What do pimples on the butt mean? When should you see a doctor? What you need to know about treatment

Acne on the buttocks causes no less concern than on the face, although, of course, in this part of the body they are not so noticeable to others. In women, the problem occurs more often than in men, since their skin is more sensitive to irritation and the effects of low-quality body cosmetics. Acne is sometimes a manifestation of some kind of discomfort that affects the condition of the skin. An allergy or infection cannot be ruled out. If women have acne on their butt, it is advisable to go to a dermatologist. Simple home remedies often help get rid of the problem.


Types of acne on the butt

Pimples appear as a result of the accumulation of sebum in the pores. If bacteria penetrate the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, an inflammatory process begins and painful pimples with purulent contents. They should not be squeezed out or rubbed with a rough washcloth, as the infection spreads into the deeper layers of the skin, which leads to the formation of large ulcers.

Women are more likely to have problems with sebaceous and sweat glands increased due to constant fluctuations hormonal levels regulating their functioning. Therefore, the frequent appearance of acne on the skin is understandable.

There are open and closed (subcutaneous) types of rashes. Distinguish the following types acne:

  1. Papules are dense nodules protruding above the surface. They do not contain pus or any other contents. These pimples are light or dark pink in color.
  2. Cystic acne. They are cavities in the layers of the skin filled serous fluid. The accumulation of contents leads to enlargement of the cyst. A pimple appears on the skin in the form of a small swelling.
  3. Small, red, dense pimples that usually appear in a group, giving the skin a rough appearance.
  4. Boils are large, gradually maturing abscesses.
  5. Pustules are blisters filled with pus.
  6. Comedones. They arise from cysts that form in hair follicles. They are filled with a mixture of sebum and dead skin particles. Such acne may be closed type(whiteheads) and open (blackheads).

Pimples on the butt can also appear due to hypothermia of the lower body, when in frosty weather only thin tights cover the buttocks. Hypothermia weakens the immune system and reduces skin protection from penetration harmful microbes. Cold pimples are red blisters with clear liquid inside.

Pathologies associated with acne

These include infectious and non-infectious diseases that lead to disruption of processes occurring in the skin. As a rule, in addition to skin rashes, other symptoms of illness appear simultaneously.


Various types of pimples appear on the butt in response to exposure to allergens. An allergic reaction occurs when taking certain medications (for example, antibiotics, vitamins, steroids).

Often pimples appear on the butt after the injection. When drugs are administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously, compactions sometimes form, which gradually resolve on their own. If this does not happen, the skin turns red, becomes covered in a rash, and pain occurs when pressing on the inflamed area, you must inform the doctor who prescribed the treatment.

A woman may be allergic to laundry detergents, toilet paper And sanitary napkin with aromatic impregnation. There is a skin reaction to various additives to soap and shower gel, as well as cosmetic creams.

Many people have a similar reaction to certain foods, for example, milk, gluten (a component wheat flour) and citruses. Contact allergy manifests itself in the components that make up the materials from which the underwear is made.

Fungal and viral skin diseases

The appearance of a red rash on the butt is characteristic symptom many skin infectious diseases. For example, in a humid and warm environment, fungi quickly multiply on skin that sweats profusely. The red, scaly fungal rash usually covers areas of the butt, groin, and thighs.

The penetration of staphylococcal bacteria into pores and microcracks leads to the formation of an itchy red rash, weeping blisters, purulent rashes on the buttocks.

Viruses cause herpes. With this disease, very painful blisters filled with clear liquid appear on the skin.

Common skin diseases are lichens various types. Most often they appear as large spots covered with red scales.


This disease occurs as a result of damage hair follicle staphylococcal bacteria. A boil can appear on any part of the body, including the butt. The abscess is very painful and the person’s temperature rises. Sometimes a mature abscess breaks out on its own, but often you have to seek help from a surgeon to open it and clean the wound.

A rough scar may remain at the site of the boil. Sometimes there are several such abscesses, and they merge with each other.

Video: Causes and symptoms of furunculosis

Infections inside the body

A red rash on the body is one of the symptoms of many infectious diseases, such as scarlet fever, rubella, chicken pox. It is characteristic that it gradually covers individual areas of the body several hours after the appearance of other symptoms. During the healing process, the rash usually disappears without a trace.

With sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, for example), a rash appears between the buttocks, in the groin area and genitals.

Hormonal abnormalities

Often the cause of acne in women is natural hormonal changes, occurring in the body before menstruation. Hormonal acne often bother teenagers during puberty. They often also appear during menopause. In the first months of pregnancy, the appearance of acne on the face and body is also explained by hormonal changes. Toxicosis and dehydration of the body contribute to increased dryness of the skin and its sensitivity to irritating factors.

Hormone imbalances also occur during various gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis, polycystic disease, ovarian tumors. The state of hormonal levels may be affected endocrine diseases, as well as the use of contraception and medicinal drugs containing estrogens and progesterone.

Intestinal diseases and metabolic disorders

The causes of pimples on the butt and other parts of the body are intestinal diseases, such as colitis, enteritis and others. With such pathologies, food processing and the removal of toxins are disrupted. The appearance of a rash in this case is the body’s response to exposure to harmful substances.

In addition, diseases of the stomach, intestines, duodenum and liver cause metabolic and nutritional disorders of the skin. The absorption of mineral elements deteriorates, and a deficiency of vitamins occurs (a lack of vitamins A, E, D is especially harmful to the skin).

All this leads to disruption of the sebaceous and sweat glands, decreased protective properties and deterioration of the skin condition.

Extensive rashes on the skin of the buttocks and other parts of the body appear upon penetration into skin scabies mite. The symptom of this contagious disease is severe itching at the site of acne formation. It is especially intensified at night, leading a person to exhaustion.

What to do if acne appears on your butt

First of all, you need to pay attention to other symptoms, and if they are not there, then try to associate their appearance with a change in diet or other factors that could negatively affect the condition of the skin. If there are no signs of disease, you can try to get rid of acne using home remedies. If simple remedies do not help, acne increases or there are more of them, you must definitely go to a dermatologist and be treated with medications prescribed by a specialist.

If there are associated symptoms, then you should visit a therapist who will prescribe an examination and, if necessary, send you for a consultation with a gynecologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or surgeon. If there is any doubt about the cause of acne on the butt, a woman should definitely consult a doctor, as delay can result in serious complications.

Treatment options

The method of treatment and choice of medications depends on the type of acne and its origin. Diseases are diagnosed using general analysis blood, its biochemical examination, tests for infections. As necessary, the levels of various hormones in the blood are determined, and tests are done for allergens.

Are used instrumental methods detection of diseases of the endocrine and genital organs, such as ultrasound, x-ray and others.

Treatment prescribed by a doctor

The following groups of drugs are used:

To improve liver function, Essentiale and other hepatoprotectors are prescribed. Sometimes taking complex vitamins helps eliminate rashes.

Antiseptic treatment of the skin of the buttocks affected by acne is carried out using iodine, alcohol, salicylic acid.

Addition: Important role When treating acne, diet plays a role. It is necessary to exclude allergens from the diet and supplement it with fortified foods rich in fiber. It is recommended to limit the consumption of fats, carbohydrates, sweets and spicy seasonings.

At home

Not big pimples usually processed salicylic acid and lubricate with ointment for the appropriate purpose.

To speed up the maturation of the boil and draw pus out of it, apply a compress with Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol. You can apply an aloe leaf cut in half. Inflamed pimples on a small area of ​​skin are lubricated with levomekol or syntomycin ointment.

Triderm ointment, which has anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory effects, is popular. It, as well as Elokom ointment, relieve itching well.

Folk remedies

IN folk medicine When acne appears on the butt, it is recommended to take baths or make compresses with infusions of plants that have properties to disinfect the skin. They are especially helpful in cases where the cause of its irritation is inflammation.

Bath with chamomile infusion

In 5 l hot water pour 3-4 tbsp. l. flowers and leave until the water cools to the desired temperature. Sit in the bath for about 10-15 minutes. Carry out this procedure twice a day until inflammation will go away and pimples will not disappear.

Compress with celandine

This plant has strong antibacterial properties, can cauterize ulcers. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tsp. fresh herbs in ½ cup boiling water. Use the infusion warm. Moisten a gauze pad and apply it to the skin lesion. This remedy helps to clear it even of herpetic rashes and accelerates the healing of boils.

Compress with calendula tincture

You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself from 10 g of flowers and 100 ml of 70% medical alcohol. For external use, the tincture is diluted with water. In this case, take 1 tsp for 1 glass of water. tinctures. Apply cotton wool or gauze soaked in it to the pimples.

Green clay and vegetable oil mask

Dilute the clay with water to obtain a paste. Add olive oil or sea ​​buckthorn oil, place the mixture on a napkin. This remedy is used when small red pimples appear on the butt.

Skin scrub

Prepare a mixture of 0.5 cup oatmeal, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. l. honey and a few beans of finely ground coffee. Cleanse the skin of the buttocks once a day, applying the mixture to the palm of your hand.

Herbal remedies contain vitamins. Many of them have a calming effect on nervous system, preventing allergic rash arising from nervous disorders.

Video: Treatment methods for acne on the butt


Why are there pimples on the butt and how to treat them?

The appearance of acne on human body is an unpleasant, delicate disorder that usually goes unnoticed. Pimples on a child's bottom indicate hormonal imbalance in the body of a newborn, or are a consequence of food, household allergies. In females, pimples on the butt may indicate the presence of serious diseases in the body that require immediate treatment, since if not taken concrete actions to cure them, the situation can be aggravated - the development of the disease will spread to other parts of the body, contributing to their infection by infectious or inflammatory conditions.

Pimples on the butt in women, reasons for their formation - this problem worries many representatives of the fair sex due to its fairly wide distribution this phenomenon. What to do? Which medicinal measures Should I take it to prevent acne on my butt? Why does this pathology form on the butt?

The essence of this pathology

When they mention acne on the ass, they usually mean various inflammations on the anus - moments of rash or acne, acne, boils or colds. Pimples on the butt form due to the development of an inflammatory process. sebaceous glands, the cause of which is a failure of secretory functionality.

Inflamed formations serve as a response to the active process of development of propionic bacteria, which are concentrated in stagnant areas formed due to blockage of the follicles due to excess secretion of sebaceous substances, occurring due to malfunctions of the glands, the appearance of dead tissue created by follicular hyperkeratosis. Sometimes these phenomena occur in parallel with painful attacks.

Pimples on the butt in women can be caused by inflammatory or non-inflammatory properties. Non-inflamed acne is divided into:

  • Open form, i.e. surface structure;
  • Closed view, i.e. subcutaneous type.

Due to the absence of inflammation, they develop without any pain.

Inflammatory acne is considered to be:

  • Papule - usually appears in the form of a rash, a small red swelling;
  • Pustule is an abscess;
  • A node is a red, large elastic pimple;
  • A cyst is a small swelling on the outside, but has a deep germination with a liquid composition on the inside under the skin;
  • Boils are large pimples with infectious pus inside;
  • Cold sores are red skin swellings with pus.

Sources of formation of this pathology

The causes of acne on the butt in women can be different:

  • Dry skin tissue – there are almost no sebaceous glands in this area of ​​the body, and existing ones do not reproduce required quantity fat Therefore, the skin tissues in this part of the body are overdried, with negative impact Due to various factors, they quickly become inflamed. The lack of oxygen due to the process of friction against elements of underwear and furniture causes further irritation, i.e. provokes the development of acne;
  • Hormonal disorders - acne on the butt may indicate hormonal imbalances in the human body;
  • Sedentary body position – for people who, due to their profession, are subject to a sedentary lifestyle, it is common to create different types acne, acne, rash on the butt;
  • Hypothermia – this can also cause redness on the butt, so you should avoid standing on cold objects, such as benches or the floor;
  • Increased process of keratinization of the skin - disturbances in the self-cleaning of skin tissue, dead cells due to blockage of skin pores;
  • Allergic reactions, prickly heat - redness or a rash can form due to high temperature or due to the use of certain hygiene substances;
  • Sometimes acne on the buttocks indicates the presence of sexually transmitted diseases this person, although it is not always STDs that cause their manifestation;
  • Eating a large amount of spicy or fatty foods - to eliminate the rash in this situation, you will need to adjust your diet, then the inflammation may go away on its own, but if acne on the child’s bottom is a concern, it is better to immediately consult with a specialist and not carry out any independent treatment.

Redness, swelling, skin rash may serve as the body's response to various factors, for example, due to unhealthy nutritious diet or individual intolerance to some components in the composition cosmetics. Only after determining the cause, examination internal organs The doctor may prescribe certain treatment methods.

The likelihood of acne on the buttocks increases during pregnancy. This is due to the general hormonal changes the entire woman's body. An increase in progesterone levels leads to increased secretion of sebaceous substances. Dehydration contributes to the formation of acne on the butt.

The most noticeable spread of redness on the buttocks is in the early stages of pregnancy, when hormonal levels are not yet stable.

What should you do to avoid acne on your butt after finishing pregnant period? For many representatives of the fair half of humanity, the resulting acne disappears on its own by the end of pregnancy, or this process The rash on the butt disappears on its own after the birth process. There are also women who suffer from this pathology long after the birth of their baby and are looking for ways to get rid of acne on the butt.

Methods for eliminating acne on the butt

Thus, in order to avoid acne on the butt, it is necessary to eliminate the provoking this pathology moments. To do this you should:

  • Optimize your diet, give up spicy and fatty foods, take vitamin complexes;
  • Change your wardrobe items - do not wear synthetic underwear, slimming trousers;
  • Study physical exercise, take walks in nature;
  • Avoid overcooling.

To prevent acne on the butt, various methods are used to treat acne on the buttocks. medicinal substances, compresses, gels, ointments, lotions:

  • Salicylic ointment - using a cotton swab this remedy applied to areas of inflammation, the process is repeated 2 times a day, daily. Similar application also has iodine;
  • Ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment - quickly eliminate various types of rashes on skin tissues. Usually used at night to useful material were able to have a long-lasting effect on infected skin areas. Effective in the processes of curing internal ulcers;
  • Zinc ointment - applied pointwise to the lesion, has no adverse reactions. Neutralizes infection, removing redness;
  • Also, to treat acne on the butt, the ointment “Baziron” is used, which has an antibacterial effect, “Tsindol” - prevents the possible recurrence of this pathology, “Acyclovir”, “Zinerit”, “Skinoren”, “Zovirax” are useful.

Preventive measures

To avoid the appearance of various types of rashes on the butt, experts recommend:

  • Do not allow the skin on the buttocks to dry out, use different scrubs to cleanse the skin, and nourishing products to moisturize;
  • Take care of your hygiene - change your underwear every day, it is better to use cotton underwear, if you sweat, use baby powder, which removes excess moisture;
  • Don't sit long time on leather pieces of furniture, in this situation it is necessary to place any cotton bedding under the butt.

Acne is very unpleasant phenomenon, but when they appear on the butt, it's even worse. Pain, itching, inability to scratch – this is what accompanies pimples on the butt. Of course you want to know how to remove them. But before you try to fight them, you need to understand the reasons for their occurrence.

  1. Dry skin. At the “fifth point” there are practically no sebaceous glands, and their few representatives do not secrete much sebum. Dry skin on the butt, most often in contact with external irritants, easily becomes inflamed. Lack of oxygen, aggravated by constant friction against objects (sofas, chairs, armchairs, linen) leads to persistent acne.
  2. Enhanced keratinization. This term means a violation of the skin’s self-cleaning function; dead scales remain on the skin due to clogged pores. Passive lifestyle
  3. Passive lifestyle. In this case, acne also appears more often.
  4. Hormonal problems, allergic reaction to individual means hygiene.
  5. Manifestations of prickly heat.
  6. Hypothermia.

Pimples on the butt are often associated with venereal diseases. Yes, this is a symptom of many STDs, but it doesn't necessarily make you sick either. The skin can react with rashes to many factors, from food to chemical components of cosmetics, and even develop on clothing fibers. But even after finding out the reason, you should not leave things to chance. Often, acne can signal serious problems in the body - so doctors recommend examination of internal organs.

How to get rid of acne on the butt?

  1. First of all, pay attention to yours. All the toxins released during the digestion of “junk” food leave an external mark on the skin, causing the formation of acne. Reduce the amount of spicy and fatty foods, often this is enough for inflammation to go away on its own.
  2. If you are concerned about pimples on your child's bottom, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician. Consultation experienced doctor will help you choose the optimal means for treatment.
  3. Look through your wardrobe. Avoid tight clothing that does not allow air flow to the skin of your thighs. Carefully study the labels of “dubious” items. Are those pants really pure wool? Or maybe they contain synthetics, which caused the reaction?

If you are confident in the quality of things and comply proper diet, but you are still wondering how to remove acne on your butt, you can try the following methods. By the way, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on various drugs– cause excessive dryness. There is no need to be afraid that the rash will spread over the entire surface of the buttocks - usually the rashes on the butt are isolated.

Treatment methods for acne on the butt

  1. Take cotton swab, dip it in and lubricate pimples. Don’t get too carried away; if you are too eager, you can burn the epithelium. But when correct use(2 times a day) you will achieve good results.
  2. Dip a cotton swab in and treat problem areas 2 times a day. This method is suitable for those who are not allergic to iodine. Very good way especially with “fresh” rashes.
  3. on any area of ​​the body. It absorbs quickly and kills pathogenic microorganisms and does not dry out the skin.
  4. Baths with decoctions medicinal herbs. Pour into a basin warm water, add a glass of chamomile decoction (you can use a series or). Sit down so that your buttocks are immersed in the water, sit like this for 15 minutes. Pat your skin dry with a towel without rinsing. Herbs have healing effect without irritating or drying out the upper layer of the epithelium.
  5. . Dilute the clay with water, add a couple of drops of wheat germ oil. Apply to skin for half an hour, rinse. Make a mask once a week.

What to do to prevent pimples from appearing on your butt?

  1. Avoid drying out the buttock area. Use a moisturizer every time you take a bath or shower. Well-moisturized skin is the best guarantee against inflammation. Scrubs – excellent remedy to remove dead scales. But they should be used with caution, especially for purulent acne.
  2. Avoid sweating your skin and wear cotton underwear. Change it every day! Girls will have to say goodbye to synthetic and fishnet panties. This way the skin will breathe.
  3. If you sweat often, regular baby powder will help you. It costs a penny, but you will see the results of its use immediately. The powder absorbs excess moisture, and blackheads will not bother you with their appearance.
  4. Watch what and how you sit. You should not sit on leather products for a long time. If technically feasible, try placing a cotton cloth under your butt.

If you follow these simple rules, acne on your butt will stop bothering you, and you will breathe a sigh of relief, enjoying clear skin.

If acne occurs on the butt in women, the causes and treatment must be studied in order to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible. Because rashes not only cause discomfort, but also, to put it mildly, do not look very aesthetically pleasing.
Especially in a place like the buttocks.

The very first thing a girl should understand is that rashes will not appear on their own. There are always reasons, and until you get rid of them, the rash will not go away.

Skin is a mirror of a person’s health. If the body has accumulated a large number of toxins, and he has no way to remove them, then appear on the skin external changes– rashes, other neoplasms, and the skin of the buttocks are no exception.

Reasons why acne appears

A rash in women is a reaction of the body to multiple factors, ranging from nutrition to exposure to chemicals. detergents.

If rashes appear on the buttocks constantly, despite the treatment, it is necessary to undergo a detailed medical examination.
Perhaps this is how the body responds to pathological processes occurring in internal organs.

Why do women get acne on their butts?

  1. Dry skin.
    It occurs due to blockage of sebaceous pores, of which there are few in the area of ​​the buttocks. Therefore, very little fat is released. If those that exist are closed, the process of formation of a horny substance occurs, consisting of keratin, keratohyalin, fatty acids. The buttocks are always in close contact with surfaces succumb to constant friction. In this case, any infection easily enters the closed pores, and the inflammatory process begins. The result is rashes appear.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle.

    If a woman does not have a normal physical activity, the processes of blood circulation and metabolism are disrupted. As a result, the tissue will receive little nutrients, become vulnerable to infection, which easily gets into the pores with constant friction against furniture and underwear, which leads to the development of a rash.

  3. Hormones are real protectors. They prevent multiple diseases. By the way, myocardial infarction occurs more often in men, since in women it is hormones that help prevent the development of this disease. If pimples appear on the butt, especially purulent ones, this may indicate hormonal disorders, which only a doctor can help correct. This also includes long-term use hormonal medications, including contraceptives. They change hormonal levels, which provokes their appearance not only on the butt, but also on the back.
  4. , hypothermia.
    When exposed to hot temperatures, the body produces large amounts of sweat. When in contact with underwear and constant humidity, an inflammatory process develops due to sweat. With hypothermia, local immunity in the tissues is significantly reduced. Therefore, sitting on the cold ground or bench can result in rashes on the butt.
  5. Allergy.
    Very often the cause of rashes on the buttocks is poor quality hygiene products(soap, shower gels), washing powder. In this case, small red pimples appear, without purulent contents. Sometimes they can connect and form small spots measuring 10*15 mm.
  6. Uncomfortable, low-quality underwear and clothing.
    Synthetic products, tight, uncomfortable underwear are the cause of metabolic disorders. Synthetics do not allow air to pass through, just like tight underwear. With friction, micro cracks appear, through which infection enters the skin. The result is acne.
  7. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
    If a woman does not shower every day, does not change her linen, or does not wash it properly, they can multiply fungal infection, dust mites. This will cause a rash on the butt.

  8. Vitamin deficiencies, deficiency of microelements, in particular vitamin D, B vitamins lead to disruption of metabolic processes. Many women believe that rashes on the butt indicate sexually transmitted diseases. Undoubtedly, sores in this area are, but they are not always the cause of their appearance.

How to remove a rash

How to get rid of acne on the butt quickly - this question is relevant for many women. To get rid of the problem as quickly as possible, you should use medications(tablets, ointments for acne on the butt), traditional methods treatment.

You definitely need to reconsider your diet and lifestyle.
The last two factors are significant.
With a sedentary lifestyle, especially if a woman is an office worker, not only is there a lack of physical activity, but, as a rule, the diet is disrupted.

Wherein healthy diet replaced by fast food.
Sedentary lifestyle, consumption harmful products lead to stagnation due to circulatory disorders, significantly disrupt the work hormonal system.

All these processes cause their appearance, not only in the buttocks area, but also on the face, back, arms, and chest.
You should do banal gymnastics at least 2 times a day, replace fast food products with healthy salads and fruits. Avoid fatty foods, fried foods, pickles, marinades, and smoked foods.

All of these foods leave an organic amount of toxins in the body.
The liver and intestines cannot cope with them and cannot remove them. To which the body reacts in a special way, letting its “mistress” know about such disorders by the appearance of acne on the butt and other places.

You should also reconsider your wardrobe. In this case, you need to get rid of synthetic clothes, uncomfortable, but even very beautiful underwear. Panties should be made of cotton, skirts and trousers should not be tight, made of natural fabrics.

A ? Find out from the article on our website.

Did you know that it is great for fighting acne? Find out from the article how to do it yourself at home.

How to treat acne on the butt:

If the cause of rashes on the butt are disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, which are accompanied by inflammatory process, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs. But this treatment is purely individual and depends on the root cause of the development of pathologies.

How to prevent acne

To prevent a rash on the butt, you should follow these rules:

  • Try not to dry out the skin in the buttock area. Every time after a shower, lubricate your skin with nourishing cream.
  • Do not wear underwear made of synthetic materials. Change your underwear every day! If a woman is overweight and prone to sweating, she should use regular baby powder.
  • Do not sit for a long time on furniture made of leather, preferably when sedentary life, use cotton bedding.
  • enjoy tar soap.
  • Purchase only proven hygiene products brands, it is advisable to buy them at a pharmacy rather than in supermarkets.
  • Review your diet. Saturate it with foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Take recovery medications immune system. Then it will be much easier for the body to cope with the infection and destroy it. The most famous representatives of such drugs are Immunal (price - 3000 rubles), Anaferon (price - 180 rubles), Arbidol (160 rubles).
  • Take medications to cleanse your body of toxins. For example, Fortrans (price from 380 rubles), Enterosgel (price from 210 rubles).

Since acne on the butt in women can cause not only banal hypothermia and increased sweating If there are signs of other changes in the body, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.
Especially if such a problem appears with enviable consistency.

One day my five-year-old daughter came home from kindergarten with a big red pimple on her butt. I decided: perhaps the child has acne on his butt for a reason common use children's toilet, and that the toilet apparently was not very clean.

“The pimple came from dirt,” I thought and anointed it with iodine to disinfect it. I also paid closer attention to hygiene products: hypoallergenic shower gel, personal washcloth, always clean and strictly natural linen.

However, for some reason these measures did not lead to the desired result: the object on the child’s bottom not only did not disappear, but on the contrary: it somehow grew and multiplied. My doctor husband diagnosed herpes. He ordered me not to wash it, not to get it wet, and to cover it with a non-woven bandage so that the skin could breathe.

She, of course, was breathing, but the pimples on her butt still lived and were not going to leave their comfortable area. The number of pimples on the child’s fifth point increased, they themselves became larger, reddened and painful.

...I had to see a doctor. We went to the skin and venereal disease clinic to pediatric dermatologist. The doctor recommended removing all the patches and strictly ordered me not to put anything on anything else in the future.

The real reason for the formation of huge red purulent pimples There was streptoderma on my butt. This is one of the most common causes of acne on the buttocks.

Causes of acne on the butt


This is an infectious skin disease caused by streptococcus. It is characterized by the appearance of red, scaly, convex formations that tend to grow and merge into single lesions.

It should be treated purely with antibiotic ointment, after pre-treating the surface of the infected skin with a disinfectant solution.

I was pleased with my own insight: the reasons for the appearance of streptoderma really lie in the dirt. That is, it is transmitted through contact - most likely, the daughter got it through a shared toilet.


This is a disease that is more general in nature compared to streptoderma. It is caused by pyogenic (pyogenic) cocci - staphylococci and streptococci. We can say that streptoderma is special case pyoderma. If the doctor cannot reliably establish the nature of the purulent skin lesion, he diagnoses “pyoderma”.

With pyoderma, acne appears on the skin of the entire body, but often it first appears on the buttocks. It is important to understand that this is a bacterial infection, and to treat it you need a doctor who can prescribe special antibiotic ointments.

Chicken pox

In other words, this is chickenpox, familiar to all of us. early childhood. In addition to rashes, chickenpox is accompanied by high fever, pain and aches throughout the body, unbearable itching, runny nose and sore throat.

Of course, with chickenpox, small red pimples-papules appear all over the body, but the most significant are the typical localizations: behind the ears, in the popliteal cups, on the elbows, under the scalp, on the genitals and on the buttocks. It even happens that the first pimples appear on the skin of the butt.

A thorough examination will help you not to be misled about the nature of these pimples, because they are called papules for a reason: these are small watery blisters that, when bursting, contribute to the formation of new ones on adjacent segments of the skin.

Chickenpox is treated symptomatically: with high temperature- knock down antipyretics, with severe itching- accept antihistamines, for a runny nose - relieve the condition with sprays and drops in the nose, for a sore throat - gargles and disinfectant throat sprays.

Do not wash yourself - neither in the bath nor in the shower - as water contributes to the spread of acne.

As for papules, modern medicine believes that nothing needs to be done with them. Previously, as we remember, they were smeared with brilliant green or treated with a manganese solution. Today it’s up to you to decide whether to dry out the papules or not.


This is an acute purulent-necrotic disease hair follicle, sebaceous gland and surrounding connective tissue, caused by pyogenic bacteria, most often Staphylococcus aureus.

Large purulent pimples(or boils) appear on any area of ​​the skin, including the butt. They are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, wet-dry bandages are applied with hypertonic solution- to remove pus, and then - antibiotic ointments.

Hormonal imbalance

In women, trouble in the form of acne on the fifth point may arise due to the use of contraceptive drugs. This means that this contraceptive is not suitable for the body, and to get rid of acne on the butt, you should seek help from a doctor.

A similar problem can occur in adolescence, as well as during pregnancy, only in these cases will fluctuations in hormonal levels have “natural” causes. If a rash in a teenager or a pregnant woman does not go away, causes severe discomfort, begins to increase or spread throughout the body, it is worth paying a visit to a medical specialist.


Eating inappropriate foods, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, using the wrong cosmetics, or medical supplies- all this can cause a rash on the butt. Allergic reactions of the body are unpredictable and can result in unexpected manifestations.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Venereal disease is very serious reason, in which acne on the buttocks is just the tip of the iceberg. Only a doctor who will prescribe will help here. complex treatment antibiotics. The disease will be cured and acne will go away.

Dry skin

For this reason, inflammation of the buttocks often occurs. Malfunction of the sebaceous glands due to insufficient hydration of the skin of the buttocks causes the formation of acne due to clogged pores.

In principle, there are few sebaceous glands on the buttocks, so their blockage provokes acne on the butt. Dry buttocks rub against underwear, the skin lacks oxygen and rashes appear on it.

A sedentary lifestyle also contributes to clogged pores on the skin, causing pimples to appear on the butt. Dry skin on the buttocks is aggravated by wearing synthetic panties.

Prickly heat

A red itchy rash on the butt may appear when excessive sweating, and also if sweaty buttocks were not washed in a timely manner.

Most often, prickly heat occurs in infants who are dressed in diapers. But sometimes it also affects adults who neglect proper hygiene or do not have quick access to water and soap. In adulthood, such rashes are more common in men than in women.

Miliaria must be ventilated and dried. You can dry the rashes with baby powder if we are talking about babies. However, even this question is very individual: some children benefit from powder, while others, on the contrary, benefit from baby cream.

Adults should also pay attention to their personal reactions: to eliminate rashes on the butt, on the one hand, active rubbing with alcohol-containing lotions, which will disinfect and dry out prickly heat, can help, and on the other hand, a soft cosmetic milk or cleansing cream will be useful for some.

Diaper dermatitis

In addition to heat rash, babies who constantly “live” in diapers and diapers can “acquire” diaper dermatitis. This severe irritation skin on a child's bottom, caused by exposure to a mixture of urine and feces.

Such dermatitis should be treated in the same way as prickly heat: either dry with baby powder or moisturize and soothe with baby cream.

Hypothermia of the buttocks

In this case, a “pimply” reaction is also possible. They usually say about this that they “got a cold in the butt.”

How to get rid of pimples on buttocks?

Disinfection will help remove pimples on the butt: spot cauterization with iodine, brilliant green, alcohol-containing solutions, and salicylic ointment.

If the cause of rashes is dry skin of the buttocks, disinfection should be combined with hydration and nutrition. In this case, a few drops of wheat germ oil can help: they can be mixed with lotion or cream, or can be used in its pure form.

It’s good to take baths with chamomile or celandine, sea salt is also suitable.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

What to do if you can’t get rid of the rash on your own? If acne does not go away for a long time, increases in size or festeres, spreads throughout the body, and also if, in addition to acne on the buttocks, there are other symptoms feeling unwell- Be sure to make an appointment with your doctor.

It is quite possible that the cause of inflammation is not at all what you thought and requires a more serious approach to treatment.

Preventing acne on the buttocks

  1. Wear only panties made of soft natural fabrics. And no synthetics. And under no circumstances should they be rubbed.
  2. Always dress according to the season, avoiding overheating and hypothermia.
  3. Do not wear tight, butt-constricting clothes.
  4. Do not sit on cold surfaces.
  5. Caring for your buttocks with cosmetics is almost the same as caring for your face.
  6. Take baths periodically sea ​​salt or decoctions of chamomile, celandine, oak bark.
  7. And the most important thing: timely and mandatory hygiene of the whole body, with an emphasis on intimate places.

Video: how to remove acne on the skin of the buttocks at home?