How to treat unpleasant foot odor. How to treat unpleasant foot odor in women

The problem of unpleasant foot odor can affect any person. Depending on the circumstances, it can appear occasionally or regularly, “poisoning” life and causing physical and psychological discomfort. There are many methods of getting rid of it; you also need to know why such an amber occurs.

Causes of foot odor

Sweating is a normal bodily function. By getting rid of excess water, thermoregulation occurs with the help of sweat. In addition to water, human sweat contains acids, salts and other elements produced by the body. With favorable external and internal position sweat has no odor, and it is released exactly as much as is required at a particular moment. But in some cases the situation may look different.

What causes excessive sweating?

  1. Excessive physical exercise and just significant activity.
  2. Heat, warm clothes or clothes, shoes are not in season.
  3. Increased body temperature.
  4. Stress, anxiety, nervous tension.
  5. Alcohol, hot drinks.
In addition to these factors, increased sweating can be a disease called hyperhidrosis. Both women and men are prone to the disease of different ages. If added to it fungal diseases feet or nails, as well as a disease such as bromidrosis (a strong unpleasant odor of sweat), then the problem of acrid amber from the feet becomes very acute.

What causes strong foot odor?

Firstly, some foods, consumed in large quantities and regularly, can add not the most pleasant aromatic notes to sweat. These products include: garlic, spices, onions, peppers in various forms.

Secondly, sweat acquires an odor due to the fact that colonies of bacteria that feed on this product of the human body increase in a situation where sweat cannot evaporate from the surface of the skin. The result of the vital activity of these bacteria provokes an unpleasant odor. Depending on the type of bacteria, the smell will also change. It can be: specific, sour, ammoniacal, musky and so on.

Factors that create a favorable atmosphere for an increase in the number of bacteria include:
  • improper shoes made of artificial and dense materials that do not allow the foot to “breathe”;
  • poor or irregular hygiene;
  • socks, tights, knee socks or stockings, worn every day and made from synthetics, which create a “greenhouse effect” for the legs;
  • irregular washing of socks and other similar items of clothing, as well as improper care of shoes;
  • incorrectly selected insoles.

Various internal diseases, for example those associated with autonomic system body, infections, diabetes, blood diseases and circulatory disorders.

How to get rid of foot odor: simple ways to solve the problem

Before you choose for yourself best option eliminating the smell, you should understand the root cause that provokes such a situation. If the underlying cause is a fungus or some internal disease, then it is necessary to treat the disease in combination with means that eliminate the unpleasant odor. In other options, just select convenient way correction of position and, perhaps, reconsider your wardrobe and habits.

The simplest and most effective ways to remove foot odor are:

  1. proper hygiene;
  2. selection of the right shoes, socks and other clothing items;
  3. use of special insoles;
  4. use of deodorants and antiperspirants.
Hygiene. If you have hyperhidrosis with an unpleasant odor, your feet should be washed at least twice a day: morning and evening. In this case, it is advisable to use soap that will not dry out the skin. Afterwards, it is important to thoroughly dry your feet so that no moisture remains. A timely pedicure, the use of a pumice stone or scrub, and proper nail trimming will prevent the occurrence of fungus and help get rid of foot odor.
Choosing shoes. Give preference in summer time Open shoes should be worn by both men and women. She will not allow it to arise" greenhouse effect" At other times, you need to choose shoes that are leather, suede, breathable, and of high quality. It is better to have several pairs for each season, so as not to wear the same shoes day after day, thereby provoking the growth of bacteria.

Recommendation: outdoor and indoor shoes must be washed (in a situation where this is permissible), thoroughly dried and ventilated, placed on a loggia or window. Using a special aerosol, talcum powder, inside your shoes will prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Storing shoes in tight boxes is not recommended, nor is drying them with a hairdryer.

Socks and analog clothing. You should replace these items as much as possible with products made from acrylic or natural cotton fabrics. In such socks, your feet will sweat less and will “breathe”, so there will be no situation favorable for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, socks, stockings and similar clothing should be changed daily.
Shoe insoles that help eliminate foot odor. Firstly, insoles, just like shoes, need to be washed and aired. Secondly, it is better to choose insoles that are made from natural fibers and allow air to pass through. For the summer season, disposable insoles can be an excellent choice; they absorb moisture, are comfortable for open shoes and do not deprive the skin of the ability to “breathe”.

Deodorants and antiperspirants. In stores you can find similar anti-sweating and anti-odor products designed specifically for feet. Deodorants will not help with hyperhidrosis, but they can mask the odor without clogging or tightening pores. Antiperspirants also fight unpleasant smell, and with significant sweating. When you can't buy special remedy, you can use a deodorant (antiperspirant) for your feet that is suitable for your armpits.

Recommendation: This product should be applied to dry and clean feet, preferably at night. You can replace deodorant (antiperspirant) with regular talcum powder, sprinkling it on your feet, or with salicylic powder. They can handle it increased sweating and get rid of foot odor.

It is believed that to increased sweating and the presence of bromidrosis is most susceptible to representatives of the stronger half of humanity. A man may develop foot odor due to heavy load on your feet, due to frequent and prolonged exercise in gym and based on other previously stated reasons. Girls with delicate issue occur a little less frequently, but a noticeable foot odor may be observed in women who are in an “interesting position.”

Which ones can be identified? additional tips when direct treatment of diseases is not required?

  1. When going to bed, you should take off your socks and take a clean pair the next morning.
  2. Reception contrast baths will help remove foot odor, and in addition to them, you can wipe your feet with ice cubes with clean water, lemon juice.
  3. Apply a greasy or protective cream that covers the skin with a film on your feet, and then you should not put on socks.
  4. During the day, if sweating is very strong, if possible, you should wipe your feet with wet wipes, regular or antibacterial.
  5. Hygiene should be regular, even if there was no need to leave the house. Instead of regular or bactericidal soap, it is permissible to use laundry soap. It perfectly cleanses the surface of the feet and gets rid of many bacteria.
  6. If you want to dry your shoes well and get rid of the smell, you should put crumpled sheets of newspaper inside. The paper will absorb both excess moisture and odor within a day.
  7. Any shoes should be chosen according to the season, and it is better to avoid too tight, narrow shoes or boots.
  8. At strong smell feet in men and women, it would be useful to take medicinal baths from time to time based on advice and recipes from traditional medicine.
  9. Faced with profuse sweating and foot odor, when choosing insoles for shoes, you can give preference to special antifungal insoles as a preventive measure for the disease. Or purchase deodorizing insoles that “lock in” the odor.
  10. If the situation worries you too much, it would be a good idea to consult a dermatologist who will tell you effective ways solve the problem or prescribe appropriate treatment with medications.

How to treat hyperhidrosis with unpleasant odor? Medicines for sweating and foot odor

In situations where sweating is excessive, has a strong unpleasant odor, and proper hygiene and antiperspirants for the feet do not help, direct medical intervention and treatment of hyperhidrosis may be required. In most cases, when the root cause is identified, special medications are used for sweating, foot odor, and skin fungus. But there are a number of procedures to correct this unpleasant situation.

Medical treatments

Botox (botulinum toxin A) injections. The procedure is quite expensive, but effective. However, it requires repeated testing, since the positive result obtained disappears after about a year. With the help of a protein injection injected under the patient's skin, the nerves connected to the sweat glands and causing excessive sweating are blocked. Positive dynamics are usually noted already 2-3 days after the procedure.

Electrophoresis and iontophoresis. These options are the most popular for treating foot odor and sweating. The effect on nerve endings in this case occurs with the help of mild current discharges. The procedure usually does not cause discomfort and does not leave scars or scars, but there may be burns on the skin. Treatment requires a course (within 10-14 days). This is followed by a break of about a month, during which the patient’s condition is monitored.

Surgical intervention. This option is used infrequently, in cases where other methods are powerless. With the help of sympathectomy, as the operation is called, a blockage occurs nerve fibers or the sympathetic trunk is destroyed by current. In the first option, it is possible to completely cancel the effect of the surgical intervention by removing the clip. The effectiveness of treatment is high, the effect lasts for life, but there may be complications.


When hyperhidrosis and bromidrosis accompany a fungal disease, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • Nizoral;
  • Demicten;
  • Itraconazole;
  • Loceryl;
  • Terbix and others.
Helps get rid of odor special creams for feet or lotions that are sold in pharmacies. The most effective and popular among them are:
  1. Benzoyl peroxide lotion (5% and 10%). The course of treatment in this case can last up to 3 months. The lotion (or gel) is applied to the feet and between the toes at night, thoroughly rubbing into the skin until completely absorbed. This drug effectively kills bacteria, preventing them from multiplying and producing their metabolic products.
  2. Lavilin. This product, applied in a small amount to clean and dry feet, perfectly eliminates odor and sweat. Thanks to the ingredients it contains, such as talc, zinc and chamomile, this ointment for foot odor slows down sweating and also kills fungus and bacteria. The medicine is odorless, and after use it is forbidden to wet your feet for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Teymurova paste. This remedy is applied in a small amount to the feet and between the toes at night. The course of treatment is up to 4 days, then you should take a break and resume the course as necessary. The medicine is often prescribed by dermatologists; it has a disinfecting effect and also dries out the skin.
  4. "Green Pharmacy", natural foot cream. It is especially effective when applied to the skin after steaming in the shower, sauna, bath. It contains many natural, natural ingredients, which help get rid of the unpleasant odor. Also, foot cream kills bacteria and fights fungus.

Used to remove foot odor and increased sweating the following means: Borozin, Dry-Dry, cream from the “42” series, Galeno Pharm “5 days”, burnt alum, boric acid.

Foot baths and folk remedies for foot odor

You can help your feet stop sweating a lot, as well as get rid of the unpleasant odor, at home using folk remedies. Foot baths, which can be used by both women and men, also help combat this delicate problem.

Among the effective folk remedies relate:

  • birch and apple leaves, which can be used to rub your feet or add leaves to foot baths;
  • ordinary starch, it should be used as a powder;
  • lemon balm and thyme in the form of oil applied to the skin of the feet;
  • regular baking soda, it can be used both as an addition to baths, and as an independent product that needs to be poured into shoes or socks;
  • rosehip in the form of a tincture or decoction, used to wipe the feet to combat foot odor;
  • tincture of ginger root, rubbed into the skin at night;
  • Sage leaves will also help remove foot odor; sage can be consumed internally, put the leaves in shoes or socks, or soak your feet in a decoction of this medicinal herb;
  • kombucha, its infusion is used to wipe the feet;
  • oak bark, you can rinse your feet with a decoction of it or add oak bark to the bath.
Five effective baths against unpleasant odor

With apple cider vinegar. This foot bath is very simple, yet effective. However, it should be abandoned if the feet exude a sour odor. 0.5 liters of vinegar will require the same amount of water. The container with such a mixture must be heated to a comfortable temperature, and then lower your feet into the bath, covering the top with a towel for better steaming. The duration of the procedure is up to 20 minutes. Should be repeated for a week. Speaking of the benefits of apple cider vinegar in treatment, you can

The problem of sweating feet is relevant for many, if not everyone. Nature has endowed humans with this feature so that toxins and harmful substances come out of the body along with sweat.

Also, with the help of sweating, the body thermoregulates and maintains water-salt balance.

Causes of unpleasant odor

On my own the secret that stands out from sweat glands, has no smell. It appears due to the fact that bacteria begin to develop in a humid environment - hence such a specific aroma.

Pay attention to body hygiene and check your skin for possible infections

Many men suffer from increased sweating, which causes them a lot of inconvenience, so they are looking for ways to remove foot odor - oddly enough, this problem also occurs quite often in women.

It is important to know! Illness associated with increased work sweat glands of the feet is called bromhidrosis (hyperhidrosis).

Yes, this is a disease that has its own etiology and needs treatment. So let's consider The main causes of bromhidrosis are:

  • hereditary factor;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • skin diseases;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • stress;
  • wearing shoes and socks made of non-natural materials;
  • lack of hygiene.

Unfortunately, the smell of sweaty feet is not limited to just women and men.

Hyperhidrosis occurs equally in both teenagers and older people. Later in the article we will look at ways to remove unpleasant odors using special products.

These insoles are very popular among consumers due to their unique antiseptic properties. The insoles are made of several layers of pressed cedar chips, very flexible and easily take the shape of any shoe - even high heels.

Even in ancient times, people used cedar shavings to remove odor from shoes.

Lebanese cedar contains substances that prevent the growth of bacteria even in a humid environment.

The use of such insoles already on the second day eliminates the unpleasant odor in shoes and on the feet.

Other manufacturers offer various options insole, for example:

Deodorizing foot cream “5 days”

In addition to insoles, remove unpleasant foot odor when profuse sweating For women, a product such as a deodorizing cream will help.

Foot cream “5 days”

It contains substances that not only remove unpleasant odors, but also reduce foot sweating in general.

Grapeseed oil, which is contained in the composition, softens and moisturizes rough skin of the feet. Camphor improves tissue metabolism and has a pleasant aroma. Menthol also has a deodorizing and cooling effect.

The effect of taking the drug should be expected no earlier than after five days of use. Also available in powder form, which is poured into shoes before use.

Talc for shoes and feet

While not all men know how to quickly remove foot odor, women always have cosmetic deodorizing talc in their purse for this purpose. This the cosmetic product has the properties of powder And mineral composition– it is crumbly, absorbs excess moisture and sebum, eliminates unpleasant odor.

Talc prevents reproduction pathogenic microorganisms, the formation of cracks in the foot, has protective functions.

The product is quite versatile: It can be used not only for sweaty feet, but also after hair removal. If you pour a little talc into your shoes, you won’t have to worry about your feet sweating and smelling for a long time.

In the summer season, talc protects feet from the aggressive effects of sunlight.

Folk recipes

The question of how to remove foot odor has long been one of the most pressing for women. Since cosmetic and medicinal products To eliminate this problem in the time of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers there was no other way.

One of them - Apple vinegar. This effective remedy is used
in the fight against excessive sweating not only on the legs, but also in the armpits.

Interesting fact! Some Hollywood stars use apple cider vinegar as their main remedy to protect against sweating and unpleasant odor.
It is enough to dilute vinegar in water (in equal parts) and wipe clean and dry feet with this solution every day before going to bed.

Instead of water, you can use regular alcohol - the solution will be no less effective. But it is worth considering that alcohol dries out the skin.

It will also be useful to use special smelling shoe cushions. These scented pillows herbal infusions You can sew it yourself. Simply purchase herbs and place them in sewn square pieces of fabric. Leave the pads in your shoes overnight, then in the morning all the unpleasant odor from your shoes will be eliminated.

The product is available in the form of an ointment, which should be applied to the skin of the feet once a day for no more than 3-4 days, since may become addictive. Formaldehyde in the composition of the drug has a bactericidal effect, boric and salicylic acid- drying.

Peppermint oil softens the skin and gives a pleasant aroma.

The paste should be used in courses with breaks of 20-30 days.

A very popular and effective foot product that is popular with both men and women.

To remove excessive sweating and unpleasant odor, just apply a very small (pea-sized) amount of gel to your feet and rub over the entire surface of the foot.

The manufacturer promises long-term effectiveness of the drug and deodorizing property.

It is also quite a popular and very effective (even in the hot summer) product, which costs a lot of money, but is used extremely sparingly.

It should be used no more than once a week. Universal drug: it can also be used in the underarm area and in groin area. Due to the nature of use, it is extremely important to follow the instructions.

This is talcum powder, which is popular among women to get rid of sweaty feet. This product can also be used to remove unpleasant odors.

How to use it? Simply apply to clean, dry feet or sprinkle on shoe insoles. At the same time, you can feel a pleasant aroma of freshness.

This drug contains cork oak bark extract, which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. During use microcracks and skin inflammation disappear, the unpleasant odor disappears.

Note! Any product based on natural ingredients has a cumulative effect - you should not expect results after the first use of a natural product.

Only systematic use of the product gives a positive effect.

This is a foot peeling that effectively removes rough skin. After this, the use of anti-sweating feet products will have best result.

The only thing that needs to be taken into account when using peeling is peeling of the skin, which can cause discomfort in the summer when walking in open shoes.

How to prevent odor?

What can you do to avoid sweaty feet?

Here are some simple but effective useful tips:

How to identify and cure fungus?

Also one of common reasons Hyperhidrosis is the proliferation of fungus on the skin of the feet and nails.

Nail fungus

It can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • itching of the feet and between the toes;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • formation of cracks in the heel;
  • the cuticle and skin around the thumbnail become inflamed and red;
  • the nail changes color, may peel and crumble;
  • pain when pressing on the nail plate.

There are different methods of treatment, but they all boil down to one thing - timely diagnosis disease and its elimination using antifungal drugs.

Medicines for sweaty feet

Besides cosmetics, which reduce sweating and foot odor and have a short-term effect, can be used medications with proven effectiveness.

Medicines for fungus

Let's look at some of them:

  • "Formidron". Essentially this is alcohol solution formaldehyde, which permanently relieves sweaty feet. Disinfects the skin and dries it out. Contraindications may include: allergic reaction, therefore, before use, it is better to carefully study the instructions.
  • "Urotropin". Has quite long action- up to 1.5 months. Has a pronounced bactericidal effect.
  • "Bellaspon." A medicine based on ergotamine, phenobarbital and belladonna root alkaloids. This drug suppresses increased nervous excitability, which naturally reduces sweating.

Regardless of the causes of hyperhidrosis, today it is the disease is quite treatable and correctable. Large selection of cosmetics and medicines allows in short time and with maximum effect achieve sustainable results.

This video will show you how to overcome leg hyperhidrosis:

You will learn about remedies for sweaty feet in the following video:

This video will tell you how to overcome sweaty feet at home:

Depending on the circumstances, people often begin to wonder: Why do my feet stink? What to do in this case and how to get rid of it? Sweating is a problem that affects both men and women equally. Sweat glands perform vital functions, which include regulating body temperature.

However, everything should be in moderation. If increased sweating is observed constantly, then there is a serious reason for this. In some cases this may be a signal dangerous disease. Sweating leads to another unpleasant phenomenon - foot odor.

Worth knowing

There is not a person on the planet whose feet do not smell. A specific smell can be observed even in a baby who was recently born, but not as intense as in an adult. Feet stink a lot because the sweat on the feet gives off a slightly different aroma than the rest of the body.

The human foot is a place where more than 250 thousand sweat glands are located, secreting liquid, which is commonly called sweat. It contains various salts and water. This favorite food for all kinds of bacteria living on the limbs. If your feet stink, a person should know that the cause is the same bacteria.

Microorganisms in the course of their life produce substances that smell very strongly. If, with profuse sweating, a strong odor emanates from the feet, then they speak of bromodosis. This phenomenon can also be observed on other parts of the body. But in the area of ​​the feet, the smell lasts the longest, eventually permeating a person’s socks and shoes.

Reasons for appearance

The causes of unpleasant odor can be different. In addition to bacteria, fungi play an important role in the formation of odor. If a person experiences increased sweating, then a favorable environment is created for the proliferation of fungi and other microorganisms. These conditions are often observed in people who regularly exercise and in those who must constantly wear closed shoes. Unpleasant smell feet appears as a result of the fact that the limbs are constantly closed and not ventilated.

A disgusting odor comes from people who do not care about their hygiene. Doesn't make you sweat at first unpleasant aroma However, over time, skin irritation and unpleasant itching are observed.

If a person ignores similar phenomena, then over time the irritation is joined additional infection. Only after this the feet begin to stink horribly.

There are reasons that can increase not only sweating, but also spread an unpleasant odor. First on the list are:

  • constant stress;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • taking a number of medications.

With hyperhidrosis in adolescents and pregnant women, it is customary to talk about hormonal changes in organism. Signs of excessive sweating appear along with symptoms of bromodosis - the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

The production of sweat is a natural process, but if an unbearable odor is observed, experts insist on a mandatory examination by a doctor.

A dermatologist can tell you why your feet sweat and what it depends on. If the problem cannot be detected, then you need to contact an endocrinologist.

There are also specialists who claim that frequent emotional experiences and poor nutrition promotes sweating and strong odor. In this situation, you need to seek help from your family doctor.

Causes of foot odor

It is customary to identify a number of main reasons why feet smell:

  1. Refusal to maintain hygiene. Sweaty feet should be washed at least twice a day, changing shoes and allowing enough time to air them out.
  2. Wearing shoes made of materials that do not allow air to pass through. As a result of friction, a heat and sweat begins to be produced, which will eventually stink.
  3. A girl's feet often smell due to wearing stockings or socks made from synthetic fabrics.
  4. Frequent reasons - fungal diseases. If there is a fungal infection, the patient's feet begin to smell terribly. Timely treatment can get rid of unpleasant phenomena. After using antifungal drugs, you should discard socks and shoes that were used during the therapy period.
  5. Feet smell due to some changes that are associated with internal organs. Sweat accompanies certain functional processes.
  6. The appearance of a disgusting odor can be influenced by menopause in women and adolescence.
  7. Sweat is often produced very heavily in some diseases. In the presence of pathologies sweat glands begin to actively work to improve the patient’s condition.

The unpleasant odor that comes from the feet and toes interferes with the patient’s life full life. To normalize the functioning of the sweat glands, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately.

Traditional medicine to help

First of all from strong smell sweat should be eliminated using traditional medicine. All drugs have vegetable origin. Most often they choose oak bark, chamomile flowers, leaves tea tree and much more. A large number of recipes are successfully used even in modern world. How to get rid of the smell of sweat with their help?

Contrast baths

With the help of contrast baths you can cure sweating and remove the smell of sweat. This procedure good because it allows you to get rid of several problems at once:

  • a pleasant procedure normalizes sweat production;
  • frequent change temperature regime helps relieve pain and feeling of heaviness;
  • With the help of contrast baths you can cure a lot of cardiovascular diseases.

Beautiful antiseptic properties have such means natural origin like oak bark, shell walnut, plantain and nettle. Decoctions are made from them, which are then added to water. Under influence useful substances the skin will not get wet and stink. Similar procedures will help get rid of foot odor at home.

Contrast is a method that underlies many water procedures. Alternating cold and hot water can improve pore function. Humanity has long known that if you want to have good health, you need to take a steam bath. This is especially useful for sweaty feet. Training the skin with contrasting temperatures keeps blood vessels toned so that they do not lose their elasticity.

Stinky feet are treated with contrast baths, alternately dipping them in cold and then in hot water. Regular similar procedures will help cope with many chronic diseases. The sweat glands will begin to work actively and correctly, and your feet will be smelly and healthy again.

Pharmacy products

Treatment can be carried out with ointments, pastes, solutions, gels, sprays and powders. The pharmaceutical market offers its customers a wide range of all kinds of products. Some drugs can be purchased independently, while others are available only with a prescription from your doctor.

Most drugs are always available at pharmacy kiosks. Some patients choose not to buy expensive product, and buy more cheap analogue. When you come to the pharmacy, you should indicate the reasons why a person wants to purchase a remedy for the smell of foot sweat.

There is a list of the most popular drugs to eliminate unpleasant odor:

  • alum (in powder form);
  • boric acid;
  • baby powder or talc;
  • collection medicinal plants(preferably plantain and chamomile);
  • preparations that contain formaldehyde.

What to do if your feet stink? Treatment should begin immediately. But there is no need to engage in fanaticism, everything should be in moderation. If treatment was chosen serious remedy purchased at a pharmacy, you need to monitor the condition of your skin. By taking precautions, a person will maintain the softness and elasticity of the epidermis, otherwise skin can be overdried.

You can take care of your feet using potato or corn starch. The usual apple cider vinegar, soda and table salt help achieve successful results.

Odor removal procedure

There are times when a person urgently needs to get ready for an important event. At the same time, very little time is given to get yourself in order. What can you do to get rid of unpleasant foot odor?

Exist various methods getting rid of the “stale smell”, but one of them is most successful. To do this, you don’t need to buy a special product - you need ingredients that every person always has in stock.

Before the procedure, you need to prepare the following items:

  • hot water;
  • powder or talc;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • scissors;
  • antibacterial soap;
  • socks made of natural fabric;
  • towel for drying.

It is important to follow the rule - no synthetic materials.

The application scheme is as follows:

  1. Wash your limbs in water and apply soap. In this case, each foot should be covered with thick foam.
  2. Place your feet in a basin with hot water. Feet should not be kept in it for more than 7 minutes.
  3. Dry your feet as thoroughly as possible, pat them dry with a prepared towel.
  4. Trim the nail plate, giving the nail the desired shape.
  5. Pour out the used water, and add a third of a glass of vinegar to the new one. To soften the aroma, you can add a few drops of aromatic oil.
  6. To get rid of the smell of sweat, keep your feet in the solution for at least 10 minutes.
  7. Wipe your feet dry.
  8. To get rid of excess moisture, you need to apply a little powder or talcum powder to the skin.
  9. At the end of the procedure, put on socks.

The procedure is quite easy to do, without spending a lot of time. Now you can go to an important event and don't worry about the scent.

Most of all, the question of why feet sweat and stink is asked by female half. Men are treated more tolerantly in this matter. A woman is less able to bear pressure from others. You can correct the situation, the main thing is to try.

The reasons for the unpleasant odor of sweat are different. To keep your feet healthy and soft, you need to adhere to hygiene. If you don't comply important rules, then no matter how much a person gets rid of the smell, it will still be present until he changes his socks and shoes and seriously begins treatment. After this, the question of how to get rid of an unpleasant odor will disappear by itself.

Unpleasant odor of feet, socks and shoes is a problem affecting many of us. WITH medical point vision, it does not pose any threat to health, much less life, but it is very uncomfortable. Fortunately, getting rid of it is not that difficult. So, your feet and shoes stink - what to do at home?

Why can feet be so “fragrant”?

There are about 250,000 sweat gland ducts on our feet - more than on any other part of the body! When it's warm, they secrete sweat. However, it is not the moisture itself that is the source of the unpleasant odor. The same principle applies here as with the armpits. The “aroma” appears due to bacteria living on our skin that feed organic substances contained in sweat and release isovaleric acid. It is she who emits this irritating odor, clearly audible from a distance.

You can support the proliferation of microorganisms if you don’t worry too much about hygiene, wear synthetic clothes and shoes on your lower limbs, don’t let your skin “breathe,” etc. The situation can worsen if a fungus settles on the skin of the feet. Its symptoms are redness and small blisters that form mainly between the fingers. The appearance of such symptoms should be a signal that it is necessary to use medications.

In turn, bad-smelling shoes are the result excessive sweating legs, which, highlighting excess quantity sweat, begin to stink, “endowing” our shoes and sneakers with the same smell.

This all becomes a very awkward problem when we find ourselves in someone else's house or somewhere else where we are forced to take off our shoes. Therefore, it is worth knowing what to do if your feet and shoes stink badly, what to do to prevent delicate situations.

Feet and shoes stink - what to do, how to deal with the bad smell?


1. Washing

Frequent washing lower limbs is the basis for the prevention and treatment of bad foot odor and, accordingly, footwear. They must be washed thoroughly warm water with soap (preferably antibacterial) up to several times during the day.

If necessary, use a soft brush to gently but thoroughly cleanse the skin.

2. Thorough drying and deodorizing

After washing, dry your feet thoroughly before putting on socks. After each hygiene procedure You should use baby foot powder, potato starch, powdered boric acid, or plain baking soda.

If your feet stink and you don’t know what to do, then even at home you can use more complex products - powder with anti-sweat properties (they are sold in pharmacies) or an antifungal spray. Drugs based on antifungal drugs are worthy of attention. essential oils. This complex compositions, in which the refreshing, odor-eliminating effect is combined with an antiperspirant effect. It’s just that deodorants only mask the unpleasant odor, but do not prevent excessive sweating, which means they are only a half-measure. The optimal solution is preparations containing aluminum chloride hexahydrate. True, in case of deprivation, you should not use this kind of remedy, because they cause a strong burning sensation. Sticks are recommended instead of sprays. At first they are used 2-3 times a day, then only once.

Spray your feet with a special antiperspirant five minutes before putting on your shoes. However, avoid places where the skin is cracked or injured.

3. Evening procedure

In the evening, wash your feet thoroughly and rub alcohol into them, then spray a strong antiperspirant on your feet and wrap your foot in plastic wrap to active substances went deeper into the skin. Put on your socks. The procedure must be repeated every evening for a week, and then, if necessary, 1-2 times a week.

4. Baths against bad foot odor

Frequently soaking feet in various solutions- this is another proven answer to the question of what to do at home if your feet stink. Here are examples of such compositions and recipes.

  • Tea. The tannin contained in the famous drink has a drying effect. 3-4 bags are boiled for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water, then diluted with cold water, after which the feet are kept in this liquid for 30 minutes. After this time, the limbs are thoroughly dried, sprinkled with powder or something else. The procedure is carried out twice a day until the condition improves, then it is enough to repeat it twice a week.
  • Kosher salt(stone, rougher than a normal dining room). Stinking feet are kept in a solution diluted in the proportion of half a glass of spice per 1 liter.
  • Baking soda. Dissolve a tablespoon of the substance in 1 liter of water and wet your feet 2 times a week for 15 minutes.
  • Vinegar. Half a glass for 1 liter of water - use the same as in the recipe with soda. Or you can soak your feet in warm water with 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar for 15 minutes once a week.
  • Aluminum acetate (Burow's fluid). Add 2 tablespoons of liquid to 0.5 liters of cold water and wet your feet in the resulting solution for 10-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

Cold bath with ice cubes or lemon juice. At the end, the feet are rubbed with alcohol and dried. During hot weather, this procedure should be repeated every day. Contraindications: diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

If none of these methods help, consult your doctor - he may be able to recommend medications for excessive sweating.


  • Frequent changes of socks (or tights) are needed, at least twice a day, up to 3-4 times a day. It is better to choose products made from natural fibers, such as cotton, which absorbs moisture well.
  • Wear two pairs of socks at a time. At first glance, this advice seems inappropriate if your feet and shoes are already very stinky due to sweat - where are more socks! Meanwhile, the layer of air between the two pairs improves the cooling of the feet, thereby reducing their sweating. First you need to put on cotton socks, then wool socks on top. Of course, this advice is only relevant for the cold season.


What to do if your feet stink after wearing shoes? Convert Special attention exactly at her!

  • Classic closed shoes and boots increase foot sweating and create ideal conditions for the development of bacteria. Therefore, the best choice from this point of view is leather sandals or open-toed shoes.
  • Avoid shoes made from synthetics.
  • Never wear the same pair for two days (let alone the whole week) in a row. Replace them every few days, giving the previous pair a chance to dry and air out. Only after 24 hours do the shoes dry sufficiently.
  • Process the insides. Before putting on shoes, you can pour it into shoes, sneakers, etc. a little soda, talc, so that they absorb moisture and unpleasant odor. An effective remedy eliminate the “aroma” - a decoction of wormwood. This liquid should be used to irrigate the inside of the shoe.
  • Insoles with added activated carbon effectively absorb moisture, which helps prevent the problem.

What else to do if your feet and shoes stink?


This is a procedure based on blocking overactive sweat glands. The device generates weak electrical energy the desired frequency, which affects the sweat glands in such a way that their excessive activity decreases for a while. Regular repetition of the procedure allows you to keep your feet dry and reduce their sweating.
The tension acting on the skin is very low, so the risk of any negative side effects absent. Iontophoresis can also be used at home if you have the appropriate devices. They are not cheap, but the costs are offset by savings on procedures performed in professional salons, on special cosmetics, sweat-damaged shoes, socks, etc.

Calmness, combating increased emotionality

Sweat glands respond quickly to powerful emotions. Therefore, stress (both positive and negative) causes an increase in sweat secretion, which, in turn, activates bacteria that cause bad smell. Therefore, it is worth adopting and using proven relaxation methods.


Eating spicy foods, such as onions, peppers, or garlic, can make your sweat smell more intense.

Leg condition

Excessive stress on your feet or an orthopedic condition (such as flat feet) can also cause excessive sweating. The more burdened your feet are, the more sweat they produce - accordingly, the more moisture, which contributes to the development of bacteria, turning it into a source of stench. Therefore, eliminating the immediate cause (for example, restoring correct form feet with the help of appropriate orthopedic inserts) will help reduce sweating.

If your feet and shoes stink, what to do can be recommended by a dermatologist, who is probably aware of modern advances in the field of means of combating excess sweating. However, you need to start with the simplest, home measures - in many cases they are sufficient.

Sweating on the feet is a natural metabolic process in which toxins and waste products are eliminated from the body. Normally, sweat secretion occurs continuously, but in small quantities. Due to a number of factors, increased sweating may occur, causing a lot of inconvenience to a person.

The liquid released onto the surface of the skin has virtually no odor. An unpleasant odor appears as a result of the activity of microorganisms living on the feet. They feed on keratin softened by sweat, and their breakdown products cause the very stench that people struggle with. Therefore, the more your feet sweat, the more unpleasant they smell.

Hygiene rules

The first answer to the question of what to do if your feet sweat and smell a lot must be attributed to basic foot hygiene. Since the sweat glands work constantly, in order to prevent an unpleasant odor from appearing, you should wash your feet regularly.

People suffering from hyperhidrosis need to adhere to stricter hygiene rules:

  • wash your feet with soap (preferably antibacterial) two or three times a day;
  • make contrast baths, alternating hot and cold water;
  • make baths out of medicinal herbs that help fight pathogenic microflora;
  • After water procedures, your feet must be wiped dry;
  • put on clean socks and shoes on washed feet.

Care for socks and shoes

Synthetic materials, tight shoes can disrupt thermoregulation processes, and therefore increase sweating. You can avoid the problem in this case if you choose the right wardrobe items. Socks should only be made from natural materials. With hyperhidrosis, they need to be changed more often - two, three times a day or after each water procedure. Shoes should be comfortable and also fit properly. In summer you should wear open shoes or sandals.

Shoe care rules:

  • wash and ventilate regularly;
  • remove the insoles, wash them, and then dry them thoroughly;
  • In case of excessive sweating of the feet, pour talc into the inside of the shoes, which perfectly absorbs moisture.

Taking care of your feet

What you can do at home if your feet sweat and smell a lot:

  • purchase a hydromassage bath, the procedure will not only eliminate daytime fatigue, but also reduce sweating;
  • use antiperspirants and deodorants that regulate sweating and fight unpleasant odors;
  • regularly treat your feet with antibacterial agents to reduce the number of bacteria;
  • sprinkle your feet with talcum powder, potato starch or soda, which have a drying effect and absorb excess moisture;
  • apply pharmaceutical products that help with this problem, for example, Teymurov’s paste.


There is a medical device that is designed specifically for those whose feet sweat and smell a lot. What to do for the procedure:

  • fill the device with water;
  • release your legs into it;
  • turn on the device;
  • Take a bath for about twenty minutes.

As can be seen from the above, it is easy and simple to do iontophoresis to reduce foot sweating. The required effect is achieved through the penetration of ionizing substances under the skin, which arise as a result of passing a weak current through water. A person should not feel discomfort. If they appear, then you just need to reduce the current.

Pharmacy products

At a pharmacy in any city you can buy various medications to help fight hyperhidrosis. Among them, the most famous drugs are the following:

  • Farmogel kills bacteria, dries the skin, reduces sweating and unpleasant odor. The antibacterial effect is achieved due to formaldehyde, which is part of the drug. The gel is usually used once every one or two weeks, but not more than three days in a row, otherwise you may get a skin burn.
  • has a similar effect, since it contains an alcoholic formaldehyde solution. It copes well with bacteria and deodorizes feet.
  • Pasta Teymurova cope with mild forms of hyperhidrosis. Its drying and deodorizing effect is provided by talc, boric acid, and zinc. The drug is well tolerated and rarely causes irritation, so it can be used frequently.
  • Lavilin will help you forget about the problem for two weeks after use. It contains extracts of medicinal plants that have an antibacterial effect.
  • Boric acid quickly eliminates unpleasant odor. To treat hyperhidrosis, it requires regular use.

Feet sweat and stink: what to do according to traditional healers and preventive measures

Folk remedies can be used both for the prevention and treatment of excessive sweating. There are many most variety of recipes, helping to cope with this problem. Traditional healers It is recommended to lubricate your feet with vinegar, put potato starch in your socks, or put birch leaves, but the most numerous and popular recipes for foot baths are.

Effective folk remedies

What can you use to make baths when your feet sweat a lot and stink:

  • Collection medicinal herbs . Place medicinal raw materials (nettle, mint, sage, one tablespoon each) in a container, pour one liter of boiling water. Leave for thirty minutes. Pour the liquid into a bowl, add hot water and soak your feet in it for twenty minutes. After the procedure, dry your feet thoroughly with a towel.
  • Bay leaf . To prepare the infusion you will need fifteen leaves and three liters of water. Brew the raw materials with boiling water, cover the container with a lid, and leave to steep for half an hour. Pour the infusion into a basin and take a bath until the water becomes cold. The procedures can be performed every day.
  • Tea. Take two sachets or a tablespoon of the product per liter of water. After brewing, dilute with hot water and lower the feet into the container for half an hour. The procedure should be done daily, and then your feet will not sweat and stink.
  • Oak bark. For cooking medicinal solution you will need one hundred grams of raw materials, a liter of water. The infusion is prepared on the stove for half an hour. Do the procedure every evening for one week. This recipe is perfect for those who have cold feet but sweat a lot.
  • Salt. The simplest, but at the same time effective bath prepared from salt, which is found in any home. Salt is diluted in hot water and immerse your feet in the solution for twenty minutes. If there are skin lesions on the feet, it is better to choose a different recipe.