Erva woolly or half-fallen grass: the use of natural raw materials for diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Pol-pal (Erva woolly): description, composition, properties, indications, instructions for use, contraindications

Paul fell grass appeared in our country relatively recently and quickly proved its effectiveness in the treatment of many diseases.

The homeland of the grass is hot tropical countries. Previously, it was supplied to Russia only from the island of Ceylon, but gradually compatriots developed their own growing technology medicinal plant, and now half a pala can be found on summer cottages among admirers of traditional medicine.

The grass reaches a height of no more than 140 cm, has green branched stems with rounded leaves and a grayish root with numerous branches. In July it becomes covered with small white or cream flowers and blooms until early autumn.

Many herbalists call erva woolly and use not only its stems, but also its roots and seeds for treatment. Beneficial features The plant provides its unique composition, which amazes with its diversity:

  1. An abundance of potassium and calcium, which strengthen the blood vessels of the heart, immunity, musculoskeletal system, normalizing blood pressure.
  2. Flavonoids have a calming effect, give elasticity to blood vessels and strengthen their walls. Protect from harmful effects radiation background.
  3. Alkaloids relieve spasms and dull the feeling of pain, stop bleeding and improve blood circulation.
  4. Pectins rid the body of toxins, regulate metabolism and reduce cholesterol levels.
  5. Phenolic acids have antibacterial effect. Their properties are successfully used for wound healing.
  6. Inorganic salts and amino acids support water balance, increase hemoglobin, help remove kidney stones and reduce vascular tone.
  7. Sugars increase the body's resistance to colds, stimulate metabolism and supply a person with the necessary energy.

Thanks to this set healing properties, erva woolly grass has indications for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Half fell in folk medicine used to restore the liver, heal the stomach, urinary system, bronchitis, skin rashes.

How does the herb affect the body?

A decoction of the plant quickly relieves inflammation in renal pelvis and bladder. For cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, stones gallbladder and kidneys, urethritis, the herb pol pala is used as a means of removing salts and water from the body. The decoction is gentle and does not lead to dehydration, so it can be taken for a long time without fear.

  1. The herb effectively removes urea and uric acid, which is formed in large quantities during exacerbation of pyelonephritis and other kidney diseases.
  2. Regular use of the decoction completely cleanses the urinary system of sand and normalizes its functioning.
  3. With gout and spondylosis, water and salt balance. It can be restored with the help of a unique plant.

It is useful to brew the herb and drink it for people living in big cities, where there is a lot of smog from car exhaust, and for those whose homes are located in places with high radiation. The healing liquid cleanses the body of the accumulation of radioactive substances, dissolves toxins and is an excellent tumor prevention. An infusion of the herb has indications for healing ulcers, polyps and improves the functioning of everything gastrointestinal tract.

Erva woolly grass is effective for cirrhosis of the liver and diseases of the pancreas. It lowers blood glucose levels, so it is useful to drink it as aid sick diabetes mellitus 2 types.

Harvesting and using grass

The herb sold at the pharmacy consists of a mixture of stems, roots and seeds mixed in equal quantities. It is convenient to use for preparing decoctions and infusions. When a plant is grown at home, it must be properly prepared so that it preserves medicinal properties:

  1. At the beginning of October, the seeds are collected, the plant is uprooted, cleared of soil, finely chopped and dried along with the seeds in a warm room with good ventilation.
  2. Dried herbs are stored in bags made of natural fabric, which are hung in a dry, cool room. If everything is done correctly, the plant does not lose its medicinal properties for about 3 years.

To strengthen the immune system and colds It is useful to take herbal tea, which promotes cleansing respiratory tract from mucus and speeds up recovery.

To prepare you need 2 tsp. dry herbs pour 200 mg of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. Then strain, cool to 40 °C, add honey if desired and drink as tea 2 times a day.

Infusion and decoction recipes

Kidney stones formed from excess uric acid can be crushed and removed using a decoction of Erva woolly. This recipe is effective for pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatitis and other diseases of the urinary system and stomach. It is useful to drink to prevent heart attacks and strengthen blood vessels.

  1. To prepare the decoction, you will need to take a small saucepan and pour 1 tbsp into it. l. half the grass has fallen.
  2. Pour half a liter of water, put on low heat, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Wait 3 hours and strain the broth through cheesecloth, carefully squeezing out the herb.
  4. Drink 100 ml 20 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  5. The product can be slightly heated in a steam bath and shaken to achieve a better effect.

An infusion of the herb resolves cholesterol plaques, restores the liver, relieves prostatitis, cystitis, and lowers blood pressure.

  1. To prepare the infusion, place 2 tbsp in an enamel bowl. l. herb erva woolly, pour a glass of boiled water and place in a steam bath.
  2. Simmer the liquid for 15-20 minutes, cool and after an hour strain through a sieve.
  3. Dilute the infusion with 200 ml of warm boiled water, shake and take 100 ml three times a day shortly before meals.

The course of treatment with decoction and infusion is a month, after which it is necessary to take a break for 30 days and then take it again if necessary.

There is no need to throw away the grass cake. It can be used for external purposes, such as treating boils and acne.

  1. To get rid of a pimple, you need to take a piece of gauze, fold it several times and put a layer of wet cake on it. Treat the boil with an antiseptic and apply a compress to it. Secure the bandage with a bandage and walk around with it for 2 hours. After several applications, the abscess will come out, and the wound will quickly heal.
  2. To improve your complexion and cleanse your skin from acne, you can make a mask of warm oil cake before bed. You will need to clean your face with water and cover it with boiled herbs for 20 minutes. It is necessary to carry out the procedure 2 times a week for a month and the skin will noticeably cleanse, become fresh and beautiful. Before use, be sure to check your skin for an allergic reaction.

Use decoctions, infusions and cakes only fresh and do not store for more than a day so that they do not lose their medicinal properties and deteriorate, turning from medicine into poison. The effectiveness of the plant is so high that the herb is included in a number of herbs and even medications.

Precautionary measures

Despite great amount healing properties, woolly erva has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account so as not to harm the body:

  1. The grass can cause an allergic reaction.
  2. If the disease has a tendency to excrete calcium in large quantities, you should stop taking half a day. Such diseases include hypoparathyroidism and renal osteodystrophy.
  3. Cannot be used for rickets.
  4. Weed is prohibited for children under 12 years of age.
  5. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is advisable to avoid the product.

If there are no contraindications to the use of the herb, you should take it with caution at first, because it can cause side effects. The main symptoms are nausea and allergic rash.

The main contraindication is not to rinse your mouth with liquid or drink from a cup. Erva woolly quickly destroys tooth enamel, so the medicine can only be drunk from a straw. After taking the decoction or infusion, rinse thoroughly oral cavity and brush your teeth.

Pol-Pala is an inconspicuous plant of the amaranth family, or simply a tropical weed. The main name is Erva woolly, it is on the list of medicinal plants that are allowed to be used on the territory Russian Federation. Currently, a technology has been developed for growing Pol-Pala grass in Russia. Its medicinal properties and contraindications are known to many.

Scope and composition

The herb has unique medicinal qualities. When using the Pol-Pala herb, there are contraindications, albeit minor ones. This plant uses everything- stems, roots, seeds, fruits.

Erva woolly has not been thoroughly studied. But according to the experiments carried out, it was revealed that in its composition the floor-floor has:

This healing herb not so long ago it began to grow in our country. And now it has rightfully taken its rightful place among the drugs that have a diuretic effect on the human body.

Grass Pol-Pala is useful and used to treat such diseases:

  • urolithiasis and kidney diseases;
  • urtritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • treatment of appendages;
  • cervical erosion;
  • obesity;
  • acne;
  • oncology;
  • bronchial diseases.

The benefits and harms of medicinal herbs

Pol-Pala grass has beneficial properties and contraindications. To the medicinal properties of this herbal preparation The following can be attributed: diuretic, diuretic, antitumor, antiseptic, hypoazotemic, choleretic, salt-removing, wound-healing, antibacterial and restorative.

Solutions are also prepared from Erva woolly, which help remove sand from the body. And the use of decoctions to remove uric acid does not lead to severe dehydration of the human body.

This plant has not only medicinal properties, but also contraindications. Before using the herb, consultation with a specialist is necessary. In certain cases use medicinal herb may cause harm. Side effects may also occur in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, or various skin rashes and allergies.

I would like to say that medicinal mixtures, infusions and decoctions created from tropical weeds can be used both to treat an already developed disease and for preventive measures.

The most popular contraindication is personal intolerance. It is also undesirable to use medicines from this plant during pregnancy, especially in the first third of pregnancy and breastfeeding. For various diseases: rickets, dental problems, polio, fractures and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Children under 18 years of age can use this herb only in the form of lotions for treatment. various types skin allergies and acne rashes.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine from of this plant prepare various decoctions, infusions and teas. It is used in the treatment of the liver, stomach, kidneys, and respiratory tract. Unique properties Erva helps those who decide to get rid of extra pounds and centimeters on their body.

For weight loss, it is advisable to make tea. Take one tablespoon of the dry mixture and add 250 milliliters of freshly boiled water. Cover the solution with a lid and wait approximately 15 minutes. Filter the solution through a sieve or cheesecloth. Preferably consumed without additives, but you can add a quarter dessert spoon of honey to improve the taste of the drink. It is allowed to use fresh weed to make tea. Use the drink instead of regular black tea up to three times a day. A course of herbal tea from this tropical weed is carried out for one month with a break of one month.

For removal from the body harmful substances prepare the decoction according to the instructions. A tablespoon of finely chopped herbs is poured hot boiled water in the amount of 250 milliliters. Place the container with the mixture in a water bath and cook for about 13-15 minutes, without letting it boil. Cover the solution remaining after cooking tightly with a lid and leave for approximately two to three hours out of reach of light. After this, strain the broth and bring to a total volume of 250 milliliters, diluting with water. Use 100 milliliters three times a day before meals. The broth is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

In the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, more concentrated decoction: one tablespoon per 100 milliliters of water. Treatment is carried out in courses three times a year for 20 days, three times a day, 100 milliliters before meals.

An infusion is also prepared to crush stones and remove their remains from the body. One tablespoon of the plant is poured with 250 milliliters of boiling water and infused in a thermos for at least three hours. The medicine should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach, 120 milliliters.

In the autumn-winter period, a phytodrink made from grass is used to maintain and increase immunity. One tablespoon of herb is placed in a porcelain teapot and brewed with 200 milliliters of boiled water. Let it brew for 2-3 hours. After this, the tea is ready for use. It is best to consume this infusion after waking up the body after sleep, 120 milliliters. This drink can be stored for 24 hours.

To use compresses and lotions, prepare the following. Take a glass bowl, place three tablespoons of harvested roots and two tablespoons of ground tropical weed seeds in it, pour 300 milliliters of boiling water. Wait 10 minutes. After this, boil the solution in a water bath. Reducing the heat so that the mixture does not boil, simmer for 45 minutes.

After boiling, cover with a lid and let cool in a dark place. After cooling the solution to room temperature, add 100 grams of vodka to it. Cover tightly again and put in a dark place for 10 days.

After this time, the solution to combat acne ready. Process skin in areas of the rash once a day with a cotton swab soaked in the solution.

For creating medicinal infusion for hair, you need to repeat the previous procedure, excluding vodka from it, and do not insist for ten days. The infusion should be used while washing your hair by applying to clean hair. After application, wait 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Harvesting the plant

When harvesting, Pol-Pala is dried like a regular plant. To begin with, wash and lay out in the shade, so that warm access is provided. fresh air and no mixing with other plants was carried out. It should be turned over periodically for better drying. After the grass dries, it must be chopped. Stems, roots and seeds are crushed and stored separately from each other.

Half-fallen - for cirrhosis of the liver, pancreas, hemorrhoids, polyps in the intestines, urolithiasis, kidney stones, cystitis, sand in the kidneys, gall and bladder, prostatitis, atherosclerosis

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herb into 1 glass of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave until cool, strain. Take 1/2 cup warm, 30 minutes before meals through a straw, so as not to damage tooth enamel.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers, hypertension, reduced immunity

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herb into 200 grams of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 3 hours, strain. Take 1/2-1/4 cup warm, 2-3 times a day. The course is 10-30 days, a break of 6 months and the course is repeated.

Healing tea

Pour 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs into 250 ml. water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, leave, covered, 15 minutes, strain. Drink hot, like tea, adding sugar or honey to the drink to taste.


03.22.16 Love

Yulechka Evgenievna!

I hug you tightly! Be healthy!

Hello, Yulia Evgenievna!
I would like to turn to you for advice and help regarding the health of my wife Lyudmila. I will try to describe everything as completely as possible.
Since childhood, my wife had chronic tonsillitis, with all the ensuing consequences after hypothermia. Treatment then consisted of using Lugol's solution for the throat.
During my student years, biliary dyskinesia was discovered. In 2006, there was the first exacerbation before the wedding. There were attempts to have a child, but they were diagnosed with infertility. From the age of 12, the cycle was disrupted and the therapy of many doctors who were consulted did not bring results.
In 2012 there were periodic attacks, as it turned out later, the first bells were from the gall bladder, in which stones soon formed. And although they were small, and there were attempts to dissolve them both with medication and folk remedies and herbs from the pharmacy "...", repeated attacks with decreasing intervals forced him to undergo surgery to remove the gallbladder in 2013 (laparoscopic cholecystectomy). Before the operation, there was chronic cholecystitis, exacerbation, chronic pancreatitis - exacerbation, chronic uninvestigated gastritis - exacerbation, there were refluxes and even chronic secondary pyelonephritis - exacerbation.
After the operation, it took a long time to improve our health, while simultaneously receiving treatment for infertility. Until 2014, she took hormonal medications Diane 35, which caused weight gain and periodic attacks in the gastrointestinal tract. Since 2014, she took treatment, changing her attending physician, and in 2016 her daughter was born.
After childbirth, the color and smell of urine changed, frequent urge to the toilet.
Examination results for November 2016. Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko. The number of leukocytes is 356,250 (with the norm being up to 2000), the number of erythrocytes is 40,600 (with the norm being up to 1000). A general urine test revealed squamous epithelium 20-25 (with a norm of 6-8) in the field of view, transitional 1-2, bacteria ++++ ( coli).
Ultrasound of the kidneys. Right. Location - lowered (which was also seen on an ultrasound before birth). The shape is bean-shaped, the contours are smooth, the dimensions are 87*42 mm, the thickness of the panechryma is moderately increased, the ureter is not dilated, the stones are calcified up to 2 mm. Left. The location is usual, the shape is bean-shaped, the contours are smooth, the dimensions are 119*56 mm, the thickness of the panechryma is 19 mm, the echogenicity of the panechryma is average, the ureter is not dilated, the stones are calcifications up to 2 mm. Conclusion: nephroptosis on the right, chronic nephritis on the right, micronephrolithiasis.
Treatment was carried out, which lasted until August 2017. A general urine test revealed squamous epithelium 8-10 and oxalate salts. The urination was bloody and smelly. There was a fever.
Later, in November 2017, chronic cystitis surfaced. On March 7, 2018, there was a repeated exacerbation, the temperature rose, the aching pain turned into renal colic, there was frequent urination with blood, and she briefly lost consciousness from the pain shock.
An ultrasound was performed by the attending physician in private clinic, but his diagnosis made me doubt the correctness of the examination (I won’t even take up your time with that examination). We had a repeat ultrasound in April 2018 with a different specialist.
Right kidney. The location is normal, mobility is preserved, the shape is bean-shaped, the contours are smooth, dimensions are 98*54 mm, the thickness of the panekhryma is 16-17 mm, normal cortical layer and pyramids. The echogenicity is average, the renal sinus has a normal vascular pattern, the maxillary sinus is not dilated, the ureter is not dilated, stones are detected in the middle calyx 3.5 mm without an echo shadow. Left kidney. The location is normal, mobility is preserved, the shape is bean-shaped, the contours are smooth, dimensions are 108 * 53 mm, the thickness of the panekhryma is 16-17 mm, normal cortical layer and pyramids. The echogenicity is average, the renal sinus has a normal vascular pattern, the maxillary sinus is not dilated, the ureter is not dilated, there are no stones, microcalcifications are visible.
With the existing examination, we turned to a nephrologist, who prescribed additional tests:
Biochemistry: total calcium (syrovaka) - 2.68 mmol/l, magnesium - 0.81, ALT - 15, AST - 16, GGT - 18, alkaline phosphatase- 74, indirect bilirubin - 7, total bilirubin - 10.3, direct bilirubin - 3.3, total protein - 86.5, albumin - 53.9, creatine - 77, urea - 4.5, uric acid- 308, cholesterol - 5.74, triglycerides - 0.55, HDL - 1.94, LDL - 3.18, very low-density lipoprotein - 0.62, atherogenic coefficient - 1.96, glucose (syrup) - 4, 62.
Blood electrolytes: potassium - 4.61, sodium - 140, chlorine - 97.4, TSH - 2.75, free T4 - 1.23, parathyroid hormone - 57.4, ionized calcium - 1.33, phosphorus - 1.25 .
A general urine test and manual microscopy of the sediment, judging by the standards, did not reveal any abnormalities. Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko.
Leukocytes - 1.5, erythrocytes - 0.25, bacterial culture - did not reveal anything, a smear for trichomonas, ureaplasma, chlamydia and microplasma - did not reveal anything.
Was prescribed: Canephron 2 tremors 3 times - 2 months, Smart Omega, Magne B6, Hepel. Two months later (05/16/18) repeated analysis showed.
Biochemistry: total calcium (oral calcium) - 2.48, parathyroid hormone - 55. A general urine test and manual microscopy of the sediment did not reveal any deviations from the norm.
Ultrasound dated June 25, 2018. Right kidney. The location is normal, mobility is preserved, the shape is bean-shaped, the contours are smooth, dimensions are 98*52 mm, the thickness of the panekhryma is 16-17 mm, normal cortical layer and pyramids. The echogenicity is average, the renal sinus has a normal vascular pattern, the pelvis is slit-like, the ureter is not dilated, stones are identified in the middle calyx - 4 mm with an echo shadow. Left kidney. The location is normal, mobility is preserved, the shape is bean-shaped, the contours are smooth, dimensions are 103 * 54 mm, the thickness of the panekhryma is 16-17 mm, normal cortical layer and pyramids. The echogenicity is average, the renal sinus has a normal vascular pattern, the pelvis is slit-like, the ureter is not dilated, there are no stones, microcalcifications are visible.
As you can see, the heart rate has changed and the stone in the right kidney has grown a little and acquired an echo-shadow. On the advice of our friend, my wife began to drink cheap Lespedeza.
By the way, on this moment My wife developed an allergy to ragweed (which she has been suffering from for almost ten years), and a few days later she felt that it had spread to the bronchi or trachea.
How can we help in our case? We will be grateful for any hint!

Hello, Alexander!
Your wife’s tests are fine, her compensation is good, despite urolithiasis and chronic pyelonephritis! Now we need to improve metabolism and remove oxalates. And you won’t find anything better than the waters of the beautiful resort of Truskavets!
But while preparations for sanatorium-resort treatment are underway, start like this:
1. Tea from the common cocklebur against oxaluria:
- 1 tbsp. pour 1 glass of water over the herbs, bring to a boil and pour into a thermos overnight. Strain, squeeze and drink 70.0 ml three times a day, 5 minutes BEFORE meals. Course - 2 weeks; break for 10 days and repeat twice.
2. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Madder - 1 tsp; Dill seed - 2, Pol-pal - 1, Peppermint - 1, Wintergreen - 1, - 1, Juniper fruits - 1 tsp.

Drink 150.0 ml 4 times a day, semi-hot, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.
3. Diet for oxaluria is absolutely necessary. The basis is a sharp limitation of all sour vegetables - tomatoes, sorrel, lettuce, spinach; sour berries; limitation fatty varieties meat. If the wife loves dairy products, not all are allowed. I suggest studying the details of the diet yourself.

08/27/18 Natalya

If you, Natasha, are even slightly overweight, start by losing it! Herbal collection and juice therapy will help reduce sugar, cholesterol and gradually reduce the size of stones.
1. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Rosehip - 1, Burdock - 1; Pol-pal - 1, Three-leaved watch - 2, Rose hips - 3.
Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

2. Solvent. Dietary supplement based on bird bile. Drink according to instructions for at least 2 months.
3. Black radish juice.
Drink 30.0 ml before each meal, adding 10.0 ml per meal every week. Reach up to 150.0 ml three times a day and drink for 2-6 months.
4. Diet and water.
Drink at least 1.5 liters per day clean water; exclude fried foods, prefer baking or grilling. Eliminate mayonnaise, except homemade; industrial sauces and all refined sweets and baked goods. There are strict hours, always at the same time.
You will like the results!

GOOD LUCK and patience! All the best!

08/26/18 Irina

Dear Yulia Evgenievna!
I am 54 years old. I want to get rid of kidney and gallstones. I'm terrified of surgery, help. Each kidney contains a pebble - 4 and 5 mm. In the gallbladder - 12, 10, 9 mm. cysts right lobe liver - 1 cm, 0.5 cm, 0.5 cm.
Chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, in case of poor diet - flatulence. 15 years ago I had a duodenal ulcer. osteochondrosis. hypertension. overweight, 96 kg. The stones were discovered a year ago. The urologist prescribed Blemaren, but it’s expensive! Hope is for you! Thank you in advance.

Hello Irina!
Start therapy with the simplest and most effective - proper water regime. Stones always begin with thickening and/or stagnation of bile. Drink at least 25.0 ml of pure water/1 kg of weight; eat very regularly, always at the same time.
Stagnation of bile is not provoked precisely by regular intake food and obstacles to the outflow of bile, bending of the gallbladder, spasm of the sphincter of Oddi, Giardia, etc.); Sometimes - big belly, often - physical inactivity! You need to move, despite being overweight.
Avoid all types of sauces, mayonnaise, fatty and fried food; Avoid lifting heavy objects to avoid triggering an attack.
But it is very difficult to get rid of stones quickly.
However, using several methods at once, we try to reduce their size of our debt:
1. The most effective method, ingestion of chicken bile. It is not popular because it is associated with raw materials. But now a dietary supplement has appeared, Solution, based on bird bile, which dissolves ordinary pebbles (small pebbles) necessary for a strong shell.
Start with this dietary supplement and drink according to the manufacturer's instructions for a long time.
2. Juice therapy.
Black radish juice is the most effective. Begin a six-month intake with 30.0 ml of juice before each meal, gradually increasing the amount to 2 glasses per day or more.
This juice not only destroys stones, but also improves the composition of blood and lymph, rejuvenates joints and the entire body, and lowers blood pressure.
3. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Creeping wheatgrass - 2, Chicory - 1; Half-fell - 1, Rosehip fruits - 2, Scepter-shaped mullein (flowers and grass) - 2, Sweet clover - 2, Birch leaf - 2.
Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.
- 1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold mixture drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.
Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.
Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.
hypertension was taken into account in the collection.
We will be glad to see you in the branded stores of the Staroslav Ecofactory in your city, as well as in our online store.
Good luck in all your endeavors, see you!

08/14/18 Alexander

Good day!
These are phosphate, the most favorable stones that are formed in alkaline environment. Therefore, you need to drink a lot of water, and/or special mineral waters- “Dolomite Narzan”, “Arzni”, “Naftusya”.
Add to this the most reliable means of preventing and removing stones - herbs:
1. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Madder - 1 tsp; Half-fell - 1 des.l., Horsetail - 2, Scepter-shaped mullein - 2, Birch Leaf - 1, Dill seed - 1.
Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.
- 2 tbsp. pour 500.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.
Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 500.0 ml.
Drink 170.0 ml semi-hot 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.
2. Diet.
With phosphate stones, all cereals, pasta (durum pasta), meat, fish, poultry, eggs are allowed; creamy and vegetable oil. Vegetables are recommended sour and neutral - sorrel, spinach, potatoes, parsley, white cabbage and Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin. Berries and fruits: Lingonberries, cranberries, red currants, sour apples, pears, apricots, peaches, grapes, figs, plums, strawberries, gooseberries; sour fruit drinks - lingonberry and cranberry; Rosehip decoction.
3. Resorts: Kislovodsk, Arzni, Pyatigorsk, Truskavets (Ukraine).
We will be glad to see you in the branded stores of the Staroslav Ecofactory in your city, as well as in our online store.
SUCCESS and health!

07/30/18 Oleg

Hello, dear Yulia Evgenievna!

I accidentally came to your site while getting acquainted with the properties of Stone Oil on the Internet. I read your recommendations to the patients who contacted you. And I REALLY wanted to express to you my immense gratitude and low bow for what you do, for the valuable and kind advice that people who turn to you receive!!!

You are a WONDERFUL specialist and a WONDERFUL person!!!

This Main reason which is why I decided to write a review on your site.

True, there is another reason - these are stones in my gall bladder. There are two of them, measuring 19*12 mm and 17*11 mm. I have been searching for a long time and unsuccessfully for a non-surgical way to get rid of them.

Please advise, are there such ways?


Thanks for the double compliment, Oleg!

I hope you didn’t get acquainted with Stone Oil in vain - it is contraindicated for gallstones!))

Start healing with the simplest and most effective, namely, the correct water regime. Stones always begin with thickening and/or stagnation of bile.

Stagnation, in turn, is provoked by irregular food intake and obstacles to the outflow of bile, inflection of the gallbladder, spasm of the sphincter of Oddi, Giardia, etc.); sometimes - a big belly, often - physical inactivity!

And all together, gradually accumulating, at one point it can give an attack of severe pain.


Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

2 tbsp. pour 600.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 600.0 ml.

Drink 200.0 ml semi-hot three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 3 weeks.

2. Drink sour drinks - cranberry, lingonberry fruit drinks; Orange juice.

3. Phytocompresses.

Pour 200.0 ml of boiling water into the thermos again for an hour. Strain. Wrap the cake in cotton cloth, moisten it with semi-hot broth and fix it on the suprapubic area for 30-40 minutes. Do not allow it to cool by covering with cling film.

Do it twice a day for 6-7 days.

But see a gynecologist for diseases for which thermal procedures are prohibited, or they must be carried out with caution.

07/10/18 Anna


I am 25 years old. This year, during an ultrasound, we accidentally discovered that the gallbladder was filled to capacity with cholesterol stones: 7-12 mm. Before that, a couple of years ago, I had cholecystitis and bile stagnation. Discomfort, rarely pain in the side after eating, or heaviness (rarely, because for three years I have not eaten meat, fried, fatty, etc.). However, this problem has arisen, perhaps due to sharp drop weight (once, I gained weight and lost 8 kg in six months) and heredity, my grandmother and mother suffered from cholelithiasis.

Doctors insist on surgery, saying that without waiting for an attack, the gallbladder should be removed. But the functions of the organ are not completely lost; bile, in the form of a gap, is still stored there. And I really rely on herbs, I drink Ursofalk.

Previously, I drank choleretic drugs and Repeshok from time to time, but abandoned the course. Is it possible to resume herbal treatment now, perhaps by reducing the concentration several times? I read that such stones can be dissolved, albeit slowly. I am ready to undergo long-term treatment and try to save the organ.

My blood tests are more or less normal, my hemoglobin is low. Cholesterol is increased by one tenth, monocytes are slightly higher than normal, and often low-grade fever. There is osteochondrosis, protrusions. WITH adolescence acne This is the picture of my “health”.

Perhaps you can suggest something, and I will be able to avoid surgical intervention. Thanks in advance for your answer!

Hello Anna!

An operation may indeed be needed, but not before there is a dense blockage of the common bile duct and persistent obstructive jaundice. In such cases, there is no doubt.

Herbs must be used to the last!

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.

2. Dietary supplement Solution. Contains chicken bile, which can dissolve small pebbles that strengthen egg shells.

Drink according to instructions for 2-3 months.

3. Drink plenty of clean water - at least 30.0 ml/1 kg of weight.

4. Continue taking Ursofalk.

There is an option to start with very effective decoction Rosehip roots - it can relieve the symptoms of chondrosis, and at the same time undermine stones:

Pour 1 cup of crushed roots into 3.0 liters of water, quickly bring to a boil and cook without boiling for five minutes. Strain, do not throw away the raw materials. Drink 1.0 liter during the day, but in small portions, on an empty stomach, with a slice of lemon.

Two days later, pour 3.0 liters of boiling water over the same raw material, but cook for 10 minutes. Drink the same way - two days in advance. Pour in the primary raw materials for the third time and cook for 15 minutes. If this is not enough, the procedure is repeated exactly with new raw materials.

As a rule, 5-6 weeks are enough for the stones to shrink in size.

But use either this recipe or a collection of herbs and a solution.

Hello Svetlana!

Unfortunately, I can only guess what exactly is bothering you now, and at what stage the disease is (remission, exacerbation). If you are concerned about pain or joint swelling, add herbs to your medications to local application and drinking. I took into account the stones in the collection.

20.0 grams of roots, crushed to a grain, pour 200.0 ml of 60% alcohol or pharmaceutical Herboton and leave for 2 weeks in a dark dream. Strain and rub into joints to reduce pain and swelling. At severe pain and aches due to the weather, stiffness, you can add the tincture to your drink: 15-20 drops in 70.0 ml of water.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.

Add 10-12 drops of Pine or Fir into the hot decoction. This will allow you to “break” the stone faster and reduce joint pain.

WITH best wishes, see you in touch!

06/03/18 Vladimir

Good afternoon.

Hello, Vladimir!

Herbs are very good, but even better - the right herbs!

For all glomerular diseases, when the glomerulus allows what the body needs (protein) and retains what it cannot (urea), other herbs are needed. And without a diet, they will not bring tangible benefits. Diet is the basis of therapy. In case of anemia, protein must still be replenished with animal proteins (60.0 g per day, 2 times a week). With normal hemoglobin - vegetable ( green pea, mushrooms, eggplants(!), soybeans, etc.).

Write down your blood pressure and presence of edema. The tests needed include GFR, urine according to Nechiporenko: urea, cholesterol, uric acid and general analysis blood and urine (all with laboratory standards, they are different everywhere!).

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course is 1.5-2 months.

The first urine control is 10 days from the start of taking the collection.

Successful collaboration and good mood!

See you later, Vladimir!

05/09/18 Irina

Dear Yulia Evgenievna. My son (35 years old) was found to have a polyp in his gall bladder during an ultrasound scan. They told him to undergo observation and that’s it. They didn’t prescribe any treatment. Tell me, is it possible to help with herbs and what should we do? My daughter-in-law (31 years old) had her gallstones removed. After the operation, it is not clear where rheumatoid arthritis came from. The diagnosis could not be made for several months. Even before the operation, uveitis worsened twice within 2-3 years. In 2017, it was very difficult to treat and took a long time. But doctors ruled out Reiter’s triad. RA began to appear immediately after Having a gallbladder removed, while still in the hospital, her temperature lasted for a long time and her knee was swollen. Before that, 3 months ago she had a knee bruise. Now she has been injecting a very expensive drug, Humira, for a year now. Otherwise, I couldn’t walk and my leg was swelling. I had surgery on my knee and only surgery helped establish the diagnosis. My toes and hands hurt from time to time. What could you advise? I will be very grateful to you.

Hello Irina!

Taking Humira is very justified high degree activity of rheumatoid arthritis. If there is no ESR, CRP and rheumatoid factor, consider with your doctor the issue of discontinuing Humira and replacing it with a less severe drug.

It is necessary to actively heal all foci of streptococcal infection (teeth, tonsils; possible cystitis, adnexitis) and start taking herbs:

1. Indomethacin, rectal suppositories. At night, 10 candles.

Son. Why is nothing prescribed for the polyp? Because the diagnosis of a polyp is made on the basis of histology, and not ultrasound. The gall bladder may contain cholesterol stones, accumulations of opisthorchiasis, and true polyps.

During 3 months of observation without treatment, stones and opisthorchia can change the location and ultrasound picture, but polyps cannot.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take herbs without dosage instructions in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. Course 2 months, ultrasound control.

3. A diet without fried and fatty foods and eating at a strictly defined time.

With wishes of success and good mood!

See you in touch!

05/06/18 Lydia

Hello, dear doctor. I am 66 years old, height 152, weight 63 kg.

1. Is it possible to dissolve a 13x22 mm gallstone with herbs?

2. Is it possible to remove nodes thyroid gland? Ultrasound results: nodes 13x10x13mm, 13x14x15mm, three nodes 4.5mm, 6.5mm, Lymph nodes in regional lymph drainage zones are not enlarged. Thanks for the answer.

Hello, Lydia!

It is possible to make an attempt, but even the drugs intended for this (Ursofalk, Ursosan) do not provide a 100% guarantee. Scattering a stone into the sand helps drinking plenty of fluids, strict diet and diet (the answers on the topic describe details that are the same for everyone)

1. Diet.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take herbs without dosage instructions in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. Course 2 months, change of herbs.

3. Solution, a new dietary supplement in capsules containing poultry bile

As for the nodes, this is almost always a sign of iodine deficiency - in food or area of ​​residence; or as a consequence of inflammation.

Yes, there are herbs. You need to focus on thyroid hormones - T4 St, T3 St; TSH and anti-TPO antibodies.

If you have the results of such a hormonal study, please forward it.

In the meantime, you can add Icelandic Cetraria to your herbal collection, 1 tbsp.

All the best, see you in touch!

04/26/18 Olga

Hello! Please tell me what herbs can be used to lower cholesterol levels? It stays at around 8 while the norm is up to 5. Age 68 years. Thank you!

Hello Olga!

In reducing cholesterol, you need to start with the liver, where cholesterol is formed, small intestine where it is absorbed into the blood; and the large intestine, where reabsorption occurs

I give you a short and effective scheme:

1. Kremlin drops

5% alcohol solution of iodine.

Drink 10 drops three times a day, AFTER meals, in 50.0 ml. milk. The course is exactly 3 weeks, a break of 2 weeks with cholesterol control.

Hello Lina!

The question is quite natural!))

Dark urine in both the person and the person’s friend - or it is over-concentrated due to drinking restrictions; either bilirubin is increased, or blood appears (urine in the form of meat slop).

Most likely, blood is due to trauma to the ureters with a stone.

The day before donating both urine and blood for liver tests (bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, AST), stop all herbs and medications.

I think that now we should give not a collection, but a ready-made remedy - Canephron, or Cyston, Urolesan.

Let's look at the tests! I'm waiting, dear Lina.

04.04.18 Irina

Good day! I'm asking for some advice herbal tea can help dissolve a gallstone (diameter 1.4 cm).. Thank you for your answer.

Good afternoon

We start, as always, with lifestyle and nutrition:

1. Adjust nutrition and hydration. The words “regular meals” are NOT an empty phrase, but a condition for the uniform flow of bile into the duodenum. When eating in different time the bile stagnates and precipitates, then thickens, and then calcium penetrates into the clots.

Limit yourself to sauces such as mayonnaise, Uncle Benz; don't abuse butter, exclude spreads and baked goods.

You shouldn't drink tea. or compote, namely WATER, which by definition is a universal solvent (a drop wears away a stone!).

The water should be close to natural - spring, melt and at least 1.0 liters per day.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take herbs without dosage instructions in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. Course 2 months, change of herbs - 2; floor Erva woolly) -1 des.l., Horsetail -1, scepter mullein (flowers and grass) -1.5 Rose hips -2 Calendula officinalis -1

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take herbs without dosage instructions in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for 30 minutes. Strain while hot, squeeze, add hot water up to 300.0 ml. and pour in 7-8 drops of Pine.

Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. Course 2 months, change of herbs.

GOOD LUCK, get in touch!

03/27/18 Denis

Good afternoon Yulia Evgenievna. A friend recommended an infusion of the herb Pol-pal to me.

I was diagnosed with kidney stones (oxalates), not large in size (4 ml in each). A friend also had the same problem, and according to him, he removed the stones with the help of this herb.

But at the same time, the doctor at the reception told me that this type Unfortunately, the stone does not dissolve.

Help me figure out whether it is really possible to dissolve oxalates in the kidneys using a decoction of this herb?

Good afternoon, Denis!

Indeed, oxalates are very sharp and difficult to dissolve stones. But nature provides for everything.

1. Follow an oxalate diet

Mineral waters and resorts Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk, Serebryany Klyuch (Altai) and, if possible, Karlovy Vary, Truskavets, Krainka. Drink plenty of fluids.

Severe limitation of greens and vegetables containing oxalic acid - leaf salads, spinach, sorrel, tomatoes, all citrus fruits. Limit milk and cottage cheese, exclude chocolate and all legumes. Limit meat, fish, poultry - up to 100.0 grams per day, three times a week. Cereal and flour dishes, white and cauliflower cabbage, green peas, lentils, carrots, turnips, cucumbers, apples are allowed.

2. Drink more good water (artesian, spring, melt water - everything is on sale now, the quantity is important - at least 1-1.5 liters per day. DO NOT mix with tea and other drinks. Water is the main solvent!

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take herbs without dosage instructions in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. Course - 2 months.

3.1. Beetroot juice contains iodine and at the same time supports the heart.

Drink 50.0 ml., in small sips, 2-3 times a day. The course is 1.5 months, break 2 weeks and resume.

4. Kaolin solution.

Stir high-quality white clay in a soft glass until it reaches the consistency of kefir. Drink 1 glass, three times a day, for a course of at least 2 months and repeat the ultrasound of the brachiocephalic vessels.

Akonita. Thank you

Hello, dear Khachatur!

Let's do this - you write to me your recipes and share your successes. As for the grass Pol pola (Erva woolly) - it is a good diuretic that saves potassium in the body. But it displaces calcium. Therefore, you can add it to the collection, but no more than 1 des.l., and no further than 2 weeks.

Then take a break for 14 days and you can add it again if you have urinary retention.

Good luck to you and good health!

03/07/18 Vasily

67 years old Had an ultrasound. A 1.2 cm stone in the bladder does not bother me yet. Tell them what herbal mixture to drink to dissolve the stone. I don’t know the composition of the stone. The urologist sends for surgery. Help. in advance.


Yes, you can try to get rid of the stone. But then you have to be prepared for urgent surgery! A disturbed stone can get into the mouth of the duct and block the flow of urine. It's very painful, first of all; and can lead to urine backflow into the kidney.

Honestly, I think it’s better not to risk it and agree to the operation. If you really want to try, dear Vasily, then at your own peril and risk:

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly. Take herbs without dosage instructions in tablespoons.

1 des.l. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. The course is 2-3 months.

Hello, Olya!

And I'm scared!! It’s scary not to spare the pancreas, on which ALL digestion, insulin synthesis, intestinal health depend, and with them our immunity! The liver is also connected to the pancreas! Kidneys for cleanliness internal environment your body is overloaded.

Start with strict diet and you will immediately feel relief! I deliberately do not describe the diet; you need to study it yourself and put it into practice every day and for a very long time. Immediately and completely eliminate mayonnaise and ready-made sauces, fried foods, spreads, baked goods, limit salt and drink more clean water. Steam or bake food.

3 Observe the cyst by doing an ultrasound of the kidneys every 6-8 months.

Good luck and see you, Olya!

To eliminate kidney stones, traditional healers suggest drinking medicines prepared from the miraculous herb pol-pal. This plant grows on the island of Sri Lanka and has another name - woolly erva. Due to its composition and many healing properties, the herb is widely used in medicine not only to free the kidneys from stones, but also for therapy various diseases and strengthening immune system generally.

Composition and beneficial properties

IN medicinal plant contains the following elements:

  • pectin;
  • calcium;
  • alkaloids;
  • amino acids;
  • potassium;
  • flavonoids;
  • Sahara;
  • alkanes.

The herb has found widespread use in medicine due to its following beneficial qualities:

  • restores the balance of water and salt in the body;
  • removes inflammatory processes by frequent urination;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • regulates metabolic processes;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • improves memory;
  • cleanses the body of accumulated waste and toxins;
  • affects stones - crushes them and removes them with urine;
  • acts as a prevention of thrombosis in blood vessels;
  • accelerates the healing of cuts and wounds;
  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • restores the skin and clears up all kinds of rashes;
  • thins the blood;
  • removes mucus accumulations from the respiratory tract;
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • dissolves and directs uric acid salts to the exit;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • relieves spasms;
  • eliminates pain;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • prevents the formation of malignant tumors.

Benefits for the urinary system

The grass is a powerful diuretic, which, when exposed to the body, does not lead to dehydration. It is believed that erva woolly is a gentle and completely safe plant, unlike pharmaceuticals, recognized by official medicine. Today, the herb is used for kidney stones, as well as for the treatment of diseases of the bladder and kidneys, both in non-traditional and in traditional medicine. Medicines containing this plant relieve inflammation in the urinary system through increased urination.

Recipes from the herb Paul pala for kidney stones


The grass has another popular name - woolly erva.

To crush and remove stones from the kidneys, it is recommended to use a decoction of the herb, prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Prepare 2 small spoons of half a glass and pour them into a small container.
  2. Pour the ingredient with a mug of water.
  3. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Infuse the decoction of half a stick for two to three hours.
  5. Filter the resulting medicine through gauze folded in several layers.
  6. Take the decoction ¼-½ cup 3 times a day warm and 20 minutes before meals.
  7. Keep folk medicine, in which the grass is half fallen, no longer than two days.

Healing infusion

An infusion prepared from half a stick is considered a strong diuretic drink. And thanks to the presence of herbs large quantity potassium ions, drugs made from it are classified as potassium-sparing diuretics. To prepare an infusion, with which you can crush and remove kidney stones, you will need half a tablespoon of fresh plant and a glass of boiled water. Combine the ingredients and bring to a boil in a water bath. After 15 minutes, remove the infusion from the stove and cool to room temperature. After that healing drink filter, squeeze and use as directed. You need to drink the infusion in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, a quarter or half a glass, 30 minutes before meals.

In the process of eliminating stone formations from the kidneys using remedies from medicinal herbs, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances of their use:

  • It is recommended to take 50 ml of infusion from half a tree if kidney stones is in mild stage, but if the disease is advanced, then you should take the medicine half a glass three times a day. To completely remove kidney stones, you will need to undergo 3 therapeutic courses.
  • Children from 12 to 14 years old need to drink infusions or decoctions one tablespoon up to 3 times a day. Adolescents are prescribed 30 ml three times a day, and adults - 50-100 ml and, in extreme cases, a maximum dosage of 120 ml is allowed.
  • Observed healing effect from reception medicine Half of the plant fell 10 days after the start of treatment. It is not recommended to use the medicine for more than a month. If a repeat course is required, then it is necessary to take a break for 60 days and only after that resume treatment aimed at removing kidney stones.
  • When using half a tree to free kidney stones, you need to know that the properties of this plant can only destroy urate stone formations, so drinking the medicine to crush phosphates and oxalates is useless.
  • Throughout the entire therapeutic course, alcohol-containing drinks, spicy and salty foods should be excluded from the diet.

Harm and contraindications

Herbal treatment at the same time as taking diuretics is not recommended

It is not recommended to use the herb pol-pal, which is a powerful diuretic, together with other diuretic drugs. It is worth considering that the plant can harm tooth enamel and negatively affect the condition of bones. Half-pal is not prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to this plant, for osteoporosis and rickets. The use of diuretics for kidney stones is not allowed if the size of the stones significantly exaggerates the diameter of the ureter.

Neglecting prescribed dosages significantly increases the risk of side effects. The use of decoctions or infusions of half-palm for a long time leads to the destruction of tooth enamel, vitamin deficiency, bleeding and loosening of the gums. Side effects include nausea, allergic reactions and dizziness. Pregnant women and children under 12 years of age should take the medicine from half-paly after consultation with a specialized doctor.

The grass has fallen - a popular diuretic. Natural raw materials contain a complex useful substances, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and bladder. Unlike many synthetic drugs, the medicinal herb exhibits a diuretic effect, but does not provoke severe dehydration of the body.

How to brew and drink half-palmed grass correctly? Useful properties and contraindications, storage rules for the medicinal plant are indicated in the instructions for use.

The grass is half fallen: beneficial properties

Erva woolly is an effective natural diuretic for diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys, prostate, and bladder. Home of the two-year-old herbaceous plant- island of Ceylon.

The healing properties of woolly erva are known not only traditional healers and herbalists: official medicine approves of the use of plant materials in the treatment of many pathologies. The herb was included in the list of medicinal plants in 1992, the instructions for use were approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Control biochemical parameters urine before and after taking a decoction of a medicinal plant confirms the effectiveness herbal remedy.

Medicinal properties of the herb pol - pala:

  • “mild” diuretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • mild anti-inflammatory;
  • removal of salts while maintaining the amount of potassium;
  • dissolution of small ones;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • anti-putrefactive effect, healing of ulcers;
  • decrease in blood urea levels;
  • correction of blood sugar levels to optimal values;
  • strengthening the vascular wall;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • elimination of smooth muscle spasms;
  • positive effect on metabolic processes, hormonal balance;
  • reducing the concentration of bad cholesterol;
  • elimination of edema without sudden removal of fluid;
  • decline pain in joints with salt deposition (gout, polyarthritis);
  • disappearance of acne due to malfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • normalization blood pressure during treatment renal pathologies and diabetic nephropathy.

The healing herb has a positive effect not only on the organs of the urinary system, but also on other parts of the body. Doctors recommend a decoction for pathologies digestive tract, endocrine diseases.

Half-frozen grass helps with the following disorders:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • unstable menstrual cycle;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hemorrhoids (enemas with a healing decoction);
  • acne;
  • ulcers on the body;
  • furunculosis;
  • gout - accumulation of urate in the joints;
  • disruptions in metabolic processes;
  • intestinal polyps;
  • gallbladder pathology;
  • inflammatory processes in the prostate gland;
  • spondylosis, arthritis;
  • pronounced swelling with elevated blood pressure.


  • amino acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • potassium;
  • flavonoids;
  • inorganic salts;
  • calcium;
  • phenolic acids;
  • pectins;
  • limit carbohydrates;
  • chromium.

Dry plant raw materials are packaged in cardboard packs, weight - 30, 35, 50, 100 g.

Indications for use

Pal-pal infusion is prescribed for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract:

  • initial stage ;
  • period after lithotripsy ();
  • infectious pathologies of the prostate gland, bladder;
  • failures in salt metabolism: polyarthritis, gout, spondylosis;
  • diabetic nephropathy;
  • edema syndrome, increased blood pressure in renal pathologies.


Erva woolly is not suitable for patients with following states and diseases:

  • large stones in urinary tract and kidneys;
  • osteoporosis;
  • lactation period;
  • patient age under 12 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • calcium metabolism disorder;
  • hypersensitivity to substances in the plant;
  • pathologies accompanied by increased calcium levels.

Important! You should not violate the doctor’s recommendations prohibiting the use of diuretics when large stones are detected. If the size of calcifications, urates, and oxalates exceeds the diameter of the ureter, then when solid formations move, blockage of the ducts and the development of acute pain syndrome are possible.


Positive points:

  • half-palm acts “gently”, during the removal of excess fluid there is no sudden loss of potassium;
  • supporting properties to maintain optimal blood pressure levels;
  • possibility of external and internal use;
  • noticeable therapeutic effect;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • maintaining water and electrolyte balance;
  • active wound healing effect;
  • suitable for use in many diseases;
  • normalizes metabolic processes, allowed for diabetics;
  • reduction of swelling occurs without dehydration of the body;
  • ease of preparation;
  • low cost of packaging with plant raw materials.

To increase the effectiveness of the herbal remedy, doctors recommend following a diet depending on the type of disease. At different types stones in the kidneys, urinary tract limit consumption certain products. differs significantly from the menu with urates.

Instructions for use

How to brew herb? Doctors advise observing the proportions and preparing the herbal remedy according to the recipe. Erva woolly contains a rich set active ingredients, violation of the concentration of the composition can cause side effects.

  • take the infusion orally a third of an hour before meals;
  • at ulcerative lesions skin, acne, boils healing agent apply to affected areas in the form of compresses;
  • for hemorrhoids, a therapeutic enema is given with the infusion of Erva Woolly;
  • preparing the infusion: place 2 tbsp in an enamel or glass container. l. herbs, add hot water- 200 ml, simmer for 45 minutes in a water bath;
  • filter the prepared composition and pour in boiled water so that the volume reaches 200 ml again;
  • Store the prepared product for two days at a temperature of +8 to +15 degrees;
  • rules for use for children: from 12 to 14 years old, drink a tablespoon two or three times a day, from 14 years old, increase the norm to two tablespoons;
  • dosage for adults - 50 or 100 ml, 2 or 3 times a day;
  • For the effectiveness of therapy, it is forbidden to eat spicy and salty foods;
  • The average duration of treatment is from 10 to 30 days. After a few months, doctors recommend repeating the course if indicated.

Note! The infusion based on natural raw materials contains a rich set of microelements and active components. Long-term use negatively affects tooth enamel. For this reason, doctors recommend taking the product through a straw and rinsing your mouth with clean water after the procedure.

Side effects

The infusion of Erva woolly most often does not cause negative manifestations. With increased sensitization of the body, possible allergic reactions on the skin, swelling, itching. In some cases, nausea occurs.

It is important to drink the infusion through a straw: a long course of therapy provokes thinning of tooth enamel. After discontinuation of the herbal remedy, the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

You should not combine herbal raw materials and synthetic diuretics that increase potassium excretion.

Cost and storage rules

To preserve the properties, you should not keep the box of raw materials in a damp room. It is important to ensure that the package is closed to prevent sunlight. Special conditions not required: the grass is half-palmed and stored at room temperature. The shelf life of plant raw materials is 36 months.

Erva woolly grass is sold in all regions. Herbal tea offered pharmaceutical companies engaged in the processing of plant raw materials. The enterprises are located in Russia and Ukraine: Health Keys, Lectravas, Krasnogorskleksredstva, Phytobiotechnologies.

The price of the herb has fallen several times lower than that of synthetic diuretics. Packages weighing 35 and 50 g can be purchased for 40-75 rubles.


Most patients tolerate pol-pal herbal tea well, but some do not like the infusion of Erva woolly. There are a lot of diuretic herbs and mixtures in pharmacies, but there is no exact analogue of the herb. When selecting a substitute, it is important to take into account the limitations choose a composition with a “mild” diuretic effect.