Walnut partitions in folk medicine. Simple recipes for alcohol tincture on nut partitions

Partitions walnuts have no less benefits than their pulp, which we use for food. Often, the partitions are thrown into the trash bin along with the shells, but this attitude towards this part of the nuts is incorrect. These components are also rich in a complex of important components that help our body be healthy, so their consumption is more than desirable.

Of course, the partitions cannot be eaten as pulp, but other healthy products can be prepared from them. One such product is an alcohol tincture of partitions walnut. There are many recipes for creating such miraculous drinks; we will look at the most popular of them. But first, we will find out how a tincture made from this ingredient is useful.

The role of such drinks in home medicine

In the case of a product such as tincture of walnut partitions with vodka, the application can be very different. In particular, this drink is indicated:

  • with fibroids;
  • with prostate adenoma;
  • for mastopathy;
  • for nervous disorders;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for disorders digestive system and intestines (for example, with profuse diarrhea);
  • for colitis;
  • with rapid fatigue.

Besides, this remedy will help cope with baldness and strengthen hair. If you use walnut septum as the main ingredient, vodka tincture will become your savior from muscle and joint pain. Of course, it will not eliminate the root cause of the discomfort (in particular, tincture alone will not be able to cure radiculitis), but the course of the disease will be alleviated as much as possible.

Tincture of walnut partitions for women's health also useful in its own way. Reviews from many users of the global network indicate that thanks to this drink they were able to normalize hormonal background, which saved them from frequently occurring gynecological pathologies. So, we figured out what the remedy in question can treat. Now let's move on to how to cook it.

Making medicine from vodka

In this case, we will look at how a vodka tincture is made from the thyroid membranes of walnuts. To make this drink, you will need to have:

  • 40 walnuts;
  • high-quality vodka (it is strongly not recommended to skimp on this ingredient, otherwise you may get poisoned);
  • 500 ml dark glass container.

The entire cooking process consists of the following steps:

  • separate nut membranes from pulp and shell;
  • pour them into the prepared container (this ingredient should fill the container by about a third);
  • pour the purchased vodka into the container (the alcoholic liquid should fill the container to the neck);
  • seal the container tightly and transfer it to a dark corner;
  • leave the mixture for 21 days;
  • after the specified period of time has passed, strain the liquid through cheesecloth;
  • give the medicine a couple more days to infuse properly.

The finished product should be taken daily before meals, a tablespoon. The optimal course of treatment is 14 days, after which at least a week's break must be taken. After a 7-day break, the course of treatment can be resumed, but it is recommended to consult a doctor about this.

Cooking with alcohol

A tincture of walnut partitions in alcohol will allow you to successfully fight many pathologies (oncology, mastopathy, uterine fibroids). To obtain this medicine you will need the following ingredients:

  • dark glass containers;
  • 25 nuts;
  • 100 ml of seventy percent alcohol.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • the membranes of the harvested nuts are cleaned of pulp and shells;
  • after that they are poured into a container;
  • Next, the dishes are filled with the specified amount of alcohol;
  • the liquid is infused in a darkened corner for 7 days.

If we talk about how to take tincture of walnut partitions made with alcohol, then everything is relatively simple. So:

  • in the first 2 weeks of treatment, 15 drops of the medicine are dissolved in warm water in an amount of 30 ml; in this concentration the drug is consumed three times a day before meals;
  • after a two-week period, the concentration of the medicine increases to 20 drops (the number of doses remains the same);
  • at the final stages of the course it is allowed to increase the concentration to 30 drops.

In general, 1 course lasts 2 months, after which there is a break for 10 days. If necessary, the course is repeated.

The result of using the medicine in question is quite positive. After 60 days of taking it, you will be able to get rid of excessive irritability, sleep problems, and metabolic abnormalities. In addition, the tincture will help strengthen immune system, which is especially important in the presence of cancer lesions.

You can also make a tincture based on alcohol that will strengthen your hair. The list of required ingredients looks like this:

  • 50 g of membranes, thoroughly cleaned of shell and pulp;
  • a glass of seventy percent alcohol;
  • rose oil;
  • a teaspoon of May honey.

During cooking, the following set of actions is performed:

  • Place the specified number of partitions in prepared dark glass containers;
  • dilute a glass of alcohol with water in a ratio of 1:2;
  • after that, pour the alcohol liquid into a container with partitions;
  • seal the container tightly and transfer it to a cool, dark corner;
  • keep the mixture for 14 days;
  • after this, strain the tincture and pour it into a new clean container;
  • add 4 drops of rose oil to the almost finished medicine;
  • at the very end, add the above amount of May honey.

The resulting mixture is applied to the hair 30 minutes before washing your hair. After application, the head is wrapped in polyethylene and wrapped in a towel. After a half-hour time period, the head is washed under warm water using shampoo. The final stage of the procedure is rinsing the hair in slightly acidified water. This water is made simply: a teaspoon citric acid diluted in 5 liters of warm water.

Remember! The procedure is performed daily for 3-4 weeks (if desired, such an event can be carried out at daily intervals).

Making a tincture from moonshine

Moonshine tincture of walnut partitions is a unique homemade product in its own way. It is suitable both for treatment and for consumption as table alcohol. To get this drink you will need to have:

  • 3 liters of high-quality fifty percent moonshine;
  • walnut partitions (half a standard glass);
  • a tablespoon of black tea;
  • 4 clove buds;
  • a tablespoon of cumin;
  • a teaspoon of crushed oak bark;
  • one 10 gram packet of vanilla sugar;
  • a tablespoon of regular sugar;
  • a pinch of citric acid.

In the case of a product such as moonshine tincture on walnut partitions, the recipe involves performing 7 consecutive steps. These steps look like this:

  1. Take the above amount of nut partitions, tea, cumin, vanilla sugar, clove buds and pour them into the prepared glass container. Pour moonshine into the container (its level should literally reach the edges of the container).
  2. Seal the container tightly and move it to a dark corner. Keep the mixture in a dark place for 14 days. Shake the liquid a couple of times a day.
  3. After the specified time period has passed, filter the future drink in 2 stages: first pass it through cheesecloth and then through a coffee filter.
  4. Do sugar syrup. To do this, mix regular sugar and water in equal proportions. Add the resulting syrup to the container with the tincture.
  5. Soak thoroughly oak bark in boiling water. This way you will prepare it for the upcoming infusion.
  6. Pour a teaspoon of soaked bark into a bowl with the future tincture. Seal the container tightly and transfer it again to a dark corner for a second infusion. However, this time the infusion should last at least a month. Ideally, the liquid should last a couple of years.
  7. After the required period of time has passed, the tincture is filtered and bottled for storage.

That's all! Moonshine tincture from nut partitions is ready. Although calling it just a tincture is not entirely correct. Essentially, you will get aromatic homemade cognac with a certain therapeutic effect. In particular, thanks to moderate consumption of this drink (maximum 150-200 g per day), you will get rid of insomnia, normalize the functioning of the digestive system, and improve appetite. Although the main goal of this product– play the role of unique alcohol on festive tables.

List of contraindications

Unfortunately, in the case of a medicine such as tincture of walnut partitions, use is not always allowed. In particular, people suffering from:

  • allergies to any type of nut;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • sensitive psoriasis;
  • alcoholism.

Advice! In addition, people who have an individual intolerance to alcohol will have to refrain from treatment with this remedy.

Naturally, women during pregnancy and young mothers at the lactation stage should forget about this treatment option. Those who have an increased tendency to develop urticaria should approach treatment with extreme caution. Doctors also strongly advise against giving this type medications for minors (even in small doses), because the alcohol contained in the composition can be addictive (only external warming rubbing is allowed).

Alcohol tincture from nut partitions can have a detrimental effect on your condition even in the absence of the listed contraindications. Therefore, before preparing it, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

For many centuries, walnuts have been rightfully considered a healing fruit. A tincture of walnut partitions with vodka, unique in its composition, is included in complex therapy in the treatment of many diseases. It can be used alone or as additional remedy to improve performance drug treatment. is an excellent product with many useful microelements, and its partitions have excellent therapeutic effect for treatment various diseases. They contain big list nutrients, such as glycosides, alkaloids, vitamin C, organic acids, iodine.

Proponents of traditional medicine recommend the use of membranes in the fight against diseases such as:

  • Availability overweight;
  • inflammation of the outer membrane of the eye;
  • inflammatory processes of mucous membranes;
  • hormonal dysfunction.

The benefits of tinctures on walnut partitions are familiar to many people. Most often they are used for iodine deficiency in the body. A deficiency of this microelement affects the entire body as a whole and leads to diseases such as fibroids, myopathy, and prostate adenoma.

The effectiveness of using tincture on walnut partitions

Iodine deficiency in the human body interferes with normal functioning thyroid gland, which can subsequently lead to breast cancer, and the body’s immune resistance also decreases. Weakness, quite fast fatiguability, irritability - all these are the first signs that microelements are not entering the body in in full. People who spend a lot of time working at the computer are most often found to be iodine deficient.

A tincture of walnut partitions and vodka helps to cope with these symptoms. In addition, it has a whole range of therapeutic effects:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antidiabetic;
  • antitumor;
  • has an astringent effect;
  • normalizes hormonal balance;
  • normalizes thyroid function;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • restores iodine deficiency.

Tincture recipes accessible to everyone

When choosing nuts, their degree of ripeness is of great importance. Their concentration of microelements is different, and accordingly, the effectiveness of taking extracts, powders and infusions will also be different.

A decoction of walnut membranes is suitable for use by children. Its basis is water and the partitions of a young nut. The broth is brought to a boil and removed from the heat after 10 minutes. After cooling, it must be stored in a glass container and a dark place. The composition is taken daily 30 minutes before meals, 20 ml. As a result, the body is saturated with iodine in optimal quantities. The decoction helps remove toxins from the body.

The tincture of the membranes with alcohol must be prepared in strict proportions: 150 ml of alcohol is used for the membranes of 30 nuts. After the mixture is obtained, it must be stored for 14 days in a dark place, then it can be used 3 times a day, after first dissolving it in water. At the first dose, it is enough to take 15 drops. You can gradually increase the dose, bringing it to 20 drops. The duration of treatment is 60 days without interruption.

The recipe for moonshine tincture on walnut partitions is similar to that prepared with alcohol. The difference is only in proportions. In this case, 30 nuts will require 220 ml of moonshine.

As a result of taking this tincture, the immune system is strengthened, which is especially important during the period viral diseases. It also has a beneficial effect on nervous system.

At overweight taking the tincture can be combined with effective diet. This will help speed up metabolism and remove toxins from the body.

To prepare a tincture of nut partitions with vodka, you will need 3 tablespoons of finely crushed raw materials and 200 grams of vodka. In a small container you need to mix the ingredients. Infuse the resulting composition for a week. Required amount drops diluted with water before use. If you use the tincture on the partitions of walnuts on a regular basis, you can achieve excellent results. The duration of treatment should be determined according to individually. The optimal period is 1 month. Increasing body tone will be the best indicator of successful treatment.

Video about preparing tincture on walnut partitions

Everyone knows walnuts, and every person has tried them at least once in their life, however, not everyone knows that the partitions between the kernels, which everyone throws away, are good for health. This seemingly useless part contains many valuable substances and, therefore, the nut is, in fact, a waste-free product.

In the old days, this tree was called the royal nut; on our continent it grows in the southern regions - in the Caucasus, Asia, and Kuban. In some cases it lives up to 1000 years and grows up to 70 m.

The unique properties of the nuts of this miracle tree have been known since ancient times, when people noticed it useful qualities and began to use them for their own benefit.

Chemical composition

Only in the last hundred years has it been scientifically discovered what explains the benefits of walnuts.

Research has shown that in different parts this tree contains a large number of proteins, fatty oils and free amino acids.

IN a huge number contained vitally essential vitamins A, E, K and P, as well as ascorbic acid. In addition, walnuts contain:

  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • micro- and macroelements, incl. cobalt and iron;
  • coumarins;
  • plant steroids;
  • valuable organic fatty acid and many other valuable substances.

Properties of the tincture

Before you decide to take the tincture of their nut partitions, you need to at least briefly learn about its beneficial properties.

These inconspicuous partitions that go to waste are a real storehouse of iodine, which is more abundant only in seaweed. By replenishing the deficiency of this element in the body, a person:

  • gets rid of irritability,
  • normalizes immunity
  • normalizes metabolism and thereby gets rid of excess weight,
  • solves problems with sleep, weakness and memory loss.

Water and alcohol infusions from walnut partitions are recommended for regular use by people who work at nuclear power plants, radiologists and people who spend a lot of time behind a computer screen. In small quantities they will be useful for pregnant and lactating women, young children and schoolchildren, especially during periods of mental stress.

They will be useful for people with thyroid diseases, as well as those who suffer from hypertension, stomach or intestinal problems, atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus.

This drug is especially recommended for people over 40 years of age, when premenopausal changes begin to occur and the risk of various neoplasms increases: as you know, women can suffer from fibroids, various types cysts and mastopathy, and in males adenoma or prostatitis may occur.

Application of tincture

All kinds of tinctures from partitions are very widely used in folk medicine. They provide beneficial influence on the work of the heart muscle and strengthening the walls of blood vessels, relieve migraines and hand tremors, help with food poisoning And various disorders Gastrointestinal tract.

Tinctures help improve memory and concentration, recover from severe colds, pneumonia and postoperative period, get rid of insomnia and poor appetite. They treat polyps in the intestines, stop the growth of tumors, soften unpleasant symptoms adenomas, normalize metabolism and relieve excess weight, alleviate the patient’s condition with pancreatitis, nervous diseases and diabetes mellitus with insulin dependence.

In addition, they have been proven to have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Water infusions help get rid of conjunctivitis and other infectious diseases.

Rubbing and compresses are used for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, sprained joints and ligaments to relieve pain. How aid it is used in the treatment of female diseases: fibroids, fibroids and mastopathy.

It is especially necessary to take this infusion for the treatment and prevention of iodine deficiency, as well as for the normalization of thyroid function and the prevention of endemic goiter for those living in iodine-deficient areas.

Methods for preparing a medicinal drug

Tinctures from walnut partitions are prepared different ways depending on the treatment of a particular disease. Here are the most used methods for preparing several types of tinctures, and specific tinctures will be indicated in the “Folk Recipes” section.

Before preparing any infusion, you should prepare the raw materials. To do this, the collected partitions are crushed; you can simply cut them with scissors. It is better to prepare the tincture in a ceramic bowl or dark glass.

Alcohol tinctures

Recipe 1. Fill a dark 3-liter jar a third with crushed partitions and fill to the top with vodka. Cover with a lid and leave in the dark for 2 weeks. When the infusion is ready, it should be filtered and used for its intended purpose. This infusion is recommended for rubbing painful joints, compresses for pain in the spine, and also internally for problems with the thyroid gland.

Recipe 2. Place 30 g of raw materials in a 200-gram jar, top up with vodka, close the lid and set aside for 10 days. Strain and take 1 tbsp. l. in 30 min. before meals. This drug treats atherosclerosis, gastrointestinal problems, ulcerative colitis and diabetes mellitus. This infusion can also be used to treat cuts and small wounds for faster healing.

Recipe 3. Fill a full handful of partitions? l vodka and place in a dark place for 3 weeks. Strain, add 3 tbsp. l. honey and stir well. This one is very delicious tincture treat digestive disorders and lack of appetite.

A kerosene infusion is also made from the partitions, however, please note that it is only used externally!

Infusion of partitions on kerosene

Fill 2 parts of the partitions with 10 parts of purified kerosene, passed through gauze, on which place 12 tablets activated carbon. Cover with a lid and leave for 1.5 months. Strain and use for rubbing. This infusion can be stored for no more than 3 years.

Water infusion

Chop the interkernel walls of 40 nuts, pour into a jar and pour a cup of boiling water. Place the infusion in a water bath and keep it covered for an hour. Strain and drink warm.

Folk recipes

As an adjuvant treatment for various tumors

Take 50 g of partitions, valerian root, nutmeg and birch buds, chop into crumbs, pour in? l of vodka and let it sit for 10 days. Filter and drink 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals 3 p. per day for 11 days.

For duodenal ulcer

Pour a cup (200 ml) of boiling water over the crushed partitions of 5 nuts and wrap the container, let it brew for an hour. Drink the infusion, diluting it with milk to taste and 2 r. per day, last time at night.

For diarrhea

Grind the partitions of 300 g of nuts into powder, pour in a glass of red grape wine and leave for 3 days. Drink 8 drops, diluting them in a spoon of water.

Take regular alcohol tincture 50 ml 2 times a day. in a day.

Treatment of diabetes

Fill a 0.5 liter bottle with crushed raw materials, add vodka and leave for 3 weeks. Strain and take 1 tbsp. l. before every meal.

For goiter and for its prevention

Instead of vodka, make an infusion as usual, but with cognac. Strain, add 100 g of honey and consume 1 tbsp three times a day. l.

For colitis

3 tbsp. l. Fill the partitions with water so that it covers the raw materials by 2-3 mm. Leave for 7 days, strain and take 10-15 drops. 4 rub. per day.

For women's diseases

Pour 100 ml of vodka into the partitions of 20 nuts, leave for a week, strain, start taking 15 drops, diluting them with 30 ml cold water. Every day the dose should be increased by 1 drop, so that after 5 days there are 20 drops. Take 5 days, then take a break of 10 days. Take the tincture for no more than 3 courses.

The healing properties of walnuts are known to many people. Their tasty and healthy kernels are used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition. Walnut oil is included in many dishes and is used in cosmetology. The dense shell of these fruits is used in the manufacture traditional medicines. Few people know that the septa that separate the oily nucleoli are also useful. By throwing them away with other waste, you miss out on a lot of the benefits that this product can bring you. In this article we will look at the health benefits of walnut partitions, methods of harvesting them and methods of treating various diseases with them.

Chemical composition

Most of all there is iodine in this product. It produces a pleasant dark brown color and bitter taste. It is precisely because of the high iodine content that this product is valued. It also contains microelements such as potassium, magnesium, and zinc. Vitamin composition partitions are rich: they contain carotene, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, B vitamins and vitamin PP. There are many amino acids, tannins and essential oils, which determine their benefits for the human body.

Important! Alcohol tincture for walnut partitions and their concentrated decoction are active allergenic medications that should not be used by pregnant, lactating women and children under three years of age.

Medicinal properties

High iodine content makes partitions useful product for those who suffer from thyroid diseases, chronic fatigue, has weak immunity and a tendency to neurological problems. Medications including this natural product, treat diseases intestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, relieve sleep problems and alleviate diabetes. Walnut partitions are recommended for those who are recovering from an infectious disease or are constantly under the influence of stress.

Use in folk medicine

At first glance, the partitions are not suitable for anything. They are hard, dry and inedible. Traditional healers have been able to handle this since ancient times a wonderful remedy and benefit from it.

For men

The general strengthening effect of this product has a beneficial effect on the strength of the immune system. This is especially true for men engaged in heavy work. physical labor or have significant responsibilities at work. Folk remedies, including partitions, strengthen the nervous system, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. They help improve mental performance, reduce fatigue and restore healthy sleep.

The high content of vitamins A and C in this product stimulates the production of testosterone, which is responsible for men's health. Zinc has the same purpose - it is responsible for hormonal balance in male body and improves sexual function. Potassium and magnesium improve hematopoiesis and blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Phosphorus and calcium are responsible for strength bone tissue, A vegetable protein- behind healthy formation muscles.

If a man has a tendency to chronic disorders digestion, then the tincture on nut partitions will help the body produce sufficient quantity enzymes and strengthens the intestinal mucous membranes.

Did you know? The nut that we all call walnut has nothing in common with Greece. There is even a saying that says: “Greece has everything except walnuts.” Nuts came to Slavic countries from Byzantium, whose citizens in the 1200s were usually called Greeks, and Byzantium itself imported these nuts from Asian countries- Turkey and Persia.

For women

First of all, this product is useful for women's skin. A large number of essential oils and organic acids have a rejuvenating and tonic effect on the skin. Products containing these thin membranes smooth out wrinkles and improve complexion. Antioxidants bind free radicals and slow down the aging of the body, and a large amount ascorbic acid strengthens weakened immunity. Walnut membranes have a positive effect on the female nervous system. They are reducing anxiety states, give healthy sleep, soothe panic attacks and treat neuroses. Specific women's diseases, such as mastopathy and fibroids, this remedy also cures or facilitates their occurrence.

It is effective in treating diseases of the female reproductive system. The zinc content in it stabilizes the synthesis of hormones and normalizes the functioning of the glands. internal secretion. This product is recommended for women with anovulation, disorders menstrual cycle, for those who are planning to get pregnant soon. For those women who are prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system, walnut partitions will help strengthen the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels, increase their tone and reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.
The thyroid gland, which is constantly under the influence of poor ecology and unfavorable background radiation, will be strengthened thanks to high content this product contains iodine. It is also indicated for women with joint pain. The substances included in this product increase the elasticity of joints, strengthen them and prevent age-related wear and tear.

Important! Infusions and decoctions of this product are not tolerated bright lighting. It would be optimal to store them in a dark, cool place without unnecessary noise and vibration, but if this is not possible, bottle these medications in dark glass bottles.

For hair

Natural dark color The quality of nut membranes is due to the content of iodine and tannins in them. They work best on naturally dark colored hair. Decoctions and tinctures added to shampoo or balm strengthen hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. The hair becomes thicker and its hair shafts are strengthened.

This remedy is indicated for damaged cosmetic procedures and weakened hair. Their structure is compacted and a healthy natural shine is restored. There is also a healing effect on the scalp. This has a positive effect on the scalp, which is prone to oiliness and dandruff.

What diseases are walnut partitions used for?

This folk remedy considered almost a panacea. It is beneficial for men and women and is used in different types for the treatment of chronic, acquired ailments and simply strengthening the body.

Did you know? The best walnut groves existed during Mesopotamia (now the territory of Iraq). The world-famous Gardens of Babylon, also called the Gardens of Amytis, the wife of King Nebuchadnezzar II, were planted with these amazing trees, which bore fruit twice a year in the warm and clean climate of that time.


Despite the obvious benefits, walnut partitions are not for everyone. This is an active product that should not be used by people with skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, urticaria and different shapes dermatitis. Membranes are also not recommended for use by those who suffer from Quincke's edema, urticaria, or have gastritis. Small children under three years of age should not be given concentrated decoctions and alcohol tinctures of this product.

Harm and side effects

Medicines based on this nut product can be harmful only in case of individual intolerance. They also irritate mucous membranes digestive tract, which can have a bad effect on a sore stomach. Long-term use Taking these medications will definitely affect the health of the skin - swelling and irritation will appear. An overdose of this product leads to dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and also has a long-term effect in the form of exacerbation of chronic problems.

Procurement and storage of raw materials

Walnut grows in small groves, singly in ravines and wet gorges. In urban environments, you can count on cultural street and garden plantings. Fruits need to be harvested while they are not yet ripe and useful material did not go into the formation of nuclei. Collect nuts in canvas bags and paper bags in late June or early July, when their shells have not yet hardened. Immediately after harvesting, place the nuts in a warm, well-ventilated area and let them dry a little.

Important! Harvest this useful raw material only on dry, sunny days. On days when it rains or the weather is damp and cloudy, the nut fruits become saturated with moisture, and the infusion on them turns out watery.

Cut and remove the green pericarps; you may need them when making jam and other medicines. Divide unripe nuts into shares and peel them, separating the kernels from the shells and the partitions from the kernels. It is useless to use a nutcracker for cleaning; the nuts are too soft at this time.

Cut them with a sharp knife along the line where the shells meet and pry the kernels with the tip of the knife to remove them from the shell. Lay out the resulting partitions thin layer on a paper backing. Leave them to dry at sunlight. Turn them over and air them twice a day to prevent them from souring. It may take seven to ten days from laying to dry completely, depending on the weather.
Loosely pack the finished dried raw materials into paper envelopes, wrap them with canvas cloth on top and store them in a dry, ventilated place, removing them as needed. The shelf life of a well-dried product is two years. After this period, it will lose its properties, but will not change in appearance. Fresh partitions can also be prepared by soaking in alcohol or boiling. Such preserves can be stored for up to three years.

How to prepare and take walnut partitions

These raw materials are used to prepare tinctures and decoctions. At correct processing useful substances pass from them into the liquid phase, which human body easy to digest.

Did you know? The French consider walnut fruits a symbol of abundance and prosperity. To this day, it is considered good manners to keep a bag of these nuts in the kitchen, and it is customary to place it as high as possible- on a kitchen cabinet or shelf. Seductive properties are also attributed to the leaves of this nut. The French believe that a walnut leaf placed in a girl's shoe will help attract her attention and favor.

Vodka tincture: how to infuse it

Vodka - very active ingredient. This infusion does not even need to be heated; the partitions will give all their benefits at room temperature. Take the nut membranes of thirty-five large or forty medium nuts, grind them in a coffee grinder and pour them into a clean glass bottle. Pour the resulting powder with vodka along the bottom line of the neck, cap the bottle tightly and leave in a cool, dark place for a week. The tincture is ready for use. This composition can be stored for one and a half to two years, subject to temperature regime(not higher than +20 °C). Use it in courses, each for two weeks with a break of a month. Internal use limited to two doses per day, 10 drops of tincture per 100 ml of warm water. This medicine will help with disorders of the nervous system, sleep disorders, digestive problems such as colitis and bloating. It is also useful for the prevention of thyroid diseases and iodine deficiency.

Important! In the case of this product, more is not better. Strictly adhere to the indicated dosage and be sure to take breaks between courses of treatment. If you notice an allergic reaction after using the medicine, stop use and look for alternative remedies.


Prepared with distilled water, preheated to 30 °C. You will need 100 g of partitions and 400 ml of water. Grind the nut product in a blender or coarsely grind it in a coffee grinder. Place it in a small saucepan, cover with warm water and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for half an hour, remove from heat and cool. Strain the resulting broth through a strainer. Drain it into a container sterilized with boiling water and seal it tightly. The closed decoction can be stored for a year. Regularly used decoction retains its properties for no longer than two months.

The treatment course with the decoction lasts one month, the use should be daily. Before each meal, drink 10 ml of this product. This dosage of the decoction is used to treat specific diseases such as fibroids and mastopathy. To strengthen the immune system, prevent infectious diseases and relief from diabetes, reduce the dosage to one application per day. It is advisable to drink the decoction before breakfast.
It is also used as a compress for sore joints. Moisten a clean gauze cloth with the broth, apply a compress to the sore spot and leave for half an hour. Daily treatment with such compresses for a month will relieve you of pain. Take a two-week break and repeat the course if necessary.

Did you know? Walnut trees are very sensitive to low temperatures and freeze out regularly. All the more surprising is the presence of this tree in the northernmost town of Norway called Førsunde. This unique specimen bears fruit every year and receives due attention and care from local residents. This culture grows and develops best in the mountainous regions of China and India.

Such a small part of a nut fruit, like the partition between its nucleoli, can have a positive effect on your health. In that vegetable product contains a large amount of iodine, essential oils and organic acids. It is harvested in its unripe form, dried, and then used in the preparation of decoctions and tinctures. These medicines Are they useful for women too? and men, as they strengthen the nervous system, normalize cellular metabolism and metabolic processes. Reasonable use of decoctions and tinctures on nut partitions will strengthen your immunity and prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

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Everyone knows that walnuts have healing properties. Few people know that it is the partitions in them that are incredibly beneficial for our body. And most people, when peeling a nut, simply throw them away, like the shell. Tincture of walnut partitions is a much better use for them.

An infusion of walnut partitions is recommended for use for many diseases. It will be of great benefit to people who have a sick thyroid. In small doses, a decoction of partitions should be used by pregnant and lactating women, schoolchildren and people exposed to radiation (doctors, programmers, nuclear power plant workers).

Partitions of walnuts in alcohol should be consumed by people with increased blood pressure(hypertension), diseases gastrointestinal tract patients with diabetes mellitus. If you use the tincture or decoction regularly, your memory will noticeably improve and absent-mindedness will disappear. This drink will improve general state the body of an elderly person.

Tincture of walnut partitions is especially recommended for use by people over 40 years of age. After all, it is at this time that the body experiences stress and undergoes restructuring. The use of this medicine will save women from diseases that often occur at this age: fibroids, mastopathy, cysts and fibromas. The drug will protect men from prostate adenoma and prostatitis.

In fact, there are quite a lot of recipes for making this elixir. Let's look at the most famous of them. We will need a bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters. We fill the third part of it with selected walnut partitions. Then fill the bottle with vodka to the top. The container must be tightly closed. We remove the container with the tincture in a dark place for about 14 days, after which we filter the decoction and use it to cure thyroid disease.

The tincture of walnut partitions has another use - it can be used to make compresses that are applied to a sore lower back and spine, or to rub aching joints.

Vodka on walnut partitions can be made and used in different ways. We will need a small jar of, say, mayonnaise. It is necessary to pour the main component, previously ground in a coffee grinder, into it - a quarter of the volume of the container is enough. Then you should fill the contents of the jar with vodka so that the container is filled to the brim.

Close the container tightly with a lid. We put it in a dark room and keep it there for 10 days. Next, strain the tincture and drink 0.5 tablespoon half an hour before meals. We use this drug to treat diabetes, intestinal and stomach diseases, atherosclerosis and colitis. You can also infuse green nuts with alcohol.

Tincture of walnut partitions - contraindications

You can't lose sight of what to use this tincture Not everyone can. For some people it is strictly prohibited! These include those who have all kinds of allergic reactions. This drink is contraindicated for people who have gastritis, psoriasis, or neurodermatitis. It is also worth discontinuing use if the existing disease worsens. Before using this medicine, you should consult your doctor.