Symptoms of pneumonia in infants. Treatment, consequences of the disease

Pneumonia itself is a serious disease, and if we are talking about small children, the situation can be critical. Congenital pneumonia in newborns is not so rare, and this is due to the fact that during pregnancy the expectant mother suffers infection. This subsequently affects the child, and the disease progresses in the first three days.

When a baby is born, the symptoms are immediately visible, and the painful condition is accompanied by asphyxia, which occurs during childbirth, and the fact that the child is premature.

Breasts are a special category of patients, since their defenselessness and vulnerability to severe infection is obvious. Physiological features babies contribute to the fact that the risk of getting sick increases significantly. The narrow passages in the bronchi and larynx do not allow us to say that a baby can fight for life just like an adult. The mucous membrane in babies is prone to swelling, and removing sputum from the lungs is quite a difficult task. All systems have not yet been launched; they are not capable of functioning fully. The lungs are more filled with blood than in adults, less elastic and therefore vulnerable.

Despite the fact that inflammation can occur in a baby outside the hospital, most often, the most severe cases occur when infected in the womb. It may also be the consequences of previous diseases, such as ARVI, whooping cough, measles.

At congenital pathology the risk that the disease will be more severe than usual is quite high.

The symptoms of pneumonia that was acquired in utero can be determined by the following signs:

  • the skin has a bluish tint, the most pronounced manifestations are in the lips and tongue, the legs and arms may be bluish;
  • the cry at birth is very weak or not heard at all, since inflammation of the lung tissue does not allow it to manifest itself in full force;
  • breathing is uneven, noise and wheezing are heard;
  • the temperature in children born on time is significantly elevated, as for not full-term, it is below 36 degrees;
  • the child is lethargic, reacts poorly to stimuli, reflexes are reduced;
  • swelling of the legs may occur;
  • the gag reflex is pronounced, constant regurgitation is observed, both after meals and between them;
  • weight decreases, the umbilical cord falls off much longer than in healthy children, and the wound in the navel area may become inflamed.

The symptoms that indicate that infection occurred during childbirth are similar, but there are certain differences:

  • heat bodies;
  • refusal to eat, regurgitation is constantly observed, and vomiting occurs;
  • lips and the area around the nose acquire a bluish tint;
  • the stool is broken, constant pain in the stomach, the child is capricious and sleeps poorly;
  • in full-term babies, breathing is noisy, with wheezing, while not full-term babies breathe weakly and rarely;
  • intoxication of the body does its job, and this period is characterized by: weakness, drowsiness, poor reaction.


The incubation period is short and can range from several hours to seven days. Several forms of pneumonia in newborns, intrauterine and acquired, have been identified. Congenital ones received during pregnancy are divided into:

  • transplantental, in which the pathogen enters the baby through the mother’s placenta;
  • intrapartum, when infection occurs during the passage of the child through the birth canal;
  • antenatal, in which infection occurs through amniotic fluid and affects the lungs.

After birth, the baby is also at high risk of getting sick, since the body is weakened, the immune system is not yet working, or is weak, which leads to infection. They separate infection outside the hospital, when the baby arrives already infected, and hospital infection, if during his stay in maternity hospital pneumonia occurs. This can also happen in the intensive care unit or in the pathology department. It should be noted that clinical manifestations also have a certain qualification, and they are divided into several types:

  1. Focal, in which the focus and area of ​​the lesion are quite large. The disease develops progressively, over approximately one week, or sudden, rapid development over three days, while the course of the disease occurs in mild form, easily treatable with certain groups of antibiotics;
  2. segmental does not manifest itself in any way; only with the help of radiography can compaction in the segments of the lungs be determined, and it is usually caused by a viral infection. Both ARVI and influenza can cause it. There may be similarities with the segmental form, the symptoms are similar in the initial stage, but big picture, which can be detected using x-rays, appears only after 2 weeks;
  3. lobar differs in that its manifestation is influenced by the child’s allergic resistance to infection. On the background bacterial diseases this can be extremely rare, since the child’s body has not encountered such an infection and does not perceive it;
  4. the intertitial form is characterized by compactions, and is accompanied by allergic reaction. Rashes and peeling appear on the skin, which may indicate the nature of the disease.


Several causes that can cause this severe manifestation of pneumonia are divided into subgroups. The most common is bacterial infection. These can be streptococci, anaerobic microorganisms that can exist in an oxygen-free environment, or bacteroids that live in the soil. Listeria can also be found there.

Viruses can also cause the disease, with cytomegavirus and herpes being particularly common. Herpes occurs against a background of reduced immunity. If during pregnancy the mother suffered one of the forms of herpes, then there is a high risk that the baby will be born with a pathology. Therefore, it is so important to follow all the rules and recommendations of doctors.

Fungal pathogens are also observed, which, with a weakened immune system, become activated and penetrate into the lower Airways.

Much depends on what chronic diseases the woman suffered from, how she carried the child, and under what conditions.

Combined pneumonia can also be observed in newborns, the consequences of which are not always good. It is important that there is an experienced specialist nearby who can determine that the baby is sick and take necessary measures. It is diagnostics that is in the foreground; sometimes the baby’s life depends on the speed of decision-making.


First of all, it is worth paying attention to the state of the epidemiological situation in the maternity hospital. It is this factor that is significant. Most often, congenital pneumonia in newborns occurs inside the hospital, which is associated with poor hygiene. Recently, the mortality rate from pneumonia was a significant percentage, measures were taken and certain requirements were adopted that helped to avoid many troubles.

On this moment all conditions have been created for as soon as possible contain the infection and avoid death.

Prognosis for the course of the disease depends on many factors, and with timely detection of the disease, implementation of operational measures to neutralize the cause of the disease, success therapeutic actions guaranteed.

Preferably breast-feeding, since through breast milk the child receives all the necessary enzymes, the mother’s immune protection, and this prevents the penetration and activation of the virus in the baby’s body.

After the birth of a child, it is better not to expose yourself to the risk of infection, not to stay in public places, try to isolate him from potential patients. The baby's body is so weak that it can accept any infection, and thereby be at risk of getting sick.

It is important for the mother, before becoming pregnant, to exclude all inflammatory processes in the body, to cure everything possible diseases and only then plan your pregnancy.


Every child should have individual approach, since only after a thorough examination of the mother’s pathology, determining the presence of diseases, can it be prescribed effective treatment. It is advisable to stay in a hospital, and, at the first signs of illness, a prerequisite for a speedy recovery is the provision of qualified assistance. In this case, you cannot do without antibiotics, and for a little one this is always fraught. But, with the right approach, everything can be corrected, and sometimes the child’s life depends on the doctor, mother, and loved ones.

Carry out regular monitoring of body temperature and respiratory rate. The skin and mucous membranes should always be in perfect condition. Breastfeeding is indicated good nutrition pledge successful treatment.

Immunoglabulins and antibiotics are indispensable drugs during treatment; only with their help can the disease be defeated.


If therapy was carried out in a timely manner and adequate drugs were prescribed to help localize the disease, then the prognosis for the treatment of a disease such as congenital pneumonia in newborns is quite favorable. Within a few weeks everything will return to normal and the baby will be healthy.

If you start the disease, it appears respiratory failure, toxicosis, refusal to eat, which leads to death.

In premature babies, the risk of developing dysplasia is high, the lung tissue does not function at full capacity, and re-exacerbation of diseases associated with the bronchopulmonary system occurs. This often leads to death.

Not really

Pneumonia in novo born child– a fairly common infectious disease of the perinatal period. It can be classified as a particularly dangerous pathology, especially when it comes to bilateral inflammation. The statistics today are not particularly reassuring; inflammation is diagnosed in 1% of full-term and 15% of premature babies (i.e. those born before the 37th week of gestation).

It is worth considering that children during the newborn period are especially susceptible to various viruses and bacteria. Signs of pneumonia may differ depending on when the infection occurred (prenatal period, childbirth, neonatal period). Cases of intrauterine pneumonia cannot be called rare. In such a case, signs will be noticeable immediately after birth. Among the main factors provoking inflammation lung tissue, in the first place are the acute respiratory infections suffered by a pregnant woman during gestation (gestation).

However, not every colds leads to the formation of intrauterine pneumonia, so do not panic. But you shouldn’t let the course of the disease take its course.

Among the causative agents of pneumonia in children, the most common are staphylococci and streptococci. It should be taken into account that based on anatomical features, lungs in a child born ahead of schedule, are less developed, and accordingly, he is more susceptible to the occurrence of this disease.

Among the main predisposing factors that provoke pneumonia, it is worth pointing out:

  • severe or chronic illnesses of the mother that appeared during pregnancy;
  • reduced immunity;
  • anemia;
  • the presence of foci of infection in the pregnant woman’s body, etc.

It should be remembered that pneumonia is extremely dangerous for children. Hospitalization is required in mandatory. Carrying out treatment on an outpatient basis is dangerous; a small patient, together with his mother, must be under constant supervision of specialists.

Causal factors

The development of the disease in newborns, as well as in older children, is provoked by various viruses, fungi, microbes, protozoa and bacteria.

Among the reasons that increase the risk of pneumonia are:

  1. anatomical and physical features of the structure of the respiratory tract in childhood;
  2. underdevelopment of the respiratory tract, especially pronounced in premature infants;
  3. bleeding in the mother during pregnancy;
  4. manifestations chronic diseases mothers during pregnancy;
  5. suffered by the mother acute diseases viral in nature;
  6. discharge of amniotic fluid ahead of schedule, i.e. a long period without water (with a burst bladder).

Conclusion - the risk of pneumonia in a newborn child increases under the influence of various unfavorable factors.

It is worth considering that the risk of pneumonia in premature babies is increased several times.

Pneumonia in newborns - excessive dangerous disease, in case of absence timely treatment it can cause death due to acute failure breathing. Among the reasons that provoke the occurrence of pneumonia in babies during the newborn period are:

  • The infection spreads from mother to fetus through the placenta.
  • The infection enters the fetal lungs from amniotic fluid.
  • The infection enters the baby's body as it passes through the birth canal.
  • The baby becomes infected after birth.

The danger of pneumonia in early age The fact is that pathology can lead to a lot of complications. To prevent such consequences, if the first symptoms of the disease are present, you should show the baby to the doctor.

The duration of treatment is determined depending on the stage pathological process. Therefore, the sooner you consult with a specialist, the faster the baby can be cured.

Symptoms in infants

As is known, pneumonia is characterized by damage to the walls of the alveoli under the influence of infectious process, occurring in lung tissue. Symptoms of pneumonia in infants may differ depending on the type of pathogen that has entered the baby’s body, the method of infection and the general resistance of the body.

With the intrauterine form of infection, babies are born with pathological processes already occurring in the lungs. The likelihood of this form increases significantly if the mother also became ill with pneumonia, especially viral pneumonia, during pregnancy.

Diagnosing the presence of pneumonia in a baby is not easy. Among characteristic features can be distinguished:

  • decreased muscle tone;
  • pallor skin;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • intestinal cramps;
  • loss of appetite;
  • listening to wheezing on inhalation and exhalation;
  • cyanosis of fingernails and toenails;
  • refusal of fluids;
  • frequent regurgitation, vomiting;
  • significant increase in body temperature.

Neonatologists will notice manifestations of inflammation in the baby after birth even before the mother and child are discharged from the hospital (maternity hospital). If signs of pneumonia are present in a child under one year old, you should immediately go to the hospital and undergo an examination, because inflammation is especially dangerous not only in the first month of the child’s life, but also during the first three years.

If your baby's body temperature rises rapidly, you need to call an emergency vehicle.

The cough at the onset of the disease may not be pronounced, but this symptom should be paid attention to. Nasal discharge and difficulty breathing should also alert the mother. Shortness of breath leads to bluish extremities due to lack of oxygen in the body.

Diagnostic features

Put accurate diagnosis based on the examination of the newborn and radiological data is easier than on the basis of objective examination child. To confirm the presence of infection, a number of laboratory tests should be performed to prove the presence of infection. In any case, a child, even with suspected pneumonia, should be hospitalized without delay. It is important to remember that the risk of death is too high.

Diagnostics of this disease for young children should include the following activities:

  1. analysis of clinical manifestations of the disease;
  2. taking anamnesis;
  3. examination of the child;
  4. X-ray examination;
  5. study of laboratory parameters.

Particular attention should be paid to x-ray examination. In many cases, parents are looking for ways to refuse this event, but this is not true. Only radiography will help doctors identify the presence of foci of inflammation in the lungs of a newborn and help eliminate the possibility of congenital abnormalities of the lungs and bronchi that aggravate the course of inflammation.

X-ray examination cannot be called useful procedure for infants, but if pneumonia is suspected, it is unreasonable to refuse this activity.

At this stage of development of medicine, more gentle and precise methods diagnosis of pneumonia in pediatric practice does not exist. The first thing parents should think about is possible consequences in case of late detection of the disease.

Proper treatment is the key to successful recovery

Early diagnosis of pneumonia in patients is extremely important for successful recovery. infant. If manifestations of pneumonia become noticeable in a newborn while still in the maternity hospital, he is placed in a special incubator to maintain and constantly monitor breathing and temperature.

Treatment of pneumonia involves active tactics. It is impossible to cure pneumonia in a child in the first days of life without the use of antibiotics. Depending on the condition, the use of the drug is prescribed, active substance which is penicillin or cephalosporin (in some cases, other active ingredients). Possibly oral, intramuscular and intravenous administration. The appropriateness of using one or another form of the drug is determined by the doctor. Complex vitamin therapy is indicated; the child’s body must be provided with all the vitamins necessary for normal development.

Some bacteria and viruses are resistant to penicillin, so administration of drugs from other groups is recommended.

Features of therapy are determined based on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the baby’s body. However, taking antibacterial drugs is indicated for all forms of the disease. The temperature in the first days of the pathological process almost does not drop; it drops only after the antibiotic “kills” most infectious agents. The baby’s body begins to recover after the body temperature drops - the child’s appetite returns, his breathing gradually returns to normal.

Intrauterine pneumonia in newborns, the consequences of which can be very dire, is a very common pathology. This is an infectious disease that develops in the first days of a child’s life.

The cause of this type of pneumonia is the child’s ingestion of infected amniotic fluid at the time of birth or hematogenous penetration of the pathogen from a sick mother.

Diagnosis of intrauterine pneumonia

Main diagnostic criteria for intrauterine pneumonia:

  1. Signs of pneumonia appear between 1 and 3 days of life.
  2. When taking an x-ray on the 3rd day of a child’s life, focal or infiltrative shadows are revealed.
  3. When sowing microflora in the mother and child in the first days of life, identical analyzes are observed.
  4. If a newborn dies on the 4th day, it is determined inflammatory process in the lungs.

Auxiliary diagnostic criteria:

  1. Histological examination of the placenta can reveal the inflammatory process even in the womb.
  2. When the liver and spleen are enlarged, pathology in the baby’s body is determined.
  3. Blood tests reveal the presence of inflammation.

Symptoms of intrauterine pneumonia

Symptoms appear on the second or third day after birth. Already during childbirth, it is noticeable that the child is lethargic, weak, and the skin is bluish. Swallowing and sucking reflexes and muscle hypotonia may be absent.

Other symptoms include:

  • dry skin accompanied by hemorrhagic rash;
  • swollen limbs;
  • in full-term infants the temperature rises, in premature infants, on the contrary, it decreases to 34-35 degrees;
  • difficulty breathing accompanied by shortness of breath;
  • on the 2-3rd day wheezing is heard;
  • regurgitation and vomiting;
  • lack of body weight;
  • possible development of heart failure;
  • asphyxia;
  • liver enlargement.

Most often, pneumonia can develop due to streptococcal infection in the womb.

With the development of respiratory failure, three phases of its formation are distinguished:

  1. 1st degree – not strong rapid breathing, retraction of the intercostal spaces is weakly expressed, cyanosis is weakly expressed in a calm state.
  2. 2nd degree - auxiliary muscles are involved during breathing, cyanosis is more pronounced.
  3. 3rd degree – rapid breathing, arrhythmia, apnea, movement of the head and additional muscles during breathing. Cyanosis is persistent both during excitement and in a calm state.

Consequences of intrauterine pneumonia in a newborn and their treatment

Not always a cure congenital pneumonia can give a favorable result. Consequences of even timely treatment are common. These include the formation of atelectasis, which is characterized by areas of adhesive lung tissue and the formation of connective tissue in the affected areas of the lungs. In the future, with such pathologies, the lungs are not able to fully perform their functions, which leads to emphysema. With this disease, the child develops toxicosis, which is difficult to treat.

Basic therapeutic measures pneumonia and its consequences:

  1. Elimination of peripheral circulation and its blockade. This procedure is carried out in order to eliminate the centralization of blood flow and reduce the activity of the brain, which is also involved in this process.
  2. Detoxification of the body. This therapy is carried out in order to remove toxins accumulated in the body, correct water-electrolyte and alkaline-acid balance, saturate internal organs good blood supply.
  3. Elimination of heart failure.
  4. Prevention of disseminated vascular coagulation, and if it occurs, quality treatment.
  5. Elimination of symptoms of pneumonia.

Consequences of pneumonia in children with delayed diuresis.

Most often, the consequences of this disease manifest themselves through difficulty urinating. Delayed diuresis is treated with diuretics, which should be prescribed by a doctor. Often, the assistance of a catheter is required, which is inserted into the bladder.

Forced diuresis is carried out in three directions, such as:

  1. Elimination of body dehydration.
  2. Establishment of water-salt metabolism.
  3. Avoiding increased fluid levels in the body.

Basic treatment

If pneumonia is suspected, the child is isolated from the mother and transferred to the neonatal department. There he is placed in an incubator, where humidified oxygen is supplied. To a small child a course of antibiotics is prescribed. If the condition worsens, artificial ventilation is used; this process is most often carried out in the intensive care unit, where a seriously ill baby is transferred. If the treatment was not carried out entirely correctly, then pneumonia can progress to the chronic stage.

Causes of intrauterine pneumonia

Most often, the causative agents of the disease are streptococci from group B, as well as influenza and parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, and mycoplasma. Infection of the fetus can occur if a pregnant woman in the last stages of pregnancy falls ill with influenza or ARVI.

Other causes of infection in a child include:

  • chronic maternal infections;
  • use of steroids during pregnancy;
  • hypoxia of the fetus in the womb;
  • genetic diseases of the lungs and other internal organs.

A child can get an infection that leads to pneumonia in two main ways:

  1. Bronchogenic, when the infection enters through the lungs.
  2. Hematogenous, when infection occurs in utero through the infected blood of the mother.

Another route of infection may be when a child passes through the birth canal and ingests infected amniotic fluid. There are cases of infection after the birth of a baby.

Prevention of pneumonia in newborns

Preventive measures for this disease include protecting the body of a pregnant woman in order to prevent her from becoming infected with influenza or acute respiratory disease, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

Other preventive measures for a pregnant woman include the following:

  1. Timely opening of an account card, regular visits to the clinic and passing all the necessary tests.
  2. The expectant mother's diet should be varied and balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals.
  3. A significant role is played by the refusal bad habits and management healthy image life.

During delivery, doctors must take all measures to avoid fetal asphyxia. After the child is born, do not allow infection to enter the room where he is located. It is very important not to overcool the baby during this period. And the importance has long been proven mother's milk in boosting the child’s immune system.

About pneumonia in a newborn baby

Peculiarities bronchopulmonary system in the fetus and newborn.

In utero, the fetal lungs do not contain air. But breathing movements it begins to occur as early as 23 weeks of pregnancy. However, before this period, gas exchange in the lungs of the fetus cannot yet occur due to anatomical and functional immaturity.

At birth, the baby's lungs are filled with amniotic fluid. When a full-term baby takes his first breath, the inhalation volume is approximately 70 ml, with almost all alveoli opening. Amniotic fluid is quickly absorbed into the blood and interalveolar space. In premature babies, taking the first breath is more difficult because, in addition to immaturity, respiratory system they have imperfect nervous systems the cardiovascular system and many metabolic processes.

The newborn baby's breathing is intermittent and uneven. There are pauses; in full-term babies they last 1-6 seconds, in premature babies - 5-12 seconds.

Reasons why newborns are susceptible to pneumonia:

  • immaturity of the pulmonary elements, few muscle fibers in the walls of the respiratory tract;
  • dense network of capillaries and lymphatic vessels, loose connective tissue between them;
  • ciliated epithelium is still poorly functioning, cough reflex reduced;
  • the airways are narrow throughout their entire length, which causes difficulty in the passage of air;
  • The ribs are located horizontally, the intercostal muscles are poorly developed, so the excursion chest reduced;
  • immaturity nervous system aggravates the failure of the respiratory system.

These features, as well as the peculiar response of the immune system, make newborns especially vulnerable to pneumonia. The vulnerability of babies exists, even if the pregnancy proceeded well, the birth was not complicated, and there is no hereditary pathology.

Causes of pneumonia in newborns

Pneumonia of newborns is treated by neonatologists. They define this disease as infectious, although sometimes it can develop as a result of aspiration, but sooner or later the infection still attaches.

Pneumonia in newborns is an acute infectious disease of the lungs that can develop as independent disease or as a complication. It is quite difficult. The mortality rate from the disease in children 1 month old is 30-40%. The incidence rate in full-term infants ranges from 0.5-1%, in premature infants - up to 10%.

Pneumonia in newborns is classified into the following forms:

  • focal;
  • segmental;
  • interstitial.

By causative factor:

  • hospital;
  • out-of-hospital.

Depending on the circumstances of infection, there are the following types pneumonia:

  • congenital pneumonia (infection is transmitted from the mother through the placenta);
  • intrauterine (when infected amniotic fluid enters the lungs);
  • intrapartum (bacteria enter during childbirth from the mother’s genital tract);
  • postnatal (the disease developed after birth in a maternity hospital or at home).

Causes of pneumonia in a newborn baby:

  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • mushrooms;
  • pneumocystis;
  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia.

In most cases, mixed pneumonia is observed, for example, bacterial-viral. In terms of frequency, adenoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses predominate among viruses. Among the bacteria - Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, alpha-hemolytic streptococcus. The proportion of Klebsiella bacteria has increased significantly intestinal group, Protea in the structure of pathogens.

Symptoms of pneumonia in a newborn

Pneumonia in newborns will manifest itself differently depending on the pathogen and the conditions of infection.

Congenital pneumonia is characterized by the development of suffocation at birth. The child is born with a bluish tint to the skin, does not scream immediately, screams weakly or not at all, moves his arms and legs little, and has weak reflexes. When feeding, such children experience profuse regurgitation. Breathing is weakened, a groan is heard when exhaling, and sometimes a semblance of cough appears. In addition to the respiratory system, the child’s cardiovascular and digestive (bloating, abdominal pain, enlarged spleen) systems are also affected. Body temperature is normal or reduced. Full-term infants may have fever from the second day of illness. Symptoms last about 3-4 weeks. This type of inflammation is different severe course and high mortality.

Pneumonia that develops in the first days of a child’s life has a long latent period. The first signs can be observed only on the 5th day of life and later. The severity of the course depends on the infection that caused the disease.

Diagnosis viral pneumonia It’s difficult to diagnose because it quickly becomes associated with a microbial infection. Influenza pneumonia in a newborn has an unexpected onset. Body temperature rises to 39 °C and higher, convulsions, anxiety, refusal to eat, and meningeal symptoms appear. An atypical course is also possible with a temperature of up to 38 ° C and without strong signs intoxication. A feature of this type of pulmonary inflammation is damage to blood vessels and hemorrhages in all organs of the child. Such children may have consequences in the form of encephalitis, meningitis, hemorrhages in vital organs, otitis, and pyelonephritis.

Pneumonia caused by the parainfluenza virus develops in parallel with inflammation of the pharynx. Clinically, it is milder than influenza, intoxication is less pronounced, and the temperature rises slightly. But weakness, decreased reflexes, and pallor of the limbs are still present.

Staphylococcal pneumonia in children can be a complication of sepsis or occur as an independent disease. It is severe with high fever, severe toxicosis, hemorrhages, and pleurisy. The heart, nervous system, and kidneys are also affected.

Chlamydial and mycoplasma pneumonia most often occur in utero. They are not only difficult, but also difficult to treat. These pneumonias are characterized by cough, swelling, and sometimes a rash. These diseases are often fatal.

What are the differences in the course of pneumonia in full-term and premature infants? In premature newborns:

  • symptoms such as shortness of breath, cyanosis of the skin, increased breathing predominate;
  • fever is rare;
  • complications both from the lungs and from other organs are more common;
  • foamy fluid comes out of the mouth;
  • Pneumonia is often followed by sepsis;
  • the disease lasts a long time and leaves behind irreversible consequences.

Treatment of pneumonia in newborns

The main thing in the treatment of pneumonia is antibacterial therapy. Most often, the causative agent of the infection is not yet known at the time the antibiotic is prescribed, so the doctor makes his own assumptions. If the drug is chosen correctly, the condition will improve within 2-3 days. Otherwise, the medications need to be changed to others.

Three groups of antibiotics are used in newborns: penicillins, cephalosporins and macrolides. Protected penicillins (amoxiclav, augmentin, flemoclav, unasin) are considered the most effective for initial therapy. If there is a suspicion of chlamydia or mycoplasma, then the choice falls on macrolides (azithromycin, clarithromycin, roxithromycin). Cephalosporins are used as alternative drugs. The child is treated with antibiotics for at least 10-14 days.

If a pathogen is identified, treatment with specific immunoglobulins (antistaphyllococcal, anti-influenza, anti-pseudomonas, etc.) can be added to antibiotic therapy.

Inhalations are an integral part of the treatment of lung diseases. Oxygen is inhaled through aqueous solutions, sodium bicarbonate, saline solution, acetylcysteine, lasolvan, trypsin, chymotrypsin. Oxygen reduces respiratory failure, and mucolytics thin sputum.

The position of the child also matters. If the pneumonia is unilateral, then the baby is placed on the healthy side, and if it is bilateral, the side is changed every 2 hours. It is advisable that the mother or medical staff gave the child a chest massage by tapping. This will also make the mucus easier to clear. In physical therapy in the acute phase, only microwave therapy on the chest area is allowed.

What are the consequences of pneumonia for a child?

Time has vital importance. The earlier treatment is started, the better the prognosis for the child. If treatment is started on the first day, then pneumonia can be cured without a trace. But if antibiotic therapy is started late, the consequences can be very different. The infection can spread to healthy areas of the lungs, to the pleura, and then pleurisy develops. Sepsis is a fairly common and serious complication. With prolonged tissue destruction, cavities form in the lungs. Features of the lung tissue of babies determine fast development pulmonary edema and respiratory failure.

Long-term consequences develop months and years after the illness. These could be: transition to chronic form, adhesions between the lungs and pleura, violation normal function lungs, frequent pain in adulthood.

How does pneumonia occur in newborns?

Pneumonia in newborns is a fairly common disease that a baby can become infected with while in the womb or directly during childbirth.

Just a few decades ago, this diagnosis jeopardized not only the health, but also the life of the child, but today the situation has changed radically. Of course, the baby will have to take complex treatment, but the chances of his survival will be much higher.

How to diagnose pneumonia?

As a rule, pneumonia in newborns is diagnosed within the walls of a medical institution and is then under control medical workers. If the illness makes itself felt when the baby is already at home, the parents simply cannot help but notice the problem! The child becomes capricious, his body temperature rises significantly, accompanied by severe cough. Trying to cope with the disease on your own is categorically not recommended, because in the vast majority of cases this only leads to a worsening of the baby’s condition.

Among the most common routes of infection are:

  1. Transplacental. In this case, the unborn child is infected by penetration of the pathogen through the mother's placenta. In order to avoid such an outcome, a woman must be extremely careful, avoiding crowded places, especially during periods of worsening epidemics of infectious diseases.
  2. Antenatal. The pathogenic bacteria enter the child's respiratory tract from the amniotic fluid and cause rapid infection. Treating an unborn baby is a rather complicated process, so in the absence of clear indications, doctors wait until it is born.
  3. Intrapartum. In this case, infection of infants occurs directly during the birth process, especially if the mother in labor undergoes C-section. The reason for this is not necessarily an infection in the mother's birth canal. It can be invisibly present in environment.
  4. Postnatal. This route assumes that the infection affects an already born baby, both in the maternity ward and at home. However, parents are strongly discouraged from wasting time trying to find out who is to blame. Their main task is to select a qualified doctor who can prescribe high-quality and effective treatment for the baby.

No matter how dangerous and frightening intrauterine pneumonia may be for parents, it should not put parents into a state of stupor. The problem can and should be dealt with! However, this will take time.

How is pneumonia treated?

As soon as pneumonia is diagnosed in newborn babies, the doctor immediately places them in medical institution where they will be provided qualified assistance. Try to challenge the doctor’s decision and convince him that it will be done at home best care, will be an unforgivable mistake! Fragile children's body is in a developmental stage and simply cannot cope with severe infection. He should definitely be helped, but only on the condition that drug treatment will not harm other body systems.

In this case, a correctly prescribed course of antibiotics plays a key role in this matter, allowing to normalize the temperature and stop progressive inflammation. This course is prescribed to children without fail, regardless of the form of the disease and its severity. At the same time, the child will take powerful vitamin therapy to support the body and give it the strength to fight the disease on its own.

As a rule, visible signs of pneumonia disappear within a week, while full recovery takes several weeks. A small patient can be discharged home for further rehabilitation in about 10 days. However, this does not mean at all that at home, in case of pneumonia in newborns, parents will need to give their baby exclusively medications!

Methods can also provide significant assistance traditional medicine, estimated as alternative way treatment. One of them is mustard plasters, well known to many, which, in agreement with the pediatrician, can also be placed on infants. However, parents should be extremely careful in this matter so that after using them there are no burns left on the baby’s delicate skin.

Honey can also help in the fight against pneumonia. healing properties known to almost every person. It should be mixed with birch buds and boiled for 10 minutes. The child should be given this mixture immediately before going to bed. The good thing about a mixture of honey and birch buds is that it does not cause allergies and can be used not only when treating pneumonia, but also for any other infectious disease. However, before using it, consultation with a pediatrician is an essential procedure!

Prevention of pneumonia in children

The development of intrauterine pneumonia in newborns in no way depends on the baby and falls entirely on the conscience of the parents. The expectant mother should be extremely careful and not once again provoke the development of diseases. On a bad day or during the progression of infections from contact with big amount It is advisable for people to abstain! After all, often these are the causes of infection. What is truly important for a woman during pregnancy is the health of her child. All other desires can wait.

If parents suffer from an infectious disease, they should minimize contact with the child and be sure to wear gauze bandages on their faces!

Such, at first glance, simple methods of protection make it possible to exclude the presence of a disease in a child such as intrauterine pneumonia, which is categorically not recommended at such a tender age!

The health of a newborn child should be given due attention, because at this age many surprises are possible. If the symptoms of pneumonia have already made themselves felt, do not despair! After all, a timely visit to a doctor will certainly solve all problems and give the baby a healthy and happy childhood.

Pneumonia in newborns

Pneumonia in newborns - infectious inflammation of lung tissue - is one of the most common infectious diseases. It is dangerous for any baby, especially when it comes to bilateral pneumonia in newborns. Unfortunately, the statistics today are as follows: pneumonia in newborns is diagnosed in 1% of full-term and 10-15% of premature babies.

Types and causes of pneumonia in newborns

In medicine, the following types of pneumonia are distinguished depending on the cause of the disease:

  • congenital transplacental (the pathogen enters the baby through the placenta from the mother);
  • intrauterine antenatal, caused by pathogens that penetrated from the amniotic fluid into the lungs of the fetus;
  • intrapartum, occurs when the baby passes through the mother’s birth canal infected with microorganisms;
  • postnatal pneumonia, in which infection occurs after birth in a maternity hospital, in the neonatal pathology department (nosocomeal), or at home.

The most common causes of pneumonia in newborns are:

  • infections of toxoplasmosis, listeriosis, rubella, herpes (with congenital transplacental pneumonia in newborns);
  • streptococci of groups B and O, gestal mycoplasmas, tuberculosis and Haemophilus influenzae (for antenatal and intrapartum pneumonia);
  • group B streptococci, cytomegaloviruses, chlamydia, Candida fungi and herpes virus type II (for intrapartum pneumonia);
  • Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Proteus, staphylococci (with nosocomeal aspiration pneumonia in newborns);
  • mixed bacterial-bacterial, viral-bacterial.

Acquired domestic pneumonia most often occurs against the background of ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) caused by adenoviruses.

Secondary pneumonia, which is a manifestation or complication of sepsis, aspiration syndrome, is often caused in newborns by streptococci, staphylococci or gram-negative flora.

Symptoms of pneumonia in newborns

In the case of intrauterine infection, doctors will detect signs of pneumonia in a newborn even before discharge, because often the first signs of pneumonia begin to appear immediately after the birth of the child.

If a mother and child are discharged home, a doctor must come to their home for patronage during the first month. He will monitor the baby's condition, and he needs to talk about everyone alarming symptoms, for example, about the child’s lethargy, frequent regurgitation and loose stools, refusal to breastfeed, rapid fatigue when sucking.

If your child’s temperature rises, you should not wait for the doctor’s next visit. Call urgently ambulance. Cough in infants may be mild, but it is important to immediately pay attention to coughing. The appearance of nasal discharge and shortness of breath in a child should also alert you. Shortness of breath leads to symptoms of blueness on the feet, face and hands. A sick child develops diaper rash more quickly.

There is no need to be afraid of missing pneumonia in your child, because signs of the disease rarely appear without a rise in temperature. And it needs to be measured periodically for preventive purposes.

A doctor who regularly examines and listens to a child can easily detect pneumonia.

What treatment is prescribed for pneumonia in newborns?

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are always used to treat pneumonia. The child needs careful care to avoid hypothermia and overheating. It is important to monitor the hygiene of his skin, often change the position of his body, and feed exclusively from a horn or using a tube. Doctors will allow breastfeeding of a sick baby only when it is satisfactory condition, namely with the disappearance of intoxication and respiratory failure.

In addition to the listed treatments, physiotherapy (microwave and electrophoresis), vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B15, the use of immunoglobulins, mustard and hot wraps twice a day, and blood plasma transfusions are also prescribed.

Consequences of pneumonia in newborns

Children who have had pneumonia (especially double pneumonia in newborns) are prone to recurrent illnesses. After discharge, they should be given repeated courses of vitamin therapy and bioregulators (aloe and eleutherococcus extract) for 3-4 months. And for 1 year the child will be under medical supervision.

Everything is fine, but then the diagnosis is intrauterine pneumonia!!! this is dangerous, what are the consequences?



INTRAUTERINE PNEUMONIA is an infectious lung disease that occurs during intrauterine infection of the fetus and manifests itself in the first hours and days of a newborn’s life. More often observed in premature babies.
The causative agents of the disease are most often group B streptococci, influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, mycoplasma. Infection of the fetus occurs when pregnant women develop respiratory infections. viral diseases V last weeks pregnancy and shortly before childbirth.
Symptoms of the disease most often appear at birth or within 24-48 hours after birth. Children are born in serious condition, lethargic, pale or cyanotic. From the first hours after birth there are observed a sharp decline reflexes (including sucking and swallowing), muscle hypotonia. Physiological erythema is mild or absent, dry skin is often noted, hemorrhagic rash, pyoderma. On lower limbs and in the abdomen, many children develop swelling of the subcutaneous base due to a violation metabolic processes, increasing the permeability of the vascular wall. Body temperature in full-term infants rises to 37-40 °C, in premature infants it is reduced to 34-35 °C. From the moment it is established, breathing is rapid and shallow, sometimes arrhythmic, groaning, shortness of breath is accompanied by retraction of the pliable parts of the chest, and attacks of respiratory arrest. Regurgitation and vomiting are often observed in newborns. Physiological loss of body weight exceeds 15-30%. As the severity of the general condition increases, the manifestations of respiratory failure intensify. Breathing becomes shallow and arrhythmic. Along with pneumonic symptoms, newborns show signs of cardiovascular disorders. Prognostically unfavorable symptoms include changes in the boundaries of the heart (narrowing or expansion), the appearance of systolic murmur, attacks of cyanosis, signs of peripheral circulation disorders (pallor of the skin, acrocyanosis, marbling, hypothermia of the extremities).
The vast majority of patients have an enlarged liver. In the blood - leukocytosis or leukopenia.
When pneumonia develops due to aspiration of infected amniotic fluid during childbirth, signs of the disease appear quickly. Pallor and cyanosis of the skin, shortness of breath, attacks of asphyxia, and increased body temperature are noted. Pneumonia is often combined with atelectatic and edematous-hemorrhagic changes in the lungs.
The course of pneumonia caused by group B streptococci differs in some ways. Infection occurs in utero - as a result of an ascending infection or through contact of the fetus with infected tissues birth canal- during childbirth. The disease usually progresses quickly and often ends fatal in 1-2 days.
Recognized on the basis of medical history that predisposes the fetus to early infection (acute and chronic infectious diseases of the mother, uterine bleeding during pregnancy, etc.), early factors clinical signs disease, results of X-ray, bacteriological, virological research contents of the respiratory tract, detection pathogenic flora in amniotic fluid.
Pneumonia of newborns.
Forecast. The outcome of intrauterine pneumonia depends on the degree of maturity and reactivity of the newborn’s body, as well as on the type of pathogen and the timeliness of the use of therapeutic measures.


Why not ask your doctor this question IMMEDIATELY?? ? There is a lot of information in the search engine. It is treatable, not fatal.

How long does it take to treat pneumonia in a newborn? Are the chances of recovery high? What could be the consequences?


liza liza

Apparently, the baby is in a hospital, i.e., under the constant supervision of doctors, so be patient and under no circumstances doubt his recovery.
In general, pneumonia is treated within 21 days; the course of treatment includes antibiotics. Don't rush to be discharged home. After discharge it will begin recovery period. Find a good pediatrician and gastroenterologist (dysbacteriosis usually appears after antibiotics).

Galina Chernyavskaya

It is very unpleasant when a child is sick, and even at such an early age, my daughter, at 3 years old, had left-sided pneumonia and was treated for 21 days. 4 days is not enough, wait and don’t be upset, hope for the best, pray for good things, go to church, light a candle for yourself and your baby, if you can’t do it yourself, your relatives will do it for you. Hope for the best!

Olya boss

antibiotics and time, if one antibiotic is not enough, then add a second one and donate blood again for ESR

Fairy Winged

My daughter also had unilateral pneumonia, she was treated right in the maternity hospital for 18 days, first she was injected with one antibiotic for 7 days, then with a second, stronger one. The only side effect we had was dysbacteriosis, which was quickly cured. There, in the maternity hospital, I talked with the mothers of children who also had pneumonia (some had unilateral, some bilateral), everyone was cured and discharged, but in general, of course, I don’t know the statistics on pneumonia. 4 days is not a long time, everything will be fine, let the baby recover.


Firstly, a lot depends on your confidence that your child will recover! Secondly, if the baby is strictly under the supervision of doctors and nurses, then there is no need to worry too much. If the child was born healthy, there are no pathologies, then the chances are especially good. Consequences: the baby is registered after this disease for a certain time, the downside is that the immune system is greatly weakened. Get well soon baby!


Necessarily!! ! Rub your feet and hands every two hours. You also need to rub and massage the back and chest 3-4 times a day. As your condition improves, the number of rubbing your legs and arms can be reduced to eight.

Sergei Balanenko

Thanks girls for your feedback

Intrauterine pneumonia is the most common cause of death in newborns. After birth, the lungs are the most important organ that helps the child adapt to life in the environment. Lung damage disrupts this process, so often such children are immediately admitted from the delivery room to intensive care units for newborns for intensive care and artificial ventilation.

Causes of intrauterine pneumonia in newborns

The most common causes of intrauterine pneumonia are the presence of viruses and bacteria in the body of a pregnant woman, which can penetrate the hematoplacental barrier to the fetus and infect the lungs. One can assume the likelihood of intrauterine pneumonia if a pregnant woman has suffered from acute respiratory viral infection or another infectious disease in late pregnancy.

The cause of pneumonia in newborns may be aspiration (swallowing) of amniotic fluid during protracted labor, post-term pregnancy. Meconium (original feces) entering the respiratory tract of a newborn is especially dangerous. The risk of fetal pneumonia is higher in premature babies.

Signs of intrauterine pneumonia in newborns

The first signs of intrauterine pneumonia may appear in the first hours or days after birth. These symptoms include:

  • shortness of breath;
  • bluish color of the skin;
  • moaning sounds.

Treatment of intrauterine pneumonia in newborns

Having suspected pneumonia in a newborn child, the neonatologist should transfer him to the neonatal department, place him in an incubator with a constant supply of humidified oxygen, and immediately prescribe antibacterial therapy. If the condition worsens and it is necessary to transfer the child to artificial ventilation lungs, the child is transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit.

Consequences of intrauterine pneumonia

Even if timely medical care helps the baby survive, it can leave consequences in the form of the formation of atelectasis (areas of collapsed lung tissue) or the replacement of areas of inflammation with connective tissue. The altered areas of the lung tissue of such a child cannot perform their function, and subsequently emphysema (areas of increased airiness of the lung tissue) may develop in such lungs.

Prevention of intrauterine pneumonia is the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in the mother, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Pneumonia or pneumonia - serious illness, and in young children it is fraught with complications. Therefore, parents always need to contact specialists in time to begin adequate treatment.

Pneumonia is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue and damage to the walls of the bronchi. By medical statistics, pneumonia in newborns accounts for up to 15% of all childhood pneumonia, and in premature babies - 2%.

Signs of pneumonia depend on the type of infection, type of infection, individual characteristics the newborn's body.

If pneumonia develops even before the baby is born, then this type of pneumonia is called intrauterine. This inflammation appears immediately after the birth of the baby, and its causes are most likely the illnesses of the pregnant woman during the period of bearing the child. If mom was sick respiratory diseases, then the infection could reach the fetus through both blood and amniotic fluid.

Symptoms of pneumonia in newborns include hypotension, gray-pale skin color, and respiratory failure. This could be vomiting during feeding or intestinal spasms. The doctor hears fine wheezing in the lungs. The child is lethargic and drowsy. He may develop symptoms of heart failure.

Intrauterine pneumonia is usually diagnosed in the first hours of a baby's life. And then the child refuses the breast, often spits up, and his stool is liquid. If the child’s temperature rises, you should immediately call a doctor at home, and if the temperature is very high, then call an ambulance.

Sometimes parents may not realize that their baby has pneumonia. The disease can occur without fever. But the pediatrician will immediately detect the disease when examining and listening to the child’s lungs.

Pneumonia in premature newborns

Today, more and more babies are born premature. Such children are highly susceptible various diseases, including pneumonia.

There are two ways of spreading intrauterine pneumonia: hematogenous (through blood) and aspiration (during intrauterine asphyxia). To successfully treat pneumonia in a premature baby, you need to know its cause and determine the agent of infection.

Children with intrauterine pneumonia More often than others, they are in a serious condition, because their birth ahead of schedule leaves its mark.

Diagnosing pneumonia in premature babies is difficult because its symptoms can be confused with other childhood illnesses. When pneumonia in a premature baby is discovered after birth, pediatricians do not rule out that its origin may be acquired rather than congenital.

Treatment of pneumonia in a premature baby includes taking medications, including antibiotics. This frightens many parents, but without antibiotics it is difficult for such young children to recover from such a serious, life-threatening disease. Medicines for such children need to be selected carefully. Pediatricians often prescribe vitamins, immunomodulators, and drugs with lactobacilli in combination with antibiotics. The latter help prevent dysbiosis, which is often caused by antibiotics.

Pneumonia in children of this age is treated in a hospital setting. The basis of treatment for pneumonia in children is early treatment with antibiotics. If we are talking about babies in the first six months of life, then taking antibiotics orally (by mouth) is impossible. For this reason, the child is given injections. The attending physician determines which antibiotic to prescribe to the baby.

In a hospital, a child is often prescribed oxygen inhalation. These can be inhalations with herbs or special medicines to clear his respiratory tract.

Children are often prescribed intravenous fluids if the child’s health requires it. These may be complications in the form of convulsions and severe symptoms of intoxication, prolonged high fever, or the child’s refusal of food given orally. Therefore, the baby is given glucose and saline solutions.

At high temperatures, both antipyretics and expectorants are prescribed. Sometimes herbal decoctions are used, which have the property of thinning phlegm.

When too severe conditions Children sometimes require the introduction of a special protective protein - immunoglobulin. It is a ready-made antibody that suppresses pathogens.

Pneumonia in newborns: treatment period

The duration of pneumonia in newborns is about a month. It should be noted that there are many deaths.

If pneumonia is congenital, then it is treated as long as its pathogenetic symptoms appear. The acute period is approximately 2 weeks. As the condition improves, the central nervous system is restored. The resolution stage is 1-2 weeks.

As for the prognosis for pneumonia in premature babies, they depend on the state of their immune system, the presence of provoking factors and treatment tactics.

The course of the disease is complicated by secondary pathological changes in the lung tissue in the form of abscesses and pleurisy, respiratory failure, cardiovascular diseases, underweight in the baby, and an imbalance in the acid-base balance of the blood.

Pneumonia in newborns is dangerous pathology, requiring constant monitoring of the patient’s condition and drug correction of treatment.

Pneumonia in newborns: consequences

If treatment was started on time and was adequate, then it will not cause complications or consequences. Otherwise, after the acute phase of the disease subsides, the child may experience a period of asthenia for a long time: lethargy, poor appetite, fast fatiguability. If treatment is started late, the nature of pneumonia may become protracted. There is also a risk of pneumonia becoming chronic with periodic exacerbations. Threats of transformation acute inflammation lungs into chronic does not occur only with adequate treatment.

Sometimes, even with proper treatment, inflammation can spread to healthy areas of the lungs. The foci of inflammation merge with each other and occupy large areas. The characteristics of the lungs in newborns determine the risk of developing pulmonary edema and pulmonary failure.

Pleurisy may also develop, making it difficult for the sick baby to breathe. In severe cases, tissue destruction occurs in the lungs, that is, their destruction with the formation of cavities in the lungs.

Parents should understand that in newborn children, even a successfully treated disease greatly weakens the body. And then any further colds of the baby have a chance to develop into pneumonia again.

At the beginning of the disease, when the baby has a high fever, weakened general state, he is credited with bed rest. When did the temperature drop to normal indicator, you need to gradually go out into the fresh air with your baby.

Walking with pneumonia during the recovery stage is not only possible, but also necessary. Only in this case you need to dress according to the weather and limit the activity of the sick child. We should not forget about regular ventilation in the children's room and wet cleaning. It is necessary to ensure that the air in the room is moist and not dry, which complicates the course of the disease and its treatment.

Pneumonia in newborns: Komarovsky

Mr. Komarovsky encourages parents to promptly contact their doctors if signs of pneumonia are detected. Delaying treatment for pneumonia is very dangerous.

Regarding vitamin therapy as a component complex treatment, then, according to Komarovsky, it is still better to enrich food with vitamins. If we are talking about infants and pneumonia, then, of course, the method of administering vitamins is determined by the doctor. Ascorbic acid, states Evgeny Komarovsky, can significantly shorten the duration of the disease.

The pediatrician has his own opinion about expectorants as a component of the treatment of pneumonia. He emphasizes that world medicine does not recognize such remedies. In textbooks on pediatrics it is said that the effectiveness of expectorants compared with drinking plenty of fluids low. Their overall effectiveness has not been proven.

And Evgeny Komarovsky believes that pneumonia is the result of low immunity expectant mother, if we are talking about its intrauterine form. When it comes to the acquired form of pneumonia, the child’s low immunity is also to blame. After all, even before one year of age, a child needs to be hardened, walked with him in any weather, given air baths, physical education, and ventilated the nursery during sleep. And many young mothers try to wrap their children from diapers, thereby dooming them to constant colds, which have every chance of developing into pneumonia.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

Birth pneumonia of a newborn may not have consequences if timely and adequate assistance is provided.

If the child is not treated or is treated, but not completely, then asthenia may be observed in the future. In this case, the child becomes too calm and lethargic. He gets tired quickly and eats poorly.

If the child is weak, the disease drags on. In addition, there is a risk of regular relapses, but with the correct treatment method there is no such fear.

The lesions tend to merge, subsequently forming a fairly large area of ​​capture. The structure of a baby's lung implies rapid swelling organ and mobile formation of pathology.

In addition to the lung tissue, inflammation can spread to the pleura, then pleurisy develops, which prevents the child from breathing and causes pain.

Complications of pneumonia in newborns

Certain procedures are carried out to eliminate blood flow and normalize brain function. Therapeutic measures needed to block peripheral circulation.

Pneumonia in a newborn child, the consequences after which can manifest itself in the form of detoxification of the body. In this case, therapy is prescribed, which involves removing toxins and adjusting the acid-base balance.

It is important to ensure normal blood flow to the child’s organs.

Procedures are also performed to correct heart problems. Vascular coagulation may be detected, so treatment of the consequences of the pathology must begin on time.

In addition, the symptoms of pneumonia should be completely eliminated.