Why does the menstrual cycle shift. Uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle

Violations are the most common reason for women to visit a gynecologist. Any woman faced such problems as the irregularity of the cycle, a change in the abundance and duration of menstruation (menstruation). Our article will help you figure out what a normal menstrual cycle how to recognize its violations, and what can cause such changes.

What should be a normal menstrual cycle?

The physiological processes that take place in female body are subject to strong fluctuations. So, the greatest tension comes at the very end. premenstrual period. Such changes are cyclical, and they externally manifest themselves in the form of a slight increase, breast enlargement and its soreness, increase, and depth of breathing. Mood changes indicate active processes occurring in a woman's body. The drop in critical stress coincides with the days when menstruation is already in progress.

And all these signs are normal. Another thing is that all these signs should not cause significant discomfort.

So, let's designate the main conditions that define the concept of a normal (physiological) menstrual cycle of a woman:

  1. cyclicality (due to hormonal changes in the body there should be a sequential change of 3 phases of the menstrual cycle);
  2. Normal cycle length (at least 20 days and not more than 45 days). The most common indicator of duration normal cycle– 28 – 30 days;
  3. Directly, menstruation for each woman should have a certain duration (2 - 7 days), and this indicator should not differ significantly from month to month;
  4. The total blood loss for one menstruation should not be less than 50 ml, and not more than 150 ml;
  5. Menstruation should not bring a woman strong and unwell.

The length of the correct menstrual cycle

Recall that the menstrual cycle is the period from the beginning of the previous menstruation to the beginning of the current. As we have already noted, the normal menstrual cycle of a woman can be from 20 to 45 days. At different women this duration can vary significantly. Usually, the cycle is fully established a year after the start of the first menstruation in girls. Much less often, its full recovery occurs after the first pregnancy and.

If deviations from the norm occur occasionally (once a year) and are limited to a few days to a week, this is not considered a pathology, and no treatment is required. Thus, if your period comes earlier or later by a few days, this does not mean that you have an irregular menstrual cycle.

In the case of a break between periods of more than 40 - 60 days, or, on the contrary, earlier by 20 - 25 days (2 times a month), there is clearly an irregular menstrual cycle.

To determine the so-called safe days, you need to subtract 18 days from the number of days of the largest menstrual cycle, and subtract 10 days from the number of the most short cycle. The resulting numbers will mean the following: the first digit is the number safe days at the beginning of the month, and the second at the end. These days will be safe from unwanted pregnancy. But directly the period between these two numbers is the most favorable for.

Most effective method calculating the menstrual cycle is considered a regular measurement of one's own. This is the body temperature in internal organs(measured in the vagina or in the mouth), capable of changing under the influence of female sex hormones. It should be noted that this temperature should be measured early in the morning, immediately after waking up. The obtained indicators are drawn up in the form of a simple graph, the data of which doctors rightly consider the most accurate indicators. Starting to measure the temperature within one calendar month (every day), you will soon notice such changes.

So, the received data is decrypted as follows. From the first day of menstruation until the moment of ovulation, the basal temperature is at around 36.6 - 36.8 degrees Celsius. If on a certain day the temperature dropped to 36.4 degrees, this is the day the ovulation began. The entire period, while the temperature is kept below 37 degrees, - favorable period for conception. Then comes the second phase of the menstrual cycle (temperature 37 degrees), this temperature is kept until the beginning of the next menstruation. It is important to know that each woman's temperature fluctuations can be expressed differently. Therefore, for correct calculations, it is necessary to take into account the slightest temperature fluctuations as much as possible (if they are constantly fixed, this will be immediately visible).

Cycle length y healthy women should be 28 days, but small deviations per week in either direction are allowed. Therefore, the cycle should be from 21 days to 35 days. Within one year from the moment of the appearance of menstruation in girls, the cycle should normalize, and its length should be the same, and the difference between the past and current cycle should not exceed 1-2 days. However, not every girl and woman has a regular cycle.

28 days is a woman's ideal menstrual cycle

Absolutely every woman sometimes faces the problem of an irregular cycle. A delay in menstruation up to 7 days a couple of times a year in some cases is considered within the normal range, as this can be due to all sorts of stresses, climate change or even the season.

Irregular menstrual cycle -

- this is how various gynecological diseases. In addition to the irregular cycle, the nature of menstruation is also disturbed: suddenly they become more painful and go plentifully, for example. Any deviation from the usual state should excite a woman, this should not be delayed, you should contact a gynecologist.

The main causes of irregular periods

The causes of irregular periods are varied, there can be a great many of them. But if you nevertheless generalize them, then you can divide them into the following groups:

  1. External factors, that is, the impact on the cycle of a different series physiological reasons, such as regular stress, the body is constantly in an excited state, climate change, dietary changes, etc.
  2. Pathological state of the whole organism.
  3. Drugs that affect the entire body (for example, hormones, anti-seizure drugs, and drugs prescribed for depression).

Factors related to the pathological condition:

  • Pathology of the ovaries. The connection between the ovaries and the pituitary gland may be disrupted, ovarian cancer, drug stimulation of ovulation, a weak second phase of the cycle, ovarian surgery, various injuries female organs.
  • Endometriosis. With such a disease, it does not matter what it is - extragenital endometriosis or genital, since the disease still affects the hormonal sphere, resulting in an imbalance of hormones.
  • Impaired blood clotting.
  • There are diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
  • There was curettage of the uterine cavity.
  • Cancer of the uterus, female reproductive glands, and also the thyroid.
  • Polyps on the mucous membrane of the uterus.
  • Sudden change in weight.
  • infantilism of the uterus, double uterus, septum in the uterus.
  • Bad habits like overuse alcohol, less often smoking.

Failures in the cycle can also indicate infertility.

Every woman needs to keep a calendar of menstruation! This is an example calendar.

Irregular periods in teenagers

The causes of irregular periods in a girl are quite natural, they can be explained by physiological factors. The hormonal background has not yet begun to function normally, therefore, both the duration and the menstruation themselves can be completely different, starting at different time and proceed in the same way - each time in a different way.

According to doctors, within one to two years, the cycle will be restored.

But there are also pathological factors that can be the causes of irregular periods in adolescence:

  1. Obesity;
  2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  3. Persistent colds;
  4. Traumatic brain injury;
  5. Obesity;
  6. Sexual infections;
  7. Sclerocystosis of the ovaries;
  8. Deviations in the development of the reproductive system.

An important role in irregular periods is played by girls' addiction to diets, since they can lead to excessive weight loss, as well as hypovitaminosis, as a result of which the menstrual cycle is disturbed. Psychology also affects the regularity of the cycle (for example, a girl is too prone to emotions - which means that the cycle will “jump”). In addition, on regular cycle are influenced by bad habits and chaotic sexual relations.

It is very important to determine why the cycle is disturbed in adolescence, because these can be both physiological and pathological factors that can cause juvenile bleeding. With this complication, menstruation lasts more than a week and is much more abundant in nature. As a result, anemia can occur as a complication. Very often, juvenile uterine bleeding can be caused by constant stress or infectious processes.

If the menstrual irregularity is due to juvenile bleeding, then therapy is usually built in two stages:

  1. The first stage - treatment is carried out with the use of hormonal drugs and hemostatic (Vikasol, Dicinon, Aminocaproic acid).
  2. If a girl has prolonged bleeding and profusely expressed, while there are symptoms such as low hemoglobin, weakness, constant dizziness, then in this case curettage is usually indicated. In order not to tear the effective hymen, the patient is chipped with novocaine 0.25%. Scraping should be sent for histological examination. If hemoglobin is within normal limits, the doctor prescribes hormonal pills With low content hormones.
  3. In addition to hormonal and surgical treatment, in some cases, blood transfusion takes place.
  4. Required for anemia iron-containing preparations, such as Ferrum lek, Tardiferon, Sorbifer-Durules and others.
  5. Treatment with hormonal contraceptives usually lasts at least three months. During this time, the body recovers.

If a teenage girl has a mild case of menstrual irregularities, complex vitamin therapy is prescribed with special vitamins, for example, Cyclovita.

Irregular menstruation cycle during menopause

In women at 45-55 years old (and some even at 40), menopause occurs. But in addition to the fact that there is a failure in the menstrual cycle, vegetative-vascular failures occur in metabolism and in mental state(there may be a surge of heat, cold, osteoporosis, psycho-emotional instability).

In the premenopausal period, the reproductive function fades, the follicles in the gonads do not mature, and there is a breakdown in the production of gonadotrapins. As a result, the endometrium undergoes pathological restructuring.

Some women may experience irregular periods after the age of 40, the causes of which lie in early menopause, ovaries are depleted ahead of time, and in this case it is necessary hormonal treatment.

How to restore the cycle?

Treatment of cycle disorders in women of childbearing age

Every girl sooner or later faces such a problem as irregular periods, but the reasons for women can be very diverse.

To diagnose the causes, come to the gynecologist with a monthly calendar.

Your doctor may order an ultrasound, a blood test for hormones, a hysteroscopy, and, in rare cases, an MRI. Naturally, the treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes, in each case it is different.

If none serious reasons for loop failure is not present, then are limited vitamin preparations and lifestyle modifications. A woman should have a normal daily routine, she should eat well and nullify all stress. If the reason for the violation of menstruation is obesity, then it will be enough to bring the weight back to normal. You can try and folk methods(more on them below).

If bleeding occurs, then, despite its severity, curettage is necessary for both treatment and diagnosis.

Doctors usually prescribe for treatment:

  • Oral contraceptives, that is, preparations containing hormones, according to the general treatment regimen.
  • If the luteal phase is defective, then in this case Duphaston or Utrozhestan are prescribed (this is an analogue important hormone- progesterone).
  • Of course, it is necessary to treat the disease that led to the violation of menstruation.

Treatment of bleeding in menopausal women

If unusual bleeding occurs in menopause, then curettage of the uterine cavity is required, due to the fact that such bleeding may indicate atypical hyperplasia or endometrial adenocarcinoma. In this case, even the question of removing the uterus may arise.

As a rule, for violations in the menstrual cycle in menopausal age, it is necessary to prescribe gestagens: Duphaston, 17-OPK. Antiestrogen drugs (Gestrinone, Danazol) may also be prescribed.

Folk remedies to combat irregular periods

  1. 10 days before the expected menstruation, you need to add bread from sprouted grains or even the grains themselves to your diet - for example, germinated wheat, buckwheat. Why are they so useful? It is in the seedlings that there are a lot of biologically active vitamins and substances that positively affect the performance of the ovaries.
  2. Fresh carrot juice, it turns out, is not only tasty, but also healthy - it tidies up female hormones. Take 150g carrot juice and combine it with cream (50g). It is necessary to take such juice before meals for ten days every month.
  3. Normalizes the cycle infusion of pennyroyal. For its preparation you will need: 2 tablespoons of dry grass, a glass of hot boiling water. Pour the grass with water and leave for 5 minutes.

The regularity of the cycle of menstruation worries any woman, whether you are a girl adolescence, woman childbearing age, or you are well over 40 years old. Perhaps it is precisely the coming menstruation that indicates some kind of disease. That is why it is necessary to determine as quickly as possible what the cause is, since when the cause is eliminated, the cycle also normalizes. Be healthy!

Menstrual disorders are often a manifestation of diseases reproductive organs or hormonal imbalance. But there are also non-dangerous conditions, which are also characterized by the presence of such a sign. For example, normal age-related changes can be the causes of hormonal failure. If your periods become irregular, you should consult a doctor. By using medicines after a thorough examination, a special therapy is carried out to restore the cycle.


When an irregular cycle is not a pathology

Normally, menstruation should be regular, come after a certain number of days (with a deviation of no more than 3 days). The duration of the cycle should be at least 21 and not more than 35 days. There are exceptions in which the cycles are slightly shorter or longer (this is due to the genetic characteristics of the organism). Violation of the regularity of the cycle is spontaneous, single (for example, due to climate change, experienced stress, sudden weight loss), but it can be long-term, even permanent.

At certain periods of life, irregular periods occur due to natural physiological processes occurring in the body and are not considered pathology. So, at the beginning of puberty for 1-2 years, a girl's menstruation comes chaotically, since during this period the development of the genital organs occurs, and the level of hormones that regulate the processes of the cycle has not yet been established.

After childbirth, a woman's periods appear, as a rule, after the end of breastfeeding, and at first, while recovering hormonal background, they may be irregular.

The cycle is broken when using hormonal contraceptives. Irregular spotting most often occurs within 3-4 months of starting treatment birth control pills or after abrupt interruption of their use.

Note: Some women deliberately violate the schedule of reception oral contraceptives in order to delay or hasten the onset of menstruation. In this case, there is a risk of persistent failures of the menstrual cycle or the onset of amenorrhea.

During the period of premenopause, interruptions in the onset of menstruation are also natural. In connection with the aging of the ovaries, the depletion of the supply of eggs in the body, another hormonal changes. At the same time, periods are irregular, and after a while they disappear completely.

The occurrence of interruptions is facilitated by the use of certain medications ( hormonal drugs, tranquilizers, anticoagulants), alcohol abuse.

Video: How menstrual irregularities manifest themselves

Pathologies leading to disruption of the cycle

The cause of the pathological failure may be diseases endocrine glands and genital organs, injuries of the uterus and ovaries, surgical operations on them, as well as poisoning the body with toxins, blood diseases, physical overload.

Irregular cycle as a sign of disease

Diseases that are symptomatic menstrual disorders are often associated with hormonal disorders in the body.

Hyperprolactinemia. An increased content of the hormone prolactin in the blood leads to a decrease in the level of estrogen and progesterone, as a result of which menstruation comes with a great delay, becomes scarce or disappears completely. With this pathology accompanying symptoms in women, there are secretion of milk from the nipples during a period not associated with breastfeeding, facial hair growth, and infertility. Causes of pathology can be pituitary tumors, dysfunction thyroid gland taking antidepressants and certain other medications.

Polycystic ovaries. In the presence of cystic formations in the ovaries of a woman, there may be delays in menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding. Symptoms are also an increase in body weight and hair growth in areas of the body that are uncharacteristic for women.

Benign and malignant tumors uterus and ovaries (cystoma, fibroids, cancer). Such diseases are characterized by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, chaotic bleeding, pathological discharge between periods.

Inflammatory and infectious diseases genital organs affect the state of the endometrium, can accelerate or slow down its rejection, while irregular periods are a symptom. A pathology such as inflammation of the ovaries can itself cause hormonal disorders in the body.

Endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis, adenomyosis. Hormonal imbalance leads to wrong development endometrium, as a result of which menstruation becomes painful, come irregularly. Dangerous intermenstrual bleeding occurs.

Causes of cycle failures in adolescents

If after 2 years the girl’s cycle has not been established, menstruation comes irregularly, this indicates some kind of health disorder. The chaotic onset of menstruation is typical for malnourished adolescents who are fond of starvation diets, which sometimes leads to anorexia. Vitamin deficiency and anemia can also be the cause of deviations. Increased nervousness, emotionality, a tendency to hysteria often lead to the fact that menstruation comes intermittently.

Irregular periods may also be caused by:

Quite often at the same time there are so-called juvenile uterine bleedings. Their appearance can be triggered by physical overwork, mental trauma, malnutrition, diseases.

Causes of pathological cycle disorders in menopause

Hormonal changes that occur in the body after about 45 years of age can lead to such a pathology as hyperestrogenism. The reason is a malfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system of the brain. This greatly increases the risk of developing estrogen-dependent tumors, endometrial hyperplasia. Hyperestrogenism leads to irregular uterine bleeding.

When to See a Doctor

The following signs indicate that the violation of the cycle has arisen in connection with serious pathologies:

  • the cycle becomes shorter or longer every month, does not fit into the interval of 21-35 days, menstruation stops in a woman reproductive age;
  • long cycles alternate with short ones;
  • infertility is observed;
  • pain in the lower abdomen increases during menstruation and between them;
  • appear intermenstrual bleeding;
  • discharge between periods has a pronounced color, bad smell, strange texture.

It is necessary to consult a doctor (gynecologist, endocrinologist) if menstruation is absent in a girl over 15 years old.

Video: Causes and signs of menstrual cycle failure

Diagnosis and treatment

Before prescribing treatment, an examination is carried out to find out the reasons why menstruation has become irregular.

In the diagnosis, methods such as blood tests for hemoglobin, the content of individual trace elements, sugar, as well as hormones and the presence of infectious agents are used. You can determine the presence of diseases using ultrasound, MRI.

If it is found that there are no serious pathologies, then to restore the cycle, vitamins A, E, C and group B, drugs of a calming effect are prescribed, general strengthening procedures are recommended. Upon detection of diseases caused by hormonal failure, substitution is carried out hormone therapy. For women of reproductive age, taking oral medication helps to restore the cycle. contraceptives according to a certain pattern. With an excess of estrogens in the body, drugs based on progesterone (Utrozhestan, Duphaston) are prescribed, with a lack of testosterone (Norkolut) or estradiol (Levonorgestrel).

Treatment underway concomitant diseases liver, thyroid gland and other organs involved in the formation of hormones and hematopoiesis. Iron preparations are also prescribed to eliminate anemia, antiviral and antibacterial treatment is carried out.

In the presence of uterine bleeding, the uterus is scraped and the endometrium, which has various defects, is removed. Subsequent hormonal treatment helps prevent the recurrence of disorders and the development of pathologies such as irregular periods.

To improve the functioning of the ovaries, drugs are prescribed that stimulate the maturation of follicles, which increase the production of estrogen and progesterone. Such drugs ("Choryoginin", "Pergonal") are used in the treatment of infertility.

Video: Treatment of menstrual irregularities

Menstruation is monthly natural uterine bleeding in girls and women. Due to the non-pregnancy and the removal of an unfertilized mature egg from the body along with the mucous membrane lining internal cavity uterus. At the same time, from 50 to 100 g of blood is lost in the process, which is not a significant burden for women's health. The period from the first day of menstruation to the next is called the menstrual cycle.

The menstrual cycle is directly dependent on the hormonal background. During the period of egg formation in the female body, an increased percentage of estrogens is noted. Due to this, the thickness of the endometrium grows, and the egg matures. Then comes the turn of increasing the amount of progesterone, without which the fertilized egg will not be able to gain a foothold in the epithelium on one of the walls of the uterus. After the time allotted for possible fertilization, the female reproductive cell ceases to be able to unite with the spermatozoon and give rise to a new life. After this moment "X", the hormonal background changes again, starting the process of rejection of the endometrium along with the unclaimed egg.

First bleeding appear at young girls in the interval between 11 and 14 years - depending on the speed of the girl's puberty, her condition endocrine system, lifestyle, physical and emotional stress. By the age of 50 - 55, menstruation stops, which is the main sign of the onset of menopause - menopause. The absence of menstruation indicates that the woman has lost the ability to conceive and bear a child.

Monthly "bleeding" in mature women with an established cycle occurs every three to three and a half weeks. Sometimes between the last day of the previous menstruation and the first subsequent one passes up to 35 days. The same difference in the number of intermediate days (with an allowable error of up to two days) is one of the signs of a good reproductive and general health of a woman, an indirect confirmation of the well-being of her life. Indeed, external factors also have a serious impact on the stability of the menstrual cycle: emotional, physical stress, changes in sleep and nutrition.

The main types of menstrual irregularities

  • Algomenorrhea (soreness)
  • Irregularity
  • Menorrhagia (more than normal blood loss)
  • Hypomenorrhea (less than normal blood loss)
  • Amenorrhea
  • Isolation of blood in the middle of the cycle
  • climacteric

Pain during menstruation

Algomenorrhea is observed in half of all menstruating girls and women of reproductive age. There are primary algomenorrhea, due to the underdevelopment of the uterus, deviations from the norm in the nervous or all reproductive system, and secondary, manifested against the background of inflammatory, oncological or infectious nature. Only a gynecologist can determine the cause of severe menstruation pain.

"Jumping" cycle

Irregular periods are characterized by breaks of varying duration between the last and first day of menstruation. Prolonged or shortened "vacations" are formed due to a violation of the egg maturation schedule, which can occur for physiological or pathological reasons.

Physiological reasons:

  • too young age of the girl, because of which the rhythm of the processes of egg formation is still established;
  • recent childbirth and breastfeeding, which have changed the percentage of hormones responsible for the process of egg formation - after weaning the child from the breast, the cycle is leveled;
  • interventions in the work of the uterus (abortion, scraping according to a medical prescription).

Causes of a pathological nature:

  • inflammatory processes due to exposure to external (infection) or internal factors;
  • hormonal imbalance, which can occur for many reasons (due to chronic lack of sleep, switching to strict diet, illness, emotional / physical overload);
  • progressive growth of a benign or malignant neoplasm in the ovary, uterus;
  • improperly selected hormonal therapy or contraception;
  • pathologies with the thyroid, adrenal glands or pancreas, causing a malfunction in the hormonal sphere;
  • endometriosis - the growth of the uterine endometrium on a neighboring organ / s.

Abundant menstruation

Blood loss above normal or menorrhagia with each menstruation, may be due to inflammatory process, fibroids, or dysfunction of one or more glands internal secretion. Periodically occurring menorrhagia may be due to stress or dietary errors (for example, taking natural red wine on the eve of menstruation).

Scanty menstruation

Less than normal blood loss or hypomenorrhea can be caused by a low body mass index, the extinction of the main functions of the reproductive system due to mandatory age-related changes, improper location of the walls of the uterus after childbirth or artificially terminated pregnancy.


Prolonged absence of menstruation for several weeks or months in a sexually mature woman or adolescent can be triggered by a decrease in body fat due to malnutrition or excessive physical exertion, serious congenital or acquired pathologies of the reproductive system. In addition, the following leads to the cessation of menstruation: general exhaustion against the background of a serious illness (malaria, tuberculosis, blood poisoning), severe stress, intoxication with a poisonous substance.

Uterine bleeding in the middle of a cycle

Abundant or meager allocation blood in the middle of the cycle, when a certain number of days have already passed after last day menstruation, indicate problems with the endometrium or the uterus itself. If there is an installed contraceptive spiral, bleeding out of time may be caused by its displacement.

Climacteria (harbinger of menopause)

Menopause - a period of gradual decline in a woman's reproductive capabilities, begins to manifest itself as a violation of the regularity of menstruation, a change in the volume of blood lost and other symptoms.

How to restore the menstrual cycle

In the absence of pathologies in the reproductive system, which only a gynecologist will help to verify after examining and studying the result of ultrasound, blood tests and smears of the vaginal / uterine flora, cycle alignment is carried out using:

  • establishing a sleep or nutrition regimen (if the “walking” menstruation schedule arose against the background of insufficient time for rest, changes in weight, stress);
  • appropriate therapy (when it becomes clear that the cycle has been disturbed due to a disease of the genital organs or the body as a whole).

If pathologies are detected in the form of benign small neoplasms, it is prescribed general therapy and hormone therapy. If a threat to health and life is detected, a surgical intervention, chemotherapy.

Violations of the cycle due to a shift in the location of the helix are leveled by removing the latter and conducting corrective cyclic hormone treatment.

Symptoms of non-pathological algomenorrhea are relieved by maintaining a calm rhythm of life in the first days of menstruation, taking analgesics (baralgin, no-shpa, papaverine), small physical exertion in the form of brief hiking, heat on the painful area, drinking warm infusions of linden or chamomile with the addition of honey.

After the age of 40, in most women, the reproductive system gradually loses the ability to conceive and bear offspring. The period from the beginning of the process to the onset of menopause takes from 5 to 15 years. Menstruation becomes poorer, the interval between them lengthens and reaches 2-3 months. Some women during the restructuring of the body are tormented by increased nervousness, uncharacteristic pressure drops and so-called hot flashes, periodic increased sweating without the influence of any external factors in the form of excitement, heat, increased physical activity. In severe cases, hot flashes can occur up to 20 times a day. To combat the negative manifestations of menopause, apply sedatives based on valerian root, more strong drugs similar action: elenium, phenazepam, vitamins of group B and PP, or hormone replacement therapy is prescribed.

Bleeding during menopause

Bleeding in the menopause is classified as dysfunctional, appearing due to unstable production of sex hormones or neoplasms in the body of the uterus, ovaries, and other parts of the reproductive system. Determination of the cause of bleeding is carried out with a detailed examination, including a biopsy, detailed blood tests, ultrasound. When not stopping prolonged bleeding prescribe methylergometrine, oxytocin - drugs that reduce the uterus, and detinon, calcium-containing drugs, vikasol - homeostatic agents.

Therefore, if your monthly cycle has gone astray, do not self-medicate, but be sure to seek help from a gynecologist. Only a doctor will correctly determine the cause that provoked the failure of the menstruation cycle and prescribe the correct treatment.

How to calculate the monthly cycle and determine the failure

The length of time from the onset of menstruation to the next - this is the cycle of menstruation. Ovulation is the process of exiting fallopian tube oocyte ready for fertilization. She divides the cycle into two phases: follicular (the process of maturation of the follicle) and luteal (the period from ovulation to the onset of menstruation). In girls who have a 28-day cycle of menstruation, ovulation, as a rule, occurs on the 14th day from their onset. After ovulation, the level of estrogen in the female body drops, but bleeding does not occur, since corpus luteum controls hormone production. Strong fluctuations in the level of estrogen in one direction or another at the time of ovulation can cause uterine bleeding between periods, before and after them.

A normal monthly cycle lasts 21-37 days, usually a cycle is 28 days. The duration of menstruation is usually 3-7 days. If the monthly cycle has gone astray by 1-3 days, this is not considered a pathology. But if menstruation does not occur even 7 days after the desired period, you should consult a doctor for advice.

How to calculate the monthly cycle? The time interval between 1 day of the onset of menstruation and 1-1 days of the next is the duration of the cycle. In order not to be mistaken, it is better to use a calendar where you can mark the start and end times of menstruation.

In addition, there are currently quite a few computer programs that help in the calculations. With their help, you can calculate the time of ovulation and even track the onset premenstrual syndrome(PMS).

You can most accurately calculate the monthly cycle using graphs. basal body temperature. The temperature in the first days after menstruation is kept within 37 ° C, after which it drops sharply to 36.6 ° C, and the next day it rises sharply to 37.5 ° C and stays within these limits until the end of the cycle. And then a day or two before menstruation decreases. If the temperature does not drop, pregnancy has occurred. In the case when it does not change during the entire cycle, ovulation does not occur.

Symptoms that signal a violation of the menstrual cycle:

  • an increase in the time interval between menstruation;
  • shortening monthly cycle(cycle less than 21 days);
  • scanty or vice versa abundant menstruation;
  • lack of menstruation;
  • appearance spotting and/or bleeding.

Also, a negative symptom is the duration of menstruation less than three or longer than seven days.

The cycle of menstruation has gone astray: causes

1. Adolescence. In young girls, the failure of the monthly cycle is a fairly common phenomenon, since the hormonal background is still being established. If two years have passed since the appearance of the first menstruation, and the cycle has not returned to normal, you should consult a gynecologist.

2. Severe weight loss or obesity . Extreme diets, starvation and malnutrition are seen by the body as a sign that Hard times and pregnancy is not desirable. Therefore, it turns on natural protection, causing a delay in menstruation. Too much speed dial weight is also bad for the body and leads to violations of the cycle of menstruation.

3. Acclimatization . Moving, air travel to another time zone, holidays in hot countries often cause the monthly cycle to fail. Abrupt change climate - a certain stress. Usually, the menstrual cycle during acclimatization returns to normal when the body gets used to new conditions.

4. Stress and physical overload. These factors quite often lead to a violation of the monthly cycle. When stressed, the body produces an excessive amount of the hormone prolactin. Its excess inhibits ovulation, and menstruation occurs with a delay. In this case, you should get enough sleep, spend more time on fresh air, and on the recommendation of a doctor, start taking sedatives.

5. Hormonal disorders . crash monthly cycle can be caused by problems in the work of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. In this case necessary treatment selected by an endocrinologist.

6. Diseases of the female genital organs . Possible cause often there are pathologies of the cervix, inflammation of the uterus and its appendages, polyps and cysts. In most cases, such gynecological problems are treated surgically.

7. Hormonal contraceptives . Taking birth control pills or not taking them can cause your monthly cycle to go wrong. In this case, you need to consult a gynecologist and take a break from taking oral contraceptives.

8. Pregnancy and lactation . Lack of menstruation during pregnancy and breastfeeding - normal phenomenon. After the cessation of lactation, the normal monthly cycle is restored. In the presence of severe pain in the lower abdomen, an urgent need to consult a doctor, as the cause may be ectopic pregnancy, the untimely determination of which can even lead to lethal outcome due to pain shock and significant blood loss during rupture of the fallopian tube.

9. Preclimax. At the age of 40-45 years, a failure of the menstrual cycle can be a harbinger of menopause.

10. Forced or spontaneous abortions also have a bad effect on the condition of the uterus, cause delays in menstruation, and often cause infertility.

Also, the reasons for the failure of the cycle of menstruation can be diseases of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, infectious diseases, Availability bad habits(smoking, alcohol, drugs), taking certain medications, vaginal injuries, vitamin deficiency in the body.

Diagnosis of menstrual cycle disorders

Diagnostics consists of the following steps:

  • questioning the patient;
  • gynecological examination;
  • taking all smears;
  • ultrasound abdominal cavity or small pelvis;
  • determination of the level of hormones in the blood;
  • MRI (detailed examination of the patient for the presence of pathological changes tissues and neoplasms);
  • hysteroscopy;
  • urine and blood tests.

The combination of these methods makes it possible to identify the causes that caused the monthly cycle to go astray and eliminate them.

Treatment of menstrual irregularities

The main thing is the treatment of the underlying disease, which caused the failure of the cycle. As preventive measures it is recommended to eat rationally: eat foods rich in protein and iron at least 3-4 times a week, give up bad habits, relax in the fresh air, sleep at least 8 hours a day, take vitamin complexes.

At heavy bleeding, after excluding blood clotting disorders, the doctor may prescribe:

Complications in case of failure of the monthly cycle

Remember, your health depends only on you! You should not be frivolous about violations of the monthly cycle, as irregular cycle menstruation can lead to infertility, and frequent heavy intermenstrual bleeding can cause fatigue and disability. Late detection of pathologies that cause a failure of the menstrual cycle can also lead to lethal outcome, although this can be quite successfully avoided by contacting a doctor in time for help. Treatment of menstrual disorders is possible only under the supervision of a qualified specialist.