Nutritional features and diet for diathesis in a child for a nursing mother. There are also some recommendations regarding the treatment of certain forms of diathesis. The child has diathesis, what should the mother eat?

The essence of the diet for diathesis in children

Diathesis is the body’s appropriate reaction to irritants; the disease can be inherited or acquired. This is a fairly common pathology, which manifests itself as excessive rashes on various areas of the child’s body, redness and peeling of the integument.

To avoid such manifestations, it is important to properly organize the child’s diet, eliminating potential allergens from it. When introducing additional complementary foods, add one new product per week, if rashes occur, remove this ingredient for a while, and then try again.

Causes of diathesis

A predisposition to diathesis can develop even before the baby is born. There are several main factors that provoke the disease:

environmental influences;
problems during pregnancy, toxicosis;
use alcoholic drinks, smoking by the expectant or nursing mother;
use of medications during pregnancy;
overuse highly allergenic foods by a nursing or pregnant woman.

After birth, the main reason for the occurrence of diathesis is the lack of a balanced, reasonable diet, both in the child and in the nursing mother.

Consequences of diathesis

Diathesis is not inherently a disease. This is the body's predisposition to various diseases, which can subsequently lead to other more serious ones, such as eczema, rhinitis, bronchial asthma. Therefore, the main task will be to prevent the development of diathesis.

Methods of dealing with diathesis

Drug treatment of diathesis

Treatment medicines aimed at reducing itching, redness, and irritation. Sedatives and vitamins should only be used with the approval of a physician.

Local treatment of diathesis

When diathesis is prescribed local treatment- ointments, baths, lotions. For lotions and baths, use decoctions oak bark, strings, celandine. A weak solution of potassium permanganate relieves itching and soothes the child's skin. Good effect This is achieved by wiping the child’s body with a decoction of bay leaves.

Proper nutrition for diathesis

Proper and reasonable nutrition is the main way to solve the problem. It is important both for preventive purposes and during exacerbation of the disease.

From two months, a baby who is breastfed or artificial nutrition, they begin to introduce additional complementary foods. It is important to follow some rules to avoid negative manifestations of diathesis.

You can add no more than one new product per week. If the body does not accept the new bait, it should be discontinued. You can return to this product after three months, if there is no exacerbation of diathesis.

Complementary foods are offered at the end of feeding, during the main meal.

The dose of a new product should be increased gradually.

As a new product, try to use juices, purees, and cereals from special children's food stores. They are designed for young children and must be carefully processed.

These rules allow the baby’s body to gradually get used to new foods, which makes it possible to avoid diathesis.

Product classification

For children suffering from diathesis, a special menu is prepared. Diet menu includes products that are least likely to cause a negative reaction in the body. However, one should take into account individual characteristics each organism and by carefully introducing products, create your own individual menu.

Prohibited foods for diathesis

Fatty fish, caviar, seafood;
Eggs, poultry, veal, smoked products, canned food;
Whole milk products, cheeses;
Vegetables, berries and fruits are red- yellow color, citrus fruits;
Honey, mushrooms, nuts, sweet and flour products, spices and herbs.
Use with caution following products:
Pike perch, hake, fatty pork, turkey, lamb;
Green peppers, potatoes, legumes, peas, herbal infusions;
Bananas, peaches, apricots, watermelons, cranberries;
Cereals, buckwheat, corn.

Cod, sea ​​bass;
Lean pork, rabbit, offal;
Kefir, fermented baked milk, butter;
Cabbage, zucchini, greens, cucumbers, rutabaga, turnips;
Green apples, pears, currants, gooseberries;
rice, oatmeal and pearl barley, vegetable oils, bread.

Nutrition for allergic diathesis

Allergic diathesis in children: its symptoms and treatment. Diet for diathesis
There is no universal diet for this disease, but during treatment doctors recommend following certain rules in mode baby food. If the baby is breastfed, breastfeeding is not canceled, but the diet of the nursing mother is subject to special correction, excluding foods rich in carbohydrates, salt and trophallergens (strawberries, strawberries, citrus fruits).

The menu for older children usually involves the complete exclusion of sweets, mousses, jelly, legumes, nuts, and any spices and seasonings. The ban also applies to pork, eggs, beef broth, and fish in any form.

Choosing a hypoallergenic diet depending on the type of feeding

Hypoallergenic diet for breastfed children

If a baby who is breastfed has diathesis, the mother needs to review her diet in favor of foods with low allergenic properties. The diet must be followed throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.

The diet must be enriched with 1.5–2% kefir, low-fat cheese, poultry, vegetables, refined oil, rye bread, natural and non-combined fruit juices no more than 1 glass per day.

Hypoallergenic diet for children on artificial or mixed feeding

The source of allergens may be hidden in the milk formula. If the identified cause is cow's milk protein, the baby must be transferred to adapted fermented milk formulas or unleavened adapted formulas. A baby over 7 months old can be given kefir, biokefir, mixtures with hydrolyzed protein, but not more than 1-2 times a day.

If the child reacts negatively to dairy products containing cow's milk protein, specialized formulas based on soy protein and dairy-free complementary foods are recommended. The recommended duration of consumption of soy mixtures is at least 3–9 months.

However hypoallergenic diet soy-based does not work in 20–30% of cases positive result. In this case, it is recommended to supplement the children's diet with special hydrolyzed mixtures.

With allergic diathesis in children there is

  • increased sensitivity and vulnerability of barrier tissues (skin, mucous membranes);
  • reduced resistance to infections;
  • prolonged course of inflammatory processes;
  • development of allergic reactions.

Hypoallergenic diet after the introduction of complementary foods

A child who is fed breast milk should be introduced to new foods no earlier than 6 months of age. You should start with vegetable purees: zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli. After a month, switch to dairy-free cereals, and at 7–8 months – to dietary meat. At the same time, the mother should keep a food diary and note all the child’s reactions to new foods.

The diet for formula-fed babies and mixed-fed children allows earlier complementary feeding: from 4.5–5 months – vegetable purees, from 5–5.5 months – porridge with soy mixture or hydrolyzate, from 6–6.5 months – meat puree.

In the diet of children suffering from diathesis, cheese, chicken eggs (both whites and yolks) and fish are prohibited. They can be introduced after one year of age, but with negative skin reaction do not repeat the experience. You should also not give drinks containing flavorings.

Diathesis in infants - diet and nutritional habits

Juices and purees based on fruits and berries are given no earlier than 2- one month old, a few drops a day. Egg yolk offered to the baby after 6 months, starting with a small piece.

Vegetable puree begins to be prepared from one vegetable, one day - from zucchini, the second day - from cabbage, gradually combining the ingredients, if the child is not allergic to them.

Porridge begins to be given from 4 months of age, usually oatmeal or buckwheat. In the first half of the year, it is allowed to start introducing meat, beef, rabbit, and young lamb. Also at this time, kefir is added to the diet.

Attention: individual nutrition during diathesis plays a huge role. And the child feels great, because he is not tormented by colic or other intestinal disorders, and the mother is calm - her baby eats well and does not cry at night!

Take care of your children and be happy!

The article is devoted to such a topic as the diet of a nursing mother with diathesis, and covers the most important aspects relating to the diet of a nursing mother.

A disease such as diathesis is observed in infants often. It has the form skin rash in the form of an allergic reaction.

When a newborn shows signs of constipation, diathesis, allergies or colic, a young mother should seriously think about the list of products in her diet, since diathesis can often be caused by an unbalanced diet, when, as a result of breastfeeding, the child gets into the body chemical substances that cause this disease.

The diet of a nursing mother with diathesis should not include foods such as citrus fruits, sweets, and foods, the consumption of which can provoke the appearance of symptoms of diathesis and an allergic reaction in the baby.

Undesirable foods include eggs, tomatoes, garlic, onions, spices, dairy products (except fermented milk) and chicken.

In addition, a young mother should be careful when consuming foods such as carrots, cabbage, corn, legumes, grapes, plums, cherries and a number of red fruits. When backlash the child’s body to consume the above products, they should be removed from the diet. Experts say that diathesis in a baby can be caused by the allergens they contain.

The diet of a nursing mother should consist of products such as fermented baked milk and cottage cheese, low-fat fermented milk products, wheat, buckwheat and rolled oats porridge with milk, apples, potatoes, bananas, butter and vegetable oil, pasta, vegetable broth, herbs, cauliflower, veal broth with low content fat, Herb tea and a number of other healthy and vitamin-rich foods.

Speaking about what a nursing mother should eat, you should also pay attention to the fact that a number of animal products, including cow's milk, veal and beef, are not recommended for consumption during breastfeeding. Nevertheless, the reaction of babies to these products is individual and depends on the properties of the body of each individual child.

Breastfeeding mothers do not need to follow any special diet. The exception is mothers whose children suffer from atopic dermatitis (diathesis). For all others, food should be varied, tasty, fresh. There are still some small restrictions, and they are known to everyone: alcohol, smoking, medications (only in consultation with the pediatrician), carbonated drinks (Pepsi, Cola, ....), chocolate (up to three years of a child’s life is not advisable ), pungent-smelling substances - onions, garlic (milk may acquire their smell and the child will be reluctant to suckle). That's probably all. All other products can be, following a few simple rules. First, always try one unfamiliar product per day. Secondly, always try a little bit (a teaspoon or a small piece). Thirdly, after that during the day to observe the child. If there is no redness on the cheeks, skin rashes, bloating or frequent bowel movements (in a child, of course), then the mother can eat this product for health. True, here it is necessary to make a reservation. The thing is. that although the amount of the product does not affect the development of an allergic reaction, but for manifestations atopic dermatitis and flatulence (bloating) it is significant. Therefore, even if there was no reaction to a small amount of a particular product, a child may react to an excessive amount of it with one of the phenomena listed above. You should try cabbage, corn, eggplants, grapes (!), legumes (!), plums (!), cherries with caution - in relation to the reaction from the intestines; honey, nuts, tomatoes, fish and seafood, citrus fruits, fresh carrots, red fruits (peaches, apricots) - as potential allergens. Lately Allergy to cow's milk protein has increased significantly in infants. Therefore, I do not advise nursing mothers to drink more than 0.5 liters per day. Fermented milk products can also cause dyspeptic disorders in some children, and we limit them to 0.5 liters per day. Green apples, peeled, can be eaten up to 2 pcs. per day (one in the morning, the other in the evening). Keeping a food diary is very useful, in which a woman notes what food she ate on a certain day and what reaction followed (or did not follow). This happens very clearly - you can immediately see what you can eat and what it is better to refuse. The fact is that no two children are alike, and products that are suitable in one case suddenly turn out to be “forbidden” in another. So try it, gain experience and be sure to be healthy!

You can confidently eat porridge (rice, buckwheat and oatmeal), vegetable soups in a weak broth, boiled and steamed meat, potatoes, boiled sausage (only the freshest), pasta, once a day - fermented baked milk, cottage cheese. However, I will make a reservation that many children are currently allergic to cow's milk protein. Therefore, any products containing it can cause manifestations of atopic dermatitis (diathesis) in such a child. In this case, there is often a reaction to beef, which contains allergens similar to those found in cow's milk. To be able to determine what exactly the child is reacting to, you must try to ensure that the skin is completely cleansed. Try to comply strict diet. Eliminate temporarily dairy products and beef. For five days, give your child Smecta 1 sachet per day (diluted in 100 ml of water) in the intervals between feedings, dividing into two or three doses. This will help to remove allergens accumulated there from the intestines. At the same time, lubricate the skin with Bepanten or Advantan (the latter is much more effective). You can use Bepanten two to three times a day, and Advantan once a day after bathing, applying it thin layer and lightly rubbing. When the skin is completely clean, you can carefully try drinking a small amount of milk. It is better to start with kefir or fermented baked milk, since reactions to fermented milk products are less likely to occur. If within two days after this the baby does not have the same skin manifestations, then you can try to increase the portion (up to 1 glass), and then try to drink whole (unleavened) milk. If there is no reaction, then everything is in order, and dairy products are not contraindicated for you and your child. If a reaction appears, then you will have to completely eliminate both dairy products and beef from your menu. If this is not done, or if the allergen is not identified now, then a persistent food allergy may subsequently form.

To stimulate lactation, you must continue to feed the baby on demand, apply it to both glands at each feeding, and take medications that improve lactation.
Feeding from both glands should take place according to the following scheme:
- You put the baby to right breast, feed for 15 minutes, after which you take him off the breast and apply him to the left.
- Hold the baby at your left breast for as long as he wants - 15 - 20 minutes.
- Express your right breast to the last drop (don’t touch the left, leaving it for the next feeding).
- At the next feeding, apply the baby to the left breast, hold the baby there for 15 minutes, then take it away and apply it to the right.
- Hold the baby at your right breast until full.
- Express your left breast.
And so all the time - always express the breast from which you fed first, do not hold the baby at the first breast for longer than 15 minutes. During this time, he sucks up to 90% of the total volume of milk in this breast.
Of the drugs that stimulate lactation, I can recommend homeopathic medicines. If you have the opportunity to get an appointment with a homeopath, try to do so - homeopathic medicines, selected individually, work best. If not, then I can recommend you the excellent, proven drug Mlekoin. It should be taken 5 granules in the morning before breakfast throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.
It is very useful to drink a cup of hot, sweet, freshly brewed tea before feeding. If possible, then after tea you should lie down completely relaxed for 20 - 30 minutes.
Try to structure your day in such a way that you have the opportunity to rest during the day for at least 1.5 hours. Ask your loved ones to help you more. Don't take failures to heart. not related to the baby’s condition - everything else should concern you to the smallest extent. If you can fulfill all these conditions - don’t be nervous, don’t think about anything other than the baby and feeding him, rest during the day, have a more or less full-fledged night sleep, feed the baby on demand (during the period of decreased lactation) from both glands, drink plenty of hot liquid before feeding, take homeopathic medicines that stimulate lactation, then everything should work out for you. True, there must be one more condition - the child must have a good appetite, he must love the breast and suck it greedily. I wish you good luck and good health To your baby!

1 complementary food is introduced at 4-4.5 months - vegetable puree from white vegetables (potatoes or zucchini) in vegetable broth with the addition of 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil (sunflower, corn or olive). We start with 1 teaspoon and increase to the required volume within 10 days. Complementary feeding is always started before breastfeeding or, as in your case, formula.

2 complementary foods are introduced a month after the first - porridge with half milk (5%), that is, the amount of cereal should be 5% of the volume of milk diluted with water twice. The procedure for introducing complementary foods remains the same. Starting with 1 teaspoon, gradually increase over 10 days to the required volume.

On those days when we accustom the child to a new complementary feeding, after it (complementary feeding) supplement the baby with regular food. At 6 months, you can add chicken or beef broth to the vegetable puree instead of vegetable broth. At 6.5 months. Cottage cheese (preferably home-cooked or “Agusha”) is introduced into the diet also gradually. It can be diluted with milk or mixture.

3 complementary foods are introduced at 7 months. - meat (chicken, beef, rabbit) boiled, rolled twice through a meat grinder. Meat is added to vegetable puree and soup is obtained. We also introduce it gradually, starting with 1 teaspoon. At the same age, we begin to give the yolk chicken egg, starting with a small grain, bring to 1/4. If the child allergic reaction for the yolk, then replace the chicken egg with a quail one.

4 - 5 months - juices (apple or pear), starting with a few drops, gradually increasing to 40 - 50 ml per day, divided into two doses and diluted with water. Subsequently, the amount of juice increases by 10 ml monthly.

4.5 - 5.5 months - fruit purees (apple or pear), starting with 1/2 teaspoon after breastfeeding, gradually increasing to 50 grams per day (this amount remains unchanged for up to a year).

5 - 6 months - vegetable purees (potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli) - from one type of vegetable white, diluted with vegetable broth with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil (corn, olive, sunflower), starting with 1/2 teaspoon before breastfeeding. Gradually increase, bringing up to 150 grams and completely replacing one breastfeeding. Fruit puree should also be given at this feeding.

5.5, - 6.5 months - porridge (if the child has a tendency to allergies, then dairy-free) with half-and-half milk - buckwheat, rice or corn. You can purchase dairy-free instant cereals without cooking and dilute them with expressed milk. - 150 - 200 ml. Begin administration with 1/2 teaspoon before breastfeeding and replace the entirety of another feeding gradually over 1 - 1.5 weeks.

6 - 7 months - add to vegetable puree meat puree(beef, chicken, rabbit or turkey). Boil a piece of meat in a small amount of water until fully cooked, grind in a meat grinder twice. Its amount - 50 grams - does not increase until a year. It should also be administered gradually over 5 to 6 days.

7 - 7.5 months - cottage cheese - 50 grams - before breastfeeding, starting with 1/2 teaspoon and gradually increasing to required quantity, which also remains unchanged for up to a year. After cottage cheese, feed until the breast is completely saturated. At the same age, it is necessary to introduce the yolk of a chicken egg. First, add a pea-sized grain to vegetable puree or porridge. If there is no reaction, the amount of yolk is gradually increased to 1/2. After 9 months you can give a whole yolk. The yolk is given 3 times a week.

8 - 9 months - kefir in the same feeding as cottage cheese. Start with 5 ml before breastfeeding and gradually increase the portion to 150 ml, completely replacing the breast during this feeding as well.

After 9 months, you can give once a week instead of meat chicken liver.

After 10 months, once a week instead of meat - sea fish (if there is no allergy).

After 11 months - instead of mashed meat, you can start giving meatballs. Gradually accustom the baby to coarser foods, not chopping the food into a homogeneous mass, but offering it to the child in small pieces.

1. Between 4 and 5 months, begin introducing nutritional correction - juices (apple or pear), starting with 3 - 5 drops in water. On the second day, if there is no adverse reaction, increase the portion of juice to 1/2 teaspoon. On the third day - 1 teaspoon and so on, bringing the portion of juice to 40 ml in 4 months and increasing this portion by 10 ml monthly. When introducing juices from it, it is necessary to dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1. After the juice is fully introduced, it can no longer be diluted with water. except in cases where the child has a tendency to spit up. If the baby has a reaction to the injection apple juice, then replace it with pear and vice versa. It happens that a child reacts to the juice of a certain manufacturer, but no reaction is noted to the juice of another. Juices should always be given between feedings.

2. After the juice has been completely introduced, you can begin introducing fruit purees. For starters, it can be the same fruits - apples or pears. Mashed potatoes should be given after formula or breastfeeding. On the first day - 1/2 teaspoon, on the second day if there is no reaction - 1 teaspoon, on the third day - 2 teaspoons and so on, bringing the portion to 50 grams daily. This portion remains unchanged until the child is one year old.

3. After 5 months, you need to start introducing the first main complementary foods - vegetables. You can purchase ready-made vegetable purees for baby food or prepare your own. In the first months, it should be a puree from one type of white vegetable (potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans). Administration should begin with 1/2 teaspoon before formula or breastfeeding. Gradually increase the portion, bringing it to 150 grams per day, completely replacing one feeding with formula. Fruit puree should also be given at the same feeding.

4. After introducing vegetables, begin introducing the second complementary food - cereal. We give gluten-free porridges to children of the first year of life (rice, buckwheat or corn). You can prepare porridge yourself from corn, buckwheat or rice flour with half-and-half milk (diluted 2 times with water) or purchase ready-made instant porridge without cooking. The consistency of the porridge should be the same as vegetable puree. Porridge should be given at one of the morning feedings, as when introducing vegetables, before feeding with the mixture. Start with 1/2 teaspoon and gradually increase the portion, completely replacing the second feeding. You should not give porridge with whole milk - this reduces the absorption of iron contained in food and causes anemia. In addition, whole cow's milk is much more rich in protein than mother's milk, and it is difficult for the child to absorb it.

5. At 6 months you should start adding meat to vegetable puree. You can purchase ready-made meat purees or meat and vegetable purees. I recommend starting the introduction of meat with rabbit or turkey. In addition, the proportion of baby food chicken and beef are well suited, but they can cause allergies. You should start introducing meat with 1/2 teaspoon and increase to 50 grams. This portion does not increase up to a year.

6. At 7 months we begin to introduce cottage cheese. This is the beginning of the third complementary feeding. We give cottage cheese, as well as the first two complementary foods, before feeding the mixture in the evening feeding (at 18:00). The scheme is the same as before. The final portion of cottage cheese is 50 grams and remains unchanged for up to a year. You can cook cottage cheese yourself or use ready-made Agusha cottage cheese for children. In addition, there are good Heinz products - cottage cheese with fruit, but the content of cottage cheese in them is low.

7. At the same age, the yolk of a chicken or quail (if the child is prone to allergies) eggs is introduced. It should be added either to vegetables or to cereals. On the first day - a grain the size of a pea. Gradually increase to 1/4 of the yolk. At 8 months you can already give 1/2 of the yolk, and at 10 months - the whole. The yolk should be given three times a week.

8. At 8 months we finish introducing the third complementary food - kefir. There may be options here. You can introduce Agusha kefir, prepare kefir yourself using Narine starter culture (which is especially recommended for children with allergies and dysbacteriosis). You can also give a fermented milk mixture (Nan fermented milk or Lactofidus) instead of kefir. We give kefir at the same feeding as cottage cheese. We start with 1 tablespoon and gradually increase to 150 ml, completely replacing the third feeding with mixture.

9. Actually, this is where the introduction of complementary foods ends. After 8 months, you can give chicken liver instead of meat once a week. After 10 months, give sea fish instead of meat once a week. After 11 months, gradually give up meat puree, replacing it with meatballs - teach the child to chew food in small pieces.


4.5 months 6-00 - breast or formula - 150-180 ml;
9-30 - breast or mixture - 150-180 ml;

13-00 - vegetable puree - 140 ml + fruit puree - 30 ml;
16-30 - breast or mixture - 150 - 180 ml;
In the interval between feedings - juice - 20 ml;
20-00 - breast or mixture - 150-180 ml;
23-30 - breast or formula - 150-180 ml (depending on the child’s appetite).

4 months (if baby is constipated)
If your child is bottle-fed, then switching to fermented milk formula can help to cope with constipation. If you are breastfeeding, then introduce complementary foods gradually (from four months it is already possible). However, this age is also suitable for the introduction of new products on the IV. Start by introducing juices (apple, pear), starting with 1 tsp. in the intervals between feedings, and bring up to 40 ml per day, divided into two doses. Then (after a couple of weeks) start introducing fruit purees (apple, banana, pear), also starting with 1 tsp, but before breastfeeding or formula. Bring it up to 40-50 grams per day. From 4.5 months, start introducing the first meal of complementary foods - usually it is vegetable puree (and it is this that helps to cope with stool disorders). It is better to start with mashed potatoes or squash on vegetable broth with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil (corn, olive or sunflower) at least homemade, though industrial production. We introduce it in the same way - with 1 tsp. before the main feeding, gradually increasing the volume, and within a week we completely replace one feeding (preferably at lunch). Then, when you master this dish, you can try adding light pumpkin, early carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower. We try everything new carefully, starting with a small portion, adding new products to an already familiar dish. Thus, at 4.5 months, your baby’s menu should approximately be as follows:
6-00 - breast or mixture;
10-00 - breast or mixture;

14-00 - vegetable puree - 130 grams + fruit puree - 50 grams;
18-00 - breast or mixture;
in the interval between feedings - juice - 20-25 ml;
22-00 - breast or mixture.
The number of feedings may vary depending on your baby's habits. Usually, the introduction of complementary foods improves bowel function and normalizes stool.

5 months 6-00 - mixture - 180 ml;
10-00 - mixture - 180 ml;
14-00 - vegetable puree (industrial production or home-cooked - potatoes, cauliflower or zucchini, on vegetable broth + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil) - 130 grams, fruit puree - 50 grams (apple, banana, pear, apricot - preference is given to industrial products due to heat treatment and their environmental friendliness);
18-00 - mixture - 180 ml
22-00 - mixture - 180 ml
In the intervals between feedings - juice, 50 ml in total per day, also offer the child water or fruit products in the form of a drink. From 5.5 months, start introducing porridge - this is the second complementary food (usually it is given at 10-00). You can also use ready-made instant porridge or cook it yourself (preferably buckwheat or rice) with half-and-half milk (diluted 2 times). New complementary foods should be introduced starting with 1 tsp. before the mixture, and then gradually over 5 days increase to the required volume and completely replace feeding. As for the amount of food per feeding, this is individual, 180 ml which I indicated is on average. The amount of food per day for a child under one year old should not exceed 1 liter. And also about vegetables. We usually do not recommend starting complementary foods with red vegetables (pumpkin or carrots) due to their increased allergenicity. But if you have already started, and the baby tolerates it well, then continue to feed. Just don't stop at just one pumpkin. Add variety to your diet by using the vegetables I listed above. It is not advisable to add a mixture to vegetable puree, because the mixture is a separate meal, and its composition is balanced as an independent dish. By adding it to vegetables, you significantly exceed the caloric intake and the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates required for one feeding of the child. This is an excessive burden on him digestive glands. In addition, your baby needs fruit puree as a source of vitamins. A boiled apple does not contain any vitamins; they are completely destroyed during the cooking process. It is preferable to use ready-made industrially produced purees, due, again, to the highly environmentally friendly production and cultivation of raw materials, as well as guaranteed bacteriological safety. But you can also give a grated or peeled apple or pear or the same banana, but in a volume of 50 grams per day. By the way, banana contains practically no vitamins. It is rich in microelements and fiber. So you can give it, but not limit yourself to just one.

5-6 months
6-00 - breast or mixture 180 - 200 ml;
10-00 - porridge (buckwheat, corn, rice, diluted with mixture or half-and-half milk). To begin with, you can use breast milk - dilute instant porridge with expressed milk, and subsequently, if there is no reaction to the introduction, dilute with cow's milk, diluted twice with water (if the child reacts to it, use goat's milk) - 180 - 200 ml;

14-00 - vegetable puree (potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli) - 150 grams + fruit puree - 50 grams;
18-00 - breast or mixture 180-200 ml;
In the interval between feedings - juice 25-30 ml;
22-00 - breast or mixture - 180-200 ml.

6 months

10-00 - porridge (buckwheat or rice or corn) - 200 ml;
In the interval between feedings - juice - 30 ml;
14-00 - vegetable puree (potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, if there is no dermatitis - pumpkin and carrots) - 150 grams, fruit puree - 50 grams;
18-00 - breast or mixture - 200 ml;
In the interval between feedings - juice - 30 ml.

7 months
6-00 - breast or mixture - 200 ml;
10-00 - porridge (corn, buckwheat, rice or oatmeal) - 200 ml;
In the interval between feedings - juice - 35-40 ml;
14-00 - vegetable puree (potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, in the absence of allergies - carrots and pumpkin) - 110 grams + meat puree (beef, chicken, turkey, chicken or rabbit), rolled twice through a meat grinder - 30-40 grams, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil; fruit puree - 50 grams;
18-00 - cottage cheese - 50 grams; fermented milk mixture - 150 grams;

22-00 - breast or mixture.
6-00 - chest;
10-00 - porridge (rice, corn, buckwheat) in the mixture - 150 - 200 grams;
In the interval between feedings - juice - 35 ml;
14-00 - vegetable puree + 1 tsp. vegetable oil - 100 grams + meat puree (chicken, beef, turkey or rabbit) - 50 grams + 1/2 chicken egg yolk; Fruit puree - 50 grams.
18-00 - chest;
In the interval between feedings - juice - 35 ml.
22-00 - chest.

From 6.5 months you can start introducing meat puree into vegetables (chicken, beef, rabbit, turkey), however, if the child has an allergy, then you should not start introducing meat from chicken or beef (reactions are often noted).
The amount of food at 6 months should be approximately 200 ml per feeding. Up to a year, this value should remain unchanged (the total amount of food per day is 1 liter).
Any new complementary foods should be introduced gradually, starting with 1/2 teaspoon before breastfeeding or formula, if there is no reaction, increase a little each subsequent day, bringing up to the required volume in a week. Meat (if you cook it at home) must be boiled, and then scrolled through a meat grinder twice and added to vegetable puree. It is very convenient and safe for a child to use ready-made children's meat and vegetable purees from well-known companies (Nestlé, HiPP, Nutricia, Semper, Herber). Cottage cheese, if there is no dairy cuisine in Norilsk, cook it yourself using sourdough (you can buy it at a dairy plant or cook it yourself). Ferment a small amount of boiled milk in heat until curdling is complete. Prepare cottage cheese daily as follows. Boil 200-300 ml of milk and pour about 1-2 teaspoons of starter into boiling milk along the edge of the dish. Once the milk has curdled, immediately remove it from the heat and let it cool slightly. Then place it on cheesecloth and squeeze (just not too hard so that the cottage cheese is not too dry). That's it, it can be given to a child at pure form or mixed with not big amount fruit puree. Regarding the yolk, I note that its quantity should start with a grain, the size of a pea. If there is no reaction, you can gradually increase the yolk to 1/2. If a reaction occurs, then you will need to replace chicken eggs with quail eggs. They are very useful, perfectly digestible and almost never cause allergies.

7 months
6-00 - mixture - 200 ml;
10-00 - porridge - 200 ml;
In the interval between feedings - juice - 35-40 ml;
14-00 - vegetable puree + 1/2 yolk + 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil - 100 grams + meat (chicken or rabbit or beef or turkey) - 30-50 grams; fruit puree - 50 grams;
18-00 - cottage cheese - 50 grams; kefir or fermented milk mixture - 150 grams; cookies 2 pcs.;
In the interval between feedings - juice - 35-40 ml;
22-00 - mixture - 200 ml.

8 months
6-00 - mixture 200 ml;
10-00 - porridge with milk or mixture (rice, buckwheat, cereal or corn) 200 grams;
In the interval between feedings - juice - 40 ml;
14-00 - vegetable puree (potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots) with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil - 100 grams, meat puree (chicken, beef, rabbit or turkey) daily - 50 grams, 1/2 yolk chicken eggs - 3 times a week, fruit puree 50 grams;
18-00 - cottage cheese 50 grams, fermented milk mixture - 150 grams, cookies - 2 pcs; In the interval between feedings - juice - 40 ml.
22-00 - mixture - 200 ml.

8-9 months
6-00 - breast or mixture - 200 ml;
10-00 - porridge - 200 ml;

14-00 - vegetable puree - 100 grams with meat puree - 50 grams, plus 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, plus 1/2 part of the yolk two to three times a week. Fruit puree - 50 grams;
18-00 - cottage cheese - 50 grams, kefir - 150 ml plus 2 pcs. children's cookies.
In the interval between feedings - juice 45 ml;
22-00 - breast or mixture - 200 ml.

9 months
6-00 - breast or mixture - 200 ml;
10-00 - porridge 10% with half-and-half milk (corn, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
In the interval between feedings - juice - 45 ml;
14-00 - vegetable puree - 130 grams + meat puree (chicken, beef, turkey, rabbit minced twice) - 20 grams + chicken or chicken yolk quail egg- 1/2 + 1 teaspoon vegetable oil; fruit puree - 50 grams;
In the interval between feedings - juice - 45 ml;
18-00 - cottage cheese - 50 grams; kefir - 150 ml + 2 cookies;
22-00 - breast or mixture - 200 ml.

10 months

10-11-00 - porridge (buckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal, cereal) with mixture or milk - 200 ml;

14-15-00 - vegetable puree (potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots) with 1 tsp. vegetable oil (corn, olive or sunflower) - 100 grams, 1/2 chicken egg yolk - 3 times a week; meat puree (chicken, beef, rabbit, lean pork, turkey) or steamed meatballs - 50 grams, once a week - sea ​​fish- 50 grams; fruit puree - 50 grams.
18-19-00 - cottage cheese - 50 grams, kefir - 150 grams, 3-4 cookies (Heinz or Malyshok);
In the interval between feedings - juice - 50 ml;
22-23-00 - breast or mixture - 200 ml.

11 months
6-7-00 - breast or mixture - 200 ml;
10-11-00 - milk porridge or mixture (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn or cereal) 200 grams;

14-15-00 - vegetable puree (potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini, beets, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots, celery), 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil (corn, olive, sunflower) - 100 grams (you don’t have to grind the vegetables into puree) , push them so that small pieces remain), meat puree or steamed meatballs (chicken, beef, lean pork, rabbit, turkey, once a week - sea fish, once a week - chicken or beef liver) - 50 grams, 1 egg yolk - three times a week. Fruit puree - 50 grams.
18-19-00 - cottage cheese 50 grams, kefir - 150 grams cookies Malyshok or Heinz - 3-4 pcs.
In the interval between feedings - juice - 55 ml;
22-23-00 - breast or mixture 200 ml.

12 months
8:00 - porridge (any whole cow or goat milk) with butter- 200 - 220 grams A piece of bread or crackers or cookies. Tea or compote.
11:00 - milk or yoghurt - 150 ml, fruit.
14:00 - soup in meat broth with vegetables and cereals. - 150 ml Meatballs - 50 - 80 grams, side dish - porridge in water with vegetable oil or stewed vegetables - 50 grams
Or fish soup - once a week.
17:00 - kefir - 200 ml, fruit. Cookies
20:00 - cottage cheese - 100 grams or omelet from 1 egg, milk - 150 ml Breakfast and dinner composition can be swapped - depending on what the child prefers - a hearty breakfast or a heartier dinner.

Diathesis is a tendency to a certain group of diseases, which is hereditary. There are exudative-catarrhal, neuro-arthritic, lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis. Most often in early age exudative-catarrhal diathesis occurs, which can later manifest itself as allergic diseases and allergies different localization. Typical manifestations such diathesis - rashes, peeling, redness, itching, weeping of the skin. Symptoms mentioned in any combination or separately can be present even with attentive and careful care of the baby. Manifestations of exudative-catarrhal diathesis are closely related to the nature of nutrition and condition digestive system. Subject to the rules of rational and low-allergenic nutrition for small child allergic diathesis goes away safely.

Products - allergens

A list of the most allergenic foods will help you create a diet in such a way as to reduce contact with allergens to a minimum. Such measures are necessary in the first year of a child’s life, regardless of the allergic history of the parents, due to the imperfection of the digestive system. The diet of a child over one year old, who has previously had manifestations of allergic diathesis, should not include allergenic foods. Considering that food allergens will also be present in breast milk, a nursing mother should also control her diet. Pregnant on last weeks They should also limit their diet, since some allergens are eliminated from the body for quite a long time and can penetrate into the first portions of milk.

Products with high content allergens:

  • Citrus fruits - orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, tangerine, and all kinds of hybrids of these fruits.
  • Strawberry.
  • All exotic fruits.
  • Seafood.
  • Salmon fish, red caviar.
  • Meat of chicken and other birds.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Grape.
  • Cow's milk.
  • Wheat and rye flour and cereals.
  • Cocoa, chocolate.
  • Nuts.
  • All smoked, spicy, artificially colored products, confectionery with cream and caramel, carbonated drinks.

Nutrition for pregnant women

When carrying a child, a mother must remember that not all foods that are healthy for an adult can have a beneficial effect on the fetus. There is no need to try to get all the vitamins from seasonal fruits and vegetables: this may provoke a tendency towards allergies in the child in the future. Eat in moderation. A monotonous diet, with an emphasis on one product or group of products, also adversely affects the state of the digestive system. For example, the use large quantity cottage cheese and dairy products, meat, or flour products. An excess of one group of substances makes digestion ineffective and can provoke allergic activity in the body.

Products that have no special nutritional value, it is not necessary to remove them from the consumption list, but especially harmful ones should still be abandoned (with dyes, flavors, large amounts of sugar). The above-mentioned allergenic foods may well be present in the mother’s diet during pregnancy, but their consumption should be limited to twice a week, while maintaining moderate portions.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, it is important to remove all difficult-to-digest foods from the diet so as not to overload the digestive system. It will also be useful to gradually switch to a low-allergenic diet before giving birth.

Particular attention should be paid to vitamin complexes which are intended for pregnant women. They often contain dyes and other Excipients that cause rashes or stain vaginal discharge and urine. The ideal option is vitamin preparations, which do not have such effects.

How to eat properly for a nursing mother and baby?

Having defined the circle unwanted products, it is still important to understand why an atopic reaction to food develops. Allergens for the body are substances that could not be broken down in digestive tract to elemental nutritional components. However, an allergy to them begins to appear only when a critical amount accumulates. For a child, with his immature digestive system, this amount is very small, because many substances cannot be broken down at all in the first year of life due to the lack of necessary enzymes. Therefore, both complementary feeding and the main meal should be treated with restraint, do not overfeed the child, and introduce new foods carefully, starting with half a teaspoon. After a year and beyond, the cause may be a disease of the digestive system, systematic overeating, improper processing of foods, or abuse of any product. It is not recommended to stop breastfeeding before six months.

Introduce cow's milk with caution. If a child has manifestations of allergic diathesis, whole cow's milk should be discarded until three years. In this case, the ideal option is modern adaptive milk formulas, which will fill the need for milk protein and a certain amount of calcium. A child without manifestations of exudative-catarrhal diathesis before one year of age should not be given cow's milk either.

Fruits and vegetables that are red, orange, or yellow are an allergic risk for a child of the first year of life. Many allergens are destroyed by heat treatment, so it is better to start getting acquainted with any vegetables and fruits boiled or baked. The ideal first food is zucchini puree. Also good are broccoli, cauliflower, baked apple, rice porrige, oatmeal, buckwheat. By the end of the second half of life, these products can make up half of the baby’s diet, and the other half will be breast milk. If mom decided to finish breast-feeding before a year, then it is advisable to replace mother’s milk with an adapted milk formula. Porridge for a baby should also be prepared with formula milk, breast milk, or vegetable and fruit infusions.

The child himself must regulate food portions. If during the day the baby refuses all the dishes offered or eats little, do not insist: the child is not hungry. There are periods when the need for food decreases, and the baby is content with little without compromising his health. Overloading the child's intestines at this time can cause harm to him.

Exudative diathesis is not a disease, but a peculiar condition child's body, characterized by a tendency to inflammatory processes, decreased resistance, painful reactions to non-pathogenic normal conditions irritants. With exudative diathesis, the body is distinguished by its potential readiness for the disease, and it can develop from the most seemingly insignificant reasons.

Ten babies lay, say, in wet diapers. For nine it passed without a trace, and one developed diaper rash. Ten children were given woolen sweaters. Nine were pleasant and comfortable in such clothes, but one began to be “bitten” by the fibers of his fur, he scratched his neck, and this started eczema.
The German pediatrician Czerny, who at the beginning of this century first introduced the concept of “diathesis” into medicine, noted its connection with nutrition. Indeed, children suffering from diathesis sometimes do not tolerate completely benign and, in principle, healthy foods, for example, eggs, fish, honey, oranges, strawberries.
Exudative diathesis predisposes to allergic diseases, especially eczema and bronchial asthma. Occur more often gastrointestinal disorders, diseases urinary tract, respiratory organs.
Exudative diathesis is based primarily on congenital, inherited properties. One could say: in order for a child to not develop diathesis, the parents must be healthy. This answer, naturally, is useless for those who have already become mothers and fathers. But they need to take into account that the second important reason development of diathesis - improper feeding of the child, monotonous, predominantly carbohydrate diet - excess flour products, jelly, sweets, careless care. If there is an innate predisposition to diathesis, all this becomes especially dangerous.

Prevention of diathesis in children

To prevent the development of diathesis, it is very important to notice its earliest manifestations. These may be small yellowish spots in the area of ​​the eyebrows and on the knees, sometimes noticeable already in the first weeks of life. A little later, yellowish crusts are found on the head, on the eyebrows, and reddish, sharply circumscribed spots on the cheeks. They do not cause concern to the child, but you need to be careful.
What preceded their appearance? Maybe some dietary features of the mother if she is breastfeeding, or the introduction of new foods into the child’s diet? We must try to grasp this connection in order to, if possible, eliminate the food or substances that caused such a reaction.
So, in order for certain manifestations of diathesis to arise, some kind of push, some kind of irritant is needed, and if you protect the child from unfavorable for him external influences, it is possible to prevent or, in any case, significantly mitigate such manifestations.

Of course, the mother's nutrition should be adjusted. First of all, it is necessary to exclude products that most often have an allergenic effect. We named some of them.

You will also have to refuse from strong meat and chicken broths, smoked meats, spicy and salty dishes.
Allowed: meat (beef); all fermented milk products, mild cheese; vegetables - potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, turnips; cereals - buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal. The preferred fruits are apples and pomegranates.
When a child has severe manifestations of diathesis, the doctor sometimes prescribes to the nursing mother antihistamines, reducing the allergic mood of the body. They should be taken 30-40 minutes before feeding.
VERY IMPORTANT keep the baby breastfeeding, with those rare exceptions when he does not tolerate it well mother's milk. Supplementary feeding, if this is unavoidable, should be started not with milk, but with kefir, complementary feeding - not with porridge, but with vegetable puree; cook porridge not with milk, but mainly with vegetable broth, and not with semolina, but with buckwheat, oatmeal, and rice.
Of course, it is difficult to do without milk in the diet of a child in the first year of life. We advise you to use dry reconstituted milk rather than natural milk, since heat treatment when dried, it somewhat reduces its allergenic properties.
Children tolerate kefir, yogurt, acidophilus, cottage cheese, and mild cheese well. If you have to exclude fish, you need to increase the amount of meat. Try to cook more dishes from vegetables; just check to see if they cause any adverse reactions potatoes and carrots. If this is the case, their use will have to be limited. Among fruit juices, apple, lemon, and plum are preferable.
It should be noted that children suffering from exudative diathesis have an increased need for so-called unsaturated fatty acids, which are contained in vegetable oil. Use it for salads, vinaigrettes. Sometimes you need to limit sugar. Observations confirm that it is good for such children to replace sugar with xylitol.
The body's reactions to allergies are very individual. Some children may well tolerate such “classic” allergens as eggs, honey, fish, and react negatively to the usually “harmless” buckwheat porridge. Therefore, we advise you to keep a diary and write down every day what food your child received and how he reacted to it. This will help you choose the most suitable diet for him.
CHILD MODE suffering from exudative diathesis, does not differ from the regimen of healthy children of his age. He needs hardening just like his peers, and even more so, but hardening procedures should be carried out more carefully. Try to let your child spend a lot of time on fresh air. Don't bundle him up: these children sweat more, and sweaty skin is more sensitive to various irritants.
The child should not wear clothes made of synthetic fabrics; under woolen items, wear cotton blouses or shirts, sewn in such a way that the wool does not come into contact with the body anywhere.
Do not forget about the need for very careful care. Never leave babies in damp diapers, keep their skin clean.
We recommend bathing a child who has developed weeping eczema by adding a solution to the water potassium permanganate(until pale pink) or 200 grams of oak bark decoction. Baths can be done daily or every 1-2 days. If your child has very dry skin, it is better to limit him to bathing once a week, and wash him with soap once every two weeks.
You can refuse to wash your face only in case of a sharp exacerbation - then for several days you will have to wash only your eyes with a two percent solution of boric acid.
Try to play with your baby more, distract him, and don’t let him scratch the sore spots. Otherwise, he will develop a habit and will scratch his skin even after all the inflammation has disappeared.
Indeed, manifestations of exudative diathesis in to a certain extent depend on age. Usually they make themselves felt most strongly in the second half of the year and then, gradually weakening, subside in some cases by 4-5 years, in others by 7-9 or even later, by 14-15 years. This, however, does not mean that you can calmly wait until the child “outgrows” the painful phenomena. The sooner treatment is started, the faster the improvement will occur. If you leave everything to its course, skin manifestations of exudative diathesis can become a kind of springboard for the development of severe allergic diseases and, in particular, bronchial asthma.
Speaking about treatment, we strongly warn against self-medication. The child must be under constant medical supervision; medications can be used only those recommended by the doctor. Follow treatment times carefully. It has been established that if you continuously use an antiallergic drug for a long time, it not only ceases to help, but it itself can become an allergen and cause an exacerbation of the disease.
Many parents ask how to use hormonal ointments. We answer: only under the supervision of a doctor! Even in a clinical setting, we resort to these drugs extremely rarely, given that they provide only a short-term effect, and after their use, other drugs stop helping altogether.
Do not neglect the lotions and talkatives that your doctor will prescribe for you. The lotions have a good disinfectant and cooling effect. To make a lotion, for example, on the cheeks (and the face is most often affected), you need to fold clean gauze into 6-8 layers, moisten it in the solution and secure it with a scarf. This dressing should be left for 1-2 days, periodically re-wetting the gauze in the solution so that it always remains moist.
It is important to apply ointments correctly. They work better if the area where the ointment is applied is covered with a bandage.
Children suffering from exudative diathesis have an increased need for vitamins; in addition, their natural intake into the body decreases, since some fruits and vegetables have to be excluded from the diet. Therefore, doctors usually prescribe vitamin preparations, especially in winter and spring. They should be given in the dose recommended by the doctor.
Many parents write about the difficulties of dealing with the manifestations of diathesis and even that they do not see the possibility of achieving a cure. We fully understand their anxiety, but do not share their pessimism. There is no need to be discouraged. Be patient, persistent. Only strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations will help restore your child’s health!