual adequate hormonal treatment.

Treatment of organs performing reproductive functions, occupies a special place in medicine. After all, many diseases can lead not only to disruption of the rhythm of life, but also to the inability to conceive and give birth to offspring. Representatives of the fairer sex especially often turn to the doctor with various complaints. This is why it is so important to visit a gynecologist twice a year for scheduled inspections. Such preventive measures make it possible to detect a particular pathology at the earliest stage of its development.

This article will tell you about such a problem as endometrioid cyst of the right ovary. You can find out what kind of disease this is and how it appears. It is also worth mentioning what symptoms an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary has. Treatment methods will be discussed separately below.

What is endometriosis?

Before we say what an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary is, it is worth noting that the formation does not appear on its own. It is always a consequence of a disease called endometriosis. On early stages the pathology practically does not manifest itself at all. That is why this disease is called a treacherous enemy women. After all, the progression of pathology leads to very unpleasant and serious consequences.

Endometriosis is a serious female disease. With it, the inner mucous layer of the uterus, the endometrium, grows. It is worth noting that cells appear where they should not be. During endometriosis, the described tissue affects the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines. The endometrium can also settle on the kidneys and liver. Less commonly, the growth affects the lungs and organs located above.

Indoor and outdoor

The endometrioid cyst of the right ovary, the photo of which is presented to you, appears solely as a result of Many patients confuse it with the internal one. To clarify the situation a little, it is worth saying a few words about this pathology.

It is called endometritis. During the course of this disease, the mucous layer of the uterus increases. In this case, the endometrium does not extend beyond the reproductive organ. At external form, as you already know, the tissues of the abdominal cavity are affected. A cyst of the right ovary (endometrioid) forms already at the 3rd-4th stage of the disease.

Why the right one?

An endometrioid cyst of the right ovary occurs in 80 percent of cases of such neoplasms. According to statistics, other tumor processes often appear with right side. Why this happens is still completely unknown.

Scientists tend to assume that the right ovary is full big amount vessels and capillaries. This is where the main part is laid. That is why various cysts are formed here. The tumor of the left ovary does not appear as clearly as on this side. However, it can also develop in a representative of the fairer sex during reproductive age.

Right ovarian endometrioid cyst: symptoms of pathology

As you already know, endometriosis may not manifest itself in any way. long time. At stages 1-2, most of the fairer sex feel great, nothing bothers them. However, with the formation of a tumor, everything changes. It is worth noting that the described neoplasm can increase in size very quickly. What can a woman complain about with such a pathology? Let's look at the main symptoms of the disease:

  • Cycle disruption. Menstruation with an endometrioid cyst becomes irregular. Bleeding may begin unexpectedly, in the middle of the cycle, or be absent for several months.
  • Long periods. Most women who have a right ovarian cyst (endometrioid) complain of bleeding. Moreover, it continues for one or two weeks after menstruation. The color of the discharge is almost black or brown.
  • Chocolate periods. This is how many people characterize their discharge. During menstruation, women find no scarlet blood, as is usually the case, but an almost black viscous substance.
  • Painful sensations. Often on late stages Endometriosis manifests itself specifically as pain in the lower abdomen. This sensation intensifies during sexual intercourse or sharp drop on the buttocks. It is worth noting that what bigger cyst, the more pronounced these symptoms are.
  • Temperature increase. If endometriosis progresses and the cyst increases in size, fever may begin due to the inflammatory process. However, this symptom does not always occur.
  • Abnormal stool. If the neoplasm reaches a large size, it begins to move neighboring organs, in particular the intestines, from their usual places. As a result, women often complain of constipation. The fairer sex has to take laxatives, but they turn out to be ineffective.
  • Infertility. An endometrioid cyst of the right ovary and pregnancy are practically incompatible. This is precisely what young patients who are subsequently diagnosed with pathology often complain about.

What can a doctor find?

If you encounter one of the signs listed above, then you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Remember that delay may threaten the disease moving to a later stage. In such a situation, it will become almost impossible to get rid of the problem. In addition to the symptoms that a woman detects, there are other signs of the disease. A specialist can already note them during diagnosis:

  • Increased estrogen levels. At laboratory research hormonal levels in a woman with an endometrioid cyst will be very high level estrogens. It is because of this that the disease begins to progress.
  • Failure of the second phase. After ovulation is normal until the onset next menstruation takes from 12 to 14 days. For patients with the described neoplasm, the duration of the second phase is characteristic of no more than a week. Also often we're talking about about
  • Enlargement of the uterus and ovaries. During gynecological examination The doctor can use palpation to detect an enlargement of the reproductive organ. The woman feels pain in the area of ​​the right ovary. The doctor also notes its increased size.
  • With an endometrioid cyst, blood is regularly released into the abdominal cavity. During ultrasound examination the doctor can detect it and even measure the volume.
  • An endometrioid cyst is always accompanied by an adhesive process, since we are talking about a late stage of endometriosis. During an ultrasound examination, the doctor will see on the monitor the displacement of the pelvic organs. The ovaries are usually located closer to the uterus, and the reproductive organ itself is curved. Based on these data, it can be assumed that there is an adhesive process in the peritoneum.
  • Blood in the abdominal cavity. This symptom of an endometrioid cyst is indirect, since it also appears with other pathologies. It can be detected during a puncture, which is performed through back wall vagina.

If an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary is confirmed by all signs, treatment must be carried out. Without correction, a woman may face even more unpleasant symptoms and various complications.

Endometrioid cyst of the right ovary: treatment

Correction for a woman should always be determined by a specialist. You should not rely on the experience of your acquaintances and experienced friends. Those drugs that were useful to them can cause even more harm to you.

Treatment of pathology can be carried out different ways. Doctors choose a wait-and-see approach medicinal method corrections, surgery. Also, some representatives of the fair sex try to cope with the problem with the help traditional methods. It is worth noting that gynecologists are very distrustful of such. Doctors warn that some drugs and prescriptions can only worsen a woman’s condition. Let's consider the main methods of eliminating tumors.

Waiting method

Doctors use this method when there is no confidence in correct positioning diagnosis. The woman is closely monitored for several months. The patient is advised to undergo regular tests and ultrasound examinations. If the cyst begins to shrink on its own, then the diagnosis is most likely incorrect.

When in fact a woman has an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary, the consequences will be as follows. The neoplasm will gradually become larger and acquire clear outlines during ultrasound diagnostics. Also, an experienced specialist, using good, modern equipment, will be able to examine chambers in the cyst that resemble honeycombs. This will once again confirm the fact of the development of endometriosis and the need for treatment.

Laparoscopy and laparotomy: surgical intervention

If a woman is diagnosed with an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary, surgery is inevitable. Usually, laparoscopy or laparotomy is chosen for this. It is worth noting that the first method of intervention is less traumatic. During the procedure, three punctures are made in the woman's abdominal cavity. If the cyst is huge, then doctors prefer laparotomy. During this operation, an incision is made into the peritoneum and further removal of the tumor.

Both interventions are carried out under general anesthesia using a ventilator. Existing foci of endometriosis are cauterized. Also during the operation, the doctor carefully dissects the adhesions and performs a toilet of the abdominal cavity. This is necessary to prevent relapse of the disease. After laparotomy, the patient should stay in the hospital for up to two weeks. Whereas laparoscopy allows you to go home within a day. The prognosis after the intervention is favorable.

Hormonal therapy: artificial menopause

If you are diagnosed with an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary, the causes of this pathology lie in a disruption in the production of hormones. Based on this, we can conclude that hormonal treatment will have a positive effect. Indeed, such therapy is carried out. However, it does not completely remove the formed cyst. Hormonal correction helps reduce the volume of pathology. It is often used before surgery. Treatment is also carried out after surgery. It may vary. Doctors prescribe more or less strong hormonal compounds.

The medications Zoladex and Buserelin-Depot have become very popular in the treatment of endometriosis and cysts. Also sometimes used are “Zhanine”, “Diane 35” and other drugs. The purpose of these compounds is to block the functioning of the ovaries. In this case, ovulation and menstruation completely stop. The medicine puts a woman into the so-called artificial menopause. The duration of therapy ranges from several months to a year. It all depends on the stage of the disease and the final goal.

Pregnancy and long-term breastfeeding - effective treatment

If an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary is detected, is it possible to get pregnant? Doctors in most cases answer this question in the negative. Indeed, conception is late stages illness is unlikely. However, it is not excluded. There are women who get pregnant safely. Despite the constant threat of miscarriage throughout the entire period, representatives of the fairer sex bear and give birth to offspring.

This method can also be attributed to the treatment of endometriosis. Indeed, during pregnancy, the ovaries do not function, menstruation is absent, and therefore, existing lesions simply fade away. After childbirth, a woman is recommended to maintain prolonged lactation, during which there will also be no menstruation. Upon completion breastfeeding be sure to consult a doctor. You may still need treatment for your cyst.

Traditional methods of healing from endometrioid cysts

If you have an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary, treatment folk remedies is not recommended. Women often use a variety of herbs for correction ( upland uterus, red brush, sage). They all have an indirect effect on hormonal levels. However, the tumor cannot be cured.

Also, representatives of the fairer sex use biologically active additives. These include “Indinol” and “Epigallate”. In this combination, the manufacturer promises complete healing from endometriosis. Doctors do not advise trusting such information. An endometrioid cyst cannot resolve on its own. Sometimes it only decreases in size. Remember this.

Also, some women testify that coffee helped them recover from illness. Indeed, caffeine has a beneficial effect on inner layer uterus. However, it is simply impossible to cure endometriosis with this product. Various tampons, baths and lotions also prove powerless. Alternative medicine encourages the use of leeches.

A short summary: a few words about pregnancy

If you have a cyst (endometrioid) on the right ovary, you can get pregnant! However, this is quite difficult to do. Conception does not occur due to disrupted hormonal levels. Even if ovulation occurs and conception occurs, there is a high probability ectopic pregnancy. In the abdominal cavity, where the fertilized cell enters, there are a lot of endometrial foci, similar to the one located in the reproductive organ. This is where the embryo can mistakenly take hold. It is worth noting that this condition is very dangerous for a woman’s life. An ectopic pregnancy requires urgent surgical intervention.

That is why, when planning a pregnancy, you need to undergo a thorough examination and make sure that there is no endometriosis. If it is detected, but you managed to conceive a baby, you should make sure as quickly as possible that ovum develops in the uterine cavity. Otherwise, daily monitoring is carried out using ultrasound. If the embryo is missing 6 weeks after the last menstruation, then this is a reason to worry and suspect an ectopic pregnancy.

An endometrioid ovarian cyst is systemic disease with local manifestations.

The disease develops against the background of the appearance of tissue that resembles the endometrium, but it develops not in the uterine cavity, but in the ovary.

Most often, the disease is diagnosed in women aged 25 to 50 years. Mostly it affects both ovaries. It is rare to observe an endometrioid cyst of the left ovary or an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary. Typically, endometriosis can resolve on its own when menopause occurs.


No doctor will tell you exact reason appearance of an endometrioid cyst. But there are a number of predisposing factors that ultimately lead to the disease:

  1. Heredity.
  2. High amount of estrogen.
  3. Malfunctions in the immune system.
  4. Miscarriages and abortions.
  5. This disease is often observed in nulliparous women.
  6. Anovulatory menstruation.
  7. Use and long-term wearing of contraceptives inside the uterus.

In addition, the mechanism of disease development can be triggered the following actions and reasons:

  1. Surgeries that can damage the endometrial layer.
  2. Thyroid diseases.
  3. Excess weight.
  4. Constant stress.
  5. Environmental factor.

Types of pathology

Most often, a cyst forms on two ovaries at once and is called bilateral. Unilateral lesions are extremely rare.

Judging by the spread of ovarian cysts, the disease can be classified as follows:

  • 1st degree. Initially, small endometrioid heterotopias appear on the ovaries. These are small point formations, so even with ultrasound it is not always possible to detect them.
  • 2nd degree. A growth of 5-6 cm in diameter appears on one ovary. This is a cyst. And small adhesions appear in the peritoneal area.
  • 3rd degree. At this stage of the disease, the ovarian cyst reaches more than 6 cm, and the adhesions in the abdominal cavity become larger. Endometriosis reaches the uterine area.
  • 4th degree. Cysts become large and form on both ovaries. Endometriosis affects neighboring organs - the abdominal cavity, colon, urinary tract, rectal-uterine cavity.

Signs of an endometrioid cyst

Speaking about the symptoms of the disease, they directly depend on the size of the cyst and the degree of its development.

At the onset of the disease, the following manifestations of the disease are observed:

  1. The menstrual cycle is disrupted.
  2. Bloody discharge during menstruation becomes abundant.
  3. In the middle of the cycle, bleeding may also occur.
  4. Feeling of discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse, as well as painful menstruation.

It is advisable to apply for medical assistance, if this is not done, then other symptoms will increase over time:

  1. Long periods (more than a week).
  2. Feeling of weakness, nausea, apathy.
  3. Severe abdominal pain.
  4. Increased body temperature.
  5. Disruption gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.
  6. Inability to get pregnant.

Since these symptoms are similar to other types of ovarian cysts, you should undergo a thorough diagnosis.

Diagnosis and treatment methods for ovarian cysts

Diagnosis of the disease is as follows:

  1. A blood test determines the presence of an inflammatory process, as well as the woman’s hormonal background.
  2. Ultrasonography.
  3. CT scan.

If there are no indications for surgery, then a course of treatment with hormonal drugs is prescribed.

Surgical intervention is performed if the cyst pedicle has become twisted, as well as if the contents of the cyst have ruptured into the peritoneum. Lack of effect from hormonal therapy may also be an indication for surgery.

Such a type as dermoid cysts requires only surgical removal, the patient will also be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs and treatment aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. With this type of endometrioid ovarian cyst, endometriosis itself is treated. It is very important for a woman of childbearing age to start treatment on time, as otherwise infertility will develop.

If, nevertheless, the doctor chose conservative treatment, then the therapy involves constant monitoring of the woman in order to monitor the dynamics of the growth of the formation.

Patients over 40 years of age can undergo surgery with complete removal ovaries and uterus.

Possible complications

Lack of treatment for this disease leads to a number of complications:

  1. The appearance of adhesions in the peritoneum. And this gradually leads to infertility.
  2. Many people are interested in the question: can an endometrioid cyst develop into a malignant tumor? Given favorable factors, this is quite possible.

Due to the fact that the disease may not manifest itself for a long time, it is subsequently difficult to treat.

What are the forecasts

Generally surgery does not carry with it any side effects. On the contrary, the patient begins to feel better:

  • the pain almost stops bothering you;
  • the menstrual cycle is normalized;
  • reproductive functions are restored.

Even if surgery has been performed, the woman should undergo regular ultrasounds and check her CA-125 levels.

Removal of endometrioid cyst

Most often carried out surgery ovarian cysts. Before the operation, a course of hormone treatment is carried out. After removal of the cysts, a number of medications from the group of GnRH agonists or progestogens are also prescribed. This is done to prevent relapses of the disease. The course lasts on average 9-12 months.

Currently, the operation is performed using laparoscopy, when an instrument is inserted into small incisions in the abdomen and the entire procedure is recorded with a video camera. Together with the cyst, its capsule is also excised. The reproductive organs are not affected, this leaves the woman the opportunity to conceive and give birth to a child in the future.

But if the cyst is large and has practically consumed the ovary, then the cyst must be removed completely along with the ovary.

But there are a number of contraindications to laparoscopy of endometrioid ovarian cysts:

  1. Availability acute infections and the operation is not performed within a month after treatment.
  2. Problems with the heart and blood vessels. Poor blood clotting, respiratory pathologies.
  3. The presence of hernias in the groin area or on the peritoneum.
  4. Large cyst.
  5. Presence of a cancerous tumor.

In some cases, if there are indications, abdominal surgery is performed.

Women who have experienced disruptions in their menstrual cycle, which sometimes leads to such a phenomenon as an endometrioid ovarian cyst. This neoplasm is often called “chocolate”. This is explained by the fact that it is filled with pus and products of the organization menstrual blood, different brown. Other features of such a cyst include an elongated shape, unequal wall thickness, and a size reaching 12 cm in diameter. A neoplasm can appear not only in the internal part of the organ, but also on its outer wall.

A diagnosis can only be made qualified specialist after the full examination women and performing a series of tests

Development of pathology

In most cases, an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary occurs. The main danger of the disease is that before menstruation, the size of the cyst begins to gradually increase, and the walls become thinner and weaker, which can cause rupture. If contents enter the abdominal cavity, there is a risk of developing peritonitis.

The presence of a cyst negatively affects the condition of the female body. Under the pressure of the neoplasm, the process of folliculogenesis is disrupted. Incorrect development eggs becomes the reason for the lack of possibility of further fertilization. There is also the possibility of the formation of other smaller cysts, disruption of the intestines and bladder.

The main danger of the disease is that before menstruation the size of the cyst begins to gradually increase

To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the development of an endometrioid cyst and correctly respond to any signs indicating its appearance.

Main causes of the disease

Among the factors that provoke the disease, experts highlight the entry of endometrial cells into the ovaries and fallopian tubes. This becomes possible during menstruation. Cells are carried in the blood and can become trapped in places and environments that are not suitable for their normal further development.

The endometrium can be transferred during surgery. Therefore, a cyst is quite often a consequence of an abortion, surgery and implementation of a number of procedures related to the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Doctors also identify other reasons that can provoke pathological processes. These include:

  • genetic failures;
  • chronic venereal diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal glands and other disruptions in the functioning of endocrine organs;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • unnatural decrease or increase in the level of female hormones;
  • frequent stress;
  • inflammatory processes in organism;
  • illiterate use of contraceptives;
  • unhealthy diet and lifestyle that is far from normal.

To ensure smooth operation reproductive organs, due attention should be given general condition and take care of creation optimal conditions for life. If it was not possible to avoid the disease, then as much as possible short time must be ensured competent treatment(drug or laparoscopy).

Frequent stress is one of the causes of the pathological process

Common symptoms

Only a qualified specialist can make a diagnosis of “endometrioid ovarian cyst” after conducting a complete examination of the woman and performing a series of tests. Before you seek help from a gynecologist, you need to understand exactly what symptoms may indicate the presence of a neoplasm.

This disease practically does not manifest itself in any way in the first stages of its development. According to statistics, the presence of a cyst is established mainly in situations where a woman cannot conceive a child and visits a doctor to determine the cause of the current situation.

If we consider a cyst that has matured, then the following symptoms make its existence known:

  • strong painful sensations in the lower abdomen, which can even extend to the lumbar and sides;
  • unnaturally painful menstruation, accompanied by heavy bleeding;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • weakness, nausea.

Women who experience cyst formation may experience periodic fainting. There are also malfunctions digestive system. Sometimes there is discharge between periods Brown, which do not cause any particular inconvenience.

Women who experience cyst formation may experience periodic fainting.

If, after the neoplasm matures completely and its size becomes large enough, proper treatment has not been provided, then the listed symptoms begin to manifest themselves much more strongly. And this affects not only physical health, but also on psychological state women.

An experienced gynecologist can determine the presence of a cyst during a simple examination. But before prescribing treatment, it is recommended additional walkthrough ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

Magnetic resonance imaging is also used as an alternative. The results obtained allow us to determine whether laparoscopy or drug treatment is required.

Stages of cyst formation

Like any other neoplasm, an endometrioid cyst goes through several stages of its development. Each of them is characterized various symptoms, so the treatment will be different. This confirms the fact that removal is not the only measure by which the disease can be dealt with.

Experts identify only 4 stages of development of this type of cyst.

Effective Treatment: Common Methods

Choosing suitable treatment, the specialist is in search of a solution that can eliminate integrity violations internal organs and the need for complex operation. At certain points, deletion cannot be avoided. And it depends on the following factors:

  • degree of development of the cyst;
  • its size;
  • symptoms;
  • existing risks.

Sometimes the only way out is laparoscopy, and sometimes it is enough to choose the right one and effective complex medicines. The reasons for the appearance of the tumor also play an important role. After all, if it was provoked by sexually transmitted diseases or work disorders endocrine system, it is imperative to start by eliminating these failures.

If you need to treat a cyst of the left or only the right ovary, then special medications may be sufficient:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • injections that block the pituitary gland;
  • norsteroids;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • sedatives, etc.

Also required regular intake vitamins and minerals. This allows you to strengthen immune system and has a positive effect on the body’s ability to resist disease.

Proper treatment should include changing your usual lifestyle. If the reasons for the formation of a cyst lay in poor nutrition And constant stress, then even laparoscopy will not help to avoid the recurrence of the tumor. And in such situations, it is often necessary to remove not only the cyst, but also the organs of the female reproductive system.

Regular intake of vitamins and minerals is required

Choice suitable drugs should be carried out only after a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the female body. And the role is played not only by the size of the tumor and characteristic symptoms, but also possible reaction the body to the effects of certain agents.

You need to be careful about the likelihood allergic reactions. Some medications are contraindicated for people with liver and kidney diseases. And without exception, all medications containing substances derived from progesterone cannot be used by women during pregnancy. They are also contraindicated in the presence of problems such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy.

If we talk about antidepressants and sedatives, then taking them helps to cope with stressful situations and avoid nervous tension.

Surgical intervention

A special operation involving the removal of a cyst from the right or left ovary can be performed using one of several methods:

  • laparoscopic enucleation;
  • wedge resection of the ovary;
  • oophorectomy.

Regardless of which method was chosen by the specialist and what the size of the tumor is, before the operation the woman is prescribed a course of treatment hormonal drugs. After obtaining the required result, the cyst is removed from the left, right or both ovaries. Next, you need to resort to using hormones again. Additionally, the patient must attend a number of physiotherapeutic procedures.

Regardless of which method was chosen by the specialist and what the size of the tumor is, before the operation the woman is prescribed a course of hormonal medications

All this allows you not only to properly prepare the body for laparoscopy or other surgery, but also to avoid complications in the future: inflammatory processes, re-development of a similar neoplasm.

Modern specialists are trying to eliminate the need for surgical removal of the cyst. After all, any operation is associated with certain risks. It is recommended to opt for laparoscopic enucleation (organ-conserving surgery) if a woman is at risk of developing infertility.

In other cases, preference should be given to wedge resection of the ovary or oophorectomy. Such situations are associated with neoplasms, the size of which is quite large. This removal is also relevant for representatives of the fair half of humanity who no longer plan to have children.

Cyst and pregnancy

Among current issues, which constantly occur in women, we can highlight the compatibility of a cyst of this kind with pregnancy.

The most the best option is the fertilization of an egg in absolutely healthy body, not subject to any changes and pathological processes. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo comprehensive examination and begin treating identified illnesses. But what to do if the fetus has already begun to develop and only after that future mom found out about damage to the left or right ovary?

Cases when a woman in such a state carried completely healthy child and have not encountered even minimal difficulties, they occur quite often

Specialists in the field of gynecology are engaged in numerous debates regarding the effect of cysts on the process of bearing a child. In their opinion, a small cyst should not be serious reason for concern. This statement is relevant only under the condition of constant monitoring by a doctor and following all his recommendations.

If we consider laparoscopy during pregnancy, it should be noted that such an intervention is extremely undesirable. Even if there is a small tumor and the most precise manipulations, it will not be possible to completely eliminate damage to the ovary. A similar condition this organ during pregnancy is unacceptable.

In general, endometrioid ovarian cyst and pregnancy are completely compatible concepts. Cases where a woman in such a state carried a completely healthy child and did not encounter even minimal difficulties are quite common.

A completely different approach is required in situations involving a woman’s inability to become pregnant. If the cause is a cyst that puts excessive pressure on the ovaries, then laparoscopy is inevitable. Do not be afraid of this procedure, since proper laparoscopy allows you to get rid of the need for long-term rehabilitation and eliminate minimal complications.

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that an endometrioid cyst is not able to disappear or resolve on its own. Therefore, if suspicious symptoms appear, you should not delay going to the doctor. Regardless of whether the choice was made to use medications or laparoscopy, timely diagnosis and treatment allows you to completely improve the functioning of the reproductive system.