What to drink if the temperature is 37. Temperature without signs of a cold is a serious cause for concern

The cold is insidious and always takes you by surprise. This viral disease does not depend in any way on the state of human health, weather or time of year outside the window.

Any therapist will say with confidence that ARVI is the most common disease.

Moreover, adults get sick at least 3 times a year. What can we say about children, whose immune defense is so weak that the child gets colds again and again.

Today medicine knows more than 250 different viruses that in one way or another provoke diseases upper sections respiratory system. In addition, colds also affect lower sections respiratory tract: trachea, bronchi and lungs.

Colds are transmitted by airborne droplets. In most cases, the disease makes itself felt by inflammation lymph nodes. Unpleasant discomfort will appear if you press on small seals:

  • behind the ears;
  • on the neck, back of the head;
  • under the lower jaw.

During a cold, the patient will suffer from a runny nose. This symptom is characterized heavy discharge mucus, nasal congestion, or unusual dryness of the nasal mucous membranes.

A cold is characterized by a dry cough, hoarseness and sore throat. From time to time, redness of the eyes and active lacrimation may appear. If there is an infection with rotavirus, indigestion will begin, repeated vomiting, dehydration.

With a respiratory viral infection, body temperature rises. It can be low-grade (37 degrees) or moderately high (38-39).

There are several stages of a cold. At the first stage (immediately after infection with the virus), body temperature does not rise. But the disease can be recognized by its characteristic symptoms:

  1. sore throat;
  2. sneezing;
  3. discomfort in the nose.

After this, the second stage of the disease begins. In this period pathogenic microorganisms enter the blood. The pain in the throat intensifies, the joints twist, and muscle pain. The patient will note painful, debilitating barking cough. His body temperature rises above 37 degrees, the mucous membrane of the lips may become covered with a blistering rash. The feverish state does not go away even at night.

When the patient reacts to the symptoms of a cold in time, it ends with the third stage, when the mucus is cleared.

The cough and runny nose gradually disappear, and coughing up clots occurs less and less often.


To avoid contracting the virus and illness, you should carefully follow a certain preventive regimen. First of all, it provides for the systematic strengthening of the immune system. To do this, you will need to regularly drink immunostimulants. The most accessible and at the same time very effective infusion of the Echinacea plant.

In addition, the daily diet should include a large number of vegetables, berries, fruits and fermented milk products. Not the least important role is given to observing the rules of personal hygiene.

To avoid getting sick, every person should try:

  • exclude attendance at public events;
  • use special gauze bandage or a medical mask.

If there is already a person with a cold in the house, it would not hurt to frequently ventilate the room, wet cleaning in him. After contact with a sick person, you should wash your hands with soap and do not touch your face with them.

Modern science has not invented an effective vaccine for the common cold. You can only get vaccinated against influenza. But it does not provide a 100% guarantee that a person will not get sick during an epidemic.

What to do, what to drink?

It is possible that a person will get a cold, even if he was engaged in preventing the disease. What to do? How to help yourself if you can only see a doctor tomorrow?

In such a situation, the hand itself reaches out for popular means, which they never stop advertising on TV. But is it worth doing this if the temperature stays at no higher than 37 degrees? This point needs to be discussed in more detail.

In general, a temperature of 37 is average. For one person it may be quite normal, but for another it will cause serious discomfort. A decision is made about the need to lower the temperature only after the cause of its jump has been established.

A temperature of 37 degrees is maintained during a viral infection and indicates:

  • stimulation protective forces human body;
  • effective fight against foreign microorganisms.

You will need to lower the temperature only if the thermometer shows 38.5 degrees and the temperature does not stop rising. At the same time, everyone should understand that lowering the temperature with the help of tablets does not at all mean getting rid of the cold.

Some doctors insist that even a high temperature does not always need to be reduced. If it persists, but does not cause discomfort to the patient, it is quite possible not to take antipyretics. There will be no harm to the body from this.

When the need nevertheless arises to bring down the fever, it is recommended to use single-component drugs. They are produced on the basis of Paracetamol, Ibuprofen. As for popular medicines, for example, in Theraflu, Coldrex, the named substances are only one of their components.

Without a doctor's prescription, even if you have a fever, you should not drink:

  • Aspirin;
  • Analgin.

These classic remedies, known to everyone since childhood, can give a lot of unpleasant adverse reactions body. In many countries around the world, such drugs are withdrawn from pharmacies.

Cold treatment

As you know, it is impossible to cure a cold in the literal sense of the word. Medicines will only help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease (cough, runny nose), but nothing more.

What to do? If during a cold the patient is bothered by dry or wet cough, you need to get rid of it. In the first case, the symptom is provoked by a sore throat, and in the second, expectoration occurs due to the evacuation of sputum.

Mucolytics will help eliminate cough. Medicines in this group are designed to remove mucus from the bronchi. The fastest-acting ones were:

  1. ACC (produced in the form of granules and soluble tablets);
  2. Ambroxol (you can buy solution, syrup, tablets);
  3. Bromhexine (available in tablets and syrup).

Using Aqualor, Aquamaris and Otrivin, you should rinse the walls of the nasal passages. This will also help get rid of various infections. Will help fight congestion vasoconstrictor drops and sprays: Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Galazolin. Thanks to these remedies, it is possible to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, which is the main obstacle to normal breathing.

When using such medications, you should clearly understand that they can cause addiction. If this happens, runny nose after too long-term treatment will only get worse. This condition is called rebound runny nose.

It is reasonable to treat colds and runny nose in a comprehensive manner. In this case, the therapist will recommend paying attention to homeopathic remedies. Among these medications, the following have become especially popular:

  • Anaferon (for adults and children);
  • Oscillococcinum.

Immunostimulants are no less in demand, for example, Arbidol capsules, rectal suppositories Viferon, Grippferon nasal drops.

The use of antiviral drugs is justified only at the very beginning of a cold. Although it is better for patients with kidney, liver and heart problems to avoid such drugs altogether. Antiviral agents they can provoke a new round of diseases.

Inhalations will help eliminate a runny nose and sore throat if done every day. But they are allowed to be done when the temperature is between 37-37.5 degrees, but not higher.

Antibiotics: to drink or not to drink?

Almost after the first symptoms of a cold, many short-sighted patients begin to take antibiotics. Moreover, they prescribe such remedies to themselves. Doing this is strictly prohibited, even when the temperature remains at 37 for a week. However, ?

Doctors are tired of repeating that there is no need to take antibiotics for viral diseases. Such drugs are simply powerless against the virus, but they will do a lot of harm to the body.

Antibiotics will be needed when standard antiviral treatment does not bring the desired result or symptoms, in particular runny nose and cough, increase. In this case, most likely, a bacterial infection has occurred.

The most effective antibiotics for a cold:

  1. macrolides (Azithromycin);
  2. fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin);
  3. penicillins (Augmentin, Ampicillin, Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin);
  4. cephalosporins (Cefuroxime, Suprax, Axetil).

No matter how effective antibiotics are, they should only be prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, there is a high probability of deterioration in health, development of dysbacteriosis, and an allergic reaction.

Fever persists after a cold

It happens that the temperature remains at 37 even after recovery, appearing like... What is the reason? Many doctors are inclined to believe that after some severe viral infections, elevated temperature quite normal. It lasts for another 14 days after the illness.

If this happens, you will not need to take any medications. However, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. if possible, do not leave the house;
  2. rest more often;
  3. do not overeat;
  4. drink plenty of fluids.

When it is not possible to give up the usual labor activity, it is better to exclude increased physical activity. If this is not done, disruption of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels may begin.

The proposed methods are relevant only when the temperature is kept at 37-37.2, and the general condition of the patient is not impaired. If there is a deterioration in health, a runny nose and cough began with new strength, it wouldn’t hurt to consult a doctor. This will prevent possible complications of a cold.

Elena Malysheva will tell you in detail about actions at prolonged temperatures in the video in this article.

A condition in which the body temperature rises to 37-37.9 oC is called subfebrile condition. It can be caused by a number of different physiological and psychological factors. In the absence of other symptoms, a rise in temperature to 37 ° C seems strange, especially if it lasts a week or regularly rises in the evening. What does low-grade fever mean in adults and children?

How to measure body temperature correctly

Temperature is measured in three areas of the body: armpits, oral cavity and rectum. To get accurate data, take your temperature at rest. Do not rely on the correct measurement if you are hot (for example, wearing a warm sweater). After placing the thermometer in your armpit, try not to make unnecessary movements and do not touch the thermometer until the signal sounds. If you use mercury thermometer, hold it for at least 7 minutes.

Temperature readings may vary depending on the measurement area. For the armpit the norm is 34.7-37 °C, for the rectum - 36.6-38 °C, for the oral cavity - 35.5-37.5 °C.

Physiological and psycho-emotional causes of low-grade fever

Typically, a person's body temperature, depending on individual characteristics, ranges from 35.5 to 37 °C. This is largely due to the constitution - fat people“warmer” than thin ones. There are other factors that influence the rise in temperature:

If your temperature rises for one of these reasons, it will most likely subside quickly. The situation is different in case of emotional overstrain. Irregular working hours, overload at school, conflicts with loved ones - if you have to deal with something like this every day, the body's reaction to stress may be an increase in temperature. Sometimes it stays at 37 degrees for a long time. Also, the temperature rises to 37 oC during panic attacks and other attacks. If no other symptoms are observed, then there is no need to worry, but you need to pay attention to your health. Ensure yourself a normal 8-hour sleep, go to bed more often fresh air and try to reduce your daily stress levels. If you are prone to depression or unstable nervous condition, contact a specialist - by working on the root cause, over time you will get rid of the elevated temperature.

Possible diseases

  1. Anemia

A decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood leads to the development of anemia - a disease characterized by constant low-grade fever, loss of strength, headaches, dizziness, cold hands and feet and general weakness. Anemia is also characterized by stomatitis, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails and other symptoms of reduced immunity.

  1. Endocrine diseases

At hormonal imbalance thyroid forced to work hard. At elevated body temperature additional symptoms, indicating the presence of endocrine diseases are:

  • hair loss;
  • weight loss;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • high blood pressure;
  • sweating, rapid heartbeat.
  1. Autoimmune diseases

Temperature without symptoms may indicate the development autoimmune diseases. Lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome - these and other diseases can be diagnosed if you consult a doctor in time with a complaint of low-grade fever.

  1. Tumors

The appearance of tumor-like formations disrupts metabolism, which leads to the appearance of a constant elevated temperature. Malignant neoplasms release pyrogens into the blood - substances that provoke the appearance of low-grade fever. The doctor, having ruled out anemia and the presence of infection in the body, refers the patient to additional examinations to identify possible tumors.

  1. Chronic diseases

In the presence of chronic diseases, such as bronchitis or sinusitis, a temperature of 37 degrees can last for several months. During the period of remission, the indicators return to normal, but subsequently the temperature again becomes steadily elevated. Fever is not the only sign of chronic disease. For example, chronic toxoplasmosis is also characterized by regular joint pain and headaches, general weakness, and neuralgia. You should see a specialist regularly to monitor the course of the disease.


  1. Viral hepatitis B and C

You can get hepatitis different ways: non-sterile medical instruments, sexual contact, blood transfusion, etc. Other symptoms of hepatitis, in addition to low-grade fever, are muscle and joint pain, discomfort in the liver after eating, yellowing of the skin, weakness and sweating. If viral hepatitis has become chronic, fever and other symptoms may return again.

  1. HIV infection

You can acquire HIV infection in the same way as viral hepatitis. A depressed immune system signals the presence of infection with a persistently elevated temperature, skin rashes, enlarged lymph nodes, muscle and joint pain and general weakness.

  1. Foci of chronic infection

If there is a permanent source of infection in the oral cavity, stomach, or ENT organs, the temperature always remains around 37 °C. Therefore, when complaining of low-grade fever, the patient is often sent to an otolaryngologist, dentist and gastroenterologist for additional examinations.

  1. Infections genitourinary system

On initial stage diseases (for example, cystitis or pyelonephritis) in the absence characteristic symptoms, first of all, low-grade fever occurs. Other signs occur when the disease has already developed. That is why it is impossible to ignore the increase in temperature to 37 °C. If you start treatment on time, you can avoid serious consequences.

  1. Hidden infections

Like diseases of the genitourinary system, latent infections do not immediately begin to manifest themselves with a set of symptoms. The first indicator may be just increased body temperature. For example, if your temperature periodically rises to 37-37.7 oC without visible reasons, this may be a sign of pathogenic streptococcus.

Taking medications

Low-grade fever is associated with drug therapy. An elevated temperature, which can last for a week, occurs if you take:

  • antidepressants and neuroleptics;
  • strong painkillers;
  • antihistamines;
  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs;
  • adrenaline and ephedrine;
  • chemotherapeutic drugs in the treatment of tumors;

Sometimes an increase in temperature due to medication is associated with individual allergic reaction on the components of the drug. In this case, the doctor cancels the therapy or prescribes a drug with a similar effect.

Why does the temperature stay at 37 in children and adults?

IN early age The body's thermoregulation mechanisms are imperfect, so children under 1 year of age often experience low-grade fever - the normal limit is considered to be 37.3 °C. In this case, there is no cause for concern; there is no need to artificially lower the temperature and there is no need to consult a doctor. Later reasons low-grade fever in children are identical to the reasons that provoke an increase in body temperature in adults. If the temperature is regularly higher than normal, the child complains of weakness and does not eat well, be sure to show him to the pediatrician. Not heat in a child accompanies the course of diseases such as measles or chickenpox.

In women, the temperature may be higher than normal due to changes hormonal levels- for example, during ovulation or menstruation. If the temperature remains at 37 ° C for two weeks, this may be a sign of pregnancy. In this case, you need to visit a gynecologist.

A temperature of 37-37.5 °C in men is often associated with stress or injuries received during sports. In the first case, you can fight low-grade fever by normalizing your sleep patterns and taking sedatives herbal infusions. As for injuries, eliminating the inflammatory process with medications will also relieve you of fever.

Why does the temperature rise in the evening

Some diseases are practically asymptomatic - for example, the presence of worms in the body makes itself known only by a slightly elevated temperature. If the thermometer shows you 37 oC every evening, and there are no other signs of any disease, get checked for helminthiasis.

Surely you have noticed that during colds and viral diseases, the temperature often rises in the evening? After recovery, the same thing may happen for some time - however, the temperature is unlikely to be above 37 ° C. This is the so-called “temperature tail”. There is no need to be afraid of it or fight it - it will go away on its own in a few days.

What to do if the temperature lasts a week

If during colds and viral diseases the temperature stays around 37 oC for five days, this is considered normal. When an elevated temperature does not subside for a week or longer, this indicates the possible presence of bacterial infectious diseases in the body or serious inflammatory processes - for example, pneumonia. This condition may be accompanied by weakness, sweating and dizziness. Sometimes low-grade fever for a week is residual phenomenon after an illness.

There are a number of pathologies that make themselves felt by increasing body temperature to 37-37.5 oC, for example:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • rheumatism;
  • thyrotoxicosis

By not paying attention to the elevated temperature, you can trigger the disease. Sometimes the consequences are very serious - for example, low-grade fever is sometimes associated with the growth of tumor-like formations. Do not put off visiting a therapist - he will give you a referral to a specialist of the right profile.

How to diagnose

A patient who comes to the doctor with a fever is prescribed the following types examinations:

  • study general condition the body using blood and urine tests;
  • Ultrasound, x-ray;
  • CT or MRI (if necessary);
  • examination for sexually transmitted infections.

Since there are many causes of low-grade fever, consultation with an endocrinologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, dentist and other specialists is often required. Depending on the diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. For example, if a low-grade fever is due to a helminthic disease, the doctor will prescribe anthelmintic medications, and if the reason for the rise in temperature is a malfunction in endocrine system, then hormonal therapy is prescribed.

In the absence of diseases that can cause a rise in temperature, sedatives to normalize activities nervous system. The doctor can also give recommendations regarding diet and sleep. In some cases, a reduction in physical or mental activity is required.

Do you feel drowsiness, loss of energy and apathy? All of these can serve as symptoms of fever. So, the thermometer confirmed your fears. The temperature does not drop below 37 degrees for a long time - a week, two, a month... What to do? No, of course, the situation is not critical, there is no acute threat to life and there is no need to call a resuscitation team either. However, it is strictly necessary to find out the reason.

Why is the temperature rising?

An elevated human temperature is defensive reaction our body. It is caused by pyrogens. These are special substances that, on the one hand, can serve as waste products of a number of pathogenic microorganisms, and on the other hand, can be produced by our immune cells. If we talk in simple language, then temperature is the weapon with which our body fights viruses. At 38°C it produces interferon. It is this that poses a threat to pathogenic microorganisms.

As a rule, with such symptoms, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, as well as drugs to reduce fever. The latter is destructive not only for viruses, but also for our body, giving heavy load on the heart and lungs. A completely different matter is a body temperature of 37 degrees, which doctors call low-grade. It can last for a long time, and finding out its cause can be difficult even for experienced therapists after careful medical examination. What does a temperature of 37 degrees mean?

No reason to panic

Reason number one is the absence of any reasons, forgive the tautology! School textbooks on anatomy and medical encyclopedias ingrained in our minds the fact that normal temperature a person is exactly 36.6 degrees. Anything less than this value is an indicator of loss of strength, and anything more is a symptom of an infection or inflammatory process. But is this always true?

It turns out that the temperature norm is individual for everyone and can vary between 35.5-37.5 degrees. This vital indicator is influenced by a number of factors - gender and age, level physical activity, hormonal background. In some cases, it may depend on temperature and humidity, as well as time of day. Between five and eleven o'clock in the evening its value can rise by 0.5 degrees. In children, in some cases, the normal temperature can reach 37.5 degrees. Sometimes it increases in women during menstruation and menopause. However, a temperature of 37 in an adult is not an alarming signal only when no other symptoms are observed. Otherwise, you should immediately consult a therapist to avoid serious consequences.

Cold is the main suspect

If you have been having problems for a long time, you should first look for reasons in colds. As a rule, it is accompanied by other symptoms - headache, body aches, runny nose, sore throat and an incipient dry cough. Low-grade fever may persist even after acute viral diseases. The body needs some time to regain strength and normalize its basic indicators.

Complications of colds and viral diseases

However, colds and viral diseases, due to our negligence, on the one hand, and the resistance of modern strains of viruses to antibiotics, on the other, can turn into chronic tonsillitis and have other complications. Inflammatory processes in the tonsils (both pharyngeal and palatine) can also cause a temperature of 37. To avoid such negative consequences, colds and viral diseases must be treated until all symptoms completely disappear and the temperature returns.

Is it a cold?

“Temperature 37, I have a cold,” such messages are not uncommon on thematic forums. However, are you sure that this is precisely and not, say, focal pneumonia? We are often mistaken in believing that the main thing is high temperature. It is a myth. The thermometer shows 37 degrees. The temperature is not critical, but requires your attention. If it is accompanied by a cough and general weakness, then it is better to play it safe and do X-ray. With this disease in lung tissue are leaking inflammatory processes. Often they are not caused by infections, but against their background a fungal or infection may well develop. This disease requires immediate treatment antibiotics. remember, that late diagnosis worsens the prognosis. Despite the presence various types the strongest antibiotics, in cases neglected form pneumonia can be fatal.

If in the last century tuberculosis was considered a disease of the poor, today, unfortunately, no one is immune from it. The causative agent of this disease is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. According to WHO, every third inhabitant of the Earth is a carrier of it. However, infected does not mean sick. In the first case, microbacteria are not active in the human body. Such people do not experience symptoms of the disease and cannot infect others. However, in case of weakened immunity, which is caused by stress, poor nutrition, excessive exercise and lack of sleep, microbacteria can affect the lungs, and in some cases, other organs and systems.

The number of tuberculosis patients today, only according to official data, is 1% of the population. In reality, this figure is many times higher. Every day, without even knowing it, we often encounter patients with tuberculosis. Representatives of various strata of society are susceptible to this disease. Doctors and pharmacists, drivers public transport and sellers, kindergarten teachers and university teachers. This disease doesn't choose. However, when healthy immunity You can only get infected from a patient with open form tuberculosis. In this case, microbacteria enter the environment with saliva and sputum.

To detect tuberculosis, a fluorographic examination is necessary. In many clinical cases the temperature of 37 lasted a month, after which the patient was diagnosed this disease. A slight cough for a long time is another reason to see a doctor. However, tuberculosis is not a death sentence. In the vast majority of cases, this disease can be overcome if you follow the treatment regimen. To prevent tuberculosis today, vaccination is carried out.

Stress as a cause of fever

“The temperature remained at 37 for a month, and then recovered,” many of us have encountered this situation. We almost never associate temperature increases with stress. Today they have become so commonplace for us that we simply do not react to them, which cannot be said about our body. It reacts to external stimuli at the physical and chemical levels. When we are nervous, our blood pressure rises, our heart rate increases, and adrenaline enters our bloodstream. All systems begin to work more actively, resulting in an increase in temperature. It turns out that this phenomenon is so common that experts even introduced a name for it: special term- “psychogenic temperature”. In this case, the person may also experience dizziness, shortness of breath and general malaise. Frequent stress can cause the syndrome over time chronic fatigue. If you had a temperature of 37 for a month, then this may indicate just that. With this disease, the functions of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems may be disrupted. Simply resting will not relieve such serious consequences. In this case, the help of a specialist is required.

Exacerbation of the “chronicle”

The thermometer shows 37 degrees. Fever can be caused by exacerbation of chronic diseases and inflammation in various organs. Dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system and thyroid gland, peptic ulcers, gastritis, pyelonephritis, etc. For a long time, the main symptom of these diseases may be low-grade fever. It may also be accompanied by pain in certain areas. In these cases, you need to contact a specialist. The temperature will return to normal when the inflammation goes away.

Malignant neoplasms

Slight increase in temperature, especially in evening time, may be caused malignant neoplasms. Intoxication leads to it. A higher temperature (from 37.5 to 38 degrees) indicates that the process of tumor disintegration has begun in the body, which is accompanied by inflammation. In many cases, oncology develops against the background of existing chronic diseases. However, in some cases, malignant cells can invade healthy tissue and for a long time don't show yourself in any way. If the temperature remained at 37 for a month, and acute pain it was not observed, unfortunately, this is not yet a reason to discard this version. It wouldn't hurt to go general examination. The latter is shown annually. Diagnosis of the disease early stages- this is the key to the success of her treatment. One of the countries with the lowest cancer mortality rates today is Israel. The employment contract that specialists sign when applying for a job provides for dismissal if they fail to undergo a medical examination once a year. Such discipline would not hurt us either.

The reason for the temperature rising to 37 degrees may not only not upset you, but also serve as a reason for the greatest joy in life. In some cases, it involves pregnancy. Sometimes low-grade fever accompanies the entire nine months during which a woman carries a fetus. It can be caused physiological characteristics and individual reaction female body for pregnancy. However, be careful: the temperature rises in " interesting position" can also be caused viral infections and inflammatory processes. Self-medication is fraught with the most negative consequences. Consultation with a gynecologist is strictly required!

Temperature 37: what to do?

The above are possible reasons low-grade fever. But what if, due to the absence of pain and other symptoms, you cannot make even an approximate diagnosis on your own in order to contact a specialist? So, instead of the usual vigor, you feel weakness and loss of strength, and the temperature on the thermometer is 37. What to do? It's time to move on to concrete actions. First of all, you need to see a therapist and take a blood test. If there is inflammation in the body, then its results will show this.

What should you pay attention to?

Can I read the analysis myself? Yes, and you don't need a medical degree for this. On the resulting form with the result you will see your indicator and norm. The disease will be indicated increased amount leukocytes, as well as deviation in big side But hemoglobin, on the contrary, will be reduced. Such results can be caused by a variety of ailments. For more accurate data, it is necessary to undergo a fluorographic examination, as well as an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity. This will exclude or confirm a number of diseases, in particular tuberculosis.

The concept of low-grade fever after ARVI for people who have little understanding of medical terminology Not everyone knows, so a little knowledge in this direction would not hurt, especially since it can directly affect everyone’s health. Availability viral disease or colds at home can be determined using a thermometer and when other symptoms appear: runny nose, cough, chills, bad feeling. For most people, 36.6 on a thermometer is firm conviction absence of a cold, even if other symptoms are present. This is just the wrong line of thinking - the temperature can rise to 37 degrees at any moment and remain there a long period.

The second difficult point is the presence of fever after an infectious disease for some period of time, despite the fact that there are no other symptoms, and the person himself feels normal. If after an acute respiratory viral infection the temperature still remains at 37 or higher, without crossing the mark of 37.5 degrees, this is the subfebrile sector, which is not uncommon in medicine.

Causes of elevated temperature

The range that includes the presence of temperature after illness, not exceeding 38 degrees, but not falling below 37, is designated by therapists as the low-grade zone. Higher temperature is a clear sign an infectious disease that needs to be diagnosed unambiguously and without delay. ARVI with a temperature above 38 degrees may be a sign negative impact virus, as well as other properties:

Any high temperature without cold symptoms is a sign serious illnesses, which can be either in the initial stage of development or the result of their resumption provoked by various factors.

The temperature stays at 37 degrees

In medicine, low-grade fever is a long period (a week or even more) when the body temperature, when measured, invariably does not leave the 37 degree mark. The maximum increase during control measurements is 37.5 degrees. In this condition, you need to pay attention to the presence of other symptoms.

  1. State of general well-being.
  2. The presence of other signs of a previous illness.
  3. Symptoms that are signs of complications resulting from the disease.

Doctors with extensive practical experience in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections note that after illness, the infection can seriously deplete the body, which in the future can become fertile ground for a number of secondary harmful microorganisms. It is especially important to stick with it for a while certain rules, namely:

  1. If possible, do not visit public places preferring to relax at home.
  2. In the process of restoring the body, pay attention to food: exclude hard-to-digest foods, consume as many different fruit juices and compotes as possible.
  3. If it is impossible to refuse to go to work, eliminate or at least reduce heavy physical activity, this can negatively affect work cardiovascular system and the very heart.
  4. If it is possible to prepare herbal decoctions, then include them in the list of use as auxiliary and restorative means.

If acute period the disease has passed, but the temperature remains at 37, such preventive actions will help the body recover full form, but the time needed for this is an individual factor. If the situation does not change in better side, but on the contrary, the temperature continues to persist, and the reasons for this manifestation are not clear, you need to be prepared for re-diagnosis by taking tests.

Features of subfebrile periods

Viral diseases are one of the most common types of diseases that affect both adults and children. On average, an adult suffers from colds and ARVI twice a year, in a child this figure is higher, 6-8 times, and this is considered normal occurrence. The causes of the disease may vary, but fundamentally it is a sign of decreased performance. immune system body. Doctors recommend not taking antipyretic drugs if the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, this allows the body to independently suppress the pathogen. By using various antibiotics, patients independently weaken protective function body.

The respiratory mode of transmission of the virus is the most common; this factor should also be taken into account and usually infectious diseases mutating, every year it becomes more and more difficult to treat without any consequences manifested in the form of complications. It is important to find out exactly the reasons why the temperature does not subside, and experts identify two options in this direction:

  • The temperature will not subside due to residual effects.
  • How to develop a secondary complication.

In the first case, there is no direct threat to the health of the human body; you just need to properly monitor this period, preventing recurrence of the disease. In the second case, it is necessary to identify and diagnose the virus that provokes the inflammatory process. If the temperature stays at 37 - 37.5 for more than a week, you should wait no longer and go to see a specialist.

An exception

This information should first of all interest parents, and it should not only be treated with understanding, but also remembered. If the question arises of unstable body temperature and children's body, we must immediately discard the uniqueness for several reasons. In terms of stability, a child’s body is significantly inferior in comparison to an adult: it grows, develops and naturally gets stronger. The temperature range can constantly change from 36.5 to 37.3 and this absolutely does not mean that the child has something wrong with his health or has contracted ARVI. For example, a six-year-old child is in absolutely no danger if his body temperature jumps up the scale by 0.6-0.8 degrees, provided that he has no other symptoms of colds and infectious diseases.

Another common point after suffering from acute respiratory viral infections may be low temperature. This is also considered normal if the period of this phenomenon is included in certain charts. Over time, the body will cope with this problem on its own and in one and a half to two weeks everything will return to normal.

What symptoms may appear with low-grade fever?

During the period of recovery of the body after an infectious viral disease, low-grade fever may be observed. following symptoms, which are equally suitable for both adults and children.

  1. Relatively lethargic state.
  2. Drowsiness.
  3. Weak appetite.
  4. Gastrointestinal tract disorder.
  5. Profuse sweating.
  6. Redness skin on areas of the neck and face.
  7. Increased heart rate and breathing.
  8. Sleep disruptions.
  9. Excessive nervousness.

Changes in temperature should be monitored; this will help to notice deterioration or improvement occurring in the body.

  1. Shifting temperature. Temperature drops and rises within 1 degree per day are allowed.
  2. Remitting temperature. Allowable daily fluctuation is more than 1 degree.
  3. Wave-like temperature. The temperature can “jump” either down or up, and this can happen for several days in a row.
  4. Constant temperature. A state when almost everything remains unchanged for several days in a row, with slight fluctuations in both directions.

Treatment rules

Listing the problems that can arise during the low-grade period, experts highlight the most basic complications that acute respiratory viral diseases are so “rich in.” This can manifest itself in the form of chronic stress, genital dysfunction, muscle weakness, loss of coordination. If the body temperature does not exceed a division of 38 degrees, no medications There is no need to take antipyretic drugs. All the body needs is an increased amount of fluid in the form of herbal infusions, fruit juices and other drinks. The main thing is that they are moderately warm. To stabilize the general condition, you will need to adhere to the rules of prevention, which will help bring the situation under control as quickly as possible.

  1. Avoid physical overload.
  2. Avoid hypothermia if possible.
  3. Organization good rest, including sleep.
  4. Include food products in the food menu that contain useful microelements and vitamins. Add fruits and vegetables to the same list.
  5. Organize fractional daily meals, dividing it 5-7 times.
  6. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Sometimes temperature instability occurs at certain times of the day, for example in the late afternoon, this is also considered a normal temporary factor. In women, this period may coincide with the menstrual cycle, which also needs to be taken into account for this type of situation.

Everyone knows that 36.6 is a normal temperature for most people. Could a temperature of 37.3 be an individual norm? What factors determine the temperature fluctuation between 35.5 and 37.5? And what should be a reason to worry and see a doctor?

What does "norm" mean?

There is an established opinion that a body temperature of 36.6 degrees is physiological norm for all people. In fact, this is not entirely true: individual temperature norm can vary for each person from 35.5 to 37.5 degrees. This depends on many factors: physiological state body, level of physical activity, hormonal levels, gender, age and even condition environment: time of day, room temperature, humidity level.

You can conduct a simple experiment and measure your temperature throughout the day. You will notice that in the morning (between 4 and 6 o'clock) the body temperature will be the lowest, and after 17.00 and before 23.00 the highest. It must be remembered that healthy person Temperature fluctuations of half a degree throughout the day are quite normal.

In addition, it must be taken into account that temperature increases can be caused by: hormonal changes, emotional stress. In women, temperature fluctuations of 0.5 degrees can naturally be observed throughout menstrual cycle, in children, a temperature of up to 37.5 is considered normal; in older people, body temperature rises less than in younger people.

Therefore, before you suspect that you have any serious diseases, analyze the above factors, observe your condition over time - perhaps the reason lies in one of them or in a combination of several?

And if not?

If explicit explanations for elevated temperature If you don’t find it and it persists for several days or even weeks, and there are no other obvious health complaints, then don’t delay visiting a good therapist. There are a wide variety of diseases, initial sign which is precisely a slight increase in temperature.

Of course, on the one hand, if, apart from low-grade fever (the so-called temperature from 37.2 to 38 degrees), there are no other signs indicating the presence of the disease, it will be difficult for even an experienced therapist to diagnose correct diagnosis, and on the other hand, the earlier the disease is identified, the easier it will be to cope with it. In any case, the doctor will recommend taking necessary tests and pass necessary examination to discover hidden infection or focus of inflammation.

Possible causes of elevated temperature

in the absence of other characteristic symptoms accompanying these infectious diseases, the doctor will most likely rule it out immediately. But there are many other diseases, the first, and often the only sign of which is an increase in temperature just above 37 degrees. Let's look at some of them.

Inflammatory (infectious and non-infectious) diseases. The first disease in this series is tuberculosis. Often dangerous disease The first weeks are asymptomatic and other than low-grade fever does not manifest itself in any way.

Chronic focal infection. Tonsillitis, andexitis, sinusitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the uterine appendages and other chronic inflammatory processes that are localized in a specific organ. These diseases can occur without an increase in temperature, but in the case when a person’s immunity is weakened, the body can react with an increase in temperature. In this case, the temperature returns to normal after the underlying cause is eliminated.

"Temperature tail". The essence of this condition is as follows: a person has been ill with a certain infectious condition and for some time (several weeks or even months) he may have an elevated temperature. In itself, this condition is not dangerous and will go away over time, but you should still be alert and not confuse the “temperature tail” with a possible relapse of the disease.

Non-inflammatory diseases. Endocrine and immune diseases, diseases circulatory system and directly blood. This is a fairly large group of diseases, including diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome, myasthenia gravis, Addison's disease and many others. Among others, which, as is known, is characterized by a low level of hemoglobin in the blood. Against the background of weakened immunity, anemia is very often accompanied.

Reader Questions

On the fourth day, temperature 37 and 4 sore throat. no cough or runny nose 18 October 2013, 17:25 On the fourth day, temperature 37 and 4 sore throat. no cough or runny nose. I don’t want to go to the hospital; I just can’t go on sick leave. help how to treat it and what kind of disease it is

Measure your temperature correctly!

Before you try it on yourself various diseases, make sure you are measuring the temperature correctly. Many people think that this is quite simple, but most of us do it incorrectly, placing a thermometer in our armpit with a gesture familiar from childhood. In fact, measuring temperature in armpit- this is the least exact method. More accurate results provides temperature measurement in the mouth, ear canal or rectum.

And what is important, make sure that the thermometer is working properly, or even better, buy an electronic thermometer - it is more accurate and absolutely safe.