The kitten vomited white foam what to do. What to do if a cat vomits white foam

Vomiting in a cat is a protective reaction of the body to external and internal stimuli. Usually, such a reaction of the animal is quite normal: the cat can simply clear the stomach of accumulated hairballs. But sometimes a pet's nausea and vomiting indicate serious illness. With timely assistance, the painful condition will pass without consequences for the pet.

What is vomiting in cats

By carefully observing your cat, you can notice signs of illness even before it starts to vomit. The cat begins to behave strangely, sits in an unusual tense position or makes strange sounds. At this point, it is necessary to trace exactly how the pet vomited. There are several types of vomiting that signal completely different problems in the body of an animal.

Types of vomiting in cats:

  • Vomiting with foam. If the cat vomits foam without any impurities in the form of wool or food debris, this indicates the presence of some kind of disease.
  • Vomiting of undigested food. It happens that the cat absorbs food too quickly or begins to play active games immediately after eating: this type of vomiting should not cause serious concern.
  • Vomiting bile - vomiting yellow color without any inclusions.
  • Vomiting hair. Since cats constantly groom themselves and lick themselves, hair accumulates in their stomach. To prevent the stomach from becoming clogged, animals burp their hair.
  • Vomiting blood. Light blood in the vomit indicates injury to the larynx or esophagus. The cat could be hurt by swallowing any sharp object. If the animal burps only blood and it is dark in color, this indicates deeper damage: perhaps the stomach or intestines. In this case, urgent veterinary consultation is required.

Causes of Nausea and Vomiting in Cats

With the exception of physiological factors, such as burping wool, there are several reasons why a cat burps:

Vomiting that continues for several days serious reason contact a veterinarian.

yellow vomit

If the cat vomits yellow liquid, this suggests that bile is present in the vomit. This is not typical for this kind of ailment, since bile should not enter the stomach. The presence of this component in the vomit indicates a disease of the liver or gallbladder.

If the malaise lasted for several days, the stomach begins to fill with bile. At the same time, the walls of the stomach become inflamed, since bile is a hostile environment for the digestive organs.

The owner of the animal must accurately determine the color of the masses before contacting a doctor. Bile vomit is usually a very bright, rich yellow color. If the masses are colored with dyes contained in the feed, they are gray-yellow in a soft color.

The cat is sick: does not eat or drink, persistent vomiting - possible reasons

Vomiting with foam

If foam poured out of the cat's mouth, this is a sign of feline distemper. A clear sign that the cat will throw up foam is frequent reflex movements, reaching up to 8-10 times. Along with frequent vomiting, there are other signs of distemper - the cat does not lick, hides in dark corners, ceases to be interested in the outside world.

You don't need to treat your pet on your own. However, it is quite possible to alleviate his condition:

  • If food remains or hairballs are noticed in the masses, it will be enough not to feed the pet for some time. It is necessary to remove all food, but leave a container of water. With such a diet, the animal will quickly return to normal.
  • If the cat often rejects food, it should be limited in the diet. Eliminate fatty foods, sweets and canned food.
  • You can give the cat Regidron, diluted with water. This is an excellent sorbent that will remove toxins from the body. You can give the medicine up to 4 times a day for a teaspoon.
  • Well helps in such cases, a decoction of chamomile. They give it in the same way as Regidron: 4 times a day for a teaspoon.

All of these methods can help if your pet does not have serious problems with cookies gallbladder and other vital important organs. If a home treatment had no effect, the cat should be taken to the doctor immediately.

Emptying the stomach through the mouth or nose is quite common in cats. With the help of this complex physiological process, the animal is freed from substances hazardous to health or foreign objects that have entered the gastrointestinal tract. Depending on the causes of vomiting, it can be either a common manifestation normal operation digestive organs, and an alarming symptom developing pathological conditions.

Causes of Vomiting in Cats

With mechanical irritation of the mucous membranes of the palate or pharynx, vomiting has a reflex origin. Vomiting of nervous, or central, origin develops when toxins entering the bloodstream in certain diseases helminthic invasion, as a result of poisoning, affect the medulla oblongata vomiting center.

Which in turn causes anti-peristaltic movements of the esophagus. Thus, vomiting contributes to the removal of foreign bodies from the gastrointestinal tract, excess food, toxic substances and is defensive reaction organism.

Starvation or overeating

The most harmless alimentary vomiting associated with wrong mode cat nutrition and is not a symptom of a serious pathology. hungry vomit occurs in cats receiving food once or twice a day. Such a frequency of eating is not suitable for small predators, who are prescribed by nature to eat little, but often and not experience long-term starvation.

It is interesting! Vomit in malnutrition is scanty, consisting mainly of mucous gastric secretions and foam. Urges disappear almost immediately after the cat manages to eat.

Vomiting also occurs due to overeating, when the animal seeks to get rid of excess food masses pressing on the diaphragm. In this case, undigested large pieces of food are contained in the vomit. This problem is solved quite simply: the owner should reduce the frequency of feeding the pet and / or the amount of food in one serving.

Vomiting wool

The unappetizing “sausage” of felted wool and the remnants of the contents of the stomach, rejected by vomiting, is considered a normal physiological act, if it manifests itself from case to case. Well-known cleanliness, cats, taking care of themselves, swallow dead hairs, which then stray into a lump that irritates the gastric mucosa. Therefore, animals independently get rid of such "ballast", causing themselves to vomit.

Unsuccessful urge to vomit indicates that the bezoar lump of wool is so large that the cat cannot vomit it on its own. This phenomenon can often be observed during the molting period, especially among representatives long-haired breeds. To help an animal, you need to give him Vaseline oil or a special zoopaste designed to remove wool from the digestive tract. In the future, you should more carefully groom your pet, combing out his fur coat.

Frequent vomiting of hair is observed in the following cases.

In domestic cats, often capricious during taste preferences, food poisoning is very rare. The main causes of serious intoxication are harmful and toxic substances that are stored in the public domain, accidentally got into the feed or on the animal's coat:

  • means of hygiene and household chemicals;
  • medicines;
  • pesticides;
  • antifreeze;
  • poisoned baits for rodents.

Important! Vomiting in case of poisoning is a response of the body, which allows to remove at least part of the poisonous substance from the stomach. Therefore, it is impossible to use antiemetics!

Sometimes the cause of poisoning is the eating by cats of leaves and stems of house plants that are toxic to them. The nature of the vomit depends on which toxin caused the poisoning.


Although official veterinary medicine considers the issue of toxicosis during pregnancy in animals controversial, many breeders and cat owners claim that the expectation of offspring in their fluffy pets often proceeds with symptoms of intoxication. The reasons for this can be many - from the quality of the diet to genetic features breeds.

In general, toxicosis is a normal physiological phenomenon with a change hormonal background and does not have a negative impact on the health of the mother and offspring in the prognosis. Usually, the symptoms of toxicosis are observed in the first trimester of pregnancy (second to fourth weeks), short-term (lasting no more than 10 days) and do not require treatment. One such symptom is morning sickness.

With a mild, calmly flowing form of the disease, the vomit is light, without inclusions of bile or blood, consists of undigested food and contain a small amount of foam. The owner should be concerned clinical picture when vomiting and nausea are constant, last more than two weeks and are accompanied by diarrhea, a significant decrease in body temperature, and dehydration.

Important! These may be signs of an acutely developing pathological condition with fatal consequences for mother and offspring.

Noticing profuse vomiting in combination with other symptoms of intoxication, the owner of the pet should provide immediate veterinary assistance without resorting to self-medication. The first steps in this case will be detoxification measures, which can only be carried out in a veterinary clinic.


Vomiting is part of the symptomatic complex of the most life-threatening infectious and systemic diseases for the animal.

  • Panleukopenia() - a severe and acute infection that requires immediate veterinary care. An animal sick with distemper vomits a greenish liquid.
  • coronovirus enteritis - dangerous disease characterized by inflammation of the epithelium small intestine. Uncontrollable vomiting, often mixed with blood or bile, is one of the main symptoms of the disease.
  • Calcivirus(cat flu) - especially dangerous for kittens that have not been vaccinated. Vomiting is seen in initial stage illness.
  • hyperthyroidism- pathology endocrine system associated with a violation of the synthesis of the hormone thyroxine. When the disease occurs in cats, there is a noticeable emaciation against the background of increased appetite. Almost after every meal, the animal begins to vomit with further rejection of undigested food.
  • Hypocorticism a disease of the adrenal glands in which these glands do not produce the hormone cortisone enough. A cat suffering from this disease usually vomits in masses with the inclusion of white foam.

Types of cat vomiting

Often, vomiting in a cat is a direct signal to the owner about the need for veterinary care. It is necessary to be able to determine the nature of the vomit, so that the doctor, when examining the animal, can draw up the most complete symptomatic picture.

Cat vomiting bile

In a cat with a gag reflex, the sphincter of the stomach, through which pancreatic and other digestive enzymes enter it, should normally be closed. Therefore, the bile produced by the liver does not enter the rejected contents of the stomach. However, there are reasons that cause yellowing of vomit:

  • eating by animals of artificial shells from meat products, chicken and fish bones, fragments of which remain in the stomach for a long time;
  • poisoning;
  • extensive helminthic invasions;
  • prolonged fasting.

In all these cases, there is a powerful release of bile, irritating the gastric mucosa and causing profuse vomiting. Vomiting is cause for concern thick mucus with extensive inclusions of bile, even in cases where the pet had not eaten or drank anything before, underwent deworming, and the ingress of toxic substances into the gastrointestinal tract is excluded.

It is interesting! The danger of such a pathology is as follows. Bile is a powerful aggressive chemical reagent.

Once in an empty stomach, it literally corrodes unprotected mucous membranes, which leads to the development of peptic ulcer and gastritis. The signal is especially alarming if the concentrated vomiting of bile contains abundant blood clots. Such symptoms may be signs of intestinal volvulus, perforation of the stomach with an ulcer, a tumor process in the intestinal tract.

Vomiting food

Vomiting, which is the rejection of undigested pieces of food mixed with gastric juice, most often due to too rapid absorption of food. Animal, long time starving, tends to eat as much food as possible, greedily swallowing large pieces.

The solution to the problem will be normalized portions of food, the components of which are cut into medium-sized pieces.. Similarly, cats living in the same house behave while eating if there is competition between them. In this case, the animals need to be fed separately so that they do not feel threatened by other brothers and eat slowly.

It is interesting! Lactating cats, like many carnivores, have another peculiar use for the gag reflex. With its help, the mother regurgitates undigested food for feeding suckling kittens.

Thus, the gastrointestinal tract of babies gradually adapts to the consumption of meat, their future constant food. Another reason for vomiting food can be poor-quality food with a low protein content. For normal food fermentation, and hence good digestion, a cat's diet must contain large amounts of protein.

With a lack of this nutrient, complete digestion of food does not occur, therefore, with the help of vomiting, the animal seeks to free the gastrointestinal tract from undigested food. Rejection of recently eaten, yet undigested food is often an individual reaction to individual feed ingredients or food additives. Find out and eliminate the cause of regurgitation by carefully reviewing the diet of the animal.

Whole milk can provoke vomiting after eating. The body of adult cats in a limited amount produces an enzyme that breaks down lactose contained in cow's milk. When milk sugar is not digested properly, the cat has digestive disorders, including vomiting.

Vomiting foam

Vomiting of this nature is most often observed in kittens who have recently switched to solid food . During the period of rapid growth, they constantly need to absorb a large amount of food. The gag reflex is activated by the full stomach itself. Attacks of vomiting in this case are severe and prolonged - until the secret of the mucous membrane (foam) mixed with gastric juice begins to come out.

The same pattern is observed in cats that have made an abrupt transition to a new diet: changes in the feeding system often cause vomiting on their own, but can also stimulate overeating with corresponding consequences. Therefore, the transition to another food, for example, from dry to wet, must be carried out gradually, in small portions.

Vomiting with blood

Vomiting blood (hematemesis) occurs in cats of two types. A brownish mass resembling coffee grounds is a symptom of bleeding, the source of which is in the stomach or duodenum. This is evidenced by dark brown clots - erythrocytes destroyed as a result of exposure to gastric juice.

Important! If the vomit contains scarlet inclusions, bleeding is suspected, the source of which is in the mouth or in the esophagus. Frequent causes of this phenomenon are trauma to tissues or birds.

Vomiting masses of a uniform brown hue can indicate a tumor process in the stomach, exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer. Among the causes that cause a cat to vomit with blood clots, includes the use of medications that corrode the gastric mucosa.

Nausea and vomiting in all mammals is a sign of problems in the digestive system. But for the feline family, that's part normal physiology. These lovely creatures are extremely clean. Constantly licking themselves, they involuntarily swallow their own fur. The stomach is cleared by vomiting. Such a nuisance can occur on an empty stomach or immediately after eating.

If a cat vomited bile, white foam or white with an admixture of yellow, this is just a sign that there is a ball of hair in the stomach or esophagus.

Sometimes the body of the animal can not cope with the excessive amount of swallowed wool. Then the cat instinctively eats the grass. Since there are no enzymes in the stomach of predators to digest vegetation, the grass irritates the stomach, it contracts and throws out wool.

If the refusal to eat lasts longer than 2 days and is accompanied by vomiting, the cause is the disease. It could be:

1) Fatty degeneration liver. It is especially often observed in neutered cats that are fed store food. Metabolism is disturbed, and liver cells degenerate into fat.

2) Infection urinary tract or kidneys. This diagnosis is most likely when the pet suffers from both vomiting, urinary retention, and extreme thirst.

3) Gastritis. Nausea with foam, sometimes with blood, lack of appetite, lethargy, abdominal pain - clear signs inflammation of the stomach.

4) Foreign body. Often, the notorious hairball becomes a foreign object, which passed into the intestines and got stuck, forming an obstruction.

All these diagnoses can only be made by a veterinarian after examining the animal.

The cat vomits white foam: what to do

The pet should be monitored for discomfort. If the vomit is not abundant, white or slightly yellow, and also contains hairballs, you just need to wait. In a day, everything will pass by itself. Serious situation - severe vomiting, which lasts more than a day. The body can be dehydrated, and this is dangerous. The rapid loss of fluid and essential minerals leads to convulsions, coma and death of the animal.

In this case, the cat must be urgently shown to the veterinarian. Especially if she does not go to the toilet, constantly lies, groans when she touches her stomach. The owner must describe in detail to the veterinarian all the symptoms of the disease. This information will help the doctor understand exactly what is happening.

To save a fluffy pet from bouts of physiological vomiting, you need to comb out her fur more often with a special brush. There must be a pot of "cat grass" at home. A healthy diet will save a cat from diseases of the stomach and liver.

Vomiting is considered a sign of a malfunctioning digestive system, however, in cats, such a manifestation is sometimes considered the norm. Often, animals specifically eat grass for this, which provokes a gag reflex and helps to clear the stomach.

If vomiting in cats with foam is rare enough, then do not worry. However, if this happens constantly, then you need to urgently take the pet to the veterinarian, as this may be a sign of a serious illness.

Causes of Vomiting in Cats

Vomiting in cats with foam can be a kind of protective reaction to the penetration of irritants and pathogens into the digestive system. Similar symptoms can occur if the animal has eaten something wrong.

It is very important to pay attention to the nature of the vomit, because if the foam is a homogeneous consistency, then there is no need to worry. This may indicate a temporary failure in the digestive organs.

Vomiting foam in cats can act as independent symptom or be a sign of other diseases associated with pathologies internal organs, viral or bacterial infections. In particular, the main reasons include:

  • hunger;
  • binge eating;
  • getting into the digestive organs of wool;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • trauma;
  • penetration of foreign bodies;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • poisoning.

Some pet owners complain that the cat periodically vomits on an empty stomach and this problem goes away after eating. In this case, you do not need to worry about the condition of your pet.

Enough in cats, foam appears after eating, when the animal has eaten much more than the prescribed norm. When the power is normalized, this problem no longer appears.

The cause of vomiting in an animal can be feeding errors. For example, low-quality feed, as well as heavy foods, can provoke such a violation. All this leads to diseases of the digestive system. Against this background, the cat may develop gastroenteritis, gastritis, and the pancreas and liver also suffer.

Often, owners overfeed the animal on their own, which leads to a load on the digestive system.

One of common causes the occurrence of vomiting in a cat is the presence of wool in the stomach of the animal. This is especially true for animals with a thick undercoat. Except direct influence on the mucous membrane, hairballs cause blockage of the intestines, while its work slows down, and stool thicken and accumulate.

When toxic substances and poisons enter the body, vomiting can be defense mechanism. In this case, signs of diarrhea are additionally observed. Nausea and vomiting in an animal may occur due to underproduction enzymes.

Types of vomiting

To determine the cause of vomiting in a cat with foam, as well as the appointment of appropriate treatment, you must first study the nature of the vomit. If they contain particles undigested feed, then this may be due to the fact that the animal eats too quickly. If vomiting recurs, you should immediately visit the veterinarian, as this may be a sign of gastritis, intestinal obstruction or pancreatitis.

Red or pink vomit in a cat with white foam indicates an injury to the stomach or esophagus, or bleeding. It can be caused by trauma or peptic ulcer.

If the vomiting is transparent and appears only once, then this may be a sign that the animal is hungry. With repeated repetition, it is necessary to examine the digestive organs.

Vomiting in a cat with white foam is characteristic of poisoning with spoiled food or poisons. In this case, be sure to contact the veterinarian, as this threatens the health and life of the animal. Vomiting in a yellow cat with foam may indicate problems with the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

Green vomit may be due to disorders of the gallbladder, as a result of which bile enters the stomach. Sometimes this can happen due to the fact that the animal has eaten grass.

Causes of vomiting foam in a cat can be very different. It is by the nature of the vomit that one can determine the intensity of the course of the disease and the need to contact specialists.

Vomiting in pregnant cats

If vomiting of foam is observed and the cat does not eat, then this may be a sign of pregnancy. This happens due to high content toxins during gestation of kittens.

If there are no impurities of bile, blood, and also fetid odor, you don't have to worry. It's quite normal condition during pregnancy. If there are such impurities, then you need to contact your veterinarian. This sign is accompanied by diarrhea, which leads to severe dehydration of the animal, therefore, it is necessary to provide plentiful drink.

vomiting in kittens

Kittens can vomit for several reasons. Perhaps the reason for going to the veterinarian is congenital anomaly sphincter in the stomach, which prevents food from entering the intestines normally, returning it back through vomiting. If such a violation is observed, then it is necessary to reduce the portion during feeding. Sometimes a kitten may vomit or spit up after active play. Other causes of vomiting in kittens include:

  • transition from one diet to another;
  • harmful or poor-quality food;
  • binge eating;
  • ingestion of wool;
  • swallowing foreign objects;
  • poisoning chemicals;
  • liver problems, infectious diseases, pancreatitis;
  • possible consequence vaccination.

If the kitten vomits, then you need to try to find out the reason and show the animal to the veterinarian.

First aid

Causes of vomiting white foam in cats can be very different, however, it is important to provide timely first aid to the animal. If there is confidence that the pet does not suffer from serious illnesses, then you can try to cope with the problem yourself.

Initially, you need to put the cat on a hungry one-day diet in order to digestive system unloaded, and the body began to work normally. After this time, all unpleasant symptoms should pass. You can gradually, but not often, feed your pet with rice boiled in chicken broth. It is better to start with small portions that need to be given to the animal every 2-3 hours. Subsequently, portions can be increased, but the amount of food intake can be reduced.

Mint tea is good for vomiting. The broth should be cooled and given to the animal to drink immediately after vomiting or after a few hours. If the cat often swallows wool, then you need to give the pet 3 times a week for 1 tsp. vegetable oil. If observed repeated vomiting white foam in a cat, then you should immediately consult a veterinarian, as this may be a sign of poisoning.

When to contact the veterinarian

If a cat is vomiting foam, what the veterinarian can determine what to do after it has been carried out complex diagnostics. If vomiting does not stop for a long time, then this may be a sign dangerous disease. You should definitely visit a veterinarian if there are a number of related problems, namely:

  • the animal has lost interest in food and is constantly vomiting;
  • the cat is tormented by a strong thirst;
  • the pet drinks a lot, but does not go to the toilet;
  • vomiting is observed constantly;
  • confusion is observed.

With such symptoms, you should definitely consult a veterinarian, as this may indicate the presence dangerous problems which can be deadly.

Carrying out diagnostics

When contacting, you must report:

  • what the cat was fed and whether there were changes in the diet;
  • how often did vomiting occur;
  • whether there is a chronic diseases, infection in an animal.

This will set accurate diagnosis and take appropriate action. Diagnosis of a pathological condition in a cat is as follows:

  • analysis of the consistency and type of vomit;
  • examination of the animal;
  • laboratory research blood and urine;
  • ultrasound diagnostics.

The treatment regimen is selected depending on the diagnosis. It implies the conduct of drug therapy, as well as the implementation of the required measures for the prevention of dehydration.

Features of treatment

Treatment of vomiting in a cat with white foam has general principle and aims to eliminate primary causes. For therapy, apply:

  • antispasmodics;
  • gastroprotectors;
  • antiemetics;
  • homeopathy;
  • folk remedies;
  • dieting;
  • acupuncture;
  • surgical intervention.

If a cat vomits white foam with blood, surgery is required, as this may be the cause internal bleeding. In addition, surgical intervention is prescribed in the presence of foreign objects in the stomach. They are removed during surgery, and then restorative therapy is required. In the presence of lymphoma and other types of tumors, additional chemotherapy is required.

If the treatment is carried out at home, then the cat should be given a weak decoction of chamomile flowers or a decoction of rice. Good result also renders a decoction or infusion of oats. In combination with folk remedies you also need to take drugs such as Papaverine, Enterosgel, No-Shpa.

If the cause of vomiting is diseases of the stomach or intestines, then gastroprotectors are prescribed. They help to carefully protect the gastric mucosa. If a pet he is very sick, then there is no point in giving him antiemetics in tablet form, since after a while he will simply vomit them. In this case, it is best to use drugs in the form of injections.

Often assigned drug treatment vomiting in a cat with foam, as this allows you to eliminate the main cause of the occurrence similar problem. In case of bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed, and in the presence of viral infection antiviral drugs are required.

In the case of diseases of the intestines and stomach, remedies are prescribed that eliminate irritation of the mucous membrane and spasm. To exclude the occurrence of vomiting against the background of blockage of the intestines and stomach with wool, apply special means preventing hair loss.

In case of liver disease and in the presence of pancreatitis, supportive drugs are used. To stop vomiting, Cerucal is prescribed. It helps to effectively eliminate vomiting and remove toxic substances from the body.

At frequent vomiting the cat is lost a large number of fluids, leading to dehydration. To restore the balance of trace elements and salts, the cat is shown taking the Regidron solution, and in the veterinary clinic, intravenous infusions of saline with vitamins and glucose are carried out. Additionally, it is recommended to use immunostimulants.

If vomiting is caused by inflammation or respiratory diseases, then the root cause must first be eliminated. Frequent vomiting during pregnancy also requires appropriate treatment. Usually, the animal is given droppers with vitamins and glucose to support the pet's body.

It is very important to visit a veterinarian in case of severe or recurring vomiting, as self-treatment pet can lead to dangerous pathologies.

Together with drug therapy very importance has a special diet. During the first 10-12 hours after vomiting, the animal should be kept on a starvation diet. During this period, you should not give the cat water to drink, you can only let it lick ice cubes.

At the end acute period you can gradually switch to diet food. During this period, you need to give your pet special food prepared on the basis of rice. From the cat's diet to full recovery should be excluded heavy food. Coarse dry food is replaced by medical. Meals should be frequent and food should be consumed in small portions.

Carrying out prevention

Every pet owner needs to know what to do to keep their cat from vomiting. In order to prevent it is necessary:

  • maintain quality and balanced diet;
  • carry out regular combing;
  • prevent the penetration of toxic substances into the body;
  • exclude foreign objects from entering the stomach;
  • vaccinate;
  • perform regular deworming;
  • timely treatment of chronic diseases.

It is important to exercise Special attention to the health of your pet in order to avoid negative consequences. Only a veterinarian will be able to determine if vomiting has begun, therefore, when the first signs appear, you should definitely consult a veterinarian.

The onset of a viral or infectious disease may be accompanied by vomiting with bile, as the liver cleanses the blood of bacteria and toxins released during their vital activity. Every day, vomiting with bile will become more frequent until it is carried out.

Changing the usual food can cause vomiting. The liver cannot always cope with the increased nutritional value of a new type of food. At the same time, vomiting occurs, first the cat vomits with food masses, later with an admixture of bile.

A foreign body in the stomach is also one of the causes of vomiting. Cats love to play with small items and swallow them easily. If the part passes through intestinal tract then she will come out naturally. If she stopped in the stomach, then vomiting of bile is inevitable.

Help with vomiting

If the cat vomits, the owner should help him. With a single vomiting, it is necessary to observe further behavior. Perhaps the cat has accumulated in the stomach, so he gets rid of it.

In case of frequent vomiting of bile, it is necessary to contact veterinary clinic. In this case, vomiting may be the cause of the onset of an infectious disease. The cat will be tested and treated.

Vomiting in case of poisoning has a positive effect, as the body gets rid of the poison. The doctor should prescribe antitoxic drugs, the treatment of which will stop vomiting in. In case of poisoning strong poisons the course of the disease is lightning fast. In such cases, it dies after a few hours, if you do not go to the clinic.

Vomiting may begin due to a strong helminthic invasion, worms may come out with bile. The doctor prescribes symptomatic treatment and antihelminthic drugs. Only complex treatment help the animal.

When vomiting with bile, it is necessary to prescribe a hungry cat for a day, while water is given in plenty. It is necessary to track the moment after which vomiting began, since food poisoning may be its cause.

Help the cat on your own with the help of Cerucal, Smecta or Enterosgel. In this case, it is necessary to contact the clinic on the same day to detect vomiting. Without knowing the root cause, you can harm the animal. The clinic will find out the cause and prescribe treatment.

What to do if your cat is vomiting

The frequency of vomiting is the main criterion for assessing the severity of the situation. If vomiting occurred in an animal after bathing, when the cat carefully licked itself, or as a result of eating grass, then the pet does not need help. Such reflexes are a natural cleansing of the body.

After poisoning or damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach, the cat should be fed exclusively in small portions of carefully crushed food. It is better not to include meat products in the diet for several days.


Depending on the severity of the injury, a transfusion may be needed. In addition, an intravenous infusion () can be prescribed to replenish fluid in the body. For decreasing gastric acidity and reduction of gag reflexes are prescribed medications. Medicines also treat mild complications that lead to vomiting with blood, such as stomach ulcers. In severe cases, such as internal injuries or bleeding ulcers may need surgery. To prevent this disease in the future, the doctor may draw up special diet, which excludes foods that increase the risk of vomiting blood.

Whatever the vomiting with blood, it will definitely require appropriate treatment. Otherwise, this problem can be exacerbated by numerous complications, such as suffocation, shock, and anemia.

The gag reflex that occurs in cats may be due to different reasons. Most often, vomiting is a physiological process when a cat regurgitates its hair. Cats are clean animals, they constantly lick their fur. Because of this, a whole ball of hair accumulates in their stomachs, which, for one reason or another, is not absorbed by the body and is not digested. This is usually seen in long-haired cats and cats.

If a cat vomits even after his usual food, this may indicate that the animal has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, gastritis, hepatitis, intestinal obstruction. Also, vomiting occurs when there is chronic diseases kidney ( urolithiasis disease, kidney failure). The cat will vomit if he has caught any disease infectious nature(feline distemper, viral peritonitis, feline calicivirus infection, etc.).

Sometimes cats and cats cause a gag reflex on their own, eating when possible a certain herb. This allows them to cleanse their stomach, and in this case you should not worry. By the way, often vomiting occurs in cats after they swallow large pieces of food or eat cold foods. Usually you don't have to worry about this either.

If the cause of vomiting in a cat is physiological processes regurgitation of wool, then there is no point in sounding the alarm and contacting the veterinarian. In this case, a special weed without a name, purchased at a pet store, will help to alleviate vomiting in this case. Grass captures cat hair, significantly speeding up its removal from the body of a pet. You can use a special veterinary paste that dissolves wool in gastrointestinal tract pet.

If vomiting in a cat is a frequent and repeated process, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. medical intervention will be required if the cat vomits for more than a day. In this case, the veterinarian will biochemical analysis animal blood and send the cat for x-rays and ultrasound. Sometimes cats can vomit if they have a helminthic invasion. In this case, you can not do without prevention: pet you need to give antihelminthic drugs 2 times a year.

As mentioned above, often the cause of vomiting in cats can be infection with one or another infectious disease. In this case, the owner of the cat urgently needs to contact the veterinarian, since only qualified specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. Besides, persistent vomiting can be called foreign body that have entered the pet's stomach or esophagus. In this case, you also need to X-ray and then take appropriate action to solve the problem.

Prevention of vomiting consists in high-quality food, in timely vaccinations against infections, in the periodic intake of antihelminthic drugs.