Treatment of intestinal infection: nothing more! Medicines for intestinal infections. Types, symptoms, treatment and prevention of intestinal infections

Modern medicine offers a wide range of medications for the intestines. Tablets for the intestines have different specific effects: some are able to normalize intestinal microflora, others have antibacterial effect, others use it for prevention. Of all the abundance of medications, only a doctor will help a person choose a drug that is individually suitable for him, taking into account the health characteristics and condition of the patient.

Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of drugs for the treatment of intestinal diseases.

Indications for taking medications

Modern pharmacy cannot boast of producing completely safe medications that have no contraindications. Therefore, any medicine must be prescribed strictly according to a doctor's prescription. For internal reception a certain dosage of the drug is prescribed, taking into account the condition and individual characteristics of a person’s health. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Medicines for the intestines are presented in the following range:

  • antidiarrheals and laxatives;
  • antibacterial and anti-inflammatory;
  • restoring intestinal microflora;
  • antacids and enzymes;
  • antispasmodics and enterosorbents;
  • prophylactic agents.

Groups of drugs for intestinal treatment


At infectious lesion intestines, you will need to take antibiotics such as Alpha Normix or Neomycin.

Antibacterial drugs are used to treat intestinal infections with elevated body temperature and other symptoms of infection. It is worth remembering that an antibiotic treats an infection, not a virus. When choosing an antibiotic to get rid of an infection, you should take into account its indications for use and the doctor’s recommendations. Antibiotics aimed at getting rid of intestinal infections include:

  1. An effective Italian medicine "Alpha Normix" (active ingredient - rifaximin). Used to treat infections of the gastrointestinal tract caused by pathogenic microorganisms that are sensitive to the drug.
  2. Inexpensive domestic drug "Neomycin" - an antibacterial and bactericidal medicine wide range actions. Indicated for the treatment of infected ulcers duodenum and heartburn.


Drugs with anti-inflammatory effects can stop the inflammatory process in the early stages of the disease. Tablets called Mesacol are considered effective. It is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent, which is used for intestinal diseases. Prescribed for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. There are also analogues of the drug, identical in composition and action. These include: “Asakol”, “Pentasa”, “Samezil”.

Helping to normalize stool

Prokinetics, in addition to resolving bowel problems, also relieve bloating.

The inflammatory process in the intestines is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, such as stool disorders and painful bowel movements; nausea and vomiting; feeling of discomfort in the stomach. In this case, it is necessary to take medications (prokinetics) that improve intestinal motility. Prokinetic tablets include: “Brulium”, “Gastropom”. Brulium tablets are indicated for the treatment of adults and have an antiemetic effect, and also relieve bloating and pain.

Laxatives will help promote weight loss (cleansing and rinsing the intestines) and relieve long-term constipation. These include: laxative drops “Guttalax” and “Picolax”, laxative medicine in the form of tablets “Senadexin” (the active ingredient is the senna plant). Conversely, signs of diarrhea can be eliminated with antidiarrheal medications. Fixing medications - “Loperamide” and “Fthalazol”. These medications help when the colon is inflamed, as well as with diarrhea (they allow stool to be consolidated),

Prebiotics and probiotics

Taking any antibiotic is accompanied by the use of medications to restore the intestinal microflora. These include: probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics repopulate the body with beneficial bacteria. Such medications include: “Linex”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Yoghurt”. Pharmacies offer a wide range of probiotics based on live bifidobacteria (bacterial starters): “Vivo” starter, “Good food”.

Prebiotics promote the growth and reproduction of these beneficial bacteria, thereby helping to restore damaged microflora. Prebiotics include: syrups “Lactuvit”, “Portulac” and others. The products are absolutely safe for the human body and have virtually no contraindications. The only thing for people who have problems with high sugar in the blood, it is not recommended to use these medications due to the sugar content in them.

Antacids eliminate high acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

Antacid (enveloping)

The action of antacid medications is aimed at getting rid of the problem - increased stomach acidity. Due to their enveloping properties, they are intended for the treatment of acid-related diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Medicines for the intestines are divided into those absorbed into the blood and non-absorbed. Examples of antacids absorbed into the blood: ordinary baking soda, Rennie. Non-absorbable antacids: Maalox, Almagel, Gastal.

Enzymes and enterosorbents

Enzymes are prescribed to people who have impaired intestinal absorption, physical activity Gastrointestinal tract. The action of enzymes can help reduce abdominal pain, eliminate flatulence and improve metabolic processes (processing and assimilation of food). Examples of enzyme preparations that treat the mucous membrane of the colon and improve the process of food digestion: Pancreatin, Mezim, Festal, Digestal and their analogs.

Substances that absorb harmful toxins and remove them from the body are called enterosorbents. Enterosorbents have a good neutralizing effect on poisons and chemicals, act quickly and effectively. The most common sorbent in human practice is activated carbon tablets. Coal is used for poisoning, for cleaning and washing the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Enterosorbents such as Smecta powder and Enterosgel paste are quite common for cleaning the mucous membrane.

Antispasmodics are sometimes used for spasms and pain in the intestines.


Antispasmodic drugs relieve pain and spasms of internal organs. These are medications that treat functional gastrointestinal disorders, diseases of the genital organs and urinary tract. These include tablets with fairly popular names: “No-shpa”, “Drospa Forte”, “Spazmolgon”. For children early age"Plantex" powder, "Bobotik" and "Infacol" drops are used to relieve intestinal colic, bloating and constipation.

An intestinal infection is an unpleasant problem that can happen to both an adult and a child. This disease is fraught not only with the terrible health of the patient, but also with a malfunction in the body’s immune system. The causative agents of infection in the intestines can be staphylococcus, shigella, salmonella, rota and enteroviruses, fungi and other bacteria, which are especially active in the summer heat. A good half of the patients suffering from intestinal infection fell ill during hot weather. Every year, doctors record a seasonal surge in the disease, but you can “earn” an intestinal infection at any time of the year. In the text below we will figure out how to protect the body from this trouble and what tablets for intestinal infections can be prescribed for the prevention, treatment and relief of the condition of patients.

Intestinal infection is not a specific disease, but a so-called group that includes about thirty diseases. This infection itself does not pose a serious danger and does not threaten the life of either an adult or a child, and complicates life only temporarily. But there are also more serious types of intestinal infections, such as cholera, which can be fatal without timely treatment.

The disease is caused by bacteria and viruses entering the body. Thus, you can “get acquainted” with an intestinal infection by ignoring personal hygiene, eating low-quality or poorly purified food, drinking water that has not been boiled, or communicating with wild animals. The infection enters the body through the nutritional route, that is, through the mouth. Therefore, children who study most often suffer from the disease in question. various items, trying them “by the tooth” or placing dirty hands in the mouth.

As a rule, the disease spreads very quickly and produces vivid symptoms. Regardless of what harmful microorganism caused the disease, all types of intestinal infections have the same expression:

  1. Intoxication of the body (lethargy, headache, weakness in the body, aching joints, fever).
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Abnormal stool (repeated painful diarrhea).
  4. Pain in the abdominal area.

First of all, the disease is dangerous due to rapid dehydration of the body, which is worst for young patients. Since fluid and salts are lost with vomiting and diarrhea, it is important to ensure that these losses are replaced. It is necessary to drink fluids constantly if you have a lung infection or medium degree severity it may be pure water, green tea, compotes and fruit drinks; in case of severe infection, you need to resort to rehydration solutions, which include Trisol or Regidron. If an intestinal infection produces severe symptoms or the patient is unable to drink on his own (infants, the elderly, severe disease severity), solutions to maintain water-salt balance administered in the form of droppers in a hospital setting.

First aid for intestinal infection

If the patient complains of severe weakness, increased body temperature, repeated vomiting and acts of defecation (more than ten times a day), the infection is considered to be at a critical stage and requires emergency and comprehensive care. First of all, medical actions should be aimed at maintaining water balance in the body and relieving pain.

Above, we briefly covered rehydration solutions used to stabilize water balance and restore sodium and potassium reserves. As a rule, it is a powder different drugs, requiring dilution in water. In mild cases you can use Activated carbon, doctors recommend more modern and effective drugs, like Albumin or Polysorb. These products do not cause harm, help reduce intoxication and remove toxins and pathogens from the body. If taking medications does not bring relief, this is a good reason to contact a medical facility.

To reduce body temperature and eliminate pain and discomfort, an adult can be given No-shpa or Nurofen, but if painful sensations not too strong, it is better not to take painkillers until the doctor arrives, so as not to “smear” the symptoms.” In severe cases, lytic mixtures are used in injections, which typically contain diphenhydramine, analgin and papaverine. However, this mixture is characterized by a strong effect and can only be used by doctors (emergency doctors or in a hospital setting).

Detoxification of the body

To help the body remove toxins and poisons, it is necessary to take sorbents. These are drugs that absorb, “bind” everything harmful substances and then take them out when visiting the toilet. A doctor can prescribe such drugs based on the patient’s age and body characteristics, as well as the severity of the infection. Sorbents are divided into three groups:

  • ion exchange drugs;
  • carbon-containing products;
  • tablets based on natural ingredients.

The first type includes medications that are mixed with toxins and poisons, as a result of which they break down into simple elements that are quickly eliminated from the body. This group includes drugs such as Cholesiviliam, Cholestyramine, Ezetrol and analogues.

Sorbents containing natural components have a different effect on harmful elements. They do not interact with them, but trap bacteria and act as a magnet for them. Most often, such preparations are based on fiber, cellulose, and pectin. This group includes Lactofiltrum, Filtrum-STI, Zosterin and similar drugs.


There is a fourth group of sorbents - mixed-spectrum drugs. The most popular examples of products from this category today are Smecta and Polysorb. The latter is considered a powerful sorbent that does not contain chemical additives, is not absorbed into the blood and does not interfere with the digestive process. Polysorb not only removes toxins from the body, but also prevents the infection from spreading.

Tablets for intestinal infections: basic drugs

To completely defeat not only the symptoms, but also the pathogens, it is recommended to take specialized medications. They will not only relieve discomfort and pain, but also prevent the cause of the disease. There are drugs with different principles of action, which include:

Antibiotics are aimed at removing harmful bacteria from the body when severe forms intestinal infections. In order for a doctor to prescribe antibiotics, he must have tests on hand confirming that the disease has a bacterial source. Most often, Cefix, Levomycetin, and Amoxicillin are prescribed for the treatment of intestinal infections. For the treatment of young patients, antibiotics are offered in the form of syrups.

There are a lot modern drugs, quickly alleviating the course of intestinal infection

Diarrhea tablets

As a rule, it is diarrhea that causes the greatest suffering for those suffering from an intestinal infection. Least, frequent urge they do not allow you to lie down before defecation, which is necessary in a painful condition. At most, diarrhea prevents you from leaving the house to go to the pharmacy or see a doctor. There are a number of tablets that have proven themselves in the treatment of diarrhea caused by viral and infectious diseases.

One of the most effective drugs is Levomycetin, which is an antibiotic, but with mild diarrhea it helps with a single dose. It kills diarrhea pathogens and works quite quickly. Phthalazole and Tetracycline have an anti-inflammatory effect that blocks the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and has a fixing effect. How antibacterial agent Furazolidone, which also supports immunity, is used. For various types of intestinal infections, Stopdair, otherwise called Enterofuril, is also prescribed. The latter drugs are not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, therefore they do not harm beneficial bacteria and do not interfere with digestion.

To slow down peristalsis and stop contractions of the rectum, appropriate medications are used to bring the stool back to normal. These include Loperamide, Enterobene, Imodium and the like.

The drugs that we have listed are produced not only in the form of tablets, but also as powders, suspensions, capsules and chewable lozenges. However, you need to understand that these are not harmless means of stopping diarrhea. All these medications have contraindications, so the doctor must approve their use. It is especially important to remember this for parents of small children, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding young ladies.

Video - All about infectious diarrhea in 5 minutes

Restoring microflora: drugs for the intestines

Treatment of intestinal infections, especially if antibiotics are used, involves removing not only harmful but also beneficial bacteria from the body. This can cause dysbiosis and gastrointestinal problems in a weakened body. To support the digestive track and prevent a new round of disease, after the main treatment, a additional course medicines. They are aimed at normalizing intestinal microflora.

There are two groups of drugs used for therapy:

  • probiotics;
  • prebiotics.

These products contain beneficial bacteria that “add” to the intestinal mucosa. Then they take root and begin to reproduce, reaching the optimal number. Such agents include Profibor, Lactobacterin and others. It will be more effective to take medications that simultaneously contain several types of beneficial bacteria, for example, Bifiform, Linex, Bifilong and the like. Both children and adults can receive such treatment, but only after completing the course of the main drug, since simultaneous positive effects will not occur. A limitation for the use of probiotics is an allergic reaction in the patient or a malfunction in the immune system.

Linex drug in capsules

If the administration of probiotics is not possible, patients are prescribed prebiotics. The principle of their action is different - they do not contain beneficial bacteria, but nutrients for their production. Drugs of this nature reach the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract unchanged and begin their work there, allowing the microflora to return to normal. Popular prebiotics are Livoluk, Prelax, Portlak, Inulin and the like. It is important that these drugs cannot be prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus, intestinal problems and fructose intolerance.

Table 1. Drugs for the treatment of intestinal infections

Avoiding dehydrationRegidron, Trisol, glucose and Ringer solutions, Gastrolit, Citraglucosan
Remove toxinsPolysorb, Smecta, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, activated carbon
Stopping DiarrheaLevomycetin, Tetracycline, Stopdiar, Loperamide, Imodium
Killing virusesAmiksin, Arbidol, Anaferon, Rinikold
Killing harmful bacteriaCefix, Levomycetin, Amoxicillin
Restoring microfloraBifiform, Linex, Bifilong, Livoluk, Prelax, Inulin

Let's sum it up

We have listed the most common drugs for treating such an unpleasant disease as an intestinal infection. However, a number of them can be used at home without medical supervision (for example, sorbents), while others can be prescribed exclusively by a specialist. We do not recommend using self-selected medications in any situation, but especially if the patient is a child. It is important to understand that self-medication, an incorrect diagnosis and incorrectly chosen pills may not only not work, but also lead to a worsening of the condition.

Even at home, with medical supervision, intestinal infections respond well to treatment, not to mention medical supervision in a hospital. As a rule, two to three days are enough for the patient’s condition to stabilize. Be attentive to your health and do not neglect qualified assistance doctors

Company viral infection or intestinal flu - a disease that most often strikes between the ages of six months and 2 years. They also suffer from the disease, but the symptoms of the disease are less pronounced and rotavirus is milder than in small patients. The disease is contagious and requires mandatory treatment.

A variety of drugs are used to treat rotavirus infection, from medications to suppress symptoms to antibiotics. It is impossible to single out one type of tablet that can suppress rotavirus. Treatment must be comprehensive and must be prescribed by a doctor.

What medications should I take to treat rotavirus infection?

It is strictly forbidden to take any medications on your own. This can only increase the activity of rotavirus in the body, worsen water balance and even lead to internal bleeding.

It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, where the patient is prescribed a set of necessary medications.

These may include antibiotics, sorbents, antiemetics and astringents. Most medications are prescribed to eliminate obsessive symptoms and alleviate the course of the disease.


Antibiotics are extremely rarely prescribed for rotavirus. This is explained by the fact that the intestines already suffer from diarrhea, which leads to the washing away of its natural, healthy flora.

Antibiotics can only worsen the condition of the microflora, especially when treating children.

The restoration of flora after rotavirus is quite long and painstaking, so antibiotics are almost never used for therapy stomach flu, both in children and adults.

Some doctors prescribe Levomecitin to patients with rotavirus. This drug is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug.

The drug is basic and most often used in the treatment of most intestinal infections. The drug is prescribed only to adults, but even in this case it is extremely rare.

This is explained by its side effects, the list of which is quite wide. Patients may develop anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and many other ailments.


This broad-spectrum antibiotic can have a bactericidal effect on the human body. Its side effects are not as pronounced as those of Levomecithin.

Some doctors prescribe Sumamed even to children who suffer from rotavirus, but in most cases, taking the drug by young patients leads to side effects, the main of which is severe diarrhea. If rotavirus appears in a woman during the period, the drug should not be taken.

Rehydration solutions

Solutions that can stop dehydration and restore water balance in the patient’s body - necessary condition therapy for rotavirus infection. You can purchase solutions at the pharmacy.

For primary dehydration, the following medications are prescribed:

  • Regidron;
  • Gastrolit;
  • Oralit;
  • Humana Electrolyte;
  • ORS-200;
  • Super-ORS.

All these solutions can also be used to treat rotavirus in children. For a more complex form of dehydration, you can use Chlosol, Trisol, Acesol.


Sorbents are mandatory drugs in the treatment of intestinal flu. Such products are able to absorb all the substances that poison the body and remove them without harm to the patient. Sorbents are prescribed first.

The most famous remedy is activated carbon. However, it can only be used as an emergency measure before going to the doctor. Activated carbon will not provide a strong therapeutic effect, since it must be combined with other drugs.


Smecta is a drug that can stop severe diarrhea and fluid loss in adults and children.

Therapy with Smecta is the first aid for severe intestinal upset, regardless of the cause of the symptom.

Smecta is also a natural enterosorbent that copes with the removal of toxins from the human body in the shortest possible time. Also, his work is directed against many viruses and pathogenic microorganisms.


It is a misconception that Enterosgel is used only for treatment. This enterosorbent is prescribed to combat intoxication of varying severity, including the treatment of rotavirus in adults and children.

One of the most important properties Enterosgel is its ability to coat the intestines. Thus, the drug protects the organ from the negative effects of poisons accumulated in the body.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is an excellent tool for the adsorption of gases and toxins in the body. In addition, this drug is in almost every first aid kit. The drug is used as a component complex therapy.

Activated carbon is also good because it is used to treat not only adults, but also children. It is absolutely safe and has no contraindications or side effects which can cause harm to the body. This sorbent can also be used by pregnant women, since it is not absorbed into the blood and is completely harmless.


Polysorb can also be prescribed by a doctor. The drug is used in the form of a suspension - the powder is mixed with water in the proportions specified by the doctor. Polysorb can be used from birth; it is absolutely safe for children, thanks to its natural composition.

The main properties of the drug are the adsorption of poisons and toxins, as well as the emergency stop of severe diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration.

Filtrum STI

This drug is quite new, it is used as an excellent remedy for severe intoxication of the body with all the ensuing symptoms. However, there is insufficient data on the safety of the drug to prescribe Filtrum STI to pregnant women in any trimester.

There is also a danger of overdosing on the drug. It is necessary to drink it strictly following the doctor's recommendations, otherwise intestinal irritation may worsen.


Therapy with antiviral drugs produces a fairly lasting effect. Such medicines copes well with rotavirus. Main - right choice necessary medication.

Often, when self-medicating, patients take antiviral drugs, which are indicated for the treatment of ARVI and influenza, but not for the treatment of rotavirus. It is important to contact a competent doctor who will make a prescription, following which you can quickly overcome rotavirus without complications.


Enterol is enough good drug, the main property of which is the normalization of intestinal microflora. When the drug passes through the digestive tract, it automatically has a protective effect and maintains healthy microflora.

The complex effect of the drug is also expressed in its following properties:

  • antidiarrheal;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antitoxic;
  • strengthening of nonspecific immune defense;
  • enzymatic.

The drug can be used simultaneously with antibiotics, which makes it possible to introduce it into a complex therapeutic approach to the treatment of rotavirus.


The drug is used to treat diarrhea of ​​infectious etiology. The product is also complex and has excellent bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects against almost all pathogenic microorganisms that cause acute intestinal infections.

The main substance of the drug acts on the bacterial membrane and actively destroys it.


The product belongs to medicinal antibacterial medications. A distinctive property of the drug is its ability to stimulate immunostimulation.

It is also worth noting that Furazolidone has low toxicity, but side effects are still observed in a number of patients:

  • increased diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • epigastric pain.

If one or more of the above symptoms are detected, the drug should be stopped immediately to avoid complications.


Ingavirin is a relatively new drug. This drug appeared on the shelves of pharmacies not so long ago, but has already established itself as an excellent antiviral agent, the only disadvantage of which is the relatively high cost.

The drug is used to treat rotavirus infection in adults. The active components of the drug, when combined with other drugs in complex therapy, allow you to quickly overcome intestinal flu and recover from rotavirus in a short time.


Amiksin is very often used as a means that can carry out competent immunocorrection and thereby help the body defeat the virus. In the case of rotavirus treatment in children, the drug is prescribed from 7 years of age. The drug is also contraindicated for pregnant women and allergy sufferers.

Quite often the drug is replaced with the analogue Tiloron. The effectiveness of the drug against rotavirus has not been fully proven and the drug is more often used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory diseases.


The effect of this drug is quite broad and includes:

  • antimicrobial;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antiviral;
  • radioprotective and other types of effects.

The drug promotes the formation of an immune response to a virus or other pathogenic microorganisms.

For rotavirus, the drug is prescribed due to its rapid and sustainable effect: the maximum concentration of the active substance in the intestines is observed already 4 hours after taking the drug.


Viferon is classified as antiviral drugs, However, this is not quite true. The drug does not have a direct antiviral effect, but has an effect on the affected cells and prevents the multiplication of the virus. The medication also affects cells in such a way that the virus leaves them.

The same applies to bacteria. The drug is used from the moment of birth, the only difference is the form of the drug used (tablets, suppositories, etc.).


Antiviral activity this drug is very strong and pronounced. Remantadine is a chemotherapy drug often used to successfully fight viruses in the body of adults and children from 7 years of age.

Although the main purpose of Remantadine is the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and encephalitis, the drug actively fights against rotavirus infection. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the medication is prohibited.


Many people believe that Acyclofir is a drug in the form of an ointment that is used to treat many skin diseases. And so it is. But Acyclofir is also available in tablet form and has excellent antiviral properties against many pathogenic microorganisms.

In particular difficult cases course of viral diseases, the medication is administered intravenously as a suspension. Possibility of using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding remains in question for now.


Arbidol does not directly fight rotavirus. The effect of this drug is expressed in increasing the body's resistance to viral infections, as well as stimulating the immune response. Side effects the drug doesn't have much.

In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur. The drug is not prescribed to patients with diseases of cardio-vascular system, as well as patients with liver or kidney failure. If signs of intolerance to the drug appear, stop taking it completely.


Ergoferon has fairly high antiviral activity.

The drug is used to treat many viral infections, including intestinal flu. Ergoferon is also actively used to prevent complications that can arise during the treatment of many viral diseases.

The drug is rarely prescribed to pregnant women. In the case of treating children, Ergoferon can be used starting from 6 months.

Enzyme medications

The effect of enzyme preparations in the treatment of rotavirus is irreplaceable.

Enzymes allow you to restore healthy function digestive systems. This allows you to restore the functioning of the stomach and pancreas, and help in the fight against intestinal dysfunction. Among the recommended enzyme preparations are Mezim, Smecta and Pangrol.

  • lipase;
  • amylase;
  • chymotrypsin;
  • trypsin.

These enzymes help normalize the function of the intestines and stomach in the shortest possible time.

Anti-diarrhea and vomiting medications

Diarrhea and vomiting - complex symptoms, which cannot be suppressed without the use of the necessary drugs. If diarrhea and vomiting are very prolonged, this can lead to severe dehydration.

Especially for children, loss of body fluid can lead to dangerous complications and can even lead to death.

This explains the statistics according to which 3% of those infected with rotavirus die. That is why the elimination of vomiting and diarrhea should be immediate.


Loperamide is inexpensive and good remedy against diarrhea. The drug copes well with increased intestinal motility and reduces intestinal tone.

The tone of the anal sphincter, on the contrary, increases. The drug is not recommended for use by children under 2 years of age, as well as by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Patients are often prescribed analogues of the drug. Among them:

  • Lopedium;
  • Lopedium Iso;
  • Imodium.

The drug copes with diarrhea quickly and effectively, so Loperamide is suitable as an emergency aid for severe intestinal upset.


The main active ingredient of the drug is the intestinal antiseptic Nifuroxazide. The drug is active against pathogenic microorganisms itself various kinds. The drug is prescribed for acute intestinal infections, including rotavirus.

Among the properties of the product is a quick and effective stop of intestinal upset, regardless of the cause of this symptom.


Motilium is a drug that is designed to stimulate intestinal function and eliminate vomiting.

The product copes well with bloating and a feeling of heaviness in the intestines. The drug perfectly eliminates epigastric pain, nausea, regurgitation, flatulence, belching and gagging.

The drug is adequately accepted by children. It is used for vomiting caused by rotavirus. If vomiting is not stopped in a timely manner, severe dehydration and other complications of intestinal flu may develop.


Oscillococcinum is a complex drug used for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases.


It is not for nothing that intestinal flu is called the “disease of dirty hands.” This virus enters the body through the mouth. That is why the best means of prevention is to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

It is also equally important to exercise extreme caution when in contact with patients with rotavirus infection. The disease is easily transmitted from one person to another, so it is necessary to minimize contact with the patient and, if necessary, take any antiviral drugs.

Many adults and children experience digestive system disorders. In most cases, the disease is diagnosed in the summer, when personal hygiene rules and storage conditions for dairy and meat products are less observed.

There are more than thirty types of infectious agents that can affect children.

The pathological process manifests itself in the form of fever and problems with stool, against the background of which the functioning of most internal organs, and especially the kidneys, liver and intestines, can be disrupted. To eliminate the problem, specialists prescribe medications for intestinal infections.

What kind of disease is this

Intestinal infection is a group of diseases that includes more than 30 types of pathogens that act as a provoking factor in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to statistics, the disease ranks second in prevalence and is diagnosed in 60% of patients in childhood.

The disease begins to actively develop in mid-spring, when it gets warmer. The peak incidence is observed in July, when the temperature reaches high values, which becomes favorable condition for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Types of medications

There are several groups medications against intestinal infections, including poisoning.


In case of intoxication of the body caused by an acute form of intestinal infection, treatment should first of all be aimed at relieving clinical symptoms.

In cases where restoration of fluid loss is impossible with medications, antidiarrheal drugs of this group are prescribed.

When there is no dehydration of the body, it is recommended to simply endure this condition without the use of medications.

Most often, experts prescribe Loperamide, the action of which is aimed at slowing down intestinal motility and increasing the time during which intestinal contents pass.

Regulators that help restore water and electrolyte balance

This group includes only a small list of products that have a truly effective effect.

Among the most popular drugs are:

  • sodium citrate;
  • dextrose;
  • sodium and potassium chloride.

The pathology is most often accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, as a result of which a large amount of fluid is lost and the water-salt balance is disrupted.

These signs are the most dangerous for the human body, since against the background of this condition the risk of dehydration increases. It is for this reason that the main task of therapy is to restore lost reserves.

In this case, there is nothing complicated - how much fluid was lost, the same amount should enter the body through taking medications or drinking medicinal mineral water.

If it is not possible to take rehydrants orally, they are administered using a dropper.


It is not always necessary to take drugs from the sorbent group. Theoretically, they provide a link to toxins, preventing them from binding to intestinal membranes.

However, to ensure that drugs work, they must enter the patient’s body before toxins attach to the mucosa.

It is not possible to achieve such an effect in practice in all situations. Even with timely administration, it is not always possible to prevent the process of dehydration, despite less excretion of feces.


The effect of the drugs will only be observed if an infection caused by pathogenic bacteria is diagnosed. If the poisoning was caused by viruses, then the effect will not occur, in which case it is necessary to use antiviral drugs.

The most commonly prescribed antibiotics for treatment are:

  • Metronidazole;
  • Ofloxacin;

Carrying out therapeutic measures with antibacterial drugs is indicated only with the prescription of the attending physician, when the type of causative agent of the disease has been determined.


For adults, when a pronounced pain syndrome appears, experts recommend taking drugs from this group. To alleviate the condition, Spazmaton, No-Shpa or Benalgin may be prescribed.


To restore the intestinal microflora, probiotics and prebiotics are often used. These drugs differ in their principle of action. In the first case, beneficial bacteria are introduced.

If the restoration process is quite effective, then their engraftment and active division are noted. The preparations may contain from one to several cultures.

However, it is important not to forget that they should not be taken at the same time as antibiotics, since the effect in this case will be significantly reduced.

With a predisposition to development allergic reaction or decreased immunity, prebiotics are prescribed. Their impact leads to the fact that the body begins to independently produce beneficial bacteria.

The most effective drugs

The list of the most effective remedies includes medications from several groups at once.

Its action is aimed at restoring acid-base balance, the violation of which is inevitable with diarrhea and severe vomiting.

The medicine is available in the form of a powder consistency. To use, you need to dilute one sachet in a liter of boiling water. After the resulting solution has cooled, it should be drunk, shaking well each time.

Regidron is used only with a doctor's prescription. The dose is calculated individually for a child and an adult. In this case, it is not taken into account age category the patient, and his body weight.

Drink the medicine every 60 minutes - 10 milliliters per kilogram of weight. After diarrhea or vomiting, an additional portion is needed.

Side effects this remedy does not have.

Contraindications include:

Instead of Regidron, you can use Trihydron, Hemodez, salted water or saline solution.

Belongs to the group of bacteriostatic antibiotics. Pharmaceutical companies produce the drug in tablet form. Its main substance is chloramphenicol.

Adults are prescribed 250-500 mg 30 minutes before meals. Child 3-8 years old - 125 mg in the morning, afternoon and evening. Duration of therapy is up to one and a half weeks. The drug is contraindicated when diagnosing influenza, psoriasis, renal failure, as well as during pregnancy.


The basis of the drug is umifenovir. It is prescribed for the development of acute intestinal infection in both adults and children. Dosage – 1 capsule. It is not recommended to give to children under three years of age, or when hypersensitivity to the components.

Its effective action is observed only in the intestines; it is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

The antibiotic is aimed at suppressing the growth of many pathogenic microorganisms and has virtually no adverse reactions.

After consuming Enterofuril, the active substance begins to actively accumulate in the intestines, as a result of which the vital activity of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria is suppressed.

Not assigned:

  • children under the age of one month, as well as premature babies;
  • at enzyme deficiency congenital type;
  • with hypersensitivity to 5-nitrofurans.

The drug is available in the form of a suspension or capsules.

Refers to an intestinal antibiotic that suppresses the reproduction and growth of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, the medication has an antimicrobial effect.

Furazolidone is prescribed when the pathology is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting.

Main contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • age up to three years;
  • end-stage renal failure;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

Also, Furazolidone is not prescribed to newborns and infants.

Side effects include allergies and problems with assimilation and digestion of food.

List of fast-acting remedies

When emergency assistance is necessary, experts recommend using the following medications:

  • glucose;
  • isotonic sodium chloride solution;
  • lytic mixture;
  • Polysorb;

For more severe cases pathological process the patient is hospitalized.

Inexpensive means

Among the cheapest and most effective medications that help cope with the disease are:

  • Smecta (about 15 rubles per sachet);
  • Filtrum STI;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Bifidobacterin;
  • Phthalazol;

Any of the listed remedies can be taken only after consultation with a specialist.

Use of drugs to treat disease in children

If an intestinal infection is diagnosed in a child, then infusion therapy, implying treatment:

  • Enterosgel;
  • Stopdirom;
  • Smecta;
  • Niofurans.

It is forbidden to give Festal or Creon to small patients without a prescription from the attending physician.

What medications can be taken for preventive purposes?

As mentioned above, the development of pathology is most often observed in the summer, when most people go to the sea and spend a lot of time traveling.

In order not to spoil your holiday, it is recommended to take prebiotics and probiotics as a preventive measure for the disease. They contain many beneficial bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.

For supporting immune system Vitamin therapy and taking herbal medications are useful.

Complications in the absence of therapy

If the necessary therapeutic measures are not taken, then the risk of developing negative consequences increases significantly. Lack of treatment can cause acute renal failure, hypovolemic shock, sepsis, pulmonary edema, heart and vascular diseases in acute form and infectious-toxic shock.

There are many drugs that can be prescribed to treat pathology. Some of them can be taken independently, others are used only with a doctor’s prescription.

It is not recommended to self-medicate, especially if the pathology occurs in a child. Any wrong action can lead to more serious consequences. If symptoms of the disease appear, it is better to immediately seek medical help.

If the source of the disease is a viral infection, the gastroenterologist recommends medications that have an antiviral effect. At bacterial etiology Intestinal problems require antibiotic therapy.

Emergency medications for intestinal infections

Providing first aid and immediately taking tablets for intestinal infections is required in situations where defecation occurs more than 8 times a day, while the stool is liquid and in appearance may resemble rice water, and also when signs of general intoxication of the body are clearly visible.

In this case, you need to take the following medications for intestinal infection:

  • Intravenous infusion isotonic solution sodium chloride and glucose.
  • Intramuscular injections lytic mixture, consisting of 2 ml of Analgin, 2 ml of Papaverine and 1 ml of Diphenhydramine.
  • The use of adsorbents and rehydration preparations in powder form, such as Regidron and Polysorb. This will protect the body from dehydration, and the adsorbent will help remove toxins.

In severe cases, hospitalization in the infectious diseases department of the hospital is required. Medicines for children prescribed for intestinal infections must meet safety requirements, quickly replenish water and electrolyte balance, and also remove waste products of pathogenic microflora from the body within a short time after taking them.

Drug groups

To completely get rid of an intestinal infection, as well as restore strength and return to normal life, you will have to take drugs different groups, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the causative agent of the disease and rehydrating cells.


All types of food poisoning are accompanied by the accumulation large quantity toxic substances, so you will need medications that will remove them from the gastrointestinal tract. When absorbed into the intestines, sorbents absorb toxins and remove them unchanged, preventing absorption.

  1. Activated carbon is the most famous drug that can be found in every home medicine cabinet. To obtain the desired effect, you should take several tablets to get rid of the infection in gastrointestinal tract, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.
  2. Polysorb is a strong adsorbent prescribed for intoxication.
  3. Smecta - in addition to the fact that the remedy saves from diarrhea, it covers the walls of the stomach with a protective coating and relieves pain in the abdomen.
  4. Enterosgel is a drug that resembles a paste in consistency, quickly removes bacteria and their toxins, and also helps with intestinal discomfort.


Often the infection is caused by E. coli or other types of bacteria, so normalizing the diet and taking antibacterial medication is indispensable.

  • fluoroquinolones – Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin;
  • tetracyclines – Doxycycline;
  • amphenicols – Levomycetin;
  • Metronidazole.

Therapy with antibiotics is allowed only as prescribed by a doctor when a certain type of pathogen is identified, since these are quite serious drugs, the abuse of which can lead to microflora resistance. Read more about treating intestinal infections with antibiotics →


For intestinal infections, the most common symptom is diarrhea, therefore, to normalize stool, medications that have an antidiarrheal effect are needed:

Taking these medications has positive influence on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reducing its tone and peristaltic contractions. The drugs are prescribed orally and drunk after each bowel movement in a dosage of 2 to 4 mg, while the average daily amount should not exceed 16 mg.


When an intestinal infection occurs in adults, severe pain syndrome, which can be removed using tablets. Analgesics should only be taken after you have been examined by a doctor, as drugs can change the clinical picture of the disease, making diagnosis difficult.

To alleviate your condition, you can take medications such as:

Enzymatic preparations

After acute signs of an intestinal infection have been eliminated, doctors advise taking medications for treatment that speed up digestive processes:

Review of popular drugs

There are many tablets and solutions for intestinal infections, but only a doctor should prescribe them. Independent choice medications often turn out to be incorrect, which leads to worsening of the disease.

Self-selected medications for intestinal infections can lead to the following consequences:

  1. Long-term use of sorbents can lead to constipation, which makes it difficult to remove toxins from the body.
  2. Treatment with drugs containing enzymes makes it difficult to determine the cause of intestinal infection, as well as its diagnosis.
  3. Uncontrolled antibiotic therapy is often ineffective due to the fact that the pathogen that led to intoxication has not been identified.

Medicines for children

When the disease occurs in children under three years of age, only a doctor has the right to prescribe medications for intestinal infections, and treatment should be carried out inpatiently to monitor the child’s condition around the clock.

In addition to standard infusion therapy, children can be given the following medications:

  • Stopdiar is a medicine for intestinal infections of the nitrofuran series, which can be used for children from the age of two months. Available in the form of a solution, take one measuring spoon twice a day.
  • Enterosgel is based on polymethylsiloxane, which has an adsorbing effect. Available in tubes, it has a paste-like consistency. The medication is excreted from the body unchanged and is not absorbed, so it can be taken by pregnant women and infants.
  • Smecta– active substance is smectite, which is allowed to be used by children from the first days of life. The drug is in powder form and is available in dosed sachets. Babies under one year old should drink no more than one dose of medicine per day; at older ages, 1 sachet of Smecta can be used 2-3 times a day.

Drugs for adults

The drugs that need to be taken when an intestinal infection develops in adults should not only eliminate the causative agent of the disease, but also prevent dehydration of the body. That is why medications for intestinal infections must be taken in combination.

  1. Gastrolite - belongs to a group of drugs that restore the balance of electrolytes. The medication also has an astringent effect and relieves the symptoms of diarrhea.
  2. Loperamide is an antidiarrheal drug available in capsules. To eliminate diarrhea, you need to take 2 tablets on the first day, then after each bowel movement, take 1 dose of this medicine for intestinal infections in adults.
  3. Ersefuril is based on nifuroxazide, which is an intestinal antiseptic. Take 4 capsules per day, divided into 3-4 applications.
  4. Linex is a combined probiotic that normalizes intestinal microflora and relieves diarrhea. Course treatment.
  5. Furazolidone is an antimicrobial agent used for dysentery and toxic gastrointestinal infections.

How to restore intestinal flora

Often, after treatment with drugs for intestinal infections, dysbiosis occurs in adults and children, which probiotics help to cope with.

This group of drugs includes drugs that help fight intestinal infections by populating the gastrointestinal tract with beneficial microflora: lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and enterococci.

  • 1st generation – single-component medications that contain one type of microorganisms (Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin);
  • 2nd generation - antagonists with the ability to self-eliminate (Baktisubtil, Sporobacterin)
  • 3rd generation – multicomponent probiotics (Acipol, Linex, Atsilact);
  • 4th generation – living representatives of natural microflora, placed on a sorbent substance (Floritin Forte, Probifor).

Medicines from this group are used in complex therapy of intestinal infections in children and adults.

Symptoms of an infectious disease in the intestines are hyperthermia, severe diarrhea, general weakness, abdominal pain and signs of intoxication. Intestinal infection responds well to treatment in adults and children with timely application see a doctor and take appropriate medications.

To avoid harming yourself, you should not self-medicate, as severe dehydration can cause serious complications.

Medicines for intestinal infections. Types, symptoms, treatment and prevention of intestinal infections

An intestinal infection is not one disease, it is, so to speak, a “collective image” of diseases. Doctors identify a group of diseases that have different pathogens, but are accompanied by similar symptoms and the possibility of constructing a similar treatment trajectory.

General signs

In this case, the unifying signs characteristic of all types of intestinal infections are: elevated body temperature (it must be said that sometimes the temperature in these cases reaches 39 degrees and is difficult to bring down), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the intestines, etc. Cause These troubles are usually banal to the point of tears. These are dirty, unwashed hands, which are a breeding ground for pathogens of intestinal infections. The risk group, as always, is children and the elderly, although young, strong people are not protected from this kind of ailment. This disease can strike at any time. Treatment in such cases begins with a strict diet, and then medications are added.

But to know how to treat, you need to understand what to treat and what actually caused you to get sick.

Let's look at the main medications for intestinal infections.


We will not go into the details of the medical terminology that characterizes various types of infectious agents, so as not to get confused. Superficial characteristics are quite enough for us to imagine the picture as a whole.

So, intestinal infections can be either bacterial or viral in nature. It is impossible to say which species is considered the most dangerous; each of them has its own not the best qualities.

All microbes produce toxins that poison our body. An antibiotic against an intestinal infection will not always be effective. Therefore, it is very important to identify the pathogen.

The most well-known (if not popular) types of infection are:

  • cholera;
  • dysentery;
  • halophilesis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • campylobacteriosis;
  • Escherichiosis caused by pathogenic bacteria;
  • rotavirus;
  • adenovirus;
  • enterovirus.

Experts do not classify staphylococcal toxin and botulism as intestinal infections. They occupy the niche of foodborne toxic infections, so we are not interested. Damages to the gastrointestinal system caused by protozoa and fungal organisms, which at first glance are similar in symptoms, occupy a separate place, so we won’t talk about them for now.

Intestinal infections are transmitted by people who are carriers of diseases. Therefore, it is better to isolate the patient for a while or, if possible, limit contact with him.

We will consider medications for intestinal infections below.

Bacterial and viral

Each infection has its own incubation period and the period during which the patient remains infectious. In case of bacterial infection in the period of time from manifestation initial symptoms until the stage of their complete disappearance, the patient remains a source of infection.

Viral diseases in this regard are even more insidious: you can become infected within a period of time reaching 21 days after the disappearance of all manifestations of the disease in the patient.

The main part of the microbes in such diseases is excreted in the feces, but the remaining part quite successfully penetrates into the urine, saliva and vomit and, naturally, is a source of infection for others.

Unfortunately, a person who has had an intestinal infection does not acquire immunity to it. It is important to get tested for intestinal infections in a timely manner.

How do microbes enter the body?

In practice, this means that, having recovered from a certain infection, there is a chance of getting it back again after a short period of time. Microbes usually enter our body through the mouth. Therefore, consuming foods such as:

Enteric viruses can also spread through airborne droplets. It must be said that the degree of susceptibility to all of the listed infectious agents is different, but everyone has it. According to medical statistics, the elderly, children and adults with weakened immune systems are most likely to get sick. Medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor.


The manifestation of symptoms depends on many factors. First of all, this is the degree of poisoning, the type of infectious agent, and the amount of toxins entering the body. Therefore, symptoms can vary from pronounced to conditions with scanty symptoms that are general in nature.

The incubation period for intestinal infections lasts up to two days. The faster symptoms appear after eating stale or spoiled food, the more severe the disease subsequently becomes. Then other signs appear in the form of weakness in the body, aches, headaches, nausea, and sudden increases in temperature. The further course of the disease may be accompanied by stomach pain, vomiting, which brings temporary relief, diarrhea and pain in the lower abdomen.

Symptoms may be mixed, or some of the above symptoms will appear separately. Each infection is characterized by a certain combination of these symptoms, which can manifest themselves in different ways.

When and how to get tested for intestinal infections?


A doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis only after studying the clinical picture of the disease, finding out the list of foods consumed and appearance chair. Modern rapid tests of various kinds are used to correctly diagnose the disease.

In difficult cases, the serological method is used: specific antibodies to various viruses and bacteria are determined using ELISA, RA, RPGA and RNGA methods. In addition, doctors have access to PCR diagnostic tests.

Instrumental diagnostic methods are rarely used in these cases.

Symptoms of intestinal infection in children are quite unpleasant, so treatment should be immediate.


Therapy is aimed at removing pathogens and toxins produced by them from the body. Simply put, you need to remove the pathogen and its waste products. Treatment aimed at simply relieving symptoms will not give the desired effect, since the “cause” continues to be in the body. Treatment can be carried out both at home and in a hospital under the supervision of medical staff. It all depends on the severity of the disease.

As we said above, the primary measure in the treatment of intestinal infection is diet. The following must be excluded from the patient’s menu:

  • milk and milk-containing products;
  • vegetables, berries and fruits that have not undergone heat treatment;
  • roast;
  • fat;
  • salty;
  • spicy;
  • smoked.


Depending on the symptoms of intestinal infection in children or adults, the patient is prescribed any adsorbent drug: Atoxil, Enterosgel, Smecta several times a day. With all intestinal infections, there is a disturbance in the water-electrolyte balance in the body. Therefore, it is important to replenish fluid loss in the body in a timely manner and in sufficient quantities. That is, an adult, in addition to his usual norm, needs to add up to one and a half liters of fluid per day.

Many are also interested in the question of what tablets to take against intestinal infections.

In these cases, still water, dried fruit compote, and weakly brewed rose hips are useful. The use of ready-made salt preparations (Regidron, Humana, Oralit, etc.), diluted with warm boiled water, also gives good results. If for some reason the patient cannot drink so much liquid, it is necessary to go to the hospital, where the liquid will be administered intravenously.

What will help children against intestinal infections?

If diarrhea and vomiting are observed in a small child and are repeated repeatedly over short period time, you need to go to the hospital or call an ambulance. For uncomplicated forms of the disease, traditional medicine can be used. Decoctions of calamus roots or infused marshmallow help relieve intoxication. Various herbs (alder cones, cinquefoil root, nettle) are used as a cure for intestinal infections.

Antibacterial therapy is advisable when suspicion of a bacterial infection is confirmed.

But what antibiotic should I take for an intestinal infection?


Norfloxacin tablets are often prescribed. Sometimes administered intravenously or intramuscularly more strong drugs. For this disease, the doctor may prescribe symptomatic treatment: for manifestations of gastritis, the prescription of Omez and Ranitidine is justified. If the patient is bothered by nausea, Cerucal is prescribed. Required component Treatment will be drugs containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - “Enterozermina”, “Enterol”, live yoghurts.


If the patient strictly follows the doctor’s instructions, and the doctor prescribes competent antibacterial and rehydration therapy, then the prognosis is quite favorable. But don’t forget about maintaining hygiene and avoiding foods that can cause intestinal infections again.


It is clear that there is no vaccine against intestinal infections, but it is still possible to, if not completely protect yourself and your loved ones from infections, then at least reduce the risk of infection. This can be achieved by using nonspecific preventive measures, which are expressed in strict adherence to personal hygiene measures, boiling water and milk, and avoiding eating raw eggs. You should also not swallow water when swimming in open fresh water and in the sea; you should not swim where it is prohibited. Carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections may not appear at first, but at the same time result in infection for other people.

Of course, when we come to a seaside resort, we want to relax and we don’t want to think about what to drink for intestinal infections. But we need to remember about prevention. In this case, your vacation will become truly unforgettable. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of non-thermally processed meat being included in the menu. This ban should also apply to unwashed vegetables, berries, herbs, and fruits.

Do you know how to protect yourself from intestinal infections at sea?

First, create optimal conditions for storing prepared foods in the refrigerator. And also exclude the proximity of ready-made dishes and products with raw meat and vegetables. Get rid of expired and spoiled products in a timely manner. It is worth mentioning separately that feeding a baby undiluted and not heat-treated cow's or goat milk can lead to serious consequences. Instead of healthy complementary foods you will have to take medicine for intestinal infections.

Thus, we looked at what medications you should take for intestinal infections.

It should also be mentioned that it is mandatory to maintain an appropriate sanitization regime in the house if there is a sick person there. In this case, you should not eat with him from the same dishes or use the same towel. A child who has not yet become ill should be isolated from the patient and closely monitored for his condition. It is hardly possible not to come into contact with the things of a sick person at all when living in the same house, but it is necessary to ventilate the room more often, wet cleaning and disinfect the toilet, bathroom, belongings and common items.

Well, the simplest, but no less relevant and effective advice, which mothers and grandmothers tirelessly remind us all our lives from birth: Wash your hands with soap and, if possible, not only before eating.

Treatment of intestinal infections: drugs and first aid for poisoning

Few people are unfamiliar with the situation when indigestion begins. Most often this happens in the summer: in the heat, many go to the sea, river, lakes. And if you don’t follow the rules of hygiene, you can get a rotavirus intestinal infection. Dirty water easily gets into the mouth and ears, especially for children. But you can become a victim of an intestinal infection at home, because the quality of the products does not always correspond to the beautiful packaging or expiration date. Dairy products are often stored in violation of sanitary standards. In hot weather, you should not buy fish or meat unless you are sure that they were processed and kept according to the standards.

Definition of intestinal infection

Acute intestinal infection is an infectious disease of the digestive tract. There are at least 30 types of its pathogens. This is the most common disease along with respiratory viruses, and children are most often affected (about 55% of all cases). For nearly a million of them, the intestinal infection is fatal, according to the World Health Organization. The main symptom is severe diarrhea, which leads to disruption of the body's vital functions.


Viruses and bacteria are the main cause of intestinal infections, including in children. Once in the human body, they begin to actively produce poison - enterotoxin, which, upon penetrating the digestive tract, causes poisoning. E. coli can be acquired through water, food and household items.

Intestinal diseases are caused by the following viruses and bacteria:

  • enterovirus;
  • rotavirus;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • dysentery bacillus;
  • salmonella;
  • Vibrio cholera.

These microbes multiply quickly and live for a long time in dirty water, on unwashed hands and food.

Symptoms of intestinal infections

When harmful microflora enters the mouth, it begins to spread rapidly throughout the organs of the gastric system. The incubation period of intestinal pathogens is usually short - from 5 hours to a day. When the toxins have spread, the clinical picture is initially very similar to diseases such as gastritis, enterocolitis, and appendicitis. The following symptoms appear:

  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness and lethargy;
  • pale skin;
  • body temperature rises;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • cramping abdominal pain;
  • frequent diarrhea (in severe cases with blood and mucus);
  • chills;
  • constant desire to drink.

The most dangerous and serious consequences Intestinal infection for the body is dehydration. Due to vomiting and diarrhea, the patient's body eliminates nutrients and liquid, and are especially poorly tolerated by poisoning and other intestinal diseases small children and old people.

If the pathology occurs in a severe form, then the described symptoms become intensely colored and are added to:

  • frequent urge to urinate (sometimes false);
  • flatulence;
  • a yellow-gray coating appears on the tongue;
  • painful attacks in the intestines intensify.

How to help a patient?

An acute intestinal infection should never be treated independently, especially in children. If you have these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. But before that you should take the following measures:

  • we put the patient to bed, placing a container nearby for vomit;
  • if the sick person is chilling, then we cover him with a blanket and warm his feet with a heating pad;
  • select a separate set of dishes;
  • We protect from contact with family members and other people;
  • rinse the stomach with salted water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1.5–2 liters) to induce vomiting;
  • Give the patient only warm drink (boiled water, light tea without sugar, solution with Regidron or Atoxil).

How should you eat if you have intestinal diseases?

When the manifestations of the infection begin to subside, it is not recommended to eat for the first two days; you can only drink liquids. In the future, the patient follows a strict diet until the body’s condition returns to normal.

What foods can be consumed during poisoning? Remember this list:

  • light chicken broths;
  • liquid porridge with water;
  • soups without frying;
  • pureed lean meat;
  • white bread crackers;
  • low-fat steamed fish;
  • omelettes;
  • baked apples without peel;
  • dry biscuits.

Spices and seasonings will have to be abandoned when treating an intestinal infection. The prohibited list includes fermented milk products, canned food, radishes, green onions and peas, young corn on the cob, beans, garlic and alcoholic beverages.

What drugs can be treated?

All food poisoning is characterized by the appearance of a large number of toxins in gastric tract. They are spread by blood, which can have a detrimental effect on others. internal organs. Therefore, against unpleasant consequences, you should take sorbents. Pay attention to the following medications:

  • Activated carbon: it is taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of the patient’s weight after the stomach has been washed. The next 6 days - 2 tablets every 6 hours. However, it should not be abused against disorders.
  • Smecta: an indispensable medicine against diarrhea, protects and coats the intestinal mucosa, relieves stomach pain.
  • Enterosgel: paste mixture, removes toxins and harmful bacteria, eliminates pain.
  • Polysorb: has a strong absorbent effect and is also prescribed against intoxication due to intestinal infections.

When treating an intestinal infection, it is mandatory to take probiotics that will fight pathogenic microflora intestines. These medications include:

Any of these medications normalizes the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and has an antimicrobial effect against salmonella and dysentery E. coli.

At severe pain You can take No-shpa or another analgesic, but this must be done after a visit to the doctor. Otherwise, taking pain medication will affect the correct diagnosis of a particular intestinal infection.

To stop diarrhea, antibiotics Loperamide or Levomycetin are prescribed three times a day. For pregnant women, the more gentle medicine Fthalazol is prescribed, and for children, the antibiotic Cefix helps suppress the proliferation of pathogenic microbes.

To prevent intestinal infections and maintain function digestive organs The doctor may prescribe the following medications:

Cautions when treating intestinal infections:

  • Do not try to stop diarrhea and vomiting on your own with medications such as Motilium or Imodium. They cannot be used on initial stage against illness.
  • Do not get carried away with various sorbents. For example, activated carbon in excess causes constipation, which is harmful in case of poisoning - do not interfere with the body’s fight against toxic substances.
  • Medicines with an enzyme composition will blur the clinical picture and make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.
  • The use of drugs like Almagel will not bring any benefit, since they are not used against intestinal infections.
  • Uncontrolled intake of various solutions with baking soda and potassium permanganate can aggravate the situation.

Features of intestinal diseases in children

Children, especially under two years of age, are most often exposed to intestinal infections, and any product can cause poisoning. Since their immunity is not yet strong, they become infected very quickly. By the way, immunity to such diseases is not developed, so there is always a risk of re-poisoning.

Promotes stomach infections:

  • poor drinking water;
  • lack of sanitary conditions;
  • violation of hygiene rules;
  • improper storage of products.

Bacterial intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery) are more common in the summer, and viral ones (rotavirus and enterovirus) – in the winter. General symptoms diseases are the same as in adults. But since a fragile child’s body is tested, the disease can occur in a more severe form:

  • temperature is about 39°C, but can rise higher;
  • headache and weakness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • the skin changes color: from unhealthy gray to blue;
  • The vomiting almost never stops.

Children lose a lot of fluid through vomiting and diarrhea. At the same time, sodium and potassium salts, which the heart needs, are removed from the body, nervous system, muscles. Children under three years of age are especially susceptible to rapid loss of nutrients. Therefore, if there are signs of dehydration, seek medical help immediately: only emergency measures are able to correct the situation.

Remember the symptoms of dehydration:

  • strong thirst;
  • drying of the skin, loss of elasticity;
  • half-asleep state;
  • loss of appetite;
  • infrequent urination, urine becomes dark in color.

The child should be given drinks in small sips at intervals of 10 minutes. For this they use saline solutions with Regidron or mineral water without gas. You can also drink tea with lemon, chamomile or linden infusion, cranberry or red currant juice.

How to avoid stomach infections?

The following simple prevention rules can help reduce the risk of infection:

  • Wash your hands and follow general rules hygiene (teach children to this).
  • Do not eat dirty vegetables and fruits.
  • Carry out sufficient heat treatment of eggs, meat, and fish.
  • Enrich the intestinal microflora beneficial bacteria, thereby strengthening the immune system.
  • Stick to a healthy diet.

Before a trip to the sea, and especially in tropical country, stock up on medications to boost immunity and prevent intestinal infections, for example, Vetom 1.1. Only a doctor can help you choose the best remedy.

Intestinal infectious diseases reduce a person’s immunity for a long time, and it takes time to fully restore all functions of the body. To make the fight against the disease easier, it is important to promptly seek help from a specialist who will prescribe necessary medications, and do not forget about prevention.

List of tablets for intestinal infections

What pills will help against intestinal infections? Unfortunately, intestinal infection is not as simple as it seems at first glance. And it requires complex, that is, combined, treatment.

Perhaps one day one tablet will be enough to treat an intestinal infection. But now - alas!

This time has not yet come, so you will have to treat the intestinal infection with the good old fashioned way. a comprehensive set drugs.

So different, and all contagious

What is an “intestinal infection”? This phrase hides several dozen different diseases caused by various pathogens.

Well, since they are all “infections”, one thing is immediately clear - they are all contagious. There is one more factor that unites all intestinal infections into one bundle - similar symptoms.

The list of symptoms of acute intestinal infections is as follows:

In children, the incidence of intestinal infections is twice as high as in adults, and the disease is more severe in childhood.

What foods can you eat if you have an intestinal infection? In the first two days of illness, it is better not to eat anything at all. It is only recommended to drink as much as possible.

On the third day you can eat rice porridge, cooked in water, without adding oil. Dried blueberries and bird cherry will have a positive effect on the intestines.

You should not eat dairy products, raw fruits and vegetables until you have completely recovered from an intestinal infection!

Emergency medications

How to treat this infection?

There are several stages:

  1. restoration of the body’s water-salt balance;
  2. cleansing the intestines of toxins and poisons;
  3. restoration of the population of normal microflora.

To prevent fatal dehydration, you need to take medications to restore the body’s water-salt balance:

At the first signs of an intestinal infection, it is very important to start taking drugs like Regidron or Citroglucosolan.

These drugs will not only help restore lost fluid, but will also replenish the body’s reserves of potassium and sodium salts, which are washed out of it along with water.

The solutions should be taken in a few sips, every 10 to 15 minutes, alternating with water.

If this cannot be done, then infusion therapy is carried out in the infectious diseases department - colloidal drugs Hemodez or Albumin are administered intravenously using a dropper.

To cope with poisons and toxins that are in a huge number produce “uninvited guests”, you need to drink sorbents. The list of these drugs is quite extensive.

When prescribing sorbents, the doctor is guided by the individual characteristics of the body, symptoms, and age of the patient:

All these drugs are harmless, therefore they are prescribed to both adults and children.

Probiotics in combination with prebiotics will do an excellent job of “restoring damaged intestinal microflora.”

You can also drink them to prevent intestinal infections:

These preparations contain live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which normalize intestinal activity, help strengthen the immune system, and improve metabolism.

Available in different forms, some in tablet form. They cannot be used together with antibiotics!

This required steps treatment of all intestinal infections without exception, but there are also others, not for all infections.

For the treatment of different types of infections

Antibiotic therapy in adult patients is carried out only for severe bacterial infections such as dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera.

List of the most popular antibiotics for the treatment of CI:

Antibiotics in tablets are prescribed only to children over 8 years of age and adults, and only after vomiting has subsided. For young children, drugs are administered intramuscularly.

Contraindications for use: presence serious illnesses kidneys, liver; pregnancy. A doctor must prescribe antibiotics!

Antiviral drugs can be prescribed for those types of intestinal infections that are caused by viruses:

But, as practice shows, in the midst of an illness they are of little use, so it is better to take these drugs for prevention during epidemics of stomach flu - this is what people call intestinal infections caused by viruses.

Symptom relievers

In some cases, for any type of pathogen, the following may also be prescribed:

The latter drugs are prescribed strictly symptom-based.

Antipyretics are taken at a temperature of 38 degrees and above, which lasts a long time and does not go away on its own.

It is recommended not to lower the temperature below 38 degrees Celsius in either adults or children, so as not to interfere with the body itself fighting infection. An exception to this rule is the development of convulsive syndrome.

The most popular antipyretics:

Antiemetic drugs are prescribed for incessant vomiting posing a threat of dehydration.

Antiemetics are prescribed, as a rule, for adults; children are recommended to take antihistamines.

List of antiemetic drugs:

If the urge to vomit is not so frequent and allows a few sips of water to be absorbed, then you should not take antiemetics, since vomiting and diarrhea are natural ways for the body to eject foreign toxins.

Antidiarrheals are prescribed when a person literally cannot get up from the toilet, which also threatens dehydration.

If the diarrhea is not so debilitating, then these drugs are not prescribed for the same reason as antiemetics.

Antidiarrheal drugs are prescribed if the patient has problems with the heart.

Typically this is:

These drugs inhibit intestinal motility, due to which its work is partially restored. The number of bowel movements decreases, the pain in the abdominal area subsides.

The drugs are available in different forms, including tablets and capsules. Somatostatin is a hormonal drug.

Take care of your health, treat yourself competently! Incorrect diagnosis and treatment can lead to problems much worse than the usual stomach flu.

Entrust your health to a professional infectious disease doctor or gastroenterologist. Be healthy!