What to do if you have an enlarged thyroid gland? What to do if the thyroid gland is strangling What does it mean the thyroid gland is not working.

Frightening figures are given by experts from the World Health Organization. According to them, in Russia more than 20 million people suffer from diseases thyroid gland. This is due to both a lack of microelements and constant stress, and the frantic pace of life. But it is this organ that is responsible for human immunity.

Report by Tatyana Ionova.

Lyubov Cheban felt unwell for a long time, but attributed it to fatigue. And a sore throat is a sign of a cold. Six months ago, during a medical examination, it was discovered that she had enlarged thyroid. I didn’t seek treatment, I decided it would go away on its own. Now there is only one way - surgery.

Lyubov Cheban: “I sleep very poorly now. That is, there is very little sleep at night compared to how it was before and now. And now the suffocation comes. That is, I can no longer sleep on my back, I feel bad.”

It looks like a butterfly - this small organ has a mission - to regulate the entire metabolism in the body. And in healthy condition practically not palpable. main reason the occurrence of the disease is a lack of iodine, doctors say, and the best prevention is iodized salt and seafood in the daily diet. But today the average Russian consumes only 80 micrograms of this mineral per day, while the norm is two hundred. Iodine deficiency is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women.

Svetlana Usova: “The fact is that I love salty foods, but this does not mean that I eat iodized salt. I’m just arriving in the Caucasian region Mineralnye Vody. There, I mainly used non-iodized salt, although I know very well that it would be advisable to use it."

According to statistics, thyroid disease is 8 times more common in women than in men and usually develops between the ages of 30 and 50. Photos from the beginning of the last century. A goiter the size of a tennis ball was quite common. So in many countries with iodine deficiency, laws were passed on the mandatory use of iodized salt. Including in the USSR in 1953, and it seemed that the problem was a thing of the past. And here comes the splash again.

Ekaterina Troshina, endocrinologist of the Federal State Institution Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences: “If we remember the experience Soviet Union, then at that time almost all residents of that country received iodized salt, because the corresponding orders of the Ministry of Health were in effect. No one simply thought about what kind of salt he eats. But now we have a market attitude, different manufacturers, different views“That’s why now there is a so-called voluntary model of this prevention.”

But thyroid diseases can also occur for other reasons. Risk factors are stress and heredity. As a result of a malfunction, the iron may begin to produce either too many hormones and the person sharply loses weight, does not tolerate heat well, complains of trembling hands, or vice versa - if there are not enough hormones, the patient is constantly cold, wants to sleep, and quickly becomes overtired. And it’s always a blow to the nervous system.

Elena Semenova, neurologist of the Federal State Institution ERC RAMS: "Defeat to the central nervous system manifests itself, including in hyperthyroidism, as irritability, short temper, anxiety, trembling.”

Valery knew that he had problems with the thyroid gland, he refused to be treated - he was admitted with a suspicion of a heart attack. If the disease is neglected, most often the heart is affected. To avoid serious complications, doctors advise contacting an endocrinologist at the first suspicion. And the most important thing is to start treatment as early as possible. Only in this case, experts assure, can you not only avoid surgery, but also return to a full life.

Guest in the studio - Galina Melnichenko, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Presenter: “The key to the health of the whole body” - that’s what doctors called the thyroid gland in the 19th century. So what should you do if she suddenly starts bothering you? We will talk about this with Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Endocrinology of the Moscow medical academy named after Sechenov Galina Melnichenko. Hello Galina Afanasyevna.

Guest: Good afternoon.

Presenter: Tell me, can a person himself understand that the thyroid gland is really not in order?

Guest: In some cases it can. In some cases, he cannot and cannot even suspect. In some cases, he mistakenly suspects that the thyroid gland is not in order.

Presenter: It is believed that one of the main signs of a diseased thyroid gland is a lump on the neck?

Guest: I wouldn't say compaction, I would say increase. But no matter how much we talk about changes in shape, the worst thing is a change in the function of the thyroid gland. A change in form and a change in function do not always go in parallel. Scarier increased activity. It is easier to monitor and correct an underactive thyroid gland.

Presenter: And in what years is it necessary? Special attention pay attention to your health and maybe do some additional tests, get checked?

Guest: The most important thing is newborns. It's a must for everyone here. And the second time is pregnancy. Between 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy, check your thyroid function. Her bad job can affect a child's intelligence and development. In the future, after 35 years, check the condition of the thyroid gland specifically once every 5 years; over 50 years, check it at intervals of a year or two.

Presenter: Or maybe it’s worth taking and drinking some iodine-containing vitamins in advance, or maybe consuming some seaweed?

Guest: Let's leave seaweed aside for now. The world has long created a simple model of silent prevention of iodine deficiency. Salt was chosen as a silent carrier. That is, a housewife who runs a household should buy mainly iodized salt. And cook on it.

Presenter: But as for seaweed, why did you say that we need to talk about it separately?

Guest: Imagine for a second that you have to buy seaweed every day, the iodine content of which is not controlled by anyone. If seaweed is your favorite dish, it’s great, but then the question arises: why did countries located near the sea still pass a law on universal salt iodization?

Presenter: So, salt iodization is still healthier and more important?

Guest: It’s not even more useful, it’s just required element normal cultural European life. Only and only.

Presenter: If trouble does happen, thyroid problems are discovered, what treatment is usually prescribed to a person? Is it outpatient or inpatient?

Guest: It depends on what disease we are talking about. The vast majority of them, even if they require treatment, this treatment is not overly complex, overly expensive, and it provides a completely normal life.

Presenter: Thank you, Galina Afanasyevna. Galina Melnichenko, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Endocrinology at the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, told us what rules need to be followed in order to never have problems with the thyroid gland and in which cases you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. Well, now let's summarize our conversation.

One of the main causes of thyroid diseases is iodine deficiency. The disease can also be caused by severe stress, infections and bad heredity.

They will tell you that there are problems with the thyroid gland constant fatigue, rapid heartbeat and drowsiness. It is worth paying attention to this organ in case of sudden changes in weight and high blood pressure.

It is also necessary to consult a doctor if you notice a knot or swelling in the neck area, as well as if the shape of the eyes has changed. With diseases of the thyroid gland, they are unnaturally dilated - as if from surprise.

To prevent thyroid diseases, doctors advise eating more products With increased content Yoda. This is about sea ​​fish, algae and, of course, iodized salt.

The condition of the thyroid gland should be checked regularly - once every two years. First of all, this applies to people over 50. You can find out about the condition of your thyroid gland by doing a blood test for hormones or by doing an ultrasound of your neck.

An enlarged thyroid gland is one of the most common endocrine pathologies that occurs in both adults and children. In this article we will tell you why the thyroid gland can be enlarged and what symptoms this anomaly is accompanied by.

Thyroid gland: structure and functions

The thyroid gland is an important component endocrine system in the body of any person. It contains iodine, and the bloodstream produces hormones containing it. The gland is actively involved in the regulation of metabolism and cell nutrition.

This organ is located in the neck, or more precisely, under the larynx. Near it are the trachea, isthmus, and thyroid cartilage. Its weight is about 30 g, but during pregnancy it can increase.

Of all diseases of an endocrine nature, enlargement of the thyroid gland is the most common, especially in regions with a natural deficiency of iodine in food. Representatives of the fair sex have a predisposition to this pathology. Incorrect operation endocrine system affects the functioning of the entire body. That is why, if the thyroid gland is enlarged, you need to seek help from a doctor and undergo a complete diagnostic examination. Based on the test results, a specialist can determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe appropriate treatment.

What does an enlarged thyroid gland mean?

An enlarged thyroid gland is the first sign of a malfunction in the body. This organ is responsible for releasing the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine into the blood. Their production is regulated by thyrotropin, the production of which is responsible for the pituitary gland.

Hormones rich in iodine control the processes of oxidative phosphorylation of cells. These are biochemical reactions to produce ATP, a compound that is responsible for transporting the energy needed for metabolism. Thus, the thyroid gland takes an active part in all vital important processes in organism.

Its increase may be associated with excessively active production of hormones (higher physiological need) or with hypoactivity.

Main causes of hyperplasia

The thyroid gland is an organ whose dysfunction affects the functioning of the entire body. If the tasks assigned to it are not completed in in full, a hormonal imbalance occurs. As a result, men and women may experience problems with fertility.

Among the main reasons why the thyroid gland may be enlarged, doctors include the following:

  1. Constant stress. Modern life It is difficult to imagine a person without psycho-emotional experiences. That is why, to treat pathology, many therapists recommend attending psychological relaxation sessions, practicing meditation and yoga.
  2. Ecological poisoning. Toxins from environment gradually destroy the system of endocrine glands.
  3. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements. First of all we're talking about about the lack of iodine in food and water. Sometimes the culprit of the pathology is low content fluoride and selenium in the diet.
  4. Damage to the pituitary gland/hypothalamus. These glands produce substances that affect the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  5. Diseases of an infectious nature.
  6. Insufficient physical activity.
  7. No insolation.
  8. Diseases of the thyroid gland (chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, hypothyroidism and others).

With simultaneous exposure to unfavorable factors, a person usually notices that the thyroid gland is enlarged in size. However, only a doctor can make a final diagnosis after a complete diagnostic examination.

What signs indicate pathology?

Symptoms of an enlarged thyroid gland do not appear immediately. Often characteristic clinical picture perceived as mental or neurological disorders. Disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland are manifested by sudden weight gain or loss, excessive sweating, fatigue, rapid heartbeat.

As the pathology progresses, the symptoms are complemented by an increase in the size of the neck. There is no pain discomfort, and the gradually growing nodes begin to compress the surrounding structures of the neck.

If the thyroid gland is enlarged, many patients note a constantly pursuing feeling of pressure in the anterior region of the head. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by a dry cough, which intensifies in horizontal position. In women with the development of this pathology, problems with the menstrual cycle are often observed, and in men - with potency.

Degree of thyroid enlargement

Doctors distinguish several degrees of thyroid enlargement. This division makes it possible to determine how far the pathological process, choose the most effective methods diagnosis and treatment. In medical practice, a five-stage classification of the disease is used.

  • Zero degree. The thyroid gland is enlarged, hormones are normal, the body is fully functioning.
  • First degree. The lobes of the gland increase slightly. Any changes can only be detected by ultrasound or x-ray examination. In some cases, there is difficulty swallowing.
  • Second degree. The thyroid gland is enlarged, and the isthmus is noticeable on palpation. The gland is clearly visible when swallowing.
  • Third degree. A visual examination clearly reveals an enlarged thyroid gland. The contours of the neck gradually change, which can make it appear full and round.
  • Fourth degree. The enlarged organ protrudes not only forward, but also to the sides. In a calm position it is clearly visible. There is a violation of swallowing functions and a severe cough.
  • Fifth degree. The gland becomes impressive in size, and the neck becomes disfigured.

On late stages development of pathology requires surgical intervention. However, the fourth and fifth degrees are extremely rare, since doctors identify the problem much earlier. Pathology is usually detected on preventive examinations or when contacting a specialist for another reason.

Enlarged thyroid gland and pregnancy

During pregnancy, doctors diagnose many women with an increase in the size of the thyroid gland. The development of the anomaly is due to changes in hormonal levels. The body is completely rebuilt to meet the needs of the growing fetus.

In the first months of pregnancy, the embryo independently produces a special hormone, which in its specificity is similar to thyroid-stimulating hormone. As a result, growth and stimulation of the thyroid gland is observed. During pregnancy, the level of thyroid hormones in a woman’s body is always elevated; it returns to normal only before childbirth.

Deficiency of thyroid hormones in pregnant women is extremely rare, since women with this diagnosis suffer from infertility. If doctors detect hypothyroidism, future mommy suffers from irritability, constant feeling of cold. In such cases, doctors prescribe blood tests, based on the results of which they prescribe medications to restore hormonal levels.

Overactivity of the thyroid gland during pregnancy is very rarely diagnosed. Hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis occur in one woman in 1000. The main symptom of these diseases is severe vomiting. Considering that many ladies early stages suffer from toxicosis, it is quite difficult to identify hyperthyroidism. In addition to vomiting, thyrotoxicosis is accompanied by increased sweating, nervousness.

What to do if the thyroid gland is enlarged during pregnancy? First of all, don't panic. If the symptoms listed above appear, you should consult an endocrinologist, who, based on the test results, will prescribe appropriate therapy.

Enlarged thyroid gland in children

This pathology often occurs in young children and adolescents. It usually develops against the background of iodine deficiency in the body and a hereditary predisposition to diseases of an endocrine nature. The gland can increase in size due to frequent stress, poor nutrition or appropriate environmental conditions. To prevent consequences dangerous to the child’s health, it is necessary for preventive purposes to take him to an endocrinologist for examination once a year.

In the first stages of development of the pathology, it is visually almost invisible that the thyroid gland is enlarged. Symptoms that appear over time can help recognize the problem. The child begins to complain of constant weakness, suddenly gains weight or loses weight. Drowsiness gives way to insomnia, swelling and shortness of breath appear.

Early diagnosis allows you to prevent the pathological course of the disease. The course of treatment takes a long time and requires changes in the child’s lifestyle.

How to independently recognize an enlarged thyroid gland?

Some patients have a question about how to determine that the thyroid gland is enlarged on their own. In fact, pathology can be identified at home and without medical education. It is necessary to be able to palpate the organ correctly.

Stand in front of a mirror and carefully examine your neck. If there are visible changes, you should contact an endocrinologist. If the thyroid gland is not enlarged in size, but there is painful discomfort, it is necessary to palpate the affected area.

The gland is localized in the anterior region of the neck, or more precisely, on the cartilage of the larynx. The cartilage of the organ should remain mobile, and the lobes should remain soft and elastic.

If the gland is absolutely healthy, painful sensations should not occur upon palpation. Sometimes there is minor discomfort, but no pain.

You should pay attention to the fact that the thyroid gland should always remain mobile. If it "stays" in place and is hard to the touch, it's time to see a doctor. It is not recommended to put off your visit, as such symptoms may indicate serious illness.

Diagnostic measures

If the thyroid gland is enlarged, the symptoms indicate the development of a pathological process, a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed. After reaching 35 years of age, experts recommend regularly examining this organ, regardless of the presence of signs of its activity.

If you suspect a pathology, you should contact an endocrinologist. After a physical examination, the doctor usually prescribes a number of tests:

  1. Assessment of the presence of thyroid antibodies, which help identify autoimmune diseases.
  2. Blood test to determine hormone levels.
  3. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland allows you to assess the size of the gland, identify the presence of nodules and their structure.
  4. Scintigraphy. This procedure involves the introduction of a radioactive isotope.
  5. Histology. A specialist inserts a needle into the gland under control ultrasound machine and extracts a sample of nodule tissue for subsequent laboratory research. Usually histological analysis required to identify formations of a malignant nature.

The doctor prescribes a course of therapy only after determining the reason why the thyroid gland is enlarged.

Treatment with drugs

There is no universal treatment for this pathology. It is selected depending on the clinical picture.

If there are no problems with hyper- or hyposecretion, therapy is not required. The patient is recommended to periodically monitor the functioning of the gland to assess possible changes. When the thyroid gland is slightly enlarged, you can sunbathe, play sports and lead a normal lifestyle.

If hypofunction of the gland is detected, the hormone thyroxine is prescribed in tablets. Gradual increase its concentration helps to reduce the size of the organ.

In some diseases, when the thyroid gland is greatly enlarged, hyperactive nodules form. In this case, an operation for partial or complete resection of the organ is required. As alternative option Treatments sometimes involve the administration of a radioactive isotope of iodine. After entering the body, this substance begins to destroy thyroid cells and change the volume of the goiter.

How does an enlarged thyroid gland affect your health?

Many patients who first turn to an endocrinologist with a suspicion that the thyroid gland is enlarged are concerned about the consequences of this problem. According to experts, this pathology indicates certain disturbances in the functioning of the body that need to be eliminated in as soon as possible. Typically, an increase in gland size signals an increase/decrease in hormone levels. As a result, the body loses energy, physical activity deteriorates, and causeless fatigue appears. In addition, this anomaly entails impaired concentration, slowed thinking, and problems with potency.

The listed disorders usually occur against the background of iodine deficiency in the body. To compensate for the lack of this substance, the thyroid gland begins to increase in volume, which contributes to the appearance of a goiter. If the current situation is not corrected in a timely manner, the goiter will continue to grow. In some cases, the consequences of such a pathological process are irreversible. The patient is prescribed lifelong use of artificial hormones to maintain normal operation body. The dosage of drugs is selected individually.

If the thyroid gland is enlarged, the tests are unlikely to be good. Often this anomaly is accompanied by increased production of gland hormones. Similar condition called thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroidism. The latter develops as a result nervous exhaustion or accelerated metabolism. Diseases require qualified assistance doctors, since they can provoke disruption of the functioning of the cardiac system.

Prevention measures

The simplest option for preventing pathology is the regular consumption of foods rich in iodine. Seafood, nuts, iodized salt - all these are integral components of the diet of a person who is at risk for diseases of an endocrine nature.

In addition, it is necessary to refuse bad habits, try to avoid psycho-emotional experiences, monitor your body weight. If a child’s thyroid gland is enlarged, it is recommended to reconsider his lifestyle. Often the occurrence of this pathology is influenced by unfavorable ecological situation. In this case, doctors advise changing your region of residence to prevent further progression of the disease.

An enlarged thyroid gland is a serious pathology that has many causes for its development. It affects patients of all ages and social classes. Main danger is that on early stages it practically does not appear. In some cases characteristic symptoms mistakenly attributed to neurological disorders. Few people know how to understand that the thyroid gland is enlarged. Exactly from timely diagnosis and proper treatment depends on the patient’s quality of life. Regular use iodine-containing products and healthy image life is an excellent option for preventing the development of pathology and related ailments.

The most basic and in a simple way The study of goiter is palpation. Using this method, the doctor is able to determine the degree of enlargement of the gland, shape, pain and nodes. If an increase is detected after the initial examination, then the patient is sent for further examinations.


Ultrasound is one of the most accessible and inexpensive research methods that has proven its reliability. It is quite fast and does not require special preparation. The examination is completely painless and does not cause any harm to the person. There is no need to wait for the examination results, as they will be ready in 10–20 minutes.

By using ultrasound examination the specialist has the opportunity to visually evaluate the gland, adjacent vessels, and lymph nodes. The device also has the ability to show the location of the organ and indicate its parameters. Decryption will help you discover:

  • cysts
  • tumors
  • blood clots
  • seals
  • size of tumors
  • and others from the required standards


A biopsy of the thyroid gland allows you to determine which cells are part of the organ and node (if any). If the result is negative, the study shows: the formation on the organ is benign or malignant manifestation diseases.

The process is similar to taking blood from a vein, only a thin needle is inserted into the thyroid gland, from which the necessary material is taken. No special preparation is required before taking the test.

Magnetic Resonance tomography allows you to see the organ in a three-dimensional image, which will show the presence of changes in the gland, neoplasms, compression of the esophagus and trachea. The specialist receives the results of the examination very quickly, and on the day of the examination he has the opportunity to study the information received.


Thermography is a technique that allows you to determine the pathology of the thyroid gland by determining the temperature indicators of each part of the human body using a special thermal imager.

Infrared radiation helps determine the origin of the node, due to even small changes in temperature. The procedure is completely harmless and can be performed more than once.

Thermography requires special training:

  • It is not recommended to take any hormonal medications for ten days
  • stop using any ointments in the thyroid area

Blood test for hormone levels

The patient is tested for thyroid hormones so that the specialist can determine the level of thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine, thyroxine), as well as thyroid-stimulating hormone. So that the analysis gives the maximum correct results, it is taken on an empty stomach, early in the morning. It is not recommended to drink alcohol for several days before taking the test. Hormonal medications are taken after blood collection. Before the analysis, it is not recommended to do an ultrasound, ECG, x-ray or any physiotherapeutic procedures.

Radioisotope scanning

Radioisotope scanning is the use of the gland’s ability to attract molecules of technetium and radioactive iodine, accumulating them. Such molecules emit gamma radiation, which can be detected by a special device.

To conduct research on an organ, a sensor is installed that takes measurements and shows the intensity of absorption of technetium or iodine. This will allow you to get a picture of the shape, size, location of the organ and others. You will have to prepare in advance for this procedure:

  • stop taking iodine-containing medications and products a month before
  • X-rays with contrast should not be taken for three months
  • stop taking cordarone for three months before the procedure
  • Avoid taking aspirin for seven days, antihistamines, cough syrups
  • The scan is performed in the morning on an empty stomach.

All of the listed research methods are prescribed by a doctor, most often for staging accurate diagnosis A blood test, ultrasound, and palpation are enough.

Treatment methods

Methods for treating goiter consist of three methods that are used at one stage or another:

  1. Conservative method, which is based on reception medications.
  2. , this is when lobes of an organ, nodes or the entire thyroid gland are removed through surgery.
  3. Treatment radioactive iodine, in which the functions of the gland are maximally inhibited.

Therapy is selected based on the cause of the problem, how the disease progresses, and the condition of the organ.

If hypothyroidism is diagnosed, the endocrinologist prescribes replacement therapy, for hyperthyroidism, medications are recommended that reduce the excessive secretion of hormones.

Often, many patients turn to the doctor with the question: “My thyroid gland hurts, what should I do?” In order to answer it correctly, one must identify the reason for this kind of discomfort. How can you protect yourself from such an illness? For example, a patient complains of a sore throat, thyroid pain, what to do? Of course, qualified specialist will be able to answer this question independently. Others will find the answer in this article.

What is the thyroid gland?

This is very necessary element endocrine system. Thanks to it, production occurs huge amount hormones. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

The main hormone produced by the thyroid gland is thyroxine. The latter is responsible for the work of all organs. The hormone in question contains a lot of iodine. This element is necessary for various metabolic processes to occur in the body.

Where is the thyroid gland located?

This element of the endocrine system is located in the front of the neck, near its surface. In older people, the thyroid gland is most often lowered and located behind the collarbone.

The body of the thyroid gland consists of two sections. As a rule, they are called lobules. They are united using partitions.

Usually, an ordinary person cannot determine by touch where the thyroid gland is located. Also, he will not make the correct diagnosis and will not determine whether the gland is enlarged or not. Therefore, if you have discomfort in the throat area, you should not contact your friends with a question like this: “You know, my thyroid gland hurts, what should I do?” Required in mandatory contact a specialist.

Some may confuse discomfort in the thyroid gland with ordinary pain in the throat or trachea. In addition, their cause may be simple inflammation lymph nodes. Therefore, under no circumstances should you diagnose yourself.

Thyroid pain: symptoms

In this section of the article we will talk about signs of unpleasant sensations in an element of the endocrine system. Once you recognize these symptoms in yourself, you can contact a specialist with the question: “My thyroid gland hurts, what should I do?”

So, the main symptom is certain discomfort in the neck area. The thyroid gland also hurts when swallowing. For example, this could include drinking food or drinking water.

Even when moving the head, the patient complains of tingling and aching pain. In addition, people with this disease have problems turning their heads to the left or right.

Also, patients with this diagnosis experience impaired sleep quality. A person has constant desire eat something. Other symptoms of a diseased thyroid gland include excitability and nervousness, as well as slight tremors of the limbs.

About the causes of pain

This section of the article will discuss the factors that cause unpleasant sensations in the element of the endocrine system.

So, a person has thyroid pain, what should he do? First, make the correct diagnosis. To make a correct diagnosis, the endocrinologist refers the patient to undergo an ultrasound examination of an element of the endocrine system.

There are several reasons.

One of the first is thyroiditis, which is an inflammation of the thyroid tissue. This disease can develop due to acute infection. The patient complains about elevated temperature. And when a patient asks the doctor the question: “My thyroid gland hurts when swallowing, what should I do?”, then the endocrinologist is inclined to this diagnosis. This is very dangerous disease, as a result of which sepsis may develop. Therefore, if you have the above symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Sharp pain in the neck area is characterized by de Quervain-Crile thyroiditis. It has a viral nature.

The cause of Hashimoto's thyroiditis is genetic predisposition. This disease is chronic disease endocrine system.

A rare disease is Riedel's goiter. The main signs of this disease include enlargement of the thyroid gland and its immobility when swallowing. Discomfort in the neck is moderate.

Adenocarcinoma, or a malignant tumor, is characterized by shortness of breath and severe pain when swallowing. A favorable outcome of this disease is possible with early diagnosis.

Output more thyroxine leads to hyperthyroidism. The main symptoms include excessive sweating and thinness. The patient with this disease behaves irritably.

Which doctor should you consult for this illness?

If a person has the symptoms described above, then he should consult a specialist, first a therapist. If necessary, he will give a referral to an endocrinologist.

It is this doctor who will be able to identify the cause of discomfort in the thyroid gland. He will also prescribe effective and correct treatment. If you have problems with this element of the endocrine system, do not delay, you should immediately visit a medical facility.

Traditional medicine methods

My thyroid gland hurts, what should I do? In some situations, they also come to the rescue unconventional methods treatment.

It helps a lot with thyroid goiter. To prepare the decoction you will need about 500 grams of grains. They should be poured with boiling water and then put on fire. The brewing process should last about five minutes. Afterwards, strain the contents and take 100 ml orally.

To treat such an ailment as goiter, simple chamomile, which can be purchased at the pharmacy chain, will also help. For cooking this tool traditional medicine You will need one tablespoon of chamomile flowers. The contents are poured with a glass of boiling water and, as in the previous case, placed on the fire. It should be boiled for about 15 minutes. Afterwards, the decoction should sit for about five hours. Accept healing agent after meals, half a glass.

To alleviate the condition of severe goiter, or malignant tumor Red rowan is used. Glass boiled water pour a spoonful of berries. The medicine is infused for about five hours. You should take half a cup three times a day.

In addition, the juice from these berries also helps. This remedy should be taken 30 minutes before meals, 50 ml.

For hyperthyroidism, as a rule, an infusion of hawthorn flowers is used. They are poured with boiling water and infused. Moreover, the contents must be drunk throughout the day. This infusion will help relieve the symptoms of this disease.

Beeswax is perfect for normalizing the thyroid gland. royal jelly. A small amount should be kept in your mouth. In addition, from of this product you can prepare a tincture. To do this you will need a tablespoon of this product and about 150 ml of vodka. Take 19 drops orally, but before taking it you need to dilute it in water.

Also, people who have thyroid pain when swallowing should definitely have fish and seaweed in their diet.

About treatment

The method of therapy depends on the diagnosis, which must be determined by a specialist. Here we are talking about an endocrinologist.

That is, first the doctor determines why the thyroid gland hurts.

If the function of this element of the endocrine system is insufficient, hormonal medications are prescribed.

If the cause of the discomfort is an abscess or inflammation that has developed due to pathogenic microorganisms, then the specialist prescribes antibiotics. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also prescribed in parallel.

In order to compensate for the lack of iodine in the human body, appropriate medications containing this element are prescribed. chemical table. In addition, the endocrinologist may prescribe a special diet that includes foods containing a large number of Yoda.

In the presence of dangerous neoplasms, the patient undergoes surgical intervention. In this case, either part of the organ or the entire thyroid gland is removed.


In order to avoid questions of this type: “My thyroid gland hurts, what should I do?”, preventive measures should be followed. Namely, take medications containing iodine. In addition, there should be balanced diet.

You should also refuse bad habits, maintain a sleep-wake schedule. And, of course, at the slightest sign you should contact a specialist.

The thyroid gland is an organ of the body’s endocrine system that produces specific iodine-containing hormones:

  • triiodothyronine (T3),
  • tetraiodothyronine (T4).

Another biologically active substance that is synthesized by special structures (C-cells) is calcitonin. Thanks to them the organ plays important role in the life of the entire organism.

The gland is located at the level of the thyroid cartilage. Most often consists of 3 parts:

  • right lobe,
  • left lobe,
  • isthmus.

The approximate weight of this organ in adult men and women is 15-30 g, depending on individual characteristics. On the sides of it there are often additional parathyroid glands, which play the role of satellites and antagonists of the thyroid gland. They produce a special parathyroid hormone, which, according to its principle of action, is completely opposite to calcitonin.


It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this small gland. It is one of the most important “controllers” of all metabolic processes in the body and is responsible for:

  1. metabolic reactions in the body (basic metabolism),
  2. growth and development of all structures,
  3. maintaining constant temperature bodies,
  4. preventing bone osteoporosis,
  5. stress resistance,
  6. the state of the nervous system, and in particular, memory and the ability to concentrate.

An enlarged thyroid gland can be the cause or result of any impairment of one of these functions, in both men and women. The parathyroid glands are often affected in parallel.

Incidence prevalence

You need to know that diseases of this organ occupy second place among all endocrine pathologies after diabetes mellitus. More than half a billion people on Earth suffer from such ailments. Whether it is the appearance of nodes, changes in the size of the gland, or the occurrence of malignant neoplasms, nevertheless, the symptoms develop according to the same principle. Highlight:

  • hypothyroidism (decreased functionality),
  • hyperthyroidism (increased hormone synthesis),
  • euthyroidism (a certain balance is maintained within the parenchyma).

Enlargement of the thyroid gland most often develops as hyper- and euthyroidism and requires adequate treatment. Common ailments that affect men, women and children and present with characteristic symptoms are:

  1. diffuse toxic goiter (Graves disease),
  2. endemic goiter,
  3. acute thyroiditis,
  4. subacute thyroiditis,
  5. autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's goiter),
  6. thyroid adenoma with the formation of benign nodes,
  7. thyroid cancer.

These diseases manifest themselves with a number of symptoms that are relatively easy to identify. If you do not start treating the disease in time, the consequences can be disastrous. Often the parathyroid glands are involved in the pathological process with the appearance of characteristic symptoms.


On this moment Several basic reasons have been established that can lead to the growth of organ parenchyma:

  • Infection. The pathology is most often caused by bacteria. As a result, men or women develop infectious inflammation - thyroiditis.
  • Lack of iodine in food. To compensate for this deficiency, thyroid cells increase in size to capture more iodine from the blood. Since it is also not present in the serum, there is a slow, but constant growth all shares. The result is endemic goiter.
  • Autoimmune lesion. Knots appear due to hormonal imbalance in body. This leads to an abnormal response of T cells to their own structures. Changes can also be diffuse. Anatomically, the gland is covered with a capsule, which during the development of the body protected it from “acquaintance” with the immune system. If such a barrier is damaged, its own defense mechanisms begin to recognize thyrocytes and parathyroid cells as foreign and attack them. It has been statistically proven that this type disorders are more often observed in women. This is due to more frequent hormonal fluctuations (adolescence, pregnancy, menopause).
  • Oncological disease. There are benign and malignant nodes in the structure of the organ. Statistics speak in favor of adenoma rather than cancer. Only 5% of nodes are potentially life-threatening for the patient.
  • Other unknown causes of thyroid enlargement.

General symptoms

Depending on the pathogenesis and cause, an enlarged thyroid gland can behave differently. However, there are a number of characteristic symptoms that can help a person suspect that they have the disease. They allow the doctor to determine the diagnosis. These include:

  • Changes in body temperature. Most often they manifest as fever, which is difficult to treat with regular aspirin or other analogues.
  • Mental disorders. Patients become irritable, sleep poorly, and are relatively aggressive.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Weight loss. Patients can often lose 5-10 kg in just a month.
  • The presence of knots in the neck, which may not bother a person or cause pain.

An enlarged thyroid gland, depending on the cause, has several other, more specific symptoms.

Diffuse toxic goiter

A pathology that develops as an autoimmune process. Characterized by an increase in the entire parenchyma of the organ. Pathological synthesis of iodine-containing hormones leads to cell hypertrophy internal structure. In the absence of adequate treatment, thyrotoxicosis develops - a state of significant excess biologically active substances in blood. The critical outcome is a thyretoxic crisis. If left untreated, the patient may die. In addition to the diffuse nature of the disease, it can manifest itself in the formation of single nodes.

This pathology occurs more often in women due to fluctuations in their hormonal background. Injuries, infectious diseases, stress can be risk factors for developing the disease. Additional symptoms diseases:

  1. Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), arrhythmias, arterial hypertension. If left untreated, these problems can develop into atrial or ventricular fibrillation, heart failure with the development of anasarca (the presence of fluid in all body cavities).
  2. Weakness, headache, sleep disturbance.
  3. Tremor of the limbs, inability to maintain balance.
  4. In women it is often disturbed menstrual cycle. Sometimes due to this pathology it is impossible to get pregnant.
  5. Protrusion of the eyes (Exophthalmos).
  6. Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea. Other digestive disorders.
  7. Nodes in the parenchyma.

If the disease is not treated in time, it progresses quickly, and the consequences can be disastrous.

Enlargement of the thyroid gland in this case occurs due to a lack of iodine in food. It most often develops in children and women with a genetic predisposition. The parathyroid glands do not take part in the pathogenesis of this disease. If there is a lack of a microelement, then it causes a compensatory growth of the parenchyma of the organ, which, due to its increase, tries to capture more iodine from the blood. However, this is generally ineffective. Depending on the functionality of the gland, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • Euthyroid. This happens if the organ secretes normal amount hormones.
  • Hypothyroid. Function reduced.

If you determine the size of the lobes, then the following degrees of pathology are distinguished:

  1. no goiter,
  2. an enlargement of the thyroid gland is recorded, but only with manual palpation,
  3. the goiter is visible to the naked eye.

There is also a classification depending on the form of organ damage:

  • Diffuse. The parenchyma grows completely.
  • Nodal. The appearance of individual compaction units is observed.
  • Mixed.

The main characteristic symptoms of the disease are:

  1. general weakness,
  2. sleep disturbance,
  3. unpleasant, sometimes painful sensations when swallowing food,
  4. the neck looks thick because the gland increases in volume,
  5. cough,
  6. delay mental development in young children.

Acute and subacute thyroiditis

Enlargement of the thyroid gland occurs due to inflammation of its parenchyma. The causative agent is bacterial or viral invasion with the formation of specific granulomas. Multiple nodes may appear. Often the pathology develops in women or children after suffering from a sore throat or flu. Characteristic symptoms are:

  • Unpleasant sensations in the neck area. She often hurts.
  • There is a local increase in temperature and redness of the skin.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Sweating and changes in mood.
  • Enlarged gland nodes can be palpated on the surface of the neck.

Often in inflammatory process the parathyroid glands are retracted, however, specific manifestations it doesn't exist.

Treatment is based on taking antibacterial agents.

Autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's goiter)

Organ proliferation is observed only in the hypertrophic form of the disease. The parathyroid glands are rarely involved in the pathological process. Due to changes in the adequate immune response, T cells begin to attack thyrocytes. After their destruction, the endocrine active tissue is replaced by fibrous tissue - nodes are formed. The characteristic symptoms remain:

  • swallowing disorder
  • cough or constriction of the upper respiratory tract,
  • a feeling of “nodularity” upon palpation,
  • general weakness.

Adenoma and cancer

The cause of the appearance of neoplasms is a complex disorder in immune system body and the influence of external carcinogenic factors. Approximately 5% of all nodules are malignant. They occur equally often in both men and women. If you do not start treating the patient in time, the consequences can be very negative (death). However, it is important to be able to differentiate the pathology from other diseases that are accompanied by an enlarged thyroid gland. One of the parathyroid glands is often indirectly involved in the pathological process.

Additional symptoms that may help make a correct diagnosis include:

  • patient weight loss,
  • general weakness,
  • changes in skin color (it turns green),
  • painless dense nodes are palpated on the surface of the gland.

Timely treatment can save a person's life.


Most accessible method to detect changes in the size of the thyroid and parathyroid glands is simple palpation. There are several stages of parenchyma growth:

  1. the gland is not palpable,
  2. when swallowing, the isthmus can be identified,
  3. when swallowing, both lobes are felt,
  4. visually you can detect an enlargement of the gland (the neck looks swollen),
  5. the naked eye can see that there is asymmetry in the parenchyma of the organ,
  6. visually there is an enlargement of the thyroid gland, several times higher than normal.

Thanks to this simple method, you can find out how advanced the process is and what needs to be done with the patient.

Additional diagnostic methods are the following:

  1. Ultrasound. Helps to record on the screen what the nodes inside the organ look like. You can clarify their size and placement.
  2. Scintigraphy using technetium. It visualizes individual structural nodes that more actively or, conversely, weakly absorb radioactive substances (“cold”).
  3. CT and MRI. Expensive examination methods that demonstrate in great detail an image of the organ in 3D format. Allows you to evaluate the size, placement and other subtleties pathological changes in gland tissue. However, why conduct such a study if you can limit yourself to a cheaper one? It all depends on each individual pathology and the doctor’s prescriptions.
  4. Puncture and biopsy. An indispensable method for suspected malignant degeneration of nodes. Allows you to evaluate the morphological and histological structure of altered structures under a microscope. However, most surgeons prefer not to do it because there is a risk of spreading cancer cells. It is better to limit yourself to scintigraphy.


Enlargement of the thyroid gland requires adequate therapy. Depending on the cause of the disease, treatment will differ.

Medications mainly inhibit the functions of the organ and reduce the amount of hormones in the blood. The most popular drug remains Mercazolil. It blocks the synthesis of T3 and T4 and normalizes the patient's condition. Used for diffuse toxic goiter, thyrotoxicosis and thyroiditis. During infectious inflammation parenchyma is additionally prescribed antibiotics.

Surgical treatment is aimed at eliminating the nodes. What you shouldn't do is be too quick to intervene. The fact is that if in the initial stages it is possible to eliminate the process with the help of tablets, then you should try. And only if there is no effect, you can move on to more radical measures. Very a common complication removal of the thyroid gland, is a parallel excision parathyroid gland or several of these. A situation like this requires immediate replacement treatment hormones and lifelong medication.

Therapy for thyroid cancer can be additionally carried out using radiation and powerful chemotherapy. Malignant nodes absorb more radiation than normal tissue and are destroyed, which does not happen with the normal part of the organ.

Volumes of drugs, choice of method surgical intervention or the selection of the radiation option depends on each individual patient and the characteristics of the pathological nodes in the gland. You cannot do therapy at home, without a doctor. High-quality treatment is possible only after comprehensive examination and establishing a diagnosis. The consequences of such improvement directly depend on the patient. If you want to get well, everything will be fine.