Why does a woman have watery discharge? If leucorrhoea is not white, what does it mean? And what should they be normally? Pathogenic microflora of the vagina

3 days before ovulation, vaginal discharge becomes very abundant and watery, which is the norm, not a pathology.

Sexual arousal

In some women, immediately after sexual intercourse, heavy watery discharge from the vagina. This is a variant of the norm and indicates a high surge in hormones and sexual arousal against this background. A woman may produce discharge, similar in consistency to water, for several hours and even days after intercourse.

Pathological causes of watery vaginal discharge

The causes of vaginal discharge, which do not have a pathological picture, were discussed above. That is, they are caused by completely natural physiological processes in a woman’s body.

Also, we have already said that if a woman’s discharge of a watery consistency lasts more than 5 days, then in this case she needs to visit a gynecologist.

Inflammatory process in the body

If the vaginal discharge is watery and very abundant, then this may indicate an acute inflammatory process. In particular, inflammatory or infectious process The fallopian tubes, ovaries, and the lining of the uterus may be affected.

In this case, the watery discharge will become yellowish within a few days, sometimes mixed with pus or blood. Painful vaginal discharge changes its odor (becomes foul-smelling), as well as color and consistency.

It is important to prevent the development of the inflammatory process in time and stop it. This can only be done if you consult a gynecologist.

The health of every woman directly depends on her lifestyle. Attentive attention to nutrition, physical exercise, control of emotions and beneficial communication contribute to the strength of the body. Understanding how physiological processes work and, as a result, vaginal discharge, helps keep your finger on the pulse of changes.

To protect the female reproductive organs, a slightly acidic secretion is secreted into the vagina. Together with microflora, it prevents pathogenic microbes from penetrating into the uterus. Thus, watery discharge in women is reliable means fight infection. Depending on the phase of menstruation, their character and appearance changes. With the development of certain diseases, a secretion begins to be released, indicating pathology.

The benefits of natural vaginal secretion

As mentioned above, the occurrence of a transparent discharge in a woman is associated with the body’s protective reaction to infection. In most cases they are considered normal occurrence.

Any allocated to the outside woman's secret- this is the result of the work of glands located in the mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus.

Liquid secretions such as water from the vagina perform the following important functions for the genital organs:

  1. Natural hydration.

When a woman is in motion, the wet secretion lubricates the internal intimate organs. Thanks to this, they are not injured, causing pain or discomfort. When copulating with a man, natural vaginal water helps the lady feel the pleasure of sex.

  1. The process of cell nutrition.

Among women liquid discharge wash the inner vaginal mucosa. Thanks to this, the microflora receives nutrients for nutrition. The spent cell elements are brought out, releasing inner area reproductive organs from unnecessary mucus.

  1. Constant cleansing.

The vaginal epithelium consists of several layers. The last one is constantly updated. When dead cells fall off, secretions in the form of water carry them out. In their place, a new layer of epithelium forms.

  1. Reliable protection.

The natural environment in the vagina has a constant microflora with a certain degree of acidity. This enables the reproductive organs to resist various harmful infections. If a lady has a weakened immune system high level, no microbe will penetrate deep into the reproductive organs. When dangerous signal, the glands produce abundant liquid secretions that remove pathogenic microbes. Thus, there is reliable protection of organs for the continuation of the human race.

  1. Uterine cervical plug.

The contents of the vagina, in addition to watery secretions, include the secretion of the cervical glands. It has a thicker consistency and is used as a plug on the uterine cervix. Its role is to prevent germs from entering the uterus. And the alkaline structure of mucus has an antibacterial effect.

The thickness of cervical secretion is affected by the level of estrogen, which varies depending on the monthly cycle. By the time of ovulation, the discharge is not as thick as it was at first.

As can be seen from the information described above, natural vaginal secretion of a liquid nature brings great benefits to the body.

Physiological processes and watery secretions

The appearance of watery discharge in women, like water, indicates the following physiological processes:

  • puberty in adolescents;
  • ovulation period;
  • hormonal changes;
  • sexual arousal;
  • natural decline of the reproductive system;
  • pregnancy.

As the reproductive system develops in adolescents, watery vaginal discharge comes out. The process begins at about 10 years of age. During this period, the ovaries actively produce estrogen, which prepares the young body for changes. Even before the onset of menstruation, girls secrete a clear secretion from their genitals. Even after the rhythm of menstruation stabilizes, liquid and transparent discharge will remain with the woman forever. Their number can change throughout the entire period of time without causing any side unpleasant sensations.

For the information of inquisitive ladies.

Vaginal discharge is considered normal if it is liquid in consistency, without a strong odor or other unpleasant symptoms. The daily natural volume is about one teaspoon.

Over time, vaginal secretions in girls acquire an individual character, which is not an anomaly. Depending on the level of hormones produced by the ovaries, the volume of secretion can be scanty or large.

During ovulation, when hormones are especially active, a woman experiences copious watery discharge. They continue to come out of the vagina for 5 days. Due to the large amount of progesterone, the secretion becomes watery. Over time, the situation will normalize.

If the discharge like water associated with ovulation does not stop, but continues for more than 7 days, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist.

Copious transparent discharge occurs in a woman as a result of hormonal changes. As the amount of estrogen increases, a new egg matures in the ovaries. This affects the thickness of the secretion, and it takes on a new character.

Later, thick, watery discharge appears after menstruation, which indicates a decrease in estrogen levels.

After some time, the amount of hormones changes again, and the woman experiences heavy discharge. They often remind egg white.

Liquid vaginal secretion promotes the unhindered movement of sperm to the egg. If fertilization occurs, vaginal discharge and watery fluids will help the fertilized egg reach the uterus. During this period, estrogen levels decrease, and progesterone increases significantly. Its main task is to ensure the successful development of the fetus.

Movement of an egg through the fallopian tube after ovulation - click to view

During strong sexual arousal, a woman experiences a large number of discharge like water. They promote comfortable sexual intercourse, softening movements male organ. After copulation is completed, the secretion may remain in the vagina for several hours. In some cases, it is released throughout the whole day. It all depends on the individual female body. Typically, such discharge is odorless and itchy and is not dangerous to health.

During the period of decline of the reproductive system, women's hormonal background. After the cessation of menstruation, liquid vaginal secretions are considered normal.

When a lady is diagnosed with delay, she realizes that she has reached a new milestone in her life. In 9 months the baby will be born. Especially now, it is important to carefully monitor vaginal secretions. Often life depends on it.

Practice shows that during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy there is usually no watery secretion. At this time, the level of progesterone in the expectant mother’s body increases. Due to this, new eggs do not mature, and the embryo remains firmly in the uterus. Therefore, discharge, if any, is very scanty.

After the 13th week, the amount of estrogen rapidly increases, due to which new fetal cells are created. The appearance of strong liquid discharge is a natural process.

Immediately before childbirth, vaginal secretions melt like water due to the fact that they mix with urine. While in the uterus, the fetus puts pressure on the bladder, which cannot close completely.

After childbirth, milk appears in the breasts of the woman, so the consistency of the vaginal secretion becomes more liquid. In this case, the process is considered the norm.

Change in color of watery discharge

As practice shows, liquid vaginal secretion, which is accompanied by itching, indicates an infection in the vagina. Here are some of the facts causing anomalies:

  • allergy to genital cleanser;
  • prolonged lack of care for the intimate area;
  • entry of a foreign body into the vagina;
  • the presence of helminths that cause itching in the perineum.

In addition, a change in color indicates serious pathological diseases.

White, odorless liquid discharge that appears in large volumes indicates a change in the vaginal microflora. Such changes are often caused by stress, overheating or hypothermia, a change in sexual partner and other factors.

If the process worsens, a secretion with an unpleasant odor appears, which indicates vaginosis. Depending on the individual characteristics ladies, such a secret can appear for several weeks. Because the bacterial vaginosis does not cause inflammatory processes, only white discharge in women in large volumes is a clear signal of the disease. To determine the presence of an anomaly, you should do a vaginal microflora test. And also determine the level of its acidity.

Information for your information.

The microbial composition of vaginal secretions is determined using laboratory tests. To do this, you need to donate material from the vagina by visiting a gynecologist.

The development of fungal infections in it can disrupt the natural composition of the microflora. In small quantities pathogenic fungi present in the vaginal mucosa. But when immunity decreases, they begin to multiply. White discharge before menstruation often indicates genital candidiasis. Due to an increase in the number of fungi, inflammation occurs in the reproductive organs. It is accompanied unpleasant burning sensation in the intimate area, as well as general weakness in the body. To restore the natural vaginal environment, it is advisable to undergo treatment on time.

Thrush (candidiasis) - click to view

Abundant watery discharge before menstruation occurs in a woman as a signal of the development of endometritis. This anomaly causes increased proliferation of the uterine mucosa. If the disease is not treated, it will affect the pipes and even part abdominal cavity. As a result, all processes in the ovaries fail, which affects the production of hormones. Affected by inflammation, the uterine mucosa secretes a liquid secretion in large quantities. If the disease becomes running form, go outside brown discharge with elements of blood streaks.

Endometritis - click to view

When the fallopian tubes become inflamed, fluid collects in them, which pours first into the uterus and then into the vagina. White discharge before menstruation in large quantities indicates a serious gynecological ailment - salpingoophoritis.

Due to various inflammatory processes and pathogenic infections of the genital organs, erosion forms on the cervix. In addition, the risk increases with frequent abortions or childbirth. The presence of this disease is indicated by a liquid secretion with blood elements.

Large amounts of odorless, watery vaginal discharge occur with cervical cancer. This occurs due to the mixing of lymph with vaginal secretions. It seeps through the affected tissue of the uterus.

AND n infection transmitted through intimate relationships, causes sexually transmitted problems. Often liquid discharge with sour smell indicate such a disease. This is especially evident on initial stage development of pathology. Not only the infection, but also its consequences are considered dangerous. If not treated in time, inflammation of important reproductive organs occurs. In this case, serious complications are inevitable.


When identifying venereal disease in a woman, it is important to inform her partner about this. In this case, it is necessary for the man to undergo a course of treatment. This approach helps curb the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Yellow discharge like water occurs when pus gets into the secretion. They are the result of gonorrhea or trichomoniasis. Itching in the perineum, as well as burning when urinating - clear symptoms these few pleasant ailments.

Women or girls who often use tampons or regularly douche develop colpitis. In addition, the disease is a consequence of poor nutrition and emotional overload. A large amount of secretion like water indicates the presence of a disease. A moderate attitude towards hygiene of the intimate area helps not to complicate your life.

There are reasons for the appearance of liquid secretions that are not related to diseases. Although this happens rarely, foreign objects do get into the vagina. It could just be scraps toilet paper, therefore, a lady’s attentive attitude towards her body will protect her from unforeseen anomalies.

Watery discharge during pregnancy

The dependence of vaginal secretions on hormonal changes is especially evident during pregnancy. After successful conception from the remains of the follicle in the ovaries is formed corpus luteum. His main role is to take care of fertilized egg. It is the corpus luteum that produces progesterone, which affects the nature of vaginal secretions.

In the first weeks, when the delay occurs, the woman has a white or colorless liquid secretion. If it passes without pain, you should not worry - this is the norm.

Discharges such as water are considered dangerous in the following situations:

  • brown discharge with an odor in the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • discomfort itching in the perineum;
  • foamy nature of the secretion;
  • pulling pain syndrome below the waist;
  • weakness in the body and fever.

Such secretions provide signals of dangerous internal processes. Brown secretion mixed with blood may indicate a threat of fetal loss. Itching or burning warns of possible inflammation. Foamy secretion occurs due to fungal infections, from which no one is immune.

Important information.

Watery yellow discharge in women expecting a child, indicate fluid from the fetal membrane entering the vagina. If it occurs in mid-pregnancy, may occur premature birth. If at the end - the first call of the beginning of labor.

Some people believe that pregnancy prevents the occurrence of fungal infections. Actually this is not true. Often, yellowish, foamy mucus indicates an infection. Timely treatment of the disease will certainly lead to success. Even for pregnant women, there are medications that spare the fetus. Therefore, you should not neglect communication with your doctor if you are in an interesting situation.

The best way to solve problems

In many cases, watery discharge like water is a consequence of physiological processes. But, if they are accompanied by an unpleasant odor or pain symptoms, you should seek help from doctors.

Those who try to heal on their own can get into trouble. Often, having rejected a visit to the hospital, a woman misdiagnoses herself, which leads to a loss of time. The best way solutions to the problem - of course, advice from a specialist.

It is wise to seek help if these signs appear:

  • Liquid discharge regularly occurs in the middle of the cycle, at the beginning and end;
  • copious vaginal secretions like water arose during a period of withering of the reproductive organs;
  • fluid from the genitals is accompanied by a stench, itching or burning in the perineum;
  • failure menstrual cycle.

Before visiting the clinic, you should not douche. Often it will affect exact result analysis.

During the examination, the gynecologist will take a smear on the vaginal microflora and give it for examination. Only under a microscope can pathogenic microbes that cause inflammation be seen. Based on the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment using individual approach. the main objective treatment - restore the natural environment in the vagina.

By deciding to do this, the lady will keep her health under control. Everyone around her will benefit from this. After all, she will encourage others with her healthy appearance.

The female body can react to negative processes in various ways. When it comes to the genitourinary system, watery discharge in women is quite common, but whether they are normal or not depends on their nature.

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    What can such manifestations indicate?

    Discharge does not always indicate the development of the disease. Often they are a common manifestation of normal physiological process. But you need to take into account that everything depends on the nature of the fluid coming out and the time when the discharge appears. For example, if a certain amount of mucus appears during ovulation, this is considered quite normal. In turn, the time period after the end critical days called the "dry" period. There should be no discharge at this time. If they do appear, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

    The color of the liquid plays a huge role. If the discharge is yellow, green or brown, this will be an alarming sign. It is especially dangerous when the release of mucus is accompanied by additional symptoms, for example, pain in the lower abdomen, high fever and general weakness.

    Watery discharge, which appears in small quantities, is not a symptom of pathology. They should be transparent or with slight white streaks. Such mucus should not contain impurities of a suspicious color, nor should there be an unpleasant odor.

    Most often, suspicious discharge appears due to infectious disease, venereal disease and due to hormonal imbalance. Such situations require proper treatment and consultation with a specialist. Not only the smell and color can indicate a problem. It is worth paying attention to the abundance of liquid output. Even clear discharge in the form of water that is too intense can indicate illness. If there are any suspicious symptoms, a woman must undergo all diagnostic procedures, which will help determine the causes of such trouble. Many ailments associated with the genitourinary system can be cured quickly enough if you consult a doctor in time. The main thing is to prevent the disease from passing into chronic form.

    What is considered normal?

    The appearance of mucus from the genital tract in girls occurs at the age of 10-12. From this moment puberty begins, so there is no need to worry about discharge. Estrogens, which are the result of the work of the ovaries, are responsible for the production of secretions. In such early age There should not be a lot of liquid, but the physiological characteristics of the body play a big role here. Depending on how much estrogen the girl’s body begins to produce, the amount of fluid will vary. At first, there should be no suspicious discharge. The secretion coming out of the genital tract will be transparent and the consistency will resemble egg white.

    Before your period begins, the discharge should be exactly like this. But in the future, the nature of the mucus may change, depending on the phase of the female natural cycle, called menstrual.

    The female cycle can be divided into 3 main phases. At first, the arrival and duration of menstruation for a young girl will be different. But a year after the first critical days, everything should return to normal, and the menstrual cycle will become stable.

    The counting of days begins from the moment of the arrival of menstruation. It is from this time that it is counted follicular phase. The duration of this period is about 14 days, and the time period ends with the arrival of ovulation. There should be no discharge at this time. If they appear, they should be quite thick. Watery secretion after menstruation is a sign of pathology and indicates the need to urgently consult a doctor.

    Following the follicular comes ovulatory phase. During this period comes the best moment to conceive a child. You can determine that ovulation has already arrived by the characteristic discharge. At this stage, most of the fair sex are faced with copious discharge, which may contain blood impurities. This phenomenon does not last long, and there should be few blood streaks. In addition, the discharge should not have any unpleasant odors. Otherwise, the release of fluid may be a signal of development pathological process in the reproductive system.

    If successful fertilization of the egg does not occur in the current month, the woman will notice thin, watery discharge. This indicates the onset of the luteal phase. But there should not be a lot of liquid, otherwise it may indicate a disease.

    A little about menopause

    We should also talk about menopause. During this period, a lot happens in the body of the fair sex. various changes, and especially they relate to hormonal levels. If a woman has chronic illnesses who have not previously shown themselves to be active enough, this will definitely happen during menopause. Therefore, the nature of discharge during menopause should be treated very carefully. By the color, smell and consistency of the liquid, you can immediately recognize the presence of pathology. The norm during menopause is clear or white watery discharge. When the first suspicious symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Menopause rarely goes away without complications, but many problems can be solved quickly if treatment is started on time.

    Questions of etiology

    Watery discharge in itself is not a pathological sign. They appear in girls who have just begun to develop. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the fluid may come out more or less actively. Some girls are faced with the fact that even before the start of their period, clear discharge comes out in very large quantities. In addition, it is worth noting that during adolescence secretions from the genitals may periodically disappear completely, and then resume with the same force. This is normal, since everything depends on the production of estrogen. Until the hormonal levels are normalized, it is impossible to talk about any stability in the body.

    Liquid discharge during certain phases of the cycle is also considered normal. But here you need to take into account that there should not be too many of them. Even during ovulation, when fluid comes out abundantly, this process is limited in time. A large amount of watery discharge should not exceed 3 days, otherwise we can talk about the development of a pathological process in the woman’s body.

    Another normal phenomenon is copious watery discharge that appears at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. This does not happen to everyone, but some expectant mothers complain about the abundance of fluid. The reason for this is excessive production of progesterone due to the formation of the placenta. In about a week everything should be back to normal.

    Many women experience watery discharge during sexual arousal. This phenomenon lasts from several hours to a day and then disappears completely. This symptom is purely individual. Each representative of the fair sex has a unique reaction, but there are still certain limitations. If heavy watery discharge after sexual intercourse does not go away within 5 days, this will be an alarming symptom.

    Prolonged release of fluid from the genital tract most often indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system. It could be a mucous membrane problem, fallopian tube or ovaries. At first, the discharge will be simply transparent and watery, but after that it will change its color, consistency and smell. Suspicious yellow or greenish discharge indicates the development of endometritis, in which case it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

    Reddish discharge is a sign of ovulation. But in this case there will be very little blood, and it will quickly disappear. Red or brown discharge that does not go away for more than a week can be a signal of cervical erosion, the presence of polyps, and even cancer. But the blood in the fluid coming out of the genital tract is only primary symptom. It is imperative to pay attention to additional symptoms and immediately consult a doctor.

    Abundant watery discharge is also caused by vaginal dysbiosis. This is very unpleasant disease, which causes a lot of inconvenience to a woman and can cause serious complications. Dysbacteriosis is characterized by burning and itching in the perineal area, which is mainly noticeable after sexual intercourse. The discharge will be very profuse, and in the absence of proper treatment, an unpleasant fishy smell will appear.

    Majority bacterial infections It begins with copious watery discharge. They may have different shades and smells, which indicates the development of a particular disease. It is important that the release of mucus occurs for quite a long time, that is, more than a week. In addition, it is worth noting that periodically suspicious discharge may disappear, but this does not mean that the problem with the infection has been solved and the disease has receded. It is quite possible that at this stage the disease has progressed to chronic stage, so the unpleasant symptom will return with every decrease in the functions of the immune system.

    Most dangerous cause heavy and prolonged discharge is oncology. Therefore, such a sign cannot be ignored. If the watery discharge is excessive and does not stop for more than a week, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    From unusual reasons the appearance of watery discharge is worth highlighting foreign object in the genitals. This does not happen often, but some representatives of the fair sex still turn to specialists with such problems.

    If after carrying out all the necessary diagnostic procedures no pathologies were identified, the woman needs to pay attention to her diet and psycho-emotional state. Strict diets or constant stress can negatively affect the condition of the entire body, including hormonal levels. As a result, unpleasant symptoms may appear, such as heavy watery discharge.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning hygiene standards. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules can cause infection of the reproductive system and the development of dysbacteriosis. This leads to the appearance of copious watery discharge with an unpleasant odor. Women who try too hard to cleanse their bodies and constantly use douching run the risk of disrupting their vaginal microflora. As a result, the discharge will become different from what it should be normally. This also applies to those representatives of the fair sex who use tampons too often.

    Diseases causing the problem

    Copious watery discharge (water) is not always a sign of pathology. But still, if such a symptom does not go away for too long, you need to contact a gynecologist and undergo all the relevant examinations. There are a lot of diseases that can be characterized by copious watery discharge. These include malignant neoplasms in the genitourinary system, sexually transmitted diseases, and infections. Most diagnoses are very dangerous, but their consequences can be eliminated if timely treatment is started.

    Most often, representatives of the fair sex who turn to the gynecologist with complaints of heavy discharge before and after menstruation that does not go away for a long time, receive a diagnosis of endometritis. This is a big nuisance, which is associated with the inflammatory process occurring in the uterine cavity. Initially, with endometritis, watery discharge will appear, but as the disease progresses, brownish or reddish streaks will appear in the fluid. Pain in the lower abdomen may occur periodically. Endometritis has no other symptoms, but critical days with such a diagnosis will be very painful.

    If the inflammatory process affects the ovaries, the woman will be diagnosed with salpingoophoritis. At first, the discharge will be transparent and simply resemble water, but in the absence of proper treatment, the inflammatory process can become purulent in nature, and this will cause thick yellowish discharge with a very unpleasant odor. Inflammatory processes need to be treated quickly. Otherwise, they can become chronic and cause infertility.

    Abundant release of watery fluid mixed with blood may be a sign of damage to the cervix. Erosion that occurs on the mucous membrane is considered a common occurrence. Such a nuisance not only affects a woman’s sex life, but can also cause complications. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of erosion at an early stage of its development. For this purpose, cauterization methods are used.

    Watery discharge, which appears in large quantities, is characteristic of most sexually transmitted diseases. But copious clear liquid comes out only in the first few days. After this, thick, yellow or green discharge with a very unpleasant putrefactive odor will appear. Sexually transmitted diseases occur with symptoms such as pain during urination, discomfort in the lower abdomen and enlargement of the Bartholin glands. Such ailments need to be treated as quickly as possible, as they lead to serious complications.

    Watery discharge may indicate various diseases. Therefore, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor if an unpleasant symptom does not go away for more than a week and is accompanied by an unusual color and smell.

    Watery discharge and pregnancy

    During the period of bearing a child, a woman should be especially attentive to her health. The first suspicious signs should be a signal that the expectant mother should urgently consult a doctor.

    Mucus discharge during pregnancy may only be normal in the first trimester. This occurs due to a serious change in hormonal levels. Active production of progesterone can provoke an increase in watery discharge. They should be transparent and odorless. Brownish, yellow and pink discharge are the most dangerous symptom that may be a sign of an impending miscarriage

The presence of vaginal discharge is an important indicator of a woman's sexual health. The desire to get rid of them can only do harm, since their presence provides a barrier to the penetration of many infections of fungal, bacterial or viral origin.

But sometimes an increase in the volume of white discharge indicates that some kind of disease is developing in the body or a serious problem has occurred. hormonal disbalance. In such cases, these disturbances must be immediately brought back to normal, which is difficult to do without the help of a doctor.

To understand what marks on underwear are, you need to know where the physiological fluids that are released from the vagina are produced and how they appear.

Leucorrhoea is isolated from the following sources:

  • Vagina. Up to 12 types of microorganisms are constantly present inside it, which do not rise above the entrance to the cervix. Certain fungi, viruses and bacteria develop here; their composition is individual for each woman and changes repeatedly throughout life. Most of the inhabitants are lactobacilli, and a minimal percentage is occupied by opportunistic microbes. These microbes do not have the opportunity to develop rapidly until beneficial bacteria significantly exceed them in number.
  • Vulva. From it, the secretion of the Bartholin and small vestibular glands is mixed with the general fluid, which serves to lubricate the entrance to the vagina. These glands are located at the base of the labia majora and minora and secrete secretions most actively under mechanical pressure and during arousal.
  • Uterus and cervix. On the inner surface of the uterus there is a constant desquamation of dead epithelial cells, the same cells from the cervix and the secretion of the cervical glands are mixed with them. All this mixes and descends into the vaginal lumen. The intensity of desquamation varies depending on different periods monthly cycle.
  • The fallopian tubes. Leucorrhoea from these organs is produced only when they are inflamed, from where it enters the uterus, and from the uterus down through the cervical canal.

All these secretions make up leucorrhoea, the color of which will depend on the functioning of each of the above organs.

An increase in the volume of leucorrhoea and the simultaneous appearance of liquid whitish or yellow droplets on the nipples, not associated with pregnancy, may be a sign of very serious illnesses, such as tumors of the reproductive organs or mammary glands, mastitis or galactorrhea, so the appearance of such a symptom should be a reason for urgent contact with a specialist.

What discharge is considered normal?

Normally, a woman has leucorrhoea at any period of the menstrual cycle; the vagina should never be completely dry, since secretion performs several important functions. First, it resists the majority pathogenic agents that enter the vagina from the outside, and secondly, it serves as a lubricant and reduces the risk of injury to delicate epithelial tissues during sex.

Leucorrhoea is considered normal if:

  • They do not have a distinct color. They can be transparent, white, sometimes cream or with a faint yellowish tint.
  • No sharp bad smell. Normal microflora never gives the secretion the smell of decaying organic matter.
  • The consistency is not too thin (not watery), but not too thick either. A jelly-like or slimy consistency is normal. During ovulation, the mucus is clear and viscous.
  • The volume is no more than a teaspoon throughout the day (but visually this parameter is quite difficult to track).

If reproductive system works normally and there are no diseases, then the discharge does not cause irritation on the mucous membranes of the genital organs and is not accompanied painful sensations, do not cause fever or any other discomfort.

White discharge with a sour odor

Not sour Strong smell secretion is normal in many cases. The largest component of leucorrhoea is due to lactobacilli - a large group of fermented milk bacteria that determine the acidity of the intravaginal environment. Its pH averages 3.8-4.4, which corresponds to a slightly acidic reaction.

Lactobacilli form lactic acid during their life processes. It is necessary in order to:

  • inhibit the growth of opportunistic fungi in the vagina;
  • prevent bacteria from penetrating deep into the mucous epithelium;
  • regulate the fertilization process, since conception occurs only when sufficient quantity sperm neutralized by vaginal leucorrhoea (a sufficient volume of ejaculate for this purpose is indirect indicator general health of men).

Therefore insignificant sour smell may be a variant of the norm, but it is not present in all women, since it is a purely individual characteristic.

White discharge as a sign of illness

The color of vaginal secretion is a very important indicator, which reacts in the shortest possible time to changes in the state of the reproductive system. There is a list of signs that changes in the nature of discharge are associated with some kind of pathology:

  • change in consistency from normal to curdled;
  • large volume (significantly exceeding 5 ml per day);
  • hard pieces, large lumps, inclusions of other colors;
  • obvious foaming;
  • color change;
  • the presence of a sour, fishy or onion rotten odor;
  • dryness and irritation of the labia majora;
  • discomfort, pain, itching in the genital area;
  • painful urination.

If, along with these manifestations, the temperature rises, it hurts to walk, or there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, then you should urgently consult a doctor.

The main causes of heavy white discharge

An increase in the volume of leucorrhoea may occur pathogenic nature or arise for physiological reasons associated with special conditions or periods of a woman’s life. It is important to know them in order to be able to independently determine whether you need qualified assistance with such changes or the picture is completely normal.

The condition of vaginal leucorrhoea is affected by certain medications, the period of breastfeeding, climate change and many other factors.


U young girls, at the age of 10-17 years, leucorrhoea is often more profuse than in adult women. The reason for this lies in the fact that before the onset of menstruation and several years after their first appearance, the body’s hormonal levels gradually improve and stabilize, while in adult women this process is already completed and follows a constant algorithm.

In girls, the abundance of discharge may not be constant, but may appear periodically. If this is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, then there is no reason to worry.

Monthly changes

An increase in the volume of secretion is usually observed during the period of ovulation, but its consistency becomes more mucous and viscous, and the color becomes transparent. After ovulation, everything returns to its previous state.

But in the second half of the monthly cycle, and especially shortly before menstruation, thick white or white-yellow discharge, which last about five days before the start of the critical days. It does not require any treatment as it corresponds normal fluctuations sex hormones for a month.

During sexual arousal

During sexual arousal, special mechanisms are launched in a woman’s body that prepare her reproductive organs to sex. One of these mechanisms is the intensive work of the Bartholin glands, which are located in the vestibule of the labia in the back of them.

Strong sexual arousal quickly affects this gland, and it begins to work much harder, which is expressed in the abundance of physiological mucus, which naturally provides lubrication for better glide of the penis. The second function of such moisturizing is protection against the possible entry of pathogenic microbes into the vagina.

U different women The intensity of the release of such fluid during excitement varies significantly, for some it is very high. The leucorrhoea is not as thick as usual, transparent or white.

After sex

The abundance of white vaginal discharge after sexual intercourse lasts for an average day. Leucorrhoea consists of internal secretion male vagina and ejaculate. Ejaculate under the influence acidic environment may form small pieces or clumps.

The color of such a liquid is sometimes white, white-yellow or almost transparent. This often causes discomfort, as the underwear becomes more moist than usual. Over the course of a day, the intensity gradually decreases and returns to normal.


The cause of the appearance of abundant secretion in the form of hard, cheesy pieces is either candidiasis. Standard clinical picture consists of copious discharge from the vagina of a cheesy mass of white or white-yellow color, which often has an unpleasant sour odor. During sex, you often feel discomfort and sometimes pain. In addition, in the area of ​​the labia there is a feeling severe itching, burning and discomfort due to excessive wetness of underwear.

For this disease to begin to manifest itself, any weakening of the immune system or the action of other factors affecting the population is sufficient. healthy microflora vagina.


The second name for this disease is bacterial vaginosis.

This pathology is caused by a violation of the composition of the vaginal microflora. With it, there is a sharp increase in vaginal secretion, acquiring a gray-white color and a heterogeneous structure. The secretion usually does not smell during the first 24 hours, but then acquires an odor reminiscent of rotten fish.

Gardnerellosis needs emergency treatment, as it can cause more serious diseases that affect general condition woman's health. Since it directly depends on the state of the immune system, prevention after treatment must necessarily include measures to strengthen a person’s resistance to colds and viral diseases. If this is not done, then at the next opportunity the dysbiosis will resume and lead to a new round of the disease.

How to relieve your condition before seeing a doctor

With excessive leucorrhea, a woman experiences discomfort due to the fact that the underwear in the intimate area quickly becomes wet, and the constant friction of wet fabric against the delicate skin of the intimate areas can provoke irritation. In such cases, using a healing cream will help, which should be applied in a very thin layer so as not to complicate the access of air to the skin.

Sometimes panty liners, which absorb liquid well and retain it inside their structure, sometimes help solve the problem, but this measure is not suitable for everyone, since sometimes an allergy develops to the material of the pads.

Of no small importance is hygiene care behind the vulva. Following the basic rules that you need to wash yourself twice a day from front to back can save a woman from many problems.

Often, in the pursuit of excessive cleanliness, women abuse douching. Performing such procedures unnecessarily is not only pointless, but also dangerous, since such manipulations each time disrupt the natural balance of microflora, which serves as a risk factor for the development of any infections or fungi.

If the leucorrhoea suddenly changes its character, becomes too abundant, cheesy, or acquires an unpleasant odor, the best solution would be to visit a specialist.

In this video, an obstetrician-gynecologist talks about what normal discharge should be like during the menstrual cycle.

Abundant watery discharge in women can cause a lot of discomfort to its owners: underwear quickly gets wet, and to feel fresh you have to constantly use panty liners. What does this increased humidity indicate, and what should you do if you notice it in yourself? More often, the appearance of watery discharge in women, like water, is a variant of the absolute norm. But sometimes this symptom may indicate pathological changes in organism.

Physiology: what is normal and what is not?

Discharge from a woman's genital tract is as natural as the excretion of saliva, sweat, tears and other fluids human body. Normally they include:

  • mucus produced by glandular cells of the cervical canal;
  • desquamated dead cells of the epithelium of the vagina and cervical canal;
  • natural vaginal flora, consisting of 6-10 types of microbes.

Microflora healthy woman 95% is represented by bacteria classified as lactic acid (Dederlein bacilli, lactobacilli) - with bacteriological research the content of their colonies should be higher than 10 7 . Streptococci, enterobacteria, bacteroides, and fungi are diagnosed in smaller quantities. Opportunistic pathogenic flora (ureaplasma, mycoplasma, gardnerella) are not detected in the body of a healthy woman or are sown in minimum quantities– less than 10⁴.

On different stages life of the fairer sex physiological characteristics The regulation of the reproductive system varies greatly. In most cases, the appearance of liquid discharge in women can be absolutely normal, less often it indicates health problems. The nature of the secretion released depends on:

  • age;
  • endocrine status;
  • presence/absence of sexual activity;
  • history of pregnancy, childbirth, abortion;
  • features of the vaginal microflora;
  • presence of concomitant diseases.

Note! Thanks to lactobacilli, vaginal discharge often has a slight sour odor and a pH of 3.8-4.4.

In girls and girls

Before the onset of puberty, that is, the age of 10-14 years, the girl has practically no vaginal discharge. This is explained by the peculiarities of the anatomy and physiology of the external and internal genital organs, as well as consistently low level hormones in this age period: why should there be secretions from a system that is in an immature, “dormant” state?

Wet panties on a girl that are not related to urinary incontinence are a reason to show her to a pediatric gynecologist. The reasons why there is heavy discharge before the age of 10-12 are associated with problems with the reproductive or digestive and urinary systems, located close to each other.

A girl may first notice slight liquid discharge like water about a year before menarche (first menstruation). This phenomenon is absolutely normal and is associated with active hormonal changes: the body is preparing for puberty. TO additional features changes in the reproductive system include swelling of the mammary glands, hair growth in the groin and armpits. Normally, mucous or watery vaginal discharge at this time is transparent or white in color and smells almost nothing (a slight sour aroma is possible).

In adult women

When the reproductive system works like a clock, normal discharge from the vagina tends to change depending on the day of the cycle:

  • The first phase (1-12 days from the beginning of menstruation) - they are not abundant (1-2 ml per day), mucous or liquid, like water. They have a uniform consistency, but the presence of small (1-2 mm) mucous lumps is acceptable. Their transparency is high, the color varies from whitish to cream. They are practically odorless and do not cause discomfort (itching, burning, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes).
  • During ovulation (the menstrual cycle reaches its midpoint), the volume of fluid released increases to 4-5 ml per day. Due to the presence of cervical (cervical) mucus, they become thick, viscous and viscous, sometimes acquiring a beige tint.
  • The second phase (14-28 days) is characterized by a decrease in the volume of mucus compared to the ovulation period. The clear or white discharge becomes more watery again, but the amount is small. Brown discharge at the end of the cycle usually indicates that menstruation will occur in a few hours.

Note! Discharge before menstruation usually becomes more abundant. They may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen: this is due to cramping contractions of the uterus, expelling blood clots.

Ending menstrual function and menopause are characterized by a progressive decrease in the volume of secretions. Their composition also changes: as in childhood, the vaginal microflora elderly woman represented mainly by coccal microbes (streptococci, staphylococci). Heavy discharge from the genital tract during this period is a sign of possible hormonal disorders or organic damage to the organs of the reproductive system.

What can affect the nature of vaginal secretion

There are a number of factors that affect the female reproductive system and change the nature of vaginal excretion. Physiological reasons, in which there is an abundant secretion of fluid from the genital tract or, on the contrary, its almost complete absence, can be very different.

The first sexual experience is associated not only with a new stage in a woman’s life, but also with the colonization of the vaginal mucosa with new flora - strangers, although not pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, the onset of sexual activity is accompanied by a change in the nature of vaginal excretion: heavy discharge for 3-10 days (sometimes more) is considered absolutely normal.

For the same reason, heavy, odorless discharge may occur after sex with a new partner - so genitourinary system women react to changes in microflora. Besides, frequent change sexual partners – a factor provoking the development of vaginal dysbiosis and sexually transmitted diseases.

Sexual intercourse itself can also cause increased humidity. Each woman noted that the nature of natural discharge changes after intimacy. Sex without a condom is accompanied by the appearance of white or yellowish mucous clots immediately after intercourse. After 6-8 hours they liquefy, becoming more liquid and abundant. Discharge in the form of water may continue for several more hours (up to 5-6). If sexual intercourse took place using barrier methods of contraception, whitish or yellowish mucus will be released from the genital tract - remnants of vaginal lubrication.

Another reason for liquid discharge is taking hormonal contraceptives. The mechanism of action of birth control pills is based on drug suppression of the ovulation process. In fact, the woman’s reproductive system is in a dormant state while taking them, so the volume of vaginal excretion decreases.

Normally, the functioning of the reproductive system should not cause the slightest discomfort in a woman. If supposedly normal character discharge is accompanied by burning, itching in the vulva area or the appearance severe pain- go to the doctor.

Features during pregnancy and the postpartum period

The description of changes in vaginal excretion during pregnancy deserves special attention. From the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may notice an increase in the volume of mucus and fluid released from the genital tract. The reasons for this physiological phenomenon are increased blood supply to the internal and external genital organs, an increase in the volume of circulating blood and active hormonal changes in the body.

Copious clear discharge during pregnancy should not have strong odor and cause inconvenience. To make a woman feel more comfortable, you can use panty liners, changing them as they get wet.

A sharp increase in the amount of fluid released in the 2nd-3rd trimester should alert you expectant mother: This may be a sign of leaking amniotic fluid. The volume of physiological secretions should not exceed 5-7 ml.

Appearance big clot, consisting of mucus and streaks of blood (sometimes it looks like copious brown discharge) is a sign of the passage of the plug and one of the harbingers of labor. This cleanses the cervix and prepares it to open.

After childbirth (usually within 3-7 weeks), a woman begins to experience lochia - physiological discharge, which includes a large amount of mucus, blood and dead uterine cells. There is a tendency to reduce their quantity: in the first days, scarlet or brown discharge resembles heavy menstruation, later it lightens and becomes similar to egg white. By the end of 5-8 weeks, abundant transparent discharge takes on a normal, pre-pregnancy character.

Sign of possible pathology

In some cases, very heavy liquid discharge can become a symptom of a disease of the woman’s urinary system or a hormonal disorder. We will consider the popular causes of wet laundry below.

Sometimes the appearance of pathological fluid from the genital tract is associated with a banal violation of personal hygiene rules:

  • lack of regular (2 times a day) washing;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes with an incorrectly selected product for intimate hygiene;
  • allergic reaction to soap, impregnating components of panty liners;
  • constantly wearing tight synthetic underwear;
  • accidentally inserted into the vagina foreign body(sand on the beach, a piece of toilet paper).

Note! Gynecologists recommend using comfortable cotton underwear for everyday wear. You should wash yourself twice a day with soft remedies for intimate hygiene with neutral pH. Vaginal douching should only be done as prescribed by a doctor - it is not a procedure for daily care.

If watery discharge flows from the vagina due to violations of personal hygiene rules, it is enough to change the care of the urinary organs, and everything will return to normal in 5-7 days.

In some cases, fluid from the genital tract indicates health problems. Why pathological liquid discharge occurs - let's look at the most common diseases.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis, vaginal dysbiosis) is a common pathology of the female genital area. It is accompanied by a decrease in the proportion of lactobacilli in the vaginal microflora and an increase in opportunistic microbes (primarily Gardnerella vaginalis).

Among the risk factors for vaginal dysbiosis:

  • frequent douching;
  • use of barrier contraceptives (condoms, suppositories) treated with 9-nonoxynol;
  • long-term antibiotic therapy;
  • frequent change of sexual partners.

The nature of the discharge with gardnerellosis changes slightly: it becomes a little more abundant and liquid, has a uniform consistency and a dirty grayish color, and usually does not stain underwear. Their main distinguishing feature is the unpleasant smell of rotten fish, associated with the release of volatile amines by microbes. It may intensify after a working day, during which there was no opportunity to shower or have sexual intercourse.

Note! Bacterial vaginosis should not be classified as an STD. A certain part of gardnerella exists in the vagina of almost every healthy woman. The development of the disease is associated with pathological activation of these microorganisms.

Inflammation of the appendages

Salpingo-oophoritis in medicine is called acute or chronic. Caused by various pathogenic microorganisms, including gonococci, staphylococci, coli, chlamydia, mycoplasma.

Discharge when inflammatory lesion the uterine appendages are liquid, mucous or mucopurulent in nature, and may have an unpleasant odor. Vaginal excretion occurs without taking into account hormonal fluctuations and cycle phase.

In addition, the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the groin, aggravated by hypothermia, before and after menstruation, radiating to the sacrum;
  • instability of the menstrual cycle;
  • signs of general intoxication - headache, weakness, body aches, feeling of weakness;
  • increase in body temperature.
  • infertility (removable).

Other diseases of the genital area

Endometritis - inflammation of the inner wall of the uterus - a disease associated with damage to the endometrium during probing of the uterus, diagnostic gynecological examination(curettage), abortion, difficult natural childbirth.

With endometritis, copious fluid of an exudative (usually purulent) nature with streaks of blood and a putrid “meaty” odor is released from the genital tract. In addition, the disease is accompanied by pain in lower sections stomach, fever, general manifestations intoxication.

The appearance of watery (less often mucous) bad-smelling vaginal discharge is also possible with pathologies of the cervix:

  • erosion;
  • cervicitis;
  • cancer

The appearance of abundant mucous fluid (sometimes mixed with blood) from the genital tract during cervical erosion is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort during sexual intercourse. The disease is dangerous due to its tendency to spread and the ability to become malignant.

Like erosion, cervicitis is characterized by an increase in the amount of fluid released from the genital tract. This disease is accompanied by severe symptoms of intoxication.

Watery discharge in women is not always a sign of pathology, even if its quantity is relatively large. If they do not cause severe discomfort, practically do not smell and are not accompanied by painful sensations and manifestations of intoxication, most likely they are a manifestation of the normal menstrual cycle. However, any questions and doubts of a representative of the fair sex regarding her reproductive health should be discussed with a specialist. You should contact him if you have, along with discharge pathological signs(pain, itching, burning, increased body temperature), as well as a sharp change (increase or decrease) in vaginal excretion.