Traditional medicine to lower blood cholesterol. Folk remedies for high cholesterol

The composition of the blood is of great importance for the life of the whole organism. Even cholesterol is important for its work. The fat-like substance is directly involved in metabolism, the synthesis of hormones and multivitamins. High cholesterol leads to internal imbalance, requires rapid correction.

How to lower cholesterol at home

To reduce cholesterol, you need to quickly contact a specialist, undergo a diagnosis, determine the etiology (origin) of the pathological process. Among possible complications doctors are afraid of progressive atherosclerosis, so home treatment should be strictly according to indications. A complex approach includes:

  • taking medications;
  • application of alternative medicine methods;
  • proper nutrition.

Medications to lower blood cholesterol

  1. Fibrates: as derivatives of fibric acid, they effectively fight LDL. The best are Fenofibrate, Gemfibrozil, Clofibrate. Among the side effects, doctors distinguish signs of dyspepsia, disorders of the digestive tract.
  2. Statins are designed to quickly lower cholesterol, and you can take them at home. high efficiency if necessary, the drugs Leskol, Baikol, Mevacor have to increase the level of HDL. Among the side effects, doctors distinguish violations of the digestive tract, muscle pain, spasms.
  3. Sequestrants - medications interacting with bile acid. Medicines cleanse the blood at home, supplement therapy with fibrates and statins. Assign Questran, Colestid. Side effects- symptoms of dyspepsia varying degrees.
  4. A nicotinic acid(vitamin B3) helps to quickly lower cholesterol levels to an acceptable level. The substance is found in many foods, multivitamin complexes. In case of an overdose, the work of the liver deteriorates sharply, redness appears on the skin, intestinal motility decreases.

Medicines can either act as independent remedies at home, or be included in the complex. intensive care. The joint action gives a quick and productive lowering of cholesterol. However, such conservative treatment is not enough to prevent dangerous attacks in the future. Additionally required:

  • dietary restrictions;
  • medical diet;
  • abandoning destructive habits;
  • active image life;
  • intensive vitamin therapy.

Foods that lower cholesterol

Proper nutrition with minimal sugar intake helps to quickly and reliably reduce bad cholesterol. Food keeps the state of health at a satisfactory level. The therapeutic diet excludes the consumption of salt, pepper and spices. Allowed daily menu - lean, dietary. Understand what foods lower cholesterol, and do it at home. Below is detailed list recommended and forbidden food ingredients:



Meat, fish, eggs, dairy

lean fish (pollock, cod, tuna, hake)

chicken (without skin!)


rabbit meat

beef, veal

low-fat and low-fat dairy products

fatty varieties fish

squid, shrimp

high fat dairy products

Oils, fats

olive oil

refined oil

linseed and flax seeds


corn oil(unrefined)

mayonnaise, sauces, pastry creams

Cereals, cereals, legumes, nuts, flour products

walnuts, legumes

coconuts, salted nuts

oats, wheat germ

pasta from soft varieties wheat

rice bran, corn bran

lentils, beans

Vegetables, fruits, drinks


sweet fruits

green tea

natural coffe

garlic, onion (to protect blood vessels)

potatoes, cabbage (cauliflower, white), carrots, lettuce, pumpkin, zucchini

Eating these foods helps to solve a major health problem. Figure out how to quickly lower bad cholesterol at home using the menu. You can clean the intestines, rid it of toxins and toxins, improve peristalsis. The diet corrects the figure. Pros:

  • food and folk remedies for cholesterol do not provoke other diseases;
  • treatment at home is convenient - the patient does not require hospitalization;
  • adjust the menu, and you will see how to quickly lower cholesterol at home with minimal effort.

How to lower cholesterol folk remedies

If you systematically take a blood test, you can control its chemical composition. Study the concentration dynamics of organic substances and compounds. This is a way to recognize pathology, and then at home choose treatment with conservative methods. To enhance the effect of the tablets prescribed by the doctor, use folk recipes allowing you to quickly get rid of excess cholesterol.

Good dill water to lower cholesterol. You will need:

  • dill seeds - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • valerian root (chopped) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - 1 l.
  1. Place the crushed raw materials in one container. Mix well.
  2. Pour the indicated amount of boiling water, insist under a hermetically covered lid.
  3. Strain, put in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Take before each meal - 1 tbsp. l.

The simplest garlic tincture to lower cholesterol will surprise you with its effectiveness. You will need:

  • garlic - 300 g;
  • alcohol - 200 g.

How to prepare and how to use:

  1. Grind the indicated dose of garlic.
  2. Pour alcohol, insist 14 days in a glass container, choose a dark place.
  3. Take 2 drops of tincture before meals through the mouth, gradually increasing the single dose to 20 drops.

Olive tincture to lower cholesterol is also made with garlic. You will need:

  • young garlic - 1 head;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.

How to prepare and how to use:

  1. Chop the garlic. Place in a glass container.
  2. Pour in oil, stir.
  3. 2 weeks to insist, choosing a cool, dark place.
  4. Use as a seasoning for cooking, or drink a teaspoon 20 minutes before the main meal.

Video: how to lower cholesterol without drugs

Many people wonder how to lower cholesterol folk remedies fast.

It is believed that for these purposes it is enough to use certain products. In addition, traditional medicine recipes will help lower cholesterol levels.

Best Foods to Lower Cholesterol

Undoubtedly, the best folk remedies are cholesterol-lowering foods.

Green tea can help lower cholesterol levels. This drink contains flavonoids, which help strengthen capillary walls and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in the body. Also daily use green tea helps to reduce the level of harmful lipids. It is recommended to consume 3-4 cups of this drink daily.

Avocado is considered a useful product. This fruit is a source of phytosterol. This substance helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In addition, avocados help lower bad triglycerides.

As you know, to eliminate bad cholesterol, you need to use polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. These fats are found in large quantities in olive oil. This product is also rich in phytosterols, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It has been scientifically proven that regular use olive oil reduces the risk of high cholesterol by 20-25%. Recommended to eat daily at least, 1-2 tsp. olive oil. Also good sources of unsaturated fats and antioxidants are walnuts, hazelnuts, sesame seeds, flaxseed oil, salmon, sturgeon, mackerel, herring, and sardines.

In addition, products that lower cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels are berries. Blueberries, raspberries, pomegranates, cranberries and strawberries are rich in polyphenols, which help lower cholesterol and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is recommended to eat 150-200 g of fresh berries daily.

Oatmeal is considered one of the best sources of flavonoids and fiber. These substances not only help lower blood cholesterol levels, but also improve organ function. digestive tract. Buckwheat, barley and wheat porridge have similar properties.

Spinach, lettuce, dill, parsley will perfectly help to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. These products contain a lot of dietary fiber, luteins, carinoids. These substances help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce the risk of plaque formation.

Traditional medicine recipes

How to lower cholesterol folk remedies? This can be helpful herbal decoctions. A decoction based on dill seeds has a good effect. To prepare it, mix 100 g of chopped dill seeds, 1 tbsp. l. valerian root, 1 tbsp. l. honey. Then you need to pour the mixture with 2 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 2-3 days. Take tincture should be 1 tsp. 40-50 minutes before meals.

To lower blood cholesterol, you can use a decoction based on the fruits of motherwort and coltsfoot. To prepare it, you need to take the ingredients in the same proportion and mix with a liter of boiling water. It is recommended to take the remedy on an empty stomach for 1 tsp. within 10-15 days.

Garlic oil will quickly help lower cholesterol with folk remedies. To prepare it, take 10 cloves of garlic, peel them and pass through a meat grinder. Add 2 cups of linseed or olive oil to the resulting gruel and send the product to a dark place for 10-15 days. garlic oil you can use 1 tsp. daily or use as a dressing.

Also a good remedy is fresh lemon and garlic. To prepare it, you need to take 200 g of garlic, peel it and pass it through a meat grinder. After that, you need to mix the resulting slurry with 400 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Fresh must be sent to the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Drink the drink should be 1 tsp. 30-40 minutes before meals.

Cleansing blood vessels and lowering cholesterol levels in the blood can be done using fruit tincture Japanese Sophora and white mistletoe. To prepare the drink, you need to mix 100 g of Japanese sophora and 150 g of white mistletoe, pour the mixture with 2 liters of boiling water. After that, you need to send the tincture in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. It is advisable to store the drink in a glass container. It should be taken in 1 tsp. one hour before meals. The duration of the course of treatment is 20 days.

A good cholesterol-lowering property has a tincture of linden flowers. The recipe for its preparation is quite simple: you need to pour 50 g of linden flowers with a liter of boiling water. It is recommended to take the remedy for 1 month, 3 tsp. in a day. It is advisable to repeat the course of treatment every six months.

Lowering cholesterol with folk remedies is possible, but before you start treatment, you still need to consult a specialist: after all, seemingly harmless herbs also have contraindications.

Cholesterol (lipophilic alcohol)- a vital organic compound, without which, in principle, the normal functioning of our body is impossible. This substance can be called the main biological builder of cell membranes and sheaths of nerve endings. Without cholesterol, bile synthesis is disrupted, and, as you know, it plays a huge role in the breakdown of fats. This component, produced by the liver, is involved in the synthesis of hormones necessary for humans, vitamin D and calcium, immune cells, and flavonoids, which in turn rid the body of free radicals.

To say that cholesterol is dangerous for a person is wrong. It poses a threat to health if its content in the blood deviates from the norm.

It should be understood that this is the same component as, for example, a vitamin or an enzyme. Both the shortage and the excess of this substance will adversely affect the state of organs and systems. The main part (80%) of the lipid compound is produced endogenously, that is, inside the body. The liver is responsible for its production. The remaining 20% ​​comes in an exogenous way - along with food. When the percentage of cholesterol produced or taken in through food rises or falls, life-threatening diseases develop.

Consequences of high cholesterol

Our population suffers predominantly from excess cholesterol rather than low levels. A high rate of lipophilic substance threatens with the following dangerous consequences:

  • accumulation and deposition of a fat-like substance in the vascular wall;
  • the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, consisting of a mixture of cholesterol and calcium, in the thickness of the arteries;
  • violation of the integrity of the walls of the arteries, the release of cholesterol plaques into the lumen of the vessel;
  • formation and sticking in places of rupture of the platelet vessel;
  • accumulation of platelet clots in the artery and narrowing of the vessel cavity;
  • breakage of a thrombus and absolute blockage of the arterial lumen;
  • cessation of blood flow through the vascular bed, and, as a result, heart attack, stroke, embolism of the branches of the pulmonary artery.

If a person who has a broken blood clot is not given timely emergency help resuscitator, death will occur. Disappointing clinical picture, caused by a high concentration of cholesterol in the blood, should make you think about own health each patient with poor lipid profiles. The main thing in the fight against excess cholesterol is not to overdo it, as enhanced therapy can lead to a sharp drop important component and its deficiency in the body, which is no less dangerous than an excess of this substance.

It should be noted that there are two types of vital components in the body, which have opposite names - “bad” (low density) and “good” cholesterol (high density). Both types are equally important for humans, therefore, when “cleansing” the excess level of a “bad” lipoid compound to normal, one must not lose valuable high-density lipoproteins along with it, which help to remove excess fat molecules (triglycerides) from the vessels, after which they are transported to liver for further disposal.

High levels of "good" cholesterol are not dangerous and even beneficial, as high performance provide a person with reliable protection against the development of atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks and Alzheimer's disease. But its lack causes, again, severe hemorrhagic processes. Therefore, in the pursuit of health, do not reduce the synthesis of “useful” cholesterol, which is reproduced purely endogenously and does not enter the body with food. Although there are some foods that can help stimulate the production of it in the liver, but this will be discussed a little later.

The most vulnerable to raising cholesterol levels are people after 40 years of age, so it is necessary to start monitoring lipoprotein levels from this age. In addition, if a person has any pathology of the heart and blood vessels, especially hypertonic disease, and there is also overweight, it is extremely important to conduct periodic blood examinations and timely implement therapeutic and preventive measures in case of detection of deviations from the norm of cholesterol indicators.

Can you lower cholesterol without medication?

Answer to actual question for many people suffering from excess cholesterol, a definite yes. The main emphasis in therapy and prevention is on compliance with diet food, which helps to gently correct violations and maintain a balanced value of two types of fat-like compounds for the healthy functioning of the body. Minor errors in the lipid profile are successfully corrected without the use of drugs. It is enough for a person to simply streamline their lifestyle and diet, eliminating the main source of "bad" cholesterol - foods that abound in trans fats, as well as quit bad habits and do feasible physical education.

exercise and cholesterol

It is proved that with the help of regular moderate physical activities, which should be carried out systematically at least three times a week, it is quite possible to achieve good results in lowering cholesterol. Positive dynamics is observed without the use of lipid-lowering drugs from the category of statins and compliance strict diet. The only point, sports activity should be non-intense. The most suitable exercises in order to correct the cholesterol index are aerobic exercises or cardio training.

Such physical education contributes to the synthesis of hormones that contribute to the production of "good" cholesterol. By increasing the useful lipid-protein component, which in essence is the main "orderly" of the vessels, the excess of the "bad" lipoid compound is removed. naturally. So, with daily regular aerobic sports training (running, cycling, dancing and pru), which will be given at least half an hour, after two months, cholesterol tests will show nice results with a tendency to reduce "bad" cholesterol and increase "useful" organic compounds.

giving motor activity just 30 minutes a day, a person will not only help to restore the optimal balance of cholesterol in his own body without drugs, but also contribute to the improvement of the cardiovascular system, supplying each organ with full oxygen nutrition. Like any medical event, cardio training requires compliance with three important points: exact adherence to the technique of performing exercises, control over well-being and the duration of classes.

Healthy drink for lowering cholesterol

Drinking component daily ration must necessarily include a sufficient amount of liquid, presented in the form of pure still water from spring sources, freshly squeezed juices, natural leaf tea from green varieties. The total amount of liquid drunk should be at least 2.5 liters per day. The main share of drinking falls on water, it is 1.5-2 liters. The rest is fresh fruit juices (no more than 200 ml per day) and good green tea.

Green tea is a great alternative to statin medications

Green tea contains the most valuable components that are not inferior in therapeutic effect to many medicines. It is important to brew a drink only on the basis of green dried leaves, because it is in this form that the tonic plant retains its rich material composition unchanged.

Due to the high concentration of flavonoids, tannins, catechins, vitamins A, E, K, P and many, many other organic compounds indispensable for the body, unique composition helps to lower the level normal values triglycerides and cholesterol, improving metabolism and the breakdown of fats, removing toxins and toxins, cleansing blood vessels. Experts recommend drinking up to half a liter a day of freshly brewed green tea to reduce excess cholesterol in the blood.

Freshly pressed natural juices

To a surprising conclusion came experts in the part of nutritionists, who used the method of treatment with fresh juices in the fight against excess weight and cellulite. It turns out that freshly squeezed juices not only stimulate the processes of metabolism and the breakdown of body fat in patients under care, but also actively participate in reducing the "harmful" lipoid compound and increasing the "useful" cholesterol.

The healing properties of natural juices are not limited to this, they contain maximum amount natural vitamins that restore the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and make them impervious to the invasion of "bad" cholesterol molecules. The most valuable are juices from grapefruit and orange, pineapple, carrots and beets, apples and celery, kiwi.

The recommended intake of freshly squeezed fruit, berry or vegetable juices should not exceed 200 ml. In addition, with extreme caution, juice therapy should be used for people with a tendency to allergic reactions, as well as patients with gastric ulcers and duodenum, erosive gastritis and all who suffer from hyperacidity. Therefore, before starting treatment with fresh fresh juices, be sure to consult a doctor about the safety of this technique in your case.

Alcohol - helper or pest in high cholesterol?

Ethyl alcohol, which is the basic component of all alcoholic beverages, has a detrimental effect on the entire body as a whole, and this is a fact. Its uncontrolled and systematic entry into the blood contributes to the destruction and incapacitation of vital units (organs and systems), which inhibits all biological processes and leads to a number of diseases, including vascular atherosclerosis. If a person does not suffer from alcohol dependence, then ethanol even appears in limited quantities prophylactic from the accumulation of lipoproteins in the vessels and a high concentration of "harmful" organic compounds in the blood. And the fact that moderate intake of alcohol in the body can affect the reduction of "bad" cholesterol, while stimulating the production of "good", is true.

There is such a term in medicine as a "healthy dose of alcohol", that is, it allowable rate internal reception alcoholic beverages of good quality, which can be of benefit to a person suffering from a certain pathology. So, with high cholesterol, this dose is: a maximum of 50 ml of vodka or cognac and no more than 1 glass of high-quality red wine per day. But do not take this information as a panacea for a serious illness.

Experts, despite the ability of ethanol to lower cholesterol, do not recommend the use of alcohol treatment, since the risk of complications after such therapy is too high. Ethyl alcohol is known to have properties similar to drugs. Therefore, from using it in order to normalize lipid composition in the body before development alcohol addiction- one step. Definitely, the digestive organs will not be in favor of alcohol, which increases the risk of problems in terms of gastroenterology.

From all of the above, it follows that it would be more correct to choose methods that are more sparing for the body, which will help to cope with high cholesterol without compromising health. Safe and completely available ways, for example, sports and proper nutrition, will additionally help strengthen the heart, increase immunity, improve metabolism, reduce weight and increase vitality.

Foods to lower cholesterol

In order to have a beneficial effect on the rate of fats and fat-like substances in the blood, while absolutely not resorting to drugs from a pharmacy, it is enough just to use healthy foods. About what food will help achieve positive results in order to normalize the level of two types of cholesterol, will be described below.

  1. Cold sea fish fillet. by the most useful product is a fish that lives in cold sea ​​waters eg trout, sea ​​bass, mackerel, salmon. The fillet of such fish contains simply unimaginable amounts of natural sterols - polyunsaturated lipid acids of the Omega-3 class, which protect the body from the development of a number of pathologies, such as atherosclerosis and thrombosis, rheumatism, brain and heart failure, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity. Among the most important properties of marine sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids include lowering low-density cholesterol and lowering blood triglycerides.
  2. Vegetable oils. The source of phytosterols No. 1, that is, polyunsaturated fatty acids, is any vegetable oil. Such a product will be of great benefit if the manufacturer has not subjected it to refining. Therefore, when buying vegetable oils, remember to contribute good decline cholesterol and vascular cleansing will be products marked “unrefined product”. Flaxseed oil is considered the most effective and high in sterol content (up to 60%!). It is not added to food as a food ingredient, but is consumed at the time of the meal (instead of drugs) in pure form up to 2 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon. A good portion of fatty acids is also present in the oil walnut- twenty%. Sunflower or olive oil are significantly inferior to these two record-breaking products in terms of omega-3 content, but are still considered good. natural remedies to lower and regulate cholesterol levels.
  3. Fresh fruits and berries. The juicy and fragrant pulp of fruits and berries contains valuable substances - polyphenols and vitamin C. Together, these two components produce a powerful therapeutic effect on the body - they reduce "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides to normal values, stimulate the production of lipoprotein high density, accelerate the metabolism, activate the processes of hematopoiesis, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and regenerate damage in them, normalize the functions endocrine system. In addition, fruits and berries are a limitless storehouse of antioxidants that renew the cells of organ tissues, prevent the aging process, and protect against cardiovascular pathologies and prevent the development oncological diseases.
  4. Bee products - honey, pollen. Products produced by bees are used for a variety of diseases. The unique composition of honey and pollen (perga) cannot be compared with any natural product that has medicinal properties. Beekeeping products contain the best composition of biologically active substances, which will play an invaluable role in diseased vessels and weak heart. To reduce low-density lipoprotein and stimulate the production of "useful" cholesterol, bee products must be consumed not as just a treat - from time to time, but as a medicine. Method number 1: Every day, immediately after waking up in the morning, you need to eat a teaspoon of pollen. Method number 2: take juice in equal proportions onion and liquid honey; mix two components; before each meal, consume 1 dessert spoon of honey-onion syrup.

All purple, blue, red fruits contain polyphenols that stimulate the production of good cholesterol.

We examined the categories of products that include food "record holders" in terms of their ability to influence the lowering of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. But you should know that without dieting and giving up bad habits, healing effect will be neutralized as soon as possible saturated fat, toxins and carcinogens. Therefore, review your daily menu as much as possible, in it should not include products such as:

  • margarine, spreads, mayonnaise;
  • lard, pork lard, chicken skin;
  • sausages and pates;
  • fatty meats (pork, lamb);
  • fried foods, especially potatoes;
  • chips, crackers, popcorn, etc.;
  • confectionery with creams, biscuits;
  • semi-finished products from meat and fish, by-products;
  • soups and other dishes in dry mixes.

Not completely eliminated, but the intake of sour cream should be minimized as much as possible, butter, cow's milk and cream, eggs. About chicken eggs, the allowable weekly rate of their consumption should be 3 eggs and no more. As a protein source, give preference to products plant origin- beans, peas, lentils, soybeans. For salads, do not use mayonnaise and sour cream, season them with any unrefined vegetable oil. Maximize your diet with herbs that are useful for blood formation and strength of blood vessels - parsley, dill, cilantro, spinach, sorrel, green onions.

Folk recipes to fight cholesterol

  1. Dill dry seed (1/2 cup), crushed valerian rhizome (15 g), 200 ml good honey combine with each other into a single mixture. Pour the resulting composition with boiling water in an amount of 1 liter, close the lid and leave to infuse at room temperature for 24 hours. Then strain the product through a large sieve into a jar. Take daily before meals (30 minutes) in a tablespoon. The finished medicine should be stored in the refrigerator.
  2. For the next recipe you need: a bottle (0.5 l) of olive oil and two heads of garlic. Peel and mince the garlic cloves special device or small grater. Put the garlic mass in a bottle of oil, shake the mixture well. Now you need to send the product to a dark place for 7 days to infuse. After a week, you will receive natural garlic oil, which should be used fresh (not subjected to heat treatment!) As a fragrant dressing for dishes.
  3. And one more remedy that has no contraindications and mercilessly fights against harmful lipoid organic compounds, toxic products and toxins that saturate the blood and tissues of internal organs is dried dandelion root powder. The powder is made simply: the underground parts of the plant are taken in a well-dried form, chopped into small pieces and ground in a coffee grinder to a finely dispersed state. The medicine is ready. Usage: Every day before each main meal, eat 1 teaspoon (with a slide) of dandelion powder with a sip of water.

Greetings to all readers of my blog! Consider a topic that worries so many people: how to lower blood cholesterol levels with the help of medicines and folk remedies, what it is in general, why cholesterol is needed and why it needs to be lowered.

What is cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty substance that does not dissolve in water. It is part of the shell of the cells of the body, that is, it serves as a framework, helping the cells to maintain their shape, protecting them from damage. It is necessary for the production of sex and steroid hormones, as well as for the accumulation of vitamin D.

Since the fatty substance does not dissolve in water, it moves through the blood along with proteins - lipoproteins. The analysis takes into account their level. The norm is the sterol index, ranging from 3.6 to 7.8 mmol / l.

Good and bad cholesterol in the blood

These same lipoproteins divide fat into “bad” and “good”.
If we consider in detail, then:

  • Low density lipoproteins (LDL) - "bad";
  • High-density lipoproteins (HDL) are "good".

LDL transports fatty matter from the liver to the cells. But while LDL is being transferred, cholesterol can be "lost" along the way, getting stuck in plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

HDL takes sterol from cells, then transports it to the liver. The liver removes it in the form of bile. In addition, "good" proteins take fat from the walls of the capillaries, thereby preventing the formation of plaques.

In a healthy body, all processes occur correctly, that is, a person eats healthy food, leads an active lifestyle, and does not drink alcohol excessively.

His vessels are not clogged with plaques. And if a person consumes a lot of fatty foods, moves a little, then there is a danger that his capillaries will clog body fat.

The appearance of seals is also facilitated by excess weight, high consumption,. Under stress, hormones enter the bloodstream, causing narrowing of vascular cells, and intercellular distances increase, where fats attach.

At home, you can achieve normal level cholesterol if you follow a diet. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of pork, sour cream, hard cheeses, eggs, white bread, cream, butter. Increase consumption of vegetables, legumes, fruits.

In the diet include olive oil, wholemeal bread, seafood, seaweed. Seaweed does not allow a blood clot to grow, dilutes thickened blood.

Cholesterol by age

First, we give an indicator of the norm of cholesterol in women:

  • For women from 40 to 50 years old, the norm is 6.6 mmol / l
    from 50 to 60 years - 7.2 mmol / l
  • For women over 60 years old - 7.7 mmol / l.
  • In men at the age of 40, the norm of cholesterol is 6.7 mmol / l.
    50 years - 7.17 mmol / l.
    60 years old - 7.19 mmol / l.

How to find out your score? It is necessary to take a blood test, compare your tests with the norm by age. If the indicator exceeds the norm, then urgent action must be taken.

garlic for cholesterol

Among the most effective folk remedies can be called garlic. Based on it, you can prepare a tincture: take 300 grams of peeled vegetable, chop, pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Put in a closet for a month to infuse.

After a month, strain, take according to the scheme:

  • 1st day - before breakfast 1 drop, each time drinking milk, before lunch 2 drops, before dinner - 3.
  • 2nd day - before breakfast 4 drops, before lunch - 5, before dinner - 6.
  • From the 3rd day to the 6th day, bring up to 15 drops.
  • From the morning of the 7th day, you need to reduce 1 drop before each meal.
  • Starting from the 11th day, take 25 drops three times a day until the entire tincture is over.
  • Treatment is carried out 1 time in 5 years.

Garlic, lemon juice, honey. For one garlic head, take the juice of half a lemon, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey Mix everything well, take in the morning, in the evening 30 minutes before a meal.

Another garlic remedy:

  • crush one head of garlic, transfer to a jar,
  • pour 1 cup of sunflower oil (unrefined) into it.
  • Let it brew for 1 day.
  • Then squeeze the juice of 1 lemon there, let it brew for another 7 days in a dark cabinet.

Drink 1 tsp. three months half an hour before a meal. Make a 30-day break, then repeat the course.

The healthiest drink

But the most effective recipe , which cleanses the capillaries of fatty layers, consists of 1 head of chopped garlic, juice of 4 lemons.

  1. Put the mixture in the refrigerator for 7 days,
  2. Close the jar with a lid with small holes made in it, then strain.
  3. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning, dissolving the mixture in a quarter cup of water.
  4. When this drug is over, you need to make another serving.
  5. Continue cooking the healing elixir until you use up 24 lemons and 4 heads of garlic.

This tincture gives strength, energy even to the most decrepit old people.
Lemon beats off the smell of garlic, therefore, the elixir can be taken even by working citizens.

medicinal plants

A good capillary cleanser, considered plantain. Take 1 tbsp. l. plantain leaves, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, drink for 1 hour.

Great ways to lower cholesterol:

  • Get juice from fresh leaves plantain, combine with the same amount of honey, put in a water bath for 15 minutes. Reception - 1 tbsp. twice a day.
  • One tbsp. hawthorn fruit put in a thermos, pour a cup of boiling water. Reception in 3-4 hours. Drink after each meal 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Very effective recipe take 2 tbsp. dill seeds, crushed valerian roots, pour 0.5 l. boiling water. The potion will be ready in 12 hours. To it must be added 3 tbsp. l. honey, mix, transfer to the refrigerator. Reception for 2 tbsp. spoons 30 minutes before a meal.
  • To get rid of atherosclerosis cucumber seeds work well. Brew cucumber seeds, drink like tea.
  • Get rid of high pressure - a companion of clogging of blood vessels with plaques, calendula tincture will help, which must be taken before meals, 30 drops each. The course is 1 month.

Don't forget the flax seeds. They can be added to any dishes for 0.5 teaspoons.

  • Excellent doctor, which cleanses the vessels, is considered a golden mustache. Take a leaf of a plant, at least 20 cm long, cut it, put it in a thermos, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp. spoon before eating. The course is 2-3 months.

What can a doctor prescribe?

With high cholesterol, the doctor most often prescribes statins. If they were prescribed to you, then they should be drunk constantly. But every medicine has its own side effects Therefore, whether to take pills or not is also decided by the doctor.

Statins reduce the production of enzymes that are required for cholesterol synthesis. They are prescribed when it is not possible to reduce the percentage of "bad" cholesterol in other ways.

Why are we talking about statins? You can often hear that they are absolutely harmless, do not give side effects, reduce mortality from heart attack, stroke.

But unconditionally believing such a statement is not worth it, especially for older people. Only a doctor can decide if you really need them!

Therefore, do not rush to prescribe such treatment for yourself, it is better to pay attention to food.

Foods that lower cholesterol

People suffering from high cholesterol, as a rule, wanting to get rid of this problem, begin to use drugs. Isn't it better to pay attention to natural antioxidants? Basil is a powerful natural antibiotic and antioxidant. Yes, yes, basil!

Only 2 tbsp. spoons of basil per day will help you improve the condition of the blood. Fresh plant can be added to various dishes to provide them with a good, pleasant, slightly tart taste. This herb is rich in vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting.

In addition, the plant is rich in beta-carotene, vitamin A, and all kinds of minerals. It helps prevent stroke, atherosclerosis, heart attacks.

What foods can remove "bad" cholesterol, to prevent its deposition on the walls of blood vessels. Let's call eggplant capsicum, spinach, tomatoes. Beet strengthens capillaries well, it also reduces pressure.

All nuts prevent the formation of plaques. The main condition is that the nuts should not be red-hot. Only in raw form do they retain their valuable properties, giving the body copper, magnesium - necessary for the heart, as well as vitamin E. In moderation, nuts are extremely beneficial to health.

By amount of fiber, which so effectively removes sterol, cannot be found equal to legumes: peas, beans, beans, lentils.

It is in beans contains soluble fiber, which first turns into a gel, then binds acids, fats, preventing them from entering the bloodstream. American scientists of the Institute of Oncology recommend eating 25-30 g of fiber daily.

About the benefits of fish

Today, everyone has already heard that some types of fish are especially beneficial for health, as they are a valuable source of Omega 3. By including salmon, salmon, trout, tuna, herring, halibut, mackerel, sardines in the menu, you can reduce the amount of growths in the vessels .

To neutralize bad cholesterol, it is necessary to use all fruits, berries, because they contain a lot of pectins - an extremely valuable soluble fiber for the body, which reduces the amount of cholesterol. The same effect is exerted by juices of pineapple, oranges, grapefruit, and all berries.

For getting noticeable result , eat ginger, parsley, dill, mustard, onions, celery, horseradish, cabbage, carrots.

New data on green tea

Not everyone knows what exactly is so useful. It turns out that it contains an explosive mixture of powerful antioxidants that can support relaxed blood vessels and also prevent blood clots. Flavonoids quite effectively reduce pressure, do not allow the formation of cholesterol plaques.

But to cleanse the blood of fat, you need to drink 10 cups of green drink daily. But this is an impossible task! What to do? It turns out that you need to prepare a powder from dry tea, mix it with any ground pepper. This mixture can be flavored with food.

There is one useful old recipe Japanese drink that cleanses the blood of sterol.

  • You need to take 2 yolks (raw)
  • Mix well with 1 tbsp. l. green tea powder.

How much do folk recipes need to be used to lower blood cholesterol? How effective such treatment is, whether there are contraindications, we will consider in detail in this article.

Cholesterol can be lowered by diet, medicines, traditional medicine. However, even natural ingredients cause side effects, may be effective for one patient and completely useless for another. Therefore, before using them, it is advisable to consult a doctor in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

medicinal plants

How to remove cholesterol from the body at home using medicinal plants? The most effective are decoctions and infusions of herbs. Usually they are prepared in a ratio of 1:10 - 10 parts of water are taken for one part of the ingredients.

From the roots, bark, fruits make a decoction. The ingredients are poured with cold water, boiled over low heat for about 30 minutes, covered with a lid, let it brew for another 10-20 minutes. Then strain, carefully squeezing out the remainder.

Infusions are prepared from leaves, flowers, stems. The ingredients are poured with boiling water, insisted for 1-2 hours, tightly closing the lid on the dishes. Then filter, squeeze out the remainder. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Help lower cholesterol the following types herbs:

  • The roots of Dioscorea Caucasian contain a lot of saponins, which break down low-density particles. Active substances plants restore blood vessels, cleanse them of cholesterol plaques, improve heart function. 1 tsp powdered roots, mixed with 1 tsp. honey, taken three times a day after meals. The duration of treatment is 1 month. Contraindications - pregnancy, bradycardia.
  • Golden mustache or fragrant callisia increases the level of HDL, reduces the concentration of LDL. For treatment, an infusion of the leaves of the plant is used. They drink it in 1 tbsp. l. three times / day 30 minutes before meals, 1.5-2 months. Contraindications - diseases of the liver, kidneys, lactation, children, adolescents under 14 years of age.
  • Licorice roots help with high cholesterol, diabetes, hypotension. A decoction of raw materials is taken 4 times / day after meals for 3-4 weeks. After a two-week break, the course can be repeated. Contraindications - high arterial pressure, pregnancy, pathology of the adrenal glands, liver, blood diseases. The use of licorice root often causes severe headaches. If such a symptom occurs, the dosage should be reduced.
  • The fruits of Sophora japonica help to remove excess amount cholesterol, improve blood vessels, slow down atherosclerosis. Most effective alcohol tincture. To prepare it, 50 g of raw materials (you can add the same amount of white mistletoe) are poured into 0.5 liters of alcohol. Insist in a dark, warm place for 2 weeks. 1 tsp tinctures diluted with water, drink before breakfast. The course of therapy lasts 1 month. Contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, diseases of the liver, kidneys.
  • Hawthorn inflorescences help reduce cholesterol by 10% in 2-3 weeks. An infusion is prepared from dry raw materials, which is taken 2-4 times / day, 1 tbsp. l. With caution, an infusion of hawthorn is used for stomach ulcers, disorders heart rate, hypotension, during pregnancy.
  • Linden blossoms. Powder is made from dried flowers. Take three times / day for 1 tsp, washed down with water. The duration of the course is 1 month. Linden treatment is contraindicated in bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, renal failure.
  • Dandelion root contains a lot of lecithin, which prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques. The rhizome of the plant is dried, ground, taken three times / day for 1 tsp. before meals with water. The course lasts 3 months, then make a monthly break, if necessary, repeat. It is not advisable to be treated with a plant for heartburn, stomach ulcers, and intestinal diseases.
  • Alfalfa sowing. Juice from the leaves of the plant or sprouted seeds help to quickly lower cholesterol. To do this, take 2 tbsp three times / day. l. juice or 4 tbsp. l. germinated plant seeds. The treatment lasts a month. Contraindications - autoimmune diseases, increased blood viscosity, stomach ulcer.
  • St. John's wort, ginseng reduce the synthesis of fats by the liver, they may well replace statin pharmaceutical drugs. An infusion of plants is drunk twice / day before breakfast and afternoon tea. The therapy lasts 3 weeks. Not recommended for use during pregnancy, lactation, hypertension.

To quickly lower cholesterol, you can also use calendula flowers, jaundice, immortelle, elecampane, white cinquefoil, psyllium seeds, thistles. It is better to use them in a complex, mixing 2-3 herbs in equal proportions.

Flax seeds and oil

AT traditional medicine seeds, tinctures, flax seed oil are actively used to lower cholesterol. They contain a lot of polyunsaturated acids, potassium, selenium. Active substances normalize metabolism, remove toxins, low-density lipoproteins, which can reduce cholesterol by 5% in 10 days.

Flaxseed oil is a product that has a rather specific taste. The first 3-4 days, it is advisable to take it 1-2 tsp. half an hour before meals, eating a slice of an apple or orange. Further, the dosage is increased to 3 tsp / day. Do not drink oil with water. Treatment is carried out in two courses. The first lasts 3 weeks, then a two-week break is taken, then the therapy is resumed. You can repeat the course after 6 months.

A decoction of flax seeds is drunk for 3 weeks. 100 g of raw materials are poured into 500 ml of boiling water, closed with a lid, insisted for 2-3 hours. Start with 2 tbsp. l., every 2 days the dosage is increased by 1 tbsp. l., gradually bringing the amount to 100 ml / day. The decoction is drunk on an empty stomach, the duration of therapy is 1-1.5 months.

Pure flax seeds also help to normalize cholesterol levels. They are consumed in 3 tsp. thrice/day. Can be added to kefir, yogurt. Such a cocktail may well replace a full breakfast. Flax seeds go well with vegetable salads, side dishes.

Flaxseed oil, decoctions, seeds are undesirable for cholecystitis, kidney disease, increased blood viscosity.


You can quickly lower cholesterol folk remedies based on garlic. It is considered a real natural statin. Slows down atherosclerosis, cleanses, restores blood vessels, relieves inflammation vascular walls, reduces cholesterol, reduces the risk of heart disease.

Garlic can be eaten every day for 3-4 cloves. Not suitable for patients suffering from stomach ulcers, diseases of the intestinal tract, hypotension.

Treatment in Tibetan

Tibetan garlic tincture helps to quickly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. 300 g of peeled garlic is crushed with a blender, poured into 300 ml of alcohol, insisted for 7 days. Alcohol can be replaced with vodka, then the exposure time increases to 14 days.

The finished tincture is taken according to the scheme, three times / day. They start with 1 drop, then the amount is increased by 1 drop each time, bringing it up to 15. Then the amount is reduced by 1 drop each time. According to this scheme, the tincture is drunk for 10 days. Starting from the 11th day, take 25 drops three times / day until the entire infusion is used up. The course of treatment is repeated only after 2-3 years.

garlic oil

With high cholesterol - an ideal dressing for second courses, snacks. 1 garlic head is peeled, chopped with a blender, 0.5 l of olive oil is added. Insist 5 days. Refuel second courses or take on an empty stomach 1 tsp. thrice/day. The therapy lasts a month.

Garlic with lemon

The tool strengthens the immune system, cleanses blood vessels, protects them from inflammation, eliminates pathogenic microorganisms. Garlic with lemon is recommended when the risk of infectious and viral diseases increases.

2 medium heads of garlic, 2 lemons chopped, then chopped with a blender. The mixture is poured into 1.5 liters of warm water, insisted in the refrigerator for 3 days. Then filter, take half a glass during breakfast and lunch. It is undesirable to exceed the recommended dosage, this can cause heartburn, exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach.

Honey and propolis

How to lower cholesterol in the blood with folk remedies based on honey with propolis? The easiest way is to make a tincture. 50 g of propolis is frozen, then crushed, melted in a water bath, cooled slightly, 200 g of honey are added. The mass is eaten in 1 tsp. in the morning on an empty stomach or added to tea, milk, dried fruit compote.

Cholesterol-lowering drinks

These folk remedies for cholesterol remove excess fat, cleanse blood vessels, maintain efficiency, and improve digestion.

Tomato juice

The drink is considered an effective prophylactic at any stage of atherosclerosis, hypertension. Helps lower cholesterol, remove toxins, restore vascular elasticity.

It is desirable to drink juice without salt, in courses of 10-14 days, 2-3 times / year. Daily use 500 ml of drink before meals, dividing the volume into 3-5 servings.

Green tea

Contains many amino acids, enzymes, mineral salts. Strengthens the immune system, removes salts heavy metals, at long-term use reduces cholesterol, slows down atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of heart disease.

Accordingly, if you need to reduce the amount of cholesterol, green tea is drunk daily. It is advisable to use it for breakfast and lunch, without sugar. The result is noticeable after 2-3 months of regular consumption of the drink.

Ginger tea

Ginger contains active substances that thin the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots, cholesterol plaques. Ginger root improves metabolism, fat metabolism, accelerating their capture by liver cells.

For cooking healing drink grated fresh ginger root. 1 st. l. raw materials pour 300 ml of boiling water, brew for 20 minutes, add the juice of half a lemon, honey. Drink twice. Ginger tea should not be drunk in the evening due to its tonic effect.


Cocoa bean drink - real natural antidepressant, filming nervous strain. It also helps to get rid of elevated cholesterol levels, stimulates the work of the heart muscle, eliminates arrhythmia, cleanses the vascular walls from atherosclerotic plaques.

If you drink a cup every day with breakfast fragrant drink, the risk of heart disease, atherosclerosis is reduced. Do not get carried away with this drink before bedtime, as its tonic effect can cause insomnia.

Tea from Jerusalem artichoke (ground pear)

The tubers of the plant are rich in carbohydrates, minerals, fructose, pectin. Ground pear juice normalizes the level of sugar, fats, prevents the deposition of salts, and reduces vascular tone.

To prepare the medicinal product, the tubers of the plant are rubbed on a grater, dried. Brew like regular tea, drink about 500 ml of drink per day.

Kissel from buckwheat

Buckwheat has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, helps lower cholesterol and sugar. To normalize the metabolism of fats, you can regularly eat cereals from this cereal or jelly.

To prepare a drink, the cereals are ground with a coffee grinder. 2 tbsp. l. powder is poured into 1 liter cold water, stir well, put on fire. After boiling the mixture, boil for another 10 minutes, stir constantly so that there are no lumps. Drink twice / day for half a glass. Ready jelly can be sweetened with honey, add nuts, dried fruits.

juice therapy

Freshly squeezed juices are useful and quite effective folk remedies for high cholesterol in the blood, allowing you to reduce its concentration in a week.

Normalize fat metabolism, cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol deposits helps the following five-day course:

  • Monday - 150/50 ml juice of carrots, celery;
  • Tuesday - 100/50/50 ml juice of carrots, cucumbers, beets;
  • Wednesday - 100/50/50 ml juice of carrots, apples, celery or spinach;
  • Thursday - 150/50 ml juice of carrots, cabbage;
  • Friday - 200 ml of orange juice.

Drinks are prepared immediately before drinking. Drink after breakfast or lunch. You should not make juice the main dish, it is better to combine it with complex, long-digesting carbohydrates (cereals, whole grains).


Treatment of cholesterol with folk remedies involves following a diet consisting of products that accelerate its withdrawal, normalize metabolism:

  • White cabbage improves blood composition, reduces the production of LDL, triglycerides, and accelerates the removal of fats from the body.
  • Tomatoes are rich in polyphenols that stimulate the production of HDL. Ripe tomatoes contain salicylates, which cleanse the vessels of cholesterol deposits. A large amount of potassium reduces the heart load, eliminates jumps in blood pressure.
  • Carrots with a high content of carotene, polyphenols, quickly lower general level cholesterol.
  • Beans, lentils, peas are rich vegetable fiber, protein. They reduce the concentration of dangerous lipoproteins, cleanse the vessels of plaques, remove toxins and toxins.
  • Celery has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, heart, metabolism. It is very useful to use boiled stalks sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Vegetables are consumed daily. They should make up 40% of the total diet. They can be eaten raw, boiled, baked without a crust, steamed. Vegetable dishes are seasoned with olive or vegetable oil.

Fruits and berries

To remove excess cholesterol or reduce its amount to normal will help:

  • Green apples contain a lot of pectin, fiber. Daily consumption 1-2 apples reduces high cholesterol in 2 weeks.
  • Cranberries are rich in anthocyanins and phenolic acids. Helps to stabilize blood pressure, improve blood vessels, normalize fat metabolism.
  • Kiwi is a source of fruit acids. Normalizes metabolism, reduces the risk of thrombosis, enhances the production of high-density particles.
  • Avocado contains a large number of different vitamins. Normalizes the work of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, thyroid gland. The pulp of the fruit goes well with red fish, often used as a substitute for meat, eggs in salads, cold appetizers.
  • Pomegranate is rich in vitamin C, anthocytes. Restores immunity, helps lower cholesterol, improve the functioning of the heart muscle, liver.
  • Plums are a valuable source of antioxidants, polyphenols, which improve blood, normalize metabolism, restore blood vessels, and prevent their inflammation.
  • Cherry contains anthocyanins, polyphenols. Active substances relieve inflammation of the vascular walls, promote tissue regeneration.

Fruits, berries, it is desirable to use 100-200 g daily. It is very useful to prepare fruit salads, smoothies for lunch or an afternoon snack from them.

Lowering cholesterol with folk remedies will not be beneficial without dieting, giving up bad habits, and physical activity. The problem of high cholesterol in 90% of cases is caused by in the wrong way life that needs to be corrected. Only complex treatment will help correct lipid metabolism failures, prevent atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases.

Last updated: October 30, 2018