Tearing and tearing in French Bulldogs. Features of care

Some dogs often have the problem of discoloration of the fur under the eyes due to tears, which stain the fur in pink color, and sometimes cover the fur with sticky brown secretions. This not at all aesthetic phenomenon forces owners to take a wide variety of measures to eliminate it. Brown sticky discharge have essentially the same nature as discharge from human eyes in the morning after sleep. Bacteria and yeast cause the pink-brown coloration of wool. Professional groomers recommend cleaning the hair under your dog's eyes daily. It will also be useful to consult a veterinarian to rule out an eye infection. Veterinarians say that excessive staining from eye discharge can be caused by a number of different factors, including excessive tear production due to irritation or discomfort, blocked tear ducts, curled eyelashes or eyelids, abnormal eyelid structure, etc. Veterinarians often observe such anomalies in the structure of dogs' eyes, such as an extra row of eyelashes, too thick eyelashes in the corners of the eye, etc., which require medical and sometimes surgical correction. Sometimes excessive tearing is caused by allergies or air pollution. Thus, there is a known case when one of the dogs suffering from this problem, the owner was a heavy smoker. Later the dog changed owners and after 18 months the problem disappeared. However, in most cases, tear marks are cosmetic and not medical problem caused by improper care of the dog's coat. Particularly humid conditions create the perfect environment for skin infections. Veterinarians say that wet eczema and dermatitis are quite common in the dog's head area. First of all, you should ensure that your dog's skin is clean, especially in the eye area. Once a day you should wipe it with a damp cloth to remove traces of dirt. In addition, the fur around the eyes and especially in the corners of the eyes should be cut short to prevent the formation of discharge. Veterinarians do not recommend using any chemicals or even mild soap to clean the skin, since toxic substances can get into the eyes. In some cases, eye drops prescribed by your veterinarian can help get rid of tear marks. Some groomers recommend dusting the under-eye area with baby powder, while others use boric acid, which they rub into the under-eye fur with a toothbrush. Thus, the substance fills the hair follicles, preventing tears from penetrating into them. If you need to clean the fur of dried secretions, you can thoroughly comb the problem area with a very thick comb. Sometimes you even have to cut off the dried hair, although in this case you often have to seek the help of a professional groomer or veterinarian. One thing to remember is that if your dog is suffering from this problem, you need to give him daily attention. To keep your dog's eyes healthy, they should be examined regularly by a veterinarian, keeping the coat and skin around the eyes clean at all times, and not allowing the dog to stick its head out of the window while the car is moving.


"Poodle eye" - what is this disease?

Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac. The lacrimal ducts have a complex and somewhat bizarre architecture. The reservoirs and tear outflow pathways have their own “bottlenecks” and closed spaces. These are high-risk areas. Let's say a bottleneck is a potential area of ​​congestion. Any minor inflammation or trivial speck can completely block the outflow path of tears. This is exactly what happens with dacryocystitis. The tear stops moving along its usual route:

lacrimal glands - surface of the eye - lacrimal duct - lacrimal lake - lacrimal punctum - lacrimal sac - nasolacrimal duct - nasal cavity.

The narrowest (and therefore the most exposed to risks) the site of the system is the nasolacrimal canal. It is not difficult to understand that blocking it will cause tears to stop flowing into the nasal cavity, which means they will begin to accumulate in the lacrimal sac. After some time, the bag stretches and overflows. Bacteria begin to multiply in the stagnant contents, which leads to the development of inflammation (that is, dacryocystitis itself). In other words, this disease is an inflammation of the sac, but the cause is a violation of the patency of the ducts. When the capacity of the sac is not enough, tears generally cease to be absorbed at the lacrimal openings. They stagnate in the eye and begin to flow out through the eyelashes. Blockage tear ducts usually occurs due to inflammation of nearby structures (in most cases - paranasal sinuses). Inflamed, vascular mucous membranes swell and compress nearby nasolacrimal ducts. After the inflammatory process begins in the stagnant contents (in a few days), the nasolacrimal duct will become completely clogged, one might say, tightly. Now, even if the original cause of blockage (sinusitis) disappears, dacryocystitis will persist. To overcome the disease, it is necessary to restore the patency of the lacrimal ducts.

How does dacryocystitis manifest?

Manifestations of dacryocystitis in most cases are quite mild. Acute dacryocystitis may be accompanied by pain in the lacrimal sac (the dog closes its eye, tries to scratch with its paw or on objects), but in most cases the disease does not have painful symptoms. The first sign of dacryocystitis is swelling in the area of ​​the lacrimal sac. In most cases, it is not accompanied by the appearance of classic signs of inflammation - pain, redness. Just swelling. Pressing on it can cause unpleasant (but, as a rule, not sharply painful) sensations. Sometimes it is accompanied by the release of large quantity cloudy contents (or pus) from the lacrimal openings. Another characteristic symptom of the disease is lacrimation . The tear constantly “stays in the eye”, due to the fact that it cannot be absorbed and go into the nasal cavity. Periodically, drops roll down through the eyelashes and down the face. A long course of untreated dacryocystitis is dangerous because it can lead to the development of purulent complications. Over time, the multiplying bacteria attempt to go beyond the lacrimal sac and penetrate deep into the body. As already mentioned, dacryocystitis does not have its own “bright” symptoms. Swelling and lacrimation are signs by which this disease can and should be suspected, however, in order to begin treatment, you must be absolutely sure that the diagnosis is correct. To do this, you will need to perform one or more diagnostic tests (these will be performed by the ophthalmologist at the first visit). If you wish, you can do them at home yourself if you want to decide on a diagnosis in advance. All diagnostic studies for dacryocyostitis have one goal - to determine whether the nasolacrimal ducts are passable. The Vesta test is one of the most common diagnostic techniques. It is simple enough even for doing it yourself. A few drops of collargol are instilled into the eye (this is a medical solution containing silver; it has an orange-yellowish color). First, a cotton swab is placed in the nose (in the corresponding nostril) (you can use a roller made from a piece of bandage). The test results are judged by the coloring of the swab. The faster the first orange spots (collargol) appear on the tampon, the better the patency of the eye-nose path. Normally this should take about two minutes. If the tampon stains after five to ten minutes, then the sample is, as they say, questionable. It is necessary to repeat the study; it is quite possible that the patency of the lacrimal ducts is impaired. If collargol lingers for more than ten minutes (or does not appear at all), then the test result is negative. The lacrimal ducts are obstructed (or the patency is seriously impaired).

How are they treated?

Treatment of dacryocystitis consists of two parts. The first and most important thing is to restore the patency of the nasolacrimal duct (achieved by surgical intervention). The second is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy, which helps the eye return to normal faster. Restoring the patency of the nasolacrimal ducts is carried out in two ways. The most common (and much more gentle) is bougienage. Buzhirovi ene - this is the introduction of a special rigid probe (bougie) into the tubules, which physically breaks through the blockage (if there is one) and pushes the walls of the nasolacrimal duct apart (if they have narrowed, for example, as a result of an inflammatory process). Externally, the bougie resembles a piece of wire. It is injected directly into the lacrimal punctum (near the internal corner of the head). It looks quite scary, but, as a rule, the procedure is associated only with certain unpleasant sensations (but not painful). To reduce them to a minimum, intravenous anesthesia is often used. The whole procedure lasts a few minutes. When the bougie is removed, the patency of the lacrimal ducts is restored. However, in approximately 30% of cases, one or more repeated bougienages are required over several days. Another intervention option is dacryocystorhinostrum. This is a much more serious surgical intervention, which is essentially a real operation (while bougienage can be performed in a dressing room). They resort to it when the process has gone very far and conventional bougienage in combination with other methods of treatment does not give the desired result. Using a simple operation, the doctor creates a communication between the lacrimal sac and the nasal cavity, bypassing the nasolacrimal ducts (they are so clogged that it is impossible to clear them). This operation is a necessary measure; its implementation helps prevent the development of severe purulent complications. Drug treatment is carried out in parallel surgical intervention(before and after it). The fact is that bougienage and other operations can be carried out only after the acute inflammation. For this, a whole arsenal of anti-inflammatory drugs is used (from analgin and paracetamol to hormonal solutions and ointments). As a rule, results can be achieved in 3-5 days, after which they begin bougienage (after all, if the blockage is not eliminated, the inflammation will definitely flare up again).

“The eye is watering” or determining the causes of lacrimation (epiphora, epiphora)

A. Lehtla Estonian Agricultural University

Tears moisturize, nourish the conjunctiva and cornea, and also cleanse the conjunctiva of foreign elements. Tears form a film on the surface of the cornea, consisting of three layers:

  1. A mucous layer adjacent directly to the corneal epithelium and helping to retain the film on the surface of the cornea. Mucus is produced by mucous cells of the conjunctiva (goblet cells)
  2. The surface layer is greasy or oily. The secretion that forms this layer is secreted by the tarsal glands of the eyelids. Prevents rapid evaporation of tears.
  3. The middle, watery layer is located between the mucous and oily layers. The watery secretion is produced in the lacrimal glands of the upper and third eyelids. Moreover, about 65% in the lacrimal gland of the upper eyelid and 35% of the third eyelid.

After washing the surface of the eye, tears collect in the inner corner of the eye, in the lacrimal lake, and then through the lacrimal puncta, lacrimal canaliculi, lacrimal sac and lacrimal canal enter the nasal or oral cavity. About 50% of dogs and cats have additional tear ducts that open into the nasopharynx. The main part, more than 60%, of tears enters the lacrimal canal through the inferior lacrimal opening and the inferior canaliculus, so the normal functioning of these structures is very important for normal outflow. Watery eyes worry the owner not only because it can be a sign of a serious eye disease, but also because a constantly wet and brown coat spoils the eyes. appearance animal.

The causes of lacrimation can be divided into three groups:

I. Increased tear production as a result of irritation (reflex lacrimation) of the eye structures*.

  1. Conjunctivitis
  2. Inversion/inversion of eyelids
  3. Ectopic eyelash
  4. Distichiasis/trichiasis
  5. Corneal ulcer
  6. Foreign body

* Treatment: treat the primary disease.

II. Impaired patency of the lacrimal ducts**.

  1. Trauma and scar obstruction
  2. Congenital defects (absence of the lacrimal punctum, absence of the canaliculus) - more often in cocker spaniels, golden retrievers
  3. Obstruction by foreign body/tumor/inflammatory products or as a result of inflammatory edema (rhinitis in cats with herpes virus infection)

**Treatment: if possible, restore patency (for example, if there is no punctum, create a new punctum; wash the canal) or surgery to create an alternative drainage (for example, conjunctival rhinostomy)

III. Imperfection of the lacrimal ducts is the cause of the so-called idiopathic epiphora***.

  1. Blockage of the inferior lacrimal punctum as a result of inversion of the inner part of the lower eyelid in brachiocephalic breeds of dogs and cats (eg Persian)
  2. A lower eyelid that fits too tightly to the eyeball and a shallow tear lake in large-eyed, goggle-eyed breeds ( small breeds dogs and Persian cats)
  3. Too much small size punctum
  4. The wool on the internal tear tubercle (caruncle) absorbs tears, while acting as a “wick”, causing the eyelid hair to get wet - more often in long-haired breeds
  5. A combination of two or more of the above factors

***Treatment: surgical correction of anatomical problems, surgery to create an alternative drainage (eg conjunctival rhinostomy).

The purpose of examining the patient is to determine the cause of lacrimation. First, it is necessary to exclude problems that cause irritation and reflex lacrimation (I). Secondly, check the functionality of the lacrimal ducts (II). Functionality can be tested using a fluorescein dye test by placing a few drops of fluorescein into the conjunctival sac and then rinsing with saline. Within 5 min. the solution should appear from the nostril - and the patency test is considered positive. At the same time, a negative result does not indicate obstruction, since in half of the animals the lacrimal canal opens not into the nasal cavity, but into the nasopharynx. If the result is negative, it is necessary to rinse the tear duct.

Washing technique tear duct. For calm dogs, rinsing is performed using local superficial anesthesia. To do this, instill 2-3 drops of anesthetic into the conjunctival sac and press it to the upper lacrimal punctum for a couple of seconds. cotton swab with an anesthetic-impregnated end. For restless dogs and cats, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia. For flushing, you can use an intravenous catheter 23-25 ​​G, without a cannula with a syringe attached to it (2-5 ml). For rinsing, pure saline solution is used, and for better visualization, it is tinted with fluorescein. Rinsing is carried out through the upper lacrimal punctum. At the beginning of rinsing, you need to pay attention to whether the solution comes out through the lower lacrimal opening, as it should be normally. If there is no point, the solution from the lower canaliculus lifts the conjunctiva, covering the point. To rinse the lacrimal canal, gently clamp the lower lacrimal punctum, continuing the rinsing and then monitoring whether the solution comes out of the nostril. Animals with a channel opening into the nasopharynx swallow the solution. If there is an obstruction, the solution does not flow out of the nostrils and does not enter the nasopharynx. In animals with idiopathic epiphora (III), tests for the functionality of the lacrimal ducts are normal. In approaching a patient with epiphora, one should abandon the “everyone has Persian cats and bulldogs' eyes are leaking" and perform a thorough ophthalmological examination to identify the causes, especially reflex lacrimation and obstruction. Only by excluding these factors can we assume the presence of idiopathic epiphora.

The main diseases of French bulldogs. Description of problems with the skin, spine, eyes and respiratory system. The first signs of disease and age-related changes. When and for what are they vaccinated?

Small dogs, according to statistics, live longer than large and giant ones. Average term for French bulldogs - 12-14 years. There are examples of long life up to 17 years. Almost until the end of their days, these dogs remain active.

The cause of early deaths, which happens in every breed, in French bulldogs is respiratory problems and heart failure. These and other diseases can develop at any age, but most often they are visible after 5-6 years of the pet’s life.

List of major diseases

Common diseases in the breed:

  1. Discopathy;
  2. Dysplasia hip joints;
  3. Achondrolasia;
  4. Arthritis;
  5. Heart failure;
  6. Chronic conjunctivitis;
  7. Food allergies;
  8. Otitis;
  9. Fungal skin infections;
  10. Labored breathing.

Some of them are congenital and are transmitted at the genetic level. Also, French bulldogs suffer from various infections, if there are no vaccinations or reduced immunity, demodicosis.

Important: If there are signs of any disease, you must contact a veterinarian, get tested, get a diagnosis and treatment instructions. Independent measures are fraught with complication of the condition and development of the disease.

Skin problems

The first reason is food allergy. Signs:

  1. Redness of mucous membranes, eyes;
  2. Edema;
  3. Plaque in the ears;
  4. Tearing;
  5. Dandruff;
  6. Red spots on the skin;
  7. Depressed state;
  8. Irritability.

The way to get rid of it is to exclude foods from the diet, causing allergies, and elimination of its manifestations. Itching is relieved with special ointments and tablets, the eyes are wiped with lotions, and drops are used. Sometimes bathing helps medicated shampoos.

Demodectic mange is caused by itch mites. There are several types of the disease, transmitted from the mother at birth or from carriers with reduced immunity. Ticks live in the upper layers of the skin and cause a lot of trouble:

  1. Ulcers and wounds;
  2. Hair loss;
  3. Poor health and appetite.

Important: Dogs with a generalized form of demodicosis are not allowed for breeding. They can infect their offspring.

Fungal diseases appear on various areas bodies. Reduced immunity, thin and delicate skin contribute to the deterioration of the condition. Fungal lesions are identified by scraping, which is then examined under microscopes.

If there is redness on the skin, the dog itches a lot, hair falls out and an unpleasant odor appears, then this is a reason to suspect such diseases. They correct the situation with ointments, anti-fungal tablets, and washing with medicated shampoos. A fungus can easily be confused with an allergy, and their treatment is different.

Eyes and respiratory organs

Problems with the eyes are associated with the structure of the skull and the shape of the organ of vision itself. They are large and convex, so they are susceptible to infection. Conjunctivitis is indicated by:

  1. Purulent discharge from the eyes;
  2. Inflammation of the mucous membranes around them.

Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian. It includes drops, rinsing lotions, and antibiotics. Household methods do not eliminate the cause of conjunctivitis.

Eversion of the eyelids is determined by:

  1. Tearing;
  2. Inflammation around the eyes;
  3. Anxiety.

Treatment is surgery. Recovery after it is usually long and lasts 2-3 months.

The structure of the nasopharynx and related bodies they call with them:

  1. Labored breathing;
  2. Poor appetite;
  3. Oppression.

Narrow nostrils are common in French Bulldogs. Problems are already visible in puppies. Surgery and a thorough examination are also necessary.

Important: French bulldogs do not tolerate anesthesia well, especially those with breathing problems.

Musculoskeletal system

Discopathy is the incorrect location of the vertebrae due to their displacement. French bulldogs have a long back, so this disease often occurs when there is stress or problems with the connective tissue.

Signs indicating discopathy:

  1. Severe pain;
  2. Limb failure;
  3. Lethargy;
  4. Unbalanced movements.

Immediate examination and treatment by veterinarians is required. The condition improves with the right approach, constant monitoring in the clinic, massages, supplements and medications.

Achondroplasia - bone diseases, change in their length due to improper growth. Genetic disease which cannot be cured. The unusual nature of such dogs is already visible in puppyhood.

Hip dysplasia- defeat connective tissue, incorrect position of the femoral head. There are several degrees of severity, which are determined only after an x-ray under anesthesia and reading the image by a veterinarian orthopedic surgeon.

Most often, hip dysplasia is inherited from ancestors or a predisposition to it.

In extreme cases, dogs experience serious problems with movements, pain, severe lameness, depression. They prescribe surgery, supplements to maintain connective tissue, build up the muscular skeleton and limit the dog’s movements. Interestingly, there is a compensatory effect in the initial stages of dysplasia, when the dog transfers loads to other parts of the body. Then the disease can remain undetected for a long time.


Heart failure is a disease predominantly older dogs, but the diagnosis is made at 4-6 years of age. Signs:

  1. Shortness of breath;
  2. Cough;
  3. Wheezing;
  4. Fatigue.

French bulldogs with heart failure need exercise (leisurely walks), frequent rest, diet, if their weight is higher than normal, and a calm atmosphere.

Medicines thin the blood and help the heart cope with pumping large volumes of blood. Prescribe vitamins and supplements for support, sedatives on herbs.

Vaccinations: diseases and timing

The first vaccinations are given to puppies at 2-2.5 months. Repeated administration of drugs is done after 21-30 days. Depending on the manufacturer, timing may vary. It is customary to give the rabies vaccine after changing teeth, but modern drugs allow you to keep your pet safer early age. In the future, complex ones are made every year.

Vaccines protect against:

  1. Parvovirus enteritis;
  2. Rabies;
  3. Plague;
  4. Adenoviral infection;
  5. Leptospirosis;
  6. Parainfluenza.

All dogs are susceptible to these diseases. Infection occurs from a carrier after contact or a bite. Not all diseases on the list are safe for humans. A large percentage of dogs die after infection if they are not vaccinated.

All dogs get sick, and French bulldogs are no exception, despite their strong constitution.

The owner must constantly take care of the bulldog’s health, noticing any changes in the pet’s behavior and well-being.

Bulldogs are prone to manifestations allergic reactions to various stimuli.

Due to the characteristics of their exterior, they are susceptible to diseases of the eyes and ENT organs; Often both the spine and the pet’s hind legs are affected.

Main manifestations of an allergic reaction:

  • skin itching and rash;
  • colic in the stomach and flatulence;
  • nausea and diarrhea;
  • sneezing, difficulty breathing;
  • redness and swollen areas under the fur;
  • hair falls out in certain areas.

First of all, it is necessary to find out at what time of year these symptoms occur.

Allergies to mold and dust do not depend on the season and appear throughout all year round. There is an immediate need to respond to changes in behavior.

If any manifestation of allergy occurs after eating, the menu should be reviewed.

Even second-grade food can be dangerous for your pet’s health, as it may contain harmful components.

Most often, food allergies are caused by certain types of meat (beef) or milk products (cottage cheese), as well as food that contains gluten.

Many pet owners eat the same thing: porridge with beef or offal.

The benefits of such nutrition are rather doubtful. Nutrition should be varied, balanced, appropriate to the age and needs of the animal.

Alas, there are no guarantees that second-class meats and offal meet generally accepted quality standards.

They may contain pathogenic infections. Thus, not only will an allergic reaction be provoked, but also infection of the entire body as a whole.

If a food allergy is detected, it is necessary to carefully review your pet's diet.

It is necessary to exclude eggs, fish and raw meat, as well as red vegetables from the diet.

When eating fried, salty and confectionery foods, stomach problems often occur.

Eating dairy products and flour products can cause colic in your pet.

The most acceptable cereals for feeding are buckwheat and rice, as they are not allergenic.

Even after treating your dog to a forbidden treat once, it will take a long time to treat the possible consequences of the allergy.

It is necessary to monitor the amount of food taken, as this is a dog breed prone to obesity.

Excess weight can have a negative impact not only on the spine, but also on the development of the entire body as a whole.

Contact allergies can be caused by the use of hygiene products and cosmetics in pet care that are not suitable for the pet.

To eliminate the possibility of contact allergy, the following rules must be observed.

You should wash your pet's dishes using mustard and soda..

When purchasing, you must choose a hypoallergenic option.

If an allergy to dust and mold is detected, you should get rid of the allergen in every possible way, and carry out wet cleaning, ventilate the room.

Even frequently shedding fur can become a prerequisite for the disease.

In this regard, you should carefully care not only for your pet’s skin (especially in the folds on the face), but also for its fur.

The dog scratches its back strongly, closer to the tail; at first, a bald spot appears on the coat.

This then spreads along the length of the spine, accompanied by large, weeping scratches.

To cure irritation, it is necessary to remove the hair around the sores and treat the affected areas with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green.

The French Bulldog does not have problems with tails, since they are not docked. However, we should not forget about the prevention of diaper rash.

One characteristic of the French Bulldog breed is its large, bulging eyes. This colorful feature of the exterior can provoke a large number of problems.

It is possible to injure your eyes even while walking without noticing small sharp bushes; your eyes can be damaged as a result of a collision with other animals.

In addition, the French Bulldog may develop an eye disease such as conjunctivitis.

The main signs of the disease are: red, swollen eyes, from which mucus is released in the form of pus.

There are a large number of drugs against conjunctivitis, but it is better not to purchase them at random.

After the results of the analysis, the specialist will determine which microbe caused the disease and prescribe the appropriate eye drops.

One of the unattractive eye diseases is prolapse of the third eyelid. Although it is much easier to cure than progressive conjunctivitis.

Experienced dog breeders know how to resolve this situation on their own without leaving home.

If the owner is afraid to look at the sore eye, afraid to do anything, it is better to seek help from a veterinary organization.

The most common ear disease in French Bulldogs is otitis externa.

The causes may be water, dirt, or insects caught in the ear.

It is necessary to observe safety measures not only while swimming, but also while walking. The main sign of the disease can be considered restless behavior:

rolls around on the floor and scratches his ears. The external manifestation of otitis externa is discharge from the ear in the form of pus.

During the treatment, the ear is cleaned with a cotton swab, then the ear canal is treated with an ointment based on zinc and fish oil(again after two days).

Features of the structure of the nose

It is common knowledge that the French are prone to snoring. Many people consider this to be the norm and do not pay much attention to this oddity.

The condition worsens in hot weather; this is due to the characteristics of the short and curved nasal passages.

You should not leave your pet in the car when the outside temperature is above +25°C, as there is huge probability get heatstroke.

If the owner was unable to protect the dog from overheating (there is hoarse breathing, a blue tongue), the pet should be watered cool water or apply a compress and urgently take it to the veterinarian.

In the cold season they progress colds in French bulldogs, including a runny nose.

This occurs due to the fact that the cold air entering through the short nasal passages does not have time to heat up.

To prevent a runny nose in winter, it is necessary to gradually increase the time spent on fresh air, allowing the body to adapt to the new environment, or use a special winter one for dogs.

Possible symptoms of a runny nose in your pet may include:

  • bacterial, viral infections;
  • allergic reaction;
  • foreign objects (mote, sand, grain).

Often, at the beginning of the disease due to a viral infection, a runny nose appears in the form of a clear liquid that thickens over time.

Severe nasal congestion occurs with a viral infection. This symptom is accompanied by a lethargic state of the pet, sneezing, and discharge from the eyes.

This type of infection is extremely dangerous to health. Treatment must be comprehensive, in a veterinary clinic under the supervision of specialists.

The best way to prevent infection is prevention. Currently, the practice of vaccinating pets is widespread.

If the vaccination schedule is followed, the dog’s body is protected from the effects of infections.

Refusal to vaccinate can lead not only to a complicated course of the disease, but also to the possible death of the pet.

On early months During life, dogs are more susceptible to infections. A significant argument in favor of vaccinations is the likelihood of them infecting a person (rabies, jaundice, lichen).

Before the first vaccination, deworming measures are carried out at an early age.

The vaccine is administered after two weeks. After vaccination, you should not have contact with other animals for fourteen days.

A veterinarian's examination before vaccination is required. The pet must be completely healthy.
It is prohibited to vaccinate pregnant pets, after surgery or childbirth.

The storage conditions of the vaccine must meet the requirements specified in the instructions. The vaccine should be purchased exclusively from medical institutions.

Owners often go to the doctor with neurological problems - the back legs of a French bulldog are failing.

In this situation:

  • strange movements are characteristic;
  • weakness is observed hind limbs;
  • paralysis progresses.

There are many reasons why a French bulldog's hind legs may fail.

Most often this occurs due to injuries received: bruises, tendon ruptures, fractures.

They can also be a consequence of such diseases: tumors, arthritis, discopathy.

In most cases, the back legs of a French Bulldog are injured when falling, attacking or strong bite another dog.

Let's take a closer look at the disease discopathy, which is typical for this breed of dog. It is dangerous because it occurs before the initial symptoms appear..

As the disease progresses, the pet may be passive but react strongly when touched on the back.

At the first changes in the dog’s behavior, or some oddities, it is worth consulting with specialists.

If time is lost, the bulldog's hind legs may fail without the possibility of cure.

There are both medical and surgical treatments for this disease.

To prevent this disease, before the age of seven months, it is necessary to exclude falls from any height, and one should not allow him to go down stairs.


Choosing a French Bulldog as a pet, it is necessary to find out the main diseases characteristic of this breed. In this video they will tell you about the diseases that these little fatties are most often susceptible to.

As you know, allergies in French bulldogs happen quite often. To be precise, the “Frenchies” are among the five dog breeds that are especially vulnerable in this regard.

Types of allergies in the French Bulldog

The body's hypersensitivity to a certain substance was called an allergy. The term combines two Greek roots - ἄλλος (stranger) and ἔργον (impact). The most harmless substances can act as provocateurs, ranging from the simplest bromine/iodine to complex compounds (not necessarily protein).

Allergy symptoms

Unlike a person, whose nasopharynx is the first to suffer from an allergy, a dog immediately reacts with the epidermis. Typical skin irritations include:

  • redness and inflammation;
  • continuous itching (the animal scratches the skin until it bleeds);
  • the appearance of ulcers, blisters and bloody ulcers;
  • getting wet (sweating) armpits;
  • thinning and hair loss;
  • unpleasant smell.

By the way, persistent ear infections are recognized as the most striking and sure symptom of dog allergies.. Slightly less often, allergies interfere with the functioning of the digestive tract and even less often lead to swelling or bronchial asthma.

Sometimes the hypersensitivity of a French bulldog manifests itself as allergic enteritis with symptoms of food poisoning:

  • frequent attacks of nausea and vomiting are complemented by foam/bile discharge from the mouth;
  • flatulence increases: the dog often passes gas, the stomach swells and colic begins;
  • mucus appears in the stool, and acute diarrhea leads to uncontrollable bowel movements, which happens right in the apartment.

The most extreme sign of any allergy is anaphylactic shock. If measures are not taken, the dog will die.

Treatment, first aid

The therapy combines three directions: exclusion of the allergen, correction of the hypersensitive state and the use of symptomatic antiallergic drugs.

If wounds appear on the skin, they are lubricated with brilliant green. Scabs on the face and in the ears are treated with furatsilin solution. With strong allergic dermatitis Chaga balm (externally) and sinaflan and baby cream mixed in equal parts help.

The greatest difficulties arise in identifying and treating food hypersensitivities. Such a diagnosis cannot be made quickly, since many canine diseases have similar manifestations.

When dealing with food allergies, several unshakable rules are followed:

Important! In parallel with diet therapy, any antihistamine and glucocorticoid drugs are canceled. This is done in order to trace the connection between the improvement that has occurred and the elimination of the food irritant.

Also, the owner of a French bulldog must realize that no hormones coupled with antihistamines will relieve his pet of this type of allergy. They will only make its most striking signs less noticeable.

When diagnosing and treating food hypersensitivity, food tests will be required (this will be done in any serious clinic). There they will make an accurate diagnosis.

If you don’t have money for a clinic, you can independently search for an effective medicinal food in retail/pharmacy outlets or switch (leave) your dog on a natural diet.

In the second case, new ingredients are introduced periodically to observe the dog's reaction. So, if allergic manifestations disappeared when eating rabbit and potatoes, you can introduce beef for 14 days.

If the pet tolerated it well, add chicken and also watch his reaction for at least 2 weeks. If familiar symptoms occur, chicken is removed from the menu and replaced with a new ingredient. This algorithm is followed until all potential irritants are detected.

But the selection of optimal nutrition is carried out when the acute phase of the allergy has passed. And to begin with, in order to remove all the sores, the “Frenchman” is given bifidum- and lactobacterin, and fed with a soup of rice and beef. With this diet, the stool returns to normal within a week, and after a month all the troubles disappear. But, despite the visible relief, you should continue the entire course of 3 months.

In the most advanced cases, they resort to systemic treatment, including the method classical homeopathy, which has shown itself well in eliminating food hypersensitivity.

Purebred dogs are very susceptible to various diseases. Their body loses a number of valuable properties that help fight viruses and bacteria.

In most cases, bulldog owners try to treat the animal themselves, forgetting that most medications intended for people can greatly worsen the situation.

Types of diseases

A dog will live a long time if the owner takes care of its health. Once you purchase a puppy, contact your veterinarian immediately for advice. The specialist will carefully examine your pet for obvious and hidden diseases and will tell you how they should be treated.


If your dog's behavior has changed, he has become aggressive, has lost his appetite and is constantly itching, he probably has fleas or lice.

One of the most obvious signs flea infestation - the presence of “flea dirt” in the fur (black granular formations consisting of flea feces and blood digested by them). If you place flea dirt on a clean, damp cloth, it will leave a red mark on the fabric.

Fleas are difficult to kill. They can live not only on the dog, but also in the house. Therefore, in addition to treating your pet with insecticides, thoroughly clean the house (vacuum the floors, shake out the bed and beat out the carpets).


There are 3 types of ticks: Demodex, Sarcoptes and encephalitis.

Sarcoptes and Demodex mites cause scabies. The former are extremely contagious. They quickly penetrate the skin, causing severe itching and baldness. They can only be detected using a microscope.

Scabies can be contracted through close contact with sick animals or contaminated objects. When you get scabies, mites begin to actively move in the upper layers of the skin, causing severe itching. The dog begins to itch and loses its appetite. Her hair falls out and wounds appear on her skin.

Demodex mites live in the hair follicles of dogs' fur. When the immune system weakens, they begin to become active and multiply intensively. Ticks of this species are not contagious and usually disappear naturally.

All ticks are very dangerous to humans. That is why, at the first symptoms of the disease, the dog should be wrapped in a clean cloth or oilcloth and quickly taken to the veterinarian; the apartment where she lived should be thoroughly cleaned, and the bedding on which she rested should be disinfected or burned.

The encephalitis tick is clearly visible to the naked eye. Its bite is almost imperceptible and rarely causes skin irritation. However, this insect can cause great harm, as it is a carrier of a number of diseases (tick paralysis, tick-borne encephalitis etc.).

After any, even very short, walk in nature (in the forest, at the dacha, in the field), inspect your dog for ticks (particular attention should be paid to the ears and the area between the bulldog’s hind legs). This is best done with a special flea comb, which can be purchased at any pet store. If you find a tick, remove it as quickly as possible.

To kill a tick, you can drop rubbing alcohol on it. If there is no alcohol, it is recommended to use sunflower oil or a hot needle.

A dead tick can be easily removed from the skin using tweezers. Once you remove the tick, make sure its head is also removed, and then contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Lice pose a danger not only to dogs, but also to humans. They are highly contagious and easily visible to the naked eye. They can be seen even with a superficial examination of the skin and fur of a sick animal.


Roundworms are shaped like pink or white threads. They live in the liver, lungs or intestines.

Worms enter the dog's body along with bad food or in contact with a sick animal. Very often, puppies become infected with worms from their mother before birth.

Roundworms eat a lot nutrients and release toxins that can seriously harm your bulldog's health.

If you find larvae in your dog's feces roundworms, she needs to be taken to the vet.

The main symptoms of infection are diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss and faded fur.

Roundworm eggs are clearly visible when examining the feces of a sick animal.


Infection with flukes occurs when a dog consumes contaminated water. The main symptom of the disease is diarrhea. Flukes can be identified by examining the stool of a sick dog. The disease is easy to treat.


Determining whether a bulldog is infected with tapeworm is easy. The larvae of the worms are clearly visible in the dog’s feces or in the form of dry grains lining the anus. To prevent infection, you need to rid your dog of fleas, using medication if necessary.


Cystocarps can be detected in dog stool by examining it with a microscope. Infection occurs in crowded conditions.


Nematode infection most often occurs by eating sick rodents or fleas.

You can prevent infection by ridding your dog of fleas.


Obesity is a disease that is very common among dogs.

The main symptoms of obesity are excess weight, apathy, heavy breathing, refusal active actions(games, long walks, jogging).

The main causes of obesity are poor nutrition, metabolic disorders and a sedentary lifestyle.

Reducing your dog's weight can be achieved by changing its diet while simultaneously increasing exercise. The number of calories your pet consumes will decrease if you reduce the amount of food you give him by 40%.

Physical activity allows a bulldog to lose excess weight in a very short period of time. Increase your time for walks in the fresh air and try to play active games with your pet as often as possible using a ball, jump rope, plastic bones, etc.

A special diet will help a short time get your dog in shape. The bulldog should be given more low-calorie foods plant origin(boiled carrots, cabbage, green beans).


Constant nasal discharge and frequent sneezing may be caused by allergies. In this case, veterinary assistance will be required, since especially severe attacks Allergies may cause your bulldog to develop severe swelling of the eyes and throat.

ARI is an acute respiratory disease.

The main symptoms of acute respiratory infections are sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, loss of appetite, loss of strength. The cough is usually accompanied by sputum production and lasts from 5 to 15 days.

The main cause of the disease is hypothermia and viral activity.

If a bulldog exhibits all the symptoms of an acute respiratory infection, it should be taken to a veterinarian immediately. In the absence of qualified help, an acute respiratory infection can develop into pneumonia.

To reduce the risk of your pet developing an acute respiratory disease, it is recommended to place the dog’s bed away from windows and doors.

When you return from a walk, wipe your dog’s fur and paws with a clean cloth. If it is raining or strong wind outside, the walk should be reduced to a minimum, and the pet’s fur should be thoroughly dried upon return.


Tuberculosis is an exclusively contagious infectious disease chronic illness, always ending in death. Indoor decorative dogs rarely suffer from tuberculosis.

Symptoms of the disease are cough, shortness of breath, loss of weight and appetite, diarrhea.

Tuberculosis is caused by the tuberculosis bacillus, which enters the dog's body through contact with a sick animal and consumption of milk from cows infected with tuberculosis.

A sick bulldog needs to be isolated and taken to veterinary clinic, and after confirming the diagnosis, euthanize.

To prevent tuberculosis, milk and meat offered to your pet must be heat treated. The dog's resting place should be kept clean and away from drafts or heating devices.


In the acute form of the disease, animals die after 3–4 days without any clinical signs. With a longer course of the disease, damage occurs to the lymph nodes, which swell and become hard to the touch.

Infectious diseases can only be identified after a thorough examination of the sick animal in a veterinary institution, therefore treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

The sick dog is sent to the clinic and euthanized. The bed and care items must be destroyed. A strict quarantine regime is established in the apartment: all premises are disinfected, and other animals are isolated.

To prevent infection of people and other pets with infectious diseases, animals must be isolated for a period of at least 20 days, during which they are monitored and at the first sign of any disease they contact a veterinarian.

Heart failure

Heart failure is a common “disease of age”, in most cases ending in death. The most common symptoms of heart failure are cough and shortness of breath. In particularly advanced cases, the dog’s gums and tongue turn blue, and breathing becomes shallow and intermittent.

In sick dogs, the heart weakens and stops pumping blood at a sufficient speed. As a result of this, in abdominal cavity and some fluid accumulates in the dog's lungs.

A sick dog should be taken to a veterinarian so he can prescribe a course of treatment.

Digestive diseases

When a dog has a disease of the digestive system, diarrhea begins and its appetite sharply worsens.

The cause of the disease is improper feeding or hypothermia. Before starting treatment, you need to cleanse the dog's gastrointestinal tract by forcing it to swallow a spoon castor oil. During treatment, it is necessary to pour a weak solution of potassium permanganate or strong tea into the drinking bowl of a sick bulldog.

Respiratory diseases

When a dog has a respiratory disease, its breathing and pulse become more frequent, its appetite decreases, and its body temperature rises.

A sick bulldog feels a sharp loss of strength and almost does not react to external stimuli.

The cause of the disease is hypothermia of the body. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. The main causes of this disease are infection, chemical and physical irritants. Conjunctivitis can be unilateral (damage to one eye) or bilateral (damage to both eyes).

If the owner notices that the pet’s eyes are inflamed, it is necessary to show it to the veterinarian as soon as possible, who, having made an accurate diagnosis, will prescribe the necessary treatment.

On initial stage conjunctivitis, the animal's eyes become swollen and red, eyelashes stick together, and tears flow. At the next stage, the dog's eyes are constantly closed, and pus sometimes flows from under the closed eyelids. On last stage disease due to clouding of the cornea, the bulldog completely loses vision.

To treat conjunctivitis, you need to soak the purulent crusts that have formed in front of your eyes with a 3% solution of albucid, and then remove them. After some time, tetracycline or hydrocortisone ointment is placed under the animal’s eyelids. If the disease has affected the cornea, you can blow calomel mixed with powdered sugar into the bulldog's eyes every day. The insufflation procedure should be carried out by the owner or veterinarian 2 times a day until complete recovery.

Fungal diseases

Sometimes the skin of French bulldogs becomes affected by fungal diseases that can be transmitted to humans. If you illuminate damaged hairs in the dark with an ultraviolet lamp, you can see that they glow green.

Emergence fungal disease is caused by factors of harmful effects on the animal’s body from the environment: violation hygiene requirements and poor quality food. Treatment of such diseases is carried out using ultraviolet light.

If small areas of an animal's skin are affected by fungi, then for the dog to recover, as a rule, it is enough to treat the affected areas of skin with antifungal ointment 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days, and repeat the course of treatment after a month.

Treatment of a fungal disease can also last 20–40 days, during which the animal anus Griseofulvin solution is administered daily.

Fungal diseases also include microsporia, a skin disease caused by pathogenic microscopic fungi and affecting the skin, hair and claws of an animal. Microsporia is often called ringworm.

A sick dog can infect a person, so at the first symptoms of illness, the bulldog should be wrapped in a clean blanket or sheet and taken to a veterinary clinic.

The main symptom of the disease is that round gray spots covered with uneven scales appear on the scalp, neck and paws. In puppies, the disease is more severe than in adult dogs.

French bulldogs most often become infected with microsporia through contact with an affected animal. Incubation period microsporia – 10–30 days.

Treatment must be prescribed by a veterinarian. This disease is very contagious, so the owner of a bulldog should be careful and carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene when communicating with his pet.

Otitis externa

Otitis externa is a disease in which inflammation of the ear canal occurs. Otitis externa most often occurs due to penetration into the depths of auricle water, dirt or insects. Therefore, when bathing your dog, you need to make sure that water does not get into its ears.

The main symptom of the disease is restless behavior: bulldogs constantly scratch their ears and roll on the floor. With otitis externa, pus regularly leaks from the affected ear.

When treating a disease ear canal should be cleaned with a cotton swab. Do not use alcohol-containing liquids to wet it. After cleaning, the ear canal is processed special ointment based on zinc and fish oil. The treatment procedure must be repeated every 48 hours.


Keratitis is a disease that occurs when the cornea of ​​the eye is damaged by knots or sand. Sick dogs usually arrive at the veterinary clinic when the cornea of ​​the eye is already cloudy.

Treatment of the disease is carried out using a solution of fluorescein, eye drops and antibiotics.

When treating keratitis, you cannot use cortisone-based eye ointments, as there is a possibility that they will further destroy the cornea of ​​the eye.


Rickets is a disease that occurs when the functioning of the endocrine glands is disrupted or when there is a lack of sufficient mineral salts in the body. Most often, young dogs suffer from rickets. In winter, the risk of rickets increases significantly.

The following symptoms are observed: limbs become bent, joints thicken, and the back sags. Bulldogs suffering from rickets are significantly stunted in growth compared to their healthy relatives.


Plague is a fatal disease caused by exposure to an animal virus. The incubation period of plague can last 1–3 weeks.

The main symptoms of the disease are impaired coordination of movements, convulsions, weakness and apathy. As the disease worsens, the dog develops paralysis of the hind limbs. Death occurs 10 days after the first symptoms appear. There is no cure for plague, so veterinarians recommend euthanizing the animal immediately after diagnosis.

If an animal's body temperature suddenly begins to rise, it should not be given medications intended for humans, as this may cause the exact opposite effect.

It is best to measure a bulldog's body temperature rectally, that is, by inserting a thermometer into the anal hole. Some hobbyists prefer to measure the temperature by feeling the animal's nose. This should not be done, since in some cases it remains wet, despite the obvious unhealth of the pet.

An increase in body temperature in a dog can be caused by infectious and colds, as well as gastrointestinal diseases.

When the temperature rises, it is not recommended to take the dog to the clinic, since it will have to be taken out into the open air, and under the influence of unfavorable factors the animal’s well-being may worsen.

Alternatively, you can call your veterinarian. If it is not possible to consult with a specialist, it is best to give your dog a quarter of an aspirin tablet. After establishing a diagnosis and receiving recommendations from a doctor, treatment should begin.


Pneumonia - contagious disease respiratory organs, almost always ending in death. The main symptoms are refusal to eat, constant thirst, purulent discharge from the nose and fever. At the first symptoms of the disease, the dog should be isolated from people and other animals as quickly as possible.

Pneumonia most often affects animals weakened by vitamin deficiency.


Herpes is a disease transmitted through contact with a sick animal or contaminated objects.

In most cases, the bulldog has no symptoms of the disease. Herpes does not require treatment, and dogs recover completely within 5–10 days after infection.


Constipation is a disease in which an animal long time no bowel movements occur. The main symptoms of the disease are abdominal pain and refusal to eat.

To prevent constipation, your dog’s diet should include vegetables, fruits and berries.

Escherichia coli

E. coli contributes to changes in intestinal flora. Infection with E. coli can lead to large cluster microbes in the animal's body. The disease develops very quickly, and its outcome is always fatal.

The main symptoms of the disease are fever and bloody diarrhea.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis is an infection most often transmitted by mice.

The main symptoms of the disease are fever, heavy breathing and weakness. This disease is dangerous to humans and cannot be cured. After confirming the diagnosis, it is best to euthanize the animal and perform an autopsy to determine the causative agent of lymphocytic choriomeningitis.


Abscesses appear primarily on the dog's paw pads. The reasons for this inflammation have not been established. Treatment of the disease most often lasts several months: the dog must lie down constantly, and its paws must be regularly lubricated with a preparation based on fish oil and zinc ointment.

In advanced cases, healing abscesses is almost impossible.

Diseases caused by vitamin deficiency

Available for sale great amount ready-made feed mixtures. They contain most of the nutritional components, necessary for the body dogs. Despite this, 30% of Bulldogs show symptoms of nutritional deficiency from time to time.

Vitamin E

If there is a lack of vitamin E (tocopherol) in the bulldog's body, the dog's coat loses its inherent shine and looks disheveled. If tocopherol deficiency is not eliminated in time, the animal may experience irreversible changes in the muscles. In addition, if there is a lack of vitamin E in dogs, fertility decreases.

Vitamin C

A lack of vitamin C has a pronounced destructive effect on the dog’s body: it weakens the immune system, which contributes to the emergence and development of many diseases. Vitamin C deficiency is characterized by clearly defined symptoms.

To prevent vitamin C deficiency in your animal, it is necessary to include vegetables, fruits and parsley in your bulldog’s diet.

The development of vitamin C deficiency can cause scurvy. The main symptoms of scurvy are loose teeth and sore gums. To prevent this disease, it is recommended to give your dog 5 mg of ascorbic acid daily with 1 ml of drinking water.

The prepared solution must be replaced daily with a fresh one, since vitamin C easily reacts chemically with water.

Vitamin C solution can be given to your pet only on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

The French Bulldog needs to add some chopped greens to its food. If an animal eats exclusively meat, feed mixtures and dairy products for a long time, it may develop symptoms of vitamin deficiency: skin allergy, fatigue, hair loss. If your dog's diet includes a large amount of fruits and vegetables, similar problem does not arise.

With a weakened immune system, the animal easily gets sick. This happens especially often when the animal’s bed is located in a draft: near a door or window.

Vitamin D

In young dogs normal development bones is possible only if the body has sufficient quantity vitamin D, responsible for calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Calciferol prevents the development of rickets in puppies and bone decalcification in adult animals.

The consequences of vitamin D deficiency are dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, curvature of the paws, spinal column, as well as delayed development and growth of young individuals.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A (retinol) is responsible for the condition of the skin of dogs. Retinol enters the animal body in the form of carotene from fruits and vegetables. With a deficiency of vitamin A, a bulldog's eyes become watery, digestion and the functioning of the reproductive organs are disrupted. In addition, an animal suffering from a lack of vitamin A may experience disturbances in the functioning of the upper respiratory tract.

An excess of retinol in a dog’s body has the same negative impact on its health as its deficiency, since an overdose of vitamin A leads to accelerated bone growth, resulting in improper skeletal development.

Vitamin B complex

For vitamin B deficiency 1 (thiamine) the dog’s digestion is impaired and general weakness is observed.

A lack of pantothenic acid leads to liver dysfunction, and a deficiency of folic acid leads to anemia.

With a deficiency of vitamin B in the body 6 (pyridoxine) in animals there is a sharp decrease in body weight. In addition, dogs may experience impaired motor function.

Vitamin B deficiency 12 (cyanocobalamin) leads to hair loss. First, it loses its inherent shine, and then areas of baldness appear on the animal’s body.

Vitamin K

As a rule, a bulldog whose diet is balanced will rarely suffer from vitamin K deficiency. Phylloquinone deficiency can occur when the animal is treated with antibiotics. With a deficiency of this vitamin, the dog loses its appetite and reacts poorly to external stimuli.

Examination of a dog at home and in a veterinary clinic

It is very important to establish the reasons for the changed behavior of a sick pet, and for veterinarians to make a diagnosis and offer the optimal course of treatment for the disease.

Nobody knows the pet better than the owner. If you notice your dog is depressed or showing signs of illness, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. By regularly examining your dog, you can detect and classify the disease into early stage its development, and then take measures to cure it.

According to veterinarians, the health of a dog depends primarily on how its owner treats it. An animal surrounded by attention and love feels better than one that constantly expects a dissatisfied cry from the owner.

Signs of an unhealthy dog ​​that you should first pay attention to include:

Stomach upset;


Loss of appetite that lasted more than 1–2 days;

Severe weight loss or obesity;

Pain in the mouth while eating;

Itchy skin (scratching);

Intense thirst;

Urinary incontinence;

Heavy breathing and wheezing in the chest;

Discharge from eyes, nose, etc.

Sometimes when examining dogs it is necessary to use x-rays. The duration of exposure depends on the characteristics of the cassette and the timing of its development.

Your pet's breathing rate can be determined by observing the movements of its chest. If an animal is lying on the ground without signs of life, you can hold a mirror or a hair near its nose to detect breathing.

In order to take blood from a dog, you need to use a rubber band to stop the blood flow above the animal’s elbow and, after disinfecting the desired area, inject it into the blood vessel igloo

When examining your dog, pay attention to its pulse. U healthy dog it does not exceed 80–140 beats per minute. You can feel it by pressing your palm against the dog’s body under its armpit. Normal temperature bulldog body – 38–39° C. If your pet needs medical care that can only be provided by a veterinarian, it is recommended to contact a private veterinary clinic where experienced specialists practice. Such establishments usually have separate reception areas for dogs, cats, rodents, etc. Find out whether they provide emergency care and whether they undertake treatment serious illnesses, requiring surgical intervention and hospitalization.

When you come to your first appointment, pay attention to how the veterinarian treats your pet, whether he is affectionate with him, whether he handles the animal carefully, whether he confidently answers the questions you ask and makes a diagnosis.

Caring for a sick dog

A sick dog should be disturbed as little as possible, providing it with proper care and treatment. The animal should be in a quiet and not too lit place, but not in a draft or close to heating devices.

A sick dog should be given as much drinking water as possible. If the animal is not able to drink on its own, then water or tea should be slowly poured into its mouth drop by drop using a syringe without a needle.

If a bulldog needs to be operated on, then 7–10 days before the scheduled day of surgery, he should be given vitamin C daily. The animal should be stopped feeding 12 hours before surgery. After the operation, the dog is kept warm for several days, preferably under a lamp.

Before giving your pet medications, you should consult a veterinarian, since many medications are contraindicated for dogs, and some animals exhibit individual sensitivity to medications, including severe allergic reactions and intolerance. When in digestive tract If any antibacterial drug enters a French bulldog, then, along with the pathogenic microflora, it also kills the beneficial ones, which in the future has a bad effect on the dog’s health. Therefore, experts do not recommend giving animals antibacterial drugs just in case, that is, without a serious reason.

Antibacterial drugs should be prescribed by a veterinarian, and the course of treatment of the animal should be carried out only under his supervision.

The owner of a sick bulldog needs to know that antibiotics have a therapeutic effect after 2-3 days from the start of administration and the animal’s condition should not worsen. If after this time there is no positive change in treatment, then it is recommended to replace the antibacterial drug. Of course, appoint new antibiotic Only a veterinarian should.

When treating a French Bulldog with antibacterial drugs, it is important to adhere to the correct dosage: overdose and administration of insufficient amounts of medication can worsen the course of the disease.

Reduce negative impact anti bacterial preparations on the dog’s body can be done with the help of probiotics – bacterial preparations containing cultures beneficial microorganisms, which have an antagonistic effect on pathogenic flora and replenishing microflora that died under the influence of antibiotics. It is worth noting that the drugs prescribed to people (Linex, Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, etc.) do not help bulldogs, so for the treatment of the latter veterinarians other medications are recommended.

Medications prescribed by your veterinarian can be administered to your dog in two ways: oral (by mouth) and oral (by injection).

Oral route

Methods of introducing drugs into the body of a French bulldog can be voluntary or violent. In this regard, everything depends on the qualitative characteristics of the medicine itself: if it is bitter or sour, the dog will not eat it voluntarily, if it is sweet, it is unlikely to refuse.

The voluntary method is used if the dog is conscious and retains its appetite. With this method of administering medicine to a sick dog, a certain amount of crushed medicine is mixed into the food. This is done as follows: prepared food (meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, vegetables, etc.) is crushed, then mixed with medications (tablets, powders, suspensions) and then given to the pet.

The liquid medicine is usually mixed with drinking water or milk. If its taste is unpleasant, you can add a little sweet syrup or sugar to the liquid.

Medicines can not only be added to the dog’s food, but also given to the dog directly. In this case, the owner forces the pet to swallow the tablet or suspension. This is usually done in cases where the taste of the medicine is very unpleasant or the pet has no appetite.

Forceful method of giving liquid medicine (b) and tablets (a)

To get your dog to swallow a tablet or capsule, restrain the animal's head. Then, to open your mouth, press firmly with your index fingers and thumbs hands on the animal's cheeks. Place the medicine on the root of the animal's tongue, release the bulldog, and he will swallow involuntarily.

To get your dog to swallow powder or liquid medicine, you will need the help of another person. Place one hand around your dog's muzzle and squeeze tightly. Index and middle fingers insert the other hand into the animal's mouth between the teeth and cheek, and then pull the cheek outward. Your assistant should pour the powder mixed with syrup or water or pour in the suspension into the hole formed as quickly as possible.

As soon as the dog swallows the drug, release it, pet it, calm it down and treat it with a treat.

Despite the fact that oral suspensions are convenient to use, they, as already mentioned, have bad influence on the digestive organs of dogs, destroying the intestinal microflora. It is for this reason that veterinary experts recommend administering antibiotics to animals orally.

Oral route

Injecting medications into dogs requires certain skills. As a rule, antibiotics are administered to animals intramuscularly (into the thigh muscles). It should be taken into account that the skin of dogs is quite thick and a person needs some effort to insert the syringe needle. In addition, a timid animal will most likely squeal loudly and try to escape or bite, so you must first put a muzzle on it and hold the dog firmly when inserting the needle.

Regardless of the route of administration medicinal product it is possible that the latter, in addition to (or instead of) therapeutic effect, will have a negative effect on the dog’s body.

Cosmetical tools

Currently in specialized stores for animals you can purchase many cosmetic products that have medicinal properties.

It must be remembered that all antibacterial creams become thicker over time. Before use, the closed bottle of the drug should be placed in hot water so that the cream regains its softness.

When using cosmetics with medicinal properties, it is necessary to distract the dog for 5-10 minutes so that it does not lick the cream.

Antiseptic antibacterial spray

Antiseptic antibacterial spray is an excellent disinfectant for dogs, including French bulldogs.

The spray does not lose its antiseptic properties in the environment of pus, blood and other organic liquids. It is harmless when used regularly.

The drug contains chlorhexidine, glycerin, antifungin, boric acid, eucalyptus oil, iodine, polysorbate 80, isopryl alcohol, salicylic acid, glycol, water and aloe. It relieves itching and irritation, is a means of preventing fungal and bacterial infections, and accelerates the healing process of wounds on the animal’s skin.

Antifungal cream

Good antibacterial antifungal agent is a thick, soft cream for the ears and skin of dogs, made on the basis of mineral oil, beeswax, mountain comfrey, peppermint, lanolin.

The cream has an effective antiseptic, antibacterial and fungicidal effect, copes well with purulent colds and infectious otitis, inflammation, itching of the auricle, fungal infections of the ears and skin of the French bulldog, and pustular inflammation.

Thanks to peppermint, which is part of the drug, the cream has a calming effect and relieves itching, and lanolin and mineral oils soften and moisturize the skin, giving it a healthy appearance.

Has an amazing property beeswax, which has a healing effect and creates a film on the damaged area of ​​the dog’s skin, which prevents reoccurrence of the disease.

This product prevents the growth of fungi and pathogenic bacteria, does not irritate or weaken the mucous membrane of the French Bulldog's skin.

In addition, the cream has no odor that irritates French bulldogs and does not contain chemicals that negatively affect the dog's health.

Before using antibacterial cream, you need to clean your dog's ear with a cotton swab soaked in 6% apple cider vinegar. A small amount of cream should be injected into the animal's ear canal using a pipette bottle. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Insecticidal collar

A good way to protect dogs from fleas is insecticidal collar, which is valid for 7 months.

When using a collar, keep in mind that it should move freely around your French Bulldog's neck.

Before using the collar, you should straighten it, since only in this case the active substances vigren and rabon begin to be released. The protection begins to take effect on the 5th–7th day.

With the aim of effective protection against fleas and ticks, you can replace the collar after the expiration date, and if there are a large number of fleas on your pet’s fur, it is recommended to change the collar more often.

Jojoba oil cream

The use of this cream is effective for itching and insect bites. The emulsion relieves pain and burning. The cream can be applied under bandages; when using it, it is not necessary to first use antiseptic and hemostatic agents.

The cream does not contain alcohol, chemicals or components harmful to the health of dogs. The jojoba oil contained in the cream penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, providing healing properties. Aloe vera and biotin heal and soften damaged skin. Mountain comfrey has a strong fungicidal and antiseptic effect. Yucca schidigera has an analgesic and restorative effect.

When using the cream, apply a small amount of the drug to a wound or damaged area of ​​the French Bulldog's skin and, if necessary, apply a bandage. It is recommended to use until the damaged area of ​​the animal's skin has completely healed.

The cream can be used for any damage to the skin of a French bulldog. The drug quickly has a healing effect on thermal and chemical burns, wounds, infectious, bacterial and fungal skin lesions. In addition, the cream eliminates pain, subcutaneous hemorrhages and inflammation, and promotes postoperative tissue healing.

Emollient creams

IN winter time Dog breeders are often faced with the problem of cracks appearing on the pads of their pets’ paws, which arise as a result of salt sprinkled on the asphalt to combat ice getting into the interdigital space. Of course, French bulldogs are the hardiest of all dog breeds, but they also experience pain caused by irritation and inflammation of the tissues, which often leads to dermatitis and the appearance of difficult-to-heal ulcers.

An excellent way to prevent the occurrence of interdigital cracks in a French bulldog are various aerosols, creams and powders that need to be used to treat the pet’s paw pads. These products form a film on the stratum corneum of the dog’s paw pads that is resistant to mechanical and chemical influences and does not dissolve when exposed to water.

To protect your French Bulldog's paws from the effects of salt, you can lubricate the paw pads with regular silicone cream. It penetrates into interdigital cracks and protects tissues from contact with saline solution. In addition, the cream protects the animal's paws from frostbite.

"Miracle cream"

Many dog ​​breeders use universal skin cream. The drug is often called a “miracle cream”, as it has unique wound-healing and antiseptic properties, does not cause burning of the skin of dogs, and does not leave stains after its use.

This product has no odor that irritates animals.

When using the cream, apply a small amount to damaged areas of the French Bulldog's skin, avoiding contact with the eyes.

The drug can be used as a postoperative therapeutic agent. Regular use of the cream accelerates the process of tissue fusion and reduces the formation of colloidal scars.

In addition, when using this cream, there is no need to apply bandages, except in cases of severe bleeding.

Hydrocortisone cream for inflamed skin French Bulldog consists of 0.5% hydrocortisone, aloe vera gel, promotes more fast healing wounds and scratches, especially after insect bites, reduce itching and irritation of the dog’s skin.

When using the drug, apply a small amount of cream to the damaged area of ​​skin several times a day, while avoiding getting it into the eyes and nose of the animal. It is not recommended to apply the cream to large damaged areas of skin and use it for infectious diseases.

Hydrocortisone lotion

Has excellent healing properties for inflamed dog skin. hydrocortisone lotion, consisting of 0.5% hydrocortisone and aloe vera gel. The drug helps reduce itching and skin irritation, heal wounds, dermatitis, abrasions, and scratches.

When using, apply a small amount of lotion to the damaged surface of your French Bulldog's skin several times a day.

Scented spray

Strawberry scented spray for French Bulldogs cleanses and moisturizes your dog's coat, adding shine and a long-lasting scent. In addition, the drug does not contain alcohol and has antistatic properties. long acting, has a beneficial effect on irritated skin.

Soothing herbal tincture

For French bulldogs participating in exhibitions and sporting competitions, many dog ​​breeders purchase in specialized stores soothing herbal tincture. Using it for 2 days ensures stable and calm behavior of the dog at the event.

The L-tryptophan and natural herbal extracts contained in the tincture have a positive effect on the dog’s central nervous system, which is very important for an animal entering the ring for the first time.

And although French bulldogs are naturally calm and self-possessed, it doesn’t hurt for the dog owner to take precautions to prevent the possible occurrence of any incident.

The drug is used at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 5 kg of animal weight.

Flea and tick shampoo

An excellent remedy against fleas and ticks is shampoo containing pyrethrin, piperonyl butoxide and N-octyl bicycloheptane dibacroximide.

When using, you must thoroughly wet the French Bulldog's coat, and then apply shampoo, previously diluted with water and whipped into foam. For achievement maximum effect You can leave the product on for a few minutes and then rinse your dog with clean water.

The product washes the French Bulldog's coat well, giving it shine and silkiness, and has a pleasant smell. The components included in the shampoo help kill fleas and ticks and do not dry or irritate the skin.

Wet hemostatic wipes

Often, French bulldog owners are faced with the problem of bleeding in the dog when the skin is damaged. You may not have the necessary antibacterial agents on hand.

Do not apply hemostatic wipes to the eye area.

In such a situation, using wet hemostatic wipes, soaked in 0.2% benzocaine, water, ferrous subsulfate, isopropyl alcohol, benzalkonium chloride. The wipes quickly and effectively stop capillary bleeding and are intended for external use only.

When using, you need to remove the napkin from the package, apply it to the damaged area of ​​skin and press lightly. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

They have good medicinal properties antibacterial wet wipes in individual packaging. They quickly and effectively disinfect wounds, abrasions, burns, flea bites and other damage to the skin of the French Bulldog and are intended for external use only.

Wipes are impregnated with water, 5% SD alcohol, cocamidopropyl betaine, sodium laureth sulfate, propylene glycol, benzyl alcohol, octoxynol 9, diazolidinyl urea, denatonium benzoate.

When using, remove the napkin from the package, apply it to the damaged area of ​​the dog’s skin and press lightly.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.


Puppies are susceptible to various diseases, mostly contagious, the outcome of which in most cases is fatal (plague, hepatitis, etc.). The development of these diseases can be prevented through vaccination.

Each dog has two types of immunity (immunity to infectious diseases) - congenital and acquired.

Owners should remember that vaccination is only temporary protection against infection, valid for approximately 1 year.

Innate immunity, inherited by the puppy from its mother, as mentioned earlier, persists until the baby reaches the age of 2–2.5 months. Then its effect stops, and the young bulldog is given the first vaccination against infectious diseases. Regarding subsequent vaccinations, you should consult with an experienced veterinarian. He will put your dog on a personalized vaccination schedule.

Acquired immunity develops after vaccination or after the dog has already suffered a disease and its body has become immune to the pathogens of this disease.

The vast majority of vaccinations are given to puppies between 12 and 14 weeks of age. The vaccine is administered in 2–3 doses. Because puppies have innate immunity from their mother, their own antibody production may be slowed down. This is why some vaccines are administered to puppies several times in a row, with a short interval.

Vaccination against a number of the most dangerous diseases for dogs must be repeated annually.


Canine distemper is a viral disease with a fatal outcome. The animal's nervous system is affected, indigestion and respiratory irritation are observed.

Vaccination lasts 3 weeks and is consolidated annually.


Hepatitis is a viral disease that affects the liver of an animal.

Vaccination is similar to plague vaccination, lasts 3 weeks and is consolidated annually.


Parainfluenza is a viral disease, the main symptom of which is a severe cough.

The disease is in many ways similar to the common cold.


Rabies is a viral disease with a fatal outcome. The nervous system of a sick animal is affected. Rabies is contagious to all species of mammals, as well as to humans. It is practically impossible to diagnose. Rabies vaccines are administered primarily to dogs living in areas where the disease is widespread.

Vaccination occurs in stages over several months and is consolidated annually.

Paraviral enteritis

Paraviral enteritis is a gastrointestinal disease, often fatal. It is especially dangerous for puppies and is practically untreatable.

Vaccination for the disease often begins before the puppy reaches 5 weeks of age and is very similar to vaccination for distemper.


Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease. A sick animal's kidneys and liver are affected.

Vaccination for the disease begins after the puppy reaches 9 weeks of age and is in many ways similar to vaccination for distemper.

If your pet exhibits symptoms such as excessive drooling, diarrhea, nasal discharge, general weakness, lethargy, complete indifference environment, you should take your puppy to the vet immediately. Remember that it is unacceptable to ignore signs of a possible serious illness, because there are a number of infections that are very dangerous for dogs, from which they can die.

Vaccination cannot be carried out while the puppy is ill. If he has just suffered from a disease, then vaccination will also have to be delayed. It is not allowed to vaccinate dogs during the replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones.

The incubation (latent) period of most infectious diseases lasts, as a rule, within 2 weeks. Therefore, during the 2-week period before vaccination, you need to be especially careful when walking your dog: avoid contact with other dogs and cats, strangers who want to pet your pet or treat it with some kind of treat, etc.

If a dog has only received some of its basic vaccinations, it should not be taken to areas where it may come into contact with a sick animal. Before traveling with your pet, consult your veterinarian. Most likely, he will recommend that your dog receive several additional vaccinations (colds, encephalitis, coronavirus, etc.).

Remember that the 14-15 day period before vaccination is a kind of quarantine for the puppy and you should take special care to protect it from adverse effects during this time external environment, mental stress, fear.

It is not recommended to walk your puppy in rainy, windy or cold weather; in winter, if there is not enough in the apartment heat air, you should place a heating pad on your pet’s bedding - a bottle filled warm water and wrapped in a piece of woolen cloth.