Traditional methods of treating stomach cancer. Forum: Treatment of stomach cancer

Traditional healers treated stomach cancer back in the days when modern medicine didn't exist yet. Today alternative medicine can be used as auxiliary treatment to the main therapy.

Before practicing treatment with certain recipes traditional medicine, you need to inform your doctor about this and find out possible contraindications. In addition, only high-quality raw materials should be used for the preparation of drugs and the recommended dosage should be strictly followed.

Antitumor agents

There are many herbal remedies, which have an antitumor effect due to the content of components that inhibit vital activity cancer cells. Most of Herbal medicines are prepared from plants that are quite accessible and well known to everyone, which grow in gardens or are freely sold in pharmacies.

Cabbage juice

Cabbage juice is one of the most famous remedies for treating stomach diseases– ulcers, gastritis, tumors. It is better to use cabbage grown on your own summer cottage. You can drink the juice in any quantity, as long as it sits in the refrigerator for several hours.


Aconite is a poisonous plant, so its use requires precautions. After preparing the drug, you need to thoroughly wash all the dishes and store the product out of reach.

You should also avoid getting aconite in your eyes.

To prepare the tincture:

  • pour the washed plant root hot water and leave for an hour;
  • cut the root into pieces and dip in the same water;
  • pour 60% alcohol solution;
  • leave for 20 days.

You should start taking the tincture in the amount of 1 drop per 25 g of water - drink in small sips half an hour before meals. Every day you need to increase the dosage by 1 drop.

When the number of drops reaches 10, the volume of water should be increased to 50 g. After 20 drops, you should begin to gradually reduce the dose. After completing the course, you need to take a 2-week break and then repeat the treatment again.


Celandine – known remedy against cancer diseases Gastrointestinal tract. Celandine is used to treat cancer of the esophagus, stomach, and colon. Treatment with folk remedies for stage 4 stomach cancer with metastases can also be carried out using celandine, as this plant is excellent natural remedy to relieve pain symptoms.

IN large quantities This plant is toxic and should be used with caution. The root of the plant needs to be dried, crushed, and squeezed out the juice into a 1-liter jar to make exactly half the jar. Then add vodka, close it and put it in a dark place for 3 weeks. To treat stomach cancer, you need to take 5 ml of the drug four times a day. 14 days after you start taking it, you need to replace the teaspoon with a tablespoon.

Burdock root

Burdock roots should be dug up in May for the treatment of gastric tumors. You can grate them and eat them fresh. Another option is to prepare a vodka tincture. To do this, you need to mix ten tablespoons of dried and crushed plant roots with 0.5 liters of 40% vodka and leave for 10-15 days. You need to drink the tincture one spoon three times a day.

You can prepare a fresh remedy for every day - infuse a spoon dried root in a glass of boiling water and take half a glass 5 times a day before meals.

Calendula and golden mustache

Golden mustache contains a large number of flavonoids and microelements. An infusion from this plant is used for hypertension, allergies, and stomach diseases. For the treatment of stomach cancer, golden mustache is used in combination with calendula.

The medicinal product is prepared and used in this way:

  • 2 tsp. Calendula flowers and a spoonful of golden mustache should be poured with boiling water in a thermos with a capacity of 0.5 liters;
  • Keep the thermos open for 2 minutes, then close it tightly and wrap it up;
  • leave for an hour;
  • drink 100 ml four times a day (20-30 minutes before meals).

Plantain and golden mustache

Golden mustache can also be taken in combination with plantain. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 30 g of dry crushed plantain raw materials and 20 g of golden mustache, pour boiling water (500 ml) and cook for 10 minutes. Leave for 4 hours and drink as tea in small sips.

Walnut branches

Plant Walnut Since ancient times, it has been used by healers to treat many ailments of various etiologies. Both the fruits of the tree and its leaves and shoots are used.

To treat malignant stomach tumors, tree branches as thick as a finger and about 35 cm long are used.

The branches should be boiled for half an hour. Then strain the broth and cook 2 chicken eggs. Peel and eat the eggs. You need to eat 2 eggs daily. The course of treatment is a month.

Prices for stomach cancer treatment in Israel are given here.

Birch lye infusion

For stomach cancer, an infusion of birch lye, which is prepared from the ash of birch firewood and a decoction of birch buds, is very helpful. The mixture should be cooked in a water bath for 10 minutes. then leave for 45 minutes. Cover well and keep in the refrigerator. Mix 50 g of the product with fruit juice and drink before meals.

Strawberry broth

For treatment, leaves and shoots of strawberries collected during the flowering of the plant are used. The decoction is prepared simply: pour boiling water (500 ml) over the raw materials and leave in a thermos for 2 hours. A decoction of fresh herbs can be drunk daily as tea.

Lungwort salad

Another folk remedy for treating stomach cancer is lungwort herb salad. The salad should be prepared during the flowering period of the lungwort. You can also prepare decoctions from dried raw materials - pour boiling water over the dry herb and leave for 120 minutes. Drink half a tbsp. spoons before meals. After a month of use, take a break.

Aloe leaves

Therapy for stomach cancer can be carried out using one of the most unique on Earth medicinal plants– aloe. For treatment, leaves of plants older than 3 years are used. You need to take 5 kg of shoots and chop them well. You will also need 6 liters of fortified wine and 3 kg of May honey.

Place all ingredients in a large glass containers and stir. Leave in the dark for 6 days. For the first 5 days, take the mixture 1 teaspoon, then increase the dosage to a tablespoon. The course of therapy is one and a half months.

Nut tincture

To prepare the drug, young nuts are taken (the period of the so-called “milk-wax” ripeness). You should cut and grind the nuts, place them in a 3 liter jar and fill them with vodka.

Then preserve and put in a bright place for 30 days, then strain, bottle and put in the refrigerator. For the first 2 days, drink 15 ml, if tolerated, increase the amount to 30 ml.

blueberry leaves

Pour boiling water (0.5 l) over 6 tablespoons of raw material and leave for half an hour. Drink 3 glasses daily for 2 months, then take a month's break (during this period you should take other medications).

Sunflower flowers

After the sunflower seeds are ripe, the white core of the flower should be cut out and dried. Pour 10 g of dried pith into 250 ml of water, cook for a quarter of an hour, strain. Drink a glass of the product in the morning on an empty stomach.

Flax seeds

2 tsp. seeds pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, let it brew in a thermos for 4 hours. Drink according to Art. spoon twice a day before meals. After a month, take a break.


Baking soda is used by many traditional healers for treating a variety of oncological pathologies, including stomach cancer. It should be said official medicine doesn't welcome this method treatment and does not recommend it to patients.

Hemostatic agents

Stomach cancer often causes complications in the form of bleeding. To stop bleeding and prevent such symptoms, you should take proven folk recipes.

Plantain decoction

Hemostatic and wound healing properties Plantain was also described by the healer Ibn Sina, who used the plant to treat malignant tumors.
The leaves of the plant should be collected in the morning and torn exclusively with your hands.

The best time of year to collect plantain is the first week after flowering begins.

A handful of herbs that fits in the palm of your hand should be poured with 400 ml of boiling water. Drink as tea.

St. John's wort

The plant is used in the treatment of stomach ulcers in the acute stage, as well as for bleeding caused by the spread of a cancerous tumor. The raw materials for preparing the decoction can be purchased at the pharmacy. Recipe: 1 tbsp. spoon per 200 ml of water, boiling: 15 minutes. This dose is a daily dose; it is better to take a fresh drug every day.

Preventative and restorative agents


Propolis is recommended for patients who are undergoing radiation or have already undergone it. This tool not only inhibits the division of cancer cells, but also helps the body rehabilitate after radiotherapy.

Every day you should take about 5 g of propolis, chewing thoroughly, but not drinking it. You can prepare propolis oil for comfortable use: for this, 160 g of finely grated propolis should be mixed with a liter of boiled olive oil. The resulting mixture must be stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

This article provides methods for diagnosing stomach cancer.

Everything about the treatment of stage 4 stomach cancer is here.

Herbal infusions

To prevent relapses in stomach cancer, a mixture of herbs taken in equal proportions is used:

  • calendula flowers;
  • calamus rhizomes;
  • burdock root;
  • oregano herb.

Pour a spoonful of the mixture into glasses of water and cook in a water bath for half an hour. Drink the infusion all day like tea.

Chaga infusion (birch mushroom)

For patients who are contraindicated for surgery or radiation therapy, chaga mushroom can help. Birch mushroom should be collected in the spring during the period of sap flow. The mushroom should be grated on a fine grater and left to steep in warm water for 2 days. The ratio of raw materials and water is 1 to 5. Strain the infusion and drink before meals.

When traditional methods treatments do not bring success or do not provide a chance for life expectancy, they begin to use various traditional methods of treating stomach cancer. There is a large number various techniques in the fight against this disease. They belong to various decoctions, infusions prepared from poisonous herbs, plants and mushrooms. Each person decides for himself which method of therapy to use, depending on the condition and expected results.

Traditional methods of treating stomach cancer

Very popular in folk medicine treatment of stomach cancer with herbs. Most often they resort to the use of poisonous plants, which have a gentle effect on healthy cells of the body and kill cancerous ones. Among such medicinal plants is hemlock. Hemlock for stomach cancer used in the preparation of “royal” tincture, the recipe for which is as follows:

  • place fresh flowers in 1/3 of a glass container;
  • top up with alcohol;
  • put in a dark place for 21 days.

Drink the potion in the morning on an empty stomach, starting with 1 drop and increasing the dose to a volume of 40 drops. There are some restrictions on taking hemlock. These include:

Should be applied various tinctures poisonous plants, alternating them with each other, since malignant cells have the ability to get used to one type of poison. For example, in addition to hemlock, you can use celandine. A tincture from this plant is prepared as follows:

  • Mix 500 ml of plant juice with the same amount of alcohol;
  • place in a dark room;
  • Allow the product to saturate for 21 days.

You should also start treatment with 1 drop, diluting it in ¼ cup. Maximum dose is 20 drops. Celandine tincture can relieve pain, but its overdose causes intoxication. Therefore, this is used medicine extremely carefully.

Treatment with folk remedies for gastric cancer with metastases suggests the use of herbal collection, the preparation of which has the following scheme:

  • the following herbs are mixed in equal proportions: burdock, rose hips, mistletoe, calamus root, bearberry, thyme, plantain, chamomile, horsetail, St. John's wort;
  • 20 grams of the collection are steamed with 500 ml of boiled hot water;
  • leave for 60 minutes.

Drink this medicine ½ glass up to 4 times a day before eating. The duration of treatment is 90 days.

Maclura or adam's apple. Maclura treatment for stomach cancer occurs on the principle of taking the tincture internally for a long time (at least a year). If there are benign neoplasms, the Adam's apple can cope with them in a few months. To prepare the tincture you need:

  • cut the product into slices;
  • carefully place everything in glass jar;
  • pour alcohol;
  • leave the mixture for at least 6 months, preferably 12 months;
  • if there is an urgent need for an appointment, you can wait only 10 days;
  • drain the liquid, grind the fruits into a pulp and squeeze out the juice.

Take this tincture using the slide method. Maximum number drops - 30, but if the sick person is less than 30 years old, then the number of drops should be equal to his years. For the first 7 days, drink the liquid once a day, 3 drops before eating. The second seven days - twice a day. The third seven days - knock three times. Then, every day, add 1 drop of tincture in one approach. And by week 30 we get the maximum dosage. Then they gradually decrease in the same order. If the tumor does not completely disappear, you can resort to a second course of therapy after a pause of 2 months.

Stomach cancer, treatment at home

At home, very easy to use for the disease stomach cancer treatment with baking soda. This method of therapy was invented by the Italian Simonici. This therapy consists of 21 days of treatment and a short break. In the first seven days, you need to drink 200 ml every day on an empty stomach. warm milk, to which 5 grams of soda are first added. Milk can be replaced with slightly warmed water. After breakfast, repeat the procedure. In the second week, the treatment is repeated, only after eating there is no longer a need to take a soda drink. On last week Take milk and soda once a day before or after a morning meal. After this course of therapy, you should pause for 30 days, and then repeat the treatment with the same dosage. When taking soda in medicinal purposes need to drink at the same time different vitamins, especially vitamin C.

Another very affordable product counts propolis for stomach cancer. Tincture from this beekeeping product is used after tumor removal and if chemotherapy is necessary. The alcohol tincture should be drunk 40 drops, dissolving them in ½ glass of water three times a day. Food is consumed after taking the medicine 30 minutes later. After such therapy traditional healers It is recommended to eat 2 grams of pure bee glue for 60 days, chewing it well. It is worth doing three approaches every day. Also an excellent remedy Propolis oil is considered to be used for the treatment of stomach cancer. It is prepared according to this recipe:

  • melt 1000 grams of butter in a water bath and practically boil;
  • Finely chop 150 grams of bee glue and mix with oil;
  • mix well until completely dissolved;
  • cool the mixture.

They eat this healing oil up to 5 times a day, 10 grams before meals. In order for the propolis product to be better absorbed by the body, it should be combined with water or milk in a 1:1 ratio.

Accept independent decision there is no point in choosing a treatment method. When consulting with a doctor, you should note your desire to use traditional recipes, and he will help you choose the appropriate treatment option and recommend a specific diet. It is important not to delay treatment, because in the early stages, cancer is curable.

Treatment of stomach cancer with folk remedies is effective method, even taking into account that conservative medicine is already refusing to help the sick. Sometimes it happens that traditional medicine recipes are the only option for patients.

Treatment is aimed at 3 main goals:

Thanks to this, the patient's condition will gradually improve.

Relieving pain and restoring acidity levels

Folk remedies for stomach cancer are very diverse. First of all, you need to relieve the patient from severe pain. Celandine is best suited for this. Freshly squeezed juice, alcohol and water tincture based on this plant are used. The leaves need to be collected in the spring, even when the first inflorescences appear before the fruits begin to form.

To prepare the infusion, you need big spoon herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water. When the product is infused, you should drink the strained drink, 1 tbsp. l. throughout the day between meals. You can also squeeze the juice from young leaves and then pour vodka over them. Both components are taken in equal proportions. Then the medicine is infused for several days, after which it is supposed to take 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

A cancer patient must take medications that will help stabilize the acidity level of gastric juice.

A tincture is prepared from wormwood. It is necessary to crush the roots of the plant and pour alcohol or vodka into them. When the medicine is infused, strain and take 3 times a day. The initial dose is only 3 drops, but gradually the dosage should be increased to 20 drops. The course must be repeated after 10 days.

The root of this plant is also used to prepare medicine from burdock. It only needs to be dug up in the spring. Then rinse and grind. It is recommended to simply eat the root. It can also be used to prepare a tincture. You will need 10 tbsp. l. chopped dry roots, pour 500 ml of vodka over them and wait 2 weeks. Then filter and take a spoon 3 times a day before meals.

Caraway tincture is used. Take half an hour after a meal.

A dill tincture is prepared, just like the previous recipes. Consume 30 minutes after meals. You can brew fennel and consume the resulting tincture after meals.

Prepare a tincture of cinnamon, and then drink it half an hour after meals. A tincture of plantain is prepared and consumed after a meal as regular tea.

Medicinal kvass and propolis in the treatment of cancer

You can prepare medicinal kvass based on the golden mustache plant. You need to grind a glass of crushed raw materials with a glass of granulated sugar and add a spoonful of sour cream. Tie the pulp in cheesecloth and keep it in a 3-liter jar for 2 weeks, filling it with water. The container should be in a warm place. Then take the drink in the morning and evening time on an empty stomach. Therapy lasts a month. Take a break for a month and repeat again.

Chestnut inflorescences are used to prepare kvass as in the previous recipe. By the way, this drink can also be consumed to prevent cancer.

Propolis also helps well with illness. You will need an alcohol tincture based on this beekeeping product. You can prepare it yourself or purchase it already at finished form at any pharmacy. You need to take the tincture 5 drops at a time, dissolving them slightly in half a glass warm water. You are allowed to simply chew small pieces weighing 5 g. One such piece per day is enough.

Stomach cancer can be treated with calcium, since it also alkalizes the environment, but it must be taken in ionic form, that is, not calcium carbonate, since it is not absorbed. Magnesium should be consumed along with calcium. It is best to make smoothies from green leaves, as they contain the most calcium and magnesium, which are easily absorbed.

In addition, to improve the functioning digestive tract and maintain a stable level of acidity in the stomach, you need to follow a diet based on cereals, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.

Fighting cancer growth

Traditional methods of treating stomach cancer are very diverse. If it is necessary to restrain the growth of the tumor itself, then you can also use natural ingredients. You can use the following tools.

It is best to use Japanese horseradish (wassabi). Fresh cabbage juice will also work. Very helpful carrot juice. You can chew propolis and take a tincture based on it. These are the most simple remedies, which will suppress tumor growth.

If a patient has a tumor only on early stage development of the disease, can be consumed Fresh Juice, squeezed out raw onion. It is very effective in inhibiting tumor growth.

Another very popular method is aloe with cognac. To prepare the medicine, you need to squeeze the juice from aloe leaves. They should only be picked from a plant that is at least 3 years old. Wash the leaves themselves, grate them and squeeze through cheesecloth. You only need 2 tablespoons of fresh juice per 500 ml of cognac. Then you need to add 3 more drops of iodine tincture and the same amount of pelargonium-based infusion. To get the last ingredient, you need to blanch 3 fresh leaves in 3 tablespoons of boiling water. Leave in a steam bath for 8 hours (but do not bring to a boil). After this, the tincture is filtered and added to cognac. The finished medicine should be taken 1 tbsp. l. twice a day on an empty stomach.

The unique chaga mushroom is very popular in the treatment of stomach cancer. It is also called birch mushroom. It is necessary to cut it in the spring from trees that are at least 20 years old. Then cut the mushroom itself into large pieces, add water and wait 6 hours, then chop. The remaining liquid itself must be heated to 50°C and the chopped mushroom added there in the proportion of 1 cup of mushroom per 1 liter of water. The product is infused for a couple of days. Then you need to strain the drink, squeezing out the mixture, add boiled water to the original volume and take 3 cups per day, but divide them into small doses.

At the pharmacy you can purchase a ready-made drug, which is produced on the basis of chaga. This medicine is called Befungin. If you use it, the result will be the same. During such therapy, it is necessary to exclude smoked meats, alcohol, grapes, sweets and spicy foods from the diet.

If bleeding begins due to stomach cancer, then it is necessary to use a mixture of chaga and knotweed roots (also called serpentine). You can use water or alcohol infusion. To prepare it, take a spoonful of each component and pour a cup of boiling water. The product is infused in a thermos overnight, filtered and taken 2 glasses per day in small sips.

You can also make an alcohol tincture. To do this, pour the mixture of knotweed and chaga with vodka. At 3 tbsp. l. raw materials required: 500 ml of vodka. The product is infused for a couple of weeks. Then filter and take a spoonful 3 to 6 times a day. Therapy lasts several months until the patient’s well-being improves.

Calamus roots can be used in severe cases. They must be mixed in equal parts with burdock roots. Then add the same amount of calendula inflorescences and oregano leaves. Pour the entire mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and keep in a thermos or oven overnight. Then take 3 glasses per day.

Basic methods of fighting cancer cells

If a patient has stomach cancer, treatment with folk remedies is very effective. Here are some basic tips from the experts.

Fact! Various mushrooms can be used against stomach cancer. For example, chaga mushroom, reishi mushroom, shiitake mushroom, as well as oyster mushroom and veselka are commonly used.

Also in Lately The drug cicutin, which is produced on the basis of the poisonous plant, began to be used more and more actively. It is its poison that contains cicutoxin, so the tincture is very effective. Its benefits against cancer cells were proven in 2000.

Oddly enough, the effectiveness of regular marijuana against cancer has already been proven. A drug based on tetrahydrocannabinol was created in the USA. The medicine is called Dronabinol. In many other countries it is still prohibited, despite high efficiency. The medicine not only fights cancerous cellular structures, but also suppresses the gag reflex and has a strong analgesic effect (more powerful than morphine).

If you are interested in how to treat stomach cancer using herbal tea, then special monastery tea is best. This collection includes 16 herbs. To prepare such a mixture, you will need to mix all the ingredients in correct proportions and strictly adhere to the dosage.

You will need to take 10 g of motherwort, linden inflorescences, birch buds, calendula inflorescences, chamomile, yarrow leaves, thyme, cudweed and buckthorn bark. Then you should add another 15 g of wormwood and 20 g each of string, bearberry and immortelle. Then you will need to add 25 g of nettle and 35 g of sage to the collection.

All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. Then pour 6 spoons of the mixture into an enamel container and pour 2.5 liters of boiling water. At a temperature of 95°C, the mixture must be evaporated. The procedure will take 3 hours. During this time, the liquid will decrease by 2 times. Then cool the broth and filter. You can store it in the refrigerator, but the container must be tightly closed. To achieve a positive effect, you need to take the medicine for 70 days. Use 1 tbsp. l. before meals three times a day. Take a break for 15 days and repeat similar therapy again.

Traditional approach

Despite the fact that the traditional approach to the treatment of stomach cancer does not guarantee a positive result, traditional medicine recipes have been more successful in treating cancer. In addition, they are safer, since they have almost no contraindications and side effects. But anyway, before you start similar treatment, you must first consult a doctor and carry out therapy only under his supervision.

It is possible to cure stomach cancer with folk remedies only if you follow all the recommendations prescribed by your doctor, follow a diet and have an optimistic attitude.

Patients resort to treating stomach cancer with folk remedies when official medicine cannot help cope with the disease or the person wants to achieve best results in the treatment of this terrible disease.

But treatment with herbs and decoctions should not be a panacea. Traditional methods of therapy can have a positive result only if the patient strictly follows the recommendations of the treating doctor, prescriptions, dosages, adherence to diet, and faith in an optimistic result.

What herbs help cope with the disease and how to take them - you will learn about this from this article.

Causes of stomach cancer

To understand how to treat stomach cancer, you need to find out what could have caused it. Among the factors that provoke the occurrence of this dangerous disease, the following are distinguished:

  • bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking);
  • poor nutrition;
  • long-term peptic ulcer, gastritis, polyps in the stomach;
  • bad ecology;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • reduced immunity, etc.

If the doctor was able to determine the cause of cancer, then the first thing the patient needs to do is change his life, remove the factor that provoked the onset of cancer.

Stomach cancer (ICD code 10 – C16 “ Malignant neoplasm stomach") can be treated with herbs only as prescribed by a doctor. Because many plants are poisonous and if you do not know the rules for their use, they can cause side effects.

Also, when selecting herbs for the treatment of gastric cancer, you need to consider the following points:

  • at what stage is the disease;
  • whether other organs are affected by cancer cells;
  • are there metastases;
  • patient's severity;
  • treatment of the patient (chemotherapy, radiation);
  • the presence of contraindications to the use of certain herbs.

Oncologists often prescribe gastric cancer treatment to patients using traditional methods in order to:

Celandine is used against spasms and unbearable pain in the stomach. You need to use fresh juice of this plant, a water tincture or an alcoholic extract of the herb.

For medicinal tincture you need to brew 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh herbs in 200 ml of boiling water. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times a day.

If pure celandine juice is used, it must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Take 1 teaspoon up to 4 times a day.

For an alcoholic extract, fresh herbs need to be poured with alcohol and left for a week. Take the medicine 20 drops mixed with water. Gradually the dose should be increased to 50 drops per dose.

If you are unable to collect celandine (it does not grow in your area or you chose the wrong time when celandine grows), then you can find the plant from herbalists selling in markets. You can also buy ready-made tinctures at the pharmacy. The main thing is that the medicine is fresh.

Herbs to normalize acidity in the stomach with cancer

To restore acidity in the stomach, doctors can prescribe decoctions of burdock and wormwood to the patient.

To prepare a medicinal tincture, crushed roots must be infused with high-quality vodka or alcohol. Take the medicine, starting with three drops diluted with water 3 times a day.

To remove from the body harmful substances, oncologists often prescribe aloe and persimmon to patients.

The action of these plants is aimed not only at cleansing the body, but also at strengthening immune system, destruction of cancer cells, normalization of stomach function, prevention of recurrence malignant tumor.

Aloe should be taken freshly squeezed, 10 ml up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1–2 months.

Persimmon can be eaten in pure form– eat several pieces of fresh fruit throughout the day. This tart fruit can be eaten only after meals.

Destroying cancer cells using traditional methods

To stop the growth of oncology and fight a malignant tumor of the stomach, herbs such as aconite and hemlock are used.

These plants, due to their powerful, poisonous composition, stop growth and destroy bad cells.

The active substances of these herbs, when entering the body, promote the production of antibodies that fight cancer.

You can buy the tincture at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

To do this, collect the green seeds of the plant, as well as inflorescences, and pour alcohol in a ratio of 1:3.

Cover the container with a lid and place in a cool, dark place for 2 months. Take strictly according to the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Hemlock is a poisonous plant; if the dosage is not observed, it can cause acute intoxication.

Treatment of stomach cancer with hemlock is allowed only under the supervision of a doctor.

Recipe for tincture with aconite

To prepare the medicine, you can use both the leaves and roots of the plant.

Pour crushed aconite with alcohol or vodka. Close the lid and leave for 1 month. After this, strain, remove the pulp, and take the medicine strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Popular traditional methods of treating stomach cancer

Under the influence of this substance, malignant cells disappear, and healthy ones grow. This leads to gradual recovery of the body.

But when misuse this substance is all his beneficial features disappear.

You cannot heat propolis above 50 degrees, and also do alcohol tincture based on this substance - alcohol kills some healing substances propolis.

Propolis can be taken in its pure form (crush it and slowly chew it), and you can also make oil from it.

To do this, melt in a water bath butter, bring it to a boil, remove from heat, cool to a temperature of 45–50 degrees. Put crushed propolis there.

Take 1 tablespoon up to 5 times a day. For 0.5 liters of oil you will need 80 grams of propolis.

Treatment with copper sulfate

People who are faced with a disease such as stomach cancer probably know how to treat a tumor using copper sulfate.

A solution with copper sulfate for oral administration improves immunity and kills cancer cells.

You need to be careful with copper sulfate and strictly follow the dosage, because the product is poisonous. It should also not be used immediately after irradiation.

For cooking medicinal solution you need to dissolve 0.3 g of copper sulfate in 1 liter cool water. Leave the product for 12 hours. Drink 50 ml on an empty stomach in the morning before meals.

There is an opinion that soda solution helps stop the growth of cancer cells, stops the growth of metastases. This treatment method was discovered by an Italian oncologist. He developed his own scheme for using soda in the fight against stomach cancer.

According to his method, treatment with soda is divided into 3 weeks:

  • 1st week– drink milk diluted with soda every day (1 tsp per 200 ml of milk) half an hour before meals. Repeat after breakfast medicinal solution in the same dosage;
  • 2nd week– take a soda solution before meals. After eating, do not take the medicine;
  • 3rd week– take in the same dosage as before, 1 time per day.

After three weeks of therapy, a break is taken for a month, after which the treatment course is repeated.

The method of treating stomach cancer with soda always raises many questions. Some doctors use it in their practice, while others prohibit patients from undergoing oncology therapy with this solution.

The oncologist who invented this method of treating a malignant tumor was imprisoned. Therefore, this treatment method can only be considered after consultation with a doctor. There is too much controversy surrounding baking soda in the treatment of cancer..

During treatment for cancer, it is very important to follow a diet to maintain normal operation gastrointestinal tract :

I would like to specifically list what you can eat if you have stomach cancer: porridge with water, vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy products, jelly, bread made from premium flour, low-fat varieties meat, fish, eggs.

Patients who have undergone gastric surgery or a course of radiation or chemotherapy should especially carefully monitor their diet for stomach cancer.

Their menu should mainly contain ripe berries, fruits and vegetables in grated form. Whole consumption of cabbage, tangerines, cucumbers, and carrots is allowed, but only if the patient chews the food well.

You can’t take your diet lightly if you have a malignant tumor of the stomach.. Because the duration and success of recovery depends on how correctly the nutritional schedule is drawn up.

At any stage of the tumor, the patient should exclude from the diet:

  • products that contain preservatives, flavors, dyes;
  • improperly prepared foods (fried, salted, hot food; smoked foods; pickles). They irritate the gastric mucosa and contribute to relapses or complications of the disease.
  • semi-finished products;
  • coffee, strong tea, alcohol, carbonated drinks.

Is stomach cancer treated only with alternative medicine? Of course not. To overcome terrible disease, need help from specialists.

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the following factors:

Deny traditional treatment, replacing it with traditional medicine is stupid. No healers or herbalists give a guarantee of recovery.

Only specialists in the field of oncology can help a person overcome cancer. But they can appoint as drug therapy, and herbal medicine.

Prevention of the occurrence of a malignant tumor in the stomach consists of following these rules:

When a doctor hears a diagnosis of stomach cancer, a person’s world turns upside down. He doesn't know what to do, how to cope with a fatal disease.

Many are afraid to immediately go to the hospital, undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy. They try to cope with the disease at home using folk remedies.

But no matter how good and effective medications based on propolis, aconite, hemlock, and celandine are, treatment of a malignant tumor must be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

But only complex therapy can influence the course of the disease, prevent tumor growth and eliminate it.

There are many examples positive results when combined medical supplies and treatment of stomach cancer with folk remedies. Using healing tinctures and decoctions of celandine, hemlock, aloe, burdock or calamus root, propolis, ASD:

  • pain and symptoms are relieved;
  • the acid-base balance is normalized;
  • tumors are treatable;
  • the pumping of lymph, which removes toxins, improves.

Before treatment with folk remedies, you need the recommendations of your doctor. Herbs are allergens, so many doctors are against their use in an organism weakened by cancer.

Hemlock Grass

An alcoholic tincture of the herb treats the tumor. Hemlock shoots are finely chopped with a knife, poured into a 3 liter jar by 1/3, and 0.5 liters of vodka are added. After mixing, the vodka is topped up to the brim and the jar is tightly closed with a lid. The alcohol tincture should be kept in the refrigerator for 14-20 days, shaking daily. Treatment regimens:

  • 1 morning - 1 drop in 250 ml of water on an empty stomach;
  • 2 morning - 2 drops in the same amount of water;
  • 3 morning - 3, etc. up to 40 drops.

On the 41st morning, the number of drops is reduced by one daily to the original dosage. This treatment should be done up to 3 times with a break of 5-10 days.

When treating celandine, fresh juice is especially effective.

It is impossible to say for sure whether it is possible to cure stomach cancer, but it is possible to relieve pain. Fresh juice, infusion, and alcohol extract from flowering celandine are especially effective. Treatment of stomach cancer with celandine is carried out using the following methods:

  1. 25 g of celandine crushed with a knife are brewed in 200 ml of water. You need to take 25 g of the decoction during the day between meals.
  2. Fresh juice is poured with vodka 1:1. The alcohol extract is kept for up to 7 days in a dark place and taken 10 g up to 4 times a day when diluted in 250 ml of water. There is a second scheme for taking alcohol tincture: take 20 drops of the product diluted in 30 g of water before meals. In this case, you need to increase the number of drops daily, one at a time, up to 50.
  3. 5 g of celandine is poured into 150 ml of boiling water. After infusion for 30 minutes, the drug is drunk in an amount of 75 ml 20 minutes before meals.
  4. 1 kg of plant is dried in air for 2.5 hours. After passing through a meat grinder, the juice is squeezed out of the mass. The resulting juice is mixed with 250 ml of 96% alcohol. You need to take the drug an hour before meals, 4 times a day, 25 g, with water.

Beekeeping products have a beneficial effect on the well-being of patients with cancer of any degree and successfully treat complications after chemotherapy and radiation. Folk remedy with honey for tumors:

  • "Wine honey" To prepare you will need 250 g of honey, 500 ml of Cahors, 150 g of squeezed aloe juice. The product is kept in the dark and cold for 5 days and taken 30 minutes before meals three times a day, 25 g each. The tincture envelops the mucous membrane in the stomach, protecting against inflammation.
  • Sea buckthorn medicine with honey. 500 g sea ​​buckthorn berries pour 1000 ml of buckwheat honey and infuse in a dark place for 30 days. Take 50 g three times a day after meals and wash down with 500 ml of milk.

Traditional methods of using propolis:

  • Chew 6 g of product thoroughly 3 to 5 times a day 60 minutes before meals.
  • Drink an alcohol tincture of 20 g of crushed propolis in 100 ml of 96% alcohol. The mixture is kept in the dark for 7 days with daily stirring. You need to take 40 drops diluted in warm milk or water 1.5 hours before meals three times a day.

Aloe juice

Aloe leaves older than 3 years can help a patient with stage 4 stomach cancer. After collecting them, you need to keep them for 10 days in a dark place, and then prepare the cognac tincture in three stages:

  1. 50 g of plant juice is mixed with 500 ml of cognac.
  2. 3 geranium leaves are poured with 30 ml of boiling water. The solution is kept in a thermos for 12 hours.
  3. The two liquids are poured into one container and 3 drops of iodine are added. You need to take the product three times a day, 50 ml.

Another traditional medicine is preparing aloe juice with honey:

  1. 75 g of aloe juice is mixed with 20 g of May honey.
  2. 20 g of elecampane grass is poured into 500 ml of water. The solution is kept on fire at a boil for 5 minutes. 150 ml of dry red wine and the mixture from step 1 are added to the decoction.
  3. You need to drink the drink 3 times a day, 5 g after meals.

Let's cure cancer with an aloe drink with red wine, which is prepared from the leaves of this plant, elecampane root, chaga, taken 10 g each and poured with 500 ml of red wine. The product is kept with shaking for 7 days and consumed 75 ml after meals three times a day.