Causes of sweat during sleep in women. Causes of night sweats

Why do people sweat? This question has long been of interest to physiologists and doctors. If the amount of sweat produced by the human body is small, then this condition is rarely a concern. Much more unpleasant if sweating occurs at night, sweat is produced in large quantities and has a specific smell.

Excessive night sweats can have a number of causes

Sweating at night is associated with a number of problems that occur in the morning. You need to have time to take a shower in order not to feel comfortable when communicating with colleagues, friends, change bedding, buy a new, more effective antiperspirant. Why does heavy sweating occur at night? Is this normal, or is it a sign of illness?

Development mechanism

Normally, a person sweats all the time. This is defensive reaction body, helping him get rid of the excess heat that the body produces. If the body temperature rises, and this can cause disturbances in vital important organs, the brain sends an impulse to sweat glands and they produce a lot of sweat. Evaporating, it cools the body and at the same time removes harmful substances and slag.

The amount of sweat allocated by a person in the norm can be 500 ml per day. But some people have increased sweating various parts body (head, palms) and at a certain time (during the day, with emotional outbursts). Sweat secretion is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system, it is active during the day. Rules the night parasympathetic system and nervus vagus, so very heavy sweating at night, which does not go away, may be a symptom of the disease.

Physiological causes of sweating

Not always increased sweat formation (hyperhidrosis) during a night's sleep is a disease, there are reasons why people sweat at night, feeling completely healthy:

  • primary hyperhidrosis. It is hereditary. It is sometimes called idiopathic because it is difficult to understand why a person develops night sweats. Usually its development is associated with emotional arousal, stress.
  • hygiene problems. Very warm blanket fever in the room, synthetic underwear that does not absorb moisture - can cause sweating during sleep.

A blanket that is too warm can cause increased night sweats.

  • Medications. Increased selection sweat at night, happens when taking certain medicines having such by-effect.
  • Overweight. It is not always a sign of illness, not everyone has to be slender as a reed. Normal weight is considered to be at which a person feels good. But overweight cause the formation of fatty folds that make it difficult for sweat to evaporate from the skin.

Some sleeping pills and antidepressants can cause excessive night sweats.

Excessive sweating as a symptom of the disease

There is a group of diseases and pathological conditions in which sweating at night can be a sign of illness:

  • Sleep disorders. Insomnia can be caused physiological factors, but sometimes it is accompanied by fear, nightmares - this happens with mental, cardiovascular and other diseases. Increased production of adrenaline in such a situation causes excessive night sweating.
  • Syndrome sleep apnea. Its main symptom is snoring in a dream, with periodic breath holdings. This is very dangerous state which can lead to death. Violation of oxygen supply causes a reaction from the body. The pressure rises, the pulse quickens and sweating increases.
  • infectious diseases. Infections cause inflammatory processes in organs and tissues, they are accompanied by fever and sweating. It can be: viral and bacterial infections, diseases of organs and systems (endocarditis, osteomyelitis, AIDS, tuberculosis). It is night sweats that often prompts you to see a doctor for tuberculosis.

Increased night sweats can be observed with tuberculosis

  • Endocrine pathologies. Excess or lack of hormones can also cause sweating. It occurs against the background of hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus, in diseases thyroid gland whose hormones enhance metabolic processes and heat generation in other pathological conditions.
  • Malignant tumors. Night sweats may be a sign malignant neoplasm (carcinoid syndrome, pheochromacetoma);
  • Diseases of the kidneys. Excess water in the body, with pathologies of the kidneys, is excreted with sweat.

Sweating in women

Often pregnant women complain: “I sweat a lot at night,” this is due to a change hormonal background organism. endocrine organs pregnant work in special treatment, metabolic processes are activated, more heat is released, and therefore the body tries to get rid of it with the help of sweat. Hormonal changes cause excessive sweating at night in women before menstruation.

Such a problem can also be observed during menopause, at which time a woman's body is being restructured. Therefore, they complain of hot flashes, increased sweating. It can be solved by prescribing replacement therapy hormonal means, but this should be done only if such a state interferes normal life female patients.

Excessive sweating in women can be observed with menopause

Sweating in children

Why does a baby sweat when he sleeps? In young children, heavy sweating during sleep is more often the norm. It is associated with sleep phases, the duration of which in babies differs from the sleep structure of adults. Teenagers sweat at night in the transition period, or because of experiences, vivid emotions. If the child is restless night sleep, and he gets out of bed sweaty, then you need to ask if he has problems with peers at school or in the yard.

Increased sweat formation, especially in the area of ​​​​the child's head - a sign of rickets! You need to see a doctor.

With rickets, the back of the head sweats more in the child, the hair in this area falls out. It is possible to distinguish sweating with rickets by other symptoms of the disease: the child does not sleep well, is irritable, the muscles are flabby, the stomach is flattened, it resembles the belly of a frog, etc. Treatment of rickets will help reduce sweating.

Treatment Methods

Many cosmetics, which allow you to reduce severe sweating, but not the underlying disease that caused it. Treatment of severe sweating should begin with identifying the cause. There is different methods able to help.

Medical therapy

It is carried out after examination of the patient, and is aimed at treating the underlying disease. Depending on the diagnosis, antibiotics, antiviral, hormonal, psychotropic substances are prescribed. Sleep disorders are treated with sleeping pills and antidepressants.

A good combination gives a good effect drug therapy with folk remedies if they are not contraindicated in the underlying disease.

Folk methods

From folk methods to reduce sweating, you need to highlight Herb tea from mint leaves, sage, oregano. It is very calming and relieves stress. Decoctions of sage and yarrow can be taken during the day or at bedtime. For rubdowns prepare a decoction of oak bark or use Apple vinegar.

If sweating at night is not associated with a disease, then it can be cured in conventional ways:

  • The room temperature during sleep should be maintained at 15-20 degrees Celsius.
  • Bed linen should be clean, with a pleasant smell, the blanket is not too heavy and warm. You can use bags of fragrant herbs, they help to relax and relieve stress.
  • Pajamas and underwear, it is better to choose from natural fabrics, they do not cause irritation and absorb moisture well.
  • Before going to bed, a bath with soothing decoctions is useful medicinal herbs(chamomile, streak) or warm shower to end cool water to narrow the pores of the sweat glands.

Regular cold and hot shower will reduce excessive sweating

  • It is necessary to establish a diet, exclude spicy and sour dishes, tonic drinks (tea, coffee), alcohol.

Prevention of sweating includes comfortable conditions sleep, healthy lifestyle life, exclusion bad habits and timely treatment underlying disease.

We must not forget that night sweats almost always indicate some problems in the human body that may be associated with external factors. If they are excluded, and sweating does not decrease and continues for a month, then you need to consult a doctor and look for true reason.

Doctors often hear complaints from their patients about sweating during sleep. This state can appear at any age. It is considered normal if sweating appears in hot rooms, when using too warm bed linen, or when performing physical exertion. In all other cases, night sweats are considered a pathology.

In this case, you need to quickly establish the cause of sweating and, if necessary, start treatment. Many people are worried about the question “Why do you sweat a lot in your sleep?”.

Let's look at the most common causes night sweat levity:

. Wrong temperature in the room. A person will definitely sweat if the bedroom is too warm. This also applies to warm sheets or linen. In addition, excessive humidity in the room should be avoided.

. Insomnia. Often chronic insomnia accompanied psychological disorders specifically, it is a feeling of anxiety or fear. This situation negatively affects the nervous system, provokes an increase in blood pressure and an acceleration of the heartbeat. As a result, a person sweats a lot during sleep.

. Pregnancy. A large number of pregnant women often complain to their doctors about excessive sweating at night. Hormonal changes are the main cause of the problem during this period. This is especially observed in the first trimester of pregnancy. After the baby is born, the excessive sweating usually goes away. In other women, this condition may occur during breastfeeding.

. Infections. Most often among all infectious diseases sweating can cause tuberculosis. Much less often, the appearance of this symptom is affected by diseases such as osteomyelitis (inflammation bone tissue), endocarditis (inflammation of the endocardium). People with such diseases often turn to doctors with the complaint "I sweat a lot in my sleep." Also, increased sweating is inherent in AIDS patients.

. Hypoglycemia. Can lead to night sweats reduced level blood sugar. Sometimes these symptoms appear in people who use drugs to reduce sugar levels.

. Idiopathic hyperhidrosis. This condition is characterized by excessive sweating in a person during the day. As practice shows, it is often impossible to determine its causes. Experts note that this can be caused by emotional stress.

. Medicines. Many people experience night sweats due to the use of certain medications. Especially you need to be careful with antidepressants, almost all drugs of this class have such a side effect. Sometimes aspirin, niacin, paracetamol, tamoxifen, prednisone, sildenafil (Viagra), hydralazine, and other corticosteroids can cause this symptom.

. Hormonal disorders. Night sweats can be caused by hormonal disorders like carcinoid syndrome, hyperthyroidism. Thus, if you sweat a lot in your sleep, it is better to go to the doctor and get a full examination.

. Menopause. This condition is characterized by the so-called "hot flashes" that can occur at night. As a result, excessive sweating occurs.

. neurological disorders. Disorders such as post-traumatic syringomyelia, autonomic dysreflexia, autonomic neuropathy, and stroke can lead to night sweats, but this is more of an exception.

There are other reasons to find out, just enter a query on the Internet "I sweat a lot during sleep." Today, on this topic, you can find a lot of interesting and useful literature. The main thing is to pay attention to this problem in time, which is a kind of signal of a danger to your health.

Many people sweat a lot during their sleep, which can also indicate the presence of serious diseases.

Can be distinguished the following reasons this position:

  • increased weight;
  • intensive work of sweat glands;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • climacteric, etc.

Night sweats in children

Particular attention should be paid to excessive night sweats in children. First of all, it can be caused by incorrect temperature regime. The optimal room temperature for a child is about 18-20 °C. Also, children sweat because their parents wrap them in too warm a blanket. The choice of material for nightwear and pajamas also has an influence - in most cases it is synthetics. It is recommended to ventilate the room before going to bed, but you should protect yourself from drafts.

If a child sweats a lot during sleep, then in some cases this may be a sign of rickets. At the slightest doubt, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to diagnose the problem in time and begin the necessary treatment.

Quite often, this condition can be inherited by the child. According to doctors, night sweats in children may indicate initial stage cold or any viral disease. Over time, other symptoms of the disease may appear. Most often sweat children who have problems with the nervous system. In this case, you should avoid active games before bedtime. You can also take a soothing bath.

Night sweats are a problem that needs to be addressed. The main thing is to do it in a timely manner, otherwise you can miss the development of a complex disease.

You have two questions. Why do I sweat so much at night? Should I go to the doctor? Moderate sweating during sleep normal phenomenon if the room is warm and the blanket is too thick. But if the bedroom is not at all hot, and the sweat literally pours like water, and this happens regularly, then it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor. Abundant often accompanies various diseases: from common cold to deadly diseases. Therefore, if you sweat during sleep, then you should play it safe and get tested.

In a dream, it occurs with influenza, SARS, taking antipyretic drugs. This condition is familiar to everyone without exception and is the norm.

Sweating at night can be associated with antihypertensive drugs, any antidepressants, heart drugs with nitroglycerin.

Infectious diseases are another cause of profuse night sweats. This phenomenon is typical for tuberculosis, but can also occur with osteomyelitis (bone damage), endocarditis (inflammation, hepatitis, AIDS.

Endocrine diseases are often accompanied by sweating during sleep. This happens when the function of the thyroid gland is impaired, namely, its increase. Patients experience heavy sweating diabetes. In addition, night sweats are associated with insulin intake and lower blood sugar levels. Hormonal adjustment in female body during menopause leads to heavy sweating at night.

Almost everyone can say about themselves: during sleep I sweat, when I experience stress, anxiety and insomnia.

Increased sweating during sleep is characteristic of oncological diseases affecting lymphatic system.

Often nocturnal hyperhidrosis occurs with stroke, abscesses, cardiac, neurological, intestinal diseases.

Profuse sweat at night it can be caused not only by diseases, but also by eating fatty, spicy, salty foods, alcohol, hot drinks before going to bed. In order to avoid sweating, it is not necessary to engage in intense activity at night physical labor and take a hot shower.

What can I do to stop sweating at night? If sweat is associated with diseases, then, unequivocally, it is to be examined and treated in medical institution. If the reason for nightly dousing with sweat is menopause, then you need to contact a gynecologist for a course of hormone therapy.

There is such a thing as idiopathic hyperhidrosis, that is, during sleep I sweat without visible reasons. In this case, you need to take the following measures: ventilate the bedroom well, do not engage in tedious activities and do not eat immediately before going to bed, take cool shower, if possible, sleep with open windows.

ethnoscience, as always, gives a lot of advice to help get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. If I sweat during sleep, I will try to use the following simple recipes.

It helps a lot with sweat. It is mixed with water (two parts of water for a part of vinegar) and wipe problem areas before going to bed.

The people used horsetail for sweating. To do this, a decoction of horsetail was mixed with vodka in a ratio of one to ten and insisted for several days, wiped sweating areas at night.

Peppermint is another remedy for hyperhidrosis. Pour boiling water over the grass, leave for an hour, make lotions or baths.

Recipe with (one hundred grams) pour water (one liter), boil for ten minutes, let cool and apply to problem areas.

In order not to sweat and calm the nerves, you need to take a bath with chamomile at night and sea ​​salt.

A proven remedy for sweat is clary sage. Sage is poured with boiling water and insisted for an hour and a half (for three tablespoons of sage - two glasses of water), filtered and lotions are made. Sage can be mixed with yarrow equally, pour the resulting mixture with boiling water (two tablespoons of grass - half a liter of water), insist until cool, then use for baths or compresses.

Instead of a washcloth, take a two-layer gauze, put it in oat flakes and salt (two tablespoons each), take a shower with such a washcloth daily without soap.

Many suffer from night sweats during sleep, or hyperhidrosis. It is widely believed that the issue is resolved by replacing the blanket or opening the window.

However, sweating is most often not individual disease, and the symptom, and real reason could be much more serious.

External causes of sweating

In most cases, the answer to the question why a person sweats a lot in a dream lies in not proper organization recreation:

  • Beautiful and light synthetic blankets are comfortable only at first glance. Sleeping under them is depriving yourself of the ventilation necessary during sleep: the temperature of the human body gradually rises, which leads to excessive sweating. Such a thermoregulation curve contradicts the natural one, which changes in waves during sleep. When using a blanket and linen made from natural materials, there is no interference with natural thermoregulation. It is worth abandoning synthetics, and in the absence of more serious illnesses sweating will disappear;
  • The same can be said about sleeping clothes. Pajamas or nightgowns should be made from natural and lightweight fabrics., which freely absorb moisture, do not accumulate static electricity and do not create overheating of the body during sleep. It is even more useful to sleep without clothes, so the body relaxes as much as possible and does not overheat;
  • The microclimate in the bedroom can also affect the manifestation of sweating. Best Temperature for sleep - 18-24 C. At temperatures above 24 ° C, heat stroke is likely, one of the manifestations of which is sweating. At temperatures below 18 ° C, weakening is possible protective functions organism, catarrhal phenomena, which are accompanied by strong perspiration. In a room with high humidity (more than 50%), the heat exchange function is disrupted, and in hot and dry air, sweating increases and dehydration quickly sets in;
  • It is believed that a little alcohol at night helps to relax and fall asleep faster. But at the same time, it is silent about the fact that the quality of sleep is getting worse. REM sleep is shortened slow sleep becomes less deep. Sweating increases during sleep, as alcohol makes the kidneys and sweat glands work harder. In addition, a person has to get up several times during the night to drink water and go to the toilet.
  • Late dinner has a similar effect: full stomach presses on the diaphragm, obstructing the air supply, a rapid breathing leads to an increase in body temperature and increased sweating. Foods that cause night sweats include coffee, beans, chocolate, ginger, pork, margarine, mate, spices, salt, sodas, and energy drinks.

These causes of night sweats during sleep are easy to eliminate. Change synthetic underwear, blankets and clothes to natural ones, install suitable mode temperature and humidity, do not overeat at night and do not abuse alcohol.

A person sweats a lot in a dream due to an illness

  • Quite often, sweating is associated with insomnia.. obsession, or emotions of fear and anxiety, or simply anxiety due to the fact that you can’t fall asleep quickly and be alert enough at work, are a stress factor that prevents a person from relaxing and falling asleep, and excitement leads to an increase blood pressure and body temperature, which causes perspiration;
  • Drop in blood sugar may also appear increased sweating. Sometimes such a reaction can give hypoglycemic drugs. This is very dangerous symptom, since hypoglycemia in a dream, when there is no way to control your condition, can lead to death;
  • Taking antidepressants is not at all harmless.. Very often, the side effect of their use is manifested in the form night sweats. It often accompanies the use of corticosteroids, strong drugs- for example, tamoxifen - and antipyretics: aspirin, paracetamol;
  • Sweating and infectious diseases are most closely linked.. With fever, malaria, influenza, acute respiratory infections, nocturnal hyperhidrosis is a normal reaction of the body. But if night sweats persist for several months, it may be a sign of tuberculosis, a malignant tumor, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Often it is this symptom that makes the patient see a doctor and undergo an examination;
  • Neurological diseases, especially VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), are almost always associated with night sweats. It can be local (only the face, armpits, back or limbs sweat heavily) or generalized, when the whole body is covered with perspiration. Primary VSD occurs in adolescents during puberty, secondary - with neurological problems in adults;
  • Night sweats are associated with obesity. With this disease, the hormonal background is disturbed and the sweat glands work in an abnormal mode. And not only them: obese people have diseases of the heart, blood vessels, musculoskeletal system, diabetes, infertility, varicose veins, gout, diaphragmatic hernia, cancer. Increased sweating is only an indicator of overload of the body;
  • Night sweats are often associated with stomach problems. called gastroesophageal reflux, when due to a defect in the valve of the stomach, the contents can be thrown back into the esophagus. In addition to acute pain in the esophagus, this disease is manifested by night sweats in the face and neck;
  • Idiopathic hyperhidrosis when it is impossible to install physiological reason sweating at night;
  • Thyroid dysfunction (thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroidism) can also cause night sweats, and it is important to distinguish whether the pathology of the thyroid gland (primary), pituitary (secondary) or hypothalamus (tertiary) occurs.

night sweats in women

In addition to the cases described above, nocturnal hyperhidrosis in women can be hormonal in nature and have a close relationship with menstrual cycle and reproductive organs.

  • Hormonal fluctuations in women before menstruation bring an imbalance in the thermoregulation of the body. The body temperature rises, along with this, sweating appears, mainly at night. Such hyperhidrosis is temporary, and it requires treatment only in cases where the patient has disorders of the nervous or endocrine system;
  • Sweating during pregnancy especially pronounced in the first trimester, when endocrine system builds a common circulatory system mother and child, and closer to childbirth. Physical stress on the body of the expectant mother leads to increased hyperhidrosis at night. Many women complain of night sweats during lactation, but most forget about this symptom soon after childbirth;
  • During menopause a woman suffers especially from night sweats (“hot flashes”) associated with the extinction of estrogen production in her body and mood swings. At timely handling the situation can be successfully corrected by medications to the doctor.

Night sweats in children

  • Night sweats in children can be caused by incorrect temperature conditions. In a child's night, the air temperature should not exceed 20 ° C, and it is not necessary to wrap the little one beyond measure;
  • Synthetic clothes or underwear for a child. This is absolutely unacceptable, synthetics should be replaced with natural materials so that the baby’s thermoregulation system is formed correctly;
  • A virus or a cold, but they are usually hard to miss. In this case, hyperhidrosis at night in a child is a symptom of the disease, and the main treatment is aimed at eliminating the infection;
  • There are also cases of hereditary hyperhidrosis, which can manifest itself in children from the very first days of life;
  • One of the most annoying causes of night sweats in children is rickets. If, in addition to hyperhidrosis, the slightest signs of deformation of the skull, ribs, limbs of the baby are visible, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to deal with night sweats

The first step is to contact a therapist and report your condition. You may have to donate blood and urine for analysis in order to exclude the most severe cases, as well as visit other specialists: a dermatologist, gastroenterologist, phthisiatrician, andrologist or gynecologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, neurologist, oncologist, somnologist and psychotherapist, undergo ultrasound.

But whatever the diagnosis and appointments of doctors, general recommendations universal for all: healthy nerves, proper nutrition limiting bad habits and negative emotions, moderate physical exercise, instead of watching TV before going to bed - a walk on fresh air, instead of tea and especially coffee - herbal infusion, the use of relaxation techniques, natural materials in the bedroom, ventilation and wet cleaning.

If you are worried about sweating at night, stop being embarrassed and understand possible reasons. This is the only way to get rid of wet sheets and pillows forever.

If your bedroom is stuffy or you like to sleep in warm pajamas, in this case, night sweats are a normal reaction of the body. If everything is in order with the conditions of sleep, but nevertheless you wake up in the morning in a sweat, this is a signal - you should contact a specialist. Your doctor will review your medical history and test results to find the true cause of your excessive sweating. Here are just a few of the possibilities.

Taking medications

The most common medications that can lead to night sweats are antidepressants. It is noted that from 8 to 22% of people taking antidepressants sweat excessively at night. As a rule, after the end of the course of admission, sweating returns to normal. You may experience night sweats while taking antipyretics such as aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and so on.


Hormonal changes, a decrease in the level of estrogen in the blood lead to hot flashes, which can occur not only during the day, but also at night. This is the most common cause of night sweats in women.

Alexey Kalinchev

Let's say a woman is 50 years old and has night sweats. Often during the day she is thrown into a fever. There is no need to guess, menopause begins. You need to go to a gynecologist-endocrinologist to receive appropriate therapy. By the way, early menopause can begin at the age of 35. A welcome hormonal contraceptives will disguise it. With the abolition of such drugs, symptoms will appear.


Hypoglycemia - pathological condition an organism in which blood sugar levels are low. AT daytime the person is taking insulin or other oral anti-diabetic drugs, but it is not possible to regulate blood glucose levels in the sleep state. The body comes to the rescue, which reacts to a decrease in the concentration of sugar in the blood by releasing adrenaline, which is accompanied by sweating. Often such manifestations of hypoglycemia wake up a person.

Hormonal disorders

The correct balance of hormones in the body is also responsible for maintaining the functioning of the sweat system. Malfunctions of one or more glands internal secretion often lead to an increase in the amount of sweat released even at night, when metabolic processes slow down and body temperature decreases.

Alexey Kalinchev

endocrinologist, nutritionist, nutritionist

In my patient population, excessive night sweats are usually associated with hormonal imbalance- when I normalize it, sweating goes away. Anyone who suffers from such a problem, I would recommend contacting your doctor. The doctor should rule out the most obvious causes.

For example, men aged 45. At this age, there is a drop in male sex hormones. You need to go to a urologist-andrologist, he will cure you pretty quickly.

Night sweats can be a wake-up call to get examined by an oncologist. In some types of cancer, such as lymphoma, night sweats are one of the early symptoms. Most commonly, however, people with undiagnosed cancer also experience dramatic weight loss and fever.

Konstantin Titov

Surgeon-oncologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Oncosurgical Department of Skin and Soft Tissue Tumors of the Moscow Scientific Center, Associate Professor of the Department of Oncology and radiotherapy LF RNIMU them. N. I. Pirogova

Sweating often accompanies an increase in body temperature in tumors, it can also be associated with tumor intoxication (general weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, dry mouth), but sometimes it is a separate manifestation of the disease. Most often when malignant tumors increased sweating occurs at night. It can be so pronounced that patients are forced to change underwear after each awakening.

Tumors in which excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) is one of the typical manifestations:

Hodgkin's lymphoma

In this case, generalized hyperhidrosis is characteristic against the background of a wave-like increase in temperature. The tumor process affects the lymphatic formations, therefore, with this disease, increased The lymph nodes in the cervical, axillary, inguinal and other areas.

Neuroendocrine tumors

Neoplasms from enterochromaffin cells can be located in different departments digestive system- in the area of ​​the intestines, stomach, pancreas, as well as in the bronchi. Tumor cells produce serotonin and various hormones, therefore, one of the main manifestations of the disease are hot flashes, accompanied by reddening of the skin, profuse sweating, diarrhea or bronchospasm.


Neuroendocrine tumor of adrenal chromaffin cells. When adrenaline is released into the blood, it rises sharply blood pressure, stands out a large number of sweat and an accelerated heart rate.

Tumors of the nervous system

In some cases, such neoplasms can also lead to the release of vasoactive substances into the bloodstream, in particular adrenaline, which leads to increased sweating.


Most often, night sweats are associated with classic tuberculosis. But it is worth familiarizing yourself with the list of other infectious diseases that can lead, especially in chronic stage to night sweats. Pneumonia, chronic tonsillitis during an exacerbation, fungal infection internal organs, Infectious mononucleosis and even HIV infection.