How to quickly lower cholesterol at home. How to deal with high cholesterol How to lower cholesterol to normal

When we hear the word “cholesterol,” we frown in annoyance, imagining fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels, overweight, threat and other horrors that modern propaganda scares us with healthy image life. But before giving this concept an almost abusive meaning, let's figure out what cholesterol is and what is its role in our body?

Cholesterol is construction material, with the help of which cells are renewed and vital substances are produced: hormones, enzymes. The liver provides about 80% of our cholesterol, but we need to get another 20% from food to stay healthy. The name of the person involved in today's conversation is formed from two Latin words: bile (chole) and solid (stereo), since cholesterol was first discovered as a solid yellow substance in gallstones. But if we need it so much, then why does everyone say that excess cholesterol threatens a person with negative consequences?

The fact is that there are two types of cholesterol:

    LDL – low density lipoprotein;

    HDL is high density lipoprotein.

The first type is usually called “bad” cholesterol, and the second type is called “good”. The fundamental difference between them is not in the chemical composition, but in the structure and physical properties.

Bad cholesterol is liquid and sticky, so when it leaves the liver, it travels through the blood vessels and sticks to their walls, especially in places where there are damage, worn areas and irregularities. Of course, the older a person is, the more such defects he has, and the higher the risk of developing cholesterol plaques.

Good cholesterol is dense and hard, so it, on the contrary, like a dish brush, cleans debris from the inner surface of blood vessels. This is why we can say with confidence that negative consequences Not only an excess of bad cholesterol causes health problems, but also a lack of good cholesterol. And if we want to reliably insure ourselves against heart attack, we need to move in two directions at once, and increasing the level of good cholesterol is much more important than reducing the level of bad cholesterol.

A 1% decrease in the level of LDL in the blood leads to a decrease in the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 1%, while an increase in the level of HDL by 1% reduces the same risk by an average of 2-4%.

Anyone over 45 years of age who is overweight should have their LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels checked twice a year so that they can take action in case of critical imbalances. And today we will tell you how you can quickly and effectively reduce the level of bad cholesterol at home, without resorting to medications, and raise the level of good cholesterol, so that long years maintain good health.

Ways to lower blood cholesterol without pills

The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, a change in diet, because the lipid balance of our blood depends on the foods we eat. But we will start this important conversation not with diet, but with physical activity. Simply by making friends with sports and regularly finding time for simple and enjoyable activities, you can significantly improve your health.

The most serious danger is not high LDL levels, but its combination with low HDL levels. Therefore, simply revising your diet is not enough to correct the situation - you will have to add physical activity.

How to increase the level of “good” cholesterol and reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol through exercise?

Cardiologists and fitness trainers reveal the secrets of excellent health and reliable protection against cardiovascular diseases:

    The best way to cope with bad cholesterol is through aerobic exercise, especially running. When a person long time makes monotonous rhythmic movements in the open air, he develops a smooth, slightly increased pulse. At the same time, oxygen entering the blood ensures the gradual burning of fat deposits, including bad cholesterol inside the blood vessels. It simply does not have time to linger and be deposited in the form of dangerous atherosclerotic plaques. It has been proven that professional runners burn LDL in their blood 70% faster than people who do not exercise at all;

    A person’s muscles must be constantly in good shape; this prevents bad cholesterol from doing its dirty work. Therefore, even older people who are very overweight and complex problems with health, they must, at all costs, give themselves feasible physical activity: walk in the fresh air, ride a bike, dig in the garden. The longer a person lies on the bed, indulging in apathy and bad mood, the sooner the day will come when he will not be able to get out of this bed at all;

    Studies by Western cardiologists show that in elderly patients who take a forty-minute walk in the fresh air every morning, the risk of sudden death from heart attack and stroke is reduced by half - by 50%! It is only important to ensure that the pulse of an elderly person during walks does not increase by more than 15 beats from the physiologically normal value.

If male, and especially female figure begins to resemble an apple, this is a signal to think about health. The waist circumference of an adult man should not exceed 94 cm; adult woman– 84 cm. The normal ratio of waist to hip circumference for men is no more than 0.95, for women – no more than 0.8. In other words, if your stomach is almost thicker than your thighs, it’s time to sound the alarm and lose weight!

9 Proven Steps to Lowering Your Bad Cholesterol Levels

Step one: quit smoking

Malicious influence The health benefits of smoking include more than just clogged lungs with tar and the development of persistent nicotine addiction. By regularly buying cigarettes, a person uses his own money to buy infertility, impotence and cancer. The entire body is gradually destroyed: the brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, blood vessels. There is no organ or tissue type that smoking does not affect harmful effects. Moreover, modern cigarette manufacturers are doing everything to make their products as cheap as possible. This means that there is less than half of natural tobacco in the pack; the rest is chemical additives, flavorings, essential resins and carcinogens.

Tobacco tar is a strong carcinogen. Scientists have conducted experiments that have shown that if a rabbit's ear is smeared with tobacco tar several times, it will develop in this place after a few months. And tobacco carcinogens affect humans in the same way as they do animals!

Step two: the right approach to drinking alcohol

Extremes are rarely beneficial, and a person’s relationship with alcohol is no exception. Abuse of alcoholic beverages is very harmful: in addition to the formation of persistent addiction and the loss of a person’s moral character, alcoholism leads to the gradual destruction of the brain, liver, kidneys and blood vessels. But completely giving up alcohol is a waste of natural opportunities, since high-quality alcohol in small doses has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Doctors' advice on this matter is contradictory: some threaten with a green serpent, while others call for discarding obscurantism and drinking in moderation. This is a tribute to fashion, but human history is a much more serious indicator than the momentary mood of the medical community, lobbied by drug and alcohol manufacturers. Countries where the consumption of good wines and spirits is an integral part of the culture show higher life expectancy rates, and mortality statistics from cardiovascular diseases are not as depressing as in Russia. Let's take France, Spain, Portugal or Scotland with its love for good whiskey.

So how much should you drink to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in your blood? For this, 50 ml of strong alcohol or 200 ml of dry red wine per day is enough. No less and no more. For our mentality, these are ridiculous numbers: it is believed that if you drink, then drink. But proper drinking culture does not imply the desire to get drunk, but the measured consumption of good alcohol at lunch or dinner to improve digestion and enrich the composition of the blood.

Step Three: Green Tea Instead of Coffee

If your health allows you to drink drinks containing caffeine, then let it not be coffee, but natural coffee. It contains flavonoids that help break down LDL, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, and increase HDL levels. It is important to learn how to brew this drink correctly and use it correctly. Green tea should not be strong and bitter, and it is recommended to have tea no more than twice a day, and in the first half of the day.

Step four: juice therapy

Natural organic acids contained in freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables effectively dissolve bad cholesterol, and therefore are the fastest and most effective way to cleanse blood vessels at home. Juices are also a delicious source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and just a good mood. They heal, rejuvenate, help fight excess weight, cellulite and atherosclerosis, improve complexion, quality of nails, skin and hair. Therefore, buying a convenient, high-tech juicer is a smart investment in your health and the health of your family.

A five-day course of cleansing blood vessels from bad cholesterol using freshly squeezed juices is carried out according to the following scheme:

    1st day: 130 ml carrot juice + 70 ml juice from the stems;

    Day 2: 100 ml carrot juice + 70 ml + 70 ml, left in the refrigerator for 2 hours to remove unwanted substances;

Step Five: Fish Oil and Coenzyme Q10

Regular intake of fish oil significantly improves levels of C-reactive protein in the blood, the so-called CRP. There are two more amino acids that are important for human health: DHA and EPA, the content of which can be increased artificially.

According to the American Heart Association, taking 2-4 grams of DHA and EPA daily helps lower triglyceride levels to normal levels, and even one gram of these amino acids per day is enough to protect against the risk of cardiovascular disease.

How to provide yourself with essential amino acids? For example, you can take coenzyme Q10 at a dosage of 90 mg/day, this will increase the level of DHA in the blood by 50% in a few months. However, keep in mind that taking statins (drugs that lower LDL levels) together with coenzyme Q10 is undesirable, since in this combination the coenzyme is less absorbed.

Step Six: Avoid Trans Fats

Trans fats are a real disaster of our time, because they are the bad cholesterol in pure form, moreover, are found in almost all finished products: confectionery, fast food, sausages and frankfurters, margarine and mayonnaise. Whatever we buy in the store, wanting to save time on cooking, we will get trans fats that will be deposited on the walls of our blood vessels.

Research shows that if you reduce your daily caloric intake by just 1% by eliminating trans fats, you can cut your risk of heart disease in half!

Just remove 2 grams of trans fats from the menu, subtract only twenty kilocalories from two thousand (but the most harmful ones) and you will give yourself the best gift.

When buying prepared products in a store, carefully read the information on the label. If it says that a product does not contain trans fat, in practice this means that it contains less than 0.5 g per serving. And yet, under the terms “saturated” or “hydrogenated” lies the same trans fat that threatens us with heart attack, stroke and cancer.

Step seven: take magnesium

The endothelial cells that line our blood vessels cannot effectively push away LDL molecules if they lack magnesium. A deficiency of this valuable mineral leads not only to increased levels of bad cholesterol, but also to the development of muscle and heart weakness, and.

In people who suffer from migraines all their lives, the frequency and severity of attacks are reduced by 40% with regular use vitamin and mineral complexes enriched with magnesium.

If you are diagnosed with magnesium deficiency, it is recommended to start taking it at a dosage of 250 mg per day, and best of all in combination with calcium, since these microelements are better absorbed and provide more benefits. It is recommended to add fatty fish, whole grain bread, pumpkin seeds and sprouted wheat grains to your diet - these are the best natural sources of magnesium.

Step Eight: Reduce Sugar Eating

A lot has been said about the dangers of white sugar, but do you know how much its excess consumption aggravates the situation with high levels of bad cholesterol and low levels of good cholesterol?

Research has shown that if you reduce glycemic index of consumed products from 61 to 46, then you can increase it in a week HDL level in the blood by 7%.

It is also important that sharp jumps levels arising from taking large doses simple carbohydrates, increase the stickiness of red blood cells, that is, they thicken the blood and provoke the formation of blood clots. Therefore, if you want to protect yourself from atherosclerosis and, reduce your sugar intake or give it up completely, replacing it, for example, with natural honey.

Step Nine: Take Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is called the sun vitamin: for example, during one day on the beach, our skin cells produce from 10-20 thousand M.E. this valuable substance, but even residents of sunny, warm regions suffer from vitamin D3 deficiency. According to various estimates, from 60 to 80% of the population of our country need to take vitamin supplements so that the condition of blood vessels, skin and bones remains good until old age.

Previously, it was believed that vitamin D3 should not be taken in large doses, since it could have a toxic effect on the body.

But more modern research shows that taking at least 500 M.E. Vitamin D3 per day can reduce the level of CRP, an indicator protein of bad cholesterol, by an average of 25%. In some patients, HDL levels also increase. In general, a surplus of vitamin D3 reduces a person’s risk of developing all dangerous diseases that lead to death.

Provide for yourself important vitamin can also be done naturally: for example, in a glass of whole cow's milk it is about 100 M.E., and in one hundred grams of fatty sockeye salmon there is as much as 675 M.E. Please note that taking vitamin D3 in capsules or tablets is contraindicated for people with severe kidney and thyroid dysfunction, as well as for patients.

What foods lower blood cholesterol levels?

Some foods contain phytosterols, natural styrenes that effectively regulate the ratio of bad and good cholesterol in the blood. Knowing about your problems, you can enrich your diet with appropriate foods and normalize your lipid balance without making any effort.

For example, if you eat 60 g daily, you can increase HDL content by 6%, while simultaneously reducing LDL content by 7%.

List of record holders among products containing beneficial phytosterols (per 100 g of weight):

    Sprouted wheat grains - 400 mg;

    Brown rice bran - 400 mg;

    Flax seeds - 200 mg;

    Almonds - 200 mg;

    Olive oil - 150 mg;


This nutritious fruit is the leader in beta-phytosterol content among all fruits and vegetables. Just one half of a medium avocado, that is, seven tablespoons of pulp, is enough to reduce total cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood by 8% and increase good cholesterol levels by 15% in three weeks.

Nuts and seeds

All seeds and nuts are very rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which means they enrich our body with good cholesterol. Doctors recommend pampering yourself at least five times a week with a handful of 30 g of your favorite nuts: hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, almonds, Brazil nuts, pistachios. Seeds, especially flaxseeds, contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, so they are also worth adding to your diet, for example, as a zesty seasoning for vegetable salads. Try sprinkling lightly toasted sesame and flax seeds on your food to add flavor, garnish, and help raise your HDL levels.

Each tablespoon of good olive oil adds 22 milligrams of phytosterols to your food. If you replace all the animal fat used in cooking with olive oil, you can reduce LDL levels in your blood by 18%. And unrefined olive oil also has a positive effect on the condition of the endothelium, healing minor damage inside blood vessels and preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Fatty fish

The main supplier of healthy omega-3 fatty acids to our table is fatty ocean fish (salmon, halibut, chum salmon, sardine, mackerel, sockeye salmon). The only drawback of this category of food products is the high cost due to difficulties with production and breeding. Salmon and sockeye salmon contain the highest amount of omega-3, while they have the lowest content of heavy metals, in particular mercury, among marine fish. But such valuable species are regularly caught by poachers, and in artificial ponds spawn reluctantly. This is why red fish is so expensive, but if your budget allows, you should definitely buy and eat this healthy product.

Fish fried in a frying pan with fat loses almost all beneficial properties, and even becomes harmful. To preserve precious omega-3s fatty acid, it needs to be baked in foil or steamed. It is also not recommended to heat fish (or any other food) in microwave oven, because microwaves destroy the cellular structure of food.

Fruits and berries in blue, purple and red colors

Red, purple and Blue colour fruits indicate the content of polyphenols, and these natural substances naturally regulate blood lipid balance, stimulating the production of good cholesterol by the liver and removing bad cholesterol from the blood vessels. If you consume 150 g of berry puree or juice daily for at least two months, you can increase HDL levels by 5%. Very useful in this regard are blueberries, red and especially, which in addition to polyphenols contain a large amount of antioxidant - vitamin C. Half a glass of cranberry juice a day will allow you to increase your HDL level by 10% and at the same time protect yourself from cancer.

Absolutely all fruits and berries of red, burgundy, purple, blue and gray colors contain beneficial polyphenols that regulate the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Therefore, adding such fruits and berries to your diet is necessary for all people with poor lipid blood tests.

Whole grains and oatmeal

If you have high levels of bad cholesterol, the first thing to do is to avoid white bread sandwiches and muffins for breakfast. Instead, it is better to eat cereals, muesli, whole grain breads and cereals, this way you will enrich the body with fiber and promote the removal of LDL from the body through the intestines. All unprocessed grains are healthy: buckwheat, wheat, oats, rye, millet, wild rice. And refining removes valuable fiber from them, leaving only carbohydrates. Sprouted grains are also good because they contain a lot of fatty acids that increase HDL levels. Muesli with nuts is ideal for breakfast for the same reason.

A group of students at one of the American medical universities replaced their usual breakfast with two buns from oat bran. As a result, the level of LDL in their blood decreased by 5.3%. Another study was conducted on two groups of people: the first one simply followed a healthy diet with low content cholesterol, and the second received 2.3 cups of oatmeal daily. As a result, it turned out that oatmeal accelerates the normalization of blood lipid balance by 20%.


Corn grains are lower in calories compared to other grains cereal crops– 100 g contains only 97 kcal. They do not contain cholesterol, but they contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and microelements; in addition, corn is one of the most delicious grains, so modern American nutritionists actively promote the regular consumption of corn flakes, bread and cereals. This allows you to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood no less effectively than using rolled oats or wheat.


This substance is obtained from sugar cane and is sold in health food stores and pharmacies as a dietary supplement. Policosanol not only lowers LDL levels, but also prevents the formation of blood clots, suppresses appetite, helps to lose weight and normalize.

The human body needs cholesterol because it is involved in various processes. However, the question of how to reduce cholesterol in the blood arises when this substance becomes in excess. At home, doctors advise taking pharmaceutical products directed action, stick to a diet, include dietary supplements in the “menu”. This way you can quickly and effectively cleanse the blood, preventing complications in your activities. of cardio-vascular system.

How to reduce blood cholesterol - diet planning

There are foods that lower blood cholesterol. They must be included in the basic diet in order to eliminate blockages in blood vessels and prevent the formation of plaques.

So, what foods lower cholesterol levels:

No. 1. Garlic

Cleans blood channels, improves circulation. Garlic cloves contain phytosterols; they slow down cholesterol synthesis and break down existing tumors.

No. 2. Mackerel, salmon

The listed varieties improve lipid metabolism because they contain Omega-3 acids, which are the most valuable for humans. In addition to eliminating cholesterol, blood composition improves and general well-being is normalized.

No. 3. Avocado

A fruit rich in antioxidants that work comprehensively. It also contains many amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. In combination, these compounds cleanse blood channels and prevent further filling of blood vessels with cholesterol deposits.

No. 4. Whole grains (oatmeal, etc.)

Cereals are equally effective in helping to lower cholesterol in the blood and preventing its formation at home. In order to quickly and effectively cleanse the blood, intestines, and liver, we recommend consuming oatmeal every day. Cholesterol is absorbed into the walls small intestine, and cereals eliminate its excess.

No. 5. Fish fat

It is often called a statin for its ability to control lipid balance, leaving only “good” cholesterol. Only fat sea ​​fish famous for this effect. You can buy a food supplement that comes in capsules (easy to take) or in liquid form (optional).

No. 6. Certain types of berries

Raspberries, blueberries, chokeberries, currants, etc. They all contain polyphenols that regulate lipid levels. If you eat berries systematically, but in moderation (2 cups per day), cholesterol will decrease by 5% within a month. Pomegranate also has the same properties. It and the berries contain pectin, which enhances the effect of polyphenols.

No. 7. Natural juices

Fresh juices prepared with a juicer from carrots, celery, apples, and beets are aimed at cleansing the blood channels of cholesterol. They must be included in basic nutrition, since it will be much easier to reduce blood cholesterol with their help. At home, freshly squeezed juices must be diluted with water 50:50, 60:40 or 70:30. It will not be possible to quickly and effectively eliminate the problem, but you should drink fresh juices as auxiliary drinks.

No. 8. Green tea

High-quality leafy green tea is famous for its lipid-lowering properties. In simple terms, it removes cholesterol. To further prevent blood contamination, it is enough to continue drinking tea in moderation. All Chinese preparations are created precisely on the basis of tea extract.

No. 9. Products with fiber

Fiber is aimed at stabilizing cholesterol levels. It is consumed as a supplement, which is sold in pharmacies (simple and convenient). But you can include foods rich in fiber (for example, greens, cabbage, etc.) in the basic menu.

No. 10. Olive oil

It is impossible not to touch upon the most valuable product, which in its properties is similar to fish oil. Olive oil contains valuable acids Omega-3, 6, 9. They are required to remove “bad” cholesterol. But you can’t overuse oil.

The most effective statins for blood cholesterol: TOP-3

Statins mean potent medications that can both reduce cholesterol in the blood and prevent its formation in the cavity of the canals in the future. It is extremely important to consult a doctor before taking medications at home. To quickly and effectively reduce levels of harmful lipids, you will have to donate blood for cholesterol and follow your doctor’s recommendations. Statins are taken along with the products described above. Diet is necessary.

So, let's look at statins for cholesterol, the most effective and safe:

No. 1. "Basily"

The drug is prescribed to people who have hypercholesterolemia combined with diabetes or atherosclerosis. The drug is also prescribed for prophylactic purposes to prevent stroke and heart attack. The tablets are relatively cheap, but effective.

No. 2. "Atorvastatin"

The tablets break down and remove harmful lipids, preventing their formation in the future. They improve the activity of the heart muscle and prevent blood vessels from becoming clogged. The drug is taken after the correct dosage is calculated by the doctor.

No. 3. "Roxera"

A drug with minimal side effects. It is often prescribed to older people, but it all depends on the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Judging by the reviews, the effectiveness exceeds all expectations.

The best fibrates for blood cholesterol: TOP-3

Fibrates activate the production of lipoprotein lipase, which breaks down cholesterol accumulations. Third-generation fibrates, such as Ciprofibrate and Fenofibrate and their analogues, are extremely popular. Let's look at everything in order.

No. 1. "Gemfibrozil"

Non-toxic and low level side effects make this drug first on our list. Gemfibrozil is prescribed to patients who have high triglyceride levels. Due to its ability to remove free fatty acids, the drug reduces the production of triglycerides and also accelerates the excretion of cholesterol in the bile. The product will be effective for categories of people who were unable to lower their levels with diet and other medications.


  • lactation, gestation;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cholecystitis;
  • renal failure.

No. 2. "Bezafibrate»

When deciding how to lower blood cholesterol, take a closer look at the anti-sclerotic drug. Systematic use at home allows you to activate lipoprotein lipase. As a result, the level of bad cholesterol is quickly and effectively reduced. The synthesis of triglycerides in the liver slows down significantly.


  • pregnancy;
  • renal failure;
  • liver pathologies;
  • onset of puberty;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • anemia;
  • impotence;
  • lactation;
  • destruction of muscle tissue.

No. 3. "Fenofibrate"

The drug belongs to to the last generation. Regular use after consultation with a specialist will reduce the level of bad cholesterol and inhibit its synthesis. The drug does not tolerate chaotic use, when the right approach you will improve your performance quickly.


  • severe kidney and liver diseases;
  • breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Natural dietary supplements for cholesterol: TOP-5

Since it is not easy to quickly lower cholesterol, specialists may additionally prescribe nutritional supplements. At home, sometimes they can be taken even with serious medications. Carry out the course only after consulting a doctor.

No. 1. "Omega Forte"

The drug is based on fish oil. Dietary supplements should be taken when cholesterol levels are high, which helps protect the body from serious pathologies. The composition prevents the development of diseases associated with blood vessels and heart muscle. Apathy and depression disappear.

No. 2. "Pumpkin"

Before lowering blood cholesterol, study the properties of the drug. When taken regularly at home, it helps fight hepatitis, cholecystitis and atherosclerosis. Thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, the drug quickly and effectively eliminates the problem.

No. 3. "Alpha Lipolic Acid"

This is an endogenous antioxidant drug. It is often prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes against atherosclerosis (coronary). Due to its unique composition, taking dietary supplements has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, which is valued by diabetics.

No. 4. "SitoPren"

A dietary supplement of domestic production, taken as a food additive. With regular and long-term use, most of the problems caused by increased triglycerides are eliminated.

No. 5. "Omakor"

Omacor is considered one of the safest drugs. It is prescribed to combat high lipid levels. The product must not be combined with fibrates. Omacor is also contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age.

Folk remedies for lowering cholesterol

To understand how to lower cholesterol, we suggest considering not only commercial drugs. Bringing elevated levels back to normal is often achieved using folk remedies at home.

No. 1. Dandelion

Dry dandelion roots or purchase them at the pharmacy. Turn to dust. It should be taken three times a day, 7 grams. before the meal. The first course is carried out continuously for 5-6 months. After this, take the powder occasionally as a preventative measure.

No. 2. Honey mixture

Since you can reduce blood cholesterol with folk recipes, it’s worth considering another one at home. Pass 1 kg through a meat grinder. fresh lemons with zest. Do the same with 2 heads of garlic. Mix all ingredients with 250 ml. liquid honey. To reduce indicators quickly and effectively, you need to eat 20 grams every time before meals. ready-made product.

No. 3. Sunflower

You need to prepare a decoction from sunflower. Take its roots, seeds and leaves. Dry the raw materials. Mix with 3 l. a glass (250 ml) of boiling water of dry, pre-prepared ingredients. Boil the mixture for 5-7 minutes. After cooling, filter. Use 800-900 ml. daily.

No. 4. Garlic tincture

Turn 200 g into porridge. garlic in any available way. Pour in 100 ml. alcohol Let the product stand in a dark room for 10-12 days. Strain and store in an airtight glass container. The tincture should be taken 2-3 drops three times a day.

You must understand that before taking any drug, even nutritional supplements, you must agree with your doctor. The specialist will not only prescribe the necessary medications, but will also contribute to the speedy achievement of good results at the next blood test.

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that is part of the membranes of all cellular compounds in the body. A deficiency of cholesterol is undesirable for humans, but its excess is considered very dangerous to health. Let us consider in more detail what to do with high cholesterol and what to do in this case.

When should you start lowering cholesterol?

It is necessary to reduce cholesterol in the blood when it is above normal and causes atherosclerosis - clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques, which can cause disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system in the body. High blood cholesterol in women and men can be identified by undergoing clinical tests. They will show the degree of cholesterol increase and deviation from the norm. Tables of cholesterol standards are presented below.

It's important to realize that high rate cholesterol leads to the deposition of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which contributes to the narrowing of their lumen and disruption of blood circulation throughout our body. As a result, a person may experience the following diseases:

  • Vascular thrombosis, which can lead to myocardial infarction or stroke.
  • Aortic aneurysm.
  • Atherosclerosis of the aorta.
  • Arterial hypertension (frequent pressure surges).
  • Coronary artery disease, angina pectoris and, as a result, frequent chest pain that radiates to the shoulder blade, a feeling of “fading” of the heart (occurs with damage to the coronary arteries).
  • Chronic renal failure.
  • When a blockage occurs, a person develops acute cerebral circulatory failure - ischemic stroke.
  • When atherosclerosis affects blood vessels lower limbs a person may experience leg pain and gait disturbance. In more severe cases, vascular thrombosis develops, which can lead in extreme cases to the need for amputation.
  • Decreased erection and impotence in men occur as a direct consequence of impaired blood circulation in the pelvic area.

If at least one of the conditions described above appears, a person is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible and get tested. The sooner treatment is started, the faster it will be possible to remove excess cholesterol from the body and prevent the development of serious consequences.

Causes of high cholesterol

Before you find out how to lower blood cholesterol levels, you should understand what exactly provokes it. High blood cholesterol can occur for several reasons.

  1. The first is obesity, which developed as a result of poor nutrition and consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates and fats.
  2. The second is a lack of sports activity or a sedentary lifestyle.
  3. The next factor is bad habits, namely smoking and frequent drinking.
  4. A predisposing factor to high cholesterol is severe emotional stress and stress. Diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, and arterial hypertension can also lead to this condition.

Basic reduction methods

To reduce blood cholesterol levels, you should use certain methods, among which the following are mandatory:

  • Eliminate stress.
  • Normalization of nutrition.
  • Eliminating bad habits.
  • Treatment of diseases that increase cholesterol (high blood pressure).
  • Normalization of weight and sufficient physical activity.

Let's take a closer look at each of these methods for lowering cholesterol.

Stress management

Scientists have proven that high cholesterol and stress are inextricably linked, so first of all, a person should normalize their psycho-emotional state. The fact is that many people, being in a state of depression, do not control their diet and literally “eat up problems” junk food. This, in turn, contributes to the rapid gain of extra pounds and an increase in cholesterol levels significantly.

To prevent this from happening, you can contact an experienced psychologist and undergo a course of psychotherapy. Listening to classical music, making new acquaintances and hobbies, playing sports, and using mild sedatives will also help normalize the emotional background.

Reducing sugar intake

To reduce cholesterol big influence provides a complete refusal to consume sugar and all confectionery products. It is worth knowing that most of today's sweets, pastries and cakes contain margarine, the fats of which, in turn, have an extremely negative effect on the condition of blood vessels. For this reason, it is better to forget about sweets until cholesterol levels are completely normalized.

Instead of sugar, honey can be consumed in small quantities. It is a natural antioxidant that will strengthen the immune system and help normalize the digestive system.

Dried fruits are no less useful: dates, raisins, dried apricots. They can be added to yoghurts, eaten whole or made into decoctions. These are storehouses of vitamins that can be added to the diet of almost all people. The exception is patients with allergies to dried fruits and problems in the endocrine system.

Increasing physical activity and normalizing weight

The higher a person's body weight, the more cholesterol their body will produce. Moreover, scientists have proven that heavy weight is the most important determinant. Thus, the only way to reduce it is to normalize your weight. Sports activities have a beneficial effect on the body. They are able to reduce the accumulation of cholesterol structures in human blood vessels.

To do this, it is recommended to exercise regularly physical activity. This could be running, fitness, yoga, cycling or swimming. Other sports are also welcome. The main thing is that these workouts are constant and force a person to get out of their comfort zone and start moving.

If a person has already suffered a heart attack or stroke due to a blocked vessel, overly active sports are contraindicated for him. In this condition, it is best for the patient to engage in physical therapy.

Proper nutrition and giving up bad habits

Many people wonder how to lower cholesterol through dietary modification and what that means. In fact, to truly achieve cholesterol reduction, the principle of nutrition must be seriously reconsidered.

First of all, you need to reduce your intake of fats, since they are the ones that can most quickly increase cholesterol. It is especially important to reduce the intake of polyunsaturated fats and concentrated animal fats. Thus, you should completely avoid lard, fatty cheeses, sausages, fatty fish and fatty meats (pork, lamb). Also, you should not cook dishes using sunflower oil.

Give preference to foods rich in monosaturated fats. These include olive oil, peanut oil and avocado. They should be regularly present on the menu. It is important to minimize, especially when fried. Thus, you can eat no more than two eggs per week.

It is extremely useful to include peas and beans in your menu. They are very nutritious and healthy because they contain water-soluble fiber (pectin). This substance is capable even before the plaques clog the blood vessels. Thanks to the large selection of legume products, dishes made from them can be very varied, so you won’t get tired of them after just a few meals. In addition, you should adhere to the following recommendations for improving nutrition:

  1. You should eat more fruits. Apples, pears, citrus fruits and juices from them are especially useful.
  2. Enrich your menu with oat bran dishes. They are extremely useful and act like a “brush” in the stomach and blood vessels. At the same time, it is important not only to eat porridge, but also bran cookies and bread. This product should be on the menu every day.
  3. Eat carrots and drink juices from them. It has been proven that just two small raw carrots, when consumed regularly, lower cholesterol by 10%.
  4. Keep it to a minimum. It’s better to give it up altogether, since this drink has direct influence for vascular and heart diseases. Those people who drink coffee every day are three times more likely to develop a heart attack at the age of 50-60 years.
  5. Garlic, onions, and tinctures made from them perfectly cleanse blood vessels. These vegetables should be added to dishes regularly. They will not only saturate the body with vitamins, but also strengthen the immune system.
  6. For overweight people, a soy diet is recommended. These products will help normalize weight. At the same time, they are quite tasty and can satisfy a person no worse than meat.
  7. Avoid eating fatty dairy products. Fat sour cream, cream, cottage cheese - this is a taboo when high cholesterol. Instead, only skim milk is allowed.
  8. Eat red meat - lean beef. It is extremely beneficial for blood vessels and the heart. The main thing is that beef dishes are served boiled or baked, otherwise they will not have any effect. In addition to meat dishes, vegetables must be served.
  9. Enrich your diet with greens. Dill, spinach, lettuce, parsley and green onions should be on the menu regularly.
  10. “Healthy”, namely in mackerel and tuna. It is enough to consume 200 g of boiled marine fish per week. This will help maintain normal blood viscosity and avoid the formation of blood clots.

Additional nutritional guidelines for normalizing cholesterol

  1. It is useful to consume olive, sesame and soybean oil. Less commonly, you can add flaxseed and corn oil to your food. You can also eat olives whole. The main thing is that they do not contain harmful dyes and additives.
  2. Fried foods and fast food should be completely excluded from your diet.
  3. For stable cholesterol removal, a person needs to eat at least 50 g of fiber per day. Most of it is found in cereals, herbs and vegetables. It is also extremely useful to take two tablespoons of dry bran on an empty stomach with water.
  4. It is better not to use primary meat and fish broths. If you cannot exclude such dishes from your diet, then after they have cooled, you must definitely remove the top fat layer, as it clogs the blood vessels and has a bad effect on their function.
  5. Carcinogenic fats, which are contained in canned fish and sprats, are considered very harmful. It is better to avoid such products forever. The same goes for snacking at places fast food dishes with mayonnaise and fats.
  6. An integral part of reducing cholesterol is the practice of juice therapy. Especially healthy pineapple, citrus and Apple juice. You can also make vegetable juices. They also have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Nutritionists advise starting to drink juices a couple of spoons at a time, because an unprepared stomach can react differently to new liquids. You should also definitely drink homemade juices, as store-bought ones contain too much sugar.
  7. Smoked products – fish and meat – should be completely excluded from the diet. They have an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the digestive tract and are strictly prohibited for any diseases of the intestines, liver (hepatitis) and stomach (ulcers).

There are foods that, when consumed regularly, can reduce total cholesterol levels even without additional drug treatment:

  1. Almond. In its peel it contains special substances that have the ability to reduce “bad” cholesterol. In addition, almonds contain vitamin E, fiber and antioxidants, which protect a person from possible development vascular atherosclerosis and further consequences of this disease. You can eat almonds whole or crushed. They can be added to homemade cookies, salads and used as a seasoning for meat dishes. It is enough to eat a small handful of almonds a day. Contraindications to it are individual intolerance (nut allergy).
  2. Citrus fruits. They are rich in pectin, which, when it enters the stomach, forms a viscous mass that removes cholesterol. At the same time, tangerines, grapefruit and oranges are considered very useful. You can make salads from them, eat them whole, or drink homemade juices. A day, it is enough to eat a few slices of tangerine and drink half a glass of grapefruit juice. Contraindications to citrus fruits are allergic reactions, as well as periods of acute stomach diseases.
  3. Avocado contains unique mono-saturated fats, thanks to which patients with average cholesterol levels can significantly reduce their cholesterol. Avocados can be made into mousses, salads, and eaten whole.
  4. Blueberries, in addition full set the most valuable vitamin, contains antioxidants that help reduce cholesterol. Moreover, as an added benefit, blueberries can improve vision and strengthen the immune system.
  5. contains tannin huge quantities, therefore, with its help you can maintain the condition of blood vessels at a normal level. Moreover, it has been proven that those people who regularly drink green tea are much less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Also, with the help of this drink you can normalize your weight.
  6. Lentils, when consumed regularly, improve the condition of blood vessels. You can make all sorts of interesting dishes from it. It has practically no strict contraindications to its use.
  7. Asparagus is perfectly absorbed in the digestive system and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. It can be consumed boiled or baked.
  8. Barley can be an excellent substitute for rice. It makes excellent porridges, casseroles and puddings.
  9. Eggplants are rich in potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It reduces the likelihood of atherosclerotic plaque accumulation. At their core, eggplants are very versatile, so you can prepare a wide variety of dishes from them - puree soups, stews, casseroles. Eggplants also have a good effect on the digestive system.
  10. , sesame and sunflower have an increasing effect on “good” cholesterol, so these products are useful to consume in small quantities.

Rejection of bad habits

To reduce cholesterol, it is extremely important to completely give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol.

It is worth noting that those people who quit smoking and drinking alcohol had much less cholesterol in their blood after just a month. Moreover, they began to feel healthier and more rested, their sleep and appetite normalized.

For those who have had bad habits for decades, quitting smoking can be problematic, but with the help of modern drugs it is possible not only to dull the habit, but also to create an aversion to cigarettes or alcohol.

Medicines and folk remedies

Medicinal tablets will help to quickly lower cholesterol in the blood. The following drugs are commonly used to lower cholesterol:

  1. Statins. These tablets are considered the most popular drugs that have a reducing effect on cholesterol. They act fairly quickly, but can cause side effects. The drugs most often prescribed for this purpose are Atorvastatin, Crestor, Liprimar, Mevacor and Lescol. The dosage and duration of taking such medications is selected individually for each patient, depending on the degree of neglect of the condition, test results and general symptoms of the patient.
  2. Fibric acids can have a lowering effect on cholesterol. The best of these drugs are Gemfibrozil and Clofibrate. After treatment with them, the patient may develop digestive disorders and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Cholesterol drugs that bind to bile acid. As a result, they reduce the active production of cholesterol by the liver. Typically, such medications are prescribed to patients along with medications, thus providing a complex therapeutic effect. The best drugs in this group are considered to be Questran and Colestid. After taking them, a person may experience a feeling of heaviness and diarrhea.
  4. Nicotinic acid, as well as fibric acid derivatives.

Folk remedies

Today there are many folk recipes that will help reduce blood cholesterol. Most of them are based on herbs, so before using them, a person should always consult a doctor about contraindications and allergies. In this case, it would be unwise to self-medicate.


  1. Dill remedy. To prepare it, you need to mix half a glass of dill seeds, the same amount of honey and a spoonful of grated valerian root. Pour boiling water over the mixture and leave for ten hours. Take a spoon three times a day.
  2. Oil remedy. Take five cloves of garlic and chop it. Add a few tablespoons of olive oil. Infuse the mixture for several days, then add it as a seasoning to dishes.
  3. Mix a glass of alcohol and two hundred grams of chopped garlic. Leave for a week. Take a few drops before meals. This remedy has a pronounced lowering effect on cholesterol.
  4. Linden has an excellent effect on lowering cholesterol. To do this, you need to take 1 teaspoon of powder from dried linden flowers daily. You need to drink it with plain water.
  5. It is useful to follow the apple diet - eat 2-3 apples daily. They are extremely beneficial for blood vessels. After just two months of this change in diet, the blood vessels will be in much better condition.
  6. Celery remedy. To prepare it, peeled celery roots need to be immersed in boiling water for a few minutes. Next, take them out and add salt. Add a little olive oil. This dish can be eaten for both breakfast and dinner. It will have a great effect on blood vessels and will not add any weight. The only contraindication is low arterial pressure.
  7. Licorice remedy. To prepare it, you need to mix a spoonful of crushed licorice root and pour 500 ml of boiling water over it. Boil and take a spoonful of the decoction three times a day for two weeks.
  8. Mistletoe tincture. Take 100 g of mistletoe herb and pour 1 liter of vodka into it. Leave for a week, strain. Take a teaspoon twice a day before meals.

Additional Methods

You can also remove unwanted fatty deposits in blood vessels using the means described below. All of them are aimed at harmlessly improving the human condition.

  • Propolis works great. To do this, you need to consume a few drops of propolis tincture three times a day for three months.
  • Bean remedy. To prepare it, you need to pour a glass of beans with water in the evening and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the water and add new water. Cook until done and eat in two meals. The duration of such therapy should be at least three weeks.
  • Alfalfa is a proven remedy for vasoconstriction. She's rich useful vitamins and minerals. For proper treatment, you need to grow alfalfa at home yourself or buy fresh. The juice should be squeezed out of this herb and taken a spoonful three times a day.
  • Flaxseed can also have a beneficial effect on. It will also improve heart function and normalize blood pressure. To do this, you need to purchase it at the pharmacy and add it to your food. The duration of treatment is at least three months.
  • Helps reduce cholesterol in severe atherosclerosis dandelion root. To do this, the dry root of such a plant should be consumed daily in a spoon before meals. Improvement in the condition of blood vessels will occur after six months. There are no contraindications to this recipe.
  • Red rowan berries you can eat 5 pieces daily for a month. Additionally, you are also allowed to drink juices - tomato, apple and carrot.

Almost every person today faces the problem of high blood cholesterol. In most cases, the problem affects older and older people, but with prolonged consumption of harmful products, the disease can manifest itself at a fairly young age. Knowing how to lower cholesterol without drugs means having valuable information that will help a person survive this fight for his health.

A few words about cholesterol

Cholesterol, or as it is sometimes called cholesterol, is a fatty alcohol. Numerous exhortations from doctors about the dangers of fat almost automatically make cholesterol a substance harmful to the body. Actually this is not true. Cholesterol in the blood can exist in the form of two fractions, one of which can be conditionally called beneficial, and the other harmful.

The first type of cholesterol consists of high-density lipoproteins. With an increase in the required concentration in the body, it can be destroyed independently, and therefore does not cause any harm to the body. Moreover, it promotes the destruction and subsequent removal from the bloodstream and the reduction of the second type - “bad” cholesterol, which consists of low-density lipoproteins.

When there is an excess of bad cholesterol in the body, it is deposited in a wide variety of vessels, mainly in medium- and large-caliber arteries in the form of plaques. Reducing the level of “bad” lipoproteins without medications is difficult, but possible.

Factors influencing increased cholesterol levels:

  1. high fat foods;
  2. stress;
  3. physical inactivity;
  4. genetic factor;
  5. overweight;
  6. chronic diseases.

It should be noted that a person receives only 20% of cholesterol from food, and most the body produces it itself. That is why lovers of high-calorie fatty foods risk ending up on the list of patients with a variety of diseases. Most of the pills that specialists prescribe have a destructive effect on organs such as the liver or kidneys.

If for a young person the deterioration of liver or kidney function is not so noticeable, then for older people even a slight decrease in the normal functioning of these organs can lead to disastrous consequences.

How to lower cholesterol without drugs, and is it even possible? Experts can give a lot of advice that correct use will show excellent results in the fight to reduce blood cholesterol, and all this without drugs or pills.

Basic Methods for Lowering Cholesterol Without Drugs

Proper nutrition

First, you need to almost completely change your diet. Fiber is one of the best fighters against high cholesterol in the blood. It is found in all vegetables, cereals, and fruits. True, its content in different products differs, and therefore it is necessary to choose those in which its quantity is greater.

Regular physical activity

Secondly, it is recommended to play sports, even if the patient is not overweight. Physical activity helps to activate the internal forces of the body, and also trains blood vessels and helps reduce cholesterol levels. During training, the diameter of the vessels either decreases or increases, and they themselves become elastic. Plaque particles gradually begin to dissolve, and the blood begins to purify.

Moreover, physical exercise lead to the extraction of excess subcutaneous fat and thereby improve the condition of the body as a whole. Subsequently, the body will learn to cleanse itself of excess cholesterol, and activity can be slightly reduced. It is impossible to achieve such an effect with pills and medications alone, and therefore much is in the hands of the patients themselves.

Physical activity should not be done from time to time. Regularity is the key to success in the fight against high cholesterol in the blood. You should also remember that you should start small, and here's why. In most cases, a person who needs to lower their cholesterol levels has heart disease, and this is a contraindication to many types of physical activity. A little activity under the supervision of a doctor will not only not harm, but will strengthen the heart muscle, and all this without unnecessary medications.

Finally, the load for this disease is desirable to be dynamic, not static. In other words, walking or running is much more beneficial for a person with high cholesterol than bench press.

Regular physical activity will help you not only get in shape, but also restore your psychological state.

Solving psychological problems

Thirdly, it is important to evaluate your life from the point of view of peace. Until a person understands what constantly worries him, the question of how to do without medication will remain relevant for him. The solution to the issue here can be a frank conversation with loved ones. It is very important to express everything that you have wanted to say for a long time, even if this leads to a negative reaction from loved ones. The person himself will no longer feel the tension that has tormented him for a long time.

In some cases, a person experiences stress at work, and here it is also necessary to address issues of improving the space in which he has to work. Perhaps the situation will be improved by stickers with emoticons and photographs of loved ones placed near the workplace. As a last resort, you need to decide to change your job altogether, because no amount of money will bring pleasure at the same time as it undermines your health, and high cholesterol in the blood can be the beginning of a whole bunch of diseases.

Treatment of concomitant diseases

Fourthly, it is recommended to check your body, or rather the functioning of all internal organs. Pathologies of the pancreas can lead to increased cholesterol, and this is in the absence of all other provoking factors. The same can be said about kidney diseases such as nephroptosis or renal failure. In this case, it is impossible to fully talk about how to reduce cholesterol without medications. The main task should be to cure the main ailment, and only then can you try to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, and this in some cases involves taking certain medications or pills.

What bad habits should you give up?


Only the lazy have not heard about the dangers of smoking and alcohol. If you want to reduce blood cholesterol levels, giving up these bad habits plays a special role. It has been proven that smoking disrupts the balance of lipoproteins, namely, it increases the amount bad cholesterol in human blood, which will be quite difficult to reduce. Everything matters here, from the duration of this bad habit to the number of cigarettes smoked per day.

Another problem for smokers is that these people do not always look fat and sick, and therefore they do not believe doctors who tell them about the need to reduce high blood cholesterol. However, the condition of the blood vessels of such people worsens every day. The vessels become thin. This is facilitated not only by an increase in the number of cholesterol plaques, but also by the actual effect of nicotine and other substances inhaled by the smoker.

Smoking destroys some of the vitamins that a person receives from food; these substances are necessary for the normal maintenance of the body. For example, vitamin P, which protects blood vessels from fragility, is destroyed by smoking. Of course, it is difficult to quit smoking overnight, but you need to try all methods, including patches, medications and special pills.


Alcohol is another bad habit that significantly increases cholesterol levels in the blood. Alcohol can destroy a person's life in every sense. Firstly, alcohol leads to depression, and stress is one of the factors that provokes high cholesterol. Secondly, alcohol is always accompanied by a lot of snacks, which for the most part are not healthy food, and most definitely contain a lot of cholesterol.

Alcohol-containing drinks increase the feeling of hunger and thereby provoke a person to overeat, and now the level of cholesterol in the blood begins to rise again. Needless to say, in this case a person will most likely become a patient of a cardiologist, psychotherapist and other specialists and is unlikely to feel normal without medications and pills that will allow him to reduce the level of high-density lipoproteins.

Smoking and alcohol have an extremely negative effect on the condition of our blood vessels and the body as a whole, leading to the development of various diseases.

Finally, a high dose of alcohol in the blood disrupts the natural processes occurring in the body, and talking about health here is a stretch. Some people have heard about the benefits of alcohol, which can lower cholesterol levels and cleanse the blood of excess cholesterol. Doctors actually recorded this effect a long time ago, but it is important to know that a small amount of ethanol is produced in a healthy person in the body without additional infusions. An amount of 10-15 ml of natural ethanol is quite enough to become a preventive dose and reduce some amount of cholesterol.

Traditional medicine recipes

These funds have been tested not for years, but for centuries, which means their value is very high. In ancient times, when there were no drugs, these recipes helped people reduce the level of fats in the blood and cleanse blood vessels without taking pills. It is important to consult a doctor before using folk remedies to see if they can be taken. Home remedies for high cholesterol include:

  1. Recipe. Garlic infusion. This vegetable is great for reducing fatty acid levels in the blood. Medicines in the form of tablets are even prepared from garlic powder. The easiest way is to prepare an infusion. A few cloves of crushed garlic are poured into a glass of boiling water. The mixture needs to be infused for about half an hour. This infusion should be taken three times a day, between meals, 20-30 drops. The infusion very well cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol plaques and helps reduce its overall level.
  2. Recipe: Garlic oil. To prepare it, you need to grate 50 g of garlic, which is poured with 200 ml of vegetable oil. The juice of one lemon is added to the composition. The product is placed in the refrigerator and left for at least a week. The composition is taken one dessert spoon before meals for two months. The effect of this oil is similar to an infusion, but its storage is more convenient, which means that a person with increased level cholesterol in the blood will soon feel much better.
  3. Recipe. Linden flower powder. It is necessary to collect and dry linden flowers, and after they are completely dry, crush the flowers to crumbs. This powder in the amount of 20 g should be taken 3 times a day before meals. For convenience, drink the powder with a small amount of water. This powder allows you to reduce and maintain an optimal balance of cholesterol in the blood, and also promotes a rapid onset of satiety.
  4. Recipe. Kvass from jaundice. 50 g of dry jaundice herb are poured into 3 liters of boiling water. For convenience, the grass can be placed in a linen bag, so that later you do not have to strain the kvass from the remains of the dry grass. Add 10 g of low-fat sour cream and 200 g of sour cream to the mixture. The composition is placed in a dark place for two weeks. The mixture must be stirred daily. After 14 days, kvass can be further strained and taken half a glass half an hour before meals. It is also necessary to constantly add kvass with a glass of water with a dissolved spoon of sugar in order to replenish the composition of this medicine. The course of such treatment is 30 days, after which a rapid decrease in cholesterol levels will be observed.
  5. Recipe. Licorice decoction. Dried licorice roots must be crushed. For half a liter of boiling water, take 40 g of crushed dried licorice roots, which must be simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. It is recommended to drink 60-70 ml of this decoction after meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for a month and repeat the treatment again. Licorice contains a lot of microelements that can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which puts it on the same level as medicine.
  6. Recipe. . It is necessary to collect clover flowers. Take 40 g of flowers for one glass of water. The mixture is heated in a water bath for 15 minutes and then filtered. Half an hour before meals you need to drink 40 ml of infusion, and so on for 21 days. The infusion should be drunk warm, that is, warmed up before eating. The amount of infusion in the recipe should be enough for one day. The sweet taste of clover is very pleasant to the palate, which means that the fight against rapid decline high cholesterol will go away much easier.
  7. Recipe. Herb tea. You need to take 2 parts of St. John's wort, horsetail And mother and stepmother, 6 parts motherwort, 1 part strawberry leaves and 4 parts dill seeds. All ingredients must be dried. For convenience, it is better to grind the composition. For one glass of boiling water, take 20-25 g of the mixture, which should be infused in hot water for 45 minutes. After this, the composition can be filtered and taken before meals, 70-80 g. The course of treatment is 2 months, followed by a 2-month break. If the cholesterol level is still high, the course can be repeated again, which can significantly reduce the level of lipoproteins in the blood.
  8. Recipe. A decoction of pine needles and rose hips. 5 tablespoons of rose hips and 10 tablespoons of pine needles are poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water, and then left to simmer for another 5 minutes. After this, the composition should infuse overnight. The decoction should be drunk throughout the day, between meals. The course of treatment is 4 months. This recipe helps reduce its overall blood level and also contains a large amount of antioxidants.

Cholesterol-lowering foods

  1. Vegetable oil. It is extremely rich in high-density lipoproteins, which help quickly reduce total cholesterol levels in the blood. Vegetable oil can be understood as regular sunflower oil, olive oil, corn oil, as well as other rare types of oils - peanut, rapeseed. Special effect Flaxseed oil, which can significantly reduce cholesterol in the blood, works better than any pill. You need to take a dessert spoon of oil half an hour before meals.
  2. Bran and grains. The large amount of fiber in bran makes it one of the best medicines in the fight to lower cholesterol. From cereals, it is preferable to choose oatmeal, barley, buckwheat, but semolina is almost completely devoid of beneficial properties.
  3. Apples. They contain pectin, which is a type of fiber, and it is a real leader in the fight against reducing blood fats. By the way, when apples are baked, the pectin content even increases. A large amount of vitamins also helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which has a positive effect on a person’s well-being. Unfortunately, for many people, apples provoke a feeling of hunger, and therefore it is necessary to get rid of harmful foods with a high cholesterol content in an accessible vicinity, which can quickly suppress the feeling of hunger.
  4. Citrus. In the fight against high cholesterol, everything should go into action: both the sweet and sour core and the white layer under the peel. By the way, in this white layer the amount of pectin is commensurate with apples, but most people simply get rid of it like garbage. It is important to clean citrus fruits well with a brush and soap, and then the fruit can be eaten whole to help lower your blood cholesterol.
  5. Legumes. Lentils, soybeans, peas, beans, and beans contain a large amount of fiber, which is very helpful in lowering cholesterol. It is fiber that causes the effect of mild indigestion, and therefore legumes must be taken in combination with other foods.
  6. . As with vegetable oils, they contain high-density lipoproteins, which prevent the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Due to the high calorie content of nuts, it is necessary to monitor the amount of them that goes into food.
  7. Fatty fish. It is oily fish that will protect a person better than any pill from low-density cholesterol and related diseases. Even a small piece of fish a day can reduce cholesterol without medication. This is the basis of the famous Mediterranean diet Greeks and Italians, who are distinguished by rare heart diseases. By the way, the anti-sclerotic effect of eating dry foods river fish much less.
  8. Avocado. In terms of its composition, it can be compared to nuts, only its calorie content is slightly lower, which means that there are much more opportunities for people to use this fruit for food. Avocados can be added to salads, seasoned with vegetable oil, which will be an excellent natural medicine against high cholesterol.

Menu for the day

Breakfast options:

  • boiled beans with one piece of toast;
  • boiled mushrooms, toast with a little butter, a glass of natural juice;
  • oatmeal porridge with water and stewed (boiled) apples;
  • toast with a teaspoon of honey, a wheat tortilla, a glass of skim milk.

Lunch options:

  • boiled rice with a piece of white meat, low-fat yogurt and vegetable salad;
  • chicken fricassee, a small slice of melon, a handful of grapes, vegetable salad and half a glass of ice cream;
  • tuna (or any other fish) in its own juice, vegetable salad, a piece of bread with cereals, plums;
  • vegetable salad seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil, two slices of bread, tangerine;
  • vegetable salad, boiled potatoes and beans, a small pear;
  • lean soup, a slice of bread, a piece of homemade cheese, vegetable salad;
  • durum wheat spaghetti with sauce, a piece of bread with cereals, a boiled egg.

Dinner options:

  • fish dish with boiled potatoes, salad of herbs and tomatoes;
  • oatmeal, boiled beans, baked (boiled) apples;
  • vegetable salad, boiled brown rice, apple;
  • baked fish, boiled potatoes, vegetables.

The number of products may vary for each person. For example, a man weighing 95 kg will need more than a woman weighing 55 kg. The meal options are so different that they will allow a person not to feel strictly following a diet, which means that the issue of quickly lowering cholesterol without drugs or pills will be resolved.

Food additives

A quick cholesterol-lowering pill almost always contains some kind of substance created in a laboratory. Supplements are the same food that is presented to people in a more accessible form. Of course, the cost of such additives will be much higher than the price of the products that were used to make them.

The most popular supplement is the famous fish oil. Today it is sold in capsules so that after taking it there is no unpleasant fishy taste left in the mouth. This supplement will be useful for those people who do not like fish, and therefore this product simply does not appear in their diet.

The second food additive that can lower cholesterol is algae. They are most often sold under the name spirulina. They contain a lot of useful substances that allow you to activate different systems body. The iodine they contain improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, which is especially important for those people whose problem of high cholesterol is associated with a decrease in the intake of this microelement.

Soluble fiber. The name of this type of additive may vary. As a rule, they are chosen by people who do not have enough time to prepare high-fiber foods. Well, this method has a right to exist and has already contributed to the rapid reduction of cholesterol levels in many people.

Dietary supplements are not drugs, but their use must also be agreed with your doctor.

Although supplements are not drugs that directly help lower cholesterol quickly, you must follow the instructions for their use. The question of moderation and constant monitoring of oneself and the food taken in general should now be in the first place for a person with high cholesterol. If these rules are violated, the situation may not be the most pleasant. For example, increased consumption of algae can lead to hyperthyroidism, which is not only characterized by an oversaturation of the body with iodine, but also has unpleasant consequences, such as increased sweating or tremors.

Useful rules to help maintain optimal cholesterol balance

  1. Any meal should always begin with vegetables, ideally with a salad. As a rule, in order to chew all the salad ingredients, a person spends about 10-15 minutes. This is quite enough for the digested food to reach the stomach and almost completely fill it, which means saturation will be quick. To prevent salads from being boring and boring, you need to know at least a dozen recipes, as well as the products that will be needed to prepare them. Compliance with this rule will help you avoid taking medications, promote rapid reduction and maintain an optimal balance of cholesterol in the blood.
  2. For dessert - only fruit. Even the most avid lover of cakes and pastries can, over time, completely lose the habit of an overly sweet taste. The sweet taste of fruits is much more interesting and refined, and they contain almost no fat. At first, when lowering cholesterol, it is advisable not to choose starchy fruits. If formerly man did not distinguish the quality of fruits by their taste, then very soon he will learn to do this.
  3. You should always have chopped pieces of vegetables or fruits with you. To make them fit in your purse, you can purchase a cute container. These pieces of vegetables can satisfy your hunger between main meals.
  4. To get rid of stress, it is recommended to lower the bar of your demands on life. If most people do not behave as they would like, this does not mean that they are bad. Learn to find in every case good moments- is worth a lot. Many people fail to learn this for years. Such self-improvement will be useful to a person not only in terms of his physical health, but often completely changes life for the better.
  5. Planning your day. Often stress is a consequence of the fact that a person is simply not prepared for it. Planning your day greatly helps reduce the number of stressful situations at work and at home, which means there will be no more reasons for high cholesterol.
  6. Regular visits to the doctor. This should be done not when something hurts and you already need to take medications and pills, but earlier in order to prevent numerous complications. Such actions are reasonable for several reasons. Firstly, treatment in the early stages is less financially burdensome, because medications and all procedures are not cheap. Secondly, there will be much less worry. Finally, this reduces the possibility of complications. So, if you find out about your increased content cholesterol and promptly contribute to its rapid reduction, we can more likely talk about a complete cure.

Cholesterol is most often found out by testing the blood that contains this substance. If its level in the blood is higher than normal, then it is necessary to take urgent measures and work closely on putting your body in order.

Excess cholesterol must be removed from the body, as it is the cause of serious diseases. For this purpose, medications are used - statins, which are prescribed by a doctor.

But is it possible, and how to reduce blood cholesterol without drugs? What does alternative medicine recommend?

Briefly about cholesterol

Blood and tissue human body contain a fat-like compound called cholesterol. It is synthesized by the liver from fatty acids that enter the body with food.

Cholesterol comes in several types.

Let's call the first one useful. It is involved in the structure of cell membranes and nerve fibers. This is the raw material for the synthesis of vitamin D, sex hormones, and the hormone cortisol (produced by the adrenal glands).

Another type of cholesterol is harmful. It accumulates in the blood, forming clots. Or, combining with calcium, it is deposited in plaques (plaques) inside the blood vessels. These “clutters” prevent blood circulation, the body organs do not receive oxygen and nutrients in full.

Cholesterol is carried throughout the body by lipoproteins, substances that can combine with fats. They are divided into 2 types: with high density(HDL) and low (LDL). Healthy cholesterol combines with HDL and enters the liver, where it is broken down into components and then removed from the body.

Bad cholesterol binds to LDL and concentrates in the blood and tissues, causing an abnormal HDL to LDL ratio. Excess cholesterol is the cause of atherosclerosis (narrowing) of blood vessels, which leads to angina, stroke, heart attack, obesity and diabetes.

However, you can correct the situation by lowering cholesterol without medications using folk remedies. The topic of our conversation today is how to lower cholesterol without medications.

Why and what fats do humans need?

Fats are organic compounds found in the cells of plants and living things in the form of lipids. The molecular model of fat is represented by a glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acid molecules. In the gastrointestinal tract, fats are broken down into their components by the enzyme lipase.

Fats (or triglycerides) in the human body accumulate in the cells of the subcutaneous layer, around the organs. They are needed to store energy, protect and insulate the body. The energy value of fats, compared to carbohydrates, is double.

Fats are classified according to their chemical properties

  • saturated (there is no accessible chemical bond, so they do not react with other chemical compounds); necessary for cholesterol synthesis;
  • unsaturated (there are one or more free sites for chemical bonding, so chemical reactions with other substances possible); needed to transport cholesterol to the liver.

Essential compounds include several unsaturated fatty acids that enter the body only with food.

Some of them (linoleic, linolenic and isosapentenoic) reduce levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood and prevent the formation of plaques.

Therefore, people who constantly consume fish oil (the product contains these acids) rarely suffer from atherosclerosis (Japanese, Eskimos).

List of foods with saturated fats

  • beef brains;
  • egg yolk;
  • liver;
  • caviar black and red;
  • butter;
  • chicken skin, fatty meat;
  • margarine;
  • whole dairy products (non-fat);
  • ice cream;
  • hard cheeses;
  • coconut oil;
  • animal fats.

Studies have found that a diet enriched with saturated fats causes the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood, heart disease, and obesity.

Diet to lower cholesterol

It has been proven that 25% of bad cholesterol is deposited due to poor nutrition. May lower cholesterol without medication balanced diet subject to the correct ratio of LDL and HDL. Nutritionists recommend that at least 30% of calories be supplied to the body from unsaturated fats.

For this purpose, it is useful to include in the menu dishes prepared using products with unsaturated fatty acids:

  • vegetable oils (from soybean and corn, sunflower, flaxseed);
  • walnuts;
  • fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, mackerel, trout, herring);
  • sesame seeds;
  • meat of squid, crab and shrimp.

Vegetable oils contain acids:

  • linoleic: in soybean - 50-57%, sunflower - 60%, corn - up to 50%, flaxseed - from 25 to 35%), in oil walnuts (45-55%);
  • linolenic: in soybean (20-29%), flaxseed (35 to 40%), corn (up to 10%) oils, walnut oil (8-10%).

Isosapentenoic acid supplies fish oil. But the body can synthesize this substance from linolenic acid. Strict vegetarians can take advantage of this and use flaxseed oil instead of fatty fish.

You should not completely eliminate foods with saturated fats from your diet. After all, these products contain other substances necessary for health. The membranes of all our body cells include fats, and there are no fats of plant origin in the body.

Therefore, to maintain normal cholesterol levels, you should include skim milk, other low-fat dairy products, chicken (without skin), rabbit, and turkey instead of red meat in your menu.

Useful food elements

Other substances with the potential to combat bad cholesterol include

  • soluble fiber (breaks down and removes cholesterol);
  • vitamin C (participates in fat metabolism);
  • pectins (bind cholesterol and bile salts in the intestines).

These elements are found in plants.

List of plant products with beneficial substances

  • berries: gooseberries, red and black currants, cranberries, chokeberry(chokeberry), hawthorn, rose hip, feijoa;
  • vegetables: onion, garlic, black radish, artichoke, chili pepper, beets, okra, pumpkin, zucchini, Jerusalem artichoke, cabbage;
  • fruits: lemon, pomegranate, orange, avocado, nectarine, grapefruit, peach, tangerine, Japanese mishmula, passion fruit, nectarine, pomelo, papaya, plum, avocado, pineapple, pear, fig, date, kiwi, cherry, sweet cherry;
  • legumes: beans, beans, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas;
  • cereals (mostly oats);
  • herbs: celery, rhubarb, quinoa, nettle, salads, green tea;
  • nuts: walnuts;
  • seeds: sesame;
  • seaweed: seaweed.

It is advisable to eat fruits and vegetables every day at every meal.

Recommendations for creating a menu to reduce blood cholesterol levels

Target Sources (products)
Reduce fat intake Butter, sour cream, cheeses, margarine, ice cream, milk, fatty meat
Reduce saturated fatty acids Duck meat, chicken skin, pork, sausages, pates, cream, coconut nuts, palm oil
Reduce cholesterol intake Brain, kidneys, egg yolks, liver, animal fats
Increase your intake of protein foods low in saturated acids Fish, turkey, game, chicken, veal
Increase intake of soluble fiber, vitamin C, pectin All types of berries, vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals
Slightly increase the intake of unsaturated fatty acids

Vegetable oils: sunflower, corn, soybean

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast first:

  • buckwheat porridge with stewed carrots and onions, seasoned corn oil;
  • egg white omelette;
  • rosehip decoction or herbal tea with the addition of honey;
  • Borodino bread

Second breakfast:

  • oat cookies;
  • Apple juice.


  • vegetable stew (potatoes, zucchini, onions, green beans, carrots, cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes stewed with sunflower oil);
  • boiled fish;
  • vegetable salad with soy oil and tofu cheese (soy);
  • chicory coffee with skim milk and sugar;
  • wheat bread with bran.

Afternoon snack:

  • fruits (apple or pear) or carrot-apple juice;
  • whole grain breads.


  • oatmeal porridge made from whole grains with the addition grated apple, without oil;
  • low-fat cottage cheese with honey and walnuts;
  • green tea with milk;
  • biscuits.

At night: kefir 1% fat.

Traditional medicine in the prevention of atherosclerosis

A proper diet guarantees partial success in lowering cholesterol. For those who set out to reduce cholesterol without drugs using folk remedies, here are old recipes time-tested healers who have proven their effectiveness in practice.

For use, use fresh product. The best oil is cold-pressed oil. An overdose of the drug should not be allowed - the medicine is not distributed in “bags”.

Flaxseed oil: treatment with a 45-day course, 1 tbsp. l. Drink only once on an empty stomach in the morning. After taking a 2-week break, repeat taking the oil. Treatment is long-term, several courses.

The best quality oil is sold in pharmacies. Official medicine recognizes the activity of flaxseed oil in lipid metabolism. Pharmacies sell the oil preparation “Linetol” made from flaxseed oil (use according to instructions). Flaxseed oil oxidizes quickly and a carcinogenic substance appears in it.

Therefore, store the oil in a dark container and in the refrigerator. Many people do not like its taste enough to use it as a product. But sometimes you can be patient, seasoning a vinaigrette or salad with a teaspoon of this oil.

Sunflower oil- a popular food product. The medicinal oil is unrefined, containing 60% linoleic acid (forms a sediment during storage. The more sediment, the better the oil for treatment. There are no contraindications.

Corn oil: A hypocholesterol effect will be provided by taking 1 tbsp 3 times daily (monthly course) before meals half an hour before meals. l. There are no obvious contraindications.

Walnut oil: Drink 1 tsp on an empty stomach in the morning. and before going to bed at night 1 tsp. It is recommended to mix with honey (1 tsp). You can just use nuts - 50 g per day (tasty and healthy). But there are contraindications: blood increased coagulability, psoriasis, diathesis, eczema, acute intestinal disorders, pancreatitis; Allergy possible.

Soybean oil: 2 tbsp. l. for the whole day (like therapeutic nutrition- seasoning for salads).


  • not for pregnant and lactating women (soy contains plant hormones);
  • for those who are intolerant to soy protein (possible allergy).

Fruit, berry and vegetable juice therapy

The juices of all berries, fruits and vegetables listed in the list of plant foods reduce cholesterol levels. Here are the most effective ones.

Watermelon juice . During the melon season, drink a glass of juice every day on an empty stomach, after half an hour you can start eating the main meal. But it is better to eat watermelon pulp - up to 2 kg per day. Soluble fiber, pectins.

Vitamin C of this berry reduces cholesterol, removes excess water from the body (with swelling from cardiovascular diseases), changes chemical composition urine, which causes the kidney stone to dissolve.

Orange – used if you are not allergic to citrus fruits. Before meals, 20-30 minutes, freshly squeezed juice of one fruit three times a day.

Grape (freshly prepared). A month-long course of juice therapy is carried out. Start with 50 ml. per appointment, increase to 100 ml by the end of the month. Drink 3 times a day, after 0.5 hours you can eat your main meal. Cannot be used for diabetes, obesity, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, chronic inflammatory lung diseases.

Pomegranate juice – cleanses the blood of cholesterol, strengthens the body, increasing hemoglobin. The course of therapy is 2 months. Every day, half an hour before meals, take 100 ml of juice. - 3 times a day. A fruit with an astringent effect, constipation is possible.

Grapefruit (with pulp)– 250 ml. 20 minutes before meals. If you have insomnia, you can take a double dose at night. Many people do not like grapefruit because of its slight bitterness, but this is what is healing. Grapefruit has more biological content active substances than in orange (inositol, pantothenic acid). They will restore elasticity to fragile vessels.

The fruit is good for diabetics and people with nervous exhaustion, hypertension and kidney patients. Grapefruit juice is contraindicated for stomach diseases (ulcers, increased acidity).

Cherry juice – frees the body from excess cholesterol and harmful metabolic products, which is especially important for those who suffer from obesity and atherosclerosis. Cherries contain isonite, a rare vitamin-like substance that regulates metabolism.

Cherry berries contain coumarins and oxycoumarins (thin the blood) - useful for people suffering from thrombophlebitis, who have suffered a myocardial infarction, or cerebral stroke. Cherry pectin binds harmful chemicals and removes them from the body.

Gooseberry juice– in addition to cleansing the blood of harmful cholesterol, it helps raise hemoglobin, has a diuretic and laxative effect.

Redcurrant juice– a quarter glass in the morning before breakfast, if there are no contraindications due to stomach or other ailments. Rinse your mouth with water.

Chokeberry juice - In addition to hypocholesterol effects, it increases the acidity of gastric juices and alleviates toxicosis in pregnant women.

Clinical studies of the Omsk Medical Institute conducted on 70 hypertensive patients found: in 75% of patients who took 50 ml for a month. juice three times a day, blood pressure returned to normal, insomnia subsided, headaches disappeared.

Apple juice is perhaps the most affordable. Fruit pectins neutralize not only excess cholesterol, but also harmful products breakdown from the digestive tract. Drink half a glass of freshly prepared juice throughout the day before meals.

Lemon juice - it is difficult to overestimate the anti-sclerotic properties of this citrus. To reduce blood cholesterol, it is recommended to drink a lemon drink daily for 2 months: squeeze the juice of half a citrus into a glass of water, sweeten with honey. For diabetes, honey is not added.

Lemon juice increases juice secretion, so if you have diseases of the stomach with increased function of its glands, or if you have diseases of the pancreas, you should avoid lemon. You need to protect your teeth enamel: drink through a straw, rinse your mouth with water.

Among vegetable juices, pumpkin, squash (especially useful for diabetics), carrot, rutabaga, and potato are useful in the prevention of atherosclerosis. To make them tasty, they can be diluted with fruit and berry juices (freshly squeezed).

Black radish juice with honey- cleanses the blood and vessel walls from cholesterol.

The top of a root vegetable (medium size) is cut off and the core is removed - you get something like a pot, into the bottom of which pour a spoon or two of honey. In 4 hours it will be done delicious medicine, drink in small sips throughout the day, be sure to rinse your mouth with water afterward.

Contraindications for use: pregnancy, gout, inflammation of the intestines, kidneys and liver, pancreatitis, peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, high acidity.

Treatment potato juice: Squeeze the juice out of 2 tubers (washed thoroughly), without removing the peel. After 5 minutes of settling, drink half a glass.

Take the juice in the morning on an empty stomach, an hour before breakfast. The ten-day course is replaced by a week's rest, and repeat the treatment. Only fresh potatoes (from July to January), with pink or red skin, are suitable. Green tubers are poisonous (contain the poison solanine).

Garlic against cholesterol

Eat a clove or two every day if there are no contraindications. Regular consumption of garlic increases the hypocholesterol effect on the body.

Garlic oil: Mix the pulp of two peeled heads with 200 ml. sunflower oil (unrefined), leave for 15 days in the dark. Ingest a freshly prepared mixture of oil and lemon juice (1 teaspoon each), drink half an hour before meals 3 times a day. Treatment consists of 2-3 courses lasting from 1 to 3 months each. There is a month's break between courses.

Garlic milk: stir the pulp of 1 medium-sized clove in a glass of milk. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

Garlic tincture. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka over 100 g of garlic pulp. Leave for 3 days in the dark and warm, shaking periodically - 1-2 times a day. Dilute the strained tincture (5 drops per dose) with 2-3 tbsp of cold water. l. and drink 10 minutes before meals.

Garlic-oil dressing. Mix equal volumes of finely chopped garlic, crushed walnuts and corn (sunflower) oil. Prepare vegetable salads daily and season them with this mixture. Or eat the drug 2 tbsp. l. per day.

Garlic wine

  1. red: the gruel of 1 head is filled with Cahors - 0.5 l. Shaking daily, leave for 7 days. Drink 2 tbsp three times a day. l. on empty stomach.
  2. white: crush garlic cloves (one head is enough) in a garlic press, finely chop wormwood 2 tbsp. l., mix; pour the resulting mixture with hot grape wine (your choice of white or red), leave for 5 days, shaking once or twice a day; strain the tincture, dose 1 tbsp. l., take before meals 3 times a day.

Infusion: pour 30 g of mashed garlic into a liter of water. Drink fluids per day.

Eat 15 g of plum, cherry or apricot gum per single dose, washed down with 1 tsp of garlic oil.

Garlic-propolis balm

For 200 g of garlic pulp you will need 250 ml of medical alcohol or 0.5 ml of high-quality vodka.

  1. Pour the garlic with alcohol (vodka) in a dark glass jar, leave in the dark at room temperature for 10 days, filter the liquid from the grounds.
  2. Add 2 tbsp to the liquid. l. good honey and 1 bottle of pharmaceutical propolis tincture (30 ml).
  3. Stir and keep in the dark for 2 days.

Take drops, diluting the balm in milk - 1 glass.

  1. Start with 1 drop for breakfast, 2 for lunch, 3 for dinner on the first day, increase to 15 drops for dinner on the 5th day of treatment.
  2. From 6 days onwards, take 15 drops for breakfast, and then start decreasing drop by drop. On the 10th day, drink 1 drop at dinner.
  3. From the 11th day of blood cleansing from cholesterol to the 30th day of treatment, drink 25 drops once a day. Interrupt treatment for 5 months, then repeat the course.

The balm is contraindicated for pregnant women, people with ulcers, people with liver, kidney, pancreas diseases, and epileptics.

Unusual way

Eat 15 g of plum, cherry or apricot gum per single dose, washed down with 1 tsp of garlic oil.

Cleaning with a pleasant taste

If there is no contraindication to taking citrus fruits (pancreatitis, gastritis due to increased acidity of gastric juice, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, enteritis, inflammatory processes in the kidneys and liver).

If there are no contraindications listed above, drink a freshly prepared drink every day before breakfast: squeeze the juice from 1 lemon and 1 orange into a mug, add 1 glass of hot water.

Tea in the morning and evening with a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon, which should be eaten whole with zest, is useful.

Regular onions will help lower blood cholesterol without medications.

  1. Prepare 2 tbsp. l. onion juice and mix with honey - 2 tbsp. l. You will get a daily dose for 4 doses before meals. Take 2 courses for 2 months each, taking a week break between them.
  2. Chop apples and onions very finely in equal volumes. For 3 days of treatment you should get 3 tbsp. l. both. Mix with 3 tbsp. l. honey. Store the mixture in a jar with a lid in the refrigerator. Use 1 tbsp. l. in the morning on an empty stomach, and throughout the day before meals.

About fish oil

This effective remedy is used only as prescribed by a doctor. Uncontrolled use and overdose can be harmful, as there are a number of contraindications, one of which is calcium metabolism disorders.

Research by scientists in recent years has established that an overdose of fish oil in men can cause infertility. Fish oil is contraindicated in cases of increased blood clotting, endocrine disorders, and renal and hepatic diseases. Individual intolerance occurs.

The best substitute for fish oil is fish dishes fatty varieties(more affordable - fatty herring, mackerel). It is enough to regularly diversify the menu with fish. Orthodox Christians have fish days every week (Wednesday and Friday); in Soviet times, fish dishes were prepared in canteens on Thursdays.

Reducing cholesterol with folk remedies

Freshly grated horseradish– 1 tbsp. l., a glass of sour cream 10%. Apply 1 tbsp. l. for food.

Periodically there is baked potatoes with skins on.

(whole grain is healthier than flakes) cooked in water.

Coffee made from dried Jerusalem artichoke root. Dry the tubers in the oven at high temperature so that they turn brown. Grind into powder, which is stored in a jar with a tight lid. To prepare coffee you will need 1 tsp. Jerusalem artichoke powder and a glass of boiling water.

Buckwheat jelly– drink 1/2 glass in the mornings and evenings. Prepare like this: grind buckwheat into flour, stir in 1.5 tbsp. l. in a small volume of cold water, pour the mixture into boiling water - 0.5 liters. Stirring, cook for 7 minutes. Sweeten the finished jelly with honey and flavor with crushed walnuts.

Kiwi - eat 2 kiwis a day for a long time.

Treatment with walnuts- Eat 50 g of nuts for 45 days.

Anti-cholesterol diets

The cherry diet is useful: eat 1.5 kg of cherries (or sweet cherries) in 1 day. Eat berries with 1% fat milk, 1 liter is enough per day.

Herbal treatment

It is known that the most healing for people living in a given area are the plants that grow there. Therefore, the use of domestic herbs is more expedient than herbal dietary supplements advertised by foreign companies.

Here are some plants that lower blood cholesterol:

Flax seed (seeds)– contains essential fatty acids. It is recommended to grind the seeds in a coffee grinder to a powder. They consume it by adding it to food (kefir, salads, juices) or simply eat 1 tbsp. l. washed down with water. You can make an infusion: stir 2 tsp. in a glass of boiling water, let stand for 15 minutes.

Divide into 4 daily doses. Take the infusion warm, before meals. Seeds with a damaged shell oxidize. Therefore, only fresh ones are suitable; they are ground before use. There are a number of contraindications: in addition to individual intolerance, intestinal disease, gynecological diseases, pregnancy.

Red rowan. Infusion: pour 2 tbsp berries into a thermos. l., pour in 2 cups of boiling water, ready in 4 hours. Drink half a glass 4 times during the day.

Raspberry – cleanses the walls of blood vessels. Brew tea from the leaves.

Black currant (leaf)– has an anti-sclerotic effect, the plant is included in preparations or made into tea.

Rose hip. Infusion of leaves, take 2 tbsp before meals. l., prepared from 1 tbsp. l. crushed leaf, pour a glass of boiling water, leave under the lid for 2 hours.

Linden (flowers). Before treatment, it is necessary to cleanse the liver with choleretic herbs: alternate decoctions of corn silk, sandy immortelle, milk thistle seeds.

They are accepted into next mode: They drink a decoction of one herb for 14 days, a week break, after which they begin to use another plant for 2 weeks, again a 7-day rest, and the cleansing ends again with a 2-week treatment with a decoction of the third plant. Next, the cleansing of blood vessels with linden begins.

Dry inflorescences are crushed into powder immediately before use; take 1 tbsp of powder 20 minutes before meals. l., washed down with water. The course of treatment is a month. After 2 weeks of rest from treatment, the course is repeated. Strict abstinence from fatty foods is necessary. Every day there are apples and dill, which complements the linden treatment.

Mistletoe is used in complex preventive treatment of atherosclerosis, accelerates the metabolic process, dilates blood vessels, and lowers blood pressure. It is also used for increased thyroid function. The plant is poisonous and should not be consumed without a doctor’s recommendation; strictly follow the suggested dosage. Mistletoe is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Sophora japonica – contains linoleic acid, rutin, thanks to which it has a destructive effect on bad cholesterol. A 10-day alcohol tincture is prepared (in a dark place): 100 ml for 20 g of flowers (or fruits) of the plant. medical 70% alcohol. Dosage: 20 drops in half a glass of water, take 3 times a day before meals.

Horsetail - fresh grass 4 tbsp. l. (or dried 2 tablespoons) pour 1 glass of hot water, steam for 0.5 hour in a water bath, leave for 15 minutes. Take the strained infusion according to the following scheme: 0.5 tbsp. 2 r. per day 1 hour after meals. .

Cheremsha. Contains 12 times more essential oil allicin than garlic. Used in the form of greens for high blood cholesterol and atherosclerosis.

Tarragon (tarragon)– anti-sclerotic agent. You will need a bottle of dry white wine, into which add 3 tbsp. l. herbs. Leave in the dark for 5 days, shaking daily. Take a shot before meals.


Having chosen the right remedy for yourself, do not forget to ask the advice of your doctor. He will objectively assess the possibility of using remedy for a specific patient, taking into account his existing body characteristics and other diseases, the possibility of combining a folk remedy with prescribed medicines.

Leading specialist in training professional personnel at Borisoglebsk Medical School. In 2008 he graduated from the Borisoglebsk Pedagogical Institute with a degree in pedagogy and psychology, qualification as a pedagogical psychologist.