If the child's stomach hurts, what can be given at home? The child's stomach hurts.

The most important thing is to establish why the child's stomach hurts. There may be several such reasons.

Would you like to learn more about gastritis? - the most common disease gastrointestinal tract. Read more about the disease in a special article.

What not to do

If your older baby has severe colic or spasms, you can not act at random. We must try to establish the cause of their occurrence. If it's installed and it turns out to be food poisoning, you can give a sorbent- it will help to quickly eliminate the source of intoxication.

If the pain does not go away for a long time, is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, fever, then you should urgently call a doctor. The problem could be serious, and home treatment is not enough.

While waiting for the doctors, you should not give painkillers, no matter how much you want to help your baby. It may distort clinical picture makes their job more difficult. If pain is present in the lower intestine, do not use a heating pad.- this can be harmful, accelerating the development of appendicitis.

The main thing not to do is to do self-treatment. Your actions can lead to the most sad consequences. If there are anxiety symptoms, then do not hesitate - it is better to immediately call a doctor.

Compliance simple rules nutrition will help to avoid health problems in the baby. Give proven food that does not cause additional gas formation, try to avoid spicy or salty foods in the diet.

Pain in the gastrointestinal tract often causes concern for babies and their parents, but by following our recommendations, you can find out the cause and provide first aid before the doctor arrives. BUT early prevention, proper nutrition and careful hygiene will help to avoid similar problems . Health to you and your baby.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch video recommendations from Dr. Komarovsky: he will tell you how to help if the child has a constant stomachache, advise on how to treat and what to give for severe pain:

In contact with

Probably every parent at least once in his life heard from his child that his stomach hurts. Despite the prevalence of this symptom, few people know how to properly deal with it, what medications can be given, and which drugs should be strictly avoided.

provoke pain Can a variety of disorders in the body: pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, appendicitis. The causes are not always associated with dyspeptic disorders; allergies, infectious diseases, helminthic infestations, kidney problems, and more can cause discomfort.

The pathological process can be caused by the influence of both internal and external factors. In most cases, unwashed hands can provoke the development of an infectious process. Incompatible products, expired food, injuries, stressful situations- these are not all the reasons that can cause abdominal pain.

It is extremely important not to miss a condition that requires urgent medical care. That is why you can not engage in self-diagnosis, but it is better to entrust the health of your child to a professional.

Internal causes

Consider the list of diseases that can provoke discomfort:

  • colic, which appear due to gases;
  • dysbacteriosis. Violation of the intestinal microflora can provoke malnutrition, stressful situations, antibiotic therapy. The condition may be accompanied by weight problems, constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, belching, heartburn, changes in taste in the mouth;
  • constipation. Improper nutrition, as well as psychological discomfort, are common causes of the pathological process;
  • infections: intestinal flu, rotavirus infection. The infectious process is aggravated high temperature, vomiting, nausea, runny nose, cough, increased gas formation;
  • appendicitis. Painful sensations first appear in the navel, over time they are localized in the right side;
  • allergy. Along with pain, a two-year-old child develops a skin rash, nausea, vomiting, constipation, cough, runny nose, profuse lacrimation, inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • dyspeptic disorders. The violation manifests itself in the form of belching, heartburn, nausea, heaviness, vomiting. Usually, after emotional upheavals, soreness intensifies;
  • helminthiasis. Most often, it is a consequence of improper observance of the rules of personal hygiene. Worm infestation manifests itself in the form of nausea, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, rash, weight loss;
  • pancreatitis. An acute process manifests itself in the form of girdle pain, which can radiate to the shoulder blades and shoulder;
  • gastritis. After eating, there is pain and a feeling of heaviness in the area solar plexus. Accompanied by nausea, belching, loss of appetite.

Improper nutrition can provoke abdominal pain in a child at 2 years old

External factors

To external reasons pain in the abdomen can be attributed to the following: trauma abdominal cavity, the use of incompatible foods, long-term drug therapy, anxieties, fears, experiences.

Associated features

If a child complains about pain syndrome, then it is important to carefully consider his complaint and trace what accompanies this discomfort. The localization of painful sensations plays an important role in making an accurate diagnosis:

  • under the right hypochondrium - liver disease;
  • left hypochondrium - spleen;
  • navel area - helminthiases, infections, malnutrition. So, appendicitis can begin;
  • solar plexus area - gastritis, dysbacteriosis;
  • girdle nature of pain with irradiation to the shoulder and shoulder blade - acute pancreatitis;
  • lower abdomen - infections of the genitourinary system;
  • lower abdomen on the left side - problems with the kidneys or intestines;
  • lower right - appendicitis.

You should also pay attention to other symptoms that occur along with pain:

  • if the pain is accompanied by vomiting, then most likely we are talking about gastritis, constipation or dyspeptic disorders;
  • high temperature indicates an infectious process;
  • diarrhea can indicate a variety of pathologies: infections, dysbacteriosis, prolonged antibiotic therapy, stress;
  • headaches - ascariasis or initial stage colds;
  • if pain accompanied by a cough, this may be due to muscle strain with bronchitis, laryngitis, colds or pneumonia.

Significant value to which attention can be paid caring parents, this is the connection of pain with food intake. If discomfort occurs after eating, then most likely there is gastritis or gastroduodenitis. In the event that the problem appears during a meal, then perhaps the child simply does not want to eat this dish.

With disorders of the stomach, abdominal pain occurs after eating

It is also worth mentioning the nature of the pain:

  • if the stomach pain is frequent and becomes permanent, then most likely the causative factor is psychological discomfort. As a rule, there are no other symptoms;
  • for diseases of the stomach and kidneys are characteristic point pains, which are localized in a particular place;
  • with appendicitis and pancreatitis, a diffuse type of pain is characteristic;
  • cramping type is a sign helminthic invasions and flatulence;
  • spastic pains are characteristic of food intoxication and exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases.

Diseases with abdominal pain in children

Acute appendicitis as a cause of pain

As a result of inflammation appendix caecum appears unbearable pain. According to statistics, in seventy percent of cases, the cause of complaints of abdominal pain in children's practice is appendicitis.

With appendicitis, pain first appears in the navel area, and then moves to the right area

Abdominal discomfort is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and fever. Sometimes children develop diarrhea in response to increased contraction of the intestine. On examination, the specialist may pay attention to the coated tongue.

Painful sensations acquire a constant and aching character. Discomfort forces the child to look for a position of the body that could relieve his pain. The position on the left side only increases the pain, so the child lies on his back or on his right side.

Clinical picture acute appendicitis in children it can be very different, this is due to the location of the appendix. For example, if the process is in the pelvic area, then the child may experience rapid painful urination.

If it is located near the rectum, then the urge to defecate will be painful. Also, the process can be located in the liver. In this case, intense pain appears in the right hypochondrium, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Intestinal intussusception

The mechanism of the pathological process is associated with the introduction of one section of the intestine into another. The disease is quite rare and appears mainly in boys. Incorrect introduction of complementary foods can cause a violation of peristalsis.

The disease appears suddenly. Against the background of complete calm, the child becomes restless, he screams, cries and presses his legs to his tummy. The face becomes pale and covered with cold sweat. The child has cramping pains.

The attack is accompanied by vomiting and fever. First, the child vomits the remnants of food, and then the vomit becomes fecal in nature.

The pain may subside as suddenly as it appeared. Fecal masses take on a look similar to raspberry jelly. In some cases, blood impurities appear in the feces. is an indication for surgical intervention.


Acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa is characterized by severe pain in the epigastric region, belching, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, dry mouth. The skin becomes pale, the pulse quickens, while arterial pressure falls. If gastritis has acquired chronic course, then the child is disturbed by moderate pains in the abdomen, appetite decreases, and dyspeptic disorders appear: nausea, vomiting, heartburn.

AT acute period the child is shown bed rest, as well as abstinence from food for eight to twelve hours. In some cases, a cleansing enema and gastric lavage are indicated. The child is shown to drink plenty of water in small portions.

With gastritis, pain appears in the epigastric region (the place where the stomach is projected)


Acute inflammation tissues and ducts of the pancreas causes paroxysmal pain in the epigastric zone, fever, dyspeptic disorders (loss of appetite, nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting). Discomfort in the abdomen acquires a girdle character and can radiate to the back and right hypochondrium.

An acute process is an indication for inpatient treatment. The child must observe bed rest and a food break for several days. Children are given mineral alkaline water and parenteral administration of glucose.


Intestinal colic is paroxysmal abdominal pain. Children become restless and refuse to eat. In this case, the muscles of the abdominal cavity are tense and painful. During an attack, the child brings his legs to his stomach, and then lowers them again. After the passage of gases and the act of defecation, the child's condition improves.

Colic most often appears during feeding or a few minutes after it. The duration of an attack can last from a few minutes to two or three hours. Pathological process appears due to flatulence, impaired intestinal motility or spasms.

Colic can also occur when the baby swallows air with improper feeding, overfeeding, and malnutrition of the mother.


In children, pinworms or roundworms are most often found, the penetration of which causes the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • violation of the chair;
  • weight loss;
  • loss of appetite;
  • profuse salivation during sleep;
  • skin rash;
  • swollen lymph nodes.

Hypersensitivity may appear on certain products nutrition. provoke allergic reaction can honey, nuts, milk, chocolate, citrus and more. In fact, any product can become an allergen.

Increased sensitivity is manifested in the form of vomiting, colic, constipation, loss of appetite, diarrhea, enterocolitis. The child usually vomits after eating. The gag reflex can last from a few minutes to four or even six hours.

In most cases, abdominal pain is intense. But even if the discomfort is less pronounced, it is permanent and is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, the appearance of mucus in feces and other disorders.

Frequent loose stools are the most characteristic symptom food allergies, especially if hypersensitivity has developed to milk. In this case, the pain has a sharp character, flatulence appears, and the stool leaves along with vitreous mucus.

Combat food allergy is a multi-stage process that aims to eliminate signs hypersensitivity and prevention of exacerbations. It is important to exclude from the diet a product for which allergy symptoms have previously occurred. May need admission antihistamines.

First aid

Remember, independent attempts to alleviate the condition of the child can be costly. Children should be treated qualified specialist who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment.

Before the arrival of a specialist, they will help to alleviate the condition of your child the following recommendations:

  • do not create panic, calm down;
  • take the child in your arms, stroke the tummy in a clockwise direction;
  • better to carry the baby in vertical position so that he can burp;
  • if your child has colic, then put him on the bed and gently press the legs, bent at the knees, to the tummy, and then straighten;
  • never give children any painkillers;
  • give the child small portions of plain water every five to ten minutes;
  • do not apply heat to the site of pain, this can seriously aggravate the situation.

Before the doctor arrives, it is better not to give the child any medication, this can blur the clinical picture and prevent an accurate diagnosis, it is better to give a small amount natural water

What to do with abdominal pain?

Actions for painful sensations largely depend on the cause of their occurrence. If the child has constipation, then he can be given a remedy based on lactulose. If the symptom appeared against the background of the introduction of new complementary foods, then this product should be excluded from the children's diet. With flatulence, a remedy based on simethicone will help to cope with increased gas formation.

Infectious processes, inflammation digestive tract and the genitourinary system - all these serious conditions can serve as a reason for inpatient treatment of the baby. Depending on the main diagnosis and accompanying symptoms, the child may be prescribed the following drugs:

  • help with diarrhea saline solutions: Oralit, Regidron, Gastrolit;
  • with hyperthermia, preparations based on paracetamol are prescribed in the form of suppositories or suspensions;
  • absorbent agents that bind and remove toxins will help to cope with food poisoning: Polysorb, Smecta, Enterosgel;
  • drugs that normalize the natural intestinal microflora will help overcome dysbacteriosis: Bifiform, Acipol, Lactobacterrin, Lineks;
  • to fight intestinal infectious processes prescribe antibiotics: Gentamicin, Ciprofloxacin, Furazolidone.

Remedies to help relieve abdominal discomfort traditional medicine. Nevertheless, it is not worth using them before making a diagnosis, and it is better to consult a doctor before using them. Consider effective recipes alternative medicine:

Helps with diarrhea rice water

In what cases should you urgently call a doctor?

Consider the list of situations in which you need to immediately contact a specialist:

  • pain does not go away after 24 hours;
  • discomfort is accompanied by vomiting, which does not go away within a day, as well as diarrhea, which cannot be eliminated within three days;
  • skin became pale and appeared cold sweat;
  • heat;
  • skin rash;
  • the appearance of blood in vomit or feces;
  • painful urination;
  • vomit turned green or even black;
  • the child became drowsy and lethargic, and also refuses to eat.

So, in a child of two years, abdominal pain can occur for a number of reasons. We have considered only the most common diseases: gastritis, helminthiasis, pancreatitis, allergies, colic, intestinal intussusception. These are not all provoking factors. Even stressful situations can provoke spasm and severe pain.

Be that as it may, a qualified specialist should be engaged in diagnosing and making an accurate diagnosis. Do not give any medication to your child unless prescribed by a specialist and do not self-medicate. Remember, prompt action by parents to help can even save a child's life!

When a child has abdominal pain, it always worries parents. Pain syndrome, or abdominal pain is of a different nature, and its appearance is associated with a variety of deviations. You can’t ignore discomfort, and you can’t eliminate it yourself either. First you need to find out why there are episodic or regular sensations, and then eliminate the provoking factor.

Why does my stomach hurt?

Doctors call the main causes of abdominal pain in children:

  • pancreatitis;
  • poisoning;
  • appendicitis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • peritoneal injury;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • underdevelopment of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathology digestive system;
  • psycho-emotional overload;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases various organs and systems.

Features of the pain syndrome depend on the exact age of the child. So, in a newborn or baby, discomfort is explained intestinal colic. They do not pose a danger to the life of the baby, they do not require complex therapy. But there are other problems that deserve the close attention of parents and the intervention of specialists. These can be diseases and conditions such as:

  1. constipation;
  2. inguinal hernia;
  3. dysbacteriosis;
  4. intestinal intussusception;
  5. gastrointestinal reflux;
  6. deficiency of the enzyme lactase;
  7. food and drug allergies.

In the 2nd year of life, abdominal pain in a child occurs as a symptom cholelithiasis, peritonitis, acute appendicitis, diverticulitis. From the age of 4, the syndrome acquires a different character, not associated with diseases. His appearance and disappearance is sudden. Closer to 10 years, abdominal discomfort in most cases indicates chronically ongoing processes that are unfavorable for the body.

The nature and nature of abdominal pain

Location, intensity, duration and nature of pain are important diagnostic criteria. By nature, children describe abdominal pain as cramping or constant. The first type of discomfort is inherent adhesive disease and colitis. The second is pronounced inflammation. Systemic pain syndrome can be early sign violations such as:

  • diverticulitis;
  • intestinal motility disorder;
  • IBS is irritable bowel syndrome.

As for the duration of sensations, it helps to diagnose pathologies. For example, acute pain that plagues a child for several minutes or hours occurs with an ulcer, perforation of the stomach or intestines, appendicitis, cholecystitis. States refer to hazards and need urgent help.

O chronic pain they say with periodic appearance for three or more months. Doctors explain their occurrence by a violation of the activity of the viscera of the peritoneum. The culprits of chronicity are diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas, peptic ulcer. If the baby constantly complains that the stomach hurts, it must be examined for gastritis.

The sensations that arise during seizures are different origin. Doctors define them as:

  1. Neurogenic. Burning sharp pains appear suddenly due to damage to the nerves of the abdominal wall.
  2. Parietal. The child complains of cramps, which are aggravated by walking and do not change their focus. They arise due to irritation of the peritoneum, which often happens with appendicitis.
  3. Visceral. Discomfort is expressed by colic without a clear localization. It is caused by irritated nerves in the abdominal cavity. Pain radiates to different areas body.
  4. Psychogenic. Abdominal pain appears as a reaction to stress. The syndrome does not provoke pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract.

What kind of pain is considered dangerous?

Attacks lasting more than 30 minutes are the reason for going to the clinic. Parents should know before medical examination you can not use painkillers - they lubricate the clinical picture of different dangerous diseases. And the gastroenterologist or surgeon will have to confirm or exclude complex pathologies that require immediate treatment.

To understand that the baby needs hospitalization, a few disturbing moments will help moms and dads:

  • fainting;
  • "sunken eyes;
  • severe anxiety;
  • repeated cases of vomiting;
  • increasing wandering pain;
  • chronic constipation/diarrhea;
  • sharp acute abdominal pain and fever;
  • prolonged incessant diarrhea;
  • bloody impurities in feces and vomit.

Pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky warns: the appearance indicated symptoms characteristic of the progression of complex diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, requiring urgent treatment in a hospital and surgical intervention. It is impossible to delay with the therapy, because every missed minute can cause irreparable harm to the health of the child.

Possible pathologies of the abdominal cavity

If the child has a stomach ache and discomfort increases with palpation iliac region on the left, most likely, coprostasis developed. To solve the problem, pediatricians are allowed to do enemas. After the procedures, the baby's condition becomes satisfactory. Body temperature rarely rises.

Colic in the navel is observed at the age of 4 - 7 years in psychologically susceptible children. Exacerbations occur due to stress or nervous strain. On pale integuments, the red skin pattern intensifies.

mesenteric lymphadenitis. This disease is characterized by pain at the navel or in the lower abdomen. On palpation, the abdominal muscles are tense. If the pain bothers periodically and is localized to the right, the symptom may hint at Crohn's disease. Pathology is manifested by weight loss, anemia, diarrhea.

Dyskinesia of the bile ducts. Abdominal pains are of short duration. The child defines sensations as cutting or stabbing. On palpation, the discomfort increases.

Appendicitis. Children 9-12 years old fall into the category of the diseased. Pathology makes itself felt with pain in the lower abdomen or around the umbilical cavity. Acute unbearable sensations are complemented by nausea and vomiting, anxiety and high body temperature (up to 39 degrees or more).

Diseases of the digestive system

When a child has a severe tummy ache, the syndrome may hint at the pathology of the digestive system:

  1. Worm infestations. Doctors recognize intestinal damage by nausea and vomiting, poor appetite, and diarrhea. Pain syndrome is manifested intensely and attacks.
  2. Enterocolitis. The child is bothered by pain and mucous fetid diarrhea.
  3. Dysentery. Unpleasant sensations are nausea, fever, rumbling of the abdomen and moderate pain along the large intestine.
  4. Typhoid fever. Pain syndrome - spilled or concentrated in the area of ​​the caecum. The child develops diarrhea and growls in the stomach.
  5. Gastritis. Abdominal pain in this disease is cramping, they occur on an empty stomach or after eating. Toddlers experience a feeling of distension of the abdomen. The condition is aggravated by nausea and vomiting.

Diagnosis of abdominal pain

If the baby complains of frequent abdominal pain, parents should show it to the local pediatrician. After initial examination the doctor will refer the baby to a specialist. Diagnostic methods are selected by specialists taking into account the patient's complaints and the collected anamnesis. Regardless of assumptions, children are always given general analyzes blood and feces.

Disorders in terms of gastroenterology are differentiated by carrying out various diagnostic measures:

  • Ultrasound of the digestive tract;
  • contrast radiography;
  • examination of feces for helminthic invasions;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • analysis of food masses from the stomach and duodenum.

The absence of deviations requires consultation with other specialists and specialized examinations. Doctors will tell parents how and how to treat a child.

Help with stomach pain

If parents know that the pains appeared due to malnutrition or use by the baby substandard products, they can provide first aid with sorbents (Mezim, Festal, Enterosgel). To stop diarrhea, children are given Linex or Laktovit. With intestinal swelling, treatment is carried out with Espumizan and Disflatil. Their use allows you to eliminate mild disorders of intestinal activity associated with food intake.

If the child has a stomach ache, you can do massages. The circle starts from the appendix. To stimulate the release of gases in the lower left quadrant of the peritoneum, gently press with the palm of your hand. Until medication is prescribed, hot lemon tea sweetened with honey or weak ginger tea can be given to relax the abdominal muscles.

If the tummy hurts unbearably, do not let the child do anything. Let him lie on his back, tighten his legs and rest for 15 minutes. At this time, you can attach a warm bag of salt in the navel area. In the absence of a heating pad for a thermal procedure, use a bottle with hot water wrapped in a towel.

"Mom, my stomach hurts!" - one of the most common complaints of children at any age. Toddlers who have not yet mastered speech skills express pain by crying, whimpering, bending their knees to their chest. Unfortunately, often mothers, not understanding the causes of the disease, simply stuff their child with analgesics and antispasmodics.

Discomfort and pain in the abdomen are a serious signal of a fragile child's body that he needs help. Pain can be caused by simple indigestion, or it can be one of the manifestations of a serious illness that requires prompt medical attention. That is why it is so important to know how to initial diagnosis and alleviate (and not harm!) the condition of the child before the arrival of doctors.

Remember that severe abdominal pain is a reason for an emergency visit to the doctor!

Causes of abdominal pain and associated symptoms

Pain in the abdomen can be short-term and prolonged, sharp and weak, in the area near the stomach or throughout the abdomen, but the main rule in this situation is that it is impossible to wait until the pain becomes unbearable, and if it is not too severe hearty dinner you need to call a doctor right away.

The most common causes of abdominal pain in children are:

  • Colic

They usually affect babies up to 3-4 months of age. The baby draws his legs, comes in a cry, spins and strains. The pain is relieved by a heated diaper on the stomach or by eating dill water. You can try to vilify the crumbs with a column. With especially excruciating pains, when the child does not sleep at night, the pediatrician prescribes a special medicine. For example, Espumizan, Bobotik, Plantex. ()

  • constipation

In this case, bloating also joins the colic. Usually, you can’t do without an enema () or a special candle (glycerin or sea buckthorn). ()

  • Crick

It manifests itself in the form of sharp and sharp pains while walking or when trying to sit up straight. Is the result of severe physical overexertion, sometimes manifests itself after vomiting or severe cough. In addition to pain, nothing bothers the child, he has a normal appetite and a normal condition.

  • Intestinal obstruction

Suitable for babies aged 5-9 months. Requires urgent treatment to the surgeon. Associated symptoms- Nausea, vomiting, blood in the stool.

  • Flatulence (bloating) and accumulation of gases

The child becomes capricious and nervous, does not sleep well. During feeding, the baby may greedily grab the breast or nipple, and then spit it out sharply. After feeding, belching may be observed. Quite often flatulence is a sign of other more serious conditions.

  • Worms

Usually it is roundworms. The pain is not as sharp as with colic or constipation, but it appears regularly. Additional symptoms - headaches, flatulence, itching in anus. It is a mistake to assume that grinding teeth in a dream is associated with worms in the body.

  • Intolerance to any product

Lactose intolerance (milk and dairy products) is most common in children. The malaise begins 30 - 40 minutes after the use of the product. In addition to pain, the child suffers from bloating, diarrhea, and sometimes vomiting. The pains are in the nature of colic or spasms.

  • Jaundice

The disease is quite serious and contagious. Severe pain is localized in the liver. In a child, the sclera of the eyes turn yellow, the urine acquires a dark shade. The disease requires urgent medical attention. ()

  • Inflammation of the testicles

Usually the child feels pain in the lower abdomen with recoil from the scrotum. Inflammation can be triggered by testicular torsion, hernia, or a simple bruise. It is important to provide qualified medical care.

  • Pyelonephritis

This disease is typical for girls. Acute and rather severe pains are localized in the lower back, side, lower abdomen. Usually accompanied by fever headache, weakness, increased sweating, chills, nausea and vomiting. The disease is very serious, it is caused by inflammation renal pelvis. This may be caused by bacteria in urinary system or obstruction of the outflow of urine from the kidneys. The disease lends itself drug treatment, but especially difficult situations there is no other way out, except for surgical intervention.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

  • Gastroenteritis
  • Appendicitis

Appendicitis is an inflammation of a branch of the caecum called the appendix. It usually occurs on 1 out of 6 children. And up to two years, as a rule, does not worsen. Most often, the disease affects children aged 8 to 14 years. First, the appearance of aching dull pain on the right or lower abdomen, loss of appetite, weakness, vomiting, and fever are characteristic. Then there are sharp cutting pains and perforation of the appendix wall develops rapidly. All its contents pass into the peritoneum, which poses a serious risk to the life of the child. Without urgent operation not enough. (appendicitis)

Symptoms for an emergency call for an ambulance

  1. A child under 5 years of age, the pain does not go away for more than 3 hours. The kid is naughty and nervous.
  2. Pain in the abdomen is accompanied by rashes on the child's skin or inflammation of the joints.
  3. With abdominal pain, concomitant diarrhea, fever, severe nausea or persistent vomiting.
  4. The pain is localized in the umbilical region.
  5. The child refuses food and water against the background of abdominal pain.
  6. Severe pain in the abdomen after a fall or blow to the abdomen.
  7. The pain is accompanied by weakness, pallor, loss of consciousness.
  8. The pain occurs at night.
  9. Abdominal pain and no stool.
  10. Regular pain lasting more than 2 weeks.
  11. Frequent abdominal pain and weight loss (or developmental delay).
  12. Frequent pain that recurs regularly for several weeks / months (even in the absence of other symptoms).

Dr. Komarovsky tells when a doctor is urgently needed for abdominal pain in a child:

Stomach ache - first aid

The good news is that quite often pain is caused by indigestion or malnutrition, which is not dangerous and easily passes after the elimination of the causes. If the pain becomes stronger and other signs characteristic of certain diseases are added to it, you should not hesitate to call a doctor.

First aid before the doctor arrives

  • Unless you are a medical professional capable of initial diagnosis, do not give your child any medication. They can harm or "blur the picture" of the disease, which will complicate the diagnosis by the doctor;
  • Do not feed your baby, but make sure to drink plenty of fluids, especially if vomiting or diarrhea occurs. You can drink Regidron, self-prepared water-salt solution or non-carbonated water (lemonade, juices and milk are prohibited!);
  • Control the temperature. When it rises above 38 ° C, you need to give the baby an antipyretic;
  • It is very important not to put a heating pad or warm compress on your stomach. Heating provokes an inflammatory process and the child's condition can deteriorate dramatically;
  • If you are sure that the cause of the pain is bloating, give the patient a medicine based on simethicone;
  • Make sure your child is not constipated. Regardless of the result, it is impossible to do an enema before a professional diagnosis by a doctor;
  • If the tummy hurts, the temperature jumped, and vomiting or watery / fetid diarrhea began - get ready to treat intestinal infection(most often it is she who is hiding under such symptoms.


The lion's share of the most dangerous diseases, hiding under severe pain in the abdomen and, as a rule, requiring the intervention of a surgeon, are not accompanied by low-grade fever! Elevated temperature is usually a "companion" of infections.

At the slightest doubt, call a doctor - do not delay with qualified help. No matter what “cases” await you, no matter how afraid the child is of doctors, call an ambulance without hesitation! Better to be safe than sorry later.

Functional pain - how to help a child?

Children aged about 7 - 15 often have so-called functional pains - in fact, it is not clear what caused, the manifestations are similar in nature to a migraine. They are usually referred to as pain, which is completely unrelated to surgery or infection. Even a deep examination does not find the cause of the pain, but despite this, they are not a figment of the child's imagination, so as not to go to school or put away toys. Children really suffer from them.

Functional pain can be caused by:

  • Overwork;
  • Stress or nervous strain;
  • Functional dyspepsia (disturbance of the stomach, painful digestion);
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (disturbance in the work of the gastrointestinal tract without the presence of any organic causes);
  • Abdominal migraine (abdominal cramps, accompanied by headache, pallor, nausea and vomiting) - as the child grows older, the disease turns into migraine headaches.

Functional pains are not dangerous and do not carry health risks, over time they cease to occur (they do not require specific treatment). However, for children suffering from such pain, it is very important proper care. To help ease the condition of the child:

  • Peace of mind and care from loved ones. Create a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere of kindness and safety for your child. Do not allow yourself negative emotions;
  • Diet. It has been scientifically proven that the introduction of cereals, vegetables, fresh fruits and dried fruits into the daily menu will help relieve symptoms;
  • Medicines. With severe pain, you do not need to force the child to endure discomfort. You can give mild analgesics: ibuprofen or paracetamol;
  • Disease diary. Fixing observations will be useful for anamnesis and understanding "where the legs grow from." The period of pain should be fixed (how long it lasts), the means of easing it (how you remove it) and the situations in which the pain occurs.

Expert advice: What to do if your child has a stomachache

Dudchenko Polina. Family doctor, neonatologist, lactation consultant:

The child has a stomach ache – School of Dr. Komarovsky

Abdominal pain sooner or later, often or rarely, but occurs in any child. And parents face the question: is it dangerous or not, what to do with it; When do you need to see a doctor immediately, and when can you be patient? TV presenter Yanina Sokolova is no exception, she is also very concerned about these questions, and she came to Dr. Komarovsky to understand this topic:

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

Often the problems of the gastrointestinal tract are underestimated, brushing off the excuse "somehow it will pass." If such a complaint comes from a child, you need to be vigilant and not write it off as a whim. What to give a child with abdominal pain? This question is asked quite often.

First of all, it must be borne in mind that treatment at home is not always acceptable. Especially when it comes to the health of the baby.

From this article you will learn a detailed description of the symptoms of frequent diagnoses, and in which cases you should not ignore the visit to the doctor.

Will the pain go away on its own?

Abdominal pain in a child may be due to different reasons. If the baby did not have falls and injuries, but complaints began to come in, it is necessary to analyze the diet of the last days. A sharp pain in the abdomen can cause overeating, incompatibility of foods eaten, harmful and poor-quality food. The disorder of the digestive tract is manifested and unpleasant sensations, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating and flatulence. If the child has eaten New Product or harmful, panic can be set aside. There is no reason to worry if the freshness and quality of the product is not in doubt, however, overeating has occurred.

The actions will be as follows: for some time not to give food to the child, while the prerequisite will be plentiful drink(water and tea), over time sharp pain will pass in the stomach. You should not allow dehydration in the body with diarrhea. It is necessary to strongly offer a drink to the baby. You need to understand that diarrhea itself is not so terrible as its consequences for the child's body. If these manifestations do not stop, then hospitalization will be necessary.

So, with abdominal pain, what to give the child? It depends directly on the reasons that provoked the symptoms.

Help with diarrhea Activated carbon and "Smecta" in a dose according to the age group. If the child feels worse or there is no dynamics in better side after six hours after the onset of the disease, the help of a doctor is needed.

When do you need a specialist?

There are three types of pain syndrome: the stomach aches, there are colic, acute pain. It is good if you can find out the symptoms of malaise in a child. But young children are not always able to accurately explain what is bothering them and where. Therefore, you should carefully monitor their condition. If the child is lethargic and passive, the skin is pale, perspiration appears - this may indicate a serious and life-threatening pathology.

Acute pain is considered as such. Severe, incessant, unbearable pain that radiates to the adjacent area of ​​the body. Will it fit conventional drug with an "acute abdomen", how to alleviate the child's condition? Parents should understand that discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract can hide severe illness. If a child has a severe stomach ache, what to give?

In the presence of acute pain medical assistance is needed - planned or emergency.

prolonged pain

Before medical care medicines do not need to be given, but it is necessary to try to divert the attention of the baby. Indications for treatment in a hospital (or a visit to a doctor) are prolonged pain. In this case, the behavior of a small patient is restless and anxious. Various painful sensations for two to three hours without positive dynamics are a reason to seek medical help. Also, symptoms indicating that you should see a doctor are the presence of blood in the stool or vomit. What to give a child with abdominal pain? More on this later.

In cases of unusual symptoms, it is better to refrain from taking medications so as not to aggravate the situation. It will be more difficult for doctors to determine the diagnosis while taking an anesthetic drug. It could cost a child a life.

The following situation requires a quick reaction of parents: the child has taken the medication, harmful substance, household chemicals. Should not be taken independent action, the more so to resort to folk remedies. Need to urgently call ambulance. Also, before the arrival of the doctor, put the baby, let him take a comfortable position.

If the baby's stomach hurts?

Young parents face difficulties in caring for a baby, and the reason is not only a lack of experience. The difficulty lies in the fact that the baby does not recognize the symptoms. How to determine that the cause is pain in the tummy? If something is wrong, the baby can only cry. If he has bad dream, appetite or refusal to eat, then it may be colic. The child is a year old, his stomach hurts, what to give in this case? Let's figure it out further.

Even with a problem in the abdomen, they knock with a leg and pull the knee to chest. The phenomenon of colic often occurs in infants at the age of four to six months. In this case special treatment not prescribed. But if the temperature, vomiting, blood in the stool is added to the baby's anxiety, the help of a doctor is urgently required. These symptoms may be due to food allergies or intestinal obstruction.

What to give an older child for stomach pain?

Abdominal pain in preschoolers

It is possible to determine the external state of a child under two years old by observing his behavior and mood.

Reduced activity, crying, refusal of food are caused by a problem in the abdomen. It should be noted that in childhood more than a year the cause of digestive problems is “not childish”: food poisoning, allergies, overeating, infections.

Children just over the age of two are able to tell what worries them. Paying attention to the complaint of the baby, the parent should assess the symptoms. If a child has a stomachache, what to give?

For example, if the pain in the abdomen of a five-year-old baby is irregular and a little time has passed since then, the condition is normal, then you can solve the problem at home. You should give the child a drug that improves digestion and ensure a state of rest.

The same should be done in a separate case of diarrhea or vomiting. Remember, the phenomenon of loose stools (not for long) is a sign of an upset digestive system. A single vomiting can be the cause of overeating or coughing. What to give a child with pain in the abdomen (in the stomach area)? In these cases, the usual remedy for diarrhea (for example, activated charcoal, "Smekta" or "Enterofuril") can alleviate the baby's condition. But, as mentioned earlier, these drugs should not be abused without consulting a specialist.

Stomach ache

Permanent pain symptoms regardless of the specific part of the body - this is a reason to visit a doctor. It is noteworthy that the occurrence of abdominal pain and nausea can be without physiological cause. This may be a consequence psycho-emotional state child. This symptom is called functional pain.

Yes, examination internal organ as a result gives the norm. The reason for this is overwork, overload nervous system, anxiety, stress. It is probably unusual, but the correction of such pain is carried out by a psychologist. Meanwhile, a visit to a specialist gastroenterologist should not be ignored. Please note that constant children's pain in the navel area can "speak" about the pathology of the internal organ. Especially if the child is 4 years old. Stomach hurts - what to give? Let's talk about this further.

Functional pain and treatment method

In the event that the child has constant complaints of pain, the parent should be balanced, but one should not ignore it either. You should schedule a visit to the doctor. If functional pain is confirmed, treatment should be given. It is necessary to start keeping a "diary" in which abdominal pains will be noted. Register pain sensations, in what situation they appear, which improves well-being. Analyze these records with a specialist, this will bring specifics in the search for problems, help eliminate discomfort. Parents should take care of creating a favorable climate in the house for the child, come up with a hobby (visiting a section, a circle, a new hobby).

If a child is 5 years old, his stomach hurts, what to give when stabbing pain?If there is confidence that discomfort is manifested in connection with psychological problems, then you can resort to taking "Ibuprofen" or another analgesic a wide range activities, according to children's age group. Usually, after rest, the symptom of functional pain goes away.

Home first aid kit

What drugs should be home first aid kit who buy stomach pain The child has? Note that self-medication is not welcome, but there are different cases. Which drug to choose to stop the pain in a child? For example, Mezim, Festal, Creon drugs stabilize the digestion process (with a poor combination of products). The use of "Gastrolit" and "Regidron" will eliminate diarrhea and nausea. Maalox, Rennie, Almagel neutralize heartburn.

What drug from an adult's first aid kit can be used if the child has a stomachache, and children's medicines are not available? In this case, "No-Shpa" universal is suitable (removes spastic constipation). And if the child is a year old, his stomach hurts, what can I give?

If in stock food symptom poisoning (diarrhea, vomiting, pain in the gastrointestinal tract), activated charcoal, Smekta and Enterodez will not harm. But first, read the annotation carefully, the dose of the drug also matters, it must be calculated. Even under conditions home treatment consultation with a specialist is desirable.

Beware of infection!

Infections are a particular concern for parents. There is no need to panic, the key to success is the correct diagnosis. An indication of an infectious disease is a pain syndrome on the left side of the abdomen, on the right side, in the umbilical region. It should be noted that the diagnosis of this type graded according to the pathogen: viral, bacterial, mixed.

Changes in urination in the presence of infection in the genitourinary system. Then the little patient indicates pain in the abdomen, visits the toilet a lot.

What to give a child? The stomach hurts, diarrhea, vomiting, fever are the main signs of an infectious diagnosis. Don't forget the infection various genesis contains danger. Thus, at the first suspicion of a viral or bacterial infection should be hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of the district hospital.


With appendicitis, the child has a stomach ache, what can I give? Let's figure it out.

The conventional wisdom is that appendicitis is more common in adults, but this is a myth. The real state of affairs is such that this diagnosis occurs at the age of two. It is fair to say that appendicitis in children under one year old is a rare phenomenon. But school age group 10-12 years old appears more often in statistics, especially boys. For younger age appendicitis is especially dangerous. Correct diagnosis for early stage, timely treatment- the guarantee of a positive result.

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. Requires emergency surgical intervention.

Symptoms of appendicitis - how to identify them?

In the event that a complaint from a child about pain in the abdomen is regular, there is no positive dynamics after a night, an appeal to a specialist is necessary. It should be noted that "geography" painful symptoms happens different. The classic case is pain in right side from the stomach and below - is not always the case. The epigastrium and umbilical area may also be painful.

Parents should be vigilant if the pain in the navel area increases with a change in body position, while coughing or crying. Less common is diarrhea and vomiting. Usually appendicitis "gives" an increase in body temperature, lethargy, drowsiness, loss of appetite. In the presence of such symptoms, it is impossible to stop the pain with drugs. Contact a specialist immediately. A 3 year old child has a stomach ache. What to give? This question interests many.

Other frequent abdominal pain

All children often fall, fight and get into ridiculous situations. And calm child may trip or be accidentally pushed. What to do if the result of an injury is pain in the abdominal cavity? Abdominal injury is divided into open and closed type. The first case "dictates" the need for emergency medical care and subsequent hospitalization. Otherwise, assess the condition of the child.

In the event that pain is present, but the child is active, eats, sleep is normal, there is no reason for concern, but a visit to the doctor will not be superfluous. If there is a rapid pulse, general weakness, vomiting, contact a medical facility immediately. Be vigilant if there is a complaint of pain in the left side of the abdomen. This may indicate that the spleen is damaged.

In this case, what to give the child with abdominal pain? Only the doctor should decide.

Let's not lose sight of what also worries children various hernias. They are internal and superficial, sometimes palpated in the abdominal cavity. Accompanied by discomfort in case of pinching. It is forbidden to treat them on their own, a visit to a specialist and a therapeutic complex are required.

The presence of ulcers and gastritis affects not only adults, but also children. Often these diagnoses can be found in the primary school group and in adolescents. It is characteristic that this is due not only to an unbalanced diet, but is also provoked by the intake medicines. It is necessary to increase attention to the complaint of the child with stabbing pain in the abdomen, especially after surgery. This is not the only case when a medical professional should be immediately involved to conclude a diagnosis and therapy.

The vigilance of parents, an adequate timely assessment of the health of the child, regular visits to the doctor are the guarantor of a positive result.

We looked at what can be given to a child for abdominal pain.