Tibetan medicine treatment. Features of the pharmacological language of Tibetan medicine

is the science, art and philosophy that provides a holistic approach to healthcare.
Tibetan medicine is a science because its principles are enumerated in a systematic and logical structure based on an understanding of the body and its relationship to the environment.
Tibetan medicine is an art because it uses diagnostic methods, based on the creativity, understanding, subtlety and compassion of a medical practitioner or healer.
Tibetan is a philosophy because it embraces the principles of fate and ethics.

Tibet is often called the “roof of the world”. It is located in the extreme southwest of China, on the highest and most extensive Tibetan plateau on earth. Tibet is located at an altitude of approximately four thousand meters above sea level, and the height of some of its mountains exceeds seven thousand meters. For this, Tibet received its name “Roof of the World”, because its population lives closest to the sun.

​Tibet is considered a treasury of the untold riches of China, as well as the birthplace of Tibetan medicine, one of the most ancient medical and philosophical schools that have reached us. The philosophical foundations of Tibetan medicine are rooted in Buddhism, which entered Tibet in the first half of the seventh century, during the reign of King Songtsen Gampo (627 -649). It is believed that it was he who invited doctors from China, Nepal, Byzantium and Persia to Tibet to exchange knowledge and translate medical texts into Tibetan. This was the beginning of the creation of a complex medical system and the beginning of many years of exchange of experience.

In India, various health practices were already known in the sixth century BC; according to legend, Shakyamuni Buddha, sometimes called the Supreme Physician, was the first to use and teach these practices. It is believed that Indian medicine () served as a kind of prototype of Tibetan medicine.

From the point of view of Buddhist philosophy, illness begins to arise in the depths of the mind, and then is realized on the material level. But when the physical body becomes ill, disturbances necessarily occur at the level of the psyche and emotions. The harmony of higher levels determines the harmony of lower levels.

The fundamental principle of Tibetan medicine is the principle of materialistic unity external environment and the body. It is believed that a living organism and its environment are composed of the four primary elements of matter: fire, water, earth and air. These material elements in a living organism provide the functions of physiological regulatory systems: “rlung” - wind, “mkhris” - bile, “badkan” - mucus, which are defined as neurohumoral mechanisms.

According to Tibetan medicine, the human body consists of seven elements: plasma - a nutritious fluid, blood - vital force, muscles - “clothing” for bones, adipose tissue - a lubricating substance, bones and cartilage - help to stand and walk, Bone marrow, nerves - nutrition of nervous tissue, sperm / eggs - reproduction. The sequence in which the elements are listed corresponds to the sequence of their formation in the body. Each subsequent element appears in the process of metabolic purification of the previous one.

The following elements in Tibetan medicine are substances that the body normally removes from itself in the process of forming and maintaining the above seven elements: feces - removes toxins in solid form through the colon; urine - removes toxins in liquid form through the kidneys; sweat - removes toxins through the pores in the skin.

It is believed that physical health is determined by the balance of three main systems in the body: wind, bile and mucus. The most common and effective diagnostic method is pulse diagnostics and urine analysis. It is believed that it is better to listen to the patient’s pulse at dawn, after a night’s sleep.

However, one should not think that the diagnosis is determined only by the frequency and strength of the pulse. During the appointment, the doctor carefully examines the patient, receiving complete information about the state of his health, based on general tone, condition of the skin, eyes, tongue and other signs. As a rule, the effectiveness of treatment depends on the doctor and his experience.

In Tibetan medicine, animal and animal medicines are widely used for treatment and prevention. plant origin, they practice influencing the body through massage, acupuncture, talking with the patient, and there are also known cases of using shamanic practices.

Thus, in the traditional system of Tibetan medicine, all the basic principles and provisions about the micro- and macrocosm are hierarchically connected with centuries-old experience, knowledge about the organization of living systems, which is an anticipation of chronobiology, chronomedicine and chronopharmacology.

A study of the sources of Tibetan medicine, in particular “Zhud-shi” and “Vaidurya-onbo”, showed that Tibetan traditional system medicine has an integral multi-level hierarchical structure with specific blocks of theoretical concepts, diagnostics, methods and means of treatment.

According to Tibetan wisdom, the formation of the soul depends on vitality. It is the vital forces that nourish us and motivate us to action. The causes of diseases in Tibetan medicine are three energies - wind, mucus and bile; the imbalance of the flows of these energies is the cause of many diseases. The ratio of these three flows completely determines the type of human body - his individual structure. The basis of the current system of Tibetan medicine is the concept of three temperaments. Doctors divide people into three categories based on temperament: Wind, Bile and Phlegm. They view temperaments as energetic forces with different characteristics that pass through our body and mind and out into the universe.

  • Wind- a pure, sparkling, colorless stream of energy that can be fast, slow or completely motionless at the same time.
  • Bile- dark, red-brown bubbling energy, similar to lava, dense yet elastic and fast moving.
  • Reflux- a deep, calm blue-green force, reflective and moving very slowly. According to Tibetan medicine, the three temperaments are the basis of our life experience from the moment of conception to the moment of physical death.

They interact as follows: Wind is the driving force and Vital energy other temperaments, but she cannot act harmoniously without them. Wind increases the intensity of the influence of the Bile temperament. Wind gives Phlegm movement and ability to adapt, strengthens its supporting functions in the body; Bile stimulates the activity of the Wind. Bile brings warmth and activity to Phlegm. Phlegm can relax Bile. Mostly we belong to one type of temperament, or to a combination of two types: the first is the main one, the second is the subordinate. However, all three temperaments are present within us, and our goal is to achieve balance so that they work together to create health and prevent disease. Although people are more complex than this kind of classification suggests, dividing them into categories helps Tibetan medicine explain how illness manifests itself in individuals and how they are cured.

There are seven types of constitutions in Tibetan medicine. These types determine the tendency to various types diseases. For example, the “bile” type defines a person’s character as hot-tempered and prone to digestive diseases, cardiovascular vascular diseases. Also, all diseases in Tibetan medicine are also divided according to the principle of “cold” - “heat”. Accordingly, the medicines used by Tibetan doctors also differ in the principle of problems caused by an imbalance of these energies. This is why you will not find the usual names of diseases in Tibetan diagnostics.

Tibetan medicine, unlike European medicine, treats not the disease itself and its consequences, but the root of the disease, by restoring the harmony of the body's vital forces. A Tibetan doctor identifies even those ailments that are just beginning and can give advice on preventing the development of a particular ailment. According to the tradition of Tibet, everything that is on earth can be beneficial, and therefore be a medicine. Similar principles are used in the ancient medical schools of India (Ayurveda) and China. All recipes used by Tibetan doctors are unique and are centuries old. Treatment in Tibetan medicine is based on taking traditional medicines made from high-mountain medicinal plants, animals, and minerals. Many plants, animal parts, and several hundred minerals are used to make medicines. Some Tibetan medicines consist of hundreds of components. These medicines can only be purchased in Tibet. Courses of treatment range from several months to several years. Tibetan medicines cannot be taken simultaneously (in one go) with European ones, since chemical compositions European medicines kill the living natural components of Tibetan medicines. You must wait at least 30 minutes between taking European and Tibetan medicines. Tibetan medicines often appear in the form of peas, in which herbal, mineral and other compounds are tightly compressed. Tibetan medicines are 100% composed of natural ingredients, do not contain synthetic chemicals and do not cause side effects. Varieties of Tibetan medicines include pills, powders, oils and special medicinal incense. Pills and powders should be chewed and washed down with warm water. In general, Tibetan doctors often prescribe simply warm water, by the way, this method also has European followers.

In addition to taking medications, Tibetan medicine is actively used and healing properties Tibetan natural thermal springs, such as Yambajini, Dezhong and others. Methods such as compresses, acupuncture, cauterization and bloodletting are often used for treatment. Also used acupressure and rubbing in various oils. The traditional method of rubbing Ku-Nye is also often used.

As mentioned above, Tibetan medicine is inseparable from Buddhist spiritual practice. In Tibetan healing, various mantras and prayers addressed to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are often used. The Buddha of Medicine is considered the patron of Tibetan practices aimed specifically at healing. Therefore, the medicine Buddha mantra is most often used in any healing method. The image of this Buddha can often be seen on Tibetan traditional thangkas, he is depicted with a blue body, and in his hands he holds a vessel with amrita - the nectar of long life.

The most common Tibetan medicines

  • Huqing. Thrombolytic, sedative and revitalizing agent; improves heart function, cleanses blood vessels; increases vascular tone; stimulates the heart; improves cranial blood circulation; regulates the central nervous system. Indications: insufficient cranial blood circulation, complications after intracerebral hemorrhage and thromboembolism of cranial vessels; spasms and atherosclerosis of cranial vessels; concussion; cardiac ischemia; autonomic nerve disorder; facial paralysis; trigeminal neuralgia and sciatic nerve; neurogenic headache; senile dementia; epilepsy, etc.
  • Fengtongunin. Improves blood circulation; has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Indications: osteochondrosis; rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis; swelling, stiffness and deformation of joints; joint pain; numbness of the limbs; bone spines; radiculitis; gout; intervertebral disc prolapse; periarthritis of the shoulder; synovitis; bursitis; neuralgia of the sciatic nerve and its complications.
  • Zangshenqing. Restores the nervous system and has a calming effect. Indications: general weakness and fatigue; decreased memory and thinking ability; dizziness; noise in ears; deafness; insomnia; dysfunction of the autonomic nerve; permanent nervous tension; neurasthenia; nervousness; tightness in the chest; dyspnea; night sweats; shiver; amnesia; menopause syndrome.
  • Guijiu. Has analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects; balances hormone levels; normalizes menstruation. Indications: disturbance of the menstrual cycle; menorrhagia; adnexitis; ovarian cyst; endometritis; endometriosis; cervical erosion; colpitis; uterine fibroids; obstruction fallopian tubes; infertility; pelvic inflammation; pain in the joints and lower back after childbirth.
  • Feibingwan. Cleanses the lungs; improves gas exchange in the lungs; has anti-inflammatory, expectorant and cough-stopping effects. Indications: inflammation of the upper respiratory tract; tracheitis; spicy and Chronical bronchitis; pneumonia; emphysema; lung abscess; asthma; cough; chest pain; dyspnea; hoarseness of voice; dyspnea; hemoptysis; night sweats.
  • Qinglansan. Improves digestion; promotes food absorption; has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, protects the digestive system. Indications: acute and chronic gastritis; atrophic gastritis; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum; reflux esophagitis; stomach spasm; digestive system disorder; pain in the stomach and/or abdomen; nausea; vomit; heartburn.
  • Xuyuganbao. Cleanses the liver and blood; promotes the elimination of toxins; reduces cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood. Indications: viral hepatitis; alcoholic hepatitis; cirrhosis of the liver; fatty degeneration liver; liver cancer; hepatomagaly; jaundice; ascites; hypercholesterolemia; hyperlipemia.
  • Xinmingwan. Indications: inflammation genitourinary system; prostatitis; prostate hypertrophy; cystitis; urethritis; urinary incontinence; pollauiuria; ugliness; lower back pain; vesicular lichen; gonorrhea; syphilis; viral wart.
  • Zantianyi. Strengthens the kidneys; improves kidney function. Indications: reduced kidney function; nephritis; cold hands or feet; hypotension; lack of energy and blood; lower back pain; kidney abscess; prostatitis; sexual function disorder; impotence; prospermia; wet dream; infertility; azoospermia; decreased sperm activity; spermatorrhoea; premature ejaculation; increased sweating; insomnia; anxiety; memory loss; amnesia; graying and hair loss.
  • Heibingpian. Indications: acute and chronic cholecystitis; cholelithiasis; cholangitis; cholestasis; jaundice; gallbladder polyp; digestive disorder; kidney stone disease; residual stones after surgery.
  • Lingyaowan. Diuretic; restores the pancreas; reduces sugar and lipid levels; improves blood circulation; cleanses the blood; removes toxins; prevention and treatment of complications diabetes mellitus; strengthens the kidneys. Indications: diabetes mellitus and its complications; hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the prostate; prostatitis; cystitis; hemoturia; urinary retention; urinary incontinence; pyelonephritis; pain during ejaculation; prostate cancer; lower back pain; sexual function disorder; decreased vision; atrophic ulcer.
  • Ouqiuwan. Indications: cools and cleanses the blood; has antitoxic properties; promotes the elimination of toxins; treats skin diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, dermatomycosis, eczema, urticaria, acne, itchy skin and so on.
  • Cordyceps. The most wonderful animal-plant rich in healing properties. It grows at an altitude of 5000 meters above sea level. Now in American laboratories they have learned to artificially grow cordyceps and are actively adding it to dietary supplements, but it cannot be compared in terms of therapeutic effect with real natural cordyceps, which is collected in the ecologically clean high mountainous regions of Tibet. Cordyceps improves health, improves blood circulation, and improves immunity.

— Restores kidney function; has a pronounced effect on renal failure, chronic kidney diseases; uremia and the genitourinary system as a whole.
- For deficiencies and diseases in the hematopoietic system, for example, with low hematochrome and lack of platelets and leukocytes, including during radiotherapy and chemotherapy in cancer patients.
— For diseases of cardio-vascular system: arrhythmias, heart diseases, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, high content triglycerides in the blood.
— For insomnia, nervous exhaustion and chronic fatigue, for stress.
To prevent premature aging.
— For acute and chronic hepatitis and various tumors.
— Necessary for the removal of toxins and a number of radioactive substances - due to the stimulation of kidney and liver function.
— For the prevention of respiratory diseases - bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, TB.
— For diseases of the brain, cerebral vascular sclerosis, benign brain tumors.
— For hypertension, hypotension, some types of anemia (with reduced activity of the hematopoietic system).
— For metabolic diseases, including diabetes mellitus and inflammation of the pancreas.
— When the body’s resistance decreases, frequent respiratory diseases, diseases of the oral cavity.
- At various types enzyme deficiency, including allergies.
- Affects the glands internal secretion and improves metabolism.

  • Saffron. Saffron stigmas have many healing benefits, as they contain carotene, 0.34% essential oil, which includes pinene, pineol, vitamins, thiamine and riboflavin, flavonoids, etc. In folk medicine, it is used as an analgesic, diuretic, diaphoretic, anticonvulsant and cardiac agent. Used to strengthen the stomach, improve appetite, for liver diseases, to relieve severe attacks cough, whooping cough treatment. Saffron is used to prepare eye drops.

It is noteworthy that saffron is not only the most ancient medicinal plant and spice, but also the most expensive. To obtain 1 kg of saffron, you need to collect about 100,000 flowers and manually separate the stamens from the bud. Especially appreciated by its beneficial properties high mountain Tibetan saffron.

Tibetan medicine is a comprehensive system of healing that has served the people of Tibet for centuries. I am convinced that it can still bring many benefits to all humanity, but in trying to achieve this we encounter certain difficulties, since Tibetan medicine, like other scientific systems, must be understood in its own context, as well as through objective research.

Tibetan medicine is an important part traditional medicine China, which has become widespread in Nepal, India and other areas inhabited by Tibetans. The main text of the Tibetans is the Zhudshi (or the Four Foundations). Tibetan medicine has a 2000-year history that has never been interrupted by written evidence. Tibetan medicine perceives the human body as a closed energy system. When energy circulates through the body in a balanced manner, a person is healthy. Diseases appear if the energy balance is disturbed. Moreover, the disease, according to the Tibetans, is a local manifestation of disturbances in the flow of energy. The main difference between Tibetan healing and traditional medicine is that amchi (Tibetan medicine doctors) do not heal in the traditional sense of the word. They harmonize human energy. Therefore, healing affects the entire body, and not just those organs whose problems brought the patient to the monk. Tibetan medicine adheres to the principle that it is not the disease that needs to be treated, but the person.

Tibetan healing methods

Tibetan treatment is based on the knowledge that the human body consists of:

  • three factors: “lun”, “chiba”, “peigen”,
  • seven material substances: muscle, blood, bone, bone marrow, fat, etc.,
  • three types of discharge - urine, feces and sweat.

In normal physical condition, these concepts are in balance. The moon factor influences physical state body, “chiba” maintains body temperature and strengthens the normal function of the stomach. In addition, it stabilizes breathing, adds courage and increases mental capacity person. "Peigen" affects the functioning of fluids in the human body. Successful treatment in Tibetan medicine directly depends on accurate diagnosis, for which 4 methods are used: survey, external examination, diagnosis by meridians and human pulse.

Having established the cause of the disease, amchi can use the following Tibetan treatment methods:

  1. Treatment with medicinal preparations made from plant (roots, stems, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, bark) and mineral ( gems, minerals, metals, salt, mineral water) raw materials. These medicines prolong life and have antitoxic, neutralizing and disinfecting effects. Moreover, they are compiled individually for each patient and so that side effects one component was neutralized by another. Therefore, medicines from Tibet almost do not lead to allergies, have a mild effect and are easily digestible.
  2. Treatment through the gag reflex is used to get rid of dyspepsia and other gastric diseases.
  3. Rubbing – lubricating the skin with a specially made ointment. It tones and has a beneficial effect on nervous disorders, ailments, chronic fatigue, and insomnia.
  4. Healing baths, the preparation of which uses water from sulfur and warm springs, as well as medicinal ointments. Baths are useful for treating a variety of muscle and bone diseases.
  5. A special Ku-Nye massage that has a relaxing effect on the physical and energetic body of a person.
  6. Moxotherapy involves heating special points with moxas made from various herbs (wormwood, cumin, nettle, edelweiss, mint, juniper, etc.). The most effective use of moxotherapy for colds, flu, stomach ulcers and duodenum, chronic diseases of the intestines, skin (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis) and respiratory organs.
  7. Tibetan sound massage is carried out using metal bowls that create vibration that penetrates every cell of the body, forcing them to unite into one harmonious sound, as a result of which the body relaxes as much as possible.
  8. Treatment with mantras. Each mantra corresponds to different aspects of a person’s energy and evokes a response or resonance in him, as a result of which the energy flow is normalized and the cause of the disease is eliminated.
  9. Tibetan ritual medicine is a cleansing practice aimed at cleansing the body, speech and mind of negative thoughts and ailments.

Doctors of Tibetan medicine are monks (amchi) who undergo strict Spartan training to acquire the necessary qualifications. Amchi is obliged to make a diagnosis based on a person’s pulse. To do this, the doctor must have experience in healing and be proficient in the art of treatment, as well as medical knowledge. As a rule, 15 minutes of amchi are enough to make a diagnosis, give recommendations on improving lifestyle, nutrition and prescribe treatment.

Secrets of Tibetan medicine

All Tibetan medicine is based on the expression: “Any human illness is generated by his mind and negative thoughts.” Ignorance, according to Tibetans, has a destructive effect on the endocrine system, leading to the development of diabetes and excess weight, while anger and hatred destroy the nervous and digestive system. Therefore, amchi, first of all, tries to study the mind and thoughts of a person, and then prescribes treatment with the help Tibetan methods. One of the secrets effective treatment in Tibet, this is a rejection of modern medications, since the task of amchi is not considered to alleviate the patient’s suffering and symptoms, but to treat the cause of the disease. In addition, Tibetan medicines have been tested on humans for many centuries, so they are almost one hundred percent effective and do not cause complications.

Another secret of Tibetan treatment is drinking hot water. Hot water destroys germs and “quenches the fire element in the stomach.” According to Amchi, a cup of hot water that a person drinks every morning extends life by 10 to 15 years. However, Tibetan medicine is powerless against advanced diseases, so it is important to visit a doctor at least once every six months to detect the disease at an early stage.

This, of course, is not all the secrets of Tibetan medicine, but only a small part of them. Tibetan medicine has a number of advantages, including:

Harmless due to the fact that only natural raw materials are used in the preparation of medicines.

  • Long-term effect of treatment (4 – 5 years).
  • The universal nature of the treatment, since the improvement affects the entire body as a whole.
  • Good compatibility with European treatment methods.
  • Thousands of years of healing practice.

However, there is a small drawback - it is a slow action due to the use of herbal medicines, the required concentration of which appears in the body by 21 - 24 days. Therefore, in acute diseases, Tibetan medicine is powerless.

Tibetan medicine is an unconventional practice that has spread throughout the world, the main achievement of which is that it is aimed at restoring the harmony of a person’s relationship with the outside world. As the 14th Dalai Lama said: “Tibetan medicine is a comprehensive system of treatment that has served the Tibetan people for centuries. I am convinced that even today it can benefit humanity, but in our desire to achieve this we face difficulties, since Tibetan medicine still needs to be understood.”

Every owner of his pet would like to treat his illnesses using the most comfortable methods for the animal. I have already published short articles on this topic. You can find them by tag.

As for the treatment of animals using acupuncture methods, in medieval China there was a special, extensive and varied traditional literature devoted to various aspects of veterinary art, including the treatment of animals using acupuncture and moxibustion.

It was, of course, mainly not about cats, but about the treatment of those animals that were most useful to the Chinese in their household- horses, cows, camels.

The Chinese themselves consider the famous ancient healer and horse expert Bo Le (7th century BC), who lived at the court of the Qin prince Mu-gong, to be the creator of this ancient science of acupuncture therapeutic effects on domestic animals.

Medieval Chinese manuscripts preserve a treatise on the veterinary treatment of horses, the authorship of which is attributed to this semi-legendary man of antiquity; it is called “The Canon of Acupuncture Bo Le” (“Bo Le Zhen Jing”).

However, modern scientists believe that the oldest authentic Chinese text that has survived to this day describing traditional veterinary acupuncture is the Tang era treatise “A Code of Instructions on the Care and Treatment of Horses” (“Simu an ji ji”), written by a medieval Chinese veterinarian Li Shi in 833. This work talks about the horse's system of "channels and collaterals" (ching lo) through which Qi circulates, and describes 77 equine acupuncture healing points.

In subsequent centuries, especially in the Ming and Qing eras, this science in China received great development, and a significant number of various special veterinary works were written there.

Among the most famous and major books on this topic, one can name, for example, such texts as “Collected instructions of Yuan and Heng on the treatment of horses” (“Yuan Heng liao ma ji”), published by the brothers Yu Benyuan and Yu Benheng in 1608, “A newly written and annotated large set of canons on horses, cows and camels” (“Xinke zhushi ma nu too jing da chuanji”), published in 1785 by Guo Huaixi and Xu Changle.

Modern Chinese books on veterinary acupuncture describe treatment methods with acupuncture and moxibustion for a wide variety of species of animals and birds - dogs, cats, rabbits, chickens and many others.

According to the dialectics of the development of the Universe, the world is divided into two inseparable halves: interconnected and closely interacting opposites. This is cold and heat, day and night, sun and moon, man and woman, north and south - and so on ad infinitum. The Earth is infinitely generous and kind to us, it gives life to all living things on the planet. Everything that grows on it contains the elements of water, earth, air, metal, sun and moon. Nutrition according to Tibetan medicine assumes that human food, like everything in the surrounding world, has the nature of cold and heat.

The experience of using proper nutrition according to Tibetan medicine indicates that the majority of people with health problems in normal drug treatment does not need. To recover, they just need to change their lifestyle and diet. Food, influencing basic physiological processes, enhances or weakens their activity.

At the same time, various food products and dishes prepared from them affect the body in different ways: they can heal, but they can also turn out to be poison. We build our body from what we eat. Even our emotions, mood, mental activity, courage, and success greatly depend on our diet. Proper nutrition according to Tibetan medicine promotes the formation of new cells in all vital organs of the body and the achievement of complete harmony in the body.

The influence of food on a person is studied through taste, therefore, when organizing nutrition in Tibetan medicine, developing diets and prescribing medications, it is of decisive importance. Throughout the day, the patient should receive all six tastes in one dosage or another: bitter, sour, salty, spicy, sweet, astringent. It is believed that a person recognizes the energy of yang heat or yin cold contained in food with the help of taste buds.

This constitution, characteristic of phlegmatic people, belongs to the cold yin type. As a rule, these people are balanced, calm, calm, good-natured and peace-loving. When angry, they show restraint. Their skin is pale, cool, smooth and dense, their joints are often swollen and stiff. Urine is light-colored, with a faint odor. The tongue is covered with a white coating, the gums are whitish, the eyelids are swollen.

However, when the natural laziness of phlegmatic people increases, excess mucus begins to accumulate in the body. In winter, with a sedentary lifestyle and overeating, people with this constitution experience disruptions in the functioning of their physiological systems. Similar disorders manifest themselves in the form of runny nose, bronchitis, pain in the joints, spine, swelling in the legs and face. Representatives of the “mucus” constitution often experience heaviness in the body, especially in the lower back.

With a dominant “mucus” constitution, a person experiences disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, the development of a goiter (thickening at the base of the neck), and a tendency to numbness of the body. Often hiccups occur, difficult mobility of joints and vertebrae, memory deteriorates, drowsiness appears, and dullness occurs. taste sensations. Any food seems unappetizing, and there is a stale, sour taste in the mouth. Important in correcting the body of people of this type is, of course, a work and rest regime, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition in accordance with the human constitution.

As soon as a person begins to “get heavier”, his tummy becomes rounded, laziness and a desire to sleep during the daytime appear. This means that the body is signaling danger. The picture can be supplemented mild swelling on the face after sleep, and in the ankle area in the evening. All these signs indicate that an immediate transition to active action is needed. Heavy “cold” food and overeating only aggravate the problems of people with a “mucus” constitution, so it is very important to take into account the recommendations of Tibetan medicine on proper nutrition.

Centuries-old practice proves that inappropriate food is most often the main cause of the mucus constitutional disorder. Proper nutrition for such people does not allow regular consumption of “cold” foods, bland food without spices and seasonings, fatty high-calorie dishes, and incompatible foods. Consuming spoiled or poorly prepared foods, unripe grains, beans, stale vegetables and root vegetables can also lead to negative consequences.

In addition, nutrition according to Tibetan medicine requires compliance with certain standards without overeating and excessive fluid consumption. The amount drunk should not be more than twice the amount of solid foods eaten. Disturbance of the “mucus” can be caused by abnormal absorption of cow’s or goat’s milk, passion for chilled carbonated drinks, and abuse of bitter and sweet tastes. Proper nutrition also implies a healthy eating pattern, which excludes too frequent snacking, when a person begins to eat before he has had time to digest what he had previously eaten.

The “mucus” constitution according to age classification refers to the period of childhood associated with ignorance. In adults, as a result of ignorance, mental and emotional laziness, the causes of the development of “mucus” diseases are bad habits, disordered eating, and an unhealthy lifestyle. It is adults who rarely think about the benefits of nutrition according to Tibetan medicine, indulging in momentary whims that lead to the appearance of painful disorders in physiological system. A change in the condition of the mucous surfaces and disruption of their functions is the first sign of constitutional disturbance.

Staying in damp and cold rooms, systematic hypothermia, and most importantly, food that contradicts the principles of proper nutrition according to Tibetan medicine, become significant factors contributing to the disturbance of the “mucus” constitution. This should be kept in mind by those who work outdoors at any time of the year, such as street vendors or construction workers. Over time, indifference to your body leads to the development serious problems with health.

Proper nutrition prevents the appearance of malfunctions in the body, because the basis of most diseases is an unbalanced diet. You should not wait until, when the mucus constitution is disturbed, mucous deposits begin to accumulate in the bronchi and trachea, like scale on the walls of a kettle. In this case, it is important to stop the process initial stage development, defining it by the first unpleasant sensations, such as the appearance of a lump in the throat, making it difficult to swallow, and soreness when speaking. Sometimes there may be difficulty in inhaling, preventing you from taking a deep breath.

There are other serious symptoms, such as coughing up small amounts of dirty yellow mucus when exercising or choking when laughing, being prone to frequent hiccups, dry, no expectoration, cough without apparent reason. All of them indicate a large accumulation of mucus in the respiratory organs. If they are joined by infections, repeated colds suffered on the legs, untreated diseases, then the result may be the occurrence of allergic reactions and intractable pathologies.

The accumulated mucus enters the blood and circulates throughout the body, affecting dense and hollow organs, skin, joints, muscles, and bones. When it enters dense organs, such as the lungs, pneumonia and bronchial asthma occur. The hollow organs include the stomach, thick and small intestine, bladder, uterus. Penetration of mucus into the bladder causes urinary incontinence, and when it enters the uterus, it causes a feeling of cold in the lower abdomen. This often results in the release of mucus and blood in the urine through the genital and urinary tract.

Tibetan medicine, from its point of view proven over thousands of years, explains why the presence of mucus in the intestines provokes bloating, rumbling, gas, and diarrhea. Due to indigestion, mucus settles on the folds of the stomach in the form of a multilayer coating. In these cases, fibrogastroscopy shows rough folding and an abundance of mucus. There is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, vomiting, sour and bad taste in the mouth, heartburn appears. Naturally, digestion worsens and appetite disappears. Even if a person eats little, he feels full in the stomach.

The presence of mucus, when excited, is found everywhere in the body. So, during the examination Bladder Cystoscopy reveals redness and hypertrophy of the mucosa; analysis shows the presence of mucus in the urine. When it gets into a person’s kidneys, they suffer from lower back pain and urinary retention. A painful condition under the influence of dampness and cold is much easier to tolerate when proper nutrition is organized according to Tibetan medicine.

Depending on the distribution of mucus in the body and the location of its localization, symptoms such as a feeling of congestion in the ears, heaviness in the head, drowsiness, apathy, and weakness may appear. Penetrating into the nasopharynx, the mucus causes a severe runny nose and a feeling of pressure on the bridge of the nose. There have been cases of memory loss, decreased mental activity, dizziness, feeling of fullness in the chest. Due to the lack of proper nutrition, according to the human constitution, the already poor appetite, there is bloating and heaviness in the right hypochondrium, a feeling of coldness in the body. The tongue stops feeling the taste of food. During defecation stringy mucus comes out with feces.

When mucus eats into bone tissue, swelling occurs in the joints, aching pain in areas of inflammation in a calm state, as well as when bending and straightening the limbs. An exacerbation in this case may occur as a result of hypothermia. For example, a man took a swim in cold water, and the next day his knees became swollen. In this case, a rapid breakdown of the binding mucus occurred, because the prerequisites for this were created in advance due to wrong image life and nutrition.

The question of how to get rid of diseases that grow like a snowball becomes especially relevant for a person. Currently the problem can be solved simply. A comprehensive answer to the burning question is given by nutrition according to Tibetan medicine.

Disturbance of the “mucus” constitution and diseases associated with it are divided into true, occurring on “their own basis,” and mixed, arising on “another’s basis.” At the same time, fat, fluid, mucus and lymph accumulate in the body, which directly leads to the appearance of excess weight and the development of many diseases. People of this type are overcome by sore throats, pharyngitis, chronic runny nose, sinusitis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, various allergies etc. They suffer from joint pain, skin diseases and various neoplasms - lipomas, fibromas, mastopathy.

People with a mucus constitution are recommended to eat foods that have spicy, sour and salty tastes. Unhealthy indulgences in bitter and sweet foods should be avoided. The best means to soothe the mucus constitution are foods such as honey, lamb, ginger infusion, salmon, water porridge, and old wines. Ready meals and drinks should be warm, maybe hot, but not cold.

Lean cheeses, chicken meat, eggs, low-fat milk, fresh are very healthy butter. It is better to minimize the consumption of refractory animal fats. But vegetables and fruits must be present in the daily menu. Apples, pears, cranberries, persimmons, quince, sea buckthorn, dried fruits are ideal for people with a “mucus” constitution. Recommended vegetables include eggplant, greens, pumpkin, onions, spinach, beans, peas, celery, parsley, radish, carrot, cabbage salads, as well as buckwheat, corn, millet and spices.

It is especially important to consume red and black pepper. It by its nature contains a large amount of yang energy, provides a lot of heat to the body and can be used for the prevention and treatment of cold diseases such as colds, sore throats, etc. A simple recipe is widely known among the people: a strong adult should drink when a cold begins 30 g of vodka with pepper and lie down under a blanket to increase heat in the body. By morning the cold usually goes away.

The “wind” constitution (sanguine people) has a cold yin nature. These are mobile, emotional, active and sociable people who actively respond to the world around them. As a rule, “winds” have a thin, miniature build and small stature. They suffer from neuralgia, pain in bones and joints, and are prone to seizures.

A distinctive feature of the “winds” is affection and passion, which in young years manifests itself in sexual excesses. Among them there are many smokers, lovers of drinking, and having fun in noisy company. “Winds” are characterized by uncertainty and doubts; it is not easy for them to make decisions. Such people are predisposed to diseases associated with the nervous system, starting with radiculitis. First, lumbago appears in the lumbar region, then the pain spreads to the joints and muscles. This happens against the background of emotional overload.

But the most important diseases for people of this type are mental and sleep disorders. Sleep disturbances occur, he becomes sensitive and anxious, filled with nightmarish visions. Lives in the soul constant feeling fear, confusion and anxiety, unsteadiness in sensations appears.

The basis of all diseases inherent in the “winds” is the hyperactivity of the nervous system. The cause of the disease is often stress, fear, excessive positive or negative emotions. Acute infections, gastritis, peptic ulcers, vascular dystonia, neuroses - this is not a complete list of diseases of the “winds”.

“Winds” are advised to observe reasonable moderation in everything, be able to neutralize negative emotions and see the positive side in any situation. Since wind people are not predisposed to excess weight and remain mobile and light until old age, they can happily avoid many chronic pathologies. However, increased excitability contributes to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks. Since the nervous system plays a central, key role in any organism, if its functioning is malfunctioning, similar disorders can occur in people with dominant “mucus” and “bile” constitutions.

The common belief that all diseases are caused by nerves becomes especially true in modern, stress-filled life. Speaking about wind disturbance, it is necessary to emphasize that it is not something inevitable, independent of the will and consciousness of a person. On the contrary, the cause and conditions for the development of this indignation are created by the person himself.

According to the provisions of Tibetan medicine, the basis of wind disorder is passion and lust. The irresistible need to be guided in life only by your feelings and emotions leads to nervous overload and, as a consequence, to the development bad habits and diseases. Passion means an unreasonable, frantic desire to achieve something: love pleasure, sports results, material well-being or career growth, social status, power over other people, etc.

The other side of passions is attachments, which mean an equally unreasonable and desperate desire to preserve existing benefits. This is a form of ignorance that denies the inevitability of changes taking place in life, in the country, in human relations. It lies in the inability and unwillingness to accept and realize these changes.

This can be not only attachment to material values, housing, property, social status, position, but also, for example, very strong feelings for a loved one. They are often expressed in abnormal hypertrophied love for children or grandchildren. In any case, unbridled affection gives rise to jealousy and turns a person into a tyrant. And in the event of the premature death of a beloved family member, it can lead to serious mental disorder, the development of intractable diseases and even death.

The attachment to a pet can be exactly the same. In all situations, obsessive love causes destructive emotions, such as anxiety, fear, envy, restlessness, painful fantasies, etc. Subsequently, they turn into chaotic thoughts, uncontrollable emotionality, nervous overexcitation, and delusional ideas. All this contributes to the disorder of the nervous system of the “wind” constitution, with the yang indignation first arising, and then exhaustion and decline – the yin state. The latter is characterized by apathy, indifference, a feeling of deep melancholy and hopelessness.

It is not for nothing that Tibetan medicine pays special attention to love passion. The treatise “Zhud-Shi” on sexual excesses says that they “lead to loss of sexual strength, weakness, dizziness and even sudden death” (Tantra explanations). Passions and attachments equally disturb the nervous system, leading it to a state of yang excitation or yin degeneration.

The treatise “Zhud-shi” says: “Diseases develop from causes only in the presence of appropriate conditions.” And the conditions for the development of diseases based on disturbance of the “wind” constitution are provided by fatigue from passion (love or any other), regular lack of sleep, excessive physical, mental or emotional activity, prolonged fasting, consumption of rough and low-nutritive food, hasty absorption of food, drinking cold water on an empty stomach.

Ultimately, illness is caused by too long intervals between meals, abuse of bitter tastes, excessive blood loss, severe diarrhea or vomiting. No less harm is caused to the body by restraining natural urges or, conversely, strong efforts. Prolonged exposure to cold piercing winds or rain, external exposure to low temperatures become factors in the exacerbation of many diseases. In addition, severe hypothermia of the body, accompanied by emotional arousal, can cause diseases such as neuritis of the facial nerve and neuralgia.

Difficult experiences accompanied by sobbing, intense crying, deep sadness and anxiety also have a negative impact on health. “Under these conditions, the wind accumulates in its place, gains strength and, seizing the moment, begins to move” (“Chzhud-shi”, Tantra of Instructions).

As you accumulate nervous stress painful manifestations increase. Gradually, deformation of the chest occurs. Stress causes involuntary muscle contraction, a person lowers his shoulders and tries to be invisible. Over time, this position becomes permanent and habitual, which leads to stooping and even hunchbacking in old age, and the need to use a stick when walking.

It should be especially noted that the nervous system, like the entire body, is a single whole. Despite the fact that “wind” is conventionally divided into five types according to function and area of ​​localization, one must be well aware that disturbance of one type of wind can cause disturbance of its other types. Thus, the penetration of a nervous disorder into the liver causes belching during and after meals, vomiting, painful colic in the right half of the chest and back of the chest, in the right hypochondrium and right subscapular region, pain in the back muscles.

The penetration of wind into the liver and the gallbladder associated with it has the character of an attack. A short-term spasm of the gallbladder against the background of a nervous shock spreads to the liver, causing a large single release of bile into the blood, which, spreading throughout the body with the bloodstream, causes a complex of symptoms. Wherein biochemical parameters blood, such as bilirubin level and other liver function tests may remain normal.

For people with a “wind” constitution, foods with spicy, sweet, sour and salty tastes are recommended. Abuse of bitter-tasting foods and fasting should be avoided. The best means to calm the vital principle “wind” are sesame oil, sugar, wine, lamb, especially smoked lamb, horse meat, onions, wild garlic, and broths. From fruits and vegetables - raspberries, strawberries, sweet apples, watermelons, mangoes, melon, sauerkraut, pickles, ginger, onions, garlic.

A surprisingly simple and effective ginger decoction recipe. Pour 1 teaspoon (or 2 teaspoons - to taste) of fresh ginger root with 200 ml of boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of honey (you can use 1 tablespoon - to taste) and a slice of lemon. Drink hot. The drink includes three flavors: hot, sour and sweet. All of them have a positive effect on the disordered “wind” and “mucus” constitutions. The drink is also good for preventing colds, sore throats and other infectious diseases. It is useful to drink the infusion at night. Food and drink for people of the “wind” constitution should be hot, or warm; food from the refrigerator is not suitable for them.

The constitution “bile” (cholerics) is of the nature of heat – yang. It is called boiling, seething, militant. People with a dominant “bile” constitution have a decisive character, an enterprising mind, and are distinguished good appetite. They are, as a rule, gourmets, they love to feast on various delicacies, and at the same time they are sensitive to poor quality food, which causes them indigestion. Less adapted than representatives of other constitutions, choleric people are adapted both to substantial skipping of meals and late feasts, and to prolonged fasting.

Only when they feel sick from hunger and their bodies begin to tremble do hot-tempered choleric people become irritable and aggressive. At this moment it is better not to catch their eye. People with “bile” are quite hardy, but from excessive physical exertion, due to heat or frequent attacks rage and anger can upset their well-being. Proper nutrition according to Tibetan medicine, the ability to restrain attacks of anger and indignation, and proper rest will help them maintain health and vigor into old age.

In a normal state, people with a dominant “bile” constitution are overwhelmed with warm feelings and a joyful perception of life, but when bile is indignant, negative character traits also appear. First of all, aggressiveness increases. Every little thing infuriates them: the sound of dripping water, a creaking door, a petty insult to loved ones, loud children's laughter. Such people more often suffer from metabolic disorders, they are prone to cholelithiasis, skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, acne), and are predisposed to liver pathologies, the development of hypertension, heart attacks and other disorders of the cardiovascular system. But those who manage to keep their passions in check live long and enjoy excellent health.

Tibetan medicine considers anger to be the main cause of bile disturbance. This concept includes a whole complex of negative emotions: irritation, hatred, rage, malice, jealousy, envy, intolerance, aggressiveness. Excessive bile leads to disturbances in the functioning of the liver, the “queen of internal organs.” “Excitement of bile burns the strength of the body, for bile has the nature of fire, therefore it is “hot” (treatise “Chzhud-shi”).

It is the nature of fire and the disturbance of bile that lead to the development of diseases of “heat”, which is usually said to burn. “There is no bile, and there can be no heat” (“Zhud-shi”, Tantra of explanations).

The liver, which produces bile in the body, is very vulnerable psychologically, because bile not only participates in digestion, but also controls the psyche. People with a dominant “bile” constitution are characterized by self-confidence and innate pride. Wounded pride (and this is almost always about them) haunts them. Their bile literally boils and splashes over the edge, taking with it internal energy.

A constant source of irritation in the family, at work or in society contributes to the release of excess bile into the blood. And the blood already carries it throughout the body and, first of all, to the heart. Pressure surges begin, pulse quickens, sleep is disturbed. Dryness appears in the mouth with a bitter taste. Eyes turn yellow. The urine becomes hot, steam may come from it, and the smell of urine intensifies. The skin also turns yellow, itches, and skin diseases develop. All of the above refers to the state of “heat in the liver.” Tibetan medicine calls this state yang.

The classic medical treatise "Huangdi Neijing" ("Canon of Huangdi on Internal Medicine"), written about two thousand years ago in China, states that problems with gallbladder arise mainly due to unsatisfied ambitions and bursting anger. The message is clear: “Anger spoils the liver.” Other wise sayings from the same book: “Be pure in heart, limit passions and do not succumb to emotional turmoil,” “A pure spirit is the basis of the Great Healing.” Due to their great emotionality, people with a “bile” constitution are most susceptible to cardiovascular diseases - angina pectoris, heart attack, hypertension, strokes.

Lack of proper nutrition according to the human constitution and improper lifestyle aggravate liver problems. A person himself creates conditions for bile disturbance and the development of “heat” diseases by abusing hot, spicy, fried, fatty, meat, and sour foods. Overheating of the body, increased physical activity, staying in stuffy rooms, inhalation of sharp, unpleasant odors, and consumption of strong alcoholic beverages leads to disruption of many liver functions, including the production of bile.

“An excess of burning, pungent, hot and oily things, uncontrollable anger in the soul, sleeping on a hot afternoon, hard work after sleep, an unbearable load... as well as meat, wine and molasses in large quantities - these are the conditions that give rise to bile diseases” ( "Zhud-shi", Tantra of explanations).

The liver is a multifunctional organ. She knows ligamentous apparatus(tendons, fascia), so the deterioration of its activity often leads to tightening of the ligaments. As an example, we can cite cases where the fingers do not straighten, the nails turn yellow and split. Such signs are more often observed in men. Women develop problems menstrual cycle, prolonged endometriosis. All these manifestations are nothing more than a malfunction of the liver, a disturbance of the “bile” constitution. As a result, prothrombin and blood clotting increase. It is the liver that accumulates blood in itself, making it thick, which contributes to the formation of blood clots in the vessels and increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Exhaustion of the liver, that is, the yin state, is characterized by a deterioration in well-being and a general loss of strength. If a person is not treated, the liver eventually becomes exhausted and “cold” settles in it. Urine and feces become whitish because there is not enough bile in the body. Chills, fatigue, anger, resentment towards others and loved ones, and lethargy appear. Color perception may change: White color appears yellow, yellow appears green. The hair on the body is thinning. The body begins to dry out, and pigment spots and papillomas appear in place of acne. Subcutaneous and fatty tissue, muscles, bone marrow, nervous tissue, tendons, joints and genitals are also affected. arise congestion in the uterus, prostate, impotence is possible. Violations of the “bile” constitution also contribute to the formation of stones in the prostate. In women, uterine fibroids occur with copious discharge blood.

People with a “bile” constitution are prone to gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases due to stress and overexertion. A person of this type needs from one to three sessions of acupuncture, taking herbal medicines from the “Agar” series, hepatoprotective and choleretic drugs Tibetan medicine, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Recommended products include chicken, turkey, egg whites, seafood, olive and sunflower oil, rice, and wheat. Spices: coriander, cinnamon, dill, fennel, cardamom. Vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, beans, all greens. From fruits and berries - persimmon, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, sweet apples, prunes, dried apricots, grapes, avocado, mango, pomegranates.

Not every person thinks about the fact that the products in his refrigerator may be incompatible by nature. Eating such food at the same time is tantamount to ingesting skillfully prepared poison. Harmful combinations include: fish and milk, milk and fruit, eggs and fish, pea soup and cane molasses. Also, you should not fry mushrooms in mustard oil, mix chicken meat with sour milk, eat sour food with milk, or drink after ghee cold water. It is not recommended to take honey and vegetable oil together, although people often do this, as if cleansing the liver.

The main condition for proper nutrition according to Tibetan medicine is the following: do not start a new meal until the previous portion of food has been digested, since the products may be incompatible. This often causes indigestion and stomach upset. Unusual and inappropriately eaten foods can also cause similar consequences. Nevertheless, for people engaged in heavy physical labor and those who constantly eat oil, there will be no particular harm from a single intake of incompatible food. Young, physically strong people with a good stomach, accustomed to rough food, will not have any problems.

Proper nutrition according to Tibetan medicine involves dividing foods into light and heavy. You can eat light food until you are full, heavy food - half as much. The measure is the amount of food that is easily and quickly digested. From the point of view of Tibetan medicine, food nourishes the body and generates warmth. If you eat less than required, then strength disappears, diseases appear caused by a disorder of the “wind” constitution. And if you eat more food than your body needs, you may develop indigestion, weight gain, and mucus accumulation. The amount of food consumed at one time should be a handful. Each person has a different handful size. After eating, half the stomach should be filled with solid food, 1/4 with liquid and 1/4 should remain empty.

All food products are divided according to the energy content in them into yin and yang. Moreover, people with the “mucus” and “wind” constitutions are recommended to eat food with warm yang elements, and those with the “bile” constitution – with cold yin elements. Below is a classification of products containing the first and second elements.


Rain, snow, spring and mountain water contain cold elements. Boiling water only temporarily includes yang elements, so hot tea and coffee only warm the body for a short time. Clean drinking water is given special attention in Tibetan medicine. In the summer, you can drink up to 1.5–2 liters per day. In winter, autumn and spring quantity drinking water it is necessary to reduce to 1.2 liters per day, which is cold period completely satisfies the body's needs. In damp, chilly weather, water with gas and cold beer are especially harmful for people with a windy constitution. The Yin nature of drinks cools the body, “cools” the blood and in large quantities can cause aggravation chronic diseases joints, upper respiratory tract, genitourinary area, cause common colds, sore throat, laryngitis.

Food of mineral origin

This salt, which contains warm elements. Therefore, salty foods of yang nature are suitable for people with the wind and mucus constitution. Those with a “bile” constitution are advised to limit the amount of such foods in their daily diet. Salt warms up the already hot, seething “bile” too much.

Food of plant origin

These are cold, medium and warm foods. Thus, wheat, oats, black barley, red and black pepper, poppy, coriander, mustard, ginger, star anise, dill, garlic, onions and green onions, Chinese cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, radishes and nuts contain warm elements. Medium ones are found in blue eggs, buckwheat, peas, beans, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon, pumpkin, and radishes. Cold elements include rice, millet, spring rye, cabbage, beets, melon, Bay leaf, horseradish, parsley.

Fruits and berries

Any fruit ripens and becomes most useful at its proper time. In winter, we do not eat watermelons, melons and grapes, which are of yin nature. But there are many other fruits that you can enjoy during the cold season. So, for the “bile” constitution, persimmons that ripen in late autumn are ideal. It can be enjoyed in winter. For people with a wind constitution, the most suitable fruit is banana, which has a sweet taste and contains yang elements. The “mucus” constitution can be content with pears and sweet and sour apples.

In winter, it is recommended to eat fruits and berries in moderation due to their yin and yang characteristics. They are useful in the form of compotes, jelly, jam, baked, and even better - as dried fruits, which are available all year round. Black and white raisins, which, being grapes, are a truly Yin product, are useful to eat in winter, autumn and spring. It replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals (especially potassium, necessary for the heart and kidneys). Raisins can taste sour or sweet, so they are healthy for everyone. The first taste is for people with the “mucus” constitution, the second – for those with the “bile” and “wind” constitution. Sweet prunes and apricots, which contain little water, can be eaten by everyone, although there are slight restrictions for the mucilage constitution.

Fruits and berries containing short-term warm elements include wild strawberries, strawberries, and raspberries. These berries are recommended to be consumed with tea; they warm the body for a short time. Medium elements contain rose hips, low-cold ones - blueberries, bird cherry, sea buckthorn, persimmon, sloe, peaches, pomegranate. Very cold components are found in black currants, plums, viburnum, lingonberries, tangerines, lemons, rowan, ranet, and cranberries.

Juices, wines, tinctures

Wines containing warm elements include cognac, wheat vodka, milk wine (especially from sheep's milk), anise and pepper infusions. These drinks calm the “wind” and “mucus” constitutions, and vodka made from sheep’s milk (it has a warming effect) is a remedy for the disorder of “mucus” and “wind”, which appears due to cooling of the blood.

Drinks containing very cold elements include all grape and fruit wines, as well as fruit and mineral waters. They are harmful to use by people with chilled blood, representatives of the “mucus” and “wind” constitutions. At the same time, they calm the vital principle of the constitution “bile”. However, people living in cold climates need to consume these drinks with caution and not get carried away with them in winter.

Beer is a popular drink among the entire population of Russia, which calms people of the “bile” constitution, but excites “mucus” and “wind”. Its consumption in large quantities by people of the “mucus” type leads to even greater obesity, because beer is “liquid bread”. And the “winds” don’t really like the foamy drink and quickly get drunk from it.


Mare (kumis) and sheep's milk contain exceptionally warm elements. They are nutritious and beneficial to everyone, they warm the blood, normalize sleep, and calm the vitality of people of the “wind” and “mucus” type. Thanks to the excellent healing properties, kumis and sheep's milk were a widespread drink among the indigenous peoples of Siberia, the North, and Central Asia. By consuming them regularly, you can be guaranteed to recover from severe chronic diseases bronchopulmonary system(including tuberculosis), stomach, intestines, kidneys, genitals. Unfortunately, with the collapse Soviet Union Kumis farms disappeared and the number of tuberculosis patients increased.

Cow's milk contains intermediate elements. The amount of warm and cold components in it varies depending on the composition of the feed. If the hay is from dry mowing, in a mountainous area, then only the former will be in the milk, but if it is from a damp, swampy place or mixed with corn, cabbage, turnips, then the latter will be present. Fresh cow's milk, lactic acid products, and ghee are healthy and nutritious, especially for patients suffering from upset wind. Milk is not recommended for people with a mucus constitution. Fermented milk products are more suitable for them, and even then freshly prepared, and not from the refrigerator. Warm matsoni and ayran will be the most suitable for them, but not every day. For the “bile” constitution, the most beneficial is goat’s milk, which contains yin elements.

Human breast milk contains yang nature components, but its composition varies depending on the mother's nutrition and health. If her blood is cooled, and Yin foods predominate in her diet, then cold elements will be present in the milk. In this case, the child, despite breast-feeding, will be susceptible to Yin diseases (colds).


This category includes jelly, compotes, tea, coffee, cocoa, and lemonades. Coffee and black tea are neutral products in terms of the content of yin and yang elements, but they negatively affect the heart. Their use increases heart rate, increases arterial pressure.

Green tea is a healthy drink that quenches thirst well. Nutritious and tasty, it promotes blood renewal and normalizes blood pressure. Because of its bitter, pronounced taste, in the East green tea is brewed in different ways: with milk, salt and butter, herbs, salt licks, honey, but never with sugar.

Tea with milk and salt cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, disinfects it, and disperses gases. Tibetans, Mongols and Buryats seasoned this drink with flour coarse, pre-fried in melted butter. This high-calorie tea is soft, easily digestible, and can replace dinner for people with a “mucus” constitution and for those who want to lose weight. This tea is very popular in China and is produced in a factory.

In the East, they almost never drink tea with sugar, because sugar is a very Yin product. It “cools” the blood and promotes the development of diabetes. Adding lemon to tea also cools the blood. An overdose of vitamin C also leads to disruption of the “wind”, and therefore sleep.

Green tea with milk is the most beneficial. For treatment, prepare a “whipped” drink: boil green tea, add baked milk (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of liquid), salt on the tip of a knife. You can drink it 2-3 times a day for several days or even a month.

Cocoa has a bittersweet taste. With milk and sugar, it is beneficial for people of the “wind” and “bile” constitution. In Europe and South America this drink, like hot chocolate, is loved by thousands of people.

Meat and meat products

Representatives of all constitutions love meat products. But not everyone knows what effect they have on the body. Thus, horse meat and lamb, which contain warm elements, are suitable for “wind” and “mucus”. Lamb bone broth has long been considered a remedy for disorders of these constitutions, restores strength after serious illnesses, nervous breakdowns, helps with insomnia. The method of preparing it is simple. The washed lamb bones should be filled with water (one liter per pair of bones) and cooked for 5–15 minutes, salted to taste. Drain the healing broth, use it for treatment, and the same bones can be boiled 3-4 more times. A glass of this broth relieves mild dizziness, tinnitus, and normalizes sleep. In addition, it is a conductor for many medicines - herbal remedies of Tibetan medicine, including the “Agar” series.

In the ancient customs of the Buryats, there was khorkhog soup, which was prepared 1–2 times a year in medicinal purposes. Recipe: put pieces of fresh lamb in a wooden bowl, a piece from each bone, from all internal organs, add water and salt. Then nine red-hot small stones are added to this set of meat, tightly closed with a lid and brought to readiness. This soup restores strength, saves from “cooling” the blood, and is one of many folk remedies treatment of Buryats.

Other types of meat used in Tibetan medicine include beef, pork and goat. The first contains medium and slightly warm elements, the remaining two contain cold elements, so their use can cause a disorder of “wind” and “mucus”.

Fish and seafood

All types of fish and seafood contain cold elements, so they are used without restrictions to maintain the “bile” constitution. People with the “wind” and “mucus” constitution are recommended to use them with different spices, such as salt, pepper, ginger, cardamom, flax and others. They not only improve taste qualities fish dishes, but also contribute to good digestion and absorption of food. In addition, spices have a certain effect on cleansing the body, removing mucus, lymph, and altered fluid.

From the book by S. Choizhinimaeva “Food as a cause of “cold” and “hot” diseases

We also invite you to read the book by S. Choizhinimaeva “Nutrition and Health” and the article by Tatyana Galsanova, a doctor at the Naran clinic.


Instructions for use


The medical massager-applicator "Tibetan applicator" is designed to perform the needle massage procedure. Needle massage provides therapeutic effect on individual parts of the body and organs, as well as reflexively on all body systems. A feature of the Tibetan applicator is the bifurcation of the needle point, which increases healing effect and reduces the risk of skin injury.


Relieving pain and loss of mobility in the neck. Relieving headaches. Improving local blood circulation. Increasing the overall tone of the body, restoring and increasing performance, recovery after physical activity, normalization of sleep. Other indications are possible as prescribed by the doctor.

Precautionary measures

The skin to which the Tibetan applicator is applied should not have papillomas, warts, age spots and other formations. If strong vegetative reactions occur (rapid heartbeat, weakness, dizziness, etc.), the procedure must be stopped, and the time and intensity of subsequent procedures must be increased gradually, while monitoring general well-being, pulse rate, and blood pressure.

Directions for use and doses

The massage roller is placed on a hard horizontal surface (for example, the floor) and then laid on it, providing a piercing effect using body weight. To increase the intensity of the massage, you can turn your head from side to side. The pressing force should provide a piercing effect within the limits of pain tolerance, which is usually accompanied by a feeling of warmth. The feeling of warmth indicates high efficiency impact. The time and strength of the impact are individual for each person and are determined experimentally. The exposure period can range from one minute to several hours, but in most cases the procedure lasts 5–15 minutes. It is recommended to carry out 1-2 procedures per day. Consult a specialist about individual characteristics applications.