food allergy. Symptoms to watch out for

In today's world no one is immune from a large number types of allergies that develop in response to various factors.

One of them is food allergies.

To protect your health from the severe consequences of these pathological processes, you need to know what a food allergy is.

It is also necessary to know the main causes of the development of allergies and its symptoms, diagnostic methods and how to cure food allergies as soon as possible.

Responses to certain foods first appear in childhood. At the same time, people who have disorders in the work of the stomach or intestines are more likely to develop an immune response. Among all the processes of individual food intolerance, there are types of food allergies that are toxic and non-toxic in nature.

Toxic reaction appears after eating, which in its composition contains various chemical substances that negatively affect the human body. Its signs, as well as the severity, directly depend on the dosage and properties of the substances, and not on the food itself.

Non-toxic reactions to food allergens in turn, they are divided into 2 types, which have different mechanisms of their formation:
  1. Immune response to certain foods.
  2. Immune response, which is due to individual intolerance.

The latter can manifest themselves in the presence of diseases of the stomach, large or small intestine, endocrine glands, as well as congenital pathologies of the formation of certain enzymes. However, they are not associated with disorders of the immune system, since with normal operation these structures do not develop non-toxic reactions to food products.

Important role severe genetic heredity plays a role in the formation of food hypersensitivity. Studies show that most patients with this problem have similar cases in the family. However, the presence of any type of food allergy will forever remain dangerous for human health, so it is important to know the causes of food allergies, as well as factors that increase the risk of it. development.

Contributes to the development of food allergies in children malnutrition mother during the period of bearing a child, as well as his feeding. This can manifest itself in the abuse of fried and fatty foods, dairy products.

In this case, the factors of provocation are:
  • artificial feeding, which parents began to use too early;
  • eating disorders at an early age;
  • the presence of pathologies of the stomach or one of the intestines;
  • pathology of the liver, gallbladder or kidneys.

The normal functioning of the digestive tract directly depends on the work of the endocrine glands, as well as on the state of the biliary systems and the composition of the human intestinal microflora. Normally, all foodstuffs pass necessary processes splitting, after which there will be no allergic properties, and the inner wall of the intestine is impermeable to such compounds.

The reasons for the development of an immune response to the diet in adults are:
  • high permeability of the inner wall of the intestine, which is observed in the presence of inflammatory processes in the stomach;
  • violations in the processes of absorption of certain elements from food, the cause of which is the inadequacy of the release of certain digestive enzymes;
  • malnutrition, which involves eating junk, fatty foods;
  • a change in the acidity of gastric juice, which plays an important role in the formation of hypersensitivity to certain foods of protein etiology.

True food allergies are based on hypersensitivity reactions and the response of the immune system to repeated contact with a food allergen. The first ingestion of a food product introduces the immune system to the antigen, to which special antibodies will immediately begin to form. At re-admission the same product the immune system will be ready and will immediately release these antibodies into the blood. This encourages the development inflammatory reactions which can lead to serious complications.

Food allergies in adults can also be the cause of severe heredity, the essence of which is a violation of the formation of immunoglobulins E. They can be attributed to anti-inflammatory antibodies.

Often, the factor in the development of pseudo-allergic reactions is not the food itself, but certain components that can be found in its composition.

These include:

  • flavors;
  • preservatives;
  • dyes
  • flavor enhancers;
  • chemical additives.

The most common food colorings include sodium nitrite, which is red, and tartrazine, which can turn food orange-yellow. The most commonly used preservatives are salicylates and monosodium glutamate.

To avoid the development of food allergies, you should know the causes of its occurrence. If this was not possible, it is necessary to distinguish between the symptoms of food allergies in adults and children.

All the symptoms of this disease are very diverse in their forms, localization and degrees of damage. One of the most early signs true allergic reactions is the appearance of allergic mouth syndrome. It consists in the formation of redness and itching around oral cavity, as well as hyperemia of the tongue, the appearance of edema of the upper respiratory tract and numbness in some of their areas.

Among the most common manifestations of the immune response in the gastrointestinal tract, experts distinguish:
  • the appearance of periodic nausea and vomiting;
  • acute constipation or diarrhea;
  • loss of food cravings
  • intestinal colic;
  • acute abdomen syndrome.

Nausea during a food allergy usually occurs within the first few hours after ingestion. In some cases, this process is gaining momentum. The appearance of this dyspeptic syndrome often consists in the contraction of the muscles of the stomach when an allergen enters it.

Other symptoms develop later. This shows how important it is to know how long it takes for food allergies to show up after eating food. For example, sharp pains in the abdomen or colic are observed only four hours after eating. They are formed as a result severe spasm smooth muscle fibers small intestine. Pain of this nature can increase dramatically. It depends on the total food consumed, as well as the nature of the food allergen that has entered the human body. Usually this symptom appears only in combination, for example, with loss of appetite and liquid stool.

Lack of interest in food is extremely selective. A complete loss of appetite is also possible. The presence of constipation in this case is due to the spastic state of the smooth muscles of several parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diarrhea usually appears 6 hours after the last meal, which contained substances that cause an activation of the immune response in the patient's body. This sign is called one of the most common signs of this pathology. Most often, diarrhea occurs after the consumption of dairy products.

Signs of food allergy in the form of enterocolitis are characterized by sharp pain in the abdomen, frequent discharge gas, and diarrhea. Patients may also complain of sudden onset of general weakness, complete loss of appetite, and occasional headaches.

Skin symptoms appear during the first day after repeated exposure to the allergen in the human body. In this case, a rash appears throughout the body, and in some cases blisters and atopic dermatitis. But the most common symptoms can be considered the usual hyperemia and redness.

Edema of the mucous membranes in this pathology is characterized by the formation of a large amount of secretions, as well as the appearance of certain difficulties in breathing.

Children under one year old, when food allergens enter the body, have the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the mucous membranes, as well as the upper respiratory tract;
  • the formation of rashes, as well as redness all over the body, especially around the mouth and in places skin folds;
  • with food allergies, symptoms may manifest as hives.

There are a lot of localization of skin symptoms, so you need to know how food allergies manifest themselves. Often this is an acute allergy on the face in adults, then it passes to the torso and upper limbs. The legs are rarely affected. These signs are persistent. In this case, the treatment of food allergies in adults is a rather time-consuming process.

It is necessary to know the symptoms of these pathological processes. In some cases, this will help to diagnose food allergies in a timely manner and proceed to the choice of tactics for its treatment.

Installation accurate diagnosis carried out exclusively by the attending physician after necessary methods diagnostics. Also important are the results of special allergological research methods, in which a food panel of allergens is used.

Allergy tests are carried out under the strict guidance of specialists and in the presence of such a factor as a panel of food allergens, as well as a list of food allergens.

There are 3 types of this procedure:
  1. Straight.
  2. Indirect.
  3. Provocative.

All these tests imply the presence of a panel of allergens and have their own individual characteristics, which in certain cases can give the maximum effective result. A direct allergy test is a research method in which experts simulate the direct contact of the allergen with the patient's skin. This procedure is prescribed in cases where maximum accuracy of the result is required.

The disadvantages of this diagnostic method include its duration and laboriousness, as well as high risk development severe complications. This occurs as a result of direct contact of the allergen with the body for an extended period of time.

An indirect type of test is carried out using subcutaneous injection allergen with a special serum that is sensitive to it.

This method has the following disadvantages:
  • large expenditure of time;
  • in some cases, the development of complications of allergic reactions occurs at the later stages of the allergy test;
  • high morbidity of the method due to the subcutaneous injection of a large amount liquid substances;
  • sometimes during the procedure, an infection gets into the wound, which can lead to serious consequences.

Provocative tests are used by specialists in cases where it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. This method can be carried out in various ways, among which nasal and conjunctival methods are most often used.

General and biochemical analyzes blood to determine the presence of an immune response from the affected organism is used by doctors due to such advantages:
  • absolute precision;
  • no direct contact with annoying factors;
  • low cost of the technique;
  • small time investment, because the result can be obtained within a few minutes;
  • high versatility.

Also, among the methods for diagnosing food allergic reactions, experts can distinguish:

It is worth remembering that assigning data diagnostic methods only the attending physician can. He does this after a subjective examination and compilation of a list possible diseases. After that, he can proceed to the choice of method, as well as the overall strategy for treating the patient.

First aid for food allergies should be given within the first few hours after eating. To do this, you need to know what to do with food allergies, as well as how to determine the manifestations of allergies after a certain amount of time. This will help elementary knowledge in the presence of food allergies in adult symptoms and the treatment of which should be carried out soon.

In case of food allergies, treatment should adhere to the basic principles, among which one can single out phasing, as well as complexity. At the same time, their focus is concentrated on the elimination of symptoms, as well as on the organization preventive measures to prevent future relapses. Plays an important role in the treatment of food allergies balanced diet, which is selected jointly by an allergist and a nutritionist. It should correspond to the severity of the disease, as well as the corresponding symptoms.

The first immune response to a particular food is treated using specific and non-specific therapies. The second is needed to eliminate common symptoms and prevention of further consequences.

An acute immune response is treated with the use of first-generation antihistamines. These include Suprastin and Tavegil. They are released in the form of tablets, which means they oral administration. The duration of treatment with these medicines is less than a week.

Availability mild symptoms disease involves the use of antiallergic drugs latest generation. They can answer the question of how to treat allergic pathology in this case.

These experts include:
  • Loratadine;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Telfast;
  • Kestin.

Among the specific methods of allergy therapy, allergy-specific immune therapy is most commonly used. Its essence lies in the introduction of certain immunoglobulins into the patient's body, which in some cases have a very effective effect and can lead to the desired result.

Drafting proper diet a diet that does not contain foods that can cause an immune response is a very important point during the treatment of food allergies. At the same time, you need to be as careful as possible with the use of products that most often cause an immune response. Also, first of all, you need to exclude from the diet the product that brought the patient to the doctor. This will help treat food allergies in adults very effectively.

The appointment of a diet implies the exclusion of products that imply the risk of an immune response in humans. It is also necessary to balance the nutrients so that the patient does not feel unwell as a result of this method of therapy. In this case, the patient must be under the constant supervision of the attending physician, be aware of how to get rid of food allergies using a special diet.

For modern medicine given type allergies are not a sentence and are treated with modern drugs. To protect yourself from serious complications, you must follow the instructions of your doctor, because only he knows how to treat food allergies as effectively as possible!

Allergy-specific immune therapy in the presence of an allergy to a particular type of food, the doctor can prescribe in cases where a certain product is necessary for normal human life. An example of this is a food allergy in adults to water or to milk in infants.

A food allergy is a reaction of the immune system to certain foods, the development of a symptom of personal intolerance to food components.

The allergen is the food that we eat every day. Although experts in the field are confident that food allergies are rare.

The susceptibility of the body to the chemicals that food contains depends on the state of immunity. The body's response to the allergen develops when immunoglobulin E and components react. The disease is expressed and latent type.

Severe allergies appear after eating. The latent type of the disease is more active and tends to accumulate, often leading to a chronic course of the disease, at the initial stage, symptoms do not appear.

Causes of allergies

The growth of food allergy disease is promoted by excessive nutrition, monotonous, eating canned food, which contain a lot of dyes and flavor enhancers.

Many of them can interact with proteins, resulting in the formation of components that have antigenic properties. For example, there are well-known cases in people using tablets containing the lemon pigment tartrazine in food.

It has also been empirically recorded that when enzyme substances produced from the aspergillus fungus are added to food, antibodies appear in human blood.

The causes of the disease may be the following:

  • hereditary and genetic predisposition(it is substantiated that if one of the relatives suffers from allergic manifestations, then this disease will be inherited);
  • the person has bad habits(smoking, alcohol abuse contribute to the development of other digestive problems);
  • non-compliance proper nutrition(who eats monotonously, or eats dry food, the risk of developing allergies increases);
  • food products containing enhancers, dyes, carcinogens (the body perceives these components as foreign body, and immunity responds to their appearance with a response);
  • a pregnant woman consumes a lot of foods that can cause allergies in a child;
  • early infant feeding;
  • taking medications to treat a baby in the first year of life;
  • congenital anomalies of the digestive system (, stomach);

Allergy to organic salts of sulfurous acid - these substances are used to brighten the color of ready-made dishes. When eaten, there is a delay in breathing and an allergic shock develops. Sulfites cause severe asthma attacks.


The symptoms of allergies are quite diverse in nature and location:

  • skin reactions: the skin dries, a rash and redness appear (see photo above), it itches a lot;
  • from the respiratory organs: allergic rhinitis, stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, in some cases with sputum, swelling of the pharynx is observed, tearing increases, difficult breathing, asthma;
  • from the digestive system: vomiting, intestinal upset,;
  • insomnia.
  • slight increase in body temperature.
  • hypertension and hypotension.

Diagnosis of the disease

To make a diagnosis, medical examinations are carried out.

Of great importance is the compiled anamnesis, which contains knowledge about the detection of earlier allergic reactions, the features of the course of the disease, the working conditions, living conditions, the use of chemistry, etc.

Diagnosis in this case is carried out by an allergist.

When collecting an anamnesis, the doctor checks:

  • hereditary factor (the presence of the disease in the relatives of the patient);
  • with the introduction of the vaccine, the reaction of intolerance to the drug is observed;
  • influence of climatic conditions;
  • enzyme immunoassay, antibody testing;
  • impact of various loads, stressful situations;
  • the presence of viral diseases;
  • check the connection with childbearing, childbirth, gynecological diseases;
  • what products the patient used, use household chemicals, the presence of pets, whether there are houseplants, carpets, wool blankets.

Patients are monitored for the admissibility of allergic reactions when taking specific products. A specific examination requires the patient to keep a food diary, which records the hours of eating, its ingredients, the number of foods, the method of preparation, and the occurrence of an undesirable reaction.

Diagnosis of such manifestations takes a long time, because in different situations entries are required within 1 month. Additionally, in the records you need to fix the dose of drugs, stress and other causes that can affect the body.

If a food allergen is detected, it is eliminated from the diet, and the restoration of signs of the disease after the second intake of an allergic product helps to make an accurate diagnosis.

Sometimes food intolerance not related to the food product. The reason is and is associated with other pathologies of the internal organs.

Treatment of food allergies in adults

The appointment of an elimination diet is the main way to treat the disease in adults.

What does this diet mean?

The patient should exclude foods from the daily diet, allergic. This therapy is effective and mostly gives a positive outcome.

  • it is desirable to increase percentage in the human diet vegetable oils and greatly reduce the use of animal fats;
  • you need to consume sorbents that attract toxic substances and remove them from the body, they are found in bran, fruits and vegetables a lot. All dishes should be steamed, stewed, boiled, baked, but not fried;
  • reduce your intake of salt and spicy foods. When a strict diet is prescribed to a patient, it is recommended to ensure that the presence of all its nutritional components is strictly suitable for his age and weight.

If you follow all the doctor's instructions and follow this diet, you feel better for 4-6 days.

Medical treatment

Guiding principle of healing allergic manifestations counts complex therapy, which, in addition to diet, requires medication.

The following medicines are used to treat allergies:

  • antihistamines, they are used to prevent the disease;
  • glucocorticoids are prescribed for protracted forms of the disease. The course of their intake directly depends on the severity of the allergy and will be 3-14 days;
  • drugs Kromoglin, Krom-Allerg, Lekrolin, Ifiral, Vividrin, Intal, Cromolyn, Thaleum, Kuzikrom, Kromogen prescribed for internal reception before meals and take them for a long time;
  • adrenaline is used in anaphylactic shock, should always be in home first aid kit. If the attacks of the disease occur often enough, they are severe, immunological therapy is prescribed. This method significantly reduces the manifestation of the disease, and in some cases eliminates it.

For severe skin manifestations, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • used for intravenous administration calcium chloride and, they are able to remove the allergen from the body;
  • with a large rash appoint " Prednisolone" or " Dexapos»;
  • anti-allergic drugs are prescribed: Dermadrin», « Suprostylin», « Mebhydrolin», « Tavegil", - the duration of the effect of drugs is short, cause drowsiness;
  • « Zyrtec», Tsetrin», « Claritin» - preparations with long-term action, after taking drowsiness does not occur;
  • « Fexofast», « Altiva», Erius", - possess smallest number unwanted effects, long term actions;
  • prednisolone pills prescribed for a protracted course of the disease. The course of its reception is able to reach up to 2 months;
  • preparations and ointments based on corticosteroid (natural hormone person). They are used to reduce inflammation and anesthetize well. The course of their intake should not exceed 10 days (only a doctor prescribes a longer intake).

For inflammation and itching, ointments are prescribed, non-hormonal ones are:

  • Fenistil;
  • Protopic;
  • Panthenol;
  • Bepanten.

Can also be applied hormonal preparations, but their reception must be agreed with the doctor and used for a short time:

  • Komfoderm;
  • Advantan;
  • Akriderm;
  • Flucinar.

The manifestation of symptoms from the digestive system is reduced by following a strict diet;

  • medications that contain prebiotics are prescribed (" Bifikol», « » « Acipol»);
  • agents that displace pathogenic microflora: Baktisubtil», « Intetrix».

If the treatment process is started on time and is carried out in a comprehensive manner, then the expected result will not be long in coming.

Folk methods of treatment

For effective treatment allergies, you can use simple home remedies.

To purify the blood and reduce the negative symptoms of food allergies, use decoctions. medicinal herbs and baths based on them.

Tested tools:

  • decoction chamomile and calendula for internal use and lotions;
  • nettle infusion for blood purification;
  • use a decoction of chamomile, succession, yarrow for a bath.
  • crushed egg shell. Boil the egg, remove the shell, crush and take 1⁄4 teaspoon for two weeks, three times a day.
  • a decoction of laurel for allergies can compete with expensive medicines. It is used to treat small patients. Decoction of bay leaf lubricate irritated skin.
  • viburnum for allergies gives a good therapeutic effect. From young shoots make an infusion and drink. Two or three days are enough for the allergy to begin to recede.
  • at the first sign of allergy, use lemon balm, calendula flowers, celandine, tricolor violets. You can prepare a tincture of herbs and collect, stirring in the same proportion.

Preventive actions

First you need to exclude all harmful products from the diet. Help also additional measures prevention:

Additional preventive measures:

  • wash mode. Don't wash hot water, but slightly warm up to 38 degrees, after the bath, do not dry yourself with a towel, but wet your skin.
  • Use moisturizer after shower.
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics, and lotions on alcohol. They cause dryness and tighten the skin.
  • Wear clothes made from natural fabrics.
  • Avoid the Strong physical activity and keep the climate in the house up to 20 degrees. Don't sweat too much, as sweat irritates the skin and causes itching.
  • Take care of seasonal colds, eat more vegetables and fruits, drink complex vitamins.
  • A minimum of concentrates and canned food in the diet.
  • Avoid taking antibiotics.
  • Compliance with the diet during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the internal organs of digestion.
  • Partial or complete (if possible) exclusion from the diet allergenic products nutrition.
  • Quit smoking, or avoid places where people smoke.
  • Allergic foods are best cooked or frozen.

It is important to eliminate negative reactions at an early age so that you do not suffer all your life due to an acute immune response to certain foods.

Prognosis or outcome of treatment

According to monitoring experts of the Immunological Institute of the FMBA of Russia, today about half of the inhabitants of Russia suffer from allergies. A few years ago, only a quarter of the country's population suffered from the disease, and today it is already a third. In the West, according to statistics, 35% of the adult population fell ill from allergies.

In Russia, these examinations are not carried out everywhere, but it has been established that in Moscow 15% of the population suffers from allergies. Over the past 10 years, the number of people with allergies in Russia has increased by 20%.

Specifically, food allergies occur on average in 10% of children and 2% of adults. In 30-40% of children and 20% of adults who suffer, aggravations of the disease are associated with food allergens.

Patients with bronchial asthma in 8% of cases, they have paroxysms of suffocation when eating allergens, and in some patients with atopy, the connection between the complication of the disease and food allergens is 17%.

In a society of patients with diseases of the digestive tract, the intrazonal prevalence of food allergy is more significant than among individuals who do not have this pathology, and ranges from 5 to 50%.

The most painful reaction in a genuine allergy to food components is anaphylactic shock. Develops condition after eating following products: fish and seafood, eggs, milk, fatty nuts, etc.

suffering from various types of allergic diseases great amount people around the world.

Every year, there are more and more of them, due to pernicious influence bad ecology and heredity.

food allergy- one of the most common types of allergies that interferes with life for both adults and children from the very beginning. early age. And what to do with it - read on.

What is a food allergy?

To begin with, you need to immediately define two concepts: true food allergy and pseudo-allergy.

first kind, true, occurs in about 2 percent of the population, which is quite small. In this case, an allergic reaction occurs to completely harmless food, which does not disturb other people who do not suffer from an illness at all.

It is not acquired, but is inherited. The body reacts to proteins in food, sometimes to fats and carbohydrates, resulting in the production of immunoglobulin in large quantities and various allergic processes begin.

In the international system of classification of diseases, she is assigned the code T78.1 “Manifestation pathological reactions for food."

Pseudoallergy, in turn, works a little differently. Approximately 80% of people who think they have a food allergy actually don't. Here leading role plays intolerance or intolerance some food. Coupled with a weakened immune system from stress and bad ecology, this gives similar reactions and symptoms to a real allergy.


One of the main reasons, as already mentioned above - this is heredity.

Allergy is transmitted from parent to child in this way: if only one parent has a predisposition, then the chance of transmission is approximately 35%.

If both father and mother suffer, then the child will get an illness with a probability of 67%.

However bad heredity does not mean that the person is doomed. Specialists conducted special studies of twins born from parents with a predisposition to allergies.

In the experiment, the children received the same food and were in identical conditions, but food allergies were observed in only one of them.

This experiment shows that much depends on individual features body and lifestyle. The exact cause of the development of the disease is still not well understood.

allergic reactions in digestive tract can occur due to food irritants, certain drugs, or due to the vital processes of bacteria.

Additional negative factors:

  • inflammatory processes in the intestine, as a result of which the permeability of the mucosal walls increased;
  • acidity of gastric juice;
  • violation of the diet, leading to gastritis;
  • lack of calcium in the body.

Regarding food, the most dangerous are seasonal fruits and vegetables, marine life and rare delicacies. Mushrooms and berries, especially red ones, when they enter the body, start a chain of anti-allergen fights, affecting the digestive system.

Food and semi-finished products containing preservatives, emulsifiers and colorants, have in their composition a whole bunch of strong allergenic substances and very often are provocateurs of food allergies.

Medications, which have sensitizing properties, have a similar effect, especially if they are strong antibiotics.

According to statistics, food allergies develop in people suffering from hay fever and atopic dermatitis in about 50% of cases. In asthmatics, the disease was recorded in 18% of cases.

Symptoms and signs

The disease can manifest itself in the most unexpected place, because the whole digestive system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In adults, systemic and local reactions are detected.

This is what the main ones look like body symptoms:

  • redness of the skin (see how it looks in the photo);
  • the formation of a rash, swelling, blisters;
  • itching and peeling;
  • puffiness, especially on the face, in the mouth area;
  • Quincke's edema may develop, the tongue may swell, and oxygen supply to the lungs may be blocked.

The severe course of the disease and the neglect of banal hygiene, scratching itchy skin can provoke the development of atopic dermatitis, which will be much more difficult to get rid of than food allergies.

Some patients experience the appearance of a runny nose and nasal congestion, accompanied by a headache.

As a result damage to internal organs and intestines, food allergies are accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • vomiting, gagging and nausea;
  • bloating and flatulence;
  • liquid stool;
  • heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.

Diarrhea in adults is considered characteristic symptom after eating a food irritant and manifests itself almost immediately. Constipation is rare, but also possible.

There is a decrease in appetite either for a particular product due to a causal relationship, or in general.

One of the most dangerous systemic reactions is. It can cause loss of consciousness, convulsions and a fall. blood pressure. The time to develop anaphylaxis, in some cases, takes only a few seconds, so this reaction has a very high mortality rate in patients.

When you find yourself similar symptoms, be sure to visit an allergist to diagnose the causes of the disease and determine the appropriate method of treatment.


Diagnosis of the disease has some difficulties, due to the non-existent unified methodology that could be applied to the patient.

This is because the symptoms seen with food allergies in adults can be symptoms of a completely different disease. not associated with an allergic reaction.

Of particular importance is the questioning of the patient about the living conditions and fixing the symptoms. Skin texts and food tests are performed to identify potential allergens, the results of which are correlated with the previously collected anamnesis.

Be sure to collect information about the timing of the development of allergic reactions when eating, the duration of their course and the rate of recovery of the body with the exclusion of the allergen.

In case of allergy to drugs, the names of drugs and the components that they contain. The method of administration of drugs and in what doses also matters.

Impossible to do without analyzes, among which:

  1. complete blood count to detect eosinophilia;
  2. taking swabs from the mucous membranes, which allows you to differentiate allergies from infections;
  3. stool tests, in the presence of relevant symptoms and disorders of the digestive tract.

The survey must include skin tests that show positive result only in case of true food allergy.

In the presence of pseudo-allergy, as mentioned above, antibodies are not formed in the body when an allergen enters it, so the test will be negative, even if other symptoms indicate a food allergic reaction.

On rare occasions, they provocative tests in outpatient settings. The essence of such a diagnosis is that the alleged allergen is excluded from the human diet. Must be followed for 2 weeks.

After this period, under the close supervision of doctors, the patient receives a small amount of excluded irritants. This test can confirm or refute doctors' assumptions if exact reason could not be identified during the collection of blood tests and allergy tests.


Treat food allergies integrated approach, which means not only the use of drugs, but also prophylactic and a hypoallergenic diet.

To get started, you need to create medical menu on every day, excluding fried foods, some sweets (for example, chocolate), fish, chicken eggs And so on.

The diet should be adequate for the patient's weight, age and symptoms, so consultation with a dietitian is recommended.

From medications, for elimination acute symptoms allergic reactions, prescribed antihistamines first generation, with a sedative effect (tavegil).

If the reaction proceeds in a mild form, then tablets of the 2nd and 3rd generations (Zyrtec, Lothardine) can be used.

In no case do not self-medicate! Before using medication, you must always consult with your doctor and follow the recommendations written in the instructions for use of the drug.

In the treatment of food allergies, if the irritant is part of the vital required product, allergen-specific therapy () may be used.

Unfortunately, its effectiveness leaves much to be desired, and does not allow to cure the disease completely. However, sometimes the effect lasts for several years, which greatly simplifies the life of allergy sufferers.

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What is food and how it manifests itself - says an allergist:

In contact with

A food allergy is the body's reaction to certain foods. AT last years this disease is very common. It depends on the quality of the products used, which has decreased significantly due to the use of various food additives, pesticides and chemicals, as well as due to negative changes in the environment.

A food allergic disease should be taken seriously, immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe special treatment. On the early stages It is easier to get rid of allergies and you can protect yourself from complications in the future.

This type of allergic disease is directly related to the immune system and can manifest itself even in early years. Factors in the development of this disease can be:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eating disorders;
  • heredity;
  • decreased immunity;
  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • breast-feeding

The disease should not be ignored, as it is quite serious. For the treatment of allergies in adults, you will need qualified help doctor.

The main types of food allergies

This disease can manifest itself not only after a person has eaten an allergenic product for him, but even upon contact or inhalation of a smell. Therefore, you should limit yourself from the allergen not only in the diet, but also keep a certain distance. Try not to do the cooking yourself during this period.

Among the variety of food allergies, two groups can be identified:

  • hidden allergy. Dynamic type of allergy. If you regularly and in excess use the product-allergen, then the disease can acquire chronic view. To achieve the resting phase, the consumed product should be completely eliminated from the diet.
    In turn, latent allergies are as follows: year-round - symptoms appear throughout the day: spasmodic. The body's response to any food, including one that is not an allergen. Spasmodic latent allergies are characterized by a headache. Temperature - occurs due to prolonged exposure to cold and frost, thereby accelerating the development of symptoms. Related - given allergy refers to mixed type. The body reacts negatively not only to food, but also to its smell;
  • pronounced. This type of disease occurs after eating an allergen product. Among the products that provoke the occurrence of allergies, there are: high probability - peanuts, chocolate, egg white, milk, fish, mustard, corn. Moderate Allergies: Sugar, berries, citrus fruits, alcohol, potatoes, spinach, beef, pork, onions, mushrooms, garlic, bleached water, spices, and color additives.

Low probability: carrots, pumpkin, honey, beets, apples, pineapple and peach juice, raisins, salt, rice.

To identify the type of allergic disease, you should know the main symptoms of food allergies in adults. They are:

  • swelling and numbness of the face;
  • stuffy nose with liquid secretions out of him;
  • itching of the nose and mouth;
  • colic and heaviness in the stomach;
  • constipation and poor-quality stools;
  • reduced food intake;
  • bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • the appearance of urticaria;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • angioedema (angioneurotic edema)

With an allergy to foods, swelling of the mucous epithelium, fatty tissue and skin is observed. The volume of the face increases, but the skin color does not change. In rare cases, this disease affects the feet, neck, hands, upper part torso, internal organs and joints.

Treatment and prevention of food allergies

The principle of treatment of allergies depends on its classification, symptoms and severity of the disease. Therapy should be complex and phased. During treatment, not only the symptoms are eliminated, but also preventive actions are taken against the exacerbation of the disease.

It is very important to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Perhaps this will be enough, and the use of medicines is not required.
One of the new methods of treatment is allergen-specific immunotherapy. It is used only when products that cause allergies are necessary for life.

In order to protect yourself from relapses in the future, for any manifestations of allergies, you should consult with an allergist. He will develop with you the tactics of eating behavior. And the sooner the patient turns to a specialist for help, the sooner he will get rid of the disease.

food allergy occurs when the human immune system mistakes a food protein for a foreign substance. Immune cells react to normally harmless substances. During an allergic reaction, the body releases chemicals that cause symptoms that affect the eyes, nose, throat, skin, and lungs. Even a very small amount of an allergen product can cause a reaction in people with hypersensitivity.

As a rule, proteins contained in food act as food allergens. Even after food has been cooked and digested, allergens can cause an allergic reaction. A reaction to certain allergens, usually found in fruits and vegetables, occurs when the food is eaten raw. The consequences of such a reaction are manifested mainly in the throat and oral cavity.

As already mentioned, even a negligible amount of food allergens can provoke a reaction in allergy sufferers. For example, a person who is allergic to peanuts may experience an allergic reaction to a product that was produced in the same facility as peanuts. If the kitchen utensils come into contact with a food allergen and then with the food that the allergic person has eaten, an allergic reaction will not take long. Moreover, the smell of a food allergen can cause allergies.

The duration and severity of allergy symptoms vary. They can show up anywhere within minutes or hours as a result of exposure to a food allergen. Anaphylactic shock is the most severe form of an allergic reaction. To the most severe symptoms anaphylaxis include low blood pressure, shortness of breath, state of shock, loss of consciousness, which can lead to death.

peanut allergy, hazelnuts and/or shellfish lasts longer. However, recent studies have shown that over time, the allergic sensitivity of about 20% of people who are allergic to these types of foods can go away.

Food allergy disease is prevalent in people with a genetic predisposition to it. Most often, food allergies develop in the first years of life. Then, over the next ten years, hypersensitivity weakens in most allergy sufferers.

Reasons for the development of food allergies

Most allergies are inherited, i.e. from parents to children. To be more precise, a predisposition to allergies is transmitted. Because children do not necessarily inherit an allergy to the same allergen that causes allergies in their parents. If one of the parents suffers from allergies, there is a 50% chance that his/her children will develop allergies. The percentage of risk increases to 75% if both parents are susceptible to allergies.

As a rule, an allergic reaction does not appear when the body is first exposed to the allergen. The sensitivity of the immune system may increase after the first or repeated exposure to the allergen on the body. During this process, white blood cells The immune system produces antibodies called immunoglobulins E (IgE) in response to an allergen. Once the immune system has become sensitive to an allergen, the next time that antigen enters the body, the antibodies quickly “recognize” it and attach to it. Antibodies release active chemicals (like histamine) that cause allergic symptoms (such as nasal discharge and sneezing).

Children and food allergies

According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, six foods are responsible for 90% of food allergies. These are milk, peanuts, soybeans, eggs, wheat and tree nuts (for example, Walnut). Children usually outgrow allergies to milk, eggs, and soy. However, allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish do not go away with age.

Applied kinesiology
Applied kinesiology (AK) is often used to diagnose food allergies. Exist different opinions about whether PC can help in making a diagnosis.

Applied kinesiology techniques are harmless in and of themselves. However, one should not treat illnesses exclusively with this therapy or postpone visiting a doctor.

acidophilic lactobacilli
Lactobacilli are bacteria that usually live in gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity and vagina. There are conflicting data from several studies human body, about whether orally lactobacilli acidophilus is effective in combating lactose intolerance. Further research will allow scientists to come to a consensus.

Lactobacillus acidophilus may be difficult to tolerate if you are allergic to dairy products containing this type of bacteria. Therefore, you should not resort to this method of treatment for diseases of the intestinal wall or its damage, immunopathologies, operations on the heart valve. They are also contraindicated if the patient is taking prescription drugs(like corticosteroids), as there is a risk of infection. Be careful if you have heart murmurs. Antibiotics or alcohol can destroy lactobacilli acidophilus. For this reason, it is recommended to take them 3 hours after taking antibiotics or drinking alcohol. Some take antacids, which lower the acidity of the stomach, 1 hour before taking acidophilus lactobacilli.

Probiotics - beneficial bacteria. They are sometimes referred to as "friendly" microbes. They are in control harmful bacteria and yeast in the intestines, which ensures its healthy flora. Most probiotics are found in food products especially in dairy products. Probiotics are available in capsules, tablets, drinks, powders, yogurts, and other foods.

In general, probiotics are considered safe and well tolerated. They are contraindicated in case of allergy or hypersensitivity to probiotics. Care must be taken if there is lactose intolerance when feeding newborns who are born ahead of schedule, or infants with immunodeficiency.


Avoid food allergens you know.
it The best way prevent an allergic reaction.

Check the ingredients.
In order to avoid an allergen, you should always be interested in the ingredients of the dishes you eat in places Catering or outside the home. Even a tiny amount of an allergen can cause a reaction in hypersensitive people.

Read food labels.
Many countries have passed laws requiring manufacturers to list food allergens on labels. Some ingredients, such as hydrolyzed protein, edible oils, lecithin, starch, flavorings, and gelatin, may contain dietary protein that can trigger an allergic reaction in hypersensitive people.

Be prepared for an emergency.
Anaphylactic reactions due to food allergies can be potential danger for life. Those who have experienced these reactions should avoid trigger foods and carry an epinephrine auto-injector with them at all times. If a family member or friend with the appropriate skill is nearby, he will help bring him in if necessary.

An allergy sufferer should wear an identification bracelet containing information about the allergy.
Teachers, caregivers and other caregivers should be warned about children's allergies.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.