Determining the causes of pain in the bridge of the nose based on accompanying symptoms. Treatment

The well-known visible part of the nose, called external nose, consists of a root, back, apex and wings. The basis of the external nose is made up of the nasal bones:

  • frontal process of the jaw;
  • lateral cartilage;
  • large pterygoid cartilage of the nose.

Although the outer nose is covered with the same skin as the face, due to the abundance sebaceous glands skin covering in this place he is fat and inactive. The nose also has a bone and cartilaginous skeleton. The wings of the nose, the bridge of the nose, the hump, the nostrils, and the tip of the nose are distinguished.

Before you end up in nasal cavity, the air first enters its vestibule. Nasal septum, formed by a vertical plate ethmoid bone, vomer and cartilage, divides the nasal cavity into two parts.

Although the nose looks symmetrical in appearance, many people have nasal septum twisted. This slight deviation is considered normal, although it represents an asymmetry of the skull. The space between the nasal septum and the turbinates is called the common meatus. The lower nasal meatus is limited above by the inferior turbinate, and below by the bottom of the nasal cavity.

Pain in the bridge of the nose

In the lower nasal meatus, at a distance of 10 mm from the anterior end of the concha, there is an opening nasolacrimal duct. The wing of the nose, in addition to large cartilage, includes connective tissue formations from which the posterior sections of the nasal openings (nostrils) are formed.

Pain in the bridge of the nose is a clear sign diseases of the nose and its paranasal sinuses. Timely identification of the cause of pain and appropriate treatment prevent transition acute form diseases into chronic and development of complications.

Causes of pain in the bridge of the nose

Pain usually occurs when the bridge of the nose is injured. In these cases it is caused traumatic disorder tissue integrity. At acute inflammation paranasal sinuses (sinusitis), the pain in the bridge of the nose is intense. The narrowing and sometimes complete closure of the nasal cavity causes retention of secretions and resulting pain. The pain symptom decreases provided that there is a free outflow of contents from the nose and sinuses.

When the paranasal sinuses are affected, the pain is typical in its localization and time of occurrence. The localization of pain depends on which sinus is involved in the process. Pain most often manifests itself in morning hours and at night.

Pain in the bridge of the nose intensifies when pressing on the walls of the corresponding sinus, on the forehead, cheeks. It can spread to the temple, crown and even the back of the head. If inflammation frontal sinus combined with inflammation of other sinuses, the pain can be localized at the root of the nose and be of a pressing nature. At the same time, there is pain at the inner corner of the eye.

At chronic sinusitis pain in the sinus area is not so intense and is often accompanied headache, decreased mental and physical activity. Headache at the same time, it is diffuse in nature, it is unstable - it intensifies during an exacerbation, as well as from various reasons causing a rush of blood to the brain (overheating in the sun, overwork).

To prevent pain in the bridge of the nose, it is necessary timely treatment underlying disease. Therefore, prevention should be aimed at eliminating acute and chronic inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract, restoring nasal breathing through conservative, and, if necessary, surgical treatment. Hardening and restorative procedures that increase protective forces child's body. Children who often experience boils are recommended to be examined, since timely treatment of underlying diseases is the prevention of boils and their complications.

Rhinitis of the nose

Spicy And chronic rhinitis(inflammation of the nasal mucosa) is a fairly common disease. The nasal cavity is the “entry gate” of the respiratory tract through which inhaled and exhaled air passes. In addition, this is a powerful, richly innervated zone associated with various organs and body systems. Therefore, the body reacts even to the most minor violations physiological functions nose (respiratory, olfactory, protective).

Runny nose causes considerable anxiety to patients, and their appetite suddenly disappears. Nasal discharge irritates, causes nervousness, and creates negative conditioned reflexes, bad habits, pose a risk for a number of other diseases. Disruption of normal nasal breathing has a negative impact on the following bodies body:

Chronic runny nose is often a consequence of untreated acute runny nose or flu. Also leads to the emergence of chronic forms incorrect treatment. The causes of the disease are different:

Neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve

Neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve is usually found in young people under 40 years of age. The disease is characterized by following signs: paroxysmal intense pain in the orbital area, eyes, bridge of the nose, radiating to the corresponding half of the forehead. Trigger zones are not identified. Attacks of pain often occur at night, lasting tens of minutes, occasionally several hours and even days.

Pain in the disease is accompanied autonomic disorders:

  • hyperemia of the eye;
  • lacrimation;
  • rhinorrhea;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa on the homolateral side.

Sometimes corneal trophic disorders develop (keratitis phenomena)

Ganglionitis(ganglioneuritis) of the pterygopalatine ganglion is characterized by spontaneous sharp pain in the eye, around the orbit, in the bridge of the nose, upper jaw, and sometimes in the teeth and gums lower jaw. Pain may spread to the temple area, auricle, back of the head, neck, shoulder blade, shoulder, forearm and even hand.

Painful paroxysms accompanied by pronounced vegetative symptoms, a kind of “vegetative storm” (redness of half the face, swelling of the facial tissues, lacrimation, copious secretions from one half of the nose). The attack lasts from several minutes to several hours, and sometimes for 1-2 days or more. Often painful paroxysms develop at night.

Throughout life, every person may encounter various diseases, each of which may be accompanied by certain unpleasant symptoms. So, in some cases, men and women notice that the bridge of their nose hurts when pressed or constantly, regardless of the impact they experience.

Such an unpleasant sensation almost always indicates active inflammation in the nasal cavity and requires immediate attention. medical workers. If you do not undergo the necessary examination in a timely manner, there is a very high probability that the disease will develop into chronic form, in which case it will be incredibly difficult to get rid of it.

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Why does the bridge of your nose hurt when you have a runny nose?

Most often the bridge of the nose hurts when you have a runny nose.

Despite the fact that most people take rhinitis very lightly as a disease, in reality it should not be ignored.

During a runny nose, severe inflammation of the paranasal sinuses or its mucous membrane can develop, which can be quite dangerous for human body. This area is very closely and inextricably linked with all internal organs and human systems, since it is through the nasal passages that both inhaled and exhaled air moves.

That is why even the most minor disturbances in respiratory or olfactory function can affect the condition of the entire body and lead to serious consequences.

Of course, with mild rhinitis, the bridge of the nose does not hurt. Usually similar painful sensations appear in an advanced stage of the disease, when a person is completely unable to breathe normally through his nose. This condition can lead to the development of sinusitis, a disease characterized by inflammation of one or most of the paranasal sinuses.

With sinusitis, as a rule, there is nasal congestion, the inability to breathe fully, purulent or mucous discharge from the nasal passages, general weakness and malaise, as well as an increase in body temperature. Very often when severe course Patients with this disease also note that they have headaches and pain on the bridge of their nose.

In addition, if, against the background of rhinitis or any cold, the lumen of the nasal cavity is greatly narrowed, most of the discharge will remain inside. Under such circumstances, sinusitis or ethmoiditis may develop - diseases for which it is very important to undergo appropriate treatment in a timely manner under the supervision of a doctor in order to avoid the development of complications.

With the above diseases, the pain is usually constant, but when you press on the bridge of the nose, it becomes much more intense. In addition, with sinusitis, very severe pain almost always occurs if you press on the cheeks or forehead.

For what reasons does the bridge of the nose and forehead hurt, but there is no runny nose?

There are other causes of pain and discomfort in the forehead and bridge of the nose that are not associated with a runny nose and nasal congestion, namely:

  • various injuries and mechanical damage that led to disruption of tissue integrity, for example, a fracture or severe bruise;

  • Charlin's syndrome, or neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve. Towards the emergence of this disease Inflammation of the nasal sinuses can also result, however, it most often begins to develop when there is no longer a runny nose or nasal congestion. In addition, Charlin's syndrome can be caused by certain infections, a deviated nasal septum, and even dental diseases.

With this disease there are incredibly strong pressing pain in the forehead area, as well as the bridge of the nose and eye sockets. Often you may feel as if your head is simply “bursting.” Particularly severe pain can be experienced if you press the bridge of your nose with your finger. Most often, such symptoms occur at night.

When experiencing another attack, a person wakes up and cannot fall asleep for a long time, and painkillers medications They help only after some time. Usually such sensations are the only sign of the disease, so it can be quite difficult to identify. However, sometimes there are associated symptoms, such as swelling of the nasal mucosa and redness and tearing of the eyes;

  • Ganglionitis, or ganglioneuritis, of the pterygopalatine node also worries patients mainly at night. With this disease, a severe attack occurs completely unexpectedly, the duration of which can range from several minutes to several painful hours. The bridge of the nose hurts especially badly in a sick person; in addition, severe pain and discomfort in the eyes and gums. In rare cases, pain may also radiate to the shoulder, frontal, temporal, occipital or cervical regions. During an attack, the patient's face becomes red and swollen, and strong discharge fluid from one or both nostrils, and the eyes begin to water intensely.

What to do if such sensations occur?

If pain does not go away on its own for more than 2-3 days, you should consult a doctor, because this condition can be very dangerous. A qualified doctor will conduct necessary examinations, will reveal the real reason occurrence of this symptom and select optimal treatment underlying disease.

As a rule, to alleviate the patient’s condition and reduce the intensity of pain with a runny nose, vasoconstrictor medications, such as Galazolin or Nazivin, are prescribed. These remedies help restore the full outflow of nasal secretions, but only temporarily suppress discomfort.

Basic treatment, depending on the cause of the disease, may include various measures to eliminate respiratory tract diseases in acute and chronic forms, taking certain medications to resume full nasal breathing and, in extreme cases, surgery.

Of course, many are familiar with the situation when the head, forehead and bridge of the nose hurt during the active course of a cold. If this symptom is familiar to you, and you understand why you feel so bad, you do not need to rush headlong to the clinic.

Meanwhile, if the pain does not go away for a long time, and your health does not improve, you should not ignore such signs, because this can lead to serious consequences.

It is practically impossible to understand why the bridge of the nose hurts when you press it for no apparent reason on your own. The fact is that there are many pathological conditions in which this part of the nose can hurt. Sometimes unpleasant sensations arise on their own, without any external influences.

Most often, pain in the bridge of the nose signals that inflammation is occurring in the nasal cavity. If left unattended this process and not take appropriate therapeutic actions, there is a high risk that pathological condition transforms into a chronic form, which will be very difficult to get rid of in the future.

Rhinitis, or runny nose, despite its apparent simplicity, is actually serious illness. When it occurs, inflammation of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses may occur. This condition dangerous for the body. The fact is that the nose has a direct impact on the entire body as a whole. Through it, air further enters Airways. It leaves the body through it carbon dioxide. Violation of this process very often leads to the formation of other complications from the patient’s health.

When a patient has common cold Without a pronounced form of rhinitis, there are rarely complaints of pain in the bridge of the nose. As a rule, with a slight runny nose such unpleasant symptom characterizes the presence of another pathological process that occurs in this area.

When the bridge of the nose hurts with a runny nose, it means that sinusitis has developed. This disease is characterized by a disorder normal process nasal breathing. It becomes almost impossible. Mucous or mucus may appear from the nasal passages purulent discharge. The pressure that swelling and presence puts on the bridge of the nose excess quantity mucous contents can cause not only pain in the bridge of the nose. Unpleasant sensations can radiate to the forehead or cause a general headache.

Narrowing of the lumen of the nasal passages and retention of mucous mass in the sinuses can lead to the development of more severe complications, such as ethmoiditis or sinusitis. If the patient already has one of these diseases, then their symptoms are characterized by the constant presence of pain in the area of ​​accumulated pus. If you create additional pressure on the forehead, cheeks or bridge of the nose, the pressure factor will provoke increased pain.

The human body reacts differently to many stimuli. Sometimes problems are visible, and sometimes they are not. When the bridge of the nose and forehead hurt, but there is no runny nose, the reason may be the following:

  1. Nose injury. Violation of tissue integrity as a result of mechanical stress can cause not only pain in the bridge of the nose, but also its curvature if a fracture occurs.
  2. Neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve (Charlin's syndrome). The inflammatory process that occurred during rhinitis can provoke the appearance of pain after the runny nose has ended. In most cases, this pathological process develops as a result of a deviated nasal septum, infectious disease, dental problems, etc. With neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve, patients complain as if something is pressing on the bridge of the nose. These sensations radiate to neighboring areas, which leads to a severe headache. Some patients describe this symptom as a feeling of “fullness” from the inside. Touching, especially pressing, painful areas provokes an increase in discomfort. Symptoms of Charlin's syndrome are almost invisible during the day; they appear at night. A person may even wake up from severe pain. In addition, the patient may experience tearing and redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes, as well as swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  3. Ganglioneuritis (ganglionitis). Pathological process occurs as a result of diseases of the ENT organs, dental problems, chronic intoxications, tumors, maxillofacial injuries, etc. Pain in the bridge of the nose occurs in paroxysms. Symptoms of the disease begin to manifest themselves mainly at night, but other times of the day should not be excluded. The duration of the attack sometimes lasts only a few minutes, and sometimes several hours. In addition to the pain in the bridge of the nose and forehead, the patient experiences discomfort in the eyes and gums. In rare cases, the symptoms of the pathology spread to the occipital, temporal and cervical regions, and sometimes to the shoulder. In addition to the fact that almost the whole head hurts, the eyes become watery and runny. watery discharge from the nose (maybe from one nostril).
  4. Osteochondrosis. There is a feeling of numbness of the bridge of the nose with a severe headache, which cannot be relieved with conventional painkillers that are in home medicine cabinet. But sometimes the nose goes numb for another reason, which is characterized by impaired blood circulation. The source of the problem needs to be sought only in a hospital setting. Presumably the provoking factor of the disease is an aneurysm or capillary blockage.

It should be borne in mind that all symptoms of malaise have some basis, which, as a rule, has pathological character origin. But there are situations when the existing sign of illness is not a consequence, for example, of injury or infectious lesions. If a person feels that the bridge of his nose is going numb for no apparent reason, this fact can be explained by emotional stress or uncomfortable position sleep.

When you have a headache and a runny nose with all the unpleasant consequences that follow, few adults rush to the hospital to get medical care. Force the patient to go to medical institution It can only deteriorate your overall health. In fact, such a negligent attitude towards one’s health will sooner or later lead to serious consequences. There is no shame in going to the hospital for treatment if the only symptoms are, for example, a runny nose.

If the pain syndrome of the bridge of the nose was preceded by injury, specialist help should be provided as early as possible. You should not put off visiting your doctor until later. For example, if the cause of discomfort is a fracture of the nose, then if the tissues do not heal properly, it will become deformed. The person’s appearance will be spoiled, and in order to correct it in the future, it will be necessary to break the nose again, but this will be done by a doctor.

Because it exists a large number of pathological reasons that cause these symptoms of illness, sometimes it is quite difficult to determine the true source of the disease. Except general examination, the doctor may need to perform additional examination. It could be an ultrasound X-ray examination or magnetic resonance imaging.

In case if pain syndrome caused by ordinary rhinitis, in order to make the patient feel better, he may be prescribed vasoconstrictors, such as Nazivin or Galazolin. The effect of these medications is not permanent. They can only temporarily relieve swelling and reduce the amount of nasal discharge. To treat the disease itself, complex therapy is necessary.

It should be borne in mind that all medications should only be prescribed by a doctor, as well as the dosage of their use should be prescribed. In addition, children's medications, as well as the rules for their use, are somewhat different from medications that are intended for an adult body.

Pain relief is only symptomatic treatment any pathology. To get rid of the problem forever, you need to eradicate its source. Sometimes such actions are only possible with the help of surgery. Medical advice should not be ignored. Sometimes delay in treatment can have disastrous consequences.

If painful sensations in a person arise in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, this is a sure sign that the paranasal sinuses or nasal cavity have been exposed to one disease or another. In this case it is necessary to mandatory consult a doctor to diagnose the cause of the disease as quickly as possible. The sooner treatment is started, the less likely it is that the disease will become chronic and cause complications.

Causes of pain in the bridge of the nose

Ganglionitis. This problem inherent in the pterygopalatine ganglion. Unpleasant sensations are observed both in the bridge of the nose and areas adjacent to it (for example, gums, teeth and eyes), and in fairly distant areas (for example, ears, shoulders, shoulder blades, forearm, hands, and so on). Sometimes a phenomenon occurs that is called a vegetative storm - half of the face turns red and swells, fluid is released from half of the nose, swelling and profuse tearing occur. The duration of this attack can last from a couple of minutes to several hours, less often – days. Mostly unpleasant sensations begin at night.

Neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve. This disease is common in people under forty years of age. In this case, the pain occurs bursting, burning and pressing; in addition to the bridge of the nose, it is localized in the forehead, eye sockets and eyes. The nature of the discomfort is paroxysmal, with no trigger zones. Mostly the pain begins at night. There are a number side symptoms, by which neuralgia can be distinguished. This is a malnutrition of the cornea, watery mucus discharged from the nose, profuse lacrimation, eye hyperemia and swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Acute inflammation of the nasal paranasal sinuses. The catalyst for this problem can be, for example, a disease such as sinusitis, as well as a number of similar problems. The lumen of the nasal cavity narrows to a significant extent - and in some cases disappears completely - and nasal secretions can no longer pass out. They remain inside and thereby provoke significant discomfort. If it is possible to achieve free release of these secretions, then the pain in the bridge of the nose is significantly reduced. As for the localization of discomfort, if the frontal sinus is affected, then the pain is concentrated closer to the forehead, but if the cause is sinusitis, then the discomfort is most pronounced in the area of ​​the cheeks and teeth.

Often there is a fairly characteristic link between manifestations of this inflammation By the time of day - in the morning and at night, the likelihood of attacks occurring is many times greater.

If, in addition to the frontal sinus, others are also inflamed, discomfort may be concentrated in the area of ​​the root of the nose, and also spread to the area near the inner corner of the eye. If pressure is applied to the area of ​​the cheeks or forehead, as well as to the walls of the inflamed sinus from the outside, the pain will intensify significantly and also spread to the occipital, parietal and temporal regions.

Rhinitis. If in its simplest form rhinitis is nothing more than a runny nose, then if it becomes acute or chronic, pronounced pain may appear in the bridge of the nose. This disease, which occurs due to inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane located in the nasal area, can in its severe forms have an effect on the entire body. Often a runny nose causes loss of appetite. It is also worth mentioning the disruption of the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, if normal breathing cannot be carried out. For the same reason, it affects intracranial spinal and intraocular pressure, as well as the functioning of the brain and the movement of lymph. The disease can develop for a number of reasons. These could be adenoids, injuries that led to a deviated nasal septum, advanced flu, exposure to environment(dust, gas, etc.) and much more.

Injuries. If damage occurs to the integrity of the tissues related to this area, this may cause pain in the bridge of the nose.

Chronic sinusitis. If the general vitality is reduced, and a dull pain spreads in the head and in the area of ​​the nasal sinuses, then most likely the cause is a chronic form of sinusitis. Such discomfort occurs periodically, most often during an active rush of blood to the brain. This may be caused by the abundance various factors, for example, overheating in the sun or significant fatigue. However, pain can also occur regardless of blood flow.

Sinusitis. The cause of pain in the bridge of the nose may be sinusitis. With inflammation, the lumen in the nasal cavity narrows or completely disappears. In this case, nasal discharge remains inside and causes pain. The pain decreases when the nasal cavity is cleared and secretions flow freely from the sinuses and nasal cavity. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses causes pain based on the location and time of occurrence. With sinusitis, pain occurs in the cheeks and teeth. With inflammation of the frontal sinus, the pain intensifies in the forehead area. Very often, pain occurs at certain times of the day, for example, at night or during the day. Inflammation of other sinuses can cause pressing pain, mainly in the inner corner of the eye and in the bridge of the nose.

If you experience any pain in the bridge of your nose, you must consult a doctor. Depending on the specific case this could be a neurologist or otolaryngologist.

Often, patients turn to an otolaryngologist with a complaint of pain in the bridge of the nose, despite the fact that the nose is not stuffy and there is no runny nose.

Sometimes the pain spreads to the forehead. Ignoring such symptoms is dangerous - they can signal the development of serious pathologies associated not only with the nasal cavity.

Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses as a cause of pain

Most often the bridge of the nose hurts when inflammatory processes in the nasal sinuses. At severe inflammation tissue swelling occurs, the lumen of the nasal passages narrows greatly, and in severe forms rhinitis or sinusitis closes completely. This leads to the accumulation of purulent discharge in the nasal sinuses, which puts pressure on the surrounding tissues.

That’s why there is no runny nose, but the bridge of the nose hurts, and the pain often radiates to the forehead and eye sockets, and when you press on the paranasal areas of the face or tilt the head, it intensifies.

The location of the pain depends on which sinus is inflamed. When you press on the affected sinus, the pain will intensify and radiate to the forehead, eyes, ear or neck.

If you restore the drainage of the sinuses and passages and free them from accumulated mucus, the pain will decrease or go away completely, and the patient will feel relief for a while.

Sometimes two or more sinuses become inflamed at the same time. Then the localization of pain is more difficult to determine, but in any case it will radiate to the forehead and bridge of the nose. The most common diseases in which the nose may or may not be stuffy, there is no runny nose, but the forehead and bridge of the nose are very sore:

  1. Rhinitis of any form and type, including allergic or chronic.
  2. Frontit.

If the nose is constantly stuffy, the patient loses his appetite, his sense of smell and taste are reduced, but the most dangerous thing is that he develops a bad habit of breathing only through his mouth.

The brain does not receive enough oxygen, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, and as a result, a person suffers from pain in the bridge of the nose and the frontal part of the head.

At chronic rhinitis, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, as a rule, there is an increase in intracranial and spinal pressure, which leads to the development of other serious pathologies and disorders.

Neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve

This disease can also cause severe pain in the bridge of the nose, it affects mainly young people under the age of 40. Unpleasant sensations can affect the forehead and eye area, the pain is pressing in nature, as if bursting, and gets worse at night. Other symptoms of nasociliary neuralgia:

  • lacrimation;
  • The nose becomes swollen and swollen;
  • Watery discharge appears from the nasal passages;
  • Ocular hyperemia is noted.

Often this pathology is accompanied by keratitis.

If the nose is stuffy and the patient complains of sharp pains in the bridge of the nose, the doctor must examine the nasal cavities for the presence of tumors. Adenoids, polyps, malignant tumors can cause constant dull pain that periodically worsens.

Sometimes the bridge of the nose hurts due to injury - for example, if the nose was broken during sports or in a fight - or a deviated nasal septum after incorrect surgery. If facial injuries were not fully treated, pain in the bridge of the nose may bother you even after several years.

Ganglionitis is another disease that can provoke severe pain in the bridge of the nose, as ganglia - nerve nodules in the connective tissue - are affected.

Typical signs of pathology: redness and severe swelling of the face, constantly leaking from the nose. liquid discharge, the pain is burning and very strong at the site of damage to the nerve plexuses.

Attacks of this disease usually occur at night; the pain can radiate to any part of the face, neck, back of the head, and sometimes the forearms, shoulders, and hands.

In severe forms of the disease, rashes resembling herpes appear on the skin. The blisters are very itchy and burst, and painful ulcers form in their place.

How is diagnostics carried out?

To determine exactly why the nose, bridge of the nose and forehead hurt, will be used various methods research. First of all, this is an x-ray CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging of the sinuses. In addition, the following events are held:

  1. Measuring intracranial pressure.
  2. Measuring intraocular pressure.
  3. Laboratory tests of blood, urine and feces.

The doctor will definitely conduct a visual examination of the patient and interview him in detail in order to establish the nature, frequency and intensity of the pain, find out how long they have been bothering him, and whether there has been any Lately injuries and surgical interventions. You may need additional consultation with specialists such as an ophthalmologist or surgeon.

Only after a comprehensive examination of the patient has been completed and the cause of the discomfort has been established, will the doctor prescribe appropriate treatment.

It is worth repeating once again - the most common causes of pain in the bridge of the nose and the frontal part of the head, even if the cold has long passed and a runny nose, are neglected or incorrectly treated diseases of the nasopharynx.

Because the main preventive measures- this means not letting colds and flu get worse, treating even a common runny nose on time and completely.

Many patients often do not attach importance to a runny nose and endure the disease on their feet, healing it with all the remedies from the pharmacy.

This approach leads to the pathology becoming chronic and spreading to other organs. The nasopharynx is connected to almost all organs of the head, including the brain.

Therefore, if the infection spreads deeper, dangerous complications posing a serious threat to human health. To prevent this, you should constantly strengthen your immune system, especially during the cold season or during a flu epidemic.

Support immune system you can use the following actions:

  • Moderate sports and dosed physical activity;
  • Eating fresh fruits and vegetables in season;
  • Hardening procedures;
  • Walks in the open air.

Some people are predisposed to colds. Regular cleansing of the nasal passages and sinuses from accumulations of mucus, which is a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms, will help protect you from viruses and bacteria.

For this purpose they are used various solutions for nasal rinsing from a pharmacy or homemade: saline solution, purified sea ​​water, salty water with a drop of iodine.

Daily rinsing of the nasal passages is the best prevention colds, since most often microorganisms enter the body through the nose.

In addition, it is more difficult for them to gain a foothold on a well-moisturized mucosa. You should also avoid crowds of people during the flu and cold season, and if this cannot be avoided, wear medical bandage on the face.

It is chronic: during the flowering season of plants it worsens, then the disease subsides for a while. Therefore, when plants begin to bloom intensively, you should try to stay in parks or travel outside the city as little as possible. In residential areas, the air should always be well humidified; ideally, use an ultrasonic humidifier for this.

If pain in the nose, eye sockets, or forehead does appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, even if there is no nasal discharge or other symptoms. The video in this article will tell you about sinusitis, how common reason pain in the bridge of the nose.