Walnut partitions. The healing properties of membranes and walnut tincture

Everyone knows walnuts, and every person has tried them at least once in their life, however, not everyone knows that the partitions between the kernels, which everyone throws away, are good for health. This seemingly useless part contains many valuable substances and, therefore, the nut is, in fact, a waste-free product.

In the old days, this tree was called the royal nut; on our continent it grows in the southern regions - in the Caucasus, Asia, and Kuban. In some cases it lives up to 1000 years and grows up to 70 m.

The unique properties of the nuts of this miracle tree have been known since ancient times, when people noticed it useful qualities and began to use them for their own benefit.

Chemical composition

Only in the last hundred years has it been scientifically discovered what explains the benefits walnuts.

Research has shown that in different parts This tree contains large amounts of proteins, fatty oils and free amino acids.

IN a huge number contained vitally essential vitamins A, E, K and P, as well as ascorbic acid. In addition, walnuts contain:

  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • micro- and macroelements, incl. cobalt and iron;
  • coumarins;
  • plant steroids;
  • valuable organic fatty acid and many other valuable substances.

Properties of the tincture

Before you decide to take their tincture walnut partitions, you need to at least briefly learn about its beneficial properties.

These inconspicuous partitions that go to waste are a real storehouse of iodine, which is more abundant only in seaweed. By replenishing the deficiency of this element in the body, a person:

  • gets rid of irritability,
  • normalizes immunity
  • normalizes metabolism and thereby gets rid of excess weight,
  • solves problems with sleep, weakness and memory loss.

Water and alcohol infusions from walnut partitions are recommended for regular use by people who work at nuclear power plants, radiologists and people who spend a lot of time behind a computer screen. In small quantities they will be useful for pregnant and lactating women, young children and schoolchildren, especially during periods of mental stress.

They will be useful for people with thyroid diseases, as well as those who suffer from hypertension, stomach or intestinal problems, atherosclerosis and diabetes.

This drug is especially recommended for people over 40 years of age, when premenopausal changes begin to occur and the risk of various neoplasms increases: as you know, women can suffer from fibroids, various types cysts and mastopathy, and in males adenoma or prostatitis may occur.

Application of tincture

All kinds of tinctures from partitions are very widely used in folk medicine. They provide beneficial influence on the work of the heart muscle and strengthening the walls of blood vessels, relieve migraines and hand tremors, help with food poisoning And various disorders Gastrointestinal tract.

Tinctures help improve memory and concentration, recover from severe colds, pneumonia and postoperative period, get rid of insomnia and poor appetite. They treat polyps in the intestines, stop the growth of tumors, alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of adenoma, normalize metabolism and relieve overweight, alleviate the patient’s condition with pancreatitis, nervous diseases and diabetes mellitus with insulin dependence.

In addition, they have been proven to have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Water infusions help get rid of conjunctivitis and other infectious diseases.

Rubbing and compresses are used for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, sprained joints and ligaments to relieve pain. How aid it is used in healing from women's diseases: fibroids, fibromyomas and mastopathy.

It is especially necessary to take this infusion for the treatment and prevention of iodine deficiency, as well as for the normalization of functions thyroid gland and prevention of endemic goiter for those living in iodine-deficient areas.

Methods for preparing a medicinal drug

Tinctures from walnut partitions are prepared different ways depending on the treatment of a particular disease. Here are the most used methods for preparing several types of tinctures, and specific tinctures will be indicated in the “Folk Recipes” section.

Before preparing any infusion, you should prepare the raw materials. To do this, the collected partitions are crushed; you can simply cut them with scissors. It is better to prepare the tincture in a ceramic bowl or dark glass.

Alcohol tinctures

Recipe 1. Fill a dark 3-liter jar a third with crushed partitions and fill to the top with vodka. Cover with a lid and leave in the dark for 2 weeks. When the infusion is ready, it should be filtered and used for its intended purpose. This infusion is recommended for rubbing painful joints, compresses for pain in the spine, and also internally for problems with the thyroid gland.

Recipe 2. Place 30 g of raw materials in a 200-gram jar, top up with vodka, close the lid and set aside for 10 days. Strain and take 1 tbsp. l. in 30 min. before meals. This drug treats atherosclerosis, gastrointestinal problems, ulcerative colitis and diabetes mellitus. This infusion can also be used to treat cuts and small wounds for faster healing.

Recipe 3. Fill a full handful of partitions? l vodka and place in a dark place for 3 weeks. Strain, add 3 tbsp. l. honey and stir well. This one is very delicious tincture treat digestive disorders and lack of appetite.

A kerosene infusion is also made from the partitions, however, please note that it is only used externally!

Infusion of partitions on kerosene

Fill 2 parts of the partitions with 10 parts of purified kerosene, passed through gauze, on which place 12 tablets activated carbon. Cover with a lid and leave for 1.5 months. Strain and use for rubbing. This infusion can be stored for no more than 3 years.

Water infusion

Chop the interkernel walls of 40 nuts, pour into a jar and pour a cup of boiling water. Place the infusion in a water bath and keep it covered for an hour. Strain and drink warm.

Folk recipes

As an adjuvant treatment for various tumors

Take 50 g of partitions, valerian root, nutmeg and birch buds, chop into crumbs, pour in? l of vodka and let it sit for 10 days. Filter and drink 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals 3 p. per day for 11 days.

For duodenal ulcer

Pour a cup (200 ml) of boiling water over the crushed partitions of 5 nuts and wrap the container, let it brew for an hour. Drink the infusion, diluting it with milk to taste and 2 r. per day, last time at night.

For diarrhea

Grind the partitions of 300 g of nuts into powder, pour in a glass of red grape wine and leave for 3 days. Drink 8 drops, diluting them in a spoon of water.

Take regular alcohol tincture 50 ml 2 times a day. in a day.

Treatment of diabetes

Fill a 0.5 liter bottle with crushed raw materials, add vodka and leave for 3 weeks. Strain and take 1 tbsp. l. before every meal.

For goiter and for its prevention

Instead of vodka, make an infusion as usual, but with cognac. Strain, add 100 g of honey and consume 1 tbsp three times a day. l.

For colitis

3 tbsp. l. Fill the partitions with water so that it covers the raw materials by 2-3 mm. Leave for 7 days, strain and take 10-15 drops. 4 rub. per day.

For women's diseases

Pour 100 ml of vodka into the partitions of 20 nuts, leave for a week, strain, start taking 15 drops, diluting them with 30 ml cold water. Every day the dose should be increased by 1 drop, so that after 5 days there are 20 drops. Take 5 days, then take a break of 10 days. Take the tincture for no more than 3 courses.

Unique qualities walnut known since time immemorial. All its parts were considered medicinal and were used in the fight against many diseases. A decoction of walnut partitions was especially valued. To this day this remedy is the best medicine for endocrine and hormonal disorders of the body.

Chemical composition of partitions

Rarely does anyone know wonderful taste walnut kernels. Many medicinal and nutritious meals. But the value of the fruit is not only in the core. No less useful are the partitions located between the nuclei. They contain a lot of valuable substances:

  • vitamins B, A, E, K, rutin;
  • amino acids - cystine, serine, phenylalanine, glutamine;
  • mineral compounds - iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium and calcium, phosphorus;
  • flavonoids;
  • glycosides;
  • tannins and resins;
  • alkaloids.
Separately, mention should be made of the natural iodine included in the partitions. The substance allows the use of medicinal raw materials to help patients with various endocrine disorders.

Healing properties of partitions

According to modern medicine, the internal partitions of the nut accelerate metabolism, reduce blood sugar levels, have an astringent, anthelmintic and wound-healing effect, and lower blood pressure. The plates are also recommended in collections for gastrointestinal diseases, as well as helminthiasis.

In addition, partitions are prescribed in addition to drug treatment for diseases of the thyroid gland and respiratory infections: bronchial asthma, pleurisy, tuberculosis, bronchitis.

Attention. The ability of partitions to prevent the development of cancerous tumors has been proven.

Ancient and modern medical treatises provide many recipes for curing the following ailments:

  • diabetes;
  • fibroids, mastopathy, ovarian cyst;
  • pancreatitis;
  • obesity;
  • BPH;
  • enterocolitis;
  • intestinal polyps;
  • back and joint pain;
  • CNS disorders;
  • weakening of brain activity;
  • eye diseases.

A decoction of crushed walnut partitions will also help with poor immunity, stress, fatigue, after suffering an illness or complex operation. The drug will give deep sleep, eliminate irritability, restore strength and health.

In ancient times, powdered septums were used to treat festering ulcers and bleeding wounds. The plates were pre-dried, fried over a fire and finely ground. Alcohol infusion was used to treat arthritic joints and fight rheumatism and osteochondrosis. The drug was taken orally and rubbed on the sore joints.

Partitions will save you from iodine deficiency

As mentioned above, the inner plates are rich in iodine. They are able to replenish the microelement deficiency in the body in a short time and alleviate the course of hypothyroidism. A long-term lack of a substance can give impetus to the development of such serious pathologies as nodular goiter and cretinism.

Attention. In iodine-poor areas, episodes are often detected secondary infertility among still young women.

A decoction of walnuts will help compensate for the lack of this important microelement and stay healthy. For cooking remedy You will need enamel dishes and a handful of partitions.

Dry raw materials are poured with liquid in a ratio of 1:5 and brought to a boil over low heat. Cook covered for 10 minutes and leave on the stove until cool. Then the solution is drained and filtered.

The medicinal drug is taken three times a day, one sip at a time. The course of treatment may vary depending on how you feel, but after a month it is recommended to take a break for a week.

Before taking the decoction, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

In alternative medicine, there are many recipes based on the use of the inner plates of the nut. Most often, aqueous extracts and alcohol tinctures are prepared from them. For getting best effect It is necessary to use good quality raw materials.


Properly prepared extract from partitions has a bright therapeutic effect on the body, and the use of plates in combination with other parts of the nut (shell, leaves) makes the effect of therapy more pronounced.

A decoction of walnuts is drunk as tea or used in the form of compresses. The hood is done with cold or hot water.

For diarrhea

Half a glass of well-compacted partitions is poured with a liter of liquid and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool under the lid, filter and take three times a day on an empty stomach.

The decoction helps with uncontrollable diarrhea and has an analgesic and sedative effect.

For conjunctivitis and eye diseases

Inner walnut plates are often used for infectious lesion eye. Thanks to a large number flavonoids, septa have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

To prepare the extract take:

  • ½ cup finely ground records;
  • 300–350 ml of cold liquid.

The mixture is brought to a boil and kept on fire for 20 minutes. Cool under the lid, filter through 3–3 layers of gauze. Cotton swabs are moistened in the resulting solution and applied to the eyes. Keep it for half an hour. The course of therapy is 10–14 days.

For adenoma, prostatitis, female diseases

An aqueous decoction of walnut septa is often used to treat male and female pathologies. For this, 4 tbsp. l. the raw materials are steamed with ½ liter of boiling water and left for 12 minutes. Then the mixture is placed on low heat and boiled for another 12 minutes. Cool to room temperature under the lid and strain.

The resulting amount of extract is drunk in one day in three doses. In the evening, a new portion of the medicine is prepared. The therapeutic course is 5–6 months.

Advice. Before using the drug, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Alcohol tincture

Alcohol or vodka tincture on partitions is more effective than water extract. Even in past centuries, vodka was made from inner plates distilled in alcohol, which was good for the stomach. In addition, special tinctures were made that served an excellent remedy from gastrointestinal disorders.

For diabetes

The alcohol extract will help normalize blood glucose levels and improve the patient's condition with diabetes.

To prepare the tincture take:

  • 4 tbsp. l. with a pile of dry partitions;
  • enough vodka to completely cover the raw materials.

The mixture is shaken and placed in a dark place for a week. After the expiration date, the composition is not filtered. Take 3 times a day, 6 drops diluted in 50 ml of water. The course of therapy is 1–2 months, depending on the patient’s well-being.

Advice. The same remedy can be used for pancreatitis and gastrointestinal diseases.

For tumors and cancer alertness

At cancerous tumors alcohol tincture is used as an addition to drug treatment. The product can inhibit the growth of tumors and increase immunity.

To prepare the drug you need:

  • partitions from 25 nuts;
  • 150 grams of alcohol (70%).

The product is infused in a dark place for 12 days, shaking occasionally. Use three times a day, gradually increasing the dosage from 10 to 20 drops. The course of therapy is 2 months. After a seven-day break, treatment is continued.

The same tincture is taken for mastopathy and fibroma, any skin tumors ( cutaneous horn). Treatment of dermatological tumors can be supplemented with local compresses from an aqueous decoction of walnuts.

To restore thyroid function

To make the tincture, take 1/3 of a half liter jar of nut slices. The raw materials are poured with vodka to the edges of the container and carefully sealed. Leave for 21 days in a dark place. Then filter and take 1 tsp. extract before meals.

Advice. Treatment with alcohol extract must be supplemented with medications.

For cough and joint pain

A tincture made from the inner plates of the nut can relieve a cough, alleviate the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis, and improve the condition of a patient with tuberculosis. The medicine is prepared from the partitions of 20 nuts and ½ liter of alcohol.

The mixture is infused in a dark place for 10–12 days, shaking daily. Then filter and consume 1 tbsp. l. in the morning and before bed, washed down with warm milk.

To treat diseased joints, the tincture is used for compresses or used as a rubbing. The product relieves discomfort and improves mobility.

For heart diseases

To help heart patients, an extract is prepared from partitions taken from 3 kg of walnuts. They are crushed to a powder and poured with ½ liter of vodka. Insist for 7 days in a dark place, take on an empty stomach once a day. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator.

For hypertension and gastrointestinal diseases

This recipe is suitable for stomach disorders and blood pressure reduction. To prepare the tincture, use a half-liter dark glass bottle. It is filled 2/3 with partitions and filled to the top with alcohol or vodka. Keep for 14 days.

For hypertension, strained tincture is taken 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach for a month. After a week's break, therapy is resumed. At stomach disorders The drug is used as needed in the same dosage. In case of severe diarrhea, it is permissible to increase the single serving.

The above list of diseases is far from complete. Alcohol extract and water decoction from walnut partitions are successfully used for other, more rare pathologies.

Maintaining beautiful and healthy skin

Walnuts have long been used to maintain attractive and healthy skin. There are many interesting recipes for cooking medicinal drugs from partitions. Today they are no longer as popular as they used to be, although they still deserve attention.

Acne treatment

In the old days, for acne and pimples, it was recommended to use vodka tincture from partitions. A tablespoon of concentrated product was diluted in a glass of liquid and used for compresses on the affected areas.

The duration of local applications is 40 minutes, with a change of lotion every 10 minutes. The treatment solution should be as hot as the skin can tolerate. Duration of therapy is a month. In the first half of the course, compresses are done daily, in the second - every other day.

Advice. External applications are well complemented by taking the tincture internally. Such a comprehensive effect will help to quickly cope with the problem.

Fighting Vitiligo

To help patients with Vitiligo, an alcohol tincture from the partitions is prepared together with nut leaves. For the remedy take:

  • ½ cup chopped records;
  • ½ cup green leaves (or pericarp);
  • enough vodka to completely cover the raw materials poured into the jar.

The mixture is thoroughly shaken and left for 10 days in a dark and warm place. They don't filter.

The resulting solution is thickly applied to the stains for several months. The procedure is carried out 1–2 times a day.

Treatment with partitions can be supplemented with dosed solar irradiation. Exposure to ultraviolet light begins with 2 minutes, adding 60 seconds daily for 14 days. In this case, adjacent healthy areas of skin are covered with sunscreen.

Treatment is based on moderate staining of the affected dermis, which allows the spots to be masked. Alcohol tincture can be alternated with a decoction of walnuts. This technique significantly accelerates skin pigmentation.

When using this product, you should understand that it provides only a temporary cosmetic effect. Therapy for Vitiligo is very complex and is always carried out with medications, while recovery occurs only in a small proportion of patients.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis

Using vodka tincture, you can get rid of partitions increased sweating and diaper rash. To do this, the alcohol concentrate is diluted in a glass of water in a ratio of 1:5 and lotions are applied to areas with hyperhidrosis.

Hair Care Product

Modern cosmetology advises using a strong decoction of walnut partitions to strengthen and grow hair, as well as color it a rich chocolate tone. For these purposes, Bulgarian-made phytoshampoo “Nut” is produced.

To prepare a decoction at home, take:

  • 100 g crushed partitions;
  • 100 ml vodka;
  • 100 ml water.

The raw materials are poured with diluted alcohol, shaken well and put in a dark place for 14 days.

Advice. Filter the finished product and add a spoonful of honey and 5 drops rose oil. This product will smell magical.

The composition is rubbed into the scalp once a week for 30 minutes. Then wash off with regular shampoo and rinse hair with acidified water. Regular use of the infusion will make your curls lush and elastic, strengthen the hair follicles and get rid of dandruff. In addition, the nourishing product will help maintain bright and rich hair color without the use of chemicals.

Contraindications for the use of nut partitions

The partitions also have some restrictions on reception. Alcohol extracts are prohibited for children and pregnant women, but they can be replaced with water decoctions. But for psoriasis, neurodermatitis and eczema, it is better not to take the internal plates in any form.

They are also undesirable for urticaria or Quincke's edema. A direct contraindication is exacerbation peptic ulcer or gastritis, allergy to the product. When using partitions, especially internal ones, it is necessary to observe exact dosages and be sure to consult a doctor.

Such a seemingly simple thing as a tincture or decoction of walnut partitions can alleviate the condition of many diseases. Therefore, there is no need to throw away valuable raw materials, because if used skillfully, they can bring a lot of benefits.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Using the medicinal properties of walnuts for various diseases and its use as food dates back to ancient times. This plant belongs to the healer and provider. In folk medicine, all parts of the walnut tree are used to prevent and treat various diseases.

Today I will not dwell for long on the benefits of ripe walnuts, their dairy representatives, or talk about the miraculous properties of the leaves, but I will talk specifically about the benefits and harms, medicinal properties and contraindications of walnut partitions.

I will tell you about everything that I managed to find out. This does not mean that walnut partitions are a panacea for all diseases and can be used by everyone indiscriminately. A person is a purely individual person, only after learning about all the indications and contraindications, having tried it personally, will it be possible to say about the benefits, harms or futility of treatment with walnut partitions for you personally.

And you can’t believe everything you hear. It's not in vain that there is folk wisdom: "trust but check". Especially if a cure for cancer is being advertised, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, high degree hypertension.

If you have severe chronic diseases, you must very carefully resort to any traditional medicine recipes and not cancel medications prescribed by a highly qualified doctor whom you personally trust.

A little history about the walnut

I think that to begin the story about the beneficial properties of walnut partitions, you will be interested in learning the history and legends about the walnut tree itself.

This unique plant recognized as healing by Hippocrates and Avicenna. Greek mythology also tells about it.

The walnut tree is not just a plant, but the daughter of King Dion, Caria, who was the beloved of Dionysus. Her father turned her into a beautiful tree.

And one day, girls were dancing around the sacred tree. During the dance, frightened by something terrible, they rushed under the crown of a tree, seeking its protection, and became nuts.

Since then, it has been believed that food such as nuts with honey is divine food. And the ancient Greeks attributed the fruits of the walnut tree to God's creatures and they called them the acorns of the gods. Such nuts are even mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible.

The healing properties of walnut partitions

I won’t delve too deeply into the history and properties of this fruit. After all, I promised to tell you about the benefits and harms of partitions. Although all parts of the walnut plant are endowed with biologically active substances, which were used in past centuries and are used in modern folk medicine.

But they deserve special attention beneficial features and partitions, which, most often, quickly go into the trash. Such parts of the nut greatly irritate those who come across them along with the kernel. But in vain. Walnut partitions have their own medicinal properties. For example, they contain a significant amount of tannins, alkaloids, and natural iodine. In modern folk medicine, their infusions, tinctures and decoctions are used.

Walnut partitions infused with medical alcohol are recommended for use as a means of stabilizing hormonal levels in women with mastopathy, strengthening the immune system, and increasing iodine levels in diseases of the thyroid gland.

The tannins contained in the partitions make it possible to combat even long-term stool disorders. These are all recommendations that can be followed in conjunction with the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

If you have severe chronic illnesses, then official medicine it is forbidden to cancel medical supplies, replacing them with folk remedies. Therefore, to make sure that walnut partitions are not contraindicated for you, it is better to consult your doctor, especially if your illness requires inpatient treatment in a medical facility.

The benefits of walnut partitions in folk medicine

Walnut partitions perfectly compensate for the lack of iodine in the body. If you become irritated even for no reason, are very unbalanced, whiny, sweat heavily at any temperature, cannot remember the name of a childhood friend, then you can suspect that your body is suffering from iodine deficiency. Here the savior will be a decoction of partitions.

But, be careful. Sometimes, similar symptoms occur in different diseases. For example, with a deficiency and excess of iodine. If you follow popular advice, the skin can become an indicator of the amount of iodine in the body. Apply an iodine mesh on your forearm or heels; if after six hours there is no trace of iodine left, it means you are lacking this microelement. Then you can start treatment.

The benefits of walnut partitions are also noted in inflammatory processes intestines, with conjunctivitis, since they have bactericidal properties. They are not only excellent antiseptics, but also help relieve pain.

They say that pain of any location, even joint pain, disappears. For such problems, the painful areas are rubbed with tincture of the partitions.

For people working at a computer

Almost everyone in the world knows a computer and the Internet. But not many people know that radiation from a monitor eats up a person’s iodine. People who constantly work at a computer are primarily at risk for iodine deficiency.

Anyone who is often exposed to radiation from a TV, display, or X-ray machines is recommended to use a decoction or tincture of walnut partitions for prevention.

Useful properties and applications

After reaching the age of 45 years and older, hormonal levels change, which can lead to the occurrence of fibroids in women and adenomas in men. Partitions stabilize hormonal levels and prevent the formation of tumors.

The story about the benefits and treatment of walnut partitions does not end there. They perfectly strengthen hair and can be used in the form of a hair care lotion. This is an excellent hair nourishment, especially if you add rose oil and honey to the tincture.

About the dangers and contraindications of walnut partitions

Any remedy or food, even one that seems completely harmless at first glance, can cause harm. This also applies to the contraindications of walnut partitions. They also not only bring benefits, but can also cause harm.

Walnut septum and treatment with its tinctures are contraindicated for those who have excess iodine in the body, who has a penchant for allergic reactions, dermatitis, psoriasis, who suffers from acute gastritis.

Even if you are practically healthy, but are expecting a baby or nursing a newborn, then you should not rush to remedies that have not been tested on you and your child. Then it is better to be patient and postpone treatment until a later time.

Man is a special creature that gives unexpected reactions. Therefore, before being treated with nut partitions and any other methods unknown to you and using any new substance, always start with microdoses and observe your condition and how your body tolerates them.

And of course, walnut partitions are not such a powerful source active substances, vitamins and microelements, like the core itself. But they also have their own significant strength.

I told you about what is known in world practice and folk medicine about the treatment with walnut partitions and its infusions, and you can choose for yourself whether to drink or not drink. And most importantly, do not forget to consult with your doctor. And also read our other articles, for example, or, and also, about the beneficial and harmful qualities of certain food products.

Among all medicines, which are prepared from this raw material, the most famous, although somewhat exotic to the ear, is the tincture of walnut partitions. What healing properties can these thin membranes contain? After all, the most delicious and desirable thing in a nut is the kernel.

However, the shell of a ripe fruit - dry and strong - is a “concentrate” of useful substances (in particular, iodine), which, under the influence of alcohol, transform into a liquid “configuration” without losing their bioactive properties. Unripe nuts contain a significant amount ascorbic acid, and the peel of the fruit contains a lot of tannins, which have astringent and hemostatic properties.

Walnut is a virtually waste-free product; traditional healers use it to prepare the following types infusions: from green unripe fruits - “milk” nuts, from the partitions of young nuts, from green peel, shell and even from leaves.

The use of tinctures: benefits and contraindications

The use of walnut tincture is possible for various pathological conditions body as a preventive, therapeutic and additional measure:

  • positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • getting rid of migraines, improving concentration and memory;
  • help with poisoning and upset stomach and intestines, treatment of polyps in the intestines;
  • prevention of iodine deficiency in the body, normalization of the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in the body, getting rid of excess weight;
  • additional remedy in the treatment of "female" hormonal diseases– mastopathy, fibroids and uterine fibroids;
  • stopping the growth of tumors, mitigating the unpleasant symptoms of adenoma;
  • relief of the painful condition of pancreatitis and insudin-dependent form of diabetes mellitus;
  • recovery after severe colds, bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • relief of the flow nervous diseases, help with insomnia;
  • reduction of inflammation and reduction pain for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, sprains and joints.

Prevention of endemic goiter

Many areas of our country are classified as so-called iodine-deficient - this is determined by the prevalence of residents suffering from diseases in them endocrine system(in particular, violations hormonal levels due to pathology of the thyroid gland). Such “risk regions,” according to scientists and doctors, are the North Caucasus, Ural, East Siberian and West Siberian, Far Eastern regions, Volga region, Altai Mountains, as well as regions of Central Russia that suffered from the consequences of the Chernobyl accident: Bryansk , Tula, Oryol, Kursk, Kaluga.

Tip: To check whether there is a risk of iodine deficiency, you can do the following test: apply several broad “smears” of iodine on your shoulder at night or make a light iodine mesh. If by morning there are no traces left, then the body is experiencing a shortage of this microelement and it is necessary serious treatment. If barely noticeable strokes are visible, then prevention is needed.

By restoring natural immune defense through the use of walnut tincture, the benefits of which as an additional source of iodine are invaluable, you can strengthen the body's resistance during seasonal epidemics and solve individual health problems.

Attention: contraindications!

However, despite this wide range positive effects, walnut preparations can cause irreparable harm to the body, therefore, if any of the above contraindications are present, taking tinctures is prohibited:

  • neurodermatitis;
  • eczema,
  • psoriasis;
  • hives;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • acute gastritis;
  • allergic reactions, intolerance to iodine preparations;

Attention: The use of walnut decoctions and tinctures is a good deed, which, however, must be correlated with the body’s capabilities and general condition person. Before you decide to take any walnut-based medications, you should consult a therapist and endocrinologist. Excess iodine in the body is no better than its lack!

What are the benefits of nut partitions?

Not everyone knows that it is the walnut partitions that are natural source Yoda. They also contain rare organic acids and essential oils, vitamin C, valuable alkaloids and glucosides that have a general strengthening effect on the body. The benefits of walnut partitions are also preserved in the form of tincture, which is most often prepared with vodka or alcohol.

Nuts are used to prepare tinctures and other medicines (powders, decoctions, extracts). varying degrees maturity. They say that it is better to use young nuts with still green partitions or young ripe nuts, just collected. Fruits that are stored for a long time gradually lose beneficial essential oils and other healing components concentrated in the partitions.

Advice: A “softer” remedy that helps improve the flow of iodine into the body is a decoction of partitions. It is better suited for children than alcohol-containing walnut tincture.

For cooking healing drink you need to take the partitions and water in a ratio of 1:2 (for example, for 1 glass of partitions you will need 2 glasses of water), bring them to a boil in a saucepan and leave to simmer under the lid for another 10 minutes. over low heat. The resulting decoction can be stored in the refrigerator in a closed container for 2-3 days. It should be taken on an empty stomach before meals three times a day. The recommended dose is 20-30 ml (one sip). In addition to iodine, this decoction contains useful antibacterial substances that help get rid of inflammation and remove toxins from the body. It can also be used externally, for example, in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Secrets of preparing and taking tinctures

The “classic” version of tincture from walnut partitions, which helps solve health problems in several directions at once, is prepared according to the following recipe:

Place two full spoons of partitions into a container of suitable volume and fill them with 200 ml of high-quality vodka or medical alcohol (70% strength). The drug needs to be infused for 10 days. Then it needs to be strained, poured into bottles with a dropper and stored in a cool place.

Another proven remedy is tincture of walnuts with vodka. For this medicine, only young nuts are needed.


Chop 25-30 nuts, remove the partitions, pour 500 ml of vodka over them and leave for 2-3 weeks in a cool, dark place, shaking the vessel daily.

Tips for use:

  1. Orally to prevent iodine deficiency: dilute 5-10 drops of tincture in 1 tbsp. water, take daily before meals for 2-4 weeks.
  2. Orally for the treatment of cough: 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day, with 1 glass of water.
  3. Orally for insomnia and neurological diseases: 25-30 drops 3 times a day with 1 glass of water.
  4. Orally for fibroids, mastopathy: 5-30 drops 3 times a day (increase the dosage gradually), with water, 30 minutes before meals
  5. Externally for radiculitis, joint diseases: in the form of rubbing or compresses under a bandage several times a day.

Recipe for tincture of walnuts for diabetes mellitus:

2 tbsp. The partitions should be filled with vodka so that it completely covers them (about 100 ml will be required), and leave for at least a week. This remedy should be taken on an empty stomach, 7 drops, diluting the medicine in water. The optimal course of treatment is 2-5 weeks of treatment, a month's break, then the course is resumed.

You can learn how to prepare a tincture on walnut shells from this video:

All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Who doesn't love to chew nuts while chatting with friends during evening gatherings while watching a movie! It's a very enjoyable activity. The benefits of walnuts have long been proven by scientists, so we are all firmly convinced that a handful of nuts will never harm our bodies, existing under conditions of eternal stress and lack of vitamins.

But we throw the shells, including the membranes of walnuts, into the trash bin, because we have no doubt: this “production waste” is unlikely to be useful. For us, the walnut shell is something like the husk of seeds: it simply protects the tasty fruit from exposure external factors, keeping it fresh.

Meanwhile, the partitions of walnuts represent a whole storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Don't rush to throw them away! Let’s be curious: what are nut membranes made of and how can you use them for health benefits?

First of all, pay attention to the color of this product. Walnut partitions dark brown(or light brown, depending on the plant variety and the degree of freshness of the fruit). Cause: high content iodine in the shell and partitions of walnuts.

Iodine performs a number of important functions:

  • supports memory function;
  • provides concentration;
  • participates in metabolic processes.

Iodine deficiency quickly affects mental abilities a person, on his ability to select and analyze information. IN childhood Lack of iodine leads to mental retardation in the child.

Interesting: Walnut membranes contain more iodine than its kernels!

In addition, the shell of walnuts, and especially the partitions of the walnut, are fraught with:

  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • tannins;
  • lysine;
  • pectin;
  • phytoncides.

Vitamins - a whole set. This is: A; WITH; E; D; PP and B vitamins.

Vitamin A

Walnut partitions are rich in vitamin A, which necessary for vision and skin. Without its sufficient content, visual acuity decreases, a spasm of accommodation occurs, which over time leads to true myopia or farsightedness.

Wounds, skin rashes, any other damage skin They heal much faster if a person has enough vitamin A.

Vitamin C

It is found in the shell and partitions of the nut and protects the body from free radicals, thereby preventing the process of premature aging.

In addition, vitamin C increases resistance to various diseases, especially colds, and prevents tumor processes. If there is enough vitamin C, other vitamins are well absorbed: A, E, B1.

Vitamin E

A decoction of walnut partitions is very good for skin, as it contains vitamin E, which is “responsible” for the regeneration of epithelial cells. It is used both internally and externally.

Vitamin D

Residents of northern latitudes lack vitamin D, especially in the autumn-winter period. To compensate for its deficiency in conditions of low solar activity, use walnut infusion or decoction of partitions.

This way you will prevent the bone apparatus from losing strength and reduce the likelihood of cracks and bone fractures. Women during menopause and menopause, when bones lose calcium, should pay attention to this point. Vitamin D helps the body absorb this essential microelement.

Vitamin PP

Nicotinic acid (otherwise known as vitamin PP) lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol.

If you periodically resort to help traditional methods treatment - for example, with a decoction of walnut shells - the amount of this vitamin will be maintained at the level necessary for the body to function normally.

Vitamin B

B vitamins are a “guarantor” high body immunity. They regulate metabolic processes, protect against viruses and bacterial attacks. These vitamins are responsible for:

  • functioning of the nervous system;
  • proper development of healthy cells;
  • muscle strength;
  • good functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Walnut partitions have many medicinal properties. If you don't neglect it natural medicine, you can reduce the number of pills you take for various chronic diseases.

Why should you use partitioned nuts?

Knowledge about the benefits of walnut partitions is based on an analysis of their composition. So, walnut partitions: what are the benefits?

Amino acids

Pay attention to the presence of amino acids in the membranes and shell. They are the building blocks from which protein compounds are formed.

Without protein, the appearance of new cells is impossible - therefore, amino acids are vital for any living organism. When consuming decoctions and tinctures of walnuts, the body receives the portion it needs.


The next component of walnut infusion is tannins. They are also necessary for protein synthesis, and in addition, they create a natural barrier to viruses and bacteria, preventing them from entering the body.

Viral and bacterial diseases go away faster if you drink a decoction of walnuts.


Of particular note is lysine, one of the amino acids that confirms the beneficial properties of the shell and membranes of fruits. Lysine is found in all protein compounds. His action is interesting: he actively prevents the reproduction of the herpes virus in the body.

If you make it a rule to regularly use walnut shells (in tinctures and decoctions), you will notice after a while that relapses of herpes have become less frequent. Reason: the virus, having entered the body, tries to integrate into cells, replacing its amino acid arginine.

Lysine is similar to arginine, but it is not suitable for the successful reproduction of herpes: the virus dies by connecting to it. Thinking it is attacking arginine, the herpes actually attacks lysine, causing its activity to rapidly decline. He cannot “raise offspring” on lysine.

If a person falls under the influence harmful factors: stress; extreme cold; fatigue; multiple attacks from various viruses, the strength of his immune system decreases and the amount of lysine becomes less.

This is where an infusion of walnut partitions in vodka (or a decoction of water) will help. Lost supplies will be replenished.

It is imperative to fight herpes, since it is not dangerous in itself, but it deals a powerful blow to the immune system: the protective barrier weakens, the body begins to “catch” more and more new infections.


Pectin is famous for its ability to neutralize the harm of “bad” cholesterol, reducing its concentration in the blood. It binds those entering the body harmful substances. Pectin is especially needed for people who have problems with gallbladder, liver, stomach, intestines.

Healing infusions on walnut partitions restore health and ease the course of diseases. Both membranes and shells are useful.

Benefits and contraindications

The scope of application of walnut partitions is wide. Diseases that respond to this natural “cure”:

  • fatigue, weakness during the recovery period after serious illnesses;
  • overly active herpes;
  • ARVI and acute respiratory infections;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • gynecological problems.

The presence of potassium and magnesium is a big “plus” for those with heart pathologies.

Iodine is indispensable for some thyroid diseases, but caution must be exercised: sometimes large doses can, on the contrary, negatively affect the functioning of the gland. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Walnut shells and membranes in special processing contribute to normalization blood pressure , lowering it to normal age values.

However, you need to pay attention not only to the medicinal properties of walnut partitions, but also to existing contraindications.

They are all relative and depend on the severity of the disease. Do not use any decoctions or tinctures without detailed consultation with your doctor if you have:

  • there are blood clotting disorders;
  • there is a tendency to allergies;
  • diagnosed with thyroid disease.

The main contraindication is individual intolerance.

From what diseases?

Walnuts are a gift from nature that can be called truly unique: the whole fruit is useful, along with the shell and membranes.


Drinking walnuts in alcohol saves women from problems associated with changes in hormone levels that plague women. Hormonal imbalances occur throughout a woman’s life: from puberty before menopause.

The result of strong surges (causes of which: pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, stress) often results in hormone-dependent diseases of the female genital area: fibroids, fibroids, mastopathy.

Dental cavity

Rinse your mouth with a decoction of alcohol inflammatory diseases: gingivitis; periodontitis; stomatitis. The looseness and bleeding of the gums decreases, the rashes characteristic of stomatitis disappear, and the pain goes away. The drink protects tooth enamel, making it difficult for bacteria to access it. As a result, caries overtakes a person less often.


If you have been diagnosed with anemia, that is, low hemoglobin is detected in blood tests, try taking 30 drops daily, as in the recipe, to reduce the manifestations of atherosclerosis. The effect should appear in a couple of weeks.


If you suffer from hypertension, prepare the medicine in the evening to be taken the next day. Take a teaspoon of partitions, add 200 ml of water and leave overnight. In the morning, put the infusion on the stove and boil the mixture for 10 minutes. We filter. Even before the first morning cup of coffee is drunk, you need to consume this decoction. You can be treated this way for a month.


A decoction prepared in this way is useful for conjunctivitis. After moistening a cotton pad with the decoction, make eye lotions or simply wipe your eyes at least 2 times a day. The course of treatment is continued for 2 weeks.


The membranes of the nuts help dry, weakened hair gain strength. Mix 50 g of shell and 50 ml of vodka. The tincture should be kept in the dark for 14 days. Then it is filtered, and a teaspoon of honey and a couple of drops of rosewood oil are added to the resulting solution.

Gently rub the composition into the roots of the hair and distribute along the entire length. The head is covered with an insulating cap (towel). After 30 minutes, wash off the mask. Then wash your hair as usual. Regular use of the mask will make your hair thicker and stronger.

Recipes for healthy infusions

Among folk recipes, the most popular is the tincture of nut partitions with vodka. It is simple and accessible even for those who do not like to work on preparing potions. You will need:

  1. Membranes (100 g).
  2. (200 ml).

Fill the raw material with “fire water” and leave it in a dark place for a week. Then we filter the resulting infusion several times until it becomes clear. Pour into clean dishes.

You need to take the drink 25 drops at a time, but not in pure form, and after diluting it in a glass of water. Drops are taken twice a day.

Alcohol tincture recipe:

  1. Nut partitions (extracted from 25 fruits).
  2. 100 g alcohol.

It is necessary to combine the ingredients and leave the resulting mixture in a dark place for 10 days.

You need to drink the tincture 15 drops, previously diluted in a glass of water. The tincture is taken three times a day.

If treatment is carried out for 30 days, then regression of the disease will gradually be observed.

Those who are contraindicated in taking tinctures containing a portion of alcohol are recommended to try an infusion of partitions with water. Compound:

  1. Partitions (200 g).
  2. Boiling water (liter).

To infuse the drink, use a thermos. Three hours is enough to obtain an infusion of the required strength.

Drink it after meals (preferably no less than an hour later) in a glass. Result: strengthened the immune system, insomnia goes away, strength appears.

Walnut membranes can be boiled. Useful material are completely preserved, so the decoction is no less useful than the infusion. Recipe:

  • nut membranes (200 g);
  • liter of water.

After the mixture has boiled for about 10 minutes, remove it from the heat and add (after cooling to room temperature) a spoonful of honey.

Drink a cup one hour before meals. Just don’t forget to strain the broth before you put the honey in it and drink it.

This recipe helps for diseases of the liver, intestines. Those who have already tried it mention a positive effect in the treatment of diabetes.

If you wash wounds and inflammations on the skin with the broth, they will quickly go away.

Atherosclerosis responds well to the effects. Decoction walnut partitions and the shell eliminates “bad” cholesterol, which means it cleanses blood vessels and prevents the formation of plaques that clog their lumen.

A special recipe to combat atherosclerosis:

  • take a 200 gram jar;
  • pour nut shells and partitions there;
  • Fill everything to the top with vodka.

After closing the jar with a lid, put it in a dark place. After a week, strain.

Take 30 drops per day (dissolved in a glass of water).

Most people over the age of 30 are familiar with occasional pain in the back, in the cervical-collar area, and in the joints. A decoction of membranes of nuts helps strengthen the joints, making them less wearable.

Have you ever used the above recipes? Maybe you even have your own, time-tested? Share with us, and we will share with a wide range of readers.

Which recipes do you find satisfying? maximum benefit and why? What is your personal experience? Write to us - we will be glad to hear your feedback.

Perhaps many will think: indeed, why throw away the “husk” if it contains such a mass of vitamins and other substances necessary for the body. Someone will try your recipes and will be able to improve their health without resorting to expensive drugs from pharmacies.