Bishofite for cellulite, attacking orange peel. Bishofite in cosmetology

, boron , copper , iron , silicon ). Bishofit Poltavsky is extracted in the form of brine (oily consistency) when drilling wells 2.5 km deep and has a total mineralization of 340 g/l (as in no other mineral spring). It undergoes complex processing, but after it completely retains the complex of macro- and microelements. Has a high percentage of content magnesium , necessary for construction bone tissue, regulation of muscle contraction and relaxation, transmission of nerve signals, to increase.

Transdermal use of the drug (magnesium chloride is quickly absorbed) is a simple and effective way to increase magnesium in organism.

It has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, stimulates. Strengthens muscle and connective tissue, improves blood microcirculation, activates lymph flow and metabolic processes. Very effective for stress and for improving sleep. Proven low toxicity , lack of allergenic and carcinogenic properties.


Not studied.

Indications for use

The use of Bishofite as an external agent is indicated for:

  • deforming arthrosis ;
  • radiculitis (cervicothoracic And lumbosacral );
  • lumbodynia ;
  • muscle contractures ;
  • diseases of the neuromuscular system;
  • infected wounds;
  • And ;

In the form of baths for:

  • stress ;
  • convulsions ;


  • benign and malignant;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin at the sites of application;
  • joint diseases in the acute stage;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • progressive;
  • circulatory disorders ІІ — ІІІ degrees;

Prescribed with caution to elderly people during lactation and children under 9 years old.

Side effects

  • are common allergic reactions ;
  • reactions at the application site in the form skin irritation .

In case of exacerbation, stop taking the drug.

Instructions for use of Bishofite (Method and dosage)

Instructions for Bishofit Poltavsky

Apply externally in the form of rubbing and compresses, diluting the brine hot water in a 1:1 ratio. An area of ​​the body (spine or joint) is warmed with a lamp or a heating pad, the solution is lightly rubbed in and the painful area is rubbed for 3-5 minutes, after which a warming compress is applied. To do this, moisten a cotton cloth or gauze with brine, apply it to the area of ​​pain, cover it with parchment paper, and insulate it. After removing the compress, the skin should be rinsed with warm water. The procedures are performed every other day, for a course - 10-12 procedures. IN pediatric practice Bischofite solution is used in a smaller ratio of 1:0.5. During the procedures, crystals of the drug may fall out and settle on the skin and underwear.

Electrophoresis with Bishofite perform with 10% aqueous solution and administer the drug using galvanic current from both electrodes (anode and cathode). Duration 15 minutes. The course requires 10-15 daily procedures. After the procedure, the drug is not washed off the skin and applied gauze bandage up to 6-8 hours.

Ointment 911 with Bischofite(more correctly gel-balm) is intended for external use as aid for joint diseases. Contains additionally golden mustache extracts , comfrey And cinquefoil , juniper, lavender, fir, rosemary and eucalyptus oils, which enhance the effect. The use of the gel reduces pain, stimulates production synovial fluid, promotes recovery cartilage tissue and joint mobility.

The gel is rubbed into painful areas 2-3 times a day; additional insulation is not necessary. The course of treatment is 14 days, after a month the treatment is repeated.


Long-term use may cause irritation and skin allergic reactions .


In combination with other drugs, increased activity is possible.

Terms of sale

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

Storage temperature up to 25°C.

Best before date

  • solution- 3 years;
  • gel Bischofite- 2 years.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

There are no structural analogues. This substance is part of body gel, solution, bath products, balms(with comfrey, golden mustache, cinquefoil and other herbs, glucosamine, bee venom), produced by different manufacturers.

Can be purchased Bishofite dry, which is a concentrated salt.

Reviews of Bishofite

What is Bishofite? This is a natural mineral of the chloride-magnesium-sodium complex, which also contains trace elements - iron , iodine , copper , silicon , boron . The most famous are the Volgograd and Poltava deposits of this mineral. The use of Bishofite at home for joint diseases is possible in the form of compresses and rubs. Its use is comparable to performing sanatorium procedures. For the most part patients were satisfied with the treatment.

  • « ... The solution helped me with a bruised finger; it was swollen, did not bend and was very painful. I only did 2 rubbings with a warm solution and a warm compress, everything went away»;
  • « ... When rubbing the joints, a feeling of warmth appears and pain decreases. To get the effect, I take courses every two weeks.»;
  • « ... The product is natural and effective. Before going to bed I apply it to my joints - the pain subsides and I feel much better»;
  • « ... I use it in the form of compresses on the neck and thoracic region all night long. It’s true that it’s uncomfortable to sleep, everything gets crumpled, but there is an effect. Very pleased»;
  • « ... I won’t say that the pain disappeared completely, but it became much better»;
  • « ... In my family, Bishofite is the first remedy. A good thing. After working at the dacha I rub myself with it or add it to the bath».

In remission with rheumatoid arthritis , deforming arthrosis , gouty arthritis And psoriasis A bath with Bishofite is effective: add 1 liter of solution to 100 liters of water at 36-37°C. The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes. There are 10-12 procedures per course. Baths with this mineral reduce stress, increase immunity, counteract aging, stimulate antioxidant systems and have a general strengthening effect. You can make local baths for hands and feet - take 100 ml of solution per 1 liter of warm water, the duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Reviews about the application Bishofit Poltavsky are associated not only with its use in diseases of the musculoskeletal system . The tonic, regenerating and cosmetic effect of baths on the skin and nails is known. It is used in dilution in the form of compresses for the face and neck for problem skin, as well as to give tone and elasticity to the skin, eliminate puffiness, and improve blood circulation.

  • « ... A cosmetologist advised me, and I was convinced that it works. The properties are many times better than drugs Dead Sea »;
  • « ... I make diluted masks on my face and hair. Solved skin and hair loss problems»;
  • « ... For cellulite, every other day I do body wraps with Bischofite and take baths».

For local treatment apply gel Bischofite, which additionally contains Vitamin PP , glycerol and gall-forming components. Reviews about the Bischofite gel are only positive - it does not cause irritation like a concentrate, it is easily applied and absorbed, it alleviates the condition when radiculitis And arthritis , quickly relieves pain. It is useful for athletes and people actively involved in sports, since it removes muscle fatigue, eliminates the consequences of injuries.

  • « ... I used the gel for less than two weeks, but not according to the instructions, but more often - up to 5 times a day. Joint pain gone»;
  • « ... Always in my first aid kit. Relieves pain from radiculitis very well, improves the condition significantly»;
  • « ... It helps me a lot with neck pain, since at the end of the day after working at the computer I feel stiffness and pain. I have to rub myself with gel every day»;
  • « ... For me, the gel is a salvation after intense workouts in the gym. I like that it has a natural composition».

It must be remembered that the gel and brine can only be used on 2-3 places at a time. There are many gels based on this mineral, produced by different manufacturers, but today there is no release form - Bischofite ointment.

Bishofite price, where to buy

Buying Bishofite in Moscow and other Russian cities is not difficult. The pharmacy chain offers different shapes release: gel, bath product, Bishofit Poltava heel gel.

Price Bischofite gel 75 ml in Moscow pharmacies it ranges from 42-52 rubles. In Volgograd it can be purchased for 44-53 rubles. Price heel gel 100 ml is 450 rubles, and bath products with Bischofite 500 ml 100-138 rub.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


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    Bishofite gel 75 ml Natural help Dina+

    Sanatorium at home Bischofite bath salt for weight loss 530 g Phytocosmetic

    Larkspur Body balm Bishofite 75 ml Twins Tec [Twins Tec]

    Bishofite bath salt 500 gr Balsamir Sirius PC

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    Sofia body cream 17 herbs bischofite, mummy 75 ml healthy kneesKorolevPharm LLC RU

    911 bischofite body gel-balm 100 ml Twins Tech

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    Larkspur (comfrey) balm (75ml d/body (bischofite))

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The natural mineral bischofite has truly unique composition, because it contains magnesium, copper, cobalt, zinc, bromine, iodine, sodium, selenium and many other elements of the periodic table. "Bishofite", the use of which has been practiced in cosmetology for many years, is a natural preparation with a clear anti-inflammatory, healing and restorative effect.

The evaporation of the waters of the ancient Dead Sea, which existed more than 200 million years ago, in the form of transparent crystals is the healing bischofite. The uses of this mineral are numerous - from treating joint pain to cosmetic procedures that can smooth out cellulite and get rid of fine wrinkles and dry skin.

In total, there are 3 bischofite deposits in the world - in Ukraine, Turkmenistan and Russia. This mineral is extracted directly from the bowels of the Earth, by dissolving and lifting to the surface through a well. The resulting solution is called brine, as it has a cloudy tint and has a pronounced sour-bitter-salty taste. Initially, bischofite was actively used in the construction and industrial industries - it was added to construction mixtures, used in the production of paving slabs, and for the prevention of ice, and for other purposes. The healing properties of bischofite were discovered by accident while drilling wells. Workers began to notice that the joints of their hands stopped hurting after rinsing in bischofite brine. This circumstance interested Soviet doctors, and they studied the properties of this substance in more detail. As a result, it turned out that it has a certain healing effect, and in 1985 the production of the drug “Bishofite” began.

IN medical purposes Purified bischofite is used, which is added to baths, compresses are made, and used in body wraps to get rid of cellulite. Similar procedures are actively used in Russian sanatoriums and health resorts as concomitant therapy in the treatment of joints, blood vessels, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, skin diseases.

Are becoming more and more popular cosmetic procedures using the drug "Bishofite". It is noteworthy that healing procedures can be organized at home, because “Bishofite” is sold in pharmacies in the form of crystals or brine, and its shelf life is unlimited. It is known that facial baths with the addition of this product can have a rejuvenating, smoothing effect. Hot baths with Bishofite help get rid of cellulite, improve skin condition, and speed up regeneration skin, promote rapid wound healing and have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. In addition to bischofite, cosmetologists recommend adding natural ingredients to such baths. cosmetic clay. It is difficult to underestimate the relaxing effect of such a procedure, beneficial influence on nervous activity. There is a normalization of night sleep, improved mood, improved blood flow, and a decrease in pain in the joints and spine.

“Bishofite” has the most noticeable cosmetic effect on the skin of the body, helping to fight cellulite. It is recommended to practice several variants of procedures to enhance beneficial effect mineral on the skin - baths, compresses/wraps.

For baths with "Bishofite" use warm water, its temperature should be about 40 degrees. It is not advisable to take hot baths with this supplement; it can lead to deterioration in your health. The bath is filled with water and 1 glass of brine or 200 g of Bischofite crystals is added and thoroughly dissolved. To facilitate the process of dissolving crystals, you should pour them into a fabric bag or wrap them in gauze, and then place them in water. Time spent in the bath is 15-20 minutes. The next session should be carried out no earlier than 24 hours later.

Compresses with “Bishofite” can be applied immediately after a bath, or you can warm up the skin with a massage. When the skin turns a little red, you need to apply problem areas"Bishofite" in the form of crystals or brine. The crystals are wrapped in damp gauze, soaked in brine and used for compresses. You need to wrap yourself around the top cling film. Compresses stay on the skin for 8-10 hours, so it is advisable to use them at night. As in the case of “bischofite” baths, wraps should be carried out no earlier than every other day, preferably every other day. If your skin is excessively dry, you should lubricate it with moisturizer after procedures. The cosmetic effect of the procedure is observed after approximately 12 sessions. In total, 2 courses of treatment with Bischofite are carried out throughout the year.

Compresses with “Bishofite” can also be applied to the face in order to smooth out fine wrinkles, heal wounds and have a general healing effect on the skin of the face. In this case, you need to act in the same way as with anti-cellulite compresses, however, the size of the fabric can be reduced and the procedure time reduced to 30-40 minutes. “Bishofite” can also be added to your everyday cream to saturate your facial skin with valuable minerals and trace elements with each use. One pinch of Bischofite crystals per jar of cream is enough.

Bischofite contrast washes are also relevant for facial skin. To do this, you will need 2 tablespoons “Bishofite” brine, 0.5 liters of cold and warm water, 2 wide bowls. Fill bowls with cold and warm water, add a tablespoon of bischofite brine to each. You need to immerse your face in warm water for a few seconds, and then in cold water, repeat the procedure 4-5 times, then wipe your face dry and lubricate with nourishing cream.

Application of "Bishofite" in for cosmetic purposes diverse and has a clear positive effect. A natural mineral saturates the skin with valuable microelements, helps it gain a healthy and well-groomed appearance, promotes smoothness and natural beauty.

Bishofite under the Balzamir trademark has been the sales leader in the FARM-EFFECT company for many years. Bishofit "Balzamir" is very popular, this is evidenced by the reviews that we regularly receive from customers and medical specialists, working with Bischofit “Balzamir” products

Bishofit Balsamir is available in different types and compositions. We can offer you the following forms of bischofite:

Bishofite "Balzamir" pure

· Bischofite "Balzamir" bath product

· Bischofite "Balzamir" crystalline

· Bischofite “Balzamir” with juniper

· Bishofite “Balzamir” with lavender

· Bischofite “Balzamir” with fir

· Bischofite “Balsamir” with silver ions

· Bischofite “Balzamir” with sage

· Bischofite “Balzamir” with eucalyptus

Bisholin "Balzamir" (Bishofite-gel)

Bisholin "Balzamir" (Bishofite-gel) Fir

Application of bischofite

The use of bischofite is very diverse. These can be either general or local baths from Bishofite with natural essential oils, or compresses and lotions from Bishofite.

Using bischofite at home gives positive results And good feedback consumers. In our assortment various options bischofite, based on highly concentrated bischofite brine with the addition of the best natural essential oils.

Bisholin gel "Balzamir" is a pasty bischofite gel produced on the basis of bromine chloride-magnesium brine containing various microelements (iodine, copper, iron, silicon, molybdenum).

Bisholin gel "Balzamir" has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, which is provided by the presence of magnesium, as well as a calming effect due to bromine.

We have prepared for you detailed instructions on the use of bischofite "Balzamir".

Instructions for using bischofite for baths

Baths using Bischofite brine are prescribed for the following diseases:

· Musculoskeletal system: deforming arthrosis, including complicated by secondary synovitis; rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis without pronounced manifestations of reactive synovitis;

· Vertebrogenic diseases of the nervous system in patients with compression and reflex syndromes of the cervical-thoracic and lumbar- sacral regions spine (radiculitis, lumbodynia, lumbar ischialgia, etc.);

Cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, hypertension disease I-II degrees, functional disorders, peripheral vascular diseases;

· Muscle contractures in children suffering from cerebral palsy.

Currently, Bishofite is used for cosmetic purposes to accelerate skin regeneration. With age, there is a risk of developing calcium and magnesium deficiency due to decreased absorption in gastrointestinal tract, as well as malnutrition. In case of metabolic disorders soft tissues and skin, insoluble salts are deposited, which contributes to skin aging. Magnesium salts and other elements included in Bishofite normalize many physiological processes leaking into the skin. As a result, baths with Bischofite help rejuvenate the skin and make it elastic.

The use of bischofite is also indicated as a solution for bathing, in the form of compresses, rubbing and rinsing.

The FARM-EFFECT company uses in production only “pure” Bishofite deposits of the Volgograd deposit, where the rock contains 93-96% Bishofite. During the production of Bishofite, additional purification of the brine from impurities is carried out. Our products are of high quality, which is unconditionally confirmed by our customers.

Bischofite is a bromine magnesium chloride brine containing various trace elements (iodine, copper, iron, silicon, molybdenum). Thanks to their composition, they were officially recognized in 1985 healing properties Bishofita.

Bishofite is a natural mineral that has an anti-inflammatory, absorbable, antispastic, vasodilating effect, and also, due to the presence of bromine, a soothing effect.


Bisholin "Balzamir" is a pasty bischofite gel produced on the basis of bromine chloride-magnesium brine containing various trace elements (iodine, copper, iron, silicon, molybdenum).

Bisholin has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, which is provided by the presence of magnesium, as well as a calming effect due to bromine.

Bisholin is prescribed for diseases:

  • Musculoskeletal system: deforming arthrosis, including complicated by secondary synovitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis without pronounced manifestations of reactive synovitis;
  • vertebrogenic diseases of the nervous system in patients with compression and reflex syndromes of the cervicothoracic and lumbosacral spine (radiculitis, lumbodynia, lumboischialgia, etc.);
  • muscle contractures in children suffering from cerebral palsy.

Bisholin is used in cases where the use of general mineral baths, including bischofite baths, is contraindicated. This is especially true for elderly patients.

Bisholin is effective hygiene product for skin care. The gel is quickly absorbed, softens the skin, and does not reduce its elasticity. It is especially important that Bisholin is easily washed off and does not leave stains on clothes, which allows it to be used not only at home, but also outside.

75 ml tube in box

Bisholin "Balzamir" (Bishofite-gel)PET bottle 130 g

Bisholin "Balzamir" (Bishofite-gel) FirPET bottle 130 g


The manufacturer "PHARM-EFFECT" uses innovative way cleaning sea salt. It is the degree of purification that determines the quality of the sea salt product. Well-refined salt guarantees best result, saturates the body as much as possible useful minerals, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, the nervous and musculoskeletal systems of humans, and helps in the treatment of diseases of various organs. Sea salt is indicated for use in diseases:
  • of cardio-vascular system,
  • musculoskeletal system,
  • gastrointestinal tract,
  • genitourinary system,
  • central and peripheral nervous system,
  • respiratory organs,
  • skin.

Mode of application

Dissolve 100-200 g of salt in water, water temperature 36-37°C, bath duration 15-20 minutes, take every other day, course 10-15 baths.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product.

For neuroses with tachycardia (palpitations), the temperature of the bath water is reduced to 34°C, the duration of the bath is up to 15 minutes.

The use of baths is contraindicated in case of open skin cuts and wounds.

Do not use hot baths if you have insomnia. Cases of overdose are unknown, however, if your health worsens after using salts, contact a medical facility immediately.

Salt "Balsamir" Anti-cellulite

Sea salt "Balzamir" Anti-cellulite improves blood microcirculation, normalizes metabolism, promotes the removal of toxins and moisture. The bouquet of essential oils and trace elements that make up the salt actively penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and effectively break down subcutaneous fat. Anti-cellulite salt baths help eliminate the “orange peel” and make the skin smoother and more elastic.



Bath salt "Balsamir" has a beneficial effect on the body. Thanks to the unique properties of sea salt, it solves a number of problems related to self-care, maintaining personal hygiene and has a healing effect on the body.

  • tonic,
  • painkiller,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • promotes weight loss,
  • increases skin blood flow.


Salt "Balsamir" Children's with foam

Bath salt "Balsamir" for children with delicate foam improves the general condition of the child's body and metabolism, improves sleep and mood. Baths with sea ​​salt help strengthen the child’s immunity, improve the condition of the skin, and reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions.



Sea salt is prescribed to children for the prevention of musculoskeletal diseases, since baths with salt contribute to the good formation and strengthening of joints. Salt "Balsamir" for children with delicate foam enhances protective properties small organism. The foam creates a feeling of comfort and coziness, and also gives the child pleasure when bathing.

Medicinal and cosmetic properties:

  • tonic,
  • painkiller,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • improves functional activity tissues and organs,
  • increases skin blood flow,
  • improves skin condition.


Sodium chloride, calcium ion, magnesium ion, sulfate ion, dry foaming agent, chamomile essential oil, tartrazine.

Salt "Balsamir" Iodine-bromine

Salt "Balzamir" Iodine-bromine is recommended for diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, digestive system, cardiovascular, allergic dermatitis, dermatoses. Iodine-bromine baths are an excellent addition to conventional anti-cellulite remedies. Salts effectively soften and smooth the skin, soothe irritations and redness caused by environmental influences.



Thanks to the unique properties of sea salt, it solves a number of problems related to self-care, maintaining personal hygiene and has a healing effect on the body.

Medicinal and cosmetic properties:

  • tonic,
  • painkiller,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • promotes weight loss,
  • improves the functional activity of tissues and organs,
  • increases skin blood flow.


Sodium chloride, calcium ion, magnesium ion, sulfate ion, potassium iodide, potassium bromide.

Balsamir Sea Salt

Bath salt "Balsamir" Marine improves vascular tone and speeds up metabolism. Bath with Balsamir Sea salt stimulates regenerative processes in tissues, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

  • for various skin diseases: acne, eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, allergic skin manifestations,
  • for arthritis, rheumatic diseases, swelling of the limbs,
  • functional disorders caused by a lack of minerals in the body,
  • sick chronic bronchitis, diabetes mellitus with angiopathy,
  • for the rehabilitation of patients who have undergone gastric surgery for peptic ulcer disease,
  • for decreasing pain syndrome, asthenic and dyspeptic disorders,
  • to improve hepatic hemodynamics, motor activity stomach, processes of bile formation and bile secretion,
  • for diseases of the circulatory system, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, bronchopulmonary system,
  • genitourinary systems, eating disorders and metabolic disorders.


  • Box weight 600 g.
  • DOY-PACK weight 1000 g. DOY-PACK packaging is a bendable vacuum packaging with a bottom, so the salt can be in vertical position in your bathroom and not crumble.


Sea salt is used for prevention cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal system, radiculitis, stimulates metabolism in the body. Taking baths with sea salt improves skin elasticity and makes it firmer. Balsamir Sea salt has a beneficial effect on intercellular metabolism and restoration of all body functions, and normalizes sleep. Taking a bath with sea salt will allow you to feel all the grace given by the sea.

Medicinal and cosmetic properties:

  • tonic,
  • painkiller,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • promotes weight loss,
  • improves the functional activity of tissues and organs,
  • increases skin blood flow.


Sodium chloride, calcium ion, magnesium ion, sulfate ion.

Anti-cold salt “Balsamir” with mustard

Anti-cold bath salt "Balsamir" with mustard is used for taking baths for pain after hypothermia and for elevated physical activity, for colds and infectious diseases. Active substances salts dissolved in water penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, which helps strengthen the immune system. Mustard has warming properties, which is necessary during epidemics. infectious diseases. Bath salt "Balsamir" Anti-cold with mustard helps strengthen general condition body and improve immunity.

Indications for use

  • hypothermia,
  • increased physical activity,
  • weakened immunity,
  • irritability,
  • joint diseases,
  • swelling,
  • excessive sweating of the feet,
  • cellulite.



Medicinal and cosmetic properties:

  • restorative effect,
  • promotes weight loss,
  • improves the functional activity of tissues and organs,
  • increases skin blood flow.

Salt "Balzamir" Antirheumatic

Antirheumatic salt "Balzamir" is used for diseases of the upper organs respiratory tract, can be used in a set of measures to prevent osteochondrosis, arthrosis, and arthritis. The micro- and macroelements contained in the salt enrich the body useful substances, delivering them to painful areas. Salt "Balzamir" Antirheumatic relieves pain, improves blood circulation, promotes skin regeneration.

Indications for use

  • hypothermia and increased physical activity,
  • weakened immunity,
  • colds and infectious diseases,
  • upper respiratory tract diseases,
  • increased mental stress,
  • irritability,
  • joint diseases,
  • swelling,
  • excessive sweating of the feet,
  • cellulite.



Anti-cold bath salt "Balsamir" with mustard is effective means for bathing, which has a complex effect - therapeutic, cosmetic and psychological. Anti-cold bath salt improves blood circulation and metabolism, thanks to which all the necessary microelements uninterruptedly flow to the internal organs of a person.

Medicinal and cosmetic properties:

  • tonic and analgesic,
  • anti-inflammatory and general stimulant,
  • antiseptic and disinfectant effect,
  • restorative effect,
  • promotes weight loss,
  • improves the functional activity of tissues and organs,
  • increases skin blood flow.


The company "PHARM-EFFECT" was one of the first on the market of medicinal cosmetics to produce "Coniferous Balm", which was recommended for use by the Russian Scientific Center for Regenerative Medicine and Balneology in Moscow. It began to be used in many medical institutions to restore the health of patients. Currently, as prescribed by doctors, “Pine Balm” is used at home for baths and compresses, which makes it accessible to a wide range of the population.

Coniferous baths are used for

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • joint disease,
  • peripheral nervous system,
  • osteochondrosis.

“Coniferous balm” has general strengthening, anti-inflammatory, sedative properties, regulates the tone of the cardiovascular and autonomic system, the secretion of hormones, including the thyroid and pancreas, normalizes metabolic processes. “Pine Balm” is especially often prescribed for diseases of muscles, ligaments, and joints, as it relieves aching, pulling long-term pain for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Baths with “Pine Balm” are allowed for small children (from 1 year), which confirms high quality product.

You need to take a bath with “Pine Balm” daily or every other day, only 10-15 times for 20-30 minutes. 100 ml of balm must be dissolved in a bath with a capacity of 200 liters. After finishing the procedure, you need to wash yourself in the shower with warm water, dry yourself and go to bed.

Compresses with “Pine Balsam”. Warm the painful area of ​​the body with a heating pad for 3-5 minutes. Heat 20-30 ml of balm to 38-40°C. Wetting your fingers, rub into the skin for 3-5 minutes. Use the rest of the drug for a compress. You can work on 2-3 joints at the same time. The duration of the procedure is 8-10 hours. A course of 12-14 procedures performed every other day.

Bischofite is a natural mineral mined by drilling wells. In its natural state, it is found in the form of a brine, which is then processed by pharmaceutical companies to produce a gel.

Bischofite contains numerous components, including iodine, iron, chlorine, sodium, magnesium and bromine. The mineral is used to make various medicines. Its unique medicinal properties due to the special process of mineral formation. It originates in the deep layers of rocks. In its properties, bischofite is similar to minerals that are mined in the Dead Sea, but the process of its formation is quite long - much longer than that of minerals from the Dead Sea. In this regard, the properties of bischofite are more pronounced, stronger, and the effect of its use in the treatment various diseases longer.

There are two dosage forms of the drug - gel and brine. Each form has its own characteristics, but the gel still has several advantages over brine:

  • does not cause skin irritation;
  • activates blood supply processes in places where the drug is applied;
  • contains additional components that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin;
  • not contraindicated for people suffering from heart and vascular diseases;
  • compatible with various types physical therapy, physical activity and other medications;
  • has economical consumption.

pharmachologic effect

The composition of the drug also determines its therapeutic effect. The following microelements are present in bischofite in greater or lesser quantities:

  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • bromine;
  • iron;
  • silicon;
  • lithium;
  • titanium;
  • copper;
  • vitamin PP.

Also, the Bischofite gel contains auxiliary components that provide it with the necessary consistency, extend its service life, etc. These components include:

  • water;
  • preservatives;
  • gelling particles;
  • glycerol;
  • triethanolamine.

Basic healing effect provides magnesium

It is he who is the main participant in the process of bone tissue formation, and also affects the normalization of the nervous system. In addition, magnesium has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and improves smooth muscle peristalsis. This microelement has anti-ischemic, antispastic, sedative, antithrombotic, antiarrhythmic, anticonvulsant, hypotensive and analgesic effects. Other elements from the composition of “Bishofite” have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Iodine also increases the fibrinolytic activity of the blood, and potassium promotes normal flow Many bioelectric processes in the human body, the reaction of excitation and inhibition helps to balance bromine, sodium normalizes cellular processes.

The drug constricts blood vessels, which is useful for edema. Inflammation and swelling are relieved as a result of the use of this drug. Regeneration of any type of tissue is ensured after the first applications of the gel. Blood circulation improves in the area to which the gel is applied. Patients also note an improvement in mood and general well-being, and normalization of sleep. Gel - universal remedy, which can even be used to treat coughs. The drug quickly relieves his attacks.

The drug can be purchased without a prescription, and shelf life depends on dosage form

The gel form, for example, is stored many times longer than the brine.

Indications for use

The gel is used as a balneological remedy for diseases characterized by the development of progressive inflammation of the joints. The medicine is prescribed for:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • dystrophy internal organs;
  • inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system;
  • radiculitis;
  • heel spurs;
  • lumbago – pain in the lumbar region;
  • contractures of the muscular system in patients with cerebral palsy.

This drug will also be effective in the fight not only against diseases of the joints and bone tissue, but also in case of problems with the nervous system. Gel "Bishofite" is used in cosmetology, for example, in the fight against cellulite.

This product can be used as effective antiseptic, for pain relief in case of damage to the musculoskeletal system, to stimulate the immune system, prevent certain diseases and for general strengthening of the body.

Use of the drug

Bischofite gel should be rubbed into the affected or painful area of ​​the body twice a day. If more is required strong impact drug, the procedure is recommended to be carried out three times a day.

The gel gives the greatest effect in combination with additional insulation or a warming compress.

Optimal duration One course of using the drug is 10-14 days. A repeat course can be taken a month after consulting a doctor.

Even with a guarantee high efficiency When using the cream, you must remember that rubbing the gel alone cannot provide a long-term therapeutic effect. The fight against joint diseases is complex action, requiring a multifaceted approach. Therefore, it is recommended to combine the drug with regular exercise physical education and diets.

Contraindications for use

Bishofite" is not official medical drug. It's biological active additive, therefore, doctors insist on a mandatory preliminary examination of the patient before he starts using the gel. This concern is justified, since any drug carries danger.

The main contraindications to the use of Bishofite are:

  • elevated temperature bodies;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases internal organs;
  • allergic reaction to individual components in the drug;
  • damaged skin at the site of application of the gel;
  • problems with blood circulation.

If you ignore at least one item from this list, the use of the drug may not only not help, but will also worsen the course of the disease and increase the time it takes to heal.

Side effects

Long-term treatment the drug may cause tissue irritation or allergic reactions in the body. In this case, you need to take a short break from using the gel until all manifestations disappear. side effect. If the cream causes the same reaction upon repeated use, its use should be stopped and you should definitely consult a doctor.

Side effects occur quite rarely and, as a rule, they are associated with long-term use drug.

Allergic reactions can manifest as skin rashes, hives, itching of the skin

You will have to stop using “Bishofite” if it does not fight the disease, but, on the contrary, causes its exacerbation. It is recommended to limit the use of the drug if there are skin diseases in the area where the gel should be applied. Also, caution should be exercised when using the gel for people who have chronic diseases internal organs are in the acute stage. At hypersensitivity any components of the drug should be discontinued. The likelihood of developing a severe allergic reaction is especially high in people who are intolerant to iodine and bromine.

Also, a few contraindications include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases accompanied by serious circulatory disorders;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • increase in body temperature (as this indicates the presence of inflammatory process in organism).

The drug can be used in children, but in this case it is necessary to be very careful in selecting the dosage. In each case, the doctor prescribes an individual dose. Since bischofite is a mineral that has a very active effect on the human body, a child’s fragile body may experience unwanted reactions.

"Bishofite" is a means of universal action. It is used for a wide range of diseases and is prescribed to almost all groups of patients. The effect of treatment with “Bishofite” (in any of the release forms) occurs quite quickly, since the basis of the drugs - the mineral bischofite - has very high activity. Unique properties The product is provided by its composition, which includes a large list of active microelements.

Bishofite is a natural mineral, on the basis of which various medicinal products. Preparations with bischofite (solutions, gels and creams) have proven themselves as effective method relief from joint pain, nervous tension. They are also suitable for relieving inflammation and improving blood circulation. Can be used to combat mild skin diseases.

Indications for use

“Bishofite” is used mainly in the treatment of diseases musculoskeletal system. These include diseases of the joints (deforming arthrosis), including chronic ones and those of an infectious-allergic nature (rheumatoid arthritis), as well as diseases of the spine (rheumatitis), intervertebral discs(osteochondrosis).

In addition, “Bishofite” also treats some diseases of the peripheral nervous system, for example, the lumbar nerves (lumbodynia). “Bishofite” is used to treat a number of skin diseases - acne, dermatitis and eczema.

For all these diseases, the drug should be used externally. Baths with the solution should be taken in cases of cardiovascular diseases - hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as osteoporosis, psoriasis, insomnia, stress and migraines.


The largest portion of “Bishofite” consists of the following salts:

  • Magnesium chloride and bromide
  • Calcium sulfate, chloride and bicarbonate
  • Sodium and potassium chloride.

A much smaller share falls on metals that are not contained in salts:

  • Lithium
  • Rubidium
  • Cesium
  • Strontium
  • Barium
  • Iron
  • Aluminum
  • Cobalt
  • Molybdenum
  • Titanium
  • Bismuth

Medicinal properties

The drug is absorbed through the skin, most of all increasing the content of magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium in the body due to the salts of these metals contained in it. Magnesium is necessary for the construction and regeneration of connective tissues (including cartilage). In addition, it improves the metabolism between blood, lymph and intercellular fluid. Calcium is needed for building bone tissue (namely, calcium phosphate, into which it is converted). Sodium and potassium are involved in many processes in the body, such as the transmission of nerve impulses.

The full mechanisms of action of the drug are still poorly understood, but the absence of allergenic and carcinogenic properties has been proven.

The average price is from 60 to 80 rubles.

Gel “Bishofite”

Gel – in a tube of 75 or 100 ml. Pasty product. The color is usually colorless and translucent, but may have some tint. This depends on whether there are any additional components added to it.

Mode of application

The cream or gel is rubbed into the sore spot 2 or 3 times a day for 2-3 minutes. There is no need to insulate it with a compress. The course of treatment lasts up to 2 weeks. After a break of a month, treatment can be repeated again.

The average price is from 70 to 200 rubles.

Salt “Bishofite”

Coarse crystalline salt. It tastes bitter and salty. Packaging starts from 180 grams.

Mode of application

To take a bath with salt, you need to dissolve about 5 tablespoons in the bath. The water temperature should be 36-38 degrees. It is so useful to treat insomnia, psoriasis and nervous tension. You can take it daily for 15-20 minutes.

To the general medicinal bath 500 grams of salt are consumed. Every day for 15-20 minutes, the course of treatment is about 10 procedures.

For local baths - 40 grams per 1 liter. The number of procedures is 12-14. You can do it every day or every other day. If treated large joint or spine, then you should apply a compress from the prepared solution with salt for 2 hours in the same proportions.

The average price is from 100 to 150 rubles.

Liquid and bath solution “Bishofite”

The solution and bath liquid are available in a bottle of 500 (the solution is sometimes 1000) ml. The drug does not contain preservatives or dyes. Sedimentation may occur, so shake before use.

Mode of application

The solution is used in the manufacture of compresses. First, the sore spot is warmed with a heating pad or a blue lamp and wiped with a 50% brine solution, and then a compress is applied. It is a piece of gauze or cotton fabric, soaked in a salt solution and covered with parchment paper. The compress should be kept for 10-12 hours. After removing it, you need to wipe the skin that was under the compress, warm water. The procedure is repeated every 2 days for 20-25 days.

Baths with “Bishofite” are used in addition to medicine (calming and softening effect) in cosmetology. You can take local or shared baths. In the first case, you need to dissolve 0.1 liters of liquid in 5 liters of water, and in the second - 1-2 liters of liquid per 150-200 liters of water. In both cases, the water temperature should be 35-37⁰ C. Take a bath for 15 minutes every two days. After taking a bath, you should not wash with soap. Treatment should be carried out for up to 30 days.

All three forms contain essential oils, which give it a characteristic pleasant smell.


Almost not. Do not take only if you are individually intolerant to any of its components.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

No effect of “Bishofite” on the course of pregnancy and the quality or quantity of milk was found, so it can be used in these cases.

"Bishofite" is an excellent option for helping to get rid of problems with lower limbs during pregnancy. But it is important to know others safe ways treatment (not only with the help of medications), which can be read about in the article:.

Precautionary measures

Do not allow the drug to come into contact with mucous membranes and do not drink orally. In the first case, irritation may occur, and in the second - laxative effect(it goes away in a few days without requiring intervention).

Side effects

General allergic reactions, as well as skin irritation at the application sites.


If used too frequently, allergic skin reactions may develop.

Conditions and shelf life

Keep at temperatures up to 25⁰ C. In such conditions, the solution and bath liquid can be stored for 3 years, bischofite gel for 2 years.


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Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, Germany
Price from 130 to 1300 rub.

Used for arthrosis and arthritis. Available in the form of ointment, tablets and solution for injection. As a rule, it is prescribed as part of complex treatment.


  • Various release forms - you can choose a convenient one
  • Natural composition


  • Helps the body solely due to the placebo effect, since it is a homeopathic remedy
  • Relatively expensive drug.

“911 with bischofite”

TWINS Tech, Russia
Price from 60 to 100 rub.

Is complete analogue gel “Bishofite”, differing in better side presence in the composition natural herbs, such as cinquefoil, golden mustache and comfrey.


  • Nice smell
  • Cheap remedy
  • Sold in almost all pharmacies


  • May cause allergies if individual intolerance occurs.