Capillaries burst inside why and what to do. Principles and methods of treatment

The appearance of a vascular pattern (stars or cobwebs) is a common phenomenon that is asymptomatic, but brings aesthetic discomfort, especially to the fair sex. The capillary network on the legs is the result of a disturbance in the blood circulation of small-caliber vessels, one of the reasons for which was heart failure. vascular system. What causes capillaries on the legs to burst? This is discussed in this article.

Telangiectasia (capillary network) is a disease that requires treatment.

Normally, capillaries are located in the subcutaneous fat, and it is extremely difficult to see them with the naked eye. As a result of pathological effects, small vessels become visible through skin and move to the upper layers of the dermis, creating an intricate pattern.

Vascular tissue occurs equally among men and women, and is characterized by a purple hue of small capillaries.

In most cases, pathology means a chronic violation of the venous blood supply.

The process is localized in various places, and therefore, in addition to the lower extremities, telangiectasias are found on the chest, abdomen, back and even face (wings of the nose, cheeks).

The networks of small vessels burst, forming a bluish hematoma in place. This happens for several reasons.

What types of capillary networks are there?

There are several types of disease:

  • by origin: arterial, capillary and venous. In most cases, there are venous or spider veins. On the face, due to a thin layer of the epidermis and closely located vessels - capillary networks;
  • by morphological features (shape and size): tree-like, arachnid, single-pointed, linear;
  • by location in the legs: knees, ankles, hips.

By severity:

  • small, barely noticeable, mostly purple in color;
  • enlarged, swollen, bluish in color;
  • large, longitudinal, violet-blue.

There may be swelling or hematoma around.


The main causes of the disease in the lower extremities are chronic failure superficial and deep veins and genetic predisposition to venous disease.

In addition, there are other reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance - prevalence of estrogens;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which thins the epidermal layer;
  • lack of oxygen due to pathologies lung tissue And respiratory tract;
  • hypoxic condition;
  • age;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • frequent exposure to cold air, for example, when walking in frosty weather in thin nylon tights or trousers without insulation;
  • hormone therapy.

Aggravating factors include: unhealthy diet, alcohol abuse, smoking, physical inactivity or professional factor- standing or sitting work.

Vessels are damaged due to allergic reactions, immune lability, vitamin deficiency, gynecological problems And oncological diseases.

Over time subcutaneous formations burst due to a weakened vascular wall. This happens due to:

  • reduced amount blood cells - platelets, which are responsible for the blood coagulation system, the quality of platelets suffers, which leads to thinning of the capillary;
  • diseases, one of the symptoms of which is thrombocytopenia (liver disease);
  • coagulopathy;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • mechanical damage(hit);
  • excessive loads;
  • dermatitis;
  • stress;
  • anemia;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • side effects against the background of long-term drug therapy.

There can be one or several nets, they can be more or less pronounced and have different colors. However, you should seek help for any manifestation of the disease.


Before the venules appear, signs appear developing illness:

  • patients complain of weakness and increased fatigue of the legs;
  • pain appears, intensifying with pressure on the foot;
  • swelling and local hyperemia cannot be excluded;
  • itching occurs at the suspected site of formation;
  • During the day there is discomfort in the lower extremities;
  • increased frequency of seizures;
  • sensation of running “goosebumps”;
  • rarely numbness of the legs.

The branches that appear do not cause discomfort, but some patients note heightened feeling dry dermis and itching.

If blood vessels rupture and a bruise forms, moderate pain on palpation, muscle tension and local hyperthermia are possible. The skin acquires a bluish tint, in the center of which there is a vascular branch.

When and which doctor should you contact?

Problems of deep and superficial veins of the extremities are also dealt with. Phlebology – separate species medicine, which studies in detail the structure circulatory system and all kinds of pathological phenomena of the veins.

You should consult a doctor if:

  • several capillary foci appeared;
  • there was pain at the site of the tumor;
  • the patient’s well-being has worsened;
  • heaviness and cramps of the lower extremities bother me daily;
  • increasing pain in the legs.

It is permissible to address the problem to cosmetologists, because the problem may be a physiological defect. For example, increased thinning of the epidermis, due to which the superficial venous plexuses are visible through the skin.

Contact cosmetologists if the process is localized on the face.


To identify the disease, hardware diagnostic methods and tests are used to identify the cause.

Hardware methods include:

  • ultrasound of the lesion;
  • veins - used in cases of aggravated medical history and pronounced symptoms;
  • Dopplerography - allows you to identify disorders of the circulatory system and blood supply;
  • high-tech method, which determines the state of the vascular wall and the lumen of the capillaries;
  • capillaroscopy.

Tests to determine the cause of the disease:

  • pinch method– most often used when the process is localized in the upper part of the body;
  • tourniquet method, proposed by Troyanov;
  • hammer method, also applicable in the upper part of the patient’s body (chest, back).

By the nature of the formations at the site of mechanical impact, the cause and form of the pathology are judged. Positive result is regarded as a basis for a detailed diagnosis.

also in diagnostic purposes They examine the chemical composition of the blood and its ability to clot (hemostasis system).

Treatment methods

What to do if a blood vessel bursts on your leg - of course, contact qualified help and treat the disease. Capillary branching is dangerous undesirable consequences.

Doctors are convinced that spider veins are the initial stage of varicose veins. The disease is dangerous and serious, the consequences are unpredictable and extremely negative character.

Most dangerous complications gangrene of the limb, or, and septic blood poisoning are considered.

The disease can be treated in 2 ways: medication and surgery.

Drug therapy

  • gels and ointments for external use: Troxevasin, Heparin ointment;
  • tablets to strengthen the walls: Ascorutin, Phlebodia, Venarus;
  • anti-inflammatory medications: Detralex;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • immunomodulators;
  • phleboprotectors;
  • cholesterol-lowering drugs;
  • hemostatic pharmaceutical drugs.

Widely used traditional methods. For example, the inflamed area is rubbed apple cider vinegar, jojoba oil and mashed grapes.

It is allowed to apply compresses with strict adherence to proportions.

Surgical intervention

In most cases, the disease can be eliminated conservatively, but sometimes radical methods are used:

  • microsclerotherapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • photocoagulation;
  • ligation and removal of damaged capillary.

Patients are advised to follow a diet and avoid bad habits and wear compression underwear. The treatment method is selected medical workers and depends on the severity of the process, the nature of the pathology and clinical manifestations.


In order for the disease not to lead to serious problems, you should be able to prevent it. Doctors recommend following simple rules for the purpose of preventing education spider veins and capillary damage:

  • harden the body;
  • give preference contrasting soul;
  • monitor your diet;
  • wear comfortable shoes;
  • dress according to the weather;
  • do gymnastics to strengthen blood vessels;
  • take vitamins;
  • to measure blood pressure;
  • visit a manual therapist.

Simple tips will help prevent illness and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Interesting video: how to get rid of burst capillaries

The human eye is complex organ, thanks to which it is visually perceived the world. The brain receives signals from the retina about the shapes, colors and shades of everything that the eye sees. The capillary membrane covering it is responsible for ensuring that the retina works properly, receives signals and sends them to the brain. It is thanks to the presence of the choroid that the retina is nourished and saturated with oxygen. Even the slightest damage to the capillaries can lead to retinal malfunction.

Why does a capillary burst?

From time to time, capillaries burst in every person's eye. If it happens infrequently and is classified as an isolated incident, there is nothing to worry about. There can be many reasons for the rupture of a thin blood vessel, and they do not necessarily signal the presence of a serious pathological condition. But if the capillaries are damaged regularly, the damage takes large area, the eyes are constantly red, they feel heaviness, pain or other atypical sensations, the cause of a capillary rupture can be serious and require treatment.

Important! Every smallest detail is important in the functioning of the eye as an integral part of the visual apparatus. Even a minor malfunction can impair vision and even ultimately lead to blindness. Even a ruptured capillary, if it happens systematically, should be a reason to visit a doctor.

What it looks and feels like

The white of the eye changes color, turning red spotwise, partially or completely. In some cases, it literally becomes filled with blood, and sometimes only “rusty” spots or reddish streaks appear on the surface of the protein. All these are signs of a ruptured capillary, one or more. Usually the redness goes away on its own after three to five days, but if it does not go away or occurs again, a visit to an ophthalmologist is inevitable.

By the way. If the burst capillary is located in the visible part of the white, not covered by the eyelid, then the redness will be clearly visible, but if the rupture occurs in a segment that is not visible, the person may not notice microhemorrhages if he does not pay attention to the sudden heaviness and feeling of obstruction in the eye .

Many people do not feel when a capillary bursts. Others or a mirror can tell them that they have a red eye. But for some, even with a single damaged capillary, headache, fever or chills may occur, you may feel dizzy, and spots may appear in your eyes.

The fact that the eye becomes frighteningly red and looks unaesthetic is not scary. The danger arises not when the protein has already turned red, but at the moment the capillary ruptures. And, of course, the reasons that lead to a break can pose a danger.

List of reasons

A number of reasons why capillary damage occurs can be called internal or pathological, largely independent of the person.

  1. Changes from low to high, and vice versa, in blood pressure indicators.
  2. State of hypertensive crisis.
  3. Diabetes disease.
  4. Tumors located in the area of ​​the visual apparatus.
  5. Various eye diseases.

  6. A condition of capillaries in which their walls have increased fragility.
  7. Avitaminosis.
  8. Impact or injury causing concussion.
  9. Labor pains.
  10. Heavy alcohol intoxication.
  11. Physical fatigue or heavy lifting.
  12. Visual fatigue.

  13. Meteorological dependence.

As you can see, there are many reasons, and only an ophthalmologist can determine which of them caused the vascular network to break through. In addition to the above internal reasons, there are also external factors that can also cause capillary rupture:

  • use of contact lenses;
  • visiting the sauna;
  • dry air in the apartment;
  • cold;
  • dust in the room;
  • smoke in the room or atmosphere;
  • wind, bright sunlight and other natural phenomena;
  • penetration of a foreign body into the eye.

Non-pathological causes and help

Even prolonged visual strain in the absence of rest for the eyes can put a strain on the capillaries beyond normal, which will lead to their rupture. Often the causes of microbleeds in the eye are, at first glance, ordinary actions and events that a person, as a rule, does not pay attention to.

By the way. Going to the sauna, drinking alcohol, hypothermia or overheating, being in the wind, carrying furniture, a quarrel accompanied by emotional screams and ending in tears - all this can help a capillary in the eye burst.

  1. If you regularly do not get enough sleep, get plenty of rest, get enough sleep, try to go to bed earlier and sleep for at least eight hours, observing the conditions for quality sleep.
  2. Reduce the load in case of constant physical overexertion that has caused damage to the capillaries.
  3. Avoid stressful situations, in which increased emotionality is manifested.
  4. Rest your eyes more often during visual stress, do gymnastics, and take care of high-quality lighting.
  5. Do not abuse alcohol and quit smoking until the walls of the blood vessels are completely thinned.
  6. If your capillaries are weak, do not go to the bathhouse or sauna.
  7. Take vitamins that will make the walls of blood vessels more elastic and stronger.

By the way. If for some reason your capillaries have fragile walls, it is necessary to constantly prevent hemorrhages and not be in a situation in which the vessels may be damaged.

What to do in case of hemorrhage due to pathologies

Depending on one or another reason for the incident, assistance is provided if the resulting eye condition needs to be treated.

Table. Reasons and help.

Description of the reasonWhat to do
Hypertensive crisis is one of the most common causes of capillary rupture in people suffering from hypertension. The pressure in the arteries “jumps”, the capillaries overflow with blood and, unable to withstand the load, burst. A crisis can also occur due to excess alcohol, stress and other factors.The state of hypertensive crisis must be urgently stopped by normalizing arterial pressure. If crises are a frequent occurrence, any subsequent pressure drop can provoke a heart attack, stroke, or other life-threatening pathology.
Eye injury is in second place among the causes of capillary damage.It is difficult to protect yourself from external influences in the form of blows, bruises, and concussions. Even eye surgery can cause a rupture. To eliminate the consequences, the doctor must prescribe medications that will help the capillaries return to normal.
Physical activity, carrying heavy objects, and childbirth are the third most common causes of red eye.If during childbirth it is difficult to control the behavior of blood vessels in the eyes, then you can protect yourself from excessive physical activity and heavy loads.
Diabetes is not common, but it can lead to damage to the capillaries, since the patient develops microangiopathy - weakness and fragility of the capillaries.The walls of blood vessels become thin and lose elasticity, and this process is difficult to normalize. However, there are medications that strengthen blood vessels that diabetics need to take.
Keratitis and conjunctivitis - these and other eye diseases become common cause capillary hemorrhage.Keratitis can occur due to a burn or fungus, allergies or viruses, or any object entering the eye that infects it. Conjunctivitis is a consequence of infection or external influence. In both cases, capillary hemorrhage is one of the manifestations of diseases that need to be treated as early as possible.
Vitamin deficiency and capillary fragility. The lack of two microelements causes thinning of the capillary walls - ascorbic acid and vitamin P. They also become fragile due to illness, alcoholism, taking certain medications, smoking and age.Need to get rid of bad habits and ensure that the body receives the right amount of vitamins that make the capillary walls healthy. You can either take tableted complexes of microelements or make nutritional corrections in the direction of increasing the amount of products containing the necessary substances.
A tumor of any size and quality in the eye area can cause deformation of the vascular network.Removal or treatment of the tumor is necessary, since severe deformation of the capillaries and their extensive damage in the eyes in this case can cause blindness.

Important! If any disease or pathological condition is diagnosed and needs to be treated, the treatment process must begin as soon as possible to prevent recurrence of ruptures, which can ultimately lead to clouding of the cornea and loss of vision.

Treatment of broken capillaries

If the vessel ruptures as a result of a pathological condition, consultation with an ophthalmologist and initiation of treatment is necessary. Sometimes health care may be needed urgently, so do not hesitate to call an ambulance, for example, in case of a hypertensive crisis.

Advice. When patients take coagulants, capillary ruptures may occur due to excessive blood thinning and increased blood flow. It is necessary to consult a doctor and adjust your dosage regimen.

Medicines in drops for ruptured eye capillaries

There are a number local funds, which the doctor prescribes in case of capillary rupture. They have an effect that normalizes the condition of blood vessels, and may also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Table. Drops from ruptured capillaries.

Name of medicineDescription

The drug relieves swelling and normalizes blood vessels. It helps quickly because it does not enter the bloodstream (when applied locally) and acts directly on the damaged capillary in the eye. The effect of using the drops is achieved almost immediately and lasts up to eight hours. On the first day, you can administer the drug four times during the day. Visine is mainly prescribed if the capillaries burst due to allergies or conjunctivitis. It is recommended to use the drops for no more than four days, since then addiction develops. Drops can be administered to those who use contact lenses, having previously removed them for a while, but in case of increased eye pressure and individual intolerance, they cannot be used.

These drops strengthen the capillary walls, while simultaneously stimulating the intraocular fluid to circulate normally. The drug is prescribed for diabetes and glaucoma, which has caused capillary rupture. In this case, the drug is administered twice a day for a period determined by the doctor. You can use Emoxipin once a day for preventive purposes in case of capillaries prone to weakened walls. You can administer drops to those who wear lenses, having previously removed them and returned them to their place after half an hour. Contraindications – intolerance. This medicine is not recommended to be combined with other eye medications.

This drug is the most popular because it is inexpensive and has high efficiency. It is prescribed for conjunctivitis, cataracts, corneal dystrophy and other defects that cause capillary breaks. Taufon can be administered up to three times a day, two drops. You can use drops long time, in accordance with the period prescribed by the doctor, more than two months. Drops should not be used to treat children and pregnant women. Individual intolerance is also taken into account.

Advice. You should not try to determine the cause of the break on your own. In all isolated cases or extensive hemorrhages, as well as if redness does not go away for more than five days, consult a doctor.

Traditional methods

Naturally, folk methods cannot be the main treatment, but can act as auxiliary and strengthening methods.

  1. A cold compress is applied alternately with a compress at room temperature to the eyes. It will help narrow the blood vessels, then bring them back to normal, and moisturize the eyeball.
  2. Applications made from chamomile or linden infusion, in which cotton pads are soaked.
  3. Thin slices of raw potato or cucumber for eyelids.
  4. Strengthening blood vessels with arnica infusion (10 g per glass of boiling water for oral administration).
  5. Chicory also strengthens and heals blood vessels.
  6. Apply black tea bags soaked in water to your eyelids.
  7. Compresses with their cold cottage cheese.
  8. Cool a cabbage leaf in the refrigerator and apply it to your eyelids.

Prevention of capillary rupture

This pathology can be prevented by taking timely preventive measures, if the ruptures do not depend on a serious illness and are not a consequence of it.

  1. It is necessary to take vitamin-mineral complexes, do tests to determine the content of necessary substances in the body, replenishing their missing quantities.
  2. Replenishment should also be done with a modified diet, which should consist of healthy foods, including all groups needed by the body and vessels of substances.
  3. Quitting smoking in general and alcohol in excess is the best thing that can be done for the elasticity of blood vessels.
  4. It is also recommended to significantly reduce the consumption of coffee and tea, giving preference to herbal decoctions and clean water.
  5. It is necessary to establish a daily routine in which there will be no place for physical and emotional overload, but there will be time for good sleep and rest.
  6. Do not overload your vision, do gymnastics to help your eyes relax.
  7. Protect visual apparatus from any external influences which can lead to capillary rupture.

Do not be afraid of a capillary rupture in the eye. This is, first of all, a signal that something in life needs to be changed for the better, healthier way. But if the phenomenon recurs, if there is a history of serious illnesses, or the body has not been diagnosed for too long, there is a reason to visit a doctor. Perhaps a broken capillary will reveal dangerous pathology and cure her on time.

Video - Why blood vessels burst in the eyes

The appearance of the vascular network - serious reason consult a doctor, because such a symptom may indicate a disorder of the vascular system. Often this sign also indicates the initial stage varicose veins. How to remove capillaries and why do they appear in the first place? Let's figure it out.

Bursted capillaries, as a rule, do not cause any discomfort to patients, except for a deterioration in aesthetic appearance. This is why most patients hesitate to visit a specialist. But you shouldn’t do this, because if you don’t remove the capillary mesh in time and don’t find out the real reason, you can start a pathological process and in the future encounter serious disorders work of internal organs.

Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels; they suffer at the slightest pressure or mechanical stress on the skin. As a result, areas of their ruptures appear, which appear as a red or bluish mesh. This process can affect not only lower limbs, but also other parts of the body, including the face.

Let's find out why the capillaries on the legs burst, how to deal with this problem and what to do to prevent it.

The appearance of a vascular network occurs due to the thinning of their walls, as a result they cannot withstand blood pressure and burst. A similar process can be observed in the following conditions:

  • Excessive constants physical exercise on the body.
  • Violation of hormone production.
  • Reception of some medications, especially hormonal contraceptives.
  • The period of gestation.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Staying outside for a long time in high frost and strong winds.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Excess weight.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Constant emotional stress.
  • Lack of minimum physical activity.
  • Professional characteristics that require constant standing or sitting.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Bad habits.
  • Frequent exposure to open sun.
  • Insufficient oxygen supply to tissues.

Any of the above reasons, with prolonged exposure, leads to capillaries appearing on the legs. If you notice such a symptom, do not hesitate to visit a doctor. Timely diagnosis will help identify pathology in the early stages and provide the necessary treatment.

According to statistics, this problem occurs more often in women than in men. It can be observed both at a young age and in older people. It can also lead to the development of red mesh on the legs. mechanical injury: bruise, fracture, abrasions. It often occurs when there is an excess cosmetic procedures or as a result of the influence of chemical compounds on the skin.

Most often, capillaries protrude in women who are obese and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Before the appearance of burst capillaries, a person may feel discomfort in the lower extremities, and sometimes there is swelling and fatigue at the end of the day or after physical activity.

Types of vessels

Affected vessels may be:

  • Venous.
  • Arterial.
  • Capillary.

To exclude varicose veins, ultrasound is used for diagnosis. It allows you to examine the condition of the vessels and determine how advanced the pathological process is.

The pattern of burst vessels can be very diverse, however, each requires effective treatment. What to do if the capillaries on the legs burst, what remedies will help cope with similar problem? Let's talk about this further.


Therapeutic measures are aimed at strengthening vascular walls and restoration of their elasticity. Even if you know why capillaries are visible on the legs, treatment should be carried out by a specialist.

Initially, you can get rid of the vascular network by using traditional methods of treatment, as well as medications. Moderate physical activity will help consolidate the effect. In this case positive influence long walking, running, swimming. You can also do yoga, shaping, aerobics, and fitness. But exercises that involve lifting weights should be excluded for the duration of treatment.

Drug therapy

Treatment pharmacological drugs includes taking medications that can strengthen vascular walls and eliminate signs of inflammation. For this purpose, medications can be used for internal (tablets, capsules) and external use (gels, creams, ointments). The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on individual characteristics patient.

Cosmetology procedures

There are several procedures that can remove broken capillaries by exposing them to physical or chemical reagents. However, such treatment only eliminates the external problem and does not in any way affect its root cause, so there is a risk of re-development of the pathological symptom.

To eliminate affected areas, use:

  • Thermocoagulation.
  • Laser exposure.
  • Ozone therapy.
  • Microsclerotherapy.

Folk remedies

Treatment of capillaries on the legs folk remedies, especially in initial stages pathological process, gives enough good result. Below we will consider the most effective means, which anyone can prepare at home.


  1. Mix linden flowers and lemon balm leaves in equal quantities, take a glass of this composition and pour 1500 ml of boiling water. Leave for a quarter of an hour. In a separate container, mix 1 tablespoon of ground vareliana root and 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for the same amount of time. After this period, mix the solutions, add a small amount of water and place your feet in it. Leave for half an hour.
  2. Pour 2 cups of pine needles with a liter of boiling water, place on low heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Then you need to strain the product, dilute it in a small amount warm water and use as a foot bath. Exposure – 30 minutes.

When the capillaries burst and there is a burning or itching sensation in the extremities, medicinal baths They eliminate such unpleasant manifestations very well.

Apple vinegar

If a capillary network appears on your legs, you need to lubricate it with apple cider vinegar daily. Repeat the procedure for 30 days.

Parsley compress

Restore the previous even skin tone and remove vascular network This remedy will help. Take 2 tablespoons of parsley (you can use any part of the plant) and pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes. Then strain and mix the resulting solution with warm milk in a 1:1 ratio. Soak a piece of cloth or napkin in this product and apply it to the affected area.


To strengthen blood vessels, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins C, P, K. You can also make freshly squeezed juices from them. A lot of these substances are found in plum and cabbage juice. The latter has a rather specific taste, so it can be diluted with carrot, which will bring no less benefits to the body.


In order not to think about how to get rid of burst capillaries, you need to take preventive measures in advance. They should be aimed at strengthening the vascular wall and normal blood circulation. First of all, it is necessary to direct efforts to eliminate the causes that may provoke the development of the problem.

Regular physical activity has a positive effect. You can practice your favorite sport. Swimming, running, hiking.

Swimming, running and walking can in some cases completely get rid of visible capillaries on the skin

If your work involves constant stress on the lower extremities or requires you to be in a sitting position for a long time, try to exercise your legs more often. horizontal position, a little elevated is better. Special compression garments also help prevent fatigue and swelling in such cases.

In addition, you need to pay attention to your diet. Limit your consumption junk food, especially fried and fatty. Drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals. Avoid alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

You can also apply nourishing creams to the skin, which include vitamin K and P.

You can cope with the problem of burst capillaries using different methods, however, first of all, it’s worth finding out what caused it, because eliminating external manifestations will not cure the symptom and it will come back again.

Capillaries are the thinnest vessels human body, which are the most vulnerable element of the circulatory system. The appearance of an unaesthetic capillary network on the legs is in most cases associated with impaired functioning of the vessels located in the upper layers of the epidermis. Capillaries begin to burst by the age of 30 - this is due to hormonal imbalances, the presence of diseases of deep venous vessels and even ordinary chronic osteochondrosis. In this case, a capillary network can appear both on the legs and on the face, arms, and back. Contributes to its development and excess weight: An increase in adipose tissue leads to blockage of the capillaries through which other tissues and organs receive nutrition.

This disease occurs not only in women, but also in men, who suffer from it less often and more often at a later age.

In addition, it leads to blockage and rupture of capillaries poor nutrition, unbalanced diet, insufficient water consumption and vitamin deficiency. Those who lead a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle also suffer from bursting capillaries, as a result of which muscles and veins weaken, blood circulation worsens, and the walls of blood vessels lose elasticity and become thinner. To avoid this, you need to do it regularly physical exercise for your legs, walk more, eat right, maintain optimal water balance in the body and take vitamins that strengthen capillaries. You can also lubricate the capillary mesh with rutin-based gels or ointments.

To get rid of hematomas that appear as a result of burst capillaries, you should do cold foot baths and lotions based on horse chestnut, willow, oak bark, sage or chamomile. It is strictly not recommended to cross your legs when sitting. In this case, it is necessary to maintain your posture and walk around every half hour when sedentary work. You also need to do simple gymnastics - lie on the floor, place a hard cushion under your head, simultaneously raise your arms and legs, and “vibrate” them for several minutes. This will improve stagnant blood circulation in the extremities, which will accelerate its movement through the vessels.

It is recommended to do exercises to strengthen capillaries in the morning - for vigor, and before bed - for relaxation.

Also, if capillaries burst, you must always wear a special compression hosiery, which allows blood vessels to maintain their elasticity and withstand daily stress. If none of the above methods help, you can resort to sclerotherapy - removal of burst capillaries. This procedure is low-traumatic, maintains a long-lasting effect and does not cause discomfort. If desired, you can additionally use ultrasound scanning or foam technology, which allows varicose veins veins without surgery. Treatment with a special laser that narrows capillaries through intact skin is also popular.

Red dots or stars under the skin appear in places where the smallest blood vessels. Their appearance on the arms and legs is not particularly noticeable. If the capillaries on the face burst, a bright spot that gradually becomes bluish immediately attracts attention.

You can disguise a single defect using cosmetics. It's not easy to remove multiple breaks. That's why, on par with salon procedures, removing traces of hemorrhages, it is worth self-prevention fragility of blood vessels.

Broken capillaries are not only damaged appearance. The appearance of spider veins warns of the onset of rosacea. Its development intensifies due to increased load on the vessels. Microcirculation of blood in the skin is disrupted. It all slows down normal exchange substances between cells, leads to dryness and early aging faces.

The weakness and fragility of vascular walls is often due to hereditary predisposition. Hormonal surges are another reason why capillaries on the face burst. This is why women often face this problem. reproductive age and teenagers. In addition, with age, even large vessels lose their elasticity, and the older a person gets, the more likely it is that capillaries under the skin will rupture.

It is quite possible to cope with such seemingly inevitable reasons. It is enough to know what to do and what to avoid to maintain a youthful face. Harmful factors are considered:

  • stress;
  • sleepless nights;
  • excess weight;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • frequent use of chemical peels;
  • overdrying of the skin (including under the influence of ultraviolet radiation);
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).

They increase the risk of capillary injury even in people with normal skin. In addition, capillaries burst in people who have had a stroke, heart attack, or suffer from high blood pressure or having other problems with the cardiovascular system. Sometimes spider veins form after starting to take hormonal medications.

Defect elimination methods

Salon treatments

In cosmetology, to eliminate mini-bruises at the site of a damaged capillary, the following is used:

  • phototherapy;
  • ozone therapy.

The use of laser or phototherapy can quickly remove traces of hemorrhage. However therapeutic effect does not occur on the vessels, they are simply removed from this area. Later, new capillaries are formed here.

During ozone therapy, a special composition, correcting the deformation of capillary walls. To achieve the effect, several procedures are required to permanently strengthen the capillaries.

Home tricks

Speaking in simple words, if the capillaries on the face burst, then a bruise will form in this place. And there are many ways to remove it at home. The only drawback will be their “slowness”. Everyone chooses for themselves: a few minutes of laser operation or two or three days of applying special creams or ointments to the affected area of ​​the skin. They usually include:

  • arnica;
  • badyaga;
  • horse chestnut;
  • nettle;
  • grape seed oil;
  • vitamins A, K and C;
  • routine

Additionally, you can make lotions with decoctions of these plants, masks with burdock or tomato pulp. These ingredients not only help to quickly eliminate blood collected under the skin. They also strengthen capillaries, increase their elasticity and firmness. Medicinal gels, for example, Troxevasin or Troxerutin, have a similar effect.

Preventative techniques

Avoiding a problem is always easier than removing its consequences. And even if not a single capillary has yet been damaged and rosacea has not formed, after 25 years you should not neglect prevention.

Cosmetics should be appropriate for your age and skin type. It contains vitamins E, K, C, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and accelerate the regeneration of microtraumas. Before applying the usual cream, you can add a drop of neroli, rose, chamomile or geranium oil to your fingers. IN summer days Protect the face with a cream with a UV filter.

The use of products containing alcohol or acids must be very careful. At sensitive skin Do not use abrasive scrubs or other methods of cleansing your face that dry it out. Hard washcloths and facial cleansing sponges are prohibited.

Washing your face alternately with ice and warm water trains healthy blood vessels. But if their walls are characterized by increased fragility, then contrast procedures, as well as long stays in a bathhouse, sauna or open sun excluded.

The nasolabial triangle suffers most from dryness. Thread-like networks of dilated capillaries and spider veins appear on the wings of the nose, capable of bursting at the slightest overstrain or increase in pressure. More attention should be paid to this area. Additional skin nutrition is necessary for people who work in very dry rooms or in front of computer screens.

In addition to suitable cosmetics, special gymnastics for the face plays a big role in strengthening blood vessels. To strengthen the walls of the capillaries, you can do the following exercises during the working day.

  1. Pressing your fingertips to the center of your cheeks, quickly raise and lower them.
  2. They blink vigorously several times. Then they close their eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds and open them wide for the same time, raising their eyebrows.
  3. Fold your lips into a tube and stretch them far forward. Holding this position, they try to smile.
  4. Having taken a little air into the mouth, roll it behind the cheeks, also pushing it forward above and below the lips.

Regardless of why a capillary on your face suddenly burst, it makes sense to reconsider your diet. Nutrition should be balanced, without excess spices and strong drinks. A network of dilated vessels can appear not only in those who abuse alcohol, but also in those who like coffee or too hot food.

Among the products that help you work of cardio-vascular system and strengthening the walls of capillaries, we can name walnuts, currants, cabbage, spinach, red fish, vegetable fats. This set can be supplemented by taking multivitamin complexes and dietary supplements. It is advisable to abstain from overeating, alcohol, chocolate and excessively fatty foods.

When the capillaries are already dilating or spider veins appear, it is not too late to start doing exercises or changing your diet and facial care methods. The main thing is to do this regularly and in good mood.