Caprylic Acid: Prevent and treat yeast infections. Caprylic acid is a saturated fat that fights many infections.


IN last years Scientists note a sharp increase in the incidence of fungal infections (mycoses and candidiasis). The main reason for this fact is the global decrease in immunity. Well, it all starts with banal dysbiosis: as a result uncontrolled intake antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, unbalanced nutrition, stress and adverse factors environment beneficial intestinal microflora dies, and pathogenic bacteria, on the contrary, actively multiply. A weakened body is unable to cope with dysbiosis on its own, and gradually the “living space” is taken over by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida (Candida), which cause candidiasis.

Candidiasis affects not only genitourinary system(as most people believe), but also digestive, respiratory, nervous, as well as skin and mucous membranes. Most typical symptoms candidiasis – headache, depression, persistent diarrhea. In women, candidiasis most often leads to vulvovaginitis and cystitis, in men – to inflammation of the penis and urethritis (sometimes prostatitis also develops).

Currently, there are many drugs for the treatment of candidiasis. Most of them are for topical use, i.e. if Candida fungi have infected internal organs, these drugs will not help. Many medications have side effects, suppressing not only opportunistic, but also beneficial microflora. Some drugs simply become obsolete because Candida quickly develops resistance to them. active substance. And finally, in some cases, doctors have to prescribe additional immunostimulants, tonics, etc.

Based on many years clinical trials foreign scientists concluded that with Candida fungi effectively fights caprylic acid, found in large quantities in coconut oil and some other products: this acid, belonging to the carboxylic acid family, acts on the Candida membrane and literally dissolves it. Accordingly, single-celled fungi die. Yeasts Candida is able to penetrate deep into the mucous membranes, but caprylic acid destroys them there too, since it is highly soluble in fatty tissues. It is also important that caprylic acid does not have side effects. As for the need to strengthen the immune system, I’ve taken care of that Nature’s Sunshine Products company, which created the Caprylic Acid Complex(Caprylic acid combination). This food not only inhibits Candida yeast and other pathogenic strains, but also has a powerful immunostimulating effect due to the content of extracts medicinal plants– elecampane, black walnut and raspberry.

Elecampane root– tested folk remedy, helping to get rid of many digestive problems. Elecampane helps balance the microflora in the stomach, reduces acidity, promotes quick cleansing intestines. In addition, elecampane improves metabolism, has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and sedative effect, easy diuretic effect. Taken for intestinal atony, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by increased acidity(including when peptic ulcer, since elecampane activates the production of mucus, which promotes the healing of mucous membranes). Elecampane also helps with diseases respiratory tract, hypertension, etc.

Nature's Sunshine Products Caprylic Acid Complex recommended for prophylactic purposes after chemotherapy and intensive use antibiotics, especially wide range actions. After the end of antibiotic therapy, simultaneous administration of the Complex with caprylic acid and NSP Bifidophilus Flora Force is indicated.

Composition of dietary supplement Caprylic acid combination:

caprylic acid – 300 mg
extracts of black walnut peel, elecampane root, raspberry leaves – 100 mg

Application: 2 capsules 2 times a day with meals for 2-3 weeks.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding).

In case of individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Caprylic Acid NSP | Caprylic Acid NSP

Disturbance of intestinal microbiocenosis (change in the ratio of representatives intestinal microflora) is called dysbacteriosis. This is a very common phenomenon and may be accompanied by an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria, such as staphylococcus or yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. The latter are part of the normal microflora of the mouth, vagina and colon of most healthy people. The disease candidiasis is caused not simply by the presence of fungi of the genus Candida, but by their reproduction in large quantities. Most often, candidiasis occurs with a decrease in general and local immunity.

In women, candidiasis more often manifests itself in the form of vulvovaginitis, urethritis and cystitis are less common. Men are characterized by inflammation foreskin, urethritis, and with inflammation of the prostate gland, prostatitis can develop. In many cases, candidiasis spreads to many organs, affecting the mucous membranes (oral cavity, intestines, genitourinary system). Most people are carriers (nails, intestines, etc.) of candida blastospores, but normally the latter are in a “dormant” state. The growth of candida is inhibited by other bacteria and the immune system. During pregnancy, taking estrogen-containing medications (for example, oral contraceptives) and antibiotics, yeast-like fungi can “grow.” Like all yeasts, candida has a weakness for sugars, so recurrent candidiasis may be a sign of diabetes.

Video review of the Doctor about the dietary supplement Caprylic acid NSP

  • stomatitis,
  • periodontal disease,
  • cystitis,
  • urethritis,
  • vulvovaginitis,
  • prostatitis,
  • enterocolitis,
  • dysbacteriosis.

It is rational to use the complex after completing a course of antibiotics.

1 capsule contains:

  • 7.98 mg tannins(tannin) (2.66% TSA).

Application of caprylic acid NSP

2 capsules 2 times a day with meals. Duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Composition of caprylic acid NSP

1 capsule (505 mg):

  • Caprylic acid – 300 mg,
  • Elecampane root (Inula helenium) - 36 mg,
  • Peel walnut(Juglans nigra) - 32 mg,
  • Red raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeus) - 32 mg

Excipients: maltodextrin, gelatin.

Contraindications for caprylic acid NSP

Individual intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding +25°C.

What's happened Caprylic acid, what unique beneficial properties it has, where you can get it and how to use it.

Do you know when I first learned about Caprylic acid? When I started studying information about natural fight against thrush. Yes, it turns out this acid can be used in complex treatment(and not just getting rid of symptoms) candidiasis! Moreover, it is quite effective and without side effects.

But, as it turned out, this unusual acid also has a lot of other useful properties! It is effective in combating chronic inflammation, cancer, Alzheimer's disease and autism. And since I have a bottle of Capril at home, I decided that I needed to write a separate post about it and tell readers what it is!

What is Caprylic Acid?

It is a type of healthy saturated fatty acid that has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

This acid is found in high dosages in coconut and all products made from it and in human breast milk.

It is most widely used to treat Thrush and candidiasis.

Why should you take Caprylic acid?

It has antibacterial and antiviral properties

It also helps strengthen the immune system! Its action is based on its ability to naturally reduce the proliferation of Candida yeast in digestive tract while stimulating growth and development beneficial bacteria. In addition, unlike antibiotics, the “bad guys” cannot develop tolerance or addiction to it.

Good intestinal microflora, abundantly populated with beneficial bacteria, improves our immune function, reduces the level of inflammation, prevents the development of allergies, normalizes hormones, reduces the likelihood of developing obesity. In a word, it is the key to our good health!

It helps fight Thrush

Reception should be started slowly, gradually increasing the dosage. Caprylic acid should be taken 30 minutes before meals. The ideal dosage is 1000 mg per day.

I took Capryl for the treatment and prevention of Thrush (more on this in one of the following posts).

What do you know about Caprylic acid?

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Ecology of life: Health. The best source of caprylic acid is coconuts, especially Coconut oil.

Caprylic acid is special type a healthy saturated fatty acid that has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be found in many foods that can easily be called medicinal, such ascoconut milk and oil, cow's milk and even human breast milk. This acid is used to prevent infections urinary tract, Bladder, candida infections, sexually transmitted infections, oral infections like gingivitis and many others.

It is considered one of three essential fatty acids (along with capric and lauric acids), all found in coconut oil. But caprylic acid Lately became widely known for its antifungal effects, especially in relation to maintaining digestive functions and the health of the genital organs, including the bladder, intestines and urethra.

One of the most popular uses is as part of food products or taken orally in tablet form, which prevents the overgrowth of yeast-like fungi that can live and multiply in the intestines. But it is also widely used in the production of fungicides, fragrances and dyes.

Caprylic acid is also sometimes called octanoic acid , because it contains eight carbon atoms, making it a medium-chain fatty acid. Now we need additional research to confirm its potential uses, but many studies show that this acid is suitable for treating inflammation, cancer, age-related cognitive decline including Alzheimer's disease, autism and vascular problems.

8 Main Benefits of Caprylic Acid

1. Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties

Oddly enough, caprylic acid is commonly used as an ingredient in modern fungicides, household cleaners, perfumes and dyes. Taking into account all the known properties of coconut oil, it is not surprising that it is becoming increasingly popular in itself for healing the entire body inside and out, because coconut oil contains the most of it.

Oral intake helps reduce yeast growth in gastrointestinal tract and increase the proliferation of beneficial bacteria. At the same time, caprylic acid is quite natural remedy and does not pose health risks such as harsh antibiotics or chemical treatments. It is known that antibiotics can kill all the bacteria in the gut environment, both good and bad, and caprylic acid can even do the opposite, that is, prevent an imbalance between different bacteria.

A higher population of "good bacteria" in the gut improves immune function and provides numerous positive consequences: less inflammation, less risk allergies, better brain function, improved hormonal health, reducing the risk of obesity and much more.

Since gut health is inextricably linked to multiple functions throughout the body, the benefits of caprylic acid help combat headaches, depression, fatigue, diarrhea, flatulence, vaginal yeast infections and excessive gas. Some experts also recommend taking other immune boosters, such as probiotic foods, oregano oil, and omega-3s. fish fat in addition to caprylic acid to repopulate the gut with healthy bacteria and reduce inflammation.

2. Candida infection

When it comes to Candida treatment infections naturally, pay attention to caprylic acid. Candida is a condition that occurs when there is excessive rapid growth yeast fungi in the intestines. It is very common especially among women and is associated with uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, constipation, fatigue, leaky gut syndrome, depression and sugar cravings.

Acid can penetrate into cell membranes Candida yeast, causes it to die off, removes toxins from the gastrointestinal tract and speeds up the healing process.

Researchers have found that caprylic acid, when taken orally, quickly reduces symptoms associated with viral and fungal infections such as Candida and chlamydia. This substance is superior in terms of effectiveness even to such expensive drugs as Diflucan.

One study found that top scores Treatment will be with a combination of concentrated caprylic acid and omega-3 fish oil supplements. Together they act as strong antivirals and increase normal cell telomeres.

3. Prevent and treat other yeast infections

Besides Candida, yeast can cause other types of internal or external yeast infections that appear on the skin, genitals, toes, and other places. This acid will help get rid of yeast and fungus infections on thumb feet, oral infections, vaginitis in women and ringworm. These examples of yeast infections can be prevented or treated with virtually no side effects.

4. Skin infections and acne

Considering how popular coconut oil has become in skin care, it is not surprising that the strong antibacterial and antimicrobial effects of caprylic acid have already been proven in many human and animal studies, especially for treating infections that appear on the skin. Caprylic acid, along with its derivatives called monocaprylin and sodium caprylate, can fight bacteria that live on the skin and cause infections, including Dermatophilus congolensis and acne.

Dermatophilosis is a skin disease that affects many species of domestic and wild animals: horses and cattle cattle, and can transfer to people. This bacterial infection forms painful, dry crusts on the skin and causes irritation similar to eczema and acne.

Coconut oil is the best source of caprylic acid natural origin, which is known to naturally improve acne and reduce the appearance of breakouts on the skin. This is why coconut oil is considered a natural skin moisturizer, in addition to homemade scrubs, face washes and shaving balms. In addition, to beneficial properties oils are attributed to improving hair health.

Coconut oil is often used as homeopathic treatment acne. And it helps because it copes with bacterial infections which sometimes cause acne. Also used as natural remedy for the treatment of diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.

5. Treatment of inflammatory digestive disorders

There is some evidence that caprylic acid helps patients with certain digestive disorders. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help treat inflammatory disease intestines, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis.

Medium chain triglycerides ( MCT oil) is often administered to patients with Crohn's disease or leaky gut syndrome. Until recently, little was known about the effects of MCT oil on inflammation in the gut, but many studies now suggest that these fatty acids suppress the secretion of inflammatory enzymes and cells, reducing symptoms like pain, bloating, bleeding and other gut problems.

In 2002, the British Journal of Pharmacology published the results of a test on human cells that proved that this acid treats Crohn's disease by suppressing the release of interleukin 8 (a protein that plays a key role in the development of intestinal inflammation).

MCT oil helps protect the intestinal lining and acts as a boundary between an array of substances in the intestines, including toxic inhabitants and pathogenic microorganisms. In people with inflammatory conditions, when healthy mucosa is lost, including Crohn's disease, epithelial cells intestines secrete a wide range of cytokines and bacterial products.

Although the exact mechanism that suppresses this process is not yet fully understood, MCT oil is thought to help suppress inflammatory cytokine gene inhibition and therefore reduce the body's immune response.

6. Reducing the risk of antibiotic resistance

Concerns about antibiotic resistance are on the rise around the world, which has led many health experts to seek alternative natural therapeutic approaches to antibiotics to treat infections in humans and animals.

One of the main problems with the long-term use of chemical antibiotics to treat infections or viruses is the increased risk of developing antibiotic resistance. Harmful pathogens and bacteria in the body become resistant to drugs and mutate in order to survive, forcing people to turn to other options to treat the disease. Sometimes these options come with a much higher price, longer treatment times, and serious side effects.

A variety of safe, natural, free fatty acids and their monoglyceride derivatives have antibacterial and antimicrobial activity against a wide range of microorganisms, including caprylic acid, its monoglycerides and monocaprylin compounds. They inactivate common pathogenic bacteria, including Streptococcus agalactiae (group B), Streptococcus dysgalactiae (group C), Streptococcus uberis (streptococcal mastitis), Staphylococcus aureus And coli.

Treating contaminated milk samples with caprylic acid and monocaprylin reduces five types of dangerous pathogens, including E. coli, in the same way as antibiotics, but without the risk of bacterial mutations.

7. Cholesterol

The fatty acid has positive influence to reduce high level cholesterol. A 2006 animal study found that subjects fed structured triglyceride oil had lower blood cholesterol levels and lower arterial pressure. A 2013 study confirmed these findings.

8. Treatment of epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease

Another benefit of acid is that it can help cure children with epilepsy. Experiments prove that acid controls the attacks experienced by patients. On the other hand, there is a proven ability to delay the progression of Alzheimer's disease in adults. However, more research is needed to fully confirm or refute these facts.

Best Foods and Additional Sources of Caprylic Acid

The most best sources caprylic acid:coconuts, especially coconut oil , which is an excellent product for producing concentrated medium chain fatty acids. Other sources: full-fat cow's milk, peanut butter, palm oil and even breast milk.

Coconut oil has recently become the hottest trend. It is presented as a universal solution for treating many diseases and even for everyday use. Although coconut oil is typically used for cooking, it is used in many recipes for everyday use, such as moisturizing skin, removing makeup, and even cleaning laundry. Coconut oil has medicinal properties. For example, it is used to treat yeast infections and cholesterol imbalances. There is currently no information about drug interactions caprylic acid with other drugs.

The best source is coconut oil, which can be used both on the skin and internally. Start by adding one tablespoon per day or less of coconut oil to your diet. Then the body can easily adapt, because one tablespoon contains more than 13 g of fat. People ingest coconut oil both in a molten state and in a solid state. You can also add it to other foods, such as smoothies. There are suggestions that coconut oil reduces fat in abdominal cavity and promotes weight loss.

There are other options. Palm oil and human breast milk both contain caprylic acid. It is also available in supplement form, which can be found in vitamin stores and some grocery stores. healthy eating or order online.

SomeProven benefits of consuming coconut oil:

  • strengthening immune system;
  • cancer prevention;
  • skin healing;
  • acne treatment;
  • fight against overweight;
  • treatment of leaky gut syndrome;
  • reduction of allergy symptoms;
  • improved heart health;
  • support thyroid gland;
  • reduction of fatigue;
  • and much more.

Dosage and how to take it correctly?

In addition to obtaining caprylic acid from food sources, there are supplements that are becoming increasingly available and popular. There are still no requirements for the nutritional value of caprylic acid for the body, so daily use as such it is not recommended. However, health professionals often suggest taking 500 to 1000 mg three times daily in capsule form for optimal results.

Caprylic acid in capsule form is quite effective in treating yeast infections, as is the liquid form. The capsules slowly release fatty acids into the blood, so they act effectively in the gastrointestinal tract without causing side effects. The recommended dose for treating yeast infections (internal or external) in adults 18 years of age and older is 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams per day. Can be taken three times a day 30 minutes before any meal.

If you are new to taking caprylic acid,start slowto prevent stomach pain. A 500-milligram capsule once or twice daily is recommended initially, and then the dosage is increased as you feel better over three to four months until the condition improves. It is believed that slowly increasing the dosage helps effectively eliminate yeast infection without harming the body with an autoimmune reaction.

Precautionary measures

Caprylic acid is found to be safe when taken in capsule form, with virtually no side effects reported. But large quantities Caprylic acid mixed with other medium chain triglycerides causes gastrointestinal problems in some people. These include nausea, constipation, heartburn, diarrhea and indigestion due to increased intake of fatty acids. But this is not a common occurrence, and there is nothing wrong with it. The only thing to note is thatacid is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women , as it can cause nausea and worsen already existing problems with digestion.

Allergy testing must be done before local application, especially if you are allergic to coconut oil.

People with liver disease, hypotension, or medium-chain fatty acid acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency should avoid the use of caprylic acid.

Supplements May Interact with blood pressure medications, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, warfarin, herbs and supplements that lower blood pressure, such as coenzyme Q10, Andrographis, fish oil and L-arginine.

It is important to note that self-medication should be avoided chronic diseases(For example, high pressure or Crohn's disease) caprylic acid and should not be avoided or delayed standard treatment what can give serious consequences. If you are considering using caprylic acid for treatment, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Caprylic Acid and Probiotics

Are they compatible? There are people who treat Candida infections along with simultaneous administration probiotics and imidazole, using low sugar diet. However, there are patients who are wondering if they can take caprylic acid and probiotics at the same time.

Experts say that It is very advisable to take them together, because the combination of these two components will help strengthen the immune system, regulate acidity in the intestines and minimize the number of “bad” bacteria in the intestines that develop Candida colonies.

Symptoms of Candida Die-off

When taking caprylic acid, people often think that the appearance of Candida die-off symptoms means that the treatment is effective. This is a common misconception. When these symptoms appear, it means that the amount of toxins released from the dying candida is greater than the amount the body can safely eliminate. Common symptoms: brain fog, fever, depression, joint and muscle pain, headache, bloating, constipation, fatigue, fungal infections, acne, etc.

One of the main problems is the high toxicity of Candida; when candida dies during treatment, it releases over 80 different toxins. Toxins can appear anywhere in the body and suppress the immune system, causing illness and health problems throughout the body.

If symptoms are too severe to be tolerated, systemic toxic overload may occur in the body. To cope with the situation, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of caprylic acid until the symptoms subside. If you feel that you are getting worse, it is better to consult a doctor.published

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, seek advice regarding the use of any medicines and treatment options, consult your doctor.

In the body of every person, many types of bacteria interact in a complex way. IN healthy body a strict balance of microorganisms is maintained, but under the influence of extraneous factors (taking antibiotics, poor nutrition) harmony is broken. As a result, pathogenic bacteria increase in number and dysbacteriosis occurs. When the immune system weakens, yeast-like fungi Candida actively develop, which can affect the skin, genitourinary, nervous system, digestive organs, mucous membranes.

A complex with caprylic acid can prevent the development of candidiasis and normalize the functioning of the body. Natural ingredients will have a beneficial effect on your body and help restore health.

Complex with caprylic acid: composition and release form

Each jar of Caprylic Acid Complex contains easy-to-take capsules (90 pieces) of 505 mg each. Each capsule contains the following ingredients:

  • Caprylic acid ( fatty acid from coconut with antifungal properties) - 300 mg;
  • Red raspberries (leaves have antioxidant and antimicrobial effect, as well as anti-inflammatory) - 32 mg;
  • Elecampane (root is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic) - 36 mg;
  • Walnut (shell - natural antibiotic and antispasmodic) - 32 mg.

Additional substances are also used: gelatin and maltodextrin.

Complex with caprylic acid: properties

The components of the Complex with caprylic acid have the following effects:

Bring the microbiocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract back to normal;

Reduce the growth rate of yeast bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system;

Eliminate infections caused by Candida fungus;

Strengthen the immune system.

Complex with caprylic acid: indications and contraindications

After taking antibiotics and a course of chemotherapy for prevention;

For stomatitis, periodontal disease;

For cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, vulvovaginitis;

For dysbacteriosis.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are pregnancy, period breastfeeding child, as well as allergies to components.

Complex with caprylic acid: instructions for use

Optimal dosage for effective treatment Complex with caprylic acid - 2 capsules 2 times a day.

It is not a medicine (dietary supplement).

Complex with caprylic acid: price and sale

Take care of yourself and buy Caprylic Acid Complex in our online store. Leave your purchase request in the shopping cart on the website or by phone, and our employees will take care of delivery. Convenient courier delivery is available for clients from Moscow; to other settlements Russian purchases are delivered by a transport company or postal service. Each client can pick up their purchase at a point of sale in the capital.

The price for the Complex is indicated next to the product image.

Valid for regions toll free number 8 800 550-52-96.

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Delivery in Moscow is carried out on the day the goods are ordered.

Delivery within Moscow region is carried out within 1-2 days.

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Delivery in Moscow is carried out only for order amounts over 500 rubles.

Delivery across Russia:

1. Express mail 1-3 days (to your door).

2. By Russian Post within 7-14 days.

Payment is made by cash on delivery or by transfer to a bank account (download details).

As a rule, the cost of express delivery is not much higher than delivery of goods by Russian Post, but you have the opportunity to receive the goods in a guaranteed short time with home delivery.

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