Against the stars on the legs. How to get rid of spider veins on the legs and why they appear

Many people suffer from the appearance of “spider veins” on the skin in the leg area. Basically, the weak half of humanity is susceptible to pathology. Women come to specialists for help age category from 25–40 years. In men, a rare manifestation is due to the greater thickness and density of the skin.

« Spider veins"(telangiectasia) is the expansion of small blood vessels, externally resembling a cobweb. They indicate a loss of capillary elasticity, disruption of the functioning of venous valves and are the first sign of development varicose veins. When you experience the first symptoms, consult a doctor (phlebologist) and he will tell you why they appear and tell you which methods are most preferable for getting rid of the disease. Varicose veins are pathological dilation of blood vessels that cause dangerous complications. Compliance preventive measures Adoption and treatment at the first stage of disease progression yield positive results.

In medicine, there are types of telangiectasias. They are distinguished by the location of the pathology, the form of manifestation and color. On the inner thigh area lower limbs rectilinear, parallel, “stars” are formed, acquiring a red or blue color. Developing pathology With outside the femur has symmetrical branching and is located mainly around the circumference.

The appearance of patterned patterns on the legs is usually disturbing the female half population aged 25 to 35 years

Frequently asked question: what causes telangiectasias? The main reasons are:

  • venous reflux;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • skin injury;
  • professional activity (long stay in one position);
  • obesity;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • fair skin (reacts to exposure ultraviolet rays);
  • gynecological diseases;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • age-related changes;
  • bad habits;
  • diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver;
  • diseases of the spine, flat feet;
  • hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamin complexes P and C);
  • exposure to radioactive, ionizing radiation.

They do not cause discomfort, but have an unattractive appearance

In order to stop the worsening pathological process and prevent its occurrence in the future, prevention is carried out. It is recommended to adhere to the following simple rules:

  1. Wear low-heeled shoes (3–5 cm).
  2. Limit the time spent in bath complexes and solariums.
  3. Not to be long time in a sitting, standing position.
  4. Lead physically active image life.
  5. Do not sit in a cross-legged position.
  6. Reduce consumption of fatty, fried, salty, spicy foods.
  7. Do not lift heavy objects.
  8. Take warm foot baths.

All legs are covered in spider veins

Spider veins have appeared, what should I do? Preventive actions don't allow you to get rid of cosmetic defect. Initially, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the disease. Today, it is possible to combat pathology using various methods. On initial stages use funds traditional medicine, physical special exercises and medications. You should also wear medical compression stockings. Exerts uniform compression on blood vessels, improves blood circulation. Prevents further expansion of capillaries and deformation of their walls.

Asterisks on the legs occur as a result of a malfunction of the capillary system

If there are a lot of telangiectasias on the legs, hardware techniques are used. Each therapy method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Radio wave surgery helps get rid of the disease.

During pregnancy

Women are especially prone to the formation of spider veins in the lower extremities during pregnancy. Provoking factors:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • sudden increase in body weight;
  • decreased tone, elasticity of capillaries;
  • fetal growth increases the load on the lower limbs;
  • little activity.

Problems with the lower extremities begin with the appearance of swelling and harmless red “stars”. Subsequently they cause discomfort, painful sensations. Bruises on the legs may also occur.

Women have thinner skin than men, which is why they develop stars more often.

Many women believe that the pathology will go away after childbirth, but this is a mistaken opinion. The main problem of therapy during gestation is that it is prohibited to use hardware techniques and take pharmacological drugs. To prevent the situation from getting worse, it is recommended to take the following actions:

  1. Adjust your diet. Include in the menu foods enriched with vitamin C and E. They strengthen the venous walls and increase tone.
  2. Avoid overeating.
  3. Do special physical exercises for pregnant women.
  4. Visit the pool.
  5. Wear light, non-constrictive clothing.
  6. While in a sitting position, keep your lower limbs elevated.
  7. It is not allowed to massage using ointments.

Spider veins on the legs treatment

Often, when visiting a doctor, patients ask the question: how to cure the disease? The following treatment methods are used today:

  1. Invasive (sclerotherapy, laser, ozone therapy, electrocoagulation, radio wave surgery).
  2. Conservative.

A diagnosis can be made by a vascular doctor - a phlebologist, who you need to contact if you discover capillary patterns.

Each method differs in the direction of impact, efficiency, and cost.

Areas of therapy include:

  • Microsclerotherapy. The essence of the method is to “glue” the lumen of the blood vessel. A special drug (sclerosant) is used. Insert a needle into the affected area. It is considered a safe method.
  • Microthermocoagulation. The affected vessel is “sealed” using a high-frequency electrode. The treatment is carried out with a laser.
  • Drug therapy. Treatment drugs are produced for oral administration and external application. Tablet medications: "", "Detarlex". Anticoagulants ("") and vascular-strengthening drugs ("Ascorutin") are prescribed. Ointments: "", "Troxerutin", "".
  • Wearing compression hosiery. Has a healing effect. Provides uniform compression of the dilated vein, improves blood flow. Medicinal medical products have a supporting effect on weakened blood vessel walls. They significantly reduce the load on the veins affected by the pathological process.
  • Physiotherapy. Used for preventive purposes. It is aimed at strengthening the muscles in the lower legs and thighs, restoring blood flow, nutrients and oxygen to the legs. Effective during pregnancy.
  • Massage. Its lymphatic drainage type is especially effective.
  • Traditional methods of treatment (baths, compresses, etc.).

Treatment of spider veins can be conservative, invasive and using folk remedies

Telangiectasia can be removed in a hospital setting or in beauty salons. Radical methods of treating the disease cause the formation of scars and spots. Before treatment, consult your doctor so as not to worsen the situation. If the provoking factor is not eliminated, treatment will not give positive results.

Contraindications for removal:

  • liver or kidney failure;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the sore spot;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • heart diseases;
  • peripheral arteriopathy.

Folk remedies for spider veins on the legs

Therapy for telangiectasias in the lower extremities can be carried out independently at home using traditional methods. They do not have a harmful effect on the body and do not require large financial costs.

An effective remedy for starfish with homemade apple cider vinegar

Good healing effect give compresses made from fresh green tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes into slices 1–1.5 cm thick. Place in one layer on problem area and wrap a bandage on top. A new compress is applied after 3–5 hours. The procedure is allowed to be done every day. After the session, apply nourishing cream.

Apple cider vinegar has a positive effect on blood vessels (it is advisable to prepare it yourself). The juice is squeezed out of the apples and left to infuse in an open glass container for 3 months. The prepared vinegar is applied to skin where spider veins have formed, 2–3 times a day. Traditional treatment vinegar allows you to get rid of the defect in 1–1.5 months.

You can treat telangiectasias on the legs at home using the following recipes:

  • Infusion of Kalanchoe leaves. The leaves of the plant are crushed and placed in a 250 ml glass container. Pour boiling water over it and leave to infuse in a place inaccessible to light for 7 days. Wipe extremities daily.
  • A decoction of pine needles. Pour 2 tablespoons of pine needles with one liter of boiling water, place on low heat and cook for 14–16 minutes. Leave to cool and strain. Add chamomile infusion prepared in advance (20 ml). The product is used to prepare foot baths at room temperature. Procedures should be carried out every day for 25–35 minutes.
  • Flower infusion. 50 g of flowers each pharmaceutical chamomile and medicinal marigolds, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 55–60 minutes. Gauze is soaked in the infusion and applied to the sore spot.
  • Infusion of Datura seeds. About 90–110 g of seeds per 0.5 liter of vodka, infuse for 14 days in the dark. The prepared product should be taken 15 drops, diluted in 100 ml of warm water, 2 hours after the evening meal. Course duration is 1 month, break is 6 months. Women are not allowed to take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • White cabbage leaves. Scald with boiling water, place in a plastic bag, then in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Apply to the site of the defect after applying apple cider vinegar.

Mix herbs and pour boiling water. Leave the mixture to cool (about an hour), strain

Telangiectasias often cause itching and burning sensations. In such a situation, it is recommended to do herbal foot baths. Take: lemon balm, linden blossom, cat grass root. Melissa and linden flowers are poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water. Then the ground root of the plant is poured with boiling water. Leave both infusions to steep for ten to fifteen minutes, combine, add warm water. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

Drinking freshly squeezed natural juices is good for your veins. Thanks to the content of the vitamin complex, useful minerals and substances they reduce permeability, increase the tone, elasticity, and firmness of blood vessels.

To avoid having to treat spider veins on your legs, it is useful to take freshly prepared juices

How to remove spider veins

The question often arises: how to get rid of telangiectasias, what helps more effectively? Today there are the following ways to get rid of this pathology:

  1. Sclerotherapy.
  2. Laser therapy.
  3. Miniphlebectomy.
  4. Microthermocoagulation.
  5. Ozone therapy.
  6. Compression underwear.
  7. Taking medications.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is recommended to visit a doctor; he will tell you how to deal with the disease and how to properly care for your skin.

Women often ask the question: how to reduce the manifestation of a defect if there are contraindications to the use of hardware techniques and taking medications? In this case, it is recommended to use folk recipes.

There is a whole set of exercises developed aimed at strengthening the leg muscles and improving blood circulation. It is recommended to do it for people who sit for a long time. Helps eliminate congestion.

Invasive methods include sclerotherapy, laser photocoagulation, electrocoagulation, ozone therapy, radio wave surgery

Spider vein removal

How to remove telangiectasias in the lower extremities and where is it done? Modern medicine offers the following methods of disposal:

  1. Conservative. Taking medications aimed at strengthening the walls and improving blood circulation.
  2. Invasive.

Is it possible to eliminate the problem without identifying the provoking factor? If the causes are not eliminated, the treatment will not be effective and spider veins will reappear.

Conservative methods of therapy include the use of vascular-strengthening and angioprotective drugs. Helps improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of new telangiectasias. Used: “Lioton”, “Troxerutin”, “Ventinat”, “Phlebodia 600”, “Askarutin”. It is recommended to apply creams containing vitamin K.

Invasive treatment is contraindicated in case of an allergic reaction to injected drugs, pregnancy, or breastfeeding.

If invasive treatment is contraindicated or impossible for any reason, specialists resort to conservative treatment (ointments, medications, creams with vitamin K)

Removal methods:

  • Photoozone therapy. An oxygen-ozone mixture is made. Triggers biochemical processes that cause destruction of affected vessels. The main advantage is the absence of scars, burns and pigmentation.
  • Sclerotherapy. A specially designed drug, a sclerosant, is injected into the affected area of ​​the blood vessel. It glues the walls of the capillary bed and stops blood flow in it.
  • Laser removal. Used for vessels with a diameter of 2–3 mm. It is based on the effect of a laser beam on a damaged capillary, heats and seals its walls. A common method. With laser you can get rid of the problem in 1-2 sessions.
  • Electrocoagulation. Allows you to remove a cosmetic defect by cauterizing with high frequency current. Penetrates under the skin using a thin electrode, leaving thermal injury vessel. The procedure takes a short period of time and has proven itself with positive side. Disadvantages include tissue burns, scar formation, and hyperpigmentation.
  • Radio wave surgery. It is carried out using high-frequency waves: a non-contact cut and coagulation occurs.

Disposal can be carried out in hospitals and beauty centers. A phlebologist will tell you which method is best to remove.

In the complex, you should wear compression garments, perform physical exercises and undergo a massage course.

Sclerotherapy is the use of a medicinal drug, similar to a cream, which, using a special needle, is introduced into the vessels and fills them

Medicines for spider veins on the legs

Treatment of telangiectasias is carried out with various pharmacological drugs. The choice of medication depends on the degree of worsening of the disease. When carrying out complex therapeutic measures, oils, gels, ointments, creams, injections and traditional medicine recipes are used. They help restore blood flow and prevent further spread of pathology.

The most common means:

  • . An anticoagulant that helps reduce the activity of the blood coagulation system. Has a resolving effect, prevents thrombosis and stagnation. Eliminates discomfort. Apply thin layer three times a day.
  • "Venitan." The medicine is made on the basis of horse chestnut and flavonoids, which have vegetable origin. The components have angioprotective properties. Relieves swelling, increases vascular tone. Eliminates the inflammatory process. Apply to the affected area.
  • "Venotrutinol". The product inhibits the enzyme hyaluronidase, increases the content hyaluronic acid. Reduces vascular permeability, eliminates stagnation, normalizes blood flow. Effectively helps with chronic venous insufficiency. Release form: gel. Apply 1-2 times a day.
  • "Girudoven." The ointment contains medicinal leech extract. Normalizes microcirculation of blood and lymph. Contraindications – diseases that cause bleeding disorders. Allergies may occur. Apply lightly massage movements, avoiding contact with mucous membranes.
  • "Varicobooster". The cream contains caffeine, honey, ginkgo biloba extract. Eliminates cosmetic defects, pain, fatigue, swelling. Prevents the worsening of the disease.
  • Injections. A sclerosing drug is administered. A solution of fibrowein and ethoxysclerol is used.

Heparin ointment - has a resolving effect, reduces blood clotting, stimulates metabolic processes in the veins, relieves inflammation and prevents the formation of blood clots

Oral medications. Prescribed with external medications in combination. All medicines have angioprotective, venotonic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects.


  • "Phlebodia 600". Prescribed for chronic venous and lymphovenous insufficiency. The main active ingredient is the bioflavonoid diosmin. Increases capillary tone, reduces extensibility. Eliminates stagnant processes, improves microcirculation. Prevents the development of the inflammatory process. Reduces leukocyte adhesion. Take 1 tablet once daily.
  • "Venoruton". The active ingredient is rutin. It has an angioprotective and phlebotonic effect. Positively affects the permeability and resistance of venous walls.
  • « ». The base is diosmin (450 mg) and hesperidin (50 mg). The mechanism of action of the drug is similar to Phlebodia 600. Distinctive feature, this is because manufacturers have used a special technology for processing the drug (micronization), due to which it enters the systemic bloodstream faster. Detralex removes telangiectasias in a short period of time and improves lymphatic drainage.

A good drug is Detralex, which helps get rid of stars

Sclerotherapy for spider veins on the legs

The drug is injected into small blood vessels and into the site of telangiectasia formation. The substance affects the inner shell by causing inflammation followed by gluing. Blood no longer enters the vessel. After the injection, compression stockings are put on.

Sclerosis is divided into the following types:

  1. Microslerotherapy.
  2. Echosclerotherapy.
  3. Foam sclerotherapy.


  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • allergy;
  • severe atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • thrombosis;
  • skin diseases;
  • heart failure.

Do you have spider veins on your face or so-called spider veins on your legs? Instead of covering your legs by wearing trousers and masking your face with a "plaster" layer decorative cosmetics, consult a specialist and start treatment.

Spider veins- it's not only aesthetic problem and it should not be neglected. “Spiders” on the legs signal venous insufficiency and the development of varicose veins, and a network of dilated capillaries on the face can be the beginning of an allergy or. An aesthetic medicine specialist will assess the seriousness of the problem and propose a treatment regimen; if necessary, refer you to a phlebologist (a specialist who diagnoses and treats vein diseases).

Most often, spider veins appear on the cheeks, sides of the nose, forehead and chin. Skin with dilated capillaries is a problem for both adults and young people, and even teenagers.

The causes of this skin manifestation may be:

  • genetic predisposition (in 80% of cases);
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • hormonal fluctuations in the body;
  • dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • frequent visits to the solarium, sauna, hot baths;
  • prolonged walking (standing) in high heels;
  • passive lifestyle.

Skin changes most often begin after winter frosts or summer heat. Under the influence of wind and the burning sun, thin fragile capillaries expand, their capacity increases, and the walls gradually become more brittle and thinner. This makes it easier for the body to eliminate toxins. However, such changes in capillaries, which become more and more numerous over time, may be irreversible. In professional terminology, this is called telangiectasia - a persistent dilatation of small vessels of the skin of a non-inflammatory nature, manifested by spider veins or spider veins. Other name - .

If spider veins are visible on the skin, unfortunately, using cosmetics and taking vitamins will not make them less noticeable. However, do not be discouraged: modern aesthetic medicine is successfully combating these skin manifestations. Through a series of blood vessel closure procedures in a beauty salon or aesthetic medicine practice, there is a chance to permanently improve appearance your skin and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Experts offer laser treatment, electrocoagulation or pulsed light therapy (IPL).

Before deciding on procedures, you must ensure that there are no contraindications:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Diabetes.
  • Intense tan, due to which the blood vessels are poorly visible. In this case, melanin in contact with the laser beam can cause skin discoloration.
  • During treatment, you should not take photosensitizing drugs (drugs that increase the body's sensitivity to UV rays and other types of optical radiation) and anticoagulants (drugs that slow down blood clotting).

Treatment procedures are best carried out in the fall, during mild winters or early spring, when there is no heat or sudden temperature changes. After the procedures, you should avoid various types of massage, hot baths and intense physical activity for several days. For at least a month, you should carefully protect your skin from, using protective products with a high filter (at least 50 SPF).

Treatment of spider veins is successfully carried out using modern lasers. They are able to cause a thermal effect in a precisely defined area of ​​the skin and in this way effectively destroy the pigment accumulated in the tissues. The laser beam heats the vessel, as a result of which the blood inside the vessel coagulates. The surrounding tissues are not damaged, since the laser light is absorbed only by the blood. Subsequently, this non-viable portion of the vessel dissolves without a trace. Only small capillaries are removed and destroyed, the walls of which have irretrievably lost their elasticity, so no harm is caused to healthy vessels. Blood circulation in the skin is not impaired. Small spider veins can be removed in one visit to the salon, and the procedure is painless and does not leave scars or other changes. At the site of action of the laser beam, microorganisms die, so there is no risk of infection. After removal of the vessels, slight redness is possible, which disappears after 15-30 minutes.

IPL Laser(laser with pulsed light therapy technology) accurately, quickly and effectively closes the vessel visible through the skin, its walls collapse and subsequently dissolve. If spider veins a little, you can observe an improvement after the first procedure, if there are more, repeat sessions will be required. The treatment consists of destroying the walls of blood vessels (which are then absorbed by skin cells) without damaging other tissues. The laser leaves no marks (scars, discoloration or discoloration). Sometimes bruises remain, which disappear after a few days. There is no risk of complications or infections during the procedure. In the case of several procedures, it is recommended to distribute the stages of treatment over time to avoid bruising.

This method is intended for people with very fair skin. This limitation is justified by the fact that light interacts with melanin (skin pigment). The darker the skin, the more likely that the procedure may lead to discoloration.

Electrocoagulation represents the effect on the skin of high-frequency electric current, safe for skin. The procedure leads to gluing (sclerosis) of the walls of blood vessels, but is not as accurate and effective as a laser beam. It is not recommended to remove spider veins on the face using electrocoagulation. The main reason is the coagulation of blood vessels and the cauterization of healthy tissues along with the diseased ones, which can eventually cause the appearance of scars, age spots and scars. Electrocoagulation is carried out with special mono- or bipolar electrodes through which an electrical discharge is delivered. The area surrounding the vessel is not affected by the device, since it does not absorb current, but the capillary itself disappears almost without a trace. The fact is that during the coagulation of blood vessels, passing through a capillary or venule, the current coagulates the protein, causing the vessel to narrow, which makes it less noticeable. The time the procedure takes is from a few seconds to a minute for each injection. The specialist must apply local anesthesia because the procedure is painful. The disadvantages of electrocoagulation are a long period skin restoration and the possibility of influencing surrounding tissues.

Spider veins on the legs They appear first on the thighs and under the knees, and eventually on the calves. They can signal problems with blood circulation, so in addition to procedures in an aesthetic medicine office, it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound Doppler examination. This study will show how quickly blood moves through the vessels, the width of their lumen, the pressure in the vessels, and determine whether there are places where blood circulation is impaired. To remove spider veins on the legs, beauty salons offer laser therapy(which has already been mentioned) and sclerotherapy.

Sclerotherapy is a procedure for introducing into blood vessels using injections special means- sclerosants, which seem to “glue” blood vessels together. This method can combat dilated vessels of medium diameter and varicose veins (on early stages). After the procedure, small bruises may remain, which disappear after a few days. Small spots may form at the injection site; they will disappear on their own within a month.

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • allergic reactions to sclerosant;
  • infections and inflammatory processes on the skin in the place where the injections are supposed to be made.

After the procedure, the patient is recommended to walk for 30-60 minutes, as well as wear compression garments up to 3 months. It is necessary to limit physical activity for 1 week after the procedure, and avoid visiting the sauna or bathhouse for 2 months.

Cosmetics for skin care with spider veins

The skin requires special care and special cosmetics if the capillaries are close to the surface of the skin and are prone to expansion. A specialist will help you choose the appropriate cosmetical tools, which thicken the walls of capillaries, make them more elastic, and have a calming effect on the skin. Vitamin K creams and products for particularly sensitive skin are recommended. In autumn and winter, especially at temperatures below zero, in order to protect the skin from cold and temperature changes, it is worth using thicker creams.

As for peeling, sensitive skin does not tolerate cosmetics with deep active ingredients. active ingredients, for example, fruit acids. But a gentle exfoliating scrub is perfect, after which the skin will better absorb the products to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Instead of coarse (fine) granular peeling, you should choose an enzyme peeling for sensitive skin. Masks with collagen, algae extracts, etc. have proven themselves well. They reduce skin redness and strengthen it.

How to prevent the worsening of changes that have already appeared?

Vitamin C, diet and active movement - best helpers for skin with spider veins.

  • Start moving more. Swimming, water aerobics, fitness, home exercise, hiking. Half an hour brisk walking every day will not only improve general state body, but also have a positive effect on the skin: blood circulation in the vessels and capillaries is normalized, and Fresh air will give a beautiful complexion.
  • Girls with sensitive skin, thin dilated capillaries should saturate the daily menu with products with vitamin C (if there is no allergy to it). It is important to include in the diet different types cabbage, strawberries, bell pepper, green pea, horseradish, sorrel, black currant, citrus fruits, drinks from dried rose hips. It is important to remember that the body does not store vitamin C for future use, so it is necessary to get daily dose(60-100 mg) externally. Vitamin C is necessary for the formation of collagen in the skin. Thanks to collagen, the walls of blood vessels become more elastic and stronger.
  • On the recommendation of a specialist in aesthetic medicine (therapist, phlebologist), help in the fight to strengthen the capillaries will be vitamin complexes with vitamins C, K, P, as well as preparations with extracts linden color, ginkgo biloba and arnica montana. They reduce the fragility of blood vessels, strengthen them, seal them, help the walls of blood vessels resist temperature changes and prevent their fragility. As a rule, it is recommended to take medications for several months. At the pharmacy you can buy herbal infusions that have a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels.


Cosmetologist-dermatologist Irina Kotova talks about rosacea - spider veins on the skin. Causes, signs and treatment of rosacea using cosmetic methods.

Spider veins or telangiectasia are a common problem that causes a lot of grief for female representatives. Telangiectasia is an enlarged network of capillaries in a small area of ​​the body in the subpapillary dermis. Capillaries appear through the skin in the form of red or reddish-bluish “stars”, “cobwebs”, and serpentine stripes. According to statistics, spider veins affect up to 30% of the population and up to 80% of women who have had childbirth. Most often, the capillary defect is localized on the lower extremities and on the face: the wings of the nose and cheeks. The appearance of spider veins on the face is called rosacea. Let's look at the reasons for the appearance of vascular changes and figure out how to remove spider veins.

Reasons for appearance

It is worth noting that spider veins themselves do not pose any danger and do not cause harm to health. But this is not only a serious cosmetic defect of the skin, which the vast majority of women do not want to put up with, but also an indicator of some kind of malfunctions and problems in the body. They can often be symptoms serious illnesses. Therefore, before you rush to remove “spiders” and “stars,” you should consult a doctor to find out the reasons for the appearance of dilated blood vessels.

Spider veins on the legs may appear due to long-term venous insufficiency, but this is not main indicator diseases of vascular varicose veins. It has been proven that in people for a long time For those suffering from chronic varicose veins, red or bluish vascular mesh may never appear at all.

Note! The appearance of spider veins on the legs does not always indicate venous disease. But we should not forget that spider veins on the legs are often the first harbingers of the development of varicose veins.

The appearance of capillary networks on the face and legs is sometimes promoted by reasons due to the congenital characteristics of the body. These are congenital weakness of connective tissue, progressive expansion of capillaries, congenital cavernous and capillary hemangiomas, and more.

In women, spider veins most often indicate that hormonal background not okay. Pregnancy and childbirth, abortion, fibroids, ovarian cysts, menopause, endocrine diseases, taking contraceptives and hormonal drugs– anything that causes hormonal changes in the body often leads to the appearance of spider veins on the skin of the face and legs.

In addition, these may be dermatological diseases; metabolic liver diseases; heart diseases; increased permeability blood vessels due to lack of ascorbic acid and increased body weight. Spider veins on the facial skin of women - rosacea - is often a manifestation of the fragility of the capillary wall.

Other factors that cause rosacea on the face include smoking; alcohol; strongly spicy food; frequent use coffee and chocolate; exposure to ultraviolet radiation and abuse of solariums; frequent stress, accompanied by increased pressure and leading to fragility of the capillary walls.

Treatment and removal

If there are multiple foci of vascular changes on the legs, then an examination by a phlebologist is necessary. The doctor will assess the condition of the venous blood flow and the condition of the walls of the venous vessels. For spider veins on the legs and face, examinations of the heart and liver and a visit to the gynecologist are necessary.

Taking into account the type and severity of spider veins, the following methods are used for their treatment and removal:

  1. Electrocoagulation. Through a thin electrode, dilated vessels are cauterized with high-frequency current. The method is not good enough from a cosmetic point of view, since nearby healthy tissues are also subject to electric shock. Subsequently, scars and areas of hyperpigmentation and depigmentation may appear.
  2. Sclerotherapy. The method is based on the introduction of a special medicinal product– sclerosant. As a result, gluing of the walls of the vascular bed occurs. The injection site is bandaged with an elastic bandage, the blood flow stops and the vascular network completely disappears within 1–1.5 months. This method is optimal for venous disorders.
  3. Laser photocoagulation. This is an effective, painless and safe method that will forever get rid of spider veins on your face, in particular on your nose and cheeks. Modern “vascular” lasers are capable of accurately determining the depth and diameter of the treatment zone and selecting the optimal wavelength and radiation strength in each certain case. The method is based on the penetration of a laser beam through the skin. The expanded capillaries absorb the laser beam, become very hot and are sealed from the inside. Spider veins completely disappear. The method is especially effective for small vessels with a diameter of up to 2 mm. For newly appeared vascular points, one procedure will be sufficient. For older spider veins – from 2 to 10 procedures, depending on the stage of the disease and the area of ​​localization of the changed vessels. The method does not require rehabilitation after laser exposure. In the first days, it is necessary to refrain from using cosmetics and for at least two weeks after the procedures, carefully protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. The cost of laser spider vein removal in Moscow starts from 2,500 rubles. for one zone; in St. Petersburg from 2000 rubles; in other cities from 1000 rubles. for one zone.
  4. Ozone therapy. As a result of intravascular injection of an oxygen-ozone mixture containing a high concentration of ozone, a complex biochemical oxidative process occurs in the vascular cells and their subsequent destruction. Spider veins disappear without a trace. The method is practically safe and does not lead to scars and pigmentation.

All these methods have proven themselves and are successfully used in the treatment and removal of vascular changes. Define required method a qualified doctor will help. The effectiveness will depend on the duration of the disease and the professionalism of the attending physician.

Removal using traditional methods

At home, for spider veins, you can use folk recipes. Such recipes are completely safe, since they contain only natural natural ingredients. Here are some recipes to help fight spider veins.

  1. Softened gruel (or juice) from green tomatoes is placed on a cotton pad and applied to the spider veins for 5 minutes. You can prepare a mask from fresh tomatoes with the addition of high-quality olive oil. The mask is applied to the entire face and kept for 3-5 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm rosehip decoction. These tomato masks are made once a day for 10–15 days. For prevention, the mask can be done once a week.
  2. Grind the roots and parsley and pour boiling milk over it. Let it brew for at least 20 minutes. Then strain the mixture and use it as compresses twice a day for 20–30 minutes.
  3. Keep freshly cut aloe leaves in the refrigerator for 5–7 days. The plant should not be watered for two weeks beforehand. Prepare juice from aloe leaves. Clean your face with a cotton pad soaked in green tea infusion, then wipe your face with aloe juice. Do such rubbing every other day for 2–3 weeks.
  4. Grind fresh or dried yarrow flowers. Mix them with liquid honey, lemon juice, egg yolk and cream. All ingredients are taken in equal parts. Apply the resulting mixture to areas of the skin affected by spider veins. Wash off the mask after 20–30 minutes.
  5. Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater. Apply the resulting mass to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with a decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomile, yarrow, rose hips, etc.
  6. Brew 2-3 tablespoons of chamomile with one glass of boiling water. Be sure to cover and let sit for 20 minutes. Then strain the infusion, soak cotton pads in it and apply to areas of the skin with spider veins.

Essential oils of lemon, cypress, almond, apricot kernels, wheat germ, rosemary, juniper, and avocado will help in the fight against spider veins. In addition, traditional medicine recommends apple cider vinegar for the treatment and removal of spider veins. They need to lubricate the affected skin once or twice a day. Very healthy to drink fish fat And linseed oil, eat more fruits and vegetables, especially garlic. Be sure to strengthen your blood vessels with vitamins C, E, K, R. If possible, swim more, take walks, and play sports.

Note! If vascular changes appear on the face or legs, it means there is a problem with the blood vessels and they need to be treated, and not just remove spider veins.

Red or blue veins that protrude from under the skin in the form of a mesh worry mainly the female part of the population. Medical name bottom phenomenon - telangiectasia, popularly known as stars on the legs.

This phenomenon significantly disrupts aesthetic appearance legs, although it does not cause any discomfort. However, the appearance of stars is quite dangerous and can lead to serious consequences.

What do the stars on the legs mean?

  • Star formation on legs is the main evidence of the resulting reticular form of varicose veins. Mostly such asterisks form on the legs, less often they can be observed in the buttocks area. Both women and men suffer from this disease.
  • In the process of active life The venous capillaries of the skin of the legs become very thin and are no longer able to withstand the previous pressure of venous blood. They begin to expand and become very noticeable, forming a large network of individual capillaries, resembling an asterisk.

Thus, the stars that appear on the legs become the first signal of a developing venous disease. If one day you notice similar manifestations on your legs, it is recommended to immediately visit a phlebologist who has a narrow profile and treats this particular disease.

Reasons for the appearance of stars on legs

The reason for the formation of stars on the legs and body, in general, is a failure in the normal functioning of the capillary system, as a result of which small vessels under the influence of high pressure expand inside the dermis, pushing it through, reaching the surface layer of the skin, becoming pronounced and noticeable.

Due to the fact that women’s skin is much more delicate and thinner than that of men, they are primarily susceptible to the formation of spider veins. Women with fair skin are especially predisposed.

Most people think that prominent veins in the legs are a purely aesthetic problem, but they are wrong.

Varicose veins are increased venous pressure in a certain area, as well as signs of vascular deformation and loss of tone.

Such consequences include constant fatigue, pain in the legs, cramps, muscle spasms, and swelling.

The formation of spider veins on the legs can be caused by the following factors:

In addition to all these reasons, there are additional factors, which can provoke a sharp manifestation of venous expansion or progress to a more severe stage of the disease. Such factors include spending a long time on your feet in one position, usually at work (waiter, salesperson). Carrying heavy loads that place a lot of stress and pressure on the legs.

Frequent visits to saunas and steam baths can also lead to venous dilatation. Under the influence of high temperature, blood circulation increases, which leads to an increase in venous flow, fluid retention, which in turn increases capillary pressure.

But most of all it provokes the formation of varicose veins– uncomfortable shoes, namely high heels, stilettos or platforms. Wearing high-heeled shoes for a long time creates enormous venous pressure in the legs. Girls who wear high heels for a long time already after 27 years old suffer from varicose veins and have problems with coordination.


To date, enough has been found a large number of alternative ways, with the help of which you can quickly and effectively cure such varicose veins.

In the initial stages of the disease, you can use standard pharmacy and folk remedies, which will help get rid of stars on your legs.

Pharmacy drugs

  • With venous expansion which does not pose a risk to human health, conservative treatment is used with ointments, creams, medications, which help strengthen vascular walls and improve blood flow.
  • Among the drugs that doctors often prescribe are the following: Venitan, Askorutin. These drugs are concomitant treatment and are able to prevent further rosacea and the formation of new stars on the legs.
  • Complex drugs are used as the main treatment, for example – Phlebodia. These tablets contain components of many groups of substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels from the inside and outside, prevent the expansion of veins, reduce blood pressure, strengthen the entire vascular system generally.
  • Cream for stars on legs is used as a local treatment.. Doctors prescribe topical ointments such as Lyoton and Troxevasin. You can also use gels Venilal, Varius, Renoven. All of them help strengthen blood vessels, relieve inflammation, tension, and eliminate leg fatigue.

Folk remedies

Varicose veins on the legs can be treated not only with medications, but also with ancient folk methods:

Physical exercise

Despite the fact that it is heavy physical activity that can cause venous expansion, there are still exercises that can alleviate the painful condition.

As a rule, these are exercises that are aimed at improving blood circulation:

  1. Doctors recommend bringing the body into the birch tree pose.
    Lie with your back on a flat surface, raising your legs up along with your torso, create support for your back with your hands. Pull your toes as high as possible. This exercise will help improve blood flow and normalize blood pressure.
  2. The second exercise involves working with the legs.
    Place your feet shoulder-width apart and lift each leg in turn, reaching toward your chest while bending your knees.
  3. Take a standing position, lift one leg and move it to the side, shake it slightly for 4-5 seconds. Repeat the same with the other leg.
  4. Normalize venous pressure A massage will help hide the veins. Rub a small amount of massage oil in your hands and massage your legs with light, gentle movements for 3-5 minutes. You should be especially careful, as pressing hard on visible veins can aggravate the situation.

Modern methods of treating spider veins

At malignant manifestations veins that pose a danger to human life, emergency removal of asterisks on the legs is used.

Cost of procedures

Modern family health centers have everything necessary equipment for carrying out these types of procedures. Prices for such services vary depending on the degree of complexity of the disease and treatment method.

Average cost of one procedure in Moscow:

  1. Laser removal – 7000 rub.
  2. 7000 rub. one leg.
  3. Phlebectomy – 15,000-35,000 rubles. depending on the number of veins removed.


Many people think that varicose veins veins is a disease of old age. If the disease occurs acquired, due to wrong image life, constant loads, then yes.

But if we're talking about O congenital pathology, then the problem affects children too. The reason for this phenomenon lies in abnormal development embryo. This is influenced by severe disturbances in lifestyle, nutrition, bad habits, injuries, disorders of the central nervous system, especially in the interval of 5-8 weeks of pregnancy.

This pathology appears immediately after the birth of the baby. At this age, this disease will progress every day. The baby's body is immune to drug treatment this problem.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the sprockets. After the child reaches 4-5 years of age, it is necessary to undergo surgery to remove the damaged veins.


Precautionary measures should be taken by people who are predisposed to the formation of spider veins, as well as those who most spend time on their feet and experience intense physical stress on their legs.

Among the preventive measures are the following:

  1. Control your time spent in the open sun, the frequency of visits to the solarium, saunas and steam baths.
  2. You should not spend a long time wearing tight, tight clothing that pinches your body.
  3. High-heeled or platform shoes should not be worn more than three days a week, alternating them with comfortable, comfortable shoes.
  4. Watch your weight, especially in old age, when the joints and blood vessels of the legs cannot withstand the load.
  5. Try to eat more food rich in vitamins and minerals. Eliminate canned foods, spicy, salty and fried foods as much as possible.
  6. Get rid of the bad habit of sitting on your leg.
  7. Exercise physical exercise aimed at strengthening the legs.

If you find pronounced vessels on the legs, the origin of which is unclear to you, consult a doctor. Their appearance may be a warning about the development of varicose veins, which is better to prevent in time than to treat.

But this is not only a cosmetic problem. Often the phenomenon signals a person’s ill health and the need for examination by specialists to clarify the cause of vascular changes.

Venotonics (ointments and gels)

How to remove spider veins in the face, upper or lower extremities? In the presence of telangiectasias of any localization, patients widely use drugs for local use at home. Ointments and gels containing venotonics are intended to normalize the tone of the walls of venous vessels.

When used regularly, they prevent the growth of spots and networks, and also speed up recovery. But you need to combine external agents with medications similar action taken orally.

Troxevasin gel is very popular. It combines the properties of an angioprotector and an anticoagulant, reduces the permeability of the vascular wall and strengthens it. Troxerutin is also effective among phleboprotectors.

Ointments and gels are often prescribed for plant based containing essential oils of juniper, mint, avocado, lavender, and red grapes. These include Antistax, Venitan. Used. The use of ointments and gels at home should be regular and long-term. Choosing the right one local remedy determined by the attending physician.


Ways to combat spider veins necessarily include taking medications orally. This is necessary to influence the walls of capillaries, increasing their elasticity and reducing permeability. The following drugs are used:

  • Detralex (), (Vazoket), synthesized on the basis of flavonoids, are not only venotonics, but also angioprotectors.
  • Troxevasin (Troxevenol) in capsule form.
  • Aescusan (tablets and oral solution), synthesized on the basis of horse chestnut extract, also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The products are used for a long time, in courses. The choice of adequate medication and duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician.

Doppelhertz is very popular among patients, biologically active additive German made. It strengthens vascular walls and rarely causes unwanted effects. The drug is based only on herbal ingredients (blueberries, grapes, chokeberry) and a complex of B vitamins, so it can be used for a long time, but only as an additional element of treatment.


Laser radiation is one of the modern methods of combating skin vascular spots and mesh. Its effectiveness is explained by the selective sensitivity of the walls of dilated vessels to radiation of a certain range and intensity. Having passed through the epidermis, the rays cause heating of the walls of blood vessels. Then the blood in them coagulates and the blood flow stops. After laser destruction, the resorption of pathologically dilated capillaries lasts about 3-4 weeks.

How to get rid of spider veins without injuring the healthy skin of the extremities near the defect? To do this, the impact must be precisely focused and gentle. Removal of spider veins on the legs is carried out using neodymium subtype laser beams. It is especially effective if telangiectasia reaches 3 mm. Larger spider veins are more often removed by injecting sclerosants.

How to remove spider veins on the face? For efficiency and safety, selective laser coagulation. This method is characterized by a selective and local effect on the spider vein, even if its size does not exceed 1.5-2 mm. The technique is widely used to remove stars on the nose or cheeks. If there are a lot of vascular spots on the face, the largest ones are treated first, and in subsequent sessions they move on to smaller formations.

Laser treatment procedures are carried out once every 10-14 days. The duration of the course is determined by the treating doctor; it depends on the dynamics of the disease and the size of the spot. With extensive and long-term existing defect For the skin to completely get rid of spider veins, it may take 8-10 sessions.

Side effects:

  • Skin hyperpigmentation after irradiation. Conditioned thermal effects rays. It gradually disappears. To speed up the normalization of skin color, you can use whitening creams.
  • Redness and swelling of the skin due to vasodilation under the influence of the laser. They go away a few hours after the procedure.
  • After elimination, vascular spots form again. Such relapses are most often due to the preservation of the causative factor or non-compliance with medical recommendations.

Recovery period

Immediately after the session, apply ice or a cold compress to the treatment area. It is necessary to stop taking vasodilating drugs and antispasmodics, having agreed upon the timing of withdrawal with the treating doctor. Physical and nervous overload is contraindicated.

If after the procedure a dark spot appears in the irradiated area, the next session is postponed until it disappears. To speed up the process, the cosmetologist will select a whitening cream suitable for the skin.

When the course of treatment is completed, to avoid relapse, you must adhere to following rules within 2-3 months:

  • It is prohibited to visit the pool, carry out any cosmetic procedures in the area of ​​laser exposure, use alcohol-containing lotions to cleanse the skin, nourishing masks, or perform peeling.
  • Visiting the sauna and bathhouse is contraindicated, as abrupt change air temperature may have an impact Negative influence on the condition of the skin and provoke a relapse.

Is it possible to remove spider veins in the summer? It is better not to do this, since after laser therapy it is necessary to exclude exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin for at least 2-3 weeks due to the danger of pigmentation. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to visit the solarium or sunbathe on the beach during this period.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of laser therapy are the following:

  • gentle technique without violating the integrity of the epidermis;
  • painlessness, due to the presence of a cooling system in the devices;
  • high efficiency with a short course of treatment;
  • affordable price;
  • minimal number of complications and side effects;
  • outpatient treatment and fast rehabilitation at home.

The disadvantages of this type of therapy include the following features:

  • Symptomatic treatment, as it does not relieve the cause of the pathology, but only its external manifestation.
  • Calls increased dryness skin, peeling and crust formation at the site of exposure (application of Panthenol or Bepanten will help).
  • In people with dark skin, after treatment, whitish spots often appear in the place of the disappeared star.

Contraindications to the use of laser are oncological diseases, acute infectious diseases, pregnancy, exacerbation skin diseases, epilepsy.


This is the name of the method that ensures getting rid of spider veins on the legs. At the same time, special substances that cause sclerosis and sealing of blood vessels help to remove them.

The manipulation takes 45-60 minutes, during which 3 to 10 injections of sclerosant are made. The procedure is carried out once a week, the course can consist of 4-5 sessions.

Methods for removing spider veins on the legs, involving the introduction of sclerosants, have their disadvantages:

  • it takes 1.5-2 months for the defect to disappear;
  • need for long-term use elastic bandages or compression stockings to speed up the healing process.


How else can you get rid of spider veins on your legs? An effective method is electrocoagulation. In this case, removal of spider veins involves the use of high-frequency electric current, which cauterizes the walls of dilated skin capillaries in the extremity area.


  • an electrode resembling a needle is used, which is inserted into pathologically dilated vessels;
  • carried out under local anesthesia;
  • the session lasts no more than 30 minutes;
  • carried out once a week;
  • the course includes 6-7 procedures.

The disadvantages of this method are postoperative scars, hyperpigmentation or depigmentation at the site of exposure, the likelihood of developing secondary infection.

Ozone therapy

Methods for removing spider veins on the face include injections of a mixture of oxygen and ozone into the area of ​​dilated vessels. Removing spider veins on the nose is especially effective. This method is also used to affect the limbs. The introduced substances cause active oxidative processes that destroy telangiectasias.

Advantages of vascular destruction by oxidation:

  • the intervention is painless;
  • the effect is quick and long lasting;
  • no scars, burns, or changes in skin color.

Disadvantages: the method removes only the external manifestations of pathology, the cause of the formation of spider veins and spots remains. Therefore, relapses often occur and the need for repeated intervention occurs.

ELOS technology

How to remove spider veins on the face without aggravating the cosmetic defect by intervention? The combined effect of high-frequency electric current and the energy of light rays on the skin helps. So low-traumatic and safe way therapy is based on the use of ELOS technology.

Under the influence of energy, blood coagulation occurs in dilated small vessels, the lumen of the capillaries becomes overgrown, filling connective tissue. Therefore, the spot on the skin gradually disappears.


  • swelling and redness of the skin for several hours after the procedure;
  • the impossibility of getting rid of the problem in one session (with a long-term pathology, 5 procedures may be needed);
  • repeated treatment can be carried out only after a monthly interval.

Radio wave surgery

How to get rid of spider veins on the nose with minimal likelihood of complications? For this purpose, surgical radio wave intervention has been developed. The method is based on a local stop of blood flow in the capillaries under the influence of high-frequency waves.

The device for removing spider veins using radio waves is called Surgitron. It is designed to remove vascular spots of any location and size. But large and long-term telangiectasia will have to be eliminated through several procedures.

The operation takes 50-60 minutes. Radio waves will remove the skin defect painlessly (sometimes a skin anesthetic in the form of a cream is used). The undoubted advantages are the absence of bleeding, post-operative burns, swelling and changes in skin color. Healing occurs quickly, without scarring.

Folk remedies

How to get rid of spider veins using folk remedies without turning to angiosurgeons for help? Popular folk remedies include apple cider vinegar and fresh green tomatoes. The tomatoes should be cut and the juice released should be applied to the defect several times a day. At home, you should regularly treat the affected skin area with apple cider vinegar.

But it is impossible to remove spider veins at home using only traditional medicine recipes. Complex therapy is needed after mandatory medical consultation and clarification of the cause of vascular changes. This is the only way to effectively combat this problem.

To remove spider veins, experts have developed many methods, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. If vascular spots or stars appear on the skin, you need to contact a phlebologist or vascular surgeon and undergo an examination. Having received the results, the specialist will select the most effective method, and the cosmetologist will recommend skin care methods to avoid relapses.

Useful video about spider vein removal