What is thrombocytosis? Causes and symptoms. Causes and treatment of elevated platelets in the blood What disease is characterized by leukocytosis thrombocytosis anemia


Higher education:


Samara State medical University(SamSMU, KMI)

Level of education - Specialist

Additional education:


Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Thrombocytosis, the causes of which are varied, develops mainly in people over 60 years of age. This disease poses considerable danger, since platelets play an important role in the body. Blood plates prevent significant blood loss. Platelets help protect the walls of blood vessels from damage.

What is essential thrombocythemia

When they talk about thrombocytosis as an independent pathology, they mean essential thrombocythemia. This disease disrupts the formation of blood platelets in the bone marrow. As a result, a large number of pathologically altered platelets penetrate into the bloodstream. Such cells have certain structural and functional changes. Therefore, they cannot fully perform the tasks assigned to them. Essential thrombocythemia is more often diagnosed in adult patients.

Causes of secondary thrombocytosis

In addition to the primary (essential) form of the disease, there is also secondary thrombocytosis. In this pathology, an increase in the number of blood platelets is caused by chronic diseases.

The secondary form of thrombocytosis occurs due to the following reasons:

  • low-quality tumors (lymphoma, ovarian cancer, neuroblastoma);
  • surgical intervention for diseases accompanied by extensive tissue necrosis;
  • the patient has a bone fracture;
  • severe blood loss;
  • infectious diseases;
  • splenectomy;
  • long-term use of glucocorticosteroids;
  • a long-term inflammatory process in the body with vasculitis or rheumatoid arthritis.

Quite often, the cause of secondary thrombocytosis is a disease such as meningococcal infection. This form of the disease often develops in children. If a child has iron deficiency anemia, the likelihood of secondary thrombocytosis increases significantly. The disease often develops against the background of asplenia, accompanied by atrophy of the spleen.

Signs of the disease

Signs of the disease may be absent for a long time. With thrombocytosis, the following disorders are often observed:

  • thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • pain in the extremities;
  • neurological disorders due to cerebral ischemia, often developing with thrombocytosis;
  • premature termination of pregnancy.

Thrombosis is a characteristic manifestation of thrombocytosis. With an excess content of blood platelets, blood clotting increases. As a result, they are created favorable conditions for the formation of blood clots. Blood clots form in both venous and arterial vessels.

With prolonged thrombocytosis, the following symptoms occur:

  • weight loss;
  • severe weakness;
  • the appearance of pain in the bones;
  • pale skin;
  • increased heart rate;
  • dyspnea;
  • an increase in the size of the spleen and liver;
  • the occurrence of sharp pain in the hypochondrium.

Erythromelalgia as one of the symptoms of the disease

With a disease such as thrombocytosis, erythromelalgia often occurs - what is it? With erythromelalgia there are sharp pains in the area of ​​the limbs. Unpleasant sensations aggravated by heat or intense physical activity.

With erythromelalgia, the following disorders often appear:

  • change in skin color;
  • feeling of heat in the area of ​​the feet.

By what signs can thrombosis be recognized?

With thrombosis of small vessels, ischemic changes occur in the structure of soft tissues. The patient experiences sharp pain in his fingers. At severe course Thrombosis disrupts blood circulation in the body. This can lead to the appearance of necrosis - death of the tissues of the arms and legs.

Neurological disorders in thrombocytosis

When vessels located in the area of ​​fiber are damaged, the patient's vision noticeably deteriorates.

When cerebral vessels are blocked by blood clots, the following neurological disorders are observed:

  • decreased intelligence;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased concentration.

Danger of thrombocytosis during pregnancy

An increase in the number of platelets in a blood test while expecting a baby poses a considerable danger. On early During pregnancy, thrombocytosis can cause miscarriage.

In the last trimester, the expectant mother often experiences the following complications:

Thrombocytosis complicates the course of labor. It can cause placental abruption or severe bleeding.

Diagnosis of the disease

Thrombocytosis suggests complex treatment. To establish an accurate diagnosis, the following medical procedures are performed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • coagulogram;
  • ultrasonography internal organs;
  • sternal puncture (examination of the brain).

If the doctor suspects that the disease is caused by iron deficiency in the body, an additional ferritin test is performed.

Treatment of pathology

In the treatment of pathology the following are used:

  • antiplatelet agents;
  • drugs for cytoreductive therapy;
  • targeted medicines.

Use of antiplatelet agents

Antiplatelet agents are actively used in the treatment of the disease. The most commonly prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs contain acetylsalicylic acid. The optimal dosage of aspirin should not exceed 325 mg per day. If the specified dose is exceeded, pain occurs in the stomach area and the functions of the digestive tract organs are disrupted.

In case of hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid, other drugs are prescribed: Ticlopidine or Clopidogrel.

Cytoreductive therapy

This type of treatment is aimed at stopping the formation of “extra” blood platelets bone marrow. Chemotherapy normalizes blood counts. But the drugs used in its implementation are toxic. Therefore, they must be used with caution. Dosage medicines is installed individually.

When carrying out cytoreductive therapy, the following are used:

  • hydroxyurea;
  • Cytarabine;
  • Mercaptopurine.

Targeted drugs

Targeted therapy for thrombocytosis involves taking the antitumor drug Ruxolitinib. The medication is not prescribed to patients under 18 years of age. It should not be used during pregnancy and natural feeding. The drug is contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to its components.

Targeted medications are intended for the treatment of myelofibrosis, which provokes the occurrence of primary thrombocytosis. The drugs act specifically on low-quality neoplasms without affecting healthy cells.

When using medications, the following undesirable effects occur:

  • anemia;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.

The patient needs and balanced diet. Useful for thrombocytosis wheat bran, tomato juice, olive oil, buckwheat, fish dishes.

Platelets are blood cells responsible for the process of blood clotting, as well as participating in the healing and regeneration of damaged tissue. An increase in their number is called thrombocytosis. The reasons for the development of this disease may be different. This condition can occur in both adults and children. In the early stages, the pathology does not affect the patient’s well-being in any way and is often detected by chance. However, thrombocytosis may be a sign serious illness, the treatment of which cannot be delayed.

Platelets in the circulatory system

Human blood consists of plasma and the so-called formed elements: red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets.

Platelets (blood platelets) are formed in the red bone marrow. These are anucleate cells of round or oval shape, their sizes are 2-5 microns. Average duration The lifespan of blood platelets is 10 days; old and damaged platelets are destroyed in the spleen and bone marrow.

The main function of platelets is to prevent blood loss (for example, during injuries): they are deposited on the damaged surface due to their ability to adhere (glue) and participate in the formation of a blood clot that closes the lumen of the vessel. In addition, platelets take part in regeneration vascular wall, releasing substances that stimulate cell division and growth (so-called growth factors).

Functions of blood platelets - video

Norms of platelet content in blood - table

What are the dangers of a platelet count disorder?

A change in platelet count can have serious consequences. When the level of blood platelets decreases, thrombocytopenia occurs, the risk of hemorrhages (including cerebral hemorrhages), bruises increases, and even minor bleeding becomes dangerous.

If the number of blood platelets increases, thrombocytosis is diagnosed. The main danger is the risk of blood clots (thrombi) forming in the circulatory system, which can lead to blockage of the vessel and death of the patient.

An increase in the number of platelets is detected in both women and men with the same frequency; the likelihood of getting sick increases significantly in people over 50 years of age, but even infants. Also at risk are persons suffering from iron deficiency anemia, patients after operations and injuries, and patients with oncology.

Causes and development factors

Thrombocytosis can be clonal, or primary, i.e., occur regardless of the presence of other diseases, or secondary (acquired).

Primary thrombocytosis (essential thrombocythemia)

The clonal form occurs due to tumor damage to bone marrow stem cells. Sensitivity to thrombopoietin increases, and an uncontrolled process of formation of defective platelets begins.

Essential thrombocytosis is a consequence of increased production of megakaryocytes, from which platelets arise. Despite the normal life expectancy, the blood platelets become large and fill the vessels, forming clots. In addition to the formation of blood clots, the risk of bleeding increases, as platelets lose the ability to fully stick together and stop blood loss. Common complications include heart attacks, strokes, stomach bleeding. Most often, the pathology is found in elderly people over 60 years of age and is extremely rarely detected in children and adolescents. Refers to myeloproliferative diseases that occur due to a violation of the hematopoietic functions of the bone marrow. Only 10% of all cases belong to the primary form.

The exact causes of the primary form of the disease are not fully understood. According to one version, a mutation in the V617F gene leads to disruption of platelet synthesis.

Secondary thrombocytosis: the role of oncology in the development of pathology

The secondary (reactive) type of disease is a consequence of a person’s lifestyle and diseases. Among the factors that provoke its occurrence are:

The main feature is increased level platelets in the blood. It is often discovered by chance during a routine examination. At the first stages, the patient may not feel any changes in his well-being, but over time the following symptoms appear:

  • frequent headaches;
  • nasal, uterine and stomach bleeding;
  • weakness, decreased energy, drowsiness and irritability;
  • blood clot formation;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • pain in fingers and toes;
  • decreased vision;
  • bleeding gums;
  • blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • the appearance of bruises from minor injuries;
  • long wound healing;
  • dyspnea;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • swelling.

Every year, up to 100 thousand Russians die due to blood clots.

Clinical picture of the child

In children, the manifestations of the pathology are similar to those in adults: bruises are often observed after light touches, hands and feet are cold, the child complains of headaches and itchy skin, blood pressure can vary from low to high, and the pulse increases.

Diagnostics: laboratory tests and instrumental studies

To make a diagnosis, the doctor will first collect the patient’s medical history and find out information about previous cases of blood clots and blood circulation disorders.

Blood tests and counts are carried out leukocyte formula to determine platelet levels, biochemical analysis to detect markers of the inflammatory process, infectious and rheumatic diseases.

Using ultrasound, fibrocolonoscopy and x-rays, the patient is examined for the presence of tumor formations in the lungs, gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

A very important diagnostic method is a red bone marrow biopsy (trepanobiopsy). A 2 mm diameter needle is used with a small spiral that penetrates the bone. Under local anesthesia a puncture is performed at the border of the lumbar and gluteal region, a tissue sample up to 10 cm long is removed. The structure and functioning of the bone marrow is studied, the structure of cells is examined to identify tumor formations.

Indicators for differential diagnosis of clonal and reactive thrombocytosis - table

Medical indicators Clonal thrombocytosis Secondary thrombocytosis
Cause of the diseaseNot identifiedOften pronounced
Lack of oxygenIs a common symptomRarely found
Blockage of large veins and arteriesIncreased riskNo risk
BleedingIncreased riskNo risk
Enlarged spleenFound in almost half
Rarely found
Platelet sizesSignificantly increased relative to normalNormal size
Platelet FunctionViolatedFine
Megakaryocyte levelOverpricedOverpriced
The structure of plateletsEnlarged with disrupted morphology
and with remnants of old platelets


A hematologist is a specialist in blood diseases. Only he will be able to correctly select treatment methods for the patient based on the type of disease and individual data of the person. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

Drug therapy

The clonal form is often treated with antiplatelet drugs that help reduce blood viscosity. Such means include:

  • Clopidogrel;
  • Ticlopedin.

Aspirin is not prescribed if there are peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, gastritis. The drug is also contraindicated for children, including infants.

Treatment of primary thrombocytosis is based on the use of hydroxyurea and anticoagulants, which reduce the level of blood clotting and the ability of platelets and red blood cells to stick together. These include:

  • Livarudin;
  • Argotoban.

To reduce platelet levels, alpha interferon may be prescribed, but it causes many adverse reactions in 25% of patients (liver dysfunction, anemia, depression, etc.), but is considered quite safe and is prescribed to pregnant women. The effect of treatment lasts only while taking medications.

The drug Anagrelide reduces the synthesis of megakaryocytes in the red bone marrow. The effect of taking it is not permanent and gradually disappears after discontinuation of the medication.

The reactive form of the pathology is often cured after treatment of the underlying disease that caused the increase in the number of platelets. At the same time, medications can be prescribed to reduce the level of blood platelets.

Only a doctor can decide how long the therapy will last and what medications will be prescribed. Self-medication is dangerous!

Photo gallery of medicines

Alpha interferon reduces platelet levels Heparin reduces blood clotting Aspirin is one of the most common medications used to treat thrombocytosis

Anagrelide reduces megakaryocyte synthesis


It is very important not only to start eating right, but also to eat B vitamins, magnesium and drink sufficient quantity water (which cannot be said about coffee - you should avoid the drink).

Indicated for use following products:

  • tomatoes, cabbage, celery;
  • sour berries and citrus fruits;
  • garlic, onion;
  • seaweed;
  • peas, beans;
  • oatmeal;
  • seafood;
  • sea ​​fish, cod liver;
  • fish fat;
  • almonds, pine nuts;
  • olive, flaxseed, amaranth and other vegetable oils;
  • compotes, fruit drinks, green tea and clean drinking water.

During treatment, you should completely avoid fatty and fried foods. walnuts, bananas, buckwheat, nicotine and alcohol.

Folk remedies

The main purpose of using folk remedies is to thin the blood to prevent the formation of blood clots. It is worth remembering that this is only an auxiliary measure, but not the main one. The use of herbal preparations must be agreed with the attending physician, as there are many contraindications. You should not eat nettle, yarrow and chokeberry ( chokeberry). Chokeberry stops bleeding by thickening the blood, which is contraindicated in thrombocytosis.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea can thin the blood.

  1. Take a tablespoon of crushed ginger root, pour 250 ml of clean drinking water.
  2. Cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes, adding a spoonful of cane sugar and honey.
  3. Cool and take in small portions throughout the day.
  4. Use for 3 days, then take a break for 2-3 days.

Garlic tincture

Take a couple of heads of garlic, chop them and add 250 ml of vodka. Leave in glass jar in a dark place for 30 days. Take half a teaspoon twice a day until the end of the tincture. Can be diluted with honey or orange juice.

Mulberry root decoction

This remedy is quite easy to prepare.

  1. Take mulberry roots and grind them using a blender or grater.
  2. Pour three liters of water into a saucepan, add 100 g of chopped roots and, after boiling, leave on low heat for 10–15 minutes.
  3. Let the broth cool and strain it.

Drink a glass before each meal for five days. Take a break for three days and repeat the dose. Store the broth in the refrigerator.

Chestnut peel tincture

Pour 50 g of fresh green horse chestnut peel into 0.5 liters of vodka, place in a glass container and leave in a dark place for two weeks. Strain the resulting tincture and before each meal, mix 40 drops with two tablespoons of water and half a spoon of honey. The course of treatment is three weeks.

Orange juice

Drink 100 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice every day for two weeks. You can use a whole orange instead of juice. This method can help cope with increased blood viscosity and can be used even by young children.


Thrombocytopheresis is aimed at cleansing the blood of excess platelets using special medical equipment. This is an emergency method of therapy when the degree of development of thrombosis threatens the patient’s life. .


Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches. It is necessary to find a highly qualified specialist. A special enzyme, hirudin, secreted by worms after a bite, can reduce the concentration of blood, significantly thinning it and preventing the formation of blood clots.

Prognosis: life expectancy, impact on pregnancy and IVF

The prognosis for this disease is favorable. The life expectancy of patients remains virtually unchanged. However, pathology can provoke death due to an increased risk of blood clots. Only in 2% of cases the disease transforms into leukemia. Thrombocytosis increases the likelihood of a missed abortion and also reduces the chances of successful IVF.

Disability can be diagnosed based on certain criteria and the severity of the disease. It is necessary to undergo annual commissions to confirm the assigned group. If the condition is cured or improved, the disability may be removed.


In most cases, the disease could have been avoided. You should avoid actions that provoke blood thickening and problems with hematopoiesis:

  • increase physical activity and give up bad habits;
  • drink the required amount of clean drinking water daily;
  • try to include foods containing B vitamins in your diet;
  • Eliminate foods that thicken your blood from your diet.

In some cases, elderly people are prescribed prophylactic aspirin.

Despite the likelihood of complications, you can get rid of thrombocytosis if you follow all the measures prescribed by your doctor. It is necessary to carefully monitor your diet, daily routine, eliminate provoking factors and follow the medication regimen.

Blood is a perfectly balanced system with many functions, ensuring the existence of all human tissues and organs. When the slightest deviations appear in this system, the entire body suffers. With an increase in the number of platelets, the balance of formed elements is disrupted, which leads to deterioration of blood circulation and oxygen starvation of all cells of the body.

Platelets in the blood: functions and norms

Platelets are blood cells that help stop bleeding. They are formed in the bone marrow by fragmentation of a large precursor cell - a megakaryocyte. After the end of the platelet's lifespan in the blood, it enters the spleen, where it is destroyed.

The main function of a platelet is to quickly stop bleeding. When a capillary or vein is damaged, the cells that arrive “to help” adhere to the vessel wall around the defect and stick to each other, forming the framework of a future blood clot. Then, other shaped elements that floated past with the blood stream “get stuck” between them. A blood clot forms, which reliably closes the gap in the vessel. Later, global systems are activated to prevent the resumption of bleeding. But platelets are the first and most important link in this mechanism.

Other functions of platelets:

  • supply of endothelial cells (cells inner surface vascular wall) nutrients;
  • material for angiogenesis (formation of new vessels);
  • participation in protection against infections (platelets mechanically capture foreign particles from the bloodstream and attract leukocytes to recognize and destroy them);
  • wound healing (due to the release of growth factors, they stimulate cell division in the tissue where the damage occurred).

The normal level of platelets in the blood is considered to be 150-400 thousand/µl. This indicator includes acceptable physiological deviations associated with possible minor blood loss, stress, and infectious diseases. If the number in the blood test is lowered, this is an indicator of thrombocytopenia, and if it is exceeded, this is an indicator of thrombocytosis.

general characteristics

Thrombocytosis can be relative (when the volume of the liquid part of the blood decreases, but the number of formed elements remains unchanged) and absolute (when the number of platelets increases).

Depending on the causes, thrombocytosis occurs:

  • primary (essential, idiopathic), the cause of which is unknown;
  • secondary (symptomatic, reactive), which occurs against the background of the underlying disease.

This phenomenon is observed in all age groups, equally often in both sexes. The accumulation of excess blood cells leads to blood thickening, increased viscosity and deterioration of rheological properties.

Why does thrombocytosis occur?

An increase in the platelet count can be both a compensation mechanism after severe bleeding or surgery, and a signal of a serious illness.

Among the causes of the development of this symptom, hematological diseases are most common. Often, they are caused by problems with the bone marrow. Bone marrow is a hematopoietic tissue that is located inside the bones. All blood cells are born in it. Sometimes the bone marrow begins to grow uncontrollably and function too actively, creating more and more formed elements.

Other reasons for an increase in platelet count:

  • chronic infections;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, vasculitis);
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • condition after splenectomy (removal of the spleen);
  • hemolysis of red blood cells (disintegration of red blood cells under the influence of infection, injury, chemical poisoning).

Thrombocytosis is a dangerous symptom. It is important to immediately pay attention to the appearance of characteristic signs and promptly consult a doctor.

Symptoms of thrombocytosis

Signs can be very different. They manifest themselves in almost all body systems. However, the most common are the following:

  • general weakness, decreased performance;
  • constant fatigue and drowsiness;
  • paresthesia of the fingers and toes (feelings of numbness, tingling, “crawling”);
  • hepatosplenomegaly (enlargement of the liver and spleen, accompanied by heaviness in the side, nagging pain under the ribs);
  • swelling of the legs;
  • pain in the lower leg muscles;
  • visual impairment, scotomas (loss of part of the visual field, “blind spots”);
  • periods of dizziness, “blackouts”;
  • bleeding from the gums when brushing your teeth;
  • abundant menstrual bleeding among women;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • tendency to bruise easily, especially on the legs.

Most symptoms of thrombocytosis are caused by circulatory problems due to changes in blood composition. An excess of formed elements leads to an increase in its viscosity. Increased viscosity interferes with normal circulation in small vessels (primarily the kidneys, fingertips, and retina). The platelets themselves in this situation are prone to excessive sticking to each other and the formation of blood clots. Thus, tissues and organs do not receive enough oxygen and lose their functions.

Associated symptoms for various diseases

An increase in platelet count is often a symptom of a serious illness. All of the presented pathologies are characterized by: Clinical signs thrombocytosis and its own typical symptoms.


Polycythemia vera

  • dark cherry skin color;
  • expansion of small vessels on the face;
  • heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • bleeding;
  • burning pain in fingertips;
  • itchy skin, especially after a hot bath

Chronic myeloid leukemia

  • frequent colds;
  • weakness, fast fatiguability;
  • sweating;
  • heaviness and nagging pain in the left side;
  • bone pain;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • temperature increase;
  • lower back pain, change in urine color

Chronic infection

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

  • bloody diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • severe weakness

Malignant tumor

  • low-grade fever;
  • unmotivated weight loss;
  • general weakness;
  • constant nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • pale skin

Rheumatoid arthritis

  • pain and stiffness in the joints of the hands;
  • muscle pain;
  • abdominal pain;
  • heaviness in the right side;
  • dryness and thinning of the skin

Some of these diseases progress quickly, while others bother a person for years without causing serious problems. However, if the signs listed above appear, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Thrombocytosis in children

When a child often has a headache, is no longer interested in his favorite toys, is constantly bleeding from the nose, or has bruises that he cannot explain by falling, you should immediately take him to the pediatrician. A general blood test is required.

Such symptoms are characteristic of dozens of diseases, the development of which begins in childhood. However, do not panic in advance - often in children they are explained by the framework of physiological changes in the process of growth and development of the body.

In children there are also the most common causes:

  • diseases of the spleen with impairment of its function;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • fungal infections of the skin and internal organs;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • severe physical and emotional stress;
  • intestinal infections with severe diarrhea syndrome.

If the child is small, it can be very difficult to notice early symptoms. It is for this reason that doctors recommend regularly taking a simple blood test to make sure that the baby does not need help. Treatment of children is carried out under the strict supervision of doctors, since only a small part of medications can be used at this age.

Thrombocytosis during pregnancy

Elevated platelets and blood thickening during pregnancy pose a double threat. Firstly, poor circulation in the placenta can cause intrauterine death fetus Secondly, oxygen starvation of the brain and kidneys expectant mother does not have the best effect on the health of both.

Signs of thrombocytosis in pregnant women are no different from those in ordinary people. Several more possible reasons are added to the list of reasons:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • gestosis (toxicosis of pregnant women) with severe vomiting or diarrhea;
  • insufficient daily water intake, especially against the background of an increase in urine volume;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome and preeclampsia ( pathological conditions related to pregnancy).

Treatment of such patients is strictly regulated by the need not to harm the child and should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

How is thrombocytosis detected?

The simplest method for determining the number of platelets is to count them manually in a peripheral blood smear under a microscope or automatically count them using a special device.

Doctor's advice. To find out your platelet level, you need to take a general blood test and coagulogram parameters at the clinic. If these tests reveal thrombocytosis, it will need to be repeated

List of additional studies for thrombocytosis:

  • cytogenetic analysis of platelets (allows you to determine chromosomal mutations of cells);
  • PCR for gene mutations (determines the presence of point changes in the structure of the cell’s DNA);
  • sternal puncture with cytological analysis of the bone marrow (exclusion of hematological diseases: leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, sideroblastic anemia, polycythemia vera);
  • blood chemistry;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (excluding pathologies of internal organs);
  • chest x-ray (diagnosis of tuberculosis and other chronic infections, assessment of lymph nodes of the chest cavity).

If necessary, the doctor prescribes other tests to determine the condition of a particular organ. If an excessive platelet count is the only abnormality, a diagnosis of essential thrombocytosis is made and symptomatic treatment is prescribed.


Treatment should begin after determining the cause of the appearance. The treatment program depends on the underlying disease. To reduce the number of platelets, such drugs are used, described in the table below.

A drug

Mechanism of action

Why is it prescribed?

Antiplatelet agents

Acetylsalicylic acid, Dipyridamole, Clopidogrel, Pentoxifylline, Ticlopidine

Reduce the synthesis of the substance thromboxane-A2, thereby blocking the adhesion (sticking to the vascular wall) of platelets and their aggregation (sticking together)

When platelet counts are high, the likelihood of thrombosis (when a clump of cells and proteins interferes with normal blood flow) increases. These drugs reduce the ability of platelets to form clots in blood vessels.

Cytostatic agents

Anagrelide, Imatinib, Cyclophosphamide, Rituximab

They destroy substances necessary for cell proliferation (division). Act on rapidly multiplying cells (tumors, bone marrow, epithelium)

Common cause thrombocytosis is excessive activity of the bone marrow due to its uncontrolled growth. Cytostatics stop excessive growth of hematopoietic tissue


Alfaferon, inferon, pegintron

Binds to receptors of atypical (not characteristic of the body) cells and stimulates their apoptosis (destruction)

Thrombocytosis often produces defective platelets. They do not perform their functions, but only create excess cell mass. Such cells are recognized as atypical and destroyed with the participation of interferons



Blocks the action of DNA synthesis enzymes, without which cell growth is impossible

Reproduction suppression pathological cells prevents the formation of new platelets

Doctor's advice. All of the above medical supplies There are side effects and contraindications; taking them yourself is extremely dangerous. Treatment should begin only after full examination and strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician

Except medicines, modern medicine successfully uses other methods of reducing the number of platelets in the blood. Among them, plateletpheresis is considered the most effective. The procedure is carried out using a special device that is connected to the patient’s venous system. The patient’s blood enters a reservoir, from which it is sent to be “cleansed” of platelets. The device accurately identifies these cells by weight and filters them out from the rest. The collected blood is cleared of excess platelets and returned to the patient's vein.

When the cause of a high platelet count is a serious illness - leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome - a bone marrow transplant (transplant) is required in parallel with drug treatment. This is a complex and expensive technique, which, however, allows for complete recovery.

Diet and lifestyle

An increase in the amount of any formed elements above the norm causes excessive blood viscosity, which can impair blood circulation and lead to the formation of blood clots. The presented diet is designed to thin the blood and minimize the risk of complications:

  • water regime: drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day clean water or unsweetened tea, it is useful to drink compotes of dried fruits and berries;
  • include in menu protein products: eggs, lean meat, chicken fillet, cottage cheese, natural yogurt;
  • Eat green leafy vegetables daily as they contain a lot of vitamin K;
  • do not forget about cereals rich in microelements (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, wheat);
  • completely eliminate alcohol, sweet drinks (even tea with sugar), too salty foods, marinades, smoked foods, artificial additives;
  • radically reduce the intake of salt, sweets, fatty fish and meat, butter;
  • if it is difficult to do without coffee, you must observe moderation and follow the rule: for every cup of coffee you drink, drink two glasses of clean water;
  • It is better to boil, bake or steam all foods;
  • the calorie content of the diet should correspond to the daily requirement according to weight, age, gender and level of physical activity;
  • obesity contributes to blood thickening, so for overweight people, daily caloric intake should be reduced by 400-500 kcal from required quantity;
  • if for some reason there is not enough dietary fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals) in the daily menu, you should take vegetable fiber(can be bought at the pharmacy) with plenty of water.

Compliance with this diet will allow you to maintain sufficient microcirculation even in the smallest vessels. You should also not neglect physical activity. It should be remembered that one of the conditions for the formation of blood clots is prolonged immobility. Therefore, people with sedentary life needs to add some exercise to your daily routine.

Smoking has an extremely negative effect on blood viscosity. Many studies have proven that heavy smokers have a significantly higher risk of developing thrombosis compared to non-smokers.

Uncontrolled use of certain medications contributes to blood thickening. You can take oral contraceptives or any other hormones, diuretics (water pills) only after consulting your doctor.

Possible consequences and complications

At untimely treatment reasons for the increase in platelets there is a considerable risk of the underlying disease transforming into running form. Particularly important early diagnosis for diseases of the blood system and malignant tumors. However, thrombocytosis itself also provokes life-threatening consequences. The most common among them are:

  • pulmonary embolism (one or more blood clots obstruct blood flow in the vessels of the lungs);
  • myocardial infarction (a mass of platelets and other blood cells “gets stuck” in the narrowest place of one of the arteries of the heart, part of the heart muscle does not receive oxygen and dies);
  • ischemic stroke (the same blood clot, only in a cerebral artery, leads to the death of part of the cortex and subcortical structures of the brain);
  • acute renal failure(too many platelets prevent the kidney capillaries from effectively filtering the blood, as a result of which urine is not released and substances that are toxic to the body accumulate);
  • acute posthemorrhagic anemia(after bleeding there is a deficiency of red blood cells and oxygen starvation of all organs and tissues);
  • loss of vision (occurs when the retinal artery is completely blocked).

Most complications are associated with the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels. With massive thrombosis, multiple organ failure (failure of several organs at once) is likely to occur. Therefore, the primary goal of treatment is to prevent platelet adhesion and aggregation, and then to reduce their number.

Important! Thrombocytosis - an increase in platelet levels above the permissible norm. Accompanied by general weakness, bleeding, blurred vision and sensitivity. An elevated platelet level often serves as a signal of a dangerous disease. When the first symptoms appear, you must visit a therapist and undergo an examination. Without treatment, the condition threatens massive thrombosis and critical bleeding. For drug correction, antiplatelet agents, cytostatics, interferons and hydroxyurea drugs are used. Thrombocytapheresis and bone marrow transplantation are also effective


In the case of essential thrombocytosis, there is no prophylaxis, since there is no specific reason diseases. The situation with a secondary increase in platelet count is much simpler. By knowing the factors leading to the problem, you can avoid it. Key points for preventing symptomatic thrombocytosis:

  • regular examination for changes in the general blood test;
  • timely request for medical care if any symptoms occur;
  • family study medical history(if your relatives have cases of cancer or blood diseases, seek a more detailed examination);
  • warning infectious diseases(nutrition, active image life, self-education in matters of prevention);
  • avoiding massive bleeding and injury.

A person is not able to prevent all illnesses. However, everyone can reduce the risk of disease to a minimum and notice alarming symptoms in time.

In the case of thrombocytosis, the time factor is extremely important. If you notice the first symptoms in yourself or your loved ones, you need to take action without wasting a day. Seeking help from a specialist is the most effective thing you can do. If an illness is detected, its treatment will begin immediately according to an individually selected course of therapy. Today, hematological science and practical medicine have developed the most effective ways to combat the pathologies that accompany thrombocytosis. Therefore, you should not be afraid of diagnoses and remember that paying attention to yourself and your health is the key to a long and happy life.

A significant increase in the number of platelets in the blood is called thrombocytosis, and it is rightly considered a very dangerous disease. What thrombocytosis treatment does it involve and how does it work? different stages development of the disease?

Drug treatment

What is thrombocytosis, how to treat the disease, and what signs of the disease appear first - these are the key questions that concern people who have been given a disappointing diagnosis. Initially, the disease develops against a background of constant skin itching and severe headaches. Subsequently, constant bleeding (intestinal, uterine and nasal) is added to the symptoms. Then the person develops uncontrollable shortness of breath, vein thrombosis, and instability of blood pressure. All these signs may indicate the development of other diseases, so put accurate diagnosis sometimes it can be difficult.

It is necessary to start treating thrombocytosis as soon as possible, and it is better to use a whole range of medications. Typically, specialists prescribe ticlopedine, clobidogrel and regular aspirin for treatment. Exact dosage directly depends on the degree of development of the disease and the age of the patient.

In the presence of ischemia and thrombosis, a slightly different range of drugs is prescribed, mainly heparin, argotoban, livarudin. In this case, the doctor should monitor the number of platelets in the blood daily. If their number does not decrease, you should change the list of medications used.

When it comes to the development of thrombocytosis in pregnant women, the list of medications used is completely different. In particular, experts resort to effective use Dipyridamole in the amount of 1 tablet 2 times a day. In addition to reducing the number of platelets in the blood, this drug helps normalize uteroplacental blood flow. The use of other drugs to combat thrombocytosis can harm both the condition of the fetus and the well-being of the mother.

If we are talking about advanced cases of thrombocytosis, standard medication methods are unlikely to be effective. Cytostatic therapy will be relevant here, namely the removal of excess platelets from the blood by separation.

Experts have repeatedly confirmed that thrombocytosis is a dangerous disease, and medications alone are not enough to treat it. A person needs to completely change his diet, and often he has to resort to traditional methods.

Diets and traditional methods in the fight against thrombocytosis

How to treat thrombocytosis if medicinal methods turned out to be ineffective? In addition to a number of pills, specialists usually prescribe diets for their patients. The first thing a person needs to do is to completely give up alcohol and smoking, since bad habits only stimulate an increase in the number of platelets in the blood.

The diet for the treatment of thrombocytosis is based on eating food, rich in iodine, potassium and iron. During this period, it is recommended to eat as many nuts, seafood, red meat (such as beef or pork), and dairy products as possible. Juices rich in vitamin C (for example, lemon, orange, pomegranate) will also have a positive effect on the healing process. It’s just recommended to dilute such juices with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Traditional methods are also actively used to treat thrombocytosis, including taking tinctures of garlic and ginger. To prepare garlic tincture, a person should crush the cloves of the vegetable as much as possible and add them to a glass warm water. After the composition has been infused for two hours, it should be strained and drunk in slow sips.

How is treatment done and what is thrombocytosis? Treatment for this dangerous disease can also occur in the office of a hirudotherapy specialist. Often, it is treatment with leeches that helps reduce the number of platelets in the blood. But when turning to traditional methods, a person should remember that they are auxiliary. The basis of therapy for such a serious illness is medications.

Both adults and children are susceptible to the disease. Thrombocytosis is of three types: primary, secondary and clonal.

Causes of thrombocytosis

The reasons why thrombocytosis may develop are different:

  • removal of the spleen, in this case platelet utilization slows down;
  • mental or physical stress, in which the distribution of platelets in the bloodstream is disrupted;
  • erythremia;
  • myeloid leukemia;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • perforated ulcer;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rheumatism in the acute stage;
  • acute blood loss;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.

The cause of the disease may be a side effect of certain medications, but there are no specific symptoms.

  • enlarged spleen;
  • bleeding in the digestive organs;
  • severe itching;
  • pain in fingertips;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • headache;
  • cold extremities;
  • rapid pulse;
  • anemia.

Reducing platelets with folk remedies

To treat thrombocytosis, along with medications, alternative medicine methods are also used.

Fresh mulberry roots, thoroughly washed and chopped. Two hundred grams of roots need to be filled with water, which will require three liters. Place the product on high heat, after it boils, reduce the heat and simmer the broth for fifteen minutes. When it cools down, carefully filter it and take a glass three times a day for five days, then take a three-day break and resume taking it. A total of three courses are required. The finished broth is stored in the refrigerator.

Fill fifty grams of green horse chestnut peel with vodka, which will require five hundred milliliters. The product should be placed in a glass jar, covered with a lid and kept in the dark for ten days. Then it should be strained and consumed forty drops before meals three times a day, after diluting with water, which needs twenty-five milliliters, sweetened with sugar or honey. The course is twenty-one days. If longer treatment is required, new course should start in a week.

Dry thorn blossom should be mixed with the same amount of dandelion grass. You will need two spoons of the mixture, which need to be filled with 400 milliliters of boiling water. The product should sit for four hours. Then it is filtered and taken throughout the day, divided into four doses. You need to be treated like this for two weeks. Repeat the course twice a year. During this period you need to adhere to a vegetarian diet.

Add a teaspoon of sweet clover to a glass of boiling water and leave under a towel for half an hour. The infusion should be drunk a day, dividing it into three to four doses. This treatment should be carried out for a month. If necessary, the course can be repeated three times a year.

Peony root must be thoroughly chopped. A tablespoon of root is poured into a glass of seventy percent alcohol and left in a dark place for twenty-one days. Take the tincture thirty drops, up to three times a day, before meals. The course of treatment is two weeks, then you need to take a week break and resume taking it.

Wine grapes are suitable for preparing the medicine. You need to squeeze the juice out of it and cook it over low heat, skimming off the foam, until the volume is reduced by a third; sugar should not be added. You need to store the juice in the refrigerator and drink one glass a day. Before taking, you can add a tablespoon of light honey. Treat for one month.

One hundred grams of flax grass, pour 500 milliliters of vodka and leave in a warm place for twenty days. The tincture needs to be strained. Thirty drops should be taken three times a day. For hypertension, the dose can be increased to a teaspoon of infusion. Reception course, two weeks.

In order to prepare the tincture, you will need sixty grams of crushed roots, which need to be filled with 500 milliliters of high-quality vodka. The tincture should be stored for ten days in a dark, cool place, remembering to shake. It is better to choose glass containers. Take twenty-five drops of tincture. This should be done up to three times a day, before meals, twenty minutes. Take the tincture for twenty-one days, then take a seven-day break and resume the course. A total of three courses of treatment will be required.

Mushrooms should be collected away from roads and polluted areas. Finely chopped mushroom caps should be placed in a liter jar; in this case, it is better not to use the stems. Fill with alcohol. You need to infuse the product for fourteen days, then strain using gauze, and squeeze out the pulp thoroughly. The tincture is taken twice a day before meals. To do this, a teaspoon of tincture is diluted in fifty milliliters of water.

Green tea with ginger and cinnamon

Pour 500 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of finely chopped ginger root and the same amount of dry green tea, add a stick or a pinch of cinnamon. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour and add a small piece of lemon. The prepared tea should be drunk the day before, in small sips.

It will help get rid of thrombocytosis, improve blood circulation, reduce blood viscosity and dissolve formed blood clots. To prepare the tincture, you need to pour fifty grams of dry leaves into a bottle of vodka, infuse for two weeks and take a teaspoon, up to four times a day, thirty minutes before meals. The course of taking the medicine is one month. You need two such courses, and they need to be repeated every six months.

Fees for the treatment of thrombocytosis

Sweet clover, mountain arnica, wormwood and meadowsweet. The herbs need to be mixed in equal quantities, then a tablespoon is poured with boiling water and left overnight in a thermos. Strain and drink one third of a glass a day before meals. Treatment should be continued for a month. You can also grind the herbs in a coffee grinder and take a teaspoon three times a day.

Take meadowsweet, rosehip petals, and black tea in equal quantities. A teaspoon of this collection should be poured with boiling water, three hundred milliliters. After leaving for a quarter of an hour, strain and drink in one go. This product must be used within four weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

Mix thirty grams of rosehip and hawthorn fruits, add a liter of water and boil for seven minutes over low heat. Leave for an hour and take one hundred milliliters, up to three times a day.


Every day you need to drink one hundred milliliters of freshly squeezed orange juice or eat a whole medium-sized orange. Within fourteen days the result will be noticeable. You can also mix orange juice with ripe pumpkin juice in a one to one ratio.

Thrombocytosis is a serious disease that requires consultation with a doctor. To avoid complications and deterioration of the condition, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo timely tests to control the number of platelets in the blood, as well as conduct an examination to identify the causes of the disease.


Essential thrombocythemia is a chronic megakaryocytic leukemia related to myeloproliferative diseases. The process involves stem cells in the bone marrow. The disease is by its nature hemoblastosis, that is, tumor. The number of megakaryocytes and then platelets increases uncontrollably. Essential thrombocythemia is quite rare. The prevalence is 3-4 cases per 100 thousand adults. Older people are more susceptible to this disease. Women get sick somewhat more often than men. As with any cancer, exact reasons The occurrence of essential thrombocythemia is unknown. There is a connection with radiation injury environment. The role of other factors cannot be ruled out.

Symptoms of thrombocythemia

The disease is characterized by a long course without visible manifestations. The progression of the disease is slow. Often, months and even years pass from the first recorded changes in blood tests to the appearance of the first complaints. Symptoms of thrombocythemia consist of a simultaneous tendency to form blood clots and bleed. The mechanism of occurrence of these phenomena includes disturbances in platelet aggregation (both upward and downward). Cerebral, coronary and peripheral arterial thrombosis are characteristic. With essential thrombocythemia, thromboembolism is possible pulmonary artery and deep vein thrombosis of the legs. The most common types of bleeding are gastrointestinal, pulmonary, renal, and skin hemorrhages. In addition, thrombocythemia may cause enlargement of the spleen and liver. These symptoms occur in 50 and 20 percent of patients, respectively. There is numbness and decreased sensitivity in the fingers and toes, earlobes, and tip of the nose, associated with impaired blood circulation in small vessels. Some patients may experience pain in the hypochondrium and along the intestines. Many patients lose weight. Sometimes enlarged groups appear lymph nodes. There are many nonspecific symptoms of thrombocythemia: general weakness, headache, decreased ability to work, fatigue, itchy skin, frequent change mood, increased body temperature.

Diagnosis of thrombocythemia

Diagnosis of the disease begins with recording a large number of platelets in a general blood test. The diagnosis is made when thrombocytosis exceeds 600 thousand per microliter after excluding reactive thrombosis. Platelets have varying degrees of functional inferiority. Prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, bleeding time, life time of blood platelets were within normal limits. In the bone marrow, puncture results reveal increased cellularity and megakaryocytosis. Platelet precursor cells are gigantic in size and dysplastic. Not strictly specific genetic abnormalities in essential thrombocythemia are JAK2V617F and MPLW515L/K mutations.

Differential diagnosis of thrombocythemia and secondary thrombosis

It is difficult to distinguish essential thrombocythemia from secondary thrombosis caused by amyloidosis, infection, cancer, or other factors. The American College of Hematology has developed the following criteria differential diagnosis:

The platelet count is more than µl in two consecutive blood tests performed at an interval of 1 month;

No known cause of reactive thrombocytosis;

Normal red blood cell count;

No significant fibrosis in the bone marrow;

Absence of the Philadelphia chromosome;

Bone marrow hypercellularity with megakaryocyte hyperplasia;

The presence of pathological cells in the form of colonies in the bone marrow;

Normal levels of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6;

Absence of iron deficiency anemia;

In women, there is polymorphism of X chromosome genes.

The more matches found, the more evidence supports essential thrombocythemia.

Treatment of thrombocythemia

If a patient is diagnosed with essential thrombocythemia, then individual treatment should be selected for him in accordance with existing scheme. Therapy is especially intensive for those who are at risk of thrombosis. Such patients include elderly patients, patients diabetes mellitus, hypertension, having dyslipidemia. Such patients are most often indicated for treatment of thrombocythemia with cytostatics. These are chemotherapy drugs that reduce the activity of cell division. Hydroxyurea (0.5-4 g orally daily) has been used for the treatment of thrombocythemia for a long time and with success. Because of its potential to cause leukemia (eg, acute myeloblastic leukemia), this drug is not prescribed to children.

Thrombocythemia can be treated with interferon-alpha. It is used especially widely in pregnant women, as it does not have a damaging effect on the fetus. In general, the limitation of prescribing interferon-alpha is its high cost and poor tolerability. The initial dose of the drug is 1 million IU three times a week, then the dose is increased to 3-6 million IU three times a week. About 20% of patients are forced to stop treatment because they are very worried about increased body temperature, pain in joints and muscles, nausea, loss of appetite, and flu-like symptoms.

Anagrelide is also used to treat thrombocythemia. This drug selectively inhibits the maturation of megakaryocytes, with little effect on other hematopoietic germs. The initial dose of the drug is 2 mg per day, the maximum is 10 mg. The medicine has side effects associated with cardiovascular system. Characterized by vasodilatation, increased heart rate, and swelling. If the patient already has any heart pathology, then it is not advisable to prescribe anagrelide. Under the influence of the drug, thrombocythemia may transform into myelofibrosis. Because of all these phenomena, anagrelide is used mainly for intolerance to hydroxyurea and interferon-alpha.

It is possible to successfully use thrombopheresis in combination with acetylsalicylic acid (325 mg orally per day) for the prevention of thrombosis in thrombocythemia.

Treatment of essential thrombocythemia with folk remedies

Folk remedies are sometimes used by patients in treatment of this disease. There are no studies on traditional methods that have proven their effectiveness. Any such methods are used by the patient at his own risk. Most likely, positive changes are associated with the placebo effect, that is, self-hypnosis. It is fundamentally important for the patient to inform the attending physician about what else is used independently to combat the disease. Treatment of essential thrombocythemia with folk remedies includes the use of fasting and various herbal remedies. The most often recommended are infusions of blueberry fruits, mordovnik seeds and a decoction of string.

Thrombocytosis - causes, treatment, symptoms, nutrition, Trombanet

People often ask: “thrombocytosis causes and treatment” - let’s figure out what this attack is and how to deal with it. In this article you will find answers to the questions: causes, classification, symptoms and treatment of thrombocytosis.

Knowledge Base: Thrombocytosis

What is thrombocytosis? This is a diagnosis showing that a person’s blood contains a large number of platelets.

Why is this dangerous? First of all, thrombocytosis shows that the risk of thrombosis and bleeding is increased.

The normal amount is considered to be from 150 thousand to 450 thousand platelets in 1 μl (microliter, that is, in 1 cubic millimeter) of blood, ideally thousand/μl, but there may be exceptions:

  1. at night in all people and on the days of menstruation in women, their level decreases significantly (by 20-50%) - and this is also normal;
  2. When a child is born, his platelet count can fluctuate within a wider range - thousand/mcL. In this range, blood is considered normal - within a week their number will change and become the same as in adults.

With thrombocytosis, the number of platelets can be more than a million in 1 μl of blood.

The causes of thrombocytosis vary depending on its type. It happens:

  1. primary - with rare exceptions, it mainly affects people over 60 years of age (1 case per 11 million children occurs in infants, and even less frequently in adults under 60 years of age);
  2. secondary (reactive) - in most cases (99.9%) is typical for children, although it occasionally occurs in adults.

Primary thrombocytosis

What is thrombocytosis and how does it manifest?

Inside the cavities of many human bones is red bone marrow, which contains hematopoietic stem cells. It is from them that all the blood that is in the body of any of us is subsequently formed.

If the work of these stem cells is disrupted, then blood begins to be produced incorrectly (myeloproliferative syndrome) - too many platelets are thrown into the blood, and the platelets themselves can be deformed.

As a result of such violations in blood vessels Blood clots may begin to form, and with deformed platelets, bleeding may occur. Such disorders are called primary thrombocytosis.

The disease develops very slowly, sometimes over many years.

Symptoms and diagnosis of primary thrombocytosis

ABOUT external symptoms thrombocytosis, no need to say.

In different people, they may look like symptoms of completely different diseases:

  • anemia;
  • feeling of fullness in the abdomen;
  • gout and other joint pains;
  • migraine;
  • skin itching;
  • blood clots in blood vessels;
  • enlarged liver or spleen;
  • exposure to infectious diseases;
  • bleeding of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, etc.;
  • fatigue, shortness of breath, spots before the eyes, etc.

The presence of primary thrombocytosis itself is detected only in laboratory research. Even a general blood test will help identify abnormalities, and then the doctor may prescribe additional tests.

Causes and treatment of primary thrombocytosis

The causes of thrombocytosis can be different, but the main one is excessive cell division (proliferation) as a result of the development of mainly cancer in the hematopoietic system (hematopoiesis, mutation and transformation) of stem cells.

Treatment is carried out by a hematologist.

Depending on the causes of the disease, medication or other treatment is prescribed:

  1. chronic myeloid leukemia ( chronic myeloid leukemia) - a malignant blood disease (if timely detected, it is quite successfully treated or at least significantly contained);
  2. idiopathic myeloid leukemia (idiopathic thrombocytosis) - a disease that causes the appearance of scar compactions in the bone marrow and disruption of the process of normal hematopoiesis (mainly treated radiation therapy, there are also foreign inhibitory drugs that are not registered in Russia);
  3. true (primary) polycythemia - a benign or malignant tumor disease of the blood (contained and treated mainly by bloodletting and radiation therapy);
  4. malignant lymphomas and other tumors - are treated under the supervision of an oncologist;
  5. Essential thrombocythemia is a benign tumor of the blood that can be contained and treated therapeutically.

That is, thrombocytosis most often occurs in oncology and benign tumors in the hematopoietic system.

Particular attention in the treatment process should be paid to overcoming the development possible complications, primarily arterial ischemia, thrombosis, hemorrhages (hemorrhages).

Reactive thrombocytosis

Reactive thrombocytosis is a diagnosis in which an increased level of platelets in the blood is detected as a result of the development of other diseases (therefore it is often called secondary thrombocytosis).

Usually this benign disease, in which the hematopoietic system does not suffer, and the platelets themselves do not change their shape and continue to perform their intended functions.

Causes and treatment of reactive thrombocytosis

There can be many reasons for the occurrence of reactive thrombocytosis:

Diagnosis and treatment of reactive thrombocytosis

Thrombocytosis in a child cannot be detected visually - an increased platelet count in a child is determined only during a blood test performed during a preventive examination or during the diagnosis of other diseases.

Reactive thrombocytosis is not independent disease, so you need to treat its cause first.

However, with very increased content platelets (more than 500 thousand in 1 μl), it is possible to take medications and traditional medicine to reduce their number. In addition, it is important to monitor the health of the patient (especially children), as internal bleeding may occur.

Most cases of reactive thrombocytosis occur in young children, especially those between 9 and 21 months of age.

Most often, the treatment prognosis is favorable: eliminating the causes of increased platelet formation allows a complete cure, with no consequences (thrombosis) occurring.

Analysis for thrombophilia in the article below.

Treatment of thrombocytosis at home

Treatment of thrombocytosis should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and according to the procedures prescribed by him.

Since treatment can be done not only in a hospital, but also at home, you need to think about how to help the body in addition to medications.

First of all this proper nutrition(food and drink) using herbal medicine.

Diet for thrombocytosis

With thrombocytosis, simply healthy eating few. A person should consume foods high in vitamins (primarily group B, especially B 12), magnesium (prevents the formation of blood clots) and help thin the blood and resolve blood clots, as well as receive a sufficient amount of fluid.

Thus, it is advisable to include in the diet of sick children and adults:

In this case, you need to extremely reduce, or better yet, abandon prohibited products:

This diet is needed for a very short period of time (usually from three days to two weeks).

Do not forget that the diet must be agreed upon with a hematologist, since a number of healthy products(for example, nuts, pomegranate) can provoke a decrease in blood clotting, which can be dangerous to health.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is used primarily to thin the blood.

Ginger tea. Pour a tablespoon of grated ginger root into a glass of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Add a spoonful of cane sugar or honey. Drink in small portions throughout the day. For children, the norm should be reduced by 2 times or agreed with a hematologist. For children and adults under 40 years of age, it is better to finish taking them before 17:00, and for those over 40, it is better to start at lunchtime and finish an hour before bedtime. Take every other day, or according to the 3 days on/2 days off schedule.

Mulberry root decoction. Pour 200 g of roots with 3 liters of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Strain, take 1 glass 3 times a day. You can repeat the course no earlier than a week after finishing the previous one.

Garlic tincture (for adults only). Peel 2 heads of garlic, crush, pour in 1 glass of vodka, leave for 1 month, take 1/2 tsp twice a day. until the tincture runs out. A repeat course may be required only for primary thrombocytosis, but not earlier than a month after the end of the previous one.

Sweet clover infusion. Brew a teaspoon of pharmaceutical herb with 1 cup of boiling water, cover with a towel, leave for 30 minutes. Take small portions throughout the day for 3 weeks daily. For primary thrombocytosis, you can repeat the course 3-4 times a year.

Platelets are blood cells responsible for the process of blood clotting, as well as participating in the healing and regeneration of damaged tissue. An increase in their number is called thrombocytosis. The reasons for the development of this disease may be different. This condition can occur in both adults and children. In the early stages, the pathology does not affect the patient’s well-being in any way and is often detected by chance. However, thrombocytosis may be a sign of a serious illness, the treatment of which should not be delayed.

Human blood consists of plasma and the so-called formed elements: red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets.

Platelets (blood platelets) are formed in the red bone marrow. These are anucleate cells of round or oval shape, their sizes are 2-5 microns. The average lifespan of blood platelets is 10 days; old and damaged platelets are destroyed in the spleen and bone marrow.

The main function of platelets is to prevent blood loss (for example, during injuries): they are deposited on the damaged surface due to their ability to adhere (glue) and participate in the formation of a blood clot that closes the lumen of the vessel. In addition, platelets take part in the regeneration of the vascular wall, releasing substances that stimulate cell division and growth (so-called growth factors).

Functions of blood platelets - video

Norms of platelet content in blood - table

A change in platelet count can have serious consequences. When the level of blood platelets decreases, thrombocytopenia occurs, the risk of hemorrhages (including cerebral hemorrhages), bruises increases, and even minor bleeding becomes dangerous.

If the number of blood platelets increases, thrombocytosis is diagnosed. The main danger is the risk of blood clots (thrombi) forming in the circulatory system, which can lead to blockage of the vessel and death of the patient.

An increase in the number of platelets is detected in both women and men with the same frequency; the likelihood of getting sick increases significantly in people over 50 years of age, but infants can also encounter pathology. Also at risk are persons suffering from iron deficiency anemia, patients after operations and injuries, and patients with oncology.

Thrombocytosis can be clonal, or primary, i.e., occur regardless of the presence of other diseases, or secondary (acquired).

Primary thrombocytosis (essential thrombocythemia)

The clonal form occurs due to tumor damage to bone marrow stem cells. Sensitivity to thrombopoietin increases, and an uncontrolled process of formation of defective platelets begins.

Essential thrombocytosis is a consequence of increased production of megakaryocytes, from which platelets arise. Despite the normal life expectancy, the blood platelets become large and fill the vessels, forming clots. In addition to the formation of blood clots, the risk of bleeding increases, as platelets lose the ability to fully stick together and stop blood loss. Frequent complications are heart attacks, strokes, and gastric bleeding. Most often, the pathology is found in elderly people over 60 years of age and is extremely rarely detected in children and adolescents. Refers to myeloproliferative diseases that occur due to a violation of the hematopoietic functions of the bone marrow. Only 10% of all cases belong to the primary form.

The exact causes of the primary form of the disease are not fully understood. According to one version, a mutation in the V617F gene leads to disruption of platelet synthesis.

Secondary thrombocytosis: the role of oncology in the development of pathology

The secondary (reactive) type of disease is a consequence of a person’s lifestyle and diseases. Among the factors that provoke its occurrence are:

The main symptom is an increased level of platelets in the blood. It is often discovered by chance during a routine examination. At the first stages, the patient may not feel any changes in his well-being, but over time the following symptoms appear:

  • frequent headaches;
  • nasal, uterine and stomach bleeding;
  • weakness, decreased energy, drowsiness and irritability;
  • blood clot formation;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • pain in fingers and toes;
  • decreased vision;
  • bleeding gums;
  • blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • the appearance of bruises from minor injuries;
  • long wound healing;
  • dyspnea;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • swelling.

Every year, up to 100 thousand Russians die due to blood clots.

Clinical picture of the child

In children, the manifestations of the pathology are similar to those in adults: bruises are often observed after light touches, hands and feet are cold, the child complains of headaches and itchy skin, blood pressure can vary from low to high, and the pulse increases.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor will first collect the patient’s medical history and find out information about previous cases of blood clots and blood circulation disorders.

Blood tests and leukocyte count are carried out to determine the level of platelets, biochemical analysis to detect markers of the inflammatory process, infectious and rheumatic diseases.

Using ultrasound, fibrocolonoscopy and x-rays, the patient is examined for the presence of tumor formations in the lungs, gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

A very important diagnostic method is a red bone marrow biopsy (trepanobiopsy). A 2 mm diameter needle is used with a small spiral that penetrates the bone. Under local anesthesia, a puncture is performed at the border of the lumbar and gluteal region, a tissue sample up to 10 cm long is removed. The structure and functioning of the bone marrow is studied, the structure of cells is examined to identify tumor formations.

Indicators for differential diagnosis of clonal and reactive thrombocytosis - table

and with remnants of old platelets

A hematologist is a specialist in blood diseases. Only he will be able to correctly select treatment methods for the patient based on the type of disease and individual data of the person. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

Drug therapy

The clonal form is often treated with antiplatelet drugs that help reduce blood viscosity. Such means include:

Aspirin is not prescribed if there are peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, gastritis. The drug is also contraindicated for children, including infants.

The drug Anagrelide reduces the synthesis of megakaryocytes in the red bone marrow. The effect of taking it is not permanent and gradually disappears after discontinuation of the medication.

The reactive form of the pathology is often cured after treatment of the underlying disease that caused the increase in the number of platelets. At the same time, medications can be prescribed to reduce the level of blood platelets.

Only a doctor can decide how long the therapy will last and what medications will be prescribed. Self-medication is dangerous!

Photo gallery of medicines


It is very important not only to start eating right, but also to eat B vitamins, magnesium and drink enough water (which cannot be said about coffee - you should avoid the drink).

The following products are recommended for use:

  • tomatoes, cabbage, celery;
  • sour berries and citrus fruits;
  • garlic, onion;
  • seaweed;
  • peas, beans;
  • oatmeal;
  • seafood;
  • sea ​​fish, cod liver;
  • fish fat;
  • almonds, pine nuts;
  • olive, flaxseed, amaranth and other vegetable oils;
  • compotes, fruit drinks, green tea and clean drinking water.

During treatment, you should completely avoid fatty and fried foods, walnuts, bananas, buckwheat, nicotine and alcohol.

Folk remedies

The main purpose of using folk remedies is to thin the blood to prevent the formation of blood clots. It is worth remembering that this is only an auxiliary measure, but not the main one. The use of herbal preparations must be agreed with the attending physician, as there are many contraindications. You should not eat nettle, yarrow and chokeberry (chokeberry). Chokeberry stops bleeding by thickening the blood, which is contraindicated in thrombocytosis.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea can thin the blood.

Garlic tincture

Take a couple of heads of garlic, chop them and add 250 ml of vodka. Leave in a glass jar in a dark place for 30 days. Take half a teaspoon twice a day until the end of the tincture. Can be diluted with honey or orange juice.

Mulberry root decoction

This remedy is quite easy to prepare.

  1. Take mulberry roots and grind them using a blender or grater.
  2. Pour three liters of water into a saucepan, add 100 g of chopped roots and, after boiling, leave on low heat for 10–15 minutes.
  3. Let the broth cool and strain it.

Drink a glass before each meal for five days. Take a break for three days and repeat the dose. Store the broth in the refrigerator.

Chestnut peel tincture

Pour 50 g of fresh green horse chestnut peel into 0.5 liters of vodka, place in a glass container and leave in a dark place for two weeks. Strain the resulting tincture and before each meal, mix 40 drops with two tablespoons of water and half a spoon of honey. The course of treatment is three weeks.

Orange juice

Drink 100 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice every day for two weeks. You can use a whole orange instead of juice. This method can help cope with increased blood viscosity and can be used even by young children.


Thrombocytopheresis is aimed at cleansing the blood of excess platelets using special medical equipment. This is an emergency method of therapy when the degree of development of thrombosis threatens the patient’s life.


Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches. It is necessary to find a highly qualified specialist. A special enzyme, hirudin, secreted by worms after a bite, can reduce the concentration of blood, significantly thinning it and preventing the formation of blood clots.

The prognosis for this disease is favorable. The life expectancy of patients remains virtually unchanged. However, the pathology can cause death due to the increased risk of blood clots. Only in 2% of cases the disease transforms into leukemia. Thrombocytosis increases the likelihood of a missed abortion and also reduces the chances of successful IVF.

Disability can be diagnosed based on certain criteria and the severity of the disease. It is necessary to undergo annual commissions to confirm the assigned group. If the condition is cured or improved, the disability may be removed.

In most cases, the disease could have been avoided. You should avoid actions that provoke blood thickening and problems with hematopoiesis:

  • increase physical activity and give up bad habits;
  • drink the required amount of clean drinking water daily;
  • try to include foods containing B vitamins in your diet;
  • Eliminate foods that thicken your blood from your diet.

In some cases, elderly people are prescribed prophylactic aspirin.

Despite the likelihood of complications, you can get rid of thrombocytosis if you follow all the measures prescribed by your doctor. It is necessary to carefully monitor your diet, daily routine, eliminate provoking factors and follow the medication regimen.

The material is published for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can it be considered a substitute for medical consultation with a specialist in medical institution. The site administration is not responsible for the results of using the posted information. For questions of diagnosis and treatment, as well as prescribing medications and determining their dosage regimen, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

We tell you how to reduce platelets in the blood

Platelets are nuclear-free microscopic elements of blood that are responsible for its viscosity and regulate the processes of regeneration of damaged areas of blood vessels. The process of platelet synthesis occurs in the bone marrow. Their lifespan is 5-8 days, after which the old cells are disposed of by the spleen, allowing new young cells to fully perform their functions. By determining the number of platelets in a general blood test, you can find out about the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, as well as the progression of various diseases that do not have external manifestations. In the presence of an increased platelet index, the blood becomes thicker, and the risk of developing thrombosis, in which blood clots(blood clots), capable of disrupting natural blood flow, are extremely high. We will learn further how to reduce the number of platelets produced.

Signs of elevated levels and its diagnosis

With primary thrombocytosis, which has no connection with the presence of chronic diseases and pathologies, an increased number of platelets cannot be determined by symptoms. A general blood test, for which blood is taken from a finger, will help with this.

Secondary (dependent) thrombocytosis is determined by an increase in already existing symptoms existing diseases:

  • bleeding from the nose;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • deterioration of general condition.

The platelet count is several times higher than the maximum permissible values ​​if the body has extensive inflammatory processes(chronic type), and there is also extensive blood loss (during surgery or injury).

Diagnosis can be carried out in two ways: a general blood test and a detailed one. The latter may display other indicators that indicate the presence of health problems. In most cases, an elevated platelet level, in which other indicators remain normal, is a sign of improper preparation for the analysis.

Norms and deviations

Platelet count indicators depend on parameters such as:

For a healthy person of reproductive age (20-50 years), the platelet count vmkr/l is normal. For women, this indicator shifts slightly to the left, allowing for a point difference. Children have their own standards, different for each age.

Indicators exceeding μR/l, or not reaching 180 μR/l, must be corrected using all available methods.

If reduced level is easier to bring to normal, then an increase in the platelet index causes many problems, exposing the heart and the entire vascular system danger.

Ways to reduce

Since the quantitative and qualitative composition is influenced not only by the food consumed and lifestyle, the number of platelets should be reduced in a comprehensive manner.

Drug treatment

There are a number of drugs that can thin the blood by affecting platelet concentration. The most effective medications include the following:

  1. Aspirin - prevents platelet cells from sticking together, which prevents the formation of blood clots. Contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, erosions, colitis, peritonitis), as well as for those with a tendency to bleeding. Capable of developing allergic reactions. The average price per package is rubles.
  2. Warfarin - reduces blood viscosity by suppressing the synthesis of anticoagulants, which in turn regulate the active production of platelets. Contraindicated in the presence of chronic diseases of the hematopoietic system, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, as well as in the postoperative period. Its cost is rubles.
  3. Thrombo ACC is a new generation drug (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), the spectrum of action of which is multifaceted: it blocks the synthesis of thromboxane, reduces the production of prostaglandins, and prevents platelet aggregation. It is particularly effective in the presence of thrombocytosis. Contraindicated in case of bleeding disorders, as well as in the presence of chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas and spleen. The price in pharmacies is rubles.
  4. Clopidogrel - affects the process of binding platelets to each other, resulting in most of non-nuclear particles are excreted through the liver and spleen. Contraindicated only for people with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. In other cases, the development of adverse reactions was not recorded. The average price is 250 rubles.
  5. Trental – drug complex action, helping not only to reduce blood viscosity, but also to facilitate its passage throughout the circulatory system. Has a protective effect on the myocardium. Contraindicated in the presence of heavy bleeding, and also not used in the rehabilitation period after a stroke or heart attack.


Treatment with folk remedies includes the following recipes:

  1. Ginger root is ground in a meat grinder to a paste. Combine in equal proportions with natural bee honey, then stir well and put in the refrigerator for 3 days. Take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is 10 days, after which a break is taken. Honey and ginger – strong allergens, therefore if available allergic reaction Before starting a course of treatment, it is better to do a test sample.
  2. Brew Ginkgo Biloba leaves as directed on package medicinal collection, leave for a minute. Drink half a glass twice a day.
  3. Add 5 cloves of garlic, previously minced in a meat grinder, to 100 ml of vodka. Infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place, after which drink 1 teaspoon before each meal.

Nutritional Features

A list of foods that help reduce platelet production and speed up their metabolism:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables corresponding to the season and place of growth (except bananas, rowan berries and lentils);
  • ginger, celery, garlic onion;
  • cherry, black currant, rose hips;
  • olive and linseed oil;
  • fish (mostly sea);
  • chocolate with high cocoa content;
  • lemon, cranberry.

Acidified berry fruit drinks help get rid of excessive platelet production. It is also important to comply water balance by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day. If you are overweight, this figure is increased to 3 liters. Pure still water can in a natural way thin the blood without the participation of other components.

Particular attention should be paid bad habits, especially overuse alcoholic drinks and smoking. By giving up bad habits, you can not only prolong your life and improve your health, but also overcome elevated platelet levels.

other methods

The thrombocytophoresis procedure involves the artificial purification of blood by distilling it through a separator apparatus capable of retaining platelets and neutralizing them, after which pure blood is introduced back into the body.

This measure is forced and is used only when it is expected surgical intervention, or the patient’s condition, despite taking medications, has sharply worsened.

Prevention methods

If a person has chronic diseases or a tendency to thrombocytosis, it is required constant prevention, which consists in implementing the following techniques:

  1. Eat rationally using the above recommendations.
  2. Drinking plenty of fluids, which in itself thins the blood.
  3. Undergo preventive examination 2 times a year.
  4. Do not refuse treatment recommended by doctors.
  5. Do not use blood-thinning medications without a doctor's prescription, as this can lead to severe internal bleeding and death.

Thus, thrombocytosis is quite treatable, but it will be pointless if the patient does not follow a diet and maintain fluid balance. Only A complex approach will reduce the risk of developing thrombocytosis, as well as quickly reduce the number of platelets, bringing their indicator to normal.

How do people and medications reduce platelets in the blood?

Blood is the only tissue in the body with the ability to rapidly change structure at the cellular level. Therefore, a general blood test represents a fundamental component diagnostic measures when identifying pathologies.

Important! A sharp increase in the concentration of blood platelets is not always a sign of pathology. This condition is typical for older people and those who abuse alcoholic beverages. But thrombocytosis can cause the appearance of wandering blood clots, which are dangerous to health and human life. The question of how to reduce platelets in the blood is important for everyone.

What are the causes of increased blood cells in the body?

Injuries and wounds that lead to blood loss can cause an increase in blood cells. Any operations, alcohol abuse, consumption huge amount salts are prerequisites for increasing the platelet count in the blood.

How to lower platelets in the blood with drug therapy?

There are a lot pharmaceuticals, reducing platelets in the blood:

  1. Aspirin helps prevent platelet plates from sticking together, which prevents blood clots from forming. The drug is prohibited for pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract, for example: ulcers or peritonitis, for people predisposed to bleeding. The medicine may cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Warfarin is responsible for reducing blood viscosity by suppressing the synthesis of anticoagulants. The latter help regulate the activity of blood platelet production. You should not prescribe the medicine in case of pathology of the hematopoietic system, functional failures of the musculoskeletal system and in the postoperative period.
  3. Thrombo ACC is an ultra-modern medicine with a versatility of action. This is blocking the synthesis of thromboxane, preventing the aggregation of blood cells and reducing the formation of prostaglandites. The medicine should not be prescribed for poor blood clotting and chronic pathology of the liver, kidneys and spleen.
  4. Clopidogrel affects the interaction of blood cells with each other, which leads to the release of more plates through the kidneys and spleen. The medicine has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to individual components.
  5. Trental provides an integrated approach to the implementation of drug therapy. In this case, it will be possible to reduce the level of blood viscosity and improve the process of its passage through the vessels. The drug cannot be used for bleeding, rehabilitation after cerebral stroke and myocardial infarction.

What foods and medications are important to reduce if the platelet count in the blood is high?

The following foods are prohibited:

You need to be careful when using certain pharmaceutical drugs. Most diuretic, contraceptive and hormonal drugs have the ability to increase blood viscosity. Therefore, when the concentration of blood cells in the blood is low, they should be used under the supervision of a physician.

The dietary menu for thrombocytosis involves decoctions and tinctures based on nettle, celery, peony root, ginger and cinquefoil.

How to lower the level of platelets in the blood using folk remedies?

In addition to a diet with elevated platelets, folk methods help reduce the concentration of blood platelets. They can be used at home, increase or decrease the amount of decoction (tincture) depending on the indications. It is important to first consult with your doctor about prescribing a decoction or tincture.

Common options that can lower the concentration of platelets in the blood include:

  • A decoction of mulberry roots is prepared as follows: wash and chop the mulberry roots; pour water and place on medium heat; in 20 minutes. Remove the boil from the stove and let it brew; After cooling, apply three times a day. After five days of treatment, take a three-day break and repeat cyclically.
  • Juice from wine grapes reduces the content of blood platelets in the blood. To do this, put the juice on low heat and simmer until it reduces in volume by a third. Drink 250 ml of this wine juice per day, sweeten it with honey if desired.
  • Freshly brewed cocoa without sugar on an empty stomach is an excellent opportunity to normalize platelet counts in the blood and help the nervous system.
  • Ginger is responsible for stimulation metabolic processes in the body and helps thin the blood, whether it is powdered as a spice or a root to add to tea.
  • A tincture based on ginkgo biloba helps to establish normal blood flow and dilute blood clots, increases the chance of recovery and normalization of blood cells. To do this, infuse 50 g of herb in 500 ml of alcohol for two weeks. Use tincture 1 tsp. per day half an hour before meals. Treatment lasts 30 days. If desired, repeat after six months as preventive measures to prevent relapse.

How to reduce platelets in the blood thanks to a diet menu?

To reduce the concentration of platelets in the blood, it is important to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking. After all, they have an unfavorable effect on the organs human body. It is advised to avoid foods rich in carbohydrates. After all, they contribute to education uric acid associated with plasma platelet concentration.

Dietary food for elevated platelets needs to be consumed special products. They will help the blood normalize viscosity and avoid blood clots.

Products that lower blood platelets:

Preventive actions

For a person prone to increased platelet levels in the blood, it is necessary to follow the rules:

  1. Diet menu and proper nutrition.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids to thin the blood.
  3. Visit your doctor once every six months to monitor platelet levels in your blood.
  4. Be sure to follow the recommendations of a specialist, especially when it comes to drug treatment.
  5. Do not take pharmaceutical drugs that thin the blood unless prescribed by your doctor. Otherwise, bleeding may occur that cannot be stopped.

Any platelet deviation from the norm requires special measures. This could be medication or simply diet. The main thing is not to remain idle and constantly monitor the concentration of blood cells in the plasma.