Common reasons why stye appears on the eye. Inflammation of the lower eyelid: causes, symptoms, methods of treating blepharitis

Stye on the eyelid is a fairly common occurrence. distinctive features which is the abrupt beginning and rapid development of the process. Unfortunately, few people attach special importance to this disease, whereas this is one of the sure signs of decreased immunity.

What to do when stye appears on the eye?

Many “experts” in such a situation can advise what should never be done, but these are the eyes, located next to the brain. Never experiment.

Hordeolum or barley – spicy purulent inflammation, localized in the sebaceous gland of Zeiss or the hair follicle of the eyelash, or in the lobule of the meibomian gland. In most cases, it occurs singly, less often several inflammatory elements can be traced, and in some cases both eyes may be affected.

How to determine that it is barley?

    External stye is diagnosed much more often (resembles an abscess on the edge of the eyelid).

    An internal stye is an abscess located on the inside century from the mucous side. It occurs less frequently and is often complicated by chronic inflammation of the eyelid, chalazion.

Symptoms of barley increase in severity:

    Itching of the eyelid in the area where styes appear.

    Pain when touching the eyelid and when blinking.




    Feeling foreign body in the eye.

    A yellowish blister appears at the top of the swelling (inside or outside the eyelid) for 3-4 weeks of illness.

    Spontaneous opening of the vesicle, accompanied by purulent discharge on the 4th-5th day.

In children, weakened people, with recurrent and multiple barley, general symptoms may appear: headache, hyperthermia, enlarged lymph nodes, weakness.

Causes of hordeolum

Many people do not know why stye appears on the eye? The causative agent of barley is Staphylococcus aureus, an inhabitant of human hair and skin, a conditionally pathogenic microbe. Sometimes barley is caused by streptococci. Reproduction of the microorganism and pathological activity occurs in the presence of the following factors:

    Decreased immunity (due to stress, other diseases, physical overload, overwork, addiction to diets, poor nutrition).

    Hypothermia, which reduces the body's defenses.


    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the absorption of microelements and vitamins in the intestines is impaired, and, accordingly, the immune system suffers.

    Diabetes mellitus with malnutrition of the century.

    Hereditary predisposition.

    Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus, resistant to antimicrobial drugs;

    Chronic infections (adenoiditis, caries, tonsillitis);

    Failure to comply with hygiene rules.

    Worm infestation.

    Wearing contact lenses(in combination with other factors, it aggravates the condition).

Stye in a child

The mechanism of occurrence of barley in children is not at all different from that in adults, however, it is usually more severe. As a result of imperfect immunity and the difficulty of ensuring rest for the eye (a child can often touch the eyelid with his hands, thereby aggravating the situation), complications often arise: abscess, bleforitis, cholazion, phlegmon.

The fiber that lines the eyelid from the inside is looser in babies, so the inflammatory focus is often not limited and quickly spreads to the surrounding tissue. Even in particularly serious cases, it can cause meningitis. Therefore, if you do not know how to cure barley in a child, it is best to consult a doctor and take this more seriously. If complications develop, the child must be hospitalized in a hospital.

Help with barley

It is possible to quickly cure stye only in the first hours of its appearance, at a time when redness, itching and soreness of the eyelid only make themselves felt. How to get rid of stye:

Dry heat

This remedy is very effective in the fight against barley. You need to hard-boil the egg, wrap it hot in a cloth, apply it to the eye and do not wait until it cools completely. You can also use flax family, heated in a frying pan, sea ​​salt, as a source of heat. But keep in mind that if pus appears, then heating the barley is prohibited.

Antiseptic treatment

Moisten a piece of cotton wool with a match head in medical sports or vodka diluted with water 50:50, squeeze thoroughly and cauterize the reddened area of ​​the eyelid at the base of the eyelash. If carried out in a timely manner, following precautions and time, this method guarantees regression of barley on the same day. You can replace alcohol with brilliant green or iodine.

Treatment of stye under the eye

The classic treatment regimen for barley involves the use of antibacterial ointments and antibacterial drops. In particular difficult situations specialists may prescribe oral antibiotics. If the purulent vesicle does not open on its own, it will have to be opened in a medical setting.

Antibiotic eye drops

They are used to prevent the spread of the process and combat microorganisms. Preparations (drops for barley): “Sofradex”, “Albucid” (treatment of concomitant conjunctivitis), “Gentamicin”, “Penicillin” (1% solution), “Levomycetin”, “Erythromycin”, “Tobrex”, “Tsiprolet”, “ Fucithalmic", "Tobramycin", "Vigamox", "Tobrom".

Application: instillation three to six times a day.

Antibiotic eye ointments

They have exactly the same purpose, but are used for use at night, as they can impair the quality of vision. Therefore, the drops work during the day, and the ointment works at night, which contributes to a faster recovery.

Preparations: “Erythromycin”, “Tetracycline eye ointment”, “Floxal”, “Eubetal”, “Kolbiotsin”, “Tobrex”.

Application: leave overnight. Wash your hands thoroughly and squeeze 3-4 mm of ointment onto your finger with the second hand, carefully apply the ointment and pull back the eyelid. You can put the ointment in daytime, if the work does not involve precise actions.

When purchasing drops or ointment at the pharmacy, indicate that you need eye medication. Please note that ointments for application to the skin are characterized by a higher concentration active substance and can cause irreparable harm. It is prohibited to use drops and ointments for external use with this name instead of eye ones!

The use of ointments with corticosteroids (hydrocortisone ointment, dexamethasone) during a bacterial process is prohibited, since they are prohibited for purulent inflammation.

Oral antibiotics

They are used for complicated and multiple barley, for general symptoms, lack of effectiveness of treatment, for barley in children and weakened patients. Act on etiological factor, and also exclude the subsequent spread of infection.

Drugs: "Ampicillin", "Doxycycline", can be inhibitor-protected ("Flemoklav solutab", "Augmentin", "Amoxiclav" and others), second-line drugs - macrolides ("Zitrolide", "Hemomycin", "Azitrox", " Sumamed", "Azithromycin" and others), third-line drugs - cephalosporins.

Directions for use: according to instructions, five to seven days.

Antiseptic solutions

Used to wash the eye after opening a purulent vesicle or breakthrough of pus.

Preparations: Furacillin solution, Sulfacyl sodium solution (30%).

Application: the drug is instilled into the patient’s eye, and excess liquid must be wiped off with a sterile bandage.

Concomitant treatment of stye on the eye

If there are general symptoms, doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). To strengthen the body, beer shakes and fortified nutrition are recommended.

What to do if the barley does not want to open on its own?

Of course, pus can only be released by a doctor. If the purulent head does not open on day 6-7, you should contact a specialist who will perform the necessary manipulations. After surgical opening there is no scar left.

Traditional methods of treating barley

In the fight against barley on the eye, folk remedies are actively used. Many of them are actually very effective, some of them are unfounded, for example, rubbing the eye with salt, spitting, or figs in the sore eye and others. You should think about it before you resort to grandma's methods, since it is an organ of vision that cannot be experimented with.

So, how to remove stye from the eye:

    Green tea. Dip a sterile bandage into freshly brewed tea and apply it warm to the eye. It can be used two to three times a day at the very beginning of the disease; if pus occurs, this method is no longer suitable.

    Cauterization of barley with valerian tincture. Dip a cotton swab into the tincture and gently cauterize the stye (5-10 minutes is enough). Most people find this method effective when started early.

    Silver item. The edge of a silver fork or spoon should be drawn across the diseased eyelid, directly at the eyelash line. It is especially effective at the very beginning of the process.

    Onion. A small circle of onion (one centimeter thick) is fried on vegetable oil, putting the heat on low, place it warm in gauze, then apply it to the eyelid until the onion cools completely. The procedure must be repeated several times.

    Aloe. From a fresh aloe leaf that has been in the refrigerator for 12 hours, you need to squeeze out the juice and dilute it 1:10 with water, using lotion liquid (do not wet the bandage too much).

    Baby shampoo without tears. Used when barley has opened, to cleanse the eye of crusts and pus. Dilute 1:20 with warm boiled water and drop a few drops into the eye, blink and wipe the outside of the eyelid with a sterile bandage.

    Beetroot juice. After squeezing, you need to leave the juice for three hours in the refrigerator, then drink 1/5 cup, and then increase the volume to 0.5 cup per day. It has a general strengthening effect and blood cleansing properties.

    Birch juice. Take 0.5 liters orally daily. It is believed that it has the ability to purify the blood.

Prevention of stye

    Eliminate the habit of regularly touching your eyes and maintain hand hygiene.

    Eye hygiene - careful evening and morning toilet, cleaning dirt with a sterile bandage in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Throughout the day, you can use Natural Tear drops to cleanse your eyes.

    Use of personal cosmetics, use of individual towels.

    If you have stye often, it is a recurrent infection. Treatment: immunocorrection, autohemotherapy, UV therapy, climate therapy.

    Healthy lifestyle.

    Compliance with the rules of lens care, as well as the rules of wearing them.

    Sanitation of chronic foci of infection.

What is forbidden to do if you have barley?

    Open a purulent vesicle or squeeze out the pus yourself.

    Warm up stye with a purulent vesicle, visit saunas and steam baths.

    Apply wet lotions to barley with a purulent focus.

    Touch the stye with your hands, scratch the sore eye.

    Go outside, especially in cold period. Moreover, there should be a dry antiseptic bandage on the eye.

2065 03/08/2019 6 min.

For some people this phenomenon happens regularly, and they, of course, wonder why this happens, what causes the disease? Stye not only spoils the appearance, it is quite painful and interferes with the vision of the eyes, it causes discomfort and spoils the mood. What are the methods of treatment and prevention?

Definition of disease

Everyone knows that the human visual organs are a very complex and at the same time delicate mechanism. It is precisely because they are so sensitive that they often encounter various pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Any slight contamination or non-sterile contact with the membrane of the eyes may cause irritation, lacrimation or even an inflammatory process.

One of the most common eye problems is a disease called stye. Of course, it does not pose any threat to human life, but it becomes a disturbing and painful ailment that you immediately want to get rid of. Barley itself will not appear, it only external manifestation, the reason itself lies inside the body.

In order to find out the predisposing factors for the appearance of the disease, you need to clearly understand what it is. Barley appears as a result of an inflammatory purulent process in the sebaceous gland or hair follicle of the eyelash.


As already said, common cause is weakening protective properties body, but many specific reasons can be identified that provoke the appearance of barley:

  • The most common may be diseases of the eyelids or eyes. Barley is only a consequence of such diseases or a subsequent complication. This is why it is so important to be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist, not only for, but also to undergo a complete check of the entire system.
  • One of the popular reasons for the occurrence of a painful phenomenon is considered to be lack of personal hygiene. Many people simply have some kind of mania, constantly touching their eyes, scratching them, and this usually happens with dirty hands. The results of such actions are damage to the delicate skin of the eyelids and penetration of viruses and bacteria into the skin, which very quickly cause inflammation.
  • May develop against the background.
  • One of the reasons is frequent hypothermia and colds. It is precisely in this case that barley acts as a witness to weak immunity and gives a warning and eloquent signal to a person that it is time to strengthen the “defense.”
  • After severe illness, during the rehabilitation period, when the body has not yet fully recovered.
  • The polluted environment also acts as a provoking factor. Especially in an urban environment, there are many external stimuli. This is dust, smoke, harmful fumes.
  • Inflammation of the eyelash bulb also occurs due to problems in the digestive system; few people know about this, but this occurs in practice.
  • Stressful situations or prolonged nervous tension may become provoking factors for the occurrence of this phenomenon.
  • Due to weakened immunity, the internal functionality of the body is disrupted, including metabolic processes, this may be most directly related to barley.

As you can see, there are enough reasons for the occurrence of inflammation, and this only once again convinces how important it is to keep your body clean and in good health, to have strong immunity, in order to be sure that harmful bacteria will not be able to penetrate inside and harm your health.


The symptoms can be determined quite simply, since a person experiences pain in the eyelid and eye area, which may be accompanied by headaches. Stye can cause an increase in temperature, but the most significant visual effect is the appearance of redness and swelling on the eyelid.

Symptoms begin to appear in the form of redness at the site of the future stye. Then you can observe swelling of this part of the eyelid, usually one or several eyelashes at once.

The source of the disease may appear suddenly, begin to hurt very much, and they say about it “popped up.” Within three days, localization occurs more pronounced, that is, a yellowish head appears at the site of the inflamed area. On the fourth day, the opening of the lesion begins, and the pus comes out. This happens without human intervention, and after the outpouring of the purulent mass, the pain goes away.

Edema usually occurs if the outer corner of the visual organs becomes inflamed, this indicates disturbances in the lymphatic process. It can be said that main reason popping stye lies in a weakened immune system. The disease is only a warning or reaction of the body to a deficiency of immunity, such as fever, sore throat or runny nose, if they do not have an infectious background.

If a person often experiences styes, he or she should consult an ophthalmologist. Only he will tell you how to get rid of it.

Under no circumstances should you interfere with this process or touch it with your hands. purulent focus, and even more so try to squeeze it out. This one is very threatening negative consequences. The inflammation goes away on its own within a short period of time short period, especially if the person is quite healthy and the immune system is in good condition.

Experts distinguish two types of disease. They depend on the causes of occurrence and have different appearance:

  • The external form, in which the eyelash bulb or sebaceous gland becomes inflamed.
  • The internal, most painful form, when an inflammatory process in the meibomian gland is detected.

Possible complications

About regular form Now everything is clear. Here the disease is short-lived and disappears after the purulent contents are released. The person feels a noticeable improvement in his condition, and the pain goes away.

The internal type has more difficult process, since an infection of the mucous membranes of the eyeball can occur when the abscess ruptures. This becomes most dangerous when there are small wounds or damage. For this very reason, you should contact a specialist rather than wait for the abscess to swell and leak.

One of the most complex consequences is considered to be a blockage of the meibomian glands. In this case, a process occurs in which barley turns into a capsule and is obtained. This is not possible without surgical intervention. To prevent such developments, you should begin to treat the disease in its infancy.

If you have barley, you should not wear contact lenses or use any cosmetics.


How, and? For minor inflammation and in good condition and well-being, treatment is not necessary. One has only to observe this phenomenon.

There are situations when the head does not ripen, and after severe redness and swelling, inflammation goes away on its own. In other cases, urgent rescue measures have to be taken.

Treatment of the source of inflammation should be regular; for this purpose, antiseptic agents are used, among them: iodine, brilliant green or calendula tincture with alcohol. Use a cotton swab to carefully clean the danger zone several times a day.

By medication

Medicines that can treat inflammation sebaceous glands on the century, pharmacies offer quite a lot, among them eye drops, ointments and gels. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are used in treatment, such as:

  • Hydrocortisone drugs.

Cedi drops are most often used:

  • Albucid,
  • Tobrex,
  • Gentamicin.

Another antimicrobial agent is known, which belongs to the group of 2nd generation fluoroquinolones. This is Ofloxacin. It can be in the form of an ointment or as eye drops. But without consulting an ophthalmologist, you should not use any of their medications on your own. Independent actions in this case it is excluded completely. Well, about the famous ones traditional methods, should be kept silent altogether, since they have nothing to do with correct and civilized treatment.

With good heating, barley can swell and burst faster. Warming procedures are prescribed only when the abscess has not fully matured. Warm compresses also speed up the process, but they should only be dry. You can use salt, sand or cereal heated in a frying pan, boiled eggs. They are placed in a handkerchief or napkin and applied to the sore spot.

Warming up takes no more than 15 minutes. The procedure can be done up to several times throughout the day.

Doctors sometimes prescribe UHF procedures.


In those rare moments when the abscess “stays too long” but does not swell, surgery is prescribed. The surgeon makes an incision and drains the pus. After completion of the manipulation, the sore spot is treated with antiseptics until the wound is completely healed.

Folk remedies

This approach is possible, as long as it is not limited to spitting in the eye. But jokes aside.

Indeed, there are folk methods that can help with this disease. We will now offer several recipes and ways to use them:

  • Treatment with aloe. Cut off the leaves of the plant and pour hot boiling water over it and leave for 30 minutes. Apply the infusion to the eyelid using a cotton pad up to several times a day.
  • You can also wipe the affected area with strong tea leaves throughout the day.
  • An infusion of chamomile helps relieve pain, especially with large localized inflammation. Infuse the dry mixture in boiling water and use it as a compress for the eyelids.



A stye on the eye does not pose a threat to life or health. However, this phenomenon should not be ignored. Without much fanaticism and hysteria, you need to observe the process and, in case of instability, just come to see a doctor. This will help you solve the problem together and take effective steps towards a speedy recovery.

Do not forget about the role of immunity for your own life. People with a strong immune system, as a rule, are not susceptible to such unpleasant incidents as the appearance of styes on the eyelids. Remember this and take care of your immunity - it is our everything!

Also read about what it is and how it is used to treat styes on the eye.

Stye is a purulent formation on the eyelids. The inflammatory process is characterized by an acute course. Stye is one of the most common infectious eye diseases.

There are many reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant, painful bump on the upper or lower eyelid. Without timely treatment, the infection spreads to other areas, and purulent-septic eye lesions develop. In severe cases, the disease becomes chronic.


Inflammation of the eyelid mucosa begins after a bacterial infection enters the body. The causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus. Pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply rapidly under favorable conditions.

Provoking factors and reasons for the appearance of stye on the eye:

  • weakened immunity due to helminthic infestations, foci of chronic infection;
  • furunculosis;
  • severe pathologies endocrine system(including diabetes mellitus);
  • overheating of the body;
  • hypothermia;
  • prolonged exposure to drafts;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • bad habit of frequently touching the face and eyes;
  • colitis, gastritis, other diseases of the digestive system;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • malnutrition.

Note! Inflammation of the eye often develops when chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, hepatitis, sinusitis, cholecystitis, inflamed adenoids.

First symptoms and signs

A ripening stye under the eye makes itself known several hours or even a day before an inflamed tubercle appears on the eyelid. Unpleasant manifestations are familiar to many. More than 80% of the population experienced inflammation on the eyelids in different periods life.

Most cases of the disease are observed in children. Barley also appears in men and women aged 35–55 years. The main reason is that during these periods various reasons Many people have reduced immunity.

What does stye look like on the eye? Main symptoms and signs:

  • At first, the upper or lower eyelid swells a little;
  • pressing on the swollen area causes pain;
  • the area next to the tumor becomes slightly red, inflamed, and swollen;
  • sometimes the body temperature rises and the head hurts;
  • the conjunctiva turns red (not always);
  • nearby lymph nodes enlarge;
  • An abscess forms in the center of the swollen area.

How long does a stye on the eye last? From several days to several weeks. Sometimes the pus comes out on its own, the papule resolves. More often, the inflammatory process requires treatment.

Remember! By opening the papule, you expose yourself and those who accidentally touch your hands to the risk of further infection. Ulcers contain millions of bacteria. Think about it!

Varieties of the disease

Foci of infection on the eyelids are:

  • single;
  • multiple.

Most people develop an abscess in one eye. The spread of the inflammatory process to several hair follicles leads to numerous ulcers in both eyes. This nature of the disease is observed in people with very weak immunity.

  • patients with malignant tumors;
  • HIV-infected;
  • patients with chronic hepatitis;
  • aged people.

Note! The frequency of swelling and papules with purulent contents on the upper and lower eyelids is approximately the same. In severe cases, multiple ulcers develop in both areas. Sometimes the swelling is so great that upper eyelids fall down, leaving a narrow gap.

Barley is classified according to location:

  • outer. Main variety. The molly or Zeiss glands become inflamed. Their function is to produce a secretion that protects the cornea of ​​the eye. The glands are located at the roots of the eyelashes. The fatty secretion produced by the gland clogs the ducts, the eyelid becomes inflamed, swells, and an abscess appears;
  • interior stye on the eye. Diagnosed less frequently. The reason is blockage of the internal meibomian glands located deep in the eyelid. Inflammation also develops on the cartilaginous plate of the eyelid. Frequent relapses are evidence of the transition of an infectious disease to the chronic stage.

Note! The internal variety of barley often provokes the development of a “frozen” form - chalazion. “Cold” barley develops in the absence proper treatment. Severe cases require surgery.

Treatment methods

Most people dream of quickly getting rid of the abscess, swelling, and redness that worsens their appearance. A half-closed eye does not add attractiveness.

There is stye on the eye, what should I do? You can quickly get rid of barley using simple, effective remedies. An indispensable condition is early start treatment. Suitable:

  • traditional methods;
  • medications;
  • compresses;
  • warming up (to the abscess stage).

Contact your ophthalmologist as soon as possible. The doctor will prescribe therapy, taking into account the course specific case diseases.


  • anti-inflammatory eye ointments from barley – Tetracycline, Hydrocortisone;
  • treatment of swelling, inflamed tubercle with medicines for barley - brilliant green, ethyl alcohol, calendula tincture;
  • eye drops for stye antibacterial effect– Levomycetin, Tsipromed;
  • multiple formations, big size papules require the use of antibiotics. A test for the sensitivity of pathogens to various drugs. Levomycetin and Gentamicin tablets are most often prescribed.

Important! Be sure to monitor the progress of treatment with a dermatologist.

If you go here you can find out interesting information about newborn acne.

Folk remedies and recipes

Many people are familiar with this situation: immediately after waking up, suspicions creep in, not unreasonably: “Is it possible that barley is developing?” The first signs appeared: the abscess is not visible, but there is already pain, tingling inside the eyelid, and slight swelling is noticeable. Is it possible to prevent the development of the inflammatory process?

How to remove stye from the eye? There are several proven methods to combat unpleasant phenomenon for treatment at home:

  • simple, affordable waydry heat. Boil an egg hard, wrap it in a clean cloth or handkerchief, and apply it to the swollen area. Hold until the heat goes away. Instead of eggs, take flax seeds and sea salt. Heat the ingredients in a frying pan and tie them into a knot. Remember - the method is recommended only in the initial stage. It is forbidden to warm up the abscess;
  • lotions with calendula. Take 10 g of flowers, 200 ml of boiling water. Keep on fire for 5 minutes, remove and cover the pan with a towel for an hour. Make lotions three times a day;
  • compresses with dill- an effective remedy for barley. Rinse a teaspoon of seeds, pour boiling water (250 ml) and boil. Leave for 30 minutes. Apply compresses several times a day;
  • aloe lotions. Grind the middle leaf, pour warm boiled water. Keep at room temperature. After a day, strain. Use for lotions. Aloe relieves inflammation well;
  • Black tea. Brew strong tea. Apply compresses moistened with infused tea leaves to the affected areas;
  • plantain decoction. Dry or fresh leaves– 3 tbsp. l., boiling water - 1 cup. After half an hour, the infusion is ready. Make lotions with plantain decoction daily;
  • egg white. Beat well. Lubricate the swelling from the outside;
  • anti-inflammatory collection. Supplement external treatment by taking a healing decoction internally. Collection: chamomile, calendula, sage. All herbs in a tablespoon, water - 0.5 liters. Pour boiling water over the raw materials and leave for 30 minutes. Take ¼ cup daily.

Stye on a child's eye

Swelling and ulcers on the eyelids occur much more often in children than in adults. Children pay less attention to hygiene, are more likely to become hypothermic, and have a rather weak immune system.

Symptoms infectious disease repeats the features of the development of the inflammatory process in adults. Children often have a fever and their eyelids swell greatly, causing discomfort. The papule on the eye hurts, there is a tingling sensation inside.

Lack of treatment leads to complications. Sometimes vision deteriorates.

What to do if stye appears on the eyelid? Tips for parents:

  • consult a doctor as soon as possible;
  • At the first sign of inflammation, use dry heat. Check for an abscess. You can warm a reddened, painful area only if there is no papule with pus!
  • children don't like unpleasant procedures, come up with a fairy tale about a “magic egg that takes away all diseases with it.” Usually, after such stories, children warm their eyelids with pleasure;
  • make lotions with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and sage.

How to cure stye on a child’s eye:

  • Levomycetin, Tetracycline ointment;
  • Albucid eye drops;
  • taking into account the age of the child, it is possible to use sulfonamides;
  • internal stye requires hospitalization;
  • in severe, advanced cases, antibiotics are required;
  • at internal barley surgical intervention, removal of pus, and drainage with antiseptic agents are often required.

Advice! For multiple, frequently recurring abscesses on the eyelids, thoroughly examine the child. The same advice applies to adults. Be sure to consult an ophthalmologist and have your blood tested for sugar. Sometimes papules on the eyelids are an indirect sign of diabetes.

Preventing stye is not easy. Doctors say that the stronger the body, the higher the immune defense, the less often they will occur. inflammatory processes and purulent rashes.

No one is immune from the appearance of a painful tubercle on the eyelids. Once again, study the provoking factors, think about what can be done to minimize the risks.

In your power:

  • increase immunity;
  • take enough vitamins;
  • do not overcool;
  • do not overheat;
  • do not touch your face with unwashed hands;
  • monitor the course of chronic pathologies.

Styes on the eyes are a common phenomenon. Don't take it lightly. An untreated inflammatory process easily spreads to neighboring areas and causes complications. Often the disease progresses to a chronic stage. Frequent relapses, multiple papules, severe pain, and unsightly appearance will make you suffer.

Conclusion: seek help in a timely manner, strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. Be healthy!

Diseases of the eyelids account for 10% of all visual defects. And they can appear as a result of improper formation of the fetus in the womb, also subsequently received injury or after surgery.

The skin of the eyelids has the ability to stretch well. Also contained in human centuries great amount blood vessels, and in addition, the tissue of the eyelid is very loose, all these factors together make it possible for fluid to accumulate in the eye area. As a result, the slightest malfunction human body leads to the accumulation of excessive amounts of water, which is reflected in this area of ​​the body. If swelling appears on the eyelids, but the temperature is not increased, and they are pale in color, then this may be a signal that the functioning of the thyroid gland, heart, or even kidneys is impaired. The first thing that suffers from this is the eyelids. We will consider eyelid diseases in more detail in our article.

Reasons why the eyelids become inflamed

First of all, it is worth noting that there are a huge number of reasons why eyelid inflammation occurs, but most often such a defect is provoked by the following factors:

  • Micromite bite. These insects are mainly located in human hair or in the skin. And this can happen due to a decrease in human immunity.
  • Human sensitivity to various factors environment. The overwhelming majority of irritants are: poor quality decorative cosmetics, animal hair and even house dust.
  • If a person has a defect such as farsightedness and does not use glasses, then in such a situation the eye muscles will be constantly in a tense state. As a result, the person will begin to suffer from constant itching, which will make him want to rub his tired eyes. And when rubbing the eyes there is Great chance cause an infection, which provokes an acute form of blepharitis.

In these cases, the eyelids also suffer. Eyelid diseases can be caused by other factors.

Defects in the digestive system provoke metabolic failure. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, blepharitis is detected against the background of diabetes mellitus, colitis and gastritis. But the whole point is that because of these ailments, a person experiences disturbances in his normal operation sebaceous glands located between the eyelashes, which increases the risk of developing inflammation of the eyelids.

But at the same time, the above list will be incomplete if we do not indicate the following defects, which in the overwhelming majority become the culprits of inflammation of the eyelids, namely:

  • failure in the lacrimal layer of the cornea;
  • the presence of viral infectious diseases of a chronic nature;
  • staphylococcus or streptococcus of the ocular membrane;
  • infection in biological fluid or in the teeth, which can penetrate the eyes and cause inflammation of the eyelids;
  • eye burn of chemical origin;
  • sustained eye injury;
  • a progressive inflammatory process in the nasopharynx or nasal sinuses.

In these cases, the eyelids become inflamed. Diseases of the eyelids can appear as a result of overstrain due to prolonged reading or prolonged work at the computer.

What are the types of eyelid diseases?

Ophthalmologists identify eye diseases in humans by symptoms that make themselves felt in various parts eyes. It is worth highlighting several main types of such defects, namely:

  • chalazion;
  • abscess of the eyelid;
  • demodicosis;
  • Colombo;
  • blepharitis;
  • trichiasis;
  • ankyloblepharon;
  • inversion and inversion of the eyelid;
  • lagophthalmos.

These are all diseases of the eyelids. Treatment will be discussed below.


Chalazion occurs due to chronic inflammatory processes, such as the regular appearance of styes, with reduced immunity or wearing uncomfortable contact lenses. If a person develops such a defect, the ducts of the sebaceous glands become blocked. The contents thicken and resemble jelly, and upon palpation a small dense ball will be felt.

As for treatment, in this case, if the lump is small in size, you can get rid of it with the help of an ointment that contains an antibiotic. But in the case where the treatment does not produce results, a surgeon can rid a person of such a compaction in just a couple of minutes.

What other eyelid diseases are there?


An abscess is an inflammation of tissues in which compactions appear and are filled with purulent discharge; unfortunately, such a defect can also develop in the eyelid. As a rule, the development of this disease can be provoked by running forms blepharitis or sinusitis. It is worth emphasizing that this defect is one of the most dangerous diseases of the eyelid.

A symptom of the development of such a disease is a swollen and reddened eyelid, and the resulting tumor can often spread to the cheek. Then gradually it becomes softer, and through a thin skin covering purulent accumulations are visible.

In this case, there is a high probability that such a defect will break through on its own, after which the person feels relief. But a fistula forms where the pus came out, indicating that the core of the tumor is still inside. That's how sensitive the eyelids are. There are other diseases too.


As a rule, the form of this defect is chronic and worsens during the changing seasons.

How else do eyelids become inflamed? Eyelid diseases are not as common as other diseases, but they are also quite common.


Colombo - in the overwhelming majority, this is a congenital disease, but it can develop as a result of an injury or as a result of complications. Basically, the place of its dislocation is the upper eyelid, but sometimes the colombo can appear on the lower eyelid. In shape, this defect resembles an inflamed triangle, the apex of which is directed upward to the eyebrows.

With this defect, you should immediately seek help, since there is a high probability of getting an inversion of the eyelid. Moreover, the advanced stage often leads to the formation of ulcers, erosion, or corneal dystrophy. As for therapeutic therapy, in this case surgery is performed. Like these ones terrible diseases have existed for centuries.

Blepharitis: causes

The first sign of blepharitis is inflamed edges of the eyelid. The provocateurs of this defect are varied, namely:

  • frequent manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  • infections of various origins;
  • avitaminosis;
  • bad teeth;
  • inflammatory process in the nasopharynx;
  • stomach diseases;
  • various eye diseases;
  • use of low-quality decorative cosmetics.

In the overwhelming majority, it is Staphylococcus aureus that is the first culprit that provokes this disease.

The first sign that blepharitis is developing is redness and swelling of the eyelids. Sometimes white scales may appear in the eyelash area, which are easily separated, but new ones appear in their place. At the same time, a person feels the weight of the eyelids from the eyelashes, which also begin to fall out significantly. Moreover, the person begins to be bothered by severe itching. The eyes become very sensitive to external factors such as:

  • bright light;
  • any dust;
  • wind.

When exposed to these factors, a person develops a feeling of pain. In general, the eyelids become thickened, and when you press lightly on them, fluid begins to secrete.

If such an ailment is not treated in a timely manner, the disease will worsen even more, pus will gradually begin to form, which, when dried, will form crusts, and if you try to pick them off, bleeding ulcers will be found underneath them.

This disease is dangerous because over time the ulcers will scar and deform the eyelids, as a result, the eyelashes will bend inward.


Trichiasis is a disease that occurs as a result of the disease blepharitis. Trichiasis causes deformation of eyelash growth. In other words, eyelashes begin to grow in different sides, and sometimes they bend inward and thus irritate the mucous membrane.

Other diseases

Ankyloblepharon - with this defect, a partial reduction of the edge of the eyelid occurs. Sometimes this disease occurs in newborns, but it also happens that this disease occurs as a result of scarring. In this case, the treatment of eyelid diseases consists of surgical intervention.

Ptosis is one of the most the most dangerous diseases upper eyelid. Such a defect is detected by the following symptoms: the upper eyelids droop in an unnatural manner relative to eyeball. Basically, this disease appears as a result of damage to the motor nerve of the eye.

To get rid of such a disease of the eyelids (eyes), a whole range of measures is used, this is surgical intervention and parallel medical therapy.

Entropion and eversion of the eyelid

Entropion is when a spasm or convulsion occurs in the circular muscle, then the eyelid turns inward; this phenomenon is also called entropion. In this case, the eyelashes irritate the cornea, and such a defect can only be corrected through surgery.

And when an eversion occurs, the eyelid droops. Elderly people are more susceptible to this defect, since their muscles weaken over the years. If the changes are minor, the problem is not considered serious. But if an eversion of the eyelid occurs and the conjunctiva dries out and enlarges, then urgent measures should be taken in the form of surgical intervention.

Follicular conjunctivitis

In this case, the conjunctiva and lymphatic follicles in the third eyelid become inflamed. If a disease of the third eyelid appears, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. It is important to understand that some defects are very dangerous, and a person risks serious complications if measures are not taken in a timely manner.

Treatment of eye diseases

On this moment Modern medicine has made huge strides in the treatment of affected eyelids. After diagnosing and establishing the origin of the disease, ophthalmologists can prescribe successful therapy, namely:

  • eye drops;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • special ointments;
  • hardware treatment;
  • injections;
  • surgical intervention.

The simplest and most painless way to treat lower eyelid disease is with eye drops. Thanks to this remedy you can relax eye muscle, when it is necessary. Moreover, properly selected drops will help prevent the appearance of cataracts and other dangerous defects.

It is necessary to take vitamin complexes, since they are able to enter the eye tissues and strengthen the retina and blood vessels. But at the same time, vitamins are taken in combination with other medicinal medications.

Copes well with some eye ailments and ointment. But it should only be used strictly as prescribed by a specialist. It is important to understand that such a remedy is not suitable for every eyelid disease in humans.

Hardware treatment for Lately has become widely used. And the most common devices are those that the patient can use at home. The fact is that such devices can relieve fatigue from the eyelids and improve blood circulation. And most importantly, such devices will help a person maintain excellent vision for a long time.

If the disease of the upper eyelid is advanced, then a specialist may recommend injections. In this case, only a competent specialist should carry out this manipulation. And the last method is surgery. This method of treatment is used when the situation requires an immediate solution and there is no time left for therapeutic therapy. Or in the second case, when medicinal method treatment did not give the expected effect.

Whatever method of treatment is chosen, the main thing is to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Only in this case can we hope for a positive result.

Prevention of inner eyelid disease

In order to prevent situations where various inflammatory processes of the eyelid occur, ophthalmologists recommend adhering to the following tips:

  • regularly increase your immunity, it is especially important to pay attention to protecting the body if you have previously had infectious diseases;
  • try to lead healthy image life and give up those habits that negatively affect the human body;
  • If possible, avoid stressful situations or try to get rid of them as quickly as possible;
  • if you have vision problems, be sure to wear glasses;
  • take care of personal hygiene and do not use other people’s bath accessories;
  • pay maximum attention to eye hygiene;
  • completely stop using low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • do not touch your eyes with dirty hands, even if they are very itchy; for this you should use a bactericidal wipe;
  • If one of the family members has an eye defect, then it is necessary to carefully ensure that other household members do not touch his personal belongings.


If you have the slightest suspicion that your eyelids are inflamed (we have looked at diseases of the eyelids, diseases and pathologies of the eyelids), do not postpone a visit to a specialist. It is important to understand that timely treatment is the key to ensuring that complications do not bother a person.

Acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle of the eyelash or sebaceous gland, which is located near the bulb.

The disease begins with local redness and slight swelling in the area of ​​one eyelash. A small inflammatory focus is manifested by pronounced pain. On days 2-3, purulent melting appears and the apex acquires a yellowish tint (head).

On the 3-4th day, the abscess opens, the pus flows out, and the pain subsides. If inflammation occurs in the area of ​​the outer corner of the eye, then severe swelling occurs due to impaired lymph circulation. Stye is a sign of immune system deficiency. Stye on the eye is treated by an ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist).

Causes of stye on the eye

The direct culprit behind the appearance of stye on the eye is bacterial infection. And here the cause of the appearance of stye may be failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene (it is enough to wipe the eye with dirty hands or a towel).

Barley is an acute staphylococcal infection hair follicle and adjacent glands. Most often, the infection develops as a result of exposure to Staphylococcus aureus.

Moreover, in most cases, barley “pops up” in children who have the immune system very weak. Barley appears as a result of infection of the hair follicle or sebaceous gland (with dust, from dirty hands).

Barley can also occur in cases where there is any disease gastrointestinal tract, worms or diabetes. Immunity or metabolic disorders contribute to the appearance of barley.

Symptoms of stye on the eye

Pain in the eye area, headaches, sometimes increased body temperature. A painful point appears at the edge of the eyelid, then swelling, which may be accompanied by itching, redness and swelling of the eyelid.

After 2-4 days, a yellowish head, an abscess, forms at its top, and when opened, pus and particles of dead tissue are released.

You should not squeeze out pus yourself, as this can lead to more serious illnesses eyes (you can spread the infection with your hands). Unripe barley may simply disappear without opening, this is normal.

Descriptions of symptoms of stye on the eye

First aid for stye on the eye

If the stye is just beginning, literally in the first hours of its life you can very easily get rid of it by making a semi-alcohol compress: soak a microscopic piece of cotton wool in vodka and squeeze it thoroughly, and then apply it directly to the reddened area of ​​​​the skin at the root of the eyelash. Be careful not to get alcohol into your eyes!

Place a large thick piece of cotton wool on top (from eyebrow to cheek) and hold it with your hand or bandage it. You don't need to hold it for long. The skin of the eyelids is very delicate; alcohol can cause burns very quickly. Keep the compress for 10-15 minutes, no more. If the burning sensation is severe, you can remove it earlier. Throw out the small piece of cotton wool with vodka, and keep the large piece of cotton wool for another 3 hours. All! Barley aborts with a guarantee.

At inflammatory diseases eyes of a bacterial nature, including barley, doctors recommend starting treatment at the first symptoms. As a rule, first of all, antibacterial drugs are used in the form of drops and ointments for the eyes (as prescribed by an ophthalmologist):

For barley, antibacterial ointment is applied to the inflamed area, the characteristic swelling of the eyelid, at least 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, but for at least 5 days even if the symptoms disappeared earlier.

For bacterial conjunctivitis (red eye with purulent discharge), drops are instilled 2-4 times a day until symptoms disappear completely, for at least 5 days in a row.

Another tried and tested remedy is dry heat. A chicken egg is best. It is hard-boiled, wrapped in a cloth and applied to the eye. They keep it until it cools down, and then the children happily eat their “medicine.”

If a purulent head has already appeared, you should not heat the stye under any circumstances - you will intensify the process of suppuration!

When the barley is ripe, we either wait for it to open on its own, or we go to an ophthalmologist-surgeon so that he can carefully release it. To prevent conjunctivitis, you need to instill a solution of chloramphenicol into your eyes (there are ready-made eye drops) or apply tetracycline eye ointment.

A special case is when barley appears one after another or several ripen at once.

In such cases, the first thing you need to do is check your blood sugar level. What does it have to do with normal level Sugar on an empty stomach doesn't mean anything. On early stage carbohydrate metabolism disorders, sugar can rise only after a sweet meal and does not decrease for a long time, causing specific damage in the body.

In such cases, you need to check the glucose tolerance test (TSG), otherwise the sugar curve. This is done this way: on an empty stomach, the blood sugar level is determined, they are allowed to eat 70 g of sugar, and after every hour they take repeated measurements of the sugar, determining when it drops to normal. Normally, TSH is no more than 2 hours.

Treatment of stye on the eye

Ointments containing antibacterial drugs are applied to the eyelids. Under no circumstances should the stye be squeezed out, as the pus penetrates deep into the tissue, which can lead to purulent inflammation of the orbit.

At the beginning of the disease, barley is smeared with brilliant green. Dry heat and UHF are prescribed. Medications are used - antibiotics for instillation into the eye and oral administration (for general malaise).

Medicines for the treatment of stye (as prescribed by an ophthalmologist):

  • Gentamicin (eye drops and ointment);
  • Tetracycline 1% ointment;
  • Ciprofloxacin (eye drops);
  • Erythromycin 1% ointment;
  • Albucid 30%.

Which doctors should I contact if I have stye on my eye?

Treatment of stye on the eye with folk remedies

Perhaps the most famous folk remedy for treating stye on the eye is an egg - it needs to be boiled, peeled and applied warm to the egg.

Actually, this is not even a treatment for stye of the eye - a warm egg, like all other folk remedies, promotes the rapid ripening of stye and the flow of pus from it, that is, the stye goes away faster.

You can replace the egg with warm bags of herbs - calendula or chamomile; folk remedies for the treatment of barley and green tea are recommended.

Another remedy traditional treatment I consider barley on the eye more effective, because it really helped me. This is an onion.

Pour oil into a frying pan, cut a centimeter thick circle from the onion and place it in the frying pan over low heat. The oil began to hiss, the onion began to smoke - turn off the heat, take out the onion and put it in cheesecloth.

The hot onion should be applied to the barley through cheesecloth, only, of course, allowing it to cool slightly so that there is no burn. Heat, oil and onion juice contribute to the rapid and relatively comfortable ripening of barley and its rapid breakthrough. Once the onion has cooled, put it back into the oil and do this 3-4 times.

How to treat stye on a child's eye

A stye on a child's eye is usually caused by staphylococcus, and if an abscess appears inside the eyelid, it is a disease of the meibomian glands.

The main causes of barley in a child:

  • long exposure to strong winds;
  • infection;
  • weakened immunity in the child;
  • chronic and inflammatory diseases.

It is necessary to treat barley immediately, before the baby’s temperature rises and swelling begins. You cannot get rid of stye on the eye mechanically, as this can lead to complications - from an abscess to meningitis.

The sore can be cauterized 70% alcohol, brilliant green or iodine, trying to prevent the solution from getting into the baby’s eye. Naturally, barley on a child’s eye will ripen within four days. To speed up this process, you need to make the child healing compress for the night.

Take 5 g salt per 200 g warm water. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply to the eyelid. Secure the compress with a bandage or plaster. After three hours, the compress can be removed.

Recommended for treating children Albucid eye drops. At night, apply it behind the lower eyelid medicinal ointment, For example, erythromycin. In the hospital, UHF therapy is sometimes prescribed to treat stye on the eye. In addition, the doctor may prescribe immunostimulating medications and vitamins.

Use chloramphenicol drops is an antimicrobial agent that is used in many cases. There are also new generation antibiotics - Tobrex and Tsiprolet, they act on the basis of the substance tobramycin. We must remember that drops are instilled into the conjunctival sac, and not into the eyeball.

The doctor decides which drug and in what dosage can be used.

This is very individual and depends on many factors:

  • causes of barley;
  • child's age;
  • general condition of the body.

Ointments less common than drops. They are more difficult to use, especially for a child. But they are no less effective; they also contain antibiotics. Ointments commonly used:

  • tetracycline;
  • erythromycin;
  • hydrocortisone;
  • left-mekoleva.

It is better to apply tetracycline ointment at night, as it melts and spreads over the eyelid, causing blurry vision. The ointment does not spread for a long time, but it definitely gets to the site of inflammation. There is also a minus - a thick concentration. But now they are releasing antibacterial gels, for example, blepharogel.

It is necessary to add foods rich in vitamin A to your diet:

  • herring;
  • liver;
  • cottage cheese;
  • butter;
  • carrot;
  • vitamin C: dry rose hips, black currants, citrus fruits.

Give it to the child drinking plenty of fluids To cleanse the body, tea with honey is very useful. Do not give your child herbal infusions orally without a doctor's prescription.

Questions and answers on the topic "Stye on the eye"

Question:Hello, I have stye upper eyelid It’s already starting to go away, but in the place where the eyelids connect, on the side of the nose, there’s inflammation inside the corner of the eyes, the doctors aren’t working until Monday, can we wait or is it urgent, is the swelling getting worse? Thank you.

Answer: The reasons may be different; an in-person examination by a doctor is necessary. For now, you can rinse with decoctions of chamomile, mint or linden.

Question:Hello! I am 27 years old, I have a stye on the left side of my eye, my lower eyelid. It doesn’t ripen well, everything goes to the head, they treat it with tea, then I made a cake out of eggs and flour, I apply it, it seems to suck it out. If they cut, will they give an injection?

Answer: Hello! Barley is opened under local anesthesia by making a small cut in the skin above it. After opening, drainage is inserted into the wound, through which pus subsequently flows out. Carry out daily wound treatment with application aseptic dressing and antibiotic therapy.

Question:The internal stye on the upper eyelid is very strong! 3rd week, severe pain, headache on the side of the affected eye. Tetracycline, sodium sulfacide, do not help, what should I do? The ophthalmologists are all on vacation. The next one will be out in 6 days.

Answer: Hello! Apparently you will have to make a small incision, so continue the chosen treatment, wait for the ophthalmologist or find another one.

Question:Hello. My daughter (8 years old) two years ago had a outside there was barley on top. We consulted a doctor who prescribed warming for us and advised us to also warm the eye at home. As a result, the barley grew huge and did not want to break through. It all ended with us cutting it in the department, then it healed for some time, and after only half a year it was completely gone. Now in the same place it is starting to turn red and swell a little again. Maybe there is some way to stop this process in its infancy and not bring everything back to the department and surgical intervention. Thanks in advance for your answer.

Answer: Hello! Yes, of course, you can bury it medicines antibacterial, anti-inflammatory in the eye, vitamins inside. More detailed treatment An ophthalmologist will tell you during a face-to-face consultation.

Question:I got a stye on my eye. What could this be connected with and how to treat stye? Is it necessary to go to a doctor or can you handle it yourself?

Answer: If the barley is ripe, thermal procedures are contraindicated - they will only increase purulent inflammation. If there is no temperature, try treatment for stye on the eye antibacterial ointments locally, placing them under the eyelid. At elevated temperature without the use of antibiotics and sulfa drugs You can't do it inside. UHF therapy is useful among procedures (but it can only be carried out if there is no temperature). When the process is running, the operation is shown.

Question:Hello, so-called stye has been appearing in both eyes with enviable frequency for the past 2 months. Eyes hurt and swell. Previously, sodium sulfacyl helped, now the eye swells for 2-3 days, then the swelling subsides. A week later it happens again. I wear contact lenses, at first I thought it was because of them, I changed them, but the problem did not go away. how to treat it?

Answer: Hello! As I understand it, we are talking about recurrent barley. This may be caused various conditions body: decreased immunity (including vitamin deficiencies), condition of the eyelids, general diseases ( endocrine disorders, chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract). Lenses have nothing to do with it. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out standard treatment(antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drops and ointments), as well as eliminate the above-mentioned disorders in the body.

Question:Please tell me how to treat the stye on the lower eyelid - within 2 days it has already ripened, but it won’t break through, the eye is red, I don’t really want to go to the hospital, the child is 7 years old, 1.5 months ago she was lying with a boil in her nose, they opened it up, and she didn’t care which one doesn’t want to go to the hospital, tell me how to help at home???? I used tetracycline ointment and albucid drops.

Answer: Hello! Your chosen treatment antibacterial treatment we can continue. To quickly open the purulent head, you can use dry heat, after which you can continue instilling antibacterial drugs for 7-10 days.

Question:Hello! Dear doctor, it’s been 2-3 months since a stye appeared on my eye, at first it hurt and itched, I applied tetracycline ointment, after that the pain and itching seemed to go away, but not large tumor stayed. It seems like there is something inside, but there is no white dot, it’s red. What should I do? I'm very afraid. Please, help! Waiting for your reply. Thank you!

Answer: Hello, for this you should visit an ophthalmologist. Most likely, the main duct has closed, so the inflammation is inside. Sometimes a small incision is required to heal completely. And sometimes they just prescribe antibiotics. This is very serious, so don't wait to see a doctor.

Question:Hello, please tell me what to do: 3 weeks ago a stye popped up and pus came out. Literally 2 days later another one popped up - it went away, the pus came out. And literally the next day another one began to appear. Tell me what to do? Thank you.

Answer: Hello. Recurrent styes occur when immunity decreases and blood glucose increases. Get examined about your blood sugar, consult an ophthalmologist, the doctor will prescribe herbal preparations, increasing immunity, possibly autohemotherapy. Pay attention to your diet. Eliminate all sweets and starchy foods, prefer vegetables, meat, and definitely black bread. I wish you recovery!

Question:I often suffer from styes, tell me modern means how to deal with them and is it possible to get rid of them forever?

Answer: Dressing with red threads, figs and rinsing with tea leaves, however, like other methods traditional medicine, in this case will not help. Moreover, by delaying a visit to the doctor, you risk causing severe inflammation. Barley (infection of the meibolian gland, the exit channel of which is located on the mucous edge of the eyelid) is provoked as a result of hypothermia of the body. Therefore, to avoid getting sick, do not overcool and monitor the state of your immunity. If you are already sick, I recommend visiting an ophthalmologist as soon as possible, since incorrect and untimely treatment inevitably leads to complications (spread of infection, cicatricial deformation of the eyelids and further relapses). You will be prescribed medications that can short time fight the infection. During illness, it is better not to forget about personal hygiene and wipe your face with an individual towel so as not to infect your household. Take a course of vitamins, do not get too cold (especially in the summer under air conditioning), take care of your immunity, and also visit a therapist.

Question:Good afternoon My wife has a stye, the head is not visible, there is a small tumor near the eye, a little pus has already come out. We went to the clinic - the doctor prescribed Ciloxan (Tobrex) and Tobradex. But the fact is that the wife is a nursing mother (the baby is 3 months old), and the instructions for Tobrex and Tobradex say that it is better to stop feeding during use (and we don’t want this, breast milk is best food for the baby). It is written about ciloxan that there are no contraindications, but you need to be careful, because there is a possibility of getting into milk. Tell me, please, what medications are best to use?

Answer: Hello! The most common causative agent of this disease is staphylococcus, but it is very desirable to know for sure. If it is Staphylococcus aureus, a special approach is desirable; discuss this with your doctor. In this case, antibiotics should be prescribed last; the option of treatment with an antistaphylococcal bacteriophage, staphylococcal toxoid, should be considered. All the best!

Question:Hello! 2 days ago my right eye started to hurt, the next day I noticed that my eye was slightly swollen, and when I lifted my eyelid I saw a stye. Tell me how to cure it and how many days does it take to be treated?

Answer: Hello! You should visit an ophthalmologist. The most common causative agent of this disease is staphylococcus, but it is very desirable to know for sure. If it is Staphylococcus aureus, a special approach is desirable; discuss this with your doctor. In this case, antibiotics should be prescribed last; the option of treatment with an antistaphylococcal bacteriophage, staphylococcal toxoid, should be considered.

Question:Hello!!! The stye came out on the inside of the upper eyelid, it doesn’t hurt much, but it doesn’t go away, it’s already 4 days. This has never happened before. What to do? I feel that a head has already appeared there, although not big.

Answer: Good afternoon. Now you no longer have barley, but a chalazion. Acute phase inflammation has passed. In this case, I would recommend an injection of Kenalog into the chalazion. 2-3 days and everything will pass, if not, then after 10 days the injection can be repeated. If there is no effect, the chalazion is removed promptly.

Question:I got a stye on my eye. It took a long time to mature and yet it grew. Tetracycline ointment was prescribed. I warm it with heated salt. But it’s not that all this helped, but somehow the opposite - the eyelid became enormous. And this morning I noticed that a second stye had appeared.

Answer: I advise you to exclude sweet, fatty and sour foods. As well as alcohol, bread and meat. Take bearberry tea internally. Eat only boiled rice and without salt, you can eat it with turmeric. Watch your diet, because a problem in the eye is a sign of excessive overstimulation, and perhaps it is the liver.

Question:A month ago, the child had a stye on his eye, the doctor prescribed us tetracycline ointment and eye drops - chloramphenicol, they treated it and recovered. A month later, a stye became inflamed on the same eye again; she did not consult a doctor, but began to treat it using the same method as before. Please tell me, am I doing the right thing and what should I do to prevent eye inflammation from stye from happening again? Thank you in advance.

Answer: Wrong. If there is a relapse, then you were treated incorrectly and you repeat it. You need to be further examined by an ophthalmologist and a pediatrician. You can try hydrocortisone eye ointment 1% on the eyelids and give the child a tansy decoction to drink - doses depending on age - a pinch on the tip of a knife (from a year old) or 1 tsp. per 200 ml of boiling water (for 5 years).

Question:Hello! Tell me, does stye on the eye somehow affect feeding? breast milk? How to treat it for a nursing mother? Is it possible to feed a child if he has stye?

Answer: No way. Feeding can be treated as usual.

Question:How to treat stye on the eye?

Answer: Go to the doctor (and he will already prescribe some ointments or antibiotics). But it is important to remember that you cannot mechanically remove it yourself, as this can lead to some complications. Can be wiped with alcohol (at least 70%). And to prevent this, you need to strengthen your immunity (vitamins). Observe hygiene rules.

Question:A 3-year-old child has a stye in his eye, no fever, and does not complain of pain. Prescribed: sumamed suspension, nurofen, finestil, linex, erythromycin ointment, viferon, lykopid. Is such a number of drugs and especially antibiotics (sumamed) justified?

Answer: If the process is widespread purulent cavity large sizes, the prescription of antibiotics is justified. In this case, this issue can only be adequately resolved by an ophthalmologist after a personal examination. An antibiotic is prescribed to prevent the development of complications such as eyelid abscess, purulent meningitis. It is recommended that after 3 days of treatment, you re-consult with an ophthalmologist to assess the condition of the eye and, if necessary, adjust the treatment of stye on the eye.