Medicinal herbs for the treatment of "female" diseases. Treatment of female diseases with folk remedies

Scheme for using dietary supplements

First month:

Microclysters into the rectum at night with a volume of 50 ml from a chlorophyllipt solution (1 tsp per 1 liter of water) in an amount of 7-10 procedures. At the same time, take colloidal silver or the drug "Prince Silver" 10-15 drops under the tongue once a day in the morning and one of the recommended herbal preparations or a complex pharmaceutical preparation (herbal tea "Anastasia", balm "Witch Doctor", "Pshekol", "Nutrifem") .

Second month:

Continue taking herbal mixture or complex pharmaceutical drug, connect in parallel pollen(1 tsp 2-3 times a day).

Third month:

Taking tincture of boron uterus or red brush, ½ - 1 tsp. under the tongue (keep in the mouth until completely absorbed) once a day in the morning, in parallel take cedar oil (1 tsp or 3-4 capsules 3 times a day with meals) or combination drug(for example, “Cedar power”, you can simply eat 100-150 g of cedar ope hov daily).

Hot baths made from pine twigs or pine extract are good for leucorrhoea. Brew 1 liter of boiling water with 100 g of pine twigs, hold on low heat for 30 minutes and leave for 1 hour. It is also useful to go to the bathhouse twice a week.

Leucorrhoea can be cured very quickly by douching: 2-4 tbsp. l. St. John's wort in 2 liters of water, boil for 20 minutes, filter. You can collect St. John's wort on any Friday before sunrise.

For douching for leucorrhoea, brew 3 liters of boiling water for 20 g of yarrow, sage leaves and rosemary leaves, as well as 40 g of oak bark. Place the mixture over low heat and keep covered for 5 minutes. Cool and strain through cheesecloth folded in several layers.

For inflammation of the appendages and leucorrhoea, brew 2 tbsp of boiling water with 2 cups. l. cinquefoil herb and leave for 1 hour. Drink on an empty stomach and before each meal, 1/2 glass 4 times a day. At night, douche with a more concentrated infusion: brew 0.5 liters. boiling water 5 tbsp. l. herbs and leave overnight in a thermos.

Traditional methods of treating ovarian cysts


Leuzea root, Saussurea herb, wormwood herb, string herb, yarrow herb, St. John's wort herb, raspberry leaf, lavender herb, currant leaf, chamomile flowers, immortelle flowers, elecampane root, sedum herb - equally.

Rose hips - 3 parts, hawthorn fruits - 3 parts, currant leaf - 4 parts, jasmine grass - 3 parts, Chernogolovka grass - 2 parts, schizonepeta grass - 1 part, mint herb - 1 part, thyme herb - 1 part, licorice root - 3 parts, shepherd's purse grass - 1 part, cuff leaf - 3 parts.

Volodushka grass - 2 parts, nettle leaf - 1 part, shepherd's purse grass - 2 parts, rowan fruits - 3 parts, viburnum bark - 2 parts, mantle leaf - 2 parts, Rhodiola rosea root - 1 part, chamomile flowers - 2 parts , motherwort herb - 2 parts.
Preparation of fees: 2 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of pre-ground (in a coffee grinder or meat grinder) collection. boiling water, pour into a thermos along with the herbs, leave overnight. Take the resulting volume of infusion 100-150 ml throughout the day. To improve the taste, you can add honey, sugar, jam. The course of treatment is 2-3 months, after which the collection is changed and treatment continues. The collections are used for treatment for 1.5-2 years.

Improvement with herbal medicine occurs after 3-4 months regular intake herbs, however, a lasting effect can only be achieved with long-term and regular use.

Scheme for using biologically active additives:
First month: take one of the recommended herbal preparations or a ready-made complex preparation (“Nephroclins”, “Alfit renal”, “Nephroleptin” or “Cystofit”), in parallel take colloidal silver (for example, the drug “Prince Serebryany”), 10 drops once a day day in the morning under the tongue (keep in mouth until resorption).
Second month: continue taking the herbal mixture or complex drug, at the same time take mumiyo or flower pollen 1 tsp. 2 times a day, as well as 1 tsp cedar oil. 3 times a day with meals.

Traditional methods of treating infertility


All advice regarding delaying menstruation applies only to those women who are sure that they are not pregnant (pregnant women should not take the herbs, all herbs have an abortifacient effect). Recovery time menstrual cycle are different. Most often, the effect occurs within 3-4 months from the start of regular treatment.

Calendula flowers, leuzea root, rowan fruits, mantle grass, wormwood grass, hawthorn fruits, rose hips, jasmine grass, chamomile flowers, licorice root - equally.

Knotweed herb, elecampane root, oregano herb, rose hips, yarrow herb, St. John's wort herb, Rhodiola rosea root, plantain herb, nettle leaf - equally.
Calamus root, wintergreen herb, sweet clover herb, angelica root, leuzea root, aralia root, plantain leaf, nettle herb, sweet grass, rose hips - equally.
Veronica grass, calendula flowers, rowan fruits, wormwood grass, chamomile flowers, chicory root, hogweed grass, plantain seeds, hawthorn fruits - equally.

Preparation of fees: 2 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of pre-ground (in a coffee grinder or meat grinder) collection. boiling water, pour into a thermos along with the herbs, leave overnight. Take 100-150 ml during the day. To improve the taste, you can add honey, sugar, jam. The course of treatment is 3-4 months, after which the collection is changed and treatment is continued. The mixtures are used until the menstrual cycle is restored and for another 10-12 months for amenorrhea and 4-5 months for hypomenstrual syndrome. In the future, herbal medicine is carried out from the first day of menstruation until the beginning of the next one at the same intervals for several years. Stop taking medicinal plants necessary 1-2 months before the planned pregnancy. Herbal teas can be used in combination with other medications.

At scanty menstruation or their absence, take 1/2 cup of the following decoction in the morning on an empty stomach for 2 days: pour 2 cups of boiling water over the peel of one medium-sized onion, cook it over low heat for 15-20 minutes, cool and strain.

Traditional methods of treating premenstrual syndrome

Traditional methods of treating chronic endometritis

Chronic endometritis is an inflammation of the uterus. Defense Mechanisms The uterus is directly related to the action of sex hormones, especially estradiol. These mechanisms protect the uterus from damaging factors. With the onset of menstruation, this mechanism disappears, which makes it possible to become infected.


At chronic endometritis: marshmallow root, sweet clover herb, nettle leaf, lavender herb, wormwood herb, pine buds, blueberry leaf, dried herb, leuzea root - equally.
Birch leaf, geranium herb, elecampane root, meadowsweet flowers, mint herb, chamomile flowers, licorice root, celandine herb, thyme herb - equally.

Bergenia root, wintergreen herb, clover flowers, coltsfoot leaf, mint herb, tansy flowers, bearberry leaf, jasmine grass, eucalyptus leaf - equally.

Preparation of fees: 2 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of pre-ground (in a coffee grinder or meat grinder) collection. boiling water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes in a sealed container, pour into a thermos along with the herbs, leave overnight. Take 100-150 ml during the day. 30 minutes before meals. To improve the taste, you can add honey, sugar, jam. The course of treatment is 3-4 months, after which they take a break for 10-14 days, change the collection and continue treatment. Treatment lasts 12-18 months.

Traditional methods of treating menopause

The climacteric period (menopause) is the period of life during which the cessation of reproductive function; characterized by a gradual cessation of menstrual function, and then the hormonal function of the ovaries against the background of general age-related changes body.

The menopausal period can be pathological, accompanied by endocrine, mental and vegetative disorders (menopausal syndrome).
His clinic is very diverse. Hot flashes are the most common. Nervousness, irritability, headache, sweating, insomnia, chills, joint pain, tinnitus, dizziness, itching of the genitals, etc. are noted.

Based on the time of appearance, there are early (before 45 years), normal (46-60 years) and late (after 60 years) menopause.

Usually menopause lasts 2 - 4 years.


Chamomile flowers - 10 g, yarrow herb - 10 g, cinquefoil herb - 10 g, celandine herb - 5 g. 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the collection, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain. Take 2 glasses of infusion per day in small sips.

Calendula flowers (marigold) - 10 g, mallow flowers - 10 g, hernia herb - 15 g, anise fruits - 15 g, tricolor violet herb - 15 g, prickly steelhead root - 15 g, black elderberry flowers - 15 g, buckthorn bark - 15 g, licorice root - 15 g. Mix everything well. 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the collection, leave, covered, for 30 minutes. Take 2 glasses of infusion throughout the day in small sips.

Walnut leaves - 10 g, prickly steel root - 20 g, wheatgrass rhizome - 20 g, juniper fruits - 20 g, goldenrod herb - 20 g. Infuse as in the previous recipe. Take a glass in the morning and evening.

Woodruff - 20 g, blackberry leaves - 25 g, hawthorn (flowers) - 10 g, motherwort grass - 20 g, marsh cudweed - 15 g. 1 tbsp. l. Brew the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave, covered for 1 hour, strain. Take a glass of tea 3 times a day. This composition is used for “female fading” (cessation of menstruation). After 10 days of taking this tea, hot flashes significantly decrease, itching of the body, especially the neck, stops, headaches stop bothering you, appetite returns, and a strong feeling appears. healthy sleep, and the woman, seemingly hopelessly ill, seems to be reborn. Yes, according to at least, she herself determines and characterizes her condition after taking tea from the specified mixture.

Hawthorn (flowers). 3 tbsp. l. pour 3 cups of raw water over the flowers and leave overnight. In the morning, put on fire and let simmer for 5-7 minutes. Remove from heat, leave, covered, for 30 minutes, strain, squeeze. Take a glass in the morning on an empty stomach, and the rest - a glass after meals.
Shepherd's purse steam: 40 g per 1 liter of boiling water. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for elderly premenopausal women with debilitating uterine bleeding.

Horse chestnut. For uterine bleeding that occurs during menopause, or for other reasons not related to malignant neoplasms, use a decoction of the peel of ripe chestnut seeds. Do a rinse - 15 g of peel per 250-300 ml. water. Boil for 10 minutes over low heat, leave, covered, 1 hour, strain. Do rinsing 2 times a day, morning and evening, with a slightly warm mixture.

Blackberry. Berries and an infusion of them have a general strengthening and calming effect on climacteric neuroses. You can also use leaves.
Try to eat less meat and more vegetables and fruits. Reduce the amount of tea and coffee. Replace these drinks herbal teas and juices. To prevent wasps of theoporosis, eat as much cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, and any vegetables with dark green leaves as possible. Try to quit smoking or at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.

Elecampane root, oregano herb, calendula flowers, motherwort herb, chamomile flowers, dill fruits, succession herb - equally.
Sweet clover herb, angelica root, wormwood herb, agrimony herb, dill fruits, celandine herb, jasmine herb - equally.
12. Veronica herb, evasive peony root, wormwood herb, chamomile flowers, licorice root, yarrow herb, tricolor violet herb, birch leaf, corn silk- equally.

Preparation of fees: 2 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of pre-ground (in a coffee grinder or meat grinder) collection. boiling water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes in a sealed container, pour into a thermos along with the herbs, leave overnight. Take 100-150 ml during the day. 30 minutes before meals. To improve the taste, you can add honey, sugar, jam. The course of treatment is 3-4 months, after which they take a break for 10-14 days, change the collection and continue treatment.

Herbal teas can be used in combination with other medications.

Improvement with herbal medicine occurs after 2 - 3 weeks of regular use of herbs, but a lasting effect can only be achieved with long-term and regular use.

Traditional methods of treating uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign tumor uterus, consisting mainly of muscle fibers.

Infertility occurs in 40% of cases in patients with fibroids due to a previous disorder of the ovaries with the formation of an anovulatory menstrual cycle.

Fibroids and fibromyomas are benign tumors. They differ in origin. Fibroids are of connective tissue and smooth muscle origin, while fibroids are of connective tissue origin only. These tumors occur wherever such tissues are contained.


For uterine fibroids, the following herbs are recommended: knotweed, shepherd's purse grass, fireweed herb, yarrow herb, cinquefoil herb, knotweed herb, birch leaf, nettle leaf, sweet clover herb, wormwood herb, hawthorn fruits, rose hips, juniper fruits or needles, plantain leaf, mint leaf, raspberry leaf, horsetail herb, oregano herb, motherwort herb, chicory herb, celandine herb, coltsfoot leaf, string herb, calendula flowers, dill seeds - equally.

Sabelnik (any part of the plant), fireweed herb, meadowsweet herb, birch leaf, wormwood herb, rose hips, hogweed herb, wintergreen herb, knotweed herb, nettle leaf, raspberry leaf, wormwood herb, mint herb, yarrow herb - equally.

Hop cones, clover flowers, oregano herb, mint herb, lingonberry leaf, sweet clover herb, chamomile flowers, raspberry leaf, burdock root, nettle leaf, shepherd's purse herb, rose hips, birch leaf, fireweed herb, yarrow herb, knotweed herb, bark viburnum, plantain leaf, St. John's wort - equally.

Preparation of the mixture: pre-chopped plants (in a coffee grinder or meat grinder) mixed. 2 tbsp. l. collection pour 1 liter. boiling water, pour into a thermos along with the herbs, leave overnight. Take the resulting liter of infusion 100-150 ml during the day, preferably before meals. To improve the taste, you can add honey, sugar, jam. The course of treatment is 3-4 months, after which they take a break for 10-14 days, change the composition of the collection and, if necessary, continue treatment. Despite the improvement, herbal medicine must be continued for at least 12 months.

In the future, switch to preventive doses in spring and autumn (2 months each).
Herbal teas can be used in combination with other medications.
Improvement with herbal medicine occurs after 2-3 weeks of regular use of herbs, but a lasting effect can only be achieved with long-term and regular use.

For fibroids, drink 50 ml 3 times a day. for 15 days, a decoction of hemp or flaxseed.
For fibroids: knead 30 g of partitions walnuts and pour 1 glass of vodka over them. Leave in a dark place for 8 days, then squeeze and strain. Drink 30 drops 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals, with water.

For fibroids and uterine fibroids, take 1 tbsp. l. cutter herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, leave. Drink 2-3 times a day for fibroids in the initial stage.
For uterine fibroids, a decoction of the whole strawberry plant is used. Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. strawberries, leave, wrapped, for 3 hours and strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Women's diseases are gynecological diseases associated with physiological characteristics female body. These diseases occur due to various reasons: genital tract infections, menstrual irregularities, hormonal disorders, neoplasms, malformations of the female genital organs, decreased immunity, stress and much more.

Some gynecological diseases occur as a result of complications during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Frequent inflammatory diseases And long course female diseases can lead to reproductive dysfunction.

Factors influencing the development of female gynecological diseases:

  1. Overworked woman. A modern woman has many different responsibilities: household, raising children, and working full time too. Often women cannot get rid of chronic fatigue. And it serves as an impetus for the emergence of various diseases, incl. and women's.
  2. Stress. Chronic or short-term strong emotional feelings can serve as the beginning of the development pathological process in the female reproductive system.
  3. Inferior decreased immunity, hypothermia, diseases of other organs weaken female body and lead to functional disorders genitals.

Women's gynecological diseases are divided into three groups:

  1. Inflammatory diseases.
  2. Hormonal diseases.
  3. Dystrophic or hyperplastic diseases.

Women's diseases gynecology - Women's inflammatory diseases:

Women's inflammatory diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms: specific and nonspecific. Specific microorganisms cause sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, syphilis, genital tuberculosis. Nonspecific microorganisms enter the female genital organs from the outside (vulvitis, vulvovaginitis) or are introduced by the bloodstream from internal foci of inflammation (endometritis, parametritis, salpingo-oophoritis).

You should know that the inflammatory process sometimes passes without pronounced symptoms, and the woman feels completely healthy. Therefore, gynecologists recommend carrying out preventive examination to detect the disease early stage and preventing its further development.

However, in most cases, inflammatory diseases occur with typical symptoms: excessive leucorrhoea, menstrual irregularities, abdominal pain, bloody issues or bleeding. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Today almost any female disease, with timely and proper treatment, ends with complete recovery.

If you don't see a doctor in a timely manner, infertility may develop. oncological diseases or other complications.

Women's diseases gynecology. Hormonal diseases in women:

Hormonal diseases in women occur when there is disruption of the glands internal secretion and primarily the ovaries, with complicated childbirth and the postpartum period. As a result of violations hormonal levels various tumors develop: benign and malignant tumors uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, mammary glands (mastopathy) and others. Women should treat such diseases with special attention.

Women's diseases gynecology. Dystrophic and hyperplastic diseases in women:

Dystrophic and hyperplastic diseases of the female genital organs are various neoplasms, tumors and cysts. These include: pathology cervix, endometriosis, uterine fibroids.

To pathologies of the cervix include: erosion, polyps, condylomas, etc.

Endometriosis is more common in women reproductive age, physically weakened, with metabolic and endocrine disorders.

Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor of the female genital organs that occur in women aged 20 to 40 years, and are subject to surgical treatment at 30-50 years old.

Treatment of female diseases folk remedies:

Yarrow herb – use in gynecology:

1 collectionYarrow, sage, rosemary– 20 g each, oak bark – 40 g. Boil the entire mixture of herbs in 3 liters of water, over low heat, for 30 minutes. Use the decoction for vaginal douching with leucorrhoea, 2 times a day .

Collection 2. Yarrow, cinquefoil grass, valerian root- take equally. Take 2 tsp. collection, 1 cup boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Drink the infusion? glasses, 4 times a day, with heavy menstruation.

3 collection Yarrow, shepherd's purse, cinquefoil root - 5 parts each, oak bark - 2 parts, mix everything. 1 tbsp. l. collect herbs in a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 1 glass of decoction in the morning and evening, with heavy menstruation.

St. John's wort – application in gynecology for female inflammatory diseases: 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort and a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes. Drink the decoction 3 times a day, a quarter cup.

CELEINITY GRASS – application in gynecology:

For uterine fibroids dry celandine 1 tbsp. l. Brew a glass of boiling water, boil for a few seconds, leave for 40 minutes, strain. Reception: 1 tsp for half a glass of water. infusion of celandine, take 3 times a day before meals 30 minutes, drink for 10 days. Take a 10 day break. Take for 3 decades with breaks. At the same time, douche with the same infusion: in a glass of boiled warm water dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of infusion. You need to douche 2 times a week for 3 months.

For cervical erosion, leucorrhoea, itching: take a handful of celandine and boil for a long time in 3 liters of water over low heat. Douche with warm broth every night for 7-10 days.

Celandine juice: Rinse the entire plant with roots in cold water, dry, grind in a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Mix celandine juice with vodka in equal quantities and keep in the refrigerator for 10 days. Then drink half a teaspoon per 100 g of water before meals, 3 times a day. Use celandine juice for various diseases.

CHERRY SPRINGS for uterine fibroids, uterine bleeding:

Place a bunch of cherry twigs about 10 cm long, 4-5 cm in diameter in 3 liters cold water, boil a little. Drink as freshly brewed tea or iced as water, often throughout the day. Treatment - whole year daily, without breaks. The uterus becomes normal sizes, the bleeding stops. Cherry branches can be prepared for the winter, dried, and stored in a cloth bag.

ROOT OF BURNING (redhead) for uterine cancer, uterine bleeding:

Burnet root is poured with water and boiled over low heat until the liquid becomes like tea leaves. Drink like tea, or with sugar. One serving can be brewed several times while the tea color is still preserved. Can be used for prevention.

Knotweed (knotweed) for gynecological diseases:

1 collectionKnotweed (knotweed)– 1 part, horsetail – 1 part, centaury – 3 parts, Potentilla anseri– 5 parts. Mix all the herbs. Preparation: 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, drink in sips throughout the day - at painful menstruation.

2 collection Take in equal quantities knotweed, shepherd's purse, mistletoe. Preparation of infusion: take 2 tbsp. Brew spoons of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for about an hour. Drink the infusion with heavy periods 1 glass before the start of menstruation 3-5 days and during it, morning and evening .

3 collection Knotweed – 5 parts, nettle – 3 parts, chamomile– 1 part, oak bark – 1 part. Preparation of the decoction: put 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water. l. mixture of herbs, boil for 5 minutes, let cool and strain. Apply with leucorrhoea for vaginal tampons and douches.

Viburnum (flowers). Prepare a decoction of viburnum flowers: 1 tbsp. l. viburnum (flowers) per glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, drink 3 times a day, 1 table. spoon. Viburnum flowers render anti-inflammatory effect in female diseases and increase the tone of the uterine muscles.

elecampane (root) is used for irregular and painful menstruation, and for the prevention of premature birth. Preparation of the decoction: take 1 teaspoon. chopped elecampane roots into a glass of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, leave for about 4 hours. Drink the decoction 3-4 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.

CALENDULA ( pharmacy tincture) with cervical erosion, trichomonas colpitis, for douching . Dilute 1 teaspoon of tincture in a glass of warm boiled water.

SEA BUCKTHORN (oil) for cervical erosion, endocervititis, colpitis in the form of tampons. After 8-12 days of treatment, sometimes earlier, epithelization occurs. The result is permanent. Sea buckthorn oil non-toxic, does not irritate mucous membranes and can be used to treat erosion in pregnant women.

NETTLE (juice) application in gynecology:

1 teaspoon juice fresh leaves nettle dilute in? glasses of water, drink before meals 20 minutes, 3 times a day. Apply with excessive menstruation and various bleeding.

With cervical erosion,tampon with nettle juice inserted into the vagina .

Pharmaceutical nettle extract drink 30-40 drops before meals - for the prevention of uterine bleeding.

Useful articles:

One of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system is bacterial vaginosis. It is also known as gardnerellosis. However, no matter what this disease is called, its essence does not change. It consists of vaginal dysbiosis.

Recently, almost every second woman at the age when she is able to give birth to a child hears a gynecologist’s diagnosis of cervical erosion. This disease belongs to benign pathologies mucous membrane. More precisely, cervical erosion is the gradual desquamation of the integumentary epithelial cells from the part of the cervix that extends into the vagina.

Almost any woman childbearing age I am familiar with the problem of inflammation of the mammary gland. On medical language this disease is called Mastito m. It is an inflammatory process that is located in the milk ducts of the female mammary gland. Typically, representatives of the fair half of humanity suffer from this disease in postpartum period when breastfeeding a baby. This occurs due to weak immunity and poor milk flow, with poor development of the milk ducts in women giving birth for the first time. In rare cases, the disease occurs in nulliparous women and very rarely in pregnant women. Upon diagnosis mastitis treatment with folk remedies quite acceptable and justified.

Colpitis, or another name for this disease, vaginitis, is an inflammatory process in the vaginal mucosa. Carriers of this disease, of course, are women; it occurs due to various infections: gonococci, coli and others. Women of childbearing age are susceptible to this disease, although it also occurs in younger girls and even girls. Delayed treatment the disease leads to the onset of serious illnesses: endometritis, cervical erosion, and can lead to infertility. Colpitis is especially dangerous for pregnant women, due to the threat of miscarriage or illness of the unborn child. But don’t despair when diagnosed colpitis treatment with folk remedies gives good results.

Adnexit– this disease is characterized by an inflammatory process of the fallopian tubes and ovaries, that is reproductive system female body. He is called various types protozoa bacteria: streptococci, chlamydia and others. Most often it affects women of average age. age group. It's not very dangerous disease, therefore, upon diagnosis adnexitis treatment with folk remedies quite acceptable.

Many women have encountered such an illness as endometrial polyp or genitals. This is one of the most common diseases of the weaker sex. The process of formation of endometrial polyps is caused by benign formations that appear in the uterine cavity. There is an increase in the inner layer of the walls of the uterus. A polyp can appear in women at any age, but most often it develops in mature age and old age. IN modern medicine applies operative method fight against polyps, but most women prefer more affordable way, treatment of endometrial polyp with folk remedies.

Endometriosis is a disease that affects women. Representatives of the fair sex after the age of thirty are at risk; in young girls this disease is not so common, but last years also not uncommon. It manifests itself in the form of neoplasms inside and outside the uterus. This disease has been little studied by science, but many women prefer treatment with folk remedies when diagnosed with uterine endometriosis.

Nowadays, many women, to a greater or lesser extent, face gynecological problems. Cycle disturbances, painful periods, inflammation and many diseases are usually a consequence wrong image life, ignorant nutrition and careless sex life, less often - genetic predisposition. Treatment of various female diseases with herbs can show good result for minor deviations or quality aid. Medicinal herbs are used not only for oral administration, but also for baths, douching, wetting tampons, etc. Before starting to treat the vagina with folk remedies, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

  • Amenorrhea- absence of menstruation in hereditary, endocrine, nervous, gynecological diseases.
  • Vulvovaginitis- inflammation of the external genitalia (vulva) and vagina.
  • Hypermenorrhea- heavy menstruation.
  • Hypomenorrhea- scanty menstruation.
  • Dysmenorrhea- menstrual dysfunction.
  • Colpitis-vaginitis- inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.
  • Trichomoniasis- an infectious disease that is sexually transmitted. Manifested by inflammation of the mucous membrane genitourinary tract(burning, itching, foamy or purulent discharge).
  • Fibroma- benign fibrous tumor connective tissue It is often combined with the growth of other tissues - muscle (fibromyoma), vascular (angiofibroma), glandular (fibroadenoma). Occurs on the skin, mucous membranes, tendons, mammary gland, and uterus.
  • Cervical erosion- superficial ulceration of the mucous membrane of the vaginal part of the cervix; one of the forms of precancerous condition. It usually occurs against the background of inflammation of the cervix under the influence of the irritating effect of leucorrhoea. May exist long time, proceeding almost asymptomatically.


Women are increasingly being harassed these days various diseases related to gynecology. Even completely young girls can diagnose infectious or inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. especially effective for young girls.
At the very beginning of the development of the disease, women do not feel worried. This is due to the absence of pronounced symptoms on initial stages diseases. Therefore in medical institution Such patients usually do not apply.
Meanwhile, various inflammatory, infectious diseases can actively develop, provoking complex complications in the future. Among the main complications of such diseases are female infertility, various lesions of internal organs. These diseases must be treated immediately.

Groups gynecological diseases
Today, gynecological diseases are conventionally divided into three categories. The first group includes ailments that provoke various tumors. They usually provoke specific and nonspecific pathogenic microorganisms. When gynecological diseases are associated with specific microorganisms, they are usually transmitted sexually. Various nonspecific microorganisms, as a rule, enter the female body from external environment or during a blood transfusion.
Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is carried out for all kinds of hormonal imbalances. They appear due to disturbances in the normal functioning of the endocrine glands.
The third group of gynecological ailments includes diseases that are dystrophic or hyperplastic in nature. These can be tumors, various pathological formations.

Herbal medicine in the treatment of gynecological diseases
Throughout their lives, most representatives of the fair sex need treatment for gynecological diseases. When prescribing treatment for gynecology with folk remedies or medications, all qualified doctors take into account the fact that medical supplies can sometimes cause negative allergic reaction. This leads in most cases to unwanted side effects.
Sometimes medications are generally contraindicated for girls. This applies to pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. In this case, gynecological treatment with folk remedies is used. Most often, doctors prescribe herbal medicine, namely treatment with herbal infusions.
This method is also used as complementary therapy in the treatment of various gynecological diseases. Often, treatment of gynecology with folk remedies (herbal preparations) can completely replace medications.
It is worth knowing that modern herbal medicine is not only a means traditional medicine. Today she gives useful, time-tested knowledge about beneficial properties various herbal infusions, extracts from medicinal plants. Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is very effective due to pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.
Today, various herbal preparations are produced in the form of tablets or special tinctures. Consequently, each patient can choose the most convenient treatment method for herself.
Often herbal preparations are included in complex treatment. They help with menstrual irregularities in women, uterine bleeding, disorders associated with menopause, and the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is quite effective, also for amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, various inflammatory processes. However, for the most effective treatment a qualified doctor prescribes complex therapy, which includes a combination of herbal and medicinal preparations.
Currently there are a number of medicinal fees, which are most often changed to treat women's ailments.
For example, in the bark of an ordinary or pedunculated oak there is big number tannins, acids, various proteins, starch, flavonoid quercetin. Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is used as douching with oak bark for many female ailments.
Can often be used for douching medicinal infusion, made from sage leaves. This plant is distinguished by the presence in its composition of essential oils, useful tannins, many vitamins, alcohols, resins, and acids. Sage leaves can have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is carried out using St. John's wort. Part of this plant flavonoids, tannins, essential oils, resins, ascorbic, a nicotinic acid and others as much as possible useful material for the female body. When women take St. John's wort internally, it can act as a good sedative. Wherein medicinal herb has an antimicrobial effect.
Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is actively carried out with the help of chamomile. It contains acids, flavanoids, and chamazulene. Everyone knows that a decoction of chamomile flowers has an anti-inflammatory effect. It also helps stop bleeding.
Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies, namely birch leaves or buds, is practiced quite often. This therapy has antimicrobial, diuretic, choleretic effect. Birch buds contain many vitamins, tannins, and essential oils.
Stinging nettle helps cure uterine bleeding. The leaves of this plant include tannins, histamine, vitamins, and carotenoids.
Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is purely individual. Only the attending physician can prescribe correct diagnosis and proper therapy.

Laser therapy in the treatment of gynecological diseases
Professional gynecologists often prescribe laser therapy to women. It can be various ways treatments based on physical influence on the body. This effect is carried out using a laser, magnetic fields, ultrasound, and electric currents.
Treatment with laser therapy for gynecological diseases makes it possible to most effectively supplement the main treatment regimen. To complement this method Can also treat gynecology with folk remedies. Today, laser therapy often replaces the use of many medications.
This method treats adhesions, adenoxitis, and other women's diseases. A popular method is used to correct various menstrual irregularities, erosion, postpartum endometritis, treatment of ovarian dysfunction.
Laser therapy is often prescribed for treatment chronic diseases pelvic organs in women. This treatment method has a beneficial effect on reducing pain, significantly improves blood circulation, and helps get rid of various functional disorders.
Sometimes laser therapy is the only possible method therapy. Like the treatment of gynecology with folk remedies, this method is quite effective. Such a technique, for example, can significantly reduce chronic pelvic pain, reduce congestion which occur due to poor blood circulation.
When treated with laser therapy, it significantly decreases recovery period, and the risk of adhesions is reduced. A similar method of therapy is prescribed to representatives of the fair sex who have terminated their pregnancy and undergone curettage surgery of the uterine cavity. The use of this procedure allows you to effectively and quickly restore the damaged uterine mucosa (endometrium).
Treatment of gynecological diseases with laser therapy makes it possible to achieve many positive effects. It reduces the duration of therapy, guarantees high-quality prevention of various complications, and prevents the development of relapses in the future.
At similar treatment the woman absolutely does not feel the manifestations of side factors that can occur during treatment with medications. When using the laser therapy method, you can significantly reduce the number of used medicines, which may further negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
Laser therapy, like treatment of gynecology with folk remedies, helps women who have been diagnosed with chronic illnesses reproductive system of the body. In this case the method gives
the ability to achieve stable remission. This allows you to improve the options of some organs of the female reproductive system.

The laser therapy method is performed using two methods. It can be carried out through the genitals or the anterior abdominal wall. However, the patient does not feel pain with any of these methods. Selects a treatment method professional doctor. When diagnosing and selecting treatment, attention is paid to the individual characteristics of the female body.
The laser therapy method can also be used in outpatient setting. It is worth noting that this does not require additional restrictions. However this procedure Contraindicated for representatives of the fair sex who have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, cysts and tumors.

Gynecological massage
In the treatment of gynecology, antibacterial or hormonal medications are mainly used. However, treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is also used quite often.
Many gynecologists believe that fairly simple and inexpensive treatment methods can bring enormous benefits to the body.
Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is often carried out with using special massage. This technique received its active development at the beginning of the twentieth century. This method is carried out through physiological influence. It can have a positive effect both on a specific organ and on the woman’s body as a whole. Massage is considered to be most effective in combination with other methods of physiotherapy.
This treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is prescribed to representatives of the fair sex when chronic inflammation uterus, abdominal cavity, periuterine tissue. Such a massage can alleviate the patient’s condition with strong pain in the area of ​​the sacrum, uterus, coccyx.
During the use of gynecological massage, the professional doctor should carefully monitor various reactions female body. It is very important to observe this reaction mainly in the first few days of the procedures.
Quite often, representatives of the fair sex may experience displacement of the uterus. This happens due to various inflammatory processes or other gynecological diseases. This deviation from the norm may cause discomfort. And names gynecological massage able to help women in this case.
In addition to the above pathologies, professional massage, prescribed as a treatment for gynecology with folk remedies, is used after difficult childbirth, possible consequences abortions, amenorrhea. For girls who have been diagnosed with infertility, massage can help and bring a certain positive effect.
During the massage, a reflex and mechanical effect occurs on the female body. At the same time, blood circulation and lymph circulation are activated. As a result, purulent phenomena disappear completely during internal organs. This treatment gynecology using folk remedies allows you to maintain normal menstrual function. Massage provides effective prevention fibrosis of the uterus.
Gynecological massage is performed qualified specialists on a specially equipped table or massage chair. Special attention When carrying out this procedure, the doctor needs to act as softly, easily and gently as possible. It is important that the woman does not feel any pain.
A gynecological massage is performed with both hands. In this case, the fingers of one hand are massaged on the side of the vagina or rectum. The fingers of the other hand gently massage the abdominal covering.
It is very important that the woman breathes correctly during the massage and is able to relax her muscles well. abdominals. Before the massage procedure, representatives of the fair sex should not eat food; it is necessary to completely empty the intestines and bladder. Using a special antiseptic, the doctor must thoroughly clean the external genitalia before starting the procedure.
The first massage sessions should last less than 7 minutes. However, over time they should become longer, reaching 15 minutes. The number of procedures depends on individual characteristics women's health and ranges from 10 to 30.
During menstruation, massage is prohibited. It is also recommended to use contraceptives during the massage, and not to have sexual intercourse on the day of the massage.