Creams and ointments for contact dermatitis. Causes of dermatitis

Dermatitis is a serious skin disease. Experts agree that the disease must be treated in a complex manner, therefore, it is recommended to use several drugs at the same time. As a rule, the doctor will carefully examine the affected area, prescribe tests if necessary, and, based on the data obtained, select correct scheme treatment. The article will talk about such a disease as dermatitis, its treatment with ointments and creams.

Brief description of the disease

Dermatitis is inflammatory process on the skin. As a rule, it appears due to exposure to an aggressive environment, due to infection by microorganisms, or has an allergic nature. The disease is not life-threatening, but it spoils the aesthetic appearance of the skin and causes many unpleasant symptoms. Among the main features it is worth noting:

  • itching and inflammation;
  • small bubbles, inside which there is a liquid;
  • the appearance of coarsened crusts and their exfoliation from the main layer of the epithelium;
  • the skin becomes thicker and takes on a dark pink hue.

It is important to remember that skin dermatitis not transmitted from one person to another. There are several types of disease. All of them differ from each other in the place of localization on the body, as well as in treatment. Given this point, below will be described drugs that effectively cope with the disease.

Types of rashes and how to treat them

Many factors contribute to the development of dermatitis. Because of this, the disease manifests itself in different ways and appears on the arms, legs, head, etc. The main symptoms of manifestation are usually similar to each other, but the therapy is selected differently. The specialist will recommend how to treat the disease, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, as well as the cause of the disease.

Diffuse neurodermatitis or allergic dermatitis occurs from infancy. If it is not treated in a timely manner, then the disease acquires chronic form. The reason for the development of the disease is hypersensitivity organism to various allergens, of which there are about 3000. Such a pathology can be inherited. The disease cannot be contracted from a sick person, as it is not transmitted.

Treatment of the disease is carried out in a complex manner. The main treatment regimen necessarily includes drugs local application. As a rule, doctors recommend an ointment from allergic dermatitis. The most popular and effective medicines are described below:

  • Advantan, Elokom;
  • Elidel, Fenistil;
  • Topic, zinc ointment;
  • Skin cap;
  • Bepanthen, Panthenol;
  • Clotrimazole, Curiosin;
  • Drapolene.

All ointments for dermatitis have a different effect on the skin (heal, soften, relieve inflammation). The preparations can be applied to any part of the skin, and even to the face. Do not self-medicate, as with poor-quality therapy, the skin condition will only worsen.

Contact dermatitis - treatment, ointments

Contact dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that develops due to direct contact with an irritating agent or exposure to harsh chemicals. With the disease, the affected area turns red, swells, itches and hurts. If a person has found such unpleasant changes on his body, it is urgent to contact a dermatologist. The doctor will examine the patient and prescribe tests, the results of which will help determine the causative agent of the skin disease. Based on the data obtained, the doctor will select the best scheme treatment. As a rule, it is recommended to use local therapy (ointments, creams, gels). Depending on the nature of the rash, the specialist may prescribe different drugs. Below is a list effective drugs from contact dermatitis:

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Ultralan;
  • Dermatope;
  • Laticort;
  • Seacorten;
  • Chalciderm;
  • Sinalar;
  • Dermovate.

Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that is accompanied by increased activity sebaceous glands. It is in this environment that microorganisms rapidly develop, which provoke unpleasant symptoms. Usually the disease appears on the back, face, chest and scalp. With a disease, an ointment from seborrheic dermatitis is simply necessary, since without it it will not be possible to achieve good results. Depending on the nature of the manifestation of the disease, the patient is selected therapy to eliminate the rash.

If struck hairy part head, it is recommended to use not an ointment for seborrheic dermatitis, but medicated shampoos. They include active ingredients, allowing to eliminate pathogens (Ketoconazole, Zinc Pyrithione, Cyclopirox). For the treatment of dermatitis on the face, it is necessary to use special cosmetics, as well as an effective ointment for dermatitis on the face (Nizoral, Ketodin, Pimecrolimus, Elokom, Lamisil, Elidel, Tacrolimus, Bifasam).

Atopic dermatitis is a skin disease caused by allergens. As a rule, it appears in children at an early age, if it is not treated, then the disease becomes chronic. It is exacerbated in spring and autumn, as well as in contact with allergens. Treatment of atopic rash is always complex, and topical preparations are aimed at restoring, moisturizing and softening the skin, as well as eliminating the inflammatory process. Usually, dermatologists recommend an effective ointment for atopic dermatitis (all drugs can be used with early age, for children up to a year):

  • Locoid;
  • Elocom;
  • Advantan;
  • Diprosalic;
  • Elidel;
  • Glutamol;
  • Radevit.

All medicines must be prescribed by a doctor. The specialist takes into account individual characteristics the patient, his age, and the complexity of the disease.

Non-hormonal and hormonal ointment

Doctors often recommend hormone therapy to treat certain types of dermatitis. It is prescribed in the event that non-hormonal ointments are not able to defeat the disease. However, drugs in this group should be selected only by a doctor, since they have a lot of contraindications and side effects. Modern pharmacology produces hormonal preparations, which have practically no side effects, since they are not absorbed into the blood (Advantan, Elocom). All such drugs are effective, but they should not be used long time because they are addictive. Among the common hormonal ointments and creams are in demand among consumers:

  • Celestoderm;
  • Advantan;
  • Flucinar;
  • Fucicort;
  • Akriderm.

How can you smear dermatitis in a child

skin baby very sensitive to aggressive environment, as well as internal failures in the body. Dermatitis can appear on any part of the body. At the first rash unpleasant disease the baby must be urgently shown to a pediatrician or dermatologist. The specialist will select high-quality therapy that will help restore health. As a rule, doctors recommend the use of the following effective ointments and cream:

  • Skin-cap anti-inflammatory ointment for children;
  • Panthenol or Bepanten eliminates bacteria;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Methyluracil 10% ointment or Actovegin heals the resulting wounds;
  • Videstim or Radevit will not allow crusts to form;
  • Sulfargin or Dermazin antiseptics.

You should not self-medicate and decide what suits the child without the advice of a doctor. The specialist makes all appointments based on the results of the tests!

The number of patients with dermatitis is growing every year. The sensitivity of the skin increases both to external stimuli and to substances that enter the body.

Ointment for dermatitis will help relieve discomfort and improve the condition of the skin, but it must be selected taking into account the characteristics of the rash.

Types of dermatitis

At various dermatitis different ointments are used. It is important to understand the cause of the rash in order to choose the right medicine. A dermatologist can help to make a correct diagnosis, to whom it is always better to seek advice than to self-medicate.

Dermatitis happens:

  • allergic;
  • inflammatory;
  • diaper seborrheic;
  • atopic;
  • infectious;
  • fungal.

Choosing the wrong ointment or cream can only aggravate the course of the disease. Below we consider which ointments and creams are used to treat various dermatitis.

Seborrheic skin lesions

For allergic dermatitis, can be used:

  1. Antihistamine ointments- Fenistil, Psilo-balm.
  2. Antiseptics- solution compresses boric acid or potassium permanganate. Used after the wetting stage is completed.
  3. Wound healing agents- Panthenol, Solcoseryl, Bepanthen.
  4. Steroid drugs(to be discussed below).

Infectious dermatitis

Microorganisms that cause skin diseases provoke an inflammatory process. It will begin to subside only after the cause is eliminated. At dermatological diseases use more antibiotics a wide range actions.

A doctor's prescription may include:

  1. Ointments with one antibiotic- erythromycin, tetracycline.
  2. Combined remedy - Levomekol, Triderm, Pimafukort. They contain additional components - an anesthetic or a steroid hormone. They help not only get rid of the infection, but also alleviate the symptoms.

Related article:

All about atopic dermatitis in children: photos, causes and methods of treatment

Anti-inflammatory drugs

With dermatitis of any type, the patient is worried about severe itching and redness, which are caused by the inflammatory process.

You can quickly remove such symptoms with a hormone. Corticosteroid hormonal topical agents are most commonly used for relief acute conditions and treatment of dermatitis.

They exhibit anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, decongestant properties.

On the legs, body, with hand allergies can be used:

  1. Prednisolone.
  2. Locoid.
  3. Afloderm.
  4. Hydrocortisone. Can be used for children from 1 year old. Effectively removes itching from eczema and contact dermatitis.
  5. Chalciderm.
  6. Dermovate. One of the best remedies for cupping acute manifestations. Manifests strong action so be careful and apply thin layer.
  7. Flucinar. Non-hormonal analogues can be selected from the group of calcineurin inhibitors.

On the face can be smeared:

  1. Advantan. One of the most safe means for use on the face and neck.
  2. Elokom. Allowed from 2 years of age. Helps with eczema, psoriasis, atopy.
  3. Mometasone.

In adults, the application of such drugs up to 2 times a day is allowed. Children - 1 time, while need to pay attention from what age the remedy is allowed.

Hormonal ointments for dermatitis - video

However hormone therapy skin diseases has its drawbacks:

  1. Such drugs should not be used for a long time.
  2. Medications are highly likely to cause side effects.
  3. Steroids can become addictive.

An alternative is anti-inflammatory non-hormonal therapy.

As a rule, such means continue treatment after stopping. acute symptoms hormones:

  1. eplan. It has a wound healing and bactericidal effect.
  2. Bepanthen. Approved for use in nursing and children from a very young age. It is used to heal the skin on any part of the body.
  3. Preparations with zinc. Zinc ointment, Desitin show good anti-inflammatory properties and dry weeping areas.
  4. Calcineurin inhibitors. Good alternative hormonal ointments. Elidel, Protopic inhibit the inflammatory process at all stages and can be used for the face. For the treatment of neurodermatitis, non-hormonal ointment Elidel is one of the most powerful remedies.
  5. Radevit- healing ointment. It contains vitamins that relieve inflammation, soften the skin and eliminate itching.
  6. Naftaderm. Softens, anesthetizes and exhibits antiseptic properties.

The disadvantage of non-hormonal agents is their poor performance at severe forms Oh diseases.

Moisturizers play an important role in the treatment of dermatitis. Emollients protect the skin during remission and soothe dryness during flare-ups. It is recommended to apply them several times a day, especially after bathing.

Inflammatory processes skin give patients a lot of trouble, especially if the open surfaces of the body are covered by the disease. In the treatment of dermatitis, ointments help to cope with the symptoms of the disease. What groups of topical preparations are used for this, how do they work? This can be found in the review of effective medicines used in various forms diseases.

What is dermatitis

Under influence external factors an inflammatory process can begin on the surface of the skin. Dermatitis is a disease caused by biological, physical or chemical irritants. The lesion has limited area, after the elimination of the provoking factor, a quick recovery occurs. Skin pathology is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of papules, vesicles;
  • redness;
  • puffiness;
  • hyperemia;
  • burning;
  • peeling;
  • cracks;
  • scales;
  • rash;

Depending on the provoking factor, the characteristics of the course of the disease, the symptoms, several types of dermatitis are noted:

  • Seborrheic. Its development causes an active secretion of sebum. There is a dry form with the formation of scales and an oily form with the appearance of pustular rashes.
  • Photodermatitis - inflammation occurs under the influence of sunlight.
  • Contact form - develops in contact with an irritant - plants, chemicals.
  • Atopic dermatosis is caused by allergens that are present in food products, in the external environment.

Types of ointments for dermatitis

To relieve the symptoms of inflammation, rapid healing of the skin, alleviate the patient's condition, doctors prescribe drugs for topical use. Ointments for dermatitis in adults differ in their composition and effects. There are two large groups medications. Non-hormonal drugs:

  • have a natural basis;
  • can be used for a long time;
  • used to treat children;
  • do not affect hormonal balance;
  • at long-term use allergic reactions are possible.

Hormonal ointment for skin diseases is prescribed for the acute form of dermatitis, the absence of results from treatment with non-hormonal agents. Features of these drugs:

  • according to their impact, they are divided into forms from weak to very strong;
  • have side effects;
  • are addictive;
  • have a quick effect on damaged skin;
  • require the gradual abolition of the use of the ointment;
  • affect the functioning of all organs.

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to the rules for using ointments for dermatitis. Doctors do not recommend self-medication, they give such advice:

  • the drug is applied in a thin layer on clean, dry skin;
  • do not rub the ointment - you can damage the inflamed areas of the epidermis;
  • in the absence of results, consult a doctor to change the treatment regimen;
  • treatment begins with drugs that have the most light action, gradually moving to strong means;
  • it is unacceptable to abruptly cut off the use of hormonal ointments;
  • the appointed course must be completed.

Non-hormonal ointments for dermatitis

In the manufacture of these drugs, natural ingredients, vitamins are used. Non-hormonal ointments for dermatitis are safe to use. Tools of this group:

  • contribute rapid healing skin;
  • produce an effect at the initial stage of seborrheic, atopic dermatitis;
  • are not addictive;
  • improve metabolic processes in tissues;
  • allow prolonged use.

Experts note the disadvantages of using these drugs for skin diseases. During application non-hormonal ointments:

  • develop allergic reactions to the means used with the patient's tendency to allergies;
  • there is an ineffectiveness of treatment in severe types of the inflammatory process;
  • the recovery time is greatly delayed;
  • allergic, contact form of dermatological diseases are not cured.

In inflammatory processes on the skin, doctors prescribe drugs from the group of non-hormonal ointments, which differ in their effect:

  • moisturizing - normalize water balance, accelerate recovery - Keratolan, Videstim;
  • regenerating - activate healing, restore tissues - Radevit, Panthenol;
  • anti-inflammatory - stop irritation, itching, relieve inflammation - Finistil, ichthyol;
  • antiseptic - do not allow the penetration of bacteria through the damaged surface of the skin - Levosin, furacilin ointment.


The drug for topical application quickly stops the process of suppuration, accelerates tissue regeneration, healing. The ointment has an analgesic, bactericidal effect. Eplan eliminates itching from insect bites, effectively treats eczema, herpes, psoriasis, skin damage - wounds, cuts, abrasions. The drug is distinguished by:

  • compound - active substance glycolan, auxiliary components - ethyl carbitol, glycerin, triethylene glycol;
  • contraindications - individual intolerance to the ingredients of the product;
  • price - 180 rubles. for 30 grams.


An effective remedy for skin pathologies is recommended for the treatment of pregnant women, children, starting from infancy. The active ingredient in the composition - dexpatenol - relieves inflammation, normalizes metabolism at the cell level, promotes rapid healing. Features of the drug Bepanten:

  • used to treat the skin of the hands and face, burns, cracks, eliminate rashes, atopic dermatitis in infants;
  • used to prevent diaper rash, sweating in newborns;
  • contraindication is sensitivity to components;
  • price - 420 rubles. for 30 grams.

Skin Cap

The drug for external use is distinguished by antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory action. Skin-cap is prescribed for the treatment of neurodermatitis, seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, and is used for children from one year old. The drug is characterized by:

  • counter-breeding pathogenic microorganisms;
  • composition - active substance zinc pyrithione;
  • contraindications - simultaneous application glucocorticosteroids, sensitivity to components, skin neoplasms, dermatological lesions of the mouth area;
  • price - 850 rubles. for 15 grams.


The drug contains vitamins E, A, D, ethyl alcohol, petroleum jelly and glycerin. Radevit is a natural immunomodulator that promotes collagen production. The medicine is characterized by anti-inflammatory, softening effect, improvement of metabolism in tissues, relieving itching, healing of ulcers. Ointment is distinguished:

  • indications - all varieties of dermatitis, burns, wounds;
  • side effects- increased symptoms - pain, swelling, redness, itching;
  • contraindications - an excess of vitamins E, A, D in the body, hypersensitivity to the composition;
  • price - 360 rubles. for 35 grams.


The tool is intended for the treatment of skin diseases, accompanied by increased dryness, tightness, peeling. It contains salicylic acid, naftalan, urea, almond oil, herbal extracts. Losterin characterizes anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effects, pain relief. The drug has:

  • indications - contact, atopic lesions of the skin, psoriasis, neurodermatitis;
  • side effects - rarely a slight burning sensation;
  • contraindications - sensitivity to components, pathology of the kidneys, liver;
  • price - 580 rubles. for 75 grams.


The composition of the drug includes an extract of the blood of young calves, which gives it unique qualities. Solcoseryl quickly heals sores and wounds, activates metabolism in tissues, regenerates cells, restores damaged surfaces, promotes collagen production. According to the instructions, the drug is distinguished by:

  • indications - treatment of burns, frostbite, trophic ulcers, abrasions, dermatological diseases;
  • side effects - hyperemia, swelling;
  • contraindications - pregnancy, children under 18 years of age, lactation;
  • price - 300 rubles. for 20 grams.

Hormonal drugs

In complicated forms of dermatitis, doctors prescribe ointments containing glucocorticosteroids - analogues of hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Preparations help to quickly cope with inflammatory processes on the skin. Hormonal ointment for dermatitis is prescribed in the case of:

  • recurrence of the disease;
  • acute form allergic, contact dermatitis;
  • neurodermatitis ( chronic inflammation neurogenic-allergic type);
  • the risk of developing eczema;
  • erythema (hyperemia of the skin) caused by allergies;
  • lack of results of treatment with non-hormonal agents.

Hormonal ointment for skin diseases has a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, anti-allergic effect. Preparations containing glucocorticosteroids are divided into the following groups according to their action:

  • weak - Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone;
  • medium - Lokoid, Flixotide, Afloderm;
  • strong - Celestoderm, Elocom, Flucinar.

Ointments for dermatitis on the face, hands and body based on hormones are addictive, which reduces their effectiveness. The problem is the withdrawal syndrome - it is unacceptable to abruptly stop the course of treatment. It is possible that the development of such side effects like skin atrophy, pigmentation. Corticosteroid ointments for dermatitis have contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • helminthiases;
  • fungal pathologies;
  • venereal diseases;
  • lactation;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chickenpox;
  • herpes;
  • children under two years of age.


The active substance of the hormonal agent is fluocinolone acetonide, auxiliary components are lanolin, ethylene glycol, lemon acid. Flucinar is distinguished by anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic action. Features of the drug:

  • indications - dermatitis, psoriasis, insect bites, burns;
  • side effects - redness, thinning of the epidermis;
  • contraindications - fungal, bacterial, viral skin lesions, pregnancy, oncology;
  • special conditions- the duration of treatment is not more than two weeks;
  • price - 275 rubles. for 15 grams.


The external agent is effective for all types of dermatological skin lesions, eczema, neurodermatitis. Advantan has a greasy texture. The composition includes the active substance methylprednisolone aceponate, auxiliary components - beeswax, paraffin. According to the instructions, the ointment differs from dermatitis:

  • action - anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, healing, regenerating;
  • contraindications - tuberculosis, syphilis, viral infections skin;
  • side effects - burning, itching (rarely);
  • special conditions - use for children from four months;
  • price - 560 rubles. for 15 grams.


The medicine is prescribed for dermatitis of any kind, allergic eczema accompanied by severe itching. The components in the composition are the active substances betamethasone, fusidic acid, auxiliary - paraffin, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, cetostearyl alcohol. Fucicort is characterized by:

  • action - antimicrobial, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory;
  • contraindications - bacterial, fungal, viral lesions, tuberculosis, skin syphilis;
  • side effects - urticaria, rash, exacerbation of eczema, burning, itching, dryness of the epidermis;
  • price - 470 rubles. for 15 grams.


An inexpensive, but very effective drug belongs to antiseptics, quickly relieves inflammatory processes, manifestations of allergies, and has a keratolytic effect (exfoliates dead cells). Ointment Akriderm is used to treat severe forms of dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. The drug is distinguished by:

  • composition - active substances - salicylic acid, betamethasone dipropionate;
  • contraindications - herpes virus, chickenpox, syphilis, tuberculosis, pregnancy, children under two years of age;
  • side effects - skin irritation, burning;
  • price for 30 grams - 120 rubles.


The effectiveness of the ointment differs from allergic dermatitis, contact and seborrheic forms of the disease. The drug characterizes the effectiveness in the treatment of advanced conditions. Celistoderm is characterized by:

  • rapid penetration into the deep layers of the skin;
  • elimination of allergy symptoms - irritation, itching;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • calming effect.

Celistoderm in the treatment of dermatitis quickly improves the condition of the skin. According to the instructions for use, the drug has:

  • active substance betamethasone, auxiliary components - white soft and liquid paraffin;
  • indications - treatment of radiation, sunburn, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis;
  • side effects - hyperpigmentation;
  • contraindications - pregnancy, a tendency to allergies, intolerance to the components in the composition, lactation, the age of children under 6 months;
  • price - 310 rubles. for 15 grams.

Ointment for dermatitis for children

Skin lesions in a child occur from infancy. Hormonal drugs are dangerous for child's body. Penetrating into the blood, they eventually cause adrenal insufficiency. When choosing ointments for the treatment of children, preference is given to not hormonal drugs. Pediatricians prescribe:

  • Gistan - a herbal preparation is used for children over the age of one year;
  • Zinc ointment for dermatitis on the hands, feet, face - has a drying, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic effect;
  • Bepanten - recommended for use from birth.

Ointment for the treatment of children Vundehil has vegetable base. The drug for topical use is distinguished by:

  • bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, analgesic effect;
  • possibility of use from infancy;
  • contraindications - sensitivity to components;
  • no side effects;
  • price - 180 rubles. per tube 15 grams.

For the treatment of dermatitis in childhood use drugs that alleviate the condition of the baby. Popular tools include:

  • Ointment for dermatitis on the skin Radevit. The drug has a moisturizing, softening, antipruritic effect. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the components, hypervitaminosis E, A, D. The price of the ointment is 360 rubles. for 35 grams.
  • Sudocrem - used for diaper dermatitis in newborns, has a calming effect, eliminates dryness, allergy symptoms. The drug is contraindicated in case of sensitivity to the components. Price - 300 rubles. for 60 grams.


Allergic dermatitis is an inflammatory immune skin reaction to the influence of an external irritant (allergen). The only way to deal with the disease is to use complex treatment, which includes the following therapeutic measures:

  • adherence to a strict diet;
  • taking antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs of systemic action;
  • the use of topical agents - it can be a cream or ointment.

This article is devoted to the last component of the treatment complex for and.

Action local preparations against aims to achieve the following results:

  • minimizing the manifestations of inflammation on the skin;
  • moisturizing the epidermis;
  • prevention of secondary infection;
  • activation of skin immunity;
  • intensification of the regenerative function of the epidermis.

Before using any cream or ointment, be sure to consult a dermatologist. In addition, the treatment of the disease involves the observance of all precautions: for example, you can not smear creams on the face, armpits, apply them to the genitals.

Corticosteroid cream or ointment is used only for short courses - no more than 2-3 weeks. In order not to overdry the skin, after local therapy it is better to use a light moisturizer (preferably for children or hypoallergenic).

Typology of creams by purpose

Depending on what effect local remedies have on the skin, they are divided into categories:

  • Anti-inflammatory cream. These drugs contain corticosteroids, which relieve itching and remove inflammation. This group includes: Akriderm, Advantan, Triderm.
  • Moisturizing ointment. Allergic dermatitis in most cases is accompanied by increased dryness and flaking of the skin, which, accordingly, requires additional moisture. Moisturizing ointments include Elobase and Lokobase lipocream, glycerin cream.
  • Anti-inflammatory ointment against allergic dermatitis without steroids. Such remedies fight itching and other symptoms of the disease, but are inferior in intensity to their hormonal counterparts. Examples: D - Panthenol, Bepanthen.
  • Antipruritic ointment. Contains an antihistamine component, so it copes with rash and itching - characteristic symptoms allergic dermatitis.
  • Drying cream. If the patient has weeping, such a remedy is the best way out. It could be zinc ointment, Desitin.

Hormonal and non-steroidal topical preparations

Ointments and creams are also classified according to the content of corticosteroids in them: if any, the ointment is called hormonal, if absent - non-hormonal (non-steroidal).

Non-hormonal preparations are carried out using Cynovit ointment. This remedy copes well with external symptoms diseases. Cynovit consists of two main components that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect:

  • dipotassium glycyrrhizinate (the substance is isolated by laboratory from licorice root);
  • zinc.

Cynovit also has an antiseptic effect on the skin, since the cream contains essential oils- shea, olive, jojoba.

Cynovit is prescribed when allergic dermatitis in a patient is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • irritation;
  • hyperemia;
  • peeling;
  • itching.

Cynovit, due to the zinc contained in it, has an antifungal and antibacterial effect on the skin, and also relieves the external manifestations of the inflammatory process.

To get the maximum result and quickly, Cinovit is applied in an even, neat layer on the skin of the face and body twice a day (it is better to carry out the procedure immediately after waking up and immediately before bedtime). Cynovit for the treatment of allergic dermatitis is used for no more than two weeks.

We note a few more non-hormonal ointments that can be used to treat dermatitis:

Treatment of a skin disease with hormonal ointments should be carried out only when nonsteroidal drugs have not shown the desired degree of effectiveness. Application of such medicines carried out only under the strict supervision of a dermatologist. The course of treatment is short - no more than two weeks.

Consider some topical corticosteroid medications:

  • Celestoderm;
  • Advantan is an anti-inflammatory hormonal ointment.
  • Flucinar - very strong local remedy, used in particularly severe cases.
  • Fucicort - is indicated when allergic dermatitis is accompanied by a bacterial infection.
  • Akriderm is an indispensable cream for allergic occupational contact dermatitis.

The use of hormonal drugs for allergic dermatitis is contraindicated in such situations:

  • the patient's skin is very sensitive to the components of the ointment or cream;
  • allergy test gave positive results;
  • when the inflammatory process on the patient's skin is viral in nature.

Folk remedies

Self-administered ointments can also supplement the traditional treatment of allergic dermatitis. home cooking. Before using, be sure to check if you have allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

So, at home, you can use potato ointment. To prepare it, mix 100 g of grated root vegetable with one teaspoon of liquid honey. The cream must be used as a compress daily.

It is also possible to smear the affected areas of the skin with celandine ointment: it is necessary to grind the leaves of the plant to a powdery state, and then mix with butter in proportions of 1:5. Such a remedy for allergic dermatitis is applied to the foci of the disease every day for a week.

Suitable for external use and aloe leaves, sea ​​buckthorn oil, pink and Castor oil. Before use medicinal products it is necessary to carefully clean the affected area on the skin, and then apply one of the above remedies. Treatment should be carried out once or twice a day.

gruel from horse chestnutexcellent tool from allergic dermatitis. It is applied as a compress to the affected areas.

Twice a day, dermatitis can be treated with a carrot compress - a gruel from the root crop is applied to the skin foci of the disease.

Treatment of the disease at home is also carried out with Chinese tea - cotton swabs dipped in a chilled drink, you should smear the places of localization of the pathology. You can also make tea compresses: the procedure should be repeated several times a day.

Treatment of allergic dermatitis involves the use of various local preparations that have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, softening effect on the affected skin. Various creams and ointments have an antihistamine effect, serve as additional protection for the epidermis and promote its regeneration.

Among the means of local action there are hormonal preparations and those that do not contain corticosteroids; Medicinal mixtures differ according to their purpose. In any case, only a dermatologist should choose the ointment or cream that is right for you.

Often on the skin of the face in effect various reasons inflammation occurs, manifested as redness and spots that itch wildly and itch. Such manifestations are called dermatitis, can appear for various reasons and occur in representatives of any age.

be careful

People suffering from dermatitis very often make one big mistake:

The patient is trying to eliminate the external signs of the disease, but the elimination of the external manifestations of psoriasis does not solve the problem from the inside.

Roughly speaking, even if it turns out to remove the signs of dermatitis from the outside and put the skin in order, inside the body the disease continues to devour autoimmune system, which provokes severe diseases, most of which are fatal. Especially terrible is the fact that dermatitis can provoke cancerous tumors.

The only remedy that is currently available for independent use by patients with dermatitis is special agent ZDOROV.

Read the details in official source.

Causes of dermatitis

Complex inflammatory reactions of the epidermis, including the skin of the face, can be caused by various stimuli of the physical or chemical plan, as well as due to internal imbalance hormonal background, metabolic disorders or the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The causes of inflammation can be remote or provoked. The former are isolated as a genetic or individual acquired disposition, including due to a previous illness or allergic reactions.

It is also customary to classify the factors that provoke the appearance of dermatitis into external and internal, or otherwise into exogenous and endogenous.

Among the external factors, one can single out a mechanical effect, such as friction or squeezing, which leads to the appearance of cracks and scuffs. Temperature fluctuations or being exposed to extremely high or, on the contrary, low temperatures for a long time can also provoke the appearance of dermatitis. In addition, exposure to ultraviolet, X-rays or other radiation should be taken into account.

There is also the possibility of dermatitis as a response to contact with various chemicals - alkaline formations, acids, salts. heavy metals, poisonous substances, products household chemicals. In some cases, inflammation can be caused by contact with aggressive plants - burns from hogweed are familiar to many.

Internal or endogenous factors are associated with internal protective functions organism, as a result of the weakening of which inflammation of the epidermis occurs. These include the development of beriberi and hypovitaminosis, metabolic disorders, problems in the endocrine system. In rare cases, it can be caused drug dermatitis as a result of taking drugs based on novocaine, or related to antibiotics or sulfonamides.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about dermatitis

Doctor medical sciences, professor Belyaev A.S.
Experience in the field of treatment of psoriasis and dermatitis - 12 years.

Dermatitis kills! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger! Get rid of dangerous skin rashes in two weeks.

Already 2 years on the European market there is a miracle drug for the treatment of dermatitis. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to analogues - it gives not only a quick effect after the start of use, but also restores the natural functions of the skin, while having no side effects.

Learn more>>

Also malnutrition, a violation of the diet or the abuse of certain foods (coffee, chocolate, strawberries) can cause dermatitis on the face. Factors such as the overuse of cosmetics and taking hormonal drugs.

Symptoms, diagnosis and course of the disease

To the most typical manifestations various dermatitis include:

  • the appearance of pustules;
  • scratching in the affected areas;
  • skin redness;
  • the places of occurrence of dermatitis itch and itch;
  • peeling of the skin is noted.

If a we are talking about an allergic reaction, it can also be accompanied by nasal congestion, runny nose, cough. In acute dermatitis, fluid blisters often form. Wet is characterized by the appearance of cracks in the skin, oozing lymph or pus, while dry, on the contrary, the skin is flaky and seems to be tightened.

Places of the most frequent occurrence of dermatitis

It is customary to distinguish the acute phase of the disease and chronic. The first is characterized by the occurrence sharp feeling itching, the skin begins to itch suddenly. Often there is an increase in body temperature. In most cases, redness or rashes on the skin appear immediately, depending on the type of dermatitis, less often redness is detected gradually. The appearance of papules, vesicles is characteristic precisely in the acute phase of the course of dermatitis.

AT chronic course there are no sharp symptoms, but the appearance of a secondary rash on certain parts of the body or face becomes noticeable. In those cases, if you do not pay due attention to the treatment of the disease, you can earn complications in the form of eczema, atrophy or ulcers.

Diagnosis must be carried out carefully to establish the form and phase of the course of the disease, and then to ensure A complex approach to the treatment that suits the given specific case. And it is important not to confuse some forms of dermatitis with such a complex disease as psoriasis, a particularly significant risk in the development of seborrheic dermatitis.

For diagnosis, blood is taken for the purpose of its clinical analysis and determination of the concentration of immunoglobulins, as well as skin tests for allergens. Also needed concomitant diagnostics referral from a specialist such as a gastroenterologist or internist.

Treatment of dermatitis with ointments

Ointments for the treatment of dermatitis on the face can be divided into hormonal and non-hormonal.

Stories from our readers

Defeated dermatitis at home. It's been a month since I forgot about those terrible red spots and itching. Oh, how much I have suffered. The rashes were in prominent places, so I constantly noticed strange looks on myself, and, well, self-esteem, respectively, is below the baseboard. And it itches from time to time. How many times have I gone to dermatologists, how many folk ways tried it - all to no avail. But everything changed when I came across this article. Anyone with dermatitis should read this!

Read full article >>>

Non-hormonal ointments

The impact of such medicines is mild, but it has been proven high healing effect when using these funds. It is the drugs of this group that are prescribed to children most often.

  1. Bepanthen, Pantoderm, D-Panthenol, Panthenol are designed to treat various forms of dermatitis, providing a gentle effect during any phase of the disease. Especially important is the appointment of medications to relieve symptoms of dryness and tightness of the skin, good helpers for leveling external influence, various problems in the event of diaper rash, cracks, abrasions, burns. Also a great option for infants if necessary, the treatment of diaper dermatitis. The cost is in the range from 130 to 500 rubles, depending on the dosage and form of release.

    Ointment Bepanten - the most well-known remedy for the treatment of various forms of dermatitis

  2. Eplan cream is suitable for the treatment of various forms of dermatitis, and is often recommended for use in the treatment of psoriasis, burns, coals and herpes, reduces itching, helps to treat cracks, microbial eczema, and ulcerative rashes. The price fluctuates around the mark of 150 rubles.

    Eplan - inexpensive universal remedy for the treatment of various dermatological diseases

  3. Skin-Cap can be purchased in various forms of release: aerosol, cream, shampoo, gel in accordance with the problem that needs to be eliminated. Perfect for the treatment of diaper dermatitis, atopic and seborrheic forms, recommended for the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis. The action of the drug is safe, although there is an opinion about the content of a powerful glucocosteroid in the drug, which should refer it to hormonal drugs. AT this moment manufacturer does not confirm this information. It costs more than many analogues: for 15 g of cream the price will be 650 rubles, for 50 g - 1250.

    Product line trademark Skin Cap

  4. Treatment of atopic, allergic and contact forms of dermatitis is carried out by means of Radevit, a drug with anti-inflammatory and reparative effects, also eliminates the feeling of dry skin, itching and discomfort, it is recommended for eliminating cracks and erosions, and treating eczema.
  5. Gistan is important to distinguish from the hormonal "brother" Gistan-N, the use of the ointment is local. Soft effect is provided due to the soft effect on the skin. Provides treatment for neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis and eczema.
  6. Ichthyol ointment is designed to relieve itching and flaking of the skin, but it does not have any anti-inflammatory effect. For these tasks, Fenistil gel is also suitable, which is also used to eliminate discomfort after an insect bite.

    Ichthyol ointment is actively used to relieve inflammation of the affected areas of the skin.

  7. Immunomodulator Thymogen, which quickly eliminates redness and itching, should be used carefully for children.
  8. Cream Zinocap or Desitin have an antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect and are suitable for combating atopic, seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis.
  9. Protopic cream with the main substance tacrolimus helps to get rid of atopic dermatitis, can be prescribed for children, does not provoke epidermal atrophy, and has a significant anti-inflammatory effect.
  10. Cream Strength of the forest with a complex active substances, which improve a number of processes in the body, speeding up metabolism, promotes skin nutrition, its intensive hydration, and rapid healing of damage. The price of the drug is about 500 rubles. You can find more affordable complete analogue for 60 rubles, but in a veterinary pharmacy. The cream is called "Zorka".
  11. The drug Elidel, through which it is possible to provide treatment for eczema and atopic dermatitis. It is recommended to use it quite carefully in compliance with all recommendations, since there is an opinion that the drug suppresses its own immunity.
  12. Ointment for dermatitis, including on the face, Losteril includes D-Panthenol, salicylic acid, almond oil and other components that eliminate inflammation, while also having an antipruritic, absorbable and antibacterial effect.
  13. Treatment of dermatitis, eczema, and other lesions of the skin of the face is also carried out by local application of the drug Videstim, which stimulates the regeneration of epidermal cells.
  14. Actovegin or Solcoseryl are also prescribed for local application in the treatment of dermatitis, as well as for slowly healing facial skin lesions.

Hormonal drugs

In cases where the indicated medicines did not have the desired effect, it becomes necessary to use more potent substances. Hormonal ointments for dermatitis on the face can only be prescribed by a dermatologist.

It is important to remember that the use of such medications is contraindicated throughout the entire period of pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children under the age of two.

  1. Flucinar is one of the most popular remedies. Available in the form of an ointment or gel, it is used to treat atopic and seborrheic dermatitis. The cost does not exceed 200 rubles, synthesized hormones are used as the main active ingredient.
  2. Belonging to the group of corticosteroids, Celestoderm is used to treat all forms of dermatitis, eliminates dryness and itching of the skin, and is also used as a remedy for eczema, psoriasis, and neurodermatitis.
  3. Emulsion, cream or ointment Advantan is used as a therapy for almost all types of inflammation of the epidermis, including sunburn and neurodermatitis manifestations.
  4. For treatment bacterial infections against the background of dermatitis, Fucicort can be prescribed.
  5. An effective topical medication is Akriderm from the group of corticosteroid drugs for therapy, as well as its seborrheic and contact varieties.

Despite the positive therapeutic effect from the use of creams and ointments for the treatment of dermatitis on the face, it must be remembered that therapy requires an integrated approach. Local exposure allows you to eliminate mostly symptoms, but for a deeper approach, it is necessary to eliminate the root causes of dermatitis, which is performed during examination by qualified specialists.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones are suffering from dermatitis.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and means for the treatment of dermatitis. The verdict is:

All drugs, if they gave, then only a temporary result, as soon as the treatment was stopped, the disease began to progress sharply.

The only drug that fixed the result is cream wax Zdorov from dermatitis.

Appearing in Russian Federation less than a year ago, this drug made a real revolution in the fight against dermatitis and in the prevention of many serious illnesses leading to death.

Attention! Cases of the sale of counterfeit wax cream Zdorov from dermatitis have become more frequent. If you want to be guaranteed quality product, then you need to purchase it ONLY on official website.

In addition, when buying on the official website, you get a money back guarantee (including transportation costs) if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone been able to get rid of dermatitis? These spots interfere with me very much, especially if they are in prominent places.

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article I was able to get rid of dermatitis (and very budgetary).

    P.S. Only now I myself am from the city and we did not find this tool for sale, I ordered it via the Internet.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of dermatitis is really not sold through the pharmacy network and Retail Stores to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago