Pine cones - medicinal properties of vodka tincture. Pine cones: medicinal uses

Pine is the personification of harmony and beauty in relation to other trees. The tree has a very straight trunk and long needles instead of leaves. The tree itself can reach more than 30 meters in height. Pine cones, medicinal properties which are quite diverse, have a slightly ovoid-oblong shape. Pine is the most popular tree for humans; it is worth noting at least the New Year and Christmas holidays, which we all love to celebrate not only with friends and relatives, but also with this coniferous tree. The forests where they grow have phytoncides released by pine trees in the air, due to which there are practically no harmful microbes. Thanks to this property, pine is actively used in medical purposes.

Pine is very common not only in Russia, but throughout the world. A large number of people know the beneficial properties of pine cones and the trees themselves, so they try to get out into the forest as often as possible and relax, breathe in this unique, rich air. Thanks to such rest, it happens beneficial influence on the lungs and bronchi.

Healing tree

It is worth noting that pine as a tree is very valuable; almost everything can be used in it for medicinal purposes: pine resin, needles, bark, pollen and buds. But among this, the cones (young ones) are of particular interest. Pine buds They are collected mainly in early spring, before they have time to bloom, some do it in winter period, but still the best quality is collected in early spring. After they are collected, drying occurs. Young cones are fundamentally different from pine needles, which are consumed raw, and can be collected year-round.

Healing properties of pine cones

In fact, no one paid attention to the beneficial properties of pine cones, and did not even suspect it until employees in American zoos noticed that various animals loved to eat them. After this, tests were carried out, which proved that a lot of useful substances accumulate in the cones over the entire summer. medicinal substances, which are subsequently preserved in them. Moreover, all the beneficial substances that remain in the cones are there in complete in kind. They retain not only a lot of vitamins, but also a special type of tannins and phytoncides.

It turned out that tannins are of great interest to scientists. During experiments on laboratory mice, unexpected results were obtained. It turns out that this type of tannin prevents the death of brain cells. And as you know, when a person experiences a stroke, due to circulatory problems, it is the brain cells that die. But when blood flow resumes, even more of them die. This is due to the fact that there is a certain type of enzyme that plays a huge role in the normal functioning of cells, and if this enzyme is somehow blocked, the cell will remain alive. Thus, scientists have discovered that tannin works to block these enzymes. But so far no medicines have been invented on this basis, and treatment with pine cones occurs mainly with the help of folk recipes. It is very important to know when and how to collect them correctly.

When to collect pine cones

The first thing you need to know is that you need to collect only those cones that have not yet had time to open; it is in them that all the beneficial properties of green pine cones are fully manifested. Based on the differences in climatic conditions, they must be collected from May to the end of August. By the way, it is in the last month of summer that they accumulate maximum amount useful substances. Thus, the size of the cone should be approximately 4 cm. While you collect them, you must definitely pay attention to their appearance and the condition of the trees. The pine should not have any damage from insects or show signs of rot. You cannot collect cones from such a tree. As for storage, the period should in no case exceed more than 18 months, the room should be well ventilated. If the buds are stored longer, they will begin to lose their unique beneficial properties.

Pine cones in folk medicine

Pine cones, whose medicinal properties are truly unique, have already become quite firmly established in household use, but some still do not know what exactly can be treated with them and how it is done. The most common mistake is that people start their treatment by collecting mature buds or even those that are already in their second or third year of ripening. Naturally, such a product contains neither seeds nor nutrients. should be carried out exclusively at the ripening stage, with still green buds, which continue to feed themselves at the expense of the pine tree and its roots. It is for these that people come to the forest, who intend to make jam or healing decoction. It is not uncommon to make honey from cones, although its consistency and appearance no one will be able to distinguish him from anyone else. In addition to its unique taste and aroma, it has bactericidal properties, making it an excellent remedy for problems with the stomach and respiratory organs.

Uses of pine cones

Application occurs in different forms, it can be: jam, tinctures or honey. IN alternative types medicine pine cones are used for different types diseases: pneumonia, colds, low hemoglobin, vitamin deficiency, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial diseases and as a cough medicine. The extract made from pine cones is a very good antioxidant.

Pine cone jam

Everyone should be able to make it. The properties of such a medicinal and tasty product are quite varied. In winter, having such jam always on hand, you can not only protect yourself from negative impact some types of viral and infectious diseases, but also significantly strengthen your immunity. This way you can create a unique protective barrier. As an added bonus, it's also worth noting positive influence product on the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

Preparation and use

The recipe for making jam is quite simple and does not require any complicated steps:

1. First you need to sort through the cones and remove excess debris, after which you need to wash them.

2. In case they come across big shots, then you should cut them in half, while the small ones can be left as they are.

3. After all the manipulations, it is necessary to prepare a spacious pan into which to place the cones and pour drinking water so that the liquid covers the main ingredient by about 2 cm.

4. After which you need to put it all on the fire and bring to a boil.

5. After everything has boiled for a few minutes, you need to add sugar and wait until the mass boils again and turn the fire down.

7. After this, you need to put out the fire and remove all the cones from the broth.

8. The result will be poisonous red jam; it must be poured into pre-sterilized jars and then sealed with lids.

As a result, you can get a unique delicate taste and smell of jam, which leaves behind a delicate aftertaste. By the way, it is recommended to use it with tea, which will only enhance the therapeutic effect.

Pine tincture

To prepare the tincture, only green pine cones are taken. The medicinal properties of this drink are due to its disinfectant, deodorizing and antimicrobial effect. When consuming this tincture, the immune system is noticeably strengthened, along with the removal of toxins and waste from the body and the restoration of microflora. Such drinks are suitable for various diseases, which are associated with the respiratory system of an infectious and cold nature. Tinctures may include needles, buds, and pine cones. Medicinal properties of all products coniferous tree have a very good expectorant effect, due to which cleansing occurs respiratory tract and sputum output. It is worth noting that tinctures are relevant as a healing agent for wounds and ulcers. And in case bronchial asthma they are used as a remedy against asthma.

In general, such tinctures are multifunctional products that have a very strong effect to strengthen the immune system, treat stomach ulcers, gastritis, and oral ulcers.

Tincture recipe

For the tincture you must have pine needles, pollen and/or pine cones. The healing properties of these products have been proven, and you can use all three ingredients at the same time, or any one at will. Although these products are basic, you can also add some healing herbs at your own discretion.

Quite popular is a balm made from cones (young, green) to which tinctures of chestnut and sweet clover fruits and verbena tincture have been added, and the ratio should be 5 to 1. Thus, you will get a unique balm that is capable of treating and preventing thrombophlebitis.

The second most popular is next recipe, in which the base is a tincture of pollen or pine cones, it must be taken in an amount of 0.5 l, then add 0.1 l of honey. And the same amount of aloe juice. Next, this mixture must be shaken well, closed and placed in a dark place for 24 hours. The resulting balm is indispensable in the treatment of lung diseases and general immunity maintenance.

Naturally, such tinctures are made using ethyl alcohol, but they should not be abused. To prevent diseases and strengthen the immune system, it is enough to drink a teaspoon of tincture once a day. In case of treatment, it is necessary to increase the dose 3 times and take 3 spoonfuls during the day 30 minutes before meals. The treatment period is 20 days. For the greatest effectiveness of the tincture, it is recommended to drink it with hot tea.

In a healthy body healthy mind

Thus, it is safe to say that, along with most widely used medicinal herbs, the pine cone also takes pride of place. The properties of this product have been proven and are widely used. Everyone should have in their home medicine cabinet remedy from cones to keep your health in good shape. Thanks to big list diseases that are treated with medicines made from pine products, they will remain relevant even for a long time.

Pine is one of the most common plants in our region. This tree can be found in almost every forest. Since ancient times, pine needles and resin have been called resin. This definition was not chosen by chance. Since ancient times, resin has been used to strengthen the immune system, prevent vitamin deficiencies, and anemia. The remedy also helps with many other pathologies.

IN Lately medicinal compositions based on cones are becoming more and more popular.

What effect should you expect?

Green pine cones – most powerful tool, capable of fighting many diseases. Medications based on them will help strengthen the immune system and significantly improve well-being.

The main pathologies that can be eliminated with the help of similar means, include:

  • - vascular diseases;
  • - disruptions in work respiratory system(tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia and others);
  • - strokes;
  • - joint diseases;
  • - stones and sand in the kidneys;
  • — disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • - colds.

Not all buds can benefit the body. In order for the source material to be useful, it is important to follow some simple rules when preparing it.

  1. Pay close attention to the condition of the trees on which the cones grow. They must be healthy. If the tree is sick or has multiple damage caused by insects, you should not collect its cones. Also, raw material will not bring the desired effect.
  2. It is important to strictly monitor the dosage. Otherwise, you may get a backlash. There is a high probability of manifestation side effects. May appear headache or problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. It should be taken into account that the patient may have individual intolerance to certain components of the drug.
  4. Such therapy is strictly contraindicated for children under the age of seven, as well as people over sixty.

Contraindications to the use of products based on pine cones

Medicines containing pine cones as their main components are contraindicated for the following groups of people:

  • - pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • - patients diagnosed with kidney problems;
  • - people with disabilities heart rate;
  • - patients suffering from hepatitis.

An infusion of cones will help cope with bronchitis and cough

To prepare it you will need: one tablespoon of pine cones and one glass clean water. The cones need to be poured with boiling water. The preparation is infused for twelve hours. It is recommended to take the infusion three to four times before meals.

In addition to treating cough, this infusion has hemostatic properties. It can be used for pain in the heart area.

Tincture of mature buds will help cope with the consequences of a stroke

The healing properties of the tincture of cones became known not so long ago, but its unique effect has official clinical confirmation.

The ingredients you will need to prepare it are: mature buds (it is important that they are fairly hard, slightly open and brown in color) and 70% alcohol. Alcohol can be replaced with vodka.

  • Recipe 1

Take a clean liter jar and fill it with pine cones. Then the container must be filled with alcohol up to the shoulders. Next, the preparation should be infused for two weeks (in a dark place). The resulting infusion should be carefully filtered. The drug is taken once a day immediately after meals. Dosage: one teaspoon.

  • Recipe 2

You will need: five large cones, one teaspoon of vinegar (apple vinegar) and one glass of alcohol. The cones are filled with alcohol. The workpiece is placed in a dark place for ten days. The resulting solution is filtered. Next, you need to add apple cider vinegar (you can replace it with grape cider vinegar).

One teaspoon of infusion is dissolved in a glass of warm tea (not strong) and taken before bed.

Doctors have found that patients who take this tincture for at least six months after a stroke can recover motor function, speech normalizes, well-being improves, tone rises.

Jam will strengthen the immune system

To prepare such a sweet “medicine” you will need: one kilogram of young (preferably still green) cones, a kilogram of granulated sugar and two liters of pure cold water.

The cones are filled with water and left to infuse for exactly one day. Next, filter. Sugar is added to the resulting water. The syrup must be brought to a boil. Then put the pine cones into the container. The future jam is cooked over low heat for one and a half to two hours. During the cooking process, foam occasionally forms. It needs to be removed regularly.

In the end it will work out delicious treat pleasant amber hue. The jam has a delicious smell and taste somewhat similar to strawberries.

There is another (no less popular) recipe for medicinal jam based on cones.

The cones are dipped in pre-prepared syrup for five to seven minutes. Then the workpiece is allowed to stand for 24 hours. Then the whole cycle is repeated twice. The resulting jam is placed in a dry, sterilized container.

Jam on young cones is a truly effective immunostimulant. To achieve the desired result, it will be enough to take just one tablespoon daily.

Pine cones will help get rid of excess salts

You need to take one medium-sized cone and put it in a pan. Next, fill the container with a glass of water and leave overnight. In the morning, place the pan on the stove and let it boil a little. The mass is cooled and water is added to the original level. Everything that comes out in the end is divided into two equal parts. Each of them needs to be drunk during the day.

Tincture on cones for peptic ulcers

Pre-prepared pine cones (necessarily green) should be cut and placed in a liter glass jar. The buds should occupy approximately one third of the container. Next, you need to add vodka and tightly close the jar with a lid. The future tincture is placed in a dark place and left there for at least a week.

The finished tincture is filtered and taken according to the following scheme: one tablespoon is diluted with fifty grams of water and drunk twice a day before meals. The treatment course is two months.

Tincture for gastritis

Tincture for treatment of this disease prepared on the basis of 70% alcohol.

To prepare you will need:

  • one hundred grams of young cones and half a liter of alcohol.

The cones are poured with alcohol and placed in a dark place for two weeks. Take the tincture three times a day before meals, a tablespoon.

Treatment of thyroid diseases

Few people know that cones can be used to treat a number of pathologies. thyroid gland. Tinctures based on cones will be an effective addition to the drug treatment of thyroid diseases.

Varicose veins


  • - five parts of ready-made tincture of pine cones;
  • - one part horse chestnut;
  • - one part of verbena;
  • - one part of sweet clover.

All these components can be purchased ready-made at almost any pharmacy. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is used three times a day after meals, ten to twenty drops.

Osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis

To treat these diseases, pine oil should be prepared. It is not difficult. You need to fill the cones with any vegetable oil. Then put in the oven and keep there until the mass acquires a red tint. As soon as it appears desired color, the workpiece is taken out and drained. The oil is ready. It can be used for massages and rubbing. It is effective for treating sore joints and spine.

Soothing and relaxing baths

You will need one or two kilograms of cones and three to five liters of water. The cones are boiled for some time. After this, filter and the resulting water is poured into a previously prepared bath. The recommended procedure time is ten to fifteen minutes.

Nature has given people a truly unique medicinal plant- pine. The cones of this tree are endowed with a whole spectrum medicinal properties. Preparations based on pine cones are available to almost everyone; their preparation does not require any special material costs.

Each of the recipes has been tested by many generations. There is no doubt about their safety and effectiveness.

Noble evergreen pine is the source of many beneficial and medicinal properties. One has only to remember that all the most best resorts with respiratory diseases are located in pine forests. IN medicinal purposes You can use the bark, buds, cones, and needles of a tree. They will all be happy to share theirs with us. healing properties for the benefit of our health. Among all the medicinal folk remedies, pine trees special place takes tincture of pine cones. Moreover, both green young cones of the first year and mature, so-called red cones insist.

Pine cones are rich in phytoncides, biologically active substances that contribute to the complete or partial cessation of the growth of bacteria and fungi, increasing the body's immune defense.

Tannins, which are also part of the composition of pine cones, help fight heart disease and have an anti-inflammatory effect. As shown by the latest Scientific research these substances have powerful restorative properties during myocardial infarction.

Pine cones contain volatile components - essential oils, which give them antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, accelerate tissue regeneration and stimulate the growth of new cells.

Valuable vitamins such as vitamin C, groups B, K, and P were found in the cones. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid strengthens immune system and the walls of blood vessels, needed for nervous system. B vitamins are involved in tissue regeneration, protein synthesis and many other metabolic processes in our body.

Vitamin D is good for bones and preventing rickets in children. Vitamin P, or rutin, has a beneficial effect on the walls of capillaries, strengthening them and making them more elastic, and helps normalize heart rate.

Pine cones are one of the the best means for the treatment of bronchitis, colds, joints, scurvy. They are used to make jam and honey, prepare decoctions and infusions, alcohol and vodka tinctures.

Medicinal properties of pine cone tincture

Cones are used to prepare the tincture different periods maturation. Sometimes very young, other recipes require more mature buds that have accumulated more useful substances: vitamins, minerals and other compounds, necessary for the body person.

The healing power of young and mature cones was well known to our ancestors, who used them to treat their ailments.

Today, tincture of pine cones is used to treat various diseases:

Inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract orally and in the form of inhalations, it copes well with cough, sore throat and nasal congestion;

For the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers: reduces inflammation, kills pathogens, stimulates regeneration and healing of the gastric mucosa;

Diseases of the thyroid gland;


Stroke, where it is considered the most effective medicine that helps speed up the recovery and recovery of the patient;

Strengthening the immune system;

Treatment of asthma and tuberculosis;

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Pine cone tincture recipes

Why is everyone today more people Do you prefer to be treated using “grandmother’s” methods? Perhaps the answer lies in less safe use and the absence of a huge list of contraindications and side effects, which synthetic drugs cannot boast of. Definitely natural natural remedies do not have such a negative effect on the liver, kidneys and other organs, and do not cause addiction or dependence.

A tincture of pine cones can be quite comparable in its effect to many pharmaceutical drugs of artificial origin. It contains a substance called oleoresin, which can alleviate the condition of patients with diseases of the joints, stomach, digestive tract and other pathological conditions.

There are several recipes for making pine cone tincture. Here are the basic recipes that can be used for a number of diseases.

Tincture of pine cones with alcohol

To prepare it, you need to fill a liter jar with prepared green cones (wash and cut as small as possible) into one third of the jar and fill with 70 percent alcohol.

Close the jar and place it in a dark place for two weeks, for example, in a kitchen cabinet. After steeping, filter and pour into a dark glass bottle. You can store it in the room, but in a dark place.

This tincture can be taken for colds, gargle, diluted with water, to strengthen the immune system.

Drink one tablespoon three times a day a few minutes before meals for 7-10 days. To prevent colds, 1 tablespoon once a day is enough.

For treatment after a stroke, take one tablespoon 3 times a day for several months.

Tincture of pine cones with vodka

Wash and chop 5 pieces of young green cones. Pour 0.5 liter of vodka and leave to infuse in a dark place for 10-12 days. Shake the tincture periodically. Take 1 teaspoon for colds, gargling, coughs, bronchitis, and for rubbing joints.

Tincture for heart disease

For the treatment of heart diseases, there are two main recipes for preparing alcohol tincture: tincture on mature cones, i.e. red, and tincture on young green spring cones.

To prepare the tincture, take five or six mature cones and pour one glass (200 grams) of 70 percent alcohol. Place the container in a dark place for 2 weeks. Every day you need to shake the jar.

After infusion, strain and store in a tightly closed dark glass bottle in a cool place.

Take 1 teaspoon of tincture, diluted in 100 grams of water 3 times a day after meals.

Place the green cones selected for preparing the tincture into a container, filling it almost completely (up to the hangers, if it is a jar). Pour vodka good quality so that it completely covers the cones.

Infuse the buds in a cool, dark place for a week. After infusion, filter and store in dark glass bottles in a cool place.

You need to take this tincture 1 tablespoon before meals 15 minutes 3 times a day, after diluting it in water.

Tincture on cones for the treatment of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis unpleasant disease which amazes blood vessels. Unfortunately, today this disease is increasingly affecting people who are still very young and of working age. This tincture can be good prophylactic for cleaning blood vessels and treating the disease itself.

To prepare it, take green pine cones and pine needles (you can use equal parts). Place in a jar, filling it completely, and pour vodka to the very top. You can take diluted medical alcohol. Leave for 2-3 weeks and strain.

The finished tincture is drunk 3 times a day before meals, 10-20 drops, which are diluted in a quarter or half a glass of water.

Tincture against tuberculosis

Pine products have long been used to treat tuberculosis. Not just sanatoriums, but in many places TB dispensaries are trying to locate or plant it with coniferous plants.

To prepare an anti-tuberculosis tincture, take young green cones. Sort through, wash and dry. Cut them into several pieces. The finer it is, the better the extraction of useful substances will be.

Place the chopped cones in a jar and pour vodka in a ratio of 1 part cones to 10 parts vodka.

The jar is placed in a dark place and left for two to three weeks. After infusion, strain and drink the tincture 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals. Pre-dilute the tincture in water.

Place 100 grams of young green cones in a jar and pour 500 ml of vodka. Add a tablespoon of natural high-quality honey there. Stir and leave to infuse for a month. Then strain and drink 1 tablespoon three times a day after meals.

This tincture can be given to children over 10 years of age, but only under supervision and after consultation with a doctor.

Tincture of cones with vodka for bronchial asthma with vodka

To treat bronchial asthma, make a tincture of green cones in vodka. Pour a tablespoon of chopped green cones into 500 ml of vodka and leave to steep for 2 weeks. Shake the jar daily. After infusion, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, after diluting it in 1-2 tablespoons of water.

Tincture of cones with vodka for the treatment of hypertension

This tincture helps with nervous disorders, hypertension. Mash the young green cones with a rolling pin and fill the jar with them. Then fill them completely with vodka and leave to steep for a week. Strain and drink 1 tablespoon of the tincture three times a day.

The buds can be reused to make a new tincture.

Tincture of cones with vodka and vinegar

This tincture is used to treat goiter, a disease of the thyroid gland.

To prepare the tincture, green cones are finely chopped and filled into a jar. Fill with 90 percent alcohol. Place in a dark place for two or three weeks.

After infusion, strain and pour 1-2 tablespoons of natural into the finished tincture. apple cider vinegar. Mix well and drink according to the following scheme:

1 drop – first 3 days;

2 drops – for 2-3 weeks.

Take the tincture three times a day. After a 3-week course, take a break for a month and repeat the course.

This tincture can be used for compresses or rubbing.

Pine cone tincture has a wide range of uses. In principle, a tincture prepared according to any of the above recipes can be used for treatment.

To treat joints, it is used as a rub or compress. For a compress, take a piece of cotton cloth and soak it in the tincture. Apply to the sore spot and wrap a plastic bag on top. If the compress was applied to the feet or fingers, wear warm socks. When applying to another place, wrap it with a scarf or handkerchief.

Such compresses can be done throughout the night. The very next morning you can feel relief from pain.

When to collect pine cones

It is best to collect green young pine cones for preparing the tincture when they are approximately 4 centimeters in size. Such cones have already accumulated enough useful substances.

Red bumps, i.e. mature, harvested in late winter or early spring. You need to know that under the influence of frost and wind, ripe cones open. Such open cones for cooking medicinal tinctures do not take. They should be ripe, but closed.

Collect cones in an environmentally friendly place, avoid collecting along highways, near industrial enterprises.

Contraindications to treatment with pine cone tincture

The most important thing is not to self-medicate, but be sure to consult a doctor before starting treatment. After all, such treatment can bring both benefit and harm. Especially if there are also concomitant diseases.

Treatment with pine cone tincture is prohibited:

During pregnancy;

While breastfeeding;

For hepatitis;

Allergic reaction.

Take the tincture strictly in the indicated dosages and avoid overdose, which can lead to complications, stomach and intestinal disorders.

Tincture of green and mature pine cones, proven folk remedy. It can be used both for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases. But we must remember that this is not the only remedy and pine product that can be used. Decoctions and infusions are also no less effective. And if you have contraindications, you can use other recipes.


Noble evergreen pine is the source of many beneficial and medicinal properties. One has only to remember that all the best resorts for respiratory diseases are located in pine forests. For medicinal purposes, you can use the bark, buds, cones, and needles of the tree. They will all be willing to share their healing properties with us for the benefit of our health. Among all pine medicinal folk remedies, tincture of pine cones occupies a special place. Moreover, both green young cones of the first year and mature, so-called red cones insist.

Pine cones are rich in phytoncides, biologically active substances that contribute to the complete or partial cessation of the growth of bacteria and fungi, increasing the body's immune defense.

Tannins, which are also part of the composition of pine cones, help fight heart disease and have an anti-inflammatory effect. As recent scientific studies have shown, these substances have powerful restorative properties during myocardial infarction.

Pine cones contain volatile components - essential oils, which give them antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, accelerate tissue regeneration and stimulate the growth of new cells.

Valuable vitamins such as vitamin C, groups B, K, and P were found in the pine cones. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system and the walls of blood vessels and is needed for the nervous system. B vitamins are involved in tissue regeneration, protein synthesis and many other metabolic processes in our body.

Vitamin D is good for bones and preventing rickets in children. Vitamin P, or rutin, has a beneficial effect on the walls of capillaries, strengthening them and making them more elastic, and helps normalize heart rate.

Pine cones are one of the best remedies for treating bronchitis, colds, joints, and scurvy. They are used to make jam and honey, prepare decoctions and infusions, alcohol and vodka tinctures.

Medicinal properties of pine cone tincture

To prepare the tincture, cones of different ripening periods are used. Sometimes very young, other recipes require more mature buds that have accumulated more useful substances: vitamins, minerals and other compounds necessary for the human body.

The healing power of young and mature cones was well known to our ancestors, who used them to treat their ailments.

Today, tincture of pine cones is used to treat various diseases:

Inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract orally and in the form of inhalations, it copes well with cough, sore throat and nasal congestion;

For the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers: reduces inflammation, kills pathogens, stimulates regeneration and healing of the gastric mucosa;

Diseases of the thyroid gland;

Stroke, where it is considered the most effective medicine that helps speed up the recovery and recovery of the patient;

Strengthening the immune system;

Treatment of asthma and tuberculosis;

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Read on topic: Pine cones medicinal properties and contraindications

Pine cone tincture recipes

Why do more and more people today prefer to be treated using “grandmother’s” methods? Perhaps the answer lies in less safe use and the absence of a huge list of contraindications and side effects, which synthetic drugs cannot boast of. Of course, natural remedies do not have such a negative effect on the liver, kidneys and other organs, and do not cause addiction or dependence.

A tincture of pine cones can be quite comparable in its effect to many pharmaceutical drugs of artificial origin. It contains a substance called oleoresin, which can alleviate the condition of patients with diseases of the joints, stomach, digestive tract and other pathological conditions.

There are several recipes for making pine cone tincture. Here are the basic recipes that can be used for a number of diseases.

Tincture of pine cones with alcohol

To prepare it, you need to fill a liter jar with prepared green cones (wash and cut as small as possible) into one third of the jar and fill with 70 percent alcohol.

Close the jar and place it in a dark place for two weeks, for example, in a kitchen cabinet. After steeping, filter and pour into a dark glass bottle. You can store it in the room, but in a dark place.

This tincture can be taken for colds, gargle, diluted with water, to strengthen the immune system.

Drink one tablespoon three times a day a few minutes before meals for 7-10 days. To prevent colds, 1 tablespoon once a day is enough.

For treatment after a stroke, take one tablespoon 3 times a day for several months.

Tincture of pine cones with vodka

Wash and chop 5 pieces of young green cones. Pour 0.5 liter of vodka and leave to infuse in a dark place for 10-12 days. Shake the tincture periodically. Take 1 teaspoon for colds, gargling, coughs, bronchitis, and for rubbing joints.

Tincture for heart disease

For the treatment of heart diseases, there are two main recipes for preparing alcohol tincture: tincture on mature cones, i.e. red, and tincture on young green spring cones.

To prepare the tincture, take five or six mature cones and pour one glass (200 grams) of 70 percent alcohol. Place the container in a dark place for 2 weeks. Every day you need to shake the jar.

After infusion, strain and store in a tightly closed dark glass bottle in a cool place.

Take 1 teaspoon of tincture, diluted in 100 grams of water 3 times a day after meals.

Place the green cones selected for preparing the tincture into a container, filling it almost completely (up to the hangers, if it is a jar). Pour in good quality vodka so that it completely covers the cones.

Infuse the buds in a cool, dark place for a week. After infusion, filter and store in dark glass bottles in a cool place.

You need to take this tincture 1 tablespoon before meals 15 minutes 3 times a day, after diluting it in water.

Tincture on cones for the treatment of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is an unpleasant disease that affects blood vessels. Unfortunately, today this disease is increasingly affecting people who are still very young and of working age. This tincture can be a good preventative for cleaning blood vessels and treating the disease itself.

To prepare it, take green pine cones and pine needles (you can use equal parts). Place in a jar, filling it completely, and pour vodka to the very top. You can take diluted medical alcohol. Leave for 2-3 weeks and strain.

The finished tincture is drunk 3 times a day before meals, 10-20 drops, which are diluted in a quarter or half a glass of water.

Tincture against tuberculosis

Pine products have long been used to treat tuberculosis. Not just sanatoriums, but in many places TB dispensaries are trying to locate or plant it with coniferous plants.

To prepare an anti-tuberculosis tincture, take young green cones. Sort through, wash and dry. Cut them into several pieces. The finer it is, the better the extraction of useful substances will be.

Place the chopped cones in a jar and pour vodka in a ratio of 1 part cones to 10 parts vodka.

The jar is placed in a dark place and left for two to three weeks. After infusion, strain and drink the tincture 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals. Pre-dilute the tincture in water.

Place 100 grams of young green cones in a jar and pour 500 ml of vodka. Add a tablespoon of natural high-quality honey there. Stir and leave to infuse for a month. Then strain and drink 1 tablespoon three times a day after meals.

This tincture can be given to children over 10 years of age, but only under supervision and after consultation with a doctor.

Tincture of cones with vodka for bronchial asthma with vodka

To treat bronchial asthma, make a tincture of green cones in vodka. Pour a tablespoon of chopped green cones into 500 ml of vodka and leave to steep for 2 weeks. Shake the jar daily. After infusion, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, after diluting it in 1-2 tablespoons of water.

Tincture of cones with vodka for the treatment of hypertension

This tincture helps with nervous disorders and hypertension. Mash the young green cones with a rolling pin and fill the jar with them. Then fill them completely with vodka and leave to steep for a week. Strain and drink 1 tablespoon of the tincture three times a day.

The buds can be reused to make a new tincture.

Tincture of cones with vodka and vinegar

This tincture is used to treat goiter, a disease of the thyroid gland.

To prepare the tincture, green cones are finely chopped and filled into a jar. Fill with 90 percent alcohol. Place in a dark place for two or three weeks.

After infusion, strain and pour 1-2 tablespoons of natural apple cider vinegar into the finished tincture. Mix well and drink according to the following scheme:

1 drop – first 3 days;

2 drops – for 2-3 weeks.

Take the tincture three times a day. After a 3-week course, take a break for a month and repeat the course.

This tincture can be used for compresses or rubbing.

Pine cone tincture has a wide range of uses. In principle, a tincture prepared according to any of the above recipes can be used for treatment.

To treat joints, it is used as a rub or compress. For a compress, take a piece of cotton cloth and soak it in the tincture. Apply to the sore spot and wrap a plastic bag on top. If the compress was applied to the feet or fingers, wear warm socks. When applying to another place, wrap it with a scarf or handkerchief.

Such compresses can be done throughout the night. The very next morning you can feel relief from pain.

When to collect pine cones

It is best to collect green young pine cones for preparing the tincture when they are approximately 4 centimeters in size. Such cones have already accumulated enough useful substances.

Red bumps, i.e. mature, harvested in late winter or early spring. You need to know that under the influence of frost and wind, ripe cones open. Do not take such opened cones for preparing medicinal tinctures. They should be ripe, but closed.

Collect cones in an environmentally friendly place, avoid collecting along highways, near industrial enterprises.

Contraindications to treatment with pine cone tincture

The most important thing is not to self-medicate, but be sure to consult a doctor before starting treatment. After all, such treatment can bring both benefit and harm. Especially if there are also concomitant diseases.

Treatment with pine cone tincture is prohibited:

During pregnancy;

While breastfeeding;

For hepatitis;

Allergic reaction.

Take the tincture strictly in the indicated dosages and avoid overdose, which can lead to complications, stomach and intestinal disorders.

A tincture of green and mature pine cones is a proven folk remedy. It can be used both for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases. But we must remember that this is not the only remedy and pine product that can be used. Decoctions and infusions are also no less effective. And if you have contraindications, you can use other recipes.

Read on topic: Pine cones use in folk medicine

Pine cones are real natural treasure vitamins and microelements. They contain essential oils, tannin, phytoncides and antioxidants that help fight the most various diseases, and also increase immunity and normalize metabolic processes in organism. That is why pine cones are often used in folk medicine for preparing infusions, decoctions and other medicines.

Pine cones

Raw materials for the preparation of medicines are usually collected in May (unless this item is specified separately in the recipe) away from roads, preferably in environmentally friendly areas. They should be young, soft (a fingernail should easily fit into each bump), and have a light color. green color.

Pine cones

Medicines prepared from pine cones should be used with great caution during pregnancy and lactation, in childhood and over the age of 60 years, as well as people suffering from kidney problems and hepatitis.

General strengthening and vitaminizing agents

"Pine" honey and jam help with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, colds and acute respiratory infections, coughs, joint diseases, circulatory disorders, as well as oncology.

"Pine" honey and jam

Medicinal honey. Sort out the young cones well, wash them, put them in a large saucepan and pour cold water so that it covers them by about a finger. Place the cones on the stove, boil and add sugar (in the proportion of 1 kg per 1 liter of water). Turn off, wait for the sugar to completely dissolve, boil again, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 90 minutes, removing the foam.

Medicinal jam, preparation method No. 1. Cut the well-washed cones into small pieces and roll in sugar. Place the candied pieces in jars in layers of 1.5 cm, sprinkling each with sugar, cover with a towel or cloth and place where the sun will constantly fall on them. The jars will also need to be shaken well from time to time. After the sugar has completely dissolved, the jam can be consumed.

Medicinal jam

Medicinal jam, recipe No. 2. 120 pieces of very young cones, collected no earlier than the fifteenth of May, rinse, dry, add two liters of water and boil over low heat for about 50 minutes. Filter, add a kilogram of sugar and boil for another two hours; pour into jars and roll up in the usual way.

Honey and jam should be taken for therapeutic purposes or for prevention in the following dosage: children - a teaspoon three times a day, adults - a tablespoon.

Infusion to strengthen the immune system. Wash the June cones and chop them finely. Fill a large jar (3 liters) with them to the top, add vodka to the brim and close well with a regular lid (polyethylene). Leave for a week in a dark place, filter and drink three times a day for 20 minutes. before meals, 1 tbsp.

Treatment of respiratory system diseases

A remedy for treating the lungs. You will need half a liter of any tincture prepared from cones, add 100 g of honey and the same amount of aloe juice. Stir and place in a dark place for a day. Shake well before use.

Lung treatment

Infusion against tuberculosis. Chop the cones, place them in a container and fill them with 40 percent vodka 1 to 10 (you can use diluted alcohol). Infuse for two to three weeks in a warm place, drink from a teaspoon to a tablespoon three times a day after meals.

Infusion for the treatment of bronchitis and asthma. Place the washed cones in a thermos, add a small piece (about 2 cm) of pine resin, and pour in ½ liter of hot milk. Stir, leave for four hours, strain through several layers of gauze. Drink the infusion 1 tbsp. twice a day for 4-8 weeks. For asthma, it is advisable to take two courses.

Foot baths. Place about twenty cones in a fairly large container, pour water (3 liters) into it, boil and simmer over low heat for twenty minutes. Cool slightly and steam your feet, covering them with a blanket.

Treatment of stroke and post-stroke conditions

Tincture for stroke. Wash five cones collected from June to September well, cut them and pour one tbsp. 70% alcohol. Let it sit in the dark for two weeks, shaking it well every day (this is a very important step, since it is shaking that determines the quality of the future product). Filter the resulting brownish-brown liquid and drink one tsp for prevention. once a day, and three times a day - for treatment purposes. The course is at least six months.

Tincture for stroke

A simple decoction. Rinse well and finely chop five cones, add half a liter of water, and boil over low heat for five minutes. Drink a quarter glass three times a day for six months.

Vinegar-alcohol tincture. Pour ¼ liter of 70 percent alcohol into five mature buds and leave for 10 days at room temperature. Filter and pour in one tsp. apple cider vinegar (preferably homemade), take 1 tsp, dissolving in a glass of weak hot tea.

Treatment of joints

Pine cones

Medicinal infusion. Collect cones on the fifth of June (necessarily on this day!), cut each one into four parts, fill half a jar with them (volume 3 liters). Add sugar and pour cold boiled water. Close the jar well and set aside until the fermentation process stops and the sugar dissolves. The container will need to be shaken well. Drink the infusion twice a day, one tablespoon. before meals.

Decoction for removing salts. Pour into a glass (200 ml) warm water, immerse a medium-sized cone in water, leave it overnight, and in the morning boil the cone in the same water. Top up boiled water to the top of the glass and drink all the medicine per day in two doses.

Baths for polyarthritis. Take one piece of pine cones and young twigs, place them in a large container, add water and boil for half an hour. Leave for a day (12 hours) until you get a brownish-brown liquid. For a full bath you need about 2 liters of freshly prepared broth.

Infusion for the treatment of rheumatism from a book of 1847. Take 90 g of cones, 60 g of guaiac wood shavings, 30 g of sassafras and juniper fruits, 1074 g of alcohol. Mix everything, infuse and drink 2-4 ml.

Rub for joints. Collect ten cones, put them in a jar and pour 700 ml of alcohol into it, close and place in a cool, dark place for a week. If the liquid has acquired Brown color, you can start treatment, if not, wait a few more days.

Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

Tincture for the treatment of ulcers. Finely chop the cones, fill a third of a liter jar with them, pour in high-quality vodka and place in a warm but fairly dark place for a week. After this, filter the tincture and take one tablespoon at a time. three times a day, diluting the product in 50 ml. water. The course is two months.

Tincture against gastritis and ulcers. Pour about 100 g of buds into ½ liter of 70% alcohol. Leave for fourteen days and take one tablespoon. three times a day.

Infusion for the treatment of giardiasis. Wash the cones thoroughly, put them in a container and add water so that it covers them by about 15 cm. Boil without a lid for at least eight hours over moderate heat, removing the foam. Next, remove the cones, filter the broth and add sugar (1 kg/1 l), cook for another hour. Take one or two tablespoons on an empty stomach.

Thyroid treatment

Thyroid treatment

Infusion for the treatment of goiter. Cut the cones, put them in a dark or green glass container, pour in strong alcohol (at least 90%) so that it completely covers the resulting mass. Leave for 3-30 days (minimum), and shake the bottle weekly. Filter the medicine and store it in the cold. Take according to this scheme: for the first three days, drink drops no more than 3 times a day, and from the 4th to 21st days - five drops, and you need to drink them in three doses. If necessary, treatment should be repeated.

Infusion for the treatment of thyroid diseases. Collect 14-15 of the youngest cones, chop them finely, put them in a jar, pour in alcohol and close with a regular lid, making a couple of holes in it. Infuse in the dark for 10 days. Take as follows: the first two days - 1 k. three times a day before meals, the third and fourth - 2 k., the remaining days - 5 k. The course is 3 weeks.

Infusion for the treatment of thyroid nodules. Collect 15 cones, cut them and pour in 50 g of good vodka, leave for ten days. Drink 5 k for three weeks three times a day.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Infusion for pain in the heart. Steam one spoonful of crushed cones with ½ liter of boiling water and leave for one night. The entire product should be taken four times a day.

Tincture for heart disease, recipe No. 1. Take 5-6 mature cones, pour 200 g of 70% alcohol, leave for two weeks in a cool, dark place. Next, filter and drink 1 tsp. three times a day after meals, dissolving in a quarter glass of water.

Tincture for heart disease, recipe No. 2. Place the “spring” cones in a jar (do not crush them), top up with vodka, close with a nylon lid and leave in the dark for a week. Drink one tbsp. three times a day for 15 minutes. before meals. The same cones can be taken to prepare medicine 3 times.

Decoction for heart disease. 5-6 mature cones, pour ½ liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, drink a quarter glass three times a day after meals.

Infusion for the treatment of atherosclerosis. Take fresh cones and pine needles, fill a small clay or glass container with them to the top, and fill to the brim with good vodka or diluted alcohol. Strain and take 10-20 k. three times a day before meals, diluting the product with warm water.

Treatment with pine cones

Pine is one of the most common plants in our forests. Its needles and resin, not without reason called resin, have been used since ancient times to strengthen protective forces body, treatment of vitamin deficiencies, anemia and many other diseases. IN last years Folk medicines prepared from pine cones have gained wide popularity. The “fruits” of a coniferous tree contain great amount vitamins, biologically active substances, antioxidants, phytoncides and other beneficial components. In this article we will talk about the most famous recipes medicines from pine cones.


A kilogram of young green cones is poured into 2 liters of cold water and left for a day. Then the infusion is drained, 1 kg of granulated sugar is added and syrup is boiled, into which the cones are dipped after boiling. The jam is prepared for 1.5-2 hours over low heat. The foam that forms when the mixture boils should be skimmed off. As a result, the delicacy has a pleasant amber, wonderful smell and taste, reminiscent of strawberry jam.

There is another way to prepare healing jam. It can be cooked according to the five-minute principle, that is, boil the cones in a pre-prepared syrup for 5-7 minutes and let it brew for 24 hours, repeat the entire cycle 2 more times and pour the finished jam into a dry, sterilized container.

Jam made from young pine cones is an excellent immunostimulant. Taking just a tablespoon a day can significantly reduce the risk of seasonal colds. In addition, the drug is used to alleviate the symptoms of polyarthritis and to restore strength after illnesses.

Article publication date: 04/03/2017

Article updated date: 12/18/2018

From this article you will learn: do pine cones help against stroke, and how to harvest them correctly. Recipes for making tinctures (vodka, alcohol, water). Combination of cones with others natural ingredients. Beneficial and side effects, contraindications.

Pine cones - excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of stroke. But keep in mind that a herbal remedy cannot completely replace classical treatment and is only suitable as a supplement.

Before using tincture of cones, consult your doctor (cardiologist or neurologist).

Results from treatment with pine cones

Pine cones have an intense hypotensive effect. Blood pressure decreases already on the fifth day of continuous use of the tincture.

It is also noted that in patients who took such tinctures for six months after a stroke, speech and coordination were restored faster than in patients who did not supplement drug treatment this folk remedy.

Composition and beneficial properties of pine cones

Pine cones are rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen cardiovascular system and the whole body:

  • Vitamin C – improves immunity and accelerates the restoration of damaged body tissues.
  • Vitamin P – reduces capillary fragility and increases their elasticity.
  • B vitamins are needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system and its faster recovery. Participate in the process of hemoglobin synthesis and the formation of red blood cells.
  • Iron is part of hemoglobin. With a lack of iron in the body (and, as a result, low hemoglobin), tachyarrhythmias may occur.
  • Magnesium is needed for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Selenium – strengthens the myocardium, slows down the aging process of cells.

The cones also contain tannins, which reduce arterial pressure, prevent blood clots and accelerate the recovery of brain tissue, and a number of flavonoids that help strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

They contain a large number of polyunsaturated fatty acids which lower cholesterol levels.

There are also substances with anti-inflammatory properties.

Thanks to such an abundance of useful substances, pine cones can be used for very effective prevention stroke. You can also speed up the process of recovery of the central nervous system after a stroke has already occurred.

The tincture can be an excellent addition to treatment:

  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, tracheitis);
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • arthritis;
  • anemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension.

Harvesting pine cones

You need to start collecting them while they are still green. Young cones contain greatest number useful substances (they contain especially a lot of magnesium during this period - it is part of chlorophyll, which gives them their green color).

Treatment with green cones will be especially effective for arrhythmias and other heart pathologies.

But even if they are already starting to lose their green color, they can still be collected. This can be done while they have not yet opened. Opened buds are already losing most their useful properties– treatment with them will be ineffective.

The period when plant materials can be collected is from the beginning of May to the end of June.

It is not worth storing cones for a long time. It is better to make a tincture from them immediately after collection. That is why such products are often made with alcohol or vodka rather than with water. Alcohol tinctures can be stored for a long time, so there is no need to store the buds themselves.

If you still want to make a tincture of water or other remedies from the cones, you need to save them. To do this, grind them and dry them in the oven at 40 degrees.

Tincture recipes

Most the best option- cooking with alcohol. A 70% alcohol solution can be bought at a pharmacy. It, unlike vodka, does not contain any unnecessary additives.

1. Alcohol

To prepare the product, take 10 g of pine cones and 50 ml of alcohol. Grind the plant material. Fill with alcohol. Seal tightly. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place at room temperature. Shake well every day. After 2 weeks, strain and pour into a container in which you will store the medicine.

Alcohol tincture is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals (15 minutes).

2. On vodka

If you are preparing a tincture with vodka, you will need twice as much of it as alcohol. That is, for 10 g of cones, 100 ml of vodka. Otherwise the recipe remains the same. When choosing a drink for preparing medicine Special attention pay attention to its quality. Vodka should be natural and should not contain any harmful additives.

For medicine with vodka, the dosage is the same as for alcohol.

3. On the water

This option is preferable for those for whom alcohol is contraindicated. For long-term treatment It is better to use a water tincture.

Take 5 cones average size. Grind. Pour in 2 cups of warm water. Place on the fire and wait until it boils. Cook for another 5 minutes. Cool.

Take a quarter glass of water 3 times a day before meals.

4. Combined products

With needles

Pine cones can be supplemented with needles of the same plant. It contains a large amount ascorbic acid. And essential oils, which improve the body’s recovery process after a stroke and normalize heart rhythm, and alkaloids, which help with heart pain. Also contains substances that lower cholesterol.

Treatment with a tincture of cones and needles is effective if the stroke was caused by heart rhythm disturbances or atherosclerosis. In addition to accelerating the body’s recovery process, the risk of a recurrent stroke is also reduced.

  1. Take 10 g of cones and 10 g of needles.
  2. Pour in 100 ml of 70% alcohol.
  3. Leave for 2 weeks.
  4. When the product has infused, strain.

For medicine with pine needles, the dosage is 15–20 drops three times a day.

With honey

Another good addition is honey. It enhances the hypotensive and immunomodulatory properties of pine cones. Treatment with this remedy helps well against high blood pressure which can cause another stroke.

  • Take a liter jar of pine cones.
  • Add 400 ml of liquid honey.
  • Close tightly and place in a warm place.
  • Insist for 4 months. During this period, the cones will “give up” their beneficial substances to honey.
  • Shake every day.
  • Strain.

Only young cones are suitable for preparing the product according to this recipe: no more than 4 cm in size, green in color, not hardened. They should scratch easily with a fingernail. Hardened ones have lower permeability, which is why the honey is not absorbed useful substances.

Honey, saturated with the beneficial substances of the cones, eat a tablespoon 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Side effects and contraindications

Treatment with pine cones usually does not cause side effects. They can only appear if there is an individual intolerance to this plant. Then a rash appears on the body, itching, and nausea.

Headaches, nausea and diarrhea may also occur with an overdose. In this case, consult your doctor and reduce the dosage or stop taking this folk medicine altogether.

Taking remedies from the cones is contraindicated when renal failure and hepatitis of any type. They are used with caution in people over 60 years of age.