Symptoms of chronic kidney disease in cats. Kidney failure in cats: types of disease, proper diet

Pet morbidity statistics urological pathologies not comforting. About 15% of cats are susceptible serious problems with the excretory system, and when a cat’s kidneys fail, what to do, is it really possible to help the animal? Renal failure can develop quickly in the case of an acute form and over a long period of time, in the form of chronic course diseases. The disease manifests itself serious condition animal, often leading to death.

Read in this article

Why is an organ so important to an animal?

Representing paired organ, the kidneys carry out the work of purifying the blood. Healthy organs promote the excretion of metabolic products, toxic substances, formed in the body of carnivores. The kidneys are also involved in hematopoiesis. Therefore, nephrological diseases are accompanied by severe intoxication of the animal, disturbances in electrolyte, water and protein metabolism and are the cause of death in 20% of furry pets.

Anatomy of the cat's urinary system

Features of anatomy genitourinary system cat

It is believed that domestic cats are susceptible renal pathology by virtue of genetic predisposition. In addition, cats have a long but narrow urinary canal, which often contributes to blockage and inflammation. Cats who have urinary system even narrower than that of females.

Kidney tissue, unlike the liver, does not recover when damaged. The remaining functional kidney cells cope with the load for some time, which makes it difficult to diagnose kidney failure in the early stages.

Causes of kidney problems

As a rule, the following reasons lead to a situation where a cat’s kidneys fail:

  • Impaired patency urinary tract. This phenomenon is caused by the development of neoplasms in the pelvic organs.
  • Renal pathologies: polycystic kidney disease, amyloidosis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis.
  • Nephropathic effect of poisons, toxins, drugs. There are often situations when a cat’s kidneys fail after anesthesia. General anesthesia drugs are eliminated by the kidneys, and there is a risk of acute renal failure with every surgical procedure.
  • Systemic diseases internal organs: , dysfunction of the adrenal glands, gout.

As a rule, older animals that develop chronic kidney disease are susceptible to kidney disease. renal failure due to nephrosclerosis. This pathology is the main reason why kidneys fail in old cats. Older animals develop chronic interstitial nephritis due to the fact that the kidneys become scarred and no longer effectively filter the blood.


The kidneys are designed in such a way that only half of the nephrons are damaged in an animal showing signs of renal failure. Such a hidden course of the initial stages of renal pathology significantly complicates timely diagnosis. Signs that should alert the owner are the following:

  • loss of appetite up to complete refusal of food;
  • increased thirst (polydipsia);
  • dehydration of the body;
  • frequent urination;
  • violation of the act of urination: uncharacteristic postures, meowing and screaming when visiting the toilet;
  • the animal does not urinate in the tray;
  • possible blood in the urine;
  • , diarrhea;
  • presence of edema;
  • ammonia;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis.

If a cat's kidneys fail, the symptoms may be supplemented by convulsions against the background of severe intoxication of the body, pain, paresis and paralysis. hind limbs, their swelling. Body temperature can either increase or decrease. This condition is life-threatening for the animal and requires immediate help.

For early diagnosis renal failure, it is necessary to regularly donate the animal’s urine and blood for general and biological chemical analysis.

To accurately diagnose kidney failure, ultrasound and X-ray methods research. In some cases, a kidney biopsy is resorted to.

Is it possible to cure an animal?

One of the main questions tormenting owners if a cat has kidney failure is whether the animal can be saved. It is impossible to answer this unequivocally, since the outcome of the disease depends on many factors: the age of the pet, the severity of the process and its neglect, concomitant diseases, timeliness of seeking veterinary help, etc. Due to the fact that when the kidneys fail, water balance, then the first step is to use intravenous and subcutaneous infusions of special solutions.

If a cat's kidneys fail, how long the animal will live depends on its response to treatment. Infusion therapy helps reduce intoxication. As a rule, after stabilization intravenous injections switch to continuous subcutaneous infusions.

As additional funds cardiac medications, diuretics (as indicated), and agents that stimulate hematopoiesis are used. The choice of antibiotics should be approached with caution, as many drugs can worsen the condition.

A diet low in phosphorus and protein is also important. Good effect is achieved by artificial supplementary feeding of the pet and lifelong subcutaneous injections to facilitate kidney function. In order to prevent exacerbations and relapses, diet and therapeutic measures are carried out regularly throughout the animal’s life.


If a cat's kidneys fail, whether the pet will survive also depends on a number of factors. Equally important is the timeliness of seeking help and the age of the animal. Renal failure in older individuals is more severe, and the prognosis is often cautious.

The initial cause that led to kidney failure is of no small importance. For systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, etc.), the underlying disease is treated, and the outcome depends on the timeliness of the diagnosis.

If the cause of kidney failure is poisons, toxins, or drugs, then the prognosis depends on the degree of damage to the kidneys, liver and the toxicity of substances that enter the body.

Poor prognosis for renal causes of kidney failure. In pathologies such as polycystic disease, amyloidosis usually affects 90-100% of the kidney tissue, which becomes incompatible with life.

Given the seriousness of kidney failure, owners of pet cats should closely monitor the slightest change in the animal's condition. For early diagnosis of pathology, it is necessary to donate blood once a year for urea and creatinine levels, and once every six months - urine for biochemical analysis. Once the pet reaches 5-6 years of age, it is recommended to perform an ultrasound of the kidneys once a year.

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Currently, a third of all patients in veterinary clinics are cats diagnosed with chronic renal failure. But twenty years ago, such a disease was diagnosed only in a few. The reason that caused the surge incurable disease, it turned out not to be some terrible virus that engulfed cats, but a banal improvement in the quality of life. Our purrs began to live longer, but it turned out that longevity also has reverse side medals.

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We talk about chronic renal failure with veterinarian Nikolai Valentinovich Loginov:


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- Nikolai Valentinovich, what is the reason for the fact that cats most often suffer from problems with the genitourinary system? - This is due to physiological characteristics cat family. With age, much more often than, for example, dogs, degeneration of the kidney tissue occurs, as a result of which the working surface of the kidneys decreases, they can no longer cope with their work: the formation and excretion of urine, and intoxication (poisoning) of the body with waste products occurs. In this case, the doctor makes a diagnosis: “chronic renal failure.”

- It is believed that chronic renal failure is the lot of old cats and female cats... - It so happened that in Lately Our clinic began to partly specialize in gerontological problems of animals. And this is not surprising: modern veterinary medicine makes it possible to almost double the life expectancy of animals. If nature gave cats a physiological resource at the age of 10-13 years, then now you won’t surprise anyone with long-lived cats from 18 to 23 years old. Sterilization and castration helps to increase the life expectancy of cats. Of course, every owner wants his pet to live as long as possible, and makes every effort to achieve this, but do not forget that at an advanced age, animals may develop some diseases that we have not encountered so often before. For example, chronic renal failure. Unfortunately, unlike acute renal failure, this disease is irreversible - science cannot yet cure it and make the animal completely healthy.

- Let's list the reasons that can lead to the development of kidney failure. - In the first place is old age, but here we are powerless, followed by: improper feeding, genitourinary infections, urolithiasis disease, hypothermia or overheating suffered colds, diabetes mellitus, gout, hereditary factors, such as polycystic disease, oral diseases, high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism, drug poisoning or chemicals, injuries.


Kidney failure- This pathological condition, characterized by impaired renal function to maintain constant internal environment body (homeostasis). In kidney failure, the ability of the kidneys to form and/or excrete urine is partially or completely lost. As a result of this disease, disturbances in water-salt and acid-base balances develop, which leads to disruption of the functioning of all vital systems of the body.


- Is there a breed or gender predisposition?
- This disease is more common in animals of the British and Persian breeds. The fact is that they are more susceptible congenital anomaly- polycystic kidney disease, which provokes the occurrence of chronic renal failure. It is impossible to say unequivocally about gender predisposition.

- What can be done as a preventive measure?
- For animals over eight years old, I recommend having a clinical and biochemical tests blood for creatinine (a reading above 500 micron mol/l is considered critical), urea (results exceeding 50-60 micron mol/l should alert the owner), protein, potassium and phosphorus, and also donate general analysis urine. This will make it possible to dynamically monitor the functioning of the kidneys and, if any failures are detected, begin maintenance therapy in a timely manner.



- What in a pet’s behavior should alert the owner?
- The fact is that chronic renal failure is insidious in that it initial stage does not manifest itself in any way, and the owner will not be able to determine on his own that something is wrong with the pet. Symptoms appear only when the disease begins to rapidly progress and more than 50-70% of the kidney tissue is affected, which, unfortunately, can no longer be restored.

The main symptoms of developing renal failure are: loss of appetite, changes in the volume and quality of urine, the appearance unpleasant odor from the mouth, mouth ulcers, drooling. The animal sleeps more, moves less, loses weight; despite increased thirst, it becomes drier and lighter - the body becomes dehydrated. As a sign of intoxication of the body, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation appears, the quality of the coat deteriorates, and weight loss progresses.

- What is veterinary care with chronic renal failure and what should the owner and his pet be prepared for?
- Therapy must be carried out comprehensively, but first of all it is intensive therapy for the correction of water-salt and acid-base balances (carried out infusion therapy). Let’s assume that if a disease has been identified that has caused kidney failure, then, of course, every effort is made to eliminate it (if possible, of course), and to bring the situation under control.

Of course, the most significant costs when implementing maintenance therapy for chronic renal failure will be time and money. Since in many cases it is necessary to do three times a day for two to three weeks, or even much longer. subcutaneous injections, give tablets and simply feed and water the animal every two to three hours. It is impossible to say unequivocally how much a course of treatment will cost, since it is impossible to predict the course of the disease, but, for example, I can say that a course of Ketosteril tablets for 2-3 months will cost around three thousand rubles. You can significantly reduce costs by learning how to give injections to a sick animal yourself. For my part, I try to convey to the owners as clearly as possible what difficulties await them if they decide to fight to the last for the life of their pet. After all, the conversation is not only about considerable material costs, but also about physical and mental strength.



- What about food? Required special diet?
- Necessarily! And here the most important thing depends on the owner, since often it is poor nutrition provokes the occurrence of renal failure. The cats are theirs taste preferences are given high-protein food, and switching them to a low-protein diet can be very difficult. To feed cats with chronic renal failure, special ready-made diets are produced with a reduced content of protein, phosphorus and sodium that meet the requirements veterinarians. But about fish, meat, milk, cottage cheese and eggs for cats with similar disease worth forgetting forever.

- People with kidney failure undergo hemodialysis sessions, is it possible? similar procedure in animals?
- People undergo hemodialysis to prolong the patient’s life and as preparation for kidney transplantation. Cats undergo a slightly different procedure called “peritoneal dialysis”, which is also aimed at cleansing the body of accumulated harmful substances. It is carried out only in a hospital setting under general anesthesia. IN abdominal cavity Several incisions are made, drainage tubes are inserted into them, through which absorbent liquid is pumped into the body and left for a certain time. The fluid and tubes are then removed, the incisions are sutured, and the procedure is repeated as necessary. But personally, I believe that peritoneal dialysis is extremely traumatic for cats and, in my opinion, does not give a pronounced and lasting effect. Therefore, I cannot recommend it to my patients.

- I know that your pets were not spared this fatal diagnosis...
- Unfortunately it is so. True, I diagnosed chronic renal failure when our cat was already twenty-four years old, and thanks to drug treatment she lived for another two years. The cat's kidney failure developed more rapidly, but at that time he was almost twenty years old. Of course, as a doctor, I realized that this disease would sooner or later end in death, but it was still very difficult to come to terms with this fact. Therefore, I understand better than anyone else how animal owners who are diagnosed with chronic renal failure feel.


In America, cats have been undergoing kidney transplants for a long time; they are very expensive. But in addition to the cost, according to American laws, the owner of the recipient animal is obliged after the operation to take the donor animal for permanent maintenance and full provision. Kidney transplantation can only be performed on young animals with a second healthy kidney and able, for health reasons, to undergo such an operation.


As a rule, cats do not live long with such a disease, but with appropriate medical care you can significantly improve the quality of their life, and prolong it as much as possible.

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How to behave correctly when a diagnosis has already been made?

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The most important thing is that the owner of a sick cat understands that all treatment, all procedures are aimed only at temporarily maintaining the life of the animal, and that a complete recovery is impossible. Therefore, from the very beginning, he must decide for himself whether he considers it necessary and possible to spend a lot of money and time on carrying out the necessary veterinary procedures, despite the known outcome of the disease, or not. There is always a choice, however, it is different for everyone: for some, every month spent next to their pet is important, others believe that it is not worth torturing an animal in vain, since it will die anyway.

In this article I will talk about kidney failure in cats. I will name animals that are at risk. I will describe how the disease is transmitted and what its symptoms are. I will list the diagnostic conditions that allow you to identify the disease. I will help you understand the true causes of the disease and its treatment. I'll stop at possible complications and rehabilitation after renal failure. I'll describe it preventive actions, allowing to avoid PN.

At risk are animals with kidney pathologies, after suffering severe injuries and systemic diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis and other abnormalities of the cardiovascular system. Additional factors that can provoke renal failure include dehydration, impaired electrolyte balance, decreased and increased blood pressure.

Kidney failure is not transmitted through contact with relatives. This is not an infection. The disease can be acquired during life or inherited.

This is especially true for purebred cats. To prevent such cases, breeders are prohibited from breeding sick animals, so as not to breed obviously sick offspring.

Buying a kitten in at a young age the disease may not be recognized.

After all, it most often appears much later. So much for the hidden threat.

Causes of kidney failure in cats

The reasons that lead to PN in cats include:

  • leakage inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • previous infectious diseases;
  • diseases associated with disorders of the immune system;
  • all types of intoxication;
  • congenital defects and kidney failure;
  • stones and other neoplasms in the kidneys and bladder;
  • various types of injuries, for example, falls or blows.

These symptoms, due to their appearance, are divided into purely renal and predisposing. In renal failure it is affected nervous system– convulsions or tics (single muscle twitches) may appear. The first ones are associated exclusively with kidney pathologies and diseases suffered by the organ. While the latter do not have a direct effect on the kidneys. But they still involuntarily lead to their damage.

Everything in the body is interconnected. Both causes can lead to the appearance of PN in acute or chronic form.

Symptoms and signs of disease in cats

Chronic and acute forms of PN may differ not only in the course of the disease itself, but also in the clinical manifestations of it. In the early stages of the disease, the only symptom of kidney failure may be a change in the composition and color of urine. But in general we can highlight general signs diseases for which you can think about diagnosing kidney pathology.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • loss of appetite, leading to weight loss in the pet;
  • impaired urination;
  • involuntary urination;
  • pain when the animal walks on a small one;
  • : it can be either dark or too light, even transparent;
  • severe thirst or refusal to drink at all;

For healthy and active pet per day you need to drink 100 ml of liquid per 1 kg of live weight. This is the norm. But the owner himself should know how much his pet drinks.

After all, everything is individual and any deviations may indicate a disruption in the functioning of his body.

  • lethargy and apathy;
  • the cat sleeps all day and is not active;
  • gagging;
  • diarrhea;
  • anemia;
  • ammonia smell from the mouth;
  • blurred vision. The pet may not even see obstacles in its path;
  • dehydration, accompanied by too viscous saliva, as well as dry and dull gums.


PN can be diagnosed based on information provided by the cat’s owner (history), an external examination of the animal and, most importantly, laboratory research. The latter include: general blood test; analysis for sugar, protein and salt content; study of the nature of sediment. According to the analysis, during PN there is an increase in the content of creatine and urea in the blood. Moreover, the level of phosphorus and blood acidity very often goes off scale.

IN mandatory the owner is asked if the cat is suffering diabetes mellitus, kidney pathologies, is there any swelling and how often does he go to the toilet?

Particular attention is paid to the measures taken by the pet owner, whether he treated the pet himself and what he did.

Kidney failure should not be treated at home on your own.

Needed here qualified assistance. And self-medication will only make the situation worse.

Treatment of acute and chronic PN with drugs

Therapeutic therapy for PN is aimed at restoring the excretory capacity of the kidneys and eliminating the accompanying symptoms. Therefore, the course of treatment is individual and should be prescribed exclusively by a professional. Treat yourself folk remedies not worth it.

Self-medication in this case is fraught with serious consequences. Moreover, therapy for acute and chronic forms of renal failure will differ.

There are a lot of nuances here.

In case of acute renal failure you need:

  • remove toxins;
  • prevent anemia from developing;
  • put away side symptoms in the form of vomiting and diarrhea;
  • normalize blood pressure.

To do this, the veterinarian prescribes a course of medication: he describes what medications need to be purchased and how to take them. Additional laboratory and instrumental studies are also possible.

It is important to find the real reason pathology, otherwise the disease will manifest itself in the future and may develop into a chronic form of PN.

Despite the pronounced dynamics of the disease, the prognosis for acute renal failure is not as unfavorable as for chronic one.

Chronic renal failure cannot be cured. Her therapy is lifelong. Veterinarians try to normalize the condition of a sick cat and maintain kidney function so that the pet lives as long as possible.

Measures for the treatment of chronic renal failure are aimed at slowing down the process of death kidney cells, suppression of symptoms, improvement of metabolism and the overall health of the animal. The cat will have to be regularly seen by a veterinarian, take medications and undergo procedures. Now this is his fate.

Complications of the disease

The most terrible complication renal failure is death. Since the animal’s body cannot cope with the rapid development of pathology and medical procedures. The animal's life support system gradually fails. Blood clotting is impaired, ulcers appear on the skin and mucous membrane, poor functioning the cardiovascular system, is actively developing hormonal imbalance and anemia.

PN should be treated exclusively under the supervision of specialists. By self-medicating you can kill a cat with your own hands.

Moreover, it will be a long and painful death.

Caring for a sick cat

Treatment for kidney failure can last a lifetime if it affects him chronic form. Therefore, thorough care is needed for cats and cats.

Take on time medications prescribed by a specialist, regularly visit the veterinarian and, most importantly, establish a dietary diet.

If an animal has had acute renal failure, you need to be careful. Because at any moment the disease can recur, for example, after hypothermia or a fall from a height. No one is immune from this.

Diet for chronic renal failure

Prohibited following products power supply:

  • animal fats;
  • dairy products;
  • fish fat;
  • liver;
  • fish caviar;
  • sea ​​fish.

It is necessary to minimize the content of phosphorus and protein in the menu. You can only eat white chicken and turkey meat, and then in small quantities.

Now the diet should consist of carbohydrates, mainly cereals and flour products. An unlimited amount can be vegetables. But the pet rarely likes this.

The best option would be ready-made specialized food for cats with kidney failure.

Royal Canin RENAL FELINE - wet food for cats with chronic renal failure with chicken

They will not only saturate your pet, but will also help normalize kidney function.

Prevention at home

Preventive measures for PN include organizing proper care for your pet. It is important to eliminate drafts, ensure quality and balanced diet, regularly take your cat for examination to the veterinarian.

It is better to prevent a disease than to fight it later.

Kidney failure in cats terrible disease, the consequences of which can be disastrous. And the process of rehabilitation after a pathology experience is difficult. That is why it is recommended to monitor your pet, prevent the disease and provide him with proper care. It is better to prevent PN than to treat it later, and your pet will live a long time.

Based on materials from the website

Chronic renal failure(CRF) is one of the most common diseases, developing in older cats and gradually progressing over time. The rate at which changes occur varies widely in each cat.

The kidneys are important body responsible for maintaining fluid balance in the body, producing certain hormones, regulating the concentration of many electrolytes in the cat's body, and removing waste products (in urine). With chronic renal failure, all these processes can be disrupted, which leads to the appearance of many clinical signs.

Although chronic kidney failure is incurable and irreversible, appropriate care and treatment can significantly improve the quality of life and prolong a cat's life by slowing the progression of the disease.

The role of the kidneys in the cat's body.

Like all mammals, a cat has two kidneys located in the abdominal cavity, which perform a number of important tasks:

  • Removing toxins from the blood;
  • Maintaining fluid balance;
  • Regulation salt balance(and concentrations of other electrolytes);
  • Regulation of acid balance;
  • Blood pressure management;
  • Hormone production;

The blood is constantly filtered by the kidneys to remove toxic substances produced by the body's metabolic processes, forming urine. The kidneys also concentrate urine, returning water to the cat's body, which prevents dehydration.

Fortunately, the kidneys have a significant margin of safety. It is well known that healthy people and animals are possible without fatal consequences remove one kidney. In fact, signs of chronic renal failure in cats only begin to appear when two-thirds to three-quarters of the blood has been lost. functional fabric kidney

Causes of chronic renal failure in cats.

CRF begins to develop in cats if there are long-term, irreversible changes in the kidneys, which limit their functionality and ability to remove waste products from the blood. In most cases, the trigger for the development of renal failure remains unknown. Biopsies of diseased kidney samples often show the presence of both fibrosis and inflammation. This condition is referred to as chronic interstitial nephritis. This nonspecific condition, which does not allow us to judge the cause that caused it. Although most cases are idiopathic (have unknown reason occurrence), in some cases the cause can be determined. It can be:

  • Polycystic kidney disease. Hereditary disease, characteristic mainly of cats of Persian and related breeds, in which normal kidney tissue is gradually replaced by several fluid-filled cysts.
  • Kidney tumors. Tumors (such as lymphoma, a tumor of white blood cells) can attack a cat's kidneys, replacing tissue.
  • Infectious diseases. Bacterial infection kidneys (pyelonephritis) significantly increase the likelihood of developing chronic renal failure in cats.
  • Poisoning. Certain toxic substances and medications can be harmful to the kidneys.
  • Glomerulonephritis. Inflammation of the glomeruli (glomeruli) that filter the blood. Inflammation can occur due to various reasons. If treatment is not started on time, chronic renal failure may develop.

Other reasons such as birth defects kidney disease, trauma, hypokalemia (low concentration of potassium ions in the blood) can also lead to chronic renal failure, but in most cases it is impossible to accurately determine the cause of the disease.

If it is possible to determine the cause of the disease, sometimes with the help of appropriate treatment it is possible to stop the development of chronic renal failure. In most cases, however, treatment is aimed at maintaining the cat and eliminating any complications that arise.

How common is chronic renal failure in cats?

CRF can occur in cats of any age, although it is more common in mature and older animals (over 7 years of age). With age, the likelihood of the disease increases. It has been established that from 20 to 50% of cats over 15 years of age suffer from chronic renal failure. varying degrees. Chronic renal failure occurs three times more often in cats than in dogs.

Symptoms of chronic renal failure in cats.

Typically, chronic renal failure develops gradually. Often at first Clinical signs invisible or weak, they gradually intensify over a long time. Much less often, symptoms appear and quickly intensify (often as a result of decompensation or sharp deterioration condition, for example, if a cat with chronic renal failure does not have enough water).

Many signs are subtle and non-specific - some appear due to the accumulation of toxins in the blood, others as a consequence of the body's attempts to adapt to the disease. The most commonly observed symptoms are:

  • Weight loss ;
  • Poor appetite;
  • Lethargy;
  • Increased thirst (polydipsia);
  • Frequent urination (polyuria);

Urine production increases due to the fact that due to CRF kidneys cats begin to lose their ability to concentrate urine. To compensate for the loss of fluid, the cat begins to drink more.

In addition, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • Poor condition of wool;
  • Hypertension ( high pressure blood);
  • Nausea;
  • Bad breath (halitosis)
  • Weakness;

Diagnosis of chronic renal failure in cats.

CRF in cats is usually diagnosed by testing blood and urine samples. Two substances found in the blood are analyzed - urea and creatinine, since they are metabolic products excreted by the kidneys. In chronic renal failure, their concentration in the blood increases. However, some other diseases can also increase their levels in the blood, and urine tests are performed at the same time. Chronic renal failure is characterized by an increase in the concentration of urea and creatinine in the blood and at the same time a decrease in their concentration in the urine. Measurement specific gravity (in the original - specific gravity) to estimate concentrations for cats with kidney disease usually gives a value below 1.030.

A blood test can also identify abnormalities that develop as a result of chronic renal failure, such as hypokalemia (low concentration of potassium ions in the blood), anemia and hyperphosphatemia (increased blood phosphate concentration). Because high blood pressure is a relatively common consequence of chronic kidney failure in cats, your veterinarian may measure your blood pressure. Sometimes x-rays, ultrasound or even a biopsy are additionally performed to clarify individual characteristics cat diseases.

Measuring the urinary protein to creatinine ratio may be important for cats suffering from ESRD. Increased content protein (proteinuria) may serve as a marker of progressive renal failure. In humans, taking drugs that reduce proteinuria can significantly slow the progression of chronic kidney disease - this is probably true for cats, although there is no reliable evidence yet.

Early diagnosis of chronic renal failure in cats.

Since CRF is quite common in cats, periodic screening of adult and older animals may help. early detection diseases. This, in turn, will help maintain good quality life. One or two visits to the veterinarian per year, urine testing and weighing will allow you to monitor changes in the cat's condition. A decrease in urine concentration or weight loss may be early signals of the incipient development of chronic renal failure and the need for in-depth examination.

Domestic cats are prone to kidney disease. To prevent the disease, or eliminate its symptoms in sick pets, owners need to know all the information about kidney failure, which in its advanced state is a deadly threat. To understand the scale of the problem, it is worth understanding the functions that the kidneys perform in the animal’s body. This organ is part excretory system and participates in many vital processes.

U healthy cat The kidneys provide the following functions:

  • blood pressure stabilization;
  • removing toxins and waste from the blood, mineral salts and other toxic substances;
  • production of hormones and enzymes;
  • participation in the creation of red blood cells blood.

The main job of the kidneys is to filter blood. It happens as follows - all the blood flow passes through the nephrons located in the kidneys. During circulation, all harmful substances, which are excreted from the body along with urine, and purified blood flows back to the heart.

It is important for the pet owner to understand why kidney disease occurs in cats, symptoms and treatment of which are discussed with the veterinarian. In most cases, the risk of the disease is high for older pets who have reached the age of 8-10 years. In these animals, as a result of kidney failure, the filtration system is impaired and toxic waste accumulates in the circulating blood. In the future, this leads to problems with other organs. However, chronic and acute renal failure in cats, the treatment of which is selected in individually, can also be diagnosed in young cats.

Several factors provoke the disease:

  1. bad heredity;
  2. genetic predisposition (noted high risk diseases in cats - Persians, Angoras, etc.);
  3. improper conditions of detention;
  4. violation of the drinking regime;
  5. unbalanced or low-quality diet;
  6. injuries;
  7. infections;
  8. formation of stones in the excretory organs.

Symptoms of the disease

Only a qualified veterinarian can correctly recognize the disease, prescribe a treatment package and recommend good medicinal food for cats with kidney failure. The owner’s task is to monitor the cat’s condition and record alarming symptoms, which may indicate the presence of kidney disease.

When found the following symptoms The owner should not postpone a visit to the veterinary clinic:

  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • the cat rarely goes to the toilet in small quantities, and urination occurs in unusual places;
  • the pet looks lethargic and apathetic;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • the cat experiences pain when urinating;
  • the animal loses weight;
  • disturbance of normal stool;
  • refusal of water.

If the owner sees at least one symptom, for example, notices that the cat does not go to the toilet for a little while, he should contact the veterinarian for advice. The symptoms listed above can also be observed in other diseases, such as nephritis in cats; symptoms and treatment for different diseases differ greatly, therefore accurate diagnosis the disease should be entrusted to the veterinarian.

Diagnostic methods

Specialist in veterinary clinic will examine the animal and prescribe a series of tests. Traditionally, cats are given a complete chemical blood and urine test to identify kidney problems. The purpose of the tests is to detect the presence of toxins in the blood, which must be eliminated from the body in the urine. If the level of toxins is high, this is a detector that the animal's kidneys are not coping with filtering metabolic waste.

Additional clinical researches which will help identify the cause of the disease: ultrasound, kidney tissue biopsy, x-ray, urinolysis.

Treatment of kidney failure

If the diagnosis of renal failure is confirmed, then therapy is prescribed by a veterinarian in accordance with the stage of the disease. If the disease manifests itself in acute form, then treatment should occur immediately. Since acute renal failure is caused by any type of blockage of the urinary tract, the obstruction of the canals must be urgently eliminated. On early stage the course of the disease is reversible, and if the appropriate set of measures is taken, the cat can live a long and full life.

In the first stages of the disease, the animal owner should not engage in self-treatment cat and give her drugs with a dubious spectrum of action. A veterinarian will prescribe competent therapy. Therapy may consist of prescribing intravenous solutions, which will correct the imbalance of substances in the blood and help stabilize the pet’s condition. When diagnosing chronic renal failure - chronic kidney disease in cats, treatment by stages should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.

It is worth understanding that chronic renal failure in cats, the treatment of which is very different from the treatment of the disease at an early stage, can haunt pets throughout their lives.

The disease at this stage is incurable and affects mainly adult and elderly cats. The diagnosis of chronic renal failure is made by a veterinarian if more than 70% of the kidney tissue is damaged or scarred.

To eliminate the symptoms and reduce the cat’s suffering in such cases, veterinarians prescribe a complex of palliative treatment. Drug treatment CRF in cats may consist of the following measures:

  1. Introduced into the pet's diet medicinal food for cats with renal failure from a good manufacturer.
  2. Infusion therapy is prescribed.
  3. Are used conservative methods treatments that do not stop, but slow down the degradation of the kidneys.

In severe cases, therapy involves surgical removal non-functioning kidney, but this decision is made by the veterinarian after tests confirm that a pet with one kidney can live life to the fullest. Also, if chronic kidney disease is diagnosed in cats, a kidney transplant may be performed. This complex procedure became available to veterinarians not so long ago and in currently is carried out only in a narrow circle of clinics with equipment of the appropriate level.

Veterinary drugs

After the veterinarian has determined the cause of the disease, examined the medical history and assessed the general physical state cat, he can prescribe the use of a series medications. Therapy is prescribed on an individual basis, since all animals have their own body characteristics and need certain medications and appropriate dosages.

Mainly used to treat illness the following types veterinary drugs:

Prednisolone for cats, a catabolic drug with immunosuppressive properties, may sometimes be prescribed. To treat metabolic disorders, your pet may be prescribed Ketosteril for cats, which must be taken in accordance with the instructions. This drug contains artificial analogues of essential amino acids and helps in the fight against chronic renal failure.

In addition to the veterinary drugs listed above, when treatment of chronic renal failure Can be used Ipaketin for cats which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. The drug Ipaketine for cats, the price of which is about 300 rubles per 50 grams, is a nutraceutical drug. It improves functional state kidneys and allows you to achieve long-term remission.

Pet diet

In order for a cat with kidney failure to have the right to a full life, its diet must be properly balanced. Sick cats are recommended to eat a diet characterized by: low content phosphorus and protein. These products put a lot of strain on the excretory organs and can cause further deterioration of the pet’s condition.

The small amount of protein included in a cat's diet to maintain its muscles and tissues must be extracted from quality products. Optimal sources of lean protein include egg whites, liver, and chicken and turkey fillets. The diet of a pet struggling with an illness should contain an optimal balance of vitamin D and fatty acids omega-3.

Besides natural food, the owner can use in the cat's diet ready-made feed. There are currently many commercial brands on the market working on creating veterinary food lines. Among them, the owner can choose food for cats with kidney failure, which has a special low-fat recipe. Optimal choice products with low phosphorus content will become available. This could be Renal cat food, developed by the Royal Canin brand, in which the composition is carefully selected and balanced, or another food high class. Read about the Royal Canin veterinary food line.

Has good reviews feed additive Renal for cats Advanced, which contains flavonoids, vitamins and medicinal extracts plants. This supplement has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps animals cope with the symptoms of the disease. In addition to the main action, feed product has an antioxidant function, reduces hyperazotemia and controls non-regenerative anemia, and also contributes to the normalization of work digestive system. You can buy it at a specialized veterinary pharmacy.

The contents of your pet's bowl will not help him heal. serious illnesses kidneys, however, a well-designed diet with a minimum content of protein, phosphorus and sodium will reduce symptoms and improve general state pet's health. It is worth understanding that changes in a cat’s diet should not be drastic. It is advisable to specify the specifics of the transition to a new therapeutic diet with a veterinarian. The specialist will tell you how to properly prepare your cat for... new diet and not provoke complications.

Despite its serious nature, kidney disease in cats is not a death sentence for the animal. With the proper level of care, the owner can make the life of his pet as comfortable and long as possible. However, to do this, you should carefully consider the recommendations of veterinarians and take care of the proper maintenance of the cat.

It is important to strictly control your pet’s diet and provide him with access to drinking water, minimize the amount of stress and emotional trauma.

Sick animals need periodic veterinary examinations, so owners of cats with kidney disease should make an appointment at the veterinary clinic in advance.