Inflammation of the cervix. Symptoms of cervical inflammation

Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs occupy a predominant place in the general structure gynecological pathology. And one of the most common conditions is cervicitis, associated with microbial damage to the cervix. Why it develops, how it manifests itself and what needs to be done if this pathology is detected - these are the main questions that require detailed consideration.

Causes and mechanisms

The microbial factor penetrates into cervical canal in various ways. Highest value has contact (sexual) and vertical transmission mechanisms, when the pathogen enters the cervix from the vagina. Hemato- and lymphogenous spread of infection also occurs, but much less frequently.

Normally, the cervix is ​​designed to protect the internal genital organs from adverse external influences. Therefore, it is always closed, and the cervical canal is filled with a mucus plug. The latter contains secretory antibodies protruding humoral factor protection. But there are situations when this natural barrier is broken, and an infectious process develops in the cervix. The following conditions contribute to this:

  • Other inflammatory diseases(colpitis, vulvitis, bartholinitis).
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Pseudo-erosion and ectropion (cervical eversion).
  • Traumatic injury (during childbirth, abortion, diagnostic curettage, operations).
  • Use of intrauterine contraceptives.
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  • Reducing the overall reactivity of the body (infections, intoxications, radiation, taking immunosuppressants).

Thus, it is not only the presence that is important infectious agent and the implementation of the route of its transmission, but also the presence of a sensitive organism into which it can penetrate. With sufficient activity of the immune system and normal functioning of natural barriers, the development of the disease is unlikely. This is possible only if the pathogen is highly virulent and its quantity (microbial dose) is large. In other cases, the determining factor is local or general disorders that reduce the activity of protective systems.

The direct cause of cervicitis is a microbial factor, but its development becomes possible only under favorable conditions.


Each disease has certain varieties, which is reflected in its classification. Cervical inflammation also has some characteristics. It could be:

  • By localization: in the form of exo- or endocervicitis (in other words, with damage to the vaginal part or cervical canal).
  • By distribution: focal or diffuse.
  • By clinical course: acute or chronic.

When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account causative factor diseases. That's why existing classification complemented by etiological varieties of cervicitis: gonococcal, chlamydial, fungal, herpesvirus, etc.


The clinical picture of cervicitis of the cervix is ​​determined by several aspects. Firstly, the symptoms depend on the nature pathological process: its origin, localization and prevalence. Secondly, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics body: activity of the immune system, associated problems. At the initial stage, it is important for the doctor to analyze and detail complaints, study anamnesis and conduct a physical examination. He will have at his disposal subjective and objective signs of cervicitis. In acute cervical inflammation, symptoms include:

  1. Copious discharge of mucous or mucopurulent nature.
  2. Dull or nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. Discomfort during sexual intercourse.

When examined in the mirrors, swelling and redness are visible in the area of ​​the external opening of the cervical canal. Dilated vessels and minor hemorrhages are noticeable on the mucous membrane. If cervicitis is of herpes nature, eroded areas prone to fusion are visualized against a background of a bright red surface. The Trichomonas process is characterized as a “strawberry cervix” - this appearance is given to the cervix by small hemorrhages. And infection with papillomavirus often manifests itself as benign growth of the mucous membrane - condylomas.

Cervicitis may initially occur in hidden form when the symptoms are not pronounced or are completely absent. And the acute process often turns into a protracted and chronic inflammation cervix. This occurs due to late diagnosis and lack of adequate treatment. Then the signs of inflammation - hyperemia and swelling - become less intense, but the inflammation spreads to other areas. The cervix becomes denser, and its columnar epithelium can be replaced by flat epithelium. The opposite situation is also observed when the endocervix comes on vaginal part, which is called pseudo-erosion.

Sometimes cervicitis is complicated by infection of the upper genital tract - endometritis and salpingoophoritis. Then the woman’s well-being deteriorates: the temperature rises, malaise and weakness occur. And inflammation of the cervix during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage - spontaneous abortion and premature birth. In addition, other possible undesirable consequences: infection of the fetus, its delay intrauterine development, various anomalies.

Clinical signs of cervicitis are determined by its form, location, origin and condition of the woman’s body.

Additional diagnostics

After the gynecological and general examination The doctor needs to confirm the inflammation of the cervix and establish its detailed nature. For this purpose, additional diagnostic methods which include:

  • General blood and urine tests.
  • Blood biochemistry (antibodies to infections).
  • Linked immunosorbent assay.
  • Smear microscopy with cytology.
  • Bacterial culture of secretions.
  • Determination of sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • Study of genetic material (PCR).
  • Colposcopy.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis.

These activities help to establish the cause of the pathology and plan further treatment. In addition to these laboratory and instrumental methods, other diagnostic tools can be used, which depends on the woman’s concomitant problems.


When cervical inflammation is diagnosed, treatment should be comprehensive. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causative factor - microbial infection, and then restore the accompanying disorders in the immune, hormonal and metabolic spheres. Conservative methods are successfully used for this, but sometimes you have to resort to more radical methods.


In most cases, cervicitis responds well to conservative correction. And the leading role in therapy is played by medications, which allow them to influence all aspects of the mechanism of disease development. Patients are prescribed the following groups of drugs:

  • Antibiotics (macrolides, fluoroquinolones, penicillins, tetracyclines).
  • Antifungals (fluconazole, nystatin).
  • Antiviral (acyclovir, ganciclovir, interferon).
  • Antiprotozoal (metronidazole).

Local forms of medicines are widely used - ointments, gels, vaginal suppositories. This allows you to get a local effect without unwanted side effect. This is especially true for women in a position where they try to use as much as possible safe drugs and in the minimum permissible concentration.

After subsiding acute inflammation apply antiseptics– Dimexide, chlorophyllipt, Miramistin – in the form of applications, irrigations, douchings. For atrophic cervicitis local treatment includes the use of estrogens (Ovestin). In parallel, correction is carried out with other medications: immunomodulators, probiotics, vitamins. For viral condylomas, it is possible to use cytostatics.

Medicines are the basis of modern therapy for cervicitis. Your doctor will tell you which medications to use.


Sometimes conservative methods are not enough. This situation most often occurs when chronic cervicitis. Therefore, the question of how to treat inflammation of the cervix in such cases will be answered by gynecologists involved in minimally invasive manipulations. For patients who do not have acute infections, the following interventions are indicated:

  1. Diathermocoagulation.
  2. Laser therapy.
  3. Cryosurgical methods.

They are minimally traumatic, therefore they allow you to avoid cicatricial changes in the cervix, and also make it possible to correct concomitant conditions (ectropion, erosion). After the operation, a fairly rapid restoration of the normal mucous membrane occurs.

To avoid the development of cervicitis, a woman should follow simple rules personal and intimate hygiene, conduct healthy image life, treat others in a timely manner gynecological diseases, rationally plan pregnancy. And if you still had to face similar problem, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will tell you what the cause of the disease is, determine the symptoms and treatment necessary to eliminate the pathology. And a woman should only follow all the recommendations.


Hyperemia is not a separate disease, but is considered only a symptom. This pathological process can indicate the development of serious diseases, as well as be a temporary physiological or borderline phenomenon, which does not cause harm to health.

When there is redness of the mucous membrane of the cervical uterus, objective symptoms are often not observed, so it is important to visit a gynecologist once or twice a year. Cervical hyperemia occurs in pregnant women and can occur as a result of injury, infection, circulatory disorders, uterine prolapse and elongation, and can also be a sign of heart and lung diseases. Therefore, it is important to promptly identify the cause and begin treatment.

What is hyperemia

Hyperemia of the mucous membrane is a typical pathological process that occurs in response to exposure to irritating external or internal factors and is characterized by excessive filling of the blood vessels, resulting in redness.

The cervical mucosa takes on a red tint against the backdrop of increasing inflow arterial blood or with obstructed venous outflow.

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish two main types of hyperemia: active type (arterial) and passive (venous).

After visiting a gynecologist, many women wonder: what is cervical hyperemia and is it dangerous?


Redness of the cervical mucosa can occur as a result of mechanical damage or infection. In medicine, the following causes of hyperemia are identified:

1. Incorrect operation Gastrointestinal tract. Most often these are constipation, as they are accompanied by increased intra-abdominal pressure and impaired venous outflow. A hyperemic neck will have a venous type.

2. Exceeding the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Some diseases bronchopulmonary system and hematopoietic systems may be accompanied by signs of a hyperemic cervix due to a significant increase in hemoglobin content in the erythrocyte.

3. Infectious pathologies. Redness of the cervical mucosa is observed in cases where the infection reaches the genitourinary tract. After hyperemia, the stage of erosion begins. It does not go away on its own and requires the use of antibacterial and other etiotropic drugs.

4. Hypothermia. Doctors recommend that women avoid hypothermia of the pelvic organs (for example, sitting on cold and stone surfaces). A hyperemic cervix, with a decrease in the body's resistance, can go into the stage of erosion. The presence of vaginal dysbiosis contributes to this.

5. Overheating. The cause of redness of the mucous membrane can be not only low temperature. Often this condition is observed in women working in harmful conditions production, accompanied by a heating microclimate, when blood vessels begin to dilate and blood flow increases. Treatment in this case is not required, but the patient should be closely monitored.

6. Mechanical damage. Hyperemia may appear after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination. Most often it goes away on its own within 1-2 days.

7. Allergic reaction. Every woman can experience various symptoms. A patient with a hyperemic cervix is ​​allergic to personal hygiene products, medications. In this case, exclusion of the allergen and the use of antihistamines are required.

8. Hormonal changes. Hyperemia of the uterus occurs against the background of hormonal changes in the body during adolescence, pregnancy, and menstruation.

9. Promotion blood pressure. Congestion of organs with hypertension is not uncommon. The cervix is ​​no exception.

10. Menopause, during which hot flashes occur.

There are many reasons for redness of the cervical mucosa. In some cases, treatment is not required, since when eliminated irritating factor it goes away on its own. But there are cases when hyperemia is a symptom of the development of serious diseases.

Even with slight redness You should undergo an examination and identify the cause.

Types of hyperemia

In medicine, several types of hyperemia are distinguished depending on the causes, nature of the course, prevalence and pathogenesis.

Redness of the mucous membrane can be:

1. A physiological process resulting from temporary overheating and pregnancy.

2. Pathological, in which the cause becomes physical factors, allergies, pathogenic microorganisms spreading to the mucous membrane.

Depending on the nature of the course, hyperemia is divided into two types:

1. Chronic, conditioned constant exposure provoking factors, characterized by exacerbations and remissions that replace each other.

2. Acute, when there is a short-term severe redness cervix. After completing a course of treatment or eliminating the influence of negative factors, it completely disappears.

Also, depending on the degree of prevalence of the pathological process, specialists distinguish:

1. Local hyperemia, when redness is observed only in a certain area.

2. General, in which the pathological process, in the absence of treatment, also affects the vagina.

In addition, hyperemia can be active (arterial) and passive (venous). Each type has its own individual characteristics and is accompanied by certain symptoms.

Arterial hyperemia

Characterized by an increase varying degrees blood flow to the cervical mucosa, as a result of which it acquires a red tint. The main symptoms are:

1. Redness of the mucous membrane at the site of the flush.

2. Dilatation of arteries.

3. Pulsation in the vessels of the cervix, where it was not previously noted.

4. Acceleration of blood flow in vessels.

5. Reducing the difference in the amount of oxygen in venous and arterial blood.

6. Increase in tissue temperature at the site of localization of the pathological process.

There may also be an increase in lymphatic flow.

Many symptoms are hidden and it is often possible to detect cervical hyperemia only during a gynecological examination.

Venous hyperemia

Passive hyperemia occurs as a result of the influence of various pathological changes, for example, heart failure, compression of blood vessels by a tumor, varicose veins in the pelvic area.

With the venous type, a dark red or bluish tint of the mucous membrane appears. The main symptoms also include:

1. Decrease in body temperature at the site of localization of the pathological process.

2. Swelling and increase in volume of the cervical mucosa.

In this case, accompanying symptoms may occur, for example, discomfort and itching, burning, pain. Venous hyperemia requires detailed diagnosis.

General signs

The presence of redness of the mucous membrane of the cervix can also be determined by certain signs that have general character. These include:

1. Increased heartbeat, headaches with arterial hypertension.

2. Pain and distension in the vaginal and perineal area.

3. Pathological discharge infectious nature.

4. Bloody discharge or acyclic bleeding.

5. Symptoms caused by pathology of other organs and systems – bronchial asthma, heart failure, etc.

Any changes on the surface of the cervical spine require additional research and providing appropriate therapy.


Diagnosing hyperemia requires a comprehensive examination. This is due to the fact that this state of the body is not a disease, but only a manifestation of certain pathologies. That is why the main goal diagnostic measures is to identify the main cause of redness of the mucous membrane of the cervix.

First of all, the specialist carefully examines the medical history and conducts an examination. To determine the cause of redness of the mucous membrane, the doctor prescribes the following instrumental diagnostic methods:

  • Ultrasound examination of the cervix with Dopplerography. Necessary to identify the presence pathological conditions, benign or malignant tumors, which, as they grow, can compress blood vessels.

  • Electrocardiography. It is carried out to identify heart pathologies. Additionally, Holter monitoring and dynamic blood pressure measurements are performed.
  • CT scan. It is carried out to detect tumors or other pathologies of the pelvis that contribute to passive hyperemia.
  • Colposcopy.

Also appointed laboratory test blood to determine the level of hemoglobin and hormones. Based on the results obtained, the need for treatment and the use of medications is determined.


Treatment for redness of the cervical mucosa is comprehensive, addressing all causes of the disease.

The course of therapy depends on what triggered the appearance of hyperemia and may be as follows:

1. Excluding everyone hygiene products, which contain alcohol, fragrances and other substances that can cause an allergic reaction.

2. Exclusion of significant and sharp drop temperatures

3. Dieting. Refusal of fatty and spicy foods, alcoholic drinks, refined sweets, strong tea and coffee, as they negatively affect the intestines.

4. The use of healing drugs for mechanical damage to the organ.

5. Treatment varicose veins veins

6. Use of antihistamines.

7. Treatment of erosion and STIs.

If the cervix is ​​hyperemic due to infectious diseases, antibacterial, antifungal or antiviral drugs are prescribed medicines. They are used only after the type of microorganism has been established. Broad-spectrum drugs are often used.

In order to reduce hemoglobin, lung and heart diseases are diagnosed and subsequent treatment is carried out. Arterial hypertension involves the constant use of medications that control blood pressure.

If edema is present, they may be prescribed antihistamines, for example, “Claritin”, “Suprastin”. They help relieve swelling. Products for improving blood microcirculation, such as Curantil and Persantine, may also be recommended.

Hyperemia is not independent disease, but only a symptom of many different diseases.

Don't put off going to the doctor since the lack of treatment leads to serious consequences.

Prevention measures

To avoid redness of the mucous membrane of the cervix, experts recommend following a number of preventive measures. A woman should:

1. Avoid hypothermia and do not sit on stone or cold surfaces.

2. Treat all infectious diseases in a timely manner.

3. Wear underwear made from natural materials that does not restrict movement.

4. Observe the rules of intimate hygiene, taking into account allergy history.

5. Move more and do exercises during the working day.

6. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits to prevent constipation.

Cervical hyperemia is not a disease, but only a sign of the development of certain pathologies or the result of the influence of external factors. This condition can be accompanied by various symptoms, depending on the type. Redness often goes away on its own, but sometimes requires immediate treatment. That is why, if any symptoms indicating diseases of the genital area appear, you should consult a doctor.

Inflammation of the cervix is ​​today considered one of the most common gynecological diseases. The disease is accompanied by discomfort, pain, uncharacteristic vaginal discharge, and in the absence of therapy is fraught with dangerous complications up to the formation of adhesions between the walls of organs in the pelvis.

Today many women are looking for any Additional information about this pathology. Why does cervical inflammation develop? Symptoms and treatment, diagnosis and risk factors, prevention and possible complications- This important information. You should definitely read this information.

Inflammation of the cervix: causes

It is a kind of transitional link between upper sections genital tract and uterine cavity. Inside the cervix there is a cervical canal, which is lined with columnar epithelium. Its cells secrete a specific secretion that protects the uterus from penetration various kinds pathogens. Depending on the location of the inflammatory process, there are:

  • Endocervicitis is cervical inflammation of the cervix.
  • Exocervicitis is an inflammation of the vaginal segment of the cervix.

Why does cervical inflammation develop? The reasons lie in the intensive proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms that enter the genital tissues both from the outside and from other organs (along with the flow of lymph and blood). Depending on the nature of the pathogen, cervicitis can be bacterial, fungal (most often the inflammation is associated with the activity of fungi of the genus Candida) or viral.

The development of pathology is often associated with penetration into the body specific infection, for example, chlamydia and gonococci. But inflammation can also be nonspecific - it develops against the background of activation of staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli and other conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that are present in the tissues of every person.

Are there risk factors?

Inflammation of the cervix is ​​certainly associated with the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. However, there are risk factors whose exposure increases the likelihood of developing the disease.

Their list includes:

  • the presence of concomitant inflammatory diseases in the pelvic area;
  • often develops against the background of trauma (this may be associated with childbirth, abortion, diagnostic curettage, use of intrauterine contraceptives);
  • frequent change of sexual partners, especially if we're talking about about unprotected contacts;
  • hormonal disorders (a decrease in estrogen levels leads to thinning of the mucous membranes of the cervix);
  • general or local decrease in immune activity;
  • prolapse of the vagina and uterus;
  • misuse chemical spermicides, douching using potentially dangerous solutions.

Acute inflammation of the cervix: symptoms

The clinical picture of such a disease largely depends on many factors, including the nature of the pathogen.

  • The first symptoms include the appearance of uncharacteristic vaginal discharge, often with unpleasant smell. When affected by chlamydia, they are abundant, mucous, sometimes mixed with pus. But trichomonas infection is accompanied by the appearance of yellowish (sometimes with a greenish tint) foamy, foul-smelling discharge. With inflammation of fungal origin, the formation of cheesy deposits can be observed on the walls of the vagina (they have a characteristic sourish odor).
  • Possible increase in body temperature (usually up to 37-38 degrees). Intoxication, naturally, is accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, and body aches, although such symptoms are not observed in every patient.
  • Many women complain of pain in the lower abdomen, which is dull, drawing in nature (often the discomfort is localized in the suprapubic region).
  • Pain syndrome may spread to the lower back and sacral area.
  • During sexual intercourse, discomfort, sometimes even pain, may occur.

With such symptoms, it is very important to consult a specialist. The earlier therapy is started, the lower the likelihood of developing certain complications.

Chronic forms of cervicitis

The clinical picture looks completely different with chronic inflammation of the cervix. The symptoms of this pathology are as follows:

  • the presence of constant, albeit scanty, cloudy mucous discharge (sometimes you can notice small admixtures of pus in it);
  • pain, burning sensation during urination, itching in the urethra;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • some patients note the appearance of bloody discharge during or after sexual intercourse;
  • upon examination, the doctor may notice swelling of the mucous membranes of the cervix and upper part of the vagina;
  • sometimes the patient’s condition worsens, but then a period of relative well-being ensues.

It is worth noting that the chronic form of the disease is dangerous, as it is difficult to treat - pathogenic microorganisms gradually develop resistance to the effects of certain antibacterial (antiviral, antifungal) drugs, so choose effective medicine very difficult.

Types and forms of inflammation. Features of the clinical picture

Of course, such a pathology can take different forms. There are many classification systems for cervicitis. Depending on the features clinical picture There are several types.

  • Purulent cervicitis. In this form of the disease, the inflammatory process affects not only the cylindrical layer of the epithelium, but also deeper tissues. In this case, there is always a risk of problems with fertilization and bearing a child.
  • Atrophic cervicitis. In this case, the inflammatory process is accompanied by a gradual thinning (atrophy) of the mucous membranes of the cervix. This is often observed in women who have undergone various gynecological procedures, as well as in patients during menopause (associated with a decrease in the amount of estrogen).
  • Cystic cervicitis. If the inflammatory process is the result of a combination of several strains of bacteria (for example, Trichomonas, gonococcus, streptococcus), then uncontrolled proliferation of the columnar epithelium of the cervix may be observed. If left untreated, such a change in structure leads to the formation of small cysts.

Depending on the area of ​​damage there are:

  • focal inflammation (the pathological process is localized in certain areas of the cervix);
  • diffuse form diseases (inflammation spreads to all tissues of the cervix).

Laboratory diagnostic methods

The doctor suspects the presence of inflammation of the cervix even during the collection of anamnesis and gynecological examination. However, for the ruling accurate diagnosis and determining the causes of the disease are necessary additional tests and procedures.

  • General analysis blood and urine will help confirm the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • Analysis is being carried out on hidden infections, which involves testing blood for the presence of certain specific antibodies.
  • Cytological examination samples taken from the cervix are also very informative.
  • Mandatory bacteriological culture smear This procedure makes it possible to accurately determine the nature of the pathogen, as well as assess its sensitivity to a particular drug.
  • In some cases, doctors also prescribe PCR. Such an analysis makes it possible to isolate the DNA of pathogens in mucus taken from the cervix.

Instrumental diagnostics

Gynecological examination sufficient to determine the presence of a pathological process. However, it is mandatory additional examinations.

  • Colposcopy is indicated for patients. This procedure involves examining the cervix with the help of a special one. So the doctor will be able to determine the size of the affected area and determine the nature of the inflammation.
  • IN mandatory An ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs is performed. This is a simple and affordable procedure that makes it possible to assess the nature of the inflammatory process, detect the presence of adhesions, polyps, cystic formations and other concomitant diseases of the reproductive system.
  • If cancer is suspected, the doctor may order a biopsy.

Drug treatments

What should women who are diagnosed with cervical inflammation do? Treatment largely depends on the form and stage of development of the pathology.

  • First you need to eliminate the pathogen. The choice of drugs in this case directly depends on the type of infection. For example, for viral inflammation, Acyclovir is used, for bacterial infections, antibiotics are used (most often, tetracyclines, quinols and macrolides), and for fungal activity, Fluconazole is used.
  • In the future it is important to restore normal microflora vagina. “Bifikol”, “Vagilak” - these suppositories are most often used for inflammation of the cervix.
  • Correction of the immune system is indicated. Patients are given an appointment vitamin complexes, and sometimes immunomodulators.
  • If we are talking about the treatment of chronic inflammation, then it is possible to use suppositories and creams with a hormonal composition.
  • Sometimes physiotherapy is additionally recommended, in particular magnetotherapy and electrophoresis.

When is surgical treatment necessary?

If we are talking about acute forms of the inflammatory process, then they usually respond well to drug treatment. Nevertheless, some patients are indicated for surgical intervention, especially if we are talking about a complex of pathologies: chronic inflammation - erosion of the cervix.

The essence of such therapy is the removal of damaged tissue. Of course, first the patient goes through full course antibacterial treatment.

There are several effective techniques, allowing you to treat the affected areas of the genital organs. For example, sometimes erosion is cauterized using special chemicals. These are considered effective medicinal solutions, like “Vagotil” and “Solkovagin”. Cryotherapy is also popular - during the procedure, tissue is frozen with liquid nitrogen. Possibly electric surgery, and laser therapy, which involves the evaporation of damaged cells during laser beam treatment.

Such procedures are considered safe. After them, long-term rehabilitation is not required. Nevertheless, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics (for prevention), and immunostimulating drugs (for example, Genferon suppositories).

In the first days after surgery, it is possible that bloody discharge- this is completely normal physiological process. During rehabilitation, you need to carefully monitor intimate hygiene and abstain from sexual intercourse until complete recovery.

Traditional medicines

How to treat cervical inflammation? Many women ask this question. Undoubtedly, ethnoscience offers some recipes.

  • You can prepare the composition for internal use. To do this, mix one part each of yarrow grass, alder cones and eucalyptus leaves, two parts each of birch buds, tansy flowers, sage grass and juniper berries. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, boil for five minutes, then leave. You need to drink 70 ml 3-4 times a day. Therapy lasts 1-3 months.
  • For douching, decoctions from plants such as chamomile, sage, calendula, and St. John's wort are suitable. These herbs have mild anti-inflammatory properties.

The use of any home remedies is possible only with the permission of the treating gynecologist.

Complications arising from inflammation

Inflammation of the cervical canal is a dangerous disorder that should not be ignored. To begin with, it is worth noting that acute stage in the absence of therapy quickly turns into chronic form, and it is much more difficult to treat.

In addition, the inflammatory process can spread to other organs, including tissues of the uterus and its appendages. There are cases where cervicitis leads to lesions Bladder, inflammation of the abdominal wall.

The list of complications also includes bartholinitis - this pathology is characterized by damage to the Bartholin ducts, which are located on both sides at the entrance to the vagina. In the most severe cases, against the background of a chronic inflammatory process, adhesions form between organs, which significantly reduces their functionality. For example, obstruction fallopian tubes is fraught with infertility.

It is worth noting that the presence of inflammation of the cervix, coupled with infection of the body with the human papillomavirus, increases the risk of developing cancer diseases.

Preventive actions

We have already considered all the questions about why cervical inflammation develops and what it is. Treatment of this pathology is a long process and sometimes fraught with difficulties. It's always easier to protect yourself by following simple recommendations.

  • Don't give up preventive examinations at the gynecologist. They need to be taken twice a year, even in the absence of any worrying symptoms.
  • In the absence of a regular sexual partner, it is extremely important to use condoms, because only this will help protect against sexually transmitted infections.
  • If an infectious disease still exists, then it is important to complete the course of therapy on time and to the end.
  • If you are not planning a child, then it is important to choose suitable contraception.
  • Preventive intake of vitamin complexes, proper nutrition, physical activity, piercing the body - all this will help strengthen immune system and reduce the risk of developing nonspecific inflammation.
  • It is important to do it regularly special exercises, strengthening the pelvic muscles - this will help prevent prolapse of the genital organs.
  • IN menopause don't give up hormone therapy. Of course, only the attending physician can draw up a diagram.

Following so simple rules, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing such an unpleasant and dangerous pathology, like inflammation of the cervix.

The lower part of the uterus that extends into the vagina is called the cervix. Like any tissue in the body, it is susceptible to inflammation. Redness of the cervix has various causes, some of which lead to serious complications.

Main causes

A narrow passage, the cervix, also called the cervical canal, occupies the space from the vagina to the inside of the uterus. This closed part of the canal allows blood to flow from the uterus into menstrual period and penetrate sperm inside during sexual intercourse. The passage opens wide only during childbirth.

The surface of the neck is covered with leathery cells. Along the entire length of the cervical canal there are cylindrical cells. Between them are small glands that produce mucus that fills the cervical canal. Mucus contains bactericidal substances that prevent infections from entering the uterus.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane and the appearance of redness of the cervix may depend on the presence of arterial and venous blood.

At arterial form a stream of pulsating blood rushes to the site of dilation of the arteries, which causes redness. This happens when active form development of diseases.

With venous hyperemia, the color of the mucous membrane of the cervix changes sharply. It turns dark red or purple. In this case, swelling in the cervical area, burning, and itching appear.

Hyperemia is not a separate disease, it is a sign indicating the presence of problems in the female genital organs. Many inflammatory processes develop over a long period of time without symptoms, so the appearance of redness should be a cause for concern.

Possible causes of cervical irritation causing erythema (redness):

  • cervicitis;
  • venereal disease;
  • cervical cancer;
  • cervical polyps and adhesions;
  • pelvic inflammatory diseases;
  • endometriosis;
  • adhesion of chocolate cysts.

Often redness is not associated with infectious diseases. It may occur for the following reasons:

Sometimes during pregnancy, women experience cervical hyperemia.

Possible diseases

One of the most common reasons redness of the cervix is ​​cervicitis.

Cervical hyperemia is a consequence of other diseases, such as:

Sometimes redness is accompanied by vaginal bleeding, painful sensations at the bottom

parts of the abdomen and perineum and high blood pressure.

Single symptoms or their combination should serve as a reason for urgent visit gynecologist.

Treatment options

Before starting treatment for hyperemia, it is necessary to establish the underlying type of disease. Therapy can be conservative and surgical.

Drug treatment prescribed by a doctor includes:

Some vaginal infections can be treated without medication by using folk remedies. You must first consult your doctor. His diagnosis will help determine the extent of the vaginal infection and the need for home remedies.

Surgical intervention carried out according to doctor's indications, when redness indicates complex diseases, such as tumors.

Prevention measures

It is necessary to keep the genitals clean, use mild soap and warm water to wash. It is not necessary to use a towel after this, which retains bacteria. You can dry the intimate area with a hairdryer set to cool air.

Try to avoid scratches and cracks in the genital area, especially during the period of itching.

If possible, wear only 100% cotton underwear white. Sometimes the irritant is the paint composition used in dyeing underwear. Synthetic fabrics should be avoided. Thongs cause irritation in intimate area, especially during the period of illness. It is advisable to wear tights with a cotton gusset.

During periods of inflammation in the genital area, it is better to use sanitary tampons instead of napkins during the day.

You should avoid items that irritate the vulva, such as deodorant pads, ointments, lubricants, oils, especially intimate cosmetics containing cornstarch. It is a good breeding ground for the proliferation of microorganisms.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, try not to expose the genitals to hypothermia and overheating.

Adhere to proper nutrition standards, do not consume salty, fatty, or spicy foods. During treatment, alcohol, coffee, and sweets are contraindicated.

Taking probiotics helps prevent vaginal infections.


In many cases, gynecological diseases are asymptomatic initial stage. The appearance of cervical hyperemia may be the first sign of infection. In order not to miss the moment of starting treatment, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist annually.

Vaginal infections, especially those caused by yeast bacteria, will not go away on their own and often return. Sometimes their appearance indicates that a disease is developing in the body, such as cancer or fibroids.

It is important to completely get rid of sexually transmitted infections and complete the course of treatment to the end. We must remember that neglected diseases are a direct path to complications, including increased risk premature birth, diseases of the pelvic organs, dysbacteriosis, inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs.

Every day, thousands of women, alarmed that the cervix has become red, turn to specialists with the question: what is the reason for this phenomenon and why did they develop the corresponding symptoms.

First warning signs

Redness of an internal organ is most often not an ordinary skin irritation, but the first warning signal: the cervix is ​​not in order. This sign may indicate the following ailments:

  • Erosion
  • Polyps
  • Oncological diseases
  • Inflammation.

Inflammation most often affects the cervical mucus of the uterus.

Only the medical specialists. In some cases, comprehensive diagnostics will be required to identify what processes are occurring in the cervical area. Need to know: self-medication is strictly prohibited of this body. Competently effective methods Only a doctor can choose for the treatment of a specific disease. When determining a strategy to combat a disease, he must take into account the dynamics of the development of the disease and the symptoms it exhibits.

The video talks about cervical erosion:

What should it be normally?

The uterus is a unique element of the body; it is pear-shaped and is capable of increasing 500 times during a woman’s pregnancy. The mucous membrane of the vaginal part is covered, if it is not broken, with stratified squamous epithelium. The cervix, when normal, should be pale pink, but not red. The surface of the shell in the absence of diseases of the reproductive organ is shiny. The vascular pattern of a given part of the body, if a woman does not have pathologies of this organ, is uniform. During menstrual cycle The shade in this area may change, but only slightly. The red lining of the organ is an indicator that the cervix is ​​susceptible to pathology and destructive processes occur in it.

True erosion in this area is considered quite common female disease, representatives of the fair sex suffer from it, regardless of their age.

With this disease, the membrane that covers the cervix becomes bright red. One of the symptoms of true erosion is the presence of loose necrotic deposits in its area. Congenital ectopia is often confused by non-specialists in the medical field with a previous disease. There is a difference between ectopia and erosion, but a symptom of both diseases will be a changed color of this part of the genital organ. Congenital ectopia often occurs in women whose internal genital organs are underdeveloped. With ectopia, the surface of this part of the organ acquires a bright red hue. This phenomenon is present around the external os of the cervix. The red area in this part is covered with columnar epithelium.

The picture shows cervical ectopia

Acquired ectopia surpasses the two previous diseases in its variety of symptomatic manifestations in this area. Areas of columnar epithelium are distinguished by a granular surface on which papillae have formed. The cervix is ​​not red, but pink. In some cases, in the area of ​​damage to the reproductive organ, vascular loops may be visible, which seem to cover the organ itself. Several diseases with similar symptoms can occur simultaneously in one area of ​​the cervix. To differentiate diseases of the reproductive organ, the symptoms of which are similar, biochemical research methods are used.

Surgical interventions

Erotic ectropion often occurs due to acquired ectopia. It is characterized not by a red, but by a pink surface, which distinguishes the uterus. Surgical intervention performed in this area often causes similar condition in this area. If you examine the area where postoperative sutures are applied, their surface may also be red. In such cases, the eroded area is subject to deformation, which will indicate hypertrophy of the reproductive organ. And the irregular oval shape of foci of inflammation is inherent in another disease - cervical endometriosis. In this case, foci of inflammation protrude noticeably above its surface. Foci of endometriosis have a red or bluish surface, their size can change during the menstrual cycle, when the uterus itself functions differently.

Due to excessive growth of the mucous membrane, the uterus may become covered with polyps. In such cases, it is characterized by a pink or red surface. The state of her channel changes. Lobular formations cover the entire cervix. When erythroplakia develops, its symptoms will differ even more significantly. In some areas, areas of hyperemia that have an irregular shape may be observed. The uterus may be densely or loosely covered with them. And leukoplakia in the area of ​​her neck will look different. The surface of the reproductive organ, contrary to popular belief, does not become red, but white spots and horny deposits appear on it. Latest symptoms help quickly diagnose leukoplakia. It is quite simple for a doctor to detect the source of the disease: under the thickened epithelium there is a red surface.

The atypical transformation zone is more often called uterine precancer.

Diagnosing the disease is quite difficult, since its symptomatic picture contains signs inherent in various diseases of the reproductive organ. The disease covers various areas and does not spread strictly localized. But glassy areas are not observed in this disease. They are characteristic of another, even more serious illness - cancer of the organ. In this case, the uterus becomes covered with glassy substances and outgrowths various shapes. Atypical vessels with a bizarre shape are also symptoms of this disease. In their structure they are similar to embryonic capillaries. Amazed cancer the uterus may be pale or red. The first symptom is more often present locally and spreads locally in the first stages of the disease of the reproductive organ.

Changes throughout life

In some cases, changes in the uterus are accompanied by pain symptoms, in others - not. She is surrounded internal organs, they mutually influence each other. When diagnosing its diseases, a whole complex of symptoms that appear in a given area of ​​the body is considered. However, it is necessary to remember: many diseases in this area can manifest asymptomatically. Problems in functioning can develop against the background of other diseases of the genitourinary system. The uterus may be injured or subject to unsuccessful surgery, which also worsens its condition. In order for her pathologies to be detected on time, a woman must undergo regular examination by a gynecologist. Uterus in female body does not remain in a static state; it changes throughout life. The red surface of the reproductive organ often occurs during puberty.

Connected this phenomenon with one epithelium being replaced by another. The red surface can also be a manifestation of a reaction to factors irritating this organ. If the uterus is renewed with disturbances and there is no slow replacement of one epithelium by another, when a woman is 16-17 years old, the surface of the organ becomes red, conditions are created for the development of its pathologies. If timely measures are not taken, cancer may also develop.

When the area of ​​the reproductive organ turns red, this is one of the first warning signs indicating that there are problems in its functioning.

The cervix is ​​a very vulnerable part. Her condition will depend on various factors, not least of which is the woman’s age. It is at greatest risk in people aged 15 to 24 years. It is during this period, as experts say, that the cervix becomes a platform for development various pathologies. At this time, it is especially vulnerable to the negative effects of external factors. The cervix is ​​less protected from destructive changes due to the woman’s early initiation of sexual activity or frequent changes sexual partners. At various diseases uterine symptoms may vary. She often suffers from infection. The cervix is ​​predisposed to destructive changes due to early pregnancies, which do not improve the condition of the body as a whole. Among women who are affected by various ailments of the cervix, a significant category are those who have had an abortion at least once.