When is serotonin produced in a person in a dream. Sleep hormone melatonin and electronic screens - how to reconcile sworn enemies

It turns out that sleep is the time when the body is engaged in repairing broken parts and detoxifying. Sleep disturbances and its lack worsen health. Those who sleep less than six hours a day live less than those who sleep 8-9 hours. Sleep affects mental, emotional and physical indicators. What exactly happens to us while we sleep?

brain during sleep

Although it seems that - a state of complete passivity and inactivity, the activity of the cortex - the outer shell of the brain - in the first phases of sleep is preserved by 40%. While you sleep, the brain does not doze, it analyzes the information received during the day. Although more than a third of the blood that nourishes the brain during wakefulness is sent to restore muscle tissue.

In phase deep sleep the brain sends a command to the spinal cord to stop the work of motor neurons. For some time, the body becomes literally paralyzed, therefore, while running and performing various actions in a dream, in reality you are motionless.

In phase REM sleep blood rushes to the parts of the brain responsible for memory and emotions.

eyes during sleep

By the way the eyes behave under closed eyelids, one can understand what stage of sleep the sleeping person is in.

As you begin to drift off into sleep, your eyes roll. As sleep deepens eyeballs first they stop the movement, then, in the phase of REM sleep, they begin to twitch rapidly. At this time, dreams appear.

Hormones during sleep

While awake, the body burns oxygen and food for energy. This process is called catabolism - when more energy is spent than is supplied. The hormones adrenaline and natural corticosteroids help catabolism.

During sleep, the body enters a different stage - anabolism, when energy is stored for cell repair and growth. Adrenaline and corticosteroid levels drop, and human growth hormone begins to be produced in the body. Growth hormone provides growth, protection and repair of muscles and bones. Amino acids help him in this (the most important protein building substances). During sleep, any restoration and renewal of tissues occurs faster than during wakefulness.

During sleep, the production of another hormone, melatonin, is activated. It is thanks to him that we feel sleepy with the onset of the evening and wake up in the morning. When a person settles down and relaxes in bed, body temperature drops and melatonin levels rise, causing an irresistible desire to sleep. reverse process happens in the morning, causing us to wake up.

During sleep, actively produced: testosterone, ovarian-stimulating hormones, and luteinizing hormone, which is responsible for ovulation in women and the biosynthesis of sex hormones in all people.

The immune system during sleep

The researchers suggest that It is sleep that helps to cope with the infection faster. This may be because during sleep, the immune system increases the production of certain substances that can fight the disease.

Enough sleep not only helps to recover, but also serves as a prevention of disease. Even a slight decrease in the amount of sleep that is normal for a person reduces the level of white blood cells, which are part of the body's defense system.

In addition, the level of TNF (tumor necrosis factor), a protein that protects against infections and activates white blood cells, also increases dramatically as soon as you fall asleep. Studies have found that those who like to go to bed at three in the morning the next day have a third less TNF in their blood than should be normal. Moreover, the effectiveness of the protein present in the body is reduced compared to normal.

The work of the human body is regulated by a kind of built-in clock, circadian rhythms. These rhythms are synchronized with the change of day and night and tell the body when it is time to sleep and when to wake up.

Circadian rhythms affect every process in the body, from digestion to cell renewal. The more predictable your body is when you wake up and go to bed, the easier it is for your internal clock to regulate hormone production, giving you the ability to quickly and easily fall asleep in the evening, sleep soundly through the night, easily wake up in the morning and feel cheerful all day.

body temperature during sleep

By evening, the body begins to decline along with the level of adrenaline and. Some people may sweat before bed, which is how the body goes into sleep mode to get rid of excess heat.

During the night, body temperature continues to drop. By about five o'clock in the morning, its indicators are at the lowest point, about a degree lower than that noted in the evening.

At the same time, in the evening, the metabolic rate decreases. In the evening, you feel tired - this is the result of the fact that the level of activity hormones drops.

A decrease in body temperature increases the desire to lie down and increases the likelihood of deep sleep, during which the body will rest and recover. After five in the morning, the temperature begins to gradually rise, the body can no longer remain in the deep sleep stage and is forced to switch to wakefulness.

skin during sleep

The top layer of the skin is made up of densely packed dead cells that continually fall off throughout the day. During deep sleep, the metabolism in the skin accelerates, new cells begin to be produced faster, and the breakdown of proteins decreases.

Protein - construction material, necessary for the growth and restoration of cells, for their "repair" after exposure to destructive factors such as exhaust gases and ultraviolet radiation. deep and good sleep allows you to maintain health, youth and beauty of the skin for longer.

Daytime sleep does not compensate for the lack of night sleep, since the energy required to eliminate cellular "breakdowns" is spent on a variety of needs, and it is not enough to restore the skin.

Breathing while sleeping

When a person falls asleep, the muscles of the larynx relax, narrowing more and more with each breath. At this time, snoring may occur, which is a sound from a jet of air that hardly passes through a too narrow laryngeal fissure.

Snoring in itself is not dangerous unless accompanied by sleep apnea, a syndrome where breathing stops for a while. You can wake up from stopping your breathing without realizing it, as a result, sleep can be disturbed many times a night, and in the morning you feel overwhelmed.

mouth during sleep

The salivary glands work constantly during sleep, producing the fluid necessary to moisten the oral mucosa and grind food. During sleep, saliva production slows down, so in the morning you are thirsty.

However, despite reduced saliva production, your mouth is active while you sleep. Every twentieth adult unconsciously grinds his teeth in his sleep. The syndrome is called bruxism and occurs in the first stage of sleep until deep sleep has come. Bruxism is harmless and usually occurs due to malocclusion, but it can also be one of the signs of relieving stress accumulated during the day.

Muscles during sleep

Although a person can change position 35 times a night, his muscles remain relaxed, which makes it possible for protein tissue to recover. Studies of muscle function have shown that muscle cells can be "treated" in any state of bodily relaxation, and the unconsciousness of a person is not needed for this.

Blood during sleep

During sleep, the heart rate ranges from 10 to 30 beats per minute (with a normal daily rate of 60 beats). Thus, during sleep, blood pressure is lowered, giving a person a chance to relax and unwind.

While you sleep, some of the blood drains from the brain and flows to the muscles. Tissues and cells that break down and produce waste become less active. This is how the organs involved in the excretion of decay products get rest.

Digestive system during sleep

The body needs a constant and regular supply of energy, the main source of which is glucose. Glucose is burned to release energy, which allows muscles to contract, transmit electrical impulses, and regulate body temperature.

When we sleep, the need for energy is drastically reduced and the digestive system slows down. The general immobility of the body helps her in this. For this reason, you should not eat at night: the passive state of the body interferes with digestive acids and convert food into energy. That's why, eating before bed (even a little), you run the risk of experiencing stomach discomfort throughout the time you spend in the "kingdom of Morpheus".

We often say that in matters of improvement baby sleep Mom just needs help. But in fact, any mother already has one assistant - this is melatonin. Due to its close relationship with sleep, melatonin is called sleep hormone. Let's figure out what role it is beneficial substance plays in the normalization of children's (and not children's) recreation.

What is melatonin, the sleep hormone?

First of all, melatonin is a hormone, the synthesis of which is established approximately by the third month of a child's life. It is produced in the blood cyclically, according to the daily rhythm of the change of day and night. The production of melatonin is also influenced by a number of external and internal factors- from the rotation of the earth to the way of life of a person, but it is important that it is a nocturnal hormone - darkness is necessary for its synthesis. The hormone is predominantly produced in dark time days. During the day, the level of secretion of the sleep hormone is minimal. Actively melatonin, the sleep hormone, begins to be produced in the evening, around 19-20 every day , late at night from 2 to 4 hours, its concentration reaches its peak, and in the morning it is quickly excreted from the body, its content in the blood drops sharply and remains low throughout the day.

When melatonin enters the blood in sufficient quantities, all the muscles of the human body relax, the concentration of glucose in the blood drops, the processes in the body slow down, the body temperature drops slightly, and a state of severe drowsiness. If at this moment you turn off the light and go to bed, then it will be very easy to fall asleep. In children from 3-4 months to 5 years, the required concentration of the hormone, as a rule, accumulates by 19-20.30. Sleep that began at this “right” time will be the deepest and most peaceful. Melatonin will help you wake up less often at night, improve the rest of the body during sleep and reduce fatigue by day.

In addition, if a person does not go to bed in the early evening, remains active, the synthesis of melatonin, the sleep hormone, slows down. And the impact of light on the retina after sunset destroys it. Instead of melatonin, the stress hormone cortisol begins to enter the bloodstream, the function of which is to maintain strength and vigor in critical situation. Cortisol is slowly eliminated from the blood. Sleep in this state will be more difficult and more restless: more likely frequent awakenings in the middle of the night and getting up in the morning before the person gets enough sleep. It is not surprising that in the company of cortisol, it is not possible to restore strength qualitatively, because it is he who wakes us up in the morning.

So, hormonal system dictates to a person when it is better for him to rest and when to stay awake. This is how they work The biological clock organism. And it's hard to resist them, especially for small child whose nervous system is not yet formed. stay awake when the body is set to sleep (for example, late in the evening) - stress for a small organism.

What processes are affected by melatonin, the sleep hormone?

It is important to say that in addition to sleep, melatonin has a beneficial effect on a number of other physiological processes. It slows down the aging process, enhances the efficiency of the immune system, affects the body's adaptation to external environment and change of time zones, participates in the regulation blood pressure, functions digestive tract, work of brain cells, endocrine system and is a strong natural blocker malignant neoplasms. Right Rhythm wakefulness and sleep leads to an increase in melatonin levels, and therefore maximizes it useful influence per person.

How can you help your body produce and store as much melatonin as possible?

Here are a number of techniques that can improve the body's supply of this healing substance:

1. Every day find time to be in the sun (in daylight), especially in the morning. Exposure to daylight during the day enhances the production of the sleep hormone in the dark at night. If you can’t go for a walk, it is advisable to stay awake during the day with bright artificial lighting.

2. In those hours that are reserved for sleep, dimming should be maximum. It is especially important to avoid blue and green light, which drastically reduce the levels of the beneficial sleep hormone. Such rays are found in large quantities in "white" daylight, as well as in light that comes from TV screens, tablets and mobile phones . If a night light is needed in the room, then let it shine with a warm, yellow, orange or red light. Darkening your bedroom during the day can help conserve melatonin doses and make it easier to fall asleep during the daytime.

3. You can eat banana, rice at night, pumpkin seeds, a piece of turkey or chicken, cheese or almonds. All these foods are rich in tryptophan, a substance from which melatonin is synthesized in the body. Caffeine also slows down the synthesis of the hormone - sleep can be improved by giving up coffee and caffeinated tea in the afternoon. regular black or green tea, especially in the children's menu, can be replaced with chamomile, linden or any herbal infusion that does not cause allergies.

4. If we are talking As an adult, it is advisable to limit your afternoon alcohol consumption, smoking, and taking certain medications before bed, particularly vitamins and aspirin, which can lower levels of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

During a person's life, the amount of melatonin changes. From the beginning of secretion in the third month of a child's life, it reaches its peak in early childhood- Approximately from 2 to 5 years. To adolescence(puberty) production of melatonin decreases, and then remains unchanged for a long time - up to about 40-45 years. After that, the amount of melatonin in the body begins to decline sharply, affecting, among other things, sleep problems in the elderly.

Melatonin, or sleep hormone, is the main hormone synthesized by the pineal gland.

This chemical is sometimes referred to as the longevity hormone because it has extensive anti-tumor effects, stimulates the proper functioning of the immune system, and performs anti-stress functions.

The sleep hormone melatonin is so important that it needs to be maintained at the right level for normal life person. Therefore, in addition to natural synthesis in the pineal gland, melatonin can be introduced into the body in the form medicines or consumed in food.

Our body is controlled in two ways. The first, fast, is built on the use of electricity: the brain, with the help of nerve endings, transmits impulses that trigger certain systems in the body. These, for example, include muscle movements, commands to launch certain organs, and so on.

The second way is chemical. It is not as fast as the first, but its principles are much more complex and still not fully understood by science. We can safely say that the vast majority of our body's functions are controlled by hormones, which are the signals by which the chemical method of control is carried out. Hormones are produced by endocrine glands.

Hormones are responsible for all the processes of our life: from mood and digestion of food to growth and reproduction. Melatonin is one of the most important hormones, which is not only responsible for sleep, but also ensures that the work of our body is tied to time.

The main function of melatonin is to regulate human biorhythms during the day. Thanks to the work of melatonin, a person can fall asleep and wake up. The hormone itself was discovered relatively recently - in 1958, however, as it was studied, new, previously unknown properties were discovered in it.

In addition to the main function, melatonin is able to do the following:

  1. Activates the functions of the endocrine system.
  2. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it rejuvenates the body.
  3. Promotes rapid adaptation in traveling people when changing the time zone.
  4. Suppresses seasonal depression, reduces the effect of stress.
  5. Adjusts the amount blood pressure.
  6. Strengthens protective functions organism.
  7. It has a beneficial effect on neurons.
  8. Slows down the natural aging process of cells.

Thus, it is difficult to underestimate the role of melatonin in all manifestations of its effects on our body. Deficiency of this hormone leads to phenomena completely opposite. A person does not just look like sleepy: the amount of free radicals in the body begins to grow, which automatically leads to the accumulation of systematic failures in its work. It leads to a large number negative consequences: from obesity to the global acceleration of the aging process. Significantly increases the likelihood of oncological diseases.

This organic substance, unfortunately, is not capable of accumulation in the body. This is explained by the fact that under the conditions that take place inside the human body, melatonin is unstable: on average, every 45 minutes its concentration is halved. Consequently, the body cannot stock up on them for the future, as, for example, bile or fat.

The synthesis of melatonin directly depends on the measured life of a person, it is necessary to put at the forefront correct mode days, timely meals, stable sleep and wake times.

Many people often confuse melatonin with melanin. Despite the consonance in the names, these are completely different substances. The first is a hormone, and the second is a pigment that determines the color of the skin and hair. However, there is a relationship between them. Melatonin in the body reduces the synthesis of melanin.

Almost all processes in our body are tied to the Sun. Its light acts on tryptophan (an amino acid in our cells and blood), which is converted into serotonin. The hormone serotonin is also called the hormone Have a good mood»; his chemical formula is the basis of melatonin. After some time, when the concentration of serotonin in the pineal gland reaches the required value, it begins to turn into melatonin.

Thus, for the normal production of melatonin in the body, it is necessary to be under the influence of at least an hour a day. sunlight.

The amount of sleep hormone produced in the body depends on the time of day. Most of it, about three-quarters of total, is synthesized at night. On the other hand, its synthesis depends on the level of illumination, that is, on the brightness of sunlight during the day. If the amount of light is large, its synthesis slows down, if it is small, on the contrary, it increases.

The pineal gland, which produces melatonin, is a small (about 6 mm in diameter) organ of internal secretion, located slightly higher spinal cord. During daylight hours, this organ is inactive. As light levels decrease, the pituitary gland activates pineal gland, and it begins to synthesize melatonin, which enters the bloodstream.

An avalanche-like synthesis of the sleep hormone from serotonin begins at about eight o'clock in the evening. This leads to the saturation of the blood with melatonin and the person begins to feel a feeling of drowsiness.

With each hour, its production increases, reaching its maximum at about two in the morning. Therefore, at this time you need to rest in a darkened room where there is no bright lighting.

Every day, the pineal gland of a healthy middle-aged adult synthesizes approximately 30 micrograms of this hormone.

The production efficiency can be increased in the following ways:

Compliance with these simple rules will allow the body to synthesize melatonin in sufficient quantities.

There are many factors that prevent the normal production of melatonin:

  1. Conscious wakefulness at night.
  2. Lack of sleep.
  3. Frequent stress.
  4. smoking, alcoholism, overuse caffeine.
  5. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In case of problems with the normal synthesis of the sleep hormone, it is strongly recommended to reduce the influence of these factors.

Give up an extra cigarette or cup of coffee, try to be less nervous to avoid more serious consequences, which can be caused by a violation of natural biological rhythms.

There are two ways to get the biorhythm regulator into our body from the outside:

Consider the first, "natural" way to enter the body enough sleep hormone. It may seem incredible, but there is a fairly large list of products that include melatonin. However, it's not just them.

The main condition for the normal synthesis of the sleep hormone is balanced diet. The components necessary for this synthesis must be introduced into the body: proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamin B6.

Thus, nutrition should include not only foods containing melatonin in pure form, but also raw materials for its production by the body.

The finished hormone is found in bananas, nuts, raisins; These are the substances richest in melatonin. It is present in lower concentrations in corn, parsley, and various cruciferous plants. To facilitate the synthesis of the biorhythm regulator, it is also recommended to eat foods containing a melatonin derivative, tryptophan; it is in chicken and quail eggs, milk, almonds.

Vitamin B6 can be obtained from foods such as sunflower seeds, apricots, legumes, and red peppers. There is a lot of calcium in dairy products, oats and soy. However, it should be remembered that calcium is absorbed by the body only during sleep, so these foods are best consumed during dinner.

If we consider the production of the sleep hormone over the years of a person's life, then we can come to a rather disappointing conclusion. The peak of melatonin synthesis by the body occurs at 10 years of age. At this time, it is produced about 150 micrograms per day. By the age of 30-40, this amount decreases to 30 micrograms per day and continues to fall further. By about age 50, the synthesis of the circadian rhythm regulator stops at a minimum level: no more than 10 micrograms per day can be produced in the body.

That is, until the age of 40, the body practically does not feel the lack of melatonin, however, after reaching this age, no matter what lifestyle we lead, the hormone deficiency already begins to affect the functions of the body.

In order to avoid this negative effect, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of sleep hormone by using various pharmacological agents. These funds are not something specific and can be purchased at any pharmacy, but their use requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Do not self-medicate! Only professional doctor will be able to pick up optimal remedy in your case and its dosage.

The most popular drugs include:

  • "Melatonin";
  • Yukalin.

Hormonal preparations from this list are effective and proven products that meet the required quality standards. They are indicated if the patient has disruptions in the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, if there is a need for air travel through big number time zones and there are complaints of excessive fatigue. Another positive effect of such drugs is the elimination of depression and the partial normalization of metabolism.

However, these funds have certain shortcomings. In particular, all drugs of artificial origin have their own contraindications.

The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the drug due to possible allergic reactions. They are also contraindicated in people suffering autoimmune diseases. They are also not recommended for pregnant women and during breastfeeding, since the effects of artificial melatonin on the health of the fetus and child have not yet been sufficiently studied.

They should not be used under the age of 18, because during this period the synthesis of the hormone natural way fully covers its needs by the body.

In extremely rare cases, some people experience hypersensitivity to melatonin itself, of course, the use of medicines for them is prohibited.

According to doctors, melatonin can provide serious assistance in the treatment and prevention of various cancers.

According to studies, melatonin has the following positive effects in the treatment of cancer:

The hormone significantly increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduces its toxic effects on most body systems.

In order to enhance the effect of chemotherapy, melatonin is injected into the body about a week before it starts. An additional effect of melatonin in the fight against cancer is the stimulation of the production of the immunostimulant interleukin.

Undoubtedly, melatonin is not a panacea, but this hormone is indispensable for humans, since it plays a key role in synchronizing the processes occurring in the body.

Melatonin is known as a sleep hormone that regulates the circadian rhythm and promotes normal sleep. However, the substance also performs other functions. For example, melatonin acts as an immunostimulant, anti-stress and natural antioxidant.

The miraculous properties of melatonin

This word refers to the sleep hormone, which normally reaches a maximum concentration at night and a minimum - in the daytime. In the human body, the gland that produces this hormone is called the pineal gland.

In the literature, it can often be called the epiphysis. The gland is located in the middle part of the brain. Its functions are not fully understood, but it is known that the pineal gland also regulates growth processes, inhibits the development of tumors and affects human sexual behavior.

Along with the fact that melatonin provides sleep, it may be responsible for other functions that are not related to sleep. It has been established that melatonin acts as an antioxidant, a mild analgesic, promotes cell repair, and also inhibits the development of tumors.

How is the hormone produced?

The production of melatonin in the body occurs mainly at night (more than 70%), namely from 00:00 to 5:00 in the morning by time. In case of a violation of the daily regimen, the synthesis of the hormone responsible for sleep is disrupted by stress on the body.

Why normal synthesis is disturbed

The reasons for the disruption of normal melatonin synthesis are as follows:

  1. Waking up late.
  2. Active nightlife.
  3. Alternating day shifts with night shifts.
  4. Stressful lifestyle.
  5. Abuse alcoholic drinks, energy drinks and caffeine-containing products (coffee, tea and others).

As a result, the concentration of the hormone increases slightly at night, and the person has difficulty falling asleep:

  • insomnia;
  • disturbing, superficial sleep;
  • heavy or early awakening;
  • headache;
  • mood changes, nervous disorders.

The main way to normalize the production of the sleep hormone is to normalize the daily routine. If the disorder has become very strong, they change jobs and pay more attention to their health.

Features of hormone synthesis in the pineal gland

The chemical basis of melatonin is the essential amino acid tryptophan. As a result of several reactions, not only the sleep hormone is formed from it, but also serotonin, which begins to be released when a person's mood rises.

Studies have shown that even after removing pineal gland significant concentrations of melatonin are found in the body at the appropriate time of production (at night). The reason is that the substance is produced by the so-called enterochromaffin cells located in the stomach and intestines. They contain 90-95% of all serotonin, from which melatonin is formed.

Also, the substance in small quantities can be secreted by such cells and organs as:

  • pancreas;
  • thymus;
  • platelets;
  • cerebellum;
  • retina;
  • lymphocytes.

The value of the hormone for the human body

The main purpose of the substance is to help a person fall asleep. Melatonin plays a very important role for sleep, as it regulates the circadian rhythm, which ensures normal work immune system and all internal organs.

Significance for immunity: 7 troubles - 1 answer

The sleep hormone has a positive effect on the human immune system: melatonin has an immunostimulating effect. It increases the activity of phagocytes, due to which the growth of at least 7 types of cancer cells is inhibited.

With a lack of a substance (in case of lack of sleep, improper daily routine), a person already in the first year begins to catch cold more often, feels a general weakening of the body, lethargy, headaches and other deviations. This is largely due to a violation of the synthesis of melatonin.

Anti-stress effect

The anti-stress effect of melatonin is due to the fact that the sleep hormone has a positive effect on endocrine glands contributing to hormonal balance. The hormone reduces anxiety, inhibits fear reactions and other processes caused by stress. Studies have found that melatonin helps to change the negative emotional state to the positive.

However, in excess this substance contributes to the development of depression, so mindlessly increasing the intake of drugs containing the sleep hormone is dangerous for mental health person.

Melatonin anti aging

As a result of biochemical processes in the human body, chemical active substances(free radicals) that destroy cells, accelerating the aging process. Antioxidants are used to combat these substances. They are also produced by the body - for example, the sleep hormone melatonin is also a natural antioxidant.

It destroys free radicals, protects cell DNA, proteins and lipids. Due to this, the skin does not age so quickly and remains elastic for a long time. That is why chronic lack of sleep leads to the development of wrinkles, deterioration metabolic processes skin and loss of visual appeal.

Cancer Prevention

The human body constantly produces dangerous cells, which begin to divide rapidly, which can result in the formation cancerous tumor. These cells are destroyed immune system as well as melatonin.

During experiments on laboratory mice and other animals, it was proved that the sleep hormone really depresses tumor cells, and the force of its impact is not inferior to a powerful substance plant origin- colchicine. When scientists removed the pineal gland, the following negative phenomena occurred:

  • rapid aging;
  • early menopause;
  • reduced life expectancy;
  • a sharp development of obesity;
  • active formation of cancerous tumors;
  • decreased sensitivity to the hormone insulin;
  • general weakening of the body, loss of normal activity.

The specific mechanism of action of melatonin is still not fully understood. However, the very fact of its positive effect on the body has been established reliably.

Scientists have found that women who work the night shift all the time are twice as likely to develop breast cancer than blind people who cannot see the light. This is due to the fact that the concentration of melatonin reaches maximum performance In the dark.

How to increase melatonin levels

Several methods have been studied to safely increase the concentration of melatonin in the body. If there are problems with sleep, this hormone is administered artificially, and also obtained in its natural form - for example, with food.

With natural products

The hormone is found in such products:

  • radish;
  • carrot;
  • nuts;
  • raisin;
  • figs;
  • tomatoes;
  • bananas;
  • oatmeal;
  • barley;
  • parsley;
  • corn.

At the same time, it is worth eating not only these products, but food, rich in proteins, calcium, vitamin B6 and the amino acid tryptophan. It is she who is the chemical basis from which the pineal gland synthesizes the sleep hormone. Tryptophan is found in:

  • pumpkin;
  • sesame (seeds);
  • turkey fillet;
  • milk;
  • chicken eggs;
  • lean beef varieties;
  • almond;
  • walnut.

It is important to understand that human nutrition should be varied. The processes of synthesis of melatonin and other hormones occur normally only under the condition of a rich diet, with sufficient daily amount vitamins and nutrients.

With the help of drugs

Along with natural sources of the sleep hormone, medications are also used, which are light sleeping pills based on melatonin (or artificial analogues of the substance). Here are the 4 main tools:

  1. "Melaxen";
  2. "Melapur";
  3. "Melaton";
  4. Yukalin.

Each drug has its own indications. Usually they are prescribed in the case of:

  • insomnia;
  • superficial sleep;
  • early awakening;
  • anxious thoughts;
  • depressive, sad states;
  • irritability, mood swings.

Along with the indications, the introduction of artificial melatonin has certain limitations:

  1. Use with caution in pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 12 years of age.
  2. Sleeping pills give side effects in the form of drowsiness, lethargy, decreased attention, memory impairment.

The described sleeping pills are taken 1-2 times for the onset of the desired effect and the gradual entry into a normal rhythm after night shifts and others. harmful factors. They are also used during long-haul flights, when biorhythms also go astray. Decision on long-term treatment take only in consultation with the doctor.

hormone production during the day

AT minimum quantities The hormone is produced not only at night, but also during the day. Scientists conducted a study when 2 groups of people were left for several days in an enclosed space without a source of daylight. One group was given an artificial analogue of melatonin, the other was not.

It was found that in the dark the sleep hormone is secreted by the body itself, so the artificial introduction of a synthetic analogue did not significantly affect the quality and duration of sleep. Therefore, two conclusions were made:

  1. Artificial preparations with the sleep hormone are optimally taken in daytime when the pineal gland and other organs practically do not synthesize this substance.
  2. Permanent medication is necessary only in cases where there is an objective need for daytime rest. First of all, this applies to people who work night shifts.

Daily intake of melatonin leads to a decrease in anxiety, and also reduces the effects of stress, making a person feel calmer. Thus, melatonin acts as a mild sedative. However, it is not recommended to take it as such, as drowsiness will subsequently increase.

Features of determining the level of melatonin

  1. Times of Day.
  2. Age (in children, the content is higher than in adults).
  3. Health status ( wrong mode day leads to exacerbation chronic diseases which negatively affects the synthesis of the sleep hormone melatonin).
  • blood;
  • urine;
  • saliva.

The norm is determined by the range of 8-20 pg / ml during the day and 150 pg / ml at night (1 pg is 1 trillionth of a gram).

The analysis is carried out in cases where there are suspicions of violations of the synthesis of this substance. Typically, the patient has the following symptoms:

  1. General fatigue, decreased performance of the body.
  2. Various sleep disorders (insomnia, early awakenings and etc.).
  3. Change of mood, inexplicable state of anxiety, irritability, bouts of fear.
  4. Deterioration of attention, memory, thinking.
  5. Disorders of the menstrual cycle.
  6. Hormonal imbalance, diseases of the endocrine system (for example, Graves' disease).
  7. Circulatory and cardiac disorders.

It is necessary to prepare for the test: it is taken in the morning, while alcohol, tea, coffee, and certain medications are excluded exactly one day before. If possible, do not eat too much food the night before.

What causes a lack or excess of melatonin (table of pathologies)

If, as a result of the analysis, a deviation from the norm is observed, this may indicate various pathological processes occurring in the body (for details, see the table).

Melatonin analysis should not be self-diagnosed. Overestimation or underestimation of the norm does not necessarily indicate the development of the disease. In such cases, it is necessary to additional examination to make a specific diagnosis.

Melatonin in children

A child sleeps much more than an adult. The usual sleep rate of 7-9 hours a day is usually established by adolescence (from 12 to 15 years). This is explained, among other things, by the fact that children's body developed significantly large quantity melatonin than in adults.

The synthesis of the substance stabilizes by the 8-10th week of the baby's life. After that, a cycle begins to form, in accordance with the change of day and night. This mechanism will subsequently form the basis of the child's own biorhythm. In the baby's body, the substance rises in concentration after 20 hours, and the maximum production is observed in the period from 2 to 4 nights.

What is the difference between melanin and melatonin

The names of chemicals often come from the same root or coincide in sound and spelling in a random way. In the case of melanin, there is a similar word "melanin", which means a skin pigment that affects the color of a person's integument and hair. Exist different forms of this substance, so the skin on different areas has a different color.

Accordingly, melanin and melatonin have nothing in common: they differ in origin, chemical composition and structure, and most importantly - the functions performed. And the confusion between these terms arises due to the similarity in sound and spelling.

In fact, melatonin is a natural sleeping pill produced in pineal gland the brain of every person. Chronic violations of the daily regimen, change of time zones, stressful environment and others negative factors disrupt the normal production of the sleep hormone. Therefore, if problems with falling asleep and other disorders begin, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and begin treatment.

Melatonin, which is a hormone of the pineal gland, regulates sleep, eliminates insomnia and facilitates the restructuring of the body when changing time zones. As an additional method, with a lack of melatonin in the body, a drug is prescribed, which, in addition to regulating sleep, contributes to a number of positive effects. Therefore, it is important to know the features of the reception, indications and side effects.

Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the circadian rhythm of all living organisms (sleep-wakefulness), facilitates falling asleep, relieves insomnia caused by overwork, irritability and time zone changes. Melatonin is also called the "sleep hormone", it is a derivative of serotonin, which, in turn, is produced from tryptophan (L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid).

The highest concentration of melatonin in the blood is observed at night (00:00-05:00), and the peak is reached approximately at 2 am. During the day, blood levels drop, which is natural when the body is awake.

Hormone features

The production of melatonin depends on circadian rhythm. In the evening and the least illuminated time, the production of the hormone increases, in the lighter time of the day it decreases. It is also interesting that in winter the synthesis in the blood increases, and in the summer it decreases. Even with age, production decreases, this leads to poor sleep, insomnia, which negatively affects the deep sleep phase, and this causes irritability, organs and systems do not recover, all these factors negatively affect the human nervous system. Melatonin can also lower systolic blood pressure.

Who needs to take it and why?

  • Firstly, melatonin is necessary for people suffering from insomnia, who have difficulty falling asleep due to long wakefulness and overwork. Increasing the concentration of the hormone leads to the acceleration and relief of falling asleep. Melatonin has sedative effect calms the nervous system.
  • Secondly, melatonin is necessary for people who experience irritability due to a change in work schedule or time zone. Also, with muscle fatigue, the supplement helps to quickly relax and recover during sleep.

Effects and benefits

In addition to the main function - improving sleep, the benefits of melatonin lies in the fact that it takes part in the regulation of the endocrine system. Reduces physical and emotional activity, at a time when wakefulness interferes with the normal biorhythm. Also, the hormone has antioxidant, anti-stress, antitumor and immunostimulating effects, slows down the aging process.

In sports

Athletes drink melatonin to improve the quality of sleep, which is inextricably linked with the speed of recovery of the body after physical exertion. Intense workout can cause overwork of the body as a whole, contribute to irritability nervous system. All this can lead to sleep deprivation, and this negatively affects recovery, which is especially necessary for athletes to perform certain tasks. During sleep, muscles relax, the nervous system and internal organs are restored. Therefore, than better sleep athlete, the faster he will recover and achieve high results.

Effect on libido

Studies have shown that melatonin does not adversely affect libido and sexual function. The results of studies have shown that the intake does not affect the production of anabolic hormones responsible for libido.

Effect on testosterone

Testosterone is the so-called male hormone, which is responsible not only for anabolic processes, but also sexual function and attraction. As has been studied, melatonin does not affect the production of testosterone, thus does not suppress it. However, an increase in testosterone can negatively affect testosterone. female hormone prolactin. But this is only a possible indirect effect, at certain dosages.

Relationship with prolactin

results scientific research quite controversial, some of them showed a depressing effect of melatonin on prolactin, some did not confirm any effect, although the period and time of the study were not specified. However, it was found that at a dosage of 5 mg per day for a month, prolactin levels increased in young people. In addition, an increase in prolactin levels was recorded daily. An increase in the concentration of the female hormone was especially observed at night, with a maximum concentration of melatonin.

How does growth hormone affect

Proven positive influence melatonin on (somatotropin). Increased secretion of GH, like melatonin, is observed at night. Since growth hormone is produced during sleep, insomnia and bad dream, of course, adversely affect its production. GH is responsible for cell growth in children and adults, has anabolic and anti-catabolic effects, takes part in carbohydrate metabolism, enhances the absorption of calcium in bone tissue. Therefore, it is necessary not only for teenagers, but also for athletes. The main properties of melatonin - the effect on sleep and recovery, directly have a positive effect on the production of somatotropin.

Benefits for weight loss

The effect of melatonin on weight loss has also been well studied. To useful properties include stimulation of glucose uptake and accumulation of glycogen in tissues (muscles). Promotes an increase in the production of ATP (energy) and creatine phosphate. These factors contribute to the increase in energy during exercise, which contributes to the increase in the duration of training, which leads to fat burning. Reducing the level of glucose and insulin allows you to reduce the percentage of adipose tissue.

Indications and contraindications


Sleep disturbance is the main indication for the use of the drug, insomnia, irritability and stress affecting the quality of sleep.

Contraindications :

  • Diabetes.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Individual sensitivity to the drug.
  • Leukemia.
  • Lymphoma.
  • Myeloma.
  • Epilepsy.

Attention! Reception of melatonin is prohibited for children under 12 years old, for adolescents, the drug is prescribed only by a doctor.

Instructions for use

The drug is taken at night, 30 minutes before the desired sleep.

Melatonin begins to act 45-60 minutes after taking the drug. After taking the hormone should be avoided bright light, which inhibits the effects of the additive. Tablets are washed down with water.


Depending on the choice of pharmacy drug or dietary supplement sports nutrition instructions for the use of melatonin will be different, pay attention to the dosage in one tablet of the product you purchased.

A safe dose at which melatonin is effective is up to 3 mg active substance. Start with 1-2 mg during the first days. If necessary, increase the dose.

Do not exceed the daily dose of 6 mg of melatonin. When side effects or no effect, discontinue the drug.

How long can you take

The course of taking melatonin lasts 1 month. When prescribing the drug by a doctor, a course of 2 months is possible. After the course, you need to take a week break and, if necessary, repeat the drug. When regulating blood pressure, the doctor may prescribe an elderly patient a course of 3 months to six months.

Release form

The drug is available in the form of tablets. white color who drink water. Although in supplements, some manufacturers produce chewable forms of melatonin.

Melatonin preparations

  1. Vita-melatonin. One tablet contains 3 mg of melatonin, the country of origin is the USA. 30 tablets
  2. Melaxen. One tablet contains 3 mg of the active ingredient, US manufacturer
  3. Circadin. One tablet contains 2 mg melatonin. Manufacturer - Switzerland
  4. Melarithm. Contains 3 mg of the substance in one tablet, pack of 24 pcs. Manufacturer Russia

Sports nutrition

Supplement manufacturers have begun releasing their own melatonin supplements, as it has a positive effect on the recovery and growth (anabolism) of athletes during sleep. The anti-catabolic effect on stress, exercise, general physical and emotional overstrain, as well as improving sleep, has made the supplement very popular among athletes. Sports nutrition supplements are also recommended to be taken at night half an hour before bedtime. Also, the drug can be taken an hour before the change of time zone during flights. You should not take melatonin before a workout because the suppression physical activity and disorientation can affect the quality of the load. Taking the drug is not advisable in the daytime, morning time and before training.

Sports nutrition manufacturers

  • Optimum Nutrition. 100 tablets of 3 mg.
  • NOW Foods. 60 capsules of 3 mg.
  • Ultimate Nutrition. 60 capsules of 3 mg.
  • Scitec Nutrition. 90 tablets of 1 mg.
  • Universal Nutrition. Melatonin in one tablet 5 mg. 60 capsules per pack.
  • Contains 10 mg of melatonin and vitamin B6. The package contains 60 tablets.

Compared to pharmaceutical preparations, melatonin in the composition of sports nutrition is much more profitable to purchase than in a pharmacy. The dosages are the same, but the number of capsules in supplements is several times higher than pharmacy preparations, and the cost of sports nutrition can be much lower.

Melatonin in food

The highest concentration is found in rice, unlike other products. Melatonin enters the body from food in small doses that do not affect sleep and do not contribute to the positive effects of the hormone. But you can take products containing L-tryptophan, from which melatonin is subsequently produced. For a pronounced effect, it is worth taking an additional hormone supplement at a dosage of 1 to 6 mg per day. It is impossible to get such doses from food.

Melatonin during pregnancy

Taking the supplement is contraindicated during gestation, during lactation. Even during the period of conception or planning a child, it is necessary to exclude the use of melatonin, since it has a contraceptive (contraceptive) effect.

Interaction with other drugs

  • Taking melatonin at the same time as drugs that block beta-adrenergic receptors will reduce the secretion of the hormone.
  • interacts with some sleeping pills that have a synergistic effect, such as zolpiden.
  • Interacts with and enhances the antitumor effect of tamoxifen.
  • Interacts with isoniazid, increasing the antibacterial effect.

Side effects, risks and harms

The hormone is considered safe, the harm of melatonin can be expressed in individual intolerance to the drug, nausea, vomiting, loss of coordination, fatigue, thirst. maybe bad feeling and fatigue in the morning.

Taking some pharmaceutical drugs can cause:

  • irritation,
  • increased excitability,
  • increased heart rate,
  • headache,
  • migraine,
  • blurred vision,
  • attention disorder,
  • night sweats,
  • dizziness.

It is recommended to avoid driving, as melatonin can affect coordination and attention. Should not be taken by children as there are no studies on the effect of certain drugs on children. Can slow down growth sexual development in children.


Symptoms of an overdose of the drug were identified when the dose of 30 mg was exceeded - disorientation, long sleep, memory loss.

Terms of sale and storage

Drugs are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, are also freely available in stores sports supplements. It is necessary to store the drug in the original closed packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius, avoid direct rays of light.

Best before date. Usually drugs are produced for a period of 3 years, with proper storage.


Biological analogue of melatonin active additive Tryptophan (manufacturers - Evalar, Vansiton). Admission daily dose 500 mg of the essential amino acid L-tryptophan ensures the production of serotonin (the hormone of joy) throughout the day. At night, the hormone melatonin is formed from serotonin, which improves the sleep-wake rhythm. The preparation also contains vitamins B5 and B6.