How to treat low sperm motility. What causes immotile sperm to appear and how to treat it

Asthenozoospermia or asthenospermia is a condition in which not only the number of sperm in male sperm, but also their mobility. Often this becomes the reason because they are slow, they simply cannot fertilize the egg.

  • A – the most active
  • B – slow
  • C – moving in place
  • D – incapable of movement at all

In order for sperm to fertilize normally, it must contain at least 20% of group A cells and more than 50% of group A and B cells.

Asthenozoospermia is characterized by a decrease in the activity of male germ cells

Asthenozoospermia does not depend on the age of the stronger half, because as men get older, they do not lose their reproductive functions. More often reasons this state become features that are given to a man from birth, as well as various diseases that a man suffers during his life.

If the chemical composition of the blood changes, this can also affect the motility of germ cells.

Electric charge also plays an important role. So, if the negative electrical charge decreases or disappears, sperm motility decreases.

Various microorganisms can settle on male reproductive cells, which also affects their mobility.

The reasons why asthenozoospermia occurs are not fully understood to date. However, medical luminaries assure that the motility of germ cells is influenced by many negative factors:

  • use of alcohol, nicotine and medications
  • exposure to industrial poisons and radiation
  • high temperatures
  • inflammation
  • autoimmune processes

It is also known that thanks to long-term abstinence quantity active sperm increases

How to determine asthenozoospermia

Asthenozoospermia is asymptomatic. A doctor may suspect the presence of the disease after a man comes in with the problem of being unable to conceive a child.

Ejaculate indicators

In order to put correct diagnosis, the doctor must comprehensively examine the patient, exclude or, if necessary, treat existing inflammations, and check the patency of the paths that carry the seed. However, the main and accurate conclusions can only be given on the basis of a spermogram - a laboratory test of sperm.

In order to conduct a spermogram, sperm must be collected. But subject to five days of abstinence before that. In addition, before tests you should not take strong substances, not only medications, but also alcohol. Collect sperm by masturbating. Only sperm that is collected no more than an hour before is considered valid. laboratory research.

Normal sperm knitting, grayish-white, has a specific smell. Its volume should be at least 2 ml (with smaller volumes we can talk about infertility). Ideally, 1 ml of semen should contain no less than 20 million sperm, and their motility is determined according to WHO criteria. Viscosity is also important: too viscous sperm makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus.

There must be an alkaline reaction in the sperm. Otherwise, the sperm will die acidic environment vagina.

Spermogram - the most the right way diagnose low activity of germ cells

If the doctor detects any changes or abnormalities in the spermogram, reanalysis scheduled in two weeks. If necessary, tests should be repeated several times.

If there are very few motile sperm in the semen, this makes it difficult to get pregnant. But even a few active germ cells increase the chances of conceiving a child.

Couples planning a replenishment, but who have been unable to conceive for more than a year, are recommended to undergo examination. Moreover, the problem may lie not only in problems with women’s reproductive system, but with the same percentage of probability is associated with . Insufficient sperm motility plays an important role in this.

Sperm motility assessment

Only the strongest male reproductive cells can fertilize a female egg, capable of overcoming many obstacles and achieving fallopian tube. Special tests for sperm motility, carried out during laboratory microscopic examination of male ejaculate, help determine their activity. This analysis is called a spermogram and includes the establishment of several indicators that allow us to assess the possibility of identifying certain diseases of the reproductive system.

Sperm motility is assessed by the speed and direction of their movement. This term refers to the ability of sperm to perform forward, linear movements at a speed not lower than normal. If cells make oscillatory, circular or other types of movement or move at low speed, they speak of weak motility. Microscopic examination of semen should be carried out by a single laboratory technician with sufficient experience in this field.

Sperm motility is normal

When conducting an analysis of sperm motility, the degree of their motility is determined as a percentage, taking into account all the sperm on the glass slide. According to the indicator under consideration, male reproductive cells are classified into four groups:

  • A – fast and straight moving (speed more than 50 µm/s);
  • B – slowly but straight moving;
  • C – non-progressive or moving very slowly;
  • D – motionless.

Normally, there should be more than 25% of cells belonging to the first group, and the sum of the first and second should be at least 50%. Absolutely immobile sperm should be less than half of total number, and cells with the absence rectilinear movement- no more than 2%. In addition to taking into account the number of correctly moving cells, the duration of maintaining their mobility is determined. To do this, the sample is kept in a thermostat for two hours and a repeated visual calculation is carried out. During this time, the deterioration in mobility indicators is normally no more than 20%.

Low sperm motility

If a decrease in sperm motility is observed during the analysis, this condition is called asthenozoospermia and is divided into three degrees:

  1. Lightweight– the permissible speed of movement of cells of categories A and B for conception, determined an hour after ejaculation, is observed in 50% of sperm.
  2. Moderate– one hour after collecting the sample for analysis, more than 70% of category D cells are observed.
  3. Heavy– the ejaculate contains more than 80% immobile and atypical sperm.

Based on the data obtained, treatment tactics are determined. The reasons for poor sperm motility are different - from diseases of the reproductive system to radiation effects on the male accessory sex glands. In some cases, the causative factor cannot be determined, and asthenozoospermia is considered idiopathic (in approximately 30% of patients).

What affects sperm motility?

When searching for the causes of asthenozoospermia and the possibility of influencing an increase in sperm motility, a number of main provoking factors are considered:

  1. Problems with endocrine system– often the culprit is a reduced level of the hormone testosterone due to age-related changes, injuries, neoplasms, etc. In addition, other hormones - secreted thyroid gland and the pituitary gland.
  2. Arterial hypertension– with this pathology, there is a disruption of the normal blood supply to the genital organs.
  3. Varicocele - dilation of veins spermatic cord, raising temperature in the scrotum.
  4. Thermal effects on the testicular area, including those associated with wearing warm underwear, professional conditions work, etc.
  5. Not sufficient quantity in the body of vitamins and microelements, leading to a failure in the synthesis of protein structures of germ cells.
  6. Delayed ejaculation associated with sexual problems, bad habits, etc.
  7. Urogenital infections.
  8. Genetic disorders of the development of the genital organs, in the structure of the flagellar apparatus of spermatozoa.
  9. Unfavorable working conditions (exposure to electromagnetic radiation, radiation, heat, chemicals, etc.).

How to increase sperm motility?

Only after carrying out all the examinations and obtaining the fullest possible picture of the existing problems is it possible to determine how to increase sperm motility in each specific case. Scale medical intervention can be different - from lifestyle correction to long-term pharmacological treatment And surgical interventions. In the absence of serious pathologies, you often just need to go in for sports and introduce necessary substances and protect yourself from stress.

Medicine for sperm motility

Complex therapy for this problem may include tablets to increase sperm motility, belonging to the following groups:

  • testosterone preparations (Proviron, Androxon, Testoral);
  • gonadotropins (Profazi, Pregnil);
  • means for improving regional blood flow (Trental, Actovegin).

In addition, men seeking to have a child may be recommended drugs to increase sperm motility, related to dietary supplements:

  • Speman;
  • Spermactin;
  • Verona;
  • Viardot;
  • Tentex forte, etc.

Vitamins for sperm motility

When wondering how to improve sperm motility, you should definitely take care of a sufficient intake of the following vitamins, microelements, and vitamin substances into the body:

  • vitamins A, E, B, D, C;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • levocarnitine.

Nutrition to increase sperm activity

Not only the reproductive function of a man depends on the activity of sperm, but also general state his sexual health.

Bad sperm can be a consequence and cause of the development of many diseases, leading to the development of infertility or significant violation of potency.

The reason for the development of such a condition may be the existing inflammatory processes in the body, as well as the impact of negative external factors.

    Sedentary sperm

    IN male body sperm are located stationary. Activity begins only after they enter the woman’s reproductive organs. The term “immobility” includes several concepts that relate not only to the ability of sperm to move, but also to fully carry out their functions. Bad sperm can be:

    • inactive;
    • motionless;
    • sluggish;
    • slow;
    • lazy;
    • dead.

    These types of sperm condition directly affect the likelihood of conception.

    Having studied the list of reasons why there may be low sperm motility, a man can independently identify the negative factors that affected his health and reproductive function, however self-medication is not recommended. Some accompanying illnesses involve complex and long-term treatment.

    The following factors can cause the development of bad sperm:

    • intoxication with substances contained in alcohol, nicotine or drugs;
    • downgrade immune system in organism;
    • development varicose veins veins in the testicles;
    • Not proper nutrition;
    • Negative influence high temperatures;
    • development of endocrine diseases;
    • lack of folic acid in the body;
    • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
    • infectious diseases;
    • inflammation of the prostate gland;
    • genital injuries;
    • The patient's age is over 45 years.

    REFERENCE! The cause of low sperm motility may be the result negative impact chemotherapy or radiation exposure. This deviation can also be caused by some medications(for example, long-term use of potent medicines antibiotic categories).

    Diagnosis and possible diseases

    Based on the study, not only the quality of sperm and spermatozoa is revealed, but also the diagnoses possible diseases . The doctor analyzes the patient’s general condition, the presence of negative external and internal factors. If necessary, it can be prescribed additional examination from specialized specialists.

    Impaired sperm motility can lead to development of the following diseases:

    • teratospermia (a large number of sperm with a structural disorder);
    • necrospermia (“dead sperm”);
    • asthenozoospermia (inactive sperm).

    IMPORTANT! Some diseases accompanied by poor sperm motility can be inherited. When diagnosing, it is important to exclude or identify risk genetic predisposition. This type Deviations are the most difficult to correct.


    One of the main components of the course of treatment and increasing sperm activity is change in diet. A man needs to consume foods that increase sperm activity.

    Products that replenish not only the supply of vitamins in the body, but also increase the level of folic acid. Must be present in the diet Orange juice, legumes, peanuts, sunflower seeds, liver and beef.

    Restoration and increase in sperm motility occurs in several stages:

    • identifying and eliminating the cause of deviation;
    • spermogram(the procedure is repeated several times);
    • changing lifestyle and diet;
    • laboratory examination of ejaculates;
    • course of treatment with vitamin complexes;
    • drugs to increase sperm activity and improve sperm quality (Speman, SpermaPlant, Verona, Tribestan, etc.);
    • antibacterial drugs (in the presence of infections);
    • taking androgens;
    • compliance with a therapeutic diet.

    ON A NOTE! Treatment is aimed mainly at eliminating the cause of the deviation. Once the diagnosis is made, you should avoid wearing tight underwear or trousers, hot baths, and, if possible, reduce the abuse of bad habits.

    How to increase sperm motility on your own?

    If the diagnosis does not reveal significant deviations in the functioning of the genital organs, but is disrupted as a result of the negative impact of external factors, then it will be necessary to restore the condition on average three months. During this time, you will need to follow the doctor's recommendations and pay Special attention way of life.

    Tips to help increase sperm motility:

    • elimination excess weight if available;
    • introduction to diet healthy products(vegetables, fruits, seafood, etc.);
    • reducing the consumption of baked goods, smoked foods, fatty foods and other unhealthy foods;
    • quitting smoking and drinking alcohol;
    • regular physical exercise(exception sedentary image life);
    • control of psychological state;
    • avoiding overheating of the genitals;
    • timely treatment of diseases genitourinary system;
    • regular sexual intercourse (once every three days).

    You can increase your activity using folk remedies . Good results treatments show traditional methods.

    For example, the use of decoctions from the root of kolgan, plantain, ginseng, the introduction of parsley and bee bread (a bee product) into the diet. You can improve sperm motility, production and quality by taking a bath with chamomile infusion.

    If it is not possible to normalize the condition and increase sperm activity using the indicated methods, then a course of treatment with special drugs may be necessary, and the only way there will be conception artificial insemination female egg.

Inactive or immotile sperm often cause infertility. Low mobility sperm is detected in almost half of cases of impossibility of conception in men. Why sperm activity decreases and what treatment is necessary - read on.

Anatomical and physiological features

In order for a healthy sperm to form, the normal functioning of all reproductive organs for men:

  1. Testicles.
  2. Epididymis.
  3. Seminal vesicles.
  4. Prostate gland.

Occurs in the testicles a very complex process formation of germ cells in men. This miracle lasts two months and includes 3 stages: reproduction, growth and maturation. Maturing sperm enter the epididymis, where they mature and form over the course of several more days. When passing different parts appendage, they experience significant modifications in the composition and properties of their membranes, as a result of which they become able to penetrate inside the egg and introduce their genetic material into it.

To form a healthy sperm, the entire reproductive organ system must function well.

In general, the spermatogenesis cycle takes 72 days. During this time, it is extremely important for a man to maintain optimal health. Because in case common diseases or gonadal diseases, the correct maturation of germ cells is disrupted, their structure and shape change, and most mature sperm become inactive. That is, a man develops a condition that in medicine is called asthenozoospermia - a decrease in the speed of movement and/or immobility of the majority of sperm in the ejaculate.

The seminal vesicles and prostate gland perform important role in maintaining sperm activity. The seminal vesicles synthesize fructose, the main source of energy for gametes, and the prostate gland synthesizes a secretion that allows sperm to move freely in it and maintain fertilizing ability. Therefore, any diseases of the gonads also make sperm immotile and inactive. In this regard, diseases of the reproductive system require immediate treatment.

Provocateurs of asthenozoospermia

Let's summarize the previous section and identify other factors that can cause inactive or even 100% immobile sperm to appear. Look at the table.

Group of factors

Reason for decreased sperm motility


External reasons

High temperature (overheating in a sauna or viral/bacterial infections)

It’s not for nothing that the testicles are lowered into the scrotum. Here the temperature is several degrees lower than inside the body. It has been proven that increasing temperature makes sperm immotile.

Tight underwear

When the scrotum is pressed against the body for a long time, sperm become inactive due to the temperature factor and impaired blood supply to the reproductive organs.

Long stay in sitting position

Poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency

Deficiency of zinc and vitamins A, B, C, E disrupts normal formation sperm.

Toxic effects (medicines, alcohol, smoking, drugs)

They cause dehydration and reduce the volume of prostate secretion (sperm becomes too viscous). They interfere with the reproduction and maturation of gametes.

Antibiotic therapy

Inhibits the reproduction, growth and maturation of sperm. Changes their morphology and makes cells immobile.


Increases the viscosity of sperm, which slows down the movement of gametes.

Prolonged state of anxiety, fear

The release of stress hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine, glucocorticoids) disrupts the blood supply to the reproductive organs and reduces testosterone production.

Irregular or excessive sex life

Rare intercourse

Gametes in the body of men become immobile during long-term “storage” in the caudal part of the epididymis. If sperm are not regularly removed from this section, over time the number of inactive forms accumulates and the sperm loses its ability to fertilize.

Frequent sexual intercourse

Spermatozoa do not have time to mature.


and genital injuries

Infectious diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis)

They disrupt the activity of the gonads, increase the viscosity of sperm, destroy germ cells and increase the temperature in the organs of the reproductive system.

Inhibits sperm maturation, increases the number of inactive and immobile forms due to high temperature.


Orchitis, testicular atrophy

Reduced testicular activity and hypotestosteronemia determine a decrease in the production of gametes, impaired maturation and a large percentage of immobile cells.

Prostatitis, vesiculitis

A small amount of sperm is immobilized and increased viscosity sperm, as well as change chemical composition and acidity of the secretion of the sex glands.

Kidney diseases and urinary tract

Nephritis, pyelitis, cystitis, urethritis

Increased acidity urethra makes sperm immotile. IN urinary tract men, leukocytes appear that destroy sperm and inhibit their progress.

Of course, the table contains only the most common causes of asthenozoospermia. Inactive sperm in large quantities can also appear in case of endocrine disorders (adrenal diseases, hyperprolactinemia, hypothyroidism, etc.), some genetic diseases and other conditions. Their mobility in the female body can also be affected by the state of health of the woman herself. Even the most active and mobile sperm can lose its fertility if the environment female body doesn't have the stomach for it. This system is very delicate and must be treated very delicately. How to make sperm active? Let's figure it out.

How to activate sperm

Of course, treatment of asthenozoospermia will be most effective if it is possible to get rid of the cause of this condition. Everything needs to be cured infectious diseases. Both general and diseases of the genitourinary system. With varicocele and cryptorchidism, almost the only way to restore fertility is timely surgery. Non-infectious diseases of the reproductive organs are also subject to appropriate treatment.

With varicocele, the only way to restore fertility is surgery.

The easiest way to get rid of inactive sperm is if the causes of asthenozoospermia are external. General recommendations for treatment and improvement of sperm quality in this case the following:

  • Wear loose underwear.
  • News active image life.
  • Avoid hypothermia and overheating.
  • Eat enough fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as seafood and nuts.
  • Get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcohol).
  • Drink 2 or more liters of fluid per day.
  • Maintain regular moderate sex life.
  • Avoid stress.

Great importance Diet plays a role in the treatment of asthenozoospermia, rich in vitamins, zinc and complete protein. Therefore, proper nutrition and sufficient intake of vitamins should accompany any treatment tactics.

Thus, the immobility of sperm does not allow a man to conceive a child. Sperm motility is influenced by various internal and external factors, and to treat asthenozoospermia it is necessary to correctly identify its cause. But even if you have identified it, do not try to activate the sperm yourself. Best effect will give you access to a competent andrologist who will help you accurately determine causal factors infertility and prescribe adequate treatment.

Inactive sperm and insufficient sperm motility are one of the main reasons male infertility. Low activity sperm and the minimum speed of their movement make successful fertilization unlikely. What reasons determine the low mobility and speed of sperm? What to do in such a case and what treatment is required for patients who are faced with of this kind problem?

What is associated with low physical activity?

What reasons influence sperm velocity and sperm motility in representatives of the stronger sex? According to experts, sedentary sperm can be formed for reasons such as improper, unbalanced nutrition and deficiency of folic acid, as well as vitamins C in the male body. Another common reason that causes low sperm motility is exposure to high temperatures.

The fact is that sperm speed and sperm motility largely depend on external factors, in particular on temperature conditions. When affecting spermatozoa elevated temperatures sperm speed becomes low, and the sperm itself becomes sluggish, weak, and begins to move much slower than normal.

Reasons similar phenomenon can be:

  1. Frequent appointments hot baths
  2. Abuse of baths and saunas.
  3. Dilatation of the veins of the spermatic cord - varicocele.

Another reason for the appearance sedentary sperm and low sperm motility are diseases infectious nature, which contribute to atrophic lesions of the testicular area. Such pathologies may be due to the low speed of sperm movement, as well as their insufficient motility. In such cases, the patient needs competent treatment, and the sooner it starts, the better.

Tobacco and nicotine contribute to the appearance of sedentary sperm and negatively affect the speed and mobility of sperm, also reducing their quantitative indicators in the seminal fluid. That is why smoking is one of the most common reasons that cause low sperm motility, and therefore problems with natural conception. Sedentary sperm are a common occurrence among representatives of the stronger sex in age category over 50 years old. Age-related changes are a fairly common reason for a decrease in sperm speed and motility.

Bad habits contribute to the appearance of sedentary sperm.

Low sperm motility is a problem typical for representatives of the stronger sex who suffer from obesity. Excess quantity fat deposits cause clogging of the glands and reduced patency in the area of ​​the seminal ducts, and this in turn can negatively affect the speed and mobility of sperm. In this case, sedentary sperm is a reason for the man to undergo appropriate treatment from a specialist endocrinologist.

What diseases affect movement speed?

According to experts, sedentary sperm can appear in representatives of the stronger sex who suffer from a number of certain diseases that require treatment:

  1. Arterial hypertension is the cause of impaired circulatory processes, as well as insufficient oxygen supply male organs, resulting in low sperm speed and motility.
  2. Diabetes mellitus with concomitant insulin deficiency is the cause of a slow progression recovery processes sperm. As a result, the patient’s seminal fluid contains a large number of sedentary spermatozoa, and their rate of progress is low - significantly lower than normal.
  3. Sexually transmitted diseases affect men reproductive system, negatively affecting its functioning processes. Due to this reason, sperm motility and speed become low.
  4. Pathologies of the male reproductive organs, whether congenital or acquired, are another common reason formation of sedentary sperm.

All of the above diseases can cause impaired sperm motility and speed, as well as the appearance of large quantity sedentary germ cells. In most cases, competent and adequate treatment of the underlying disease helps solve related problems. Treatment is selected by the attending physician individually after preliminary complex diagnostics!

Problems with sperm motility may appear in sick men diabetes mellitus.

Impact on conception processes

Inactive sperm are one of the main causes of problems with natural conception. In order for conception to occur, the sperm must be motile. Because the female egg retains the ability to fertilize only for a short time (1-2 days), then high speed and sperm motility is a necessary condition for the offensive successful pregnancy. Normally, the number of motile sperm in male ejaculate should be at least 50 percent. Otherwise, the man needs to consult a specialist and prescribe a course of treatment.

Methods of drug therapy

How to treat sedentary sperm by medication? In order for the treatment to be effective and adequate, the first thing that needs to be done is to establish the reasons for the low speed and mobility of male germ cells. Treatment of inactive germ cells includes vitamin-mineral complexes and medications containing zinc, folic acid, lycopenes, vitamins C. In addition, drug treatment may also include special drugs that activate slow germ cells. Among them are especially popular the following means:

  1. Verona - treatment with this drug activates the natural processes of testosterone production, providing positive influence on quantitative and qualitative indicators of seminal fluid.
  2. Sperman - reduces the number of sedentary germ cells in the ejaculate.
  3. Tribestan - treatment does not cause development adverse reactions, increasing the lifespan of active germ cells.

During treatment, drugs are used that activate slow germ cells.

Effective treatment with inactive spermatozoa also suggests special diet, which includes foods enriched with vitamins and microelements, with a minimum content of fatty, heavy foods. In order for the treatment of sedentary germ cells to be extremely effective and efficient, medical experts advise patients to observe the following recommendations:

  1. Avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks.
  2. Regularly give the body feasible physical activity.
  3. Avoid overwork and psycho-emotional shocks.
  4. Avoid hypothermia and exposure to high temperatures.
  5. Avoid hot baths and saunas.
  6. Wear loose underwear made from natural fabrics.

Surgical methods

If low sperm motility is due to a disease such as varicocele, the patient may need surgery. Treatment surgically modern specialists carry out mainly minimally invasive methods. After an operation aimed at eliminating constriction of tissue structures, the patency of the vas deferens is normalized, which helps to increase the low speed of sperm movement and significantly reduces the number of sedentary germ cells.

Sedentary sperm are serious problem, which can become an obstacle to parental happiness.

The right image life, competent and individually selected treatment will help reduce the number of sedentary sperm and significantly increase the chances of achieving that desired successful natural conception!