A large blood clot came out. Blood clots during menstruation

Menstruation over time for every woman becomes something ordinary, something that comes once a month, and you just need to go through it. But when clots appear during menstruation and other changes, many women begin to sound the alarm.

Let's figure it out together, during menstruation - is this the norm or a pathology, and at the same time decide how to act in such a situation.

Most women know that the discharge during menstruation is the secret of the uterine gland and blood. In addition to these components, menstrual flow contains pieces of the endometrium and vaginal epithelium.

When a woman moves, secretions and blood are regularly shed. If the female body is at rest (sleeping, sitting, lying down, etc.), then the blood begins to leave the vagina more slowly, collects there and coagulates. From this, clots are formed during menstruation. These accumulations are the waste material of the egg.

Basically, menstrual flow is abundant and thick, because the enzymes responsible for thinning the blood do not have time to do their job. So appear in menstruation clots, a small amount in menstrual blood which doctors consider normal.

Blood clots appear during menstruation and in those women who are inserted. These clots are part of the egg that has been fertilized, but is washed away during menstruation.

Together with not so much blood as it might seem at first glance. In addition, all of it is compensated by the body, so there can be no large blood loss here. The color of the clots is usually dark red, more intense than menstrual blood.

But if the clots are abundant and accompanied by pain, you should immediately consult a gynecologist, as these signs may signal endometriosis. This is female disease, the cause of which can be smoking, and abortions, and alcohol, and hormonal failure, and inflammatory processes in the female genital organs, and much more. A symptom of this disease can also be blood clots after menstruation. Only a doctor can recognize this disease with your timely visit. Timely analysis of swabs, blood and urine taken from you, ultrasound procedure help the gynecologist correctly diagnose your disease, prescribe timely treatment and procedures to keep your health problems from becoming chronic. It is possible that you will need a blood test for clotting. At early diagnosis your disease can be guaranteed a complete cure.

If the appearance of clots is also accompanied by a feeling severe fatigue, heavy bleeding, loss of strength, then your first step is to see a doctor for examination and examination.

The bend of the uterus, thrombosis, an excess of B vitamins can also cause bleeding during menstruation with clots.

If you suddenly have previously unseen clots during menstruation, similar to the "liver", bad smell, working capacity has decreased, there is a reason to visit a gynecologist. After all, these signs can indicate a serious pathology of the body as a whole and the reproductive system in particular.

Clots during menstruation can also indicate an early miscarriage, when pregnancy is still difficult to determine. Then their color may be slightly yellow or gray, since the fetal egg comes out with clots, which the body has rejected.

So let's sum up our conversation. If menstruation is regular, small clumps blood in the secretions, ringing the bell of anxiety is not worth it. A doctor should be consulted if menstruation is accompanied by heavy bleeding, severe pain, irritability and fatigue.

Monthly bleeding from the uterus physiological mechanism which ensures the readiness of the woman's body for pregnancy. The duration and amount of blood released, on average, does not differ from time to time for each woman, but there are also deviations associated with external and internal circumstances. In order to determine whether it is urgent to see a doctor, you need to figure out why blood clots come out more than usual during menstruation.

Why do blood clots come out during menstruation

Blood is the main component of menstrual flow. And one of its properties that allow the body to work smoothly is clotting. That is, blood normally can and should form clots to prevent significant blood loss. It is necessary to distinguish the type of menstrual flow, which can be attributed to the norm from pathological, requiring medical correction.

Menstruation with blood clots: physiological causes

  • Normal menstruation. In the composition of the secretions, in addition to blood, there are normally particles of the endometrium exfoliated from the walls of the uterus, the epithelium of the vagina. They may look like clotted blood.
  • Intense discharge. Clots during menstruation and normally can be large. Usually they come out when a woman moves to active movements after a period of rest - she gets out of bed, from a chair. In this case, the blood that did not have the opportunity to pour into external environment accumulates over time and may clot. It usually occurs in the vagina.
  • Reinforcement of secretions. Happens after intense physical work lifting weights, playing sports. The same effect is exerted by exposure to the sun, a hot climate.

Common infections affect the blood clotting system, thereby increasing blood flow.

  • Irregular discharge during adolescence. The body of a growing woman needs some time to adapt to the changed hormonal background, so menstruation can be both scarce and plentiful, with clots. The cycle is also affected by the immaturity of the psyche and nervous system. It is worth paying close attention to these changes, since there is a possibility of uterine juvenile bleeding.

Pathological discharge

If a physiological causes clot formation during menstruation usually does not threaten health, then the signs of pathology should be known in order to seek help in time. Watching her body, every woman should ask herself the question - large blood clots during menstruation is it normal for her at a certain point in her life.

  • pathology of pregnancy. In early pregnancy, bleeding can be similar to normal menstrual bleeding. A woman may not even know that pregnancy is already a fact, and she is in danger. Therefore, heavy bleeding with large clots, accompanied by pains in the lower abdomen of a cramping nature, is a reason to undergo an urgent examination.

An ectopic pregnancy can also make itself felt by secretions of blood with small brown clots from the uterus.

  • postpartum period. Blood clots leaving the uterine cavity after childbirth are a natural phenomenon if they last three days, a week or 10 days maximum. They are usually small, about 10 cm long. big clots, prolonged bleeding a doctor's consultation is required.
  • Intrauterine device. The foreign body present in the inner space of the uterus in most cases (70%) causes a response of the endometrium in the form of excessive thickening. Accordingly, its rejection increases the volume of secretions. Also, due to a violation of the process of uterine contraction, clots can form. It should be noted that spirals containing hormonal substances that are gradually released into the uterus are devoid of these negative effects. They even help reduce blood loss during menstruation.
  • Condition after curettage of the uterus. Regardless of the cause of curettage - diagnostic, therapeutic as a measure to stop bleeding, or after premature termination of pregnancy - bleeding from the uterus with clots can occur as with normal menstruation. With too abundant, prolonged discharge, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
  • Abnormal structure of the genital organs. Some congenital pathologies anatomical structure uterus - bicornuate, saddle-shaped, accompanied by a violation of its contractility. During menstruation, the blood in it stagnates and comes out in clots.
  • pathology of the endometrium. This maca shell is very sensitive to hormonal disruptions. Violation of the regularity of the cycle leads to the fact that the endometrium grows, polyps appear. All this is accompanied by heavy bleeding with clots. Small spotting during the intermenstrual period may also be disturbing. Causes of hormone imbalance:
  1. ovarian cysts;
  2. overweight: fat provokes an increase in estrogen in the body, which causes the endometrium to grow more than usual;
  3. diabetes, diseases thyroid gland disrupt metabolic processes, as a result, the amount of menstrual blood increases.
  • Myoma of the uterus. The presence of nodes in the muscular wall of the uterus prevents its full contraction to expel menstrual flow. Volumetric formations, deforming the inner space of the uterus also contribute to the stagnation of blood and its subsequent release in large clots.
  • Endometriosis. Adenomyosis strikes muscle layer uterus, seriously disrupting its contractility. Endometriosis also causes disturbances in the blood clotting system. The result is heavy, prolonged menstruation.
  • Ovarian cysts. In addition to an increase in the ovaries in volume, which is diagnosed by ultrasound of the small pelvis, there is a violation of their function, a hormonal imbalance appears, prolonging the second phase of the cycle. The endometrium thickens more, which causes increased bleeding and an increase in the number of blood clots during the next menstruation.
  • Oncological pathology of the cervix and body of the uterus. Usually associated with endometrial hyperplasia, causing profuse bleeding, often with clots.
  • Malfunctions in the blood coagulation system. Can occur with bright manifestations, as well as in latent form. The pathology detected during the examination requires correction and regular monitoring.

When You Shouldn't Delay Seeing Your Doctor

Observing blood clots during menstruation similar to the liver, many women experience fear, believing that some kind of important organ. It is important not to panic and appreciate the important concomitant symptoms indicating deterioration in health.

  • pathologically large volume (more than 200 ml), the density of menstrual flow is observed regularly;
  • discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen;
  • change from normal odor to unpleasant;
  • there are signs of regular blood loss and the development of anemia: shortness of breath with low exertion, fatigue, palpitations, pallor.

What to do

Treatment has two important goals: to stop or reduce excess blood loss and to eliminate iron deficiency that leads to oxygen starvation all body tissues.

  • vitamins,
  • iron preparations,
  • corrective hormonal treatment;
  • creation of calm and harmonious living conditions.

Surgeons can radically eliminate the causes of profuse menstrual bleeding with clots:

  • remove the overgrown endometrium, polyps - curettage, hysteroresectoscopy;
  • make uterine plastic surgery by removing the internal septum;
  • in case of malignant processes and the ineffectiveness of previous treatment, a decision may be made to remove the uterus.

An unusual course of the period of menstruation, a change in the nature of the discharge should alert and encourage the woman to carefully monitor the accompanying circumstances and symptoms. Timely appeal for medical help promotes early diagnosis pathological conditions and prevention of complications.

The menstrual cycle is a systematic process in the body of women. reproductive age, controlled by hormones (mainly progesterone and estrogen), having a certain cyclicity and aimed at conceiving a child. At healthy women the cycle of regulation (menstruation) can be from 28 to 32 days, but minor deviations from this range are not considered a pathology if they are not accompanied by painful symptoms and any violations. On the first day of the cycle, menstrual blood is released from the woman's vaginal tract, which, in addition to blood itself, also contains enzymes that act as anticoagulants, mucus, particles of the epithelial layer and dead cells of the vagina.

In some cases, a woman may notice that blood comes out of the vagina with blood clots, appearance resembling pieces of the placenta. Such a symptom can be a manifestation of very serious diseases that require a complex and emergency treatment(and sometimes surgical intervention), or a physiological norm, so it is important to be able to distinguish normal discharge from pathological symptoms.

Monthly blood has a rather complex chemical composition, which is based on glandular fibers and secretory fluid produced by the glands of the vagina and cervix. Clots can form with a large number of endometrial cells - an epithelial layer that has a mucous structure that lines uterine walls from within and necessary for the successful implantation of a diploid fertilized cell (zygote). Starting from the middle menstrual cycle, the endometrium changes its density and structure, becomes looser and thickens. If the amount of female sex hormones exceeds the required physiological threshold, during menstruation, the endometrium may prematurely coagulate in the uterine cavity and form clots.

Thickening of the menstrual fluid can also occur with insufficient activity of anticoagulant enzymes, as well as in cases where a woman does not conduct enough active image life, contributing to stagnation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This situation is typical for women holding office positions with excess weight limiting the degree of mobility, or suffering from chronic disorders endocrine system. For the same reason, blood clots during menstruation can be observed in women who have undergone surgical interventions or injury and temporarily restricted in movement.

Important! Bad habits(nicotine and alcohol addiction, the use of narcotic and toxic substances) can also contribute to increased blood clotting due to changes in its chemical composition and neutralization of enzymes that regulate the consistency of the menstrual fluid.

Video - Three questions about menstruation that women are embarrassed to ask

Diseases of the uterus - the main cause of intrauterine blood clotting

Diseases of the uterus - the most extensive group gynecological pathologies. Almost always, violations in the work of the body are accompanied by a change hormonal background, therefore, in addition to the standard diagnostic methods a woman can be carried out diagnostic curettage using a curette (a more gentle method - vacuum aspiration) followed by histological examination collected material in order to determine the hormonal background and exclude tumor processes.

The most common pathology of the uterus, different forms which is diagnosed in every fifth woman aged 20 to 50 years - uterine fibroids. Fibroids are formed by cells of the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus), can have a diffuse or nodular form and proceed without any symptoms for several years. Myoma refers to benign tumors, so in most cases, doctors choose expectant tactics with careful observation of the patient and control of changes in the myomatous nodes.

Symptoms of this type of tumor are rather poor and may include the following symptoms:

  • increased pulling pain a few days before the onset of menstruation and during menstruation;
  • excess physiological norm allocated menstrual fluid (the norm is the volume from 50 to 80-100 ml);
  • blood clots during menstruation;
  • increase in basal body temperature.

Another reason associated with the functioning of the uterus and capable of causing premature blood clots is birth defects uterus development. They are formed during fetal growth and development, most often due to a genetic factor, but in some cases they can be a complication of inhalation or consumption of toxic products. Most often in girls and girls there is a bending of the uterus, in 90% of cases leading to the inability to bear a child while maintaining the full volume reproductive functions, as well as the intrauterine septum - a defect often associated with abnormal development of the renal system.

With these defects, the free exit of blood from the body of the uterus is difficult, which leads to its stagnation and the formation of clots small size. The treatment of these defects is carried out only in foreign clinics, but is inaccessible to most middle-class women due to the very high cost.

Pathologies associated with conception and pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is a serious pathology that can lead to profuse bleeding and the development of a generalized inflammatory process. It can develop even in absolutely healthy women, but the main risk group includes patients who are obese, diabetic, and have a history of abortion and miscarriage.

On the early dates intrauterine pregnancy is no different from a normal one: a woman also experiences all the manifestations of toxicosis, her mammary glands increase, and a pregnancy test shows positive result. When the gestation period reaches 4-6 weeks, symptoms and signs begin to appear, the appearance of which should immediately consult a doctor. These include:

  • hemorrhage with admixture blood clots;
  • sharp, sharp, pronounced nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • temperature rise to 38.5 ° and above;
  • vomit.

Note! The appearance of blood clots in pregnant women is a very dangerous clinical symptom that almost always indicates the onset of a miscarriage. Clots after childbirth are considered normal, but women with similar symptoms should be under the supervision of a specialist, since blood clots can be part of the baby's place (placenta). Normally, such discharge should not last longer than 30 days, and be accompanied by severe pain or high fever.

Blood clots after insertion of an intrauterine device

Intrauterine device - a type hormonal contraceptives, which is installed inside the uterus around its cervix and is made of copper or plastic. Despite the fact that the installation of the product does not belong to the traumatic procedures, after it there may be minor bloody issues which normally resolve within 3-5 days. If this does not happen, the bleeding becomes profuse, and during menstruation blood clots began to stand out from the vaginal tract, the spiral should be removed.

It is necessary to remove the product even when side effects: itching, burning, headaches, skin rash and other symptoms described in the instructions for use. Such women should consult a gynecologist for more suitable methods contraception.

Endometrial diseases

The endometrium is a functional uterine layer that regulates the synthesis of hormones necessary for the onset and maintenance of pregnancy, as well as the growth of fetal development. Endometrial diseases are diseases of the uterus, but experts put them in a separate group. The most typical for this clinical picture (the release of blood clots during menstruation) are endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia. Both pathologies are pathological proliferation of cells and layers of the endometrium, but in endometriosis they can extend beyond the uterus and reach other organs, including the uterine appendages.

If the endometrial tissues become inflamed, the woman is diagnosed with endometritis. The disease is dangerously rapid growth pathogenic flora inside the uterus and the spread of infection to other pelvic organs. The symptoms of any pathologies of the endometrium are almost always the same and include the following signs:

  • intense pain in the lower abdomen with a transition to side walls(with ovarian endometriosis);
  • heavy periods (menorrhagia) lasting more than 1 week;
  • intermenstrual bleeding with blood clots;
  • insufficient secretion of vaginal lubrication and the discomfort that appears against this background during intimacy;
  • difficulty conceiving.

Treatment of endometrial diseases

Treatment of endometrial pathologies includes diagnostic curettage of the uterus, as well as taking medicines used in standard treatment regimens. It is impossible to use them without a doctor's prescription, as there may be individual contraindications.

Drug groupWhat medicines to take?
Antispasmodics to relax the muscles of the uterus, eliminate spasms and pain

"Papaverine" (mainly rectally)

Oral contraceptives with different levels of estrogens and progesterone for hormonal correction

Anti-inflammatory drugs (for endometritis)

Antibiotics and antimicrobials to prevent complications and secondary infection

"Cefazolin" (in severe cases)
Iron preparations with heavy blood loss for the prevention and treatment of anemia
"Ferrum Lek"

If a woman's health is in order, but menstruation is still accompanied by the release of clots, it is necessary to take tests for blood clotting, as well as determine the level of B vitamins in the body. With their excess, blood clotting increases, which increases the risk of uterine vein thrombosis, therefore given state also requires medication. A large number of vitamins of this group are found in rye and peeled flour, whole varnishes, legumes, as well as liver, eggs and many vegetables and fruits.

If a woman uses enough these products, there is no need to take additional vitamin complexes, which include B vitamins, - this negatively affects the consistency and viscosity of the menstrual fluid and contributes to the formation of blood clots.

Any changes during menstruation cause anxiety in women. Almost everyone has experienced such a phenomenon as blood clots during menstruation. The reasons for this can be different - from completely harmless to serious diseases that require the intervention of doctors.

What happens during menstruation?

Every month, regardless of a woman's desire, her uterus prepares to receive a fertilized egg. Under the influence of hormones, the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium - begins to thicken. If pregnancy does not occur, the level of hormones decreases, the blood supply to the mucous membrane inner surface the uterus stops, the endometrium is rejected and excreted through the genital tract to the outside. Thus, menstrual flow is a complex mixture of blood, mucus, endometrial particles, and vaginal cells.

Blood clots during menstruation are normal

Such a phenomenon during menstruation does not always indicate the presence of pathology. It is possible that menstruation is normal, and you should not worry. As you know, these days there is a death and withdrawal of the endometrium, which becomes loose and thick during the cycle. That is, the menstrual flow itself is not liquid, since it consists not only of blood, but also of the tissues of the inner lining of the uterus and glandular secretions. In addition, their consistency and color change every day.

Usually, during menstruation, blood clots come out immediately, as soon as a woman gets out of bed after sleeping or from a chair after a long sitting. This is due to the fact that the blood in the uterus when lying down or sitting position stagnates and begins to coagulate, forming clots. As soon as the woman gets up, they go outside, and this is not a deviation from the norm.

In order for menstrual flow to come out more easily, special anticoagulant enzymes inhibit blood clotting. If the bleeding is heavy, the enzymes cannot do their job and some of the blood coagulates in the vagina. That's why it comes out in clumps.


One of the reasons for the appearance of large clots in menstrual flow is endometrial hyperplasia.

Possible causes of blood clots during menstruation are various diseases and states. These include the following:

  • Hormonal imbalance. In case of malfunction of the glands internal secretion there is a violation of the cycle, which is manifested by strong brown discharge with clots during menstruation.
  • Myoma of the uterus. This is a benign tumor in which there is a violation of the menstrual cycle. In this case, the discharge, as a rule, is abundant, the blood can come out in large clots.
  • hyperplasia of the endometrium. With this pathology, the inner layer of the uterus grows, which may be due to hypertension, obesity, diabetes, hormonal imbalance. In this case, dark large clots come out during menstruation.
  • Polyposis of the endometrium. With this disease, the inner layer lining the uterine cavity grows, similar to the formation of polyps. In this regard, menstruation with blood clots is possible, pain may appear in the lower abdomen.
  • For a month after giving birth, a woman may experience huge clots that come out with the blood, which is normal. You need to consult a doctor if the temperature rises: it is possible that fragments of the placenta remain in the genital organ.
  • Intrauterine device. In the presence of foreign body in the uterus during menstruation, blood clots may be released.
  • Endometriosis. It is characterized by the growth of the endometrium outside the inner layer of the uterus. At the same time, periods become painful, longer, irregular, and the amount of blood released increases.
  • Violation of the functioning of the blood coagulation system. It begins to coagulate in the cavity of the reproductive organ, since the factors that prevent hemocoagulation do not work.
  • Clots can appear during the period of infectious diseases, accompanied by fever, for example, with SARS.
  • Malformations of the uterus. As a rule, they are genetically determined. These are pathologies such as an intrauterine septum, a bend of the uterus, a double or unicornuate uterus, and others. The formation of clots with such anomalies is explained by the fact that the exit of menstrual blood from the uterus is difficult due to pathological structure organ, and coagulation begins in its cavity. In women with such defects, menstruation is usually quite painful.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. With this pathology, it is possible brown discharge, heat, severe pain in a stomach.
  • Abundant discharge of blood with clots can be observed with infectious diseases pelvic organs.
  • The cause of such secretions may be an excess of vitamin B in the body.

When to see a doctor?

If large clots appear during menstruation, you should consult a gynecologist, especially if the discharge is heavy, prolonged and accompanied by pain

You should not worry if menstruation occurs regularly, there are no pains or they are moderate.

It is necessary to go to the gynecologist about clots during menstruation in such situations:

  1. Menstruation lasts more than a week, the discharge is profuse.
  2. Pregnancy is planned and attempts at conception are being made. In this case, the discharge may indicate that the egg was rejected and a miscarriage occurred.
  3. Discharge during menstruation contains large clots with an unpleasant odor.
  4. A woman experiences severe pain during menstruation. This could be a sign inflammatory processes or hormonal disorders.


Small clots that come out during menstruation are normal phenomenon. Each woman is very sensitive to any changes occurring in the body, and will immediately notice if the nature of the discharge has changed. If the bleeding is heavy, the clots are large, there are many of them, and they are also accompanied by painful sensations, which were not previously observed, it is necessary to make an appointment with a gynecologist and be examined.

Every month a woman goes through the same thing - the onset of menstruation. A simple natural process brings a lot of experiences, and in some cases, pain. Color, quantity, consistency, duration of discharge are important.

Clots during menstruation: an alarm?

The biological role of a woman is determined by the possibility of childbearing. In case of non-fertilization of the egg, the endometrial layer exfoliates and is released in the form of blood. But if blood clots appear or a woman notices other changes in the body during menstruation, you should consult a doctor.

Clots during menstruation occur in a third of women childbearing age, they can be divided into two groups: some consider such manifestations to be the norm, others, having noticed large bloody pieces, go to a specialist.

If you remember that you once had a similar situation, you should not rush headlong to the doctor. Isolated cases when blood comes out, in a peculiar way, “pieces”, are natural, but with regularity it is worth taking care of your health. To calm the nervous system gynecological examination will give an answer to the question: “Why do pieces of blood appear and is it associated with serious diseases?”

What precedes the appearance of blood clots?

Why during critical days discharge can be in the form of clots? First, let's recall the basic norms of discharge:

  1. Scarlet blood in the first days of menstruation, and darker, up to Brown, Last few days.
  2. The blood does not clot.
  3. The maximum loss is 250 ml.
  4. Abundant discharge occurs 2-3 days from the onset of menstruation.

Blood clots or blood clots for some women are a common occurrence during menstruation. During a detailed examination, after contacting a gynecologist with similar problem, violations are detected at the level of body systems (for example, the endocrine system) and at the level of organs (for example, the uterus, ovaries). The causes of such discharge may be diseases various systems body, which will be discussed later.

Possible causes of blood clots

Clots during menstruation may appear in such cases:

  • Deficiency of enzymes - anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting in the walls of the vagina. This is why blood clots can appear during menstruation. Massive bleeding determines the onset iron deficiency anemia. Enzyme deficiency can hardly be called a pathology or disease, but a regular course of medication will help to cope with increasing anemia.
  • For a long time, the body presents more and more surprises: appetite disappears, general weakness develops, and during menstruation, the scarlet color of the blood changed to permanent brown, and blood clots became an integral part of this period? After a row gynecological examinations often the gynecologist diagnoses - "endometrial hyperplasia". More simple and in plain language, the endometrial layer grows excessively and is not completely rejected during menstruation.
    Such serious illness does not develop from scratch, it is preceded by numerous hormonal disruptions, endocrine diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, arterial hypertension.
  • The main organ of the female reproductive system is the uterus. Uterine fibroids is a neoplasm of benign genesis. The inner layer body is modified, becomes tuberous. Periodically appear monthly, accompanied by strong and copious secretions, and after removing benign tumor brown clots become frequent surprises during menstruation.
  • There is no reason for frustration and even more panic for young mothers. In the first month after childbirth, women notice slight discharge in the form of blood clots, which is the norm. However, be aware of other symptoms: blood clots that occur at the same time as elevated temperature- a sure sign of infection in the uterus. In this case, an appeal to a gynecologist is carried out urgently.
  • The words medical workers, the endocrine system is the conductor that controls the body. This means that when the endocrine system is disturbed, first of all, the work of hormone-dependent organs and systems, including the reproductive system, is disrupted. At hormonal disruptions in the work of the thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, blood clots may appear.
  • Endometrial polyposis or local proliferation of endometrial cells in the form of polyps. This disease is one of the causes of lumps during menstruation and other clinical symptoms- pain in the lower abdomen of a cutting nature (due to traumatization of large polyps), frequent intermenstrual bleeding. Finding out what polyps look like is easy - photo in medical books or on the portals will help.
  • An intrauterine device is a contraceptive method that prevents the fertilization of an egg or the attachment of a fertilized one. At intrauterine device clots appear periodically, in their composition, when cytological examination secrete parts of a fertilized egg.
  • Is the color of the released clot gray-yellow? Possible reason- rejection gestational sac. Establishment main reason spontaneous abortion under the power of a doctor, an appeal to which is necessary.
  • An ectopic pregnancy may be asymptomatic for up to a certain period, but soon there is a clear clinical picture requiring urgent medical care. Clinical manifestations: sharp rise body temperature, unbearable pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left, blood discharge in brown clots.
  • Do not forget that excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and constant stressful situations, can also be the reason that clots appear during menstruation.

Do not rely on chance. Consult a gynecologist. Untimely health care will negatively affect not only the state of the reproductive system and the ability to give birth, but also the whole body.