Is the procedure of cauterizing cervical erosion with electric current so scary? Treatment of cervical erosion by cauterization with electric current.

The method of applying current to the inflamed tissue of the cervix (cervix) during erosion is one of the most effective methods of treating the disease, with minimal risks complications and a fairly quick recovery period. Cauterization of erosion with current through special electrodes involves strong heating of soft tissues, due to which they evaporate.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current is performed on almost all women with this disease who have no contraindications to electrocoagulation. , find out from the article. Although some patients are wary of this manipulation, it is cauterization with electric current that helps cure the disease in cases where other methods are ineffective and do not give positive result. Treatment of cervical erosion by cauterization helps prevent future relapses.


Treatment of erosion on the cervical cavity with electrocoagulation, although it is one of the most effective methods, is not suitable for everyone. There are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is strictly prohibited to resort to cauterization of erosion. Removal of cervical erosion by electric current is not carried out in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • blood diseases that slow down the process of blood clotting;
  • disruption of the hematopoietic process;
  • presence of human papillomavirus;
  • oncological neoplasms in the body;
  • infectious and viral diseases in the acute stage;
  • venereal diseases;
  • the presence of pathogenic fungi on the pelvic organs.

It is not recommended to cauterize erosion for women who have not yet given birth. This is explained by the fact that if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, negative consequences may occur, the formation of adhesions and the development of other pathological processes, although this is rare.


To prevent negative consequences from cauterizing the erosion, it is necessary to properly prepare for the procedure. The patient will have to undergo a number of tests:

  • blood test for HIV, hepatitis;
  • laboratory examination of a vaginal smear;
  • general and detailed blood test;
  • urine test;
  • analysis for sexually transmitted diseases.

In the presence of concomitant diseases and pathologies of the reproductive system organs may require an ultrasound examination.

Carrying out the procedure

Cauterization is carried out during the period from 7 to 9 days of the menstrual cycle. Electrocoagulation and diathermocoagulation of cervical erosion - cauterization of erosion, takes place according to a precise algorithm. After all the preparatory manipulations, the woman is placed in a gynecological chair, the doctor treats the organs of the reproductive system antiseptic drugs, after which an anesthetic is applied. Cauterization uterine erosion It is performed under local anesthesia, anesthesia is administered by injection. The injection is placed in the vagina, near the cervix.

Once the anesthesia has begun to take effect, an electrode is inserted into the vagina, through which an electric current will flow. The procedure is carried out under the control of a special colposcope device, a video from which allows the doctor to direct the electrode precisely to the damaged tissue of the cervix. The current leads to strong heating of the tissues, which is why they begin to gradually evaporate. At the end of the procedure, the genitals are re-treated with antiseptics.

The duration of the procedure for cauterization of cervical erosion is from 20 minutes to 2 hours (you can see how the procedure is carried out in the video.

Types of cauterization

Depending on the severity clinical case and the presence of concomitant pathologies, for example, cysts, are used the following types surgical minimally invasive intervention:

  • diathermoexcision– cutting out the affected areas of the soft tissue of the cervix with electric current, the procedure is used in case of advanced erosion, in the presence of dysplasia;
  • electrocoagulation or diathermocoagulation– exposure of affected areas to high voltage current.

The electrocoagulation method can cause negative consequences in the form of soft tissue burns and subsequent scarring.

The question of whether it is painful to cauterize cervical erosion with electric current worries all women before the procedure. The method of cauterizing erosion, despite the fact that local anesthesia is used, is quite painful. Woman experiencing discomfort medium intensity.

The injection itself to administer anesthesia is not painful, since there are practically no nerve endings on the cervix.

Postoperative period

Negative consequences after cauterization can be prevented by carefully following the doctor’s instructions during the rehabilitation period. Tissue healing takes a long time, from 1.5 to 2 months. Full recovery occurs only after six months.

A woman who has cauterized an erosion should be prepared for the fact that for several weeks after the treatment procedure she will occasionally experience minor bleeding, which is normal. Small blood clots may be present.

Other side effects - after 2-3 weeks, as the scab heals soft tissues, vaginal discharge may appear with a watery consistency and a rather unpleasant, specific odor. This phenomenon not a pathology, but part of the recovery process.

If the patient has heavy bleeding pain that does not go away within several days, stomach pain, fever and general condition worsens, you should consult a doctor.

Normal and pathological discharge

The following types of uterine and vaginal discharge are considered normal:

  • watery, with light blood spots;
  • heavy discharge in the first days after surgery;
  • the presence of pinkish clots;
  • the duration of moderate bleeding is from 2 to 3 weeks.

The nature of the discharge, in the presence of which you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • heavy bleeding for a long time;
  • dark color of blood;
  • large blood clots;
  • yellow-green discharge with bad smell.

Such signs indicate the presence of serious complications.

Prohibitions during the rehabilitation period

After removal of uterine erosion, a woman is strictly prohibited from having vaginal sex for 2 months. Therefore, the question: should disappear by itself. Neglecting this rule will lead to the fact that the tissues of the cervix that have not yet healed during sex will be damaged, bleeding will begin, and an infection may develop.

It is prohibited to engage in active activities during the entire recovery period. physical activity, lift heavy objects. In order to prevent such complications as infection and the opening of extensive bleeding, over the next 2 months after cauterization of erosion, a woman should not:

  • visit saunas, baths and solariums, public swimming pools;
  • take a bath;
  • swim in open waters.

Possible negative consequences

It is necessary to treat cervical erosion, and to avoid serious complications, the procedure must be trusted an experienced doctor. Much depends on the patient. The more carefully a woman follows the doctor’s instructions during the rehabilitation period, the lower the risk that serious consequences will occur.

Bleeding is a common complication after cauterization of erosion, the appearance of which is associated with intimacy for 2 months after surgery, playing sports and lifting weights. It is possible that bleeding may occur due to the fact that during the treatment procedure the doctor may touch a blood vessel.

Other consequences are the appearance of hematoma and the development of endometriosis. The risk of scar formation on soft tissues cannot be excluded, due to which the patient will experience pain during sexual intercourse.

Most dangerous consequence is the addition of an infection. This complication is treated with antibiotics. Infertility due to cervical cauterization surgery occurs in 5% of women. In 1% of cases, cauterization of erosion can provoke the development of oncological tumors.

Possibility of getting pregnant

After the operation, menstruation comes on time, there may be a slight disturbance in the menstrual cycle, which improves after a few months. If a scar has formed on the tissue after surgical manipulation, this may reduce the likelihood of a quick and successful conception.

The presence of a scar can lead to cervical rupture during natural birth. In this regard, cauterization of erosion with electric current is not performed on patients who have not yet given birth. If the treatment procedure was completed without complications, pregnancy is possible after the menstrual cycle is completely restored.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current is considered an effective way to eliminate pathology. The impact on the affected area is carried out using special current-conducting electrodes.

This method of removing inflamed tissue of the cervical epithelium allows the erosion to heal, forming a full-fledged scar that will not interfere with a woman’s normal sex life.

Indications and contraindications for cauterization

Treatment is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. The patient's cervical erosion does not heal for a long time. Inflammation of the epithelium on this organ was detected.
  2. It is recommended to treat small areas of the cervix for hyperkeratosis and limited ectopia of columnar epithelium.

Cauterization is prescribed after unsuccessful attempts to cure erosion using conservative treatment methods.

Contraindications to the operation are:

  1. Infectious diseases, for example, sore throat, flu, etc.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the genital organs.
  3. Suspicion of the presence cancerous tumor on the cervix.
  4. Pregnancy.

To carry out the operation use:

  • equipment that allows you to receive currents of the required frequency;
  • vaginal specula;
  • forceps;
  • cotton and gauze swabs;
  • antiseptics;
  • long tweezers.

How is erosion treated?

Treatment of cervical erosion with current begins after examining the patient and staging accurate diagnosis. Electrocoagulation is most often prescribed to women who have already given birth, since in some cases the consequence of the operation may be the development of infertility in the patient.

Diathermocoagulation can be performed on the patient in the second half of the menstrual cycle. The procedure lasts from 30 to 120 minutes depending on the area of ​​the affected area. An electrode in the form of a plate is installed on the patient’s lower back, and the second electrical contact is deepened into the tissue of the cervix. It can be needle-shaped or ball-shaped and penetrate the epithelium to a depth of 2 to 3 mm. The influence is carried out by currents high frequency, which cauterize the erosion zone. If the erosion has covered a large area of ​​the epithelium, then a wire electrode made in the shape of a loop is used to burn it out.

The damaged tissue evaporates, and bleeding does not occur due to the soldering of the capillaries by the current. A scab appears on the treated area, which disappears during the recovery period. Instead, a scar forms. To carry out the operation, a special device is used that generates a current of the required frequency and amplitude.

Many patients are interested in whether it is painful to cauterize cervical erosion with electric current. The method allows you to eliminate cervical erosion almost painlessly, because it is used local anesthesia. If the patient's epithelial lesions are extensive, she may be given general anesthesia.

Reviews of women who have experienced treatment using the described method show that up to 80% of such operations are successful.

Recovery period after electrocoagulation

After eliminating the erosion, the patient should recover. This period lasts from 1 to 2.5 months, depending on the woman’s health condition. Complete healing of the scar occurs within 5–6 months. For recovery, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs to the patient that promote fast healing wounds. The doctor calculates the dosage of drugs and the duration of therapy depending on individual characteristics the patient’s body, the presence of concomitant diseases.

Patients should be aware that they may experience minor symptoms for 1–2 weeks after surgery. bloody issues, intensifying in subsequent days. Sometimes the patient experiences bleeding, but there is no need to worry, because these are blood clots that appear due to the burn. They break down over time and then come out as a little bleeding. To prevent such situations from arising:

  1. The patient must abstain from sexual activity for 2 months after the operation. at this time the scab is damaged and bleeding begins.
  2. You cannot lift weights or play sports until the scar is completely healed.
  3. It is prohibited to visit open reservoirs, swimming pools, and baths. The patient can take a warm bath at home.

After about 2 weeks, the scab begins to break down, so the patient may experience watery discharge with an unpleasant odor. This is a reaction internal organs for a burn, but there is no danger.

After cauterization of the cervix of the uterine cavity, the patient’s periods begin on time. But sometimes menstruation is heavier than at other times. Some women experience a temporary change in the menstrual cycle after treatment. They complain that their periods are late or that they appeared ahead of time.

Delayed menstruation - normal condition the patient's body. It shows that healing is proceeding normally. The cycle itself is restored 2 months after cauterization. The appearance of menstruation ahead of time should be a reason for a visit to the doctor. He must examine the scar and take necessary measures recovery normal cycle at the patient.

Possible negative effects after surgery

Sometimes after treatment, the consequences of cauterization are the following lesions:

  • severe bleeding;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • mucous discharge from the wound.

Complications after cauterization of cervical erosion by electric current occur when a large vessel is damaged. If the bleeding does not stop, the patient should immediately consult a doctor. Such lesions often have to be removed surgically.

If a nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to take No-shpa and similar drugs. But before using these medications, you should consult with your doctor.

In some women, complications begin due to neglect of doctors' recommendations. Most often, bleeding develops due to sexual intercourse in the first month after surgery, taking hot baths, or lifting heavy bags. Such patients should immediately consult a doctor if bleeding begins or pain appears in the lower abdomen.

But there are complications that require serious treatment. Stenosis may set in and strictures in the cervical canal may occur. When exposed to current (this is the most common lesion - 75–80% of all cases), hematomas develop. Some patients experience symptoms of endometriosis after cauterization. Some of them come a week after surgery due to tissue trophic disorders.

The patient seeks help from doctors even if, after cauterization, a rough scar has formed that interferes with normal sexual life. In approximately 5% of patients, infertility develops after surgery; chronic inflammation in the pelvic area.

Menstrual irregularities may occur, which will continue after recovery period. Most often, the amount of output decreases menstrual blood. Approximately 10% of patients experience prolonged wound healing after surgery due to strong thermal injury. In 1%, cauterization provokes the development cancerous tumors on the cervix. Relapses of the disease are possible, so sometimes it is necessary to repeat the operation.

Cervical erosion is one of the most common women's diseases. Currently, there are many factors that predispose to the development of this pathology. We can safely say that half of women have had cervical erosion during their lives. Therefore, the relevance of this topic is beyond doubt. In this article we will tell you about the method for diagnosing erosion and methods for its treatment.

Anatomy of the uterus

Since we're talking about this organic disease as erosion, it is necessary to provide at least a minimum of information about the anatomy of the affected organ, its structure and position in the body. Everyone knows that the uterus is located in the pelvic cavity and is a continuation of the internal genital tract. The uterine cavity communicates with the vaginal cavity through the cervical canal, which is the midline structure of the cervix. The uterus has several parts that differ in structure: the fundus, the body and the cervix. In the context of cervical erosion, we are interested in the structure and position of this structure relative to neighboring organs. The cervix is ​​the narrowest part of the uterus extended into the vaginal cavity. Outside, the cervix is ​​covered with multilayered non-keratinizing mucous epithelium, which has a structural architecture similar to the vaginal mucosa. The middle shell is muscle, the main direction of the fibers is circular. Therefore, the main function of this membrane in the cervix is ​​to narrow the lumen of the cervical canal. In the cervical canal, the canal itself is distinguished, the external one (at the border of the vaginal cavity and the cervix) and the internal pharynx (at the border of the cervix and the uterine cavity).

What does the cervical mucosa look like under a microscope, normally and with erosion?

Normally, the mucous membrane of the outer part of the cervix is ​​covered with multilayered epithelium. Under a microscope, this epithelium appears as several rows of nucleated cells, tightly packed both within one layer and between layers. At the border of the muscular and mucous membranes is the basal layer of the mucosa. This is where epithelial cells originate. Gradually, the basal cells, through division, give rise to more and more new epithelial cells. Which, as more and more new cells are added, move outward in the layers. Thanks to this continuous process, continuous self-renewal of the mucous membrane, healing of its defects, and mechanical prevention of infection occur.
The structure of the epithelium of the cervix is ​​significantly different from the mucous membrane of the outer part of the cervix. The main difference is the single-layer epithelium and the properties of the cells that make it up. These cells have a cylindrical shape (that is why the epithelium is called cylindrical). But main feature of these cells is the synthesis of special cervical mucus, which mechanically prevents the penetration of microbes and chemicals from the vaginal cavity.

What is erosion called?

In a broad sense, erosion is a defect in the integumentary tissue called epithelium. If there's talk about cervical erosion, this means a defect in the vaginal outer part of the cervix. With this defect, the integrity of the layers of the uterine mucosa is disrupted, and the epithelium becomes thinner. The important thing about this is that the defect does not affect the basal layer - thanks to this, it is possible to restore the epithelium (regeneration). If the basal layer is damaged, then this defect can be covered either by a single-layer columnar epithelium of the cervix (pseudo-erosion will form) or scar tissue will form in its place.

Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion

This method surgical removal of ectopic epithelium is performed using a special Surgitron device. After preliminary preparation, exposure of the area of ​​ectopia to radio waves of a certain frequency causes a local increase in temperature in the tissues to a small depth. Thanks to this method, superficial dissection of the ectopic epithelium occurs without damaging the deep layers of the myometrium. This gentle method allows for the removal of ectopic epithelium without further scarring of the treated area.

How to behave after cauterization of the cervix?

After cauterization, there is a wound on the mucous membrane of the cervix. For its optimal healing, it is necessary to create optimal conditions, functional rest, normalize microflora, follow the hygienic recommendations of the attending physician. In this regard, any form of genital contact should be excluded. It is necessary to take medications that stimulate healing, antibacterial medications and eubiotics to create optimal conditions for speedy healing.

The duration of sexual rest is determined individually. However, this period in most cases is at least 4 weeks. To more confidently determine the timing of the recovery period, it is necessary to regularly visit the attending gynecologist and conduct an examination in the mirror.

Duration drug treatment determined by the attending gynecologist individually depending on general condition patients, causes of erosion and dynamics of the process.

Preparation for cauterization includes several stages:

  • restoration of normal vaginal microflora
  • conducting research for sexually transmitted diseases.
  • in case of detection venereal diseases, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment identified infections.
  • in some cases, it makes sense to conduct a preliminary biopsy (sampling a normal area of ​​the vaginal mucosa) for subsequent microscopic examination.
  • if available immunodeficiency states it is necessary to carry out complex treatment of stimulating protective properties body.

Prognosis for cervical erosion

With timely and adequate treatment a complete cure is possible. However, if the disease progresses, erosion may increase in size, erosion tissue may become malignant, bleeding may occur, and female infertility may occur. Therefore, treatment of cervical erosion should not be postponed or treated as something insignificant. Be responsible regarding own health.

What does cervical erosion look like?

Cervical erosion is often discovered accidentally on preventive examination using speculum at the gynecologist. The damaged area usually has a round shape, bright red color, without signs of inflammation. But there are erosions and irregular shapes. The damaged epithelium is most often located around the opening of the cervical canal. Touching the area with any instrument may cause slight bleeding.

To determine the depth and extent of the lesion, the uterine pharynx is stained using various dyes (3-5% acetic acid, Lugol's solution). With such staining, erosion becomes clearly visible.

What could be the consequences of cauterization of the cervix?

The consequences of cauterization of cervical erosion depend on the type of cauterization. There are several types of this procedure:
  • Diathermocoagulation;
  • Cryodestruction;
  • Chemical destruction;
  • Laser therapy.
Largest quantity complications are noted after diathermocoagulation(cauterization with electric current). After this intervention, a scar may form in the lower part of the cervical canal. Because of this, the cervical canal narrows, which can complicate both the onset of pregnancy and the birth process itself - there is a high probability of cervical rupture. Therefore, diathermocoagulation is not recommended for nulliparous or pregnant women.

Another possible consequence is the development of endometriosis - the movement of the epithelium characteristic of internal cavity uterus, on the surface of the cervix. To prevent endometriosis, it is recommended to carry out moxibustion in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

After cryodestruction ( impact on erosion liquid nitrogen) scar tissue does not form and the cervical canal retains its elasticity, but sometimes it may shorten slightly. The depth of impact of this method is limited, therefore cryodestruction is indicated only for superficial defects of the mucous membrane of the cervix. Irregularly shaped erosions cannot be treated in this way, because... Nitrogen may enter healthy tissue, which is extremely undesirable. Possibility of conception and successful pregnancy remains after cryodestruction.

Chemical destruction erosion does not entail any negative consequences, but it can only affect small-area defects. Another “inconvenience” of this procedure is the need for repeated sessions - up to 3-5 procedures may be needed for a complete cure.

Perhaps, the only method, which does not have side effects and contraindications – laser treatment erosion. It leaves no scars, the depth of exposure can be set manually, and healthy tissue is not damaged.

What to do if there is discharge due to cervical erosion?

Nature has taken care of protecting the woman’s internal genital organs from various harmful factors. The stratified squamous epithelium covering the cervix and vagina normally secretes mucus, which prevents pathogens from penetrating into the uterus and beyond.

In case of failures in hormonal status women or when pathogenic microbes penetrate the vagina, the acid-base balance is disturbed and mucus production increases. These factors contribute to the development of cervical erosion.

Erosion on the lining of the cervix may bleed slightly. This usually happens after sexual contact or during deep washing.

It should be said that bloody discharge and leucorrhoea are not a characteristic sign of erosion. Rather, they indicate the presence pathogenic flora in the vagina and the presence of inflammation. Therefore, these manifestations should be combated with the help of anti-inflammatory therapy - antibiotics in aerosols and ointments (Olazol, Levovinisol, Miramistin, Vaginorm S), treatment of the cervix with sea buckthorn oil or solcoseryl ointment. These measures are not a cure for erosion, they only prepare the ground for its further elimination.

What traditional methods exist for treating cervical erosion?

It’s worth warning right away that it’s really effective traditional treatment will only occur in cases where there is no severe inflammation and signs of cell degeneration.

Product name How it works How to use What result should I expect?
Sea buckthorn oil Accelerates tissue healing.
Tampons soaked in oil should be inserted into the vagina at night for 1.5-2 weeks. You can lubricate the cervix with cotton swabs and oil.
Eucalyptus oil Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal effect; accelerates the cleansing and healing of the epithelium Tampons soaked in oil should be inserted into the vagina at night for 1.5-2 weeks. Before use, the oil should be diluted with a fat base (lanolin, petroleum jelly), in a ratio of 3-5 drops of oil per 10-20 g of fat. It is good to combine with basil oil (1-2 drops). Normalizes microflora;
reduces discharge; reduces the activity of inflammatory processes;
deodorizes (eliminates the unpleasant odor of discharge);
increases local immunity.
Eucalyptus leaves Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal effect, accelerates the cleansing and healing of the epithelium Used as an infusion prepared per 2 tbsp. raw materials - 1 glass of water.
Place in a steam bath for a quarter of an hour, strain and moisten cotton swabs with it. They can be left in the vagina overnight.
You can do douching with the same infusion twice a day for 5-7 days.
Normalizes flora, reduces discharge, reduces the activity of inflammatory processes, deodorizes (eliminates the unpleasant odor of discharge).
Aloe juice and oil, Kalanchoe Antiseptic and healing effect; anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect;
antifungal effect;
biostimulating effect.
Peel aloe leaves (7-10 pieces) kept in the refrigerator for 12 days from the green peel (only the jelly-like part of the leaf should remain). Pour 100 ml of oil - olive, sunflower, wheat germ oil. Let stand for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place.
Soak a cotton swab with juice squeezed from several aloe or Kalanchoe leaves and insert it into the vagina overnight or douche.
Also soak a tampon with oil and wipe the cervix with it.
Restoration of vaginal flora, reduction of discharge, reduction of itching and pain, rapid healing of erosion, without the formation of rough tissue.
Rosehip oil Increases local immunity; increases the rate of tissue recovery;
has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Insert oil-soaked tampons into the vagina twice a day.
Oil (2-3 drops) can be mixed with a fat base (vaseline or lanolin) - 10 g. Make balls from the mixture and insert into the vagina, or apply to a tampon and leave in the vagina overnight.
Promotes rapid healing of the epithelium, without the formation of gross defects;
removes inflammation; increases local resistance to microbes and viruses.

How to treat cervical erosion at home?

Treatment of cervical erosion at home should consist of anti-inflammatory drugs, and in the future the option of cauterization should be considered. Treat erosions with medicinal herbs should not: they provide only temporary improvement, but the cause of the disease (and most often it is the human papillomavirus) cannot be removed with the help of herbal remedies.

Drug name Basics active substance What effect does How to use What results to expect
Olazol Levomycetin;
Boric acid;
Sea buckthorn oil;
Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.
Promotes healing of erosion.
Insert tampons soaked in the drug into the vagina up to 3-4 times a day. Before use, perform thorough hygiene of the intimate area. Reducing inflammation, reducing pain, itching, decreased vaginal discharge.
Levovinisole Levomycetin;
Anti-inflammatory effect;
Antimicrobial action;
Promotes healing of tissue defect.
Insert tampons soaked in the drug into the vagina up to 3 times a week at night. Reducing vaginal discharge, reducing inflammation.
Miramistin Miramistite;
Disodium salt of edetic acid.
Antiseptic effect against many microbial pathogens; Antifungal action;
Destroys viral infection genitals;
Strengthens local immunity;
Promotes faster recovery epithelium.
A tampon impregnated with the composition is inserted into the vagina daily, the course of treatment can last up to a week. Allowed for use during pregnancy. Anti-inflammatory effect, reduction of vaginal discharge, healing of epithelial defects, cleansing of vaginal flora.
Vaginorm S Ascorbic acid Antiseptic effect;
Boosts local protective functions in relation to microbes and viruses;
Normalizes vaginal pH.
The tablet should be inserted as deep into the vagina as possible. Use once a day – at night. The course of treatment is up to a week. Can be reused. Allowed for use during pregnancy.
Elimination of signs of inflammation, reduction of leucorrhoea, normalization acid-base environment in the vagina.
Solcoseryl ointment Protein-free calf blood extract Acceleration of regeneration of the epithelial layer Tampons with ointment are inserted into the vagina 1-2 times a day. Healing of damaged epithelial layer
Sea buckthorn oil A mixture of carotene and carotenoids; tocopherols; chlorophyll substances and glycerides. Accelerates tissue healing;
Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
Tampons soaked in oil should be inserted into the vagina overnight for 1.5-2 weeks. You can lubricate the cervix with cotton swabs and oil. Reducing inflammation, normalizing vaginal microflora, healing the epithelium.

How to treat cervical erosion in nulliparous women?

Women should be warned right away: they should not delay treatment of erosion for a long time, because it can develop into a more serious disease. And the fact that the woman has not yet given birth or this moment pregnant, is not a contraindication to treatment.

But the choice of treatment method in this case is crucial. Considering that some cauterization methods can cause undesirable consequences in the future, it is necessary to choose a method that does not affect the ability to become pregnant or give birth without problems.

The most gentle methods include chemotherapy and laser treatment. If the size of the erosion is small, you can choose a chemical treatment method; Laser therapy is suitable for eliminating defects of any depth and size.

In cases where the size of the erosion is up to 2 cm, it is possible to use an alternative treatment method - physiotherapeutic stimulation of healing using ultraviolet rays.

If the disease is detected in a pregnant woman, cauterization of the erosion can be postponed until after childbirth. This is possible when the size of the erosion is minimal, there are no signs of cell degeneration and inflammation. In the presence of inflammation, but with a small area of ​​damage, anti-inflammatory and regenerating (healing) agents are prescribed - Olazol, Levovinisol, Miramistin, Vaginorm S, sea ​​buckthorn oil, solcoseryl ointment.

Cervical erosion is removed using different surgical methods. For a long time The only correct and most effective method was considered to be exposure to high-temperature pulses or electrocoagulation (diathermocoagulation).

With the advent of laser and radio wave therapy, the attitude towards painful and traumatic cauterization of cervical erosion by electric current has changed. Due to accessibility, such operations are still practiced, but they are rarely performed and only on women who have given birth.

Electrocoagulation is carried out in cases where the benign nature of the formation is confirmed and the lesion has not reached the cervical canal. The essence surgical procedure consists of removing the erosive surface using electrical pulses. High-frequency current destroys diseased tissues, and healthy cells are formed in their place. The treated area heals and scars.

The procedure lasts on average 20 minutes, no expensive equipment is required. Compared to other types of treatment for cervical erosion, this technique is one of the cheapest and most accessible. Diathermocoagulation is carried out in regular public and private clinics. If there are no complications, the woman immediately goes home.

In terms of efficiency, cauterization of erosion with electric current is inferior modern methods, but count this procedure absolutely useless and ineffective unfairly. Electrocoagulation allows for complete recovery without relapse in 75% of cases.

Features of preparation

Preparations for diathermocoagulation begin a month in advance. A woman must follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist. The success of the operation itself and the duration of the rehabilitation period will depend on this.

First of all, the doctor appoints a day for the procedure. Usually the second phase of the menstrual cycle is chosen. By this time, the wound from the removed erosion of the cervix is ​​healing, and the scab is removed.

Before cauterization, the patient undergoes gynecological examination and delivers the following:

  • cytology smear;
  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • analysis for infectious and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • biopsy;
  • smear on vaginal microflora.

IN mandatory the patient is prescribed. Inserted into the vagina special device, which helps assess the condition blood vessels reproductive system. An instrumental examination is carried out to determine the localization of areas affected by erosion.

If the test results reveal that a woman has any infection or inflammation, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Cauterization will be applied only after a follow-up examination.

How is the procedure performed?

During cauterization of erosion with current, electrodes are used. carried out in stages:

  1. The doctor examines the damaged surface and determines the boundaries of its location.
  2. Local anesthesia is used. The device and the surface of the cervix are in contact during the operation. Exposure to high frequency current causes discomfort. In order for cauterization to take place without pain and discomfort, the doctor blocks the nerve endings by injection (injection) or using a spray.
  3. The erosion is cauterized using 2 electrodes. One of them, metal, performs a passive function, the other is in contact with the erosive surface and cauterizes it. The active electrode can be in the form of a loop or a needle. Electric current is distributed between devices that produce heat. Diseased cells melt intercellular fluid evaporates and coagulation occurs. In order not to damage healthy tissue, the operation is performed in a targeted manner. Each area of ​​the affected part of the cervix is ​​treated for 10-15 seconds.

One of the features of the procedure is the different duration. The time depends on the size of the erosion. Cauterization with current ends only after bleeding has stopped and a scab has formed. This is a crust that comes off on its own within 2-3 weeks.

Indications and contraindications

The doctor makes treatment decisions based on the results laboratory research and after examining the diseased organ. The procedure is used and is considered effective when erosion reaches large sizes, spreads ulcerative lesion on healthy tissue and the patient’s complaints of pain and bloody discharge. Indications also include:

  • precancerous changes in the cervical canal and cervical cells;
  • parallel course of erosion and endometriosis;
  • cystic formations on the cervix;
  • deformation of the organ and large size.

If a woman is planning a pregnancy, the erosion is small, there are no associated diseases or discomfort, and viral and fungal pathologies have not been identified, the doctor decides that this therapy is inappropriate and chooses other types of cauterization. If there are worthy alternatives, experts prefer more modern methods. Diathermocoagulation is not performed on nulliparous women.

The limitation is due to the fact that after exposure to current, a scar forms on the surface. During pregnancy and childbirth, the cervix may simply give way and rupture. Among other contraindications it is worth noting diabetes, inflammatory processes, cancer, pregnancy, problems with blood clotting, breastfeeding, sexually transmitted diseases, cesarean section, the presence of an intrauterine device.

Rehabilitation period

After cauterization of cervical erosion by electric current, a small bleeding wound is formed on the surface of the mucous membrane, covered with a scab. After 2 weeks, the crust is removed from the body, but the damage itself takes a long time to heal, about 2-3 months.

In order for the body to recover faster and to avoid complications, a woman must follow a number of recommendations during the tissue healing period. Most of them relate to prohibitions. After cauterization, you should not play sports, lift weights, take a bath, use tampons, or visit a sauna, swimming pool, or solarium.

After diathermocoagulation, it is forbidden to have sex. It will be possible to return to sexual activity as soon as the gynecologist during scheduled inspection make sure that the treated wound is completely healed.

Possible negative effects after surgery

In most cases, complications and unpleasant consequences occur in women who ignore doctor's recommendations. Wound healing after erosion is eliminated does not cause much discomfort. Many people simply forget that the body needs several months to fully recover, and do not follow the rules.

TO early consequences after cauterization include bleeding from the wound immediately after the procedure, exacerbation of previously identified gynecological diseases, cycle violation. Among late complications Metaplasia, endometriosis, repeated erosion, and narrowing of the cervical canal are noted.

Throughout the entire rehabilitation, pain in the lower abdomen and spotting may be observed after cauterization of the erosion. This is normal during the period of tissue scarring, but if the secretion has a yellow or greenish tint and is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, consult a doctor.

- This common name for a group therapeutic techniques, the purpose of which is to influence pseudo-erosion and completely eliminate it. Due to the fact that the disease is widespread and affects up to a third of all women on the planet, moxibustion methods are constantly being improved and expanded. It is destructive methods of influencing erosion that are most effective in terms of its treatment.

Most women use the term “cauterization,” meaning direct heating and the formation of a burn on the epithelium. However, this use of this word is not entirely correct. For example, if a damaged area is exposed to nitrogen, then this is nothing more than freezing, and if erosion is eliminated using a laser, then its cells are simply evaporated. However, all these techniques are referred to in everyday life as cauterization.

In addition, only pseudo-erosion is cauterized - but not true or congenital. Pseudo-erosion is formed as a result of disruption of the healing processes of true erosion, when certain part multilayered squamous epithelium is replaced by cylindrical epithelium, “emerging” from the cervical canal. As a result, a site is formed that differs both in structure and in appearance. It is this zone of ectopia that must be destroyed.

Methods of cauterization of cervical erosion

Modern clinical gynecology has a set of methods for physically eliminating the pathological process.

Among them are:

    Diathermocoagulation- method of treatment with electric current. One of the outdated and most traumatic methods of getting rid of erosion.

    Cryodestruction is a method of getting rid of erosion using nitrogen. This is a more gentle way to remove erosion by freezing pathological cells and their subsequent destruction.

    Laser vaporization- a method of getting rid of pathology using a laser. Quite painless and effective method removal of erosion, while having high efficiency.

    Radio wave coagulation- a method of cauterizing erosion using radio waves. One of the most promising and progressive methods of healing damaged areas.

    Argon plasma ablation method- elimination of erosion using argon. It is performed using special devices in which argon undergoes ionization with high-frequency currents and precisely affects the eroded area with a plasma beam.

    Electroconization, used for severe treatment, allows you to get rid of atypical cells even in deep epithelial layers.

    Ultrasound. Relieving the patient of erosion using ultrasound.

    Chemical or medicinal cauterization. Most often, the drug Solkovagin is used for this purpose, which causes tissue to form a scab, followed by its replacement with a layer of new epithelium.

The choice of one or another treatment method will depend on the woman’s condition, her age, the presence of concomitant diseases, etc.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with laser

In order for treatment of a damaged area with a laser to have a positive effect, a thorough preliminary examination is necessary. Indeed, in one case a low-intensity impact will be effective, in another, on the contrary, a high-intensity one, and in a third – carbon dioxide. In this regard, the area of ​​the affected area and the duration of the existence of erosion are significant. The older and larger the pathology, the more intense the impact. In addition, a woman should not suffer from infectious disease genital area. If there is one, preliminary therapy is needed.

In medicine, the concept of cauterization of the cervix with a laser does not exist; doctors call this procedure “laser vaporization.” It is carried out in an outpatient clinic and does not require pain relief, even local. The essence of the procedure is as follows: the doctor outlines the boundaries that are to be processed (a laser is used for this, it acts like a pencil), then systematic evaporation begins. The evaporation of atypical cells from the cervical canal begins and ends at a pre-drawn border (to be on the safe side, the healthy zone is captured within 2 mm). The whole procedure takes no more than 7 minutes.

Advantages. The advantage of this treatment is that there is no risk of bleeding: the vessels are immediately coagulated.

Nuances. A woman should know that large erosions cannot be cured at once; up to 2 to 3 procedures may be required, the interval between which should be at least a month.

After cauterization. After laser treatment, a woman may experience slight discharge for some time. They can be observed for no more than 3 weeks. Complete restoration of the cervical mucosa occurs after 1.5 months. This method is suitable even for nulliparous women. Among the main contraindications: the period after childbirth, pregnancy, inflammatory processes of the vagina, uterus or appendages, as well as malignant neoplasms.

Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion

Doctors dealing with the problem of eliminating the erosive process claim that this particular therapy is the most effective and safe compared to other methods. This procedure is non-contact, low-traumatic and painless, does not cause possible complications are kept to a minimum. However, due to the fact that the method is quite new, it is not widely used.

Before performing the procedure, it is necessary to carry out histological examination, take a smear for microflora to detect sexually transmitted diseases.

Radio wave therapy is carried out in the first half of the menstrual cycle ( optimal time– from 5 to 10 days, after the start of menstruation). This is due to the fact that the risks of complications are minimized, and the tissues themselves are restored faster.

The essence of the procedure is that radio waves increase the temperature of the treated tissues by thermal effects to the fluid inside the cells. It heats up and evaporates, and the vessels located around it coagulate. The direct impact is carried out using an electrode, which emits waves. The device itself does not contact the surface of the cervix. Most often, the Surgitron apparatus is used to perform the procedure. Thanks to such a gentle effect, after treatment a scab does not form, but a thin film is formed.

Anesthesia, as a rule, is not used, since the sensations experienced by a woman are comparable to mild ones nagging pain during menstruation. But if the threshold of her sensitivity to pain is too high, then it is advisable to use local anesthesia. At the same time, existing adhesions or other defects on the cervix and cervical canal can be eliminated.

The recovery process most often does not exceed one month. A woman may be bothered by slight discharge, which completely disappears after 10 days.

One session is enough for a complete cure. Radio wave coagulation is suitable for all women, including those who are planning a pregnancy in the near future. This can be done a month later, after a scheduled visit to the gynecologist.

Recommendations after the procedure: refusal intimate life for 4 weeks, restrictions on physical activity, a ban on swimming in open reservoirs, pools and baths. The only drawback of this progressive and safe method removal of erosion can be attributed to the high cost of the procedure, as well as the lack of equipment and specialists in municipal clinics.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current

The most outdated method of eliminating erosion is cauterizing it with an electric current. In medicine this method therapeutic effects called "diathermocoagulation". Its undeniable advantages include its widespread availability and high efficiency. That is why it has not yet been completely abandoned.

Before performing electric treatment, it is necessary to sanitize the vagina and eliminate any infectious and inflammatory process.

The essence of the method is that an electrode emitting current discharges points to the affected surface until the entire erosion is covered with a scab. As a result, a wound forms at this place, which bleeds, but is covered with a crust on top. After two months it becomes epithelialized. The scab itself comes off in about 10-12 days. Since there is no immediate coagulation of blood vessels during the procedure, the woman experiences spotting and spotting during the recovery period.

In addition, a serious disadvantage of this method is the formation of a rough scar from connective tissue. This may further negatively affect the course of labor. That is why this method of moxibustion is not recommended for nulliparous girls.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with nitrogen

This method is based on cold treatment. Damaged tissues are exposed to converted liquid nitrogen using a cryoprobe. The procedure is one-time and most often does not take more than 5 minutes. Pathological cells crystallize and then die. After an average of 2-3 months, they are replaced with healthy ones. Optimal time The procedure is carried out from the 7th to the 10th day of the menstrual cycle.

Contraindications include a large erosion surface - more than 3 cm, cervical injuries, fibroids, any infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitals, as well as pregnancy and tumors.

The procedure is painless, but at the patient’s request, she can be given local anesthesia, as a slight burning sensation or slight tingling is felt. This method is applicable for nulliparous women. Other advantages include the speed of outpatient setting, no bleeding.

However, the method has some disadvantages: a long recovery process, the appearance of watery discharge, and the inability to treat deeply affected tissues. In addition, repeated therapy may be required.

Chemical coagulation method

The procedure boils down to treating the eroded surface with medications. If earlier doctors used mainly Vagotil, now it has been replaced by a more modern and effective remedy- Solkovagin.

During the procedure, the doctor uses a cotton swab to dry the damaged area. Another swab is thoroughly soaked in the selected product and the area with erosion is treated with it. Processing time is 3 minutes. Excess medication is removed with another dry cotton swab. For more accurate application, the entire session is carried out under colposcopy control.

The procedure is absolutely painless and does not even require local anesthesia. This method of treatment is suitable for a woman who has never given birth. However, this method is not used if the erosion is more than 1 cm in diameter. But due to the fact that the drugs act much milder than physical methods treatment, then several procedures may be required for complete cure.

Any cauterization process is aimed at destroying pathological cells, which should subsequently be replaced by healthy stratified squamous epithelium. As already mentioned, the term “cauterization” is not always correct. However, it is precisely this that reflects the essence of any technique.

If we consider any procedure in stages, then it consists of a number of sequential actions:

    Woman passing full diagnostics to detect any contraindications to the cauterization session.

    If none are found, the patient comes to the doctor, most often in the first half of the menstrual cycle.

    The treated area is prepared (its boundaries are determined, and sometimes the surface is dried).

    Erosion is affected in one way or another, destroying its cells.

    At the site of the treated surface, either a scab or a thin film is formed.

    Within a few weeks, the scab comes off and the damaged tissue is replaced with healthy tissue.

    Forms on the treated surface. However, modern medicine allows us to avoid this unpleasant stage.

    The woman is recovering.

Contraindications to cauterization

In order to undergo the cauterization procedure using any of the above methods, you must ensure that there are no contraindications.

Among them are the following:

    Any inflammatory processes of the genital area.

    The presence of any sexually transmitted disease.

    Any bleeding in the active phase.

    Blood clotting disorders.

    Malignant neoplasm eroded area.

    Pregnancy, and, sometimes, period.

    Persistent lochia and the early postpartum period.

    Installed intrauterine device.

    Performed caesarean section.

    Clinical analysis blood.

    Biochemical analysis blood.

    Clinical urine analysis.

    Blood test for hepatitis.

    Blood test to detect urogenital infections, including HPV. The most reliable in this regard is PCR analysis.

    Taking a smear for oncocytology (Papanicolaou test) and flora.

    Undergoing an extended colposcopy and, if indicated, a biopsy.

If no deviations from the norm are detected from the results of these tests, then the woman will be sent to undergo a cauterization procedure. If any genital or other infections are detected, preliminary treatment is necessary.

Consequences of cauterization of cervical erosion

Although medicine has made great strides in terms of treating erosion, an ideal procedure that would not have any consequences for the woman’s body has not been found. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is so important to not only right choice regarding the cauterization method, but also find a qualified specialist.

Among possible consequences cauterization of erosion produces both immediate and long-term symptoms.

The immediate ones, that is, those that may occur in the first 8 weeks after the procedure, include:

    Exacerbation of inflammation fallopian tube or simultaneously the fallopian tube and ovaries. Most often the process is one-sided, although it can develop on both sides.

    Bleeding with significant blood loss (this complication does not include minor bleeding, which is normal).

    Menstrual irregularities, in particular development.

Among other consequences that occur two months after cauterization, the following are most often observed:

    Complete scarring or stenosis of the cervical canal.

    Scarring of the underlying layer, this complication is called “coagulated neck syndrome” in medicine.

    Reoccurrence erosion in the same place.